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Real number- collection of rational and irrational number is called as real number. Represented by R
Lemma- A lemma is a proven statement which is used to prove other statements .
Euclid’s Division Lemma- Given positive integers a and b , exist unique integers q and r satisfying
a = bq +r , 0≤ r<b
this algorithm is used to find the HCF of two given positive integers.
Algorithm – An algorithm is a series of well defined steps which gives a procedure for solving a type
Of problem.
Q1. Use Euclid’s division algorithm to find the HCF of 740 and 45.
740 = 45 x 16 +20, 0<20<45
45 = 20 x 2 +5
20 = 5x 4 +0
So HCF is 5.
Q2. Use Euclid’s division algorithm to find the HCF of 1290 and 228.(6)
Q3. Use Euclid’s division algorithm to find the HCF of 12576 and 4052.(4)
Q4. Use Euclid’s division algorithm to find the HCF of 867 and 255.(51)
Q5. If d is the HCF of 45 and 27, find x,y satisfying d= 27x +45y.(2,-1)
Q6. If the HCF of 210 and 55 is expressible in the form 210 x5 +55, then find y.(-19)
Q7. If the HCF of 408 and 1032 is expressible in the form 1032m – 408 x5,find m.(2)
Q8. Show that every positive even integer is the form 2q and that every positive odd integer is of the
form 2q + 1,where q is some integer.
Q9. Show that any positive odd integer is of the form 4q+1 or 4q+3, where q is some integer.
Q10. Prove that the square of any positive integer is of the form 5m,5m+1, 5m+4 for some integer
Q11. Show that n2-1 is divisible by 2, if n is an odd positive integer.
Q12. Show that n2 -n is divisible by 2 for every positive integer n.
Q13. Prove that n3-n is divisible by 3, for any positive integer n.
Q14. Find the largest number that divides 626, 3127 and 15628 and leaves remainders 1, 2 and 3
Q15. The length , breadth and height of a room are 8m25cm, 6m 75cm and 4m50cm respectively.
Determine the longest rod which can measure the three dimensions of the room exactly. (75)
Q16. A merchant has 120 litres of oil of one kind , 180 litres of another kind and 240 litres of third
kind . He wants to sell the oil in tins of equal capacity. What should be the greatest capacity of such a
tin. (60)
Q17. Three sets of physics ,chemistry and mathematics books have to be stacked in such a way that
all the books are stored topic wise and height of each stack is the time. The number of chemistry
books is 364 and the numbers of mathematics books is 416. Assuming that the books are of same
thickness , determine the number of stack of physics , chemistry and mathematics books.(52, 5,7,8)
A composite number can be factorised in one and only one way.So every composite number
can be expressed as the products of powers of distinct primes in a unique way.
For example : 72 = 23 x 32
a x b=LCM(a,b) x HCF(a,b)
Q18. The HCF of two numbers is 23 and their LCM is 1449. If one of
the numbers is 161 , find the other.(207)
Q19. Given the HCF(81,54)=27,find LCM(81,54).(162)
Q20. Using prime factorisation , find HCF and LCM of 30,72 and 432.
Q21. Show that 12n cannot with digit 0 for any natural number n.
Q22. Show that 9n cannot with digit 0 for any natural n.
Q23. Why 17+11x13x17x19 is composite number? Explain.
Q24. On a morning walk, three persons step off together and their
steps measure 40cm and 45cm respectively. What is the minimum distance each should walk
so that each can cover the same distance in complete steps. Also find the number of steps of
each person.(2520, 63,60,56)
 Theorem
Let p be a prime number. If p divides a2 ,then p divides a, where a is a positive integer.
Q25. Prove that √ 2 is irrational.
Q26. Prove that √ 3 is irrational
Q27. . Prove that √ 1/2 is irrational.
Q28. . Prove that 3√ 7 is irrational.
Q29. . Prove that 5- √ 3 is irrational.
Q30. Find the smallest number which when increases by 7 is exactly divisible by 6 and 32.(89)
RATIONAL NUMBER- The number which can be expressed as p/q ,where p and q are integers and q
not equal to zero are known as rational number.
Decimal form of rational number
 Terminating decimal are rational number
 Non- terminating and repeating decimal are rational numbers.
Theorem : Let x be a rational number whose decimal expansion terminates. Then x can be
expressed in the form p/q ,where p and q are coprime and the prime factorisation of q is of the form
2m x5n where m and n are non-negative integers.
Q31. After how many decimal places will the decimal expansion of
the numbers terminate.
 3
2 ×3

2 ×5 7 × 717

 3 2
2 ×5





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