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Summary Of Money Galore

The chapter presents the background of the author, as well as the synopsis of the story. It discusses the findings and analysis of the text, Money Galore based on
the objectives of the study. It again focuses on how a qualitative content analysis has been employed to analyze text. A qualitative content analysis is a research
method for the subjective interpretation of the content of text data through the systematic classification process of coding and identifying patterns (Crewell,
2014). It is an approach of empirical analysis of texts considering their context of communication. This analysis focused on the examination of meaning
occurring within a particular context . Amu Djoleto was born in 1929 in a small village in Ghana called Manya Kpogunor in Manya Krobo. He was the son of
Frederick Badu, a Presbyterian minister, and Victoria Shome Tetteh, a trader. He was educated at Saint Augustine’s College Cape Coast and Accra Academy
before reading English at the University of Ghana. Djoleto studied textbook production at the Institutes of Education, University of London. He joined Ghana's
Ministry of Education in the 1960s as a teacher and education officer. After studying textbook production at the Institute of Education, University of London,
he returned to Ghana to edit the Ghana Teachers' Journal. At one point heading the Ministry of Education's publishing programme, he has continued to work for
the Ministry of Education. Djoleto contributed to the poetry anthologies Voices of Ghana (1958) and Messages (1970), and his poems were collected in Amid
the Swelling Act. He is best known for his novels, the first of which was The Strange Man (1967). Djeleto, as a post post-colonialist writer has a number of
literary works to his credit. The writer has his own nice way of presenting his message across. His style of writing has always been in the satiric form. This has
been his style of descending his message to his readers. His works are basically used to criticize the corrupt society. He employs the use of metaphor and other
devices to preach his message in a gentler manner. In this text for instance, Djoleto uses the literary device flashback, where he refers to an incident which had
happened already but could be of relevance to the present stage. This literary style helps an individual to understand the text better. He again employs the
situational irony where reader knows what is going on in the story line but the characters have no idea or they may have just little idea of what is going on. The
full details regarding the death of Esi Mansima is only known by the audience and Abraham Kafu only. Amu usually employs humour as one of such
techniques, and manipulates it in his writings to achieve varying effective purposes in his literary works. He has his basic message about politics after
independence and how the leaders of the various African countries are ruling their people. For instance, in Amu Djoleto’s Money Galore, he creates an artistic
world peopled by individuals who insatiably and wrongly crave for money, fame, wealth, power and sex.
Synopsis Of The Novel
The story focuses on Abraham Kofi Kafu a history teacher in National Secondary School, in Cape Coast. This young man with a beautiful young wife decide to
quit teaching all because the teaching profession is not rewarding in any way and might go on pension empty handed and die sadly. His number of
misunderstanding with his headmaster Mr. Banjy Baisi, coupled with bad remunerations kills him the most. In view of these, Kafu, left to contest election as a
member of parliament in Accra central and wins finally on the ticket of liberation party. In his fight for the position he was introduced to some rich market
women by Nee Otu Lartey a contractor. These Makola market women mobilized money, campaigned and supported him to win. His electoral campaign was
really intensive as rich and popular women like Salamatu and Odofo took keen interest. Kofi’s contact with these women drew him closer to one of the women,
Salamatu whom he eventually fell in love with and impregnated her. After his massive win, he then becomes the minister of internal welfare of which he uses
his power to victimize and retaliate those who have offended or wanted to disturb him in any way. He succeeds removing his long rival Mr. Banjy Baisi from
the position of headmaster and fixed his favourite an immoral Rev. Opia Dan Sese as the substantive headmaster who eventually impregnated Kafu’s house
help, Gloria for which Grace has brought and vow to give her a proper care for the family. This situation caused by reverend Opia became serious and landed
Kafu, grace and Danso at korlebu to find a treatment which was revealed by the doctor to be an induced abortion. As a politician, and desperate to own so much
to get himself out of poverty, he could not own a complete house after dealing and handling so much money. Kafu was a good speaker. He, was a quick
tempered person. During his last speech delivered at Gyandu Park in Takoradi, it generated a huge give and take argument of which he insulted the tanker
drivers leading to a long boiled demonstration in the people. He then instructs the police to fire tear gas as he returns to the house. As Kofi Kafu rests at home
he was confronted by Amega and Ofori Nortey. Amega then holds his hands behind him as Ofori Nortey pulls out knife to demand for his money. He then gives
Kafu a little sharp cut on the forehead. In the cause of the attack on Kafu his watchman, Bukari, rushed forward where the attack is and aimed his arrow at Ofori
Nortey which he dodged and the arrow went through the chest of Kofi Kafu. Amega and Ofori then run out but were caught by army officers carrying guns and
were arrested while they pleaded not burglars. The sergeant arranged for ambulance to pick Kafu, the wife Grace enters the scene and finds the officers and the
husband pierced with arrow helpless and dead.

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