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% UAV Aircraft Static Stability

% Define angle of attack (α) range

alpha = linspace(-10, 10, 100); % degrees

% Constants and coefficients

C_m0 = -0.03; % Pitching moment coefficient at zero angle of attack
C_m_alpha = -0.08; % Pitching moment coefficient due to angle of attack
C_m_delta_e = -0.02; % Pitching moment coefficient due to elevator deflection
C_L_alpha = 0.1; % Lift coefficient slope with respect to angle of attack

% Calculate the pitching moment coefficient (C_m)

C_m = C_m0 + C_m_alpha * alpha + C_m_delta_e * delta_e;

% Plot the pitching moment coefficient vs angle of attack

plot(alpha, C_m);
xlabel('Angle of Attack (α)');
ylabel('Pitching Moment Coefficient (C_m)');
title('Pitching Moment Coefficient vs Angle of Attack');

% Stability analysis
if all(C_m < 0)
fprintf('The system is statically stable.\n');
fprintf('The system is not statically stable.\n');

% UAV Aircraft Lift and Drag

% Define lift coefficient (C_L) range

C_L = linspace(0, 1.5, 100);

% Calculate drag coefficient (C_D)

C_D = 0.02 + (C_L.^2)/(pi * 0.8 * 10); % Assuming values for C_D_0 and K

% Plot the drag coefficient polar

plot(C_L, C_D);
xlabel('Lift Coefficient (C_L)');
ylabel('Drag Coefficient (C_D)');
title('Drag Coefficient Polar');

% Stability analysis
if all(diff(C_D) < 0)
fprintf('The system is statically stable.\n');
fprintf('The system is not statically stable.\n');

% UAV Aircraft Aerodynamic Pitching Moment

% Define elevator deflection range

delta_e = linspace(-20, 20, 100); % degrees

% Calculate the pitching moment coefficient (C_m) with varying elevator deflection
C_m = C_m0 + C_m_alpha * alpha + C_m_delta_e * delta_e;

% Plot the effect of elevator deflection on pitching moment coefficient

mesh(alpha, delta_e, C_m);
xlabel('Angle of Attack (α)');
ylabel('Elevator Deflection (δ_e)');
zlabel('Pitching Moment Coefficient (C_m)');
title('Effect of Elevator Deflection on Pitching Moment Coefficient');

% Stability analysis
if all(C_m < 0)
fprintf('The system is statically stable.\n');
fprintf('The system is not statically stable.\n');

% UAV Aircraft Longitudinal Static Stability

% Define incidence angle of the horizontal stabilizer (i_h) range

i_h = linspace(-50, 50, 100); % degrees

% Calculate the elevator deflection required for trim

delta_e_trim = -((C_m0 + C_m_alpha * alpha + C_m_i_h * i_h) / C_m_delta_e);

% Plot the elevator deflection required to trim

plot(alpha, delta_e_trim);
xlabel('Angle of Attack (α)');
ylabel('Elevator Deflection for Trim (δ_e)');
title('Elevator Deflection Required for Trim');

% Stability analysis
if all(delta_e_trim < 0)
fprintf('The system is statically stable.\n');
fprintf('The system is not statically stable.\n');

% UAV Aircraft Aerodynamic Center and Neutral Point

% Calculate the static margin

static_margin = -C_m_alpha / C_L_alpha;

% Calculate the aerodynamic center position

x_bar_AC = -C_m_alpha / (C_L_alpha * static_margin);

% Plot the pitching moment coefficient vs lift coefficient for statically stable
plot(C_L, C_m);
xlabel('Lift Coefficient (C_L)');
ylabel('Pitching Moment Coefficient (C_m)');
title('Pitching Moment Coefficient vs Lift Coefficient (Statically Stable)');
hold on;
plot(C_L_alpha, 0, 'ro');
legend('Pitching Moment Coefficient', 'Aerodynamic Center (Neutral Point)');
hold off;

% Stability analysis
if x_bar_AC < 0
fprintf('The system is statically stable.\n');
fprintf('The system is not statically stable.\n');

% UAV Aircraft Maneuvering Flight and Maneuver Point

% Define load factor (n) range

n = linspace(1, 3, 100);

% Calculate the elevator deflection required for maneuvering flight

delta_e_maneuver = delta_e_trim - (C_m_alpha * C_L_trim) / C_m_delta_e - (g * (n -
1) * X_h) / (U_1^2 * tau_e);

% Plot the elevator deflection required for maneuvering flight

plot(n, delta_e_maneuver);
xlabel('Load Factor (n)');
ylabel('Elevator Deflection for Maneuver (δ_e)');
title('Elevator Deflection Required for Maneuvering Flight');

% Stability analysis
if all(delta_e_maneuver < 0)
fprintf('The system is statically stable during maneuvering flight.\n');
fprintf('The system is not statically stable during maneuvering flight.\n');

% Record the load factor and elevator position during maneuver

maneuver_load_factor = ...; % Record the actual load factor during maneuver
maneuver_elevator_deflection = ...; % Record the actual elevator deflection during

% Plot the maneuvering stability point

plot(X_cg, -(delta_e_maneuver ./ n));
xlabel('CG Position (X_cg)');
ylabel('Maneuvering Stability Point (-(∂δ_e)/∂n)');
title('Maneuvering Stability Point vs CG Position');

% Stability analysis
if all(-(delta_e_maneuver ./ n) < 0)
fprintf('The system is statically stable during maneuvering flight.\n');
fprintf('The system is not statically stable during maneuvering flight.\n');

%Please note that some variables and calculations are missing in the provided
equations, so you will need to fill in the missing values and adjust the code
accordingly. Also, make sure to provide the necessary input values and verify the
correctness of the equations before running the code.

% Feel free to modify the code as per your requirements and specific equations for
your UAV aircraft model.

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