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Nama : Desi Fitriyanti

Kelas : 6 IC

NIM : 061930800808


1. Can you tell me what the background is of your final report in your final project?
In the current era of development, human culture has become more advanced.
This can be seen from the modernization that occurs in various places such as schools,
hospitals, companies, and even government agencies. One of the effects of this
modernization is the growing development of science and technology. Previously, many
things were done manually such as in the process of data processing and information
search that required print media such as newspapers, magazines, and books. However,
now this is rarely done, because all information can be easily found using the internet
anytime and anywhere as long as there is a connection.
The most famous system for accessing information on the internet is the World Wide
Web (WWW) or commonly known as the web which has now developed very rapidly, to
be able to surpass the speed of other technological developments in the world. The
internet and the web are also growing rapidly in terms of reach and breadth of fields. All
areas of life also feel the impact of the development that occurs. One of them is in
government agencies.
The Food and Agriculture Security Service of Ogan Ilir Regency is one of the
government agencies located in the Old Local Government Complex on Jalan Lintas
Timur KM.35 Indralaya, where in this Office there are six (6) fields of work, namely the
Program Field, the Facilities and Infrastructure Sector, the Livestock Sector, the Crop and
Horticulture Sector, the Plantation Sector, and the Food Security Sector, each of which
has its own work program and objectives in order to increase production, productivity
and quality of agricultural products as well as optimizing the resources owned in a
sustainable manner in Ogan Ilir district.
The Field of Animal Husbandry is one of the fields of work that has the main task
of preparing policies in the fields of seeds / seeds, production, animal husbandry and
animal health, protection, granting permits / recommendations, supervision of animal
income and expenditure, providing postharvest guidance, processing and marketing of
products in the field of animal husbandry. However, until now there are still many
activities in the Food and Agriculture Security Service of Ogan Ilir Regency that have not
used efficient technology in carrying out their duties, one of which is the process of
analyzing and processing statistical data on animal populations.
In its implementation, employees in the field of animal husbandry go directly to
the field, namely sub-districts and villages in Ogan Ilir, then employees visit one by one
sub-districts and villages where in each sub-district or village there are officers who have
the task of recording livestock in sub-districts and villages. Employees who come only
ask the officers about the number of livestock and the development of livestock in the
District and in the Village.
Based on the description above, an application is needed that can help analyze and
process statistical data from the livestock population in Ogan Ilir district, the author is
interested in taking the title of the Final Report, namely "Application for Analysis and
Processing of Website-Based Livestock Population Statistical Data at the Food and
Agriculture Security Service of Ogan Ilir Regency".

2. What is the objective of purpose of of your final project?

The purpose of making this Application is as follows:
a. To build a Website-Based Livestock Population Statistics Analysis and Data
Processing Application at the Food and Agriculture Security Service of Ogan Ilir
b. Can provide convenience for employees, especially in the livestock sector, in
inputting data, analyzing data and processing statistical data on livestock
populations at the Food and Agriculture Security Service of Ogan Ilir Regency.
c. Empower the officials in integrating the data of each sub-district and village in
order to reduce errors in work and save time.

3. What is the application of your final report to be would you be reached?

the field of animal husbandry at the Food security and Agriculture Office of Ogan
Ilir Regency is the process of analyzing and processing statistical data on livestock
populations is still carried out manually, this is certainly not effective and efficient
because in the process there are still often errors in inputting data and delays in
submitting reports to the head of the service

4. What could you predict to reach for the company ?

a. Can implement a Website-based Livestock Population Analysis and Data
Processing Application at the Food and Agriculture Security Service of Ogan Ilir
b. Can provide convenience for employees, especially in the livestock sector, in
inputting data, analyzing data and processing statistical data on livestock
populations at the Food and Agriculture Security Service of Ogan Ilir Regency.
c. Empowering the officials in integrating data on each sub-district and village in
order to reduce errors in work and save time

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