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To what extent is the issue of climate change an international one that

requires an international response?

Climate Change is an ever-changing problem for the planet and its inhabitants.
Technological advances made to make Human life easier have put a significant scar
and strain on the earth, which can only be healed if international nations work band
together to reduce Global emissions and pollution. In an effort to advance economies,
and industries in a nation, many National governments have remained oblivious to the
fact that Climate Change is a global crisis. Adhering to the ideologies of
internationalism, and working together with other international Nations is the only
way to heal the scars that Human pollution has given to the earth.

International cooperation is necessary to fight back against the looming danger

of total Environmental collapse. As stated by the U.N. “The global temperature has
already risen 1.1ºC above the pre-industrial level, with glaciers melting and the sea
level rising. The impacts of climate change also includes flooding and drought,
displacing millions of people, sinking them into poverty and hunger, denying them
access to basic services, such as health and education, expanding inequalities, stifling
economic growth and even causing conflict. By 2030, an estimated 700 million people
will be at risk of displacement by drought alone.” The danger of climate change is real,
and every nation in the world is contributing to the ever-increasing danger of Climate
change. An example of nations working together to decrease the danger of Climate
Change is the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement has been a monumental
international agreement to help decrease Global Emissions. “Net zero emissions is fast
becoming a buzzword of 2020, with China, Japan and South Korea joining the EU and
UK in setting carbon neutrality goals.” The Paris Agreement has normalized net zero
becoming a trend in countries which has led to a major shift towards clean and
reusable energy for all nations part of the agreement. The Paris Agreement has not
only brought cooperation between nations but also Transnational corporations.
“Institutions ranging from financial regulators to city authorities are embedding the
deal’s targets and principles in their policies, creating new avenues for accountability.
More than 400 public development banks committed to align their activities with the
Paris deal and a handful of Asian hold-outs are under increasing pressure to follow
suit.” As proven by the Paris Agreement, International cooperation between nations
and Transnational corporations for the reason of promoting Lower Global Emissions is
the only way to rectify the issue of climate change.

“Protect, Restore and Fund”, were words used by Greta Thunberg as solutions
for the growing danger of Global Climate Change. These words emanate the idea of
Internationalism, to heal the scars of GLobal CLimate change. To “Protect” the
environment Governments must work together and Label certain Natural areas as
“Protected”, like YellowStone or Banff. To “Restore”, International Governments must
work together to plant trees across their nations and reduce their Emissions by
restoring natural areas that were lost, for example, the Everglades which was a unique
and fragile ecosystem in Florida which was lost to Urbanization and Agriculture
activities; The United States restored the Everglades bringing Water flow, Habitat
restoration, and invasive species control. To “Fund” means to fund Clean energy
within a nation moving from Fossil Fuels and Coal to Wind, Solar, and Hydroelectric
energy. To” Fund” also means to fund the protection and restoration of Natural
habitats to promote the growth of Plant life. Because as said by George Manbiot,
“There is a magic machine, that sucks Carbon out of the air, costs very little and builds
itself. It’s called a tree.” If International bodies work together to “Protect, Restore and
Fund” Climate Change will become a thing of the Past.

Climate Change is an evergrowing malice upon the earth and its populace. But
if International bodies adhere to the ideologies of Internationalism, and work together
to “Protect, Restore and Fund” and lower Global Carbon Emissions Climate change
will become a thing of the past.

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