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Test Paper 02
Chapter 1 Real Number

1. _______ is neither prime nor composite. (1)

a. 4
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
2. All non-terminating and non-recurring decimal numbers are (1)
a. rational numbers
b. irrational numbers
c. integers
d. natural numbers
3. The HCF of two consecutive odd numbers is (1)
a. 2
b. 0
c. 1
d. 3
4. The decimal expansion of ‘ ’: (1)
a. is non-terminating and non-recurring
b. is terminating
c. does not exist
d. is non-terminating and recurring
5. If a is rational and is irrational, then is: (1)
a. an irrational number
b. an integer
c. a natural number
d. a rational number

6. Find the simplest form of . (1)

7. State whether the given rational number will have a terminating decimal expansion
or a nonterminating repeating decimal expansion. (1)
8. What can you say about the prime factorisations of the denominators of
43.123456789. (1)

9. Find the LCM and HCF of 24, 15 and 36 by applying the prime factorization method.

10. For any integer a and 3, there exists unique integers q and r such that a = 3q + r. Find
the possible values of r. (1)

11. If and are zeroes of x2- (k - 6)x + 2(2k - 1), find the value of k: if . (2)

12. Find the prime factorization of 1296. (2)

13. Without actual division, show that rational number is a terminating decimal.
Express decimal form. (2)

14. Show that one and only one out of n, (n + 2) or (n + 4) is divisible by 3, where n EN. (3)

15. Wrtie the HCF and LCM of smallest odd composite number and the smallest odd

prime number. If an odd number p divides q2, then will it divide q3 also? Explain. (3)

16. The HCF and LCM of two polynomials P(x) and Q(x) are (2x–1) and
respectively. If , determine Q(x). (3)

17. The traffic lights at three different road crossings change after every 48 seconds, 72
seconds and 108 seconds respectively. If they all change simultaneously at 8 a.m. then
at what time will they again change simultaneously? (3)

18. Show that the cube of any positive integer is of the form 4m, 4m+1 or 4m+3, for some
integer m. (4)

19. Find the HCF of 256 and 36 using Euclid's Division Algorithm. Also, find their LCM and
verify that HCF LCM = Product of the two numbers. (4)

20. Use Euclid's division algorithm, to find the largest number, which divides 957 and
1280 leaving remainder 5 in each case. (4)
CBSE Test Paper 02
Chapter 1 Real Number


1. b. 1
Explanation: 1 is neither prime nor composite.
A prime is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other
than 1 and itself
e.g. 5 is prime because 1 and 5 are its only positive integers factors but 6 is
composite because it has divisors 2 and 3 in addition to 1 and 6.

2. b. irrational numbers
Explanation: All non-terminating and non-recurring decimal numbers are
irrational numbers. A number is rational if and only if its decimal
representation is repeating or terminating.

3. c. 1
Explanation: The HCF of two consecutive odd numbers is 1.(e.g the HCF of 25,
27 is 1)

4. a. is non-terminating and non-recurring

Explanation: The decimal expansion of ‘ ’is non-terminating and non-
The value of = 3.141592653589……….
Value of is not-repeating decimal, non-terminating and non-recurring

5. a. an irrational number
Explanation: Let be rational and is irrational.
If possible let be rational.
Then is rational and is rational.
is rational [Difference of two rationals is rational]
is rational.
This contradicts the fact that is irrational.
The contradiction arises by assuming that is rational.
Therefore, is irrational.
6. The prime factors of 69 and 92 are:
69= 3 13

7. Here, q = 55,

which is of the form 2n5m (n = 0, m = 5).

So the rational number has a terminating decimal expansion.


Prime factorization of the denominator of 43.123456789 are

and are of the form,
where m=9 and n=9

9. 24, 15 and 36
Let us first find the factors of 24, 15 and 36

24 = 23 3
15 = 3 5
36 = 2 2 3 3
LCM of 24, 15 and 36 = 2 2 2 3 3 5
LCM of 24, 15 and 36 = 360
HCF of 24, 15 and 36 = 3

10. According to Euclid's division lemma for two positive number a and b there exist
integers q and r such that a = b × q + r where 0 r < b.
Here b = 3
So, the possible values of r can be 0, 1, 2 because as per Euclid's division lemma r is
greater then or equal to zero and smaller then b

11. we are given that and are zeroes of x2- (k - 6)x + 2(2k - 1),
Given, are the zeroes of polynomial
x2 - (k - 6)x + 2(2k - 1)
= -[-(k - 6)] = k- 6
= 2(2k - 1)

or, k + 6 =
or, k - 6 = 2k - 1
or k = - 5
Hence the value of k = - 5.


So, 1296 = 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 = 24 34
Hence the prime factors of 1296 are 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3.

13. The given number is .

The denominator 50 = 2 25

= 2 52 = 21 52
So the denominator is in the form of where m = 1 and n = 2.
Hence the given number is a terminating decimal.

