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2020/21-2022/23 HOMA BAY COUNTY








MAY 2020
Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................ 1
BUDGET INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................... 2
Revenue Policy ............................................................................................................................... 3
Expenditure Policy .......................................................................................................................... 3
Debts and Deficit Financing Policy ................................................................................................ 4
Clearing the Stock of pending Bills ................................................................................................ 5
Compliance with the Fiscal Responsibility Principles.................................................................. 10
Compliance with Requirements for Development Spending.......................................................... 5
Compliance with Requirements for wage Expenditure .................................................................. 6
Compliance with Requirement for Sutainable Borrowing.............................................................. 6
Compliance with Requirement for Managing Fiscal Risks Prudently............................................ 7
Compliance with Requirement for Keeping Rates Predictable ...................................................... 7
County Financial Reporting ............................................................................................................ 7
Management of Public Funds ......................................................................................................... 7
Planning and Budgeting .................................................................................................................. 8
Expenditure Arrears ........................................................................................................................ 8
The Resource Envelope .................................................................................................................. 8
Resource Requirements ................................................................................................................ 10
Budgeting Framework .................................................................................................................. 11
Expenditure Outlook ..................................................................................................................... 11
Revenue Raising Measures ........................................................................................................... 16
Expected Challenges ..................................................................................................................... 16
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 17
2019/2020 ..................................................................................................................................... 18
CLASSIFICATION .................................................................................................................... 19
Equitable Share from National Government Revenue.................................................................. 19
Conditional Grants from the National Government...................................................................... 19
Loans and Grants from Development Partners ............................................................................. 19
Own-Source Revenue ................................................................................................................... 20
ESTIMATES OF EXPENDITURE OF THE FY 2019/2020 BY VOTE ............................... 20
BY THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF HOMA BAY ......................................................... 21
Vote 5111: Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food Security ................. 22
Vote 5112: Department of Tourism, Sports, Gender, Youth, Culture and Social Services
............................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Vote 5113: Department of Roads, Public Works and Transport ........................................... 43
Vote 5114: Department Of Energy And Mining ...................................................................... 51
Vote 5115: Department of Education and ICT .............................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Vote 5116: Department of Health Services ....................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Vote 5117: Department of Lands, Housing, Urban Development and Physical Planning ... 71
Vote 5118: Department of Trade, Industrialization, Cooperatives and Enterprise
Development ................................................................................................................................ 80

Vote 5119: Department of Water, Environment and Natural Resources.Error! Bookmark not
Vote 5120: Deaprtment of Finance, Economic Planning and Service Delivery .................. 101
Vote 5121: County Executive Services (Office Of The Governor) ............Error! Bookmark not
Vote 5122: County Public Service Board................................................................................ 101
Vote 5124: Municipal Board Of Homa Bay ..................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix I: List Of Projects By Location And Costs Fy 2019/20 ...Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix II: Staff Establishment of the County Government ................................................. 161
Appendix III: Financing Structure of the County Government .............................................. 289
Appendix IV: Issues and Recommendations from Public Participation ................................. 292


I. The Constitution of Kenya, 2010 established the County Government of Homa Bay as
consisting of the County Assembly and the County Executive. Both the executive and the
County Assembly were vested with certain powers to exercise and functions to perform
under the same Constitution. For the executive, one of those powers included the power to
decentralize functions and provide services to the extent that it is efficient and practicable
to do so.

II. In exercising the said powers and performing the functions so assigned, the Homa Bay
County Government has attempted to comply with the provisions of the Public Finance
Management Act, 2012 which prescribes the manner in which and the principles within
which public finances are managed. In particular, it has endeavored to meet the requirement
under section 129(2) in which the CEC Member responsible for finance is required to
submit to the County Assembly budget estimates, together with supporting documents and
any other bills required to implement the budget, except the Finance Bill. And this should
be done by the 30th of April and, the CEC member must ensure that estimates submitted
are in accordance with the resolutions adopted by the County Assembly on the Fiscal
Strategy Paper.

III. Further to the provisions of section 130 of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012; the
CEC member for finance is hereby able to submit the following in respect of the budget
for the financial year 2020/21:

(a) A budget summary that includes budget policies; an explanation of how the budget
relates to the fiscal responsibility principles and the financial objectives; a
memorandum explaining how the resolutions adopted by the County Assembly on the
budget estimates were taken into account; and

(b) Budget estimates that include a list of county government entities that are to receive
funds from the county government; estimates of revenue projected from the
equalization fund over the medium term; all revenue allocations from the national
government over the medium term, including conditional and unconditional grants; all
estimate revenue by broad economic classification; all estimates of expenditure by vote
and by programme; information regarding any loans made to the County Government
of Homa Bay and any payments and liabilities to be made or incurred by the County
Government for which an appropriation had not been made together with authority for
the payments and; a statement specifying measures to implement any recommendations
made by the County Assembly with respect to the budget of the previous year.

IV. The budget submission is consistent with the provisions of PFM Regulation No. 31 to the
extent that all revenue and expenditure are included in the estimates; the expenditure
entered are for the FY 2020/21 only; the appropriations for expenditure are expected to be
balanced out with expected revenue and budget estimates; and budget estimates have taken
account of the expenditure priorities of the County Government which are linked to
expected outcomes and required outputs of the County Government.

V. The policies considered in the budget estimates those geared toward achieving the county
objectives captured in the Second County Integrated Development Plan, 2018-2022. These
objectives are captured in the County Fiscal Strategy Paper, 2020. In that Strategy Paper,
the overall priority of the County Government is to bolster investment for shared prosperity
while addressing priority concerns and major challenges highlighted on the CIDP,
improving the MTEF process and strengthening linkages with national plans, especially
the Big Four Agenda. This is done in recognition of the provisions of section 104 of the
Public Finance Management Act, 2012 that empowers the County Treasury to monitor,
evaluate and oversee the management of public finances and economic affairs of the
County Government.

VI. For the Financial Year 2020/21, the County Government of Homa Bay projects total
revenue of Kenya Shillings 7,831,912,863. The amount consists of Kenya Shillings
6,741,450,000 Equitable Share from the National Government; Kenya Shillings
395,535,075 conditional grants from the National Government; Kenya Shillings
309,416,619 new loans and grants from Development Partners; and Kenya Shillings
485,511,169 expected to be collected as Own Source Revenue (including Appropriation in
Aid from the County Departments)

VII. The Total Recurrent Expenditure is estimated at Kenya Shillings 5,303,448,245,

representing 67.7 % of the total expenditure estimates whereas the Total Development
Expenditure is estimated at Kenya Shillings 2,528,464 representing 32.3 % of the total
expenditure estimates for the financial year 2020/21.

VIII. Estimates of expenditure have been captured in the format of a Programme Based Budget
(PBB) with provisions for each spending unit of: vision and mission; performance
overview and context for budgeting; programmes and their objectives; summary of
expenditure by programmes, economic classification as well as by programmes and
economic classification; summary of programme output and performance indicators. This
is in line with the requirement under schedule 2 number 12 of the Public Finance
Management Act, 2012.

IX. The MTEF format adopted provides for comparisons between revised expenditures of FY
2019/20 as the base year to those of the FY 2020/21 through to the FY 2022/2023 period.
The medium term framework strikes the balance between what is affordable and the
strategic priorities of the county government. The estimates were arrived at largely through
a bottom-up technical process and matched with the available resources determined
through a top-down process. Ultimately, the medium term expenditure framework is
expected to improve macro-fiscal situation of the County Government by lowering deficits
and improving economic growth; enable a rational approach to retrenchment and economic
stabilization; improve the impact of government policy and enable better allocation of
resources to strategic priorities between and within spending entities. The framework
would assure greater predictability of both policy and funding, improve program
performance and impact as well as shift the bureaucracy from ‘administrative ’to
‘managerial’ culture and ensure greater room for managerial flexibility and innovation.

X. Consistent with the fiscal responsibility principles, the county government is focused on
taking all the necessary steps to structure her expenditure so that capital expenditure can
continue to grow in relative terms as recurrent expenditure declines over the medium term.
The county is premised to sustain a capital improvement rate of over 30 per cent of the
total budget over the medium term with this year’s development budget rate being 32.3
percent. Any borrowing (though not currently envisaged) shall be used only for
development purposes and shall not exceed 20% of the County’s total revenue at any given
time. Whereas expenditure on wages and benefits exceeds the established limit of 35% by
7.6%, measures are being instituted to reign on any growth so that over the next three years,
the County Government may comply with PFM Regulation no. 25 of 2015.

XI. The Covid-19 pandemic has proven to be a rolling combination of a health pandemic and
an economic crisis for the world and we anticipate the same for the County of Homa Bay.
It has brought human suffering as well as an economic distress. It has become imperative
therefore that the County Government of Homa Bay supports the Kenya Government’s
effort to leverage both private and public resources to enhance health sector capacity as
well as the fiscal space to address the human suffering and reduce the impact of economic
distress. Specifically, we will work the National Government to limit the virus outbreak
and manage the potential health crisis. We are working with the National Government to
contain the spread of the pandemic and to treat the infected while it provides financial relief
to the cash-strapped households and firms with a view to keeping them afloat until the
pandemic begins to ebb.

XII. The County Treasury sincerely appreciates the input of all stakeholders into this budget
making process despite challenges experienced due to Covid-19. Various publics were
consulted and their expenditure proposals captured in these draft estimates. This document
is therefore the outcome of an effort to promote inclusive and equitable development,
strengthen democracy and promote good governance, increase accountability and improve
the quality of the budgeting process. Equally, it came from a genuine attempt to manage
resources conflicts, enhance legitimacy of the resource allocation process and protect the
interests of all stakeholders. The treasury expects that ownership of this budget and results
therefrom will therefore be enhanced.

XIII. The County Treasury requests the County Assembly to make good its intentions and
appropriate the given sums to spending entities within the established framework and in
recognition of the budget policy priorities and budget explanations made by the executive
in defense of these estimates. This should be done within the law and in fulfillment of the
Assembly mandate and the mandates of the County Government entities enshrined in the
Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and its operationalizing legislations.

Hon. Nicholas K’Oriko

CEC Member for Finance, Economic Planning and Service Delivery
Homa Bay County

I. The expenditure estimates for the Financial Year 2020/21 have been derived largely
through a consultative approach involving representatives of various stakeholder groups as
well as open forums within the context of the ward. The MTEF process was guided by
provisions of the law, best practices as well as the County Integrated Development Plan,
2018-2022; Annual Development Plan 2020 and the County Fiscal Strategy Paper, 2020.
Public investments were considered more for their contributions to the welfare of the
people as guided by the existing policies and the Treasury Circular of August 25, 2019.

II. The investments provided for in this MTEF year are aligned with the County Fiscal
Strategy, 2020, the theme of which is: Accelerating economic growth for sustainable
development. Consequently, the County Government is focused on steering the county
forward towards wealth creation and the building of an economically prosperous county.
This will be done within a properly sustainable fiscal framework that emphasizes value
addition, financial reengineering and the blue economy.

III. Riding on the enormous resources and potential that the county has in Agriculture,
Tourism, Sports, Energy, Minerals, Forestry, and favorable weather conditions, investment
will be mobilized to target high impact growth areas. The approach to shared prosperity
will be three-fold: (a) investing in the social pillar, particularly universal health coverage;
affordable housing; education and training; sports, culture and the arts; environmental
protection, water and sanitation; empowerment of women, youth and the vulnerable
populations; strengthening frameworks for devolution of services; enhanced governance
and the rule of law as well as improving HIV/AIDS and climate change responses; (b)
investing in the economic pillar, particularly agricultural transformation; tourism and
entertainment; trade and Business Processes Outsourcing; financial services and the blue
economy and; (c) compensating for deficiencies in private investment through public
investment in industrial parks and manufacturing as well as improving the competitiveness
of the county economy.

Policy Priorities

IV. The 2018-2022 medium term priority of the County Government of Homa Bay remains to
address the major challenges inherited from the 2013-2017 Medium Term Planning period.
These challenges remain, inter alia; low productivity and value addition in agriculture,
inadequate energy and infrastructure, weak entrepreneurial culture and inadequate support
to local businesses, inadequate access to portable water and essential health services,
inadequate quality and equality in education, inadequate financial and human resources,
and inadequate social facilities. Following the review of the County Integrated
Development Plan, 2013-2017 and incorporation of Sustainable Development Goals as
well as recent economic developments by Homa Bay County Government, it has become
imperative that more resources are dedicated to completion of on-going capital projects.

V. The county remains focused on encouraging investments that have long term impact on job
creation and income generation for the vast majority of the people in the county, especially
the youth. Specifically, the county will focus on five core areas which are aligned to the
‘Big 4 Agenda’ outlined as; (i) developing, expanding and maintaining the county
infrastructure including opening of road networks and housing units; (ii) achieving
universal health care and improving county education; (iii) increasing water reticulation
and distribution as well as environmental protection and access to clean and safe water for
all; (iv) enhancing the protection and mainstreaming of the disadvantaged populations such
the aged, youth, women and persons with disability; and (v) promotion of trade
development, industrial growth and investment in the County.

XIV. In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, the County Government of Homa Bay is working
with the National Government of Kenya on a number of fronts. At the health and social
protection policy level, the government has focused on testing and treatment, hiring of new
medical staff, expanding social assistance and implementing cash transfers to households.
At the fiscal policy level, the government is working to reduce the tax burden to employees
and businesses, declare a moratorium on repayment of some loans and reprioritize spending
and financing of budget deficits. At the monetary policy level, effort is being made to lower
interest rates and improve liquidity of financial institutions and strategic businesses that
are in extreme distress. Finally, at the financial, industrial and trade policy levels, effort
will be focused on bank forbearance, reductions in collateral requirements, reducing cost
of firm registrations and reduction of import restrictions and tariffs.

Revenue Policy

VI. Full realization of local revenue targets is still hampered by weak revenue collection
systems, non-optimal collection in major revenue streams, leakages in the system due to
inadequate internal controls and undercharging in some areas. The County Government of
Homa Bay has directed renewed effort on achieving and sustaining a strong revenue
performance through modernizing revenue administration to widen tax base, improving
billing and collections, optimizing prices charged for services offered and using county
assets to make money. The county government will expand automation of the revenue
collection system to cover structured streams and use modeled collections for target setting.
New arrangements are being created to improve internal controls, integrate risk
management, and develop more intelligent and simplified payment procedures. Reforms
to rationalize exemptions and incentive structures are also being put in place including
appropriate criteria for granting waivers.

VII. The County Government is reviewing its own efforts in the form of additional strategies
and policies to improve internal revenue generation as well as external resource
mobilization. The County Treasury is working to be better able to tap into Public Private
Partnerships, performance grants and CRA allocations with respect to fiscal discipline.
Finally, revenue management will be streamlined through introduction of a revamped
inspection and enforcements unit, performance contracting, redeployment, rotation and
continuous capacity building of revenue staff.

Expenditure Policy

VIII. The County government remains committed to ensuring prudent application of public
resources for maximum returns to the public. The focus on restructuring expenditure in
favor of capital improvement, especially development of infrastructure and implementation
of flagship projects identified in the sect oral plans and the CIDP (2018-2022) has been
given prominence. Recurrent expenditure has been structured to decrease over time by
working on reduction of the wage bill, reduction on stock of pending bills, and reduction
of transfers and subsidies that undermine efficiency of county entities and the private

IX. Additional effort is being made to reign in on recurrent and non-essential spending. The
County Government of Homa Bay will continue directing its efforts towards rolling out
leasing across departments and, where purchases will be required, enforcing bulk
purchasing to reduce costs; restricting foreign travel to essential ones with limited number
of staff and controlled use of business class; restricting the use of hired cars and the number
of county officials travelling; prudently managing consultancy services; and centralizing
advertising with a view to better managing cost.

X. As part of County effort to improve absorption of development funds, allocation to

development projects has been restricted to those projects that meet the minimum
preparation criteria. Development projects to be included in the budget will only be those
that satisfy the criteria provided. These will include, inter alia:

(i) Proof that public land already registered in the name of the county exists for the
proposed project;
(ii) All the necessary approvals from NEMA, WARMA or any other government
agency responsible for compliance had been obtained for the project;
(iii) A comprehensive site plan indicating where the proposed projects will be placed
on the wider plan; and
(iv) Detailed designs and Bills of Quantities for the proposed project which form the
basis for any costing (allocation of funds) for the project.

Debts and Deficit Financing Policy

XI. In the fiscal year 2020/21, the county treasury has not provided for borrowing as it will be
seeking to operationalize a balanced budget. This is consistent with the National
Government policy stance that county expenditures be limited to county estimates which
should be commensurate with own source revenue, receipts from national revenue and
revenue from other sources, including loans and grants from development partners.

XII. However, if it becomes apparent that the County Government must borrow to meet some
unforeseen budget obligations, such borrowing will strictly be used to finance emergency
and critical expenditure. Borrowing will be done from domestic sources and within the
provisions of the fiscal responsibility principles highlighted in section 107 of the PFM Act
and PFM regulation no. 25.

XIII. Borrowing would be undertaken upon careful and critical analysis of the financial position
and capability of the county in repaying the incurred debt. Such a borrowing will be
approved by the county assembly and guaranteed by the national government. The
borrowing plan will have to be anchored in the medium-term County Government Debt
Management Strategy Paper which is focused on ensuring public debt sustainability. This
includes being able to make timely payment of creditors; undertake debt audit and establish
a debt management unit; establishment of a savings plan; and regular reporting.

XIV. As part of the county strategy for avoiding deficit financing altogether, the immediate focus
is on improving revenue collection as well as containing recurrent expenditures. This will
be attained through administrative and legislative reforms aimed at enhancing resource
mobilization, improving efficiency in government expenditure and reducing wastages.

Clearing the Stock of pending Bills

XV. The County Government of Homa Bay has committed itself to clearing its stock of pending
bills within the next two years. As a consequence, the County will dedicate at most 5% of
its receipt of equitable share towards settling pending bills. For the FY 2020/21, this means
KSh. 258,662,961 will be allocated for part settlement of pending bills per spending entity
as follows:

Table 1: Stock of Pending Bills by Spending Entity

Developme Paid As At
Department Recurrent nt Total 31.12.2019 Balance
Agriculture, Livestock And
Fisheries - 14,198,647.20 14,198,647.20 1,250,000.00 12,948,647.20

Tourism , Culture And Sports - - - - -

Transport And Infrastructure - 28,320,613.00 28,320,613.00 - 28,320,613

Energy And Mining - 23,182,000.00 23,182,000.00 11,636,363.00 11,545,637

Education And ICT 6,187,512.00 6,187,512.00 - 6,187,512

Health Services - 41,900,702.00 41,900,702.00 12,975,000.00 28,925,702

Trade And Industrialization 124,174,202.00 124,174,202.00 20,234,628.00 103,939,574

Lands &Housing 34,381,638.00 34,174,202.00 29,100,000.00 5,074,202

Water And Environment - 44,837,236.00 44,837,236.00 13,795,392.00 31,041,844

Finance And Economic
Planning 6,266,602.00 - 6,266,602.00 1,000,000.00 5,266,602

Executive Services 3,514,954.00 - 3,514,954.00 0 3,514,954

Public Service Board 21,897,674.00 - 21,897,674.00 - 21,897,674

Total 31,679,230.00 317,182,550.20 348,654,344.20 89,991,383.00 258,662,961

Compliance with the Fiscal Responsibility Principles

XVI. The County Government of Homa Bay remains committed to fiscal discipline in order to
promote sustainable economic growth and overall fiscal sustainability. In this regard,
revenue and expenditure management reforms have become necessary to increase
efficiency and mobilize adequate resources to create adequate fiscal space for expenditure
prioritized in this budget. This will be manifested in compliance with the fiscal
responsibility principles as set out in the PFM Act of 2012 (Section 107) which requires

a) The county government's recurrent expenditure shall not exceed the county
government's total revenue;

b) Over the medium term a minimum of thirty percent (30%) of the county government's
budget shall be allocated to the development expenditure;

c) the county government's expenditure on wages and benefits for its public officers shall
not exceed a percentage (35%) of the county government's total revenue as prescribed
by the County Executive member for finance in regulations and approved by the
County Assembly;

d) Over the medium term, the government's borrowings shall be used only for the purpose
of financing development expenditure and not for recurrent expenditure; and

e) The county debt shall be maintained at a sustainable level as approved by county


Compliance with Requirements for Development Spending

XVII. The County Government of Homa Bay has ensured adherence to the required ratio of
development to recurrent expenditures of at least 30:70 over the medium term, as set out
in the PFM Act. The budgeted expenditure for development is estimated at Kenya Shillings
2,484,803,449 representing 31.9 % of the total expenditure estimates (KSh. 7,788,251,694)
for the financial year 2020/21.

Compliance with Requirements for wage Expenditure

XVIII. The County Government will strive to implement the regulation No. 26 (1)(a) of the PFM
Act, which requires that the County government’s expenditure on compensation to
employees (including benefits and allowances) shall not exceed 35 percent of the County
government’s total revenue. Whereas the personnel emoluments for the FY 2020/21
constitutes 42.6 percent of the total revenue, measures are in place to meet this requirement
as stipulated in the PFM regulations 25 (1) (b) (County Regulations) with effect from the
FY 2021/2022.

Compliance with Requirement for Sustainable Borrowing

XIX. The County Government does not intend to borrow any money in the financial year
2019/20. However, should that be necessary, short term borrowing will be restricted to
management of cash flows and will not exceed five percent (5%) of the most recent audited
county government revenue? Again, at any one time the county public debt shall never
exceed twenty (20%) percent of the county government total revenue (including any
revenue obtained from extraction activities).

Compliance with Requirement for Managing Fiscal Risks Prudently

XX. The County Government will strive to ensure fiscal risks are managed prudently. Already,
the National Government macro-economic forecasts have improved and the County
Government will be regularly reviewing the impact of those macroeconomic projections
and their implications for the county budgets. Having considered the fiscal risks arising
from increasing stock of pending bills, unfulfilled Public Private Partnership arrangements
and the inflationary pressure bearing down on the declining revenue, the County
Government has made a provision of KSh. 55 million in the budget to cater for urgent and
unforeseen development expenditure. Should budget shortfalls, materialize, the budget will
be rationalized to cater for the changes accordingly.

Compliance with Requirement for Keeping Rates Predictable

XXI. The County Government is committed to ensuring there is reasonable degree of

predictability with respect to the level of tax rates and tax bases, taking into account any
tax reforms planned for the future. To date, the County Government of Homa Bay has
consistently ensured that revenue rates and incidences of revenue raising measures are kept
at a minimum with little variation to ensure businesses can reasonable predict them. This
predictability is adjudged to be good for business planning and for making the environment
conducive to private sector activities.

County Financial Reporting

XXII. The county government will strive to improve its human resource capacity in the area of
financial management by capacity building the existing personnel and recruiting skilled
ones where there will be need. There shall be intermittent use of IFMIS in all points of
fiscal transactions and financial management. In addition, the county government shall
ensure reduction of audit queries by using appropriate accounting policies in accordance
with International Public-Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).

County Management of Assets and Liabilities

XXIII. In abiding with section 149 (1) of the PFMA 2012, each spending entity of the county
government shall ensure that their resources are used in a way that is; lawful and
authorized, efficient, effective, economical and transparent. This shall be achieved by
ensuring each entity maintains a fixed asset register and the county government shall

include assets and liabilities inherited from the defunct local authority in the financial

Management of Public Funds

XXIV. The county government aims to put all the legislations in place to set County Ward
Development Fund as per section 116 of the PFMA 2012, which requires the CEC Member
for Finance to appoint an administrator for each County Fund. In terms of Car loans and
Mortgages, the county shall ensure that all loans are repaid (with recoveries being done via
the IPPD system), custody is kept of all collateral and quarterly financial statements
submitted to the County Treasury with a copy to the Office of the Controller of Budget in
line with section 168 (3) of the PFMA.

XXV. In recognition of Section 110 of the PFM Act that permitted the creation of County
Emergency Fund, all withdrawals from the Fund shall be done according to the law and
approval shall be sought from the County Assembly pursuant to the provisions of
regulation no. 197 of the PFM Regulations, 2015. The KSh. 55,000,000 allocated for
Emergency Reserves and Liquidity Management shall be spent in accordance with the
provisions of the Homa Bay County Emergency Fund Act.

Planning and Budgeting

XXVI. During the MTEF period 2020/21-2022/23, County Planning and Budgeting shall remain
guided by the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2018-2022. The county
government shall ensure that there are linkages between annual budgets and Annual
Development Plans drawn from the CIDP 2018-2022 and that the annual progress reports
reflect progress implementation of the county plans.

XXVII. The County Government shall operate within the confines of Sections 8-9 of the
County Government Act which requires that funds are strictly appropriated within a
planning framework and that the County Assembly observe the principle of separation of
powers with respect to implementing of projects.

Expenditure Arrears

XXVIII. Accumulated expenditure arrears related mainly to salary arrears of the defunct
local authority staffs and pending bills due to contractors and suppliers of goods and
services as well as utility backlog still adversely affect budget execution in subsequent
financial years.

XXIX. Going forward the county shall prioritize budgeting for pending bills in the medium-term
framework upon completion of the verification process and ensure continuous budgetary
allocation for clearing them within the 2020/21-2022/23 medium term expenditure

The Resource Envelope

XXX. In the FY 2020/21, overall county revenue is expected to decrease to KSh. 7,831,912,863
from KSh. 8,337,787,696 initially printed for the FY 2019/20. This decline in revenue was
attributed to decreased overall allocation to county governments and poor own source
revenue performance recorded due to the challenges of Covid-19 pandemic. Equitable
share is expected to decrease from KSh. 7,149,771,000 initially budgeted for to KSh.
6,741,450,000 for the FY 2020/21. Conditional grants from National Government are
expected to increase from KSh. 380,624,069 to KSh. 395,535,075 while conditional grants
and loans from development partners are expected to decrease from KSh. 599,801,103 to
KSh. 309,416,619. The strong emphasis on own-source revenue (OSR) in the FY 2020/21
is expected to grow it from KSh. 207,591,524to KSh. 385,511,169.

Table 2: Expenditure Breakdown by Spending Entity

Approved Estimates for the FY 2019/2020 Revised Estimates for the FY 2019/2020 Draft Estimates for the FY 2020/21

Recurrent Development Total Recurrent Development Total Recurrent Development Total

Fisheries and 198,973,123 616,534,284 815,507,407 198,973,123 526,310,484 725,283,607 198,973,123 409,416,619 608,389,742
Youth, 51,581,669 212,040,250 263,621,919 51,581,669 182,040,250 233,621,919 51,581,669 112,000,000 163,581,669
Culture and
84,918,799 420,424,374 505,343,173 74,918,799 783,424,374 858,343,173 74,918,799 624,589,735 699,508,534
Works and
Energy and
35,782,555 79,231,936 115,014,491 35,782,555 70,556,936 106,339,491 35,782,555 70,000,000 105,782,555
550,230,308 111,734,899 661,965,207 560,230,308 145,409,899 705,640,207 554,230,308 120,000,000 674,230,308
and ICT
2,268,013,003 344,320,190 2,612,333,193 2,238,013,003 404,320,190 2,642,333,193 2,246,180,638 260,320,190 2,506,500,828
60,163,399 172,702,230 232,865,629 52,087,205 106,399,418 158,486,623 51,163,399 72,702,230 123,865,629
and Physical
217,949,199 157,935,404 375,884,603 207,949,199 266,757,711 474,706,910 207,949,199 157,935,404 365,884,603
157,358,105 330,645,920 488,004,025 127,358,105 362,645,920 490,004,025 127,358,105 300,000,000 427,358,105
and Natural

Planning and 224,484,750 251,216,648 475,701,398 316,484,750 249,149,104 565,633,854 226,484,743 81,216,648 307,701,391
Office of the
549,935,570 88,000,000 637,935,570 632,298,418 55,000,000 687,298,418 604,298,418 46,000,000 650,298,418
70,694,705 6,000,000 76,694,705 70,694,705 6,000,000 76,694,705 70,694,705 2,000,000 72,694,705
932,232,576 122,283,800 1,054,516,376 932,232,576 122,283,800 1,054,516,376 852,232,576 122,283,800 974,516,376
Homa Bay
Municipal 22,400,000 0 22,400,000 30,676,194 160,000,000 190,676,194 31,600,000 150,000,000 181,600,000
5,424,717,761 2,913,069,935 8,337,787,696 5,529,280,610 3,440,298,086 8,969,578,696 5,303,448,237 2,528,464,626 7,831,912,863

XXXI. Reflecting the medium-term expenditure framework trends, the table 8 below provides the
expected revenue inflow and expenditure from the FY 2019/2020 to FY 2020/2021.

Table 3: Source of Revenue by Broad Categorization

Nature of Revenue FY 2019/2020 FY 2020/2021

Equitable Share of National Revenue 7,149,771,000 6,741,450,000
Conditional Grants from National Government 380,624,069 395,535,075
Other grants and loans (from Development Partners) 599,801,103 309,416,619
Own Source Revenue (including A-in-A) 207,591,524 385,511,169
Other receipts including balances from the previous year 0 0
Total Revenue 8,337,787,696 7,831,912,863

Resource Requirements

XXXII. Spending entities need resources to carry out their functions. These functions
require both recurrent and development spending. In all, KSh. 5,303,448,237 will be
available for recurrent activities including personnel emoluments (KSh. 3,333,831,082)
and operations and maintenance (KSh. 1,969,617,155). For development including
acquisition of non-financial assets, construction and installation works, KSh.
2,528,464,626 will be made available. The summative allocation by broader sectors is
provided in the table 4 below:

Table 4: Resource Allocation by Broad Sectoral Classification

Vote Head Draft Estimates for the FY 2019/2020 Draft Estimates for the FY 2020/2021

Rec. Dev. Total Rec. Dev. Total

477,085,721 947,171,918 1,424,257,639 458,085,721 640,054,253 1,098,139,974

278,059,459 830,302,230 1,108,361,689 269,659,459 1,144,589,735 1,414,249,194

Social Sectors 2,869,824,980 668,095,339 3,537,920,319 2,821,992,615 492,320,190 3,314,312,805

1,799,747,601 467,500,448 2,267,248,049 1,753,710,442 251,500,448 2,005,210,890

5,424,717,761 2,913,069,935 8,337,787,696 5,303,448,237 2,528,464,626 7,831,912,863

XXXIII. It is instructive to note that the productive sectors include the departments of
agriculture, lands and trade while the infrastructure sectors include the departments of
roads, water and energy as well as the Municipal Board. The social sectors include the
departments of health, education, culture and social services while the administrative
sectors include finance, executive, public service board, municipal board and the

Budgeting Framework

XXXIV. Pursuant to provision number two of the second schedule of Public Finance
Management Act, 2012; estimates of expenditure have been housed within a performance-
related framework and with the focus on the medium term. For each spending entity, details
have been provided of the mandate, context of budget intervention, programmes and their
objectives, summary of expenditure by programmes, summary of expenditure by economic
classification and summary of programme outputs and performance indicators. The
objectives were thought of first before the amount required to achieve them were
Expenditure Outlook

XXXV. The County Treasury expects the medium term to be marked by modest growth of
about 3.5 per centum in overall expenditure, taking into account the minimal increases in
grants from National Government and equally modest growth in internal revenue.
Expansion of infrastructure and maintaining reasonable growth in revenue therefore
remains a priority.

XXXVI. The County Government of Homa Bay is working to operationalize a balanced

budget rather than a deficit budget. However, should the risk of a shortfall in revenue

materialize, the County Treasury shall revise the budget accordingly. Further, it can be
expected that gains from cost savings and efforts in mobilization of additional revenue will
compensate for some revenue shortfall. In the meanwhile, the County Treasury is working
on measures to improve revenue collection and attract additional extra-budget support from
development partners.

Cost Cutting Measures

XXXVII. The County Government of Homa Bay will be working equally hard to expand the
fiscal space for development. To achieve this, the County Treasury is working to institute
cost-cutting measures targeting domestic and foreign travel, catering and hospitality,
advertising, consultancies, refurbishments and transport. Steps will also be taken to stem
unsustainable increases on the wage bill and as well as reduce transfers to units and
agencies that have capacity for self-support such as water and health boards.

Revenue Raising Measures

XXXVIII. The County Government of Homa Bay is working on realizing total revenue of
Kenya Shillings 7,831,912,863. The amount consists of Kenya Shillings 6,741,450,000
Equitable Share from the National Government; Kenya Shillings 395,535,075 conditional
grants from the National Government; Kenya Shillings 309,416,619 loans and grants from
Development Partners; and, Kenya Shillings 385,511,169 expected to be collected as own
source revenue.

The table (5) below gives a brief synthesis of the expected revenue of the County of Homa
Bay for the medium term expenditure period 2020/21 to 2022/2023

Table 5: Expected Revenue by Source, 2019/20-2022/2023 (in Kenya Shillings)

Nature of Revenue FY 2019/2020 FY 2020/2021

Equitable Share of National Revenue 7,149,771,000 6,741,450,000

Conditional Grants from National Government 380,624,069 395,535,075
Other grants and loans (from Development Partners) 599,801,103 309,416,619
Local Revenue (including A-in-A) 207,591,524 385,511,169
Other receipts including balances from the previous year 0 0
Total Revenue 8,337,787,696 7,831,912,863

Expected Challenges

XXXIX. The biggest challenge to the fiscal framework of the county is the persistent
increase in expenditure pressure as employees and contractors seek to be paid in time but
exchequer inflows are persistently delaying. Furthermore, natural growth in expenditure
through inflation and normal annual wage growth remains under-matched by growth in

remittances from the National Government. Revenue shortfalls and delayed exchequer
releases has continued to undermine the expenditure plan of the county thereby
constraining the envisaged growth. Fully operationalizing the enforcement units will
require additional expenditure as is the cascading of information management systems such
as NIMES. Finally, the latest pandemic of Covid-19 which continues to affect economic
activities leading to slow economic growth.

XL. There are further fiscal risks posed by the weakening global economy coupled with global
rise in the price of oil, persistent threats of terrorism, climate change leading to flooding,
increased water level at the lake, locust invasion in various parts of the country and crime
as well as poor commodity prices which could undermine the national capacity as well as
local capacity to sustain implementation of programmes and sub-programmes particularly
those in agriculture, tourism, trade and industry.

XLI. The County Treasury hopes to realize better budgetary outcomes as measures being put in
place take effect. These measures include improved tracking of revenue and expenditure;
more effective resource allocation and sound fiscal governance that could ensures service
delivery is according to plan.

XLII. All Accounting officers must therefore perform their duties to comply with the laws and
recommendations of the Budget and Appropriation Committee of the County Assembly of
Homa Bay, independent institutions of the National Government mandated to guide public
expenditure and, exercise fidelity to oath of office with respect to mobilization, allocation
and utilization of public resources for public benefit.

FY 2020/2021

5111: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food Security

5112: Ministry of Tourism, Sports, Youth, Gender, Culture and Social Service

5113: Ministry of Roads, Transport and Public Works

5114: Ministry of Energy and Mining

51115: Ministry of Education and ICT

5116: Ministry of Health Services

5117: Ministry of Lands, Housing, Urban Development and Physical Planning

5118: Ministry of Trade, Industrialization, Cooperatives and Enterprise Development

5119: Ministry of Water, Environment and Natural Resources

5120: Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Service Delivery

5121: County Executive Services (Office of the Governor)

5122: County Public Service Board

5123: County Assembly Service Board

5124: Homa Bay Municipal Board


For the fiscal year 2019/2020, the County Government of Homa Bay projects a total revenue of
Kenya Shillings 7,831,912,863. The amount consists of Kenya Shillings 6,741,450,000 Equitable
Share from the National Government; Kenya Shillings 395,535,075 conditional grants from the
National Government; Kenya Shillings 309,476,619 loans and grants from Development Partners
and; Kenya Shillings 385,511,169 expected to be collected as own source, including as
Appropriation in Aid from departments of health, agriculture, lands and other county entities.

Equitable Share from National Government Revenue

According to the County Allocation of Revenue Bill of 2020, the proposed allocation from
equitable share of the National Government Revenue for Homa Bay County is estimated at KSh.
6,741,450,000 for the FY 2020/21. This represents a zero increase from the previous financial
year’s allocation of KSh. 6,741,450,000.

Conditional Grants from the National Government

According to the County Allocation of Revenue Bill of 2020, the proposed allocation towards
conditional grants for Homa Bay County is estimated at KSh. 395,535,075 during the FY
20202020, including provision for leasing of medical equipment. This represents a massive of the
trends in allocation of conditional grants from the National Government.

Table 6: Trends in Allocation of Conditional Grants from National Government

Nature of Conditional Grant FY 2018/19 FY 2019/20 FY 2020/2021

Rehabilitation of Village Polytechnics 46,675,000 35,163,298 40,399,894
Compensation for user fees forgone 22,185,346 22,185,346 22,185,346
Leasing of medical equipment 200,000,000 131,914,894 132,021,277
Road maintenance fuel levy 176,094,481 191,360,531 200,928,558
Maternal health care 0 0 0
Total Allocation 444,954,827 380,624,069 395,535,075

Loans and Grants from Development Partners

According to the County Allocation of Revenue Bill of 2020, the proposed allocation towards
these loans and grants for Homa Bay County is estimated at KSh. 309,416,619. This represents a
significant reduction of 48.4% over the KSh. 599,711,663 previously allocated in the FY 2019/20.
Table 6 below provides a breakdown of the same.

Table 7: Summary of Loans and Grant from Development Partners

Expected Revenue Printed Printed Draft

Estimates FY Estimates FY Estimates FY
2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021
21,870,000 19,968,750 19,170,000
Transforming health systems for Universal Care
Project 85,820,342 85,820,342 33,040,000
National Agriculture and Rural Inclusive Growth
Project 140,435,163 350,000,000 198,467,950
Kenya Devolution Support Programme
49,500,526 30,000,000 45,000,000
Kenya Urban Support Programme (Urban
Development Grant) 119,361,500 119,361,500 -
Kenya Urban Support Project (Urban Institutional
Grant) - 8,800,000 -
Agricultural Sector Development Support
- 17,858,004 13,738,669
Total Loans and Grants
416,987,531 599,801,103 309,496,619

Own-Source Revenue
The 2020/2021budget targets a total local revenue collection of KSh. 385,511,169. This represents
a growth projection of 85.7% over the target of KSh. 207,591,524 for the FY 2019/20. By revenue
stream, the table 8 below provides a synopsis of the projections of own-source revenue for the
MTEF period 2020/2021-2022/2023 as follows.

Table 8: Projection of Own-Source Revenue by Stream for FYs 2020/2021-2022/2023

Actual Targeted Draft Projected

Revenue Stream/Income Source
2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022
Land Rates
1,619,211 2,472,931 1,781,132 1,834,566
Land transfers
700,727 564,199 100,000 103,000
Lease Charges (Consent/Transfers)
23,450 199,396 -
Land/Ground rents
3,523,149 2,455,546 3,875,464 3,991,728
Single Business Permits
19,443,515 21,954,016 54,600,000 56,238,000
Market Dues
33,062,502 36,623,388 98,400,000 101,352,000
Approval of plans /transfers/ certificates
121200 359,790 2,700,000 2,781,000
Housing Fees (Rents)
140,000 4,199,296 2,400,000 2,472,000

Fish Cess
4,031,015 5,677,790 38,180,000 48,000,000
Sugar Cess
2,916,188 5,035,414 5,970,704 6,149,825
Taxi/Motorbike Fees
1,005,545 7,039,715 3,000,000 3,090,000
House/Kiosk Rents
3,461,665 2,195,974 6,335,840 6,525,915
Slaughter House Fees
1,030,860 1,736,550 2,700,000 3,240,000
Stock Auction Fees (Cattle/Goat/Sheep)
3,763,495 2,096,078 6,100,000 6,283,000
Stock Movement Fees
287,950 0 20,000 20,600
Veterinary Charges
248,950 441,358 273,845 282,060
Advertising/Bill boards
196,000 348,190 1,000,000 1,030,000
Landing Fees (Boats, Planes, etc.)
27,500 0 30,250 31,158
Bus Park Fees/Parking Fees
25,414,598 15,759,577 27,956,058 28,794,740
Liquor Licensing
0 0 3,000,000 3,090,000
Search and clearance certificates
106,100 236,465 50,000 51,500
Noise pollution permit fees
0 0 3,000,000 3,090,000
Fire Inspection Fees
40500 71,520 4,000,000 4,120,000
Tractor hire services
3,714,500 694,645 5,000,000 7,000,000
Hire of Machinery & Equipment
0 990,788 16,868,000 18,554,800
Conservancy Fees/ Wildlife Grants
8,500 0 400,000 412,000
Fines and Penalties
0 234,346 300,000 309,000
Weights and Measures Fee
0 0 1,700,000 1,751,000
2,885,705 4,880,005 5,100,000 5,253,000
Miscellaneous Collections
656,930 1,067,675 1,321,991 1,361,651
Health Sector Charges (A-I-A)
62,075,818 60,256,872 89,347,885 99,139,520

Total Local Revenue 151,062,058 177,591,524 385,511,169 416,352,063

Summary of Projected Collections (A-I-A) by County Entity

Draft Targets Projected Estimates

County Entity Revenue Stream
FY2020/2021 FY 2021/2022
Land rates 1,781,132 1,834,566
Land Transfers 100,000 103,000

Department of Lands, Housing, Urban Search and clearance certificates 50,000 51,500
Development and Physical Planning Approval of Plans 2,700,000 2,781,000
Housing fees/rents 2,400,000 2,472,000
Sub-Total 7,031,132 7,242,066
Single Business Permits 54,600,000 56,238,000
Land/Ground rents 3,875,464 3,991,728
Market Dues 98,400,000 101,352,000
Taxi/Motorbike Fees 3,000,000 3,090,000
House/Kiosk Rents 6,335,840 6,525,915
Department of Finance, Economic
Bus Park fees 27,956,058 28,794,740
Planning and Service Delivery
Fines and penalties 300,000 309,000
Bricks/Sand/Murram/Stones 5,100,000 5,253,000
Advertising/billboards 1,000,000 1,030,000
Miscellaneous collections 1,321,991 1,361,651
Sub-Total 201,889,353 207,946,034
Fish cess 38,180,000 48,000,000
Sugar cess 5,970,704 6,149,825
Slaughterhouse fees 2,700,000 3,240,000
Stock auction fees 6,100,000 6,283,000
Department of Agriculture, Livestock,
Stock movement fees 20,000 20,600
Fisheries and Food Security
Veterinary charges 273,845 282,060
Boat landing fees 30,250 31,158
Tractor hire services 5,000,000 7,000,000
Sub-Total 58,274,799 71,006,643
Liquor licensing 3,000,000 3,090,000
Department of Trade, Industrialization,
Weights and measures fees 1,700,000 1,751,000
Cooperatives and Enterprise Development
Sub-Total 4,700,000 4,841,000

Department of Roads, Public Works and Hire of machinery and equipment 16,868,000 18,554,800
Fire inspection fees 4,000,000 4,120,000

Sub-Total 20,868,000 22,674,800
Noise pollution permit fees 3,000,000 3,090,000
Department of Water, Environment and
Conservancy fees/wildlife grants 400,000 412,000
Natural Resources
Sub-Total 3,400,000 3,502,000
Public health
Department of Health User/facility improvement fees
Sub-Total 89,347,885 99,139,520
Total Collections 385,511,169 416,352,063

As part of County Government measures to enforce discipline and encourage hard work, County
Government Entities will receive recurrent allocations net of what they should collect as county’s
own source revenue or appropriation in aid. However, all funds collected shall not be used at source
but shall be deposited in the County Revenue Fund. Thereafter, the County Executive Committee
member responsible for finance shall issue collecting entities with authority to spend in recognition
of the hard work done.



In the financial year 2020/2021, the County Government of Homa Bay expects its total expenditure
across all the spending units to amount to Kenya Shillings 7,831,912,863. Out of this total,
recurrent expenditure is estimated at Kenya Shillings 5,303,448,237, representing 67.7% of the
total expenditure estimates whereas development expenditure is estimated at Kenya Shillings
2,528,464, representing 32.3% of the total expenditure estimates for the financial year 2020/2021.
The table 9 below provides a synopsis of the expenditure estimates by the various Spending
Entities of the County Government.

Table 9: Expenditure Breakdown by Spending Entity

Revised Estimates for the FY 2019/2020 Draft Estimates for the FY 2020/2021 Projected Total Expenditure
Vote Head

Rec. Dev. Total Rec. Dev. Total FY 2021/2022 FY 2022/2023

Fisheries and
Food Security 198,973,123 526,310,484 725,283,607 198,973,123 409,416,619 608,389,742 624,958,568 642,013,650
Tourism, Sports,
Youth Gender,
Culture and
Social Services 51,581,669 182,040,250 233,621,919 51,581,669 112,000,000 163,581,669 169,709,952 174,176,313
Roads, Transport
and Public Works 74,918,799 783,424,374 858,343,173 74,918,799 624,589,735 699,508,534 712,485,836 725,735,918
Energy and
Mining 35,782,555 70,556,936 106,339,491 35,782,555 70,000,000 105,782,555 106,515,878 107,269,799
Education and
ICT 560,230,308 145,409,899 705,640,207 554,230,308 120,000,000 674,230,308 690,440,377 707,096,579
Health Services
2,238,013,003 404,320,190 2,642,333,193 2,216,180,638 260,320,190 2,476,500,828 2,568,905,100 2,633,057,589
Lands, Housing,
Development and
Physical Planning 52,087,205 106,399,418 158,486,623 51,163,399 72,702,230 123,865,629 138,729,505 155,377,045
Cooperatives and
Development 207,949,199 266,757,711 474,706,910 207,949,199 157,935,404 365,884,603 376,138,678 386,693,151
Environment and
Natural Resources 127,358,105 362,645,920 490,004,025 127,358,105 300,000,000 427,358,105 446,168,549 465,853,605
Planning and
Service Delivery 316,484,750 249,149,104 565,633,854 226,484,743 81,216,648 307,701,391 323,139,652 338,724,243
Office of the
Governor 632,298,418 55,000,000 687,298,418 604,298,418 46,000,000 650,298,418 656,387,611 674,739,653
County Public
Service Board 70,694,705 6,000,000 76,694,705 70,694,705 2,000,000 72,694,705 78,995,546 81,365,412
County Assembly
Service Board 932,232,576 122,283,800 1,054,516,376 852,232,576 122,283,800 974,516,376 1,023,242,195 1,074,404,305

Homa Bay
Municipal Board 30,676,194 160,000,000 190,676,194 31,600,000 150,000,000 181,600,000 186,366,680 191,269,549
Total Estimates
5,529,280,610 3,440,298,086 8,969,578,696 5,303,448,237 2,528,464,626 7,831,912,863 8,102,184,127 8,357,776,811

Expenditure Breakdown in Summary

FY 2020/2021 FY 2021/2022
County Entity Personnel Operation & Personnel Operation &
Development Total Vote Development Total Vote
Emoluments Maintenance Emoluments Maintenance
Livestock, Fisheries
and Food Security 144,927,331 54,045,822 409,416,619 608,389,742 149,275,151 54,586,280 421,097,137 624,958,568
Tourism, Sports,
Youth Gender, Culture
and Social Services 22,430,246 30,937,423 112,000,000 163,581,669 23,103,153 31,246,797 115,360,001 169,709,952
Roads, Transport and
Public Works 51,815,944 23,102,855 624,589,735 699,508,534 53,370,422 23,333,884 635,781,530 712,485,836
Energy and Mining
18,774,854 17,007,701 70,000,000 105,782,555 19,338,100 17,177,778 70,000,000 106,515,878
Education and ICT
353,388,291 200,842,017 120,000,000 674,230,308 363,989,940 202,850,437 123,600,000 690,440,377
Health Services
1,626,623,285 589,557,353 260,320,190 2,476,500,828 1,675,421,984 595,452,927 298,030,190 2,568,905,100
Lands, Housing,
Urban Development
and Physical Planning 33,768,444 17,394,955 72,702,230 123,865,629 34,781,497 17,568,905 86,379,103 138,729,505
Cooperatives and
Development 171,826,059 36,123,140 157,935,404 365,884,603 176,980,841 36,484,371 162,673,466 376,138,678
Water, Environment
and Natural Resources 83,792,860 43,565,245 300,000,000 427,358,105 86,306,646 44,000,897 315,861,006 446,168,549
Finance, Economic
Planning and Service
Delivery 112,152,103 109,132,640 81,216,648 307,701,391 115,516,666 110,223,966 97,399,020 323,139,652
Office of the Governor
232,682,286 371,616,132 46,000,000 650,298,418 239,662,755 375,332,293 41,392,563 656,387,611
County Public Service
Board 38,488,644 32,206,061 2,000,000 72,694,705 39,643,303 32,528,122 6,824,121 78,995,546
County Assembly
Service Board 438,540,745 413,691,831 122,283,800 974,516,376 451,696,967 491,545,227 80,000,000 1,023,242,195
Homa Bay Municipal
Board 4,620,000 26,980,000 150,000,000 181,600,000 4,758,600 27,249,800 154,358,280 186,366,680
Total Estimates
3,333,831,092 1,966,203,175 2,528,464,626 7,831,912,863 3,433,846,025 2,059,581,685 2,608,756,417 8,102,184,127





The department envisions ‘An innovative, commercially oriented and modernized agriculture,
livestock and fisheries sector’.

Its mission is ‘To improve livelihoods of the people of Homa Bay County through promotion of
competitive agriculture, innovative research and sustainable livestock and fisheries development’.


Major Achievements for the Period and Expenditure Trends

During the financial year 2019/20, the department’s revised allocation was KSh. 710,283,607
which included KSh. 198,973,123 for recurrent expenditure and KSh. 511,310,484 for

Key achievements by Agriculture and Food Security Unit during the period included construction
of produce post-harvest handling facility in Kigoto, Suba South which is 91% complete with its
office block already completed while warehouse construction is at Lynton. Apart from projects
being implemented, World Food Day celebration was held in Rachuonyo North Sub County at a
cost of Ksh199,300 with 247 people attending, County Agricultural Show was also held at Kendu
Bay showground at a cost of KSh. 4.3M with 4061 people attending, and procurement of farm
inputs (seeds, planting materials, fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides) and farm implements
necessary for undertaking planned projects/ activities has been initiated.

Under the Fisheries Unit, achievements include purchase of patrol boats, conducting 40
surveillance and monitoring patrols to ensure prudent fishing, training of 200 BMU executive
committee members on sustainable fisheries, construction of 4 pit latrines at 4 fish landing sites,
purchase of 30 food grade cooler boxes, held 1 fisheries day celebrations, construction of 60 fish
ponds, procurement of 1000 bags of fish feeds, 100,000 male tilapia fingerlings, 100 fish pond
liners and 40 fish harvesting nets for pond culture fish farmers. Additionally, under the IFAD
funded Aquaculture Business Development Programme, fish farmers across the 40 wards were
trained on opportunities available for fish farmers in the fish farming project.

Key achievements by Livestock sub department included; meat inspection was done in all the sub-
counties except Suba South where there was no adequate staff, conducted disease surveillance,
vaccinated approximately 300,000 chickens against New Castle Disease, Fowl pox and Gumboro
diseases and 140 dogs against rabies, about 360 cows were served using artificial insemination,
the sub-department in collaboration with Practical Action trained 240 youths in poultry production
and marketing, infrastructural repairs of Homa Bay slaughter house were undertaken- two gates
were constructed, stunning chamber refurbished and the blood bunk repaired. Disposal pits for
dung and horns were also excavated. Finally, the lairage (animal holding area) was also repaired.

Major Services/Outputs to be provided in MTEF period 2020/21– 2022/2023

During FY 2020/2021, the department has been allocated a total of KSh. 608,389,742 which
includes KSh. 198,973,123 for recurrent expenditure and KSh. 409,416,619 for development
expenditure. The allocation for development expenditure includes KSh. 204,967,950 for National
Agriculture and Rural Inclusive Growth Project (NARIGP) and KSh. 19,238,669 for Agricultural
Sector Development Support Program (ASDSP) as conditional grants from National Government.

Priority areas for the department during FY 2020/21 under Agriculture and Food Security include
creating an enabling policy environment; increasing productivity and outputs for food security;
improving the livelihoods of the residents; promoting access to markets for different farm produce
across the country; enhancing access to credit and inputs among farmers as a measure to increase
agricultural productivity and agri-business among county residents; continuing investment in
agricultural mechanization through purchase of tractors; transfer of modern farming technologies
to farmers through establishment of model farms; improvement of agricultural extension services;
continued sensitization of farmers on post-harvest handling approaches to reduce post-harvest
losses and promote uptake of on-farm grain storage by farmers by subsidizing cost of access to
metal silos and establishment of grain storage facility; provision of subsidized seeds and fertilizers
across the wards; application of contemporary science and technology including mobile platforms,
lead farmers’ initiatives, FFSs, apprenticeships, field days & exhibitions; promoting harvesting of
run-off water, establishment of an Agricultural Training Center; construction of perimeter wall
around the show ground; promotion of traditional high value crops through seed
multiplication/bulking sites; and establishment and promotion of commercial fruit tree farming
through establishment of nurseries.

Priority areas for Fisheries Unit in the FY 2020/21 include promotion of farmed fish production
through the construction of 100 fish ponds across the county, procurement of 100,000 fingerlings
and 1,000 bags of fish feeds for fish farmers. Improving capture fisheries management shall be
done through the procurement of 2 patrol boats and operationalizing lake surveillance; conducting
100 monitoring control and surveillance missions in conjunction with the Beach Management
Units (BMUs); procuring and distributing 20 cooler boxers to different fish landing sites to reduce
post-harvest loss of fish, formulating 1 species management plan and conducting BMU elections
and training them on responsible fisheries and governance skills; establishing and operationalizing
100 fish ponds across the wards, construct 4 latrines in four fish landing sites; construct 2 fish
bandas in 2 fish landing sites; improving 10 fish markets; and procuring 2945 of legal fishing gear
to train fish farmers on prudent fisheries resource utilization. 4 fish cages for technology transfer
will be set up while 400 Fish farmers will also be trained on fish farming for fish production and
the transfer of fish farming technologies within Homa-Bay County. Under IFAD funded
Aquaculture Business Development Programme, priority will be on formation of 55 small holder
groups and establishment 30 aquaculture related value chain enterprises for the youth.

In the FY2020/21, Livestock sub department will focus on the following priorities /projects:
increase livestock productivity in terms of increasing milk production by inseminating 2,000
animals; improve dairy production and dairy goat and cattle genetic pool by training, purchase and
distribution of dairy goats and cattle to model farmers; increase honey production by providing
modern bee hives and bee/honey handling kits; ensure livestock infrastructure development by

improving Homa Bay slaughter house, developing modern slaughter house at Oyugis, constructing
slaughter slab at Ndhiwa and constructing 3 livestock sales yards; to improve livestock health and
product qualities by reducing livestock disease burden through routine disease control and targeted
vector and pest control. The sub department will also focus on meat inspection, licensing and
training to enhance livestock products quality standards. Finally, the sub department will strive to
maintain and repair existing office infrastructure and enhance extension services by improving
supervision through acquiring one vehicle.


P1. Policy, Planning, General To create an enabling environment for the sector to develop
Administration and Support including increased investment in the sector and to improve
Services service delivery and coordination of sector functions,
programmes and activities
P2. Crop, Land and Agribusiness To increase agricultural productivity and output
Development Services
P3. Food Security Enhancement To increase agricultural productivity and output for food and
Services nutritional security
P4. Fisheries Resources To maximize contribution of fisheries to poverty reduction,
Development Services food security and creation of wealth
P5. Livestock Development Services To promote, regulate and facilitate livestock production for
socio-economic development and industrialization


Revised Draft Projected Projected

Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
P1.Policy, Planning, General
198,973,123 198,973,123 200,962,854 202,972,483
Administration and Support Services
P2: Crop, Land and Agribusiness
406,469,246 269,996,619 280,393,114 291,130,489
Development Services
P3: Food Security Enhancement
37,482,000 39,420,000 40,602,600 41,820,678
P4.Fisheries Resources Development
33,142,238 45,000,000 46,350,000 47,740,500
P5.Livestock Development Programme 34,217,000 55,000,000 56,650,000 58,349,500
Total Expenditure 710,283,607 608,389,742 624,958,568 642,013,650


2020/21 – 2022/23 (KSH)
Revised Draft Projected Projected
Sub Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

Programme 1: Policy Planning, General Administration and Support Services
SP 1: Policy and Planning Services 4,000,000
4,000,000 4,040,000 4,080,400
SP 1.2: General Administration and Support
Services 194,973,123 196,922,854 198,892,083

Total Expenditure of CP1 198,973,123

198,973,123 200,962,854 202,972,483
Programme 2: Crop, Land and Agribusiness Development Services
SP 2.1: Crop Development Services 8,301,014
8,543,000 8,799,290 9,063,269
SP 2.2: Agribusiness Development Services 17,938,000
21,691,000 22,341,730 23,011,982
SP 2.3: Land Development Services 12,372,228
15,556,000 16,022,680 16,503,360
SP 2.4: National Agriculture Rural Inclusive
Growth 204,967,950 213,990,745 223,313,209
SP 2.5: Agriculture Sector Development
Support Programme 19,238,669 19,238,669 19,238,669

Total Expenditure of CP2 406,469,246

269,996,619 280,393,114 291,130,489
Programme 3: Food Security Enhancement Services
SP 3.1: Farm Input Access Services 12,482,000
14,419,000 14,851,570 15,297,117
SP 3.2: Sub Sector Infrastructure
Development Services 25,001,000 25,751,030 26,523,561

Total Expenditure of CP3 37,482,000

39,420,000 40,602,600 41,820,678
rogramme 4: Fisheries Resources Development Services
SP4.1: Capture Fisheries 12,442,238
32,682,500 33,662,975 34,672,864
SP4.2: Farmed Fish Production 20,700,000
12,317,500 12,687,025 13,067,636
Total Expenditure of CP4 33,142,238
45,000,000 46,350,000 47,740,500
Programme 5: Livestock Development Programme
SP5.1: Livestock Improvement and
Development 21,265,000 21,902,950 22,560,039
SP5.2: Livestock Products Value Addition
and Marketing 21,925,708 22,583,479 23,260,984
SP5.3: Livestock Health and Disease
Management 11,809,292 12,163,571 12,528,478

Total Expenditure of CP5 34,217,000

55,000,000 56,650,000 58,349,500
710,283,607 608,389,742 624,958,568 642,013,650


FY 2020/21-2022/23 (KSHS)

Revised Draft Projected Projected
Economic Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

Current Expenditure 198,973,123

198,973,123 203,861,401 208,885,518
Compensation to Employees 158,350,000
144,927,331 149,275,151 153,753,405
Use of Goods and Services 35,800,454
49,223,123 49,715,354 50,212,508
Current Transfers to Agencies
- - - -
Other Recurrent 4,822,669
4,822,669 4,870,896 4,919,605
Capital Expenditure 511,310,484
409,416,619 421,097,168 433,128,133
Acquisition of non-financial assets 15,200,000
20,065,000 20,065,000 20,065,000
Use of Goods and Services
- - - -
Capital Transfers to Agencies
- - - -
Other Development 496,110,484
389,351,619 401,032,168 413,063,133
Total Expenditure by Vote 710,283,607
608,389,742 624,958,568 642,013,650
CLASSIFICATION, FY 2020/21-2022/23 (KSHS)

Revised Draft Projected Projected

Economic Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Programme 1: Policy Planning, General Administration and Support Services

Current Expenditure 198,973,123 198,973,123 208,885,518

Compensation to Employees 158,350,000 144,927,331 153,753,405
Use of Goods and Services 35,800,454 49,223,123 50,212,508
Other Recurrent 4,822,669 4,822,669 4,919,605
Capital Expenditure - - -
Acquisition of non-financial assets - - -
Use of Goods and Services - - -
Other development - - -
Total Expenditure by Programme 198,973,123 198,973,123 208,885,518
Programme 2: Crop, Land and Agribusiness Development Services

Current Expenditure - - -
Compensation to Employees - - -
Use of Goods and Services - - -
Other Recurrent - - -
Capital Expenditure 406,469,246 269,996,619 285,708,613
Acquisition of non-financial assets 12,000,000 12,000,000 12,000,000
Other development 394,469,246 257,996,619 273,708,613
Total Expenditure by Programme 406,469,246 269,996,619 285,708,613
Programme 3: Food Security Enhancement Services

Current Expenditure - - -
Compensation to Employees - - -
Use of Goods and Services - - -
Other Recurrent - - -
Capital Expenditure 37,482,000 39,420,000 41,820,678
Acquisition of non-financial assets - - -
Other development 37,482,000 39,420,000 41,820,678
Total Expenditure by Programme 37,482,000 39,420,000 41,820,678
Programme 4: Fisheries Resources Development Services
Current Expenditure - - -
Compensation to Employees - - -
Use of Goods and Services - - -
Other Recurrent - - -
Capital Expenditure
33,142,238 45,000,000 46,248,000 47,533,440
Acquisition of non-financial assets
3,200,000 3,400,000 3,400,000 3,400,000
Other development
29,942,238 41,600,000 42,848,000 44,133,440
Total Expenditure by Programme
33,142,238 45,000,000 46,248,000 47,533,440
Programme 5: Livestock Development Programme

Current Expenditure - - -

Compensation to Employees - - -
Use of Goods and Services - - -
Other Recurrent - - -
Capital Expenditure
34,217,000 55,000,000 56,510,050 58,065,402
Acquisition of non-financial assets
- 4,665,000 4,665,000 4,665,000
Other development
34,217,000 50,335,000 51,845,050 53,400,402
Total Expenditure by Programme
34,217,000 55,000,000 56,510,050 58,065,402
710,283,607 608,389,742 624,958,568 642,013,650



Programme Delivery Key Outputs Key performance Target (Baseline) Target 2020/21 Target 2021/22 Target 2022/23
Unit indicators 2019/20

Programme 1: Policy, Planning, General Administration and Support Services

SP 1.1: Policy Chief Appropriate Policies No. of Policies and 2 2 2 2
and Planning Officer and Plans developed Plans developed

SP1.2: Chief -Departmental -No of staff paid salary All staff members All staff members All staff All staff
General Officer administration on time members members
Administration undertaken effectively -No. of staff under
and Support -Staff salaries/ suitable medical cover
Services insurance/ cover and -Amount of money
pension paid/ remitted remitted for pension
on time -No. of people reached
-Community reached with extension services
with necessary -No. of staff trained
extension services and applying the
-Improved staff acquired knowledge on
capacity to deliver service delivery
Programme 2: Crop, Land and Agribusiness Development Services
SP 2.1: Crop Agricultur 5% Increase in yields No. of farmers issued 40 model farms 40 model farms -120 farmers -144 farmers
Development e and area of with seeds and established and established and issued with seed, issued with
Services fruits(tissue culture fertilizers being used to being used to fertilizers and cotton seed,
banana, water melon, Acres of crops transfer transfer host -48acres of fertilizers
pineapples), cotton), established technologies technologies pineapple and -58 acres of
coffee, sunflower, No of farmers trained 6 farmer groups 6 farmer groups watermelon pineapple and
maize and sorghum % yield increase with greenhouses with greenhouses established in watermelon
trained and trained and model farms established in
Farmers knowledge provided with provided with -fruit trees model farms
on fruits, coffee, technical technical Introduced to -fruit trees
sunflower and cotton backstopping backstopping 7200 households Introduced to
husbandry increased 40 Ha of irrigated 60 Ha of irrigated -24 Acres of 8640 households
& upland rice & upland rice Tissue culture -28 Acres of
established established banana Tissue culture
400 rice farmers 150 rice farmers established banana
trained trained established

2 bulking sites of at 2 bulking sites of
least one acre at least one acre
established established
160 farmers trained 160 farmers
on seed production trained on seed

SP 2.2: Agricultur Farmers supplied with -No. of One county show -One county show -One county - One county
Agribusiness e seeds and fertilizer vulnerable/poor and 1 county world and 1 county show and 1 show and 1
Development farmers issued with food day held world food day county world county world
Services seed and fertilizer. held food day held food day held
-Tons of seed and -8 Entrepreneurs -8 Entrepreneurs -8 Entrepreneurs
fertilizer issued to identified -8 Entrepreneurs identified identified
selected farmers 8 nurseries identified 8 nurseries 8 nurseries
-No. of farmers reached supported 8 nurseries supported supported
with information 8 nursery operator supported 8 nursery 8 nursery
during county show trained 8 nursery operator operator trained operator trained
and field days trained
-Part perimeter -Part perimeter
-Part perimeter wall Established wall Established
wall Established round the ground round the ground
round the ground
-Construction of --Construction of
-ATC Office block ATC Office ATC Office
established, ATC
SP 2.3: Land Agricultur - Increased area of -No. of tractors 20 households -20 households -20 households -20 households
Development e land opened for crop acquired and harvesting run off harvesting run off harvesting run harvesting run
Services and animal production functioning in small water pans in small water off in small water off in small water
-Increased vegetable and using for pans and using for pans and using pans and using
production by -Acreage of land vegetable vegetable for vegetable for vegetable
households opened by the tractors production production production production
for crop and animal
production 800 farmers trained -800 farmers -800 farmers -800 farmers
on water harvesting trained on water trained on water trained on water
-No. of farmers trained for vegetables harvesting for harvesting for harvesting for
on on water harvesting production vegetables vegetables vegetables
for vegetables production production production
production Additional 4 tractor
purchased and -Additional 4 -8 tractors -8 tractors
No. of households tractor hire tractor purchased purchased and purchased and
harvesting run off in services being and tractor hire operating operating
small water pans and offered in sub services being
using for vegetable counties offered in sub
production. counties
1 machinery shed
No. of machinery shed constructed -1 machinery shed
constructed constructed
SP 2.4: Sub- Agricultur Improved storage and -No. of complete grain - 2,000 households - 4,000 households 2,000 2,000
sector e marketing of grain storage facilities accessing fertilizers accessing households households
Infrastructure produced in the established each for 0.25 acre fertilizers each for accessing accessing
Development county -Amount of produce farm 0.25 acre farm fertilizers each fertilizers each
Services handled by the facility for 0.25 acre for 0.25 acre
-1000 acres of -1000 acres of farm farm
cereals, made up of cereals, made up
500 acres sorghum of 500 acres 1000 acres of 1000 acres of
and 500 acres sorghum and 500 cereals, made up cereals, made up
maize, acres maize, of 500 acres of 500 acres
sorghum and 500 sorghum and 500
-100 acres of sugar -100 acres of sugar acres maize, 100 acres maize, 100
cane established cane established acres of sugar acres of sugar
cane established cane established
-1 store warehouse -1 post-harvest 1 store
completed at kigoto handling facility at 1 store warehouse
Rangwe warehouse completed
1667 bags of
maize purchased 1667 bags of
from farmers for maize purchased
from farmers for

storage at Kigoto storage at Kigoto
warehouse warehouse

Programme 3: Fisheries Resources Development Services

SP 3.1: Fisheries Improved surveillance No. of patrol boats 2 patrol boats 2 patrol boats 2 patrol boats 1 patrol boats
Capture and control of illegal No. of monitoring 80 monitoring 100 monitoring 100 monitoring 120 monitoring
Fisheries fishing. control and control and control and control and control and
WFD celebrations surveillance missions surveillance surveillance surveillance surveillance
carried out No. of illegal fishing missions conducted missions missions missions
successfully in the gears removed from the 1 world fisheries conducted conducted conducted
county lake day celebration 1 world fisheries 1 world fisheries 1 world fisheries
No. of world fisheries day celebration day celebration day celebration
day celebrations held

Improved fish No. of model fish cages 0 4 4 4

production set up for technology
Improved fish No. of fish landing 1 2 2 2
earnings Banda constructed
Improved fish No. of pit latrines 4 4 4 4
handling & hygiene constructed in fish
conditions landing sites
Improved fish No. of food grade fish 20 20 20 20
earnings cooler boxes purchased

Improved fish No. of fish markets 10 10 5 5

markets improved
Improved fishing No. of legal fishing 0 -866 size 6" 6 -866 size 6" 6 -866 size 6" 6
practices gears purchased and PLY Gill nets PLY Gill nets PLY Gill nets
distributed -1000 hooks &
SP3.2: Farmed Fisheries Increased fish -No of Ponds -100 ponds -100 ponds -5 ponds -100 ponds
Fish production in the constructed -100,000 1000 fingerlings
Production county -No. of fish fingerlings -100,000 distributed -100,000
Increased production multiplication and distributed fingerlings - Office, fingerlings
of fingerlings bulking sites developed 1000 bags of fish distributed residential distributed
-No of fingerlings feeds houses and
procured and -3 brooder ponds, 5 -1000 bags of fish hatchery. -1000 bags of
distributed nursery ponds and 2 feeds fish feeds
-No. of fingerlings breeding ponds for
produced multiplication -100 farmers -100 farmers
-Bags of fish feeds centre trained trained
procured and
No. of farmers trained
Programme 4: Livestock Development Services

SP4.1: Livestock Increased dairy goat, -No. of cross breed 100 gala goats -150 dairy 100 dairy goats 100 dairy goats
Livestock Developm sheep, cattle and goats & sheep kept by 100 doper sheep goatsdistributed to distributed to distributed to
Improvement ent poultry production farmers. 160 dairy cattle farmers farmers farmers
and --No. of poultry kept by 10 AI kits -80 dairy cattle -72 dairy goats -72 dairy goats
Development farmers for commercial 2000 straws of distributed for multiplication for multiplication
purpose. semen -8 demonstration centre centre
-- No. of dairy cattle 600 doses of units established -1 dairy goat -1 dairy goat
kept by farmers. hormones -10 AI kits multiplication multiplication
-No. of cross breed 80 hives -2000 straws of centre centre
goats & sheep semen -200 dairy cattle 200 dairy cattle
distributed to farmers. -400 doses of
--No. of poultry hormones
distribute to farmers for -1200 litres of
commercial purpose. liquid nitrogen
-- No. of dairy cattle
distributed to farmers.

-No of dairy cattle
demonstration units

Increased honey -No. of farmers 160 beehives and -200 langstroth 200 beehives and 300 beehives and
production practicing beekeeping related apiculture hives distributed related apiculture related apiculture
-No. of langstroth hives equipment -40 honey equipment equipment
distributed handling
-No. of honey handling equipments
equipments distributed distributed
-No. of honey stations -4 honey stations
established established
SP4.2: Livestock Improved hygienic No. of slaughter houses 1 slaughter house -1 slaughter house 2 2
Livestock Developm conditions in constructed/ repaired constructed, 1 constructed,
Products Value ent slaughter houses -No. of slaughter slab slaughter house -1 slaughter house
Addition and Livestock constructed repaired. repaired.
Marketing Developm -No. of Environmental 1 slaughter slab - EIA & Audits
ent Audits conducted for 3 auction rings conducted
slaughter houses fenced (OyugisHbay
slaughter houses
slaughter slab)
-1 slaughter slab
Improved animal sale No. of sale yards 5 sale yards 3 sale yards 2 2
yards constructed/ repaired
No. of meat inspections 0 -8 pre-license -8 pre-license -8 pre-license
conducted inspections inspections inspections
No. of butcheries -8 butcheries -8 butcheries -8 butcheries
licensed licenced licenced licenced
-4000 stunning
-30 PPE
SP4.3: Livestock Increased livestock No. of animals FMD-10,000 -FMD-20,000 -FMD-20,000 -FMD-20,000
Livestock Developm production for food vaccinated NCD-22,000 -NCD-22,000 -NCD-22,000 -NCD-22,000
Health and ent security No. of vaccines LSD-10,000 -LSD-50,000 -LSD-50,000 -LSD-50,000
Disease procured BQ-6,000 -BQ/Anthrax- -BQ/Anthrax- -BQ/Anthrax-
Management CCCP-4,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
ECF-400 -CCCP-10,000 -CCCP-10,000 -CCCP-10,000
Gumboro-10000 -Fowl pox-20000 -Fowl pox-20000 -Fowl pox-20000
Fowl pox-6000 -Rabies-4,000 -Rabies-4,000 -Rabies-4,000
Rabies-6,000 -Tetanus toxoid- -Tetanus toxoid- -Tetanus toxoid-
2000 2000 2000
-Cool boxes-16 -Cool boxes-16 -Cool boxes-16
Increased livestock No. Of traps and targets Tripanol - 1200 -Tripanol - 1200 100 packets 100 packets
production for food procured Bionical trap-120 -Bionical trap-120 100traps 100traps
security Amount of Purchase - 120 -Purchase target- 100 pcs 100 pcs
trypanocidals and Pour on - 160 120 200 litres 200 litres
insecticides procured -Pour on – 250
-Acquire one



Item Item Name/Description Draft Estimates
Code 2020/21 (in KSh.)
2110101 Gross Salary 144,927,331
2210101 Electricity 150,000
2210102 Water & Sewerage Charges 230,000
2210201 Telephone, Telex, Facsimile and Mobile Phone Services 800,000
2210202 Internet Connections 380,000
2210203 Courier and Postal Services 150,000
2210301 Travel Costs (airlines, bus, railway, mileage allowances, etc.) 2,100,000
2210302 Accommodation - Domestic Travel 7,000,000
2210303 Daily Subsistence Allowance 10,500,000
2210502 Publishing and Printing Services 150,000
2210503 Subscriptions to Newspapers, Magazines and Periodical 300,000
2210504 Advertising, awareness and publicity campaigns 500,000
2210505 Trade Shows and Exhibitions 1,000,000
2210604 Hire of transport 140,000
2210701 Travel Allowance 5,000,000
2210702 Remuneration of Instructors and Contract Based Training Services 200,000
2210704 Hire of Equipment, training facility, Plant and Machinery 180,000
2210710 Accommodation-allowance 1,340,000
2210801 Catering services, receptions, accommodation, seminars 500,000
2210802 Boards, Committees, Conferences and Seminars 450,000
2210809 Board Allowance 150,000
2210901 Group Personal Insurance 200,000
2211007 Purchase of Agriculture Materials and Veterinary Equipment 500,000
General Office Supplies (papers, pencils, forms, small office
2211101 equipment etc.) 4,700,000
2211102 Supplies and Accessories for Computers and Printers 366,835
2211103 Sanitary and Cleaning Materials, Supplies and Services 1,000,000
2211201 Refined Fuels and Lubricants for Transport 4,200,000
2211301 Bank Service Commission and Charges 180,000
2211305 Contracted Guards and Cleaning Services 1,000,000
2211310 Contracted Professional Services 500,000
2220101 Maintenance Expenses - Motor Vehicles and Cycles 2,500,000
2220201 Maintenance of plant, machinery and equipment 1,300,000
2220202 Maintenance of office Furniture and Equipment 616,288
2220205 Maintenance of Buildings and Stations -- Non-Residential 540,000
2220210 Maintenance Computers, Software and Networks 400,000

3110704 Purchase of Motor cycles 3,000,000
3111001 Purchase of Office Furniture and Fittings 700,000
3111002 Purchase of Computers, Printers and other IT Equipment 1,122,669


P 2: Crop, Land and Agribusiness Development Services
Item Draft Estimates
Item Name/Description
Code 2020/21 (KSh.)

2211007 Agricultural materials, Supplies & Small Equipment 11,783,000

2630100 Current Grants to Government Agencies and other Levels of
Government 224,206,619
2630142 Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service
3110504 Other Infrastructure and Civil Works 20,647,000
3111103 Purchase of Agricultural Machinery & Equipment
Total Estimates P2 269,996,619
P 3: Food Security Enhancement Services
2211007 Agricultural materials, Supplies & Small Equipment 19,420,000
Current Grants to Government Agencies and other Levels of
Government 0

2630142 Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service 0

3110504 Other Infrastructure and Civil Works 20,000,000

Total Estimates P3 39,420,000
P 4: Fisheries Resources Development Services
2210505 Trade Shows and Exhibitions 512,260
2210708 Trainer Allowance 0
2211007 Agricultural Materials, Supplies and Small Equipment 10,401,600
2211023 Supplies for Production
2211201 Refined Fuels and Lubricants for Transport 1,040,000
2220103 Maintenance expenses - Boats & Ferries 750,000
2630100 Current Grants to Government Agencies and other Levels of
Government 0

3110504 Other Infrastructure & Civil Works 16,427,500

3110701 Purchase of Vehicle 0
3110702 Purchase of Boats 3,400,000
3111302 Purchase of Animals & Breeding Stock 1,000,000
Total Estimates P4

P 5: Livestock Development Services

2211003 Veterinary Supplies and Materials 792,500

2211023 Supplies for Production 4,404,792

2211026 Purchase of Vaccines and Sera 4,632,000

Contracted Professional Services
2211310 1,536,500

3110504 Other Infrastructure and Civil Works 18,845,208

3110701 Purchase of motor vehicle 4,665,000

3111302 Purchase of Animals & Materials Breeding Stock 20,124,000

Total Estimates P6 55,000,000





Vision: The department envisions a sustainable, equitable and socio-culturally developed county
offering vibrant sports, recreation and economic empowerment for all.

Mission: The department exists to formulate, mainstream and implement responsive policies
through coordinated strategies for sustained and balanced socio-cultural, sports,
recreation,empowerment of vulnerable, marginalized groups and areas for economic development
of the county.


Major Achievement for the Period and Expenditure Trends:

The department’s mandate is to promote balanced socio-cultural and recreational activity while
empowering vulnerable and marginalized groups through coordinated strategies by formulation,
mainstreaming and implementation of responsive policies.

In the FY 2019/20, the department’s approved budget was KSh. 263,621,919 which included KSh.
51,581,669 for recurrent expenditure and KSh. 212,040,250 for development expenditure. The
department’s allocation was revised to KSh. 223,621,919 of which the recurrent vote remains KSh.
51,581,669 while the development vote was reduced by KSh. 40,000,000 to KSh. 172,040,250.

Development projects to be undertaken in FY 2019/2020 include: purchasing of assorted cultural

artifacts/trophies; upgrading of 20 ward play grounds; construction of the Homa bay County
Stadium which is ongoing; purchasing of assorted assistive devices for those abled differently;
purchasing of sports equipment and construction of a cultural centre at Ndiru Kagan.

During the period July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019, the department continued working on the
construction of Homa Bay County Stadium. On-going works on the stadium include construction
of a terrace pavilion, a football field with natural grass and an 8-lane athletics truck. The total
contract sum for the stadium project phase 1 amounts to KSh. 369 million out of which the amount
already paid is KSh. 97,585,871.60 (including commitments) for the on-going works.

Under Social Development and Empowerment Services, the department is currently working with
all the other county departments and national government ministries to ensure that the legal
requirement for Women, Youth and Persons living with disabilities to access 30% AGPO is
implemented. Gender-based violence campaigns have been carried out to curb inhibitive cultural
practices such as wife battering, widow inheritance, early marriages and child labor practices.
Other gender mainstreaming initiatives have targeted the exploitation of women at the beaches in
fish-for-sex transactions popularly known ‘jaboya’, Cane- cutters ‘Obanda’ and boda boda riders.
PLWD issues are being mainstreamed through medical screening and registration with the
National Council for Persons living with Disability, sensitization on affirmative action and

promotion of a disability-friendly environment that is being undertaken by our Social
Development Assistants who are stationed in all the sub counties.

Major Service/Outputs to be provided under the Revised Framework

For the FY 2020/2021, the department will continue focusing on completion of Homa Bay County
Stadium to international standards; construction of a multiplex cultural center at Ndiru (Kagan);
development of Simbi Nyaima and Nyamgondho tourist sites; provision of assorted assistive
devices to PWDs; identification nurturing and promotion of cultural and sports talents; capacity
building for women and youth on alternative sources of income to reduce unemployment and
extreme poverty; provision of basic sports equipment; and organizing county sports tournaments
at the ward level.


Programme Objectives
P1: Policy, Planning and General To improve service delivery and coordination of department-
Administration services wide functions, programmes and activities.
P2: Tourism and Culture To map, preserve, develop, brand and promote niche products in
development and Promotion tourism and local heritage, arts and cultural assets for improved
Services earnings and economic empowerment
P3: Social Development and To mainstream the youth and other vulnerable populations in
Empowerment Services socio-economic development
P4: Management and To identify, develop and market local talents for improved
Development of Sports and Sports earnings from sports.


