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Activity 2.

Think of a situation where you felt stressed (good or bad) from the past week/month. Identify
them and place them under the different sources labeled.

Last week, I found myself feeling increasingly stressed and

concerned about the environmental impact of excessive plastic waste in my community. It all began
when I visited a nearby park for a peaceful afternoon walk. As I strolled along the scenic trails, I couldn't
help but notice the abundance of plastic bottles, wrappers, and discarded bags littered throughout the
otherwise picturesque landscape.

The sight of nature marred by human negligence struck a chord deep within me. I couldn't shake off the
disheartening feeling of witnessing the consequences of our unsustainable habits firsthand. The more I
observed the litter, the heavier my heart became, as if each discarded item represented a missed
opportunity for responsible consumption and waste management.

During the past week, I found myself feeling increasingly stressed about an academic factor that had a
significant impact on me. It was the final week of my semester, and I had been diligently working on a
major research project for one of my courses. The topic I had chosen was both challenging and
important to me, and I had invested a significant amount of time and effort into gathering data,
analyzing it, and crafting a comprehensive report.

As the deadline approached, I couldn't shake off the mounting pressure and self-doubt that began to
weigh heavily on me. The combination of impending deadlines, a demanding workload from other
classes, and the high expectations I had set for myself created a perfect storm of stress. I found myself
second-guessing my research methods, worrying about whether my analysis was thorough enough, and
constantly revisiting my conclusions to ensure they were accurate.

Last week, I found myself feeling extremely stressed when I woke up one morning with a sharp pain in
my lower back. As I tried to get out of bed, I realized that I could barely move without experiencing
intense discomfort. It was a frustrating and distressing experience because I had a busy day ahead and I
knew I wouldn't be able to perform my usual activities.

The stress intensified as I thought about the consequences of not being able to fulfill my obligations. I
worried about letting down my colleagues at work and disappointing my friends who were counting on
me for a social gathering later in the day. The physical discomfort started to affect my emotional well-
being, making me feel overwhelmed and helpless.

In the following days, I had to prioritize self-care and take additional measures to support my recovery.
It was a humbling experience that reminded me of the importance of listening to my body, practicing
patience, and seeking support when needed.

Last week, I found myself caught in a whirlwind of emotions that left me feeling overwhelmed and
stressed. It all began when I received a call from my best friend, who had been going through a tough
time lately. As soon as I heard her voice, I could sense the pain and sadness in her words.
She poured her heart out, sharing her struggles, anxieties, and fears. It was evident that she was going
through a challenging phase in her life, and I felt a profound sense of empathy and responsibility
towards her. Being her closest confidante, I wanted to provide comfort, support, and advice to help her
navigate through this difficult period.

However, as the conversation progressed, I realized that I was emotionally drained myself. I had been
dealing with my own set of challenges, trying to juggle work deadlines, family responsibilities, and
personal aspirations. The weight of my own worries and stress suddenly collided with the emotional
burden of being there for my friend.

Throughout the week, I found myself constantly oscillating between being present for her and trying to
find moments of solace to process my own emotions.

Activity 3. My Stress Planner


My Stressor: Upcoming Deadline for a Major Project

My Plan: Finish the easy outputs and project next the hard project.

My Action: Avoid some distraction like phone so I can easily finish the major projects and outputs.


My Stressors: Relationship Conflicts. Difficulties or conflicts in personal relationships, such as with

family members, friends, or romantic partners, can cause significant stress. Arguments,
misunderstandings, or unresolved issues can all contribute to emotional strain.

My Plans:

1. Time Management: Developing effective time management skills can help alleviate stress caused by
work deadlines. This involves prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and breaking larger projects into
smaller, manageable steps. Creating a schedule or to-do list can also provide structure and help ensure
that deadlines are met.

