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QI Project Plan: Hannah Ponder, Amanda Cook, Kayla King

AIM Outcome Measure Process Measure Balance Measure

(Where are we ultimately trying to go?) (Are we doing the right (Are the changes
things to get there?) introducing
Reduce Percentage of patients with hospital-acquired MRSA 1. Enforcing 1. Ensuring that
the infections (# of patients predicted to have MRSA/# routine the
incidence cleaning/nursin
s of
of patients in a private room) (Park et al., 2023). cleaning for g staff
hospital- PPRs (Private understand that
acquired Patient each room must
MRSA by Rooms), using be cleaned
25% bleach and thoroughly and
within 6 correctly. There
other basic are correct
cleaning ways to clean
mediums that must be
(Dancer, 2014). utilized.

2. Monitoring the 2. Supply

use and reuse stethoscopes,
blood pressure
of common cuffs, etc. to
hospital EACH
supplies such INDIVIDUAL
as blood ROOM so that
pressure cuffs, there is no
transport of
stethoscopes, items that have
etc. Using the been exposed to
same items can the MRSA
increase the virus.
risk of MRSA
being spread
(Dancer, 2014).
3. Ensuring that 3. Monitor the
the attendance of
staff members
nursing/hospita who attend the
l staff are hand hygiene
practicing good program and
hand hygiene the rate in
and which hospital-
implementing MRSA
programs that infections
they can attend increase or
to keep them up decrease.
to date with
what is
(Dancer, 2014).
QI Project Plan: Hannah Ponder, Amanda Cook, Kayla King


Dancer, S. J. (2014, October). Controlling Hospital-acquired infection: Focus on the role of the environment

and new technologies for Decontamination. Clinical microbiology reviews. 

Park, S.-H., Stockbridge, E. L., Miller, T. L., & O’Neill, L. (n.d.). Private patient rooms and hospital-acquired

methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: A hospital-level analysis of administrative data from the

United States. PLOS ONE.


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