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Tugas Mata Kuliah Managemen Pelayanan Geriatri Terpadu :

Membuat resume dari salah satu nara sumber pada seminar ‘International Conference Healty Aging and


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Oleh : Budi Asih Situmorang (226080438)

According to WHO predictions regarding the trend of increasing the number of elderly people in
various countries in the world, Indonesia is one of the countries experiencing this trend. The Central
Bureau of Statistics released data on the number of elderly people based on the results of the 2016
Inter-Census Population Survey, which estimates that the number of elderly people (age 60 and over) in
Indonesia is 22,630,882. This figure is expected to increase to 31,320,066 in 2022. This phenomena is
not only happens in Indonesia but also in other countries like India, Japan, China, United States and
many other countries.

What happens to elderly people ?

At the biological level, ageing results from the impact of the accumulation of a wide variety of
molecular and cellular damage over time. This leads to a gradual decrease in physical and mental
capacity, a growing risk of disease and ultimately death. These changes are neither linear nor consistent,
and they are only loosely associated with a person’s age in years. The diversity seen in older age is not
random. Beyond biological changes, ageing is often associated with other life transitions such as
retirement, relocation to more appropriate housing and the death of friends and partners. Older age is
also characterized by the emergence of several complex health states commonly called geriatric
syndromes. They are often the consequence of multiple underlying factors and include frailty, urinary
incontinence, falls, delirium and pressure ulcers, malnutrition do to reduction of oral intake ability.

Optimum quality of life for older person can be obtain not only taking notice of general health
but also by taking consideration of oral health. According to WHO, oral health is integral and essential to
general health, it is deteminant factor for quality of life.

In elderly, some oral function has decreasing, such as tongue and lip motor skills, saliva flow
rate and taste sensation. Oral function disorders can reduce chewing efficiency, nutritional intake and
communication ability.

To recover from oral frailty, it is important to maintain oral hygiene for preventing periodontitis
and dental caries, and to restore function by placing an appropriate prosthesis for tooth loss. By
maintaining the oral function can delay the onset of conditions requiring nursing care and extend
healthy life expectancy.

Oral hypofunction signs or symptoms:

• oral uncleanness/poor oral hygienne

• oral dryness
 decline in occlusal force
 decline in motor function of tongue and lips
 decline in tongue pressure
 decline in chewing function
 decline in swallowing function

In order to prevent those condition we neeed : ORAL FUNCTION PROMOTION PROGRAM

 Dental and oral health education

 Oral Exercise to maintain oral function:

a) Exercise facial muscles

b) Tongue movement exercises

c) Salivary gland massage

This program will significantly increases salivary flow rate, clarity of word articulation, reduced
tongue coating score and amount of food debris from the surface of the oral cavity.

There is a prove of significant correlation between the decrease of mastication function with
cognitive decline. Missing teeth reduces mastication and then can lead to malnutrition, and then worsen
by disphagia wicth become become a causal cycle.

 Dysphagia is difficulty in swallowing

Disphagia is associated with weight loss, malnutrition, dehydration, social impairment, poor
psychological well being, and risk of death through aspiration pneumonia.

The increased retention time of food material along the swallowing tract promotes bacterial
growth. Teeth and gingival deterioration, increasing the chances for aspiration pneumonia and
mortalityreduces the progression or occurrence of respiratory diseases in high risk elderly adults living in
nursing homes and especially those in intensive care units (relative risk reduction, 34 83%).

Oral hygiene and frequent professional oral health care reducing the occurrence of pneumonia
among high risk elderly people living in nursing home and ICU’s

Dentist role in improvement mastication ability and cognitive function are to :

• Pre prosthetic procedures before denture treatment have a positive impact on cognitive
function as a result of improving dental and oral health.
• Denture use with occlusal contact will increase brain function
• Mastication effectively sends sensory information to the brain and maintains learning and
memory functions from the hippocampus
 Missing teeth and xerostomia reduce mastication function witch make older people choose high fat
and high processed food, reduce intake of fruit and vegetables but at some point this will lead to
malnutrition. This is why it is important to use denture, to maintain mastication ability and will
prevent malnutrition and it also psycologicaly increase self esteem and prevent depresion in elderly.

Conclusion :

Healthy oral cavity, satisfactory mastication efficiency, clean and aesthetic dentition and a prosthesis will
contribute to the quality of life, preventing complication such as dysphagia, aspiration pneumonia,
cognitive decline, malnutrition, sosial impairment and risk of depresion do to psycological impairment.

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