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Submitted by

Anshu Bhatia

for the award of the degree





Under the Guidance of:

Dr. Sushanta Kumar Panigrahi

Associate Professor, IIT Madras




This is to certify that the thesis entitled “FEM BASED APPROACH TO UNDERSTAND


STRAIN PATHS” submitted by Anshu Bhatia to the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras,

for the award of the degree of Master of Technology in Automotive Technology is a bonafide

record of project work carried out by him under my supervision. The contents of this thesis, in

full or in parts, have not been submitted to any other Institute or University for the award of

any degree or diploma.

Dr. Sushanta Kumar Panigrahi Prof. A. Seshadri Sekhar

Project Guide Head

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
IIT Madras, Chennai 600036
IIT Madras, Chennai 600036

Place: Chennai-36

Date: 27-May-2022


First of all, I would like to thank my MTech Project supervisor Dr. Sushanta Kumar

Panigrahi (Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras) for his

continuous guidance and support throughout the year. The door to his office was always open

as well as his availability beyond the office hours for discussion whenever we had trouble

whether academic or non-academic has been very useful.

I would also like to thank Dr. Suman Deb and Mr. Rakesh, a Ph.D. student for supporting

and guiding me during the selection of geometry and simulation modelling. I want to

acknowledge Mr. Sourav Mishra, Mr. Srinivas Behera, Mr. Abhishek Maurya, Mr. Venkatesh

Behera, Ms. Bheemreddy Pratyusha, and Mr. Aveek Mohanty for their constant help and


I am especially thankful to my colleague Mr. Lakshya Shukla, Mr. Pawan Chowta, Mr. Akash

Mathew, and Mr. Yashdeep Sachan for constantly motivating me and helping me at the time

of need. I am thankful to the Head of the department, HOL, staff, and the Department of

Mechanical Engineering for providing us with the required facilities and hosting us for two

years. I would like to thank all the respected faculty members for their continuous guidance

throughout the MTech.

Finally, I must express sincere gratitude to our parents, family members, and friends for

providing us with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout our two years

of study. The accomplishment would have been never possible without them

Anshu Bhatia (ME20M077)

1 Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Background.......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1.1 Conventional Sheet Rolling ..................................................................................................... 10
1.1.2 Differential Speed Rolling ........................................................................................................ 12
1.1.3 FEA Applied to Rolling Processes ........................................................................................... 13
1.2 Motivation .......................................................................................................................................... 15
1.3 Objectives........................................................................................................................................... 17
1.4 Project Workflow .............................................................................................................................. 18
2 Chapter 2 Literature Survey .................................................................................................................... 19
2.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 19
3 Chapter-3 FEM Simulation Modeling ..................................................................................................... 23
3.1 Theoretical Formulation ................................................................................................................... 23
3.2 Simulation Procedure ....................................................................................................................... 25
3.3 Input Parameters or Simulation ...................................................................................................... 26
Displacement till failure ............................................................................................................................ 26
Fracture strain* length of an element ..................................................................................................... 26
3.4 Geometry Used for Simulation......................................................................................................... 26
3.4.1 Geometry- Micro Tensile Specimen ........................................................................................ 27
3.4.2 Scaled Models ........................................................................................................................... 28
3.4.3 Single-Pass Conventional Rolling ............................................................................................ 28
3.4.4 Conventional Multi-Pass Rolling ............................................................................................ 29
3.4.5 Single Pass Differential Speed Rolling .................................................................................... 29
3.4.6 Multi-Pass Differential Speed Rolling .................................................................................... 30
3.5 Material properties ........................................................................................................................... 31
3.6 Interactions ........................................................................................................................................ 33
3.7 Meshing .............................................................................................................................................. 34
3.8 Boundary Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 37
4 Chapter-4 Results and Discussion .......................................................................................................... 40
4.1 Fifty Percentage Reduction (Ductile Damage)................................................................................ 40
4.2 Single-pass Reductions...................................................................................................................... 41
4.2.1 Variation of effective plastic strain along the thickness direction ........................................ 43
4.3 Multi-Pass Conventional Speed Rolling .......................................................................................... 48
4.3.1 First Multi-Pass Model............................................................................................................. 49
4.3.2 Second Multi-Pass Model......................................................................................................... 50
4.3.3 Third Simulation Model........................................................................................................... 52
4.3.4 Fourth Multi-pass model ......................................................................................................... 53
4.3.5 Fifth Multi-pass Model............................................................................................................. 57
4.4 Single-pass Differential speed rolling .............................................................................................. 60
4.4.1 Equivalent plastic strain vs thickness at varied reduction percentage, roll speed ratio ..... 63
4.5 Multi-pass Differential Speed Rolling ............................................................................................. 64
4.5.1 First Multi-pass Differential Speed Rolling Model (N = 6 RPM, Roll Speed Ratio = 2.0) . 65
4.5.2 Second Multi-pass differential speed rolling Model (N = 4RPM, ROLL SPEED RATIO =
2.0) 69
5 CHAPTER-5 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................... 72
5.1 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................ 72
5.2 Scope of Future Work ....................................................................................................................... 73
6 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 74