Revised Draft Projects Projected
Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
P1: Policy, Planning and General
Administration services 40,486,669 37,864,246 38,691,493 39,540,471
P2: Tourism and Culture
development and Promotion
Services 14,000,000 13,500,000 15,318,860 15,162,848
P3: Social Development and
Empowerment Services 7,895,000 7,017,423 9,447,598 12,158,473
P4: Management and Development
of sports and sports facilities 161,240,250 105,200,000 106,252,000 107,314,520
Total Expenditure 223,621,919 163,581,669 169,709,952 174,176,313



Revised Draft Projects Projected
Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
Programme 1: Policy, Planning and General Administration services
SP1.1: General Administration
and Support Services 38,486,669 32,430,246 33,203,153 33,997,248
SP 1.2: Policy and Planning
Services 2,000,000 5,434,000 5,488,340 5,543,223
Sub Total Programme 1
40,486,669 37,864,246 38,691,493 39,540,471
Programme 2: Tourism and Culture Development Promotion Services
SP 2.1: Tourism Development and
Promotion Services - 7,000,000 9,318,860 9,662,848
SP 2.2: Cultural Development and
Promotion Services 14,000,000 6,500,000 6,000,000 5,500,000
Sub Total Programme 2
14,000,000 14,500,000 15,318,860 15,162,848
Programme 3: Social Development and Empowerment Services
SP 3.1: Gender and Women
Empowerment services 1,895,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000
SP 3.2: Youth Empowerment
Services 2,000,000 2,017,423 3,026,135 4,539,201.75
SP.3.3 Disability Mainstreaming
Services 4,000,000 3,000,000 3,921,464 4,619,271
Sub Total Programme 3
7,895,000 7,017,423 9,447,598 12,158,473
Programme 4: Management and Development of Sports and Sports Facilities
SP 4.1: Sports Infrastructure
Development Services 149,040,250 100,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000
SP 4.2: Sports Management and
Talent Development 12,200,000 5,200,000 6,252,000 7,314,520
Sub Total Programme 4
161,240,250 105,200,000 106,252,000 107,314,520
Total Expenditure for
Department 223,621,919 163,581,669 169,709,952 174,176,313


Revised Draft Projects Projected
Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023

Current Expenditure
51,581,669 51,581,669 54,349,951 55,355,422

Compensation to employees
24,673,384 22,430,246 23,103,153 23,796,248
Use of goods and services
26,908,285 28,151,423 29,494,798 29,044,654
Other recurrent
- 1,000,000 1,752,000 2,514,520
Capital Expenditure
172,040,250 112,000,000 115,360,001 118,820,891
Acquisition of non-financial assets
- - 1,912,403 4,662,418
Other development
172,040,250 112,000,000 113,447,598 114,158,473
Total Vote (R+D)
223,621,919 163,581,669 169,709,952 174,176,313


FY 2020/21
Revised Draft Projects Projected
Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
Programme 1: Policy, Planning and General Administration services
Current Expenditure
40,486,669 41,864,246 38,691,493 39,540,471
Compensation of employees
24,673,384 22,430,246 23,103,153 23,796,248
Use of goods and services
15,813,285 15,434,000 15,588,340 15,744,223
Other recurrent 0 0
- -
Capital Expenditure 0 0
- -
Acquisition of non-financial assets 0 0
- -
Other development 0 0
- -
Total for P1
40,486,669 37,864,246 38,691,493 39,540,471
Programme 2: Tourism and Culture Development Promotion Services
Current Expenditure
- 1,500,000 2,318,860 1,341,957
Use of goods and services
- 1,500,000 2,318,860 1,341,957
Other recurrent
- - 0 0
Capital Expenditure
14,000,000 12,000,000 13,000,000 13,820,891

Acquisition of non-financial assets
- 1,000,000 1,820,801
Other development
14,000,000 12,000,000 12,000,000 12,000,000
Total for P2
14,000,000 13,500,000 15,318,860 15,162,848
Programme 3: Social Development and Empowerment Services
Current Expenditure
3,895,000 7,017,423 7,087,597 7,158,473
Use of goods and services
3,895,000 7,017,423 7,087,597 7,158,473
Other recurrent
0 0 0 0
Capital Expenditure
4,000,000 - 2,360,001 5,000,000
Acquisition of non-financial assets 0 0 0 0
Other development
4,000,000 0 2,360,001 5,000,000
Total for P3
7,895,000 7,017,423 9,447,598 12,158,473
Programme 4: Management and Development of Sports and Sports Facilities
Current Expenditure
7,200,000 5,200,000 6,252,000 7,314,520
Use of goods and services
7,200,000 4,200,000 4,500,000 4,800,000
Other recurrent
- 1,000,000 1,752,000 2,514,520
Capital Expenditure
154,040,250 100,000,000 100,000,000 100,000,000
Acquisition of non-financial assets
- - 8,000,000 10,000,00
Other development
154,040,250 100,000,000 92,000,000 90,000,000
Total for P4
161,240,250 105,200,000 106,252,000 107,314,520
223,621,919 163,581,669 169,709,952 174,176,313



Sub- Loca Strategic Monitor able/Verifiable Target Target Target Target

Programme tion Objectives Indicators (Baseline)
19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23


Outcome: Efficient Service Delivery and improved standards of living for the vulnerable groups

SP 1.1 General Coun Improve service No of staff trained
Administration ty delivery and assets well maintained and
and Support coordination of in good condition fair
Services department wide and adequate remuneration
functions and of staff All All
Programmes All staff staff staff
SP 1.2 Policy Coun To provide No of policies, regulations,
and Planning ty strategic laws and procedures 2 2 3 3
Services direction enacted


Outcome: Increased stakeholder’s participation in the preservation, development/improvement and marketing
of tourism products
SP2:Cultural Hom To preserve % of participants adopting
60 80 100 100
Development abay promote, market the local cultures
And Promotion Local heritage, No. of Artists showcasing
10 15 20 30
Services arts and cultural the diverse cultures.
assets for No .of teams visiting and
improved participation in the cultural
earning and site 10 15 20 30


SP 3.1 Gender All To mainstream No. economic development
16 20 24 20
and Women wards Women in socio sub-committees initiated
Empowerment economic No. empowered women
development groups writing fundable 250 280 300 400
activities. proposal
No of opportunities for
joint ventures identified by 7 10 14 20
SP3.3: Youth All To Provide No of youth accessing e-
Empowerment sub Youth with Procurement
count access to No of youth Mainstreamed
ies alternative to Employment
financial opportunities 1000
120 700 800
Empower youth
to join and stay
in the economic
SP 3.4: All To provide No of PLWD Trained 150 200 250 300
Disability sub information and
Mainstreaming count Training about No of
ies opportunities Participants accessing the
existing for the 30% AGPO
150 200 250 300
advancement of

To provide No. of assistive devices
assistive devices provided 50 100 200 300


Outcome: Developed and marketed local talents for improved earnings from sport

SP4.1 Sports Hom To reduce % of the works done.

Infrastructure abay revenue leakages
10 40 80 100
development during events at
Services the stadium
SP4.2 Sports All To identify, No of teams facilitated at
5 6 8 10
Management Ward Develop and the ward levels
and Talent s market local No of teams facilitated to
Development talents for join various leagues 2 4 6 8
No of teams supported with
earnings from 80 100 150 200
sports equipment/Uniforms




Sub-Item Code Item Description Draft Estimates 2020/21

2110101 Basic Salaries- Civil service 14,117,640.00

2110301 House Allowance 3,937,800.00

Commuter Allowance 1,375,200.00

2110320 Leave Allowance 291,290.00

2120101 Pension-Lap fund/Lap trust 2,708,316.00

2210321 County and Inter County tournaments 4,200,000.00

2210101 Electricity 36,000.00

2210102 Water and Sewerage charges 18,000.00

2210201 Telephone, Telex, Facsimile and mobile phone services 720,000.00

2210202 Internet Connections 600,000.00

2210203 Courier and Postal services 30,000.00

2210301 Travel costs (Airline, Bus, Railway, Mileage Allowances) 3,000,000.00

2210302 Accommodation - Domestic Travel 3,000,000.00

2210303 Daily subsistence allowances 5,217,423.00

2210313 Field Operations 300,000.00

2210503 Subscription to Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals 40,000.00

2210504 Advertising awareness and Publicity 300,000.00

2210505 Tradeshows and Exhibitions 100,000.00

2210712 Training Allowance 100,000.00

Catering services (receptions), accommodation, gifts, food and
2210801 drinks 1,800,000.00

2210805 County Cultural Festival 3,000,000.00

2210904 Motor Vehicle Insurance 360,000.00

2211004 Fungicides, Insecticides and Sprays 780,000.00

2211009 Education and Library Supplies 240,000.00

2211101 General office supplies (papers, pencils, forms, small equipment) 6,000,000.00

2211102 Supplies & Accessories for Computer and Printer 0.00

2211103 sanitary and cleaning materials, supplies and services 60,000.00

2211201 Refined fuels and Lubricants for Transport 1,000,000.00

2211310 Contracted professional services 0.00

2210101 Maintenance expenses - motor vehicles 36,000.00

Sub total 51,581,669


Sub-Item Code Item Description Draft Estimates 2020/21

2640502 Development of Nyamgondho Wuod Ombare 1,800,000

3111109 Preservation of Simbi Nyaima 5,200,000

3110504 Completion of Phase I of Homa bay County Stadium 100,000,000

3111402 Construction of a cultural Centre at Ndiru Kagan 5,000,000.00

Sub total 112,000,000

GRAND TOTAL 163,581,669




The department envisions becoming ‘a world class provider of cost-effective, efficient and safe
physical infrastructure facilities and services’.


The department exists ‘to provide efficient, safe, affordable and reliable infrastructure for
sustainable economic growth and development through construction, modernization, rehabilitation
and effective management of all infrastructure facilities’.


The County Department of Roads, Transport and Public Works is mandated to provide efficient,
safe, affordable and reliable infrastructure for sustainable economic growth and development
through construction, modernization, rehabilitation and effective management of all infrastructure

In the MTEF period 2018/2019 to 2020/2021, the department will direct its focus towards
formulation and implementation of County Transport and Infrastructure Policy and Regulations;
3 safety standards policy and 2 regulations on safety standards. Efforts will be made to expand
road network; improve 24 Km Marindi-Magina-Pala-Kowuonda road to Bitumen standard; routine
maintenance of 6,500Km classified and unclassified roads; installation of appropriate road
furniture; establishment of 8No Single span bridges and box culverts; rehabilitation and expansion
of 5No jetties and 4No bus parks and; establishment of a Roads Construction and Maintenance

In the previous medium term, the sub-sector has acquired four (4) Motor graders and received One
(1) Motor grader, three (3) Rollers and One (1) Excavator as donations. the road network has been
improved with three (3) Single span bridges built and up to 300km graded and graveled. In
collaboration with the Kenya Airports Authority, Kabunde airport has been upgraded including
expansion of the 1.2Km runway. The airport is today fully operational with daily flights between
Homa Bay and Nairobi thereby opening up the county for business and improving the economy of
the county.

To fulfill the aforementioned projects, the department have been allocated KSh. 74,918,799 and
KSh. 624,589,735 for recurrent and development expenditure respectively totaling to KSh.
699,508,535 for the Financial year 2020/21. In comparison with the running supplementary budget
the department’s recurrent vote has remained the same at KSh. 74,918,799 whereas the
development vote reduced by KSh. 273,758,446 from the supplementary allocation of KSh.


CP1: General Administration, To improve service delivery and coordination of
Planning and Support Services department-wide functions, programmes and activities

CP2: Public works and To promote effective development, management and

maintenance services maintenance of all government machines, public buildings
and offices
CP3: Road Development and To improve access to all areas of the county through
Maintenance Services motorable roads and support infrastructure

CP4: Transport Services To promote effective development and management of the

transport sector



Revised Budget Projected Projected

Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

P1: General Administration, Planning and

Support Services 64,210,373 65,117,050 65,768,220 66,425,902

P2. Public Works and Infrastructure

Maintenance Services 10,708,450 9,801,750 9,899,767 9,998,765

P3: Road Development and Maintenance

Services 898,348,181 624,589,735 636,817,849 649,311,251

P4.Transport Services
- - - -

Total Expenditure Vote

973,267,004 699,508,534 712,485,836 725,735,918



Revised Budget Projected Projected

Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

PROGRAMME 1: General Administration, Planning and Support Services

CSP 1.1: Human Resource and Support
Services 51,815,944 51,815,944 52,334,104 52,857,445

CSP 1.2: Roads and Transport Services
12,394,429 13,301,105 13,434,116 13,568,458
Total Expenditure CP1
64,210,373 65,117,050 65,768,220 66,425,902
PROGRAMME 2: Public Works and
Maintenance Services
CSP 2.1: Quality Control
918,450 868,450 877,135 885,906

CSP 2.2: Plant and Machinery Maintenance

8,500,000 8,363,300 8,446,932 8,531,402

CSP 2.3: Enforcement Services

1,290,000 570,000 575,700 581,457
Total Expenditure
10,708,450 9,801,750 9,899,767 9,998,765
PROGRAMME 3: Road Development and Maintenance Services
CSP3.1 : Road Development and
Rehabilitation Services 534,000,469 317,899,383 324,257,370 330,742,518

CSP 3.2: Road Maintenance

344,347,712 241,690,352 247,560,479 253,568,733
CSP 3.3: Plant and Machinery Purchase and
Maintenance 20,000,000 65,000,000 65,000,000 65,000,000

Total Expenditure
898,348,181 624,589,735 636,817,849 649,311,251

PROGRAMME 4. Transport Services

CSP 4.1: Bus Park Improvement Services

- - - -

CSP 4.2: Boda Boda Infrastructure

Improvement Services - - - -

Total Expenditure
- - - -
Total Vote 5113
973,267,004 699,508,534 712,485,836 725,735,918


2020/2021 (KSHS. MILLIONS)

Revised Budget Projected Projected

Expenditure Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

Current Expenditure
74,918,823 74,918,799 76,704,306 78,538,757
Compensation to Employees
51,815,944 51,815,944 53,370,423 54,971,535
Use of Goods and Services
23,102,879 23,102,855 23,333,883 23,567,222

Other recurrent
- - - -
Capital Expenditure
898,348,181 624,589,735 635,781,530 647,197,160
Acquisition of Non-Financial Assets
20,000,000 65,000,000 65,000,000 65,000,000
Other Development
878,348,181 559,589,735 570,781,530 582,197,160
Total Vote 5113
973,267,004 699,508,534 712,485,836 725,735,918



Revised Budget Projected Projected

ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

Programme 1: General administration, Planning and Support services

Current Expenditure
64,210,373 65,117,050 66,804,539 68,539,993
Compensation to Employees
51,815,944 51,815,944 53,370,423 54,971,535
Use of Goods and Services
12,394,429 13,301,105 13,434,116 13,568,458
Other recurrent
- - - -
Capital Expenditure
- - -
Acquisition of Non-Financial Assets
- - -
Other Development
- - -
Total Expenditure by Programme
64,210,373 65,117,050 66,804,539 68,539,993
Programme 2: Public Works and Infrastructure Maintenance Services

Current Expenditure
10,708,426 9,801,750 9,899,767 9,998,765
Compensation to Employees
- - - -
Use of Goods and Services
10,708,426 9,801,750 9,899,767 9,998,765
Other recurrent
- - - -
Capital Expenditure
- - - -
Acquisition of Non-Financial Assets
- - - -
Other Development
- - - -

Total Expenditure by Programme
10,708,426 9,801,750 9,899,767 9,998,765
Programme 3:Road Development and Rehabilitation Services

Current Expenditure
- - - -
Compensation to Employees
- - - -
Use of Goods and Services
- - - -
Other recurrent
- - - -
Capital Expenditure
898,348,181 624,589,735 635,781,530 647,197,160
Acquisition of Non-Financial Assets
20,000,000 65,000,000 65,000,000 65,000,000
Other Development
878,348,181 559,589,735 570,781,530 582,197,160
Total Expenditure by Programme
898,348,181 624,589,735 635,781,530 647,197,160
Programme 4:Transport Services

Current Expenditure
- - - -
Compensation to Employees
- - - -
Use of Goods and Services
- - - -
Other recurrent
- - - -
Capital Expenditure
- - - -
Acquisition of Non-Financial Assets
- - - -
Other Development
- - - -
Total Expenditure by Programme
- - - -
973,266,980 699,508,534 712,485,836 725,735,918


Programme Key Key performance Baseline Targets Projected Projected

programme indicators (2019/20) (2020/21) Targets Targets
output (2021/22) (2022/23)
Programme 1: General Administration, Planning and Support Services
Outcome: Efficient Service Delivery
SP 1.1: Human Staff well and Percentage of 100% 100% 100% 100%
Resource and timely employees paid
Support Services enumerated adequately & on
% reduction in 20% 40% 50% 40%
road fatalities
Reduced involving motor
motor cycle cycle operators
road fatalities No. of boda boda 800 - 1200 1200
operators trained

Improved % of operations 100% 100% 100% 100%

SP1.2 Roads and
service facilitated to good
Transport Services
delivery and effect
of department
functions and
Motor Vehicle No. of motor - - - -
purchased vehicle purchased

Programme 2: Public Works and Maintenance Services

Improved No. of buildings 250 350 500 500
safety inspected; No. of
standards of material tests done.
SP 2:1 Quality
Policies and
No. of policies, 2 3 2 1
Regulationsplans and
developed regulations
Motor Vehicle No. of motor 1 - - -
purchased vehicle purchased
No. of plants and 4 1 - -
machines in
SP 2.2 Plant and maintained
Machinery and operating
% of assets well 40% 50% 70% 100%
Purchase plants and
maintained and in
good condition
Programme 3: Road Development and Maintenance Services
Outcome: Reliable and Efficient Road Transport Services and Mobility

SP 3.1. Road Preliminary Road Design 0 10Km 10Km 10Km
Development and Expenses for Environmental
Rehabilitation Bitumization Impact Assessment
Services of Marindi- Report
Magina - Pala Other Preliminary
Road Expenses
Rehabilitated Km of roads 150 200Km 200 220
roads graveled and
New roads Km of new roads - - 100km -
opened opened
Roads and No. of roads and 3 3 4 5
bridges bridges designed
SP 3.2. Road Roads Km of roads 2000 2200 2400 2600
Maintenance maintained maintained
Inspection and No. of inspections 48 48 48
Technical and technical
Audits audits undertaken



Draft Estimates
Sub-Item Code Sub-Item Description 2020/21

2110101 Basic Salaries 37,949,536

2110301 House Allowance 8,482,380
2110314 Commuter Allowance 4,428,000
2110320 Leave Allowance 956,028
2110201 Casual Wages 0
Total 51,815,944
2210101 Electricity 540,000
2210102 Water and Sewerage Charges 240,000
2210103 Gas Expenses 24,500
2210201 Telephone, Telex, Mobile Phone Services 70,000
2210202 Internet Connection 120,000
2210203 Courier & Postal Services 28,510
2210302 Accommodation- Domestic Travel 100,000
2210303 Daily Subsistence Allowance 1,250,000
2210502 Publishing and printing services 60,000
2210503 Subscription to Newspapers, magazines and Periodicals 67,200
2210504 Advertising, Awareness and Publicity Campaigns 360,000

2210701 Travel Allowance 1,619,999
2210704 Hire of Training Facilities and Equipment 190,000
2210801 Catering Services 651,950
General Office Supplies (papers, pencils, forms, small office
2211101 equipment etc) 1,059,527
2211102 Supply of Accessories for computers and printers 463,500
2211103 Sanitary and Cleaning materials 62,960
2211201 Refined fuels and Lubricants 6,110,000
2211310 Contracted Professional Services 50,000
2220101 Maintenance Expenses- Motor Vehicle 8,350,000
2220202 Maintenance of Office Furniture and Equipment 42,409
2220205 Maintenance of Buildings and stations 363,300
3111001 Purchase of Office Furniture and Fittings 557,000
3111002 Purchase of Computers, Printers and Other IT Equipment 560,000
3111009 Purchase of Other Office Equipment 162,000
Total 23,102,855
Totals for Vote R5113 74,918,799

Draft Estimates
Sub-Item Code Item Description 2020/21
3110701 Purchase of Plant and Machinery 65,000,000
2220299 Routine Maintenance - Ward Projects 280,000,003
3110401 Major Roads 0
3110499 Routine Maintenance of roads Fuel Levy 163,029,178
3110499 Routine Maintenance of Other County Roads 78,661,174
3110504 Construction of Bridges Fuel Levy 37,899,380
Totals for Vote D5113 624,589,735




The department envisions ‘a wealthy county sustainably leveraging its mineral resources and able
to meet its energy needs for socio-economic development’.


The department exists ‘to spur social and economic development through sustainable use of
mineral and energy resources’.


The department is mandated to promote: sufficiency and reliability of power supply and energy
efficiency in Homa Bay County; generation and uptake of alternative sources of energy,
reticulation of energy suppliers and; exploitation of mineral resources including the regulation and
control of the construction minerals industry.

During 2018/19-2020/21 MTEF period the subsector plan to undertake three programs and six
subprograms based on the priorities identified during the MTEF budget stakeholders’
consultations. The key results areas for the subsector will include: installing solar lights in more
rural lights; installation of streets lights in the sub county headquarters such as Mbita, Ndhiwa,
Sindo, Kendubay, Oyugis, Ramula etc. in collaboration with KPLC. Other critical result areas
include setting up green energy power generation projects at Nyakwere, Kobala and Rusinga and
off grid mini power grids in areas not accessible to grid electricity such as Remba, Ringiti, Chiwa,
Takawiri and Ngodhe islands on Lake Victoria. Efforts will be made to enhance exploitation of
mineral resources such as limestone and streamline the construction mineral center trough
enhancement of a construction mineral bill.

Over the last financial years (2019/20), the sector’s achievements were as follows; Completion of
a Pre-feasibility study on constructions Minerals, mapping of constructions minerals across the
county, repair of 100 street lights across the county, installation of electric street lights in Ndhiwa
Sub-County, Suba North and Rangwe Sub counties as well as signing and roll out of the One
transformer per ward initiative in partnership with REREC. We have also initiated the construction
of a Renewable energy center of Excellence for the county at Homa Bay Town to serve as a training
facility to youth and women groups to build capacity in renewable energy across the county.

In the coming financial year 2020/21, the department will continue its development agenda by
focusing on the construction/completion of the Renewable Energy Center, Completion of Repair
and re-conditioning of solar street lights, Installation of transformers in wards as well as
installation of electric street lights in sub-county headquarters. It is also planning to build a

briquette making plant in Ndhiwa Sub-county to take advantage of sugarcane waste and to relieve
pressure on firewood and conventional charcoal.
Further, in the financial year 2020-2021, we intend to commence marketing of Constructions
Minerals sourced from Homa Bay county within the county and to other counties neighboring us.

Major Services/Outputs to be provided in MTEF period 2020/21 – 2022/2023

To achieve these strategic objectives in the FY 2020/21, the department has been allocated a total
of KSh. 105,782,555 which includes KSh. 35,782,555 for recurrent expenditure and KSh.
70,000,000 for development expenditure. The allocation for development expenditure includes
KSh. 28,000,000 for Electrical Power Services, KSh. 22,000,000 for Solar Power Services, and
KSh. 8,000,000 for Low Cost energy Technologies promotion Services. Priority areas for the
department in the Mineral Resource Development and Marketing services Programme will include
KSh. 8,000,000 for Construction mineral development and marketing services and KSh. 4,000,000
for Mineral Exploration and Mining Improvement Services. This allocation representing 1% of the
total county resource envelope


CP1: Energy Services To enhance access to affordable and reliable energy supply.
CP2: Mineral Resource To carry out geological mapping, mineral exploration and
Development and Marketing evaluation of their potentiality.
CP3: General Administration, To improve service delivery and coordination of
Planning and Support Services department-wide functions, programmes and activities



Sub-Programme (SP) Revised Draft Projected Projected

Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CP1: Energy Services 67,556,936 66,000,000 66,375,497 66,766,014
CP2: Mineral Resource 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000
Development and Marketing 3,000,000
CP3: General Administration, 35,782,555 36,140,381 36,501,785
Planning and Support Services 35,782,555
Total Expenditure of Vote 106,339,491 105,782,555 106,515,878 107,267,799


2020/2021(KSHS. MILLIONS)

Sub-Programme (SP) Revised Draft Projected Projected
Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CSP1.1: Electrical Power Services 30,400,000 28,000,000 28,375,497 28,766,014
CSP1.2: Solar Power Services 23,956,936 22,000,000 22,000,000 22,000,000
CSP1.3: Low Cost energy
Technologies promotion Services 14,200,000 16,000,000 16,000,000 16,000,000
Total Expenditure of 66,000,000 66,375,497 66,766,014
Sub-Programme (SP) Revised Draft Projected Projected
Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CSP2.1: Construction mineral 0 0 0
development and marketing 3,000,000
CSP2.2: Mineral Exploration and
Mining Improvement Servicess 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000
Total Expenditure of 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000
Sub-Programme (SP) Revised Draft Projected Projected
Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CSP3.1: Administrative Support 35,222,955 35,575,185 35,930,937
CSP3.2: Development of Policies, 565,196 570,848
Plans, Regulations and 660,158 559,600
Total Expenditure of 35,782,555 36,140,381 36,501,785
Total Expenditure of Vote 107,339,491 105,782,555 106,515,878 107,267,799


2020/2021 (KSHS. MILLIONS)

Expenditure Classification Revised Draft Projected Projected

Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CURRENT EXPENDITURE 35,782,555 35,782,555 36,515,878 37,267,799
Compensation to employees 17,610,058 18,774,854 19,338,100 19,918,243
Use of goods and services 16,131,105 14,483,701 14,628,538 14,774,824
Other recurrent
2,524,000 2,549,240 2,574,732
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 70,556,936 70,000,000 70,000,000 70,000,000
Use of goods and services 0 0 0
Acquisition of non-financial assets 70,556,936 70,000,000 70,000,000 70,000,000
Other development 0 0 0 0

TOTAL OF VOTE 106,339,491 105,782,555 106,515,878 107,267,799



Expenditure Classification Revised Draft Projected Projected

Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
Current Expenditure 0 0 0 0
Capital Expenditure 67,556,936 66,000,000 66,000,000 66,000,000
Use of goods and services 0 0 0 0
Acquisition of non-financial assets 0 66,000,000 66,000,000 66,000,000
Other development 67,556,936 0 0 0
Total of Programme 1 67,556,936 66,000,000 66,000,000 66,000,000
Current Expenditure 0 0 0 0
Capital Expenditure 3,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000
Use of goods and services 0 0 0 0
Acquisition of non-financial assets 3,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000
Other development 0 0 0 0
Total of Programme 2 3,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000
Current Expenditure 35,782,555 35,782,555 36,515,878 37,267,799
Compensation to employees 17,610,058 18,774,854 19,338,100 19,918,243
Use of goods and services 15,378,516 14,483,701 14,628,538 14,774,824
Other recurrent 2,793,981 2,524,000 2,549,240 2,574,732
Capital Expenditure 0 0 0 0
Use of goods and services
Acquisition of non-financial assets 0 0 0
Other development 0 0 0
Total of Programme 3 35,782,555 35,782,555 36,515,878 37,267,799
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 106,339,491 105,782,555 106,515,878 107,267,799



Delivery Unit Key Outputs Key Target Target Target Target

Programme and Performance (Baseline) 2020/21 2022/23 2023/24
Sub Programme Indicators 2019/20
CSP1.1: Electrical Energy Increased Number of 120 200 100 100
Power Services power public
connectivity facilities and
(Matching households

funds with
Energy Electric street Number of 48 100 100 100
lighting street lights

CSP1.2: Solar Market Solar Number of 120 140 140 140

Power Services Lights Installed solar lights
installed in the
CSP1.3: Low Cost Energy Energy center Establishment
energy with
Technologies implementable
promotion energy master
Services plan/policy
CSP2.1: Implementation Number of 1 1 1 1
Construction of construction Bills passed to
mineral mineral bill operationalize
development and to construction
marketing mineral sector
services Mineral
Effective All
Effective All All All
CSP3.1: administration department
operation and department department department
Administrative and operation activities
administration activities activities activities
Support Services Administration
CSP3.2: Policies and 1
Development of Plans
Policies, Plans, developed 1 1 1
Regulations and
Legislations Administration


Sub Item Code Draft

Item Description 2020/2021
2110101 Basic Salary 18,774,854
2210101 Electricity 600,000
2210102 Water and sewerage charges 36,000
2210103 Gas expenses 24,500
2210201 Telephone 288,000
2210202 Internet Connections 240,000
2210203 Courier and Postal Services 11,890
2210301 Travel Costs (airlines 1,440,000
2210303 Daily Subsistence Allowance 2,452,053

2210503 Subscriptions to Newspapers 47,520
2210504 Advertising 200,000
2210505 Trade Shows 377,809
2210701 Travelling allowance 92,000
2210704 Hire of Training Facilities and Equipment 20,000
2210710 Accommodation allowance 1,800,000
2210711 Tuition Fees Allowance 886,340
2210801 Catering Services (receptions) 265,200
2210904 Motor Vehicle Insurance 235,303
2211101 General Office Supplies (papers 842,300
2211103 Sanitary and Cleaning Materials 200,787
2211201 Refined Fuels and Lubricants for Transport 2,400,000
2211305 Contact of guards services 360,000
2211301 Bank Services Commission and Charges 24,000
2220101 Maintenance Expenses - Motor Vehicles 1,440,000
2220202 Maintenance of Office Furniture and Equipment 200,000
2220205 Maintenance of Building & Station-Non-res -
3111001 Purchase of Office Furniture and Fittings 1,122,000
3111002 Purchase of Computers 650,000
Purchase of Air Conditioners, Fans and Heating
3111003 Appliances 88,000
3111005 Purchase of Photocopiers 210,000
3111009 Purchase of other Office equipment 324,500
3111111 Purchase of ICT net & Communication equipment 79,500
3111112 Purchase of software 50,000
TOTAL 35,782,555


Sub Item
Item Description Estimates
3110504 Other Infrastructure and Civil Works 38,000,000.00
3110202 Non-residential building(Offices) 8,000,000.00
2220206 Maintenance of civil works-Solar lights maintenance 12,000,000.00
3110604 Other civil works 12,000,000.00
TOTAL 70,000,000.00




The department envisions ‘a globally competitive education, training and innovation for
sustainable development.’


The department exists ‘to provide, promote and coordinate quality education and training,
integration of information, communication, technology and innovation in a sustainable socio-
economic development process.’


During the MTEF period 2016/2017 to 2019/2020, the department has been able to construct 25
EYE centers to completion and 39 other are in progress within the county. The department has
also been able to construct 5 new vocational centers, a dormitory in Sero VTC, 2 Hostels at
Nyagwethe VTC, a twin workshop at Mfangano, a twin workshop at Jwelu, renovated 9 VTCs and
refurbish the Homa Bay ICT Hub.

During the MTEF period 2019/20-2020/21 the priority under Education & ICT is to improve the
EYE, VET and ICT infrastructure by providing resources for Subsidized Vocational Training
Centre Support Grant (SVTCSG) for renovation of existing VTCs infrastructure, construction of
new workshops and acquisition of tools and equipment; construction and renovation of EYE
classrooms; construction of additional ICT Innovation centers and renovations of the existing ones.
The Department is also working to increase allocation for bursary and increasing number of
beneficiaries; purchase of teaching/learning materials, tools, machines and equipment for both
EYE and VTCs across the 8 sub counties.

The Department remains focused on improving the quality of service delivery and infrastructure
facilities for EYE learning and Vocational Training; Strengthening the learning standards in all
institutions; by investing in centers of excellence; establishing and improving vocational training
centers; improving ICT infrastructure in all sub counties; developing an ICT Policy; and
maintaining the existing fiber optic connectivity and networking other County departments. The
ICT department will also embark on training the public on computer packages and county staff on
staff-tailored computer applications.

For the financial year 2020/2021 therefore, the department will stay focused on increasing the
number of EYE classrooms at the same time provide essential EYE learning materials (i.e. new
curriculum EYE teaching and learning materials) to 878 EYE centers countywide; continuous
capacity building on the new EYE curriculum; constructing, refurbishing and equipping vocational
training centers; and carrying out more EYE and VTE assessment services. Due to understaffing
the EYE section will have a replacement of 13 teachers and an employment of 100 new teachers.
The department is in the process of taking over 3 VTCs namely Kotora, Homa Hills and Kasipul

VTCs, and renovates 3 vocational centers in the county. Due to the increase in number of VTCs,
the department is also in dire need of more instructors and has requested for replacement of 23
VTC instructors who have left service through natural attritions and other reasons. The section
also expects an employment of 30 more Instructors. The department will promote ICT services by
operationalizing ICT Innovation center at Homa Bay HQ and construction of 3 more innovation
centers in Suba South, Rachuonyo East and Rachuonyo North. The department will also continue
with disbursement of bursary and scholarship to the needy students countywide.

The department has been allocated a total of KSh. 674,230,308.00 which comprised of KSh.
554,230,308 and KSh. 120,000,000 for recurrent and development expenditures respectively. The
allocation has been subdivided as follows; KSh. 534,929,608 for general administration and
quality assurance services (Salaries, Bursary and Administration); KSh. 121,270,000 for EYE and
Vocational Training Services and KSh. 16,030,700 has been allocated to ICT services and
Infrastructure development.


General Administration To provide effective and efficient coordination and support
P1 and Quality Assurance services to directorates and departments and ensure quality
Services teaching and learning in all the educational institutions
EYE and Vocational To provide quality ECD education to every child in the
Training Services county and to enhance access to vocational education/training
To improve internet connectivity and integrate ICT into
P3 ICT Services
operations of all county sectors and learning institutions


Approved Revised Draft Projected Projected
Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
P1. General Administration
and Quality Assurance 517,709,183 537,678,199 534,929,608 550,977,496 567,506,821
P2. EYE and Vocational
159,817,884 111,734,899 121,270,000 124,908,100 128,655,343
Training Services
P3. ICT Services 12,741,392 12,552,109 18,030,700 18,571,621 19,128,770
Total Expenditure 690,268,459 661,965,207 674,230,308 694,457,217 715,290,934


Approved Revised Draft Projected Projected
Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
PROGRAMME 1: General Administration and Quality Assurance Services
SP1.1 General
23,333,181 14,948,426 27,590,773 28,418,496 29,271,051
administration Services

SP1.2 Quality Assurance
494,376,002 522,729,773 507,338,835 522,559,000 538,235,770
Total Expenditure of CP1 517,709,183 537,678,199 534,929,608 550,977,496 567,506,821

PROGRAMME2: EYE and Vocational Training Services

SP 2:1 EYE Services 51,670,000 55,275,957 60,000,000 61,800,000 63,654,000

SP 2.2 Vocational Training
108,147,884 56,458,942 61,270,000 63,108,100 65,001,343
Total Expenditure of CP2 159,817,884 111,734,899 121,270,000 124,908,100 128,655,343
SP 3:1 Information
0 1,030,700 1,061,621 1,093,470
Services 1,030,700
SP 3.2 ICT Infrastructure
12,741,392 11,521,409 17,000,000 17,510,000 18,035,300
Total Expenditure of CP3 12,741,392 12,552,109 18,030,700 18,571,621 19,128,770
690,268,459 661,965,207 674,230,308 694,457,217 715,290,934


Approved Revised Draft Projected Projected
Economic Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Current Expenditure 517,709,183 550,230,308 547,230,308 563,647,217 580,556,634
Compensation to
327,065,303 336,881,382 353,388,291 363,989,940 374,909,638
Use of Goods and Services 65,239, 880 36,403,926 84,002,017 86,522,078 89,117,740
Other Recurrent 125,400,000 176,945,000 109,840,000 113,135,200 116,529,256
Capital Expenditure 172,559,276 111,734,899 127,000,000 130,810,000 134,734,300
Acquisition of non-financial
17,629,334 0 11,500,000
assets 11,845,000 12,200,350
Other Development 154,929,942 111,734,899 115,500,000
118,965,000 122,533,950
Total Expenditure by Vote 690,268,459 661,965,207 674,230,308 694,457,217 715,290,934


Approved Revised Draft Projected Projected
Economic Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

Programme 1: General Administration and Quality Assurance Services

Current Expenditure 517,709,183 537,678,199 534,929,608 550,977,496 567,506,821

Compensation of
327,069,303 336,881,382 353,388,291 363,989,940 374,909,638
Use of goods and services 65,239,880 35,373,226 71,701,317 73,852,357 76,067,927
Other recurrent(Bursary) 165,423,591 109,000,000 112,270,000 115,638,100
Other recurrent 125,400,000 0 840,000 865,200 891,156

Capital Expenditure 0 0 0 0 0
Acquisition of Non-
0 0 0
Financial Assets - -
Other Development(VTC
Capitation) 0 - -
Total Expenditure by
517,709,183 537,678,199 534,929,608 550,977,496 567,506,821
PROGRAMME 2: EYE and Vocational Training Services
Current Expenditure 0 1,270,000 11,270,000 11,608,100 11,956,343
Use of goods and services 0 0 11,270,000 11608100 11956343
Other recurrent 0 1,270,000 0 0 0
Capital Expenditure 159,817,884 110,464,899 110,000,000 113,300,000 116,699,000
Acquisition of Non-
10,458,942 0 10,000,000
Financial Assets 10,300,000 10,609,000
Other Development 149,358,942 110,464,899 100,000,000
103,000,000 106,090,000
Total Expenditure by
159,817,884 111,734,899 121,270,000 124,908,100 128,655,343
Programme 3: ICT Services
Current Expenditure 0 1,030,700 1,030,700 1,061,621 1,093,470
Use of goods and services 0 1,030,700 1,030,700 1,061,621 1,093,470
Other recurrent 0 0 0 0 0
Capital Expenditure 12,741,392 11,521,409 17,000,000 17,510,000 18,035,300
Acquisition of Non-
2,985,692 0 1,500,000
Financial Assets 1,545,000 1,591,350
Other Development 9,755,700 11,521,409 15,500,000
15,965,000 16,443,950
Total Expenditure by
12,741,392 12,552,109 18,030,700 18,571,621 19,128,770
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 690,268,459 661,965,207 674,230,308 694,457,217 715,290,934


Programme 1 : General Administration and Quality Assurance Services

Programme Outcome : Improved Services delivery and efficient office operation
Sub- Delivery Key Outputs Key Performance
Programme Unit Indicators
S.P. 1.1 General Headquarter Improved services delivery, Functional Education &
administration and Efficient office operation ICT offices
Headquarter. -Staff well and timely - Percentage of
enumerated employees paid
S.P. 1.2. Quality
adequately & on time
EYE Unit. Purchase of new EYE -No. of materials
curriculum teaching and purchased
learning materials

Headquarter. - 1 Strategic Plan in place -Strategic Plan developed
(Partner funded)
Headquarter. -KShs. 103M disbursed to -Amount of money
needy students, disbursed, no of needy
students receiving
Headquarter. -Quality monitoring and -Number of Field
assessments Supervisions carried out;
Number of Reports
compiled and submitted:
EYE Unit. - Training and Implementation -Number of EYE centers
of the new curriculum to the using the new curriculum
EYE -Number of teachers’
capacity built on new
Headquarter. Motor vehicle purchased - Motor vehicle procured
and in use
Programme 2 : EYE and Vocational Training Services
Programme Outcome: Community access to vocational services and improved quality of
education among all learners and a Centre of benchmarking
Sub- Delivery Key Outputs Key Performance
Programme Unit Indicators
EYE Unit - 40 Classrooms successfully -Number of EYE
constructed classrooms constructed in
the county
S.P. 2.1. EYE - 878 Centers supplied with -No. of EYE Schools
Services learning materials supplied with new
curriculum learning and
teaching materials
-1 EYE Policy in place -EYE Policy developed
Vocational -1 model workshops/ hostels % of construction works
training unit constructed done
S.P.2. 2.
-10 VTCs equipped with tools -No. of units of
and equipment equipment supplied to
-8 vocational training centers No. of VTCs renovated
Programme 3 : ICT Services
Programme Outcome : Enhanced connectivity and improved communication
across the county departments and residents
Sub- Delivery Key Outputs Key Performance
Programme Unit Indicators

ICT Unit Acknowledged based and ICT -Number of information
literate society Centers
S.P. 3.1.
-Website maintenance -Certificate renewal and
protected functional website
-ICT Policy developed -No. of ICT policy

VOTE R5115
Sub-Item Description Sub-Item Code Draft Estimates

Basic Salary 2110101 353,388,291.00

Electricity 2210101 48,000.00
Water 2210102 31,200.00
Telephone 2210201 1,620,000.00
Maintenance of office furniture and equipment 2210202 900,000.00
Stationery 2211101 32,354,434.00
Travel Costs 2210301 4,606,000.00
DSA-Officers 2210303 5,740,000.00
Accommodation 2210401 5,000,000.00
Subscription to Newspapers 2210503 18,720.00
Advertising 2210504 840,741.00
Hire of Venue 2210704 140,000.00
Tuition fee 2210711 3,748,000.00
Purchase of new EYE teaching and learning materials 2210712 11,004,226.00
Catering Services (Receptions, etc.) 2210801 2,348,880.00
Sanitary & Cleaning Materials 2211103 1,387,032.00
Refined fuels and lubricants for transport 2211201 4,462,200.00
Bank Charges 2211300 36,000.00
Consultancy Services 2211310 1,943,200.00
Maintenance of Motor Vehicles 2220101 624,000.00
Maintenance of Buildings 2220205 720,200.00
Maintenance of Computers, Software & Printers 2220210 1,166,000.00
Bursary 2640101 109,180,000.00
Purchase of Motorcycles 3110701 4,083,184.00
Purchase of Office Furniture & Fittings 3111001 840,000.00
VTC capitation, shows and exhibitions 3111009 8,000,000.00

VOTE D5115
Sub-Item Description Sub-Item Code Draft Estimates
Equipment and Resources for VTCs 3111109 0
Construction of EYE classrooms 3111402 60,000,000
Construction and Renovation works of VTCs 3111402 45,000,000
Renovation and Equipping of ICT innovation centers 3111402 12,000,000
ICT Asset Management System and Networking 3110504 3,000,000.00
TOTAL VOTE 674,230,308.00



Vision: The vision of the county department of health is to become and remain a county free of
preventable diseases and controllable ill health.

Mission: The Mission of the Department is to provide sustainable, technologically-driven,

evidenced-based and client-centered healthcare services.


The health sector is mandated to build a progressive, responsive and sustainable technology-
driven, evidence-based and client-centered health system for accelerated attainment of the highest
standards of health to the people of Homa Bay County. The sector is charged with confronting and
overcoming the high disease burden in the county which is well highlighted in Kenya’s
epidemiological profile.

Over the last two financial years (2018/19 – 2019/20), the sector’s achievements were as follows;
completion of maternity wards at Mbita, Rachar and Miriu respectively, the sector maintained and
renovated various health centers in various wards across the County, construction of a cancer unit
at HBTRH, equipped operating theatres at Ndhiwa, Rachuonyo North and Rangwe Sub County
hospitals, recruited 150 additional healthcare workers in line with the increased demand for quality
healthcare services.

In the coming financial year 2020/21, the department will continue its development agenda by
focusing on the construction/completion of the department’s headquarters, construction of a
modern theatre, construction of staff houses, construction of wards, laboratories and maternity
wings in health centers, renovation and upgrading of health facilities across the county. The
department also plans to upscale its preparedness for disease outbreaks/pandemics by ensuring set
up and equipping of isolation centers, and provision of PPEs to all county healthcare workers;
Additionally, the department is also keen on enhancing MCH and reproductive health services;
improving coordination and community access to affordable quality health services; reducing the
burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases; and reducing morbidity associated with
poor hygiene and sanitation.

In order to achieve these strategic objectives, the department has been allocated KSh.
2,246,180,638 to be utilized for recurrent purposes and KSh. 260,320,190 to meet the departmental
development agenda. This allocation representing 32% of the total county resource envelope.


P1. Policy planning and To provide service delivery and coordination of
administrative support service department-wide functions, Programs and activities

P2. Preventive and promotive To minimize exposure to health risk and reverse the
health services burden of communicable diseases
P3. Curative and rehabilitative To provide essential medical services and sub –county
health services hospitals and county referral facility
P4. Research and development To strengthen collaboration with other sectors in
service generation and application of new knowledge for
improved service delivery.


Revised Draft Projected Projected

Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
P1. Policy planning and
administrative support service 1,808,899,666 1,875,093,446 1,931,346,249 1,988,272,973
P2. Preventive and Promotive health
services 124,900,000 234,400,000 216,135,000 217,819,050
P3. Curative and rehabilitative health
services 663,265,419 392,007,382 416,373,851 421,865,066
P4. Research and development
service 6,203,000 5,000,000 5,050,000 5,100,500
Total Expenditure
2,603,268,085 2,506,500,828 2,568,905,100 2,633,057,589



Revised Draft Projected Projected

Sub Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
PROGRAMME 1: Policy, Planning and Administrative Support Services
SP1.1 Policy, Planning and
Monitoring Services 13,473,807 8,991,000 9,260,730 9,538,552
SP1.2 Administrative Support
Services 1,795,425,859 1,866,102,446 1,922,085,519 1,978,734,421
Total Expenditure of CP1
1,808,899,666 1,875,093,446 1,931,346,249 1,988,272,973
PROGRAMME 2: Preventive and Promotive Health Services
SP 2:1 Community health services
77,400,000 54,500,000 56,135,000 57,819,050
SP 2.2: Disease control services
47,500,000 19,900,000 20,497,000 21,111,910
SP 2.3: Facility infrastructure
improvement services 0 160,000,000 160,000,000 160,000,000
Total Expenditure of CP2
124,900,000 234,400,000 216,135,000 217,819,050
PROGRAMME 3: Curative and Rehabilitative Health Services
SP 3:1 Routine medical health
services 253,017,729 262,000,000 269,860,000 270,955,800
SP 3:2 Medical emergency response
services 12,000,000 29,687,192 43,184,055 44,479,577

SP 3:3 Facility infrastructure
improvement services 398,247,690 100,320,190 103,329,796 106,429,690
Total Expenditure of CP3
663,265,419 392,007,382 416,373,851 421,865,066
PROGRAMME4: Research and Development Services
SP 4:1 Research and surveillance
services 2,703,000 2,000,000 2,020,000 2,040,200
SP 4:2 Capacity development
services 3,500,000 3,000,000 3,030,000 3,060,300
Total Expenditure of CP4
6,203,000 5,000,000 5,050,000 5,100,500
EXPENDITURE 2,603,268,085 2,506,500,828 2,568,905,100 2,633,057,589



Revised Draft Projected Projected

Economic Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
Current Expenditure
2,198,947,895 2,246,180,638 2,301,174,910 2,357,695,099
Compensation to Employees
1,626,623,285 1,626,623,285 1,675,421,984 1,725,684,643
Use of Goods and Services
522,824,110 516,370,161 521,533,863 526,749,201
Other Recurrent
49,500,500 103,187,192 104,219,064 105,261,255
Capital Expenditure
404,320,190 260,320,190 267,730,190 275,362,490
Acquisition of non-financial assets
240,200,000 13,320,190 13,320,190 13,320,190
Other Development
164,120,190 247,000,000 254,410,000 262,042,300
Total Expenditure by Vote
2,603,268,085 2,506,500,828 2,568,905,100 2,633,057,589



Revised Draft Projected Projected

Economic Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
Programme 1: Policy, Planning, General Administration and Support Services
Current Expenditure
1,800,229,666 1,875,093,446 1,926,376,846 1,979,149,054
Compensation of Employees
1,626,623,285 1,626,623,285 1,675,421,984 1,725,684,643
Use of goods and services
171,406,381 248,470,161 250,954,863 253,464,411
Other recurrent
2,602,500 - - -

Capital Expenditure
8,670,000 - - -
Acquisition of Non-Financial Assets
- - - -
Other Development
9,072,500 - - -
Total Expenditure by Programme
1,808,899,666 1,875,093,446 1,926,376,846 1,979,149,054
PROGRAMME 2: Preventive & Promotive Health Services
Current Expenditure
124,900,000 74,400,000 75,144,000 75,895,440
Use of goods and services
83,400,000 5,900,000 5,959,000 6,018,590
Other recurrent
41,500,000 68,500,000 69,185,000 69,876,850
Capital Expenditure
- 160,000,000 164,800,000 169,744,000
Acquisition of Non-Financial Assets
- - - -
Other Development
- 160,000,000 164,800,000 169,744,000
Total Expenditure by Programme
124,900,000 234,400,000 239,944,000 245,639,440
Current Expenditure
268,017,729 291,687,192 294,604,064 297,550,105
Use of goods and services
268,017,729 262,000,000 264,620,000 267,266,200
Other recurrent
- 29,687,192 29,984,064 30,283,905
Capital Expenditure
395,247,690 100,320,190 102,930,190 105,618,490
Acquisition of Non-Financial Assets
240,200,000 13,320,190 13,320,190 13,320,190
Other Development
155,047,690 87,000,000 89,610,000 92,298,300
Total Expenditure by Programme
663,265,419 392,007,382 397,534,254 403,168,595
Current Expenditure
6,203,000 5,000,000 5,050,000 5,100,500
Compensation to Employees
- - - -
Use of goods and services
- - - -
Other recurrent
6,203,000 5,000,000 5,050,000 5,100,500
Capital Expenditure
- - - -
Acquisition of Non-Financial Assets
- - - -
Other Development
- - - -

Total Expenditure by Programme
6,203,000 5,000,000 5,050,000 5,100,500
2,603,268,085 2,506,500,828 2,568,905,100 2,633,057,589


INDICATORS FOR FY 2020/21-2021/22 (KSH.)

Sub Programme Delivery Unit Key Output Key Performance Indicators

SP1. Planning & monitoring Departmental No of Planning meetings No of Policies Operational
1 Head

SP1. Administrative support Administrator No of workers on Duty No of offices operational

2 services
SP2. Community health CPHO No of supervisions Planned No of Supervisions Done
1 services
SP2. Disease Control Services CPHO % of disease controlled No of Interventions in Place
SP3. Routine Medical supplies Procurement & of HF with Adequate NO of HF with Regular Supplies
1 officer supplies No of
SP3. Medical emergency DOH % of Community supported No accessing the referral services
2 services
Procurement No of ambulances procured No of Ambulances Operational

SP Facility infrastructure COH  % of HQ office  No of offices operational

3.3 improvement DOH constructed.  No of dispensaries
CPHO operational
 No. of dispensaries
constructed.  No. of health facilities
 No. of health facilities
 No of toilets constructed and
upgraded. operational.
 No. of toilets
SP4. Research & surveillance DOH % of Research developed No of collaborations
1 services strengthened.
SP4. capacity building Services CHRO % of Health workers No in Capacity Building
2 supported Institutions


Draft Estimates
Item Code Item Name/Description
2110101 Basic Salaries 1,626,623,285
2210401 Travel costs (Airlines, Bus, Railway, Mileage Allowance) 3,000,000
2210101 Electricity 1,200,000
2210102 Water and sewerage charges 200,000
2210201 Telephone, telex, facsimile and mobile phone services 570,000
2210203 Courier and postal services 200,000
2210303 Daily Subsistence Allowances 3,000,000
2210302 Domestic Travel-Accommodation 3,000,000
2210309 Field Allowance (CHV Stipends) 40,500,000
2210502 Publishing and Printing Services 240,000
2211324 Registration of Land 500,000
2640599 HIV AIDS Secretarial Workplace Policy Development 18,000,000
2210712 Research Allowance 2,000,000
2210799 Training Expenses - (Other) 2,500,000
2210801 Catering Service 1,200,000
2210802 Boards, Meetings, Conference, Seminars 1,000,000
2211001 Medical Drugs 200,000,000
2211002 Dressings and other non-pharmaceutical medical items 27,000,000
2211004 Fungicides, Insecticides & Sprays 1,000,000
2211008 Laboratory materials, supplies and small equipment 25,000,000
2211310 Contracted Professional Services (Guards and Cleaning Services) 13,500,000
2211308 Legal Dues/Fees 500,000
2210601 Rent of Vehicles 500,000
2210602 Rents and Rates - Residential 400,000
2210603 Rents and Rates - Non-Residential 4,000,000
2211022 Bedding and Linen 10,000,000
2211101 General Office Supplies (papers, pencils, forms, etc.) 450,000
2211102 Supplies and Accessories for computers and printers 500,000
2211103 Sanitary and Cleaning Materials Supplies and Services 500,000
2211008 Waste Disposal Equipment 1,000,000
2211008 Water Sampling Materials 1,400,000
2211201 Refined Fuels and Lubricants for Transport 4,300,000
2220101 Maintenance of Motor Vehicles 2,000,000
2220210 Maintenance of Computers 500,000
2220202 Maintenance of Machinery & Equipment 3,000,000
2210902 Building Insurance 1,000,000
2210904 Motor Vehicle Insurance 2,000,000

2430101 Recruitment of Poor Households into NHIF 10,000,000
2640102 Scholarship and Short Courses Benefits 3,000,000
2640599 User Fee 22,185,346
2640599 World Bank THS-UCP 61,854,815
2640599 FIF-NHIF 59,000,000
2640599 FIF Cash 39,000,000
2640599 DANIDA 19,170,000
2810205 Epidemics, Disease Outbreaks and Control 29,687,192
Total Recurrent 2,246,180,638
Development Vote
3110202 Construction of Ministry of Health HQ (Health ANNEX A) 35,000,000
3110202 Construction of Theatres (Sena, Ramula) (Health ANNEX B) 36,000,000
3110202 Construction Works Ward Based (Health ANNEX F) 160,000,000
3110202 Completion of OPD Block in Oyugis Sub County Hospital 10,000,000
3110302 Refurbishment of Kisegi Health Centre 6,000,000
3111101 Purchase of Medical Equipment 10,320,190
3111107 Purchase of Laboratory Equipment 3,000,000
Total Development 260,320,190
TOTAL VOTE 2,506,500,828



The Vision of the County Department of Lands, Housing, Physical Planning & Urban
Development is “Excellence in land management, proper housing and physical planning for
sustainable development of Homa-Bay County.”


The Mission is “To facilitate improvement of the livelihood of Homa-Bay County residents
through efficient administration, equitable access, secure tenure, proper housing and sustainable
management of Land resources”

Context for Budget Review

For the financial year 2019/2020, the Ministry’s financial allocation was KSh. 101,822,516 which
consisted of KSh. 60,163,399 as recurrent and KSh. 41,659,117 million as development votes
including The reduction in the development vote which was as a result of the transfer of KSh.
185,892,100 donor funding from Kenya Urban Support Programme (KUSP – UIG & UDG).

The department was able to embark on a number of projects and programmes which included
countywide preparation of county spatial plan which will continue to the next financial year
2020/2021, land use has been improved in the county even as preparation of the county spatial
plan is ongoing. The Department was able to establish and operationalize the Homa-Bay Municipal
Board; complete preliminary work on the affordable housing project; completed the Symbio-City
Quick win project; surveyed and demarcated 12 market centers, and initiated construction of Homa
Bay Municipal market which is well on course. The Department further initiated a programme on
Urban Lakefront Development, Climate Resilience of the Urban Poor and Informal Settlements

Challenges & constraints & mitigation measures

During the financial year 2019/2020, the ministry encountered a number of constraints and
challenges such as inadequate coordination and integration of the devolved central government
offices into the county government system; lack of adequate financial resources needed to mobilize
the officers in order that they undertake the above listed function and to run the departmental
activities; acute shortage in human capital to handle various activities of departments.
Transportation of staff to the fields and various sub county offices is a major problem due to acute
shortage of vehicles, Covid-19 that equally derailed the departmental activities. Office
accommodation space is also inadequate which requires redress.

The budget ceiling for the department should be increased to ensure allocation of sufficient funds.
Additionally, the County treasury should ensure timely release of funds to enable implementation
of programmes as planned including County Spatial Planning, Symbio-City change Project,
Survey, Demarcation of Markets Areas, Land Banking, Inventorization and security of public
lands, Formulation of regulations on Valuation and Rating Act, Preparation of Valuation Roll,
Housing Improvement Services, Smart Settlement Services (ABMT Promotional Services),
Delineation and Establishment of Urban institutions, Slum Upgrading Programme (KISIP II),
Affordable Housing Programme, Urban Lakefront Planning and Development, Human
Settlements and Sustainable Urbanization Forums (World Habitat Day, World Cities Day,
National Urban Forum, World Urban Forum, UN Habitat Assembly, and UN General Assembly)
and Climate Resilience for the Urban Poor.

Major services/ output to be provided in MTEF Period 2020/2021

For the FY 2020/21, the department has been allocated KSh. 72,702,230 and will continue
focusing on the following areas under Lands and Physical Planning: Preparation of County Spatial
and Physical development plans; Completion of inventory of public lands; Survey and demarcation
of markets, Land banking, formulation of regulations to operationalize the Valuation and Rating
Act, and preparation of valuation roll.

In the medium-term, however, the Housing and Urban Development sub-sector is focused on a
number of key priorities, including: Improving the living standard of the people by developing low
cost housing under PPP and facilitate realization of Affordable housing project; promotion of
Appropriate Building Materials and Technologies (ABMTs); maintenance of existing government
houses; Improving urban institutional management and development programme under Kenya
Urban Support Programme( UIG); Delineation and establishment of urban institutions in
accordance with Urban Areas and Cities Act (Amendment) 2019, Slum upgrading/Improvement
of Informal Settlements and finalize Symbio-city change project in Mbita.


Lands and Physical planning To provide a spatial framework that would guide,
develop, administer and manage Land and its activities
within the county
Housing and Urban Development To improve suitable, conducive and affordable housing
conditions in the county
General administration services To improve service delivery and coordination of
department- wide functions, programmes and activities


Revised Draft Projected Projected

Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

General Administration Services 60,163,399 51,163,399 57,303,007 64,179,368

Lands and Physical planning. 41,709,370 35,416,600 39,666,592 44,426,583

Housing and Urban Development. 130,992,860 37,285,630 41,759,906 46,771,094

Total Expenditure of Vote 232,865,629 123,865,629 138,729,505 155,377,045


PROGRAMME FOR THE FY 2020/2021-2022/2023

Revised Draft Projected Projected

Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

P1: Lands and Physical planning.

SP1.1: County Spartial Planning

35,477,062 16,502,000 18,482,240 20,700,109

SP1.2 Symbio-City change Project

0 5,249,600 5,879,552 6,585,098

SP1.3 Survey, Demarcation of Markets

6,232,308 6,165,000 6,904,800 7,733,376
SP1.4 Land Banking 0 2,500,000 2,800,000 3,136,000
SP1.5 Inventorization and security of
public lands 0 1,000,000 1,120,000 1,254,400

SP1.6 Preparation of Valuation Roll

0 4,000,000 0 0

Total Expenditure for P1

41,709,370 35,416,600 35,186,592 39,408,983
P2: Housing and Urban Development

SP2.1: Housing Improvement Services 8,000,760 7,006,000 7,846,720 8,788,326

SP2.2: Smart Settlement Services

3,100,000 7,177,230 8,038,498 9,003,117
(ABMTC Promotional Services )

SP2.3: Delineation and Establishment
of Urban institutions
119,892,100 10,063,000 11,270,560 12,623,027

SP 2.4: Slum Upgrading Programme 0 2,015,960 2,257,875 2,528,820

SP2.5:Affordable Housing Programme 0 5,023,440 5,626,253 6,301,403

SP2.6:Urban Lakefront Planning and
Development 0 3,000,000 0 0
SP2.7:Human Settlements and
Sustainable Urbanization Forums
0 2,000,000 0 0
SP2.8:Climate Resilience for the Urban
Poor 0 1,000,000 0 0

Total Expenditure for P2

130,992,860 37,285,630 35,039,906 39,244,694
P3: General Administration Services

SP3.1: General Administrative Support

33,768,440 33,768,444 37,820,657 42,359,136

SP3.2: Policy Development

1,390,000 2,100,000 1,390,000 1,556,800

SP 3.3 Monitoring and Evaluation

694,409 350,000 694,409 777,738

SP.3.4 General Office Operations

24,310,550 14,944,955 24,310,550 27,227,816

Total Expenditure for P3

60,163,399 51,163,399 64,215,616 71,921,490
Total Expenditure for Department 232,865,629 123,865,629 134,442,114 150,575,168


FY2020/2021- 2022/23

Revised Draft Projected Projected

Economic Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Recurrent Expenditure

Compensation to Employees 33,768,440 33,768,444 37,820,657 42,359,136

Use of Goods and Services 22,433,309 17,344,955 19,426,350 21,757,512

Other Recurrent 3,961,650 50,000 56,000 62,720

Total Recurrent Expenditure 60,163,399 51,163,399 57,303,007 64,179,368

Development Expenditure

Acquisition of Non-Financial Assets 5,522,214 13,676,800 15,318,016 17,156,178

Other Development 167,180,016 59,025,430 66,108,482 74,041,500

Capital Transfers 0 0 0 0

Total Development Expenditure 172,702,230 72,702,230 81,426,498 91,197,678

GRAND TOTAL 232,865,629 123,865,629 101,822,516 270,811,306


FY2020/2021- 2022/23

Approved Revised
Economic Revised Estimates Projected Estimates
Estimates Estimates
Classification 2018/19 2020/21
2019/20 2019/20
P1: Land and Physical planning.
Recurrent Expenditure 0 0 0 0
Capital Expenditure 41,709,370 35,416,600 39,666,592 44,426,583
Acquisition of Non-
2,357,214 5,368,800 6013056 6,734,623
Financial Assets

Other Development 39,352,156 30,047,800 37,691,961

P2: Housing and Urban Development
Recurrent Expenditure 0 0 0
Capital Expenditure 130,992,860 37,285,630 41,759,906 46,771,094
Acquisition of Non-
3,165,000 8,308,000 9,304,960 10,421,555
Financial Assets
Other Development 127,827,860 28,977,630 32,454,946 36,349,539
P3: General Administration Services
Recurrent Expenditure 60,163,399 51,163,399 57,303,007 64,179,368
Compensation to
33,768,440 33,768,444 37,820,657 42,359,136
Use of Goods and
22,433,309 17,344,955 19,426,350 21,757,512
Other Recurrent 3,961,650 50,000 56,000 62,720

Total Vote 232,865,629 123,865,629 138,729,505 155,377,045


Programme Delivery Key Key Target Targe Targe Targe

Unit Outputs Performanc (Baselin t t t
e Indicators e) 20/21 21/22 23/24
ACT. 1.1: County Department Spatial Percentage 1 1 1 1
Spatial Planning of Physical framework of county
Planning developed spatial plan
ACT.1.2:Symbioci Department Sustained -Integrated 0 100% 100% 100%
ty pilot project of Physical Urban solid waste
Planning Developme Management
nt achieved
ACT. 1.3: Department Well No. of 10% 40% 80% 100%
Development of Physical planned Developmen
control Planning towns t control
ACT. 2.1: Surveys County Percentag 100% 40% 60% 100%
Preparation of department inventory e of
Inventory of Public of public public
Land land created land
ACT. 2.2: Survey Surveys Market Percentag 10% 60% 80% 100%
and demarcation of department centres e of
Market Areas surveyed, market
demarcated centers
ACT. 2.4: Land Surveys Land for Acreage 20 acres 4 50 100
banking department investment of land acres acres acres
ACT. 2.5: Lands Property No. of 30% 50% 100% 100%
Valuation Roll Department inventory urban
within areas with
urban areas valuation

Department Housing No. of 24 12 20 25
of Housing units housing
SP2.1: Housing
and Urban renovated units
Developme and completed
nt refurbished and
SP2.2: Affordable Department Affordable Percentage 30% 50% 20% 100%
Housing of Housing housing of
Programme and Urban programme Affordable
targeting 5,300 Developme implemente housing
low cost housing nt d programme
units across the implemented
Department ABT Percentage 50% 80% 100% 100%
SP2.3: Smart of Housing centres of work
Settlement Services and Urban constructed done in ABT
(ABMT Promotional Developme and Centres
Services) nt operational created in
Department Urban  No. of 2 20 40 80
of Housing Institutions urban
and Urban established areas
Developme delineated
SP2.4: Urban nt  No. of
Development Urban
Department Informal No. of 2 4 6 13
of Housing settlements informal
and Urban upgraded settlements
Developme upgraded
SP 2.5: Slum
Department Urban Copy and 30% 40% 100% 100%
of Housing Lakefront model of
and Urban Masterplan planned
Developme developed urban
nt lakefront
Lakefront Planning
and Development

SP2.7:Human Department Participated No. of 3 4 5 5
Settlements and of Housing in Human Human
Sustainable and Urban Settlements Settlements
Urbanization Forums Developme Forums Organized

Department Hotspot No. of 20% 50% 100% 100%

of Housing settlements Hotspot
and Urban mapped settlements
Resilience for the
Urban Poor


Draft Estimates
Item Code Item Name/Description 2020/21
2110101 Basic Salaries – Civil Service 33,768,444
2110405 Telephone Allowance 480,000
2210101 Electricity Expenses 240,000
2210102 Water and sewerage charges 24,000
2210202 Internet Connections 30,000
2210203 Courier and Postal services 12,000
2210301 Travel costs – Domestic (airlines, bus, railway, mileage allowances 2,880,000
2210303 Daily Subsistence Allowance -Domestic 3,600,000
2210401 Travel costs - Foreign (airlines, bus, railway, mileage allowances, etc. 3,000,000
2210502 Publishing and Printing Services 500,000
2210503 Subscriptions to Newspapers, magazines and Periodicals 43,200
2210504 Advertising, Awareness and Publicity campaigns 360,000
2210505 Trade shows and exhibitions 500,000
2210801 Catering and Hospitality supplies 300,000
2210904 Motor Vehicles Insurance 360,000
General Office Supplies (papers, pencils, forms, small office
2211101 equipment, etc.
2211102 Supplies and Accessories for computers and printers 576,000
2211201 Refined fuel and Lubricants for transport 920,000
2211201 Subscriptions to professional bodies 40,000
2211201 Routine Maintenance Expenses - Motor Vehicles 720,000
2211311 Contracted Technical Services 1,945,744
2220201 Maintenance of Plant, Machinery and Equipment (including lifts) 214,000

2220205 Maintenance of buildings & stations (non-residential) 300,011
2220210 Maintenance of Computers, Software and Networks 100,000
3111002 Purchase of Computers, Printers and other IT Equipment 50,000
Totals For VOTE R5117 51,163,399
Sub-Item Code Item Description Sub-Item Code
3111100 Preparation of County Spatial Pan 16,502,000
3110202 ABMT Promotional Services 7,177,230
3110301 Housing Improvement Services 7,006,000
3110504 Symbio-city Pilot Project 5,249,600
3111112 Delineation and Establishment of Urban institutions 10,063,000
3111114 Survey and demarcation of Markets Areas 6,165,000
3111401 Inventorization of public lands 1,000,000
3110504 Preparation of Valuation Roll 4,000,000
3110505 Urban Lakefront Planning and Development 3,000,000
3111402 Slum Upgrading Programme 2,015,960
3111504 Affordable Housing Programme 5,023,440
3130101 Land Banking 2,500,000
3130202 Climate Resilience for the Urban Poor 1,000,000
3130202 Human Settlements and Sustainable Urbanization 2,000,000
Total For D5117 72,702,230



Vision: The department envisions Homa Bay County as ‘a leading industrialized county in the
Republic of Kenya by 2030’.

Mission: The department mission is ‘to create wealth, reduce poverty and generate employment
opportunities through industrialization and value addition’.


Summary of Expenditure trends and priority for FY 2020/21

During the financial year 2019/20, the department’s revised allocation was KSh. 444,706,910
which included KSh. 197,949,199for recurrent and KSh. 246,757,711 for development. This
translates to a reduction in total allocation to KSh. 365,884,603 which includes KSh. 207,949,199
and KSh. 157,935,404 for recurrent and development expenditures respectively in the financial
year 2020/21.

During the period 2020/21 the priority for the department will focus on registration of new
cooperatives; capacity building of cooperatives societies, reviving and strengthening dormant
cooperatives; auditing and routine inspection and investigations of cooperative societies;
supporting traders and the public in promoting fair trade practices; developing and up grading
markets; construction of the milling machine house , completion of go downs and installation
of machinery for maize processing plant; Completion of; Animal Processing Plant and Maize
processing plant, Construction of; Multi processing plant, facilitating formation of new, more
vibrant cooperative societies along the value chain; and mobilization and sensitization of farmers.

Challenges, Constraints and Mitigation Measures

The major challenges faced by the department in the financial year 2019/20 included untimely
release of development allocation, inadequate funding, long procurement process affecting
implementation of projects and emergence of corona virus pandemic. The budget ceiling for the
department should be increased to ensure allocation of sufficient funds. Additionally, the County
treasury should ensure timely release of funds to enable implementation of programs as planned.

Major services/ output to be provided in MTEF Period 2019/2020

During the MTEF period 2019/20 the department focused on registration of 15 new co-operatives;
reviving and strengthening of 25 dormant co-operatives societies; auditing of 11 co-operative
societies and routine inspection of 7 co-operative societies. In the FY 2020/2021, the department
will focus on registration of 20 new co-operatives; capacity building to members and management
of co-operatives societies in the 8 Sub-counties, reviving and strengthening of 45 dormant co-
operatives societies, auditing of 25 co-operative societies and routine inspection of 60 co-operative


Trade, Cooperatives and To improve the business environment and promote growth of
Entrepreneurship entrepreneurs and improvement in governance, marketing and
Development Service investment within cooperative framework
Industrial Development and To stimulate industrial development through value addition,
Investment Services industrial research, technology and innovation and create
enabling environment for investment
Planning and To ensure efficient service delivery through prudent
Administrative Services management of public resources


Revised Budget Projected Projected

Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23

P1. Trade, Cooperative and

175,200,000 127,000,000 130,510,000 134,125,300
Entrepreneurship Development Service
P2. Industrial Development and
70,800,000 30,935,404 33,169,264 35,497,480
Investment Services
P3. Planning and Administrative services 198,706,910 207,949,199 212,459,414 217,070,371
Total Expenditure 444,706,910 365,884,603 376,138,678 386,693,151


2020/21-2022/23 (KSH.)

Revised Budget Projected Projected

Sub Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23

Programme 1: Trade, Cooperative and Entrepreneurship Development Service

S.P. 1.1 Cooperative Development
20,000,000 - - -
S.P. 1.2. Enterprise Development and
5,889,893 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000
Promotion Services
S.P.1. 3. Trade Infrastructure
149,310,107 117,000,000 120,510,000 124,125,300
Development Services
Total Expenditure of P1 175,200,000 127,000,000 130,510,000 134,125,300
Programme 2: Industrial Development and Investment Services
S.P. 2.1. Value Chain Development
68,800,000 30,935,404 33,169,264 35,497,480
S.P.2. 2. Financial and Investment
2,000,000 - - -
Total Expenditure of P2 70,800,000 30,935,404 33,169,264 35,497,480
Programme 3: Planning and Administrative services
S.P.3.1. Administrative and Support
175,726,971 172,826,059 176,282,580 179,808,232
S.P. 3.2. Policy Development and
22,979,939 35,123,140 36,176,834 37,262,139
Implementation Services
Total Expenditure of P3 198,706,910 207,949,199 212,459,414 217,070,371
365,884,603 376,138,678 386,693,151
EXPENDITURE 444,706,910


2020/21-2022/23 (KSH.)

Revised Budget Projected Projected

Economic Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/2022 2022/23

Current Expenditure 197,949,199 207,949,199 213,465,212 219,139,481

Compensation to Employees 175,726,971 171,826,059 176,980,841 182,290,266
Use of Goods and Services 16,922,228 36,123,140 36,484,371 36,849,215
Current Transfers to Agencies 0 - - -
Other Recurrent 5,300,000 - - -
Capital Expenditure 246,757,711 157,935,404 162,673,466 167,553,670
Acquisition of non-financial assets 0 - - -
Use of Goods and Services 0 - - -
Capital Transfers to Agencies 0 - - -
Other Development 246,757,711 157,935,404 162,673,466 167,553,670
Total Expenditure by Vote 444,706,910 365,884,603 376,138,678 386,693,151


CLASSIFICATION, FY 2020/21-2022/23 (KSH.)

Revised Approved Projected Projected
Economic Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2018/19. 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022

Programme 1: Trade, Cooperative and Entrepreneurship Development Service

Current Expenditure 0 - - -
Compensation to Employees 0 - - -
Use of Goods and Services 0 - - -
Other Recurrent 0 - - -
Capital Expenditure 175,200,000 127,000,000 130,810,000 134,734,300
Acquisition of non-financial assets 0 - - -
Other development 175,200,000 127,000,000 130,810,000 134,734,300
Total Expenditure by Programme 175,200,000 127,000,000 130,810,000 134,734,300
Programme 2: Industrial Development and Investment Services
Current Expenditure 0 - - -
Compensation to Employees 0 - - -
Use of Goods and Services 0 - - -
Other Recurrent 0 - - -
Capital Expenditure 70,800,000 30,935,404 31,863,466 32,819,370
Acquisition of non-financial assets 2,000,000 - - -
Other development 68,800,000 30,935,404 31,863,466 32,819,370
Total Expenditure by Programme 70,800,000 30,935,404 31,863,466 32,819,370
Programme 3: Planning and Administrative services
Current Expenditure 198,706,910 207,949,199 213,465,212 219,139,481
Compensation to Employees 175,726,971 171,826,059 176,980,841 182,290,266
Use of Goods and Services 22,979,939 36,123,140 36,484,371 36,849,215
Other Recurrent services 0 - - -
Capital Expenditure 0 - - -
Acquisition of non-financial assets 0 - - -
Other development 0 - - -
Total Expenditure by Programme 198,706,910 207,949,199 213,465,212 219,139,481
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 444,706,910 365,884,603 376,138,678 386,693,151

FOR THE FY 2019/2020

PROGRAMME 1: Trade, Co-operatives and Entrepreneurship Development Service

OUTCOME(S): Improved trading and market access in the County; Improved governance of Co-operative Societies
and Creation of new investments
Sub- Delivery Key Outputs Key Target Target Target Target Target
programm Unit Performance Baseline 2019/202 2020/2021 2021/202 2022/2023
e Indicator 2018/2019 0 2
1.1 Departmen • Viable • No of 20
Cooperative t of cooperatives dormant Cooperatives 15Audite 25 Audited 25Audite 50
developmen Cooperativ established cooperative d Cooperatives d Audited
t services es • Existing revived Cooperati Cooperati for
cooperatives •Amount of ves 1 FOSA ves cumulativ
strengthened savings 1 FOSA e 5yrs
mobilized 20 New 1FOSA
• No of 10 New Cooperatives 4 FOSA
registered Co- 20 new Establishe
members in operatives Co- d by this
cooperatives 45 Revived operatives year
•No of 25 Co-operatives
depositing Revived 45 50 Newly
taking Co- Revived registered
SACCOs operatives Co- co-
licensed 60 Inspected operatives operatives
•No of 25 35 co-operatives
registered Inspected 60 100
audited co- Capacity Inspected Revived
accounts operatives building in 8 co- Co-
• No of active Sub-counties operatives operatives
accounts in Capacity
SACCOs building Capacity 150
in 8 Sub building Inspected
Counties in 8 Sub- co-
counties operatives

in all the 8

1.2 Departmen • New • No of 250 50 50 50 450

Enterprise t of entrepreneurs/ enterprises enterprenours trained
Developme Cooperativ enterprises upgraded/crea trained and and
nt es created ted running. created
• Enterprises • No of enterprenu
supported to entrepreneurs 40 250 ors
the next level supported
• Competitors •%
and investor/ compliance to
buyers get fair calibration
value • No of
weighing and 1
measuring 40% 50 70% 75%
equipment Conductin
stamped and
verified Capacity
•No of SME building
for board
license issued

1.3 Trade Departmen • Traders •No of - 1 1 modern Upgrading
infrastructur t of Trade operating in modern facility in 8 of 40 ward
e modern facilities markets markets
developmen markets within the
t services markets

• • No of Upgrading
Entrepreneurs technology of
showcasing/tak and 5 Nyakwere
ing up innovations market
innovations undertaken
on of
s in 40

PROGRAMME 2: Industrial Development and Investment Services

OUTCOME(S): Improved County economy and wealth creation
Sub- Delivery Output Performance Target Target Target Target Target
programm Unit Indicator Baseline2018/ 2019/202 2020/2021 2021/202 2022/2023
e 2019 0 2
2.1. Value Investme • Processed crop • % increase 10% 15% 20% 25% Mobilizati
chain nt produce in processed on of
developmen • Processed crops and investors
t services animal products animal 5 5 across the
products County
• No of
2.2. Investme • Investment • Investment 12 28 40 40
Financial nt attracted/created attracted/cre
and ated
PROGRAMME 3: Planning and Administrative services
OUTCOME(S): Improved governance of public office and performance of public servants
Sub- Delivery Output Performance Target Target Target2020/ Target Target
programm Unit Indicator Baseline2018/ 2019/202 2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
e 2019 0
3.1. Executiv • Staff • Fair and 100% 100% 100% 100%
Administrat e Office adequately adequate
ive and remunerated/cov remuneration
support ered under and % of staff
services welfare covered under 100% 100% 100%
• Staff welfare 100%
adequately • No of
trained trained staff
• Asset in good • Assets well
condition/use maintained
and in good
3.2 Policy Executiv • Document • No of 2 5 6
developmen e Office developed and policies,
t and implemented regulations,
implementa laws and
tion procedures
services. enacted


Sub Item Budget Estimates
Sub Item Description
Code 2020/2021 (KSh.)

2110101 Basic Salary

2210101 Electricity
2210102 Water
2210103 Gas refilling
2210201 Telephone
2210202 Internet Services
2210203 Courier and Postage
2210301 Travel Costs (Local)
2210303 DSA-Officers
2210502 Publishing and Printing Services
2210503 Subscription to Newspapers
2210504 Advertisement
2210505 Trade shows and exhibition
2210604 Vehicle Hire
2210701 Travel allowance
2210704 Hire of Hall
2210708 Trainer Allowance
2210711 Tuition fees and Allowance
2210801 Catering Services (Receptions, etc.)
2211101 General Office Supplies
2211102 Supplies & Accessories for Computer and Printer
2211103 Sanitary & Cleaning Materials

Refined fuels ,lubricants, repair, maintenance, insurance for transport
vehicle 4,250,000.00
2211310 Contracted Professional Services
3110701 Purchase of Vehicle
3111001 Purchase of Office Furniture & Fittings

Sub Item Budget Estimates
Sub Item Description
Code 2020/2021 (KSh)

3110504 Other Infrastructure & Civil Works

3111402 Engineering & Design Plans



A clean, healthy environment with safe, reliable and equitable water with well-defined irrigation

To promote, conserve and protect environment and improve access to safe water for domestic,
industrial and irrigation purposes for sustainable county development.


The mandate of ministry of water and environment include; development of requisite

policies/regulations for water and environment management, water and sewerage services,
conservation of environment, pollution control, protection of water catchment areas, wetlands and
waste lands, climate change affairs, developing areas ideal for irrigation schemes, water harvesting
and storage for irrigation related activities.

The departments approved budget for the current FY 2019/20 is Ksh. 490,004,025, of which Ksh.
127,358,105 meant for recurrent expenditure and Kshs. 362,645,920 for development expenditure
this budgetary provision will see the department deliver on some of its priority areas by close of
the financial year.

Between FY 2018/2019-2019/2020 the department recorded the following achievements

rehabilitated and expanded 7 rural water supplies, drilled and equipped 11 boreholes, protected 17
springs, purchased and supplied 50 water tanks to public institutions across the county and desilted
1 water pan, 100 litter bins procured and distributed to different sub counties ,acquired 1 dumpsite
in Mbita sub county, established 1 tree nursery in Homa-Bay sub county and through re-greening
initiative a total of 20 public schools were supplied with different tree an approach aimed at
instilling values among learners on environment conservation.

Despite the achievements the department also encountered some challenges which included;
Inadequate working tools and equipment’s, increased volumes of non-revenue water due to
vandalism and dilapidated infrastructure and poor management of existing water supplies,
improper solid waste management in various urban and rural centers e.g. no designated waste
disposal sites, mushrooming of dumping sites, inadequate budgets, delayed budget remittances to
the department this impact on implementation of projects, non-functional water sources that end
up not providing enough water for consumption, breakdown of rural water supplies due to lack of
routine maintenance and lack of monitoring systems to track breakdown of rural water supplies.

To respond to the challenges the department developed and implemented the following actions
which will be replicated to the current FY;Fast track on land easement for all government projects
in private property, procurement of modern working tools and equipment, adopted green energy
(use of solar power) to help curb high electricity costs, awareness creation on reforestation and
afforestation, enhance security systems for water projects, introducing automated billing software
to help curb the increasing value of non-revenue water and Adopt an integrated solid waste
management system.

Major Services/Outputs to be provided in MTEF period 2020/21 – 2022/2023

During the medium term the period 2020/21-2022/2023, the department will focus on the
following key priority areas; increase access to clean water for rural and urban dwellers in the
county, enhance waste management and pollution, increase tree/forest cover to 10%, rehabilitate
degraded areas, promote uptake of agroforestry approaches, manage and conserve environment ,
increase sewerage and sanitation services, mainstream climate change adaptation and mitigation
interventions ,improve human resource management for effective implementation programmes.

For FY 2020/21 the department is budgeting with Ksh 427,348,105 distributed as follows
rehabilitation and expansion of urban water estimated at 21M alongside support from ongoing
Belgium Government on the same,rural water supplies commonly known as ward based projects
at 200M,other rural water supply 10M,pollution and waste management 31.5M,forest development
services 15M,reclamatation of waste lands 10M,Climate change counter –part program 3M this is
allocation is informed by advice from COG through national treasury focal point for climate
change to work with counties in fastracking climate change preparedness and 127,348,105 for
recurrent expenditures including compensation to employees and use of goods and services.


CP1.Water supply and management To increase access to adequate and reliable water
CP2. Environment protection and To promote, conserve and protect the environment
management services
CP3. General Administrative To increase efficiency and quality of work


Programme Revised Estimates Draft Projected Projected

2019/20 Estimates Estimates Estimates
2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
CP1: Water Supply and Management 312,581,920 240,000,000 240,260,000 247,947,099
CP2: Environmental Protection and 50,064,000 60,000,000 67,955,760 68,635,318
Management Services

CP3: General Administrative 127,358,105 127,348,105 131,081,684 135,014,134
Total Expenditure of Vote 490,004,025 427,348,105 439,297,444 451,596,551



Sub Programme Revised Estimates Draft Projected Projected

2019/20 Estimates Estimates Estimates
2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
CP1: Water Supply and Management Services
CSP1.1:Urban Water Supply 42,100,000 21,000,000 21,210,000 25,644,599
CSP1.2: Rural Water Supply Services 270,481,920 214,000,000 214,000,000 214,000,000

CSP1.3: Industrial Water Supply 0 5,000,000 5,050,000 8,302,500

Total Expenditure of CP1 312,581,920 240,000,000 240,260,000 247,947,099

CP2: Environmental Protection and Management Services

CSP2.1: Pollution and Waste 40,864,000 31,500,000 33,130,760 33,462,068
Management services
CSP2.2: Forestry Development 4200000 15,500,000 19,655,000 19,851,550
CSP2.3: Climate Change services 5,000,000 13,000,000 15,170,000 15,321,700
Total Expenditure of CP2 50,064,000 60,000,000 67,955,760 68,635,318

CP3: General Administrative Services

CSP3.1: Administrative Support 126,158,105 123,004,860 126,695,006 130,495,856
CSP3.2: Policy and Planning 1,200,000 4,343,245 4,386,677 4,518,278

Total Expenditure of CP3 127,358,105 127,348,105 131,081,684 135,014,134

TOTAL DEPARTMENT 490,004,025 427,348,105 439,297,444 451,596,551


FY 2020/21 - 2022/23
Economic Classification Revised Estimates Draft Projected Projected
2019/20 Estimates Estimates Estimates
2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Current Expenditure 127,358,105 127,348,105 130,297,444 133,326,551
Compensation to employees 62,079,412 83,792,860 86,306,646 88,895,845

Use of goods and services 65,278,693 39,212,000 39,604,120 40,000,162

Other recurrent - 4,343,245 4,386,677 4,430,544

Capital Expenditure 362,645,920 300,000,000 309,000,000 318,270,000
Acquisition of non-financial assets 20,864,000 18,500,000.00 19,055,000 19,626,650
Other development 341,781,920 281,500,000 289,945,000 298,643,350
Total Expenditure by Vote 490,004,025 427,348,105 439,297,444 451,596,551


2020/21 - 2022/23

Economic Classification Revised Estimates Draft Projected Projected

2019/20 Estimates Estimates Estimates
2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
CP1: Water Supply and
Management Services
Current Expenditure 0 0 0 0
Capital Expenditure 312,581,920 240,000,000 247,200,000 254,616,000

Acquisition of non-financial assets 0 0 0 0

Other development 312,581,920 240,000,000 247,200,000 254,616,000

Total Expenditure by Programme 312,581,920 240,000,000 247,200,000 254,616,000
CP2: Environmental Protection and Management Services

Current Expenditure 0 0 0 0

Capital Expenditure 50,064,000 60,000,000 61,800,000 63,654,000

Acquisition of non-financial assets 20,864,000.00 18,500,000.00 19,055,000 19,626,650

Other development 29,200,000 41,500,000 42,745,000 44,027,350
Total Expenditure by Programme 50,064,000 60,000,000 61,800,000 63,654,000

CP3: General Administrative Services

Current Expenditure 127,358,105 127,348,105 130,297,444 133,326,551

Compensation to Employees 62,079,412 83,792,860 86,306,646 88,895,845
Use of Goods and Services 65,278,693 39,212,000 39,604,120 40,000,162
Other Recurrent 0 4,343,245 4,386,677 4,430,544
Capital Expenditure 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Total Expenditure by Programme 127,358,105 127,348,105 130,297,444 133,326,551
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 490,004,025 427,348,105 439,297,444 451,596,551

INDICATORS FOR FY 2020/21-2022/23

Sub Delivery unit Key Outputs Key performance indicators Target

Programme 2020/21
CSP1.1: Water services Reduced walking No of urban water supplies 3
Urban water distance in search of rehabilitated and expanded
services water.
Reduced water bone
Improved living
CSP1.2: Rural Water services Reduced walking No of rural water supplies 43
water services distance in search of rehabilitated, extended, pipeline
water. connection
Reduced water bone
Improved living
Boreholes drilled and No. of Boreholes drilled and equipped 0
Springs protected No of Springs protected 0

Availability of clean No of plastic water tanks purchased 40

and safe water during and distributed to public institutions
dry period.
Reduced water bone
Improved living
Gravity system No of Gravity system surveyed and 0
surveyed and designed designed
Water pans desilted No of Water pans desilted 0

CSP1.3: Water Services Continuous supply for No of Industrial Water Supplies 1

Industrial industrial production. Constructed
Water Supply Job creation.
Services Improved living
CSP2.1: Environment Improved and efficient No of skip loaders purchased and in 1
Pollution and and Natural transportation of use
waste resources collected solid wastes
management to dumpsites.
services Enhanced efficient No of skips purchased and distributed 30
solid waste collection.
transportation of
wastes to dumpsites.
Reduced waste
collection point hence
maximise production.
Enhanced clean and

safe environment in
markets and towns.

