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Did u know that a 12 year old girl killed herself just

because she did not got good grades? A very good morning to
our honorable judges,teachers,time keeper and all my fellow
friends.Today,I would like to deliver my speech entitled
“Grades do not measure intelligence”.

Students nowadays,have been doing self harm

because they are stressed when they got bad results in their
exams or maybe they are students who just cannot manage
their time or just lazy.If they cannot manage their time or
love being lazy of course they will get bad results right?

Grades determine our future,but maybe not in

school.They can learn about anything,anywhere.For
example,a kid that has never go to school because of helping
his parents at an animal farm.Maybe he can teach more to
other people about how to identify hamster’s gender and
other animals,he can teach us how to bathe a certain animal.

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