Figure 1.1 Room temperature Rolling. ................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 1.2 Schematic; Differential Speed Rolling. .............................................................................................. 12
Figure 1.3 Manufacturing route of Brass. ............................................................................................................ 16
Figure 3.1 Micro-Tensile Specimen Geometry.................................................................................................... 27
Figure 3.2 Scaled model of sheet and roller......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 3.3 Assembly: Single-pass conventional Rolling. .................................................................................... 28
Figure 3.4 Assembly: Multi-pass conventional Rolling. ..................................................................................... 29
Figure 3.5 Assembly: Single-pass Differential Speed Rolling. ........................................................................... 29
Figure 3.6 Assembly: Multi-pass Differential Speed Rolling (N= 6RPM, R= 2.0). ............................................ 30
Figure 3.7 Assembly: Multi-pass Differential Speed Rolling (N= 4RPM, R= 2.0). ............................................ 31
Figure 3.8 True Stress-Strain curve of Brass. ..................................................................................................... 33
Figure 3.9 Coupling constraint enforced to the roller. ......................................................................................... 34
Figure 3.10 Mesh-1(sheet) for Single-pass Conventional Speed rolling. ............................................................ 34
Figure 3.11 Mesh (sheet) for Single-pass Differential Speed rolling................................................................... 35
Figure 3.12 (a),(b) Mesh (sheet) for Multi-pass Conventional Speed rolling. .................................................... 35
Figure 3.13 (a),(b) Mesh-1(sheet) for Multipass Differential Speed rolling. ...................................................... 36
Figure 3.14 (a),(b) Mesh-2(sheet) for Multipass Differential Speed rolling(N=6RPM, R=2.0). ........................ 36
Figure 3.15 Boundary Condition(XSYMM) for sheet. ........................................................................................ 37
Figure 3.16 Boundary Condition(YSYMM) for sheet. ........................................................................................ 38
Figure 3.17 Boundary Condition(XSYMM, and YSYMM) for sheet. ................................................................ 38
Figure 3.18 Boundary Condition- velocity to sheet. ............................................................................................ 39
Figure 3.19 Boundary Condition- Angular velocity to the roller. ........................................................................ 39
Figure 4.1 50% reduction-Strain Distribution and failure. .................................................................................. 40
Figure 4.2 50% reduction (failure along thickness direction). ............................................................................. 40
Figure 4.3 Surface-Equivalent plastic strain variation for 40% and 33% reduction in a single pass. .................. 42
Figure 4.4 Surface-Equivalent plastic strain variation for 25% and 20% reduction ............................................ 42
Figure 4.5 Equi-Plastic Strain variation vs. thickness, N=4 RPM. ...................................................................... 43
Figure 4.6 Equi-Plastic Strain variation vs. thickness, N=4 RPM. ...................................................................... 44
Figure 4.7 Equi-Plastic Strain variation at 20% and 25% thickness reduction. ................................................... 45
Figure 4.8 Equi-Plastic Strain variation at 33% and 40% thickness reduction. ................................................... 46
Figure 4.9 40% reduction-Strain distribution along the thickness direction. ....................................................... 47
Figure 4.10 Condition of the sheet after the 1st pass (FIRST MODEL). ............................................................. 50
Figure 4.11 Condition of the sheet after the 2nd pass (FIRST MODEL-FAILED). ............................................. 50
Figure 4.12 Condition of the sheet after the 1st pass (SECOND MODEL). ........................................................ 51
Figure 4.13 Condition of the sheet after the 2nd pass (SECOND MODEL-FAILED). ........................................ 51
Figure 4.14 Condition of the sheet after the 1st pass (third model). ..................................................................... 52
Figure 4.15 Condition of the sheet after the 2nd pass (third model). .................................................................... 53
Figure 4.16 Condition of the sheet after the 3rd pass (third model-fail!!). ........................................................... 53
Figure 4.17 Condition of the sheet after the 1st pass (fourth model). ................................................................... 54
Figure 4.18 Condition of the sheet after the 2nd pass. .......................................................................................... 54
Figure 4.19 Condition of the sheet after the 3rd pass............................................................................................ 55
Figure 4.20 Condition of the sheet after the 4 th pass............................................................................................. 55
Figure 4.21 Condition of the sheet after the 5th pass. ........................................................................................... 56
Figure 4.22 Equi-plastic strain variation in a thickness direction. ....................................................................... 56
Figure 4.23 Condition of the sheet after the first pass (FIFTH MODEL). ........................................................... 57
Figure 4.24 Condition of the sheet after the second pass (FIFTH MODEL). ...................................................... 58
Figure 4.25 Condition of the sheet after the third pass (FIFTH MODEL). ......................................................... 58
Figure 4.26 Condition of the sheet after the fourth pass (FIFTH MODEL). ....................................................... 59
Figure 4.27 Equi-plastic strain variation in a thickness direction, N= 4 RPM..................................................... 59
Figure 4.28 Surface-equivalent plastic strain vs Roll speed ratio at varied reduction percentages per pass ........ 62
Figure 4.29 Equivalent plastic strain vs thickness at N = 4RPM. ........................................................................ 63
Figure 4.30 Condition of the sheet after the 1st pass (N=6RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh)............................................ 66
Figure 4.31 Condition of the sheet after the 2nd pass (N=6RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh). ......................................... 66
Figure 4.32 Condition of the sheet after the 3rd pass (N=6RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh). .......................................... 67
Figure 4.33 Condition of the sheet after the 4th pass (N=6RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh). .......................................... 67

Figure 4.34 Thickness of sheet after the 4th pass (N=6RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh). ................................................ 67
Figure 4.35 Equi-plastic strain variation in a thickness direction, N= 6 RPM..................................................... 68
Figure 4.36 Condition of the sheet after the 1st pass (N=4RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh)............................................ 69
Figure 4.37 Condition of the sheet after the 2nd pass (N=4RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh). .......................................... 69
Figure 4.38 Condition of the sheet after the 3rd pass (N=4RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh). .......................................... 70
Figure 4.39 Equi-plastic strain variation in a thickness direction, N= 4 RPM..................................................... 70


Rolling is a deformation process in which a flat sheet is made to pass through two opposite

rotating rollers by compressive forces. In conventional rolling, both rollers move at the same

speed whereas in case of differential speed rolling, one of the roller moves with higher velocity,

which induces shear strain and results fine grained microstructure. In the present study, the

effect of rolling process parameters such as friction coefficient, rollers speed, percentage

reduction per pass, and roll speed ratio has been investigated. We aim to optimize the rolling

process to get better uniformity in sheets with enhanced mechanical properties and reduced

production cost by reducing the number of rolling passes to achieve a specific reduction

through FEM simulation. An FE simulation was carried out using ABAQUS 6.12 software

(Explicit) to investigate the influence of these parameters and to simulate multi-pass rolling

process to find minimum number of rolling passes required to achieve a specific thickness

reduction. In our study Brass (Cu-Zn alloy) stocks are opted for a primary material and the

reason of opting brass is it is having excellent ductile properties when cold worked, corrosion-

resistant also yield strength of brass is low (66MPa) and the ultimate tensile strength is about

550MPa which gives us an extensive range of plastic deformation. The results shows that to

achieve a 67% thickness reduction(6mm→2mm), a minimum of 5 passes are required for N=

6RPM for CONVENTIONAL MULTI-PASS ROLLING and the same reduction

(6mm→2mm) can be achieved in fewer passes for DIFFERENTIAL SPEED ROLLING. (a

minimum of 4 passes are required for N= 6RPM) and maximum possible reduction per pass

for brass is 40%


Table 1 Input properties of brass. ............................................................................................ 26

Table 2 Flow Stress vs plastic strain data ............................................................................... 32

Table 3 Material composition of Brass at room temperature. ................................................. 33

Table 4 list of models made for multi-pass simulation. .......................................................... 49

1 Chapter 1
1.1 Background

Brass is a metal alloy that contains copper and zinc. This material is widely used for piping,

tube, musical instrument, and cartridge case for ammunition. Brass has good corrosion

resistance and high malleability, the prime requirement in plumbing applications. Brass can be

easily cast to shape or fabricated by extrusion, rolling, drawing, hot stamping, and cold

forming; excellent ductile behavior when cold worked, High strength, excellent formability

characteristics for sheet metal applications, and excellent mechanical and electrical properties.

Due to all these properties, brass has a massive demand for micro technical products in various

fields of engineering and science such as telecommunications, microelectromechanical

systems, medicine, biotechnology, automotive industry, etc.

Brass alloys have applications in thin sheet metals to manufacture micro parts such as micro-

resonators, micro-surgical tools, lead frames, IC sockets, circuit boards, electronic connectors,

micro cups, and micro gears.

Due to its high corrosion resistance and strength, have excellent applications in heat exchangers

and radiator cores, rubes, and tanks. And brass is ideal for producing bushings, cams, shafts,

wear plates, gears, and connecting rods.

The annual turnover of the brass industry is about 4,000 crores in India, and it provides direct

and indirect employment to nearly 2.5 lakh people in India. Jamnagar brass parts industry

consumes over 1 lakh tonnes of brass every year.

In 2020, the consumption volume of brass products in Japan accumulated to approximately

11.07 thousand tons. Production of brass generally involves a few processes; ore extraction,

chemical or thermal processes of ores to pure metals, casting, melting, shaping of metal by

pouring molten metal into molds (solidify); brass stock; heat treatment- alpha brass (FCC

crystal lattice); fabrication processes; shaping of the metal workpiece by mechanical means,

and machining.

Various fabrication processes are used to form brass products and undergo rolling at some point

of time during the production process. Hence, innovation in the rolling process has a vast

potential to reduce costs and emissions and improve the quality of brass sheets throughout.

In the pre-automation era, manufacturing primarily relied on skilled technicians. Due to

advancements in technology, machine-based manufacturing came into the picture, which made

machines capable enough to accomplish the manufacturing process independently, increasing

reliability and reducing manufacturing time.