Improved solid waste No of waste recycling plant 1

management. established and operational
Creation of job
Enhanced clean and
healthy environment.
Reduced pressure on
Reduced pressure on No of dump sites developed 2
Homa-Bay dumpsite.
Improved solid waste
mangement in Mbita
and Kendu-Bay towns
CSP2.2: Environment Increased No of tree No of model tree nurseries established 1
Forestry and Natural seedlings available in
development resources the county.
services Increased distribution
and supply of seedlings
to various
Increased forest cover
from 2.2% to 2.8% by

Increased food security No of farmers supplied with trees to 80

in the county. plant in their own farms
Improved nutrition.

Increased availability No of private tree nursery owners 8

of tree seedlings in the supplied with trees.
Improved income
among women and
youths .
Increased forest cover
from 2.2% to 2.8%.
.Increased forest cover No of schools supplied with different 160
from 2.2% to 2.8% by trees
conservation and
protection in our
.sensitivity among our
pupils and students

both at home and

.Increased forest cover No of aboretums established 1

from 2.2% to 2.8% in
the county.
.Enhanced Biodiversity
.Increased forest cover No of degraded and hill-tops 3
in the county from rehabilitated
2.2% to 2.8% by 2022.
Improved Environment
CSP2.3: Environment Increase in tree cover No of degraded sites rehabilitated 2
Climate and Natural in the degraded sites.
Change resources Reduced soil erosion.
services Increased fruit
production in the areas.
Existence of an No of local climate change action 2
operational climate plans developed
change unit/secretariat.
Local climate actions
developed and

CSP3.1: Water services, Working materials Quality of services offered

Administrative Environment procured in time
support and Natural
services resources Policies/laws No of policies /regulations developed 1
Developed and and operational
Water resources No of water resources identified
mapped and planned
Smooth operation of




2110101 Basic Salaries- Civil service
2110201 Contractual Employees
2110202 Casual Labor - Others
2210101 Electricity

2210102 Water & Sewerage
2210201 Telephone, Facsimile
2210202 Internet Connection
2210203 Courier & Postal Services
2210301 Travel Costs (Airline, Bus, Railways, mileage
allowance etc.) 1,500,000
2210302 Accommodation - Domestic travel
2210303 Daily Subsistence Allowances
2210309 Field Allowance
2210502 Publishing & Printing
2210503 Advertising, awareness & Publicity campaigns
2210505 Trade shows and exhibitions
2210606 Hire of Equipment, plant and Machinery
2210711 Tuition fees
2210801 Catering services
2210802 Boards, Meetings, Conference, Seminars
2210904 Motor Vehicle Insurance
2211009 Purchase of computers
2211101 General office supplies
2211102 Supplies and accessories for computers and
printers 300,000
2211103 Sanitary & Cleaning Materials supplies and
services 120,000
2211199 Other office and general services
2211201 Refined fuels and Lubricants for Transport
2211305 Contracted guards and cleaning services

2220101 Maintenance Expenses -Motor vehicle
2220201 Maintenance of plant, Machinery and
equipment 4,200,000
(including lifts)
2211310 Contracted professional services
3111112 Purchase of software
3110502 Water Supplies & Sewerage
3110504 Other Infrastructure and Civil Works
3111100 Purchase of Specialized Plant, Equipment and
Machinery 18,500,000
GRAND TOTAL 427,358,105




The department envisions ‘excellence in economic planning, financial management and service
delivery for inclusive and sustainable prosperity.’


The department exists ‘to build and preserve excellence in economic planning and financial
management through optimal resource mobilization, allocation and utilization to ensure inclusive
and sustainable development’.


The Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Service Delivery is mandated to manage the
county economy and resources therein through better planning and placement of resources in the
best possible uses and ensuring prudent utilization of the county’s resources. However, these
objectives have been undermined largely by the emergence of covid-19. With lockdowns and
containment measures against covid-19 being implemented in Kenya and the world over, the
County economy is suffering and is expected to contract by at least 3% by June 2020. If Covid-19
challenges persist however, exchequer releases to the county will suffer a beating. The slump in
global demand and the resultant decline in economic activity will lead to greater job losses that
will also have social reverberations in Homa Bay County.

The presence of covid-19 means a lot of resources shall be channeled towards fighting it even as
government revenues decline. This will diminish the fiscal space for other strategic investments as
the limited funds will be channeled largely to enhance health sector capacity as well as improve
social and economic responses. The focus will remain on limiting the virus outbreak and managing
the potential health crisis.

The immediate measure has been to contain the spread of the pandemic and to treat the infected
while providing financial relief to the cash-strapped households and firms with a view to keeping
them afloat until the pandemic begins to ebb. The medium term measure will be however to temper
health interventions with economic activity. At the health and social protection policy level, the
government will be more focused on testing and treatment, hiring of new medical staff, expanding
social assistance and implementing cash transfers to households. At the fiscal policy level, the
government will strive to reduce the burden to employees and businesses, declared a moratorium
on repayment of some loans, reprioritized spending and financing of the budget deficits.

In the FY 2019/2020, the department was allocated a total of KSh. 564,698,962 with KSh.
248,214,212 allocated for development purposes. From this allocation, the department is able to

run its programmes and implement some of the planned projects including furnishing and
equipment of the new Treasury Block. By the end of the FY 2019/2020, the department will have
been able to deal with Covid-19 challenges at KSh. 160 million, improved capacity for service
delivery at all county entities and devolved units at KSh. 79.1 million and mobilized additional aid
equipment at KSh. 9.2 million. The department will also have processed all planning and budget
documents required, accounted for all incomes and expenditures and improved all processes that
deliver desirable outcomes for the county.

For the FY 2020/2021, the department is focused on using the KSh. 307.7 million total allocations
to improve its post Covid-19 emergency response at KSh. 55 million, implement the Kenya
Devolution Support Programme at KSh. 45 million, mobilize Aid equipment at KSh. 10 million
and develop additional service delivery platforms at KSh. 9 million. Indeed, the department is still
committed to implementing all processes that lead to effective planning and budgeting, enhanced
revenue generation as well as more revamped external resource mobilization and liabilities
management. The department will continue to support more cost-effective budget execution in the
financial year 2020/2021.


CP1: Planning, budgeting and To provide leadership and coordination in planning, resource allocation
development coordination services and community capacity enhancement for improved development
CP2: Strategy and service delivery To provide the framework for improved service delivery and better
management services development outcomes
CP3: Resource mobilization services To mobilize development assistance and ensure optimum and equitable
collection of internal revenue and sustainable development
CP4: Financial management services To improve accountability and ensure prudence in the management of
the County’s financial resources and, ensure risk management, control
and governance processes leading to sound, credible and value-adding
financial outcomes
CP5: General administration and To support cost-effective provision of cross-sector services to
support services departments, devolved units and county government agencies


Revised Draft Projected Projected

County Programme (CP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CP1: Planning, budgeting and
development coordination
services 50,876,074 40,876,074 41,274,835 41,677,583
CP2: Strategy and service
delivery management services 31,959,200 17,073,193 17,442,851 17,822,234
CP3: Resource mobilization
services 83,269,528 29,155,528 29,444,083 29,735,524
CP4: Financial management
services 90,873,270 75,873,270 86,082,003 96,292,823
CP5: General administration and
support services 307,720,890 144,723,326 148,895,880 153,196,079

Total Expenditure of Vote 564,698,962 307,701,391 323,139,652 338,724,243


FY 2020/21-2022/2023

Revised Draft Projected Projected

Sub-Programme (SP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CSP1.1: Economic planning and
development services 8,600,200 8,600,200 8,686,202 8,773,064
CSP1.2: Resource Allocation
Services 12,129,714 12,129,000 12,250,290 12,372,793
CSP1.3: Community
Development Participation
Services 30,146,160 20,146,874 20,338,343 20,531,726
Total Expenditure of
40,876,074 41,274,835 41,677,583
Programme 1 50,876,074
Revised Draft Projected Projected
Sub-Programme (SP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CSP2.1: Monitorng and
evaluation services 7,989,200 2,987,200 3,017,072 3,047,243
CSP2.2: Strategy and service
delivery improvement services 23,970,000 14,085,993 14,425,779 14,774,992
Total Expenditure of
Programme 2 31,959,200 17,073,193 17,442,851 17,822,234
Revised Draft Projected Projected
Sub-Programme (SP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CSP3.1: External Resources
Mobilization Services 12,048,248 12,934,248 13,060,590 13,188,196
CSP3.2: Internal Revenue
Generation Services 71,221,280 16,221,280 16,383,493 16,547,328
Total Expenditure of
Programme 3 83,269,528 29,155,528 29,444,083 29,735,524


Revised Draft Projected Projected
Sub-Programme (SP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CSP4.1: Accounting and
Financial Reporting Services 12,554,530 12,554,530 12,680,075 12,806,876
CSP4.2: Audit and Advisory
Services 8,318,740 8,318,740 8,401,927 8,485,947

CSP4.3; Emergency Management
Services 70,000,000 55,000,000 65,000,000 75,000,000
Total Expenditure of
Programme 4 90,873,270 75,873,270 86,082,003 96,292,823
Revised Draft Projected Projected
Sub-Programme (SP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CSP5.1: Staff Remuneration and
Welfare Support Services 190,326,944 112,375,703 115,746,974 119,219,383
CSP5.2: General Logistics,
Coordination and Asset
Management Services 56,177,298 16,177,298 16,339,071 16,502,462
CSP5.3: Devolution and Service
Delivery Support Services 61,216,648 16,170,325 16,809,835 17,474,234
Total Expenditure of
Programme 5 307,720,890 144,723,326 148,895,880 153,196,079


CLASSIFICATION, FY 2020/2021-2022/2023

Revised Draft Projected Projected

Expenditure Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CURRENT EXPENDITURE 316,040,114 226,484,743 231,136,504 235,911,001
Compensation to employees 190,326,944 112,152,103 115,516,666 118,982,166
Use of goods and services 98,034,122 97,960,232 98,832,933 99,658,661
Acquisition of non-financial
0 5,200,000 5,460,000 5,733,000
Other recurrent 28,123,684 11,172,408 11,326,905 11,537,174
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 248,214,212 81,216,648 92,003,147 102,813,242
Acquisition of non-financial
0 10,046,325.00 10,347,714.75 10,658,146.19
Other development 248,214,212 71,170,323.00 81,655,432.69 92,155,095.67
TOTAL OF VOTE 564,698,962 307,701,391 323,139,652 338,724,243


CLASSIFICATION, FY 2020/2021 - 2022/23

Revised Draft Projected Projected

Expenditure Classification
Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
Current Expenditure 40,876,074 40,876,074 41,274,835 41,677,583
Compensation to employees 732,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

Use of goods and services 39,874,074 39,290,074 39,682,975
Other recurrent 270,000 586,000 591,860
Capital Expenditure 10,000,000 0 0 -
Acquisition of non-financial
0 0 0
assets -
Other development 10,000,000 0 0 -
Total of Programme 1 50,876,074 40,876,074 41,274,835 41,677,583
Revised Draft Projected Projected
Expenditure Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
Current Expenditure 11,959,200 7,026,868 7,095,137 7,164,088
Compensation to employees
0 200,000 200,000 200,000
Use of goods and services
11,889,200 6,457,868 6,522,447 6,587,671
Other recurrent
70,000 369,000 372,690 376,417
Capital Expenditure
20,000,000 10,046,325 10,347,715 10,658,146
Acquisition of non-financial
assets 20,000,000 10,046,325 10,347,715 10,658,146
Other development
0 0 - -
Total of Programme 2
31,959,200 17,073,193 17,442,851.43 17,822,234
Current Expenditure 25,055,316 29,155,528 29,444,083 29,735,524
Compensation to employees
0 300,000 300,000 300,000
Use of goods and services
20,688,636 19,026,168 19,173,656 19,268,393
Other recurrent
4,366,680 9,829,360 9,970,427 10,167,131
Capital Expenditure 58,214,212 0 0 -
Acquisition of non-financial
assets 18,214,212 0 0 -
Other development 40,000,000 0 0 -
Total of Programme 3 83,269,528 29,155,528 29,444,083 29,735,524


Current Expenditure 20,873,270 20,873,270 21,082,003 21,292,823

Compensation to employees
128,000 956,400 965,964 975,624
Use of goods and services
19,923,970 19,510,142 19,705,243 19,902,296

Other recurrent
821,300 406,728 410,795 414,903
Capital Expenditure 70,000,000 55,000,000 65,000,000 75,000,000
Acquisition of non-financial
assets 0 0 0 -
Other development
70,000,000 55,000,000 56,000,000 75,000,000
Total of Programme 4 90,873,270 75,873,270 86,082,003 96,292,823


Current Expenditure 217,720,890 128,553,003 132,240,447 136,040,983

Compensation to employees
189,466,944 109,695,703 112,986,574 116,376,171
Use of goods and services
5,658,242 13,657,300 13,793,873 13,931,812
Acquisition of non-financial
assets 5,200,000 5,460,000 5,733,000
Other recurrent 22,595,704 0 0 -
Capital Expenditure 90,000,000 16,170,323 16,655,433 17,155,096
Acquisition of non-financial
assets 0 0 0 -
Other development
90,000,000 16,170,323 16,655,433 17,155,096
Total of Programme 5 307,720,890 144,723,326 148,895,880 153,196,079


INDICATORS FOR FY 2020/2021 - 2022/23

Sub-Programme Deliv Key Outputs Key Target Target Target Target

ery Performance (Baseline) 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Unit Indicators 2019/20
Planning, Budgeting and Coordination of Development Services
Economic County County statistical No. of abstracts
1 1 1
planning and Planning abstract developed/ developed/ 1
development Unit updated updated
Officers trained on No. of forums
0 20 40 40
data generation held
County Planning No. of months the
Unit operationalized unit is in active 12 12 12 12
throughout the year operation
County Annual No. of copies
Development Plan generated and
100 200 300 400
developed and distributed
Resource County Consultations on No. of
allocation Budget budget documents consultations 40 40 40
services Office done in every ward done

A pool of officers are No. of officers
properly trained on trained on budget 14 22 62 62
budget formulation preparation
All budget No. of documents
formulation support produced/dissemi
documents generated nated (BC, 5 5 5 5
and publicized CBROP, CFSP,
Sufficient sectoral No. of times each
consultations are of the 8 sectors 2 3 3 3
undertaken meet
Budget hearings No. of hearings
done on the budget in held 8 8 8 8
all sub-counties
Budget No. of sessions
harmonization and held
2 2 2 2
workshops done
Strategy and Service Delivery Management Services

Monitoring M&E Unit Meetings held to No. of meetings

and evaluation review performance held 1 4 4
services against contracts
Projects across all No. of missions
wards are assessed done
40 80 120 160
are technically
Budget No. of reports
1 4 4 4
reports produced and
Strategy and Strategy & A service delivery Availability of the
1 1 1 1
service Service framework in place Framework
delivery Delivery P10 LED display No. of LED
improvement Unit units installed to display units in
- 10 10 10
services delivery information place and working
to the public
Financial Management Services

Accounting Accounts All financial % of transactions

and financial Unit transactions captured on
reporting captured, protected IFMIS, protected 80 100 100 100
services & produced via and reported on
All accounting docs % of required
100 100 100 100
procured in time documents
obtained in time
All relevant officers Cumulative no. of
trained on relevant new officers 28 42 56 70
IFMIS modules trained
All payment % of requisitions
requisitions processed/comple
100 100 100 100
processed & ted and reported
reported as

Liquidity Availability of the
management strategy paper 1 1 1 1
strategy developed
Audit and Internal All routine audit No. of inspections
advisory Audit Unit inspections and done and
services recommended advisories issued 14 24 36 48
special works are
All relevant audit No. of trainings/
trainings are people 14 28 28 28
Audit offices kept in No. of months
operation through 12 12 12 12
the year

Resource Mobilization Services

Internal Internal A-I-A policy Availability of the

Revenue Revenue developed and policy - 1 1 1
Mobilization Unit implemented
Services New revenue No. of people
proposals are involved
validated by 200 320 400 400

Revenue inspections No. of inspections

done done 1248 1248 1664 2080

All revenue No. of revenue

1248 1248 1248 1248
collected are banked bankings done
Details and amounts No. of weeks
of revenue collected fully covered 52 52 52 52
reported weekly
Enforcement tools Cumulative no. of
8 20 28 28
acquired spikes in place
Revenue offices No. of months in
operationalized full operation 12 12 12 12
throughout the year
External External Resource Availability of the
resources Resources mobilization policy policy - 1 1 1
mobilization and Debt developed
services Manageme ODA projects are No. of quarters
4 4 4 4
nt Unit well coordinated with good reports
County status No. of officers
reviewed and trained 4 8 12 18
General Administration Support Services
Personnel Human All staff are paid % of staff paid
remuneration Resources accordingly in time accordingly 100 100 100 100
and welfare Unit throughout the year
support Program run to % of eligible staff
services motivate best motivated 10 30 30 30
performing staff accordingly

General Office of All motor vehicles % of requisitions
Logistics, the Chief needed are procured, for transport
Coordination Officer insured and fueled processed 100 100 100 100
and Asset accordingly
Management throughout the year
Services All assets are % of assets
documented, tagged tagged and
50 100 100 100
and kept in safe insured
Regular staff No. of staff
meetings held to meetings held
harmonize 4 8 12 12
operations of
various offices



Sub-Item Draft Estimates

Item Description
Code 2020/2021
2110101 Basic salaries - Civil Service 77,466,504
2110301 House Allowances 27,023,100
2110302 Honoraria 1,106,400
2110314 Commuter Allowances 3,689,280
2110315 Extraneous allowances 150,000
2110320 Leaver Allowances 1,516,819
2110328 Sitting Allowance for CBEF members 1,200,000
2211201 Fossil fuels 8,305,124
2210101 Electricity 1,032,000
2210102 Water and Sewerage charges 576,000
2210201 Telephone, Telex, Facsimile and mobile phone services 1,490,000
2210202 Internet Connections 144,000
2210203 Courier and Postal services 36,216
2210301 Travel costs (Airline, Bus, Railway, Mileages Allowances) 16,156,000
2210302 Accommodation - Domestic Travel 13,061,000
2210303 Daily subsistence allowances 12,105,000
2210304 Sundry items (local travel) 172,874
2210502 Publishing and printing services 2,844,200
2210503 Subscriptions to Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals 165,600
2210504 Advertising, awareness and publicity campaigns 174,000
2210506 Curios and other Gifts 3,057,300
2210604 Hire of transport, equipment 1,120,000
2210606 Projector hire 10,000
2210401 Foreign Travel 1,800,000
2210404 Sundry items (airport taxi, etc.) 120,000

2210703 Production and printing of training materials 278,000
2210704 Hire of Training Facilities and Equipment 2,620,000
2210711 Tuition fees Allowance 1,580,000
2210712 Trainee Allowance 780,000
2210801 Catering services (receptions), accommodation, gifts, food and drinks 12,316,000
2210802 Boards and Seminars 842,000
2210904 Motor vehicle Insurance 344,000
2211016 Purchase of Uniforms and Clothing – Staff 48,000
2211101 General office supplies (papers, pencils, forms, small office equipment 2,814,504
2211102 Supplies and Accessories for computers and printers 1,448,000
2211199 Other Office and General Supplies 120,000
2211310 Contracted professional services 5,563,482
2211311 Contracted technical services 3,470,668
2211399 Other operating expenses 274,186
2220101 Maintenance expenses - motor vehicles 1,392,000
2220202 Maintenance of Equipment and Furniture 1,420,078
2220210 Maintenance of Computers, Software and Networks 280,000
2820199 Shipment costs 9,269,000
3110504 other infrastructure works 300,000
3110701 Purchase of motor vehicle 5,200,000
3111001 Purchase of Furniture 254,680
3111002 Purchase of computers 956,728
3111003 Purchase of air-conditioners, fans and heating appliances 72,000
3111009 Purchase of office equipment 200,000
3111109 Purchase of police and security equipment 120,000
Total Recurrent 226,484,743

Sub-Item Draft Estimates
Item Description
Code 2020/2021

2640201 Capital Reserves for Emergency 55,000,000

3111111 other infrastructure works (IT systems) 10,046,325
1032101601 Kenya Devolution Support Programme 16,170,323
Total Development 81,216,648


Vision: The entity envisions ‘Excellence in leadership and coordination for effective service
delivery in Homa Bay County’.

Mission: The mission of the entity is ‘To provide strategic leadership and coordination that creates
optimal conditions for accelerated, inclusive and sustainable development of Homa Bay County’.


The Governor’ office is mandated to provide leadership, coordination and track results for each
devolved entity for purposes of ensuring effective service delivery. During the MTEF period
2020/2021 to 2021/2022, the entity shall focus on improving office accommodation for staff;
operationalizing all devolved units; modernizing the Office of the Governor and completing
networking mains. The entity is also focused on training of relevant staff on performance
contracting; establishing ICT platforms for improved electronic service delivery; developing a
better public engagement strategy and; establishing a robust Inspection and Enforcement Unit to
enhance compliance within the existing legal regime.

In the Financial Year 2019/2020, the entity’s allocated resource envelope totaled to KSh.
637,935,570 of which KSh. 549,935,570 and KSh. 88,000,000.00 were allocated for recurrent
expenditure and development expenditure respectively. Therefore, the proposed resource envelope
for the Office of the Governor is KSh. 650,298,418, made of KSh. 604,298,418 for recurrent
purposes and KSh. 46,000,000 for development purposes including construction of enforcement
offices, and completion/construction of ward/sub county offices.

The immediate priority areas for the entity include; full operationalization of all devolved units
such as towns and villages; enhanced service delivery and projects management, improved disaster
preparedness and response, enhanced civic education of the people, ensure meaningful public
participation on various agenda within the county. Importantly, the entity is focused on
strengthening county structures and creating the necessary frameworks for effective service
delivery to the people.


Programme Objectives
To provide strategic leadership and coordination that supports service
CP1: Governance and delivery and facilitates transformation towards sustainable and inclusive
Coordination Services development at all devolved levels

CP2: Strategy and Service To provide strategic support that would scale up impact and facilitate
Delivery Services achievement of the best possible outcomes from executive decisions
P3: Public Service Administration To support improvement in service delivery and coordinate manpower
Support Services planning and logistic support to the county administration


Revised Draft Projected Projected

Programme (CP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
CP1: Governance and coordination
248,831,410 211,834,410 231,446,483 252,894,053
CP2: Strategy and service delivery
66,053,240 70,462,720 76,099,737 82,187,717
improvement services
P3: Public service administration
323,050,920 368,001,288 348,841,391 376,748,702
support services
Total Expenditure of Vote 637,935,570 650,298,418 656,387,611 711,830,472


Revised Draft Projected Projected

Sub-Programme (SP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
SP1.1: Executive management and
94,565,410 78,568,410 84,853,883 91,642,193
liaison services
SP1.2: Field coordination and
154,266,000 133,266,000 146,592,600 161,251,860
administration services
Total Expenditure of Programme 248,831,410 211,834,410 231,446,483 252,894,053
Revised Draft Projected Projected
Sub-Programme (CSP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
SP2.1: Strategy and advisory services 19,739,640 29,399,120 31,751,049 34,291,133
SP2.2: Efficiency monitoring services 32,003,000 22,953,000 24,789,240 26,772,379
SP2.3: Information and communication
5,950,000 6,250,000 6,750,000 7,290,000
SP 2.4: Disaster management services 8,360,600 11,860,600 12,809,448 13,834,205
SP2.5: Compliance and enforcement
0 0 0 0
Total Expenditure of Programme 66,053,240 70,462,720 76,099,737 82,187,717

Revised Draft Projected Projected
Sub-Programme (SP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
SP3.1: Human resource management
260,167,019 260,167,019 280,980,381 303,458,811
and development services
SP3.2: supply chain management
5,559,541 5,159,541 5,572,304 6,018,088
SP3.3: Legal Services 16,000,000 16,000,000 17,280,000 18,662,400
SP3.4: Logistics, security and asset
33,824,360 34,174,728 36,908,706 39,861,403
management services
SP 3.5: Performance contracting and
7,500,000 7,500,000 8,100,000 8,748,000
appraisal services
SP 3.6: Devolution Support Services 0 45,000,000 0 0
Total Expenditure of Programme 323,050,920 368,001,288 348,841,391 376,748,702
TOTAL OF VOTE 637,935,570 650,298,418 656,387,611 711,830,472


Revised Draft Projected Projected

Expenditure Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
CURRENT EXPENDITURE 549,920,570 604,298,418 591,312,674 626,170,472
Compensation to employees 260,367,019 232,682,286 260,980,380 291,458,811
Use of goods and services 259,133,551 302,196,132 305,218,093 308,270,274
Other recurrent 30,420,000 69,420,000 25,114,201 26,441,387
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 88,000,000 46,000,000 65,074,937 85,660,000
Use of goods and services 0 0 0 0
Acquisition of non-financial assets 0 0 0 0
Other development 88,000,000 46,000,000 65,074,937 85,660,000
TOTAL OF VOTE 637,935,570 650,298,418 656,387,611 711,830,472



Revised Draft Projected Projected

Expenditure Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Current Expenditure 133,131,677 165,834,410 166,371,546 167,234,053
Compensation to employees 0 0 0 0
Use of goods and services 111,131,677 103,914,410 141,257,345 140,792,666
Other recurrent 22,000,000 61,920,000 25,114,201 26,441,387
Capital Expenditure 88,000,000 46,000,000 65,074,937 85,660,000
Acquisition of non-financial assets 0 0 0 0
Other development 88,000,000.00 46,000,000 65,074,937 85,660,000
Total of Programme 1 248,831,410 211,834,410 231,446,483 252,894,053

Current Expenditure 66,053,240 70,462,720 76,099,737 82,187,717
Compensation to employees 200,000 0 0 0
Use of goods and services 58,433,240 70,462,720 76,099,737 82,187,717
Other recurrent 7,420,000 0 0 0
Capital Expenditure 0 0 0 0
Total of Programme 2 66,053,240 70,462,720 76,099,737 82,187,717
Current Expenditure 350,735,653 368,001,288 348,841,391 376,748,702
Compensation to employees 260,167,019 232,682,286 260,980,381 291,458,811
Use of goods and services 89,568,634 127,819,002 87,861,010 85,289,891
Other recurrent 1,000,000 7,500,000 0 0
Capital Expenditure 0 0 0 0
Acquisition of non-financial assets 0 0 0 0
Other development 0 0 0 0
Total of Programme 3 323,050,920 368,001,288 348,841,391 376,748,702


INDICATORS FOR FY 2020/21-2021/23

Programme Delivery Unit Key Outputs Key Target Draft Target Target
Performance (Baseline) Target 2021/22 2022/23
Indicators 2019/20 2020/21
SP1.1: Executive Office of County Expected No. of quarters 4 4 4 4
management and Secretary credits/ covered;
liaison services remittances Amount
made to remitted 5m 5m 5m 5m
council of
Operational No. of 12 12 12 12
costs covered units/months
through the covered
Contracted % of works 90% 100% 100% 100%
works completed
completed to
SP2.2: Field Office of County Operational No. of 12 12 12 12
coordination and Secretary costs covered units/months
administration through the covered
services year
Contracted % of works 50% 100% - -
works completed
completed to
SP3.1: Strategy and Strategy & All necessary % of political, 70% 100% 100% 100%
advisory services Delivery Unit memos/ economic and
documents legal issues
prepared successfully

SP3.2: Efficiency Strategy & Staff % of staff 60% 90% 100% 100%
monitoring services Delivery Unit contracted and contracted and
supported to performing at
perform at peak
SP3.3: Information Press Unit All % of 50% 70% 100% 100%
and communication government government
services services on theservices
web site available on the
web site
County % of 60% 80% 100% 100%
programmes government
receive due programmes
coverage submitted/aired
CSP3.1: Human Office of the Expected No. of months 12 12 12 12
resource County credits/ covered;
management services Secretary/Human remittances % of staff
resource made covered 468 468 468 468
department All staff on % of staff on 0% 100% 100% 100%
performance contract
All staff % of staff 40% 100% 100% 100%
receive some trained
Human % of advisories 60% 100% 100% 100%
resource implemented
advisories are
CSP3.2: Supply Supply Chain All % of 80% 100% 100% 100%
chain management Management requisitions requisitions
services Unit acted upon in acted upon in
time time
CSP3.3: Legal Office of the All legal % of legal 60% 100% 100% 100%
services County Secretary documents documents
certified by a drafted with the
legal expert help of a legal
All fees and % of payments 50% 0% 0% 0%
retainers due due not covered
are aid
CSP3.4: Logistics, Office of the All % of 100% 100% 100%
security, and asset County Secretary emergencies emergencies
management services identified and reported/ acted
reported in upon
time for action
All operations % of operations 100% 100% 100% 100%
facilitated facilitated to
good effect
Resource Amount and
mobilized and personnel
emergencies mobilized;
responded to % of
emergencies 100% 100% 100%
responded to
Multi-sectoral No. of sectors 30% 70% 100% 100%
response to with effective
HIV/AIDS control units
initiated and

All events held % of events 100% 100% 100% 100%
smoothly and well organized
guests well and receptions
received well done
CSP 3.5: Office of the Operational No. of 11 11 11 11
Performance County Secretary performance performance
Contracting and contract signed contracts
Appraisal services drafted
Competent No. of 3 3 3 3
employees successful
guided by a training held
clear scope of


2110117 Basic Salaries 137,427,786.00
2110202 Casual laborers 200,000.00
2110301 House allowance 57,093,399.00

2110315 Extraneous Allowances 15,000.00

2110321 Administrative allowance 37,946,101.00
2210101 Electricity 2,280,000.00
2210102 Water and Sewerage Charges 1,336,000.00
2210201 Telephone telex and mobile phones 4,997,000.00
2210202 internet connection services 650,000.00
2210203 Courier and Postal Services 672,000.00
2210301 Transport reimbursements 2,640,000.00
2210302 domestic travel and accommodation 29,790,000.00
2210303 Daily Subsistence Allowance 49,035,000.00
2210502 newspaper supplements 9,601,500.00
2210503 Subscription to newspaper, magazines and periodicals 1,241,760.00
2210603 Subscription to Newspapers 6,000,000.00
2210504 Advertisements and publicity campaigns 4,900,000.00
2210603 Office rent 9,240,000.00
2210604 Hire of transport 3,000,000.00
2210701 Travel(Accommodation, air travel) 15,216,000.00
2210703 Module preparation 8,412,500.00
2210704 Hire of training facility and equipment 1,430,000.00
2210711 Tuition fees 1,500,000.00

2210801 Catering Services 13,402,260.00
2210901 Group and personal insurance 15,679,733.00
2210902 Property insurance 4,800,000.00
2210904 Motor vehicle insurance 2,500,000.00
2210910 Medical insurance 8,000,000.00
2211006 Purchase Of equipment 821,000.00
2211101 General Office Expenses 8,283,411.00
2211102 Other operating expenses 2,504,850.00
2211103 Sanitary and Cleaning materials 1,780,750.00
2211201 Refined fuels and Lubricants 27,162,368.00
2211305 Contracted guards 840,000.00
2211308 Legal Services 16,000,000.00
2211310 Contracted Professional services 24,000,000.00
2211399 performance management system 1,500,000.00
2220101 Maintenance expenses(motor vehicle) 22,020,000.00
2220299 Repair of computers 960,000.00
2640503 Transfer to other agencies 20,000,000.00

3110701 Purchase of motor vehicle -

3111001 purchase of office furniture 4,420,000.00

3111003 Purchase of air conditioners, fans and heating appliances -

1032101601 Kenya Devolution Support Program 45,000,000.00
RECURRENT TOTAL 604,298,418.00
3110504 other infrastructure and public works 46,000,000.00
GRAND TOTAL 650,298,418.00


The board envisions ‘Excellence in Public Service delivery and management for County


The board exists ‘to provide overall leadership and coordination in the management of the
County’s human resources for effective service delivery.


The Board’s focus remains directed at strengthening the county policy framework for managing
the county public service; promotion of national values and principles; enhancing staff
productivity and morale, and attracting and retaining the best talent in the County Public Service.

The planned outputs of the Board during FY 2020/2021 –2022/2023 MTEF period will include:

 Developing the critical HR policies to streamline recruitment, deployment, development,

promotions and disciplinary control;
 Construction of an office block to improve accommodation for board functions;
 Development of Integrated Human Resource Information System (IHRIS);
 Recruiting all staff requisitioned with approval of the CEC and the Central HRM Committee;
 Implementing measures to improve staff motivation and training in critical skill areas;
 100% of the public service staff being on contracts; and
 100% of the personnel remuneration being provided and officers staying on active call
throughout the year.

During the Financial Year 2019/20, the entity’s total allocation as per the Supplementary estimates
was KSh. 76,694,705 comprising of KSh. 70,694,705 for recurrent expenditure and KSh.
6,000,000 for development expenditure. The same recurrent allocation has been made to the Board
in the FY 2020/2021 except that development allocation has been reduced to KSh. 2 million. In
total, the Board had to budget with KSh. 72,694,705.


CP1: Policy, planning and To provide overall policy and strategic direction for the
administration service transformation of the County’s public service.
CP2: Personnel sourcing, management To attract, retain and develop competent human resource for
and development services efficient and effective service delivery.
CP3: Performance management To ensure provision and coordination of public participation
services in effective public service delivery for enhanced
competitiveness of the County.


Revised Draft Projected Projected

County Programme (CP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023

CP1: Policy, Planning and

59,569,205.00 55,569,205.00 61,356,281.15 63,196,969.58
Administration Services

CP2: Personnel Sourcing and

16,342,500.00 16,342,500.00 16,832,775.00 17,337,758.25
Management Services
CP3: Performance Management
783,000.00 783,000.00 806,490.00 830,684.70

76,694,705.00 72,694,705.00 78,995,546.15 81,365,412.53

Total Expenditure of Vote



Revised Draft Projected Projected

Sub-Programme (SP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023


CSP1.1: Policy and Planning Services 2,124,900.00 2,124,900.00 2,188,647.00 2,254,306.41

CSP1.2: Administrative Support

51,444,305.00 51,444,305.00 52,987,634.15 54,577,263.17
CSP1.3: Facility Improvement &
6,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 6,180,000.00 6,365,400.00
Capacity Strengthening Services

Total Expenditure of Programme 59,569,205.00 55,569,205.00 61,356,281.15 63,196,969.58


Revised Draft Projected Projected

Sub-Programme (SP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CSP2.1: Recruitment, Selection and
4,817,000.00 4,817,000.00 4,961,510.00 5,110,355.30
Deployment Services
CSP2.2: Human Resource Advisory
8,230,000.00 8,230,000.00 8,476,900.00 8,731,207.00
CSP2.3 Capacity Development
3,295,500.00 3,295,500.00 3,394,365.00 3,496,195.95

Total Expenditure of Programme 16,342,500.00 16,342,500.00 16,832,775.00 17,337,758.25


Revised Draft Projected Projected
Sub-Programme (SP) Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CSP3.1: Performance Contracting and
783,000.00 783,000.00 806,490.00 830,684.70
Appraisal Services
CSP3.2: Capacity Development
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Expenditure of Programme 783,000.00 783,000.00 806,490.00 830,684.70

TOTAL OF VOTE 76,694,705.00 72,694,705.00 78,995,546.15 81,365,412.53


Revised Draft Projected Projected

Expenditure Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
CURRENT EXPENDITURE 70,694,705.00 70,694,705.00 72,815,546.15 75,000,012.53
Compensation to employees 38,488,644.00 38,488,644.00 39,643,303.32 40,832,602.42
Use of goods and services 26,916,448.00 26,916,448.00 27,723,941.44 28,555,659.68

Other recurrent 5,289,613.00 5,289,613.00 5,448,301.39 5,611,750.43

CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 6,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 6,180,000.00 6,365,400.00

Acquisition of non-financial assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other development 6,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 6,180,000.00 6,365,400.00
TOTAL OF VOTE 76,694,705.00 72,694,705.00 78,995,546.15 81,365,412.53


Revised Draft Projected Projected

Expenditure Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
Current Expenditure 53,569,205.00 53,569,205.00 55,176,281.15 56,831,569.58
Compensation to employees 38,488,644.00 38,488,644.00 39,643,303.32 40,832,602.42
Use of goods and services 9,790,948.00 9,790,948.00 10,084,676.44 10,387,216.73
Other Recurrent 5,289,613.00 5,289,613.00 5,448,301.39 5,611,750.43
Capital Expenditure 6,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 6,180,000.00 6,365,400.00
Acquisition of non-financial assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Other development 6,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 6,180,000.00 6,365,400.00
Total of Programme 1 59,569,205.00 55,569,205.00 61,356,281.15 63,196,969.58
Current Expenditure 16,342,500.00 16,342,500.00 16,832,775.00 17,337,758.25
Compensation to employees 0 0 0.00 0.00
Use of goods and services 16,342,500.00 16,342,500.00 16,832,775.00 17,337,758.25
Other Recurrent 0 0 0.00 0.00
Capital Expenditure 0 0 0.00 0.00
Total of Programme 2 16,342,500.00 16,342,500.00 16,832,775.00 17,337,758.25

Current Expenditure 783,000.00 783,000.00 806,490.00

Compensation to employees 0 0 0.00
Use of goods and services 783,000.00 783,000.00 806,490.00
Other Recurrent 0.00
Capital Expenditure 0 0 0.00
Total of Programme 3 783,000.00 783,000.00 806,490.00

TOTAL VOTE 76,694,705.00 72,694,705.00 78,995,546.15 81,365,412.53



Sub- Delivery Key Outputs Key Revised Draft Projected Projects
Programme Unit performance 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Programme 1: Policy, Planning and Administrative Services
SP1.3: Facility HCPSB Office block % of office 80% 100% - -
Improvement & completed block
Capacity completed

Programme 2: Personnel Sourcing and Management Services

S.P.2.1: HCPSB Staff recruited, % in post 40% 50% 60% 70%
Recruitment, selected or against
selection and deployed approved
deployment requirement
S.P.2.2: HR HCPSB Appropriate % of 10% 40% 60% 80%
advisory advisories given response
services accepted

Programme 3: Performance Management Services
S.P.3.1: HCPSB Signed staff signed 0% 100% 100% 100%
Performance performance performance
contracting and contracts contracting
appraisal documents
S.P.3.2: HCPSB Officers/members Cumulative 4 7 10 12
Capacity taken for SMC no. of
development officers
services trained



Item Sub-Item
code Code Item Description Revised Estimates
2110101 Basic salaries - County Executive Services 38,248,644.00
2110314 Commuter Allowances 240,000.00
2210101 Electricity 42,000.00
2210102 Water and Sewerage charges 69,000.00
2210201 Telephone, Airtime, Telex, Faxmail and mobile phone services 825,000.00
2210203 Courier and Postal services 12,000.00
2210301 Travel costs (Airline, Bus, Railway, Milleage Allowances) 2,140,000.00
2210302 Accommodation - Domestic Travel 2,630,000.00
2210303 Daily subsistence allowances 1,683,500.00
2210502 Publishing and printing services 1,225,000.00
2210504 Advertising, awareness and Publicity campaigns 800,000.00
2210704 Hire of Training Facilities and Equipment 805,000.00
2210708 Trainer/Facilitation allowances 560,000.00
2210710 accommodation allowance 2,142,000.00

2210711 Tuition fees allowance 350,000.00

Catering services (receptions), accommodation, gifts, food and
2210801 drinks 1,560,000.00
2210910 Medical Insurance Cover 5,500,000.00
2210904 motor vehicle Insurance
General office supplies (papers, pencils, forms, small office
2211101 equipment etc.) 927,400.00
2211201 Refined fuels and fossils for transport 1,515,548.00
2211305 hire of security 240,000.00
2211310 Contracted professional services 3,225,000.00
2220101 Maintenance expenses - motor vehicles 665,000.00
2420302 Car loans and Mortgages
3110701 Purchase of motor vehicles 0.00
3111001 Purchase of Office furniture 2,481,310.00

3111002 Purchase of computers 1,304,000.00
3111009 Purchase of office equipment 341,688.00
3111111 Purchase of ICT Networking and Communication Equipment 1,162,615.00
3111402 Electronic record mgt software 0.00

Total Recurrent 70,694,705.00

3110504 Infrastructure Development for Office Block 2,000,000.00

Total Development 2,000,000.00

Total 72,694,705.00



VISION: A Municipality of choice for all to invest, work, live and prosper.

MISSION: To make Homa Bay Municipality more attractive and sustainable through effective policy
formulation and implementation.


Major Achievements for the Period and Expenditure Trends

Homa Bay Municipality is a creation of the Urban Areas and Cities Act No.13 of 2011 (Amendment Act
No. 3 of 2019). This is an Act Parliament that gives effect to Article 184 of the Constitution which provides
for the classification, governance and management of urban areas and cities; spells out the criteria of
establishing the urban areas, the principle of governance and the participation of residents and for connected

During the financial year 2019/20, the Municipality revised allocation was KSh. 190,000,000 which
included KSh. 30,676,194 for recurrent expenditure and KSh. 160,000,000 for development.

Key achievements by the entity during the period included:

1. The County government committed to participate in KUSP by having all the minimum conditions
that were set out, met as was confirmed during the 1st and 2nd Annual Performance Assessments
(APA) by the Donor.
2. Municipal Charter was granted by the H.E the Governor, approved by the Assembly and gazzeted
through Kenya gazette supplement No.6 on 27th March 2019.

3. Members of the Municipal Board were vetted by the County Assembly, their appointment gazzeted
through Gazette Notice No. 6470 dated 9th July 2019 and sworn in office on 29 August 2019.

4. There was smooth and peaceful relocation of Homa Bay Traders from the old Homa Bay Municipal
Market to pave way for construction of the proposed Homa Bay Municipal Market that shall boost
the revenue base of the County

5. Construction of the proposed Homa Bay Municipal Market is at 80% to completion.

6. The Municipal Board has prepared the following policy documents –

Homa Bay Municipality Integrated Development Plan (IDEP),

Strategic Urban Development Plan,

Homa Bay Municipality Solid Waste Management Policy

7. Members of the Homa Bay Municipal Board have been inducted.

8. The Homa Bay Municipal Board unlocked the second round of donor funds of KSh. 119,000,000
under the Kenya Urban Support Programme

9. The Board of Homa Bay Municipality is among 7 Municipalities out of 59 Municipalities that
recently got clearance for replenishment of Kshs.119M by the World Bank under the Kenya Urban
Support Programme

10. The Homa Bay Municipality was recognized by the World Bank for exceptional performance under
the Kenya Urban Support Program as a result of which the Municipal Manager was the only
Manager out of 59 Managers across the country; sponsored to participate in the recently concluded
10th session of the World Urban forum (WUF10). This premier event is the largest global gathering
on the future of cities convened by (UN-Habitat) every two years.


The Board continues to experience a number of challenges, namely:

1. Inadequate funding
2. Lack of understanding of provisions of UACA and the Homa Bay Municipality Charter by Key
3. High expectations from the residents and local business community on delivery of services by the
urban management board
4. System bureaucracy and lack of team work spirit
5. The Municipality is yet to tap full potential of all revenue streams
6. The administrative unit of the Municipality is currently understand staffed
7. Inadequate office space and other utilities

Major Services/Outputs in MTEF period 2020/21 – 2022/2023

During FY 2020/21, the Municipality has been allocated a total of KSh. 181,600,000 which includes KSh
31,600,000 for recurrent expenditure and KSh 150,000,000 for development expenditure. The allocation
for development expenditure includes KSh. 32,256,000 for land use Planning and Management Services,
KSh. 58,824,000 for Infrastructure Development services and KSh.58,920,000 for projects under
Environmental Management Services.

Priority areas for the Municipality during FY 2020/21 include;

1. Enhanced service delivery to the residents of Homa Bay Municipality
2. Build and Maintain functional infrastructure for the residents of the Municipality
3. Provide a framework to facilitate security of land tenure within the Municipality
4. Identify and analyze planning issues and challenges, harness existing opportunities and promote
intervention measures for mitigating the planning issues and challenges.
5. Promote appropriate land uses, locations and permissible densities. Similarly, the entity will begin
to provide a policy framework for socio-economic investments, economic use of space,
infrastructure services and public facilities within the Municipality.

This allocation representing 2.33% of the total county resource envelope.


P1: Policy, Planning And To provide overall policy and strategic direction for the
Administration Services transformation of the Homa Bay Municipality
P2: Urban development services To promote effective development, management and
maintenance of all Municipal facilities


Revised Draft Projected Projected

Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

P1.Policy, Planning, General Administration and

Support Services 16,400,000 31,600,000 31,999,380 32,405,255

P2.Urban Development Services

6,000,000 150,000,000 154,367,300 158,864,292

Total Expenditure
22,400,000 181,600,000 186,366,680 191,269,547



Revised Draft Projected Projected

Sub Programme Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

Programme 1: Policy Planning, General Administration and Support Services

SP 1.1: Policy and Planning Services

9,250,000 4,169,000 4,294,070 4,422,892

SP 1.2: Administration and Support Services

7,150,000 27,431,000 27,705,310 27,982,363

Total Expenditure of CP1

16,400,000 31,600,000 31,999,380 32,405,255
Programme 2:Urban Development Support Services

SP 2.1: Land Use planning and Management

6,000,000 33,223,680 34,220,390

SP 2.2: Infrastructure Development services - 64,708,720 66,649,982


SP 2.3: Environmental Management Services - 56,434,900 57,993,920

Total Expenditure of CP2 6,000,000

150,000,000 154,367,300 158,864,292
Total Expenditure 22,400,000 181,600,000 186,366,680 191,269,547



Revised Draft Projected Projected

Economic Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

Current Expenditure 22,400,000 31,600,000 32,008,400 32,423,656

Compensation to Employees - 4,758,600 4,901,358


Use of Goods and Services 15,250,000 27,249,800 27,522,298


Current Transfers to Agencies - - -

Other Recurrent 7,150,000 - - -
Capital Expenditure - 150,000,000 154,358,280 158,845,891

Acquisition of non-financial assets -


Use of Goods and Services - 7,156,860 7,228,429

Other Development - 142,914,000 147,201,420 151,617,463

Total Expenditure by Vote 22,400,000 181,600,000 186,366,680 191,269,547


CLASSIFICATION, FY 2020/2021 - 2022/23

Revised Draft Projected Projected

Economic Classification Estimates Estimates Estimates Estimates
2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23

Programme 1: Policy Planning, General Administration and Support Services

Current Expenditure 16,400,000 31,600,000 32,008,400 32,423,656

Compensation to Employees - 4,620,000 4,758,600 4,901,358

Use of Goods and Services 9,250,000 26,980,000 27,249,800 27,522,298

Other Recurrent 7,150,000 - -

Capital Expenditure - - - -

Acquisition of non-financial assets - - - -

Use of Goods and Services - - - -

Other development - - - -

Total Expenditure by Programme 16,400,000 31,600,000 32,008,400 32,423,656

Programme 2: Urban Development Support Services

Current Expenditure 6,000,000 - - -

Compensation to Employees - - - -

Use of Goods and Services 6,000,000 - - -

Other Recurrent - - - -
Capital Expenditure - 150,000,000 154,358,280 158,845,891

Acquisition of non-financial assets - - - -

Use of Goods and Services - 7,086,000 7,156,860 7,228,429

Other development - 142,914,000 147,201,420 151,617,463

Total Expenditure by Programme 6,000,000 150,000,000 154,358,280 158,845,891

TOTAL VOTE 22,400,000 181,600,000 186,366,680 191,269,547

FOR FY 2020/2021
Program Delivery Unit Key Outputs Key performance Targe Targe Targe Targe
me indicators t t t t
(Basel 2020/ 2021/ 2021/
ine) 21 22 22
Programme 1: Policy, Planning, General Administration and Support Services
SP 1.1: Municipal Appropriate Policies No. of Policies and 0 2 2 2
Policy Manager and Plans developed Plans developed
SP1.2: Municipal -Municipal -No of staff paid All All All All
General Manager administration salary on time staff staff staff staff
Administ undertaken memb memb memb memb
ration effectively ers ers ers ers
Municipal -Public Forum No. of public fora 0 4 4 4
Manager reached with held
necessary services

Municipal Field visit conducted No. of backstopping 0 12 12 12

Manager mission conducted
Programme 2: Urban development Support Services
SP 2.1 Municipal Quarterly projects No. of meetings held 8 8 8 8
Land Manager implementation
Use review meetings held
Municipal Public engagement No. Public of forums 4 4 4 4
Manager and Consultation held
/Public forum done
in the Municipality

Municipal Roads maintained No. of Km of roads 10 30 50 60

Manager opened, maintained
and rehabilitated
SP 2.2:
cture Children Park/green
Develop spaces rehabilitated
ment Children’s Park and operationalized 0 1 2 3
services Rehabilitated

Boda boda /trading No. Of Sheds 0 8 8 8
sheds constructed Established
SP 2.3: Municipal Got Asego Secured Historical 0 1 2 3
Environ Manager Lake front sites/natural resources
mental Developed secured/packaged for
Manage marketing
Municipal Beautification of the Painting, planting of 0 1 1 1
Manager Municipality trees, other plants,
trees, grass, flowers
and landscaping


Item Draft Estimates

Item Name/Description
Code 2020/2021
2110101 Basic Salaries- Civil service 3,076,194
2110201 Contractual Employees 1,363,806
2110202 Casual Labor - Others 180,000
2110314 Transport allowances 0
2210101 Electricity 72,000
2210201 Telephone, telex, facsimile and mobile phone services 120,000
2210202 Internet Connection 120,000
2210203 Courier & Postal Services 12,000
Travel Costs(Airline, Bus, Railways, mileage allowance
2210301 3,770,000
2210302 Accommodation Domestic Travel 3,500,000
2210303 Daily Subsistence Allowance 4,386,000
2210309 Field Allowance 600,000
2210502 Publishing & Printing 120,000
2210503 Subscriptions to Newspapers, Magazines and Periodical 202,000
2210505 Trade shows and exhibitions 15,000
2210606 Hire of Equipment, plant and Machinery 10,000
2210711 Tuition fees 420,000
2210801 Catering services 360,000
2210809 Boards Allowances 4,800,000
2210802 Boards, Meetings, Conference, Seminars 2,700,000
2210904 Motor Vehicle Insurance 354,000
2211009 Purchase of computers 51,000
2211016 Purchase of Uniforms and Clothing – Staff 94,500

2211101 General Office Supplies (papers, pencils, forms, etc) 383,500
2211102 Supplies and accessories for computers and printers 200,000
2211103 Sanitary & Cleaning Materials supplies and services 40,000
2211201 Refined fuels and Lubricants for Transport 1,000,000
2211310 Contracted professional services 1,800,000
2220101 Maintenance Expenses -Motor vehicle 1,850,000
Total Recurrent 31,600,000.00

Item Draft Estimates

Item Name/ Description
Code 2020/2021
3110302 Rehabilitation of the Children’s Park 13,824,000
3110504 Establishment of Boda Boda and Trading Sheds 12,000,000
3110504 Development of Got Asego Regional View Point 17,000,000
3110504 Lakefront development 30,000,000
3111504 Municipal Beautification and Installation 22,840,000
Road Maintenance Services(Opening and Rehabilitation
3110402 37,000,000
3111401 Development of Valuation Roll 17,336,000
Total Development 150,000,000.00
GRAND TOTAL 181,600,000.00



Programme 2: Crop, Land and Agribusiness Development Services

Draft Estimates
Project Ward Project Status
2020/21 (KSh.)
On-going but new
Transfer of technologies through model beneficiary farmers
All wards 2,720,000
farms in all wards will be recruited in the
FY 2020/21
On-going but new
All wards in Rangwe,
Upscaling upland and irrigated rice beneficiary farmers
Ndhiwa, Homa Bay Town 2,715,000
production will be recruited in the
and Rachuonyo North
FY 2020/21
On-going but new
beneficiary farmers
Promotion of traditional high value crops Countywide 3,108,000
will be recruited in the
FY 2020/21
Support to commercial fruit tree Nurseries
On-going but new
(Procurement and Distribution of Nursery
One nursery per Sub beneficiary farmers
Tools and Equipment, training of nursery 2,044,000
County will be recruited in the
owners & nursery registration &
FY 2020/21
Establishment of perimeter wall around
Kendu Bay Town ward Karachuonyo 4,000,000
Establishment of county Agricultural
training Center (ATC) at Riwa in West Karachuonyo Karachuonyo 15,647,000
Rachuonyo North (phase 1)
On farm water harvesting for vegetables
production (Excavation of water pans at All drought-prone and
household level, farmer trainings, flood-prone areas in all New proposal 2,556,000
procurement and distribution of pan liners, wards
solar water pumps and vegetable seeds
All wards in Rachuonyo New proposal,
Purchase of tractors and construction of
North, Ndhiwa and Suba involving buying new 13,000,000
machinery shed
North sub-counties round of tractors
On-going but
20 wards in Karachuonyo,
involving provision of
National Agriculture Rural Inclusive Kasipul, Kabondo Kasipul,
grants to new farmers 204,967,950
Growth Project Rangwe, Ndhiwa, Suba
for development of
identified value chains
On-going but
Agricultural Sector Development Support
Countywide involving development 19,238,669
Programme (ASDSP)
of new value chains
Totals 269,996,619

Programme 3: Food Security Enhancement

Draft Estimates
Project Ward Project Status
2020/21 (KSh)
On-going but new
Procurement & distribution of farm inputs beneficiary farmers will
Countywide 8,309,000
to farmers (cereals) be recruited in the FY
On-going but new
Some wards in Ndhiwa,
Procurement and distribution of farm beneficiary farmers will
Rangwe and Homa Bay 6,110,000
inputs to sugar cane farmers. be recruited in the FY
Establishment of produce postharvest
Rangwe New project proposal 20,000,000
handling facility in Rangwe
Purchase of maize from farmers for storage
in Kigoto produce post-harvest handling Suba South New project proposal 5,001,000
Totals 39,420,000

Programme 4: Fisheries Resources Development Services

Draft Estimates
Project Ward Project Status
Along the lake in Mbita, Suba,
Purchase 2 patrol boats powered On-going process involving
Homa Bay Town and
with 40 HP Yamaha engines acquiring additional boats
Karachuonyo 3,400,000
Along the lake in Mbita, Suba,
Lake surveillance/ regular patrols Homa Bay Town and On-going process
Karachuonyo 1,790,000
4 model fish cages set up in the
Rusinga New project proposal
lake for technology transfer 10,768,640
Along the lake in Mbita, Suba,
Construct pit latrines at fish On-going process involving
Homa Bay Town and
landing sites latrines in new landing sites
Karachuonyo 2,710,000
Along the lake in Mbita, Suba,
On-going process involving
Purchase food grade coolers Homa Bay Town and
acquiring additional coolers
Karachuonyo 400,000
World Fisheries day celebrations 512,260
Construction of fish landing banda Central Karachuonyo New project proposal 3,100,000
Along the lake in Mbita, Suba, On-going process involving
Fish market improvement Homa Bay Town and improving additional
Karachuonyo markets 6,000,000
Along the lake in Mbita, Suba, On-going process involving
Purchase of legal fishing gear Homa Bay Town and acquiring and distributing
Karachuonyo some model fishing gears 4,001,600
Construction of fish ponds, All Wards in Kasipul, Kabondo
On-going but new
training of fish farmers and Kasipul, Rachuonyo, Ndhiwa,
beneficiary farmers will be
procurement of fish feeds, fish Mbita, Rangwe, Homa Bay and
recruited in the FY 2020/21
fingerlings, fish pond liners Suba sub-counties 12,317,500
Totals 45,000,000

Programme 5: Livestock Development Services

Draft Estimates
Project Ward Project Status

On-going but new
Dairy goat improvement
beneficiary farmers will be
(Purchase, training & distribution All wards
recruited in the FY
of dairy goat to model farmers)
2020/21 4,525,000.00
Poultry improvement and
All wards All sub counties
development 1,376,000
On-going but new
Dairy cattle improvement
beneficiary farmers will be
(Purchase, training & distribution All wards
recruited in the FY
of dairy cattle to model farmers)
2020/21 9,959,000
On-going but new
Dairy cattle accelerated value beneficiary farmers will be
All wards
chain development recruited in the FY
2020/21 2,720,000
On-going but new
Some wards in Ndhiwa, Suba
beneficiary farmers will be
Apiculture development North and South, Homa Bay
recruited in the FY
town and Karachuonyo
2020/21 2,685,000

Modern Slaughter house

South kasipul ward-oyugis New project proposal 11,206,010
development at Oyugis

Environmental Audit and

Slaughter house improvement/ Homa Bay central ward New project proposal 1,536,500
repair (Homa Bay slaughter house)
Slaughter slab construction at
Kosewe New project proposal
Ndhiwa Market 3,970,000
Homa Bay town Central,
Livestock sales yard at Rodi,
Kosewe and Central New project proposals
Nyakwer and Oriang
Karachuonyo 3,669,198
Meat Inspection All wards On-going 1,544,000
On-going but new
Livestock health and disease
beneficiary farmers will be
management (vaccination) – All wards
recruited in the FY
routine disease control
2020/21 5,328,500
On-going but new
Vector & pest control (tsetse beneficiary farmers will be
All wards
control) recruited in the FY
2020/21 1,815,792
Vehicle purchase Homa Bay New project vehicle 4,665,000
Total 55,000,000


Project Ward Project Status Estimates(KSh.)
Profiling, fencing & developing of On-going but only preliminary
Simbi Nyaima Central Karachuonyo processes already done 5,200,000
On-going (Phase I being completed
Construction of Homa bay stadium Homa bay town and phase II being started) 100,000,000

On-going but only preliminary
Preservation of Nyamgondho Gwassi North processes already done 1,800,000
Construction of Ndiru Multiplex On-going but only preliminary
Cultural Centre Kagan processes already done 5,000,000
Total 112,000,000


Project Ward Project Status Estimates(KSh.)
Ward Roads Earth roads in all the 40 On-going but involving new works on 280,000,003
wards new/existing roads
Purchase of Plant and Countywide use New proposal to acquire 2No. new 65,000,000
Machinery motor graders
Fuel Levy Roads Classified roads in all On-going but involving maintenance 163,029,178
wards works on classified roads
Fuel Levy Bridges To be identified after On-going but involving new bridges 37,899,300
public consultations on classified roads
Other works Emergency works in all On-going but involving new works on 78,661,174
wards urban roads and access roads to public
Total 624,589,655


Homa Bay Town Sub Homa Bay Town
County West Arujo Primary -Arujo Sda Church County 800,000.00
Osani-Omakokoth County 1,200,000.00
Homa Bay Arujo Opande-Kagi Road County 1,000,000.00
Sofia-Kopudo Road County 2,000,000.00
P.A.G-Jack Four-Kodongo County 2,000,000.00
Pedo-Angalo Road County 3,000,000.00
Homa Bay East Kambeke- Wangapala Road County 3,000,000.00
Nyalkinyi- Kopiyo Road County 4,000,000.00
Homa Bay Central Nduta-Wadh Buoch Road County 6,000,000.00
Otur Bam-Pap Ndege Road County 1,000,000.00
Kasipul Sub County East Kamagak Otula-Oduma-Odowa Road County 5,000,000.00
Ogumbo-Aseko Road County 2,000,000.00
West Kamagak Madiaba-Obisa Hill Road County 2,500,000.00
Saka-Nyonyo Road County 2,500,000.00
Owade-Obisa Hill Road County 2,000,000.00
West Kasipul Nyangiela-Kanga-Omuga Bridge County 7,000,000.00
South Kasipul Kuoyo-Nyangiela Road County 3,000,000.00
Musamba-Kasimba Road County 4,000,000.00
Central Kasipul Nduga-Waradho Juction County 3,000,000.00
Namba Saye-Riat County 4,000,000.00
Riwo-Kosele County 2,500,000.00
Kabondo Kasipul Sub Drainage And Murraming of Omiro-
County Kokwanyo Kakelo Kochola Road County 2,500,000.00
Murraming And Drainage of
Kokwanyo-Kochola Road County 2,500,000.00

Murraming And Drainage of Kona
Mbaya-Omiro-Achak Road County 2,000,000.00
Kabondo East Got-Kamondi-Kolweny Kings County 2,500,000.00
Kombija Bridge County 4,500,000.00
Kojwach Ringa Ring Road County 3,000,000.00
Orinde Primary Road County 3,000,000.00
Kabondo West Ayiengo Bridge County 7,000,000.00
Suba North Sub County Kasgunga Angiya-Nyasumbi Road County 7,000,000.00
Kisuwi-Kirambo Road County 1,500,000.00
Gembe Oriando-Usungu-Uwi Road County 7,000,000.00
Mfangano Murraming of Wakula Road County 4,500,000.00
Opening of Kokech-Kibanga Road County 2,500,000.00
Rusinga Junction Kogala-Litare Beach Road County 4,000,000.00
Kamgere -Utajo Road County 3,000,000.00
Lambwe Ogongo-Kipasi Road County 2,000,000.00
Miyal-Waringa-Godjope County 3,000,000.00
Kajandiga-Rapora -Sulwe-Godjope County 3,500,000.00
Suba South Sub County Kaksingri West Sindo-Gera Road County 4,000,000.00
Ragwe School-Ragwe Beach County 3,000,000.00
Ruma Kaksingri Nyadenda Ring Road County 3,000,000.00
Ongoro-Samakera-Nyandiwa Road County 3,500,000.00
Opening & Gravelling of
Gwassi South Magungakithereka-Kinchororio County 7,000,000.00
Gwasi North Road County 7,000,000.00
Ndhiwa Sub County Aorachuodho-Nyagot-Adundoosogo-
Kwabwai Rachar School Ring Road County 4,000,000.00
Kawere-Lwanda-Wachara Road County 3,000,000.00
Kanyikela Kuja-Kokeno-Rapedhi Road County 5,000,000.00
Minya-Wi-Odielo Road County 2,000,000.00

Kanyamwa Kosewe Kalamindi-Kipingi-Gaena Road County 6,000,000.00

Kuoyo Primary-Mawega-
Palarangenya Road County 5,000,000.00
South Kabuoch Lwanda-Malele Road County 1,500,000.00
Gina-Kilokaliech Road County 3,500,000.00
Ototo-Ogada Road County 3,000,000.00
North Kabuoch Obera-Ogadi-Ogunde-Okoko Road County 5,000,000.00
Adek-Komolo Pedhi-Otigo Road County 2,000,000.00
Kanyadoto Guogi-Katieno Road County 2,500,000.00
Sagomba-Sasi Road County 2,000,000.00
Kuoyo-Uruti Road County 2,500,000.00
Namba Buche-Buche-Komolojunction
Kanyamwa Kologi Katieno County 3,500,000.00
Manera-Marela-Dunga Road County 3,500,000.00
Karachuonyo Sub County
Wangchieng' Oluti-Burlum Road County 3,500,000.00
Rambira-Asiyo Road County 3,500,000.00
Weta- Mawego Road County 2,000,000.00
Construction of Gendianyanchwa Foot
Kendu Bay Town Bridge County 7,000,000.00
Central Opening and Murraming of Warao
Karachuonyo Primary School-Kimira Road County 2,500,000.00
Kanyaluo Omboga-Raongo-Seme-Kauma Road County 4,000,000.00
Sare-Kaol-Kosewe Road County 3,000,000.00

Gravelling of Kotonje-Kalarondonyo-
Kibiri Bala Road County 4,500,000.00
Gravelling of Kandiegekanyagowa
Road County 2,500,000.00
West Karachuonyo Junction County 4,500,000.00
Obongo-Mainuga Beach County 2,500,000.00
Gravelling of Wagwe-Kagaiotaro
North Karachuonyo Road County 3,000,000.00
Gravelling of Pala-Sokonyamila-
Ondeto ( Phase Ii) County 3,000,000.00
Gravelling of Kajigo-Odondimola
Juction Road County 3,500,000.00
Rangwe Sub County
Gem West Gravelling of Opere-Nyamira Road County 3,500,000.00
Gravelling of Uyara-Kogalo-Lak
Nyiero Road County 3,500,000.00
Gravelling of Nyawita-Obungakachar-
Kagan Nyandong Road County 5,000,000.00

Gravelling of Kosiga-Ndiru Road County 2,000,000.00

Gravelling, Grading of K'angode -
Gem East Road County 7,000,000.00
Kochia Opening of Olare-Tar Primary Road County 4,800,000.00
Gravelling and Culverting of Ngulu -
Amoso Road County 2,200,000.00
TOTAL 285,000,000.00


Project Name Ward Project Status/Details Draft Estimates

Support power connectivity to All the 40 wards On-going but 50 new public 3,000,000
public facilities facilities to be connected
Electric street lighting Wards in Rangwe and On-going but 48 existing 5,000,000
refurbishment installation and Kabondo Kasipul streetlights lights to refurbished
Provision of electrical transformers All the 40 Wards On-going but a new set of 20,000,000
transformers to be provided
Installation and maintenance of All the 40 wards Ongoing but 120 additional 15,000,000
market solar lights solar lights ( 3 lights in every
ward) to be provided
Repair and Maintenance of Solar All the 40 Wards On-going but 100 Additional 7,000,000
Lights lights reconditioned across the
Establishment of energy Centre Homa Bay town Central New proposal of 1 Energy 8,000,000

Construction of a Briquette Homa Bay County New proposal involving 8,000,000

manufacturing plant Headquarters installation of an oxidization
kiln and production machinery

Development of Construction All Wards On-going but only mapping and 4,000,000
Minerals feasibility study of minerals has
been done

Detailed List



Homabay Town Arujo Arunda 1
Nyagidha 1
Sofia 1
Homa Bay Central Energy Office 1
KIE Shed 1
Homa Bay East Got Kokech 1
DC Junction 1
Nyalkinyi 1
Homa Bay West Ruga 1
Oledo 1
Karachuonyo Kanyaluo Adiedo Market 1
Omboga Market 1
Central Karachuonyo Obaria beach
Twist 1
Kendu -Bay Town Makaka 1
Ochot Odong 1
Kibiri Kandiege Market 1
Kadel 1
North Karachuonyo Miti Mbili
Ohuru 1
Wangchieng Lida 1
Chuoye Beach 1
Lida 1
West Karachuonyo Koguya 1
Okiki Amayo 1
Kabondo Kabondo East Dago Kowuor 1
Obuya 1
Kodada) 1
Kabondo West Ramula 1
Ramba 1
Kojwach Ringa 1
Mbora 1

Kokwanyo Kochola 1
Mikayi 1
Kasipul Central Kasipul Junction Gogo 1
Simbiri 1
East Kamagak Mathenge 1
Sikri 1
Orembe 1
Kasipul South Gamba Stage 1
Sigogi 1
West Kasipul Nyabola 1
Dol Kodera 1

West Kamagak Oyugis Market (marketplace)

No. Karabok 1
Mbita Gembe Waondo 1
Kamsama 1
Gode Ariyo 1
Kasgunga Alero Beach 1
Tabla Beach 1
Kisui 1
Lambwe Uyuga 1
Koyani 1
Mfangano Ramba Beach 1
Konjugu 1
Rusinga Nyagina 1
Wakondo 1
Ndhiwa Kabuoch North Ongeng 1
Ngomongo/okota 1
Kabuoch South Migingo 1
Maroo 1
Pap Kamenya 1
Kanyadoto Wachara junction 1
Got Kojowi 1
Kanyamwa Kosewe Nyagot Adundo 1
Kaena 1
Corner Koguta 1
Kanyamwa Kologi Dago Center 1
Andiwo 1
Rambusi/kamata 1
Kwabwayi Bongu 1
Miranga 1

Amoyo 1
Kanyikela Kolingo 1
Riat 1
Oridi 1
Rangwe East Gem Rangwe 1
Asumbi/Sinema 1
Mbeka 1
Omocha 1
Kagan Kachar 1
Onjinyo 1
Nyalgozi 1
KOCHIA Nyangweso 2
Omoya 1
Mariwa centre 1
WEST GEM Nyangweso 1
Nyakuru 1
Nyopuge 1
Suba GWASI NORTH Kasongo 1
Kikubi 1
Uterere Beach 1
Wiga Centre 1
Mikwuyu Beach 1
Sindo 1
Sindo Omoya 1
RUMA Kibuogi Island 1
Nyatoto 1
Korna Koiti 1


Ward Based Projects


1 Homa Bay Town 1. CONSTRUCTION OF WIAMEN EYE 1,500,000
2 Homa Bay Arujo 1. RABUOR MASAWA EYE CLASSROOM 1,500,000

3 Homa Bay East 1. MAJIWA EYE CENTRE 1,500,000
4 Homa Bay Central 1. ASEGO EYE AT ASEGO PRIMARY SCHOOL 750,000
7 West Kasipul 1. CONSTRUCTION OF EYE CLASSROOM AT 1,500,000
8 South Kasipul 1. CONSTRUCTION OF OMOLO MADO EYE 1,500,000
9 Central Kasipul 1. CONSTRUCTION OF KALUOCH EYE 1,500,000
10 Kokwanyo Kakelo 1. CONSTRUCTION OF EYE CENTRE AT ORIRI 750,000
11 Kabondo East 1. OTHORO PRIMARY 1,000,000
13 Kabondo West 1. MASOGO EYE CENTRE 1,500,000
14 Kasgunga KOMBE EYE CENTRE 1,500,000
15 Gembe 1. ALERO EYE CENTRE 1,500,000
19 Kaksingri West 1. MUKENDE EYE CLASSROOM 1,500,000
20 Ruma Kaksingri 1. KINGENYO EYE PROJECT 1,500,000
2. YONGO EYE PROJECT 1,500,000
4. NYAKIYA TVT 2,000,000
22 Gwasi North NONE 0

23 Kwabwai 1. KODIDA EYE CENTRE 1,500,000
25 Kanyamwa Kosewe 1. CONSTRUCTION OF KOLUALO EYE CENTRE 1,500,000
26 South Kabuoch 1. MALELE ECD CENTRE 1,500,000
27 North Kabuoch 1. CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW EYE CLASSROOM 1,500,000
28 Kanyadoto NONE 0
29 Kanyamwa Kologi 1. CONSTRUCTION OF EYE CENTRE AT 1,500,000
30 Wangchieng' 1. CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW EYE CLASSROOM 1,500,000
31 Kendu Bay Town 1. CONSTRUCTION OF LIERA EYE CENTRE 1,500,000
35 West Karachuonyo 1. COMPLETION OF TWO EYE CLASSROOM AT 1,500,000
36 North Karachuonyo 1. CONSTRUCTION OF EYE CLASSROOM AT 1,500,000
39 Gem East 1. CONSTRUCTION OF RANGWE EYE 1,500000

Sub-County Project Description Location Allocation (in KSh.)