14. Let the number be (3q + r)

or 3q, 3q + 1, 3q + 2
If n = 3 q then, numbers are 3 q , (3q + 1), (3q + 2)
3q is divisible by 3.
If n = 3q + 1 then, numbers are (3q + 1), (3q + 3), (3q + 4)
(3q + 3) is divisible by 3
If n = 3q + 2 then, numbers are (3q + 2), (3q + 4), (3q + 6)
(3q + 6) is divisible by 3.
out of n, (n + 2) and (n + 4) only one is divisible by 3.

15. Smallest odd composite number = 9

and smallest odd prime number = 3
HCF of 9 and 3 = 3 and LCM of 9 and 3 = 9

Now, if an odd number p divides q2, then p is one of the factors of q2,

i.e. q2 = pm, for some integer m.....(i)

Now, q3 = q2× q

⇒ q3 = pm × q

⇒ q3 = p(mq)[from Eq(i)]

⇒ p is a factor of q3 also ⇒ p divides q3.

16. It is given that P(x) = 2x2 + 9x - 5

HCF of P(x) and Q(x) = (2x - 1) and

LCM of p(x) and Q(x) = 6x3 + 25x2 - 24x + 5

= (2x - 1) ( 3x2 + 14x - 5) [Applying factor theorem]

= (2x - 1) ( 3x2 + 15x - x - 5)

= (2x - 1) (x + 5) (3x - 1)
Now, P(x) Q(x) = [HCF of P(x) and Q(x)] [LCM of P(x) and Q(x)]
(x + 5) (2x - 1) Q(x) = (2x - 1) (2x - 1) (x + 5) (3x - 1)

Q(x) = (2x - 1) (3x - 1) = 6x2 - 5x + 1

17. We have to find Prime Factors of the following numbers

so the LCM of 48, 72 and 108is

432 seconds = mins

432 seconds = 7.2 mins
So the time it will change together again is
8 am + 7 mins 12 seconds = 8 : 07 : 12 am

18. Let a be an arbitrary positive integer.

Then, by Euclid's division Lemma, corresponding to the positive integers a and 4,
there exist non - negative integers q and r such that
a = 4q+r , where

⇒ a3 = (4q+r)3 = 64q3 + r3 + 12 qr2 +48q2r [(A+B)3 = A3 + B3 +3AB2 +3A2B]

⇒ a3 = 64 q3 + 48 q2r +12 qr2 + r3 where ......(i)

The possible values of r are 0,1,2,3.
Case I: If r=0 then from Eq.(i) we get

a3 = 64 q3 + 48 q2(0) +12 q(0)2 + (0)3

a3 = 64 q3 = 4(16 q3)

⇒ a3 = 4m

where, m = 16 q3 is an integer.
Case II: If r = 1, then from Eq.(i), we get

a3 = 64 q3 + 48 q2r +12 q + 1

a3 = 64 q3 + 48 q2(1) +12 q(1)2 + (1)3

= 4( 16 q3 + 12 q2 +3 q) + 1 = 4m + 1

where, m = (16 q3 + 12 q2 +3 q) is an integer.

Case III: If r = 2, then from Eq.(i), we get

a3 = 64 q3 + 48 q2(2) +12 q(2)2 + (2)3

a3 = 64 q3 + 96 q2 +48 q + 8

= 4( 16 q3 + 24 q2 +12 q + 2) = 4m

where, m = (16 q3 + 24 q2 +12 q + 2) is an integer.

Case IV: If r = 3, then from Eq.(i), we get

a3 = 64 q3 + 48 q2(3) +12 q(3)2 + (3)3

a3 = 64 q3 + 144 q2 +108 q + 27

= 64 q3 + 144 q2 +108 q + 24 + 3

= 4( 16 q3 + 36 q2 +27 q + 6 ) + 3 = 4m + 3

where, m = (16 q3 + 36 q2 +27 q + 6) is an integer.

Hence, the cube for any positive integer is of the form 4m, 4m+ 1o 4m +3 for some
integer m.

19. Since 256 > 36, we apply the division lemma to 256 and 36, to get
256 = 36 7 4
Again on applying the division lemma to 36 and 4, to get
36 = 4 9 0
Hence, the HCF of 256 and 36 is 4

So LCM (36,256) = 28 32 = 256 9 = 2304

HCF LCM= 4 2304 = 9216
and 36 256=9216
So HCF LCM = 36 256
Hence HCF LCM =Product of two numbers

20. Given numbers are 957 and 1280 and remainder is 5 in each case.Then , new numbers
after subtracting remainders are
957 – 5 = 952 and 1280 – 5 = 1275
Now, by using Euclid's Division lemma , we get
1275 = (952 × 1) + 323
Here remainder = 323
So, on taking 952 as dividend and 323 as new divisor and then apply Euclid's Division
lemma, we get
952 = (323 × 2) + 306
Again, remainder = 306.
So, on taking 323 as dividend and 306 as new divisor and then apply Euclid's Division
lemma, we get
323 = (306 × 1) + 17
Again, remainder = 17.
So, on taking 306 as dividend and 17 as new divisor and then apply Euclid's Division
lemma, we get
306 = (17 × 18) + 0
Here, remainder = 0.
Since, remainder has now become zero and the last divisor is 17.
Therefore, HCF of 952 and 1275 is 17.

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