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According to Robbins(2009), communication is a transfer of meaning and understanding of

meaning to others in the form of symbols, symbols or certain languages so that people who
receive information understand the purpose of the information. Effective communication is
critical for an organization's everyday operations. Communication is a crucial aspect of
organizational hierarchies because it allows authority, processes, and rules to be
implemented across the company at all levels - executive, mid-level, and low-level. It is
critical to define roles in the workplace, and communication is essential in defining those
roles - who leads, who follows, and what job duties are. Communication allows employees
to understand their role in the business and what is expected of them.

The significance of excellent communication cannot be overstated. Numerous studies have

been conducted to investigate the patterns of communication within an organizational
framework. Effective communication may assist the entire business more than people think
since it can drive the organization to a more advanced state that takes into account both
the organization and its consumers.

In general, excellent communication is critical for human processes. It might be within a

family, on the street, or at a company. The significance of efficient communication is
obvious for success in all aspects of life. Communication may take many different forms,
styles, genres, and classifications. However, it only seeks to achieve one goal:
communication between sender and receiver. It is to establish common ground between
them. People should always learn how to communicate properly, even if there are hurdles
and hindrances. Otherwise, there will be misunderstanding and conflict.

Furthermore, good communication inside the company organization is the cornerstone of

its success. Because of the increasing demand in the sector, managers must require all
members to improve their communication abilities. They should give more methods or
channels for members and others to successfully communicate. Also, members must be
able to communicate effectively in order to assist the organization develop and thrive. As a
result, good communication is a critical tool for achieving success.

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