Homa Bay Construction of Girl’s Hostel Sero VTC 5,000,000
Town Construction of Girl’s Hostel Homa Bay VTC 5,000,000
Suba North Construction of Twin Workshop Lambwe VTC 5,000,000
Suba South Construction of Girl’s Hostel Sindo VTC 5,000,000
Construction of Twin Workshop Alum VTC 5,000,000

Rachuonyo Construction of Twin Workshop Kanyaluo VTC 5,000,000
Ndhiwa Construction of Boy’s Hostel Sila Mbani VTC 5,000,000
All Sub- Supply of Tools and Equipment 29No. VTCs 10,000,000
Total 45,000,0000


Project Status Award Amount Payment pending Budget

Construction of Ministry of Health HQ (Health ANNEX A) Ongoing 76,941,481 43,000,000 35,000,000
Construction of Theatres (Sena, Ramula) (Health ANNEX B) Ongoing 58,556,398 22,000,000 36,000,000
Construction Works Ward Based (Health ANNEX F) New 0 0 160,000,000
Completion of OPD Block in Oyugis Sub County Hospital Stalled 0 0 10,000,000
Refurbishment of Kisegi Health Centre New 0 0 6,000,000
Purchase of Medical Equipment New 0 0 10,320,190
Purchase of Laboratory Equipment New 0 0 3,000,000
Total Development 260,320,190

Health Annex – A: Construction of County Health Headquarters

Facility Sub-County Ward Amount (Kshs.)
MOH Headquarters Homa Bay township Homa Bay Central 35,000,000

Health Annex – B: Construction of Theatres

Facility Sub-County Ward Amount (Kshs.)
Sena Mbita Mfangano
Ramula Kabondo Kasipul Kabondo West

Health Annex – C: Purchase of Medical Equipment

Facility Sub-County Ward Amount (Kshs.)
County wide County wide County wide 10,320,190

Health Annex – D: Completion of OPD Block at Oyugis Sub County Hospital

Facility Sub-County Ward Amount (Kshs.)
Oyugis Sub County
Kasipul County wide 10,000,000

Health Annex – E: Refurbishment of Kisegi Health Centre

Facility Sub-County Ward Amount (Kshs.)
Kisegi Health Centre Suba South Gwassi North 6,000,000

SUB COUNTY: SUBA SOUTH Total 160,000,000
WARD: GWASSI NORTH Total 4,000,000
1 Kisegi Level 4 Purchase of water pump 2,000,000.00
2 Obanga Health Centre Completion of facilities 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: GWASSI SOUTH Total 4,000,000.00

1 Magunga Level IV Construction of morgue 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: KAKSINGRI WEST Total 4,000,000.00

1 Gingo Dispensary Construction of new facilities 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: KAKSINGRI EAST Total 4,000,000.00

1 Samakera dispensary Completion of facilities 2,000,000.00
2 Nyalkembo Dispensary Completion of facilities 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

SUB COUNTY: SUBA NORTH 16,000,000.00

WARD: KASGUNGA Total 4,000,000.00
1 Nyasumbi Health Centre Construction of new facilities 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: RUSINGA WARD Total 4,000,000.00

1 Bondo Dispensary Construction of new facilities 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: MFANGANO WARD Total 4,000,000.00

1 Sena Level IV Construction of Staff Houses 2,500,000.00
2 Soklo Dispensary Completion of facilities 1,500,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: LAMBWE Total 4,000,000.00

1 Obanda Dispensary Completion of facilities 1,000,000.00
2 Kipasi Dispensary Completion of facilities 1,000,000.00

3 Lambwe Health Centre Completion of maternity wing 1,000,000.00

4 Ogando Health Centre Construction of Staff Houses 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: GEMBE Total 4,000,000.00

Renovation and upgrading of
1 Dwele Dispensary facilities 2,000,000.00
Renovation and upgrading of
2 Ponge Health Centre facilities 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00


WARD: CENTRAL WARD Total 4,000,000.00
1 Kangir Dispensary Construction of new facilities 1,000,000.00
2 Warao Dispensary Construction of new facilities 2,000,000.00
Ramba Kakoko Construction of new facilities
3 Dispensary 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: NORTH KARACHUONYO Total 4,000,000.00

Renovation and upgrading of
1 Wagwe Health Centre facilities 2,000,000.00
2 Kapiyo Dispensary Construction of new facilities 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: WEST KARACHUONYO Total 4,000,000.00

1 Manera Dispensary Construction of new facilities 2,000,000.00
2 Ng’ou Health Centre Construction of new facilities 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: KANYALUO Total 4,000,000.00

1 Adiedo Health Centre Renovation of facilities 1,000,000.00
2 Omboga Dispensary Renovation of facilities 1,000,000.00

3 Olando Dispensary Renovation of facilities 1,000,000.00

4 Oyombe Dispensary Renovation of facilities 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: KENDU TOWN Total 4,000,000.00

1 Maguti Dispensary Construction of new facilities 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: KIBIRI Total 4,000,000.00

1 Nyamuala Dispensary Construction of new facilities 2,000,000.00

2 Nyabiage Dispensary Construction of new facilities 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00


KES 4,000,000.00
1 Miriu Level 4 Completion of male ward Ongoing 2,000,000.00
2 Nyaneje Dispensary Construction of new facilities 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

SUB COUNTY: NDHIWA Total 28,000,000.00

WARD: KOSEWE Total 4,000,000.00
1 Odaso Dispensary Fencing and erection of a gate 1,000,000.00
2 Kome Health Centre Purchase of Water Tank 1,000,000.00

3 Ndisi Health Centre Purchase of Water Tank 1,000,000.00

4 Osure Health Centre Purchase of Water Tank 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: KWABWAI Total 4,000,000.00

Otuoma Randiek Osogo Construction of new facilities
1 Health Centre 2,000,000.00
Ogindo Kogindo Owere Construction of new facilities
2 Health Centre 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: NORTH KABUOCH Total 4,000,000.00

Renovation and upgrading of
1 Magina Health Centre facilities 1,000,000.00
2 Kanyangasi Health Centre Completion of Staff Houses 2,000,000.00
3 Anyuongi Health Centre Construction of Staff Houses 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: KOLOGI Total 4,000,000.00

1 Kaumo Health Centre Completion of facilities 1,000,000.00
2 Wikomimo Health Centre Completion of facilities 1,000,000.00

3 Goyo Health Centre Completion of facilities 1,000,000.00

4 Ndere Kagong HC Completion of facilities 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: KANYIKELA Total 4,000,000.00

1 Oridi Health Centre Expansion of facilities 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: SOUTH KABUOCH Total 4,000,000.00

1 Kodeny Health Centre Construction of new facilities 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: KANYADOTO Total 4,000,000.00

1 Komolo Eye Centre Renovation of facilities 1,000,000.00
2 Nyangweso Dispensary Renovation of facilities 1,000,000.00

3 Ralang’ Dispensary Renovation of facilities 1,000,000.00

4 Ligodho Dispensary Renovation of facilities 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

SUB COUNTY: RANGWE Total 12,000,000.00

WARD: KAGAN Total 4,000,000.00
1 Luora Dispensary Construction of new facilities 2,000,000.00
2 Gongo Dispensary Renovation of facilities 1,500,000.00
3 Obuya Dispensary Construction of staff houses 500,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: EAST GEM Total 4,000,000.00

1 Nyachar Health Centre Construction of new facilities 3,000,000.00
2 Number Dispensary Renovation of facilities 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: WEST GEM Total 4,000,000.00

1 Rangi Dispensary Construction of new facilities 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

Total 4,000,000.00

1 Oneno Health Centre Construction of maternity wing 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

SUB COUNTY: KASIPUL 16,000,000.00

WARD: SOUTH KASIPUL Total 4,000,000.00
1 Nyahera Dispensary Construction of facilities 2,000,000.00
2 Mirondo Health Center Construction of staff houses 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: WEST KASIPUL Total 4,000,000.00

1 Nyabola Health Center Completion of facilities 1,000,000.00

2 Ragwe Health Center Renovation of facilities 1,000,000.00

3 Dol Health Center Equipping of facilities 1,000,000.00

4 God Agulu Health Center Equipping of facilities 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: EAST KAMAGAK Total 4,000,000.00

Construction of new maternity
1 Ojwando Health Centre wing 2,000,000.00
Construction of new maternity
2 Agawo Dispensary wing 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: WEST KAMAGAK Total 4,000,000.00

1 Nyandiwa Dispensary Purchase of Land New 1,000,000.00
2 Nyandiwa Dispensary Construction of Dispensary New 3,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: CENTRAL KASIPUL Total 4,000,000.00

Renovation and upgrading of
1 Nyalgosi Dispensary facilities Ongoing 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00


WARD: KABONDO WEST WARD Total 4,000,000.00
1 Kasewe Dispensary Construction of facilities 3,000,000.00
2 Awach Dispensary Renovation of facilities 1,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: KOKWANYO-KAKELO Total 4,000,000.00

1 God Ber Dispensary Completion of maternity wing 1,500,000.00
2 Tala Health Center Completion of maternity wing 1,000,000.00
4 Nyawanyo Health Centre Completion of maternity wing 1,500,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: KABONDO EAST WARD Total 4,000,000.00

1 Got-Kamondi Equipping facilities 1,000,000.00
2 Atela Dispensary Equipping facilities 1,000,000.00
3 Otondo Dispensary Equipping facilities 500,000.00
4 Selemia Ochieng Equipping facilities 1,500,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: KOJWACH WARD Total 4,000,000.00

1 Otel Health Centre Construction of new facility 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

SUB COUNTY: HOMA BAY 16,000,000.00

WARD: HOMA BAY EAST Total 4,000,000.00
1 Imbo Health Centre Completion of facilities Ongoing 2,000,000.00
2 Chiga Dispensary Completion of facilities 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00


Total 4,000,000.00
1 Kotieno Maguti Construction of Health Centre 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: HOMA BAY CENTRAL Total 4,000,000.00

1 Rodi Health Center Completion of Facility 2,000,000.00
2 Wiga Dispensary Completion of Staff houses 2,000,000.00 4,000,000.00

WARD: ARUJO Total 4,000,000.00

Lieta Kabunde
1 Dispensary Construction of Facility 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00


Project Ward Project Status Total
Preparation of All wards Ongoing: 16,502,000
County Spatial Pan
-Reconnaissance survey completed

-Needs assessment report prepared

-TOR developed

-at procurement stage

Symbiocity Pilot Kasgunga and Rusinga Ongoing: -Quickwin project completed 5,249,600
Project Wards
-Change project is at procurement stage

Survey and County wide Ongoing: 14 markets already surveyed and 6,165,000
demarcation of demarcated
Markets Areas

Land Banking County wide Ongoing: purchase of 6 acres of land for dumpsite 2,500,000
(Homa Bay, Mbita and Oyugis) is at procurement

Inventorization and County wide New 1,000,000

Registration of
public lands

Valuation Roll County wide New 4,000,000


Housing Homa Bay central ward New 7,006,000

Improvement (Homa/Hou/Mg 34
Services Homa/Hou/Ch/Mg 1
Homa/Hou/Mg 8
Homa/Hou/Mg 12
Homa/Hou/Mg 64
Homa/Hou/Ch/Mg 14
Homa/Hou/Ch/Mg 15
Homa/Hou/Ch/ 16
Homa/Hou/Ch/Mg 17
Homa/Hou/Ch/Lg 1A-G
Smart Settlement Kanyamwa Kosewe, Kendu New 7,177,230
Services (ABMT Town and Kanyada East
Promotional Ward
Services (Ndhiwa
ABMT Centre),
Kendu Bay ABMT
Centre, and Imbo
ABMT Centre)
Delineation and Proposed Municipalities, Ongoing: Already established Homa Bay 10,063,000
Establishment of Towns and Market Centers municipality
Urban institutions in each ward
Towns and Market
Slum Upgrading / Homa bay, Kendu bay, New 2,015,960
Informal Settlement Mbita, Sindo, Oyugis towns
Affordable Housing County wide Ongoing: Homa Bay town site for Affordable 5,023,440
Programme housing land secured
-Topographical and geotechnical survey
-Securing of land for 5,300 housing units across
the county is ongoing

-Preliminary designs prepared

Climate Resilience New 1,000,000

for the Urban Poor
Human Settlements New 2,000,000
and Sustainable
Total 72,702,230



Amount % of
Project Name Location Cost (Kes) Allocated Work
2019-2020 Done
Ward Based Projects All wards
100,000,000 100,000,000.00 projects
Establishment of FOSA Rangwe
10,000,000 10,000,000.00 project
Construction of Modern Market Kadongo
17,000,000 10,000,000.00 project
Maize Processing Plant Gwassi South, Suba Sub Sounty 10,935,404 12,000,00.00 80%
Animal Feeds Plant (Phase II construction) Arujo, Homabay Sub County 20,000,000 10,000,000.00 70%
TOTAL 157,935,404 130,000,000


Homa Bay Town Fencing of Benga Market County 1,000,000.00
West Construction of a PIT Latrine at
Homa Bay Town Nyagidha Market County 1,500,000.00
Sub County
Access Road to Imbo Trading Centre County 1,250,000.00
Homa Bay East Access Road to Andingo Trading
Centre County 1,250,000.00
Homa Bay Central Murraming of Rodi Kopany Market County 2,500,000.00
Kasipul Sub Construction of Toilets at Ojwando
County East Kamagak Market County 500,000.00
Fencing of Ojwando Market County 500,000.00

Construction of Boda Boda Shade at

Mathenge County 250,000.00
Construction of Boda Boda Shade at
Anyona Centre County 250,000.00
Construction of Boda Boda Shade at
Ouru Centre County 250,000.00
Construction of Toilets at Achego
Market County 500,000.00

Construction of Boda Boda Shade at
Sikri Centre County 250,000.00
Purchase of Land for Open Air Market
at Madiaba (Rawinji) County 1,500,000.00
West Kamagak 3 Boda Boda Shades at Madiaba,
Agoro Sare Gate And Aloo Estate County 1,000,000.00
Murraming of Karogo Market County 1,200,000.00
Pit Latrine at Ombek Market County 500,000.00
West Kasipul
Boda Boda Shade at Nyagowa Market County 300,000.00

Boda Boda Shade at Nyangiela Market County 400,000.00

Boda Boda Shade at Oyuma Market County 200,000.00
Fencing of Kuoyo Market County 1,000,000.00
South Kasipul
Fencing of Sigogi Market County 1,000,000.00
Boda Boda Shade at Oyugis Market 500,000.00
Boda Boda Shade at Olima
Market County 400,000.00
A Four Door Pit Latrine at Audo
Kokwanyo Kakelo Market County 650,000.00
Boda Boda Shade at Kochola Junction County 400,000.00
Boda Boda Shade at Omiro Market County 400,000.00
Kabondo Kasipul A Four Door Pit Latrine at Omiro
Sub County Market County 650,000.00
Fencing of Dago Kowuor Market County 500,000.00
Kabondo East Fencing of Daraja Mbili County 500,000.00
Fencing of Nyapalo Market County 500,000.00
Rehabilitation of Kadongo Market County 1,000,000.00
Additional Toilet at Atela Market County 500,000.00

Construction of Boda Boda Shade at

Kojwach Ringa Market County 2,500,000.00

Nyachebe Beach Market County 900,000.00

Suba North Sub Tabla Beach Market County 800,000.00
County Koguna Beach Market County 800,000.00
Pit Latrine at Kitenyi Beach County 500,000.00
Pit Latrine at Kitawi Centre County 500,000.00
Pit Latrine at Wakula Beach County 500,000.00
Pit Latrine at Mulundu Beach County 500,000.00
Pit Latrine at Ugina Beach County 500,000.00
RUSINGA Construction of Kaswanga Market County 2,500,000.00
Murraming of Ngeri Market County 1,000,000.00
Suba South Sub Contruction of Pit Latrine at Roo
County Market County 500,000.00
Kaksingri West Construction of Pit Latrine at Kosodo
Beach County 500,000.00
Construction of Pit Latrine at Jiw
Dendi Beach County 500,000.00

Gwassi South Developing Laknyiero Market County 2,500,000.00
Kwabwai Murraming-Aorachuodo Market County 1,000,000.00
Fencing of Aorachuodho County 500,000.00

Construction of a Pit Latrine at Mirogi

Kanyamwa Kosewe Market County 500,000.00
Murraming of Magina Market County 700,000.00
Ndhiwa Sub North Kabuoch Muramming of Adek Market County 800,000.00
County Construction of Pit Latrine at Maram
Market County 500,000.00
Amoyo Boda Boda Shade County 300,000.00

Kanyadoto Kalamindi Boda Boda Shade County 300,000.00

Kowuonda Boda Boda Shade County 300,000.00
Miranga Boda Boda Shade County 300,000.00
Mariwa Boda Boda Shade County 300,000.00

Construction Of A Pit Latrine At

Kawere Togo Market County 500,000.00
Kanyamwa Kologi Gravelling of Mbero Market County 1,400,000.00
Construction of a Pit Latrine at
Junction Katieno Market 600,000.00
Chuowe Beach Market Pit Latrine County 500,000.00
Wangchieng' Nyaneje Market Pit Latrine County 500,000.00
Kagwa Market Fencing And Pit
Latrine County 1,500,000.00
Upgrading of Kochung Market County 1,000,000.00
Kendu Bay Town
Upgrading of Nyangajo Market County 1,500,000.00
Central Upgrading of Riat Market County 1,500,000.00
Upgrading of Rabuor Twist Market County 1,000,000.00
Karachuonyo Sub
Wadhremo Market (Murraming and
Drainage County 1,300,000.00
Kanyaluo Obala Market (Marraming and
Drainage) County 1,200,000.00
Gravelling of Ngut Ouyo Market County 1,200,000.00
Construction of Boda Boda Shade at
Raruowa County 500,000.00
Kibiri Construction of Boda Boda Shade at
Oriwo County 500,000.00
Construction of Boda Boda Shade at
Kotonje County 300,000.00
Fencing of Doho Beach County 500,000.00
Fencingof Homalime Beach County 500,000.00
West Karachuonyo Fencing of Koguya Market County 500,000.00

Construction of a Four Door Pit

Latrine at Kanyakiti Beacg County 500,000.00

Gravelling And Fencing Of Aros
North Karachuonyo Market County 2,500,000.00

Fencing of Randung Market County 500,000.00

Gem West Fencing of West Gate Market County 500,000.00

Fencing of Oboke Market County 500,000.00
Fencing of Nyakuru Market County 500,000.00
Fencing of Abonga Market County 500,000.00

Construction of Pit Latrines at

Manyatta Centre County 500,000.00
Construction of Pit Latrines at Onanda
Market County 500,000.00
Construction of Pit Latrines at
KAGAN Califonia Market County 500,000.00
Rangwe Sub Construction of Pit Latrines at Lwala
County Market County 500,000.00
Construction of Pit Latrines at Ayuyu
Centre County 500,000.00
Repair and Maintenance of Cinema
Market County 1,000,000.00
Repair and Maintenance of Omoche
GEM EAST Market County 1,000,000.00
Repair and Maintenance of Mbeka
Market County 1,000,000.00
Fencing and Murraming of Mijeri
Market County 2,000,000.00
Construction of a Pit Latrine at Mijeri
Market County 500,000.00
Other Department Activities 26,400,000
TOTAL 100,000,000.00


CP1: Water Supply and Management Services

CSP1.1 Urban water supply
Project Name Location/ Status Draft Estimates
Ward (KSh.)
Rehabilitation of Mbita water supply Kasgunga Ongoing rehabilitation of 15 km old 5,000,000
Rehabilitation of Sindo water supply Kaksingri west Ongoing New20 Km pipe line around 11,000,000
Sindo market
Rehabilitation of Ndhiwa water supply Kanymwa Ongoing rehabilitation of 5 km old 5,000,000
kosewe pipeline
CSP 1.2 Rural water supply
Project Name Location/ Status Draft
Ward estimates(Ksh)

Borehole rehabilitation and extension at Wangchieng Ongoing rehabilitation of masonry tank 3,000,000
oluti and 2 Km new pipe lone
Pipe line tank and water kiosk at Orinde Kakelo Ongoing rehabilitation of water kiosk and 4,000,000
Kokwanyo 5 Km new pipe lone
Borehole rehabilitation and extension Kojwach Ongoing rehabilitation of water kiosk and 3,000,000
At Apondo 2 Km new pipe lone


Project Name Location/ Status Draft
Ward estimates(Ksh)

Extension water project to Kanyadoto Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Wanjawa/Koga/Kitota borehole existing borehole
Extension water project to Kanyikela Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Otange/Achego/Kopondo existing borehole
Extension water project to Kwabwai Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Nyandoto/Apuoche existing borehole
Extension water project to Poya North Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
cwp/Sikwadhi market Kabuoch existing borehole
Extension water project to andingo South Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
primary/Kamenya/Ototo sec/Oguta Kabuoch existing borehole
Extension water project to Kanyamwakol Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
aketho/Ochol Abaranono/Kawere ogi existing borehole
Extension water project to Kanymwakose Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Radienya/Rangenya/Konywa dam we existing borehole
Extension water project to Ogango/saye Central Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
sec/Ochunyno Kasipul existing borehole
Extension water project to Kadiang’a West Kamagak Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
area existing borehole
Extension water project to Kong’ondo EastKamagak Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
B kochieng/Sino health centre existing borehole
Extension water project to Nyang’iela WestKasipul Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
polytechnic/Nyimbi area /Nyakia area existing borehole
/Soko Kanyang/Nyagowa/Ondiko
Extension water project to Kabondo East Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
atela/Kodada/Otondo/Oriang’/Othoro/ existing borehole
Truphena/Wang’apala primary
Extension of water project to Thim Kojwach Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
kojwach east existing borehole
Extension water project to KokwanyoKak Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Tala/Nyawango/Ober level elo existing borehole
4/Kokwanyo health Facilities.
Audo Market.
Omiro/Achogo/Kayaga/Dudi water
Kawuor/Gangre primary/.
Soko Kogilo/Oruti springs.
Extension water project to Kilusi Kabondo West Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Health Centre/Odino Health existing borehole
Centre/Masogo Dispensary
Extension water project to Alara/Lala Arujo Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
existing borehole

Extension water project to Nyakune Homa-Bay Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
primary/watata/ohongo water point West existing borehole
Extension water project to Nduta Homa-Bay Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
primary Central existing borehole
Extension water project to Imbo health Homa-Bay Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
centre East existing borehole
Extension water project to Seka Wang,chieng Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
DOK/Kogana/Kamser/Gungu/Ndong’a existing borehole
water projects/Samba Dam.
Extension water project to Ojijo otek North- Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
mausoleum Karachuonyo existing borehole
Extension water project to Usao Gembe Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
dispensary /Kitare health centre existing borehole
Extension water project to Ochieng Lambwe Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Odiere existing borehole
Extension water project to Kasgunga Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Kirambo/Nyamanga/Wadiang’a/Nyasu existing borehole
Extension water projects to Rusinga/ Rusinga Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Kaswanga girls sec schs existing borehole
Extension water project to Nyakweri Mfangano Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
village existing borehole
Extension water project from Kaksingri Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Nyambunano water project West existing borehole
Extension water prject to Lwala Gwasi South Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
VTC/Sangla/Wang’apala existing borehole

Extension water project to Malongo GwasiNorth Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
existing borehole
Rehabilitation project for Ruma- Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Nyandiwa/Ongayo/Onywera Kaksingri East existing borehole
Rehabilitation project for Sinogo GemWest Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
borehole existing borehole
Extension water project to Arege GemEast Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
existing borehole
Extension water project to Pundo/Lwao Kochia Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
primary schools. existing borehole
Rehabilitation project for Ayuka Dam Kanyaluo Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
existing borehole
Rehabilitation project for ogango and Kendu-Bay Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Nyandiwa water sources town existing borehole
Renovation project for Ondeto Pan and Kibiri Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Ndune dam existing borehole
Extension water project to SouthKasipul Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Kasimba/Mariwa/Kwoyo/Kogwang’/A existing borehole
Extension water project from Kital Central- Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
water project to near-by villages Karachuonyo existing borehole
Extension water project Kagan Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
existing borehole
Extension water project West Ongoing 4 water kiosk 2Km pile from 5,000,000
Karachuonyo existing borehole

CSP1.3 Industrial water supply
Project Name Location/War Status Draft estimates
d (Ksh)
Kigoto Maize Milling water project Gwasi-South New 5,000,000
Project name Location/ Status Draft estimates
Ward (Ksh)
Acquisition of skip loader Homa-Bay Ongoing;Currently we have which serves 11,000,000
Town eight sub- counties delay efficient waste
Acquisition of skips 8 sub- Ongoing;15 skips are currently useable in 7,500,000
counti the entire county
Acquisition of dumpsites Kasgunga and Ongoing ;we have two dumpsites 8,000,000
Kendu-Bay currently in the entire county
Establishment of a waste recycling plant Kasgunga New ;We have none recycling plant in the 5,000,000
entire county therefore having one will
create employments and also manage
Project name Location/ Status Draft estimates
Ward (Ksh)
Afforestation of degraded and bare Kwabwai,Lam New;To increase County forest cover to 4,500,000
Hilltops bwe,Central 3%
Establishment of a model tree nursery Homa-Bay Ongoing;We have one tree nursery which 2,500,000
Town serves the entire county
Promotion of owned farms tree planting 8 sub counties New 1,500,000
To increase county forest cover to 3%

Promotion of private tree nurseries 8 sub counties

New;To increase County forest cover to 1,000,000
Develop an arboretum at tree nursery Homa-Bay New;To increase County forest cover to 1,500,000
Town 3%
School Greening programme 40 ards New ;Creation of Environmental 4,500,000
awareness to pupils and students of at least
;To increase County forest cover to 3%
Project name Location/ Status Draft estimates
Ward (Ksh)
Reclamation of wasted lands Gem East & New ;Restoration of extremely degraded 10,000,000
Wang,chieng areas through excessive sand harvesting
and flood

Climate Change Counter-part program New; This is towards demonstrating 3,000,000

county preparedness to contribute towards
national, regional and global climate
change interventions.


Project Ward Location Status Draft Estimates

Installation of 10 8 wards hosting 1 in each sub-county New project 10,046,325

P10 LED Display sub-county headquarter, 2 more in proposal starting in
Units headquarters Homa Bay Town the FY 2020/2021
Emergency Capital All the 40 wards County wide On-going 55,000,000
Reserves provision for
Kenya Devolution All the 40 Wards Headquarters On-going but new 16,170,323
Support officer get trained
Programme /in new areas
Total Development 81,216,648


Project Name Ward Constituency Activity Description Revised

Completion and Kasgunga, Gem Suba North, Finishing works; 6,000,000
Equipping of West, Kabondo Rangwe, Kabondo Equipping
Sub-County West Kasipul
Construction of Kanyamwa Kologi, All the 8 Identification of site; 40,000,000
8NO. Ward Kibiri, Kakelo/ Constituencies Structural design and
Offices Kokwanyo, Homa development of BQs;
Bay West, Tendering and development
Rusinga, Ruma works
Kaksingri, West
Kamagak, Kochia.
Total of Vote D5121 46,000,000


Project Sub County Ward Draft Estimates

Equipping of the Prefab Extension Homa Bay Town Homa Bay Town 2,000,000
Total 2,000,000


Project Sub Ward Draft Estimates

County 2019/2020
Construction of Speaker's Residence Homa Bay Homa Bay Town
(including purchase of land) Town

Homa Bay Homa Bay Town
Construction of MCA Offices
Construction of Residential Building Homa Bay Homa Bay Town
(Staff quarters &Assembly Drainage Town
and Sewage System)
Refurbishment of Non-Residential Homa Bay Homa Bay Town
Buildings (Committee rooms) Town


Project Name Ward Project Status/Output Draft Estimates

Homa Bay Central New proposal to fence and gate
Rehabilitation of the Children’s the site, landscape and beautify
Park the site and purchase play
equipment and items
East, Central, Arujo New proposal to put up 12No.
Establishment of Boda Boda and West Wards modern shades, 8 in the town 12,000,000
and Trading Sheds and 4 on the outskirts
Central and Arujo New proposal to beacon and
Development and Packaging of
Wards develop view points of the lake,
Got Asego as the Great Nyanza 12,500,000
put up 7No. view sheds and
Region View Point
trails secured by guardrails
East, Central, Arujo New proposal to clear the
and West Wards riparian areas from Ngegu to
Samunyi, landscape and
Lakefront development 23,324,000
beautify the lakefront, install
floodlights and put up 12No.
modern trading sheds
Installation and commissioning East, Central, Arujo A more attractive and secure
of monopole High mast lights and West Wards Municipality revenue
and Branding of Parking lots, 21,920,000
street signage & entry/exit bill
Homa Bay New proposal for town cleaning
East, Central, Arujo and beautification, development
Municipal beatification and
and West Wards of parking lots, clearance of 18,920,000
solid waste management
blockages and development of
sewerage systems
East, Central, Arujo New proposal to rehabilitate
and West Wards and maintain existing roads
Road development and
while opening new ones 39,000,000
accessing strategic spots in the
Central, West and New project involving guided
Arujo Wards rating and valuation of land and
Valuation Roll Development 7,336,000
property within the
Total Development 150,000,000



S/N Name P/No Id/No Job Design Basic Rental Commu Health Gross
o Group Salary House ter Risk Salary
Allowa Allowan Allowa
nce ce nce
1 Aguko Juma 5959113 CECM 157,00 61,000 40,000 0 258,000
2 Tabitha Akinyi Ajwang 1993025188 1571720 Q SADA 108,61 21,000 14,000 0 143,610
3 Charles Odoyo 1997022700 11302961 P ADA 89,350 21,000 12,000 0 122,350
4 Caroline Andango 1984049523 8846222 M CAO 63,900 16,500 8,000 0 88,400
5 Hallorine Akech Otieno 2015006523 23230797 K AO 45,680 9,600 5,000 0 60,280
6 Faith Amondi Mboya 2015006477 25397345 H Office 30,170 3,850 4,000 0 38,020
0 Administrative
Assistant (2)
7 Lavender Asha Omollo 2018004822 29989665 H Assistant Office 26,730 3,850 4,000 0 34,580
0 Administrator (3)
8 Robert Odhiambo 2015006515 23581415 J Accountant (2) 35,600 5,800 4,000 0 45,400
Omenda 1
9 Patrick Meshack 1982097740 4878444 G Clerical Officer 27,840 3,200 4,000 0 35,040
Olwanda (1)
10 Vera Aoko Odhiambo 2015006516 24834308 J Accountant (2) 35,600 5,800 4,000 0 45,400
11 Elizabeth Achieng 2015007824 28298072 J Supply Chain 34,140 5,800 4,000 0 43,940
Nyadongo 7 Management
Assistant (2)
12 Agustino Agalo 2017016744 27229653 G Senior Driver 22,500 3,850 4,000 0 30,350
Nyatieno 1
13 Christopher Omondi 2015014733 26419031 G Senior Driver 25,650 3,850 4,000 0 33,500
Ogolla 6
14 John Omach Opiyo 2016015081 20133272 G Senior Driver 25,650 3,850 4,000 0 33,500
15 Caleb Okumu Odul 1986058447 4894297 G Cleaning 23,530 3,200 4,000 0 30,730
Supervisor (1)
16 Elijah Kimani Ndungu 2006006070 21828163 N PAO 74,720 15,400 8,000 0 98,120

17 Erick Adel Odhiambo 1997025203 10821022 P ADA 93,830 21,000 12,000 0 126,830

18 James Owuor Omondi 2008089406 10433332 M CAO 63,900 13,000 8,000 0 84,900

19 Skeeter Adhiambo 2008085907 22961984 M CAO 60,820 16,500 8,000 0 85,320

20 Julius Munde 2010111984 20914482 L SAO 52,500 16,500 6,000 0 75,000

21 Beryl Achieng Achila 2015006521 10823403 K AO 45,680 9,600 5,000 0 60,280

22 Dorcas Akinyi Ouma 1983032808 1506080 K CAA 49,950 9,600 5,000 0 64,550

23 Jones Koyo Agutu 2015008502 28631978 H AAO III 28,970 3,850 4,000 0 36,820
24 Rose Aloo Apodo 1987052842 8213184 M CAO 60,820 16,500 8,000 0 85,320

25 Jacqueline P. Auma 1988055021 6056477 L SAO 52,500 16,500 6,000 0 75,000


26 Martha Nyakerario 1989096737 1590142 F JAA (2a) 20,800 3,000 3,000 0 26,800
27 Roseline Akoth Onditi 1986058691 6903685 F JAA (2a) 20,800 3,000 3,000 0 26,800

28 Churchil Owino Onono 2010109678 22141448 J AAO II 34,140 5,800 4,000 0 43,940

29 Danish Ouma Okeyo 1988026690 5959369 F JAA (2a) 20,800 2,700 3,000 0 26,500

30 Peres Achieng Onyuka 1984072403 7280618 G Cleaning 24,580 3,850 4,000 0 32,430
Supervisor (1)
31 Mary Atieno Omulo 1986110126 7578368 G Clerical Officer 27,840 3,850 4,000 0 35,690
32 Samwel Nyabute Polo 2015014290 10823607 G Senior Driver 27,840 3,850 4,000 0 35,690
33 Kenneth Kipngeno 2007070486 20406625 E Driver II 17,570 2,960 3,000 0 23,530
34 Ibrahim Kurland Buge 1993036684 5949534 P ADA 89,350 16,800 12,000 0 118,150

35 Joseph Otieno Okumbe 1987053830 7373960 L SAAO 52,500 16,500 6,000 0 75,000

36 Benson Ouma Muga 2010109741 21630435 K AO 40,060 9,600 5,000 0 54,660

37 Washington 2010112223 21716663 H AAOIII 31,430 3,850 4,000 0 39,280

Makonang'a Onyango
38 Fredrick Magioki 1986054126 14591155 K CAA 49,950 7,500 5,000 0 62,450
39 Philip Oloo Ochieng 2015006365 13893471 G Senior Driver 27,840 3,850 4,000 0 35,690
40 Joseph Auma Onam 1997029956 10809489 P ADA 93,830 16,800 12,000 0 122,630

41 Hudson Obwoge 1989096185 4413972 P ADA 89,350 16,800 12,000 0 118,150

42 Benard Odongo Oima 2010109937 9306900 J AAOII 34,140 5,800 4,000 0 43,940

43 Samwel Mwita Sibuti 2010108452 23180795 K AO 40,060 9,600 5,000 0 54,660

44 Andrew Nyasani 2010112419 20636434 J AAOII 34,140 5,800 4,000 0 43,940

45 Nerea Auma Ogalo 1983072751 2695955 E JAA (2b) 17,570 2,700 3,000 0 23,270

46 Alice Akinyi Omburo 1990112952 10094841 H AAOIII 28,970 3,850 4,000 0 36,820

47 Robert Mboya 1990113160 11034604 G Cleaning 24,580 3,200 4,000 0 31,780

Odongo Supervisor (1)
48 Caleb Odero Aluoch 1999000150 8629856 Driver (3) 28,940 13,000 2,000 0 43,940
49 Wycliffe Arnold 2006006486 13535439 N PAO 74,720 18,000 8,000 0 100,720
Otieno Oyunga
50 George Otieno Omijah 1987079674 8916652 P ADA 93,830 16,800 12,000 0 122,630
51 Phanuel Odingo 1986054257 2589602 L SAAO 55,150 13,000 6,000 0 74,150
52 Dorcus James Liech 1983033901 2696810 L SAAO 55,150 16,500 6,000 0 77,650

53 Judith Atieno Ayieko 1981038523 2580455 K CAA 49,950 7,500 5,000 0 62,450

54 Nicholas Doller Akiro 1987052868 3297499 K CAA 49,950 7,500 5,000 0 62,450

55 Joseph Otieno Ngode 2018009711 26683533 D Plant operator (3) 21,620 0 0 0 21,620
56 Tobias Otieno Obado 2015008593 14677755 G Senior Driver 25,650 3,850 4,000 0 33,500
57 Philip Odhiambo Osoo 2010110425 22828549 L SAO 52,500 13,000 6,000 0 71,500

58 Zachary Sammy Odero 1988046666 4413040 L SAAO 55,150 16,500 6,000 0 77,650

59 Jez Onyango Korero 1989066839 7309002 L SAAO 55,150 13,000 6,000 0 74,150

60 Phoebe Asiyo Ogembo 2010112304 22982984 J AAO (2) 31,430 4,200 4,000 0 39,630

61 Antipas Onyango 1987051927 1489243 M CAAO 60,820 13,000 8,000 0 81,820

62 Joseph Ondigo Abanga 1985043172 1529379 L SAAO 55,150 16,500 6,000 0 77,650

63 Grace Owino Atieno 2009050581 13895209 G Clericl Officer I 23,530 3,850 4,000 0 31,380

64 Joshua Matara 2007070509 20368417 D Driver (3) 16,250 2,375 3,000 0 21,625

65 Allan Opiyo Otieno 2009049912 24866741 B SSII 14,610 2,250 3,000 0 19,860

66 Isaack Omondi Oromo 2018010359 23338297 D Plant Operator 21,620 0 0 0 21,620

3 (3)
67 Barnabas Ouma 2018009714 27188423 D Plant Operator 16,250 2,750 3,000 0 22,000
Abonyo 3 (3)
68 Pamela Kageha Adede 1983033757 6092479 M CAO 60,820 13,000 8,000 0 81,820

69 Monica Achieng Awiti 2018011205 20530785 A Support Staff (3) 13,530 2,500 3,000 0 19,030
70 Peninah Moraa 2010109864 12612703 K AO 40,060 7,500 5,000 0 52,560
71 Steve Okoth Nyandiko 2010110483 24172353 H AAOIII 31,430 3,200 4,000 0 38,630

72 Alex Musamusi 1986052530 5318427 K CAA 49,950 7,500 5,000 0 62,450

73 Jane Anyango Moturi 1982027143 1478003 K CAA 49,950 7,500 5,000 0 62,450

74 Janet Awuor Oswago 2010109848 23953326 J AAOII 32,760 4,200 4,000 0 40,960

75 Livingstone Festo 2015006510 24676200 H AAOIII 30,170 3,850 4,000 0 38,020

Odhiambo 6
76 Roselida Achieng 2009000114 22440498 CO II 33,570 14,000 2,000 0 49,570
Owigo 8
77 John Okello Opiyo 1987037266 410794 D SSS 16,250 2,375 3,000 0 21,625

78 Kennedy Jabuya Ogoda 2018010355 10965572 D Plant Operator 21,620 0 0 0 21,620

7 (3)
79 Paul Oywaya Juma 2018010354 10792420 D Plant Operator 21,620 0 0 0 21,620
8 (3)
80 Vitalis George Misula 1982027436 2864003 M CAO 60,820 13,000 8,000 0 81,820

81 Maxmillah Magodi 2008086589 22624049 M CAO 60,820 16,500 8,000 0 85,320

82 George O. Luwagah 1986052611 300350 L SAAO 55,150 16,500 6,000 0 77,650

83 Jane Wadeya 1987052787 7560948 K AAO I 49,950 7,500 5,000 0 62,450

84 Tom Onyango Akande 1989069374 9306873 L SAAO 55,150 13,000 6,000 0 74,150

85 Justin Bikundo Magati 2010109775 20675713 J AAOII 35,600 4,200 4,000 0 43,800

86 Hesbon Kennedy 2006071106 20240054 J AAOII 35,600 4,200 4,000 0 43,800

87 William Bosco Keera 2010109856 13341488 J AAOII 35,600 4,200 4,000 0 43,800

88 Martin Nzenze 1986057637 5881810 E JAA (2b) 17,570 2,700 3,000 0 23,270
89 John O. Okeyo 1986058853 6760623 F JAA (2a) 20,800 3,000 3,000 0 26,800

90 Steve Ochieng Otieno 2015006371 24136904 G Senior Driver 27,840 3,850 4,000 0 35,690
91 Odiwuor John Oding 2015006375 27692760 G Senior Driver 27,840 3,850 4,000 0 35,690
92 Pamela Awino Otina 2006006591 12505767 N PAO 67,340 18,000 8,000 0 93,340

93 Casmiel Akumo 1985043570 411991 L SAO 55,150 16,500 6,000 0 77,650

94 Samwel Ouma 2015006361 8144191 G Senior Driver 27,840 3,850 4,000 0 35,690
Nyachienga 1

95 Marsliane Abongo 1989069235 5958287 L SAAO 52,500 13,000 6,000 0 71,500
96 David Oketch Okoth 1987053555 7023295 K CAA 49,950 9,600 5,000 0 64,550

97 Victor Otieno Ochola 2010108494 22888821 J AAOII 35,600 4,200 4,000 0 43,800

98 Mathews Osio 1981038874 2684080 L SAAO 55,150 16,500 6,000 0 77,650

99 Mary Okare Okumu 1986046408 7463639 M CAAO 60,820 16,500 8,000 0 85,320

100 Shadrack Midumbi 1985043009 8148700 K CAA 49,950 7,500 5,000 0 62,450
101 Paul Kengere 2010109783 21163542 J AAOII 35,600 4,200 4,000 0 43,800
102 Chrisantus Ojunga 1990155269 958600 F JAA (2a) 20,800 2,700 3,000 0 26,500
103 John Ooko Omotto 1985041683 1502342 L SAAO 52,500 16,500 6,000 0 75,000

104 Kithine Elvis Odalo 1997004215 8089121 P ADLP 93830 16800 12000 0 122630

105 Odero Charles Oduor 1997003895 10972957 P ADVS 119,73 21,000 12,000 5,000 157,730
106 Dimo Aulgha Banja 2015007698 23823964 L VO 45680 16500 6000 5000 73180
107 Ochieng Kennedy 2011015589 10792776 G AHA 2 26730 3200 4000 3850 37780
108 Ouko RoselynA. 1990029939 8017847 J Chief Clerical 34140 5800 4000 0 43940
109 Odhiambo Mary 1988059554 7560767 L SALPO 55,150 16,500 6,000 0 77,650
110 Abila Martin Ogilo 1982044323 5777480 F Cleaning 20,800 3000 3,000 0 26,800
Supervisor 2A
111 Omolo Peter Odhiambo 2011002007 11799110 L LPO 49950 13,000 6000 0 68950

112 Agwa Davies Omolo 2009087562 14677465 J SLPA 32,760 4,200 4,000 0 40,960

113 Omutho Ben O. 2009053000 24549515 F DRIVER II 19850 3000 3000 0 25850

114 Andoyi Jenipher A. 1982032180 2252495 D SSS 16250 2375 3000 0 21625

115 Ngare John Aoko 1979128087 410250 G AHA 27,840 3,200 4,000 3,850 38,890

116 Katunge Irene Kalumu 2009097703 20796465 J SAHA 34,140 5800 4,000 3,850 47,790

117 Ayoma Lilian 2010035099 14680691 H SNR CO 26730 3200 4000 0 33930
118 Mogeni Judith 1984134140 7223816 F SS2 19850 3000 3000 0 25850

119 Stella Malemba 2011015725 25122828 G AHA 2 26730 3200 4000 3850 37780
120 Okongo Albert Augo 1981038670 -343292 G COI 26730 3200 4000 0 33930

121 Dacho Dickens 2010034645 22258510 E SSS 175170 2700 3000 0 180870
122 Olweya Lameck 2010035065 25802980 F Cleaning 19,850 3,000 3,000 0 25,850
Omondi supervisor
123 Mukueyi Jonas Muruka 2004003911 9137883 F DRIVER11 18,270 2,700 3,000 0 23,970

124 Okumu John Omolo 1985029178 1489151 K CLHA 49,950 9,600 5,000 3,850 68,400

125 Obongo Samuel 1985045556 1572337 K CAHA 49,950 7,500 5,000 3,850 66,300
126 Mokaya Mellen 1986083701 301969 L SAOA 45,680 16,500 6,000 0 68,180
127 Opiyo Isabella Atieno 1987115226 7298658 G SSS 27,840 3,850 4,000 0 35,690

128 Owiti Joseph Okeno 1986079388 10128897 H CHIEF 30,170 3,850 4,000 0 38,020
129 Mukhwana John 1986079388 7595862 N PALPO 78,520 18,000 8,000 0 104,520

130 Agalo Jashon Ondolo 2011013587 13789570 H LPA 1 27,840 3,850 4,000 3850 39,540

131 Onyango Philip 2010123850 G CO2 26,730 3,850 4,000 0 34,580

132 Mwaizinga Stella 2011015725 25122828 G AHA 2 26,730 3,200 4,000 3850 37,780
133 Mokaya Omariba 1988059520 6547939 M SALPO 57,900 13,000 8,000 0 78,900
134 Mboya Sylvian 2010034378 10313047 B SS 14610 2250 3000 0 19860
135 Anyango Jack Abuya No P/No. 27177870 G CO 19200 0 0 0 19200

136 Kaudo John Otieno 2018011579 13774825 G CO 21,500 3,850 4,000 0 29,350
137 Omulo Beatrice 2018009702 24247516 G CO 21620 0 0 0 21620
Adhiambo 7
138 Silas Owiti Ager No P/No. 30489850 J 29918 4000 3000 0 36918

139 Omundo Dolrosa Awiti 1988029054 16002776 D SSS 16,250 2,750 3,000 0 22,000

140 Kaliech Julius Awindeh 1986046513 1604624 K CLPA 49,950 9,600 5,000 20,000 84,550

141 William Pella 1984048284 3460688 M SALPO 52,500 13,000 6,000 0 71,500
142 Samson Ayoma 2015014247 27484332 H AAO 3 27,840 3,850 4,000 0 35,690
Onyango 5
143 Oronga Jerry Ochieng 2009087936 20591555 H LPA1 31,430 3,200 4,000 0 38,630

144 Nyangweso Jemima 1986056893 1820834 L CLHA 52,500 13,000 6,000 3,850 75,350

145 Ochola Pamela Atieno 1989098713 7951089 G CS 1 23530 3850 4000 0 31380

146 Orimba Dickson Mbai 1985045548 1509233 K CLHA 49950 9600 5000 3850 68400

147 Munga Zackayo A. 198705991 7886543 K CLHA 49950 9600 5000 3850 68400
148 Odhiambo Shadrack 1981115969 7297487 H SCO 30170 3850 4000 0 38020
149 Ondiek Julius Ojwang 1986097085 6657216 G CS1 23530 3850 4000 0 31380

150 Nyanchama Margaret 1979044348 379359 F CS 2A 19850 3000 3000 0 25850

151 Nyabala Alice Olielo 1990074015 8584714 E SSS 17570 2960 3000 0 23530

152 Opiyo Dan Omondi 2009003500 25084794 D SSS 16250 2750 3000 0 22000

153 Hungai Truphena 2009086948 23731124 K ALPO 1 38,540 9,600 5,000 0 53,140
154 Orina Julius Mose 2009097876 21763778 J SLHA 34,140 4,200 4,000 3850 46,190

155 Okeyo Tobias Oomo 2011015597 24544600 H AHA1 28,970 3,200 4,000 3850 40,020

156 Maruko Benedicto 1986081814 6544759 C SS1 15,120 2,250 3,000 0 20,370
157 Ogutu Paul Obiero 1888061959 7560899 K CLHA 49,950 7,500 5,000 3850 66,300

158 Musyoka John Mwei 2009098563 14730556 K AHO 41770 7500 5000 0 54270

159 Choti Timothy 2009098408 21855536 J LHA1 34,140 4,200 4,000 3850 46,190
160 Ogwang Charles 1987057559 6776037 L ALPO1 52,500 13,000 6,000 0 71,500
161 Okumbe peter Omondi 2011002031 11822323 K LPO 49,950 7,500 5,000 0 62,450

162 Ongonge Denis Amoke 2009003746 22618630 F SSS 18,270 2,700 3,000 0 23,970

163 Odoyo Elias Okinyi 2009004629 25689827 E SSS 17,570 2,700 3,000 0 23,270

164 Kumba Dominic 1986081911 8097491 E SSS 17570 2960 3000 0 23530

165 Obiero Yuanita 1987059381 8295192 K CLHA 49950 7500 5000 3850 66300
166 Omondi Alfred George 2009064289 16076523 M CFO 57,900. 16,500. 8000 0 82,400.
Ajuoga 00 00 00
167 1992049074 10024448 P ADF 89,350. 16,800. 12,000 0 118,150
Michael David Omondi 00 00 .00
168 1989127643 7977132 P ADF 89,350. 16,800 12,000 0 118,150
Tom Weggesa Khaoya 00
169 1997074537 5452731 P ADF 89,350. 16,800. 12,000 0 118,150
George Otieno Okoth 00 00 .00
170 Henry Mwambari 1997010583 113666952 P ADF 89,350. 21,000. 12,000 0 122,350
Nzinga 00 00 .00
171 2009064182 22579405 M CFO 57,900. 13,000. 8,000 0 78,900.
Kevin Musiega 00 00 00
172 2009064548 13366984 M CFO 57,900. 13,000 8,000 0 78,900.
Patrick Mbeke Alenga 00 00
173 2011222634 24527964 K FO 37,070. 7,500.0 5,000 0 49,570.
Zachary Oreko Winam 00 0 00
174 2011222569 25137671 H FA 1 30,170. 3,200.0 4,000.00 0 37,370.
Kevin Ochieng Ouko 00 0 00
175 1985000093 7308203 J SFA 35,600. 4,200.0 4,000 0 43,800.
David Ouru Ong'awa 00 0 00
176 2011236056 24764602 J SFA 31,430. 5,800.0 4,000 0 41,230.
Dan Otieno Pamba 00 0 00
177 1983081386 6678076 G FA 2 27,840. 3,200 4,000 0 35,040.
Gedion Otieno Nyaidho 00 00
178 Michael Ogembo 2011222432 12788818 H FA 1 30,170. 3,200.0 4,000 0 37,370.
Akoko 00 0 00
179 1983065186 6514390 G SENIOR 27,840. 3,200.0 4,000 0 35,040.
Alex Ouya Mwando COXSWAIN 00 0 00
180 2011222538 25567413 H FA 1 28,970. 3,200.0 4,000 0 36,170.
Jack Ochieng Owuor 00 0 00
181 1988111178 1268289 G FA 2 27,840. 3,200.0 4,000 0 35,040.
George Okech Ogembo 00 0 00
182 David Odhiambo 2009130640 22526724 H Senior Clerical 27,840. 3,200.0 4,000 0 35,040.
Wasonga Officer 00 0 00
183 2015007859 24363125 H Senior Clerical 30,170. 3,850.0 4,000 0 38,020.
Christine Addah Otieno 6 Officer 00 0 00
184 1981068633 8963072 J SFA 34,140. 5,800.0 4,000 0 43,940.
Beth Atieno Onano 00 0 00
185 2010004909 12603100 F Cleaning 18,270. 3,000 3,000 0 24,270.
Supervisor 00 00
Norah Kengere Ndege
186 Kenneth Ochieng 2012008207 25034996 E Coxswain 2 17,570. 2,700.0 3,000 0 23,270.
Ouma 00 0 00
187 Caroline Adhiambo 2012009702 23156743 D Shipcrew 16,250. 2,375.0 3,000 0 21,625.
Mbaja 00 0 00
188 2011222247 22421905 G FA 2 26,730. 3,200.0 4,000 0 33,930.
Daniel Onyango Okuta 00 0 00
189 2012008283 29027411 D Shipcrew 16,250. 2,375.0 3,000 0 21,625.
Bryan Mutugi Nkonge 00 0 00
190 Victor Marende 2012008290 25884783 D Shipcrew 16,250. 2,375.0 3,000 0 21,625.
Kulundu 00 0 00
191 2012030634 27581494 D Shipcrew 16,250. 2,375 3,000 0 21,625.
Edwin Marete Miriti 00 00
192 Ramadhan Otieno 2016015355 28370607 G Senior Driver 27,840. 3,850.0 4,000.00 0 35,690.
Shaban 1 00 0 00
193 1982059946 3947487 L SAFO 52,500. 13,000. 6,000.00 0 71,500.
Philip Otieno Opiyo 00 00 00
194 2012008409 20732966 D Shipcrew 16,250. 2,375.0 3,000.00 0 21,625.
Dennisford Ndege 00 0 00
195 Sylvia Naswa 2012008269 22210955 D Shipcrew 16,250. 2,375.0 3,000 0 21,625.
Wanyonyi 00 0 00
196 2011235804 G FA 2 26,730. 3,200.0 4,000 0 33,930.
Clive Omondi Owiyo - 00 0 00
197 29773475 43,955 0 0 0 43,955
Mary Akinyi - -

8,028,1 1,528,0 999,000 91,600 10,646,
93 05 798


N Basic Monthly Annual
o Name Pf No. J/G Salary H/All C/All L/All Pension Gross Gross Salary
Fredrick Ochieng 201800
1 Odero 89178 S 253,825 60,000 16,800 10,000 - 330,625 3,977,500
Francis Shikuku 199002
3 Guma 9492 N 74,090 18,000 8,000 10,000 - 100,090 1,211,080
4 Joyce Awuor Aguko 10183 SS12 52,670 20,000 2,000 37,922 130,806 74,670 1,064,768
5 Sophy Atieno Obop 00598 S12 56,730 15,000 2,000 40,846 129,114 73,730 1,054,720
Kennedy Otieno 199900
6 Dede 01762 SS10 51,655 20,000 2,000 30,993 128,979 73,655 1,043,832
7 Judy Ady Kayako 01652 SS10 49,625 20,000 2,000 35,730 125,325 71,625 1,020,555
8 Kenneth Nyacharo 89310 N 51,000 13,000 6,000 10,000 - 70,000 850,000
9 Henry Agunga Peter 06330 SS10 47,595 20,000 2,000 34,268 121,671 69,595 991,079
Daniel Odongo 198600
10 Ouma 00415 SS10 47,595 20,000 2,000 34,268 121,671 69,595 991,079
Lilian Omwenga 201001
11 Bonareri 7473 L 46,230 13,000 6,000 10,000 106,614 65,230 899,374
12 Jane Atieno Owaka 02660 SS9 45,565 14,000 2,000 32,807 107,217 61,565 878,804
13 Ooro Caroline Atieno 0646 SS18 46,450 20,000 2,000 33,444 119,610 68,450 974,454
14 Angiro Rose Atieno 10165 SS14 39,450 14,000 2,000 28,404 96,210 55,450 790,014
15 Gift Okoth Ojwenge 50970 K 42,510 7,500 5,000 4,000 - 55,010 664,120
16 Peres Adongo Otieno 01248 SS15 34,350 13,000 2,000 24,732 85,230 49,350 702,162
Queenter Anyango 201601
17 Ondeyo 69568 K 34,260 7,500 5,000 4,000 - 46,760 565,120
Judith Achieng 201501
18 Nyambok 20933 J 34,440 5,800 4,000 4,000 - 44,240 534,880
Ross Wilfridah 201501
19 Omugar 50078 J 33,030 5,800 4,000 4,000 - 42,830 517,960
20 Rosetar Muyoti 99528 J 31,690 5,800 4,000 4,000 - 41,490 501,880
Samuel Onyanyo 201000
21 Ochuoyi 01634 SS17 26,020 13,000 2,000 18,734 70,236 41,020 581,210
Philip Onyango 198900
22 Ojwang 11882 SS18 24,620 13,000 2,000 17,726 67,716 39,620 560,882
Fredrick Otieno 199900
23 Ogollah 04343 SS19 24,620 13,000 2,000 17,726 67,716 39,620 560,882

Dorine Atieno 200000
24 Migudi 09085 SS14 24,620 13,000 2,000 4,000 - 39,620 479,440

25 Bruce Ogweno H 26,520 5,800 4,200 4,000 - 36,520 442,240

26 Ida Pendo Okeyo 33556 J 29,190 3,200 4,000 4,000 - 36,390 440,680
Andericus Nyabola 198910
27 Okumu 4386 G 25,860 3,850 4,000 4,000 - 33,710 408,520
Samuel Ogweno 201601
29 Okomo 50809 G 22,760 3,850 4,000 4,000 - 30,610 371,320
30 Marius Ogada 50729 G 22,760 3,850 4,000 4,000 - 30,610 371,320
31 Johnshenck Orwa 64626 G 26,520 3,850 4,000 4,000 - 34,370 416,440
Peter Odhiambo
32 Ongiendo G 19,770 3,850 4,000 4,000 27,620 335,440


N Se alary Monthly Total Annual
o Name x P/No Current Designation scale Pay Annual Pay Leave PAY
1 Vincent Kodiko M 8 Director R 157,000.00 1,884,000.00 10,000.00 1,894,000.00
1979186 Senior Chargehand
2 Achila Jeremia Okul M 085 Building J 41,170.00 494,040.00 4,000.00 498,040.00
Adongo Kepha 1985071 Senior Chargehand
3 Wanzala M 280 Mechanical J 41,170.00 494,040.00 4,000.00 498,040.00
Alphonce Omondi 2171790
4 Odwar M 04 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Anyach Joshua 2002000 Building & Works
5 Owiti M 3392 Inspector M 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Auma Euniter 1986073
6 Ageke F 366 Senior Support staff D 20,115.00 241,380.00 4,000.00 245,380.00
Bahati Achumbo 2834358
7 Oguta M 3 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Borniphase Ogallo 2004987
8 Orucho M 6 Artisan E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Brian Omondi 2818727
9 Odhiambo M 2 Artisan E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Brictor Sabisi 2915431
10 Mwabishi F 7 Support Staff E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Calvince Otieno 3156588
11 Ouma M 6 Office Administrator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
12 Daisy Awuor Ouko F 6 Clerical Officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
13 David Oyugi Ombei M 0029 Artisan-Carpentry K 63,517.50 762,210.00 28,404.00 790,614.00
14 Dennis Omuono M 8541 Roads Inspector H 36,480.00 437,760.00 4,000.00 441,760.00
15 Dennis Ouma Odero M 3 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Supply Chain
2015013 Management
16 Dora Akinyi Njira F 3387 Assistant II H 36,480.00 437,760.00 4,000.00 441,760.00
Dunise Ochieng 3050379
17 Bunde M 6 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00

Erick Ochieng 1319414
18 Awino M 1 Clerical Officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Erick Ochieng 2779719
19 Onyango M 5 labourer II A 44,542.50 534,510.00 4,000.00 538,510.00
Eunice Awuor
20 Odula F 2616788 Clerical Officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Evans Onyango 2106971
21 Kajwang M 4 Artisan E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
22 Ezra Ayugi Okoth M 9 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Fredrick Ngala 1994000
23 Kono M 9405 Fireman B 52,120.50 625,446.00 21,362.40 646,808.40
Fredrick Odhiambo 2015006 Inspector Fire
24 Manyala M 4832 Services H 36,480.00 437,760.00 4,000.00 441,760.00
Fredrick Odhiambo 2738973
25 Okoth M 3 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
26 George Onyango M 1 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
George Otieno 2003000
27 Omune M 0152 Fireman III C 49,602.00 595,224.00 19,785.00 615,009.00
Gordon Omondi 3339630
28 Odhiambo M 9 Support Staff E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Ignatius Otieno 2466288
29 Onyango M 8 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
30 Immaculate Mark F 3 Clerical Officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Irene Anyango 2913311
31 Odhiambo F 1 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Jackline Adhiambo 2009000
32 Ondoro F 1237 Labourer A 44,542.50 534,510.00 4,000.00 538,510.00
Jackline Anyango 2098036
33 Agai F 7 Inspector (Building) E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
James Oguna 2049431
34 Ondeng M 2 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
James Omuga 1997000
35 Ochogo M 7062 Foreman III E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
36 James Oyuga Oyuga M 2 Artisan E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Jared Magambo 1999000
37 Lango M 1477 Tractor Driver B 48,602.00 583,224.00 19,785.60 603,009.60
Jared Ongicha
38 Mirime M 4022633 Artisan E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Jeremiah Achieng 2697848
39 Odhiambo M 9 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Johannes Ochieng 2818727 Support staff
40 Oruko M 2 Supervisor E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
41 John Paul Otieno M 5142 Roads Inspector J 48,578.00 582,936.00 4,000.00 586,936.00
Joseph Onyango 2844997
42 Agwala M 2 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Judith Achieng 3372902
43 Agong F 0 Office Administrator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
44 Kamboka Valentine M 850 Works Officer L 71,730.00 860,760.00 6,000.00 866,760.00
Kennedy Ochineg
45 Otieno M 6914743 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Kennedy Onyango 2930088
46 Odhiambo M 2 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Kennedy Onyango 2006000
47 Okomo M 0071 Clerical Officer IV C 47,762.50 573,150.00 19,260.00 592,410.00
Kennedy Otieno 2002000
48 Okumu M 0533 Fire officer C 54,811.50 657,738.00 23,047.20 680,785.20
Kenneth Ouma 2049431
49 Otieno M 2 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
50 Keta Silvance Opolo M 786 Cleaning supervisor I G 32,250.00 387,000.00 4,000.00 391,000.00
Lawrence Onyango 3211155 Support staff
51 Ongidi M 0 Supervisor E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00

Lorna Anyango 2744206
52 Rachuonyo F 8 Support staff E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Manason Onyuna 1455092
53 Onyango M 0 Clerical Officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Martin Aluoch 1999000
54 Oguna M 0023 Clerical officer III C 52,914.50 634,974.00 22,485.60 657,459.60
55 Meshack Onyango M 1566 Foreman II Electrical H 64,667.50 776,010.00 28,404.00 804,414.00
Milton Ochieng 1999000
56 Oraga M 1824 Deputy fire Officer C 52,120.50 625,446.00 21,362.40 73,482.90

57 Nelson Mandela M 6646191 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00

58 Nichodemus Konda M 1 Support Staff E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Nicholas Obunga 3217900
59 Oluoch M 4 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Nicholas Odhiambo 2003000
60 Ariyo M 198 Works Officer II J 85,620.50 1,027,446.00 31,602.00 1,059,048.00
Njoroge Maina 1983039 Superintending
61 Mundie M 119 Quantity Surveyor Q 162,160.00 1,945,920.00 10,000.00 1,955,920.00
Nyangano Reuben 1984009 Chief Quantity survey
62 Akoko M 052 assistant M 85,620.50 1,027,446.00 31,602.00 1,059,048.00
Nyangi Beryl 2015006 Administration
63 Achieng F 4761 Assistant H 36,480.00 437,760.00 4,000.00 441,760.00
Obera Samwel 2003000
64 Abunga M 0143 Artisan C 48,602.00 583,224.00 19,785.00 603,009.00
Obudo Richard 1991000
65 Oluoch M 6307 Works Officer N 86,787.00 1,041,453.00 32,211.00 1,073,664.00
Ochieng Awino 2015014
66 Linet F 7489 Accountant I K 67,552.50 810,630.00 6,000.00 816,630.00
Supply Chain
Ochieng Benard 2016012 Management
67 Tara M 9626 Assistant I J 43,955.00 527,460.00 4,000.00 531,460.00
Ochieng Damaris 1982040
68 Achieng F 955 Artisan II F 25,210.00 302,520.00 4,000.00 306,520.00
Ochieng Nicholas 2004000
69 Ambogo M 0066 Draughtsman I J 82,118.75 985,425.00 29,775.00 1,015,200.00
Ochola Joseph 1988044
70 Bwana M 266 Senior Support staff E 22,000.00 264,000.00 4,000.00 268,000.00
1988131 Senior Chargehand
71 Oduk George Owino M 102 Mechanical J 41,170.00 494,040.00 4,000.00 498,040.00
Oguta Dorothy 2007066
72 Adhiambo F 607 Driver III D 19,915.00 238,980.00 4,000.00 242,980.00
Ogwago Evans 1997000
73 Otieno M 7080 Clerical officer II E 63,517.50 762,210.00 28,404.00 790,614.00
Ojwang'Hyrence 2010015
74 Anyango F 594 Senior Support Staff D 20,490.00 245,880.00 4,000.00 249,880.00

Ondiege Vitalis 1982089 Senior Superintendant

75 Otieno M 137 Building L 68,230.00 818,760.00 6,000.00 824,760.00
Ondiwa Tobias 1988029 Senior Chargehand
76 Okundi M 999 Electrical J 41,170.00 494,040.00 4,000.00 498,040.00
77 Opiyo Jacob Amos M 0334 Works Officer H 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
78 Owenga Paul M 6 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
79 Patrick Ochieg Kili M 2 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
80 Paul Ndar Nyaoro M 1 Clerical Officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
81 Peter Odnar Oyomo M 9 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
82 Phellix Ouma Ogilo M 4 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
83 Phillip Ouma Oyugi M 3 Clerical Officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00

Pollo Odhiambo Support staff
84 George M 2398228 Supervisor E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Polo Achieng 2008000
85 Crisencia F 5250 Chief Accountant M 99,364.00 1,192,368.00 10,000.00 1,202,368.00
Quinter Auma 2714985
86 Okuto F 1 Support Staff E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Sakina Awuor 2764134 Assistant Office
87 Omolo F 9 Administrator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
2789332 Support staff
88 Tom Ochieng Odera M 6 Supervisor E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
89 Walter Ouma Arara M 7 Plant Operator E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
90 Victor Owuor M 2 Assistant engeneer K 49,500.00 594,000.00 6,000.00 600,000.00
Kefa Adongo 1985071 Senior Superintendant
91 Wanzala M 280 Building J 41,170.00 494,040.00 4,000.00 498,040.00
Nicholas Ambogo 2004000
92 Ochieng M 0066 Works Officer J 82,118.75 985,425.00 29,775.00 1,015,200.00

93 Opiyo Ebel M 7533504 Fire officer G 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00

94 Eliazar Odoyo M 1 Clarical Officer H 36,480.00 437,760.00 4,000.00 441,760.00
95 Pauline Ogal F 5103 Secretarial Asst.1 H 32,660.00 391,920.00 4,000.00 395,920.00

TOTAL 00 48,601,785.00 809,050.20 48,777,509.70

William Ochola 2526001
96 Ogolla M 4 Fire officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
97 Omondi Dan M 1 Fire officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Duncan Odhiambo 2647699
98 Owili M 1 Fire officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
Felix Odhiambo 3215857
99 Oraga M 2 Fire officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
10 Daniel Odongo 3495727
0 Odoyo M 8 Fire officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
10 3198602
1 Agonga Billy Owen M 9 Fire officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
10 Fredrick Odhiambo 2824820
2 Arogo M 0 Fire officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
10 2795282
3 Jeff Omondi M 5 Fire officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
10 Meshak Onyango 2232744
4 Ngoye M 7 Fire officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00
10 Moses Okoth 3329707
5 Oketch M 7 Fire officer E 31,600.00 379,200.00 4,000.00 383,200.00

TOTAL 3,832,000.00

GRAND TOTAL 52,609,509.70


3,967,500.0 3,967,500.0
Beatrice Akinyi Ogolla 10024610 CECM 0 0 2018
2003000121 1,768,456.8 2,308,456.8
Alfred Matoya Chweya 9110920 1 Ag. C.O 0 540,000.00 0 2003

Robert Odhiambo 2015006515
Omenda 25581415 1 ACCOUNTANT 380,280.00 117,600.00 497,880.00 22/6/2016
Charles O Asiyo 13189136 0 HRM 398,160.00 117,600.00 515,760.00 1/6/2015
2009000029 1,056,105.0
Sarah Auma Ainda 25287697 4 SECRETARY 816,105.00 240,000.00 0 1/7/2009
Simon Ngara Ouma 22654694 0 DRIVER 406,581.12 96,000.00 502,581.12 19/6/2015
2015006453 CLERICAL
Peter Otieno Ogutu 27052984 8 OFFICER 285,360.00 96,000.00 381,360.00 19/6/2015
Rolex Otieno Agwa 25293910 7 DRIVER 285,360.00 96,000.00 381,360.00 1/4/2016
Kennedy Ochieng Bana 29888456 9 S.DRIVER 285,360.00 86,400.00 371,760.00 8/8/2016
Martha Awuor Ogillo 24443963 5 ASS. OFF. ADM 285,360.00 51,850.00 337,210.00 1/3/2018
2002000030 CLERICAL
Esther Atieno Otila 13519125 0 OFFICER 432,600.00 180,000.00 612,600.00 7/3/2002
2009000020 CLERICAL
Omondi Sarah Atieno 21268865 3 OFFICER 442,800.00 180,000.00 622,800.00 12/6/2009
Vinton Ewald Awiti 32123892 6 PROC. OFFICER 397,596.00 117,600.00 515,196.00 24/3/2016
Ronald Ochieng Ayiera 23539974 23539974 ARTISAN 282,000.00 90,000.00 372,000.00 13/2/2019
2015012074 CLERICAL
Kennedy Oyugi Gor 13895202 6 OFFICER 310,320.00 51,850.00 362,170.00 19/6/2015
Martin Onyango 2015006368
Kagaga 21836272 4 DRIVER 310,320.00 99,850.00 410,170.00 12/6/2015
Joseph Ouma Osano 23917911 6 DRIVER 237,240.00 51,850.00 289,090.00 1/3/2018
11,291,398. 13,503,998.
TOTAL 92 2,212,600.00 92


S/No Allowances
. Personal Comm Total
Name Id Number Number Designation Basic Salary House uter Earning

1 Beatrice Atieno Magolo 24861053 20140177368 Teacher 15,000 3,850 4,000 15,000

2 Dennish Ouma 23011360 20150133010 Ict Assistant 34,140 5,800 4,000 43,940

3 Abel O Mkuwa 20616921 20150131614 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

4 Achieng Dorice Lilian Okumu 22580831 20140173726 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

5 Achieng Okech Brenda 25337672 20160129484 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

6 Achieng Oluoch Rose 11284248 20160128638 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
7 Achieng Omolo Everlyne 24557762 20170167307 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

8 Achieng Saline 26234697 20160216973 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

9 Achola Miriam Akoth Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
10 Addah Adhiambo Okwanyo 22639665 20150142715 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
11 Adede Caroline Atieno 31042295 20160216982 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
12 Adeny Adhiambo Theresa 24362646 20140177493 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
13 Adhiambo Alice 14668846 20160128790 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
14 Adhiambo Milcar 12930050 20150142868 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Adhiambo Ochieng Maurine
15 Mercy Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

16 Adhiambo Odwar Lucy 27544758 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
17 Adhiambo Songa Florence 20239040 20140177484 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
18 Adika Akinyi Everlyne 22750734 20140170092 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
19 Agnes Adhiambo Mayo 20595266 20140170949 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
20 Agnes Akomo Omwa Olilo 25079305 20140173379 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
21 Agnes Kisero 6051692 Head Of Quaso 93,830 21,000 12,000 126,830
22 Agness Aluoch Odhiambo 13659562 20140170841 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
23 Agutu Eunice M Anyango 22647177 20140177475 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
24 Aikeh Akinyi Joice 23002357 20160199262 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
25 Akawa Juliane Akoth 25198276 20140169919 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
26 Akelo Monicah Ogada 23106395 20140172685 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
27 Akinyi Grace 23183785 20140175168 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
28 Akinyi Otieno Maurine 22839080 20140179291 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
29 Akinyi Quinter Odhiambo 26229009 20140177948 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
30 Akomo Veronica Otieno 27482915 2014017520 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
31 Akoth Adie Deborah 21861585 20140174634 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Akoth Benta Warowe
32 20049307 Gwassi South 20150131534 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
33 Akoth Cate Otieno 27436834 20140174929 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
34 Akoth Elsa Ochoo 21790384 20150132273 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
35 Alacoque Adhiambo Wasonga 23665664 20140171008 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
36 Alfred Opapa 27234588 20160205087 Ict Officer 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,000
37 Alga Anyango Jondiko 12600120 20140181675 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
38 Alice A. Odii 12596953 20140177466 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
39 Alice Adongo Opiyo 21353873 20140180258 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
40 Alice Akeyo Odero 20691014 20140172390 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Alice Akinyi Olango 20140170449
41 9482228 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
42 Alice Akoya Owuor 4050510 20160128478 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
43 Alice Amondi Othuon 12602833 20140177448 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
44 Alice Atieno Deya 22309100 20140171348 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
45 Alice Atieno Oyugi 21434411 20150131945 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
46 Alice Osodo 22989686 20140177457 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
47 Alloyce Okoth Kanyango 1486400 2011237373 Instructor 28,970 3,200 4,000 36,170
48 Alphonce Okuku Orebo 25001859 20150131847 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
49 Alseba Achieng Ooro 13236063 20140173940 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
50 Alseba Auma Chwowe 7951832 20140175239 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
51 Aluoch Anne Ochola 13777602 20140172229 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
52 Amelea Adenyo Odanga 21664699 20140170421 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
53 Amenya Gladyce Ogira 27976874 20140181773 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
54 Amos Amollo Okumu 26154943 N/A Y.T.O

55 Amos Ogada Ojiem 23581968 20150142626 Ict Assistant 37,070 5,800 4,000 46,870
56 Amos Omondi Odongo 29047353 20140171357 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

57 Amos Owino Occieng 22890865 2012003182 Instructor 38,540 7,500 5,000 51,040
58 Anditi Paul Origa 27261462 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
59 Anditi Paul Origa 24261462 Clerical Officer 18,000 0 0 18,000
60 Angela A. Obiero 23878464 20160129233 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Anjeline Akinyi Ojwaya
61 22306536 13238882 20140170430 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
62 Annah Akeyo Orwa 22722491 20140177439 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
63 Annalisha Atieno Nguka 22730916 20140174723 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
64 Anne A. Nyagaya 28498166 20140177939 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
65 Anne Achieng Orina 25223689 20140173404 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
66 Anne Adede Okomo 24771902 20140170681 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
67 Anne Akinyi Onyango 24986037 20140173842 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
68 Anne Amondi Odongo 21316886 20160128861 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
69 Anne Atieno Ochanda 27504229 20100006406 Administrative 48,610 20,000 2,000 70,610
70 Anne Odira Oswago 20105484 20140178641 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
71 Anne Onyango Ogolla 20805840 20140170887 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
72 Anta Lanisa Ogolla 27736197 20140177420 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
73 Anyango Ericah Oyare 22348760 20160216893 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
74 Anyango Ogot Pamela 27746065 20170167236 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
75 Anyango Shaban Fauzia 23148040 20160129153 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
76 Aoko Milka Ochieng 24977235 20160205112 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
77 Apeles Akinyi Owalo 3980538 20140171366 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
78 Apelles Achieng Obel 26388623 2014018396 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
79 Apolloniah Akinyi Osire 22404374 20160150578 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
80 Apondi Nancy Oluoch 27549686 20140177411 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
81 Arogo Otieno Peter Ondiek 23216555 20140172407 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
82 Asenath Atieno Owak 20996379 20140173333 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Asenath Odwar Oyiero 20140170136
83 20495988 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Aska Adhiambo Ongata
84 27765944 27765944 20160204428 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
85 Atieno Eunice Ochola 23634334 20140177395 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
86 Atieno Mercy Awino 27363724 20140177402 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
87 Atieno Millicent Oduka 20345565 20160128816 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
88 Atieno Monica Mildred 12606557 20140172961 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
89 Atieno Odongo Philister 7561406 20170167138 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
90 Atieno Okuta Atieno 22926918 20160129126 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
91 Atieno Ongere Caren 9908646 20160128558 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
92 Atieno Ouma Irenedina 23914302 20170167316 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
93 Auma Jacinta 13888280 20160128745 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Auma Loice Akinyi
94 27771936 - Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
95 Austine Gordon Owino 23441341 20140172630 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
96 Austine Odhiambo Waanda 27684534 20160129699 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 30,350
97 Awuor Hellen Matungah 29644864 20160204562 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

98 Awuor Jemimah 25907501 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
99 Awuor Lizan Tindi 22207260 20160128969 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
100 Awuor Orao Judith 21951587 20140174787 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
101 Ayieta Joseph Otieno 35138009 2016012984 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
102 Baely Onyango Ogallo 20075360 20140171302 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
103 Baraza Janet 20780609 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
104 Bathseba Nyaboke Nyabaga 25327207 20150132317 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
105 Beatrice A. Ouma 29947093 20150142528 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
106 Beatrice Adhiambo 22957530 20140179175 Teacher 18,000 3,850 4,000 18,000
107 Beatrice Adhiambo Ochieng 24601489 20160201445 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
108 Beatrice Adhiambo Odhiambo 13659172 20140177340 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
109 Beatrice Adhiambo Oketch 26058895 20140170967 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
110 Beatrice Adhiambo Onyango 22338049 20140177331 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
111 Beatrice Akinyi Awuor 25121931 20140177377 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
112 Beatrice Akinyi Osewe 22103138 2014017734 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
113 Beatrice Akinyi Ouma 24947093 20150142528 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
114 Beatrice Akoth Mambroh 25823944 20140170565 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
115 Beatrice Anyango Okoto 20661615 20140179746 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
116 Beatrice Anyango Otieno 26344298 20140177297 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
117 Beatrice Aoko 13182722 2017016765 Instructor Iii 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
118 Beatrice Aoko Otieno 22355185 20140170921 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
119 Beatrice Atieno 26488309 20140180641 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
120 Beatrice Atieno Adede 23733812 20140171151 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
121 Beatrice Atieno Ajuoga 24241530 20140169553 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
122 Beatrice Atieno Alice Ogonyo 13238882 20140180061 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
123 Beatrice Atieno Aoko 13189722 20170167165 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
124 Beatrice Atieno Apuko 22927412 20160217461 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
125 Beatrice Atieno Asewe 10130767 20160128576 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
126 Beatrice Atieno Asoyo 21703985 20140178212 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
127 Beatrice Atieno Ayugi 13389904 20140178203 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
128 Beatrice Atieno Ndede 13657325 20140172658 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
129 Beatrice Atieno Odede 23672292 20140177359 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
130 Beatrice Atieno Ogutu 25198867 20140171259 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
131 Beatrice Atieno Okiro 22972656 20140173860 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
132 Beatrice Atieno Onyango 22238869 20140177322 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
133 Beatrice Atieno Opinde 22639310 20160129046 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
134 Beatrice Atieno Orwa 23663262 20140177313 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
135 Beatrice Atieno Outa 25068945 Teacher 0 0
136 Beatrice Auma Otieno 22045531 20160204464 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
137 Beatrice Aumaodhiambo 23715218 20160150532 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
138 Beatrice Awino Aoko 27393212 20140177386 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

139 Beatrice Awuor Dimba 22189102 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
140 Beatrice Awuor Ogonji 12510978 20140169473 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
141 Beatrice Awuor Okinyi 27285634 20140174778 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
142 Beatrice Awuor Okumu 24637477 20140171240 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
143 Beatrice Mose Ochieng 20895457 20140180623 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
144 Beatrice Nyanduko Ondieki 22440931 20140173593 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
145 Bedina Sungu Awindo 11093035 20160150569 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
146 Befray Achieng Okumu 25955375 20140177288 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
147 Beldine Achieng Kawa 20035203 20140170627 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
148 Belinda Achieng Ouma 27366283 20140170038 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
149 Belinda Apunda 22418059 20160150587 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
150 Belinder Auma Ombuor 26486218 20140171026 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
151 Bellinder Akinyi Onyango 30127718 20160205041 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
152 Ben Kopen Ondiek 22195452 - Instructor Iii 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
153 Benard O. Ogutu 20370667 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
154 Benard Ochieng Okela 26774816 20140171080 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
155 Benard Ocieng Ogolla 12672634 20140178954 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Benard Ogweyo Ayoo
156 27518180 24448144 20140180007 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
157 Benard Okech Omwaka 23937845 20150131954 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
158 Benard Omondi Onyango 22894196 20140177251 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
159 Benard Onyango Olala 23501962 20140173397 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
160 Benard Ooko Omuga 24602895 20160217792 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
161 Benard Orinda Odhiambo 11282870 20170167147 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
162 Benard Otieno Odero 23692782 20140177260 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
163 Benardouma Obong'o 26258307 20140177279 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
164 Benerd Omondi Ongoro 22539524 2011219786 Instructor 31,430 3,200 4,000 38,630
165 Benjamin Onyango Rajoro 16007136 20170180711 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
166 Benson Odero 22896137 2010185481 Instructor 34,140 5,800 4,000 43,940
167 Benta Achieng Omollo 14723109 20140177233 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
168 Benta Achieng Tuma 13387829 20140173100 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
169 Benta Adhiambo Olando 12505600 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
170 Benta Adhiambo Owiti 1259726 20140179737 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
171 Benta Akinyi Oyanda 12595729 20140180187 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
172 Benta Atieno Mbago 23195732 20140178730 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
173 Benta Atieno Oloo 9554878 20160128530 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
174 Benter Achieng Aolo 22656784 20160129055 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
175 Benter Adhiambo Akoko 21949745 20140169786 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
176 Benter Adhiambo Owiti 20554089 20140178605 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
177 Benter Ager A. 13191825 20150132282 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
178 Benter Akeyo Orwa 22528389 20160129037 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
179 Benter Akinyi Odira 13191680 20140177242 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

180 Benter Akinyi Onyango 13596782 20150132219 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
181 Benter Anyango Onim 13238906 20160128727 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
182 Benter Atieno Odongo 24853989 20160218875 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
183 Benter Auma Okuche 21471748 20140173655 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
184 Benter Awuor Ong'anyi 22576237 20140019479 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
185 Beril Atieno Apunda 25101353 20160153711 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
186 Berryl Awino Obuya 27436912 20140178196 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
187 Beryl Achieng Opana 27763461 20160129706 Clerical Officer 18,000 0 0 18,000
188 Beryl Akinyi Ogolo 20262603 20140177920 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
189 Beryl Atieno Odongo 27455049 20160129262 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
190 Beryle Adhiambo Tindi 25252982 20140177224 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
191 Besmath Adhiambo Okendo 11229819 20140177215 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
192 Bestine Achieng Odhiambo 27188652 20140179246 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
193 Betha Atieno Nyaoke 11215934 20140170645 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
194 Betty Awuor Abungu 22994771 20140172603 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
195 Bonface Aketch Odero 21898909 20140171786 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
196 Bonifas Agia Odoro 9122140 20180052877 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
197 Borniface Odiyo Otieno 25618660 20150107225 Scdvet 38,540 7,500 5,000 51,040
198 Bradon Chuchu 24608745 0 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
199 Brenda Joan Atieno 26359052 20160217470 Instructor 26,730 3,850 4,000 34,580
200 Bridget Abongo Otiende 25364673 20140173271 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
201 Brighton Omondi Ngiicho 26982827 20140178187 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
202 Calvince Ochieng Okelo 24211199 20160129288 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
203 Calvince Odada Ochola 21146471 20140174652 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Calvince Onyango Mtindi
204 28210791 Gembe 20140171115 Teacher 18,000 3,850 4,000 18,000
205 Calvince Otieno Odero 23523670 2011232296 Instructor 28,970 3,200 4,000 36,170
206 Calvine Obongo Omune 26228811 Instructor 18,000 0 0 18,000
207 Caren Achieng Odongo 11230269 20140173922 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
208 Caren Achieng Onyango 27845715 20140180552 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
209 Caren Agutu Masudi 22104310 20140179086 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
210 Caren Akoth Otieno 28292803 20140170672 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
211 Caren Anyango Purity Ager 21685960 20140172621 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
212 Caren Atieno Onyango 23371208 20140177206 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
213 Caren Awuor Okombo 29973824 20180104901 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
214 Carol Achieng Odhiambo 25082423 20150117767 Supervisor 43,680 9,600 5,000 58,280
215 Carol Atieno Owino 25815898 20140177911 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
216 Caroline A Arara 23222037 20140177199 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
217 Caroline A. Kasuku 21860173 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
218 Caroline A. Nyangwecha 20286741 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
219 Caroline Achieng Ochieng 23380489 20020003258 Computer Pro. 59,630 20,000 2,000 81,630
220 Caroline Achieng Ogundi 27996495 20140180678 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

Caroline Achieng Omondi
221 20115260 13238882 20140180445 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
222 Caroline Adhiambo Apondo 23536002 20140170485 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
223 Caroline Adhiambo Kasuku 21280173 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
224 Caroline Adhiambo Otieno 28991373 20160205032 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
225 Caroline Adhiambo Remgo 23918099 20150132200 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Caroline Akinyi Owiti Ecde
226 13381700 13238882 10150107047 Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
227 Caroline Akinyi Ogolla 22279294 20140173771 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
228 Caroline Akinyi Oloo 25307153 20140178865 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
229 Caroline Akinyi Otieno 23640469 20140175186 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
230 Caroline Akoth Nyagilo 25222323 20140180365 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
231 Caroline Akoth Wauko 23708178 20140180374 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
232 Caroline Anyango Nyauke 24102951 20140181853 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
233 Caroline Anyango Okumu 24065768 20140170207 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
234 Caroline Anyango Owino 20900949 20140173511 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
235 Caroline Apunda 22323308 20150132120 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
236 Caroline Atieno Masiga 24722553 20150131623 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
237 Caroline Atieno Odeny 22303861 20140179166 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
238 Caroline Atieno Okal 23437404 20140174796 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
239 Caroline Atieno Owiso 24243736 20140177153 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
240 Caroline Atieno Sumba 23106477 20150131838 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
241 Caroline Auma Amollo 28828010 20140173351 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Caroline Awino John
242 30183071 Gembe 23727436 20160205121 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
243 Caroline Awuor Odhiambo 20962053 20140177180 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
244 Caroline Maloba Onyango 10432600 20140177162 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
245 Caroline Okelo 20714696 20150132522 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
246 Caroline Wasonga Odongo 21859605 20140177171 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
247 Caroly Onyango Emmanuel 25084679 20170163694 Supervisor 32,760 5,800 4,000 42,560
248 Carolyn Akinyi Onyimbo 14680780 20140173093 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
249 Carolyn Akoth Odhiambo 21801332 20140177144 Teacher 18,000 18,000
Carolyne Adhiambo Katono
250 22160726 20140170154 Teacher 18,000 3,850 4,000 18,000
251 Carolyne Adipo Ochol 22327537 20160128978 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
252 Carolyne Akeyo Oketch 28041564 20140177608 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
253 Carolyne Akinyi 23002003 20140179200 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
254 Carolyne Akinyi Opondo 25568231 20140174849 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
255 Carolyne Akoth Ayatta 25721466 20140174472 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
256 Carolyne Atieno Akomo 6679660 20160169326 Supervisor 32,760 5,800 4,000 42,560
257 Carolyne Atieno Oito 23817683 20140172498 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
258 Carolyne Auma Ojwang 2010298 20140179157 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
259 Carolyne Wangusi 9997424 20160204553 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
260 Carren Atieno Ochieng 23753516 20140180230 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

261 Carren Bosibori Makori 25866431 20140180481 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
262 Catherine Akoth Nyambori 23650622 20180098837 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
263 Catherine Awuor Waore 24488203 20140178749 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
264 Celestine Akoth Awiti 28706464 20140182627 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
265 Celestine Doughty Orore 4031240 20150131472 Office Admin 34,140 5,800 4,000 43,940
266 Censers Anyango Abok 27048664 20140174894 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
267 Chalton Ochieng Ogada 21704329 20150063675 Senior Driver 27,840 3,850 4,000 35,690
268 Charity Mwikali Wambua 12574975 19990001593 Teacher 33,570 13,000 2,000 48.57
269 Charles Odhiambo Aduwo 21199625 20140179228 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
270 Charles Odhiambo Ochola 20559747 20140174812 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
271 Charles Okoth Onyango 28423431 20150120684 Ict Assistant 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
272 Charles Okula Odeny 20612961 20150131909 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
273 Charles Omondi Ong'ang' 23634772 20140178981 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
274 Chartherine Anyango Amatta 5376769 20140172952 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
275 Cherles Odhiambo Omulo 13384351 2011216685 Instructor 38,540 7,500 5,000 51,040
276 Christine Achieng Odhiambo 23380133 20150085751 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
277 Christine Achieng Sewe 26163198 20140170403 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
278 Christine Achiengokongo 23661516 20160204419 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
279 Christine Adhiambo Omugar 24553162 20160153720 Administrative 27,840 3,850 4,000 35,690
280 Christine Akeyo Were 12462560 20140178990 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
281 Christine Anyango Were 14550442 20140177135 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
282 Christine Apondi Omondi 25734034 20140178874 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Christine Atieno Ochola
283 20050219 20140179068 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
284 Christine Atieno Oketch 27582227 20140179362 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
285 Christine Atieno Ruth Okoth 21004004 20140179755 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
286 Christine Awino Mwabe 21728021 20140182092 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
287 Christine Awuor Achar 23967919 20160129251 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
288 Christine Awuor Omondi 26149102 20140169866 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
289 Christopher Otieno Orebo 11213990 20190067200 Instructor 22,500 3,800 4,000 30,350
290 Clara Otieno Adero Mboya 9343908 20140179817 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
291 Clare Awino Odeny 24754813 20140169768 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
292 Cleophas Opondo Okeyo 12460890 N/A Instructor Iii 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
293 Clinis Ojenge Atieno 23700377 20170167325 Teacher 22,500 3,850 4,000 30,350
294 Colleta Atieno Akande 10820741 20160128601 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
295 Collyns Ogombo Saoke 26004968 20140177126 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
296 Conoslata Adongo Buore 13387601 20140180570 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
297 Conslate Anyango Ochola 13192477 20140179657 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
298 Consolata Adhiambo Ojwang 11634632 20140179059 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
299 Cornel Ouno Yago 13655194 20150107636 Supervisor 31,430 3,850 4,000 39,280
300 Cornelia Atieno Otunga 21799732 20150132504 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
301 Coslater Adhiambo Deya 21971293 20140172943 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

302 Cresencia Auma Orwa 11124913 20150142895 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
303 Currene Adhiambo Ogallah 22114263 20140178712 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
304 Cynthia Okello Opudo 25787432 20140172354 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
305 Dalmas Wasonga Ochola 21010653 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
306 Damar Atieno 25650521 20140175159 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
307 Damarice Adhiambo Oyugi 13657412 - Instructor Iii 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
Damaris Akinyi Masemba
308 13892654 Gwassi South 13892654 20150131490 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
309 Damaris Akomo Ogoro 20222824 20140172756 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
310 Damaris Goga 20680809 Clerical Officer 25,070 3,850 4,000 32,920
311 Damaris Odiwuor 2565952
312 Dan Ochieng Auko 22726966 20140171679 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
313 Dan Oyier Gilo 25909441 20170168233 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
314 Dancan Ouma Nyamabe 26271344 20140179559 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
315 Dancun Mitemu Onunda 24835874 20140173146 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Daniel Ochanga Bagaka
316 24855143 Gwassi North 24855143 20150132004 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
317 Daniel Ochieng Abich 24035647 20140169544 Supervisor 34,140 5,800 4,000 43,940
318 Daniel Odhiambo Ajwoga 23836471 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
319 Daniel Oluoch Ochieng 27175484 20140169517 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
320 Daniel Oluoch Okeyo 13388019 20170163836 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
321 Daniel Otieno Omulo 8629427 20140182672 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
322 Daniel Otieno Osore 27071607 20150131892 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
323 Danish Omondi Oloo 20244279 20140177117 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
324 David Ochola Ouma 20918790 20170167192 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
325 David Odhiambo Oloo 22052748 20140181059 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
326 David Otieno Juma 9306246 2011233993 Instructor 30,170 3,200 4,000 37,370
327 Davine Achieng Almadi 26109040 20140172907 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
328 Debora Anyango Ogongo 22203495 20140177108 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
329 Debora Kwamboka Momanyi 24395321 20100245027 Instructor 34,140 4,200 4,000 42,340
330 Denice Ouma Okello 27839679 20150133430 Scdvet 38,540 7,500 5,000 51,040
331 Denish Omondi Wanga 21549478 20140181102 Instructor 22,500 3,850 4,000 30,350
332 Denish Onyango Muok 26278829 20170163845 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
Denishbmino Mbaya
333 9636522 Gwassi South 9636522 20150131561 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
334 Deodatus Oloo Achieng 23763380 20150132433 Senior Driver 27,840 3,850 4,000 35,690
335 Devota Akeyo Samwa 24951049 20140177091 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
336 Diana Achieng Ochiel 27412157 20170167469 Teacher 15,000 15,000
337 Diana Achieng Ojendo 25012895 20140178178 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
338 Diana Achieng Onyango 23167762 20170167227 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
339 Diana Anyango Bwire 24598661 20150131801 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
340 Diana Anyango Kongoro 23614800 20140173780 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
341 Diana Atieno Ong'wen 22193863 20140179139 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

342 Diana Awuor Madara 21461405 20140178589 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
343 Dick Oketch Alela 10285267 N/A Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
344 Dickence Aketcha Okinyi 25119345 20100006255 Accountant 62,530 22,000 2,000 86,530
345 Dickson Okoth Nyangoro 23290132 20140177082 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
346 Dinah Achiengo Omollo 11124737 2012003757 Instructor 31,430 3,200 4,000 38,630
347 Dinah Adhiambo Odhiambo 13187238 20140178598 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
348 Dorah Achieng Odhiambo 24731833 20140182449 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
349 Dorcas Achami Mbaye 13550427 2014169759 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
350 Dorcas Anne Akinyi 21826915 20140174545 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
351 Dorcas Atieno Okal 24353858 20140179442 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
352 Dorcas Odera Akeyo 21880496 20170167183 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
353 Dorcus Awuor Ouma 21720842 20140172425 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
354 Dorice Adhiambo Aketch 22892231 20160151093 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
355 Dorice Aluoch Amuomo 22148379 20140180543 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
356 Dorice Atieno Onyango 13185957 20140177073 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
357 Dorice Atieno Osewe 27581757 20140178169 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
358 Dorine Atieno Adika 22156556 20140177064 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
359 Dorine Nangiela Wamalwa 26019408 20150132184 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
360 Doroth Achieng Odipo 21945384 20140174670 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
361 Doroth Ayoo Oluoch 25383502 20140175120 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
362 Dorothy A Owade 11631952 20140170798 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
363 Dorothy Akinyi Ogalo 20790387 20170180104 Teacher 32,760 5,800 4,000 42,560
364 Dorothy Akinyi Ouma 25974335 20140170298 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
365 Dorothy Aoko Mbeche 25901063 20140173913 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
366 Dorothy Aoko Okeyo 22978401 20140173315 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
367 Dorothy Aoko Suri 13893269 20140181899 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
368 Dorothy Atieno Otieno 23826582 20150107767 Scdvet 38,540 7,500 5,000 51,040
369 Dorothy Awuor Owino 23474349 20160205210 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
370 Dorsila Apiyo Apamo 1021857 20160153793 Instructor 3 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
371 Dorsila Obonyo Olieko 20012978 20140177902 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
372 Doti Mirindo 25069702 20140171035 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
373 Duke Nyaboga Ombongi 24560032 2011226925 Instructor 31,430 4,200 4,000 39,630
374 Duncun Ouma Ojwando 23714588 20150107887 Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
375 Dursila Apiyo Apamo 10218572 20160153793 Instructor 22,500 3,850 4,000 30,350
376 Edith Atieno Debe 24448144 20140177055 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
377 Edna Atieno Nyasoro 29635290 20160191800 Administrative 27,840 3,850 4,000 35,690
378 Edna Awuor Ochanda 25355241 20140172470 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
379 Edna Ayoo Ramogi 26764964 20140170252 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
380 Edward Otieno Mboya 28525472 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,000
381 Edwina Achieng Okoko 21443017 20140172318 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
382 Effie Akinyi Obunga 25775723 20140175060 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

