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A social worker for four years: My role was to help children to be confident

during study time and to support children having difficulty with learning or
attention issues and bad behaviour. Contact the families to work with the school to
support their children during learning trips. Organising activities, trips and
camps for students to improve their experience and have a fun time. This gave me
more experience in looking after children, focusing on their challenges and
understanding their way of thinking. This led to becoming more patient and calm.
As a mum: I got married in 1995 and came to London with my husband to start a new
stage in my life as a wife, after that as a mum to four children. It was a busy
time and stressful sometimes but enjoyable. I got different knowledge and
experience as a mum. I learned how to be supportive all the time, keep them safe
emotionally and physically and how to make our days fun, creative, and useful.
Sunday teacher: I worked as a Sunday school teacher in Egypt around 3 years before
I got married and for more than 10 years followed in London. My responsibility was
to keep the children safe, help them to have a good time, and teach them as a group
to have good manners and respect for each other, including sharing during playtime.
We read Bible stories and did handcraft activities. Assistant at mother and
toddler group I worked at church as an assistant at the mother and toddler group
for one year; it was a good opportunity to communicate not only with the children
but also with their parents.

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