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Pick five sentences. Explain the word classes of the underlined words.

Use the content in the

file: word classes answers.

1. He was cleaning the drains 排水管 next door.

2. He drains the water from the surface.
3. I hope my mother takes 收到 the hint 暗示.
4. They hint to me that he might…
5. The spot 青春痘 is massive 巨大的 today.
6. Today is my big day.
7. We eventually 最終(地) got to the party.
8. My cat leaped 跳 out from his concealed 隱蔽 hiding 躲藏 place.
9. He was hiding in the cave.
10. He concealed the fact.
11. I was moody 喜怒無常的.
12. I was still struggling 拼搏 with the wretched 該死的 screw 螺絲釘.
13. She saved the struggling 經營艱難 business.
14. He was staring at me in amazement 驚詫.
15. He was so enraged 使憤怒.
16. His behaviors enraged her.
17. The Student opened his window and looked out.
18. It is quite impractical 不切實際的.
19. The sky darkens 變黑.
20. The sky has turned dark.
21. He could not control the fear.
22. He fears that she would come.
23. She no longer felt anxious 焦慮 at her nightly 每夜的 chats with the Beast 野獸.
24. His strangeness made her shiver 發抖.
25. I saw the story 報導 on the house in the newspaper.
26. He chats with the Beast.
27. She has a good figure 體態.
28. Let me figure 想出來 it out.
29. The concrete 水泥 lorry had to keep its engine on.
30. I don’t have any concrete 具體 plan.

Type your answers here:

11. moody: adjective (predicative position)

12. (a) was struggling: verb (tense) ; (b) wretched: adjective (attributive position) ; (c) screw : noun (preceded by adjective)
13. (a) struggling: adjective (attributive position) ; (b) business: noun (preceded by adjective)
14. (a) was staring: verb (tense) ; (b) amazement: noun (emotional state)
15. (a) so: adverb (modify adjective) ; (b) enraged: adjective (preceded by adverb)

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