383 Elector Akoth Odhiambo 25233453 20140179317 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
384 Elector Aoko Sumba 22124639 20140177046 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
385 Elekta Adhiambo Odongo 22777024 20140179419 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
386 Eliakim Okoth Oode 22997774 20150131552 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Elide Akello Ngere
387 23313234 - Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
388 Elijah Oloo Olima 23696274 20140177037 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
389 Eliver Achieng Ouko 25989759 20140175131 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
390 Elizabeth A. Ongaro 22080577 0 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
391 Elizabeth Achieng 24810643 20190067184 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
392 Elizabeth Achieng Ndege 25641471 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
393 Elizabeth Achieng Owiti 22732482 20140179951 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
394 Elizabeth Adhiambo Obonyo 1441765 20000014844 Teacher 34,350 13,000 2,000 49,350
395 Elizabeth Akinyi 25046256 20140172336 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
396 Elizabeth Akinyi Nyonje 13185304 20160128692 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
397 Elizabeth Akinyi Odongo 8897535 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
398 Elizabeth Akinyi Oluoch 11125813 20150132111 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
399 Elizabeth Akinyi Oywa 23560793 20140178669 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
400 Elizabeth Akoth Saramba 25138227 20140179040 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
401 Elizabeth Anyango Odongo 10823242 20140170216 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
402 Elizabeth Atieno 25299923 20140177028 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
403 Elizabeth Atieno Abuka 32425400 20140181791 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
404 Elizarbeth Awuor Otieno 13655163 20150132237 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
405 Elly Odoyo Odhiambo 23809330 20150107350 Supervisor 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
406 Elsa Awino Odero 24485155 20140171688 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
407 Elsa Juma Ochieng 20466845 20150131730 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
408 Elsa Ogada 25258220 20160129574 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
409 Elsha Atieno Ochieng 24101467 20150132255 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
410 Emelda Atieno Omoro 11229825 20140171375 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
411 Emilly Adhiambo Opudo 22402921 20140177886 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
412 Emilly Akinyi Opiyo 13384692 20140175024 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
413 Emilly Akoth Akoko 13659100 20170173618 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
414 Emilly Atieno Owiti Kasera 22319490 20140177895 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
415 Emilly Auma Okebe 32425102 20170183301 Instructor 27,840 3,200 4,000 18,000
416 Emilly Awuor Ogweno 13381019 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
417 Emily Achieng Okello 25909972 20140178623 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
418 Emily Adhiambo Ogira 22327715 20160128987 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
419 Emily Akinyi Aghan 13892685 20170172371 Supervisor 32,760 5,800 4,000 42,560
420 Emily Akinyi Ouko 28059934 20140173806 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
421 Emily Akoth Odek 10930864 20140178785 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
422 Emily Anyango Achieng 21743280 20140171697 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
423 Emily Atieno Abebe 22789077 20150132360 Supervisor 32,760 5,800 4,000 42,560

424 Emmanuel Aura Obuya 28800779 20140177019 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
425 Emmanuel Odhiambo Athoo 21783140 20090000534 Computer Pro. 52,670 20,000 2,000 74,670
426 Emmilly Ochieng Kichana 22231877 20150131454 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
427 Enosh Otieno Obiero 23527306 20150131981 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
428 Ephie Achieng Mboya 27363924 20140169802 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
429 Ephline Adhiambo Otieno 27540889 20160204544 15,000 0 0 15,000
430 Erick Odhiambo Ogendo 29764899 20140177000 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
431 Erick Odhiambo Ogolla 24035693 20140175079 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
432 Erick Otieno Ogur 26124519 20140171811 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
433 Erka Atieno Ondiwo 21641559 20140173897 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
434 Esther Achieng Nyojuondo 22217071 20140170332 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
435 Esther Achieng Oluoch 22897327 20140177877 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
436 Esther Adhiambo Okulo 14667563 20140169964 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
437 Esther Adhiambo Wanga 24733908 20140173566 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
438 Esther Akinyi Owenga 9346802 20140177868 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
439 Esther Akoth M. Ndege 23630567 20170166935 Teacher 32,760 4,200 4,000 40,980
440 Esther Anyango Oratta 22512924 20140180605 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
441 Esther Furaha Karisa 27988014 20150132077 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
442 Esther Kadongo Mukosi 25418749 20140176996 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
443 Esther Oketch 12457679 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
444 Eunet Achieng Ogallo 24404234 20140173280 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
445 Eunice Acheieng Mitoko 22786380 20160129082 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
446 Eunice Achieng Arwa 20077986 20140170074 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
447 Eunice Achieng Ojijo 24565310 20140179835 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
448 Eunice Achieng Ouma 11394435 20160128647 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
449 Eunice Adhiambo Odongo 20102051 20140169535 Teacher 18000 0 0 15000
450 Eunice Adhiambo Okuku 9594849 20140173735 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
451 Eunice Adhiambo Opiyo 24732025 20140176941 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
452 Eunice Adhiambo Otioeno 11563815 20140172970 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
453 Eunice Akinyi Achila 22883110 20140176978 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
454 Eunice Akinyi Okaka 26533492 20160129608 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
455 Eunice Akoth Kabasa 23911998 20140181728 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
456 Eunice Akoth Matibe 26299379 20140179460 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
457 Eunice Anyango Mwamba 27083609 20160129644 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
458 Eunice Aoko Japala 20780266 20140170494 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
459 Eunice Apiyo Wango 24721651 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
460 Eunice Apondi Sirme 23962362 20140173888 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
461 Eunice Atieno Ndisio 24451360 20150155561 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
462 Eunice Atieno Ochola 23634234 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
463 Eunice Atieno Otieno 22492090 20140174858 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
464 Eunice Atieno Owino 21270602 20160128852 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

465 Eunice Awino Okelo 21864963 20140172247 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
466 Eunice Buyaki Mosoti 21889749 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
467 Eunice Ochieng Odera 26245504 20140176950 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
468 Eunita Akumu Mbuor 20103949 20150131749 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
469 Evaline Ahieng Kweri 24732899 20160197491 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
470 Evaline Atieno Okello 20023616 20140169713 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
471 Evalyn Awuor Odhiambo 20150131810 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
472 Evance Omondi Gaya 29671899 20160153579 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
473 Eve Achieng Goga 25114319 20150107547 Administrative 49,950 9,600 5,000 64,550
474 Eve Atieno Onono 14579122 20140179773 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
475 Evearline Anyango Ayodo 24637555 20140174974 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
476 Everline Achieng Ochieng 23210614 20140176923 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
477 Everline Achieng Ogweno 21066366 20140176932 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
478 Everline Achieng Omollo 22004277 20160128932 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
479 Everline Achieng Onyango 25082545 20160216991 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
480 Everline Achieng Opembi 25905497 20170183366 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
481 Everline Adhiambo Ogembo 22495032 20140176905 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
482 Everline Adhiambo Ouko 22929334 20140170010 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
483 Everline Akinyi Odongo 21635614 20140178909 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
484 Everline Akoth Ogony 24477499 20140173824 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
485 Everline Anyango Orao 24699950 20160204393 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
486 Everline Atieno Ouso 11229659 20140173011 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
487 Everline Auma Obiero 25695736 20140177859 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
488 Everline Auma Ogalo 24442603 15,000 0 0 15,000
489 Everline Awuor Lwal 23640069 20140170690 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
490 Everline Olango Achola 14548999 20140181826 Teacher 15,000 0 0 18,000
491 Everlyne Achieng Agwaro 12606516 20150142779 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
492 Everlyne Achieng Mola 23930872 20140176898 Teacher 27,840 3,850 4,000 35,690
493 Everlyne Achieng Ochoo 22260198 20140170538 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
494 Everlyne Achieng Ogutu 25006485 20160197455 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
495 Everlyne Adhiambo 22354420 20140180212 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
496 Everlyne Adhiamboapuko 26380601 20160129582 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
497 Everlyne Akinyi Nyangas 22548832 20140176889 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
498 Everlyne Akinyi Ochumba 22823860 20140176914 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
499 Everlyne Akinyi Okoth 28101367 20140181782 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
500 Everlyne Akoth Akoko 25968493 20140170592 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
501 Everlyne Ambuka Obuya 23806943 20140170001 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
502 Everlyne Amondi Omollo 27889855 2014171124 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
503 Everlyne Atieno Oonje 21999526 20140176870 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
504 Everlyne Atieno Owidi 25383452 20140176861 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Everlyne Juma Opiyo
505 26222068 20140170261 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

506 Everlyne Kirieny Agenga 24765591 20140178892 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Everlyne Mary Ngeta
507 28120269 Kaks West 281202269 20150132308 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Everlyne Ojijo Adhiambo
508 Kabasa 21713101 20140179120 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Everlyne Okoth Mikida's
509 25101384 Kakas West 25043792 20150132291 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
510 Everlyne Waki Okeyo 27727342 20140180383 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
511 Evita Achieng Ogweno 23218811 20140171384 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
512 Ezinah Akinyi Odayo 25261658 20140179728 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
513 Ezra Oyoo Oyal 23755631 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
514 Fabian Omuga Makoba 13892622 20150132086 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
515 Faith Achieng Obwanga 26355983 20140182636 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
516 Faith Adhiambo Oleko 23364498 20140176852 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
517 Faith Akoth Oluoch 24403756 20140171062 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
518 Faith Amollo Oluoch 24072906 20150107510 Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
519 Faith Atieno Wanguwau 24818319 20140176843 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
520 Farida Atieno Hassan 13232213 20140176982 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
521 Faye Akinyi Okendi Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
522 Felix Odhiambo Were 23714060 20140177840 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
523 Fenny Adhiambo Kibwa 24393980 20140173968 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
524 Fibi Achiando Samwel 5958994 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
525 Floice Otieno Kavoki 11837323 19990001575 Teacher 29,670 13,000 2,000 66,032
526 Florence A Okul 22121720 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
527 Florence Achieng 0tieno 25121961 20150117785 Chief Clerical 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
528 Florence Achieng Agutu 24203596 20140176834 Supervisor 32,760 4,200 4,000 40,960
529 Florence Adoyo Okeyo 20004062 0 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
530 Florence Agutu Ochieng 22773970 20150107403 Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
531 Florence Akiny Okumu 20630043 20140180525 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
532 Florence Akinyi Abadha 21993330 20140179335 Teacher 15,000 3,850 4,000 15,000
533 Florence Akumu Ndege 10025480 20140176825 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
534 Florence Anyango Odoyo 30866547 20140180256 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
535 Florence Anyango Ouma 11632386 20160197777 Teacher 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
536 Florence Onyango 20956468 20150142822 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
537 Francis Abara Opiyo 25235835 20150131990 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
538 Fredah Achieng Ojwang 23120010 20140176816 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
539 Fredric Odero 26358369 - Instructor Iii 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
540 Fredrick Kasera Okello 21074291 20140181077 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
541 Fredrick Odhiambo Obongo 22256514 2012003606 Instructor 31,430 5,800 4,000 41,230
542 Fredrick Okello Mambe 25260389 N/A Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
543 Fredrick Ouma Ligawa 25088371 20140172701 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
544 George Morara Monyoncho 10075357 20170180122 Instructor 22,500 3,850 4,000 30,350
545 George Odhiambo Nyambori 23685968 20150142662 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

546 George Okumu Odero 27894245 20090806429 Supervisor 41,770 9,600 5,000 56,370
547 George Onyango Amimo 14551201 20140169900 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
548 George Onyango Midira 1551614 2011217899 Instructor 31,430 4,200 4,000 39,630
549 George Otieno Clive Ojunga 21886022 20160205194 Teacher 15,000 0 0 18,000
550 George Otieno Nyakiti 24455299 20160129331 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
551 George Ouma Opiyo 25954650 20140177831 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
George Owanyaguro Munyao
552 11212436 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
553 George Oyiera Gibanga 24947474 20150131598 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
554 George Rweya Gunde 24677922 20160129402 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
555 Gilbert Opany Onyango 13893171 20140171142 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
556 Gill Akoth Odhiambo 23501129 20140178776 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
557 Gladys Akeyo Okoth 22330836 20160128996 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
558 Gladys Amenya Ogira 2797687 0 Teacher
559 Gladys Anyango 0geu 13238895 20140178614 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
560 Gladys Awino Ochieng 24654896 20140178972 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
561 Gladys Kerubo Oyaro 22204482 20140170636 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
562 Gloria Achieng Okunya 22306083 20140169571 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
563 Gorety Akinyi Lore 25168578 20140176807 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Gorety Atieno Odongo 20170167450
564 26299877 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
565 Gorety Awuor Arot 23639857 20140179488 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
566 Gorrety Awuor Obura 23259964 20140170994 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
567 Grace Achieng Odera 11500046 20140170805 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
568 Grace Achieng Onyango 24747233 20140177822 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
569 Grace Achieng Otieno 13708753 20140172881 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
570 Grace Adhiambo Odero 26335804 2011304704 Instructor 30,170 3,850 4,000 38,020
571 Grace Ajode Migeni 11500507 20140176790 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
572 Grace Akelo Odhiambo 13189652 20140180454 Teacher 15,000 3,500 4,000 15,000
573 Grace Akeyo Otieno 12931491 20140173128 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
574 Grace Akinyi Buoga 14663043 20140174901 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Grace Anyango Odegi
575 12499169 20140171393 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
576 Grace Anyango Odegi 124991669 20140171393 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
577 Grace Aoko Jowi 14550940 20140179639 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
578 Grace Aoko Ogola 22279689 20160200571 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
579 Grace Atieno Okello 13516186 20160204455 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
580 Grace Atieno Owino 27772369 20160129715 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
581 Grace Auma Olalo 13236058 20140171400 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
582 Grace Auma Wayonga 24541210 20160129340 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
583 Grace Awino Onyango 13468458 20150107421 Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
584 Grace Awuor Owino 11125724 20140176781 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
585 Grace Felistus Anyang Obinda 21100498 20140169660 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
586 Grace Ngoche Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

587 Grace Ogendo 27868450 20160153604 Instructor 22,500 3,850 4,000 30,350
588 Grace Onyango 20780661 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
589 Graceatieno Ngoche 24400654 20160129304 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
590 Habil Okoth Olela 25101608 20150132102 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
591 Harriet Atieno Matiku 23481391 20140177813 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
592 Harris Ochieng Obuny 20410315 2012002992 Instructor 38,540 7,500 5,000 51,040
593 Hebrahim Okello Odhiambo 25185027 20170168242 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
594 Helda Achieng Opiyo 14550670 20160128763 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
595 Helida Akoth Ongol 21905766 20140172265 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
596 Helidah Akeyo Juma 27885918 20140171204 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
597 Helle N Atieno Orwa 9636274 20140171419 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
598 Hellen Achieng Adero 22265388 20140176772 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
599 Hellen Achieng Ochola 14666958 20140181684 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
600 Hellen Achieng Ogweno 13656927 20140173191 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
601 Hellen Adhiambo Akula 13232880 20140178936 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
602 Hellen Adhiambo Koko 9182346 20140176754 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
603 Hellen Adhiambo Osano 21772814 20160128905 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
604 Hellen Adhiambo Owage 13775970 20150132166 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
605 Hellen Ajwang Ochieng' 27317239 20140176736 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
606 Hellen Aketch Onyango 22489873 2017016855 Supervisor 32,760 4,200 4,000 40,960
607 Hellen Akinyi Ogona 22842590 20170166926 Supervisor 34,140 4,200 4,000 42,340
608 Hellen Akinyi On'goma 21759945 20160216884 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
609 Hellen Akinyi Owino 21870759 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
610 Hellen Akoth Ouma 26325724 20140180598 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
611 Hellen Amollo Pondo 23668660 20140172201 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
612 Hellen Amondi Omoro 27983354 20140173548 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
613 Hellen Amondi Ondiek 13760041 20140171428 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
614 Hellen Anyango Lowo 11118272 20140176745 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
615 Hellen Anyango Mungoma 23947207 20140169811 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
616 Hellen Anyango Okeyo 22433067 20150107903 Supervisor 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
617 Hellen Anyango Osure 22730378 20140172434 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
618 Hellen Apiyo Mwai 25341598 20160129500 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
619 Hellen Atieno Agunyo 24540786 20140176763 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
620 Hellen Atieno Andiwo 13892129 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
621 Hellen Atieno Juma 13194535 20140173628 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
622 Hellen Atieno Migwala 13188945 20160197526 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
623 Hellen Atieno Ochieng 23668723 20140173799 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
624 Hellen Atieno Ondago 12606882 20140175195 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
625 Hellen Nyanduko Abuga 23838576 20160218815 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
626 Hellidah Ajwang Ndege 13189644 20140176727 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
627 Henga A. Eunice 20774931 20140178696 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

628 Herine Awuor Babu 24893673 20140171160 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
629 Hilda Akinyi Onyango 13186769 20140173066 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
630 Hildah Adhiambo Ochieng 13455244 20140178150 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
631 Hilder Adhiambo Bollo 23217399 20140176718 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
632 Hulda Akeyo Ariwi 10963695 20140180169 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
633 Hulder Akumu Onyango 29689189 20140171795 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
634 Hyline Atieno Ogutu 22325208 20140180589 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
635 Hyrine Achieng Orony 22987485 20140176709 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
636 Hyrine Akeyo Oumah 24869735 20140170609 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
637 Hyrine Awuor Wambo 26232556 20150142493 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
638 Ibrahim Musungu Ochieng 10792744 20150132335 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
639 Imelda Amollo Nyambok 26169210 20140172256 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
640 Irene Achieng Sarah Obel 21074717 20140172489 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
641 Irene Adhiambo Ogolla 24861744 20160129420 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
642 Irene Adhiambo Onyango 22947962 20140169848 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
643 Irene Akinyi Ouma 28421113 20140177804 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
644 Irene Anyango Ombok 24207417 20160129279 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
645 Irene Awuor Omollo 24228004 20160129297 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
646 Irene Bella Adhiambo 23764811 20140169731 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
647 Irene Berine Ombaka 24338632 20140173084 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
648 Irine Achieng Njiri 25608434 20140176692 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
649 Irine Akoth Okello 25226854 20160117836 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
650 Isabela Auma Obado 10024359 20140179406 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
651 Isabela Rabera Onwonga 24253338 20150142706 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
652 Isack Kilo Ombei 20196714 20140180712 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
653 Isaiah Ouma Ondoro 21934657 20140176683 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
654 Isbel Achieng Obote 20653337 20140173299 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
655 J0seph Odoyo Yongo 23544529 20150107412 Supervisor 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
656 Jack Omondi Osodo 22357547 20140170896 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
657 Jackline Achieng Joice 22873972 20140170234 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
658 Jackline Akinyi Juma 25073775 20140179853 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
659 Jackline Akinyi Kitoto 22992373 20140179997 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
660 Jackline Akinyi Okeyo 22426979 20140175266 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
661 Jackline Akinyi Owiti 25981895 20140179808 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
662 Jackline Akoth Agwaro 23663262 20140170958 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
663 Jackline Atieno Ogello 27509229 20151042537 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
664 Jackline Atieno Okongo 20006884 20150142831 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
665 Jackline Atieno Olang 21784402 20160128914 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
666 Jackline Atieno Ouko 24541827 20160200180 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
667 Jackline Auma Oguna 22882939 20140177797 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
668 Jackline Awino 26226072 20140176674 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

669 Jackline Oguna 22882938
670 Jacklyne Atieno Apiyo 12506811 20140182412 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
671 Jacklyne Atieno Ochieng 25299957 20140176665 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
672 Jackson Okeyo Omuga 21220230 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
673 Jackson Otieno Gor 13193499 2007039424 Instructor 35,600 4,200 4,000 43,800
674 Jacline Oguta 13518023 Teacher
675 Jacob Okinyi Oketch 24450021 20150142671 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
676 Jacqueline Achieng Okoto 10820740 20140171446 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
677 Jacqueline Akinyi Oloo 20032443 20140173244 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
678 Jacquelyne Akoth Onyango 28158905 20140173422 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
679 Jael Akinyi Ochieng 13284627 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
680 Jael Akinyi Were 28054119 20160205050 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
681 Jael Anyango Awii 24359482 20140180614 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
682 James Obwana Odero 22621809 20140172532 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
683 James Okal Agwenge 11392876 2011215255 Instructor 31,430 4,200 4,000 39,630
684 James Onunda Nyanjwa 12597702 2012003062 Instructor 31,430 4,200 4,000 39,630
685 James Otieno Odhiambo 25765440 20150107216 Scdvet 38,540 7,500 5,000 51,040
686 Jane Achieng Onyango 21870710 20160128923 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
687 Jane Adhiambo Okoth 5851635 19970007044 Teacher 36,900 14,000 2,000 52,900
688 Jane Akelo 8091425 20140176647 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
689 Jane Akinyi Badho 11088644 20140173226 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
690 Jane Akinyi Nyandiga 14442345 20140174769 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
691 Jane Akinyi Nyangiendo 24807670 20140173959 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
692 Jane Akinyi Odongo 11663258 20140178141 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
693 Jane Akinyi Ogola 8585149 19940009423 Teacher 35,200 14,000 2,000 51,200
694 Jane Akinyi Ogolla 22947161 20140171455 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
695 Jane Akinyi Onyango 11485305 20140176629 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
696 Jane Akinyi Oumah 13895160 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
697 Jane Akinyi Roberts 16132494 19970006798 Teacher 36,900 14,000 28,568 79,468
698 Jane Akoth Ochola 20684771 20140173495 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
699 Jane Akumu Gor 7297938 20140176638 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
700 Jane Ann Seto 8017106 20160129868 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
701 Jane Atieno Adunde 20100829 20140176656 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
702 Jane Atieno Okongo 1480441 19870015802 Q,A.O 63,900 16,500 8,000 88,400
703 Jane Atieno Otieno 20244543 20140173977 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
704 Jane Awuor Ochieng 26307334 20140180034 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
705 Jane Karani Ochieng 11485004 20140172514 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
706 Jane Kwamboka Omandi 23792208 20140178132 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
707 Jane Nyandiga Ogango 20848910 20140174830 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
708 Jane Okello Onduong'o 20271770 20160128807 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
709 Jane Orwa Ondiko 8821277 20140174563 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

710 Janet Achieng Mboya 20198399 20140190834 Teacher 22,500 3,850 4,000 30,350
711 Janet Achieng Ngaywa 23799073 20160200206 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
712 Janet Achieng Obel 22997865 20150142699 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
713 Janet Achieng Ongoro 22650302 20160204366 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
714 Janet Adhiambo Nyagilo 27184762 20180098846 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
715 Janet Adhiambo Onyango 25903172 20160129546 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
716 Janet Akoth Ayugi 10404710 19930000132 Administrative 48,610 20,000 2,000 70,610
717 Janet Akoth Ogwela 23341897 20140180561 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
718 Janet Akoth Oluoch 11800446 20140172863 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
719 Janet Aoko Nyabwa 13657737 20140170163 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
720 Janet Aomo Okumu 22510060 20150107341 Clerical Officer 32,580 8,400 5,000 45,980
721 Janet Asaje Dibogo 23088983 20140178123 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
722 Janet Awuor Otieno 25247867 20160216857 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
723 Janet Baraza 29780609 20150142804 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
724 Janet Nduku Dudi 11255405 20160128629 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
725 Janeth Akoth Otieno 23502126 20140173388 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
726 Janice Akinyi Onyango 13838411 20140171759 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
727 Jannet Adhiambo Nguka 13383621 20170159501 Supervisor 32,760 5,800 4,000 42,560
728 Japheth Okeng'o Raongo 23157206 20150142733 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
729 Jared Rael Achungo 21344156
730 Jaska Anyango Okoth 22794823 Teacher 0 0
731 Javier Aluoch Kings 27629964 20160200126 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
732 Jecinter Anyango Odongo 27213568 20140171188 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
733 Jecinter Juma Ondoro 20722497 20160218655 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
734 Jedida Atieno Othira 31399915 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
735 Jedida Atieno Othira 31399915 Teacher
736 Jedidah Achieng Ojijo 20897372 20140179924 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
737 Jedidah Aoko Oyugi 27990508 20140177788 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
738 Jemima Adhiambo Ojwang 28337310 20140170378 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
739 Jemima Anyango Aduol 11824342 20140171464 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
740 Jemima Aoko Anyango 27754292 20140175257 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
741 Jemima Opiyo 24666661 20140173851 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
742 Jenipher Atieno Migun 14551210 20140178632 Teacher 15,000 3,850 4,000 15,000
743 Jenipher Onyango 25069650 20140179602 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
744 Jerusa Achieng Oluoch 20921265 20140178114 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
745 Jerusha Akoth Otieno 24782717 20140174081 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
746 Jesca Akinyi Ogalo 29629312 20140174956 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
747 Jimima Auma Oyiengo 25904179 20140172292 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
748 Joan Achieng Ogando 23993203 20140170243 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
749 Joan Aluoch Oguok 22897668 20140176610 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
750 Joan Athiambo Owuor 22529691 20140178847 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

751 Joan Auma Oloo 24975256 20160129448 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
752 Jocinta Achieng Athiambo 25204315 20140174634 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
753 Jocinta Atieno Odhong 13890362 20150107627 Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
754 Joel Kiche Opapa 11801774 20170180748 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
755 Joel Okumu Amundo 13191106 20190022612 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
756 John Kennedy Ouko 9306093 20190067175 Instructor 22,500 3,850 4,000 30,350
757 John Ochieng Onduru 27238681 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
758 John Odoyo Andere 21846307 20160201465 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
759 John Odumbe Koyo 23515433 20140179899 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
760 John Okumu Ongonge 25309176 20160204535 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
761 John Okumu Oriwo 6140021 20160128496 Instructor 22,500 3,850 4,000 30,350
762 John Oloo Ogola 22293415 20140200693 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
763 John Ombware Ongawa 9646442 20150107789 Senior Driver 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
764 John Ooko Oswago 12931214 20140181095 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
765 John Otieno Okol 11557269 20150132326 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
766 John Otieno Origa 13776736 20140179611 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
767 John Otieno Waona 22884854 20170167254 Instructor 26,730 3,200 4,000 33,930
768 John Owanga Onyango 13658099 20150132264 Ecd Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
769 John Owuor Ajema 11839459 2011215286 Instructor Ii 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
770 John Owuor Ajemo 1839459 2011215386 Instructor 31,430 4,200 4,000 39,630
771 Joice Adhiambo Oriko 21020336 20140182421 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
772 Joice Nashimiyu Khasemwa 20329653 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
773 Joseph Goga 9307473 19900016177 Scde 63,900 16,500 8,000 88,400
774 Joseph Gwendo Nyaoke 13777605 20140173002 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
775 Joseph Odoyo Yongo 23544524 20150107412 Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
776 Joseph Okinyi Obolla 24355210 20140176601 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
777 Joseph Ongoya Ogal 10313208 2016015388 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
778 Joseph Owino Otuoma 5959549 20170180725 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
779 Josephine Achieng Orwa 21256430 20140176576 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
780 Josephine Achieng Owaka 26480209 20140179273 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
781 Josephine Adhiambo 23207377 20140175033 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
782 Josephine Adhiambo Modi 14585229 20160128772 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
783 Josephine Adhiambo Ouma 13516519 20140170225 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
784 Josephine Akinyi Dibogo 22457880 20160129000 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
785 Josephine Akinyi Ouma 26621914 20140174910 Teacher 0 0 0 0
786 Josephine Anyango Otwala 23933969 20140179022 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
787 Josephine Anyango Sure 20489470 20140174072 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
788 Josephine Aoko Otieno 13774192 20160128736 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
789 Josephine Atieno Agalo 10034649 20140180267 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
790 Josephine Atieno Night 24449928 20140176594 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
791 Josephine Engefu 268839289 20140178963 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

792 Josephine Mbago 25433853 20150154797 Clarical Officer 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
793 Joshua Obiero Owuor 10820792 20140180221 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
794 Joshua Okiyi Kiwago 24650426 20140170467 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
795 Joshua Ouma Ndede 22798635 - Instructor Iii 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
796 Joshua Owino Adwar 11801665 20140179684 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
797 Joshua Perez Adoyo 11799525 20160197768 Teacher 0 0
798 Josphine Akinyi Oduya 26864820 20140180650 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
799 Josphine Akoth Otuoma 11500612 20140176585 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
800 Josphinter Ogutu Amarch 2581875 20160204357 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
801 Joyce Achieng Odhiambo 24212090 20140175051 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
802 Joyce Agutu Atito 24160476 20140172854 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
803 Joyce Akinyi Aikeh 23002857 20160199262 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Joyce Atieno Adede 20140179111
804 13191655 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
805 Joyce Atieno Omollo 10965633 2016015054 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
806 Joyce Atieno Owuor 10407706 20140176567 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
807 Joyce Atieno Sanya 20723347 20140172327 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
808 Joyce Awuor Ogira 20707187 20140174867 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
809 Joyce Onyiego Valentine 27126367 20170167423 Administrative 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
810 Judith Achieng Juma 24743301 20160129411 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
811 Judith Achieng Maduma 25532619 20140171768 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
812 Judith Achieng Owino 21957282 20140177760 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
813 Judith Adhiambo Angirah 20720739 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
814 Judith Adhiambo Angirah 207207739 20140181693 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
815 Judith Adhiambo Oguna 11799196 20140172676 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
816 Judith Agao Matere 24894603 20160129439 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
817 Judith Akeyo Oluoch 23812456 20140169884 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
818 Judith Akinyi Ayata 13199480 20170167174 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
819 Judith Akinyi Gon 21848274 20140176549 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
820 Judith Akinyi Mango 24237801 20140178105 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
821 Judith Akinyi Odongo 2695995 2.01402e+11 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
822 Judith Akinyi Ogat 11232137 20170167521 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
823 Judith Akinyi Omollo 13578114 20140176521 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
824 Judith Akinyi Otieno 20240374 20140169874 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
825 Judith Akinyi Otigo 13518898 20140179013 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
826 Judith Akomo 22352593 20140176558 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
827 Judith Akoth Wellingtone 24747101 20150107654 Scde 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
828 Judith Anyango 25992494 20160129555 Teacher 15,000 0 0 18,000
829 Judith Anyango Auko 24236991 20140179004 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
830 Judith Anyango Jagero 23731909 20140172890 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
831 Judith Anyango Jagero 2373909 20140172890 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
832 Judith Anyango Otieno 22662288 20160129064 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

833 Judith Aoko Ogwari 24512441 20140174732 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
834 Judith Aoko Rimba 13238882 20140177751 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
835 Judith Atieno Jagero 24693012 20140172569 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
836 Judith Atieno Ochuodho 22995970 20150131874 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
837 Judith Atieno Odongo 24510798 20140176530 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
838 Judith Atieno Ogutu 22668685 20140169955 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
839 Judith Atieno Otieno 25237322 20140176503 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
840 Judith Auma Owiso 25638877 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
841 Judith Awino 25696227 20140177779 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
842 Judith Awuor Mbare 23233871 20160204348 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
843 Judith Awuor Orao 21931587 20140174787 Teacher

844 Judith Namwaya Oranga 12418587 20140176512 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

845 Judith Oloo 25922494 20160129555 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
846 Julia Atieno Akello 28231627 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
847 Julia Atieno Mundhe 22044801 20140176496 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
848 Julia Awino Onyango 22595353 20140170976 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
849 Juliana Awuor Owiti 22291440 20140171482 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
850 Julie Aoko Odiwa 26671421 20160129617 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
851 Julie Atieno Awere 22313069 20150107681 Supervisor 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
852 Juliet Akinyi Rading 23628049 20140174063 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Juliet Anyango Ouma
853 23002699rusinga 20140172934 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Ag. Director
854 Julius Newton Kamonde 7882842 2007037919 Vet 52,500 16,500 6,000 85,500
855 Julius Ojwang Maganda 23896163 20140170387 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
856 Julius Watamo Osodo 14667022 20140179380 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
857 Jully Aoko Omundo 22070603 20140177742 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
858 Juluia Akoth Ogweno 22230642 20140171473 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
859 Juma C . Muga Charles 22337766 20140171491 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
860 Juma Nancy Achieng 25250173 20140174625 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
861 Justin Atieno Ochieng 27868456 20160153631 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
862 Justine Ambasa Sandan 11634299 20140176487 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
863 Justus G.M.O Obonyo 8996788 20140179568 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
864 Karina Richard Ogolah 10822242 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
865 Katono Atieno Judith 27556251 20160200733 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
866 Kennedy Ocharo Aono 25068914 20150131641 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
867 Kennedy Odhiambo Martin 13895142 20150107038 Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
868 Kennedy Odhiambo Onoo 20778294 20140172345 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
869 Kennedy Odhiambo Oyier 23910132 20140181844 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
870 Kennedy Ogweno Agot 13893193 20140177724 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
871 Kennedy Onwang Abwao 23546983 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
872 Kennedy Orwa Ochola 13112222 20140170305 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

873 Kennedy Otieno Mahani 21054916 20140180132 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
874 Kennedy Otieno Nyakari 26164430 20150142439 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
875 Kennedy Otieno Ojwang 21753008 20160128898 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
876 Kenneth Ngotah Chang'e 10962698 2011216109 Y.T.O 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
Kenneth Odhiambo Odero 20140177733
877 24619471 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
878 Kenneth Okongo Jabuya 20771492 2017016851 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
879 Kenneth Onyango Odongo 24448140 20140178703 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
880 Kenneth Onyango Ogweno 11632283 20140182083 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
881 Kenneth Ouma Sati 24238271 2011231880 Instructor 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
882 Kepha Joshua Otieno 25986265 20170167389 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
883 Kepha Oketch Anyango 20949947 2012003000 Instructor 30,170 3,200 4,000 37,370
884 Kerine Awuor Otiu 28786085 20150107949 Clerical Officer 37,070 5,800 4,000 46,070
885 Kernael Aoko Akelo 21070193 20140173431 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
886 Kernael Aoko Ouko 23517981 20140176478 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
887 Ketty Atieno Ouma 21362727 20140170618 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
888 Kezia Aleyo Mungusa 11469509 20140176469 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
889 Kobina Atieno Nyamwaya 24617438 20140169606 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
890 Kungu Jacob Okoth 13388525 20140171437 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Lamek Ogutu Ololo
891 25392992 25392992 20140180507 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
892 Landy Anyango Linet 25687347 20140172818 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
893 Lavender Akinyi 24585632 20160129386 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
894 Lawrence Ochieng Owino 24850553 20190109650 Instructor 24,580 3,200 4,000 31,780
895 Lawrence Ochuka Onyango 29921232 20140176450 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
896 Lawrence Ojwang Odanga 7375467 2011234265 Instructor 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
897 Lazarus Asuke Koga 13193201 2011215375 Instructor 31,430 4,200 4,000 39,630
898 Leah Adhiambo Oulo 14677994 20140176441 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
899 Leah Adoyo Nyabola 30952773 20140173664 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
900 Leah Charityayoo 25181668 20140173075 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
901 Lencer Adhiambo Oati 22509688 20140177715 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
902 Lencer Aoko Opar 26787681 20140182118 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
903 Lencer Oluoch Awuor 23891102 20140169651 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
904 Lencer Osano Ogongo 27113908 20140175006 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
905 Leonard Okeyo 20841213 20190109641 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
906 Leonid Adhiambo Pauline 8539407 20160128521 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
907 Lilian Achieng Arieda 24260450 20140178098 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
908 Lilian Achieng Denish 22371348 20140178758 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
909 Lilian Achieng Lumbwa 22542610 20170183374 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
910 Lilian Achieng Obunga 23876445 20140169688 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
911 Lilian Achieng Olela 22724640 20140170109 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
912 Lilian Achieng Ooko 29682414 20140180178 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
913 Lilian Achieng Rawo 22263597 20140178856 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

914 Lilian Adhiambo Ayieko 20644599 20140173717 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
915 Lilian Adhiambo Mireri 30496086 2014017776 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
916 Lilian Aketch Adel 21755809 20150131918 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
917 Lilian Akinyi Buoga 9041377 20140176432 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
918 Lilian Akinyi Magowi 13598596 20060000606 Clerical Officer 53,685 15,000 2,000 70,685
919 Lilian Akinyi Mbogo 11232093 20140173879 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
920 Lilian Akinyi Nyangani 22546227 20160191417 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
921 Lilian Akinyi Odada 24480957 20140173931 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
922 Lilian Akinyi Sijenje 11500717 20160128674 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
923 Lilian Akinyn Maziga 20308929 20140170663 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
924 Lilian Akomo Onyango 23598600 20140170458 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
925 Lilian Akoth 20777864 20140182403 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
926 Lilian Akoth Otieno 20098430 20150107083 Supervisor 34,140 5,800 4,000 43,940
927 Lilian Akoth Owino 24479820 20140172747 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
928 Lilian Akumu Oudu 22499112 20160197482 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
929 Lilian Aoko Ongiri 20836676 20150107690 Teacher 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
930 Lilian Aoko Opiyo 23732752 20140173468 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
931 Lilian Atieno Ariwo 25026881 20160129457 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
932 Lilian Atieno Helida 11089295 20150107145 Supervisor 30,180 5,800 4,000 39,980
933 Lilian Atieno Lemy 25069651 20140180516 Teacher 15,000 3,850 4,000 15,000
934 Lilian Atieno Okech 24360644 20140179371 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
935 Lilian Atieno Otieno 22729404 20140176423 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
936 Lilian Atieno Owiti 20780132 20160128834 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
937 Lilian Auma Agunyo 25201026 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
938 Lilian Auma Nyambori 27884939 20150142411 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
939 Lilian Awuopr Nyagwara 14551824 20140178945 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
940 Lilian Nyaura Okombo 25059125 20150142653 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
941 Lilian Omollo Magolo 13039637 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
942 Lilian Wachara Lida 22806456 20150132148 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
943 Linda Achieng Owino 24417410 20140174821 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
944 Linda Adhiambo Omuga 22665141 20140180730 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Linda Akinyi Oloo
945 24219495 Gwassi North 24219495 20150131669 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
946 Linda Atieno Belly Mwaya 23773376 20140180105 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
947 Linda Awuor Asewe 27234400 20140171704 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Linet Achieng Odhiambo
948 14667717 13238882 20140176414 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
949 Linet Achieng Odongo 21677945 20160128889 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
950 Linet Achieng Okatch 22761830 20140172827 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
951 Linet Achieng Oyongo 13684345 20140179102 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
952 Linet Adhiambo Aguko 25232512 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
953 Linet Adhiambo Fredrick 23460460 20140178829 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

954 Linet Akinyi Ndago 22420680 20140170985 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
955 Linet Akinyi Oloo 20034886 20140170047 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
956 Linet Akinyi Onyango 13774371 20140170850 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
957 Linet Aoko Okoth 21084726 20140178678 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
958 Linet Aoko Onguka 20114392 20140169820 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
959 Linet Atieno Ochieng 29391868 20160200171 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
960 Linet Atieno Odera 26886415 20140178801 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
961 Linet Auma Otieno 12606495 20160128683 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
962 Linet Ayiengo Saoke 24224384 20140175015 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
963 Linet Faith Atieno 20800135 20160128843 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
964 Linet Khatushi Lorry 26850286 20150142573 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Linet Saila Magambo
965 23643055 24448144 20140177699 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
966 Linus Omondi Owino 26451177 20140171508 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
967 Loice Akoth Odek 13893298 20140176405 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
968 Loice Akoth Okiki 23676439 20160129215 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
969 Loice Osilwa Oteyo 11471367 20160128656 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
970 Loice Ouso Akinyi 24985606 20170167343 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
971 Lona Auma Owino 11634472 20140169455 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
972 Loreen Achineg Dibogo 24734393 20140176398 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
973 Lorena Akinyi Ouma 20811681 20140179791 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
974 Lorine Akoth Langi 24617868 20140178089 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
975 Lorine Aresi Akinyi 25069007 20170167352 Instructor 26,730 3,850 4,000 34,580
976 Lorna Achieng Otieno 24468452 20140173182 Teacher 15000 0 0 15000
977 Lorraine Abdalla Otieno 13185786 20140169839 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
978 Lorraine Awino Mboya 24113426 20170167263 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
979 Lourine Keya 10920560 20140176389 Teacher 18,000 0 0 15,000
980 Lovian Akinyi Okoth 24584665 20140171044 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
981 Lovinter Awuor Anyango 27882064 20150107814 Assistance 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
982 Lucas Genga Onyango 22114252 20140172694 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
983 Lucas Odhiambo Mungusa 21547192 20180064582 Senior Driver 23,530 3,850 4,000 31,380
984 Lucas Onyango Okuku 24861749 20140973691 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
985 Lucas Ouma Abuya 25102925 20160204339 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
986 Lucy Achieng Odiero 26076312 20140179497 15,000 0 0 15,000
987 Lucy Achieng Omoro 24544154 20140176370 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
988 Lucy Adhiambo Okoth 21062601 20140169580 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
989 Lucy Adhiambo Oliang'a 26834927 20160129635 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
990 Lucy Adhiambo Onyango 13776396 20160153784 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
991 Lucy Adongo Adongo 28509691 20160200742 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
992 Lucy Akiny Mbija 22427077 20150131678 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
993 Lucy Akoth Imbo 23232763 20140172738 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
994 Lucy Akoth Wanga 8821895 20140150792 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

995 Lucy Anyango Bonyo 13811481 20140169464 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
996 Lucy Atieno Ochieng 25221840 20160200144 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
997 Lucy Atieno Owino 22338183 20140172578 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
998 Lucy Oyoo 24146480 20140170350 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
999 Luke Ouma Ojwang 22991138 20140169679 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1000 Lydia Achieng Oyier 25203155 20140169633 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1001 Lydia Akoth Nyakiti 23453850 20140176361 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1002 Lydia Akoth Oluoch 22068820 20140172523 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Lydia Aluoch Oyugi 23273130 20150107163
1003 Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
1004 Lydiah Akoth Juma 25005826 20140170065 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1005 Lynet Akinyi Okelo 20238081 20140173646 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1006 Lynet Atieno Onyango 9545028 20150120451 Teacher 34,140 5,800 4,000 43,940
1007 Lynett Achieng Obunyi 21863315 20140169991 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1008 Lynette Atieno Ochola 11409922 2012003024 Q,A.O 30,170 5,800 4,000 39,970
1009 Mable Keya Ouma 24419974 20140176352 Teacher 32,760 5,800 4,000 42,560
1010 Mackline Achieng Agenga 21691514 20140171222 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1011 Maculent A. Onyango 20730930 20140170912 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1012 Magdaline Achieng 24216634 20150131516 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1013 Magdaline Anyango Okeyo 23352873 20140175104 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1014 Magdaline Evalia 22766283 20140173360 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1015 Magundho Eunice Atieno 12509936 20140176969 Teacher 0 0
1016 Maren A Nyagweso 20774958 20140182378 Supervisor 31,430 4,200 4,000 39,630
1017 Maren Atieno Kasera 13389936 20140169722 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1018 Maren Auma Illah 14588757 20140178061 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1019 Margaret Akinyi Oguta 10127918 20140176334 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1020 Margaret Anyango Were 26320860 20160204320 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1021 Margaret Apiyo 27464140 20140180016 Teacher 15,000 3,850 4,000 15,000
1022 Margaret Awino Owitti 22164498 20140181700 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1023 Margaret Mbuya Obiero 25287732 20140176343 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1024 Margaret Nasambu Kiliswa 13660742 20140182467 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1025 Margaret Omari Namtenda 9915085 2011230638 Instructor 28,970 3,200 4,000 36,170
1026 Margaret Omoga Osore 22053321 20140178070 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1027 Marget Anyango Kimueri 23895487 20150131687 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1028 Marianne Akinyi Onyango 22895229 20140173986 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1029 Marren Achieng Achina 27489534 20160197473 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1030 Marren Akoth Nyowino 25351092 20140174689 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1031 Marren Auma Opiyo 24407018 20140173486 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1032 Martha Adhiambo Obado 23735838 20140172710 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1033 Martha Auma Ogola 20638931 20140176325 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1034 Martha Awuor Obongo 22495752 20160129019 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1035 Martha Khanali Okelo 11043692 20140176316 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

1036 Martha Kwamboka Ombonyo 13328570 20170180702 Instructor 26,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
1037 Martin Alphonce Ochieng 24149911 20140182387 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1038 Martine Antanisias Okwany 23151427 2012003473 Instructor 30,170 3,200 4,000 37,370
1039 Mary A. Aol 26599140 20140171071 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1040 Mary A. Odera 10352380 20150107029 Supervisor 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
1041 Mary Achieng Olaugh 25069542 20150142680 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1042 Mary Adhiambo Muga 25599140 20140171071 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1043 Mary Adhiambo Omondi 23963626 20140169508 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1044 Mary Adhiambo Orieny 13384664 20140172283 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1045 Mary Adhiambo Owuonda 23854052 20150142608 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1046 Mary Adhiambo Owuor 22399669 20140177680 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1047 Mary Akinyi Obiny 13384955 20140174027 Teacher 18,000 0 18,000
1048 Mary Akinyi Ojijoh 14605637 20140173744 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1049 Mary Akoth Ayieko 21129359 20160200162 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1050 Mary Akoth Mboya 10821383 20140178052 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1051 Mary Aluoch Oduya 20138778 20140172765 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1052 Mary Aoko Othoo 23477565 20140173048 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1053 Mary Atieno Kiboye 25078100 20140176307 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1054 Mary Atieno Michael 22997986 20140180749 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1055 Mary Atieno Oando 7300545 20140176290 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1056 Mary Atieno Ojalla 22420125 20140179540 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
1057 Mary Atieno Olweny 24583137 20160129368 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1058 Mary Atieno Ramogi 20690495 20140174018 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1059 Mary Auma Orimba 22892469 20160129117 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1060 Mary Awuor Ooro 25867077 20090000301 Assistance 28,940 13,000 2,000 43,940
1061 Mary Awuor Orwa 21741155 20140179960 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1062 Mary Christine Adwet Ariwi 26867083 20170167361 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1063 Mary Everline Atieno 28120269 20150132308 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1064 Mary Ondago Orwa 9397772 20140175220 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1065 Mary Ondago Orwa 9397772 20140175220 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1066 Maryanna Adhiambo 0dera 30183237 20160204311 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1067 Maslin E Akinyi Ndonga 22003831 20150131632 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1068 Matunga Ogutu Raymond 28631610 20170184111 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
1069 Mauleen Achieng Ogunda 27087951 Clerk 37,070 5,800 4,000 46,070
1070 Maureen Akinyi Ayot 28076703 20160204437 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1071 Maureen Anyango Otieno 27265802 20140176272 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1072 Maureen Aoko 20868368 20150132371 Assistant 41,770 7,500 5,000 54,270
1073 Maureen Oguma Abuto 26356321 20140178794 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1074 Maurice Kasoro Okwallo 10792711 20150107378 Q,A.O 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
1075 Maurice Odhiambo Odongo 21050701 20170173636 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
1076 Maurice Ogunga 5873259 20150131696 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700

1077 Maurice Okello Amoth 858847 20160153819 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
1078 Maurice Otieno Oyuoya 20247379 20140172836 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1079 Maurine Achieng Otieno 27418861 20150131570 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1080 Maurine Adhiambo Onjugu 22039417 20140172372 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1081 Maurine Akoth Kaudo 23731226 20140176281 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1082 Maurine Aoko 20694886 20150132371 Clerk 37,070 5,800 4,000 46,070
1083 Maurine Atieno Odipo 23934498 20160129242 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1084 Maurine Atieno Ooko 24905510 20150132157 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1085 Maurine Mercy Ochieng 28337259 - Teacher

1086 Maximillar Akoth Ndinya 25068970 20150142564 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

1087 Maziga Jacktone Ogweno 26427132 20140181764 Teacher 18,000 3,850 4,000 18,000
1088 Mbai Lavender Atieno 28890938 20160204302 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1089 Mboya Jemyma Anyango 21200697 20140180141 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1090 Mboya Judith Adhiambo 25021679 20140170341 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1091 Melda Auma Masin 22050841 20140172274 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1092 Melida Auma Rangili 11215035 20140178570 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1093 Meline Adhiambo Onyango 22155419 20140173575 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Melvin Atieno Francis
1094 Achieng 23685455 20140173440 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1095 Merab Achieng Chwanya 30542841 20160205201 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1096 Mercia Awuor Okinyi 23008847 20140169624 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1097 Mercy Achieng Okeyo 10176691 20140176263 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1098 Mercy Adhiambo Ondede 26533708 20140179451 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1099 Mercy Akinyi Odero 23662437 20140179353 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1100 Mercy Akinyi Omega 28413200 20150107716 Supervisor 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
1101 Mercy Akoth Gaya 22017647 20140169928 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1102 Mercy Anyango Ojwang 28561919 20140170145 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1103 Mercy Atieno Seda 27250974 20140178918 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1104 Mercy Awino Obuya 24756349 20160216919 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1105 Meresa Akinyi Ogola 20852514 20140180436 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1106 Meresa Akinyi Otieno 30092822 20140177671 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1107 Meresa Atieno Otieno 25852500 20140177662 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1108 Meresah Atieno Odundo 20533960 20140174876 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1109 Merins Tata Ejilo 7530677 19900000357 Teacher 39,450 14,000 2,000 55,450
1110 Michael Meshack Onyango 13790648 20150132102 Instructor 38,540 7,500 5,000 51,040
1111 Michael Obiero Oywa 958569 20150117810 Administrative 55,150 16,500 6,000 77,650
1112 Michael Odera Okulo 22928260 20160129135 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1113 Michael Okombo Ochieng 23028564 20190067184 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
1114 Michael Onyango Oketch 22597546 20140176254 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1115 Michael Onyango Otieno 22191268 20140176245 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1116 Michael Jacob Ochola 13185484 20160128709 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1117 Mike Okoth Shaya 26378102 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

1118 Mikidas E. Okoth 25101384 20150132291 Teacher
1119 Mildred Adhiambo Ochieng 23932964 20140173342 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1120 Mildred Akoth Agango 22283326 20160191408 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1121 Mildred Auma Otieno 29530217 20140178043 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1122 Mildred Awino Ouma 22924576 20140179504 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1123 Mildred Eunice Atieno Okore 14479150 20160128754 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1124 Mildred Ocham Musa 110671875 20140176236 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1125 Milicah Awino Okoth 13041835 20140171713 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1126 Milka Achieng Ochola 10964180 20160128610 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1127 Milka Adhiambo Otieno 24072356 20140179700 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1128 Milka Amek 22946645 20140176227 Teacher 18,000 18,000
1129 Milka Aoko Atito 13231496 20160204295 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1130 Milka Atieno Adoyo 12931136 20140172363 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1131 Milka Atieno Olare 10284959 20140169937 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1132 Milka Atieno Onduru 13596767 20140176218 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1133 Milka Atieno Otieno 22037903 20180104876 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1134 Millen Atieno Owino 11282376 20140179184 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1135 Millicent A Oloo 23813655 20140172185 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1136 Millicent A. Akoth 25290621 0 Teacher
1137 Millicent Achieng Aseto 22033903 20140176192 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1138 Millicent Achieng Ngicho 11282886 20140173119 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1139 Millicent Achieng Olonde 22567470 20140173502 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1140 Millicent Adhiambo Ndere 25600680 20140172416 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1141 Millicent Adoyo Ndege 20251564 20140180025 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1142 Millicent Akomo Alango 22998097 20140176209 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Millicent Akoth Obuola Ecde
1143 27280249 20190197697 Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
1144 Millicent Aluoch Mbuya 20546552 20140178810 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1145 Millicent Amondi Ototo 22206053 20140179308 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1146 Millicent Anyango Achieng'a 21612256 20140177653 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1147 Millicent Anyango Omondi 25034970 20140176174 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1148 Millicent Aoko Ligawa 14549431 20140176183 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1149 Millicent Aoko Ochieng 25082147 20140174036 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1150 Millicent Atieno Kisia 12877271 20140179077 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Millicent Atieno Odoyo
1151 2375559 23753559 20150132139 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1152 Millicent Atieno Okeyo 13567381 20140173520 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1153 Millicent Auma Auko 23614958 20160129199 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1154 Millicent Awino Ochieng 23661619 20140173020 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1155 Mily Aoko Onyango 13188745 20140170583 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1156 Miriam Akoth Achola 20764954 20140174554 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1157 Mishael Ouma Ogutu 12459189 20160169728 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
1158 Mitimbo Awino Beatrice 25433411 20140173539 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

1159 Molly A. Odhiambo 22950665 2014071231 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1160 Molly Achieng Ochanda 25140671 N/A Instructor 3 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
1161 Molly Achieng Oyoko 25292115 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1162 Molly Anyango Odula 24762647 20140172210 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1163 Molly Atieno Odhiambo 22950565 20140171231 Teacher 18,000 18,000
1164 Molly Ochola Adhiambo 23468375 20140174581 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1165 Molyne Akoth Oyugi 28518962 20140173324 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1166 Momica Adhiambo Onduru 24155761 20140176147 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1167 Monica Adhiambo Okech 13892126 20140170832 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1168 Monica Agutu 22525656 20140172783 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1169 Monica Akoth Achola 8628088 19930002298 Teacher 36,050 14,000 2,000 52,050
1170 Monica Anyango Otieno 26451959 20140177644 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1171 Monica Apondi Abongo 23055133 2012003219 Instructor 31,430 5,800 4,000 41,230
1172 Monica Atieno Oduogi 12602563 20140179433 Teacher 18,000 18,000
1173 Monica Atieno Orwa 6634710 20160153825 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
1174 Monica Awino Orondo 11705822 20140178034 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1175 Monica Odira Oyugi 20910435 20140179915 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1176 Monicah Adhiambo Kapesa 25043792 20140176165 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1177 Moses Juma Onyango 22339619 20140171526 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1178 Moses Odhiambo Onyango 23712613 20140171517 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1179 Moses Okondo Adhoga 11229652 20140178025 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1180 Moses Omondi Maira 26794252 20140171197 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1181 Moureen Aoko Ouma 30015021 20150077053 Clerical Officer 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
1182 Mourice Juma Akeno 13655935 20140173995 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1183 Mourine Akinyi Odhiambo 23169642 20150107896 Supervisor 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
1184 Msiko Roseline Wambura 24690517 20150132031 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1185 Mugah Ouma Henry 12673326 29140180463 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1186 Mureal Adhiambo Otonde 25634610 20150132022 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Mylyne Adhiambo Alande
1187 23475515 20140170556 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1188 Nancy Achieng Abuka 22948341 20140176138 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1189 Nancy Achieng Oluoch 26321409 20140178883 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1190 Nancy Akomo Milar 28054459 20140175284 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1191 Nancy Aluoch Ogwe 22004421 20140170903 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1192 Nancy Anyango Ojango 25626556 20160169117 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,000
Nancy Anyango Opiyo Hrm &
1193 Kokwalo 25054860 20150131776 Developm. 34,140 5,800 4,000 43,940
1194 Nancy Atieno Juma 23018207 2014017575 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1195 Nancy Atieno Owuor 25180769 20140172774 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1196 Nancy Auma Nyakwaka 25203114 20150131712 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1197 Nancy Awuor Mijoro 9871379 20160128549 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1198 Nancy Awuor Omollo 28661062 - Instructor Iii 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
1199 Nancy Edith Oloo 22404279 20140176129 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

1200 Nancy Okello 24370599 20140177635 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1201 Naom Akoth Ndede 24511276 20140179193 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1202 Naome Achieng Ogelo 24200761 20140176110 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1203 Naomi Anyango Aduda 11385011 20140169982 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1204 Naomi Anyango Ayieko 28389123 20140171722 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1205 Naomi Atieno Ogutu 21692674 20160204286 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1206 Nelly Atieno 24237216 20140178016 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1207 Nelly Awuor Mboya 22548859 20140179675 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1208 Nelson Odhiambo Ochola 25803596 20160099329 Accountant 38,540 9,600 5,000 53,140
1209 Nereah Akelo Ouko 24411377 20140170181 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1210 Nereah Atieno Onyuna 13601008 20170167530 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
1211 Nereah Atieno Rabel 20262284 20140172667 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1212 Nervine Atieno Otigo 26134515 20140177626 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1213 Norah A Odongo 21488635 20140172612 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1214 Norah A. Oluoch 13193233 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1215 Norah Achieng Ongong 24691412 20140172729 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1216 Norah Achola Onono 13657344 20160217827 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
1217 Norah Akumu Odiwuor 20730950 20140173682 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1218 Norah Auma Omondi 20807116 20160204277 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1219 Nyaboke Damaris Ondara 23509874 20150131463 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1220 Nyaura Lilian 33796325 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1221 Ochieng Akinyi Catherine 23704965 20140181719 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1222 Ochieng Lilian Adhiambo 28041580 20140177617 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1223 Ochieng Oliver Odero 28663931 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1224 Odero Achieng Lilian 21034624 20140169615 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1225 Odero Linet Achieng 20948537 20140172792 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1226 Odiwa Achieng Apeles 26457271 20140170396 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1227 Ogonji Akeyo Carren 25091859 20170180113 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
1228 Ogot Benter Akoth 27520774 20140173208 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1229 Ogutu Benard Abeti 21804747 2012003517 Instructor 31,430 3,200 4,000 38,630
1230 Ogweno A. Malath 12749906 20140174661 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1231 Ogweno Atieno Phoebe 25393006 Teacher 5,000 0 0 15,000
1232 Okach Alice Auma 11633565 20140172309 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1233 Okaro Beatrice Atieno 643295 Cecm 332,125.00 40,000 20,000 392,125.00
1234 Okendi Akinyi Faye 22507262 20140179282 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1235 Okeyo Leacky Onyango 23580733 20150078621 Accountant 34,140 4,200 4,000 42,340
1236 Okumu Amolo Amos 27688063 20150107234 Scdvet 38,540 9,600 5,000 53,140
1237 Olang'o Winnie Atieno 29521477 N/A Clerical Officer 25,070 3,850 4,000 32,920
1238 Olga Night Ogweno 20190777 2011224069 Instructor 30,170 5,800 4,000 39,970
1239 Olgah Adhiambo Owiti 27948729 20160200199 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1240 Olgah Agawo Ayany 23297979 Teacher 0 0

1241 Oliver Akoth Omolo 27454578 20110008172 Clerical Officer 71,230 22,000 2,000 95,230
1242 Olivia Achieng Otieno 20063192 20140171777 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1243 Olivia Aoko Oswago 25707642 20140180490 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Olivier Atieno Ombene 20140170547
1244 23092637 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1245 Oloo Lilian Auma 21123477 20140175177 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1246 Ombati Jared Onchuru 25042933 2011227317 Instructor 31,430 5,800 4,000 41,230
1247 Onduto Anyango Molly 12930051 2019006719 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
1248 Ong'onge Pamela Adongo 10024624 20140169599 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1249 Onyango Edward Ogolla 27358555 20150155669 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,000
1250 Onyango Linda Atieno 23193572 20140173584 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1251 Onyango Majoni Mark 27765349 20140180043 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1252 Onyango Naomi Adoyo 20686327 20140173306 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1253 Ooko Judith Achieng 22906570 20140172550 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1254 Orenda Tolley Mellan Atieno 24680614 20140176094 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1255 Oringi Eunice Adhiambo 25516636 20140173253 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1256 Orpah Akinyi Okello 23315990 20140179344 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1257 Orpah Ojem Wango 13774737 20140179620 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1258 Oscar Okelo Otieno 27574519 20160129671 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1259 Oscar Okeyo Ndege 20820059 20140179031 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1260 Otieno Eunice Adhiambo 11663815
1261 Otieno Jane Atieno 22766604 2016019764 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1262 Otieno Maureen Akoth 25192901 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1263 Otieno Timothy Joseph 12930180 20140181086 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
1264 Otuoma Awuor Calistus 25018201 20140190950 Instructor 24,580 3,850 4,000 32,430
1265 Ouma Caroline Awuor 31390407 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
1266 Owili Emmah Aluoch 27929001 20140176085 Teacher 18,000 18,000
1267 Owuor Christine Achieng 13385041 20140176076 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1268 Oyiero Asenath Odwar 26495988 20140170136 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1269 Oyieyo Esther Akinyi 27286170 20140176987 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1270 Oyoko Anyango Penesa 22842269 20140170369 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1271 Oyoko Millicent Akinyi 26978856 20140176067 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1272 Pamela A. Onyango 7952474 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1273 Pamela Achieng Odero 11634448 20140172587 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1274 Pamela Achieng Omollo 8212258 20140176058 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Pamela Achieng Omwa
1275 11088618 Kabondo K 11088618 20170183310 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,000
1276 Pamela Adhiambo Amolo 11801624 20140179424 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1277 Pamela Adhiambo Binge 22513662 20140179148 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1278 Pamela Adoyo Ogwang 13519424 20140180114 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1279 Pamela Akiny Owuato 21793660 20140176030 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1280 Pamela Akinyi Ogolla 14663324 20160128781 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1281 Pamela Akinyi Omondi 11247055 20140176049 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

1282 Pamela Akinyi Opiyo 9794061 20140175113 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1283 Pamela Akinyi S. Liech 9343046 20140175097 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1284 Pamela Akongo Ogola 12509470 20140173235 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1285 Pamela Akoth Sudi 13657031 20140179264 Teacher 15,000 3,850 4,000 15,000
1286 Pamela Atieno Amek 13078167 20140170172 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1287 Pamela Atieno Amuom 8091903 20160128512 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1288 Pamela Atieno Ochola 20910454 20140170878 Supervisor 34,140 4,200 4,000 42,340
1289 Pamela Atieno Saka 12593930 20140178007 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1290 Pamela Auma Lieta 22883828 20160150550 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1291 Pamellah Akumu Ouma 27247978 20140176021 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1292 Pascal Otieno Otulo 12672440 20150133529 Office Clerk 34,140 5,800 4,000 43,940
1293 Patricia Akinyi Mboya 23195985 20140179880 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1294 Paul Nyadongo Oduk 4022065 2012003288 Instructor 31,430 3,200 4,000 38,630
1295 Paul Odhiambo Okoth 22993365 2012003202 Instructor 28,540 7,500 5,000 51,040
1296 Paul Okumu Gang 22104522 2007051997 Instructor 41,770 9,600 5,000 56,370
1297 Paul Otieno Ayieko 13194899 20140175202 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1298 Paul Owiti Owiti 1508181 20160169709 Instructor Iii 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
1299 Pauline Adhiambo Okun 13185419 20140173057 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1300 Pauline Akinyi Mbeche 12505050 20140179764 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1301 Pauline Akinyi Odero 22378836 20140176003 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1302 Pauline Akinyi Ongoro 24532526 20170167290 Teacher 15,000 0 0 18,000
1303 Pauline Akoth Otino 23202415 20140173637 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1304 Pauline Anyango Ayieko 13465685 20140176012 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1305 Paulyne Kerubo Odhiambo 11690502 20140170190 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1306 Penina Akeyo Hassan 27302305 20140180703 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1307 Penina Anyango Nyakwaka 21823173 20140170289 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1308 Penina Atieno Ogolla 20538131 20150137794 Teacher 34,140 5,800 4,000 18,000
1309 Penina Auma Wanga 1481005 20140175211 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1310 Penina Awino Ager 23687197 20140169795 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1311 Penninah Aoko Oguok 24200520 20140171731 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1312 Peres Adhiambo Nyagah 11500711 20140173039 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1313 Peres Akinyi Ochiel 22800044 20140175999 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1314 Peres Atieno Oware 21740934 20140169740 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1315 Perez Akinyi Juma 21688667 20140170323 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1316 Persila Anyango Adipo 13189847 20160128718 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1317 Pesila Anyango Ogolla 27880809 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1318 Peter Mbori Odwar 26288361 20140175971 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1319 Peter Ochieng Makonah 20166980 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1320 Peter Ochieng Makonah 2016698 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1321 Peter Odundo Masese 10792758 20150131936 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1322 Peter Okech Oyoko 10820205 20140181657 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

1323 Peter Okelo Oole 22567649 20140173459 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1324 Peter Olang' 22971817 20150142797 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1325 Peter Olang' Okwach 22421268 20150142742 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1326 Peter Onyango Adero 24073328 20140179513 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
1327 Peter Otieno Onyango 26067182 20150132068 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1328 Peter Otolo Ager 32632054 20140182476 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1329 Petronala Adhiambo Denga 2585655 20140172989 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1330 Petronala Osunga Achieng 8629719 19860008564 S.C.Q.A.O 67,340 18,000 8,000 93,340
1331 Phanice Akinyi Wambia 26212091 20140175767 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1332 Phanuel Kwedho 12593591 20140177591 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1333 Phelister Adhiambo Zerah 22265365 20140172443 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1334 Phenny Auma 27882194 20140177582 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1335 Philice Achieng Odongo 21709000 20140175962 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1336 Philip Nyaguga 24299827 2011224216 Instructor Ii 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
1337 Philip Okello Ongaro 24151207 20140173173 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1338 Philip Omondi Ochieng 27362390 20140174607 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1339 Philip Opiyo Otieno 22509506 20160129028 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1340 Philip Otieno Ogombo 20263446 20150107332 Supervisor 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
1341 Philip Otieno Ogwari 12939741 20170167549 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
1342 Philister Atieno Oroto 12459748 20020000515 Teacher 28,940 13,000 2,000 43,940
1343 Phoebe Achieng Adienge 21718919 20140171535 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1344 Phoebe Achieng Olonde 4875851 20160128487 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1345 Phoebe Adhiambo Onoka 11485612 20140169482 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Phoebe Adhiambo Onyango
1346 22069542 Gwassi North 20150131883 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1347 Phoebe Akinyi Rapudo 25704388 20140171179 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1348 Phoebe Aoko Onyango 27237248 20140171740 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1349 Phoebe Asiyo Oloo 24445953 20140174947 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1350 Phoebe Atieno Oduol 10313069 20140172845 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1351 Phoebe Atieno Ogaya 24049013 20140174714 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1352 Phoebe Auma Ndire 13602676 20140175953 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1353 Phoebe Awuor Owade 10406873 20140180123 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1354 Phoebe Nerea Ochanda 13605984 20140170083 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1355 Phoustine Tsuma Ogollah 25397335 20140175248 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1356 Prisca Awuor Owino 13042555 20140172194 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1357 Quinter Akoth Mwalo 27548529 20160200117 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1358 Quinter Atieno Mchele 14551264 20140173164 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1359 Quinter Atieno Okatch 27840811 20160201472 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1360 Quinterawino Ngome 11799462 20140169893 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1361 Rabongo Amollo Peres 12930076 20140170029 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1362 Rachael Atieno Ndago 22727335 20140175944 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1363 Rachael D/ A. Korinda 5950791 19980009863 Teacher 22,832 8,866 17,705 49,403

1364 Rachel Achieng Njoroge 20797499 20140169704 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1365 Rachel Adoyo Mark 27114008 20150131856 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1366 Rachel Atieno Odhiambo 27719854 20140178927 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1367 Raphael Odero Odiri 23727436 20140175935 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1368 Rebecca A Ochieng 13185273 20140182458 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1369 Rebecca Akinyi Osanne 13384975 20140179906 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1370 Rebecca Awuor Nyadimo 25901361 20140182645 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1371 Regina Auma Ochieng 24786687 20140170529 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1372 Regyna Atieno Otieno 23455349 20140175926 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1373 Rehema Akoth Hekana 24734434 20140180098 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1374 Rena Prisca Adhiambo Kasuku 25738492 20150132362 Supervisor 41,770 9,600 5,000 56,370
1375 Rephloy Akinyi Osano 13659575 20140174750 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1376 Rese Agalo 22716004 20160129073 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1377 Rhoda Wangare 20641762 20160128825 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Ag. D/Director
1378 Richard Okumu Otieno 27233138 20150107207 Vet 38,540 9,600 5,000 53,140
1379 Risper Achieng Ochieng 25222950 20140169857 Supervisor 32,760 5,800 4,000 42,560
1380 Risper Akinyi Ondelo 11557985 20140173815 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1381 Risper Atieno 11214994 20140177993 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1382 Risper Atieno Oyange 14588746 20140171544 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1383 Risper Auma Odongo 12457352 20140173155 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1384 Risper Awuor Ogutu 32471391 20180104910 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1385 Ritah Atieno Agwena 24231349 20140171053 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1386 Robert Ochola Sulwe 5959193 20160169700 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
1387 Robert Ouko Owenga 32239241 20140179255 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1388 Robine Awuor Owiti 30495652 20140181871 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1389 Rosariah Wanjiru Runji 24188136 20140173557 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1390 Rose A. Kawega 24589414 20160129385 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1391 Rose A. Odhiambo 20107705 0 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1392 Rose Achieng Odenya 24552015 20140174938 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1393 Rose Achieng Olango 28515752 20140180534 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1394 Rose Achieng Onyuka 21778178 20140170930 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1395 Rose Achieng Orwa 13192592 20140172505 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1396 Rose Adhiambo Opere 20255607 20140179826 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1397 Rose Aketch Wasonga 25054773 20140174590 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1398 Rose Akeyo Aloo 23210889 20140177564 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1399 Rose Akinyi Akendo 10024282 20160128567 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1400 Rose Akinyi Jill Odoyo 27285819 20140173217 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1401 Rose Akinyi Ngicho 23396307 20140175917 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1402 Rose Akinyi Ologi 23454168 2014010196 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1403 Rose Akinyi Omare 23101872 20140170127 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1404 Rose Akoth Mbago 23583667 20140174009 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

1405 Rose Anyango 20647199 20140179326 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1406 Rose Anyango Okoth 11633414 20140170501 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1407 Rose Anyango Oloo 11044113 20140171213 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1408 Rose Anzemo Liguchi 23180060 20140173477 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1409 Rose Aoko Adoyo 21352365 20140177573 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1410 Rose Aoko Ochieng 23115545 20140172381 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1411 Rose Aoko Ogolla 22855017 20140175891 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1412 Rose Atieno Amayo 20918204 20140174741 Teacher 15000 0 0 15000
1413 Rose Atieno Awiti 23108902 20140177555 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1414 Rose Atieno George 12596630 20140178687 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1415 Rose Atieno Ng’ongo 13776449 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1416 Rose Atieno Nyamasi 12602665 29140170823 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1417 Rose Atieno Nyamusi 11213155 20140170814 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1418 Rose Atieno Ochola 14444592 20140175908 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1419 Rose Auma Ochieng 29868024 20160216900 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1420 Rose Auma Swa 22885041 20140175882 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1421 Rose Awino Ouma 14551219 20140170869 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1422 Rose Kawega
1423 Rose Ngongo Teacher
1424 Rose Omukamani Ojuok 28736796 20180104894 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1425 Roseline Achieng Anyango 11559196 19970006805 Copy Typist I 47,595 15,000 2,000 64,595
1426 Roseline Achieng Odawo 21705438 20140172649 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1427 Roseline Adhiambo Agong 22529836 20140181835 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1428 Roseline Adhiambo Airo 13327592 20140173708 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1429 Roseline Akinyi Evans 20562886 20140172998 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1430 Roseline Akinyi Ondhowe 20724238 20150132193 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1431 Roseline Akoth Owino 13050504 20140180338 Teacher 18,000 0 0 15,000
1432 Roseline Nyabate Otieno 13328455 20140175873 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1433 Roselyne Achieng Odoyo 11283254 20140175864 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1434 Roselyne Adhiambo Ogada 22877120 20140175855 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1435 Roselyne Adhiambo Onyango 21945460 20140170574 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1436 Roselyne Anyango Otieno 29198835 20140175846 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1437 Roselyne Keziah Nyabande 11500090 20160128665 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1438 Roselyne Monyenye Ouma 14606376 20140172238 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1439 Rosemary Achieng Chila 12684073 20140177546 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1440 Rosemary Achieng Onyango 9483086 20140173600 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1441 Rosemary Adhiambo Juma 22599708 20140170476 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1442 Rosemary Adhiambo Onditi 9574348 20140171295 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
1443 Rosemary Agina Aringo 14583225 20140175837 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1444 Rosemary Agola Ondielo 12597184 20140175819 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1445 Rosemary Anyango Omolo 22091172 20140175820 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

1446 Rosemary Atieno Juma 28961249 20140177984 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1447 Rosemary Opala 22445795 20140174698 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1448 Rosmary Akinyi Ondigo 27556594 20150131972 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1449 Rubby Atieno Ooko 22056638 20140170510 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1450 Ruth A. Abindi 13877783 20150142840 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1451 Ruth Achieng Onyango 2540685 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1452 Ruth Adhiambo 20365237 20140169946 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1453 Ruth Adhiambo Bondo 25230021 20140174803 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1454 Ruth Akinyi Odotte 22852368 20140181068 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
1455 Ruth Anyango Kwanya 25856943 20150132246 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1456 Ruth Atieno 29440210 20140175122 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1457 Ruth Atieno Ager 22750029 20140169777 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1458 Ruth Atieno Akelo Kapere 23237444 20140175800 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1459 Ruth Atieno Ochola Onyach 23250280 20140169491 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1460 Ruth Everline Keta 34867147 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1461 Sabina Akeyo Odhiambo 13893259 20140174992 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1462 Saida Adhiambo Juma 24197056 20140172809 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1463 Salome Akinyi Ogweno 28824900 20140179988 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1464 Salome Akomo Ogutu 23339286 20160129493 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1465 Salome Auma Ondego 26541980 20140175793 Teacher 15,000 0 0 18,000
1466 Sameul Kioko 2747666 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1467 Samson Ochia Ogalo 10598175 20150147041 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
1468 Samson Odhiambo Aoch 25653133 20140171106 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Samson Okoth Okombo
25069636 Gwassi South
1469 20150131650 25069636 20150131650 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1470 Samson Okoth Owili 13775868 20150131721 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1471 Samson Onyango Osida 11801482 20140172925 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1472 Samuel Juma Ondigo 22821257 20140174983 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1473 Samwel Ocham 22300656 20150131865 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1474 Samwel Otieno Kitoto 22519683 20150131525 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1475 Samwel Ouma Orwa 24588289 20140174045 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1476 Samwel Oyugi Ngere 22047811 20020003329 Clerical Officer 46,580 15,000 2,000 63,580
1477 Sara A. Ogayo 23765084 20140179862 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1478 Sarah Achieng Atonga 24667671 20140180696 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1479 Sarah Adhiambo Ochola 21778328 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1480 Sarah Adhiambo Odhiambo 28207098 20140180472 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1481 Sarah Akinyi Achieng 6056304 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1482 Sarah Apondi Odongo 28535209 20160129779 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1483 Sarah Atieno Miruka 13380149 20140175784 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1484 Sarah Atienoamuom 23618432 20160129206 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1485 Saum Adhiambo Abdallah 20090194 20150132095 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

1486 Scholer Ndege 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
Scofield Bicko Ogweno Ag. Director
1487 Manyala 20150064869 Eye 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,000
1488 Selestine Aoko Opondo 24478821 20150107252 Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
1489 Selineadhiambo Ogola 23758155 20150173413 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1490 Sellina Atieno Onditi 23691181 20160201516 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1491 Selyne Amukombera Maero 11199550 2007051701 Instructor 41,770 9,600 5,000 56,370
1492 Serah Wanjiku Githinji 27226341 20160201481 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1493 Serphine Awuor Were 24584156 20170172380 Supervisor 32,760 5,800 4,000 42,560
1494 Sharon Adhiambo 30526744 20150132611 Clerical Officer 34,140 4,200 4,000 42,340
1495 Sharon Aketch Ochanda 20998441 20140172461 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1496 Sheikh Phelix Obala Gworo 24066707 20170180739 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 33,500
1497 Sheila Aketch Alaro 23571815 20140175775 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1498 Sheila Atieno 27393086 20140169973 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1499 Sheila Atieno Ngoma 11213912 20140179871 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1500 Sheilah Ouma 24446157 20160129322 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1501 Sherica Aluoch Ogodo 23584753 20140175766 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1502 Shilper Atieno Otieno 22373262 20140173904 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1503 Silper Achieng Were 23598618 20160129180 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1504 Sipha Achieng Ogedah 22885250 20140179237 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1505 Siprose Awuor Odhiambo 12594024 20150132175 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1506 Solomon Ogot 10820264 19940015172 Scde 63,900 16,500 8,000 88,400
1507 Sophia Akinyi Miswa 32381307 Teacher
1508 Sophia Anyango Ogeda 11285594 20140170789 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1509 Sophiah Akinyi Alila 28262683 20140180089 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1510 Sophie Aoko Akoth 23307567 20140173753 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1511 Sophine Aluoch Odhiambo 22186421 20140177975 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1512 Sophy Juma 24162339 20160201454 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1513 Spora Atieno Ajwang 7950814 20140174705 Teacher 15,000 0 0 18,000
1514 Stephen Opiyo Ndinya 24068013 20160129260 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1515 Stephene Odiwuor Othim 30268601 20170173627 Instructor 25,650 3,850 4,000 32,850
Stephine Odhiambo Angobe
1516 20978682 Gembe 20140170118 Teacher 15,000 3,850 4,000 15,000
1517 Steve Biko Oule Oyugi 23385064 20150107476 Supervisor 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
1518 Steward Otieno Apiyo 25081325 20150132415 Scdvet 38,540 7,500 5,000 51,040
1519 Susan Aching Adede 13193002 20140172916 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1520 Susan Akeyo Ongadi 20013708 20140178838 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1521 Susan Akinyi Ngoge 24457793 20140180669 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1522 Susan Akinyi Owuor 10973749 20140169642 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1523 Susan Akoth Oliech 24114488 20140172596 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1524 Susan Anyango Achieng 22304662 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1525 Susan Anyango Akodhe 24561941 20140171017 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

1526 Susan Anyango Ndege 24238500 20140180721 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1527 Susan Anyango Ochieng 27059801 20140175757 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1528 Susan Anyangoagunga 22916236 20140773732 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1529 Susan Atieno Aende 9793509 20150131445 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1530 Susan Awino Ojijo 23904021 20140177966 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1531 Susan Mutheo Mwakio 13311222 20150107074 Supervisor 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
Susan Obel
1532 30162311 Gwassi North 20150131963 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1533 Susan Okello 26120452 0 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1534 Susan Okoyo Obiero 12930098 20140169526 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1535 Suzanne Adhiambo Ochola 21064474 20140169446 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1536 Suzanne Adhiambo Otolo 21413650 20140170056 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1537 Syprine Atieno Oduong' 12930111 20140180427 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1538 Syprose Adhiambo Kibwana 14548629 20140175748 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1539 Syprose Awuor Ouma 23353328 20150131785 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1540 Tabitha Achieng Okelo 12596015 20140175739 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1541 Tabitha Atieno Midira 1490146 19860008251 Scde 63,900 16,500 8,000 88,400
1542 Tabitha Auma Okoth 1251254 20140171553 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1543 Tabitha Awuor Oyugi Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1544 Teresa A. Asingo 8821625 19890019075 Ass. Director 93,830 21,000 12,000 126,830
1545 Teresa Achieng Everlyn 22199349 20140177528 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1546 Teresa Achieng Markus 21872669 20140169697 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1547 Teresa Anyango Okungu 24114332 20140172541 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1548 Teresa Aoko Nyambok 22410074 20150131703 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1549 Teresa Atieno Onyuna 13194142 20140180052 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1550 Teresa Auma Angila 23884601 20140177537 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1551 Teresa Daria Achola 14668693 20140170412 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1552 Theodore Adhiambo Nyanjong 13292641 20140173619 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1553 Thomas Juma Orenda 5959977 20140177957 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1554 Thomas Ochomo Onamu 27134760 20140180632 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1555 Titus Ogoma Wanga 25189559 201122798 Instructor 2 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,850
1556 Titus Rowa Okeyo 22975522 2011232929 Instructor 31,430 5,800 4,000 41,230
1557 Tobias Ojija Olengo 20905863 20150131927 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1558 Tobias Anjao Petro 24262348 20150142617 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1559 Tobias Khirina Odhiambo 20612660 20150142813 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1560 Tobias Nike Owidi 22136778 20140172452 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1561 Tobias Ojijo Olengo 12905863 20150131927 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
Tom Kebia
26048644 Gwassi North
1562 20150142466 26048644 20150142466 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1563 Tom Mboya Nyangor 12930618 20140180249 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1564 Tom Mboya Odira 12508811 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1565 Tom Okeyo Odongo 11634417 20140173673 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000

1566 Trizer Achieng Okik 26748705 20160200135 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1567 Trufosa Aketch Odhong 23178141 20140173833 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1568 Turfena Mary Pendo 22439898 20150107396 Scde 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
1569 Turphosa Owiti 24462201 20170167281 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1570 Valeria Awino John 25898129 20160129537 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1571 Valerie Amondi Akoko 24206767 20150107127 Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
1572 Vallary Adhiambo Manyala 25239847 2014073262 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1573 Velinda Atieno Odundo 24971969 20140179719 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1574 Verah Akinyi Otieno 24254944 2012003240 Instructor 31,430 4,200 4,000 39,630
1575 Veronica Achola Ogola 23133574 20140171562 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1576 Veronica Anyango Lwanga 22042797 20160128941 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1577 Veronica Atieno Ochieng 21438390 20140179219 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1578 Victor Onyango 28040293 20140085144 Clerical Officer 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
Victor Onyango Ochola
30002349 Kabondo Kasipul
1579 201701168260 30002349 20170168260 Instructor 25,650 3,200 4,000 32,000
1580 Vincent Opiyo Okoth 26396372 20150107912 Scde 28,970 3,850 4,000 36,820
1581 Vincent Otieno Ouma 25303111 20140179399 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1582 Violet Atieno Mireri 25948218 20140181755 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1583 Violet Eshiwani 22053866 20140172872 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1584 Vivian Akinyi Ochola 22849401 20140180687 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1585 Vivian Anyango Otieno 24553202 20160205069 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1586 Walter Omondi Oketch 21217963 20140174054 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1587 Walter Ouma Mwala 23742994 20140179522 Instructor 22,500 3,850 4,000 30,350
1588 Warren H. Ochungo 23811375 20150107298 Supervisor 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,000
1589 Wellington Were 22079483 20007037862 Instructor 52,500 13,000 6,000 71,500
1590 Were Adika Nicholas 25223167 20140175711 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1591 Were Monicah Achieng 9122632 20140176156 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1592 Wickliffe Oloo Goga 22321359 20140180347 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
Ag. Chief
1593 Wilfred Otieno Awuor 12593516 20030001417 Officer 132,000 47,400 14,000 193,400
1594 Wilfrid Eunice Adede 10126465 20140170770 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1595 Wilfrida Adera Odira 9307217 20140174885 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1596 Williams Onyango Otieno 22614493 20150142751 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1597 Willis Odhiambo Usumba 13383231 20150131856 Instructor 22,500 3,850 4,000 30,350
1598 Wilson Nyakiti Achieng 23200778 20140171571 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1599 Winfred Aswa A 13052358 18,000 18,000
1600 Winnie Achieng Juma 22877144 20160129091 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1601 Winnie Akeyo Owino 25816032 20160205023 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1602 Winnie Auma Odhiambo 13186804 20140177519 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1603 Winnie Naomey Mboya 27818875 20150132228 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1604 Winnie Paula Owino 30399805 20160216866 Assistant 35,600 5,800 4,000 45,400
1605 Wycliffe Onyango Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000

1606 Wynnie Achieng Nombi 24072370 20140169562 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1607 Yvonne Adede Rangi 23269011 20170167272 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
1608 Zainabu Akinyi Otieno 24472357 20140181737 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1609 Zelloniah Okeyo 25292611 20140175088 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1610 Zena Awuor Muga 27514294 20140177500 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1611 Zilper Atieno Oloo 11282017 20140179844 Teacher 18,000 0 0 18,000
1612 Zilpher Achieng Osiany 20964457 20140175702 Teacher 15,000 0 0 15,000
1613 Zipora Anyango Ouma 30069832 20190109632 Instructor 22,500 3,200 4,000 29,700
1614 Cco 216,249.00 40,000 20,000 276,249.00
1615 Cqaso 93,830 21,000 12,000 126,830
1616 Director Eye 131,235.00 40,000 20,000 191,235.00
1617 Director Vet 131,235.00 40,000 20,000 191,235.00
1618 Director Vtc 131,235.00 40,000 20,000 191,235.00


