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Timestamp Score Nama Nomer Peserta

6/6/2022 19:59:24 22 / 100 Fajar rizky prasetya put 6

6/6/2022 9:18:10 14 / 100 Muhamad Mansur 19
6/6/2022 9:29:00 54 / 100 Agnes permatasari 2001
6/6/2022 9:50:15 82 / 100 Amalia Zulistyowati 2002
6/6/2022 9:38:29 66 / 100 Avriliani nur anisa kurro 2003
6/6/2022 9:42:56 56 / 100 Ayska khaerrani 2004
6/6/2022 9:24:55 68 / 100 Ayu ningtias 2005
6/6/2022 9:12:15 70 / 100 Bunga Lestari 2006
6/6/2022 9:39:17 70 / 100 Dina Amel Lia 2007
6/6/2022 9:43:29 74 / 100 Faidatul Istiadah 2008
6/6/2022 9:36:39 68 / 100 HERNI NASVIATUN 2009
6/6/2022 9:29:10 56 / 100 Hesti ananta 2010
6/6/2022 10:19:50 56 / 100 Indriani Nofitasari 2011
6/6/2022 9:34:08 60 / 100 Isma Riyadatul aisy 2012
6/6/2022 9:48:12 76 / 100 ISMAWATI 2013
6/6/2022 9:44:05 66 / 100 Maratus sholikhah 2014
6/6/2022 9:45:04 62 / 100 Milkhatul afiyah 2015
6/6/2022 9:44:01 78 / 100 Nesa Vela erfiana 2016
6/6/2022 10:18:17 56 / 100 Nikmatul jannah 2017
6/6/2022 9:44:30 50 / 100 Nina rif'atul ula 2018
6/6/2022 9:45:00 58 / 100 NITA FERENDITA PUTR 2019
6/6/2022 9:43:48 78 / 100 NUR ALIFIA SARI 2020
6/7/2022 9:01:48 48 / 100 Nur lailatur rofiah 2021
6/6/2022 9:44:27 70 / 100 Nur Umamah 2022
6/6/2022 9:25:48 68 / 100 Putri Nafila 2023
6/6/2022 9:35:29 44 / 100 RIFANA AYU RAMADH 2024
6/6/2022 9:18:13 78 / 100 Rif'atus safitri 2025
6/6/2022 9:43:59 70 / 100 SIFA KHOIRUN NISA 2026
6/6/2022 9:46:06 66 / 100 Siti Mu'arifah 2027
6/6/2022 9:53:52 86 / 100 Talitha Salsabila 2028
6/6/2022 9:44:36 56 / 100 Toivatul Khoiriyah 2029
6/6/2022 9:42:07 56 / 100 wisna yuliasari 2030
6/6/2022 9:44:07 80 / 100 Yuli refiana puspita 2031
6/6/2022 9:22:59 68 / 100 Adam Firdaus Andika 2032
6/6/2022 9:04:35 22 / 100 Adnan Ardian 2033
6/6/2022 9:06:40 12 / 100 AGUS RIYANTO 2033
6/6/2022 8:57:56 20 / 100 Ahmad khoiri 2034
6/6/2022 9:11:05 28 / 100 Andre yofie setiawan 2036
6/6/2022 9:33:11 56 / 100 Angga Aditya Pratama 2037
6/6/2022 9:26:41 44 / 100 DAYU AGIL KURNIAWA 2039
6/6/2022 9:24:02 38 / 100 Dita khoirunisa 2040
6/6/2022 10:56:12 78 / 100 Elisa setyonengrum 2041
6/6/2022 8:54:30 24 / 100 Erick wahyu hannanto 2042
6/6/2022 13:19:24 28 / 100 Firda zakky fitria widiyan 2043
6/6/2022 10:21:20 78 / 100 GALIH RAUF PRATAM 2044
6/7/2022 7:21:10 26 / 100 Khanifatur rohmah 2045
6/6/2022 8:56:19 24 / 100 Kiki prasetiyo 2046
6/6/2022 9:28:08 32 / 100 M Alief Yusef M S 2047
6/6/2022 9:28:36 28 / 100 M.ROMCHL BACHRI 2048
6/6/2022 9:33:49 70 / 100 Malasari 2049
6/7/2022 8:26:40 14 / 100 Muhammad murtadho 2051
6/6/2022 9:05:13 22 / 100 MUHAMMAD YUSUF 2052
6/6/2022 9:20:15 14 / 100 Nur Angga Saputra 2053
6/6/2022 15:55:02 84 / 100 Nur Isnaini 2054
6/6/2022 11:48:37 86 / 100 Pipit Muji Astuti 2055
6/6/2022 9:14:50 22 / 100 RAMADHAN ADITYA P 2056
6/6/2022 9:20:42 10 / 100 Randi 2057
6/6/2022 9:12:41 18 / 100 Rio agus saputro 2058
