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Karthik Rao

The Wanderer was excited.

After all, this was a trip that he was looking forward too. A trip across the vast and
rugged terrains. A trip that he had visualized many times over, in his mind.
He had packed himself adequately for this journey. Travelling alone, he was sure
that the items he had packed were absolute essentials needed for sustenance,
stamina and survival.
As he embarked on his sojourn at the edge of the vast desert that stared at him, a
mongoose appeared beside him and struck up a conversation 9740181020


Howdy partner....
Where are you off to?
Oh, just across the desert
Ah... Hope you have the vial of anti-venom

Oh bloody hell, how could I even forget?

Can you help?
The mongoose was nowhere to be seen!!

Paralyzed, he stood there, mulling his next move. Nothing in sight but vast barren
landscapes, changing their colours ever so gently, as the rays of the sun caressed
their surfaces with intense warmth and the barren landscapes were wanting more
of it, as if their thirst was not even close to being quenched...

All of a sudden, as-if from nowhere, a big Gail of wind pushed him forward, freeing
him from his paralysis. His next few steps were heavy, heavier than usual,
venturing into the unknown and unprepared.
Nonetheless, he dragged forward. The fire from the sun, tapered a bit, as if out of
sheer sympathy for him... A cool breeze followed, perhaps trying to soothe his
frayed nerves and caress those worried wrinkles on his forehead.

As he trudged forward, a chameleon caught up with him

Hey man, you're dripping water

That ain't water, that's sweat man
Ah, I get a feeling that's water
Oh bloody hell, that is indeed water
Can you help?
The Chameleon was nowhere to be seen!!

He wondered how in the world could his bottle leak water. It had served him well
for years... and yet it chose to spring a leak now!! His life too... off late... seemed to
have developed many such leaks, at the most unexpected times and also at times
that he considered critical... Drip, Drip. Slowly sapping his energy. The more he
tried to fix it, the more desperate he seemed to become!!

Now, he had a sinking feeling in him... It was as-if the sink hole was preparing to
swallow him and he was preparing himself to drown into it... It seemed a lethal
combination... The Sun was back to its burning best, like it was indeed very thirsty
and the water drops were its only way to salvation 9740181020


The wind too, dried up. After all, it had a hide and seek relationship with the sun,
much like his relationships...

His feet were paralyzed again... His sweat outpaced his water bottle drip...The drips
seemed greedily lapped up, even before it hit the burning sands... He felt his feet
sinking...sinking further into the ever-parting sand... Tears, Sweat and Water
Dripping... As if they were desperately trying to fill up the desert and somehow
manifest it into a lake...

Hey Man, you slip any deeper into the sand and you'll trample me hissed the
rattle snake!!
Oh bloody hell, I am dying!! The mongoose was right!!
I can't bite you with those knee length boots man...
And those drops you dripping, it kind of tastes good... It's not water, is it?

All of a sudden, as-if from nowhere, a big gail of wind pushed him forward, freeing
him from his paralysis. His next few steps were suddenly not as heavy as it was...
it was lighter, much lighter and to his surprise, he sensed a spring in his steps!! 9740181020


The stinging heat of the sun hit him hard, but the botheration surprisingly had
vanished. The tears too had been soaked up... Miracles do exist... As this thought
happened to cross his mind's landscape... his glance fell upon the bottle... The leak
drips had increased

Desperation seemed to grip him suddenly. His throat became all the more
parched. As barren as the desert itself was!! With depleting reserves, there was no
way he could survive...
A sinking feeling started to slowly overwhelm him... Slowly, very slowly indeed. It
was as if death was slowly inviting him into her ever embracing arms, arms that
seemed to encompass anything and everything his eyes could see... Miracles are
after-all mirages he concluded

Oh are they? quipped the somersaulting monkey??

Isn't it evident?
Perhaps, it isn't... retorted the monkey, walking upside down
Oh, come on... he protested!!
But the monkey was gone!!

And it was one particular ray of the sun, that hit him like a bolt of lightning!! For a
moment, he outshone the Desert Sun!! Creativity & Innovations are simpler than it
seems, he muttered...holding the bottle inverted in his hands
The drips from his rugged bottle were no longer an issue...

He journeyed on, each step forward more confident and optimistic than its
predecessor. His mind filled with a certain peculiar optimism... The barren desert
outside was in stark contrast to the vegetating colours within... And yet again
miraculously, the desert too appeared colourful... His gaze spotted an oasis in
some distance... or was it a mirage!! and 9740181020

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