First Other Leave Ed

Sno Payroll N0. ID No. Surname JG Monthly Annual Tot Annual
Name Names Allow 820
1605430 Prof. CE
1 Richard 5,324,475 5,324,475
9 Muga C
2 1990147096 272410 Akeche Gerald Celes S 367,530 4,410,360 16,000 4,426,360

3 1681078 Dr.Omollo Lilian Awuor S 328,970 3,947,645 16,000 3,963,645

4 1991097309 8619073 Odago Joseph Oduor R 375,220 4,502,640 10,000 4,512,640

5 1995034523 Achual Francis Ochieng R 355,400 4,264,800 10,000 4,274,800
6 1996110720 Raymond Otieno Simba R 368,430 4,421,160 10,000 4,431,160
7 2003046306 Waringa Vincent Oduor R 349,160 4,189,920 10,000 4,199,920
2015013283 2173487
8 Odhiambo Gordon Okomo R 343,310 4,119,720 10,000 4,129,720
5 3
9 1998043327 Ondigo Julius S. Ochieng Q 332,140 3,985,680 10,000 3,995,680
10 1999048980 Liru Meshack Wekesa Q 325,850 3,910,200 10,000 3,920,200
11 2001059418 Peter Ogola Simon Q 332,140 3,985,680 10,000 3,995,680
12 2004002486 James Abwao Mboya Q 337,110 4,045,320 10,000 4,055,320
13 2005061881 Otieno Ben Oketch Q 325,850 3,910,200 10,000 3,920,200
2015012077 2205443 Adel
14 Odhiambo Ottoman Q 192,278 2,307,330 10,000 2,317,330
3 2 Walter
15 2008104816 Oganyo Bonface Musundi P 282,990 3,395,880 10,000 3,405,880
1338949 Gesami
16 2004023026 Omwoyo Willis P 310,850 3,730,200 10,000 3,740,200
8 Kiriago
17 2000002280 Dr.Wilfred Obino Basweti P 109,800 4,138,440 10,000 4,138,440
2015012105 1329670
18 Seth Okoth P 140,290 1,683,480 10,000 1,693,480
6 8

1980000016 2249202
19 Awino Everlyne Ogutu N 121,915 1,462,974 6,000 1,468,974
8 4
20 9911769 Omwoyo Jared Magati N 118,580 1,422,954 6,000 1,428,954
21 2010009470 Odundo Nicodemus Omonde N 239,420 2,873,040 6,000 2,879,040
22 2010010031 Isaac Makokha Masoni N 239,420 2,873,040 6,000 2,879,040
23 2010024852 Onyango David Nyawade N 239,420 2,873,040 6,000 2,879,040
24 2011007510 Okal Ochola Ephrahim N 236,680 2,840,160 6,000 2,846,160
25 2011007528 Ochola Charles Olelo N 210,310 2,523,720 6,000 2,529,720
26 2012013946 Owiti Thedeus Ondijo N 236,680 2,840,160 6,000 2,846,160
27 2012016725 Onanga Ephraim Oluoch N 245,530 2,946,360 6,000 2,952,360
28 2012029060 Ogundo Mark Emmanuel N 205,020 2,460,240 6,000 2,466,240
29 2010012669 Odhiambo Eric N 237,020 2,844,240 6,000 2,850,240
30 2007014173 Ongas Magdalene Anyango N 246,500 2,958,000 6,000 2,964,000
1470328 Philip
31 2008018366 Ogwe Gregory N 210,310 2,523,720 6,000 2,529,720
3 Chacha
32 2009045968 Morande Fredrick Okari N 237,020 2,844,240 6,000 2,850,240
33 2010012245 Omondi Benard N 242,310 2,907,720 6,000 2,913,720
34 2011009693 Olago Osborn Otieno N 236,680 2,840,160 6,000 2,846,160
35 2011009708 Okuta Felix Otieno N 236,680 2,840,160 6,000 2,846,160
36 2007031002 Odera Kelvin Nyadwe N 252,640 3,031,680 6,000 3,037,680
37 2011009520 Ondiek Wycliffe Dunde N 202,310 2,427,720 6,000 2,433,720
38 1988014368 Nduma Elly Odhiambo N 104,130 1,249,560 6,000 1,255,560
39 1985053509 6194471 Omungu Joshua Omolo N 119,710 1,436,520 6,000 1,442,520
40 2008043159 Okello Stephen Onyango M 226,910 2,722,920 6,000 2,728,920
41 2009117278 Mose Samuel Nyakundi M 213,850 2,566,200 6,000 2,572,200
42 2010115679 Akuom Brian Owino M 218,710 2,624,520 6,000 2,630,520
43 2010128339 Auma Bildad Ochieng M 219,780 2,637,360 6,000 2,643,360
44 2011007489 Cheruiyot Andrew Kipyegon M 224,020 2,688,240 6,000 2,694,240
45 2012014941 Osuri Kevin Dan M 217,210 2,606,520 6,000 2,612,520
2498178 Dorothy
46 2013015924 Athembo Rebby M 214,730 2,576,760 6,000 2,582,760
8 Awuor
47 2014006725 Oduor Vincent Owuor M 216,230 2,594,760 6,000 2,600,760
48 2014006890 Gerald Maria Ogaya M 214,730 2,576,760 6,000 2,582,760
49 2014011755 Sangura Duncan Masololwe M 216,230 2,594,760 6,000 2,600,760
50 2014016541 Ogada Edith Juma M 214,730 2,576,760 6,000 2,582,760
51 1980078481 458097 Oduor Jectone Owoko M 126,780 1,521,360 6,000 1,527,360

52 2001064447 Mado Silas Ochieng M 121,730 1,460,760 6,000 1,466,760
53 1995002592 Onguti John Bunduki M 134,210 1,610,520 6,000 1,616,520
54 2011009978 Muuo Elistone Mutiku M 221,280 2,655,360 6,000 2,661,360
55 2014014414 Okonda Gamaliel Morris M 214,730 2,576,760 6,000 2,582,760
56 1984059625 1551706 Onyango Willis Okoth M 94,350 1,132,200 6,000 1,138,200
57 1985007451 304250 Anyanda Ruth Avuna M 115,210 1,382,520 6,000 1,398,520
58 1989053226 3947029 Orwe Moses Ouma M 117,780 1,413,360 6,000 1,429,360
59 1991006609 9259640 Oduor Mary Pauline M 117,780 1,413,360 6,000 1,429,360
60 1992003206 6085010 Otieno Ruth Adhiambo M 115,210 1,382,520 6,000 1,398,520
61 1992020583 588663 Okumu Sellinah Nakhone M 115,210 1,382,520 6,000 1,398,520
1082085 10,00
62 1994054368 John Linet Atieno M 115,210 1,382,520 6,000 1,398,520
3 0
1097399 10,00
63 1994057007 Omondi Mary Aduol M 115,210 1,382,520 6,000 1,398,520
8 0
1108860 10,00
64 1994061179 Adhiambo Scholastica Ogollo M 112,730 1,352,760 6,000 1,368,760
5 0
65 1995033315 6678699 Owino Alice G. Achieng M 122,020 1,464,240 6,000 1,480,240
66 1995067144 9149346 Atieno Benter Ohito M 117,780 1,413,360 6,000 1,429,360
67 1991067312 9123013 Ooko Charles Onyango M 112,730 1,352,760 6,000 1,368,760
68 1991067320 8572057 Odhiambo Joshua Otieno M 123,410 1,480,920 6,000 1,496,920
1341630 10,00
69 1997013882 Owuor Jane Joan M 116,710 1,400,520 6,000 1,416,520
1 0
70 1984008519 1502357 Ong'echa Edwin Omondi M 113,210 1,358,520 6,000 1,364,520
71 2014015851 Otiato Bonface Oloo M 214,930 2,579,160 6,000 2,585,160
72 2015098583 Kajwang Ray Okinyi M 214,050 2,568,600 6,000 2,574,600
73 2015104439 Fondo Alex Iha M 214,050 2,568,600 6,000 2,574,600
2805693 Nyangeny
74 2015104922 Janeffer Kerubo M 212,550 2,550,600 6,000 2,556,600
1 a
75 2015107516 Dullo Amos Owino M 212,550 2,550,600 6,000 2,556,600
2702232 Baker
76 2015113010 Ngome James M 212,550 2,550,600 6,000 2,556,600
3 Otieno
77 2015133563 Amuko Mary M 212,550 2,550,600 6,000 2,556,600
78 2015133789 Kebati Lilian Kerubo M 212,550 2,550,600 6,000 2,556,600
79 2015097968 Omoso Richard Omondi M 214,050 2,568,600 6,000 2,574,600
80 1992025410 9123139 Okach Charles Agunga M 111,210 1,334,520 6,000 1,340,520

81 1986065135 5818604 Onyango Tom Matinde M 132,410 1,588,920 6,000 1,594,920

82 1997003659 Aloo Apollo Odongo M 124,210 1,490,520 6,000 1,496,520
83 2002031594 Kinara Geoffrey Kerongo M 135,710 1,628,520 6,000 1,634,520
84 1987069085 4115878 Ogoti Hezron Nyarangi M 114,710 1,376,520 6,000 1,382,520

85 1987069190 5767906 Mumali James Oyuka M 108,350 1,300,200 6,000 1,306,200
86 1992032263 Juma Stanslaus Mulaku M 115,780 1,389,360 6,000 1,395,360
87 1993060992 Adhiambo Judith M 120,020 1,440,240 6,000 1,446,240
88 1994050940 Kabaka James Obonyo M 113,210 1,358,520 6,000 1,364,520
89 1995058404 Wigwa George Omollo M 120,020 1,440,240 6,000 1,446,240
90 1982053568 300059 Nyaberi Benard M 113,210 1,358,520 6,000 1,364,520

91 1987070159 7035332 Oyuga Samuel Ochieng' M 114,710 1,376,520 6,000 1,382,520

92 1988074774 4410618 Mbaka Joseph Nyakwama M 109,850 1,318,200 6,000 1,324,200

93 1990099471 2755902 Nyamiaka Josiah Bosire M 115,780 1,389,360 6,000 1,395,360

94 1993058945 8552343 Okeyo Kenneth Otieno M 114,710 1,376,520 6,000 1,382,520

1082081 Okinyi
95 1993060772 Lungungu Paul M 114,710 1,376,520 6,000 1,382,520
0 Agwanda

96 1983005958 2745944 Kandhoga Nichanor Jabuya M 123,410 1,480,920 6,000 1,486,920

97 1986013811 3642226 Ondiek Margaret Atieno M 111,850 1,342,200 6,000 1,348,200

98 1989059701 8091100 Odhuno John Onyango M 116,710 1,400,520 6,000 1,406,520

99 1992001767 3950404 Okuku Daniel M 117,780 1,413,360 6,000 1,419,360
100 1994062002 Awuor Pamela Ogutu M 116,710 1,400,520 6,000 1,406,520
101 1994056572 Okoth Kennedy Owuor M 124,910 1,498,920 6,000 1,504,920
102 1996111459 Ongala Elizabeth Achieng M 116,710 1,400,520 6,000 1,406,520
103 1997006877 Otiato James Oyugi M 117,780 1,413,360 6,000 1,419,360
104 1997021487 9543215 Pinya Diner Owuor M 117,780 1,413,360 6,000 1,419,360
105 1997096474 Adhiambo Rose Olumo M 116,710 1,400,520 6,000 1,406,520
106 2005026108 Oketch Francis Aila M 119,410 1,432,920 6,000 1,438,920
2011000863 2952980
107 Owino Hillary Omondi M 110,932 1,331,184 6,000 1,337,184
6 6
2015013249 2777139
108 Abbot Nicodemus Odhiambo M 86,434 1,037,208 6,000 1,043,208
7 8
109 2012014143 Komen Anthony Kipkemboi L 199,730 2,396,760 6,000 2,402,760
110 2012018701 Anangwe Duncan Nandichi L 201,230 2,414,760 6,000 2,420,760
111 1992022551 3997724 Ochola Micheal Ongondo L 124,730 1,496,760 6,000 1,502,760
112 1997013638 Odongo Rosemary Amondi L 124,730 1,496,760 6,000 1,502,760
113 1997018337 Owino Prima Ogola L 123,850 1,486,200 6,000 1,492,200
114 2001056957 Nyimbaye Alice Lenzer L 122,350 1,468,200 6,000 1,474,200
115 2002003266 Kerario Stephen Chacha L 126,230 1,514,760 6,000 1,520,760
116 2002027977 9761783 Odie Emelda Adhiambo L 126,230 1,514,760 6,000 1,520,760
117 2002028177 Otieno Johnson Nyauke L 122,350 1,468,200 6,000 1,474,200

118 2002028313 Okumu Lucas Arogo L 126,230 1,514,760 6,000 1,520,760
119 2002031578 Obel Dorah Atieno L 126,230 1,514,760 6,000 1,520,760
120 1985005881 1637964 Nyakweba Jason Oire L 134,730 1,616,760 6,000 1,622,760

121 1984058051 568473 Natala Mumia John L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760

122 1983068956 3493978 Atieno Judith Niver L 114,730 1,376,760 6,000 1,382,760
123 1991073575 Okidi Michael Ojwang L 114,730 1,376,760 6,000 1,382,760
124 1991073648 4053892 Obudho Peter Ochieng L 113,850 1,366,200 6,000 1,372,200
125 1992047763 Opudo Elisha Nyalando L 112,350 1,348,200 6,000 1,354,200
126 1986068515 5856603 Ouma Elisha Midembi L 97,350 1,168,200 6,000 1,174,200
127 2011347832 Olando Grace Atieno L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760
128 1991091117 8461844 Obiero George William L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760
129 1984062377 411397 Ogol Moses Onditi L 117,080 1,404,960 6,000 1,420,960
130 1985007744 6092518 Odhiambo Nancy Cheledi L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,392,400
131 1986013798 1564026 Auma Jane Owaka L 117,080 1,404,960 6,000 1,420,960
132 1986014647 6910556 Omwanda Jafeth Anjago L 117,080 1,404,960 6,000 1,420,960
133 1986015601 411640 Amollo Paul Odhiambo L 115,580 1,386,960 6,000 1,402,960
134 1988014287 2804986 Ouma Mary Wasonga L 117,080 1,404,960 6,000 1,420,960
135 1989133555 8126878 Akwa Monica Akinyi L 109,170 1,310,040 6,000 1,326,040
136 1990102410 5959250 Akumu Jane Thomas L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
137 1990104145 7957224 Opondo Patricia Auma L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
138 1990104187 7560006 Ayot George Otieno L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,392,400
139 1990107525 8607324 Ongili Pamela Aomo L 115,580 1,386,960 6,000 1,402,960
140 1991005912 987030 Okech Jairus Okumu L 115,580 1,386,960 6,000 1,402,960
141 1991066667 8617628 Nguka Sellah Aloo L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,392,400
1002790 Opote 10,00
142 1992024367 Asiya Pamela L 115,580 1,386,960 6,000 1,402,960
7 Okwede 0
1002597 10,00
143 1993019739 Odipo Peter Oyugi L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
3 0
1092378 10,00
144 1993032436 Olang Joash Otieno L 109,170 1,310,040 6,000 1,326,040
3 0
1002037 Nyamumb Mwango 10,00
145 1993033521 Mellen L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
9 o Nyaundi 0
1096344 10,00
146 1993033709 Awino George Opiyo L 111,150 1,333,800 6,000 1,349,800
3 0
Nyangwes 10,00
147 1993040007 9123819 Nixon Ochieng L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
o 0
1079311 10,00
148 1994055411 Otieno Benta Atieno L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,392,400
9 0
1129544 10,00
149 1994059457 Gori Marcella Buyanzi L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
5 0
1163213 10,00
150 1995030375 Rapemo Tom Otieno L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
5 0

1128344 10,00
151 1995059727 Miyare Kennedy Odhiambo L 115,580 1,386,960 6,000 1,402,960
1 0
1118618 10,00
152 1995064992 Nambarah Leonidah Auma L 109,170 1,310,040 6,000 1,326,040
4 0
1337282 10,00
153 1997092810 Arwa Dorothy Ochieng L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
3 0
1377471 10,00
154 1998004535 Akoth Lilian Obonyo L 110,670 1,328,040 6,000 1,344,040
4 0
1143940 10,00
155 2001053551 Ototo Mary Nyaboke L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,392,400
9 0
156 2001053585 3929368 Kuria Mary Wambui L 112,650 1,351,800 6,000 1,367,800
2133962 10,00
157 2001054361 Ogot Peter Odhiambo L 112,650 1,351,800 6,000 1,367,800
2 0
1084259 10,00
158 2001054662 Omuono Rose Anyango L 117,080 1,404,960 6,000 1,420,960
1 0
1298298 10,00
159 2002030938 Oloo Lillian Atieno L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
0 0
1338606 10,00
160 2004011794 Juma Alice Odak L 112,650 1,351,800 6,000 1,367,800
8 0
2031079 10,00
161 2004011972 Oundo Vivian Nabwire L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,392,400
7 0
162 1982055625 279144 Odera Isaiah Odhiambo L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,392,400
1054807 10,00
163 1984006452 Omolo Monica Auma L 115,580 1,386,960 6,000 1,402,960
2 0
164 1985012545 5490069 Onyango Mary Akinyi L 115,580 1,386,960 6,000 1,402,960
165 1986013683 4716179 Ogalo Jane L 115,580 1,386,960 6,000 1,402,960
166 1987006354 7900471 Agufan Rose Imbwazar L 112,650 1,351,800 6,000 1,367,800
Nyandiko 10,00
167 1987008801 1950038 Otenyo Luciana L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
Lucie 0
168 1987073254 8243425 Awino Jophita Omenda L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
Richard 10,00
169 1989046952 8916546 Awuor Joyce L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
Opiyo 0
170 1989059777 6421180 Ondiso Leah Oreng L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
171 1992005177 7948086 Abondo Patrick Otiende L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
1323504 10,00
172 1997095818 Akinyi Judith Okeyo L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
6 0
1118608 10,00
173 1997097496 Owino Lilian Atieno L 108,800 1,305,600 6,000 1,321,600
2 0
1368005 10,00
174 2001051355 Okolla Eunice Adhiambo L 111,150 1,333,800 6,000 1,349,800
2 0
175 1990012835 9462516 Onyuna Sophia Atieno L 115,580 1,386,960 6,000 1,402,960
176 1991007647 8821158 Kasera Caren Atieno L 113,200 1,358,400 6,000 1,374,400
2048735 10,00
177 2001052741 Oluoch Judith Atieno L 111,150 1,333,800 6,000 1,349,800
6 0
178 1984057704 1444758 Obuyiyi Esther Ombitsa L 113,730 1,364,760 6,000 1,370,760

179 1984057712 5818572 Awiti Bernard Opiyo L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760

180 1991068457 9125820 Omoroh Florence Arachi L 113,730 1,364,760 6,000 1,370,760
181 1993073034 Ateto Francis Onyango L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760
182 2004011427 Odeny Ayub Ochieng L 111,350 1,336,200 6,000 1,342,200
183 1985053981 1529278 Ojema Jacton Otieno L 113,730 1,364,760 6,000 1,370,760

184 1991069461 9735876 Olwalo Fred Okech L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760
185 2003033206 Cypriane Anne Akoth L 111,350 1,336,200 6,000 1,342,200
186 2008086911 Mbinya Romana Anne L 71,730 860,760 6,000 866,760
187 1988087971 1507196 Adera Benter Atieno L 71,730 860,760 6,000 866,760

188 1983069716 1502639 Ochogo Johnson Otieno L 112,350 1,348,200 6,000 1,354,200

189 1987068275 6847702 Mboin Roselyne Chepkemoi L 110,800 1,329,600 6,000 1,335,600
190 2008100804 Obaigwa Cyrus L 105,450 1,265,400 6,000 1,271,400
2011000784 2525012 10,00
191 Obondo Melda Auma L 126,407 1,516,884 6,000 1,532,884
4 1 0
192 1994035657 Molo Christine Adhiambo L 113,730 1,364,760 6,000 1,370,760
193 1986016479 3976500 Nunda Walter Nyangoro L 88,230 1,058,760 6,000 1,064,760

194 1989144904 3967184 Aluoch Barack Denis L 91,730 1,100,760 6,000 1,106,760

195 1989078056 8539059 Nguka Dominic Otulo L 126,230 1,514,760 6,000 1,520,760
196 2007057967 Kibet Samwel Koech L 126,230 1,514,760 6,000 1,520,760
197 1988023943 8454473 Salim Mariam Karisa L 112,350 1,348,200 6,000 1,354,200

198 1982095772 5834666 Oluoch Vincent L 112,850 1,354,200 6,000 1,360,200

199 1985056418 1194873 Odhiambo David Otieno L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760

200 1986066597 4717985 6075 Simeon Ogendo L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760

201 1986067925 2060756 Ngira Felix Oyinga L 113,730 1,364,760 6,000 1,370,760

202 1987067978 7300550 Kasuku Luse L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760

203 1988076051 8461171 Mwaka Charity L 113,730 1,364,760 6,000 1,370,760
204 1990100230 Kopiyo Enock Agai L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760
205 1990118576 8820529 Otieno Paul Onyango L 113,730 1,364,760 6,000 1,370,760
206 1991072024 Gongo John Dolla L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760
207 1991072074 Nyambori Mathias Ochieng L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760
208 1991072113 6524424 Anyango Rachel Oyoo L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760
209 1992033528 Omondi Michael Majiwa L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760
210 1992033772 5780933 Emali Fredrick Jonah L 111,350 1,336,200 6,000 1,342,200
211 1993059153 Ojwando Jacob Aduda L 112,850 1,354,200 6,000 1,360,200
212 1993060277 Kimori Tom Mboya L 112,850 1,354,200 6,000 1,360,200
213 1993070272 7222777 Owiko Johanes Othacha L 112,850 1,354,200 6,000 1,360,200
214 1994050746 Ojwang Henry Onyango L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760
215 1995066245 Otieno Kenneth OMODHI L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760
216 1997000279 Atieno Lilian Tindi L 110,800 1,329,600 6,000 1,335,600
217 1997088201 Ondu Joseph Otieno L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760

218 1997090452 Ndumbu George Otieno L 110,800 1,329,600 6,000 1,335,600
219 2003034553 Ogutu Charles Marwa L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760
220 2003041908 Awino George Otieno L 108,820 1,305,840 6,000 1,311,840
221 2010007533 Opiyo Okumu Stephen L 115,230 1,382,760 6,000 1,388,760
222 1994050982 Obiero Abil Ochieng L 112,850 1,354,200 6,000 1,360,200
223 1997094618 Okech Onesmus F. Oduor L 110,800 1,329,600 6,000 1,335,600
224 2003035999 Mboya Thomas Opiyo L 108,820 1,305,840 6,000 1,311,840
225 1984063381 127685 Owuor Mary Atieno L 115,580 1,386,960 6,000 1,392,960
226 1985068708 Abila Daniel Wang'ang'a L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,382,400
227 1988013760 2588950 Moth Iscah Akoth L 117,080 1,404,960 6,000 1,410,960
228 1992024579 Rajwayi Judith Adhiambo L 117,080 1,404,960 6,000 1,410,960
229 1993039438 Oketch Lucy Achieng' L 112,650 1,351,800 6,000 1,357,800
230 1995065964 Otinah Peter Oduori L 117,080 1,404,960 6,000 1,410,960
231 1997012577 Orao Anne Ayoo L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,382,400
232 1997093989 Arango Christine Auma L 115,580 1,386,960 6,000 1,392,960
233 2001052597 9545159 Jaboi John Pedha L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,382,400
234 2004011809 Aluoch Linet Anyango L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,382,400
235 2005045479 Oiki Felix L 112,650 1,351,800 6,000 1,357,800
236 2009073288 Okumu Samson Odoyo L 108,800 1,305,600 6,000 1,311,600
237 1983062057 2773387 Otieno Joseph Nyiendo L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,382,400

238 1987008005 6679239 Orego Lydia Ariwi L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,382,400

239 1992002501 5958963 Atieno Hellen Orwa L 112,650 1,351,800 6,000 1,357,800
240 1992004066 9929973 Nyaanga Roseline L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,382,400
241 1995029374 Ogwang Denis Oketch L 114,700 1,376,400 6,000 1,382,400
242 2003005897 Odhiambo Clifford Gor L 112,650 1,351,800 6,000 1,357,800
243 1989082047 6417533 Muga Benjamin Charles L 123,800 1,485,600 6,000 1,491,600

244 1988078451 8553946 Odongo Dolfine Anyango L 108,800 1,305,600 6,000 1,311,600
245 2012024407 Kong'ani Elizabeth Nekesa L 110,800 1,329,600 6,000 1,335,600
246 2012026818 Mugoha Nickson Malongo L 110,800 1,329,600 6,000 1,335,600
247 8373494 Mathews Agalo Ajwala L 121,107 1,453,284 6,000 1,459,284
248 Dr.Bob Felix Ochieng L 254,670 3,056,040 8,000 3,064,040
2015012070 2599971
249 Auma Cynthia Oracha K 62,861 754,326 6,000 760,326
0 6
250 1978033085 2766647 Awino Anne Jumah K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
251 1979158969 351214 Otieno Alloys Ochola K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600

252 1980041581 6282640 Achieng Clarice K 59,400 712,800 6,000 718,800
253 1982055675 110886 Chacha Abigael Adhiambo K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
254 1982065604 7504317 Majalle Evans Okello K 105,300 1,263,600 6,000 1,269,600

255 1982095748 3986059 Awino Cephas Odhiambo K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600
256 1983004740 1487400 Akumu Margaret Akungu K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
257 1983005097 Omollo Beatrice Achieng K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800
258 1983060712 479697 Okoth Beatrice Akinyi K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
259 1983061213 4437498 Okumu Rose Atieno K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
260 1983063671 5861596 Odero Maurice Nyangi K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600

261 1983063744 8233739 Odero Benson Kothim K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600
1142238 10,00
262 1983064384 Oswago Everlyne Adhiambo K 101,270 1,215,240 6,000 1,231,240
3 0
263 1984029581 1572135 Omburo Walter Kunda K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800

264 1984063802 1942271 Okongo Rosebella Arthur K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800

265 1984064395 2053576 Abook Domitila Auma K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800
266 1984122761 1571655 Otieno Benta Achieng K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
267 1984138649 8190260 Lumumba Patrique Shemai K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600

268 1985007809 2766573 Okumu Babra Agutu K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800
269 1985008392 1532593 Ougo Baraka Adero K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
270 1985015713 3355047 Abungu Damaris Aluoch K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
271 1985055284 1571124 Oyugi John Otieno K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600

272 1985055535 5842007 Owiny George K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600

273 1985056785 643157 Adhiambo Jane Omolo K 105,300 1,263,600 6,000 1,269,600
274 1985057325 Ochieng Edward Abok K 105,300 1,263,600 6,000 1,269,600
275 1985059903 1450464 Ouma Alex Aduda K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
276 1985060564 1592511 Anyango Pamela Randiki K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800

277 1985060954 637579 Ochanda Priscillah Akinyi K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800
278 1986012661 2515264 Chora Eunice Muthoni K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
1606788 10,00
279 1986014833 Seje John Odero K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
7 0
280 1986015897 6612337 Kosogoh Domnic Mbogo K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800
281 1986016314 637656 Rama Jenipher Adhiambo K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
282 1986066466 335317 Achieng Benjamin Rewe K 101,400 1,216,800 6,000 1,222,800

Beatrice 10,00
283 1986071013 8727022 Asewe Monica K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
Otieno 0

284 1986071306 5959070 Sharon Joseph K 77,300 927,600 6,000 933,600

285 1986071495 1506829 Onyango Joyce Adhiambo K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800
286 1986071885 7879515 Odira Jane Adongo K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800

287 1987006435 1529345 Oudu Lawrence Oguda K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
288 1987006469 412988 Okech Peter Otonde K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
289 1987068982 5866953 Onyango Fredrick Osiemo K 101,400 1,216,800 6,000 1,222,800

290 1987069645 5902591 Okoko Kerina Aoko K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600
291 1987074056 7654472 Odenya Eunice P. Auma K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
292 1987074137 6371823 Onyuo John Ochieng K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800
2315010 10,00
293 1988014407 Odinga Rodah Atieno K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
2 0
1602190 10,00
294 1988081454 Odari Jane Aluoch K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
1 0
295 1988081577 1573503 Ogalo Samuel Olango K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800

296 1988082036 6056911 Adie Tobias K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800

297 1988120981 8081771 Atieno Debora Ogola K 48,910 586,920 6,000 592,920
298 1989021855 1532184 Orimba Samwel Ogana K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
299 1989022568 5856363 Ochola Charles Otieno K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,245,000
300 1989022770 638614 Onchagwa Evans Omurwa K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
301 1989022819 273017 Odiwuor Vitus Agutu K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
302 1989080744 7952394 Musimbi Everline Karakacha K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600

303 1989081423 8607792 Kisimba Elijah Otieno K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600

304 1989081889 9169660 Samson Loice Chesang K 97,420 1,169,040 6,000 1,175,040

305 1990011669 8579406 Otambo Debora Lango K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800

306 1990012827 7373629 Odhiambo Jacktone Onyango K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,245,000
307 1990102745 8468107 Agutu Lina Odhiambo K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
308 1990104446 8997799 Otieno Mary Achieng K 104,170 1,250,040 6,000 1,266,040
309 1990107397 9049355 Ogaga Tabitha Auma K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
310 1990107761 1545027 Onyango Kerina Akeyo K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,245,000

311 1990108589 8539857 Amanda Joseph K 105,300 1,263,600 6,000 1,269,600

1004211 10,00
312 1991006617 Webuye Catherine Ochieng K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
5 0
313 1991066675 8016513 Ogaja Maureen Awino K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
314 1991066756 1820256 Obar Elizabeth Akinyi K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
315 1991068067 9832331 Kerubo Zipporah Kababa K 101,270 1,215,240 6,000 1,231,240
316 1991068407 Omutiti Kennedy Stanley K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600
1002455 Christophe
317 1991073444 Ombok Otieno K 105,300 1,263,600 6,000 1,269,600
4 r
318 1992002496 9123770 Okoth Milka Achieng K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
319 1992003808 9291023 Odhiambo Amos Oywech K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800
320 1992004008 Genga Jacinta Akinyi K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800

321 1992004600 407190 Mithiga Priscah Akinyi K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
322 1992023028 9123756 Bade Isaack K 98,820 1,185,840 6,000 1,191,840
1054650 10,00
323 1992024375 Onyango Ritah Anyango K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
6 0
324 1992031152 9306548 Ombwayo Florence Elijah K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
325 1992032247 9515364 Mukhwana Peter Wanyama K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600
1080910 10,00
326 1993032313 Ochanda Gorety Atieno K 104,170 1,250,040 6,000 1,266,040
6 0
327 1993032371 9183572 Akech Dinah Okeyo K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
1092333 10,00
328 1993034585 Onunga Gordon Onyango K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
3 0
329 1993034933 Ochola Isaiah Obiero K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,245,000
1080925 10,00
330 1993041053 Oyondi Rosemary Anyango K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
3 0
331 1993069116 Ochieng' Andrew K 102,400 1,228,800 6,000 1,234,800
332 1993070167 Oyugi Polly Ogelo K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600
333 1994052049 Adhiambo Milka K 102,320 1,227,840 6,000 1,233,840
334 1994056491 9041770 Ouko Tom Omondi K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,245,000
335 1995005647 Ogola Jemima Atieno K 104,170 1,250,040 6,000 1,256,040
336 1995013991 Owino James Otieno K 102,400 1,228,800 6,000 1,234,800
337 1995045142 Obiero Laban Ongawa K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600
338 1995065948 Onyono William Aguda K 101,270 1,215,240 6,000 1,221,240
339 1995066130 Okech Kennedy Amayo K 102,320 1,227,840 6,000 1,233,840
1311855 Helm
340 1996116750 Obiero Charles K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600
9 Angira
341 1997000075 Ototo Dennis Maina K 100,450 1,205,400 6,000 1,211,400
342 1997001241 Omenda Eunice Millicent K 99,420 1,193,040 6,000 1,199,040
343 1997003332 1480752 Rabongo Joseph Rabongo K 102,320 1,227,840 6,000 1,233,840
344 1997007734 Mudachi Nebert Chahilu K 102,320 1,227,840 6,000 1,233,840
345 1997008976 Odhiambo Emmanuel Odoyo K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600
346 1997011115 Ater Austine Ochieng K 92,460 1,109,520 6,000 1,115,520
347 1997087865 Ondiek Alfred Onyango K 102,320 1,227,840 6,000 1,233,840
1251057 10,00
348 1997091987 Oyuko Susan Atieno K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
1 0
1150066 10,00
349 1997092373 Ochola Roseline Awour K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
3 0
1104543 Auma
350 1997095062 Owaka Bether K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800
1 Anyumba
351 1997096903 Omingo Tom Mboya K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600
352 1998010861 Otieno Kennedy Omolo K 102,320 1,227,840 6,000 1,233,840

1251704 10,00
353 2001050414 Abongo Beatrice Adhiambo K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
0 0
354 2001051258 Okumu Emmanuel Odhiambo K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800
2123809 10,00
355 2001052725 Nyandiko Joyce Nyaboke K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
5 0
356 2001053129 Oloo Lucy Akinyi K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,279,800
357 2002003038 Muga Linet Akeyo K 104,170 1,250,040 6,000 1,256,040
1454858 10,00
358 2002027414 Ongidi Millicent Achieng K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
3 0
359 2003000473 Odhiambo Frazier Okoth K 115,300 1,383,600 6,000 1,389,600
1157898 10,00
360 2003003730 Ogutu Lilian Adhiambo K 97,210 1,166,520 6,000 1,182,520
2 0
361 2003035711 Kalaka Fredrick Nasali K 93,810 1,125,720 6,000 1,131,720
362 2003035818 Mose George Nyamweya K 100,450 1,205,400 6,000 1,211,400
363 2003035949 Atunga Gladys Bosibori K 93,810 1,125,720 6,000 1,131,720
364 2003036042 Francis Kwamanga Onyango K 97,550 1,170,600 6,000 1,176,600
365 2003041885 Simi Benson Gisore K 95,360 1,144,320 6,000 1,150,320
366 2003044582 Rebecca Oloo Angong'a K 95,360 1,144,320 6,000 1,150,320
2221079 10,00
367 2004007745 Omulo Josephine Akinyi K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,163,920
7 0
1245714 10,00
368 2004008783 Onyango Rose Achieng K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,163,920
2 0
369 2004009488 Okongo Charles Owino K 115,300 1,383,600 6,000 1,389,600
370 2004011493 Ogega Joseph Orina K 104,300 1,251,600 6,000 1,257,600
2362169 10,00
371 2004011778 Okoth Lilian Aketch K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
9 0
372 2004021139 Kennedy Ayier Otieno K 115,300 1,383,600 6,000 1,389,600
2040588 10,00
373 2004021448 Achieng Elizabeth Bessy K 97,210 1,166,520 6,000 1,182,520
8 0
374 2005042235 Bongoye Emilly Moguche K 101,400 1,216,800 6,000 1,222,800
375 2005042578 Nyang Robert Okongo K 100,450 1,205,400 6,000 1,211,400
376 2005044067 Ahenda Clara Anyango K 97,210 1,166,520 6,000 1,172,520
377 2005044342 Magara Isaac Juma K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,153,920
2001379 10,00
378 2005044504 Obuya Carolyne Adongo K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,163,920
3 0
1359786 10,00
379 2005044562 Oudia Boniface Otieno K 104,310 1,251,720 6,000 1,267,720
2 0
2186858 10,00
380 2005045453 Oluoch Ruth Atieno K 103,250 1,239,000 6,000 1,255,000
5 0
1375970 10,00
381 2005047219 Onyango Carolyne Atieno K 94,310 1,131,720 6,000 1,147,720
4 0
2180872 10,00
382 2007055826 Nyonje Collins Omondi K 97,210 1,166,520 6,000 1,182,520
7 0
383 2007056830 Ondata George Otieno K 99,660 1,195,920 6,000 1,201,920
384 2007057420 Onyango Daniel Omewoh K 96,970 1,163,640 6,000 1,169,640
2203847 Immaculat
385 2007059294 Nyakinda Awuor K 97,210 1,166,520 6,000 1,172,520
0 e

2231466 10,00
386 2007069914 Otieno Josephine May K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,163,920
4 0
387 2009068712 Ochuma Rose Akinyi K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,153,920
388 2009070248 Achieng'a Jacob Odhawa K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,153,920
389 2009075094 Aloo Caroline Atieno K 106,360 1,276,320 6,000 1,282,320
390 2009079022 Mose Jared Onyambu K 114,810 1,377,720 6,000 1,383,720
391 2009090361 Odera Thomas Mboya K 96,360 1,156,320 6,000 1,162,320
392 2009090450 Ochieng Wycliffe Okinyi K 96,360 1,156,320 6,000 1,162,320
393 2009091414 Brown Osongo Victor K 96,970 1,163,640 6,000 1,169,640
2290145 10,00
394 2009091846 Mogere Dennis Bichanga K 92,760 1,113,120 6,000 1,129,120
9 0
2001506 10,00
395 2009091862 Anyango Consolata Otieno K 97,210 1,166,520 6,000 1,182,520
9 0
1358167 10,00
396 2009091896 Osuka Milicent Aoko K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,163,920
7 0
1243075 10,00
397 2009092012 Okumu John Oduor K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,163,920
3 0
2182670 10,00
398 2009092020 Odoyo Leukadia Adhiambo K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,163,920
9 0
399 2009094828 Ochiel Lucy Atieno K 97,210 1,166,520 6,000 1,172,520
400 2009105108 Opiyo Josphat Odhiambo K 117,970 1,415,640 6,000 1,421,640
401 2009106227 Otieno Kennedy Odhiambo K 104,810 1,257,720 6,000 1,263,720
2216642 10,00
402 2009114319 Owuor Irene Achieng K 94,310 1,131,720 6,000 1,147,720
7 0
403 2009115242 Miser Brightone Odundo K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,153,920
404 2009115284 9796637 Ajul Tamima Athmani K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,163,920
2239653 10,00
405 2009115292 Bosire Joash Omwenga K 97,210 1,166,520 6,000 1,182,520
4 0
1287283 10,00
406 2009115315 Ouma Linnet Awuor K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,163,920
1 0
2245456 Shibuyang 10,00
407 2009115852 Ephie Amata K 102,300 1,227,600 6,000 1,243,600
8 a 0
2167892 10,00
408 2009116222 Kadu Dorine Akinyi K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,163,920
2 0
2154112 10,00
409 2009116298 Mbori Emeresia Aoko K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,163,920
3 0
2166529 10,00
410 2009116947 Olekete Lydiah Atieno K 97,210 1,166,520 6,000 1,182,520
1 0
2077430 Omondi 10,00
411 2009116971 Odidi George K 106,150 1,273,800 6,000 1,289,800
9 Ooko 0
412 2009117202 Mogusu Henry Onkoba K 111,910 1,342,920 6,000 1,348,920
413 2009117325 Okoth Emmanuel Gumbe K 106,360 1,276,320 6,000 1,282,320
414 2009120213 Okuthe James Ochieng K 91,910 1,102,920 6,000 1,108,920
2030664 10,00
415 2009134597 Adhu Kennedy Gogo K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,163,920
8 0
416 2009135577 Ooro Risper Atieno K 96,360 1,156,320 6,000 1,162,320
417 2009137901 Obala Cloy Achola K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,153,920
418 2009139759 Tumo Zakayo Kipkogei K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,153,920

419 2010038835 Machogu Bonareri Janet K 104,810 1,257,720 6,000 1,263,720
420 2010039352 Koi Edward Odhiambo K 104,810 1,257,720 6,000 1,263,720
421 2010057871 Ayienda Carren Kemunto K 97,210 1,166,520 6,000 1,172,520
2361563 10,00
422 2010105399 Tindi Linda Awino K 94,310 1,131,720 6,000 1,147,720
1 0
423 2010160072 Anyango Lilian K 95,660 1,147,920 6,000 1,153,920
2727441 10,00
424 2012012763 Ochieng Eunice Akinyi K 100,510 1,206,120 6,000 1,222,120
3 0
425 2012017922 Onunda Dillian Dorsilah K 61,067 732,798 6,000 738,798
426 2012018078 Limo Mark Cheruiyot K 61,067 732,798 6,000 738,798
2622906 10,00
427 2013019479 Awuor Alice Christine K 109,560 1,314,720 6,000 1,330,720
4 0
2011000757 2016847
428 Omwenga Reuben Nyaemo K 119,152 1,429,818 6,000 1,435,818
7 2
2011000762 1112432 10,00
429 Obuon Florence Akinyi K 116,488 1,397,850 6,000 1,413,850
0 3 0
2011000772 2453018 10,00
430 Kaduwo Moses Owino K 105,558 1,266,696 6,000 1,282,696
8 0 0
2011000825 2222659
431 Odhiambo Susan Akinyi K 112,361 1,348,326 6,000 1,354,326
2 6
2015006403 2413024 10,00
432 Okello Linda K 101,924 1,223,088 6,000 1,239,088
8 4 0
2015006467 10,00
433 8648083 Wangui Beatrice Maina K 105,558 1,266,696 6,000 1,282,696
2 0
2015006480 2466230
434 Oracha Hillary Otieno K 107,861 1,294,326 6,000 1,300,326
5 1
2015007741 2781914
435 Oketch John Oloo K 99,857 1,198,278 6,000 1,204,278
9 4
2015008533 2523087
436 Debe Julius Wendo K 108,710 1,304,520 6,000 1,310,520
1 9
2015008578 2197318
437 Otieno Kennedy Odhiambo K 102,857 1,234,278 6,000 1,240,278
8 1
2015008583 2198291
438 Kung'A Villary Achieng K 105,710 1,268,520 6,000 1,274,520
1 1
2015010728 2874150 Christophe
439 Wasonga K 101,857 1,222,278 6,000 1,228,278
9 0 r
2015012083 2907112 10,00
440 Okengo Brian Nyangau K 103,707 1,244,478 6,000 1,260,478
5 8 0
2015013314 2730948 10,00
441 Yonga Maurine Anyango K 107,502 1,290,018 6,000 1,306,018
5 8 0
442 1572232 Matite Sabianus Odhiambo K 57,272 687,258 6,000 693,258
2015013248 2420334
443 Ounda Javis Ochieng K 57,272 687,258 6,000 693,258
8 9
2015012073 2728834
444 Amoko Rose Adhiambo K 55,489 665,868 6,000 671,868
7 1
2015010760 2507362
445 Mwonya Meryl Adhiambo K 77,272 927,258 6,000 933,258
9 9
2511691 10,00
446 Leon Onyango Osumba K 95,990 1,151,882 5,000 1,166,882
8 0
447 2771786 John Akumu Kaumba K 103,077 1,236,918 5,000 1,251,918
448 8918975 Josephine A. Ochieng K 86,545 1,038,536 5,000 1,053,536
449 1983063930 1488996 Walwanda George Otieno O J 83,170 998,040 4,000 1,002,040

450 1988131128 9419557 Ojwang Pamella Atieno J 37,150 445,800 4,000 449,800

451 1989009861 9397363 Awino James Omburo J 48,170 578,040 4,000 582,040

452 1991098973 8533834 Gichaba Benard Machira J 38,750 465,000 4,000 469,000
453 1991102706 8091432 Bunde Lorna Akinyi J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,034,240
454 1993034462 1082507 Odhiambo Brightone Rengo J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,024,240
455 1995065176 Akumu Edward Onyango J 79,770 957,240 4,000 961,240
2041870 10,00
456 2003008007 Okumu Johnson Mumbo J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,034,240
1 0
457 2003036018 Michael Odada O J 83,170 998,040 4,000 1,002,040
2090587 Rachuony
458 2004007737 Benter Achieng J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,024,240
7 o
459 2004007753 Obiah Joseph Odiwor J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,024,240
460 2005044596 Atieno Samson J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,024,240
461 2007029851 Otiende Chrispine Omondi J 105,770 1,269,240 4,000 1,273,240
462 2007056589 Okura Paul Mboya J 82,280 987,360 4,000 991,360
463 2007059163 Ogege Caroline Atieno J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,024,240
464 2007069388 Rianga Ezekiel Kingston J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
465 2007069558 Onyona Maurice Owiti J 84,170 1,010,040 4,000 1,014,040
466 2008100781 Odok Kennedy Ochieng J 84,170 1,010,040 4,000 1,014,040
1002065 10,00
467 2008102173 Mokaya Jane Moraa J 79,780 957,360 4,000 971,360
6 0
468 2008103098 Ogweche Caleb Ondieki J 83,170 998,040 4,000 1,002,040
469 2009059501 Owuor Maurice Omondi J 79,770 957,240 4,000 961,240
470 2009069174 Momanyi Benedatte Kemuma J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
471 2009069629 Monari Dorcah Moraa J 78,880 946,560 4,000 950,560
472 2009070997 Odhiambo Margaret Wangui J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,024,240
473 2009071105 Onyango Maureen Achieng J 77,600 931,200 4,000 935,200
474 2009072054 Okombo Alex Walter J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
475 2009072648 Kabuor Philip Okeyo J 80,150 961,800 4,000 965,800
476 2009072737 Abongo Fredrick Ooko J 84,170 1,010,040 4,000 1,014,040
477 2009072884 Manduku Eunice Magoma J 84,170 1,010,040 4,000 1,014,040
478 2009072892 Omolo Calvince Odhiambo J 84,170 1,010,040 4,000 1,014,040
479 2009074593 Ombagi Jared Arwasa J 83,170 998,040 4,000 1,002,040
480 2009075638 Kimeu Joshua Mwilu J 91,430 1,097,160 4,000 1,101,160
481 2009076618 Ogango Lilian Oyugi J 79,780 957,360 4,000 961,360
482 2009076634 Ochieng Beatrice Anyango J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
483 2009076692 Osumba Samuel Oduor J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
484 2009077062 Onyango Linet Awino J 77,600 931,200 4,000 935,200

485 2009077070 Imbwenya Purity Nyangasi J 77,600 931,200 4,000 935,200
486 2009077101 Orondo Grace Atieno J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
487 2009077402 Odhiambo George Otieno J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
488 2009079284 Adoyo Joseph Onyango J 84,170 1,010,040 4,000 1,014,040
489 2009090735 Saka Elisha Omondi J 79,370 952,440 4,000 956,440
2262822 Adhiambo
490 2009090921 Wagany Linet J 79,770 957,240 4,000 961,240
1 Mjumbe
491 2009091252 Obunga Nancy Atieno J 83,170 998,040 4,000 1,002,040
1336591 10,00
492 2009092185 Bittok Solomon Kiprop J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,034,240
1 0
2001415 10,00
493 2009093652 Kakia Lydia Seredi J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,034,240
1 0
494 2009095044 Onyango Beatrice Akinyi J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
495 2009101536 Olang Maurine Achieng J 105,150 1,261,800 4,000 1,265,800
496 2009103986 Ouso Martin Ouma J 94,170 1,130,040 4,000 1,134,040
497 2009104990 Ndole Casper Odero J 91,430 1,097,160 4,000 1,101,160
2038961 Migwamb
498 2009105718 Carolly Otieno J 94,170 1,130,040 4,000 1,134,040
0 o
499 2009107621 Oluoch Milka Adhiambo J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
2180967 10,00
500 2009114212 Wandah Carolyne Akoth J 81,620 979,440 4,000 993,440
8 0
2059685 10,00
501 2009114343 Auma Lilian Otieno J 81,000 972,000 4,000 986,000
8 0
2025152 10,00
502 2009115307 Ojijo Lilian Adhiambo J 79,780 957,360 4,000 971,360
5 0
503 2009115357 Ongari Patriciah Bitutu J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,024,240
2330255 10,00
504 2009115755 Oduongo Molline Adhiambo J 81,000 972,000 4,000 986,000
7 0
2187957 10,00
505 2009115797 Andaye Juliet J 81,000 972,000 4,000 986,000
3 0
2242698 10,00
506 2009116337 Ochumba Erick Odero J 77,600 931,200 4,000 945,200
0 0
1183230 10,00
507 2009116531 Omanyo Christine Nabwire J 81,620 979,440 4,000 993,440
3 0
1282716 10,00
508 2009117008 Bett Pamela Jerono J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,034,240
2 0
1452768 10,00
509 2009117139 Chepkurui Eunice Jepkosgei J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,034,240
5 0
510 2009117228 Makwali John Wekesa J 90,150 1,081,800 4,000 1,085,800
511 2009131947 Andedo Joseph Opondo J 84,170 1,010,040 4,000 1,014,040
2278408 10,00
512 2009134628 Kwanya Beryl Milanda J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,034,240
6 0
1465961 10,00
513 2009135292 Mulehi Nelly Khavere J 81,000 972,000 4,000 986,000
4 0
2010302 10,00
514 2009136206 Baaru Millicent Roswe J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,034,240
4 0
1331741 10,00
515 2009136361 Khisa Jacinta Mukhwana J 77,600 931,200 4,000 945,200
6 0
2273755 10,00
516 2009136840 Ogwela Phoebe Adhiambo J 81,000 972,000 4,000 986,000
3 0
517 2009137529 Shuga Emily Iminza J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000

518 2009137919 Asadhi Jane Akoth J 79,780 957,360 4,000 961,360
519 2009138101 5311693 Aroko Richard Odhiambo J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
520 2009139385 Okeyo Emily Atieno J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
521 2009139709 Wabwire Consolata Mugeni J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
2127645 Carina
522 2009140221 Oundo Doricus J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,024,240
2 Esseri
523 2009140271 Ngige Kennedy Ochieng J 85,020 1,020,240 4,000 1,024,240
524 2009141153 Majiwa Solomon Were J 83,620 1,003,440 4,000 1,007,440
525 2010037732 Ingati Linda Akinyi J 90,150 1,081,800 4,000 1,085,800
526 2010039425 Ochieng Leonard Okumu J 90,150 1,081,800 4,000 1,085,800
527 2010042004 Akinyi Sheffield J 72,530 870,360 4,000 874,360
528 2010045125 Odhiambo Hesbon Ochieng J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
2298497 10,00
529 2010105470 Duncan Kuyo Manjao J 77,600 931,200 4,000 945,200
9 0
530 2010106921 Odera Christine Omuya J 81,000 972,000 4,000 976,000
531 2010124424 Oyaro Gladys Nyaboe J 37,150 445,800 4,000 449,800
532 2010127464 Kulei Nancy Jeruto J 90,150 1,081,800 4,000 1,085,800
533 2010127529 Boit Nolyne Cherotich J 82,280 987,360 4,000 991,360
534 2010127854 Nyakundi Verah Barongo J 83,620 1,003,440 4,000 1,007,440
535 2010141010 9396373 Oyola William Ochieng J 79,780 957,360 4,000 961,360
536 2010146434 Nyauke Winnie Awuor J 79,780 957,360 4,000 961,360
537 2010148185 Anyango Selesa Atieno J 79,780 957,360 4,000 961,360
538 2010148193 Odero Judith Atieno J 82,280 987,360 4,000 991,360
539 2010149759 Adhiambo Jackline J 79,780 957,360 4,000 961,360
540 2010159013 Auko Samwel Onyango J 79,780 957,360 4,000 961,360
541 2010160404 Kalani Maurine Indusa J 79,780 957,360 4,000 961,360
542 2010164296 Owuocha Jackline Awuor J 79,780 957,360 4,000 961,360
543 2011355103 Oyier Abiud Odero J 90,538 1,086,456 4,000 1,090,456
544 2011364013 Omolo Nancy Atieno J 88,928 1,067,136 4,000 1,071,136
545 2011408841 Odhiambo Joyce Achieng J 73,950 887,400 4,000 891,400
2488654 10,00
546 2013018847 Mongare Evelyn Kwamboka J 90,588 1,087,056 4,000 1,101,056
4 0
547 2013022978 Kisukwa Hyrine Christine J 88,930 1,067,160 4,000 1,071,160
2263398 10,00
548 2013025144 Aketch William Agawo J 79,780 957,360 4,000 971,360
9 0
2544507 Nyancham 10,00
549 2013025740 Kombo Fridah J 83,620 1,003,440 4,000 1,017,440
4 a 0
550 2013027860 Onyango Daniel Odhiambo J 77,930 935,160 4,000 939,160

551 2013110648 Chora Rosejoy Achieng J 83,968 1,007,616 4,000 1,011,616
2011000758 2231408 Corneleous
552 Okal Edward J 95,115 1,141,380 4,000 1,145,380
6 4 Odhi
2011000759 1121321
553 Maira Boniface Ochieng J 99,928 1,199,136 4,000 1,203,136
5 0
2011000760 2202801
554 Oketch Tobias Ochieng J 99,928 1,199,136 4,000 1,203,136
2 2
2011000761 2226637
555 Ododa Everlyne Achieng J 99,928 1,199,136 4,000 1,203,136
1 0
2011000763 10,00
556 7607041 Ontieri Grace Nyaboke J 90,778 1,089,336 4,000 1,103,336
9 0
2011000764 2443160 10,00
557 Auma Nancy Alice J 90,778 1,089,336 4,000 1,103,336
8 8 0
2011000794 1377759
558 Odindo Barack Onyango J 91,538 1,098,456 4,000 1,102,456
2 1
2011000795 2237438
559 Ouma Naureen Amondi J 89,928 1,079,136 4,000 1,083,136
1 4
2011000802 2247778
560 Oguna Bryan Omuchele J 87,928 1,055,136 4,000 1,059,136
9 8
2011000809 2564802
561 Akech Thomas Onyango J 84,915 1,018,980 4,000 1,022,980
2 7
2011000827 2231472
562 Odero Christine Amondi J 89,928 1,079,136 4,000 1,083,136
0 5
2011000833 2605659
563 Tinga Sheila Awuor J 82,427 989,124 4,000 993,124
2 4
2011000842 2422197
564 Otieno Gordon Ochieng J 85,778 1,029,336 4,000 1,033,336
1 9
2011000849 2421711
565 Apanja Molly Anyango J 79,552 954,624 4,000 958,624
4 6
2013005276 2556185 10,00
566 Kizito Roseline Achieng J 91,388 1,096,656 4,000 1,110,656
5 8 0
2014006272 2596841
567 Onyango Laura Atieno J 84,915 1,018,980 4,000 1,022,980
8 7
2014010816 2604607
568 Odhiambo Linet Awuor J 42,915 514,980 4,000 518,980
7 8
2014010819 2698119 Paula
569 Aroko Yvette J 84,387 1,012,644 4,000 1,016,644
4 4 Achieng
570 Okinyi Jeremiah Otieno J 37,680 452,160 4,000 456,160
2014012676 2199919
571 Afwata Anne Akinyi J 88,128 1,057,536 4,000 1,061,536
3 5
2015005030 2209113
572 Oyieke Otieno Lameck J 88,738 1,064,856 4,000 1,068,856
1 3
2015006468 2351762 10,00
573 Ogega Moraa Stella J 84,277 1,011,324 4,000 1,025,324
1 3 0
2015006469 2871112
574 Okoth Awuor Lilian J 93,427 1,121,124 4,000 1,125,124
0 0
2015006481 2767071
575 Ongas Awuor Prisca J 45,427 545,124 4,000 549,124
4 5
2015006489 2743443
576 Oyaa Fredrick Odhiambo J 96,587 1,159,044 4,000 1,163,044
6 7
2015007723 2146031
577 Okoth Reuben Ochieng J 86,578 1,038,936 4,000 1,042,936
1 0
2015007733 2801687
578 Osire Enock Omondi J 82,115 985,380 4,000 989,380
9 4
2015007734 2508392
579 Kotonya Jesca Akoth J 83,587 1,003,044 4,000 1,007,044
8 5
2015007736 2516542
580 Oketch Christine Onundo J 80,427 965,124 4,000 969,124
6 7
2015007737 2736056
581 Magara Everline Osebe J 80,427 965,124 4,000 969,124
5 9
582 8091428 Agola Pamela Adhiambo J 83,587 1,003,044 4,000 1,007,044

2015007817 2289306
583 Atera Paul Nyapaya J 93,712 1,124,544 4,000 1,128,544
6 4
2015008501 2837183
584 Ochola Anastasia Adhiambo J 83,587 1,003,044 4,000 1,007,044
9 8
2015008507 2821563
585 Okumu Churchil Winstone J 85,587 1,027,044 4,000 1,031,044
3 3
2015008509 2757850
586 Watama Dancan Odivar J 85,587 1,027,044 4,000 1,031,044
1 3
2015008520 2747095
587 Oyoo Achieng Julie J 80,427 965,124 4,000 969,124
6 6
2015008521 2725090
588 Awuor Emelda J 83,427 1,001,124 4,000 1,005,124
5 7
2015008535 2605197
589 Onyango Benard Otieno J 85,587 1,027,044 4,000 1,031,044
9 4
2015008538 2526127
590 Oduor Mercy Ngonga J 83,587 1,003,044 4,000 1,007,044
6 7
2015008559 2426529
591 Owuor Monica Aluoch J 83,587 1,003,044 4,000 1,007,044
1 1
2015008561 2393150
592 Omondi Silas Otieno J 83,427 1,001,124 4,000 1,005,124
7 9
2015008567 2293092 10,00
593 Ochieng Herbert Onyango J 84,562 1,014,744 4,000 1,028,744
1 7 0
2015008569 2466227
594 Gumbo Witness Ochieng J 82,427 989,124 4,000 993,124
9 8
2015008576 2225023
595 Oguok Roseline Awuor J 86,587 1,039,044 4,000 1,043,044
0 9
2015008580 2266106 10,00
596 Okumu Lilian Achieng J 84,277 1,011,324 4,000 1,025,324
4 6 0
2015008586 2052962
597 Mboya Benard Odhiambo J 82,427 989,124 4,000 993,124
8 7
2015010719 2589468
598 Omondi Vine Adhiambo J 85,587 1,027,044 4,000 1,031,044
0 6
2015010775 2531333
599 Michieka Ezra Bwana J 82,427 989,124 4,000 993,124
2 7
2015010797 3100002
600 Omolo Ernest Onyango J 93,427 1,121,124 4,000 1,125,124
6 3
2015012047 2201014
601 Atinda Emily Akoth J 85,587 1,027,044 4,000 1,031,044
9 2
2015012065 2027367
602 Nyangau Grace Nyamoita J 82,115 985,380 4,000 989,380
7 3
2015012066 2859178
603 Aremoh Eve Joy J 82,115 985,380 4,000 989,380
6 2
2015012079 2954219
604 Ouma Victor Odhiambo J 82,115 985,380 4,000 989,380
1 3
2015012102 2424421
605 Agunga Doreen Atieno J 80,955 971,460 4,000 975,460
9 7
2015013244 2471653
606 Ongoro Kennedy Okoth J 84,115 1,009,380 4,000 1,013,380
2 6
2015013256 2782699
607 Oracha Allan Odhiambo J 82,115 985,380 4,000 989,380
8 8
2015013258 2840497
608 Anyango Judith Diana J 82,115 985,380 4,000 989,380
6 2
2015013261 3052674
609 Adhiambo Sharon J 82,115 985,380 4,000 989,380
1 4
2015013307 2879455 10,00
610 Ochieng Maryanne Atieno J 82,805 993,660 4,000 1,007,660
4 8 0
2015013325 2467340 10,00
611 Juma Caroline Achieng J 82,805 993,660 4,000 1,007,660
2 2 0
2015013330 2612797
612 Muga Julius Okelo J 84,115 1,009,380 4,000 1,013,380
5 0
2015013348 2209111
613 Obunde Kennedy Omondi J 84,115 1,009,380 4,000 1,013,380
5 7
2015014706 2363207
614 Ogallo Clifford Omondi J 84,115 1,009,380 4,000 1,013,380
9 1
2015014714 2446861
615 Dome Evans Agola J 81,955 983,460 4,000 987,460
9 5

2015014743 2858579
616 Ayodo Charchil Onyango J 85,115 1,021,380 4,000 1,025,380
4 9
2015014749 3416365
617 Okoth Mercy Apiyo J 82,115 985,380 4,000 989,380
8 0
2016012850 Antipas
618 7950044 Ochieng Dick J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
3 Obel
2016012937 2458520 10,00
619 Adhanja Huldah Anyango J 82,805 993,660 4,000 1,007,660
7 3 0
2016012979 2861541
620 Makonjio Everlyne Milima J 95,115 1,141,380 4,000 1,145,380
7 5
2016015060 2562562
621 Anyona Briton Susan J 82,115 985,380 4,000 989,380
3 5
2016015082 2220482 10,00
622 Michira Samuel Machogu J 84,562 1,014,744 4,000 1,028,744
7 9 0
2016015102 2960574
623 Itemere Naves Shilly J 84,115 1,009,380 4,000 1,013,380
0 7
2016015105 2716728
624 Ochieng Cosmas Ouma J 80,955 971,460 4,000 975,460
7 0
2016015352 3030570
625 Okoth Cynthia Adhiambo J 82,712 992,544 4,000 996,544
4 4
2016015365 2524098 10,00
626 Miriam Kemunto Nyambane J 81,402 976,824 4,000 990,824
9 8 0
2011000824 2257108
627 Agar Joan Akinyi J 90,290 1,083,474 4,000 1,087,474
3 6
2016016968 2498932
628 Elime Adeline Andia J 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
4 4
2016015364 2597498
629 Nyarato Penina Auma J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
0 0
2016015051 2526783
630 Owuor Roselyne Apondi J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
4 5
2016015049 2744509
631 Oketch George Onyango J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
8 3
2016012887 2135173
632 Odero Enock Oduor J 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
0 3
2015013300 2842713
633 Omollo Velma Adhiambo J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
1 0
2015013299 3283311
634 Nahashon Aisha Celestine J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
7 8
2015012082 1259795
635 Odiwuor Edward Aseda J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
6 2
2015012050 2756895
636 Okungu Paul Otieno J 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
4 5
2015011769 2847259
637 Opar David Ochieng J 45,427 545,124 4,000 549,124
6 5
2015006517 2869960
638 Owuor Charly Fredrick J 45,427 545,124 4,000 549,124
9 2
639 Reagan Otieno Abade J 43,782 525,384 5,000 530,384
640 Pauline Awuor Onyango J 78,537 942,444 4,000 946,444
2228030 Chepngetic 10,00
641 Beatrice J 82,867 994,404 4,000 1,008,404
4 h 0
2182669 10,00
642 Gordon Kisienya J 85,482 1,025,784 4,000 1,039,784
1 0
643 Fredrick Okeyo J 79,782 957,384 4,000 961,384
644 Mary Goretty Akinyi J 82,782 993,384 4,000 997,384
645 Syrack Ouma Omwono J 84,782 1,017,384 4,000 1,021,384
2403621 10,00
646 Jared Amata J 86,632 1,039,584 4,000 1,053,584
0 0
647 Diana Akinyi Matengo J 85,782 1,029,384 4,000 1,033,384

648 Alakah Moses Odhiambo J 62,782 753,384 4,000 757,384
649 Alfayo Ochieng Gwara J 85,782 1,029,384 5,000 1,034,384
650 Alice Ruguru Kiarie J 85,782 1,029,384 4,000 1,033,384
651 Grace Wambui Njigua J 77,712 932,544 4,000 936,544
652 Mary Anyango Ochola J 84,782 1,017,384 4,000 1,021,384
653 Agnes Akinyi Otieno J 84,632 1,015,584 4,000 1,019,584
654 Everlyne Akinyi Mboga J 85,632 1,027,584 5,000 1,032,584
655 Ezekiel Ochieng Ogalo J 82,185 986,220 4,000 990,220
656 Bonface Okoth J 43,782 525,384 5,000 530,384
657 Benson Ouma Oketch J 43,782 525,384 5,000 530,384
658 2007014830 Onditi Beatrice Atieno H 34,930 419,160 4,000 423,160
659 2007054731 Kandie Willy H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
2065557 10,00
660 2007055850 Akoth Nelson Asino H 74,430 893,160 4,000 907,160
0 0
661 2007055923 Apondi Leonard Odhiambo H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
2016020448 3042404
662 Ouma Fredrick Onyango H 31,630 379,560 4,000 383,560
2 7
663 2007056204 Kemoli Phanice Misigo H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
664 2009059137 Karia Caleb Leteipa H 76,930 923,160 4,000 927,160
665 2009068233 Oloo Belinda Anyango H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
666 2009070434 5958148 Mboya Joab Arose H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
667 2009070484 Ojijo Josephine Adhiambo H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
2206797 10,00
668 2009070939 Owango Malex Otieno H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
6 0
1138323 10,00
669 2009071642 Ochieng Roseline Adhiambo H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
8 0
2148957 10,00
670 2009076498 Shunet Rachel Naipanoi H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
1 0
671 2009076503 Kangogo Miriam Komen H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
672 2009076537 Chelagat Jane Jepkoros H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
673 2009076553 Mbasu Linet Musanga H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
1365515 10,00
674 2009077698 Otieno Calvines Ochor H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
0 0
675 2009078741 Maucha Penninah Anyango H 102,930 1,235,160 4,000 1,239,160
676 2009101803 Obare Daniel Onchagwa H 87,930 1,055,160 4,000 1,059,160
2242590 Lillian
677 2009103075 Tabu Nancy H 87,930 1,055,160 4,000 1,059,160
2 Sewe
678 2009103407 Ochieng Stephen Oyare H 87,930 1,055,160 4,000 1,059,160
679 2009104283 Kerepei James Kibet H 87,930 1,055,160 4,000 1,059,160
680 2009105085 Birundu Jared Ondimu H 87,930 1,055,160 4,000 1,059,160

681 2009105815 Ochola Tobias Omondi H 87,930 1,055,160 4,000 1,059,160
682 2009106829 9628654 Audi Jane Ogaye H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
2211364 10,00
683 2009107388 Ong'ondi Omwega Alfayo H 76,500 918,000 4,000 932,000
0 0
2343548 10,00
684 2009107558 Rugut Martha Cherono H 76,500 918,000 4,000 932,000
4 0
685 2009107744 Odhiambo Judith Akinyi H 76,500 918,000 4,000 922,000
686 2009113274 Nyanduko Christine Omweri H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
687 2009113313 Misesi Elijah Mogoi H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
1092874 10,00
688 2009113923 Ogasa Elijah Ogasa H 76,500 918,000 4,000 932,000
8 0
2103516 10,00
689 2009114327 Ochola Jane Akinyi H 74,430 893,160 4,000 907,160
3 0
2079815 10,00
690 2009114335 Akoth Lillian Ododa H 74,430 893,160 4,000 907,160
1 0
1128283 10,00
691 2009114377 Guya Phares Oloo H 74,430 893,160 4,000 907,160
6 0
692 2009115268 Osuku Fake Onsongo H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
2283703 10,00
693 2009115323 Otieno Luke Amayo H 77,620 931,440 4,000 945,440
6 0
2184336 10,00
694 2009115331 Nyabwa Margaret Auma H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
4 0
695 2009115365 8997160 Okech Phoebe Atieno H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
1323873 10,00
696 2009115373 Juma Teresa Ware H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
5 0
2249768 10,00
697 2009115569 Ratemo Evans Okemwa H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
9 0
2225012 10,00
698 2009119199 Rotah Joy Akinyi H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
7 0
699 2009127053 Nduri RensNovin Ochieng H 74,430 893,160 4,000 897,160
2053394 10,00
700 2009134602 Ager Nixon Aike H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
9 0
2137535 10,00
701 2009135111 Okumu Rolline Adhiambo H 73,270 879,240 4,000 893,240
6 0
702 2009136777 9917900 Sayo Janet Mmbai H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
1139356 Monica 10,00
703 2009136785 Ojwando Elizabeth H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
4 Auma 0
704 2009136793 7972916 Simiyu Filister Nangila H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
705 2009137480 Ngonga Rose Atieno H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
2003146 Chepng'etic
706 2009137545 Chumo Betty H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
8 h
707 2009137553 Walela Leonard Mayeku H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
1389355 Christophe
708 2009138096 Alosi Odoyo H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
2 r
709 2009138397 Aoro Joan Awuor H 76,500 918,000 4,000 922,000
710 2009139424 Nalianya Doreen Naliaka H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
711 2009139432 Koinange Annah Margy H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
1454911 10,00
712 2009140556 Amimo Asenath Atieno H 76,500 918,000 4,000 932,000
1 0

713 2009140949 Mose Divon Omari H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
714 2010038186 Aloo Duncan Odhiambo H 87,930 1,055,160 4,000 1,059,160
715 2010039310 Jalang'o Owino Daniel H 87,930 1,055,160 4,000 1,059,160
716 2010042965 Nyakundi Erick Mong'are H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
717 2010046228 Ariko Mercy Achieng H 74,930 899,160 4,000 903,160
718 2010047787 Owino Mourine Atieno H 76,930 923,160 4,000 927,160
719 2010056906 Aloo Zippora Awino H 87,930 1,055,160 4,000 1,059,160
720 2010056922 Atieno Rosejudy H 87,930 1,055,160 4,000 1,059,160
721 2010056930 Rapondi Irene Achieng H 87,930 1,055,160 4,000 1,059,160
722 2010058097 Machora Zipporah Bwari H 74,430 893,160 4,000 897,160
2269887 10,00
723 2010105234 Gitonga Nancy Kananu H 76,500 918,000 4,000 932,000
5 0
2293485 10,00
724 2010105242 Jepkorir Catherine Kong'a H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
5 0
725 2010121905 Odhiambo Samson Mboo H 70,300 843,600 4,000 847,600
726 2010124979 Obango Millicent Adhiambo H 32,650 391,800 4,000 395,800
727 2010126060 Ogeto Risper Nyakerario H 31,600 379,200 4,000 383,200
728 2010127480 Owino Gordon Otieno H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
729 2010127595 Otwane Fidelma Abere H 76,500 918,000 4,000 922,000
730 2010133229 Tindi Dan Owino H 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
731 2010139576 Onyango Hellen Awuor H 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
732 2010139932 6189288 Wasiaya Helda Anyango H 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
733 2010140933 Ongombe Caroline Achieng H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
734 2010141052 Omach Florence Achieng' H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
735 2010141206 Owino Jacklex Amondi H 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
736 2010141329 Okeyo Maxwel Odaga H 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
737 2010144092 Ouma Esther Akumu H 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
738 2010144759 Akuku Mildred H 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
739 2010144903 Ongonge Grace H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
740 2010145721 Mokonge Faith Moturi H 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
741 2010146222 9049358 Onyango Joseph Kaudo H 76,500 918,000 4,000 922,000

2018004813 2250355 Mohamme

742 Mustapha Mahmoud H 31,630 379,560 4,000 383,560
1 0 d
2015015481 2751346
743 Odhiambo Mourine Akinyi H 34,760 417,120 4,000 421,120
3 5
744 2010146638 Akello Lilian Adhiambo H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
745 2010148135 Nyamori Judith Adoyo H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440

746 2010149709 Kumba Maxwel Omondi H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
747 2010151332 Oketch Benter Atieno H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
748 2010152168 Otieno Georgina Achieng H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
749 2010153994 Bosire Tabitha H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
750 2010158570 Ochola Esther Achieng H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
751 2010158952 Anyango Maureen H 72,150 865,800 4,000 869,800
752 2010158994 Oloo Damaris Anyango H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
753 2010159005 Ochieng Marylove Akoth H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
754 2010159110 Anyango Scholastica H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
755 2010159631 Ndege Lilian Akinyi H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
756 2010159819 9182051 Opiyo Lilian Mabende H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440

757 2010159827 4863770 Atieno Rosemary H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440

758 2010162317 Odhiambo Jackline Achieng H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
759 2010164440 Odongo Christine Awour H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
760 2010164547 Auko Roseline H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
761 2010164555 Orwa Beatrice H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
762 2010164563 Awuor Mareen H 77,620 931,440 4,000 935,440
2285803 10,00
763 2010629122 Dollah Grace Atieno H 72,150 865,800 4,000 879,800
7 0
764 2010629406 Mochache Mark Maati H 87,930 1,055,160 4,000 1,059,160
2272809 10,00
765 2010629468 Onyonyi Denis Ooko H 78,780 945,360 4,000 959,360
0 0
2494681 10,00
766 2011011527 Ojwang Agnes Atieno H 82,078 984,936 4,000 998,936
7 0
767 2011240118 Odhiambo Francesca Akinyi H 29,630 355,560 4,000 359,560
768 2011307918 Obar Thadeus Otieno H 87,930 1,055,160 4,000 1,059,160
769 2011308002 Mogoi Elijah Omanga H 78,780 945,360 4,000 949,360
770 2011346755 Rabilo Wycliffe Ochieng H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
771 2011347147 Achieng Carolyne H 82,028 984,336 4,000 988,336
2144814 10,00
772 2011347185 Nyacharo Joyce Atieno H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
4 0
2424104 10,00
773 2011347623 Orimbo June Adhiambo H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
3 0
774 2011355336 Olengo Eucabeth Amollo H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
775 2011355494 Agutu David Mboya H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
2501752 10,00
776 2011359689 Okuja Calvince Odhiambo H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
8 0
777 2011360722 Nyongesa Joan Nasimiyu H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
2444550 10,00
778 2011361549 Okoth Vine H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
7 0

779 2011361765 Ogembo Hulda Okello H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
780 2011361772 Ooko Willis Omondi H 78,740 944,880 4,000 948,880
2513305 10,00
781 2011361809 Hongo Delphine Adhiambo H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
4 0
782 2011361998 Otieno Emily Achieng H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
783 2011362417 Okoyo Elector Adhiambo H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
784 2011363556 Owawa Beryl Ogola H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
785 2011363861 8133264 Oduor Susan Adongo H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
786 2011364239 Maraga Asha Aoko H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
787 2011364599 Ochieng Bernard Ouma H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
788 2011364695 Oguta Violet Awuor H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
789 2011364962 Ray Okinyi H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
790 2011365018 Opinde Dency Adhiambo H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
791 2011366099 Asugo Odhiambo Sammy H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
792 2011366157 Odhiambo Leornard H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
793 2011366342 Odhiambo John Kepher H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
794 2011366366 Ogola Joab Odhiambo H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
795 2011368239 Ascar Awuor H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
796 2011371194 Atieno Ochola Judith H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
797 2011376055 Ruth Achieng Samba H 73,800 885,600 4,000 889,600
798 2011376497 Kibogo Isaac Otieno H 74,850 898,200 4,000 902,200
799 2011376757 Erick Ouma Onyango H 76,940 923,280 4,000 927,280
800 2011376771 Esther Ometty Null H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
801 2011376788 Beatrice Akinyi Opiyo H 81,562 978,744 4,000 982,744
802 2011376839 Ochieng Basil Otieno H 78,940 947,280 4,000 951,280
1446153 10,00
803 2011377283 Luchera Janet H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
8 0
804 2011378257 Oduor Hesbon Odero H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
805 2011378346 Opar James Mboya H 78,940 947,280 4,000 951,280
1464258 10,00
806 2011380864 Koko Edwin Obreen H 80,790 969,480 4,000 983,480
0 0
807 2011381434 Apollo Kennedy Otieno H 73,600 883,200 4,000 887,200
808 2011413895 Oyoo Pacific Oyoo H 76,700 920,400 4,000 924,400
809 2011413922 7949718 Rajula Wilson Okoth H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
810 2011415782 Adhiambo Lizzy H 76,940 923,280 4,000 927,280
811 2011415922 Joseph Okombo Ojwang H 76,940 923,280 4,000 927,280

812 2011415939 Otago Domnic Odiwuor H 79,940 959,280 4,000 963,280
813 2011416869 Felix Omondi Mbago H 78,940 947,280 4,000 951,280
814 2011416876 Mito Ochieng Godwins H 73,800 885,600 4,000 889,600
815 2011417371 Niedlis Adhiambo Omune H 82,562 990,744 4,000 994,744
816 2011417542 Ochier Roseline Atieno H 77,310 927,714 4,000 931,714
2112507 10,00
817 2011418092 Ouma Beatrice Akoth H 77,826 933,906 4,000 947,906
3 0
818 2011419080 Okinyi Donely Felix H 78,940 947,280 4,000 951,280
2470088 10,00
819 2011419340 Kianda Herine Achongi H 56,500 678,000 4,000 692,000
1 0
820 2011419439 Juma Sylvia Amondi H 81,562 978,744 4,000 982,744
821 Olang' Collins Ouma H 72,319 867,822 4,000 871,822
2616925 10,00
822 2012037475 Atieno Obuya Everline H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
6 0
2469993 10,00
823 2012037684 Bosire Judith Moraa H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
3 0
1082395 10,00
824 2012051240 Bosibori Florence Mobe H 80,790 969,480 4,000 983,480
1 0
825 2013022992 Opiyo Valerie Akinyi H 86,770 1,041,240 4,000 1,045,240
826 2013023024 Akoo Timon Kwach H 86,770 1,041,240 4,000 1,045,240
2064507 10,00
827 2013025137 Nyamesy Benter Achieng H 77,620 931,440 4,000 945,440
2 0
2418118 10,00
828 2013025202 Oyier Millicient Anyango H 77,620 931,440 4,000 945,440
1 0
829 2013026478 Odongo Flevian Ochieng H 76,770 921,240 4,000 925,240
2324139 10,00
830 2013030167 Yoya Lillian Achieng H 73,270 879,240 4,000 893,240
8 0
2455308 10,00
831 2013030174 Oricha Mellynne Awuor H 77,620 931,440 4,000 945,440
7 0
2657011 10,00
832 2013030198 Orito Emily Moraa H 77,620 931,440 4,000 945,440
1 0
833 2013049419 Obiero Albetter Awuor H 86,770 1,041,240 4,000 1,045,240
834 2013049539 Obonyo Caroline Atieno H 82,420 989,040 4,000 993,040
835 2013112268 Ouma Eunice Awour H 78,980 947,760 4,000 951,760
2745478 10,00
836 2013112768 Oyiengo Lorian Akinyi H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
4 0
2780055 10,00
837 2013113516 Ouma Richard Bob H 77,826 933,906 4,000 947,906
4 0
2503535 Wamanon 10,00
838 2013113934 Duncan Komware H 82,078 984,936 4,000 998,936
1 o 0
2011000766 2003332 10,00
839 Ogaga Amos Onyango H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
6 1 0
2011000767 2205707 10,00
840 Oguta Alfred Osiko H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
5 9 0
2011000768 2256568 10,00
841 Ojuki Tobias Owino H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
4 5 0
2011000769 2453738 10,00
842 Opiyo Wicklif Onyango H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
3 6 0
2011000770 2741435 10,00
843 Ouma Evance Aron H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
0 9 0
2011000771 2537495 10,00
844 Mogaka John Kennedy H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
9 9 0

2011000773 2645741 10,00
845 Onyach Kennedy Owaga H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
7 1 0
2011000774 2705659 10,00
846 Nyakutu Julius Otieno H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
6 8 0
2011000776 1104897 10,00
847 Wasonga Victorine Awino H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
4 1 0
2011000777 1122984 10,00
848 Olewe Scholastica Akinyi H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
3 6 0
2011000778 2204551 10,00
849 Aluoch Daughty Atieno H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
2 7 0
2011000779 2478833 10,00
850 Omandi Zipporah Moraa H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
1 2 0
2011000780 2474598 10,00
851 Mungei Felister Sarange H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
8 8 0
2011000781 2471129 10,00
852 Okeyo Annette Anyango H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
7 3 0
2011000782 2540024 10,00
853 Oketch Mary Akinyi H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
6 2 0
2011000783 2564450 10,00
854 Agutu Diana Awuor H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
5 1 0
2011000785 2602055 10,00
855 Gunga Esther Achieng H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
3 7 0
2011000786 2742636 10,00
856 Bonareri Emily Kerubo H 85,212 1,022,544 4,000 1,036,544
2 5 0
2011000787 2745915 10,00
857 Onyango Lorine Atieno H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
1 0 0
2011000788 2645858 10,00
858 Abok Wendy H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
0 0 0
2011000789 2761889 10,00
859 Makori Daphine Moraa H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
9 1 0
2011000790 2716161 10,00
860 Achieng Jael Akoth H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
6 9 0
2011000791 2750257 10,00
861 Ogwela Masline Awuor H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
5 3 0
2011000792 2412381 10,00
862 Omurwa Hildah Kwamboka H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
4 6 0
2011000793 2600718 10,00
863 Nancy Awuor H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
3 7 0
2011000796 1059958
864 Onyango Mathews Ouno H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
0 0
2011000797 2110969
865 Osawo David Nyopah H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
9 9
2011000798 2183110
866 Adero Fredrick Oluoch H 83,362 1,000,344 4,000 1,004,344
8 9
2011000799 2267472
867 Andrew Odhiambo Wamalwa H 81,740 980,880 4,000 984,880
7 7
2011000801 2194573 Onyango
868 Oyoo George H 81,740 980,880 4,000 984,880
0 1 Ondijo
2011000803 2350204
869 Ogutu Kenneth Otieno H 79,533 954,390 4,000 958,390
8 3
2011000804 2416860
870 Onyach Martin Ouko H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
7 8
2011000806 2430757
871 Ojuka Shaban Odhiambo H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
5 1
2011000807 2473460 10,00
872 Tindi John Okelloh H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
4 3 0
2011000808 2643046
873 Ogelo Kennedy Ouma H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
3 0
2011000810 2532000
874 Ogola Erick Banda H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
9 0
2011000811 2634041
875 Lumumba Brian Aquino H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
8 4
2011000812 2704848
876 Omondi Francis Otieno H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
7 8
2011000813 2719806
877 Onyango Fredreck Otieno H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
6 8

878 6369739 Obat Grace Akoth H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
879 3439036 Onyango Elizabeth Achieng H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
880 1124946 Sylvester Jane Anyango H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
2011000818 1300636
881 Lumwachi Laura Monica H 83,362 1,000,344 4,000 1,004,344
1 4
2011000819 1319397
882 Ojalla Penina Odira H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
0 2
2011000820 1444490
883 Boloh Millicent Adhiambo H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
7 4
2011000821 2023106
884 Osida Edwiner Auma H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
6 6
2011000822 1464275
885 Agwanda Tabither Awino H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
5 7
2011000823 2215655 Emmaqula
886 Ojunga Anyango H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
4 3 te
2011000826 2267449
887 Okoth Everline Auma H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
1 5
2011000828 2411781
888 Oyieke Winnie Akinyi H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
9 7
2011000829 2446220
889 Ojunga Perez Atieno H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
8 6
2011000830 2525432
890 Kabaraka Anne Awuor H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
5 6
2011000831 2430045
891 Wakiaga Linda Awuor H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
4 9
2011000832 2466860
892 Nyimbaye Faith Georgine H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
3 6
2011000834 2524307 10,00
893 Eldah Mong'Ina Angwenyi H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
1 7 0
2011000835 2647308
894 Oyoko Grace Atieno H 79,533 954,390 4,000 958,390
0 1
2011000836 3087969
895 Ojala Veronica Akinyi H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
9 0
2011000838 2844792
896 Owuor Beryl Akinyi H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
7 7
2011000840 2790546
897 Florence Adongo H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
3 7
2011000841 2207211
898 Adhu Nathaniel Odayoh H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
2 5
2011000850 2743821 10,00
899 Onyango Florence Awuor H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
1 9 0
2011000860 3267016
900 Ochom Nancy Aoko H 77,126 925,506 4,000 929,506
9 8
2011000861 2400416
901 Odida Lencer Akinyi H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
8 2
2011000862 2042361
902 Aloo Claire Awino H 82,028 984,336 4,000 988,336
7 0
2013005270 2467336 10,00
903 Omwobo Lucy Ngeresa H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
1 9 0
2013005273 2294277 10,00
904 Juma Stephen Otieno H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
8 4 0
2013005274 2463518 10,00
905 Auka Lensa Atieno H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
7 6 0
2013005275 2453333 10,00
906 Odero Christabel Awuor H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
6 7 0
2013005277 2752961 10,00
907 Ogweno Evelyne Adhiambo H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
4 5 0
2013005278 2638608 10,00
908 Gichia Teresa Wairimu H 80,221 962,652 4,000 976,652
3 0 0
2013005280 2595697 10,00
909 Amondi Millicent Akinyi H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
9 5 0
2013005350 10,00
910 2288756 Odote Enid Atieno H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
2 0

