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Pitch Deck Script

Tugas UAS: Membuat Presentasi dan Script Pitch Deck

Daniel Enron Effendi




The Script for GraPi pitch deck.

Daniel enters the stage, looks at the main investors, smiles,

and then sees the audience in the room, resonating with the
atmosphere of the room, he took a deep breath and with
confidence, starts his pitch deck with a loud and clear voice.


Op: Good morning/evening (depending on the time) ladies and

gentlemen. Right now, it's an honor for me to stand before
you. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Daniel Enron
Effendi, a 2nd-year Visual Communication Design Student at
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

Pt.1: At this very moment, I’m about to present to you my

business idea. Introducing GraPi (Gra-pie)

Pt.2: GraPi is a cafe, but not an ordinary cafe. GraPi is a

cafe made by the creative students here at UMN, to extend the
usage of art and design culture outside our campus, into the
daily life of the masses.

Pt.3: Are you interested in knowing deeper what GraPi is?

Pt.4: We will get into that, but before that, I'll run you
through the overview of my pitch deck. First I’ll introduce
you to the team behind GraPi, the problems we are trying to
solve, all the way until the end of this pitch deck. Without
further ado, let's start.

Teams Slide

Pt1:(shows the team slide) This is the team behind GraPi.

First I was the founder of GraPi, followed by my other
associates with their respective roles. We all have our fair
share of experiences in our roles, thus we are confident in
our team composition.

Problems Slide

Op: Ladies and gentlemen, every good business always be built

upon an existing problem. Without a problem, what is a
business aiming to do?

Pt1: Opens with the first quote This morning I read an

interesting quote on the internet about problem-solving. The
quote is from a woman named Katherine Russel. The quote goes
like this: “Every Problem has a solution; it may sometimes
just need another perspective.”

Pt2: The word another perspective amuses me, as it is in line

with GraPi’s objective. To introduce art and design culture to
the masses, in which we need to give them a new perspective to
look into. GraPi, being built by the art and design students,
revolves around their stance.

Pt3: Two years ago when I joined this university, many of my

family members told me that Visual Communication Major is
booming major in Indonesia right now. Fast forward to today,
and what they are saying is true. (shows slide no.7) The
year-over-year applicants for that major at the University of
Multimedia of Nusantara are steadily increasing.

Pt4: Me being a college student, I have the chance to live the

experience of a college student. I discover one particular
behavior in college students, which that is they love to hang
out in cafes, especially the one that is comfortable.
Pt5: the major that I dwell in is the world of art and design.
One particular factor that set an artist/designer apart from
the rest isn’t just their unique art style, but their ability
to market themselves to the public. In short, art and design
students need exhibitions to showcase their work and potential
for their chosen field. It just so happens that this morning I
read this short but concise statement of why we art students
need an exhibition. (shows the unacademy quote slide) It is
for us to reach a larger audience and promote our service.

Pt6: So far I pointed out three key points to the problems.

The number of student applicants kept rising, students love to
hang out in a cafe, and lastly, art and design students need a
place where they can showcase their works.

Solution Slide

Op: With the problems laid out, now it's time to show the

Pt.1: This is where GraPi comes in.

Pt.2: GraPi, An artist and designer-centric cafe made by

creative students for the masses.

Pt.3: GraPi is essentially a cafe. But we have 3 revenue

streams. Mainly it comes from the food and beverage business.

Pt.4: Our secondary revenue stream is from our space-to-rent

business. Art and design students and non-students can rent a
space within the cafe to showcase their works or open up
workshops. Of course, art and design students got a discount.

Pt.5: Lastly we had our merchandise to sell, also we took

commissions from any artists/designers that wants to sell
their merch at GraPi.
SWOT Analysis Slide

Op: Ladies and gentlemen, after I run you through our solution
to our problem, let's talk about our SWOT analysis.

Pt.1: Here is the SWOT analysis of our business idea. First,

let’s talk about the strength we have over our competitors.
GraPi is built with love and passion for art and design
culture, in which art and design students or non-student are
our main source of income and are expected to be the regulars
of our cafe.

Pt.2: We also have spaces within our cafe, be it empty spaces,

rooms, or even walls to be filled with art and design works,
which we rent them out for the art and design students or
professionals to showcase their works here, or even held a
workshop which will likely make us a household name for this
kind of events.

Pt.3: To connect with our customers, we use popular social

media platforms like Instagram and Discord to keep in contact
with our audience.

Pt.4: That was our strength. Of course, with strength comes

weaknesses. While we do have a nice concept for GraPi’s
footing. We haven’t found a suitable place that is easily
accessible for customers, the art and design students,
especially the ones near UMN University.

Pt.5: Strength and weakness aside, there are opportunities

that GraPi can get with our service and identity as the cafe
for artists and designers. Through our service, both our staff
and customers could establish a good relationship, or even
expand their connections to the horizon they don’t know.
Pt.6: Grapi being the first cafe with this concept, we’ll
likely be a household name for what we do.

Pt.7: With the lovely prospect we just discuss in our

opportunities, there are things GraPi could not control, which
is a threat to GraPi’s business flow. Things like trends for
art and design in our society to supply chain issues that
often are hard to control.

Competitor Slide

Op: After analyzing our SWOT components, I have to talk about

GraPi’s competitor.

Pt.1: Our current one and only competitor are: Student Cafe,
located on Allogio Street. Their target is broader but they do
many of the things we do except for the art and design

Market Share Slide

Op: With our competition set, let's view GraPi’s market share.

Pt.1: Starting with the biggest circle on the screen, there

are an estimated one hundred, and fifty-eight thousand people
currently living in Serpong. This is an impressive number for
our starting line, considering Serpong is a thriving city
within the last decade and will continue to do so. Serpong is
also the town where UMN is placed, which is where GraPi aimed
to set foot.

Pt.2: Within Serpong, Our main target audience lies in one of

Indonesia’s most renowned art and design universities, The
University of Multimedia of Nusantara. This university
currently has over ten thousand plus students enrolling, which
are diverse individuals who come across Indonesia.

Pt.3: Ultimately, the last and smallest circle, the actual

target, the art and design students, from this university
alone are estimated to have over two thousand students. This
number may increase with the combination of other universities
around UMN.

Business Model Slide

Op: Lastly, let’s talk about GraPi’s core of operation, the

business model.

Pt.1: We priced our foods and beverages similarly to our

competitors. The average spending per person is less than
fifty thousand rupiahs per meal. This is in line with our main
target, the art and design students who are on a budget when
it comes to food.

Pt.2: For space to rent, we don’t cheap out. We have

discounts. This is to lure students into using our service. We
are looking forward to receiving four hundred thousand rupiahs
per day for workshops, and ten thousand per day for art/design
work exhibitions.

Pt.3: For merchandise, we have a range of options from ten

thousand to one hundred and fifty thousand in-house
merchandise. For consigned merch, we’ll take ten percent
royalty off the sales.

Closing Slide

Pt.1: To wrap up today’s pitch deck, GraPi is an art and

design-centric cafe that is fun to hang out in, has a great
community, and most importantly built by the love and passion
of the art and design students.

Pt.2: ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your time, and have
a blessed and nice day!

Contact Slide

Pt.1: If you are interested in my business idea, here are my


End of script run.

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