1.1.1 Conventional Sheet Rolling

Rolling is the process of plastically deforming metal by passing it between rolls, which are the

most widely used, high production, and close tolerances. Friction between the rolls and metal

surfaces produces high compressive and shear forces.

Rolling is characterized by many different types.

Hot Rolling- when a workpiece is rolled above the recrystallization temperature. Porosities of

the metal are largely eliminated during hot rolling, refined grain structure, impurities like slags

are squeezed into fibers and distributed throughout the metal; mechanical properties such as

10 | P a g e
Figure 1.1 Room temperature Rolling.

toughness, percentage elongation, the percentage reduction in area, and resistance to shock and

vibration are improved due to the refinement of grains; Due to rapid oxidation and scale

formation Hot rolling produces poor surface finish, and close tolerances cannot be maintained

in the hot rolling process. It generally occurs during rough rolling: reducing the large workpiece

such as cast ingots, vehicle frames, and building materials.

Cold Rolling- when a workpiece is rolled below the recrystallization temperature. Fig 1.1

represents rolling at room temperature. Deformation heating may increase the temperature

beyond room temperature, but that temperature is well below the recrystallization temperature.

Sheets, strips, foils, etc., can be produced with increased mechanical strength, compact product

dimensions, and a better surface finish than hot rolling.

As the workpiece enters the roll gap, the pressure ramps up at the entrance due to friction

pulling the workpiece into the roll gap. Fig 1.2 represents sheet rolling mill facility available

at IIT Madras. The rolling pressure will ramp down to match equilibrium outside the roll gap

at the end of the rolling pressure. The result is a characteristic pressure hill.

11 | P a g e
1.1.2 Differential Speed Rolling

In differential Speed rolling, both rollers rotate at different velocities. The ratio of the rate of

both rollers is defined as the roll-speed ratio (R).

velocity of upper roller

velocity of lower roller

The asymmetric rolling process refines the material microstructure and originates a nearly

homogeneous crystallographic texture through the thickness. Because of the strong relationship

between texture evolution and mechanical behavior, it is crucial to invest in detailed studies.

Figure 1.2 Schematic; Differential Speed Rolling.

The differential speed rolling process produces high-strength materials by a grain refinement

through a high-plastic strain accumulation—due to additional shear deformation. DSR leads to

the formation of a large fraction of high-angle grain boundaries (HAGBs) (~60 %), maintaining

a high electrical conductivity and minor surface defects compared to conventional rolling.

12 | P a g e
1.1.3 FEA Applied to Rolling Processes

The purpose of finite element analysis is to optimize the fabrication process to get enhanced

mechanical properties, reduce production cost by maximizing the number of passes, and assist

in the conception and optimization of processes and devices. Mainly all commercial FEA

software uses predefined models that help to reduce the simulation time.

Generally, Finite Element Analysis is divided into 3 phases: pre-processing, simulation, and


IN THE PRE-PROCESSING PHASE, there is a list of tasks that are needed to be performed.

• BUILD A GEOMETRICAL MODEL- individual parts (rollers, sheets) are modelled

and then arranged in the assembly according to the desired thickness reduction. It is

also possible to import complex geometric models from other designing software like

SolidWorks, Autodesk Fusion 360, etc.

• ASSIGN MECHANICAL PROPERTIES- It deals with the definition of material

properties such as density, elastic properties such as Poisson’s ratio and Young’s

Modulus, and plastic strain data such as variation of flow stress with respect to plastic

strain other properties. For more complex models, users can implement specific

subroutines. Additionally, software products specialized in plastic deformation (e.g.,

QFORM, DEFORM, and SIMUFACT) have extensive material databases, making it

effortless and quicker.

• DEFINE STEP TIME deals with the time increments needed to run the complete

simulation and varies with the type of analysis procedure, such as dynamic or static.

The required output is also defined in this step.

13 | P a g e

CONDITIONS- It is the most crucial step as it defines the proper working of the

simulation model. Constraints are also described in this step. For example, in rolling, a

coupling constraint is applied to the roller, which enforces all the points of rollers to

rotate about a fixed point, i.e., the reference point.

Roller has a fixed degree of freedom which is rotation about its axis. In boundary

conditions, rotation about all other axis is also ultimately constrained. For conventional

rolling, the model can be assumed symmetric to X-axis and Y-axis, i.e. (rolling

direction and average direction)

• MESHING- In any simulation process, after modelling the physical phenomenon, a

significant step is to choose the appropriate mesh size to get more accurate results. Mesh

size has a vital role in the accuracy of the final results obtained as output. It happens

because of errors in the approximation of geometry & error in the approximation of


Mesh size has a significant role in solution convergence, and mesh size is also linked

to getting stable time steps because it uses iterative numerical solvers.

• DESCRRTISE THE PROBLEM DOMAIN- The model is discretized into several

small elements, and the solver calculates the unknown output values for those elements.

The result of the entire model is a sum of the estimated output values calculated by the



After building a finite element analysis model, the solver will compute the results according to

the input. The computer entirely runs this task, and the users cannot edit any values during the

running phase of the simulation but can monitor the simulation progress.

14 | P a g e
All the needed parameters should be carefully defined in the pre-processing phase of FEA



It corresponds to the result visualization and result interpretation. It is possible to visualize

displacement, strain, stresses, and other unknown output values predefined in the “STEP”

phase. We can see reduction behavior during the simulation for single-pass and multi-pass

rolling. This step helps to evaluate whether the results are genuine or not.

It is also helpful in the parametric study as output values change with change in predefined

input values; for example, the resultant effective plastic strain will vary with a change in friction

coefficient for a rolling process.

1.2 Motivation

Production of brass generally follows these steps; extract raw materials and mix them in the

required percentage to form an alloy, casting, melting, shaping of metal by pouring molten

metal into molds (solidify); brass stock; heat treatment- alpha brass (FCC crystal lattice);

fabrication processes; shaping of the metal workpiece by mechanical means, and machining.

Primarily brass undergoes rolling at some point of time during the production process. To use

this material industrially, processing them in the form of a sheet is highly desirable. Fig 1.4

represents the manufacturing route of brass. The sheet processing is associated with the

analysis of microstructure and has an important bearing on the properties of the sheet. The

properties can be altered by changing the initial microstructure or modifying the processing


15 | P a g e
Figure 1.3 Manufacturing route of Brass.

The manufacturing process of brass alloys starts with melting the raw material and casting

using metal molds to obtain the slab products. Brass slabs are heated at 600 degrees C to obtain

alpha-brass, which is more malleable, and then these slabs are made to pass through rolling to

get high-quality sheets and finally concludes with machining and inspection. Alpha brass is

more malleable. It has lower yield strength (66 MPa) and high ultimate tensile strength (approx.

550 MPa), which means we have more plastic region than the elastic region alpha-brass is the

most malleable brass commercially available.

We aim to optimize the rolling process to get better uniformity in sheets with enhanced

mechanical properties and reduced production cost by reducing the number of passes through

FEM simulation. Manufacturing in the 21st century is the cradle of innovation and technology

change, aiming to replace highly experimental approaches with FEM analysis for studying the

manufacturing processes, saving the material, time, and money required to undertake

experiments in the laboratory.

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The finite element method (FEM) is the main instrument for simulating manufacturing

processes. It is made up of a complex process involving a variety of physical phenomena, such

as plastic deformation, frictional contact, thermo-mechanical coupling, etc.

To form sheets, two rolling processes are considered (conventional cold rolling and differential

speed rolling). An extensive literature survey on strain formulation for single-pass and

differential speed rolling is available. Still, almost no documents are available in the open

literature concerning multi-pass differential rolling and achieving the percentage reduction in

the least number of passes, so we aim to cater to that research gap and optimize the number of

passes for both conventional multi-pass rolling and differential speed rolling.

