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M:irliS: -------- '1/.,

Class: 5 ( ) D c1 te: )...1.20 IS
Tinie: I ltour l 5 minutes

SE( 'TIO ':\ 120 mar-ks!

Qm::-fions l lo 5
Choost th� best rn1swcr to complele th-: S-.!nte11cc.
; . . l :11.:k hacl �cored perfect mark� l'or his t.·�omin:111011. -&ne-______ \'ery happy.

n. feeling

' \I�· father worked hard r- - _ lw was born rich

C becaust'
13 and D. although
·' l'u sh()ulct I pass the 1101 ice?
,\.who C whose
13. �vl101ll n. which
-1. The game \\ardcn from the zoo nrnn:iged to trap the __
around his housing area.
\. gang. of C troupe of
13 group or D. troop o!'
___ teleYision yesterda�• when the power went out.
C was watchinl,!
13. :1111 watching n. were watching

>ucstion {i
·ti;1ps,: 1.hc; mos! suitable idioms

\1ak ing a kite is_ _ __ for my grandfather who is gooJ at i1.

1\. on all cars C n piece or cak-:
13 t•n clom1 nim; D. nn11c:cl Iv the teeth



Questions 7 to 9 Cl.loose the best answer for each blank.

It was Sund:.1y afternoon, Ali__ ___ __(7) down the stairs. He saw his parents in the living r0O111.
! le g1·ectcci them and _____ (8) them that he had cleaned his room Lhis morning. His parents praised him
ft,,�ia:Ieaning the room. 13ecm1se of that, his parent.s gave him a . ____(9) by cooking Ins f':wouritc
dinner. /\Ji was so happy.
7. A run £3. ran C. nms D. runn1nb
8 A. tell D. tells C. told D. telling
t) A pnze 13. honor c. reward D. payment

Question 10 Choose the word that has the simil:ir meaning as the underlined word.
IO Nick rarely sees Janet although they are neighbours.
A. usually B. always C. oHen D. seldom

C)ucstion 11 Choose the sentence with tbc correct punctuation.

'I A. "Let me help you serve the drinks. Mum:· said Melanie.
B. "Let me help you serve the drinks, Mum," S,11d Melanie;.
C. ·'Let me help you serve tht drinks. Mum •; said Mela.nit:.
D. "l ,et me help yon serve the drinks, mum.'' said Melani\.!.

!Juestfons 12 to 15 Look at the picture and choose the best answer.

School was over. James looked ---- ( 11)
before crossing the road. However, he did not notice
that a motorcycle '"'as coming towards him.
The---- ( 13) was speeding. Vijay, who was
nearby______ ( 14) to warn James. James
jumped _( J 5) lo the curb and
managed to avoid the speeding motorcycle. rt was a

__________________J close shave.

-.· A safely B. quietly C. eagerly D. carefully

.A.. cyclist B. motorist· C. motorcyclist D. pedesLriao

I •I •\. shout B. shouts C. slioutcd D. shouting

-; /\. back B. beside C. between 0. in front or



()ucstions 16 and 17 Read tile dialogue carefully and ansv-.-cr the questions that follo\v

Jessie Good mom mg, i\lr!; Ang

r,11s '\ngGood morning. Jessie Wini hr111gs you here tl·11� morning?
Jessie J'm collect111g clo11at1on for tJ,e victims or the ii1·t- in T;,.1i.t11 Mcwah \Ve w,111 n
Ile!µ 1he111 rebuild their home.
tvlrs Ang Oh! rhat s very good or you. Here·s some money. I lope that hdps.
Jessi...: T\·.anks, .\rlr!:i ,\ng Every littk c,)LllllS

Io. What is tile donnlion ['or'>

f\. To help Jessie rebuild ht:r home. C. t·o JJuy n 11ew l,ouSt,.; for the lire victims
B. To buy foucl nncl clothing for the fire vi(;tims. D. ·1 o help the l' victims rebuild their home.
The adjectives below can be used to describe Jessie except _______
.I\. kind B. caring C. inean D. considerate
Question-; 18 to 20 Read the le.iflet carefolly and answer the questions that follow.

i\nnual Reading Week

a. •
Help Your Ch,ild To Immerse Themselves In Reuding
Rctt�br the scars. Rc�,d a..ut ,,fbooks.
"' Read and be rewMded.
I" place • Cert1f;c,1te. book v0ucher ard a :>rand nev: bike
z�u place : Certificate, book voucher and a brand new pair of shots
3,d place : Cer·tificate, book voucl:er and a brand nev✓ book
Why is reading so important?
How to enter? • To improve our grammatical skills
Contest duration,
Get the form from Mr Chin.
• Expand your kno,.vleJ,;e 14'h May- 21" May 2018
the head of Engli�h department.
Write the title of the book that you • Enriches your vocabLilary Reading is the new cool

--- • Stimulate YOLH' :mag1nat1on ...L--------------J

have read alongside with the plot.

IX How long is the duration of the contest?

.A.. One day 13 One week C. Two wl.!eks D. One month
•) What is the purpose of the .Annual Reading Week being held??
A. Tc, collect Cuml raising C. To foster children's interest in reading
B. To attract people to buy books D. To w111 a noble prize pf you read a lot of books
\.Vhich of Lile following statement is incorrect'>
A. Reading is cool C. To win you need 10 read H lot of books
B Everybody w110 l..!ntcr gets a pnze D. tv1r Chin is the head or English dep,irtrnent


( 30 .marks)
Questiou 21
Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in fut I sentences.
Write your answers in the spaces provided.