2. Communication and Conflict Resolution: When it comes to relationship conflicts, having a plan for
effective communication and conflict resolution is crucial. This may involve actively listening to the other
person's perspective, expressing thoughts and emotions clearly and respectfully, and seeking
compromise or resolution through open dialogue.

My Actions:
1. Stress-Relief Activities: Engaging in stress-relieving activities can be an effective action to reduce
stress levels. Examples include exercising regularly, practicing mindfulness or meditation, engaging in
hobbies or creative outlets, spending time in nature, or seeking support from a therapist or counselor.

2. Seeking Social Support: Sharing concerns and seeking support from trusted friends, family, or support
groups can provide emotional comfort and help alleviate stress. Having a support network can offer
perspective, advice, and a sense of connection, which can be instrumental in managing stress effectively.


My stressor: Upcoming Basketball Tournament

My Plan: Practice my skills and tactics of how to play game thoroughly.

My Action: I will manage the quality time more of basketball to win the tournament.


My Stressors: Finding a summer job

My Plan: Go to companies or even small business if they have vacant employees that they can hired for
summer job for student.

My Action: Apply to any companies or resto and grab the opportunity to have a job.


My stressor: Diet Schedules

My plan: Remind myself everyday to balance my diet for the upcoming tournament .

My actions: I need to achieved my plan for tournament.

Stressor: A stressor is any event, situation, or stimulus that causes stress or triggers a stress response in
an individual. It refers to external factors or circumstances that can disrupt the body's balance or
equilibrium and challenge its ability to cope. Stressors can be physical, psychological, or environmental
in nature.

Mental Health: Mental health refers to a person's overall psychological well-being and the state of their
emotional, cognitive, and behavioral functioning. It encompasses a wide range of factors that affect how
individuals think, feel, and behave, as well as their ability to cope with and navigate life's challenges.

Personal ways to cope up with stress:

1. Practice relaxation techniques: Engage in activities like deep breathing exercises, meditation,
progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga. These techniques can help calm your mind and body, reducing
stress levels.

2. Engage in physical activity: Regular exercis e releases endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers.
It helps reduce stress, improves your overall well-being, and provides a healthy outlet for pent-up

Hobbies to cultivate mental health and well-being:

1. Exercise: Engaging in physical activities like running, swimming, yoga, or dancing can boost your
mood, reduce stress, and increase your overall well-being.

2. Mindfulness and meditation: Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help you relax, reduce
anxiety, and improve your focus and clarity of mind. You can join meditation groups, use guided
meditation apps, or follow online tutorials.

What I Can Do
Ways to nurture
Stress as Stimulus Stress as Response Stress as Relational
mental health
Focus your energy
on what you want
Pressured Student Outburst of anger Physically Stress life and spend time
thinking of ways to
get it.

What’s New: Activity 1

Color of Nips Task Answer
Red What make you feel anger? Caught someone lying
Yellow What makes you feel loved? My Girlfriend
If my girlfriend to busy and
What makes you feel
Orange can’t make quality time for
What makes you feel excited/ The upcoming moving up
happy? announcement.
What makes you feel worried
Green If someone was in trouble
or afraid?
What make you feel relaxed or The sound of waves at the
chilled? beach.

Additional Activities:
Weakness Ways to improve My Skills
Self-Confidence Believe in my own skills
Making decisions Learn from the mistakes and try to decide again
Solving my own problems Breath some ideas and Breath out the stress
Mental Health Relax and don’t mind the stress
Self- Criticism Be a positive thinker
Lack of Knowledge Study hard
Public Speaking Ready some speech to everyone


Q1 answer: I’m lowest rating is number 10, the highest rate is number 2 to 7.

Q2 answer: I realize that every statement I answer is the more I know my capabilities I can do.

Q3 answer: I can easily believe in my own capabilities in the future and improve it better.

Lesson 6: What’s In
Q1 answer: Siblings

Q2 answer: Teacher

Q3 answer: peers

Q4 answer: Community Leaders

Q5 answer: Parents

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