1.3 Objectives

• To find the maximum possible percentage reduction in thickness direction for a single-


• To study the influence of the various processing parameters (rotational velocity, the

friction coefficient of the rollers, and percentage deformation per pass) on the resulting

effective plastic strain.

• Optimize the number of rolling passes for conventional multi-pass rolling and study the

variation of effective plastic strain along the thickness direction.

• Study the variation of effective plastic strain with number of passes.

• Achieve the same percentage deformation in lesser number of passes for differential

speed rolling.

• Study the processing factors (Roll Speed Ratio, Percentage Deformation per pass, etc.)

that influence the strain formulation during the differential speed rolling process.

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1.4 Project Workflow

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2 Chapter 2
Literature Survey


In January 1988, You-Jen Hwu and J. G. Lenard presented a finite element model for flat

rolling. During the cold rolling process, they tried to estimate the roll pressure, roll torque, and

roll separating force for copper, aluminum, and steel strips. They also studied the effect of

appropriate boundary conditions during the rolling process.

In 2016 Sofyan, Bondan & Basori, Imam. Studied the effect of thickness reduction and

annealing temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu-32%Zn brass.

The brass alloy was produced by gravity casting the brass alloy at a melting temperature of

1000 degrees C. casted brass plate was homogenized at 800 degrees C for 5 hours in a muffle

furnace. The plate is then cold-rolled at varied percentage thickness reductions of 20%, 40%,

and 70% in multiple passes. Subsequent annealing was conducted at 150, 200, 300, 400, and

500 degrees C for 30 minutes. Few twinning was observed at a 20% reduction, indicating that

the slip mechanism is more dominating than twinning. As thickness reduction increased to 40

%, twinning became more visible and dominant. After annealing at 150 and 200° C, no change

in microstructure was observed. The temperature may only provide energy for recovery and

stress relief. At the annealing temperature of 300°C, the sample with 70 % deformation had

shown to start the recrystallization process.

At 500°C, all microstructures with 20, 40, and 70 % of deformation have small grains,

indicating that the recrystallization process was completed and the grains grew. The grains of

the 20 % deformed samples were more significant than the 40% and 70 % ones. that reduction

19 | P a g e
level affects the recrystallization process. The higher the deformation level, the lower the

recrystallization temperature for brass alloys.

In 2014, Jong-Jin Park studied the influence of power dissipation, roll-speed ratio, and plastic

strain. Power dissipation is studied as power used during the rolling process for thickness

reduction and energy wasted through friction during the rolling process. Plastic deformation is

studied as equivalent to plastic strain and shear strain. The influence of roll speed ratio is

studied in roll torque and roll power aspects. The rigid-plastic finite element method is used

to analyze single-pass and multi-pass rolling. It was seen that excessive magnitude of tensile

stress developed on the sheet, resulting in a fracture in the sheet.

Dr.Hazim Ismael Radhi1 and Assist. Prof. Dr. Lattif Shekher Jabur studied the effect of rolling

process parameters such as friction coefficient between roller and sheet, speed of the roller and

roller diameter on rollers force, and equivalent plastic strain and von misses’ stresses. This

paper suggested that roller diameter has a more significant effect than roller speed on the

effective friction coefficient. The VonMises stress gradually increases during the rolling

process until it reaches a specific value, gradually decreases, and remains constant until the

rolling process finishes; with an increase in roller speed, equivalent plastic strain either remains

constant or decreases.

Ana Claudia González-Castillo, José de Jesús Cruz-Rivera, and other researchers studied

effective strain distribution in the surface and center of the sheet for different rolling passes.

Studying the damage factor and its variation along various parts of the sheet is of prime

importance. The distribution of damage factor C during the rolling process with rolling passes

#1, #5, #17 and, #28 is studied. The damage factor values were evaluated at different points,s

and it was found that the damage had the lowest values at the center and surface of the slab.

20 | P a g e
The most significant damage values were found on the side edges, especially on the edge


This paper also suggested that effective strain increases with the rolling passes, and strain

becomes more homogenous. It also indicates that the effective strain rate is directly associated

with it.

In November 2014, Babak Moazeni & Mahmoud Salimi studied the relation between shape

defects and thickness profile variations in thin flat rolling. A 3D finite element analysis of cold

rolling of steel is simulated to analyze the material flow. Study of strain and stress developed

during the steady-state wide strip cold rolling of the plate with non-uniform thickness profile

of the sheet. Transversal strain and shear stress distribution are studied along the rolling

direction and across plate width. Variation of plastic and total strain is examined from the center

of the plate. Variation of longitudinal stress in the neutral region is also studied

In 2012, Y. G. Ko1, J. Suharto1, J. S. Lee1, B. H. Park2, and D. H. Shin studied the Effect of

Roll Speed Ratio on Deformation Characteristics of IF Steel Subjected to Differential Speed

Rolling for a thickness reduction of 50%. Roll Speed ratios varied from 1:1 to 1:4. As the roll

speed ratio increases, more fine elongated ferrite grains are formed. At a roll speed ratio of 1:4

or more, microhardness values appeared to be more uniform than values at another roll-speed

ratio which can be attributed to the decrease in frictional force as the roll-speed ratio increases.

In 2012, Seong-Hee Lee studied the effect of the differential speed rolling process on the

microstructure and mechanical properties of copper alloy sheets. The initial thickness was 3

mm, and the sheet was rolled to a 50% reduction to about 1.5 mm at an ambient temperature

with a differential speed ratio of 2.0. Results of both conventional rolling and differential speed

rolling are compared. Shear strain values on the sample rolled by conventional rolling showed

21 | P a g e
positive values on the upper roll side and negative values on the lower roll side. On the other

hand, the model rolled by differential speed rolling process shows zero or positive strain values

at all positions. The microstructure and mechanical properties did not show such significant

differences between the conventional rolling and differential speed rolling processes. Hence

DSR is very effective in inducing uniform microstructure throughout the thickness of copper


22 | P a g e
3 Chapter-3
FEM Simulation Modelling

3.1 Theoretical Formulation

In the rolling process, the material undergoes elastic deformation followed by significant

plastic deformation. Due to the large plastic deformation, the elastic deformation becomes

negligible. Therefore, the analysis of plastic deformation is crucial as it can severely affect the

functionality of any structure. Plastic deformation starts due to the motion of atomic

dislocations and the migration of grain boundaries at the micro level when the applied loads

exceed the material’s yield stress.

Classical plasticity theory provides the mathematical model to characterize the elastic-plastic

response of the materials based on three principal rules: yield criterion, flow rule, and

hardening rule.

During plastic deformation, the stress-strain relation follows a non-linear pattern and is defined


ⅆ𝜎 = 𝐻ⅆ𝜖 (1)

where, ⅆσ is the increment in stress, ⅆϵ is the increment in strain and H is the plastic work that

changes during the plastic deformation.

The total increment in strain, ⅆϵ after yield is the sum of elastic strain ⅆϵel
ij and the plastic strain


23 | P a g e
In general, low-temperature plastic deformation in metals is considered independent of the

loading rate. The deformation in the plastic region occurs following a specific flow rule. The

generalized flow rule can represent the evolution of the plastic straining.

ⅆ𝜖𝑖𝑗 = 𝜆 ⅆ𝑄 ⁄ⅆ𝜎𝑖𝑗 (2)

where, λ is the plastic multiplier that gives the amount of the plastic straining and Q is the

potential in terms of stress.

