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Nelson flight stability and automatic control solutions manual pdf

Flight stability and automatic control nelson solutions manual pdf.

Download & View Flight Stability and Automatic Control Second Edition Robert C.

(2)A key parameter in (2) that controls the longitudinal stability of the plane is the airfoil pitch moment derivative: )( n Lmm hhC d dC C . It should be noted that, since we require that 0 L C , it follows that in order for the wing to be a stabilizing component of the plane (i.e. 0 m C . See Example 1 below),it must satisfy n hh . Typically this
condition does not hold. In other words, typically the wing is a destabilizing component. Example 1. Consider three planes have plots of )( m C shown in Figure 1. -5051015-8-6-4-20246 Angle of Attack, a (Degrees) C m ( a ) #1#2#3 Figure 1. Plots of )( m C for airplanes #1, #2, and #3. 2.2 Plane #1 has 0 m C , and
so a positive perturbation in the pitch angle, α , results in a positive pitching moment, thereby causing α to move further away from equilibrium. Hence, plane #1 is longitudinally unstable. Plane #2 has 0 m C , and so one might suspect it is longitudinally stable. However, the equilibrium point [i.e. the value of α 0 such that 0)( 0 m C ] is
negative. This author is not aware of a single plane whose wing is pitched downward. Hence, while, theoretically, plane #2 is longitudinally stable, such a plane probably does not exist. Plane #3 has both 0 m C and 0 0 . Hence, it is a longitudinally stable real plane. □ Definition 1 For an airplane in a longitudinally balanced (or equilibrium)
condition, with corresponding angle of attack, o , (where we will assume only the case 0 o ), suppose that the airplane angle of attack is changed to a value o . If the resulting non-zero pitch moment, )( m C acts in a manner to tend to bring the angle of attack back toward o , then the airplane is said to have positive pitch stiffness . If this
moment acts in a manner to drive the angle of attack further away from o , then the airplane is said to have negative pitch stiffness . Mathematically, this is equivalent to the condition that the pitch moment derivative satisfy 0)( 0 m C . Finally, if 0)( 0 m C , then the airplane is said to have zero pitch stiffness (or, the plane is said to
have neutral longitudinal stability. )The two main components of an airplane that contribute to its stability are the wing and the tail. Each \component has exactly the same lift and moment behavior as that described by (1) and (2), respectively. In the following two sections the details of these expressions will be summarized. 2.1 The Wing (or
Wing/Body) The following equations are for the pitch moment coefficients of the wing. www L L L C C C 0 (3) (2.7) www mmm C C C 0 (4) Fig.2.6where )( 00 wwwacw n Lmm hhC C C (5) (2.8)and )( www n Lm hhC C .(6) (2.9)The same equations hold for the wing/body; in which case the subscript ‘ w ’ is replaced by the subscript
‘ wb ’. In this case, if only the wing(tail)-alone lift derivatives are given, then they must be corrected to account for a finite aspect ratio. This correction is: )/(1/ ARC C C wwwb L L L .
2.2 The Tail ])([ t w Lt L L iiC C C t t t (7)where the variables in (7) are defined in Figure 2.7 on p.45 and in Figure 2.9 on p.47. 2.3 t t t mmm C C C 0 (8)where )]([ 0 0 t w L H m iiC V C t t (9)and d d C V C t t L H m 1 .(10)We have: S cS l V t t H , w L ARC w )(2 00 , wt wt QQV V 2/2/ 22 , w L ARC d d w
2 0 .(11)The term H V is called the Horizontal tail Volume ratio. The term wt QQ / is called the tail efficiency. Typically, 2.18.0 . The variable is called the tail downwash angle. The Entire Plane (i.e. wing/body + tail): For the airplane lift we have (for 1 ): L Lt L Lt w L t L Lt L L C C S S C C iiC S S C C S S C C t wbt wb t wb 00
)]([ . (12)For the airplane moment we have: mmmmmmmmmmm C C C C C C C C C C C t wbt wbt t wbwb 00000 )()( .(13a)

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