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Mission 1

3) Job to be done template

Job To Be Done Template (JTBD)

1. Define the master JTBD
Introducing traditional game (Wau) that using modern technologies

2. Use 6 jobs steps pattern to identify customer needs

A. Understand: D. Assess:
Reintroduce forgotten traditional Analyse the customer review and feedback
games to new gens. to resolve any concerns that may arise.

B. Plan:
E. Revise:
Making traditional game (Wau)
more interesting by Resolve any failure that happen when
implementing modern (Wau) being test or while flying in the sky

C. Execute: F. Conclude:
Create a traditional game (Wau) Upgrade the Wau for any substantial
that using remote control system modifications or enhancements.

3. Variables
a) Traditional games
b) Traditional games and modern technologies
c) Modern traditional games
d) Customers review and feedback
e) Troubleshooting the remote control Wau
f) New feature update and additional modern stuff added

4. Actions
a) Any ages people can play traditional games
b) New hobbies that suit for modern people and elders
c) Inventing modern remote control Wau
d) Customers service and customer ratings
e) Find solution or add more feature in the Wau
f) Add any feature that related to modern technologies

5. Speed and accuracy(Aniq)

a) Any ages people can play traditional games - Speed: Medium
b) New hobbies that suit for modern people and elders - Speed: Medium,
c) Inventing modern remote control Wau - Speed: High, Accuracy: High
d) Customers service and customer ratings - Speed: Medium, Accuracy: High
e) Find solution or add more feature in the Wau - Speed: High, Accuracy:
f) Add any feature that related to modern technologies - Speed: High,
Accuracy: High

6. Review and locate customer needs

a) Obtain customer feedback: Focus groups, interviews, and questionnaires
can all be used for this. We can learn about the preferences and problems
of the clients by getting their input.
b) Analyzing client feedback is crucial for spotting patterns and trends after it
has been obtained. This will enable us to better comprehend what our
clients require and want from our offering.
c) Market research can assist us in better understanding the characteristics,
habits, and spending patterns of our clients. Marketing and product
development strategies can be informed by this data.
d) Analyze the demographics of your target market: Knowing the age, gender,
income, and other characteristics of your target market will enable you to
target your advertising and better cater your services and products to their
e) Identify client pain points: By comprehending the issues and difficulties
that our customers confront, we are better able to create solutions to
alleviate these issues and enhance their use of our product.
We can make sure that our products and services are fulfilling the demands of our clients
and that we are giving them the optimum experience by examining and identifying their
Mission 2

1- Scamper: The meaning of Scamper is Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another
use, Eliminate and Rearrange. This is where a tool like SCAMPER can help. It's useful for
generating ideas for new products and services by encouraging you to think about how you
could improve existing ones. SCAMPER is a quick, easy and direct form of creative
brainstorming. You use the tool by asking questions about existing products, using each of
the seven prompts above. These questions help you come up with creative ideas for
developing new products, and for improving current ones. First, take an existing product or
service. It could be an existing product, service or idea which you want to improve or which
could be a great starting point for future development. Apply the questions to values,
benefits, services, touch points, product attributes, pricing, markets and essentially any other
related aspect you might be able to think of that has relevance to your ideation needs. Look at
the answers that you came up with. Do any of the answers stand out as viable solutions?
Could you use any of them to create a new product, or develop an existing one? Take the
good ideas and explore them further. The best solution for the WAU is Adapt because we
adapt the game into a better game and all ages can have fun with it.

2- Customer jobs- The problem for the customer is that it is how they are able to use the
WAU plane without any complication of using it. Since it is a new design and look to the
game, there are many questions they would ask to play with WAU planes smoothly. There are
problems that the customer would face and the characteristics of the plane too.

3- Customer pains- By having the WAU plane, there are doubts about having the WAU
plane because it is a new product in the market and their mind would have a negative
thoughts such problems about the WAU plane and in order to use it as well

4- Customer gains- Doing the plane WAU has its own benefits such as people could fly the
plane without having to use your energy to fly around the kite and by flying the plane would
make the game much fun and much more competitive amongst the players.
Paper prototype

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