After the onset of plastic deformation, the stress required for further deformation increases due

to strain hardening. Hardening rules define how the yield surface changes with plastic

deformation. For isotropic hardening, the size of the yield surface increases while keeping the

shape unchanged during plastic deformation. It happens when sizeable plastic strain occurs,

but the direction of strain does not change suddenly. The yield function for isotropic hardening

is defined as follows.

𝑓(σ) = 𝜎 𝑜 (𝜖𝑝𝑙 , 𝜃) (3)

where, σo is the equivalent uniaxial Stress, ϵpl is the work equivalent plastic strain and 𝜃 is the


24 | P a g e
3.2 Simulation Procedure

To optimize the number of rolling passes for conventional multi-pass and differential multi-

pass rolling and to study the influence of the various processing parameters on the resulting

effective plastic strain. The ABAQUS finite element software is employed. Due to severe

plastic deformation during the rolling process, dynamic explicit analysis is utilized. The

dynamic explicit procedure performs a large number of small-time increments efficiently. An

explicit central-difference time integration rule is used; each increment is relatively

inexpensive. It is computationally efficient for analyzing large models with relatively short

dynamic response times and for the analysis of highly discontinuous events or processes. It

also allows the definition of very general contact conditions and uses a consistent, large-

deformation theory where models can undergo large deformations.

In this study, rollers' elastic deformations are neglected and modeled as a rigid body. In

addition, the sheet is modeled as an elastic-plastic deformable component whose behavior is

independent of temperature due to rolling at room temperature (cold rolling). Deformation

behavior of sheet in FE analysis is defined as

𝜎 = 𝐾𝜖 𝑛 (4)

ABAQUS requires several input parameters for the complete model, such as the model’s

geometry, material properties, contact behavior, etc.

25 | P a g e
3.3 Input Parameters or Simulation

These are the material properties used for the simulation

Table 1 Input properties of brass.

Parameters with units Brass

Density (tonne/mm3 ) 8.44e-9

Young’s Modulus (MPa) 110000

Poisson's ratio 0.30

Stress-strain value for ductile damage Strain rate dependent

Stress-Strain values for plastic strain Strain rate dependent

Fracture Strain 0.54

Stress Triaxiality 0

Displacement till failure Fracture strain* length of an element

3.4 Geometry Used for Simulation

Various finite element analysis simulation models are made and all are discussed in this

section; various geometries are- the geometry of a micro-tensile specimen, scaled models of

sheet and rollers to reduce computational time and cost associated with computations, assembly

of single-pass conventional rolling, assembly of conventional multi-pass rolling, assembly of

26 | P a g e
single-pass differential speed rolling, assembly of multi-pass differential speed rolling

indicating the rolling direction and differential speed pass.

3.4.1 Geometry- Micro Tensile Specimen

Figure 3.1 Micro-Tensile Specimen Geometry.

Micro-tensile specimens measure the force required to fracture the sample and check how the

specimen elongates to the breaking point. Data is often used to find the mechanical properties

of the material.

The following calculations can be made from tensile tests:

1. Yield Strength, Ultimate Tensile Strength

2. Elongation and percentage elongation at fracture point and yield point

3. Strain values

27 | P a g e
3.4.2 Scaled Models

Figure 3.2 Scaled model of sheet and roller.

Fig 3.3 represents scaled models of rollers and sheets and is done to reduce the computational

time and cost. It enables the analysis to be performed economically without artificially

increasing the number of elements and loading the model.

3.4.3 Single-Pass Conventional Rolling

Figure 3.3 Assembly: Single-pass conventional Rolling.

28 | P a g e
Fig 3.3 represents a pictorial representation of the assembly of single-pass conventional rolling.

In single-pass conventional rolling, only ¼ of the model is simulated by applying symmetric

boundary conditions, significantly reducing computational time.

3.4.4 Conventional Multi-Pass Rolling

Figure 3.4 Assembly: Multi-pass conventional Rolling.

Fig 3.4 represents a pictorial representation of the assembly of multi-pass rolling again. Only

¼ of the model is simulated, and multiple rollers are arranged in the same direction.

3.4.5 Single Pass Differential Speed Rolling

Figure 3.5 Assembly: Single-pass Differential Speed Rolling.

29 | P a g e
Fig 3.5 represents a pictorial representation of differential speed rolling. Differential speed

rolling is performed with two identical rolls but with different rotational speeds. The upper

roller is rotating with a high rotational velocity, which will induce shear strain in the sheets

3.4.6 Multi-Pass Differential Speed Rolling N = 6 RPM, Roll Speed Ratio = 2.0

Faster, N = 12 RPM

Figure 3.6 Assembly: Multi-pass Differential Speed Rolling (N= 6RPM, R= 2.0).

Fig 3.6 represents the assembly of multi-pass differential speed rolling. In this model, the first

three passes are of conventional equal speed rolling, where all the rollers rotate with the same

angular velocity. The last pass is the differential speed rolling pass, where both identical rollers

are made to roll with different rotational velocities and maintain a roll speed ratio of 2.0. The

upper roller is rotating at a rotational rate of N = 12 RPM, and lower roller is rotating at N=6


30 | P a g e N = 4 RPM, Roll Speed Ratio = 2.0

Figure 3.7 Assembly: Multi-pass Differential Speed Rolling (N= 4RPM, R= 2.0).

Fig 3.7 represents the assembly of multi-pass differential speed rolling. In this model, the first

three passes are of conventional equal speed rolling, where all the rollers rotate with the same

angular velocity. The last pass is the differential speed rolling pass, where both identical rollers

are made to roll with different rotational velocities and maintain a roll speed ratio of 2.0. The

upper roller rotates at a rotational rate of N = 8 RPM, and the lower roller rotates at N=4 RPM.


As specified in Table 3.1, material properties for the elastic region are defined by Young’s

Modulus (110GPa) and Poisson’s ratio (0.30). Data for post-yielding is necessary to define

brass's elastic properties or plastic behavior beyond the yield point (flow stress vs. plastic strain

data). The uniaxial tension test obtains the true stress-strain curve. The post-yield hardening

data is provided by the true yield stress of the material as a function of the true plastic strain.

The plastic strain value is calculated using the following formula from the true stress-true strain


31 | P a g e
𝜖𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 = 𝜖𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 − 𝜎⁄𝜖 (5)

The values between the data points are linearly interpolated.

Table 2 Flow Stress vs plastic strain data

Flow Plastic
Stress Strain (𝛜𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 )

66.68947 0

107.6442 0.00862

180.25264 0.04109

258.06151 0.09976

364.75633 0.21029

450.01472 0.30778

533.70163 0.40802

595.91671 0.49117

606.06488 0.53093

32 | P a g e
Figure 3.8 True Stress-Strain curve of Brass.

Brass considered for simulation consists of Zn 37.026wt%, Al 0.018wt%, Cu 62.834 wt%, and

the complete composition is listed in Table 3

Table 3 Material composition of Brass at room temperature.

Element Fe Si Mn P Ni Sn Al Zn Pb Cu

wt% 0.021 0.014 <0.005 <0.010 0.026 <0.20 0.018 37.026 0.031 62.834


The general contact (Explicit) condition is defined in all the Abaqus models. It can create

interactions for all exterior surfaces, as in our model outer surface of the roller will interact

with the outer surface of the sheet. All* with self is specified for the contact domain and to

33 | P a g e
define interaction property for contacts. Penalty contact constraints are enforced, and a constant

friction coefficient is considered for the contact properties.

Figure 3.9 Coupling constraint enforced to the roller.


