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Bassanio wished to repair his fortune by a

wealthy marriage with Portia, whom he

dearly loved, but didn't have
furnish himself with an appearance
the lover, so he asked Antones to add to the
many favours he had shown him, by lending
Bassanio three thousand ducats. Antonio not
having the money by that time to lend Bassanie,
I asked him as his ships had not returned yet,
asked Bassanio to borrow money from Shylock
the rich money tender, upon the credit
those ships.
During shakespeares time the christians had the
right and priviledged that if any one conspired
against the life of a Venetian citizen the conspirer's
life would be in the hand of the duke and
also half of the riches of the conspirer will be
confistcated and the other hand half of the riches
will be handed over to the Venetian Dictim-
How did shylock respond to Portia's plea for
mercy ?
Shylock adamantly refused the plea of mercy
and replied that he desired to have the
penalty forfelted in the bond about having
a pound of Antonio's flesh though Bassanio
[6/27, 18:37] Geeta Kumar: offered & shylock the payment of three thousand
dicats as many times to as he desired, but the
cruel Shylock showed no m
no mercy
soul his is swore that there no power in the
tongue of pen to alter him.
7 Describe how Portia wins Antonio's case
Portia, first asked the mercy of shylock which
he refused addmantly. Bassanio requested
to amend the law, but she replied that it
was not possible and she asked if the scales
were ready to weigh the flesh and some
surgoins If he Antonio bleeds to death. But
Shylock to whose whole intension was that
Antonio should bleed to death replied that it
wasn't meantioned in the bond. Portia then
examined the bond and said that the the
gave him no drop of blood and the words
expressed are a pound of flesh. If the witting
of flesh shedone drop of Christian blood than
This land and goods are & confistcated by the
low to the state of Venice. It was utterly
impossible for shylock to cut off the poiend
of flesh without shedding Antonio's blood.
This discovery of Portia's saved the life
[6/27, 18:38] Geeta Kumar: 9 In your opinion has justice been imparted to Shylock? adve reasons
for the same. Yes, justice was imparted to Shylock as when Bassanis offered the money and
Portía asked for mercy Shylock refused. He did not care for Antonio and wanted him to die.
Shylock's heart was filled with my cruelty, revenge Plan intensions. He lost all his wealth for and
taking a life of conditions was WORLD Planning to take a vendian but there were placed He then
realized that he unfair and cruel with Antonio Explain Bassanio's role in the play Bassanio, a noble
Venetian who having small patrimony exhausted his little fortune. by friend of musly. He was the
dearest money, Antonio assisted him and it seemed Whenever Bassanio wanted as if they had
one heart and one them. Bassanio was in love in Portia and • Onen purse between three-thousand
ducats as an he wished to repair his fortune by a wealthy marriage asked Antonio for lending him
for appearing eligible suiter. Antonio not having the mo at that time asked shylock to lend him.
лопец money! Shylock made Antonio sign a bond that if he did not repay the money that a pound
of flesh would be forfeited from any part of his body. On not able to return the money, Antonio's life
was in danger. Bassanio, immed. lately went to help Antoneo! This showed his 9 In your opinion
has justice been imparted to Shylock ? adve reasons for the same . Yes , justice was imparted to
Shylock as when Bassanis offered the money and Portía asked for mercy Shylock refused . He did
not care for Antonio and wanted him to die . Shylock's heart was filled with my cruelty , revenge
Plan intensions . He lost all his wealth for and taking a life of conditions was WORLD Planning to
take a vendian but there were placed He then realized that he unfair and cruel with Antonio
Explain Bassanio's role in the play Bassanio , a noble Venetian who having small patrimony
exhausted his little fortune . by friend of musly . He was the dearest money , Antonio assisted him
and it seemed Whenever Bassanio wanted as if they had one heart and one them . Bassanio was
in love in Portia and • Onen purse between three - thousand ducats as an he wished to repair his
fortune by a wealthy marriage asked Antonio for lending him for appearing eligible suiter . Antonio
not having the mo at that time asked shylock to lend him . лопец money ! Shylock made Antonio
sign a bond that if he did not repay the money that a pound of flesh would be forfeited from any
part of his body . On not able to return the money , Antonio's life was in danger . Bassanio , immed
. lately went to help Antoneo ! This showed his
[6/27, 18:40] Geeta Kumar: love for his dearest friend. He is a
true friend of Antonio and no
one in the world is as
is as dear to
him as Antonio, he was also
Seady to sacrifice everything to
Save Antonio's life. This
he was not only a bue loves that
abo a very loyal friend.

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