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Reading Progress Journal: Week 3

Name: Book Title:

The Merchant of Venice

Date Page numbers for Act 4

this summary. Scene I Lines 1-396

In 350 words, summarize what happened in this section.

In Venice, Antonio is in court preparing to die under Shylock’s deal. The duke of the court conveys his sympathy to
Antonio but is unable to change the law of Venice. Shylock offers no explanation for his actions as the court
pleads for his mercy and human decency. Bassanio now arrives from Belmont to eagerly free Antonio. He tries his
best to persuade the court and Shylock however the law cannot be changed and Shylock expects a decision in his
favor. Bassanio offers Shylock twice the amount of the initial loan but he refuses. Shylock finally admits that his
intentions are since he was scolded and publicly embarrassed by Antonio for being Jewish. The duke of the court
then receives a letter from Dr. Bellario who states that he is ill however has sent a young lawyer in his place to aid
the defendant. Nerissa, disguised as a clerk, enters the courtroom and is given permission to allow Balthasar, the
young lawyer, entry into the court. Portia enters disguised as Balthasar, and the duke of the court asks whether
“he” is familiar with the case. Balthasar responds yes to this and begins questioning. Antonio admits that he
signed this deal and Balthasar states that Shylock must be merciful. To this, Shylock responds no and Balthasar
proclaims one of the most famous speeches from the play about the quality of mercy. Bassanio states that he is
willing to pay ten times the bond but Antonio must be unharmed. Shylock once again declines and with this
Bathlasar has no other choice but to let the bond stand under the laws of Venice. Shylock exclaims in joy over his
victory and prepares to obtain his pound of flesh from Antonio. Balthasar asks Shylock to have a surgeon nearby
for the bleeding but Shylock responds that it is not in the bond and thus it shall not occur with hopes of Antonio’s
death. Antonio gives a sorrowful goodbye to his friends and especially Bassanio. As Shylock is about to cut the
flesh, Balthasar stops him saying that he can only cut flesh and thus, no blood must be taken. With this, Shylock is
taken aback and is unable to complete the bond. He then hastily says that he shall take double the money and
leave but Balthasar does not stop there. Shylock is charged with endangering a Venetian life and half his property
must go to Antonio. Antonio says he will return the property but Shylock must convert to Christianity and give all
his goods to Jessica and Lorenzo in his will.
What about this section focuses on your chosen theme or a theme discussed in class? Provide a
quote with an explanation. (50 words)

An important theme in this section is the theme of knowledge and specifically, the power of women. It was
Portia’s bravery and intelligence that saved Antonio’s life. Her ingenious plan of disguise as a lawyer and famous
speech place her as the true hero in the story. With her speech titled,“[t]he quality of mercy is not strained,”
(Shakespeare, Act 4, Scene I), her true knowledge of the world is revealed.

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