The multi-pass rolling analysis deals with the highly non-linear analysis, and the distortion of

mesh elements is extravagant. To deal with this problem, element of type C3D10, element of

shape tetrahedral is employed for sheets and rollers element of body hexagonal is used in our

simulation models. In actuality, different meshing arrangements are tried

Figure 3.10 Mesh-1(sheet) for Single-pass Conventional Speed rolling.

34 | P a g e
The hexagonal type of mesh ( Fig 3.10) is used for conventional Single-pass rolling for

percentage reduction of 20%, 33%, and 40% and study the effect of friction coefficient on an

equivalent plastic strain by varying it from 0.05-0.30.

Figure 3.11 Mesh (sheet) for Single-pass Differential Speed rolling.

The hexagonal type of mesh (Fig 3.11) is used for Differential Speed Single-pass rolling for

percentage reduction of 20%, 33%, and 40% and study the effect of roll-speed ratio on an

equivalent plastic strain by varying it from 1.2-3.0.

Figure 3.12 (a),(b) Mesh (sheet) for Multi-pass Conventional Speed rolling.

35 | P a g e
This type of mesh is used in Multi-pass Conventional Speed Rolling, and the element of type

C3D10 (Fig 3.12(a),(b)), is tetrahedral-shaped. In Multi-pass conventional rolling we only

model ¼ of the Simulation model.

Figure 3.13 (a),(b) Mesh-1(sheet) for Multipass Differential Speed rolling.

This type of mesh is used in Multi-pass Differential Speed Rolling, and the element of type

C3D10, is tetrahedral-shaped (Fig 3.13(a),(b)). The surface that will contact the roller rotating

at high speed is fined mesh. The upper half of the thickness is fined mesh, and half coarse

meshing is done for the rest.

Figure 3.14 (a),(b) Mesh-2(sheet) for Multipass Differential Speed rolling(N=6RPM,


36 | P a g e
This type of mesh is used in Multi-pass Differential Speed Rolling, and the element of type

C3D10, is tetrahedral-shaped (Fig 3.14(a),(b)). The surfaces that contact the rollers are fined

mesh; the center portion is coarse meshed


For Multi-pass conventional and Single-pass conventional rolling, we only model ¼ of the

entire rolling model, and the rest is mirrored by using symmetric conditions (XSYMM AND


➢ XSYMM- Symmetry about a plane X=constant (U1 = UR2 = UR3 = 0)

Figure 3.15 Boundary Condition(XSYMM) for sheet.

➢ YSYMM- Symmetry about a plane Y=constant (U1 = UR1 = UR2 = 0)

37 | P a g e
Figure 3.16 Boundary Condition(YSYMM) for sheet.

Figure 3.17 Boundary Condition(XSYMM, and YSYMM) for sheet.

➢ Velocity is given in a negative Z-direction to the sheet.

38 | P a g e
Figure 3.18 Boundary Condition- velocity to sheet.

Fig 3.18 represents the sheet is allowed to move in the V3 direction only.

Figure 3.19 Boundary Condition- Angular velocity to the roller.

Fig 3.19 represents the roller is allowed to move in the VR1 direction only. The moment of

roller in all other directions is constrained to be zero.

39 | P a g e
4 Chapter-4
Results and Discussion

FEM modeling is done for various rolling processes. The below figures show the results

obtained in simulating the Rolling process. It represents the strain variation throughout the

sheet due to Rolling


Figure 4.1 50% reduction-Strain Distribution and failure.

Figure 4.2 50% reduction (failure along thickness direction).

40 | P a g e
The objective was to find the maximum possible reduction in a single pass for brass. It is

noticed that a 50% reduction in single material fails and tears away from the sheet, as shown

in Fig 4.1 and Fig 4.2. Hence here, we can say that the maximum possible reduction is

approximately 40%


41 | P a g e
Figure 4.3 Surface-Equivalent plastic strain variation for 40% and 33% reduction in a single

Figure 4.4 Surface-Equivalent plastic strain variation for 25% and 20% reduction

where, Time Stamp- Time required to complete the rolling process, and Equi-plastic Strain is

similar to equivalent strain, and it is a scalar quantity.

42 | P a g e
One trend can be followed by thoroughly analyzing the graphs shown in Fig. 4.3 and Fig. 4.4.

Here we can say that there is very minimal effect on the equivalent plastic strain at lesser

friction coefficient values of f= 0.05, 0.10, 0.20. Still, as the friction coefficient increases from

0.2 to 0.30, a significant change in equivalent plastic strain is noticed. The same trend follows

for 25% and 20% reduction in a single pass. Here N is kept constant (N = constant) and varied

the friction coefficient from f= 0.05 to f = 0.30.

4.2.1 Variation of effective plastic strain along the thickness direction

Figure 4.5 Equi-Plastic Strain variation vs. thickness, N=4 RPM.

Fig 4.5 represents effective strain following the U shape curve. It is minimum at the center and

maximum at surfaces, and it is similar on both surfaces (top surface and bottom surface). There

is an approximate 25% jump in effective strain values from 20% thickness reduction to 25%

thickness reduction and a 35% jump in effective strain values for 25% and 33% thickness


43 | P a g e
Figure 4.6 Equi-Plastic Strain variation vs. thickness, N=4 RPM.

Fig 4.6 represents effective strain following the U shape curve. It is minimum at the center and

maximum at surfaces, and it is similar on both surfaces (top surface and bottom surface). The

jump in the magnitude of effective strain values is almost identical to N = 4 RPM. Hence there

is very minimal effect of Roller speed on resulting effective strain in sheets. To extensively

study the impact of roller speed on resulting effective plastic strain, roller speed varied from N

= 4 RPM to N = 8RPM at a constant friction coefficient for different reduction percentages.

Various graphs are plotted and shown below.

44 | P a g e
Figure 4.7 Equi-Plastic Strain variation at 20% and 25% thickness reduction.

45 | P a g e
Figure 4.8 Equi-Plastic Strain variation at 33% and 40% thickness reduction.

➢ To study the effect of roller speed, at a particular reduction percentage for a fixed

friction coefficient, roller speed is varied. For extensive analysis friction coefficient is

varied four times (f = 0.05, f = 0.1, f = 0.2 and f= 0.3) and percentage reduction varied

four times (20%, 25%, 33%, 40%)

46 | P a g e
➢ For single-pass conventional rolling, there is a jump in the magnitude of maximum

equi-plastic strain in the thickness direction with an increase in percentage reduction,

and an increase in roller speed reduces the rolling time for single-pass simulation. And

equivalent plastic strain either remains constant or decreases with an increase in roller


Figure 4.9 40% reduction-Strain distribution along the thickness direction.






47 | P a g e
4.3 Multi-Pass Conventional Speed Rolling

In the present work, the Finite Element Analysis of room-temperature rolling has been carried

out in three parts. The first part is finding a maximum possible reduction in a single pass

(discussed earlier) and the second part is a Finite element Analysis of multi-pass rolling of

brass. The thickness of brass is reduced in the least possible multiple passes from an initial

thickness of 6mm to a final thickness of 2mm. The simulations are performed at various rolling

speeds of N = 6 RPM and N = 4 RPM.

To optimize the number of rolling passes, different simulation models are made. The aim is to

achieve a 67% (6mm→2mm) reduction. The maximum possible reduction in a single pass is

40%, so the first multi-pass rolling model has the first pass of 40% followed by a 25% reduction

for the rest of the two passes which means we aimed for a 67% reduction in minimum three

passes but sheet failed in 2nd pass.

The second multi-pass simulation model has a 33% thickness reduction in the first pass,

followed by a 25% thickness reduction in the second pass and a 20% thickness reduction each

for the rest of the two passes, which means we aimed for 67% thickness reduction at N = 6RPM

in a minimum of 4 passes, but it failed after 2nd pass.