What should you do when you

(a) don't understand a lesson? Answer:

( 2 marks)



I would like to order spaghetti

and mushroom soup .
· __._.____
. ·•--=--=··-

( 2 marks)

(c) Answer:

( 2 marks)



Question 22 Reacl the s1ory below a11d �1nswer the questions tlrn1 follow.

E-v c:ry <by, Beng !lock wnlkcd ho1rn: from school which was 3km away frorn his house (!1s mother was sick
I k couldn '! 11fford to cat meals ut the school c:rnteen So. he w,1s al\.\ays \VOiking home on an empty stom.:ich

On one hot nnd sunny clay, Beng I lock Hunted m frt111t or his ne1ghbotu·. Uncle Tan's house tk look 111111
home and gave h i m food From then. Uncle Tan :c;ent l11111 10 school on Ii!�: b1cyclc He offered Bcng Hock to do odd
J1)l's frir s,,me pockel money

Years laicr. Beng Hock became :_i dL'Clor i11 lbt hospital where he worked, he saw a rneclic,11 bill for Uncle Tnn
\\h t) w<.:nt throttgh ru1 opcrnl1on. Al the payment counter. UncJ,, T,m rrJcer•:e(' ,! rece1rt l'or ,11s hill 011 11 wrrttt.:11. "Paid
1n Cull ;or the kindness ,,ncl love yrn.1 had sho,v11 me dur111g rnv schuul day ••

·1 ick ( ✓ l the correct answer.

l;i) Who sent T3cng Hock to school'"' (b) Beng Hock couldn't afford a meal al scl1ool be.;ausc _ -··

� l��s moth� ---=�
he had 110 job
�-- .
he had no monc y
- ---·-,
His father 1

I he was busy walking home

�·r--- ---"I -- - - _____ ___.
I ·1 Iis neighbOl� r l
_____ �
( 1 mark)
'- -- ------� __t,____ ..J__ - - --

\ l mark)

, .: ) \Vhy cli<l Unck 1 an send Bc11g Hock to school on his 1)icycle?


1 (1 ) \iVhy did l3eng llock pay [or Uncle Tan's medical bilJ?

(2 marks)

1 <.: I !Jo you like the story·,> 'v\/hat can you !earn from the stnry?



Question 23
Read the advertisement bcJow. Answer lhe questions that follovv.

r,,• can of sardines
• Metromart
- High in protein
- Hot ond tasty
- Locally made
------ -----·A · acket of •butter ···� '­
p •
chocolate biscuit
RMl 2.00
• Metromart
- Rich in carbohydrates
• Sweet and crunchy
. Imported from Australia
,-,-. A ·carton of mil
RM 10.00
• Metromarl
• High iA--<ekium
• Fresh and delicious fro
form raised cows
• Malaysian product

rick(✓) the correct answer.

(a) Whal is the price for the biscuit?

I RM12.00 Australia
1 RMl0.00
I RM7.00 Malaysia
( 1 mark) (1 mark)

(c) Match tbe phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. (2 marks)

List A List B
' The milk is sold in Metromart.
A 11 the products are three items on display.
There are imported from Australia.
I The biscuit is high in calcium.



\Vnte your answers in the spaces provided.

( cl ) Why do you think that the biscuit is more expensive nmong the three?

(2 marks)

( <.: ) \1/111cll one of lht: items would you buy? Why?

(2 marks)

Quc�tion 24 and 25 Read the notice and letter below. Answ�r tJ1� questions lhaL folJow.

�� . �
� �@JJTfilf:i]
Th is comest is open to children between 6 and 12 years old.
Date . 10Octobcr1016
Time • 9:00 a.m. - I '.30 a.n.
Venue • Pr·mc Park City (Community hall

First prize: RM300, a Kroft hamper worth RM 1 00 + a trophy

Second prize RM200, o Kroft hornper worth RM l 00 + o trophy
Third prize: RM 150, a Kroft hamper worth RM l 00 + o trophy
5 consolation prizes : A Kroft hamper worth RM 1 00 + o trophy

Pl(c'asc submit your registration form by 19 September '.W 16. For Ulquiries.
k.mdly contact _��s Wong at 03-6223 1233.

Dear Emily.
1 low are you? r hope you 're duing Cine. Are you 1nti::restcd to take part in n s111ging
contest'? The comest 1s open to all d1ild11:n bt:twcen 6 and 12 years old. We can l-in11 our
favourite song by Ja) Chow. Do you n:member 1hc singing co1Hcst that we took part las1
year? We ,vere -.o close to winning the top prize. l 'm re,11ly excited about th1:. contest. I
hope that we can be the champion this time. Pleas1: reply to my lellcr if you arc interested
to join the contest.

Lots of love,


Question 24 Tick ( ✓) the correct answer.

(a) The participants have to submit their registration form ______ before the contest. ( l mark)
one week
two weeks

three weeks

(b) The phrase last year in the letter refe1·s to the year of ________ ( I mark)

201 s

Question 25 Write your answers in the spaces provided.

(a) Who is the organizer of the singing contest?

(2 marks)
(b) I hope that we can be the champion this time.

Why did Sharon say that?

(2 marks)
( c) Why do you think the organizer gives�\\Wlampers as prizes?

(2 marks)




Section A 22) a) His neighbour

1) C 6) C 11) D 16) D b) he had no money

2) D 7) B 12) D 17) C

3) B 8) C 13) C 18) B 23) a) RM12

4) D 9) C 14) C 19) C b) Malaysia

5) C 10) D 15) A 20) B c)

Section B

21) a) I should go and learn what is a lesson 24) a) three weeks

b) 2015
b) What would you like to order?

c) Do you feel happy about it? Why do you

say that?


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