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Idioms & Proverbs Chinese Meaning

1. centre of attention 焦点
2. heart was in someone’s mouth 非常害怕或紧张
3. Steal the limelight 出风头,抢镜头
4. make a noise / make noises 投诉、找茬
5. The show must go on. 戏还得照演;事情
6. the proof of the pudding (is in the 试过才知道

7. the apple of someone’s eye 宠儿

8. loud and clear 清楚明了
9. Cowards die many times before their 懦怯者在死前先死
deaths. 了好多次,英勇的
10. go with the flow/follow the crowd 跟随人群
11. object of affection 牵动他人情绪的焦

12. Once in a lifetime 一生中难得一次

1. BTS is the of many teenage girls, they are happy whenever BTS receives awards.
2. Angelina Jolie is the everywhere she goes.
3. Mr. Jason is strict. He criticizes almost everyone is the class except Kenny, because he is .
4. The message from management came through : things would have to change during pandemic period.
5. My when I was asked to go on stage to give a speech just now.
6. I know you don’t really like hot pot but you have to when you join the class
7. Chances like this only ever come around ___ __________________, Jack, so don't waste it.
8. I can’t describe how great things are attending the summer camp. , you have to
join it next year to experience it yourself.
9. If things start going badly again, our members are sure to .

10. The chairman died yesterday but

11. X: He is constantly worried about the security of his job, and I don’t think he’ll pursue his true interests. Y: He
exemplifies the saying ‘ ’.
12. The experimental car certainly at the motor show.
13. reach out to somebody 通常指为了帮助或加入

14. cry out 因为害怕,而高声叫喊

15. cheer somebody on (在比赛中大喊)给…

16. Watch out for somebody/ 留神,密切注意,关注
17. back up someone/something 支持某人/某件事

18. sign up 报名参加(某项有组织


19. back out of something 反悔

20. chicken out (因为害怕)退缩

13. As the runners went by in the competition, we .

14. The buyer of the deal the day before they were due to sign the contract.
15. She in pain as the bullet grazed her shoulder.
16. I was going to try skydiving but I .
17. Most fans their idols when they have scandals, but some don’t.
18. She's __________________ for evening classes at the community college
19. The new mayor is ____________________ to the local community to involve them in his plans for the city.
20. _________________ his latest movie, out next month.

Foon Yew (JB) English Language Department © 2021 Pg 2

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