The third multi-pass simulation model has a 25% thickness reduction in each pass, and a 67%

(6mm→2mm) reduction at N = 6 RPM is possible with a minimum of four passes, but it failed

after 3rd pass.

The fourth multi-pass simulation model has a 25% thickness reduction at the first pass,

followed by a 20% thickness reduction each for the rest of the four passes at N = 6 RPM, and

we were able to achieve 67% (6mm→2mm) reduction with this model.

48 | P a g e
Table 4 list of models made for multi-pass simulation.


40%-25%-25% for N= 6RPM(3-passes) Failed!!

33%-25%-20%-20% for N = 6RPM(4-passes) Failed!!

25%-25%-25%-25% for N = 6RPM(4-passes) Failed!!

25%-20%-20%-20%-20% for N = 6RPM (5 passes) Success!!

4.3.1 First Multi-Pass Model

The initial thickness of the sheet is 6mm, it is then reduced to 3.6mm in the first pass (shown

in Fig 4.10), which is further planned to reduce to 2.7 mm in the second pass, but it fails after

the second pass. Few elements got deleted from the surface that is in contact with the roller due

to which contact conditions got disturbed (shown in Fig 4.11), and further rolling didn’t


t= 6mm t= 3.6mm t= 2.70mm t= 2.0mm

Dmax (Maximum Degradation) is first specified, which acts as an upper bound to the overall

damage variable(D). Once D reaches 𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥 the element got deleted.


49 | P a g e
Figure 4.10 Condition of the sheet after the 1st pass (FIRST MODEL).


Figure 4.11 Condition of the sheet after the 2nd pass (FIRST MODEL-FAILED).

4.3.2 Second Multi-Pass Model

In this simulation model, the layer of elements got deleted/ torn off from the surfaces in contact

with the rollers. During rolling operation, maximum strain occurs at surfaces in contact with

rollers. In this condition, the damage variable(D) of elements ex,ceeds 𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥 and elements got

peeled off from the sheet, contact conditions got disturbed, and further rolling didn’t happen


50 | P a g e
Figure 4.12 Condition of the sheet after the 1st pass (SECOND MODEL).

Figure 4.13 Condition of the sheet after the 2nd pass (SECOND MODEL-FAILED).

Fig 4.12 represents the condition of the sheet after the first pass, there are no defects in the

sheet after the first pass, but as the sheet is rolled for the second time, elements got torn off

from the surfaces that are in contact with rollers, Fig 4.13 shows the condition of the sheet

after the second pass. After the second pass, contact conditions got disturbed, and further

rolling didn’t happen.

51 | P a g e
4.3.3 Third Simulation Model

t= 6mm t= 4.0mm t= 3.0mm t= 2.4mm t= 2.0mm

The third multi-pass simulation model has a 33% thickness reduction in the first pass, followed

by a 25% thickness reduction in the second pass and a 20% thickness reduction for the other

two passes. This model fails after 3rd pass as the damage variable(D) of elements exceeds

𝐷𝑚𝑎𝑥 and complete top layer elements got peeled off from the sheet, contact conditions were

disturbed, and further rolling didn’t happen


Figure 4.14 Condition of the sheet after the 1st pass (third model).

Fig 4.14 represents the condition of the sheet after the first pass, there are no defects in the

sheet after the first pass, but as the sheet is rolled for the second time, elements got torn off

from the surfaces that are in contact with rollers at the rear edge of the sheet represented by red



52 | P a g e
Figure 4.15 Condition of the sheet after the 2nd pass (third model).


Figure 4.16 Condition of the sheet after the 3rd pass (third model-fail!!).

4.3.4 Fourth Multi-pass model

t= 6mm t= 4.0mm t= 3.0mm t= 2.4mm t= 2.0mm

The fourth multi-pass simulation model has a 25% thickness reduction at the first pass,

followed by a 20% thickness reduction each for the rest of the four passes at N = 6 RPM, and

we were able to achieve 67%(6mm→2mm) reduction with this model.

53 | P a g e

Figure 4.17 Condition of the sheet after the 1st pass (fourth model).

As shown in Fig 4.17, after the first pass, maximum strain occurs at the surfaces that are in

contact with the roller (approx. 0.425) and if we see a variation of strain along thickness

direction, elements close to the surface are of light blue colour (higher strain), and at center,

elements are of dark blue colour (less strain). Hence we can say that strain decreases from

surface to center.


Figure 4.18 Condition of the sheet after the 2nd pass.

54 | P a g e
As shown in Fig 4.18, after the second pass, maximum equi-plastic strain occurs at the surfaces

that are in contact with the roller (approx. 0.85), and minimum strain occurs at center, As

represented in the picture equi-plastic strain varies along the thickness direction


Figure 4.19 Condition of the sheet after the 3rd pass.


Figure 4.20 Condition of the sheet after the 4th pass


55 | P a g e
Figure 4.21 Condition of the sheet after the 5th pass.

Figure 4.22 Equi-plastic strain variation in a thickness direction.

For conventional multi-pass rolling simulation. In the total of 5 passes desired reduction to

form sheets can be achieved for N = 6RPM.

56 | P a g e
Fig 4.22 represents for the first two passes, strain is maximum at surfaces in contact with the

roller and decreases from surface to center. But as we strain the material for high percentage

reductions in thickness; The material got an approximately equal strain for both surface and

center elements, which means brass got equally strained up for higher percentage reductions.

4.3.5 Fifth Multi-pass Model

t= 6mm t= 4.5mm t= 3.3mm t= 2.4mm t= 2.0mm

The fifth multi-pass simulation model has a 25% thickness reduction at each pass for N = 4

RPM, and we were able to achieve a 67%(6mm→2mm) reduction with this model in four



Figure 4.23 Condition of the sheet after the first pass (FIFTH MODEL).


57 | P a g e
Figure 4.24 Condition of the sheet after the second pass (FIFTH MODEL).


Figure 4.25 Condition of the sheet after the third pass (FIFTH MODEL).


58 | P a g e
Figure 4.26 Condition of the sheet after the fourth pass (FIFTH MODEL).

For conventional multi-pass rolling simulation. In the total of 4 passes desired reduction of

67% (6mm→2mm) to form sheets can be achieved for N = 4RPM.

Figure 4.27 Equi-plastic strain variation in a thickness direction, N= 4 RPM.

59 | P a g e
Fig 4.27 represents for the first two passes, strain is maximum at surfaces in contact with the

roller and decreases from surface to center. But as we strain the material for high percentage

reductions in thickness; The material got an approximately equal strain for both surface and

center elements, which means brass got equally strained up for higher percentage reductions.


In Differential Speed Rolling, one of the roller (in the present study, upper roller) rotates with

higher velocity as other roller. Reason of this velocity mismatch is to induce shear strain and

stress in the material to make microstructure more fined.

Differential Speed Rolling (DSR) is a severe plastic deformation process that can be employed

to improve the microstructure and mechanical properties of brass alloys. SPD is derived from

a sizeable equivalent plastic strain imposed on brass sheets, composed of compressive strain

and additional shear strain. Results of finite element simulation of equivalent plastic strain

during differential speed rolling of brass alloys are simulated.

The effect of roll speed ratio, friction coefficient, and deformation route on effective plastic

strain for alpha brass alloys are found. The results can further optimize the differential speed

rolling process to improve mechanical properties and achieve a specific reduction in the least

number of passes.

