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Climate Change- A Global Concern

In recent times mankind, in its best for development and appetite for growth, suddenly has managed to destabilise the
unique harmony of the natural world, giving rise to serious environmental issues such as climate change. Climate is
generally a long-term change in the earth's climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric
temperature. This drastic change in the earth’s atmosphere is having many dire consequences in every corner of the
world and threatening the very existence of life on earth thus making it the most significant global concern of this era.

With evident transitions in the climate patterns worldwide, the obvious question that arises is the cause of this
catastrophic issue. The most apparent answer is human activities. As stated by the American Metrological Society, " the
dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of
atmospheric greenhouse gases.” These greenhouse gases are released from various categories of human activities such
as burning of fossil fuels, vehicle exhausts, industrial emissions, agriculture and deforestation consequently increasing
the disrupting the Earth’s physical and ecological systems and causing significant increases in global temperatures,
melting of snow and ice, sea level rises, spread of diseases, destruction of crops and the frequency of extreme events
such as, droughts, floods and storms.

As such, this issue of climate change has become a worldwide concern as it affects the livelihoods of people all across
the globe. For instance, this year alone in Fiji, 30 families from villages on Kadavu were relocated to higher areas due to
the rising sea levels as stated in the Fiji Times dated August 10, 2015. Moreover, the many effects of climate change
have also been observed internationally whereby an international news agency, Reuters has reported that Millions of
people in the United States could be forced to abandon their homes if planet-warming emissions continue unabated
through 2100. Likewise, similar situations have been brought to light from almost every continent. Thus the impact of
climate change is not only centered on a particular area or region but is a highlight of the whole world therefore making
it a concern of global interest.

Therefore, in light of these fatal consequences of climate change, it is ever more essential to take relevant measures
against this global problem. One such initiative taken internationally is the adoption of the United Nations world
environment day initiative. Commemorated each year on 5th June, this programme has grown to be a broad, global
platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated by stakeholders in over 100 countries including Fiji. This
programme stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action in
promoting low carbon economies and lifestyles, such as improved energy efficiency, alternative energy sources, forest
conservation, and eco-friendly consumption.

Furthermore, the fight against climate change is for all and Fiji also has an active role to play in this fight. One such
initiative taken by the local motor vehicle companies in Fiji to extend its contribution towards the global fight against
climate change is the importation of hybrid vehicles. These vehicles can operate on battery instead of fuel and is
designed to reduce carbon emissions on roads by half as per the Fiji Times dated March 6 th, 2015. Thus, such initiatives
give people a more environmentally friendlier choice when it comes to selecting vehicles and allows individuals to
participate in the global fight against climate change.

In addition, Fiji has also partnered with many international efforts to raise its voice against climate change. One such
effort is the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. This policy regulates the air pollution
from ships. Fiji being an exotic location in the Pacific is often host to many ships from around the globe. These Ship
engines belt out emissions from their large diesel engines with great wads of exhaust gas, laced with Carbon Dioxide.
Therefore, through this policy the maritime organisation of Fiji is able to control the amount of exhausts released by
these ships on Fijian Shores and limit the presence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Thus, to sum up, it is high time that everyone accepts that climate change is real and happening. Therefore, all nations
across the globe should give up some traditional practices and work together to promote a more sustainable way of
living in order to save the life of this precious planet. Not only nations but every individual must change one’s mind set
and have passion in ones heart to protect this planet so that generation after generation can still enjoy all of Mother
Nature’s miracles.

(Approx. 300 words)

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