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SY: 2022-2023

Luke Account (Lk. 6:17-26)

● More emphasis on the concern for
the poor, the setting is on the
- Way of Life plains/lowlands
- Promise of Salvation ● Includes woes along the blessings,
Reveals the goals of human which signify the preference of
existence God’s Kingdom towards the poor
- Taught by Jesus on the mount ● The audience are Non-Jews by the
usage of the term “Kingdom of
Matthew Account (Mt. 5:1-12) God”
● More spiritual in context, the
setting is on the mountain
● Emphasizes the blessing and
rewards Catholic Social Teachings
● The audience are Jews by the
usage of the term “Kingdom of

1. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for

theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
2. Blessed are those who mourn, for
they shall be comforted.
3. Blessed are the meek for they shall
inherit the earth.
4. Blessed are those who hunger and
5. thirst for righteousness, the
kingdom of heaven is theirs.
6. Blessed are the merciful for they
will be shown mercy.
7. Blessed are the pure of heart for
they shall see God.
8. Blessed are the peacemakers for
they will be called children of God.
9. Blessed are you when people
insult you and persecute you
because of me, rejoice and be
glad, because your reward will be
great in heaven.

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