60 | P a g e
61 | P a g e
Figure 4.28 Surface-equivalent plastic strain vs Roll speed ratio at varied reduction
percentages per pass

62 | P a g e
4.4.1 Equivalent plastic strain vs thickness at varied reduction

percentage, roll speed ratio

Figure 4.29 Equivalent plastic strain vs thickness at N = 4RPM.

From Fig 4.29, ZERO mm thickness of sheet represents bottom most surface of the sheet, the

surface that was in contact with the roller rotating at lower speeds, and 6mm thickness of sheet

represents top-most surface of sheet and it was in contact with roller rotating at higher


We varied the roll speed ratio and found that equivalent plastic strain increases in that thickness

direction and effect of roll speed ratio is almost similar for all varied reduction percentages. As

63 | P a g e
we increase the reduction percentage per pass, a jump in magnitude of equivalent plastic strain

can be easily seen for thickness reduction of 20%, 25% and 33%


This section deals with finite element analysis differential speed multi-pass rolling. The first

pass is finding a maximum possible reduction in a single pass, which is 40%. The second part

deals with finite element analysis of conventional multi-pass rolling of brass. The thickness of

brass is reduced from an initial thickness of 6mm to a final thickness of 2mm in a minimum of

5 passes for N = 6RPM and four passes for N = 4RPM. In differential speed rolling, we try to

optimize the same reduction in even fewer passes than conventional multi-pass rolling.

In multi-pass differential speed rolling, a total of three Finite element analysis models are made

and discussed below;

In the first Differential speed, multi-pass rolling has a 25% thickness reduction in the first pass,

followed by a 20% thickness reduction in the subsequent two passes (second pass and third

pass) and 33% deformation in the last differential speed pass. In the last pass, rollers are rotated

with different velocities. The upper roller is rotating at a comparatively higher speed than the

lower roller, with a roll-speed ratio of 2.0 for N = 6RPM. With this model, we can achieve a

67%(6mm→2mm) reduction in a minimum of 4 passes.

In the second Differential speed, multi-pass rolling the same deformation route is followed

with the same roll speed ratio at N = 6RPM, but the only difference is the meshing size. Coarse

meshing is done in this, and we tried to study the effect of change of meshing size on the

resulting effective plastic strain.

64 | P a g e
In the third Differential speed, the multi-pass rolling model has a 25% thickness reduction in

the first two passes, followed by a 33% reduction in the last differential speed pass at N = 4

RPM and a roll speed ratio of 2.0. With this model, we can achieve a 67%(6mm→2mm)

reduction in a minimum of 3 passes.

4.5.1 First Multi-pass Differential Speed Rolling Model (N = 6 RPM,

Roll Speed Ratio = 2.0)

t= 6mm t= 4.5mm t= 3.6mm t= 2.8mm t= 2.0mm

We can achieve a 67%(6mm→2mm) reduction in a minimum of 4 passes. Fine meshing is

done in this model. Elements near the surface that is in contact with the roller are of size 0.4

mm, and elements at the center of the sheet are of size 0.60 mm.

In the first Differential speed, multi-pass rolling has a 25% thickness reduction in the first pass,

followed by a 20% thickness reduction in the subsequent two passes (second pass and third

pass) and 33% deformation in the last differential speed pass.


As shown in Fig 4.30, after the first pass, maximum strain occurs at the surfaces that are in

contact with the roller (approx. 0.425) and if we see a variation of strain along thickness

direction, elements close to the surface are of yellow colour (higher strain), and at center,

elements are of sky blue colour (less strain). Hence we can say that strain decreases from

surface to center.

65 | P a g e
Figure 4.30 Condition of the sheet after the 1st pass (N=6RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh).


Figure 4.31 Condition of the sheet after the 2nd pass (N=6RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh).


As shown in Fig 4.32, after the third pass, maximum strain occurs at the surfaces (near edges)

that are in contact with the roller (approx. 1.18) and at edges it having the maximum strain.

66 | P a g e
Figure 4.32 Condition of the sheet after the 3rd pass (N=6RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh).


Figure 4.33 Condition of the sheet after the 4th pass (N=6RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh).

Figure 4.34 Thickness of sheet after the 4th pass (N=6RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh).

67 | P a g e
Figure 4.35 Equi-plastic strain variation in a thickness direction, N= 6 RPM.

A similar trend follows here for differential speed multi-pass models also:

As shown in Fig. 4.35, For the first two passes, strain is maximum at surfaces in contact with

the roller and decreases from surface to center. But as we strain the material for high percentage

reductions in thickness; The material got an approximately equal strain for both surface and

center elements, which means brass got equally strained up for higher percentage reductions.

In last differential pass, strain through thickness is comparatively higher, which can be the

reason to a substantial grain refinement and therefore differential speed rolling is considered

as one of the severe plastic deformations (SPD) method.

68 | P a g e
4.5.2 Second Multi-pass differential speed rolling Model (N = 4RPM,


t= 6mm t= 4.4mm t= 3.2mm t= 2.0mm

In the third Differential speed, the multi-pass rolling model has a 25% thickness reduction in

the first two passes, followed by a 33% reduction in the last differential speed pass at N = 4

RPM and a roll speed ratio of 2.0. With this model, we can achieve a 67%(6mm→2mm)

reduction in a minimum of 3 passes.


Figure 4.36 Condition of the sheet after the 1st pass (N=4RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh).


Figure 4.37 Condition of the sheet after the 2nd pass (N=4RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh).

69 | P a g e

Figure 4.38 Condition of the sheet after the 3rd pass (N=4RPM, R=2.0, fine mesh).

Figure 4.39 Equi-plastic strain variation in a thickness direction, N= 4 RPM.

70 | P a g e
A similar trend follows here for differential speed multi-pass models for N= 4 RPM and Roll

speed ratio = 2.0 also:

As shown in Fig 4.39, For the first two passes, strain is maximum at surfaces in contact with

the roller and decreases from surface to center. But as we strain the material for high percentage

reductions in thickness; The material got an approximately equal strain for both surface and

center elements, which means brass got equally strained up for higher percentage reductions.

In last differential pass, strain through thickness is comparatively higher, which can be the

reason to a substantial grain refinement and therefore differential speed rolling is considered

as one of the severe plastic deformations (SPD) method.

71 | P a g e


1. Maximum possible thickness reduction for Brass in a single pass- 40%.

2. There is very less variation in effective strain for smaller values of friction coefficients

(0.05, 0.1, 0.2) but at higher friction coefficient (0.3) considerable change in effective

strain is observed

3. To achieve a 67% reduction (6mm→2mm), a minimum of 5 passes are required for N=


4. The same reduction (6mm→2mm) can be achieved in fewer passes for

DIFFERENTIAL SPEED ROLLING. (and a minimum of 4 passes are required for N=

6 RPM)

5. For single pass rolling, strain is maximum at surfaces and minimum at center, but in

case of multi-pass rolling- strain is equally distributed with in the whole sheet.

6. In differential speed rolling, strain through thickness is comparatively higher, which

can be the reason to a substantial grain refinement and therefore differential speed

rolling is considered as one of the severe plastic deformations (SPD) method.

72 | P a g e

• Controlling the process temperature during Differential Speed Rolling deformation is

difficult. Generally, for rough controlling of temperature during DSR rolling, the

sample is prior heated to that temperature. The effect of deformation temperature

applied during the DSR process on microstructural properties can be investigated.

• Finite element analysis of cross rolling and cross-differential speed rolling can also be

done. Cross rolling is done by changing the direction by 90º about the rolling

direction, and it is majorly done to produce uniform mechanical properties in all

directions of rolled sheet.

• Comparison of state variables such as percentage reduction per pass, roller speed, and

temperature for all four rolling processes can be made.

73 | P a g e

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