2014008169 2790874 10,00
911 Orimba Elvis Odhiambo H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
8 5 0
2014008170 2611825 10,00
912 Ogalloh Scholar Phelisters H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
5 0 0
2014008171 2704414 10,00
913 Owade Jecinter Auma H 82,590 991,080 4,000 1,005,080
4 6 0
2014008173 2574578
914 Muga Victor Omondi H 91,740 1,100,880 4,000 1,104,880
2 9
2014008174 2511827
915 Owuor Victor Ochieng H 90,533 1,086,390 4,000 1,090,390
1 9
2014008175 2626306 Orwara
916 Stephen Ombeke H 80,740 968,880 4,000 972,880
0 3 Barnabus
2014010818 2476452 10,00
917 Ojwang Mercy Anyango H 85,212 1,022,544 4,000 1,036,544
5 7 0
2014012672 2813920
918 Okoth Sheryl Darline H 40,310 483,714 4,000 487,714
7 9
2014012674 2432995
919 Yogo Dancan Odhiambo H 36,940 443,280 4,000 447,280
5 6
2014012675 2516402 10,00
920 Apunda Hilary Ochieng H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
4 5 0
2014012677 2739920
921 Jemaiyo Sharon Andiva H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
2 2
2014012678 2753784
922 Aswani Josephine Adipo H 74,480 893,760 4,000 897,760
1 2
2014012697 2515618
923 Athero Everline Atieno H 91,228 1,094,736 4,000 1,098,736
8 2
2014012699 2777850
924 Cyrila Akinyi H 75,976 911,706 4,000 915,706
6 5
2015005038 2089006
925 Muga Akinyi Caroline H 79,562 954,744 4,000 958,744
3 5
2015006379 10,00
926 6831712 Gichuki Mary Wanjiru H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
1 0
2015006380 1002791 10,00
927 Buore Agnes Adhiambo H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
8 5 0
2015006381 1179900 10,00
928 Osanga Beatrice Achieng H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
7 4 0
2015006382 1293142 10,00
929 Amuti Rosline Awuor H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
6 9 0
2015006383 1357064 10,00
930 Omondi Linet Adhiambo H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
5 2 0
2015006384 1319479 10,00
931 Kelly Lilian Adhiambo H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
4 5 0
2015006385 1455602 10,00
932 Mokua Getrude Zida H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
3 7 0
2015006386 2139320 10,00
933 Nyambok Millicent Achieng H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
2 4 0
2015006387 2219194 10,00
934 Otieno Alex Odhiambo H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
1 1 0
2015006388 2234648 10,00
935 Doto Erick Omondi H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
0 9 0
2015006390 2215089 10,00
936 Omondi Bob Fredrick H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
6 8 0
2015006391 2231982 10,00
937 Okoth Anyango Cycylia H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
5 9 0
2015006392 2242342 10,00
938 Oluoch Josephine Adhiambo H 83,412 1,000,944 4,000 1,014,944
4 8 0
2015006393 2326902 10,00
939 Marire Evaline Akinyi H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
3 1 0
2015006394 2324789 10,00
940 Owango Mark Ochieng H 83,412 1,000,944 4,000 1,014,944
2 9 0
2015006395 2423828 10,00
941 Ongina Christine Aluoch H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
1 5 0
2015006396 2276643 10,00
942 Owino Dancan Juma H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
0 9 0
2015006397 2378931 10,00
943 Manema Dorothy Atieno H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
9 3 0

2015006398 2359491 10,00
944 Ojijo Susan Adongo H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
8 9 0
2015006399 2398657 10,00
945 Orucho Briton Odhiambo H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
7 6 0
2015006400 2523521 10,00
946 Aoko Phoebe Adhiambo H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
1 2 0
2015006401 2405417 10,00
947 Orinde Kevin Odhiambo H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
0 0 0
2015006402 2356754 10,00
948 Juma Carolyne Atieno H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
9 7 0
2015006404 2469894 10,00
949 Okello Olivia Achieng H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
7 9 0
2015006405 2402318 10,00
950 Koko Eileen Linda H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
6 8 0
2015006406 2527839 10,00
951 Odieny Everlyne Akinyi H 76,538 918,450 4,000 932,450
5 9 0
2015006407 2446419 10,00
952 Oongo Jacob Tindi H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
4 2 0
2015006408 2458896 10,00
953 Ochola Nickson Omondi H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
3 0 0
2015006409 2529513 10,00
954 Ouko Jared Oyoo H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
2 0 0
2015006410 2419931 10,00
955 Oguta Brian Samuel H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
9 3 0
2015006411 2466668 10,00
956 Muga Lazarus Okech H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
8 8 0
2015006412 2508477 10,00
957 Ojwando Wycliffe Ochieng H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
7 7 0
2015006413 2454418 10,00
958 Ogutu Molly Awuor H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
6 7 0
2015006414 2467789 10,00
959 Oyier Effie Awuor H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
5 3 0
2015006415 2496964 10,00
960 Okidi Mercyline Anyango H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
4 0 0
2015006416 2571901 10,00
961 Got Joan Awuor H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
3 5 0
2015006417 2513945 10,00
962 Bunde Elijah Kisege H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
2 8 0
2015006418 2705654 10,00
963 Mwaya Felix Omondi H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
1 4 0
2015006419 2762940 10,00
964 Oloo Arthur Otula H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
0 6 0
2015006420 2529531 10,00
965 Onyango Aketho Rebeccah H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
7 4 0
2015006421 2565327 10,00
966 Nyabolah Florence Akinyi H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
6 7 0
2015006422 2587556 10,00
967 Okoko Benard Otieno H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
5 1 0
2015006423 2578672 10,00
968 Singh Maulvine Akoth H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
4 1 0
2015006424 2599797 10,00
969 Akoko Zipporah Agather H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
3 8 0
2015006425 2596712 10,00
970 Kolingo Peter Omondi H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
2 4 0
2015006426 2612309 10,00
971 Nyanjong Victor Otieno H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
1 1 0
2015006427 2725665 10,00
972 Okumu Irene Adhiambo H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
0 7 0
2015006428 2658244 10,00
973 Odhiambo Nickson Otieno H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
9 6 0
2015006429 2580256 10,00
974 Gogo Esther Anyango H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
8 6 0
2015006430 2745475 10,00
975 Okumu Sylvester Onyango H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
5 2 0
2015006431 2628780 10,00
976 Owaka Iscah Anyango H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
4 6 0

2015006432 2564970 10,00
977 Ouma Irine Akinyi H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
3 9 0
2015006433 2704912 10,00
978 Omollo Erick Ouma H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
2 7 0
2015006434 2543366 10,00
979 Ochieng Bolivers Otieno H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
1 3 0
2015006435 2596922 10,00
980 Odul Winnie Awuor H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
0 0 0
2015006436 2536752 10,00
981 Ongori Jemima Ruth H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
9 1 0
2015006437 2822806 10,00
982 Adongo Luwiza Anyango H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
8 2 0
2015006438 2580278 10,00
983 Olale Wyclife Odiwuor H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
7 7 0
2015006439 2597080 10,00
984 Njoga Irine Awuor H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
6 1 0
2015006440 2614581 10,00
985 Odhiambo Mercy Awuor H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
3 1 0
2015006441 2723605 10,00
986 Omiti Christine Akoth H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
2 1 0
2015006442 2743436 10,00
987 Atieno Christine M H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
1 4 0
2015006443 2770181 10,00
988 Okombo Leticia Pilly H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
0 3 0
2015006445 2712750 10,00
989 Odhiambo Irene Awuor H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
8 9 0
2015006447 2807437 10,00
990 Otieno Calmax Odhiambo H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
6 4 0
2015006448 2779633 Emmardic 10,00
991 Okeyo Otieno H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
5 3 k 0
2015006449 2754326 10,00
992 Amolo Quinta Anyango H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
4 7 0
2015006450 2722936 10,00
993 Okeyo Atieno Ruth H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
1 4 0
2015006451 2708229 10,00
994 Sadia Pauline H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
0 2 0
2015006452 2760972 10,00
995 Ogwang Tanzime Achieng H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
9 2 0
2015006454 2788833 10,00
996 Akumu Harriet H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
7 3 0
2015006455 2790300 10,00
997 Ouma Job Onyango H 83,412 1,000,944 4,000 1,014,944
6 1 0
2015006456 2797267 10,00
998 Odero Sharon Atieno H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
5 2 0
2015006457 2808413 10,00
999 Omuono Emily H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
4 0 0
100 2015006458 2817744 10,00
Okumu Judith Aluoch H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
0 3 3 0
100 2015006460 2806879 10,00
Were Edith Atieno H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
1 9 4 0
100 2015006461 2858840 10,00
Ochieng Jackline Awuor H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
2 8 8 0
100 2015006462 2807651 10,00
Ayugi Irene Apondi H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
3 7 0 0
100 2015006463 2881139 10,00
Osuri Ruth Margaret H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
4 6 6 0
100 2015006464 2889697 10,00
Ogayo Krinolyne Atieno H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
5 5 0 0
100 2015006465 2846735 10,00
Peterson Brenda Aoko H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
6 4 6 0
100 2015006466 2836384 10,00
Marango Achieng Vivian H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
7 3 7 0
100 2015006482 1318771
Agar Risper Auma H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
8 3 6
100 2015006495 2254264 10,00
Obuola Milicent Atieno H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
9 8 4 0

101 2015006496 2629480 10,00
Owuor Sheila Achieng H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
0 7 8 0
101 2015006519 2598570 10,00
Ouma Lilian Awuor H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
1 7 6 0
101 2015007711 2834100
Onduru Aoko Rosemary H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
2 5 6
101 2015007718 2626313
Otieno Christine Akinyi H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
3 8 8
101 2015007724 2787713
Ondenge Dancun Otieno H 78,733 944,790 4,000 948,790
4 0 0
101 2015007738 2796737
Atieno Jane H 79,562 954,744 4,000 958,744
5 4 3
101 2015007739 2788643
Aredha Everline Awuor H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
6 3 0
101 2015007740 2796563
Obinga Sheila Akinyi H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
7 0 5
101 2015007742 2713196
Adika Agnes Awuor H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
8 8 1
101 2015007743 2761324
Odero Penina Omuga H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
9 7 2
102 2015007744 2664591
Getanda Fanice Moraa H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
0 6 1
102 2015007745 2524351
Otieno Awuor Wilkister H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
1 5 0
102 2015007746 2717569
Otieno Malachi Osoo H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
2 4 4
102 2015007747 2773708
Ogutu Beatrice Akinyi H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
3 3 7
102 2015007748 2674550
Ondeyo Margaret Achieng H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
4 2 8
102 2015007749 2474694
Olumo Quinter Akoth H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
5 1 3
102 2015007750 2505812
Tsum Victor Onyango H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
6 8 6
102 2015007751 2502141
Okidia Donnald Okello H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
7 7 6
102 2015007752 2424732
Obunge Christabel Atieno H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
8 6 3
102 2015007753 2474127
Ouma Damaris Adoyo H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
9 5 2
103 2015007754 2460016
Ayussa Dennis Nyachae H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
0 4 8
103 2015007755 2535952
Odida Phanuel Omondi H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
1 3 3
103 2015007756 2829801
Okonjo Emily Anyango H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
2 2 8
103 2015007757 2424091
Odul Martha Awino H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
3 1 2
103 2015007758 2379432
Bonyo Joshua Rume H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
4 0 6
103 2015007759 2335278
Okumu Ezekiel Ochieng H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
5 9 5
103 2015007760 2307954
Ondere Elizabeth Ogada H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
6 6 3
103 2015007761 2417796
Ooko Florence Wanjiru H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
7 5 7
103 2015007762 2233181
Okoto Toris Omondi H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
8 4 1
103 2015007763 2276590
Odhiambo Everlyne Awuor H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
9 3 4
104 2015007764 2238131
Okeyo Emily Achieng H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
0 2 2
104 2015007765 2001094
Atieno Mirriam Yvonne H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
1 1 0
104 2015007766 2275630
Biginga Philip Kwach H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
2 0 6

104 2015007767 1318721
Odero Tobias Otieno H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
3 9 0
104 2015007779 2410163
Omboga Ezekiel Omonyi H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
4 5 2
104 2015007781 2844677
Ochieng Caleb Ochieng H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
5 1 0
104 2015007782 2754392
Ouko Phanice Atieno H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
6 0 3
104 2015007784 2404976
Owuya Kenn Mitrones H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
7 8 6
104 2015007785 3390458
Adhiambo Lydiah H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
8 7 7
104 2015007786 2735810
Okoth Everlyne Oyuko H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
9 6 7
105 2015007787 2805997
Mbaka Lillian Atieno H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
0 5 3
105 2015007790 2747969
Agutu Felix Were H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
1 0 8
105 2015007791 2705656
Ogalo Maurice Ouko H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
2 9 9
105 2015007792 2620815
Mayuya Ruth Moraa H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
3 8 4
105 2015007793 2625388
Rieko Joan Achieng H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
4 7 9
105 2015007794 2635653
Ouma Churchil Onyango H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
5 6 0
105 2015007795 2623010
Odiembo Fredrick Otieno H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
6 5 9
105 2015007797 2602807
Ogalo Michael Oluoch H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
7 3 4
105 2015007798 2711479
Onyango Jared Odhiambo H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
8 2 7
105 2015007799 2523010 Emmaculat
Ajwang Adhiambo H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
9 1 1 e
106 2015007800 2636634
Juma Samwel Omondi H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
0 5 8
106 2015007803 2604735
Ogutu Ochieng Jacob H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
1 2 5
106 2015007805 2475351
Mwai Tabitha Auma H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
2 0 4
106 2015007808 2461475
Adika Victor Okoth H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
3 7 3
106 2015007809 2487035
Ogweno Fredrick Odhiambo H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
4 6 5
106 2015007810 2481396
Oluoch Winnie Akinyi H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
5 3 9
106 2015007811 2457172
Ochieng John Kichana H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
6 2 5
106 2015007812 2424209
Oyugi Jeremiah Ochieng H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
7 1 3
106 2015007814 2416503
Adede Dynamight Odiwuor H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
8 9 4
106 2015007816 2289548
Mainga Lynn Akinyi H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
9 7 2
107 2015007818 2100015
Bonyo Robert Odoyo H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
0 5 4
107 2015007819 2925090
Oluoch Philip Mbom H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
1 4 7
107 2015007820 3116474 10,00
Oteng Everlyne Awuor H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
2 1 5 0
107 2015007821 2810262 Akicho
Ochieng Erick H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
3 0 3 Otieno
107 2015007822 2801158
Clement Linet Belinder H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
4 9 1

107 2015007823 2811046
Mwaya Paul Otieno H 89,940 1,079,280 4,000 1,083,280
5 8 5
107 2015007825 2748718
Ochonjo Linda Auma H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
6 6 6
107 2015007826 2724022
Odongo Moses Odira H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
7 5 9
107 2015007827 2777253
Onjiro Benard Otieno H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
8 4 2
107 2015007828 2579534
Okoth Lazarus Okumu H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
9 3 4
108 2015007829 2588859 10,00
Akinyi Faith Denis H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
0 2 3 0
108 2015007830 2783975
Odipo Emma Awino H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
1 9 9
108 2015007831 2601268
Ouma Herbert Ochieng H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
2 8 0
108 2015007832 2543494
Okari Newborn Omonyi H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
3 7 4
108 2015007833 2628721
Omondi Lencer Achieng H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
4 6 2
108 2015007834 2660500
Ongoro Robert Otieno H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
5 5 7
108 2015007835 2526116 10,00
Anyange Caroline Atieno H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
6 4 6 0
108 2015007836 2716007
Lizanga Iratsya Calvin H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
7 3 1
108 2015007837 2511641
Ochieng Dickens Otieno H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
8 2 5
108 2015007838 2513981
Kawuor Benter Aline H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
9 1 7
109 2015007839 2511672
Ngicho Duncan Ngicho H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
0 0 4
109 2015007840 2438762
Machoka Vivianne Kwamboka H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
1 7 4
109 2015007841 2455496
Osumo Moses Otieno H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
2 6 3
109 2015007842 2400406 10,00
Aluoch Queenter Omollo H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
3 5 2 0
109 2015007843 2486868 10,00
Amolo Judith Akinyi H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
4 4 7 0
109 2015007844 2249153
Ogutu Daniel Odhiambo H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
5 3 2
109 2015007845 2299813
Nyambaga Daniel Okal H 92,562 1,110,744 4,000 1,114,744
6 2 8
109 2015007846 2223965
Odago Kennedy Ochieng H 83,319 999,822 4,000 1,003,822
7 1 2
109 2015007847 2204985
Oduogi John Roche H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
8 0 6
109 2015007849 2504191 10,00
Wewa Audrey Atsieno H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
9 8 8 0
110 2015007852 3302080
Orimba Queen Elizabeth H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
0 3 2
110 2015007854 2953215
Otieno Dennis Omuono H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
1 1 7
110 2015007855 2774246 10,00
Osore Mark Odulla H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
2 0 3 0
110 2015007856 2578126
Ochogo Fredrick Otieno H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
3 9 1
110 2015007857 2511423
Kichana Irene Akoth H 38,976 467,706 4,000 471,706
4 8 5
110 2015008492 3084676
Auma Fredrick Omondi H 78,733 944,790 4,000 948,790
5 3 7
110 2015008493
9227158 Wafula Beatrice Nandala H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
6 2
110 2015008494 3027052
Okebe Elijah Opiyo H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
7 1 1

110 2015008495 2962299
Odhiambo Phoebe Akinyi H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
8 0 8
110 2015008496 2865873
Mbago Patrick Onyango H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
9 9 0
111 2015008498 2934291
Uhuru Faith Beryl H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
0 7 4
111 2015008499 2853025 Carphew
Oyugi Mary H 78,733 944,790 4,000 948,790
1 6 4 Awuor
111 2015008500 2848184
Odero Molly Achieng H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
2 0 2
111 2015008503 2860082 10,00
Anyango Maryline Achieng H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
3 7 2 0
111 2015008505 2790397 10,00
Otieno Gerald Hindia H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
4 5 6 0
111 2015008506 2898921
Ojanji Beryl Achieng H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
5 4 3
111 2015008510 2782666 10,00
Akatch Victor Otieno H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
6 8 4 0
111 2015008512 2813680
Ojijo Vincent Odhiambo H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
7 6 5
111 2015008513 2728531
Matinde Mark Arao H 75,310 903,714 4,000 907,714
8 5 6
111 2015008515 2755415
Nyakundi Kemunto Eunice H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
9 3 2
112 2015008516 2747851
Onyono Nicholus Otieno H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
0 2 5
112 2015008517 2769258 10,00
Orwa Josiah Odhiambo H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
1 1 8 0
112 2015008518 2800109
Ingar Anyango H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
2 0 0
112 2015008523 2567222
Osewe Irene Akoth H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
3 3 0
112 2015008524 2714627
Liengo Nicholas Okello H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
4 2 9
112 2015008525 2712065
Okinyi Eunice Anyango H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
5 1 2
112 2015008526 2681834
Otieno Azenath Anyango H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
6 0 3
112 2015008527 2761713
Atieno Mildred O H 78,733 944,790 4,000 948,790
7 9 7
112 2015008528 2573602
Nguka Monica Achieng H 72,650 871,800 4,000 875,800
8 8 3
112 2015008529 2592631
Obiero Seth Osiro H 78,733 944,790 4,000 948,790
9 7 3
113 2015008530 2756804 10,00
Ocharo Dickson Enock H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
0 4 6 0
113 2015008531 2720419
Otieno Calvine Ochieng H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
1 3 5
113 2015008532 2708325
Okelo Evaline Adhiambo H 81,562 978,744 4,000 982,744
2 2 8
113 2015008534 2518174
Awino Victor Onyango H 74,480 893,760 4,000 897,760
3 0 0
113 2015008536 2685443
Nanda Naftali Odhiambo H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
4 8 9
113 2015008539 2530794
Osumba Erasik Jerry H 78,733 944,790 4,000 948,790
5 5 7
113 2015008541 2564517
Osongo Richard Odak H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
6 1 5
113 2015008542 2489927
Angar George Odhiambo H 78,733 944,790 4,000 948,790
7 0 1
113 2015008543 2515078
Ogweno Jael Akinyi H 78,733 944,790 4,000 948,790
8 9 8
113 2015008544 2460671
Abongo Godfrey Onyango H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
9 8 1
114 2015008545 2603145
Otieno Clifford Omondi H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
0 7 1

114 2015008547 2475304
Owino Eliver Adhiambo H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
1 5 3
114 2015008548 2454019
Kotewas Gabriel Otieno H 82,562 990,744 4,000 994,744
2 4 4
114 2015008550 2458766
Ayuka Erick Odhiambo H 93,712 1,124,544 4,000 1,128,544
3 0 1
114 2015008552 2454110
Njika David Ouma H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
4 8 9
114 2015008553 2461395
Ondenge Nelson Ogada H 74,480 893,760 4,000 897,760
5 7 8
114 2015008554 2381040
Otieno Mathews Paul H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
6 6 9
114 2015008555 2425395
Goroba Nelson Otieno H 78,733 944,790 4,000 948,790
7 5 7
114 2015008558 2463538
Owuonda Kennedy H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
8 2 8
114 2015008562 2350949
Odhiambo Millicent Auma H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
9 6 4
115 2015008564 2448995
Gichana Carolyne Moraa H 84,480 1,013,760 4,000 1,017,760
0 4 3
115 2015008565 2358922
Adiang Merolyne Aoko H 78,733 944,790 4,000 948,790
1 3 4
115 2015008566 2791488
Ondago Victor Odhiambo H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
2 2 7
115 2015008568 2294715
Ochoo George Odhiambo H 74,480 893,760 4,000 897,760
3 0 5
115 2015008570 2289604
Obunga Stephen Omondi H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
4 6 8
115 2015008574 2267991
Obonyo Duncan Bosire H 92,562 1,110,744 4,000 1,114,744
5 2 7
115 2015008577 2238799
Orwa Edner Akinyi H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
6 9 3
115 2015008579 2227500
Rapemo Lillian Atieno H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
7 7 4
115 2015008584 2233657
Ouma Irene Adhiambo H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
8 0 1
115 2015008587 2091042
Owino Linet Akinyi H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
9 7 1
116 2015008597
7296412 Manyaki Eliakim Nonkwe H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
0 5
116 2015010709 2351383
Okumu Kevin Omondi H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
1 2 3
116 2015010713 2314609
Ochieng Samora Omondi H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
2 6 0
116 2015010715 2319500
Ondiek Evans Odoyo H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
3 4 5
116 2015010717 2228707
Ochieng Teresa Awuor H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
4 2 6
116 2015010727 2801624
Lenya Nancy Adhiambo H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
5 0 2
116 2015010730 2449318
Oloo Phelly Achieng H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
6 5 0
116 2015010744 2565107
Nyambok Maureen Akinyi H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
7 9 2
116 2015010752 2134824
Okelo Simon Ogola H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
8 9 0
116 2015010756 2813919
Okundi Wycliffe Ochieng H 89,940 1,079,280 4,000 1,083,280
9 5 9
117 2015010761 2602522
Fwamba Nelsah Machuma H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
0 8 7
117 2015010772 2595522
Lango Queenter Akoth H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
1 5 4
117 2015010776 2961327 10,00
Aloo Dave Otieno H 83,412 1,000,944 4,000 1,014,944
2 1 2 0
117 2015010784 2376679
Okumu Remjius Nyangoro H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
3 1 3

117 2015010785 2788602 Chrisbonz
Odegi H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
4 0 1 o
117 2015010786 2747853
Oguta Moses Otieno H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
5 9 3
117 2015010787 2599839
Omolo Kennedy Angiko H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
6 8 5
117 2015011743 2077543
Ouma Nicholas Odhiambo H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
7 6 0
117 2015011744 2846885
Macrotat Linet Akinyi H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
8 5 5
117 2015011745 2456582
Ojijo Eddy Addoh H 74,480 893,760 4,000 897,760
9 4 1
118 2015011746 2271160 10,00
Ajwang Consolata H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
0 3 8 0
118 2015011748 2833831 Oundo 10,00
Winfred Faith H 75,330 903,960 4,000 917,960
1 1 0 Wewa 0
118 2015011749 1332624 10,00
Osiemo Stephen Omboga H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
2 0 3 0
118 2015011750 2644227
Kabasa Anyango Ebby H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
3 7 3
118 2015011751 2960863
Carolyne Nyaboke Gekonge H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
4 6 2
118 2015011753 2637034
Aloo Mary Awuor H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
5 4 5
118 2015011754 2855327
Abiero Robert Auma H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
6 3 6
118 2015011755 2744147
Odhiambo Kennedy H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
7 2 4
118 2015011756 2370699
Ojowi Beatrice Akinyi H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
8 1 8
118 2015011757 2705969
Mboya Tobias Ouma H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
9 0 9
119 2015011759 2784070
Were Fredrick Ouma H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
0 8 5
119 2015011760 2531236
Owino Odiwuor Timothy H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
1 5 9
119 2015011761 2518126
Omollo Judith Akinyi H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
2 4 5
119 2015011762 2768422
Shada Atieno Omar H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
3 3 6
119 2015011764 2767803
Okello Derrick Otieno H 71,480 857,760 4,000 861,760
4 1 6
119 2015011765 2292467 Wanyanch
Calvine Omondi H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
5 0 9 a
119 2015011770 2798710
Harun Diero Ajwang H 88,733 1,064,790 4,000 1,068,790
6 3 6
119 2015011771 2860096
Otieno Bill Cyril H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
7 2 3
119 2015011772 1259509 10,00
Kiyuka Grace Adoyo H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
8 1 5 0
119 2015011773 2855241
Aketch Willie Bonney H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
9 0 6
120 2015011777 2764796
Ochieng Ogola Martin H 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
0 6 9
120 2015012043 2897185
Odero Judith Awuor H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
1 3 4
120 2015012048 2355406 10,00
Ouko Evelyne Atieno H 74,169 890,022 4,000 904,022
2 8 2 0
120 2015012052 2757672
Olambo Fredrick Otila H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
3 2 4
120 2015012053 2655577
Ojwaya Otieno Gabriel H 70,319 843,822 4,000 847,822
4 1 7
120 2015012056 2240315
Odhiambo Appolyne Atieno H 72,319 867,822 4,000 871,822
5 8 2
120 2015012060 2268724
Oundo Monica Ajiambo H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
6 2 2

120 2015012063 2841444
Olambo Mourine Akoth H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
7 9 3
120 2015012071 2936471
Owuor Vider Apondi H 70,319 843,822 4,000 847,822
8 9 4
120 2015012075 2930761
Onyango Dorine Amondi H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
9 5 6
121 2015012080 2788083
Oketch Isaac Ochieng H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
0 8 1
121 2015012081 2497427
Omata Maurine Adhiambo H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
1 7 9
121 2015012086 2745032 Imwene
John Paul H 83,319 999,822 4,000 1,003,822
2 2 7 Omonding
121 2015012087 2856505
Odhiambo Jecyntah Akoth H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
3 1 6
121 2015012088 2785582
Nyunja Emily Atieno H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
4 0 4
121 2015012089 2803182 10,00
Onderi Lenah Ayora H 74,169 890,022 4,000 904,022
5 9 9 0
121 2015012090 2784853 10,00
Abungu Maureen Anyango H 74,169 890,022 4,000 904,022
6 6 5 0
121 2015012091 3014623
Onyango Beatrice Akoth H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
7 5 8
121 2015012092 2983095
Onyango Nancy Achieng H 70,319 843,822 4,000 847,822
8 4 2
121 2015012095 2926681 10,00
Odiwuor Linscot Odiwuor H 74,169 890,022 4,000 904,022
9 1 9 0
122 2015012097 1338102 10,00
Ogweno Beatrice Atieno H 74,169 890,022 4,000 904,022
0 9 0 0
122 2015012098 2706042 10,00
Omolo Erastus Amol H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
1 8 7 0
122 2015012099 2746263 10,00
Okeyo Christine Auma H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
2 7 0 0
122 2015012103 2821313
Odhiambo Francis Otieno H 77,571 930,852 4,000 934,852
3 8 1
122 2015013234 2712054
Mireri Edward Odhiambo H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
4 4 8
122 2015013235 2869014
Oluoch Rashid Odiwuor H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
5 3 9
122 2015013239 2382979
Kwedho Nelson Waka H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
6 9 3
122 2015013245 2482939 10,00
Odira Evance Ochieng H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
7 1 3 0
122 2015013246 2466298
Nyahuru Samwel Otieno H 72,319 867,822 4,000 871,822
8 0 6
122 2015013253 2470089
Wagumba Molly Atieno H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
9 1 3
123 2015013254 2722299
Ojwang Winnie Akello H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
0 0 5
123 2015013255 2792819
Dola Omuto Victoria H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
1 9 4
123 2015013257 2870879
Atieno Daisy Otieno H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
2 7 0
123 2015013259 2669338
Danga Beatrice Atieno H 76,940 923,280 4,000 927,280
3 5 0
123 2015013260 2616505
Omondi Job Wilson H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
4 2 6
123 2015013263 2240274
Olang Milkah Akinyi H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
5 9 9
123 2015013264 2369632 Cella
Okiki Mourine H 79,562 954,744 4,000 958,744
6 8 2 Achieng
123 2015013265 2319669
Matunga Akoth Damarice H 40,310 483,714 4,000 487,714
7 7 0
123 2015013278 2728031
Were Nick Otieno H 83,319 999,822 4,000 1,003,822
8 2 4

123 2015013280 2346516
Awandu Penina Akinyi H 89,940 1,079,280 4,000 1,083,280
9 8 9
124 2015013297 2918093
Achieng Eunice H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
0 9 4
124 2015013303 1455167
Awuor Serene Irene H 77,571 930,852 4,000 934,852
1 8 5
124 2015013304 2851194 10,00
Onyoo Kenedy Odiwuor H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
2 7 5 0
124 2015013306 2841713 10,00
Adhiambo Goretty Okunya H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
3 5 6 0
124 2015013309 2929743 10,00
Osano Emily Akoth H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
4 2 1 0
124 2015013310 2034066 10,00
Achiando Kenneth Otieno H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
5 9 6 0
124 2015013311 2852475 10,00
Aketch Caroline Akinyi H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
6 8 3 0
124 2015013312 2755728 10,00
Odhiambo Beryl Atieno H 74,169 890,022 4,000 904,022
7 7 0 0
124 2015013313 2851224 10,00
Okeyo Beatrice Achieng H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
8 6 3 0
124 2015013315 2346949 10,00
Nyatangi Milkah Nyaboke H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
9 4 5 0
125 2015013316 2772996 10,00
Orina Dennis Mireri H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
0 3 3 0
125 2015013317 2509006 10,00
Bundi Andrew Onyambu H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
1 2 7 0
125 2015013318 2859168 10,00
Ochuka Quinter Akinyi H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
2 1 1 0
125 2015013319 2793565 10,00
Okoth Rehema Achieng H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
3 0 5 0
125 2015013320 2791241 10,00
Nyiendo Divina Atieno H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
4 7 1 0
125 2015013321 2820784 10,00
Orimba Jane Akinyi H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
5 6 4 0
125 2015013322 2601351 10,00
Omolo David Otieno H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
6 5 1 0
125 2015013323 2323799 10,00
Odayo Edwina Atieno H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
7 4 3 0
125 2015013324 2585721 10,00
Michael Irine Adhiambo H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
8 3 4 0
125 2015013326 2856934
Okoth Rose Awuor H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
9 1 8
126 2015013327 2434892
Oima Brenda Awino H 78,940 947,280 4,000 951,280
0 0 5
126 2015013328 2840992
Ayuma Lilian Moraa H 72,319 867,822 4,000 871,822
1 9 6
126 2015013329 2856149
Awuor Nancy Ooko H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
2 8 8
126 2015013331 2839199
Ogutu Tobias Ochieng H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
3 4 3
126 2015013332 3012759
Odhiambo Margaret Vivian H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
4 3 9
126 2015013346 2652305 10,00
Fahima Akoth Yusuf H 80,790 969,480 4,000 983,480
5 7 6 0
126 2015013349 2249543
Oguta Jared H 79,562 954,744 4,000 958,744
6 4 8
126 2015013353 2780616
Odhiambo Brian Onyango H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
7 8 0
126 2015014235 3039867 10,00
Okech Dotrine Atieno H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
8 9 7 0
126 2015014239 2851771
Ogembo Larry Odhiambo H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
9 5 1
127 2015014240 2774961
Juma Fredrick Odhiambo H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
0 2 6
127 2015014244 2872553
Onyango John Oloo H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
1 8 9

127 2015014245 2617484 10,00
Henga Belinda Awuor H 74,169 890,022 4,000 904,022
2 7 3 0
127 2015014248 2519862 10,00
Nyakundi Edinah Kemunto H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
3 4 2 0
127 2015014250 2569612 10,00
Onyango Calvince Ochieng H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
4 0 7 0
127 2015014255 2497908
Agong Gradox Ochieng H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
5 5 9
127 2015014263 2448069 10,00
Odongo Philip Ywaya H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
6 5 9 0
127 2015014264 2480407 10,00
Owuor Millicent Akoth H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
7 4 5 0
127 2015014272 2225553
Owano Daniel Onyango H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
8 4 4
127 2015014276 2356696
Ochieng Nancy Atieno H 70,319 843,822 4,000 847,822
9 0 6
128 2015014691 2720041
Ochiewo Tabitha Achieng H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
0 9 6
128 2015014705 2272773 10,00
Omiti Jack Osumba H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
1 0 1 0
128 2015014707 2377279
Orawo Berine Achieng H 70,319 843,822 4,000 847,822
2 8 5
128 2015014708 2399969
Otieno Daniel Owino H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
3 7 5
128 2015014713 2359082
Ogalo George Otieno H 72,319 867,822 4,000 871,822
4 0 1
128 2015014716 2458771
Opudo Vincent Osumba H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
5 7 9
128 2015014719 2452360
Ombonya Paul Okinyi H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
6 4 2
128 2015014720 2463156
Airo Judith Atieno H 77,571 930,852 4,000 934,852
7 1 6
128 2015014722 2444993
Matiku Stellar Adhiambo H 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
8 9 5
128 2015014723 2465630
Gesaka Irene Kerubo H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
9 8 9
129 2015014724 2606036
Owuor George Odhiambo H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
0 7 0
129 2015014725 2609361
Olil Alfred Ouma H 83,319 999,822 4,000 1,003,822
1 6 5
129 2015014726 2602506
Okech Millicent Awino H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
2 5 0
129 2015014730 2615988
Osano Valary Atieno H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
3 9 8
129 2015014731 2564543
Nduto Gladys Mwikali H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
4 8 3
129 2015014734 2613437
Okwach Naphtaly Okoth H 70,319 843,822 4,000 847,822
5 5 9
129 2015014735 2777099
Onyango George Dete H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
6 4 4
129 2015014736 2751680
Abuto Jackline Anyango H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
7 3 9
129 2015014737 2845009
Mbara Pollyne Atieno H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
8 2 0
129 2015014738 2818202
Okomo Ray Oketch H 70,319 843,822 4,000 847,822
9 1 9
130 2015014739 2852771
Omae Kevin Matoke H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
0 0 5
130 2015014740 2751964
Nyakundi Bonface Getanda H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
1 7 3
130 2015014741 2844776
Odhiambo Robert Angir H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
2 6 3
130 2015014742 2845109
Ondeng' Collince Otieno H 83,319 999,822 4,000 1,003,822
3 5 2
130 2015014745 2865062 10,00
Muta Lizzy Achieng H 74,169 890,022 4,000 904,022
4 2 2 0

130 2015014747 3000191
Omondi Duncan H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
5 0 2
130 2016012858 1028755
Orony Milka Adoyo H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
6 5 4
130 2016012914 2308812
Otieno Benard Nyajemo H 72,319 867,822 4,000 871,822
7 4 1
130 2016012916 2335328 10,00
Onyango Caroline Akoth H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
8 2 9 0
130 2016012917 2338073
Odhiambo Christine Achieng H 35,050 420,600 4,000 424,600
9 1 3
131 2016012922 2382357 10,00
Nyakundi Linet Moraa H 74,169 890,022 4,000 904,022
0 4 1 0
131 2016012956 2612921
Orina Nancy Kerubo H 83,319 999,822 4,000 1,003,822
1 4 5
131 2016012965 2726871
Dwalloh George Banze H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
2 3 4
131 2016012968 2758012
Samba Maureen Auma H 70,319 843,822 4,000 847,822
3 0 4
131 2016012972 2798526
Angela Achieng Owigo H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
4 4 4
131 2016015059 2676257
Ogola Benard Ochieng H 75,733 908,790 4,000 912,790
5 6 0
131 2016015061 2179761
Oloo Mary Akoth H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
6 2 7
131 2016015062 2156738
Odhiambo Patroba Obonyo H 70,319 843,822 4,000 847,822
7 1 2
131 2016015063 2500218
Juma Nancy Akinyi H 70,319 843,822 4,000 847,822
8 0 5
131 2016015064 2788981
Adoyo Millicent H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
9 9 4
132 2016015065 2564412
Odhiambo Emily Aoko H 70,319 843,822 4,000 847,822
0 8 8
132 2016015077 2597868
Otieno Jacob Otieno H 83,319 999,822 4,000 1,003,822
1 4 8
132 2016015078 2475541
Odhiambo Joshua Onyango H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
2 3 2
132 2016015087 2335415
Ong'Ola Lencer Jaqueline H 77,571 930,852 4,000 934,852
3 2 1
132 2016015088 1301038
Ng'Eno Paul H 73,319 879,822 4,000 883,822
4 1 0
132 2016015089 2569578
Oyugi Mercy Atieno H 77,571 930,852 4,000 934,852
5 0 6
132 2016015090 3190321 Chepkemo 10,00
Cheborgei Stella H 74,169 890,022 4,000 904,022
6 7 9 i 0
132 2016015091 10,00
7953223 Odiango Johnson Owuor H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
7 6 0
132 2016015092 2486801 10,00
Mokaya Rose Nyambeki H 74,169 890,022 4,000 904,022
8 5 4 0
132 2016015093 2538356 10,00
Odongo Fredrick Otieno H 74,169 890,022 4,000 904,022
9 4 2 0
133 2016015094 2533442 10,00
Adumbo Mariane Awuor H 79,583 954,990 4,000 968,990
0 3 1 0
133 2016015095 2900927 10,00
Amondi Fanvivian Owuor H 74,169 890,022 4,000 904,022
1 2 6 0
133 2016015098 2477856
Mwango Nicholas Akuku H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
2 9 0
133 2016015099 2514227
Migwasi Peter Dete H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
3 8 8
133 2016015100 2309206
Odhiambo Kennedy Aduol H 76,571 918,852 4,000 922,852
4 2 3
133 2016015101 2635540
Abok Felix Onyango H 72,319 867,822 4,000 871,822
5 1 5
133 2016015103 3052912
Odundo Carren Anyango H 72,319 867,822 4,000 871,822
6 9 2
133 2016015104 3050364
Oduor Emmanuel Ebenezer H 72,319 867,822 4,000 871,822
7 8 3

133 2016015350 2983150
Agola Olgah Anyango H 73,467 881,604 4,000 885,604
8 6 3
133 2016015351 2965216
Kotingi Juliet Achieng H 73,467 881,604 4,000 885,604
9 5 2
134 2016015353 2984987
Okoth Oscar Omollo H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
0 3 2
134 2016015354 2936783 10,00
Oanga Vane Nyaboke H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
1 2 5 0
134 2016015359 2764172 10,00
Mokaya Onyando Cosmas H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
2 7 7 0
134 2016015361 2819358 10,00
Mogaka Lydia Moindi H 78,421 941,052 4,000 955,052
3 3 7 0
134 2016015366 2740358
Momanyi Dennis Ombongi H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
4 8 2
134 2016015368 2667853
Mboya Priska Akinyi H 70,319 843,822 4,000 847,822
5 6 1
134 2016015369 2526901
Bwana Rhoda Achieng H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
6 5 9
134 2016015370 2522041
Nyariki Jeremiah Otundo H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
7 2 8
134 2016015373 2480565 Andrew
Odhiambo Kevin H 72,319 867,822 4,000 871,822
8 9 9 Olang
134 2016015374 2373251
Omwoyo Hyden Chanchima H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
9 8 0
135 2016015376 2310645
Adoyo Juliet Peter H 74,571 894,852 4,000 898,852
0 6 9
135 2016016947 2778077
Abong'O Stephen Otula H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
1 9 9
135 2016016948 2723434
Awino Benard Odhiambo H 87,571 1,050,852 4,000 1,054,852
2 8 7
135 2016016973 2562655
Ojango Nancy Anyango H 53,319 639,822 4,000 643,822
3 7 6
135 2016015379 1021857
Apamo Dursila Apiyo H 18,250 219,000 4,000 223,000
4 3 2
135 2016015381
8584847 Amoth Maurice Okello H 15,250 183,000 4,000 187,000
5 9
135 2016016933 3254164
Ouma Moline Akoth H 40,310 483,714 4,000 487,714
6 5 8
135 2016016941 2460287
Oketch Evance Otieno H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
7 5 4
135 2016016945 3076311
Otieno Lameck Odoyo H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
8 1 3
135 2016015375 2482354
Emma Amayo H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
9 7 8
136 2016015356 3081178
Kapoka Winnie Apiyo H 34,571 414,852 4,000 418,852
0 0 6
136 2016012931 2443858 Immaculat
Okatch Ajwang' H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
1 3 3 e
136 2015014729 2529062
Akoth Millicent Atieno H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
2 2 1
136 2015014727 2595973
Omolo Peter Okelo H 40,310 483,714 4,000 487,714
3 4 3
136 2015014256 2506897
Ndinya Maximillar Akoth H 15,050 180,600 4,000 184,600
4 4 0
136 2015013337 2453304 Rachuony
Erick Gari H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
5 8 6 o
136 2015013335 2852404
Okinyi Isaiah Olang H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
6 0 6
136 2015012051 1466883
Atera Mathew Wesonga H 34,215 410,574 4,000 414,574
7 3 3
136 2015010770 2062615
Ojijo Walter Opiyo H 40,310 483,714 4,000 487,714
8 7 8
136 2015010711 2081054
Ogweno Zacharia Oluoch H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
9 8 0
137 2015008508 2781809
Mao Collins Rao H 38,733 464,790 4,000 468,790
0 2 4

137 2015007861 2467071
Odongo Diana Adhiambo H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
1 2 1
137 2014008166 3064047
Bwage Meresa Adhiambo H 38,740 464,880 4,000 468,880
2 1 2
137 2011000775 2627682
Mackambo Gibbons Otuoma H 42,590 511,080 4,000 515,080
3 5 3
137 2007888 10,00
Susan Akinyi Owidi H 78,237 938,844 4,000 952,844
4 7 0
137 2565434
Moses Ongonjo Juma H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
5 5
137 2543473
Emily M. Gichana H 77,537 930,444 4,000 934,444
6 3
137 2795137
Mercelyne Anyango Otieno H 72,537 870,444 4,000 874,444
7 6
137 3345148 Emmacula
Achieng H 72,537 870,444 4,000 874,444
8 2 te
137 2215568
Joel Onyango Mbega H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
9 5
138 2222095
Gideon Okoth Otieno H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
0 2
138 2074046
Caroline Akinyi Muga H 77,537 930,444 4,000 934,444
1 1
138 2582682
Jackline Achieng Ogwe H 72,537 870,444 4,000 874,444
2 3
138 2540605 10,00
Melvine Achieng Badia H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
3 8 0
138 2619384 10,00
Hillary Araka Ombogo H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
4 1 0
138 2.91E+0
Maurine Adhiambo Odera H 75,537 906,444 4,000 910,444
5 8
138 2708795
Mauleen Achieng Ogunda H 77,537 930,444 4,000 934,444
6 1
138 2461445
Caroline Atieno H 77,537 930,444 4,000 934,444
7 5
138 2841736
Kevin Mimba Odhiambo H 77,537 930,444 4,000 934,444
8 0
138 2442568
Aron Obop Jared H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
9 2
139 2020426
Calvine Onyango Aboto H 75,537 906,444 4,000 910,444
0 4
139 2963059
Erika Adhiambo Mboga H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
1 3
139 1260093
Solomon Otieno Okiro h 78,537 942,444 4,000 946,444
2 9
139 2404643
Velinter Awuor Otieno H 78,537 942,444 4,000 946,444
3 2
139 3030665 10,00
Yvonne Achieng Otieno H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
4 2 0
139 2579046
Evans Omondi Onduto H 77,537 930,444 4,000 934,444
5 4
139 2458924
Bolo Irene Akinyi H 83,537 1,002,444 4,000 1,006,444
6 1
139 2917421 10,00
Anthony Otieno Omulo H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
7 5 0
139 2477029
Elvis Kerabu Amenya H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
8 8
139 2471845 10,00
Charles Otieno Jairo H 76,282 915,384 4,000 929,384
9 7 0
140 2094432
Thomas Okeyo Adada H 75,432 905,184 4,000 909,184
0 3
140 2603384
Mark Odhiambo Nyagwala H 78,537 942,444 4,000 946,444
1 4
140 2402866
Jackline Makonjo Wekesa H 75,432 905,184 4,000 909,184
2 6
140 2.42E+0
Beatrice Akoth H 78,537 942,444 4,000 946,444
3 8

140 2161493
Dorothy T.Oundo H 77,537 930,444 4,000 934,444
4 6
140 2753998 10,00
Eunice Adhiambo Ogolla H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
5 7 0
140 2466678 10,00
Brandy Eunice Adero H 74,387 892,644 4,000 906,644
6 7 0
140 10,00
2583593 Faith Akinyi H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
7 0
140 2247052 10,00
Nancy Okiro Abuor H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
8 2 0
140 2444625
Achieng Beatrice H 77,537 930,444 4,000 934,444
9 0
141 3036872
Ochieng Kennedy Awino H 55,537 666,444 4,000 670,444
0 8
141 2542572 10,00
Presynph Omwoyo H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
1 5 0
141 2520462 10,00
Everlyne Chelangat H 74,387 892,644 4,000 906,644
2 6 0
141 3006317
Niva M. Onguso H 72,537 870,444 4,000 874,444
3 4
141 2183603 10,00
Charles Abanyi H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
4 4 0
141 2507659
Collins Odhiambo Oulo H 78,537 942,444 4,000 946,444
5 5
141 2295740
Delvine Achieng Ochola H 77,537 930,444 4,000 934,444
6 7
141 10,00
2351873 Jael Aoko Saoke H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
7 0
141 1259901
Mary Atieno Abayo H 75,537 906,444 4,000 910,444
8 8
141 2805537
James Okello Odak H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
9 9
142 2002074
Francis Otieno Ogola H 73,537 882,444 4,000 886,444
0 8
142 2679411 10,00
Linda Ajwang Kungu H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
1 3 0
142 2755658
Sergent Obuola H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
2 1
142 2873722 10,00
Hellen Atieno Awara H 74,387 892,644 4,000 906,644
3 4 0
142 2805363
Oyaro Fredrick Nyabuto H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
4 0
142 2725168 10,00
Michal Akinyi Mboya H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
5 1 0
142 2292777
Permenas Okoth Odero H 75,537 906,444 4,000 910,444
6 1
142 2200435 10,00
Jackline Benta Achieng H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
7 9 0
142 2611312 10,00
Maureen Anyango Ongonga H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
8 7 0
142 2271540 Nyakwamb
Linocent Adhiambo H 77,537 930,444 4,000 934,444
9 7 a
143 2674031
Oswago Aluoch Nancy H 78,537 942,444 4,000 946,444
0 9
143 2981745
Mutinda Wa Ngei H 79,537 954,444 5,000 959,444
1 7
143 2194081
Prisca Akinyi H 77,537 930,444 4,000 934,444
2 5
143 2814723 10,00
Domnic Juma H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
3 6 0
143 3044106
2017167503 Awuor Marren Achieng H 31,630 379,560 4,000 383,560
4 5
143 2369518 10,00
Timon Odago Ogembo H 74,387 892,644 4,000 906,644
5 0 0
143 2466041
James Owuor Okuku H 72,537 870,444 4,000 874,444
6 2

143 2780204
Nickson Machani Okanga H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
7 6
143 2232756
Linda Achieng Angudi H 77,537 930,444 4,000 934,444
8 1
143 2530764
Rachael Atieno Ojijo H 77,537 930,444 4,000 934,444
9 8
144 2030225 Washingto 10,00
James Otieno H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
0 6 n 0
144 2846579
Ruth Akoth Olwande H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
1 2
144 2333103 10,00
Hellen Bonareri Bita H 76,972 923,664 4,000 937,664
2 9 0
144 2840959
Daniel Otieno Okello H 76,122 913,464 4,000 917,464
3 2
144 2556085
Victor Omwenga Ombui H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
4 6
144 2197413 10,00
Elizabeth Akinyi Okoth H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
5 1 0
144 3009233
Robert Nyatieno Ouko H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
6 8
144 2180189
Clifford Arnold H 88,537 1,062,444 4,000 1,066,444
7 7
144 2842679 10,00
Emily Gacheri Muthee H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
8 9 0
144 2928917
Domnic Omondi Odhiambo H 78,537 942,444 4,000 946,444
9 2
145 2706458 10,00
Onyango Holayen Nyagol H 79,387 952,644 4,000 966,644
0 1 0
145 1164994 10,00
Miss. Hannah Wangio H 77,186 926,232 4,000 940,232
1 0 0
145 2525180 10,00
Marrion A. Guna H 85,482 1,025,784 4,000 1,039,784
2 4 0
145 2171790 10,00
Winfred Atieno H 81,632 979,584 4,000 993,584
3 2 0
145 2548362 10,00
Hapoline Apondi Awuor H 86,632 1,039,584 4,000 1,053,584
4 8 0
145 2536536 10,00
Kenneth Oluoch Olunja H 85,482 1,025,784 4,000 1,039,784
5 3 0
145 2403009 10,00
Molly Awuor Ochar H 86,632 1,039,584 4,000 1,053,584
6 9 0
145 2871547
Mwonya Malachi H 63,782 765,384 5,000 770,384
7 8
145 1365602
Daniel O. Onyango H 55,537 666,444 4,000 670,444
8 2
145 2868183
Oloo Linda Awuor H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
9 8
146 2801570
Nancy Ogunda H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
0 1
146 2227170
Dorothy Awuor Anyange H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
1 2
146 2016019176 2901576
Lillian Akoth Ayiera H 33,710 404,520 4,000 408,520
2 6 8
146 2831776
Aoko Donata Otieno H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
3 6
1979034741 6794220 Achieng Margaret Omolo G 37,250 447,000 4,000 451,000
1979137400 9792052 Arawo Alex Matinde G 37,250 447,000 4,000 451,000
1982092546 4857660 Ogutu Mary Adhiambo G 32,670 392,040 4,000 396,040
1982115289 738727 Onyalo Jane Aoko G 32,670 392,040 4,000 396,040
1984026444 7328667 Onyango Vitalice Obeto G 31,600 379,200 4,000 383,200
1984045058 5900042 Koguta Dengu Okello G 32,020 384,240 4,000 388,240

1985071832 6923161 Ondari David G 31,600 379,200 4,000 383,200
1986124670 8772163 Owade Mary Caroline G 31,600 379,200 4,000 383,200
1987076024 9048298 Oulo Samson Ooko G 37,250 447,000 4,000 451,000
1988111144 7483566 Awuonda Absalom Otieno G 31,600 379,200 4,000 383,200
1989141859 8533298 Malela Joseph Ochieng G 32,250 387,000 4,000 391,000
147 1009484
1990112952 Omburo Alice Akinyi G 37,250 447,000 4,000 451,000
5 1
147 1600210
1990113136 Were Sophia Achola G 35,280 423,360 4,000 427,360
6 2
1990114483 8539069 Kopudo Joseph Otieno G 32,250 387,000 4,000 391,000
1990138827 9123230 Jaleny Ismael Onyango G 32,670 392,040 4,000 396,040
1991002142 1592631 Ayieko Annah Ariyo G 32,250 387,000 4,000 391,000
148 1464226
2007074032 Wandae Paul Odhiambo G 37,280 447,360 4,000 451,360
0 1
148 1259388
2007074571 Obora Gilbert Onyango G 38,600 463,200 4,000 467,200
1 4
148 1455127 Akoth
2009078068 Oreti Rachel G 71,100 853,200 4,000 857,200
2 6 Ojwan'g
148 2337603 10,00
2009107760 Otieno Jackob Ologi G 75,450 905,400 4,000 919,400
3 1 0
148 2006881 10,00
2009113868 Mulama Albert Wamalwa G 75,450 905,400 4,000 919,400
4 3 0
148 2159016 10,00
2009113892 Mashiya Emmanuel Amutala G 75,450 905,400 4,000 919,400
5 5 0
148 1459084
2009115349 Ogana Pamela Adhiambo G 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
6 7
148 1306575
2009115624 Kimeli Noah Kipngeno G 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
7 2
148 1312513 10,00
2009135145 Opondo Nelson Asino G 75,450 905,400 4,000 919,400
8 7 0
148 1129667 10,00
2009137430 Mogusu Emily Moraa G 75,450 905,400 4,000 919,400
9 4 0
149 1270597
2009137498 Obondo Susan Achieng G 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
0 6
149 1382834
2009138703 Gowi Sarah Awuor G 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
1 5
149 1466324
2009138907 Tolo Hellen Awuor G 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
2 6
149 2095133
2009139220 Muganda Violet G 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
3 8
149 2229651
2009139246 Okeno Roselyne Munala G 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
4 6
2009139440 8018346 Elphas Nora Ongoche G 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
149 1123336
2009139482 Bakhuya Florence Masakhwe G 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
6 9
149 2352405 10,00
2010105276 Kahi Eleanor Makhungu G 75,450 905,400 4,000 919,400
7 0 0
149 2270006 10,00
2010105284 Chirchir John Cherutoi G 75,450 905,400 4,000 919,400
8 1 0
149 1002116 10,00
2010105292 Moreu Pamela G 75,450 905,400 4,000 919,400
9 9 0
150 2518130
2010125276 Ogutu Anne Atieno G 31,600 379,200 4,000 383,200
0 5
150 2351999
2010127561 Matara Linet Moraa G 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
1 8
150 2219209
2010127749 Osoro Lilllian Moraa G 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
2 6

150 2344091
2010127799 Onono Lilian Apondi G 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
3 5
150 2230289
2010127862 Limo Isaac G 75,450 905,400 4,000 909,400
4 6
150 2519976
2010131942 Otieno Stephen Owaka G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
5 8
150 2295352
2010133342 Osore Emelda Akinyi G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
6 4
150 2078249
2010133407 Nyakboyia Paul Omurusa G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
7 4
2010133465 5958736 Oteko Caroline Ogingo G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
150 2144595
2010136170 Olango Grace Auma G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
9 7
151 1338538
2010136196 Obonyo Florence Awino G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
0 0
151 2521685
2010138106 Adhiambo Irene Owiti G 73,680 884,160 4,000 888,160
1 9
151 2412721
2010139924 Magwanga Mercy Adhiambo G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
2 1
151 2390293
2010140048 Odhiambo Josphine Atieno G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
3 8
151 2267130
2010140543 Ageke Stephen Ochieng G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
4 9
151 2278124
2010140608 Abong Deborah Akinyi G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
5 1
151 2420612
2010140616 Okello Rael Auma G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
6 5
151 2184636
2010140721 John Millicent Akinyi G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
7 9
151 1318720
2010140917 Ondoro Jacob Owino G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
8 5
151 2434671
2010140925 Owidi Meresah Akoth G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
9 2
152 1139342 Wayoga
2010141028 Iscka Akinyi G 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
0 3 Elisha
152 1180180
2010141036 Ouko Jared Ochieng G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
1 1
152 2023847
2010141044 Nyandire Nancy Awino G 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
2 0
152 2183551
2010141060 Gor Sylvia Atieno G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
3 5
152 1096391
2010141078 Abuso Jacktone Omondi G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
4 4
152 2665285
2010141094 Otieno Rose Atieno G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
5 0
152 2227645
2010141109 Opiyo Linnet Semo G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
6 4
152 2426083
2010141117 Odhiambo Pevy Achieng G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
7 9
152 2174338
2010141191 Odhiambo John Sospeter G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
8 1
152 1454937
2010141345 Pondo Rose Anyango G 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
9 9
2010141476 5959682 Nyatol Mahalath Odero G 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
153 2212907
2010142016 Otiga Kennedy Otieno G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
1 9
153 2026254
2010142024 Omondi Eunice Atieno G 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
2 0
2010142082 1819888 Achieng Margaret G 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760
153 1079263
2010143224 Ussi Dorine Akinyi G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
4 2
153 2242691
2010143232 Agunga Melvin Anyango G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
5 8

153 2515877
2010143240 Isaac Lorna Anyango G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
6 1
153 2407653
2010144107 Olango Risper Akinyi G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
7 3
153 2239698 Nyancham
2010144911 Makori Faith G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
8 3 a
153 1163212
2010145014 Omune Maurice G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
9 4
154 1250952
2010145022 Gawo Joel Otieno G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
0 2
154 2224886
2010145030 Njira Linder Adhiambo G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
1 7
2010145268 1261351 Japheth Caroline Mwajuma G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
154 2013523
2010145739 Oware Seth Ochieng G 74,440 893,280 4,000 897,280
3 3
154 2020580 10,00
2010629088 Ongachi Beldinah Mulama G 75,450 905,400 4,000 919,400
4 3 0
154 2358863 10,00
2010629177 Orucho Margaret Bwari G 75,450 905,400 4,000 919,400
5 0 0
154 2415224 10,00
2010629242 Ratemo Hesbon Ondieki G 75,450 905,400 4,000 919,400
6 2 0
154 1338406 10,00
2010630710 Bugo Judith Atieno G 75,650 907,800 4,000 921,800
7 4 0
154 2608330
2011239575 Ochola Bob Otieno G 27,670 332,040 4,000 336,040
8 7
154 2235956
2011243500 Ojowi George Otieno G 34,020 408,240 4,000 412,240
9 1
155 2494229
2011353634 Obudho Esther Akinyi G 73,680 884,160 4,000 888,160
0 7
155 10,00
2011353785 8628405 Olaka Dolith Onyango G 79,117 949,404 4,000 963,404
1 0
155 2439766 Kwambok 10,00
2011354420 Musa Philes G 79,117 949,404 4,000 963,404
2 3 a 0
155 2495741
2011355470 Okinyi Kisakwa Collince G 78,267 939,204 4,000 943,204
3 1
155 2441323
2011380028 Josphat Elijah Otieno G 77,267 927,204 4,000 931,204
4 2
155 1377646
2011415511 Ogada Milka Achieng G 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
5 5
155 2387990
2011415542 Michael Alice Atieno G 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
6 5
155 2063109
2011417302 Beatrice Akinyi Onditi G 77,733 932,790 4,000 936,790
7 4
155 2250260
2012030552 Oriwa Calvin Omondi G 77,267 927,204 4,000 931,204
8 9
155 2011000800 2199789
Nyangute Seby Oketch G 75,267 903,204 4,000 907,204
9 1 3
156 2011000843 2509088 10,00
Ndire Edwin Owuor G 78,071 936,846 4,000 950,846
0 0 1 0
156 2011000845 1002679
Otieno Mary Ajwang G 77,267 927,204 4,000 931,204
1 8 7
156 2011000846 1374800 Ondara 10,00
Ong'Onga Moraa G 78,071 936,846 4,000 950,846
2 7 2 Risper 0
156 2011000847 2245952
Matiku Steller Marist G 79,533 954,390 4,000 958,390
3 6 7
156 2011000848 2339809 10,00
Nyakado Roselyne Awuor G 79,117 949,404 4,000 963,404
4 5 6 0
156 2015006376 2943364
Ochiegi Patrick Omondi G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
5 4 0
156 2015006493 2203514 10,00
Nyaolo Okoth Samwel G 76,271 915,246 4,000 929,246
6 0 5 0
156 2015006494 2424013 10,00
Pire Otieno Joseph G 76,271 915,246 4,000 929,246
7 9 7 0
156 2015007712 2743455
Ogwe Lorita Achieng G 70,168 842,016 4,000 846,016
8 4 9

156 2015007713 2784848
Olale Irine Akinyi G 70,168 842,016 4,000 846,016
9 3 1
157 2015007714 2814444
Otieno Isdora Awuor G 74,421 893,046 4,000 897,046
0 2 8
157 2015007715 2761357
Olango Hellen Atieno G 70,168 842,016 4,000 846,016
1 1 5
157 2015007716 2818728
Akongo Collins Danga G 70,168 842,016 4,000 846,016
2 0 8
157 2015007717 2786249
Odera Lilian Akinyi G 74,421 893,046 4,000 897,046
3 9 7
157 2015007719 2636827
Mbori Irene Aoro G 70,168 842,016 4,000 846,016
4 7 4
157 2015007720 2426296
Muga Edwiner Awuor G 70,168 842,016 4,000 846,016
5 4 6
157 2015007853 2976899
Opiyo Esther Bollen G 74,421 893,046 4,000 897,046
6 2 9
157 2015008537 2740837
Monyimbo Lilian Mogiti G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
7 7 7
157 2015010777 2837507
Obonyo Geoffrey Okoth G 70,168 842,016 4,000 846,016
8 0 7
157 2015010783 2849306
Amayo Millicent Achieng G 74,421 893,046 4,000 897,046
9 2 0
158 2015011752 2856918
Okuthe Godfrey Ochieng G 74,421 893,046 4,000 897,046
0 5 1
158 2015012059 3016438
Omusula Elizabeth Mbula G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
1 5 4
158 2015013266 2983164
Okudo Ruth Auma G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
2 6 0
158 2015013286 2698348
Ochieng Fredrick G 35,733 428,790 4,000 432,790
3 2 2
158 2015013287 2693551
Ochieng Julius Pamba G 35,733 428,790 4,000 432,790
4 1 2
158 2015013290 2347437
Aguko Calvince Otieno G 35,733 428,790 4,000 432,790
5 6 3
158 2015013298 2849026
Odhiambo Vivian Adhiambo G 73,420 881,040 4,000 885,040
6 8 8
158 2015014237 2806505
Auma Jecinter Alex G 67,168 806,010 4,000 810,010
7 7 6
158 2016012910 2288827
Adika Kennedy Otieno G 31,213 374,556 4,000 378,556
8 8 5
158 2016015096 3147057
Omol Evarlyne Atieno G 67,168 806,010 4,000 810,010
9 1 8
159 2015014709 2311502
Odhiambo Sammy Awuor G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
0 6 2
159 2015014251 2571618
Omondi Kennedy G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
1 9 4
159 2015014258 2423757
Simiti Dancun Odhiambo G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
2 2 6
159 2016015358 3203473
Emeldah Adhiambo G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
3 8 2
159 2015013284 2952628
Okeyo Seth Ouma G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
4 4 1
159 2015013289 2839533
Okoth Midamba Edward G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
5 9 7
159 2015013294 1366806
Ogolla Evance Ouma G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
6 2 0
159 2015013293 1082382
Ojwang Charles Ouma G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
7 3 0
159 2015013295 2058534
Rari Calvince Ferdinand G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
8 1 3
159 2015013269 2283918
Oyungu James Ochola G 34,215 410,574 4,000 414,574
9 3 5
160 2015012062 2063901
Ongalo David Martines G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
0 0 7
160 2015011758 2452913
Nyonje Fredrick Otieno G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
1 9 1

160 2015010701 1028748
Owino Kennedy Omondi G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
2 0 3
160 2015008595 1292979
Odiembo Dinah Akoth G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
3 7 7
160 2015008596
9794592 Akoth Pamela Atieno G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
4 6
160 2016015355 2837060
Shaban Ramadhan Otieno G 35,733 428,790 4,000 432,790
5 1 7
160 2015013276 2307387
Kayi Penina Anyango G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
6 4 3
160 2015012067 2435538
Opiyo Quinter Adhiambo G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
7 5 1
160 2015012100 2272919
Okoth Samuel Otieno G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
8 1 5
160 2015008497 2981214
Osumba Janes Kenedy G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
9 8 3
161 2015006503 2814725
Ajigo Odoyo Charles G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
0 5 2
161 2015006505 2865142
Oduori Adhiambo Susan G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
1 3 9
161 2015006492 1365646
Apala Omach James G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
2 1 5
161 2015006369 2215570
Nyabute Ouma Evance G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
3 3 2
161 2015006358 1245988
Obonyo Moses Onyango G 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
4 6 5
161 1315547
Job Mukhwana Wanjala G 45,073 540,870 3,000 543,870
5 8
161 2816927
Mercy Mango G 45,763 549,156 2,000 551,156
6 6
161 2874914
Celestine Otieno G 85,536 1,026,426 4,000 1,030,426
7 7
161 2967854
Lumumba Otieno Movine G 76,386 916,626 4,000 920,626
8 1
7952108 Meldon Adoyo Ocharo G 51,431 617,166 4,000 621,166
162 3025173 10,00
Robert Obunga G 76,386 916,626 4,000 930,626
0 2 0
162 2931260
Margaret Akoth Omollo G 74,536 894,426 4,000 898,426
1 5
162 3615891
Vidah Awuor G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
2 2
162 2016020515 2795307
Odira Otieno Philip F 23,570 282,840 4,000 286,840
3 8 4
1981034977 1570057 Angasa Joshia Ouma F 29,910 358,920 4,000 362,920
1987101138 9343148 Were Pamela Akoth F 29,910 358,920 4,000 362,920
162 2407444
2011240790 Joshua Collins Odhiambo F 30,370 364,440 4,000 368,440
6 5
162 2527606
2011301470 Amadi Vivian Akinyi F 24,910 298,920 4,000 302,920
7 5
162 2013004512 2199986
Owuor Michael Ouma F 60,758 729,090 4,000 733,090
8 6 9
1978074811 110526 Wasonga Elizabeth Auma E 42,260 507,120 4,000 511,120
1980101242 1564604 Agutu Joseph E 27,000 324,000 4,000 328,000
1986073405 6550590 Donge Regina Auma E 27,000 324,000 4,000 328,000
163 1028513
1988110994 Kojo Charles Singa E 27,260 327,120 4,000 331,120
2 7
1988112548 6776301 Nyambok Lazaro Onyango E 26,240 314,880 4,000 318,880
1990073807 1506170 Nyawade Jane Opalla E 27,260 327,120 4,000 331,120

163 1121597
2005046174 Agagwa Jane Auma E 29,000 348,000 4,000 352,000
5 4
2007133935 4084381 Dibo Joseph Arony E 28,630 343,560 4,000 347,560
163 2160606
2011241346 Ogambo Sospeter Rabach E 27,460 329,520 4,000 333,520
7 5
163 2549000
2011241497 Akello Rosemary Auma E 27,460 329,520 4,000 333,520
8 7
163 2595622
2011241928 Onkeo Abel Bikundo E 28,630 343,560 4,000 347,560
9 1
164 2204074
2011242005 Ochieng Bethwel Ogutu E 22,260 267,120 4,000 271,120
0 6
164 1990001215
9396012 Akinyi Eunice Kasera E 60,585 727,020 4,000 731,020
1 1
164 2010000192 1163337
Ochola Benard Otieno E 56,756 681,066 4,000 685,066
2 9 3
1979139745 589768 Achieng Rujina Odero D 26,030 312,360 4,000 316,360
1980123812 558661 Ondimu Naftal Moseti D 25,115 301,380 4,000 305,380
1981040944 6478371 Ayoki Clarice Anyango D 25,490 305,880 4,000 309,880
1981098086 4305819 Makori Nicholas Nyaboga D 25,655 307,860 4,000 311,860
1981098387 8097989 Adongo Sadrack Mikoro D 26,030 312,360 4,000 316,360
1982040921 1532864 Ogol Charles Otuoma D 25,115 301,380 4,000 305,380
1984055786 989438 Idd Juma Oduongo D 25,115 301,380 4,000 305,380
1984088137 1502900 Awuonda Jenipher Atieno D 25,490 305,880 4,000 309,880
1985061900 3977900 Otieno Grace Adoyo D 25,115 301,380 4,000 305,380
1985101750 2725286 Nyitong Cosmas Odero D 24,915 298,980 4,000 302,980
165 1346647
1986081880 Okengo Aloise Otieno D 25,115 301,380 4,000 305,380
3 9
1986082991 5584404 Ochla Esther Akoth D 26,030 312,360 4,000 316,360
1986086571 4847494 Akeyo Kerina Daniel D 20,655 247,860 4,000 251,860
1986086995 6550490 Bikoro Yunes Ogora D 25,115 301,380 4,000 305,380
1987047708 9049882 Obuya Simion Odumba D 25,115 301,380 4,000 305,380
1988024672 7400923 Obiero John Oduor D 25,115 301,380 4,000 305,380
165 2299627
1988044402 Auma Lilian Nyaguti D 25,115 301,380 4,000 305,380
9 6
1989047720 6688369 Agango Kaspar Akungu D 25,290 303,480 4,000 307,480
166 1025138
1989145081 Ojuok Marren Akinyi D 26,030 312,360 4,000 316,360
1 7
1990074413 5879829 Ouma Peter Osodo D 26,030 312,360 4,000 316,360
1990074772 7654576 Ambalo Sarah Otieno D 25,490 305,880 4,000 309,880
1991023651 7840407 Achieng Magret Munjal D 25,115 301,380 4,000 305,380
1992005868 5829916 Ombongi Sasiraous D 25,115 301,380 4,000 305,380
166 1377441
1996050077 Atieno Emilly Ogada D 25,490 305,880 4,000 309,880
6 2
166 2001766
2003007598 Decabs Otieno Akoko D 26,915 322,980 4,000 326,980
7 1

2009062855 9545155 Elly Jane S Akoth D 25,115 301,380 4,000 305,380
166 2473152
2011240738 Owino Moses Odongo D 26,915 322,980 4,000 326,980
9 4
167 2216024
2011241757 Adam Dedan Odhiambo D 26,915 322,980 4,000 326,980
0 0
167 2312803
2011301689 Oundo Moses Enock D 27,290 327,480 4,000 331,480
1 7
167 1987001553
8628068 Olwal Paul Ooro D 54,065 648,774 4,000 652,774
2 5
1987118240 1565947 Juma Margaret Achieng C 19,010 228,120 4,000 232,120
1989145049 6550550 Ojwang Rose Atieno C 24,260 291,120 4,000 295,120
167 1040792
1990015338 Ogweyo John Otieno C 24,010 288,120 4,000 292,120
5 3
1990073158 5958977 Otieno Walter Nyayiego C 24,010 288,120 4,000 292,120
167 2002000124
9793802 Owino Joseph Ooro A 48,602 583,224 4,000 587,224
7 5
146,006,07 1,760,216,3 7,681,00 1,772,597,3
7 88 0 88


Sur First other Total
S/N Payroll No. ID No. JG Monthly Annual Leave
Name name names Amount
1 1988011823 Odhiambo Roseline A. T 330,625 3,131,500 10,000 3,141,500
2 2009000942 22788791 Robert Sangori S 204,000 2,448,000 10,000 2,458,000

4 20080005241 27413150 Ogwe Joyce Achieng M 95,864 1,150,386 6,000 1,156,386

5 20040000084 3484483 Adhoch Roselyne Aoko K 79,784 957,411 28,557 985,968

6 20080005269 12809088 Ongera Phillip Ontiri J 85,621 1,027,446 31,602 1,059,048

7 20170199283 12457762 Omullo Nelly Achieng J 38,700 464,400 4,000 468,400
8 2011047888 12593617 Ouma Jared Ochieng J 42,770 513,240 4,000 517,240

10 20160191622 27213517 Ketch Dorothy Akeyo J 38,700 464,400 4,000 468,400

13 20060000722 25819036 Odero Catherine Yongo A 53,812 645,738 23,047 668,785

14 19920000611 7856892 Onditi Vitalis Bala F 62,713 752,550 27,180 779,730

15 19940009487 13229019 Kamumbo Raphael Omollo E 63,518 762,210 28,404 790,614

q 1983010602 4407976 Ooko Florence Atieno F 25,210 302,520 4,000 306,520

19 198048224 20071252 Odhiambo Felix Adie L 65,320 783,840 6,000 789,840

20 20070000396 20955682 Ochieng Tobias Nyigoro J 76,283 915,390 26,730 942,120
21 2012030867 22928271 Otieno Lawrence George H 34,930 419,160 4,000 423,160
22 20090001013 12600922 Lala James Siwo A 41,750 501,000 13,000 514,000
23 20060000651 22780307 Omollo Millicent Adoyo A 43,002 516,018 16,279 532,297

24 19920000611 12687882 Bala Antonny O. N 116,735 1,400,820 10,000 1,435,820

25 2012020387 201222387 Achungo Loice Auma H 27,670 332,040 4,000 336,040

26 2012007853 21945518 Ngoje Jorum Ocola H 34,930 419,160 4,000 423,160
27 1990021595 10287448 Okinyi Maurice Lesso E 61,563 738,750 27,180 765,930
28 20010000209 13606511 Ogweno David Orwa F 62,713 752,550 27,180 584,320
29 20180076457 28263889 Ponde Norsea Bayer K 47,860 574,320 10,000 639,744
30 19860001565 9048871 Ogweno Anjeline A. A 51,200 614,400 25,344 350,680
31 20160197795 22663782 Odhiambo Erick Ochieng G 28,980 347,760 4,000 350,680
32 20180085063 23474326 Odero Billy Ochieng K 47,860 574,320 10,000 584,320
33 1990113225 1574374 Okal Salome Alaro D 20,115 241,380 4,000 245,380
38 29403350 Okeno Tonia Atieno 34,930 419,160 4,000 423,160
40 20180085045 27358099 Omondi Charles Obondo K 54,660 655,920 10,000 665,920
41 24566938 Ochieng Gordon G 31,350 376,200 4,000 380,200

42 20150165423 Boniface Okombo J 35,200 422,400 4,000 426,400

Position Number JG Monthly Annual Leave Amount
Director Lands
1 and Physical
Planning 1 R 137,500 1,650,000 10,000 1,660,000
Housing and
Development 1 R 137,500 1,650,000 10,000 1,660,000
3 Physcal
Planner 1 N 73,780 885,360 6,000 891,360
4 51,670 620,040 6,000 1,878,120
Planners 3 K
5 51,670 620,040 6,000 1,252,080
Surveyors 2 K
6 GIS Specialist 1 K 51,670 620,040 6,000 626,040
7 Land Valuer 1 K 51,670 620,040 6,000 626,040
8 51,670 620,040 6,000 626,040
surveyor 1 K
9 51,670 620,040 6,000 626,040
Officer 1 K
TOTAL 9,845,720



Sno Payrollnum Idnum Surname First Other J Monthly Annual Leave Tot Annual
name names g
1 6600328 Osambo Carilus Odemba 8 260,025 3,120,300 10,000 3,130,300

2 Vacant Chief S 287,465 3,449,580 10,000 3,459,580
3 20140026660 21693074 Odhiambo Bonfredr Mark P 189,660 2,275,920 10,000 2,285,920
4 20150120764 10894892 Obumba Joseph Omondi P 138,290 1,659,480 10,000 1,669,480
5 1983043401 78339746 Ochieng Jared Apuko M 84,410 1,012,920 6,000 1,018,920
6 1988050194 13363016 Ng'ete Antipus Onyango M 80,910 970,920 6,000 976,920
7 13776279 Amayo Luke Ombuor D 55,859 670,302 4,000 674,302
8 2006049109 13131318 Osiko Alice Aketch K 55,320 663,840 6,000 1,995,840
9 1985015577 2584324 Abongo George Oraro J 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
10 1992008476 5311874 Achieng Jane Ojwallah J 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
11 2011005487 22396595 Ndhune Vincent Okoth J 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
12 19930002047 10024497 Okeyo Joseph Odero J 85,621 1,027,446 31,602 1,059,048
13 20000000564 5876716 Onyango Hernest Otieno J 84,453 1,013,439 30,993 1,044,432
14 20010000870 7630798 Akeyo Jane Oyata J 78,617 943,404 27,948 971,352
15 20020002751 11125650 Akoko David Odera J 90,290 1,083,474 34,038 1,117,512
16 20150063728 22400688 Okello Michael Okumu J 45,427 545,124 4,000 549,124
17 20160169595 28396756 Okal Brighton Okal J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
18 1989030804 8646956 Getate Richard Ondimu H 40,310 483,714 19,930 503,644
19 19790003959 410621 Awiti Janet Ascah H 71,700 860,397 32,807 893,204
20 20150142475 27484332 Onyango Samson Ayoma H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
21 20150132684 30965503 Otieno Barrack Odhiamb H 39,562 474,744 4,000 478,744
22 20010000361 14691381 Odiwuor Samwel Orwa G 66,623 799,470 29,628 829,098
23 20090001095 21191543 Anyango Tabitha Midigo G 67,600 811,200 30,240 841,440
24 1982058631 1483108 Oguna Joshua Okelo G 32,250 387,000 4,000 391,000
25 19970000705 6679017 Onyango Shadrack Obondi G 69,555 834,660 31,464 866,124
26 2004012643 20895241 Akinyi Caroline Maena G 81,038 972,453 38,653 1,011,106
27 20010003479 12597893 Achieng Eunice Kwema G 81,038 972,453 38,653 1,011,106
28 20150147023 22787494 Abonyo Fredrick Otieno G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
29 20090006401 12673253 Tom Odhiamb F 60,758 729,090 25,956 755,046
30 1979029128 1522259 Abeti Leonard Rachuon F 28,534 342,408 4,000 346,408
yo Owidi
31 19850000252 5850805 Kasera Joseph Ojal E 65,473 785,670 29,628 815,298
32 19860000371 2742595 Orinde Antony Obonyo E 62,540 750,480 27,792 778,272
33 19930002396 10599245 Onyango George Maraka E 66,450 797,400 30,240 827,640
34 19930002430 11285528 Ogutu David Onda E 63,518 762,210 28,404 790,614
35 19970007062 8584624 Ochogo James Omuga E 55,859 670,302 23,609 693,911
36 19990024685 10823118 Wasonga Denis Otieno E 54,962 659,538 23,047 682,585
37 20060000731 26125146 Otieno Milka Akoth E 70,550 846,597 32,807 879,404
38 19860003407 26366671 Opiyo Rose Akinyi E 70,550 846,597 32,807 879,404
39 20100006273 20569824 Kennedy Odhiamb Odero E 58,630 703,560 25,344 728,904

40 19860001565 9048871 Aketch Anjeline Ogweno E 57,653 691,830 24,732 716,562
41 19790000065 1572049 Atieno Rebeca Malit D 63,518 762,210 28,404 790,614
42 19820001143 1485125 Achieng Keshia Odemba D 54,065 648,774 22,486 671,260
43 19990020418 8585089 Odhiambo Daniel Owenga D 54,065 648,774 22,486 671,260
44 20000008944 13607766 Chacha Mwita Kerario D 61,563 738,750 27,180 765,930
45 20010008018 25345281 Amolo Loice Adhiamb D 62,540 750,480 27,792 778,272
46 20060001103 23568084 Mlowa Maurice Marindi D 55,859 670,302 23,609 693,911
47 20070002416 23854216 Okinyi Wycliff Nyakwa D 66,450 797,400 30,240 827,640
48 20090002618 24511440 Opondo Pamela Adhiamb D 59,608 715,290 25,956 741,246
49 20090001059 14643056 Awino Teresa Obonyo D 65,473 785,670 29,628 815,298
50 20100006148 31495094 Odhiambo Vincent Abiero D 58,630 703,560 25,344 728,904
51 20120000295 27157100 Ogutu Benta Adhiamb D 53,168 638,010 19,785 657,795
52 20090001077 20634359 Akinyi Linet Ngiela D 54,065 648,774 22,486 671,260
53 20080003514 26370039 Abonyo Silas Odhiamb D 66,450 797,400 30,240 827,640
54 19860000460 8820886 Okelo Gilbert Ong'injo D 61,563 738,750 27,180 765,930
55 19860000424 5958563 Ogwalo Patrick Lwanga C 61,390 736,680 27,792 764,472
56 19930000178 11122854 Abila Caren Atieno C 50,281 603,372 20,837 624,209
57 19930002190 6371515 Onyango Caleb Onduru C 56,503 678,030 24,732 702,762
58 19930002243 7373659 Odhiambo Harrison Mabus C 60,413 724,950 27,180 752,130
59 19930005360 7268860 Atieno Jane Ongole C 60,413 724,950 27,180 752,130
60 19990001511 9123293 Danga Michael Otieno C 49,442 593,298 20,311 613,609
61 19990001600 12598310 Zachayo Pius Oketch C 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
62 19990021611 10963167 Okoth David Nyumba C 61,390 736,680 27,792 764,472
63 20000009021 1525241 Ongore Lucas Obware C 56,503 678,030 24,732 702,762
64 20030000152 10024433 Omune George Otieno C 49,602 595,224 19,786 615,010
65 20060000080 10823233 Otieno Daniel Atiang C 53,812 645,738 23,047 668,785
66 20060000571 12598973 Nyengo John Anuro C 47,763 573,150 19,260 592,410
67 20060000624 21255004 Odhiambo Peter Makomb C 50,281 603,372 20,837 624,209
68 20100002024 28417751 Haggai Calvince Onyango C 49,442 593,298 20,311 613,609
69 20150050221 27601703 Aballa Ouma Kenneth C 21,462 257,538 4,000 261,538
70 1990144103 8752756 Ochola Peter Malago C 19,010 228,120 4,000 232,120
71 20060000768 7373923 Atieno Hellen Weje C 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
72 19900012124 7949215 Awinja Jane Abongo C 57,480 689,760 25,344 715,104
73 19980002159 13467471 Otieno George Ouma C 56,503 678,030 24,732 702,762
74 19930002145 3986094 Adoyo Jane Jowi B 44,543 534,510 17,244 551,754
75 19930002252 7949217 Oyoo Joash Odiango B 49,442 593,298 20,311 613,609
76 19960006455 1043954 Achieng Prisca Obunga B 52,915 634,974 22,486 657,460
77 19970007811 1523002 Adhiambo Consolat Omolo B 47,763 573,150 19,260 592,410