6/6/2022 14:55:11 52 / 100 sania rahma aulia 2059
6/6/2022 9:13:18 20 / 100 SATRIYO ZULFAN HAQ 2060
6/6/2022 9:47:33 56 / 100 Wahid Abdullah 2061
6/6/2022 9:14:04 22 / 100 Zaenal arifin 2062
6/6/2022 10:08:08 22 / 100 Zaenal arifin 2062
6/6/2022 9:04:58 22 / 100 Abal mundoffar 2064
6/6/2022 9:09:41 14 / 100 Ainurrohmah 2066
6/6/2022 9:20:37 12 / 100 AJI BAYU PAMUNGKA 2067
6/6/2022 9:26:32 52 / 100 ANISATUL MUNIROH 2069
6/7/2022 8:54:39 18 / 100 Anisatul ramdhani 2070
6/6/2022 8:53:13 28 / 100 ARDHANA PRADIKA P 2071
6/6/2022 8:57:40 16 / 100 Azis Danrik prasetyo 2072
6/6/2022 8:54:09 26 / 100 Candra dwi yanto 2073
6/6/2022 9:11:39 44 / 100 Choirun Nawa 2074
6/6/2022 8:55:46 28 / 100 Dimas restu Kurniawan 2077
6/6/2022 9:17:02 40 / 100 Ela Ardiyanti 2078
6/6/2022 13:14:56 22 / 100 Friska Meilisa Nursani 2079
6/6/2022 9:29:21 50 / 100 Maefa suci wulandari 2081
6/6/2022 9:14:51 28 / 100 Meilia selfinia 2082
6/6/2022 9:06:10 22 / 100 Muhammad Nurul ulum 2083
6/6/2022 9:00:01 18 / 100 Muhammad Abdullah Ald 2084
6/7/2022 8:48:41 22 / 100 Mutmainnah 2085
6/6/2022 9:57:31 18 / 100 Nailil Mukaromah 2086
6/6/2022 9:11:38 56 / 100 Widya Amelia 2088
6/6/2022 8:49:15 28 / 100 Sayyiduna 2089
6/6/2022 9:25:45 64 / 100 Shofi arifatus sholehah 2091
6/6/2022 9:11:20 28 / 100 Valen naya fibrianti 2093
6/6/2022 9:01:06 18 / 100 Valentino 2094
6/6/2022 9:08:46 58 / 100 Abidin joko andriyanto 2095
6/6/2022 21:36:27 66 / 100 Bayu Cahyo Purnomo 2096
6/6/2022 8:53:38 12 / 100 Dimas yoga saputra 2097
6/6/2022 8:53:12 26 / 100 Fajar Giantoro 2098
6/6/2022 9:19:06 30 / 100 FIKA INDANA ZULFA 2100
6/6/2022 9:10:19 28 / 100 Fikri haikal 2101
6/6/2022 9:09:05 48 / 100 Gebi fransiska 2102
6/6/2022 8:49:50 30 / 100 Harun asrori 2103
6/6/2022 21:43:08 12 / 100 Imam maulana 2105
6/6/2022 9:07:49 48 / 100 Miko Kurniawan 2107
6/6/2022 9:10:23 26 / 100 Mila muda awallia 2108
6/6/2022 8:50:22 16 / 100 Muhammad Iswan toro 2110
6/7/2022 0:51:21 34 / 100 Muhammad Agil Saputr 2112
6/6/2022 8:52:52 28 / 100 Muhammad bagus sajiw 2113
6/6/2022 8:48:47 28 / 100 Muhammad Rizal Saput 2114
6/6/2022 8:54:14 12 / 100 Muhammad Rizki hidaya 2115
6/7/2022 6:15:56 44 / 100 PRIYO PRASTIYO 2116
6/6/2022 10:39:10 24 / 100 Rifki Putra Sanjaya 2118
6/6/2022 8:58:44 36 / 100 Rizkiy Andre Setiawan 2119
6/6/2022 9:07:06 24 / 100 RIZKY ALFIAN ZULHE 2120
6/6/2022 8:54:09 24 / 100 Rizqi Haryanto 2121
6/6/2022 10:26:48 54 / 100 Ummu zahroh 2122
6/6/2022 8:55:39 28 / 100 Uswatun khasanah 2123
6/6/2022 9:00:54 22 / 100 Wiwin aneka sari 2124
6/6/2022 8:52:58 20 / 100 Zacky ahmad mundzir 2125
6/6/2022 9:15:05 22 / 100 ABDULLAH AS'AT 2126
6/6/2022 8:56:48 28 / 100 Adi rahman 2127
6/6/2022 8:53:10 16 / 100 Ageng Esa Febeadis 2128
6/6/2022 9:15:42 30 / 100 Agus sulistiyono 2129
6/6/2022 8:51:16 22 / 100 Alif Fajar Prasetyo 2131
6/6/2022 8:49:03 20 / 100 Alul bayu w 2132