78 19970007848 6780418 Atieno Mary Odongo B 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
79 19970010327 12601888 Ayieko Benson Ogunde B 47,763 573,150 19,260 592,410
80 19980005150 10027860 Kasera Tom Otieno B 56,503 678,030 24,732 702,762
81 20000009067 11124783 Achieng Jane Odhiamb B 56,503 678,030 24,732 702,762
82 20010000558 20978085 Okomo Maurice Okoth B 46,923 563,076 18,734 581,810
83 20020003310 13185767 Odhiambo Pamela Adhiamb B 46,923 563,076 18,734 581,810
84 20060001078 13656762 Ouma Tom Pambo B 44,543 534,510 17,244 551,754
85 20070002229 21368479 Ogutu Samwel Athiamb B 56,503 678,030 24,732 702,762
86 20100001947 21933996 Ope Nancy Akinyi B 56,503 678,030 24,732 702,762
87 20100002499 25121926 Otieno Caleb Omogi B 43,772 525,264 16,762 542,026
88 19930002467 12596163 Odhiambo George Otieno B 56,503 678,030 24,732 702,762
89 19920000595 7375477 Ogecha Maggy Awino B 50,281 603,372 20,837 624,209
90 20090001022 12602831 Adhiambo Monica Wanda B 56,503 678,030 24,732 702,762
91 19850002998 1508326 Siro James Okumu A 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
92 19860001681 8629801 Anode Mary Achieng A 53,812 645,738 23,047 668,785
93 19860002731 1491336 Otulo Susan Aluoch A 52,915 634,974 22,486 657,460
94 19860003318 5853978 Mattoro Chrestine Achieng A 43,772 525,264 16,762 542,026
95 19860003390 21215734 Mula Linet Achieng A 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
96 19900008380 5898354 Olala Helida Agola A 53,812 645,738 23,047 668,785
97 19900012133 8213883 Odhiambo James Oyieyo A 45,313 543,756 17,726 561,482
98 19910002783 10406570 Adhiambo Pamela Nyamwa A 49,442 593,298 20,311 613,609
99 19910003164 11394936 Owuor Jackline Kemunto A 45,313 543,756 17,726 561,482
100 19910004358 6440412 Omolo Penina Atieno A 49,442 593,298 20,311 613,609
101 19910005613 8080230 Ochieng Monica Akeyo A 52,915 634,974 22,486 657,460
102 19910005891 1490089 Atieno Regina Olweya A 52,018 624,210 21,924 646,134
103 19930002029 6085951 Arodi Margaret Apiyo A 46,084 553,002 18,209 571,211
104 19930002225 6689525 Wasonga Philip Oginga A 43,772 525,264 16,762 542,026
105 19930002261 8092291 Obel Richard Odoyo A 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
106 19930002314 9118755 Kerubo Jane Ogada A 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
107 19930002734 1572434 Obilo Samuel Ayoma A 52,915 634,974 22,486 657,460
108 19930002761 8144197 Adhiambo Ruth Agutu A 52,915 634,974 22,486 657,460
109 19930005931 9905891 Nyongesa Milka Achieng A 43,772 525,264 16,762 542,026
110 19930007891 5882221 Mingo Mary Oyugi A 43,772 525,264 16,762 542,026
111 19960003810 10405503 Otieno Lucas Oula A 43,002 516,018 16,279 532,297
112 19970000698 3979386 Odhiambo Peter Odin A 46,084 553,002 18,209 571,211
113 19970008087 16118612 Ogenya Pius Joshua A 46,923 563,076 18,734 581,810
114 19970011039 6679009 Akinyi Zainab Juma A 45,313 543,756 17,726 561,482
115 19980004135 2638152 Adhiambo Rael Odak A 47,763 573,150 19,260 592,410
116 19980005132 9540281 Ojijo Janet Akinyi A 53,812 645,738 23,047 668,785

117 19990000256 1481247 Ojwang Maurice Owiny A 52,915 634,974 22,486 657,460
118 19990002625 6406794 Atsango Frora Kubondo A 44,543 534,510 17,244 551,754
119 19990021540 7311419 Adhiambo Serfina Obande A 43,002 516,018 16,279 532,297
120 19990021559 8154696 Otieno Margaret Lisamba A 46,084 553,002 18,209 571,211
121 19990021577 8712705 Agenga Dan Ogutu A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
122 20000000868 2732429 Akeyo Hellen Oyola A 45,313 543,756 17,726 561,482
123 20000009049 8153561 Orach Michael Ndege A 47,763 573,150 19,260 592,410
124 20010000352 20301411 Ouma Harrison Omondi A 43,002 516,018 16,279 532,297
125 20010001902 8148800 Ouma Rashick Nyawaw A 40,759 489,108 14,875 503,983
126 20010003488 13235224 Atieno Jane Obudho A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
127 20020000720 2199410 Obara Alloyce Rapemo A 43,002 516,018 16,279 532,297
128 20020001334 1507084 Atieno Yunia Shadrack A 43,002 516,018 16,279 532,297
129 20020002859 1533257 Auma Yunis Kobali A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
130 20020003481 11392959 Ochuodho Michael Nyangwe A 53,812 645,738 23,047 668,785
131 20030000321 13776935 Otieno Maurine Akinyi A 43,772 525,264 16,762 542,026
132 20030000447 8245713 Tindi Charles Ajulu A 44,543 534,510 17,244 551,754
133 20030000518 12762535 Onyango Wiligiste Akinyi A 45,313 543,756 17,726 561,482
134 20030000536 13893476 Atula Peter Otieno A 41,461 497,526 15,314 512,840
135 20030000554 20496068 Raga Roseline Achieng A 41,461 497,526 15,314 512,840
136 20040000093 6918490 Odoyo Josia Ochuba A 50,281 603,372 20,837 624,209
137 20060000099 11560871 Oluoch Samwel Odindo A 53,812 645,738 23,047 668,785
138 20060000106 11801164 Juma Peterlis Odero A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
139 20060000375 23113067 Okello Benard Amiri A 53,812 645,738 23,047 668,785
140 20060000464 3914561 Odira Josinta Apamo A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
141 20060000553 12458896 Achieng Jenipher Aseno A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
142 20060000679 22931982 Gordon Ochieng Odero A 44,543 534,510 17,244 551,754
143 20060001041 10822362 Omwaga Patrick Wanzalla A 53,812 645,738 23,047 668,785
144 20060001050 2636693 Auma Magret Ajoga A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
145 20060001087 20398665 Omollo Dick Alfred A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
146 20070001731 20127521 Akeyo Rose Mungusa A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
147 20070002210 20131181 Akinyi Roseline Ngure A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
148 20070002390 5999275 Odero William Onguku A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
149 20070002407 21466779 Otieno Peter Ogot A 46,923 563,076 18,734 581,810
150 20070003468 21042687 Achieng Caroline Ogweno A 43,002 516,018 16,279 532,297
151 20080005205 13895594 Ogembo Denish Ochieng' A 47,763 573,150 19,260 592,410
152 20080005214 13659726 Odhaimbo Elijah Amenya A 47,763 573,150 19,260 592,410
153 20090001166 23685182 Atieno Grace Ochieng A 46,084 553,002 18,209 571,211
154 20090001175 25103997 Sinyo Carolyne Achieng A 41,461 497,526 15,314 512,840
155 20090001184 26298049 Adhiambo Benta Odhiamb A 41,461 497,526 15,314 512,840

156 20090001255 24529932 Akoth Eunice Okeyo A 41,461 497,526 15,314 512,840
157 20090003179 14549396 Okoth Elisha Kwarah A 53,812 645,738 23,047 668,785
158 20100000057 14691262 Ochieng Benard Okoth A 45,313 543,756 17,726 561,482
159 20100000075 20783364 Atieno Dorothy Orwa A 41,461 497,526 15,314 512,840
160 20100001581 9543229 Adhiambo Alice Onyango A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
161 20100001910 10286268 Otolo Benter Achieng A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
162 20100001983 24035683 Opala Benard Ochieng A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
163 20100001992 24155713 Okinyi Jared Mwango A 44,543 534,510 17,244 551,754
164 20100002006 24911246 Achola William Orata A 52,915 634,974 22,486 657,460
165 20100002337 10285206 Maganda Patrick Tenga A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
166 20100002346 2764713 Akello Aphline Mtende A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
167 20100002355 8996405 Ouma Benson Odongo A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
168 20100002364 12671745 Okoth Mosses Wayoga A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
169 20100002373 13465675 Ouma Charles Ongili A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
170 20100002382 20138638 Nyanchok Rebecca Ongera A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
171 20100002391 20273298 Asadhi Beatrice A A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
172 20100002408 20783272 Odendwa Kennedy A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
173 20100002417 20830494 Aoko Lucy Odhiamb A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
174 20100002435 21518045 Onyango Ebell Mwenda A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
175 20100002444 21932789 Mokeira Jacquelin Omboga A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
176 20100002462 23739077 Omwaga Benard Muganda A 53,812 645,738 23,047 668,785
177 20100002471 24325183 Asango James A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
178 20100002480 24414871 Owili Domnic A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
179 20090000972 10130748 Aoko Mary Oywer A 41,261 495,126 15,314 510,440
180 20090001031 13657629 Adhiambo Nerea Owino A 41,461 497,526 15,314 512,840
181 19990010529 1505569 Dan James Otieno A 47,763 573,150 19,260 592,410
182 20000009101 5890890 Awuor Margret Ojijo A 44,543 534,510 17,244 551,754
183 20090001139 22039992 Onyango Geofrey Jina A 41,461 497,526 15,314 512,840
184 20110001646 22352419 Ouko Moses Ochola A 41,461 497,526 15,314 512,840
185 20040000566 22647160 Ojode John Warindu A 52,018 624,210 21,924 646,134
186 20110001664 22981623 Akello Millicent Kiche A 40,759 489,108 14,875 503,983
187 20030000410 4749178 Nyamung Paul Bayi A 43,002 516,018 16,279 532,297
188 19930002743 2731601 Akinyi Elizabeth Awino A 45,313 543,756 17,726 561,482
Total 10,183,688 122,204,256 3,626,497 127,156,753


N Sur Total
o P Number Id Number Name First Name Other Names Jg Monthly Annual Leave Annual

1 7301480 Nyawinda Dickson Oruko T 260,025 3,120,300 10,000 3,130,300

2 Ogweno Donald S 287,980 3,461,980 10,000 3,471,980

3 20150146973 13208664 Omulama Martin Mbati R 162,269 1,947,228 10,000 1,957,228

4 1981077763 5886063 Abebe George Okeyo N 83,020 996,240 6,000 1,002,240

5 1985046497 2584270 Ogutu Paul Peters M 76,210 914,520 6,000 920,520

6 1986060193 411622 Abuor Michael Omungo M 76,210 914,520 6,000 920,520

7 1987054624 3950780 ngo Joshua Ndede M 76,210 914,520 6,000 920,520

8 1980070718 4213188 Ayete David Omajilong L 71,730 860,760 6,000 866,760

9 31455458 Erick Odhiambo Aliet J 31,386 376,626 4,000 380,626

10 1984098807 6008405 Odundo John Lumumba L 68,230 818,760 6,000 824,760

11 1985065807 1545307 Aduwo Kenneth Obiero L 71,730 860,760 6,000 866,760

12 20180098828 26495574 Owuor Augustine Geofrey L 42,770 513,240 4,000 517,240

13 1988089397 1489817 Ogasi Simon Kiboye L 68,230 818,760 6,000 824,760

14 1988089973 1545513 Akuku Azaria Ochieng L 71,730 860,760 6,000 866,760

15 1991001219 9645581 Achola Charles Otieno L 71,730 860,760 6,000 866,760

16 1995068849 8752595 Kassim Mohamed L 71,730 860,760 6,000 866,760

17 1996052045 10384861 Otieno Samuel Kagengo L 71,730 860,760 6,000 866,760

18 1996055093 9496672 Odhiambo Elisha Agumba L 71,730 860,760 6,000 866,760

19 1997076903 12594104 Odundo Livingstone Odhiambo L 69,350 832,200 6,000 838,200

20 20160217498 27692051 Obwanga Francis Otieno J 41,170 494,040 4,000 498,040

21 20150117570 27059699 Mboya Tobias Ouma J 73,480 881,760 4,000 885,760

22 20180098784 30233902 Agwati Moses Appollo J 41,170 494,040 4,000 498,040

23 20180098766 23228028 Opiyo Onyach Elsafan J 41,170 494,040 4,000 498,040

24 20180090859 31228513 Ochieng Orimba Albert J 41,170 494,040 4,000 498,040

25 20180098748 30268517 Onyuna Dancan Otieno J 41,170 494,040 4,000 498,040

26 20180098800 9119113 Opiyo Alex Lumumba J 41,170 494,040 4,000 498,040

27 20180098775 27992962 Were Victor Omondi J 41,170 494,040 4,000 498,040

28 20180098757 27558578 Kiwanuka Evance Okumbo J 41,170 494,040 4,000 498,040

29 20180098793 30186164 Kichana David Opiyo Dick J 41,170 494,040 4,000 498,040

30 1981146083 14589997 Kiage Samuel Odero J 48,910 586,920 6,000 592,920

31 20180072940 13595632 Murenga Georgina Akinyi J 42,770 513,240 4,000 517,240

32 20180019363 23831851 Onano Len Julians J 38,750 465,000 4,000 469,000

33 1984099722 2584552 Omollo Christopher Michael K 59,400 712,800 6,000 718,800

34 20180098819 25117612 Ochieng Nyagol Ferdinand J 42,770 513,240 4,000 517,240

35 30747620 Ogara Erick Okoth J 31,386 376,626 4,000 380,626
36 20180098739 20233541 Wenwa ne Ouma J 42,770 513,240 4,000 517,240

37 1982079475 16000146 Oketch Gideon Richard J 41,170 494,040 4,000 498,040

38 1987055256 7300581 Abur Samwel Wasonga J 42,770 513,240 4,000 517,240

39 1988106775 10474940 Akumu Agnes Abade J 38,750 465,000 4,000 469,000

40 1988116429 59559755 Ochoro Daniel Ochieng J 41,170 494,040 4,000 498,040

41 1989128801 2742681 Obola Lameck Odoyo J 42,770 513,240 4,000 517,240

42 20100003012 25424981 Akugo Beatrice Mercy J 81,630 979,560 6,000 985,560

43 1990069785 16084412 Koyo Samwel Ayodo J 41,170 494,040 4,000 498,040

44 1990074811 10009693 Ogollah Elisha Okello J 42,770 513,240 4,000 517,240

45 1990074887 8584583 Rakiro Oburu Elias J 42,770 513,240 4,000 517,240

46 20100006282 10963282 George Otieno Achumbo M 93,625 1,123,494 35,778 1,159,272

47 20150121047 23010798 Omolo Awuor Vera J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460

48 20150147461 29440016 Virginia Stacy Atieno J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460

49 20160153640 25974980 Nyarato Penina Auma J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460

50 20180084851 31644816 Akinyi Flora Mitchel J 42,770 513,240 4,000 517,240

51 20160151057 27167280 Ochieng Cosmas Ouma K 80,955 971,460 4,000 975,460

52 20160169602 31588711 Modi Brian Odhiambo H 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460

53 20150117632 9397310 Onjiko Gilbert Ongoche H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760

54 1982077407 6678428 Abdi Shaban Otieno H 35,580 426,960 4,000 430,960

55 1990074829 5875280 Odida Jared Otieno H 32,250 387,000 4,000 391,000

56 1980085836 1525889 Akinyi Ndegwa Beatrice H 32,250 387,000 4,000 391,000

57 20150147210 24587608 Ndege Elly Onyuro G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760

58 1986025541 1308431 Akelo Monica Onyando G 27,670 332,040 4,000 336,040

59 1986057750 7152766 Odhiambo Samwel Okumu G 27,870 332,040 4,000 336,040

60 1987047782 8584625 Kapoka William Oloo G 32,250 387,000 4,000 391,000

61 1989104548 10286348 Akungo Joshua Oriema G 27,670 332,040 4,000 336,040

62 1989145023 9123766 Akinyi Caren Nyundo G 27,670 332,040 4,000 336,040

63 1990057356 9048500 Oketch Enock G 32,250 387,000 4,000 391,000

64 19990020463 13234757 Anyango Jesca Ouma G 68,577 822,930 30,852 853,782

65 20150121010 33453928 Oyugi Hezron Ochieng G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010

66 20150117749 22124330 Owaga Timon Onyango G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760

67 1980100767 3346739 Aloo Rehema Ogal G 22,950 275,400 4,000 279,400

68 1990073904 10131940 Kogere Slvia G 23,150 277,800 4,000 281,800

69 1990074269 9541065 Ogada Penina Adhiambo G 22,950 275,400 4,000 279,400

70 1990074203 8628128 Nyangige Nelson Onyango G 22,950 275,400 4,000 279,400

71 1990146854 9119449 Miranga Benjamine Oliwa G 22,000 264,000 4,000 268,000

72 1991028059 10821186 Juma Caleb Obiero F 24,910 298,920 4,000 302,920

73 1996068444 9306367 Asyago Simon Otieno F 24,910 298,920 4,000 302,920

74 27692052 Otieno Francis Mbwanga F 32,250 387,000 4,000 391,000

75 19980004779 7133400 Achieng Elida Okumu F 60,757 729,090 25,956 755,046

76 1987118614 8096428 Jane Akinyi Omogi F 22,260 267,120 4,000 271,120

77 20030000161 11801503 Odhiambo Millicent Akoth F 77,336 928,032 36,460 964,492

78 1978060430 11014016 Odhiambo James Obongo F 22,260 267,120 4,000 271,120

79 20150117589 24529131 Nyonje Fredrick Otieno F 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760

80 1982115213 5887161 Okombo Lucas Ademba F 22,000 264,000 4,000 268,000

81 20150107583 2.3E+08 Onyango Mouris Olienga E 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760

82 1990080163 6194019 Odero Oscar Masasa E 22,260 267,120 4,000 271,120

83 19960002411 20401288 Awuor George Asuke E 57,652 691,830 24,732 716,562

84 19990024676 10313894 Oketch Kilion Mungusa E 58,430 701,160 25,344 726,504

85 19960001067 7375224 Odira Serafina Okeyo E 47,762 573,150 19,260 592,410

86 19990001860 21888065 Okang Benard Odiwuor D 47,562 570,750 19,260 590,010

87 19850000261 7301402 Wakoyo William Odero D 58,630 703,560 25,344 728,904

88 19990001520 9397316 Odundo Paul Okuthe D 47,762 573,150 19,260 592,410

89 19990001557 11383786 Ouma Caren Akeyo D 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010

90 19990001468 1508122 Odhacha Philemon Oketch C 68,577 822,930 30,852 853,782

91 19960002395 11484222 Omolo Elijah Osika B 57,652 691,830 24,732 716,562

92 1986058887 4698471 Otieno Lucas Ochuodho A 20,490 245,880 4,000 249,880

93 1984057704 1444758 Obuyiyi Esther Ombitsa A 71,730 860,760 6,000 866,760

94 19800000300 1360214 Odumbe Walter Ooko A 79,870 958,446 4,000 962,446

95 19990001717 13774969 Odhiambo Donald Otieno A 47,762 573,150 19,260 592,410

96 20010000325 11483650 Lusi Denish Okech A 52,914 634,974 22,485 657,459

5,109,847 61,322,050 757,361 62,079,411


First Other J Leave Total

N0 Payroll No. ID No. Surname Name Names G Monthly Annual Alow Annual
1 20130019000 518513 K'Oriko Nicholas Obuya 8 259,925 3,119,100 10,000 3,129,100

2 19970008818 10467296 Mainda Samwel Mongare R 184,084 2,209,002 69,174 2,278,176
3 13482502 John Okinyi Ndege R 169,600 2,035,200 10,000 2,045,200
4 20130045073 10008083 Otieno Joseph Rading Q 203,377 2,440,518 10,000 2,450,518
5 20150120728 24237123 Oloo Emma Akello P 135,146 1,621,752 10,000 1,631,752
6 20010000594 12905120 Odhiambo Daniel Owuor P 134,231 1,610,772 49,164 1,659,936
7 13895316 Noah Ochieng Otieno P 114,190 1,370,280 10,000 1,380,280
8 1987097591 Peter Onjula Oyoo P 104,190 1,250,280 10,000 1,260,280
9 19810004034 3421041 Odhiambo Pollicap M 114,267 1,371,204 45,348 1,416,552
10 20030001266 12688362 Adongo John Francis M 119,267 1,431,204 45,348 1,476,552
11 2008035465 21557508 Bolo Willys Omondi M 78,780 945,360 6,000 951,360
12 2010056346 23632891 Ouma Judith Akinyi L 65,850 790,200 6,000 796,200
13 20150064716 27840584 Oyamo Churchill Omondi L 81,582 978,984 6,000 984,984
14 19990015855 12593752 Odegu Samuel Oketch K 93,625 1,123,494 35,778 1,159,272
15 20010002570 21707064 Ondieki Jason Ndubi K 86,788 1,041,453 32,211 1,073,664
16 20100000155 22654398 Mbarah Erick Onyango K 95,292 1,143,504 36,648 1,180,152
17 20150147112 24073371 Nyangaya Handel Manase K 57,272 687,258 6,000 693,258
18 20150077802 3950407 Ochieng Janet Akinyi K 59,123 709,476 6,000 715,476
19 19930002350 9926944 Jabuya Kepha Rombe K 98,627 1,183,524 6,000 1,189,524
20 19970007955 11483671 Kira Caleb David J 78,617 943,404 27,948 971,352
21 20000001669 8821171 Wayumba Gilbert Ochola J 93,625 1,123,494 35,778 1,159,272
22 20090001246 24548171 Omwandho Geoffrey Otieno J 93,625 1,123,494 35,778 1,159,272
23 20100006219 29261008 Vera Onyango Omingo J 85,621 1,027,446 31,602 1,059,048
24 19990000112 11214822 Otieno Assa Ongola J 83,286 999,432 30,384 1,029,816
25 20010001064 7948867 Ogweno Paul Orwa J 78,617 943,404 27,948 971,352
26 20020001012 13186273 Apiyo Steller Gor J 83,286 999,432 30,384 1,029,816
27 20060001630 28014106 Vivian Akeyo J 89,122 1,069,467 33,429 1,102,896
28 20090001102 21345109 Mwaga Zedekiah Ouma J 84,453 1,013,439 30,993 1,044,432
29 20150132960 26007923 Odero Christine Amondi J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
30 1990114522 9636836 Ouma Henry Ojow J 41,370 496,440 4,000 500,440
31 20050003266 22650644 Owidi Onguru Henry J 93,625 1,123,494 35,778 1,159,272
32 19990009562 11394904 Aduo Zedekiah Oduma J 93,625 1,123,494 35,778 1,159,272
33 19930001184 4413590 Okumu Benedict Okoth J 79,784 957,411 28,557 985,968
34 19990001762 20061956 Dede Kennedy Otieno J 83,286 999,432 30,384 1,029,816
35 20070002425 25101719 Odhiambo Dan Ochieng J 93,625 1,123,494 35,778 1,159,272
36 20140081769 23736022 Wesonga Mary Wanyundi J 45,627 547,524 4,000 551,524
Alphonce 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
37 20150064725 28589183 Ogolla Basil Liech J
38 20150064789 28223028 Osii Atieno Shirley J 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
39 20150065151 23581415 Omenda Robert Odhiambo J 45,427 545,124 4,000 549,124
40 20150107430 20073523 Nyabach Maurice Ouma J 45,427 545,124 4,000 549,124
41 20150107921 25501296 Otieno Albert Ogolla J 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
42 27974016 Allan Odongo J 40,311 483,736 5,000 488,736

43 27671569 George A. Omondi J 43,782 525,384 5,000 530,384
44 19970007099 14643150 Ndege Gordon Otieno H 77,536 930,432 36,461 966,893
45 20010002347 13655040 Adero Benjamin Otieno H 82,205 986,460 39,384 1,025,844
46 20150050347 22429736 Muga Julia Anne H 40,310 483,714 4,000 487,714
47 20150120442 27516460 Okoth Ritah Anyango H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
48 2012016085 24584455 Oyugi Jack King H 34,930 419,160 4,000 423,160
49 2012016105 21736633 Onyango Millicent Otieno H 35,580 426,960 4,000 430,960
50 20160169586 25450464 Ongati Kennedy H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
51 20150107896 23169642 Odhiambo Mourine Akinyi H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
52 20020000195 22159787 Achieng Jackline Otilla G 81,038 972,453 38,653 1,011,106
53 20030000483 12461838 Anduru Charles Atanga G 67,600 811,200 30,240 841,440
Hanningto 67,600 811,200 30,240 841,440
54 20040000100 10823666 Otieno ne Ojwang G
55 20090006590 30767062 Ochieng Evance Ogutu G 64,668 776,010 28,404 804,414
56 20010001662 11631180 Otieno Susan Akongo' G 78,703 944,439 37,192 981,631
57 20060000759 30127454 Awuor Faith Okoto G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
58 20150120611 20559790 Njoroge Henry Ochieng G 35,733 428,790 4,000 432,790
59 20150132755 25144020 Omito Eunice Anyango G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
60 30180263 Maurine Akinyi Ochieng G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
61 10576216 Josinter Obonyo G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
62 20010000307 8997976 Ouko Gordon Ngou F 62,713 752,550 27,180 779,730
63 20090001611 21552123 Odhiambo Policup Ogenga F 70,533 846,390 32,076 878,466
64 19900000320 4010346 Ongugo Joseph Odhiambo F 74,034 888,411 34,268 922,679
65 19990001744 20020176 Otina Jeremia Amollo F 74,034 888,411 34,268 922,679
66 20070003404 10026152 Okomo Astariko Oyugi F 66,623 799,470 29,628 829,098
67 20090001068 20020619 Ondiwa James Were F 62,713 752,550 27,180 779,730
68 20100001054 22537631 Amollo Richard Owidi F 66,623 799,470 29,628 829,098
69 20100000066 11283283 Asindi Frankline Omondi F 77,536 930,432 36,461 966,893
70 20070007215 27861414 Jane Anyango Omune F 67,600 811,200 30,240 841,440
71 20150077026 26138726 Abongo Hellen Adoyo F 26,763 321,156 4,000 325,156
72 19970007080 11633466 Otieno Evans Ongawo E 63,518 762,210 28,404 790,614
Shellemia 65,473 785,670 29,628 815,298
73 19990021648 13657953 Ogweno h Osenda E
74 19990020454 11048419 Odipo Anne Achieng' E 67,428 809,130 30,852 839,982
75 20070000823 12598240 Njoroge Toress Odhiambo E 67,428 809,130 30,852 839,982
76 20090006447 28526740 Fred Ochieng Okumah E 70,550 846,597 32,807 879,404
77 20090006456 24962216 Lilian Akinyi Odero E 58,630 703,560 25,344 728,904
78 20090006474 24559041 Erick Odhiambo Osii E 58,630 703,560 25,344 728,904
79 20100002702 27130246 Odiwuor Moses Odoyo E 59,608 715,290 25,956 741,246
80 20100006237 28535814 Okuma Mollyne Achieng E 61,563 738,750 27,180 765,930
81 20090006518 27923206 Calvince Oluoch Dianga E 58,630 703,560 4,000 707,560
82 20090006509 26064455 Erick Nyambare Omondi E 58,630 703,560 25,344 728,904

83 19860003372 8996329 Ongonga' Maurice Ondeyo D 64,495 773,940 29,016 802,956
Arap 58,630 703,560 25,344 728,904
84 19990024701 20298635 Kotalloh Peter Ongulu D
85 19930001960 1502600 Otieno Samwel Obondi D 61,563 738,750 27,180 765,930
86 19980005141 10024513 Owino Tobias Gerald D 66,450 797,400 30,240 827,640
87 19950002687 8116930 Panyako John Otieno D 58,630 703,560 25,344 728,904
88 19990000354 8245664 Omulo Samwel Onyango C 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
89 19990001495 8250159 Osoti Tobias Ochieng C 50,281 603,372 20,837 624,209
90 19940009432 10312204 Ouko Walter Oyoyo C 52,915 634,974 22,486 657,460
91 19990001468 1508122 Odhacha Philemon Okech C 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
92 20020000408 10284326 Kusa Jared Opiyo C 47,763 573,150 19,260 592,410
93 20030000143 9593835 Abunga Samwel Obera C 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
94 20090000276 24208216 Onyango David Odhiambo C 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
95 20090000963 5957359 Akinyi Perpetua Ojuki C 49,442 593,298 20,311 613,609
96 20090001219 13774139 Odhiambo Ebel Oyoo C 52,018 624,210 19,785 643,995
97 20090006563 5850173 Ong'anya Philip Odhiambo C 56,503 678,030 24,732 702,762
98 19930001997 6903166 Otieno Peter Ndugu B 56,503 678,030 24,732 702,762
99 20070002274 13892689 Aoko Judith Oketch B 46,084 553,002 18,209 571,211
100 20070002434 25165449 Ayoma Esther Asher B 49,442 593,298 20,311 613,609
101 20090003268 7374733 Otieno Walter Ogeka B 46,084 553,002 18,209 571,211
102 20100001965 23115067 Lando Joshua Ochieng B 46,084 553,002 18,209 571,211
103 20110001673 22885236 Ochieng Denish Ouma B 47,763 573,150 19,260 592,410
104 19990001619 12672933 Ouma Hana Akinyi B 56,503 678,030 24,732 702,762
105 19990010716 8628756 Ouma Alphayo Okayo A 49,442 593,298 20,311 613,609
106 20060000697 23378752 Otieno Fredrick Odoyo A 53,812 645,738 23,047 668,785
107 20060001096 20835331 Ouma Kepha Abura A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
108 20070002247 23398455 Opiyo Joseph Oduma A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
109 20100000020 11174273 Aketch Grace Odhiambo A 41,461 497,526 15,314 512,840
110 20100002015 27240735 Osomo James Omondi A 40,759 489,108 14,875 503,983
111 20100002426 20941557 Oloo Calvin Ojwaya A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
112 19990000489 11485222 Oganga Joseph Omollo A 46,923 563,076 18,734 581,810
113 19990001735 20013758 Otuo Charles Onditi A 53,812 645,738 23,047 668,785
114 20090001120 21934630 Otieno Tom Oriw A 41,461 497,526 15,314 512,840
115 20090000990 10962836 Atieno Norah Amba A 41,461 497,526 15,314 512,840
116 20000000877 12600927 Akinyi Mical Ndede A 42,231 506,772 15,797 522,569
117 19990024167 20669772 Atieno Margret Bala A 43,002 516,018 16,279 532,297
118 20000009076 11213063 Okech Sheth Wanjara A 47,763 573,150 19,260 592,410
TOTAL 7,509,083 90,108,997 2,410,253 92,519,250


Surnam First Other J
Sno Payroll No. ID No. e Name Names G Monthly Annual Leave Tot Annual
1 20130003459 8376134 Awiti Cyprian Otieno 5 924,250 11,091,000 10,000 11,101,000
2 20130001777 1910638 Onyango Hamilton Orata 6 621,500 7,458,000 10,000 7,468,000
3 20130048029 8148679 Ogwe Isaiah T 249,250 2,991,000 10,000 3,001,000
4 10820706 Kennedy Ongeko S 207,360 2,488,320 10,000 2,498,320
5 20130019082 10025468 Ochieng Eliud Otieno S 241,250 2,895,000 10,000 2,905,000
6 1990171485 5293831 Mokaya James Omote S 226,630 2,719,560 10,000 2,729,560
7 20130043417 26018525 Oduor David Ajumbo R 171,340 2,056,080 10,000 2,066,080
8 20130043319 24099884 Oloo John Apolo R 171,340 2,056,080 10,000 2,066,080
9 20130051526 23937148 Alaka Isaiah Otieno R 171,340 2,056,080 10,000 2,066,080
10 20562265 Bonyo Richard Ochieng R 165,128 1,981,530 10,000 1,991,530
11 20130043364 13388308 Nyangori Ruth Achieng R 171,340 2,056,080 10,000 2,066,080
12 20140026697 23710266 o Frankline Tabu Q 189,784 2,277,402 10,000 2,287,402
13 20140026704 23116619 Adinda Joseph Onyango Q 189,784 2,277,402 10,000 2,287,402
14 20150064734 21950396 Odongo Roy Otieno Q 177,467 2,129,604 10,000 2,139,604
15 20100006424 21853889 Ochieng Maurice Wambo Q 160,578 1,926,930 10,000 1,936,930
16 20020005994 20118975 Okumu Bernard Opande Q 164,050 1,968,600 10,000 1,978,600
17 20130045091 13297423 Okumu Samson Juma Q 182,360 2,188,320 10,000 2,198,320
18 20010008465 12669532 o Alice Akoth Q 158,830 1,905,960 10,000 1,915,960
19 20150117678 11705589 Obara Evelyn Adhiambo Q 177,467 2,129,604 10,000 2,139,604
20 19940015047 10792931 Oyundi Christopher Gabby Q 158,830 1,905,960 10,000 1,915,960
21 10404011 Omune Benjamin Modi Q 180,317 2,163,804 10,000 2,173,804
22 19900011430 9837133 Illah George Ouko Q 180,710 2,168,520 10,000 2,178,520
23 1985103087 9181824 Amadi Naphtal Simba Q 163,850 1,966,200 10,000 1,976,200
24 1986052629 1489306 Obado Benson Henry Q 169,540 2,034,480 10,000 2,044,480
25 589985 Onyango Eliud Wesonga Q 180,710 2,168,520 10,000 2,178,520
26 20150077213 23458788 Conga Caryn Jaseme P 158,467 1,901,604 10,000 1,911,604
27 19990001708 13598223 Otieno Joseph Omondi P 181,470 2,177,640 10,000 2,187,640
28 1992051607 5957379 Auma Charles B. M P 115,190 1,382,280 10,000 1,392,280
29 5883521 ho Joel Ogwel P 157,081 1,884,972 16,800 1,901,772
30 20150050212 26198626 Wasonga Akuku Tony N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
31 20150085224 26077595 Odero Jared Ondicho N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
32 20150050230 25396390 Rimba Odhiambo Benard N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
33 25033054 Robinson Ochieng Magak N 95,108 1,141,301 8,000 1,149,301
34 20150050249 24719111 Ongati Evans Ochieng N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
35 20150085573 24544162 Omira ne Okello N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
36 20150050285 23581463 Orech Jared Ochieng N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
37 20150050276 23271019 Odero Moses Ouma N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982

38 23237612 Moses Okeyo Owuoth N 95,108 1,141,301 8,000 1,149,301
39 20150107181 23094618 Ochieng Jacob Ochieng N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
40 20150050267 22937003 Andungo David Onyango N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
41 20150085733 22782193 Onyach Yvonne Akinyi N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
42 20150050258 22773958 Odero David Okatch N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
43 22693130 Kenedy Otieno Okello N 95,108 1,141,301 8,000 1,149,301
44 20010003531 22495581 Muga Ismael Okeyo N 133,995 1,607,943 49,041 1,656,984
45 20150050294 22369567 Ochiel Michael Tidy N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
46 20150050338 22299668 so Shedrick Ochieng N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
47 20150050329 22151466 Orwa Collins Omondi N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
48 20150050310 22062449 ka James Nyakundi N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
49 21177803 Kibaki Amos Ndege N 95,108 1,141,301 8,000 1,149,301
50 20150050356 21073147 Obingo Nicholas Ochieng N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
51 20150050392 20837378 Otiato Salmon Ogoi N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
52 20150050374 20613226 a Joanes Odongo N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
53 20150050409 14548635 Olony David Obuya N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
54 20150050454 13777901 Siroh Dennis Ogweno N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
55 13776108 George Otieno Mboga N 95,108 1,141,301 8,000 1,149,301
56 13656362 Philip Odhiambo Okeyo N 95,108 1,141,301 8,000 1,149,301
57 20150050418 13389465 Omollo Michael Anyanga N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
58 13384912 Wens Ouma Mangla N 95,108 1,141,301 8,000 1,149,301
59 20150050507 13187220 Omuga Moses Otieno N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
60 20150050445 12599348 Omondi Maurice Otieno N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
61 20150050463 12597716 Oginga Henry Otieno N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
62 20150050436 12596566 Joshua Paul Odoyo N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
63 20150050427 12593576 Simba Daniel Odhiambo N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
64 20150050490 12458136 Adoyo Felix Oluoch N 94,999 1,139,982 6,000 1,145,982
65 11634149 Fredrick Odhiambo Were N 95,108 1,141,301 8,000 1,149,301
66 11560876 Omburo Peter Oganyo N 95,108 1,141,301 8,000 1,149,301
67 10598338 Obego Rapheal Ouma N 75,050 900,600 900,600
68 10404896 Martin Otieno Opiyo N 95,108 1,141,301 8,000 1,149,301
69 2004014166 9306041 Ouma Bon Andiwo N 83,220 998,640 6,000 1,004,640
70 20130048038 20057348 o Paul Ojwang M 72,800 873,600 6,000 879,600
71 20130043408 13549532 o Moses Obura M 72,800 873,600 6,000 879,600
72 19940009478 13185738 Ochogo Solomon Owuor M 114,267 1,371,204 45,348 1,416,552
73 19940005032 11670509 Odipo Thomas Owino M 112,600 1,351,194 6,000 1,357,194
74 Okidi Henry M 50,000 600,000 6,000 606,000
75 20150009402 24635180 Agar Maren Achieng L 69,020 828,240 6,000 834,240
76 20130045135 22900651 Atieno Harty Otieno L 75,430 905,160 6,000 911,160

77 20160150738 22069551 Oliech Dickson Osuri L 81,582 978,984 6,000 984,984
78 20150085902 20782320 Omolo Edwin Amos L 81,582 978,984 6,000 984,984
79 20010000790 20617087 Magwaro Jared Ondieki L 86,553 1,038,639 30,993 1,069,632
80 20150050481 11498269 Midigo David O L 101,260 1,215,114 6,000 1,221,114
81 20150121065 29738320 Philida Amondi K 57,272 687,258 6,000 693,258
82 20160169577 29383055 Chuchu Alfred Okumu K 55,489 665,868 6,000 671,868
83 20150107672 28529580 Okelo Velmer Auma K 59,123 709,476 6,000 715,476
84 20150050196 27890359 Owino Markmillan Ochieng K 93,625 1,123,494 6,000 1,129,494
85 20150085117 27871939 Winnie Akoth K 67,553 810,630 6,000 816,630
86 20150064707 27595289 Otieno Quinto Ayieko K 76,410 916,920 6,000 922,920
87 20150064878 26928764 Saweh Junior Peter K 61,067 732,798 6,000 738,798
88 20150064841 26208149 Achieng Bushnell Odhiambo K 66,607 799,284 6,000 805,284
89 20150078587 25307347 Obonyo Maurice Omondi K 63,125 757,500 6,000 763,500
90 20150117767 25082423 o Carol Achieng K 59,123 709,476 6,000 715,476
91 20160169559 24618077 Omullo Travolta Okungu K 55,489 665,868 6,000 671,868
92 20150065188 24465190 Ouma Sylus Onyango K 65,276 783,306 6,000 789,306
93 20150085724 24120272 Nyaoke Julia Awuor K 59,123 709,476 6,000 715,476
94 20150085751 23380133 o Christine Achieng K 59,123 709,476 6,000 715,476
95 20150132479 23363581 Ochweda Josephine Amondi K 60,710 728,520 6,000 734,520
96 20150065080 22528187 Zackayo Adhiambo Tabitha K 67,553 810,630 6,000 816,630
97 20150085895 21709219 Aguko Wicklife Onyango K 57,272 687,258 6,000 693,258
98 20150065124 14666883 Akello Jared Ayieye K 67,553 810,630 6,000 816,630
99 20020002822 441402 Kanga Mark Okun K 58,652 703,818 6,000 709,818
100 20160150863 411368 Aluoch Mourice Juma K 67,553 810,630 6,000 816,630
101 19930000025 32199343 Omondi Kennedy M J 77,450 929,397 27,339 956,736
102 20150142340 31974136 Korwasia Yohana Poghisio J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
103 31545210 Patricia Adhiambo J 42,782 513,384 4,000 517,384
104 30651252 Japheth Onyango Otieno J 41,632 499,584 4,000 503,584
105 30621757 Fredrick Olum Obure J 42,782 513,384 4,000 517,384
106 20160129822 30558644 Odoyo Steve Bico J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
107 30063092 Steve Julius Okoth J 42,782 513,384 4,000 517,384
108 20150121074 29873624 Jomo Humphrey Ochieng J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
109 20150064798 29640806 Ajigoh Linnette Adhiambo J 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
110 20160169531 29194668 Ofwolo Noah Isiche J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
111 20160129813 29145832 Obondo Mark Omondi J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
112 28831364 Pacific Olivia Orwa J 40,298 483,576 4,000 487,576
113 20150107743 28717692 Ochola Steve Owino J 45,427 545,124 4,000 549,124
114 20160150505 28699719 Ochieng Austine Odhiambo J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
115 28418262 Lillian Anyango J 41,632 499,584 4,000 503,584

116 20080005198 28160715 Oduor Wycklife J 89,122 1,069,467 33,429 1,102,896
117 28006252 Okoth Georgina Akinyi J 43,782 525,384 5,000 530,384
118 20150063773 28001502 Arao Immaculate Aluoch J 45,427 545,124 4,000 549,124
119 20150107538 27855894 Elijah Joseph Ochieng J 45,427 545,124 4,000 549,124
120 20150133430 27839679 Okello Denice Ouma J 43,587 523,044 4,000 527,044
121 20160169308 27671569 Agong George Omondi J 42,552 510,624 4,000 514,624
122 20160169317 27454723 Abonyo Fredrick Owuor J 42,552 510,624 4,000 514,624
123 27453582 Lydia Aoko J 42,782 513,384 4,000 517,384
124 20160169675 27387867 Ochieng Jack Kelvin J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
125 20100006317 27295651 Reynolds Ndege Orinda J 78,617 943,404 27,948 971,352
126 27130097 Winnie Achieng Mirambo J 43,782 525,384 5,000 530,384
127 26057422 John Odhiambo Amollo J 42,782 513,384 4,000 517,384
128 20160169540 25797641 o Kenneth Ochieng J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
129 25620152 Joseph Otieno J 43,782 525,384 5,000 530,384
130 20150117794 24979911 Oluoch Rowa Nicholas J 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
131 20150065142 24810344 Otieno John Odero J 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
132 24691499 e Joseph Odhiambo J 43,782 525,384 5,000 530,384
133 20150107314 24477369 Obango Juliet Auma J 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
134 20150131758 24425892 Judith Auma J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
135 20150107510 24072906 Oluoch Faith Amollo J 45,427 545,124 4,000 549,124
136 20150065115 23840693 Migai Stephen Ouma J 45,427 545,124 4,000 549,124
137 20160150523 22931517 Onditi Edmond Awuor J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
138 20150078630 22217064 Ochieng Patricia Anyango J 48,578 582,936 4,000 586,936
139 22091169 Obonyo William Onyango J 41,632 499,584 4,000 503,584
140 20000009094 21808874 Ouma George Adoyo J 80,952 971,418 29,166 1,000,584
141 20100006433 21708354 Jimmy Usiku Ober J 78,617 943,404 27,948 971,352
142 20150085886 21259544 o Tom Clement J 45,427 545,124 4,000 549,124
143 20777784 Owaka Paul J 41,632 499,584 4,000 503,584
144 20130045117 14550296 Odero Kennedy Odhiambo J 97,275 1,167,294 35,778 1,203,072
145 20150107421 13468458 Onyango Grace Awino J 45,427 545,124 4,000 549,124
146 19990001548 11215697 Cabots Irene Auma J 93,625 1,123,494 35,778 1,159,272
147 20150120451 9545028 Onyango Lynet Akoth J 43,955 527,460 4,000 531,460
148 19910006307 8820398 Oluoch Richard Obudo J 86,788 1,041,453 32,211 1,073,664
149 19930006992 8719125 Achieng Bethwel Odhiambo J 90,090 1,081,074 34,038 1,115,112
150 19860002937 7948837 Ooko Thomas Okoth J 76,283 915,390 26,730 942,120
151 19870010183 6690364 Awuor Joyce Aguko J 84,453 1,013,439 30,993 1,044,432
152 20160169326 6679660 Akomo Carolyne Atieno J 42,552 510,624 4,000 514,624
153 19920008699 5293819 Onyiego Symon o J 87,955 1,055,460 32,820 1,088,280

154 19850002970 1269988 Onyango Samson Mboya J 79,784 957,411 28,557 985,968
155 32579312 Maurine Aoro Ojiem H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
156 32226059 Edwina Achieng Otieno H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
157 31888187 Felix Onyango John H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
158 20150107930 31514592 Onyango Fredrick Otieno H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
159 20150142368 31487827 Osano John Bosco H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
160 30943195 Akus Benson Omondi H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
161 30422701 Oyiengo Apondi H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
162 30399805 Winnie Paula Awino h 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
163 30395962 Robert Ayawa H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
164 30284770 Moochi Emmanuel Mariita H 32,021 384,257 4,000 388,257
165 30283890 Fredrick Odhiambo Ogara H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
166 20150133412 30268280 Orucho Archeleus Odhiambo H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
167 30187437 Sharon Akinyi H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
168 30061412 Maureen Auma Juma H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
169 30001480 Fredrick Juma Nyandiga H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
170 20160150710 29415315 Seth Ouko H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
171 29015768 Akoth Lilian Ayiera H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
172 28994632 Liech Ouma Noah H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
173 20150132728 28806962 Amenya George Ochieng H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
174 20150117472 28804233 Onditi Molyne Atieno H 40,310 483,714 4,000 487,714
175 20150120577 28745583 Ogalo Jackline Adhiambo H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
176 28729607 Daniel Juma Akama H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
177 28419975 Kennedy Otieno H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
178 20150107716 28413200 Omega Mercy Akinyi H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
179 28148133 Nancy Adhiambo O H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
180 28141278 Millicent Anyango H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
181 20150142386 28090157 Lilian Akinyi H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
182 20160169406 28020064 Malongo Mollyne Apollo H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
183 27881607 Awuor Okomo H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
184 27872691 Pauline Ogal H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
185 27860861 Jacob Wasonga Okoyo H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
186 27800489 Shaban Abdi Ochieng H 36,641 439,692 4,000 443,692
187 27769111 Oduor Edger Okeyo H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
188 27692051 Francis Otieno Obwanga H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
189 20160150685 27675450 Oloo Samson Omondi H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
190 27513465 Mourine Akinyi Odhiambo H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
191 20150133341 27503696 Salome Omondi Randa H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
192 27294993 Patrick Odhiambo H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
193 27281785 Belinda Akinyi H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
194 26956810 Reaggan Ogutu H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444

195 20160151075 26926194 Siage Sukiller Suzan H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
196 26320039 Eucabeth Adhiambo Ngiela H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
197 26264646 David Odhiambo Ochola H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
198 26220714 Esther Achieng Onyango H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
199 26069350 David Okoth Kisome H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
200 26069251 David M. Okoth H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
201 20150107207 25961753 Otieno Caren Atieno H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
202 25805165 Beatrice Atieno Nyadera H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
203 20150107734 25663228 Omondi Houston Opiyo H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
204 25621697 Agira John Auki H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
205 20160153711 25101353 Apunda Beril Atieno H 18,250 219,000 4,000 223,000
206 24979101 Yuda Owino H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
207 24950802 Robert Otieno H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
208 24781846 Elisha Akoth Okongo H 36,641 439,692 4,000 443,692
209 24681529 Diana Lorna Akinyi H 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
210 20160169433 24608726 Adoyo Veronica Awuor H 34,215 410,574 4,000 414,574
211 20160129368 24583137 Olweny Mary Atieno H 18,250 219,000 4,000 223,000
212 20150133332 24566978 Njonjo Charles Okumu H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
213 20150078603 24564671 Abuoro Eliud Oluoch H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
214 24334582 Amos Odhiambo Awuonda H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
215 20160169657 23962408 Odiembo Jared Okeyo H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
216 20150120540 23598046 Angah Tobias Oguta H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
217 20150078621 23580733 Okeyo Leaky Onyango H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
218 20150132657 23196690 Matunga Akoth Damarice H 40,310 483,714 4,000 487,714
219 20140126718 23157178 Mang'Ira Claryce Achola H 37,688 452,250 4,000 456,250
220 20150064743 23006650 Bayo Everlyne Atieno H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
221 20130048047 22987423 Okendo Benard O H 36,930 443,160 4,000 447,160
222 22742585 Steven Okinyi H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
223 20160150756 22730453 Kech Rexford Otieno H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
224 22537330 Isdorah Akinyi Onyango H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
225 20150107903 22433067 Okeyo Hellen Anyango H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
226 22347502 Noelle Mijide Mbiti H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
227 20150107681 22313069 Awere Julie Atieno H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
22121908 Lawrenc
Ogwago Amayo
228 e H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
229 20150085813 22017839 Agwa Lawrence Oloo H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
230 21888214 Kennedy Nyamura Oroba H 35,937 431,244 4,000 435,244
231 20150132700 21740427 Oluoch James Okoth H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
232 20150132522 20714696 Okelo Caroline H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
233 20150078649 20622115 Ocholla Kenneth Otieno H 37,688 452,250 4,000 456,250
234 20160150854 20577812 Ronga Dickson Ochieng H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822

235 20150120853 20102356 Miraa Pamela Akinyi H 40,310 483,714 4,000 487,714
236 20160150747 14668619 Okongo Ezra Ogola H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
237 20160153784 13776396 Onyango Lucy Adhiambo H 18,250 219,000 4,000 223,000
Kennedy Odhiambo
238 13193104 o H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
239 20150146964 12510526 Adongo Molly Achieng H 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
240 20160169728 12459189 Ogutu Mishael Ouma H 18,250 219,000 4,000 223,000
11044370 Akoth Oyomo
241 y H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
242 20150107029 10352380 Odera Mary Akinyi H 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
243 20160153800 10313208 Ogal Joseph Ongoya H 20,250 243,000 4,000 247,000
244 20160150792 8821895 Wanga Lucy Akoth H 53,319 639,822 4,000 643,822
245 20160153828 6634710 Orwa Monica Atieno H 15,250 183,000 4,000 187,000
246 20160169700 5959193 Ochola Robert Sulwe H 18,250 219,000 4,000 223,000
247 2877853 Winney Awuor H 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
248 34218566 Alfred Finken Otieno G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
249 34159842 Victor Ochieng Odawa G 36,641 439,692 4,000 443,692
250 131 33913938 Robert Ouko G 37,803 453,630 4,000 457,630
251 33484310 Magy Salvadon Adhiambo G 36,641 439,692 4,000 443,692
252 20160169442 33437729 Ongiri Julius Ouma G 31,213 374,556 4,000 378,556
253 20150142331 33269528 o Winnie Adhiambo G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
254 33228072 Sheila Otieno G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
255 20150133529 32672440 Otulo Paschal Otieno G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
256 20150107805 32513242 Ogwe Fredrick Onyango G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
257 32426110 Wcliffe Omondi G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
258 32400837 Owino Jared Oluoch G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
259 20160169399 31950217 Oriema Verah Awino G 31,213 374,556 4,000 378,556
260 31836303 James Reagan Mbata G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
261 31533595 Victor Otieno Odiembo G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
262 31455458 Erick Odhiambo Aliet G 31,386 376,626 4,000 380,626
263 31445981 Winnie Akinyi Odero G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
264 31095240 Valent Achieng Odhiambo G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
265 30772850 Carolyne Akoth Tom G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
266 30553195 Isaac Omondi Abong G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
267 30466708 Edwin Ochieng Mingo G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
268 30372431 George Odhiambo Mwamba G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
269 20150065071 30342590 Okuna Anyango Everlyne G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
270 30269505 Mercy Awuor Osen G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
271 30122187 Omondi Polycap Onyango G 33,490 401,880 4,000 405,880
272 20150065062 30046748 Ouma Faith Adhiambo G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
273 20150132773 29759611 Ouma Charles Ochieng G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
274 20100006353 29538146 Odero Lorna Akinyi G 67,600 811,200 30,240 841,440

275 20150132737 29266650 Osewe Elvis Omondi G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
276 28896676 Mary Gorety Akuma G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
277 20150142420 28869268 Iddi Sat Shaban G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
278 28771229 Atieno Odongo G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
279 28710867 Lauryne Awuor Odenya G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
280 20150065044 28706806 Okumu Okello Oliver G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
281 28612809 Veryle Jane Adhiambo g 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
282 20160129779 28535209 Odongo Sarah Apondi G 15,250 183,000 4,000 187,000
283 20160150765 28416401 Ndire Cleophas Odero G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
284 28411112 Maurice Ouya Okoth G 31,386 376,626 4,000 380,626
285 20160150701 28375149 Nyabute Felix Otieno G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
286 20160129760 28374213 o Calvince Odhiambo G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
287 20110008672 28356972 Ogola Nancy Awino G 66,623 799,470 4,000 803,470
288 20160129751 28235269 Okuta Marren Achieng G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
289 28059868 Dorothy Akinyi Abuto G 37,803 453,630 4,000 457,630
290 27882114 Lamek Odhiambo Juma G 36,641 439,692 4,000 443,692
291 20160153631 27868456 Ochieng Justin Atieno G 15,250 183,000 4,000 187,000
292 20160169362 27847416 Okoth Belinda Aluoch G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
293 20150063755 27692760 Oding Odiwuor John G 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
294 27441860 Ogada Maxwell Amara G 30,500 366,966 4,000 370,966
295 20150063746 27412216 Omiyo Omondi Steven G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
296 27363784 Godgfrey Oginga Abibo G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
297 20150107592 27317667 Ochola Lovincia Atieno G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
298 20150132915 27222331 Onare Godfrey Omondi G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
299 20150085199 26938012 Omondi Brian Valecia G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
300 26621566 Charles Ochieng Otiu G 35,537 426,444 4,000 430,444
301 26554557 Daniel Onyango Omolloh G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
302 26468984 Ruth Awino Njoroge G 31,386 376,626 4,000 380,626
303 20150147336 26419031 Ogolla Christopher Omondi G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
304 20150065026 26246347 Ogindo Jackline Awuor G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
305 20150132424 25759391 Apiyo Moses Omondi G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
306 25683161 Mercy Anyango Opiyo G 35,491 425,892 4,000 429,892
307 20150085493 25532633 Madanji Joash Maina G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
308 20160169371 25438664 Nyajowi Knight Violet G 31,213 374,556 4,000 378,556
309 20150132719 25431266 Aketch Paul Odhiambo G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
25309332 Nichode Kondakon
310 mus da G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
311 20150120942 25139948 Owino Nancy Akoth G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
312 20150147121 25105633 o Alphonce Okuku G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
313 20150147185 25081348 Ongoko Rogers Odhiambo G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
314 20150147176 24887211 Diero Bonface Odhiambo G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760

315 20150063737 24619580 Ouma Bonns Omondi G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
316 20150147210 24587608 Ndege Elly Onyuro G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
317 20150063595 24537058 Odiwuor Peter Ochieng G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
318 20150132675 24358125 Okanga Nick Akoko G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
319 20150147158 24207318 Adhu Brad Ochieng G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
320 20150078658 24123731 Okomo Symon Winda G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
321 23836358 Benard Ochieng Otieno G 36,641 439,692 4,000 443,692
322 20160150694 23763317 Odongo Kepha Otieno G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
323 23732746 Lynnet Ouma G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
324 20150065008 23535093 Adhere Saline Agawo G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
325 23517015 Aballa Okido G 31,386 376,626 4,000 380,626
326 20150065017 23454726 Ogeda Akoth Judith G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
327 20150120782 23136504 Odede Wyclife Obuya G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
328 20150117687 23083734 Apollo Samwel Ngoma G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
329 20150120586 23015358 Orina Oscar Omondi G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
330 20150117669 22894109 Oula Fredrick Otieno G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
331 22663782 Erick Ochieng Odhiambo G 31,386 376,626 4,000 380,626
332 22573067 Frankline Odhiambo Ouso G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
333 22496573 Paul Ochieng Daniel G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
334 22427567 Godfrey Nyangor Ogada G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
335 22359620 Owawa Pamela Oduori G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
336 20160169460 22321171 Odiawo Jared Ochieng G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
337 22274714 Samwel Asiago G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
338 20150132853 22191426 Obongo Maurice Otieno G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
339 2008025533 22155528 Ondenge Felix Obuya G 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
340 20150085822 22121764 Ogol Benard Odoyo G 35,733 428,790 4,000 432,790
341 22074593 George Otieno Kamuya G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
342 20160150667 21856157 Orenda Rollins Dickence G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
343 20150050178 21841093 Osano Ochieng Nashon G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
344 20150063684 21836272 Kagaga Martin Onyango G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
345 29453659 Atika Daniel Odhiambo G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
346 27592120 Odiawo Cecil Ochieng G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
347 20150064985 21733311 Olare Akinyi Rose G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
348 20831498 Onyango Arot Onyango G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
349 20150063648 20757930 Okeyo Jack Otieno G 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
350 22050707 Ouma George Otieno G 35,319 423,822 4,000 427,822
351 20150142877 20735247 Otieno Martha Achieng G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
352 20150077071 20610853 Kiage Timothy Ogutu G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
353 20459189 Raphael Okoth Abong'o G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
Achieng Malit
354 20362601 e G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
355 20150085911 20228864 Musa Mohamed Onyango G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760

356 20047176 Ruth Awino Onyango G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
357 20150085939 14677755 Obado Tobias Otieno G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
358 20150147005 13789103 Orwa Joseph Ambata G 32,450 389,400 4,000 393,400
359 24567505 Odiawo George Oduya G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
360 20160169380 13777053 Obabo Samson Modesters G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
361 20150133501 13775692 Adero Charles Otieno G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
362 14549011 Ajwang Salmon Ajwang G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
363 20150064976 13658948 o Grace Atieno G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
364 33727302 Akeyo Fredrick Ouma G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
365 20150120693 13518782 Omolo Cyprine Ngeta G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
366 20150063639 13518187 Gat David Ochieng G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
367 13481939 Ridd Richard Ondiegi G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
368 20150132924 13193286 Wachara John Onyango G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
369 20150085948 12598377 Odemba Duncan Odhiambo G 35,733 428,790 4,000 432,790
370 11230350 Omar Musa Onyango G 36,641 439,692 4,000 443,692
371 20150085984 11122910 Nyamula n Odhiambo G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
372 20150132746 10820540 Ogaga Stephen Obuya G 32,168 386,010 4,000 390,010
373 10287483 Kennedy Omondi Owinoh G 36,641 439,692 4,000 443,692
374 20130048010 9943914 Ndege Thomas Ouma G 33,600 403,200 4,000 407,200
375 20150117632 9397310 Onjiko Gilbert Ongoche G 36,480 437,760 4,000 441,760
376 20150077099 9281834 Simiyu Peter G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
377 9119701 Owili Kennedy Obuya G 32,536 390,426 4,000 394,426
378 20150107065 8585197 Obuya Kennedy Odhiambo G 33,168 398,016 4,000 402,016
379 4409395 Daniel Mboya Onyango G 35,491 425,892 4,000 429,892
380 20150133421 32599915 Odee Bancy Akoth F 28,534 342,408 4,000 346,408
381 31433548 Odoyo Okoth F 25,118 301,410 2,700 304,110
382 20160169611 31261669 yi Richard Maguti F 25,188 302,250 4,000 306,250
383 20150133510 28644402 Ogada Kenneth Khitegi F 25,935 311,220 4,000 315,220
384 20160169620 28337907 John Nyangoya Auma F 28,534 342,408 4,000 346,408
385 20160169424 27540839 Orro Mary Awino F 25,188 302,250 4,000 306,250
386 20150133403 26493814 Ongati Calvince Ouma F 25,935 311,220 4,000 315,220
387 20160151084 25460312 Juma Pamela Akinyi F 25,188 302,250 4,000 306,250
388 24959722 Wycliffe Onyango Nyabala F 24,118 289,416 3,000 292,416
389 24843534 Jared O. Odhiambo F 24,418 293,010 2,000 295,010
390 20160129359 24572394 Obossy Tekere Ediger F 25,188 302,250 4,000 306,250
391 20160169513 24476656 Luyai Albert Odongo F 25,188 302,250 4,000 306,250
392 20150133396 22947152 Midumbi Moses Ondigo F 25,590 307,080 4,000 311,080
393 20150063540 21759070 Okoth Albert Ouma F 26,763 321,156 4,000 325,156
394 20150146991 21425763 Owuor Jane Atieno F 25,188 302,250 4,000 306,250

395 20160169353 20254636 Osicho Millicent Atieno F 24,463 293,556 4,000 297,556
396 20160169504 20059793 Omolo Albert Otieno F 25,188 302,250 4,000 306,250
397 20160169693 13777864 Nyamalo Reuben Odhiambo F 25,188 302,250 4,000 306,250
398 20060001069 11392848 Otieno Bernard Ndege F 60,758 729,090 25,956 755,046
399 20160169344 11089992 Ojuka Claris Adhiambo F 24,463 293,556 4,000 297,556
400 20150120648 10963191 Omboke Dan Odhiambo F 25,188 302,250 4,000 306,250
401 1994047866 10599576 Oketch Tobias Odhiambo F 61,735 740,820 26,568 767,388
402 Omari Benard h F 26,418 317,010 4,000 321,010
403 20140108176 31812704 Opana Diana Achieng E 23,000 276,000 4,000 280,000
404 20150050187 28894074 Oywer Okoth Francis E 25,142 301,698 4,000 305,698
405 20090006438 27893162 Mary Nyagori Awino E 23,000 276,000 4,000 280,000
406 20100006246 26457341 Erick Odhiambo Obonyo E 58,630 703,560 25,344 728,904
407 25373783 Erick Ochieng Wasonga E 24,118 289,410 4,000 293,410
408 20090006527 24892913 Elijah Dianga Oniala E 55,859 670,302 23,609 693,911
409 20130048001 23732270 Anyango Beatrice Bunde E 23,000 276,000 4,000 280,000
410 20090006492 23000627 Eunice Auma Odhiambo E 23,000 276,000 4,000 280,000
411 20090006536 22913180 el Ogogo Okal E 58,630 703,560 25,344 728,904
412 20150063568 22461038 Ogutu Akoth Monica E 25,142 301,698 4,000 305,698
413 20150063559 22298862 Rombe Onyango Francis E 25,142 301,698 4,000 305,698
414 20150147014 22297621 Oloo David Ochieng E 22,460 269,520 4,000 273,520
415 21652857 Roseline Akinyi Odhiambo E 23,739 284,862 3,000 287,862
416 20090006483 20409250 Odidi Jane Akinyi E 58,630 703,560 25,344 728,904
417 20010000316 10126190 Otieno Gradus Malela E 66,450 797,400 4,000 801,400
418 20030000027 8119323 Munga Wilhelmus Orwa E 55,859 670,302 23,609 693,911
419 19860000380 4023329 Riako Andrew Oluoch E 61,585 739,020 19,785 758,805
420 20060000455 2817218 Ochieng John Agadha E 58,630 703,560 25,344 728,904
421 20070007199 30050366 Ouma Charles Opiyo D 58,630 703,560 25,344 728,904
422 20100006157 30004154 Oyugi Calvince Omondi D 54,065 648,774 22,486 671,260
423 20120000339 29263565 Odera Maurice Ochieng D 53,168 638,010 19,785 657,795
424 20020000328 21950440 Yongo Isaac Anudo D 55,859 670,302 23,609 693,911
425 20060000713 20786786 Otooma Aulgah Achieng D 52,271 627,246 21,362 648,608
426 20020000319 20529775 Okoth Philip Ouma D 66,450 797,400 19,785 817,185
427 20080005223 14548358 Aloo Otieno Gordon D 54,065 648,774 22,486 671,260
428 20100001938 13499020 Aketch Duncan Ouma D 62,540 750,480 27,792 778,272
429 20060001621 12598153 Abel Odhiambo Owino D 54,065 648,774 22,486 671,260
430 20070001115 12459096 Mungai Joshia Mc'odingo D 55,859 670,302 23,609 693,911
431 20090000954 8144036 Oluoch Tom Angir D 61,563 738,750 19,785 758,535
432 19860003416 6470108 Awino Alice Atieno D 55,859 670,302 23,609 693,911
433 20000009030 5893354 Onyango John Olweru D 53,168 638,010 19,785 657,795
434 19890011944 3979125 Ochola Syprine Anyango D 59,608 715,290 25,956 741,246

435 19970007786 1540814 Onda Samwel a D 54,962 659,538 23,047 682,585
436 20090000310 27720021 Orwa Lilian Auma C 48,602 583,224 19,785 603,009
437 20090000249 22556162 Nyauke Dancun Odhiambo C 60,413 724,950 27,180 752,130
438 20030001195 12929793 Obel Joseph C 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
439 19990001628 12672970 Ondigo Daniel Onyango C 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
440 1988055013 9123225 Ajwang Sebastian Onyango C 47,763 573,150 19,260 592,410
441 20020002911 7373838 Ayodo Samwel Ogweno C 50,281 603,372 20,837 624,209
442 19930002127 1482023 Aende Peter Otieno C 56,503 678,030 24,732 702,762
443 19990001806 20564879 Odero Geofrey Otieno B 46,084 553,002 18,209 571,211
444 19970008096 20273956 Atieno Eunice Obande B 47,763 573,150 19,260 592,410
445 19990001771 20071725 Ngara Peter Were B 49,442 593,298 20,311 613,609
446 19970007919 10405698 Okoth Nashon Jienda B 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
447 1990113233 10027730 Ombei Johnstone Oigo B 46,923 563,076 18,734 581,810
448 20090001200 27877529 Ochieng Kelvins Soyo A 41,461 497,526 15,314 512,840
449 20060000688 23202030 Oluoch Wycliff Wakiaga A 43,002 516,018 16,279 532,297
450 20090001013 12600922 Siwo James Lala A 46,723 560,676 18,734 579,410
451 20060000517 10405750 Okoth William Mumbo A 43,002 516,018 16,279 532,297
452 19970011048 9985181 Randa Meshack Ouya A 46,923 563,076 18,734 581,810
453 20000009058 9904388 Otieno Andrew Agunyo A 46,923 563,076 18,734 581,810
454 19990016138 5873132 Omanya Philister Auma A 43,002 516,018 16,279 532,297
455 19890011891 5224232 Odero John Oloo A 48,602 583,224 19,786 603,010
TOTAL 26,157,789 313,894,430 3,413,490 317,307,921


First Other J Total

No. P/No ID No. Surname Name Names G Monthly Annual Leave Annual
1 7 244,000.00 2,928,000 10,000 2,938,000
2 8 245,250.00 2,943,000 10,000 2,953,000
3 8 260,250.00 3,123,000 10,000 3,133,000
4 8 260,250.00 3,123,000 10,000 3,133,000
5 8 260,250.00 3,123,000 10,000 3,133,000
6 8 308,250.00 3,699,000 10,000 3,709,000
7 8 296,050.00 3,552,600 10,000 3,562,600
8 20000000466 13190727 Ogot Lameck Otieno Q 189,783.50 2,277,402 10,000 2,287,402
9 20140026142 22438184 Bob Collins Otieno Q 177,467.00 2,129,604 10,000 2,139,604
10 19980006237 10027024 Ochieng Joseph Oyugi P 134,031.00 1,608,372 49,164 1,657,536
11 19930002056 10823752 Otieno Martin Outi M 97,592.00 1,171,104 36,648 1,207,752
12 1990168490 27682764 Loch Rose Anyango K 55,489.00 665,868 6,000 671,868
13 20160129804 25640932 Ogunda Linet Anyango K 55,489.00 665,868 6,000 671,868
14 20150063577 27796458 Nyagute Odhiambo Boaz K 67,552.50 810,630 6,000 816,630

15 2007011638 21937269 Aloo Sabina Anyango K 65,460.00 785,520 6,000 791,520
16 20150063782 26544007 Mbeya Anne Achieng J 48,578.00 582,936 4,000 586,936
17 20150064903 26544007 Onundo Stella Vallentine J 45,427.00 545,124 4,000 549,124
18 20150065222 28785553 Oswago Jack Otieno G 36,480.00 437,760 4,000 441,760
19 20150132880 27796458 Ogada Jeremiah Odiwuor G 36,480.00 437,760 4,000 441,760
20 20060000311 10986434 Owich John Oranga F 76,001.50 912,018 34,999 947,017
21 20100006264 24009896 Rose Akoyo Oyomo E 58,630.00 703,560 25,344 728,904
22 9795329 Osumba Phoebe Atieno E 20,024.00 240,288 3,000 243,288
23 20100001956 13708832 Ooko Millicent Atieno D 56,755.50 681,066 24,170 705,236
TOTAL 3,095,540.00 37,146,480 303,326 37,449,806


Other Current Job Gross
S/N Payroll NO. ID. NO. Surname Monthly
Names Designation Group Annual Pay
Zilper Municipal
1 20150065099 20050903 Opapo Q 162,269 1,957,228
Atieno Manager
2 20090000267 23556984 Otieno Accountant SS10 93,247 1,118,966
255,516 3,076,194



The main strategy of the county remains focused on funding the highest priority capital projects
first. This funding is done once the project has been approved and included in the Annual
Development Plan and a pre-design has been developed by the department and approved by the
County Budget and Economic Forum.

Projects relying on donor support as part of their financing plan are required to meet certain
thresholds to advance. First, there must be a Memorandum of Understanding approved by the
Council of Governors and a budget broken down into yearly allocations. Second, the allocation
must be recognized and included in the national Budget Policy Statement and County Allocation
of Revenue Bill for the year in question. Finally, construction is started only when a reasonable
percent of the donation has been received in cash or pledges at the appropriate forum and an
acknowledgement from the forum has been received by County Budget and Economic Forum that
the balance of funds shall be obtained within a reasonable timeframe. The County Executive
Member responsible for finance may however consider exceptions to these laid down
requirements. If approved, the exception must be documented in the project finance agreement.

The most potent alternative to grants and donations from county’s overseas development partners
are private sector participation models such as PPP: BTO, BOT and BOOT. In PPP, the county
government or its agencies will be entering contracts with private parties, in which the private
party provides a public service or project and assumes substantial financial, technical and
operational risk in the project. In some cases, the cost of using the service will however be borne
exclusively by the users of the services provided and not by the taxpayers or the County

In other cases (notably in private finance initiatives), capital investment will be made by the private
party on the basis of a contract with county government to provide agreed services and the cost of
providing the service is borne wholly or in part by the government. The county government
contributions to a PPP will mostly be in kind (notably the transfer of land and other existing assets).
In projects that are aimed at creating public goods like in the infrastructure sector, the county
government will provide capital subsidies in the form of one-time grants, so as to make it more
attractive to the private investor.


The County Government of Homa Bay expects to finance its recurrent and development
expenditure from three main sources, namely:

a) Ordinary budget – from property rates, entertainment taxes, service charges, and national
government remittances;
b) Extraordinary budget – from grants, donations, loans and private sector participation (PPP;

c) Other sources- Sale of government assets, capital receipts and, incomes from government
investments and public enterprises.

The ordinary budget revenue is expected to grow at a compound rate of three (3) percent over the
MTEF period 2020/21-2022/23. Given the expected challenges posed by covid-19 and the
continued risk of exchequer releases, cost reduction efforts are clearly expected to play a major
role in bringing about a balance in the budget. The county will have to learn to do more, and do
better, with less.
Since recurrent expenditure must be covered by ordinary budget, the County Treasury will pursue
opportunities to boost the collection of revenues without raising revenue rates. Some of the
approaches to be used to help improve the collection of own-source revenue include:
 Improving billing and collections. The county government is working to improve its
revenue intake in two ways: by applying readily available data mining and analytic
techniques and by billing appropriately and collecting effectively.
 Optimizing pricing. The County government will leverage on the private sector expertise
when developing pricing strategies for revenue-generating products and services.
 Using assets to make money. The county government will make its physical and digital
assets work harder for taxpayers: sell, rent or lease the assets; and offer premium, value-
added services related to the asset for which customers will readily pay.
These revenue-generating opportunities will help the county governments to close the gaps in its
budgets without raising taxes or cutting services. By employing ideas and approaches first
perfected in the private sector, the county government can ensure its initiatives deliver the most
value possible to citizens.


To finance its MTEF development budget, the County Treasury will focus beyond public funding
through appropriations to include more external grants and innovative financing frameworks like
PPP. Measures are being put in place to tap into philanthropy and corporate sponsorships, earned
income from public investments, user fees, special use and concerts; external real estate such as
ground leases, right-of –way leases, mineral or driller rights and; external value capture through
tax increment financing, business improvement districts, real estate transfer tax and developer

In line with the best practice and international trends, the County Treasury will appropriate less
public resources into operation and maintenance of public realm projects. Instead, the county will
encourage project sponsors to find alternative sources of operating funds. Earned income from
concessions and special events are expected to play progressively larger role in raising revenue for
operation and maintenance funding.

Effort will be made to fund urban redevelopment through Tax Increment Financing (TIF) and
Business Improvement Districts (BID). These tax raising mechanisms will also be leveraged upon
to develop sites of tourist interest like cultural centers, theme parks and technopolis.

During the discussions held at the sector level, a number of emerging issues were noted and hence
prioritized for consideration by the budget committee. A summary of the noted issues is presented
in matrix as follows:

Sector Top priorities Proposed Resource

mobilization strategy
Lands, Housing, Urban o Development of PDPs o Donor support
Development and Physical o Fees and charges
Tourism, Sports, Gender, o Construction of cultural o Kenya Tourism Board
Youth, Culture and Social centers funding
Services o Cash transfer for the o Stage Cultural
vulnerable groups Week/shows
o Upgrading sub-county o Market Tourist and
stadiums Heritage sites
o Invest in the hospitality
Finance, Economic Planning o Prudency in the use of o Strengthen research and
and Service Delivery resources marketing
o Civic education for public o Pooling of resources for
participation cross-sector purchases
o Public expenditure o Rent out idle public
tracking properties
o Strengthen inspection and o Public Private
enforcement Partnerships

Education and ICT o Enhanced Staffing o Donor support

o School infrastructure o Fund raising
o Provision of Learning
o Expanding Internet
Agriculture, Livestock and o Promoting Irrigation o Establish a revolving fund
Fisheries Development o Fisheries Development o Establish fish factory
o Value addition o Strengthen Cooperative
o Subsidizing farm inputs Societies
o Mechanizing agriculture o Horticulture
o Revitalizing cotton
Water, Environment and o Operationalize all existing o Water billing
Natural Resources water schemes

Sector Top priorities Proposed Resource
mobilization strategy
o Establish water users o Support from
committees development partners
o Afforestation esp. Fruit o Water Resources Trust
tree farming Fund
o Minimize noise pollution o Noise pollution charges
Energy and Mining o Renewable sources of o Formation and
energy strengthening of
o Development of cooperatives
construction minerals o Fees and charges
o Solar lighting of markets o Donor support
o Public Private Partnership
Trade, Industrialization, o Establishing a trade fund o Capital market
Cooperatives and Enterprise o Fish processing o Long term deposits
Development o Groundnuts processing o Bank loans
industry o Retained earnings
o Markets upgrading o Lease
o Cotton development o Franchise
Roads, Public Works and o Tarmacking critical roads o Concessions
Transport o Opening up tourist o Donor support
attraction and heritage
sites, beaches, etc
County Executive Services o Construction of county o Value addition
headquarter o Diaspora desk
o Creation of employment

Health o School health budget o Improve quality of service

o Outreaches provision
o Health promotion o Health insurance scheme
o Procure a water ambulance o Cost-sharing
o Development partnerships
o Service integration

S/No. Programme Issues Raised Recommendations
1 Trade,  Minimal support towards growth  Working out a support package
Industrialization, of SMEs for small businesses including a
Investments and  Under-representation of young grant
Co-operatives people in industrial development  Encouraging new ideas like
 Using the trade well as an avenue setting up cottage industries and
for job creation training the youth on different
 Staff motivation and capacity job skills
building  Investing more on the youth and
channelling their abilities into
poverty reduction initiatives
 Streamlining and fast-tracking
implementation of Trade Fund
 Reducing loan rates towards
RET investments
 Carrying out informed planning
and implementation of ideas
 Investing on staff motivation,
capacity building after
S/No. Programme Issues Raised Recommendations
2 Education  Funds being allocated for  Reducing the bursary fund and
National Government functions channelling it to support
i.e. bursary fund that supports upgrade of infrastructure in
secondary and university EYE and VT centres.
education.  Equipping EYE and VTCs with
 Unstable power supplies solar technology
 Lack of EYE and VTE policies  Putting EYE and VTE policies
 Low-cost energy efficient stoves in place urgently
be installed at the VTCs  Reducing allocation to bursary
 Lack of solar artisanal training and other operations to create
in VTCs as part of training something for school feeding in
curriculum hardship areas
 Confirmation and employment  Having VTC curriculum that
of EYE teachers on permanent supports sustainable
terms/basis development such as through
 Lack of legal officers to help solar technology training
departments on all the matters  Restructuring EYE and VTC
concerning drafting of bills classrooms to conform to

 Lack of feeding programme in covid-19
EYE centres requirements/standards
 Classrooms not designed to
adhere to Covid-19 directives
S/No. Programme Issues Raised Recommendations
3 Health  Inadequate allocations for the  Increasing allocation to the
health care workers in light of health sector to improve
COVID-19 preparedness for covid-19
 Absence of special staff  Enhancing and actualizing
insurance to cover risks arising allocation for registering
from exposure to infectious Vulnerable households into
diseases NHIF s
 Using UHC allocations to cover  Allocating additional funds for
vulnerable groups such as the equipment purchase as basic
elderly reallocation will hurt other
 Accommodating additional KSh. critical sub-sectors
5M to facilitate shipping and  Providing PPEs and using them
clearance charges for medical as provided according to the
equipment worth KSh. 200M level of risk in an area
 Providing all health care workers  Using allocation for ward-based
with complete PPEs and projects well to take care of such
emergency response equipment project proposals in the ward
 Constructing additional  Completing the ICU at the
paediatric and maternal wards in HBCTRH and establishing
each sub-county hospital others in proposed areas
 Absence of a fully-equipped ICU  Reviewing the total allocation to
and HDU wards at HBTRH, health vote in light of the
Rachuonyo and Mbita sub- pandemic with an aim of scaling
county hospitals up responses
 Inadequate allocation for  Providing the KSh. 5 million
purchase of additional medical required to mobilize the KSh.
equipment in light of the 200 million worth of equipment
COVID-19 esp PPEs, ventilators,  Reviewing OSR generation
and oxygen gas. efforts through the public health
 Inadequate allocation for offices
development which means
pending bills and incomplete
projects may not be fully covered
in 2020/21
S/No. Programme Issues Raised Recommendations
4 Tourism, Sports,  No list of the staff establishment  Including a comprehensive list
Gender, Culture in the budget of county staff in the budget

and Social  Inadequate allocation for policy  Forming a 7-member Homa Bay
Services development Tourism Board with an advisory
 Absence of a board to facilitate mandate to enhance
tourism development. management of tourism
 Recurring allocation (since 2014) activities.
towards construction works in  Providing a breakdown of
Ndiru-Kagan cultural center, allocation for PWDs with
Simbi Nyaima tourist site, specific activities and materials.
fencing of Kendu Show Ground  Strengthening the coordination
and development of and environment for
Nyamgondho tourist site when implementation of youth
nothing gets done in those sites. policies and activities
 Fate of the draft child protection  Revamping theatre and music
and welfare bill that was to be talents development through
circulated last year? provisions of funds
 Inadequate allocation for PWDs  Having the child protection and
complete with specific activities welfare bill enacted
and materials  Providing for the support of
 No allocation for the elderly and OVCs as well as skills
orphans and vulnerable children development and employment
(OVCs) of the youth
 Inadequate allocation for skills  Improving youth participation in
development and employment agriculture, politics and decision
creation making, conflict prevention and
 Inadequate youth involvement peace building, and sexual
and participation in agriculture, reproductive health rights
politics and decision making, campaigns.
conflict prevention and peace  Providing for sports and other
building, and sexual reproductive activities of PWDs
health rights campaigns.  Clarifying the fate of Ndiru
 Breakdown of the funds Cultural Center, Simbi Nyaima
allocated towards the Homa Bay Tourist Site and Nyamgondo
stadium per year Wuod Ombare Tourist Sites
 If there are any plans for Onundo over the years from 2014.
Stadium in Mbita?  Breaking down the allocation
 Fate of PWDs who are involved towards upgrading the County
in sports and are currently being Stdaium and the fate of other
hired to play for other counties? sub-county stadia like Onundo.


S/No. Programme Issues Raised Recommendations
5 Transport and  Rebuilding of roads which have  Increasing allocation for
Infrastructure been affected by the long rains rebuilding of roads which have
and open new ones to ease been affected by the long rains
movement of goods and services and open new ones to ease

movement of goods and
6 Energy and  Reviewing the safety and  Providing for more solar
Mining reliability of solar masts installed lighting at trading centres
in the markets  Promoting partnerships for
 Exploring partnership green investments, solar mini
opportunities for green off grid investments and
investments, solar mini off grid installation of transformers
investments and installation of  Taking lead in
transformers advocacy/lobbying for
 Leading the advocacy/lobby inclusion of RE in various
efforts for inclusion of RE in spending entities
various spending entities programmes/projects
programmes/ projects
7 ICT  ICT services being limited to the  Decentralization of ICT
head office services to other spending
S/No. Programme Issues Raised Recommendations
8 Finance,  Limited provision for civic  Developing and implementing a
Economic education working framework for civic
Planning and  Green considerations not being education with clear allocations
Service Delivery taken seriously by spending in the budgets of various
entities spending entities
 Lack of clear provision for  Providing for pending bills with
pending bills clear amounts for each
 No provision for research and spending entity
innovations with the key output  Enforcement of ‘Green
being conducting surveys and Consideration’ through a
knowledge gathering on Ministerial memo/order to the
emerging issues locally, spending entities for
regionally and internationally consideration of green energy
 No provision for valuation of options
assets which has been a problem  Setting up a research and
and and a recurrent audit issue innovations centre with the key
 No asset management system output being conducting surveys
approved by the county and knowledge gathering on
executive committee to be used emerging issues locally,
with values for old assets and regionally and internationally
newly acquired ones  Conducting mapping, valuation
 Status of assets whose titles we inventorization of all county
do not have? assets


S/No. Programme Issues Raised Recommendations

9 Water,  Access to water by majority of  Water supply systems in major
Environment and county residence within urban urban centres i.e. Homa Bay,
Natural centre still a major challenge Oyugis, Kendu Bay and Rodi
Resources  Inadequate provision for Kopany should be revamped
rehabilitation and expansion of  Repair and rehabilitation of
existing water supplies Simenya water point
 Acute water shortage and lack of  Prioritizing solar powered
sewerage services within water projects
Makongeni estate and areas  Completing all planned rural
surrounding Makongeni estate water projects in time
 Delay in completion of water  Strengthening monitoring and
projects initiated in the county evaluation processes for
 Lack of routine supervision of projects
on-going rural water projects  Providing at least two water
 Limited access to water by public tanks of 10,000 litres capacity
primary schools to Makongeni Primary schools
 Difficulties in distribution of  Providing for operation and
water across the county i.e. water maintenance of rural water
kiosks supplies
 In response to Covid-19  Increasing the budget for RWS
pandemic and floods, rural water from by at least 20%
supplies are overstretched to  Providing details of institutions
provide clean water for drinking supported for rainwater
and hand washing to citizens harvesting tanks.
 Development partners seeking  Constructing waste collection
clarity from the county bins within Makongeni estate
government on the list of  Providing more tree nurseries
institutions to benefit from them for communities/Groups and
including names of schools and empowering tree nursery
health facilities benefiting from operators with nursery materials
water tanks  Afforestation/reforestation of
 High level of deforestation in the degraded forests
 Low forest cover


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