6/6/2022 8:49:37 24 / 100 Amanullah mahesya put 2133
6/6/2022 9:16:21 28 / 100 Dewi karisma putri 2134
6/6/2022 9:07:12 22 / 100 Dian Aditya Pratama 2135
6/6/2022 8:54:55 22 / 100 Dimas Ilham antaprata 2136
6/6/2022 14:21:16 46 / 100 Fajar Nur Iksan 2137
6/6/2022 19:51:16 26 / 100 Febry pambudi santoso 2138
6/6/2022 8:55:10 22 / 100 Gilang saputra 2139
6/6/2022 8:56:07 28 / 100 Irfan Riyadi 2140
6/6/2022 18:28:32 30 / 100 Kamal abdun nashir 2141
6/6/2022 9:08:25 34 / 100 Khoirul Anam 2142
6/6/2022 9:08:50 34 / 100 Muhammad fais lutfil ha 2145
6/6/2022 8:53:37 22 / 100 Muhammad irvan maula 2146
6/6/2022 14:19:24 18 / 100 NATASYA REFA NINGS 2147
6/6/2022 9:14:09 56 / 100 Sahrul sadulloh 2148
6/6/2022 9:04:39 18 / 100 Siti nurhayati 2149
6/6/2022 9:28:38 62 / 100 Triyono 2151
6/6/2022 9:14:53 20 / 100 Muhammad Afif ulil alba 2244
6/6/2022 9:00:21 22 / 100 Abdur Rahman wakhid Abdur Rahman wakhid
6/6/2022 8:51:22 20 / 100 Dendy prasetya mulya Dendy Prasetya mulya
6/6/2022 9:13:38 40 / 100 Hilal najmi Hilal najmi
6/6/2022 12:20:53 20 / 100 Ika nur laila azka Ika nur laila azka
6/6/2022 9:23:06 28 / 100 PUTRICARLIEANA HA PUTRI
6/6/2022 9:08:35 60 / 100 Putri imelia Putri imelia
6/6/2022 9:14:20 48 / 100 Sura adjicipta Sura adjicipta
Nomer Induk Siswa Kelas Ruang Hari
5745 XI IPS2 04 Senin
5692 XI MIPA2 6 Senin
5643 XI MIPA1 09 Senin
5644 XI MIPA1 9 Senin
5645 XI MIPA1 09 Senin
5646 XI MIPA1 09 Senin
5647 XI MIPA1 9 Senin
5930 XI MIPA1 09 Senin
5648 XI MIPA1 09 Senin
5649 XI MIPA1 08 Senin
5650 XI MIPA1 09 Senin
5651 XI MIPA1 9 Senin
5652 XI MIPA1 09 Senin
5653 XI MIPA1 09 Senin
5654 XI MIPA1 09 Senin
5655 XI MIPA1 9 Senin
5657 XI MIPA1 9 Senin
5658 XI MIPA1 8 Senin
5659 XI MIPA1 08 Senin
5660 XI MIPA1 8 Senin
5661 XI MIPA1 08 Senin
5662 XI MIPA1 08 Senin
5663 XI MIPA1 8 Senin
5664 XI MIPA1 08 Senin
5665 XI MIPA1 08 Senin
5666 XI MIPA1 08 Senin
5667 XI MIPA1 08 Senin
5668 XI MIPA1 08 Senin
5669 XI MIPA1 08 Senin
5670 XI MIPA1 8 Senin
5671 XI MIPA1 8 Senin
5807 XI MIPA1 08 Senin
5672 XI MIPA1 8 Senin
5673 XI MIPA2 07 Senin
5674 XI MIPA2 07 Senin
5675 XI MIPA2 07 Senin
5676 XI MIPA2 7 Senin
5678 XI MIPA2 07 Senin
5679 XI MIPA2 07 Senin
5681 XI MIPA2 07 Senin
5682 XI MIPA2 07 Senin
5683 XI MIPA2 7 Senin
5684 XI MIPA2 7 Senin
5685 XI MIPA2 07 Senin
5686 XI MIPA2 07 Senin
5687 XI MIPA2 07 Senin
5688 XI MIPA2 7 Senin
5689 XI MIPA2 07 Senin
5690 XI MIPA2 07 Senin
5691 XI MIPA2 7 Senin
5693 XI MIPA2 6 Senin
5694 XI MIPA2 06 Senin
5695 XI MIPA2 06 Senin
5696 XI MIPA2 6 Senin
5697 XI MIPA2 6 Senin
5698 XI MIPA2 06 Senin
5699 XI MIPA2 6 Senin
5700 XI MIPA2 06 Senin
5701 XI MIPA2 06 Senin
5702 XI MIPA2 06 Senin
5703 XI MIPA2 06 Senin
5704 XI MIPA2 6 Senin
5704 XI MIPA2 6 Senin
5705 XI IPS1 06 Senin
5708 XI IPS1 06 Senin
5708 XI IPS1 05 Senin
5711 XI IPS1 5 Senin
5712 XI IPS1 5 Senin
5713 XI IPS1 05 Senin
5714 XI IPS1 05 Senin
5715 XI IPS1 5 Senin
5716 XI IPS1 05 Senin
5720 XI IPS1 05 Senin
5721 XI IPS1 05 Senin
5722 XI IPS1 5 Senin
5726 XI IPS1 05 Senin
5728 XI IPS1 05 Senin
5730 XI IPS1 5 Senin
5729 XI IPS1 04 Senin
5731 XI IPS1 4 Senin
5732 XI IPS1 4 Senin
5804 XI IPS1 04 Senin
5734 XI IPS1 04 Senin
5736 XI IPS1 04 Senin
5738 XI IPS1 04 Senin
5739 XI IPS1 4 Senin
5740 XI IPS2 4 Senin
5741 XI IPS2 04 Senin
5742 XI IPS2 4 Senin
5744 XI IPS2 04 Senin
5746 XI IPS2 04 Senin
5747 XI IPS2 04 Senin
5748 XI IPS2 3 Senin
5749 XI IPS2 3 Senin
5752 XI IPS3 3 Senin
5755 XI IPS2 03 Senin
5756 XI IPS2 03 Senin
5758 XI IPS2 3 Senin
5760 XI IPS2 03 Senin
5761 XI IPS2 03 Senin
5762 XI IPS2 03 Senin
5754 XI IPS2 03 Senin
5763 XI IPS2 03 Senin
5767 XI IPS2 04 Senin
5768 XI IPS2 2 Senin
5769 XI IPS2 02 Senin
5770 XI IPS2 02 Senin
5771 XI IPS2 02 Senin
5772 XI IPS2 2 Senin
5773 XI IPS2 02 Senin
5774 XI IPS2 2 Senin
5776 XI IPS3 02 Senin
5778 XI IPS3 2 Senin
5924 XI IPS3 02 Senin
5779 XI IPS3 2 Senin
5781 XI IPS3 02 Senin
5782 XI IPS3 02 Senin
5783 XI IPS3 02 Senin
5929 XI IPS3 02 Senin
5785 XI IPS3 02 Senin
5786 XI IPS3 01 Senin
5787 XI IPS3 1 Senin
5805 XI IPS3 O1 Senin
5925 XI IPS3 01 Senin
5789 XI IPS3 01 Senin
5790 XI IPS6 1 Senin
5791 XI IPS3 1 Senin
5792 XI IPS3 01 Senin
5795 XI IPS3 01 Senin
5797 XI IPS3 01 Senin
5800 XI IPS3 1 Senin
5928 XI IPS3 1 Senin
5806 XI IPS3 01 Senin
5793 XI IPS3 1 Senin
5777 XI IPS3 02 Senin
5718 XI IPS1 5 Senin
6255 XI MIPA2 06 Senin
5751 XI IPS2 03 Senin
5733 XI IPS1 04 Senin
5798 XI IPS3 01 Senin
5801 XI IPS3 01 Senin
Tanggal Mata Uji 1. 1.The underlined exp2.Based on the dialogue
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoind. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoia. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/7/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoia. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoia. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoia. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmec. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmec. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoina. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoinb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
5/7/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoinb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoina. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoia. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoia. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmea. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoid. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoinb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoia. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoia. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoind. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri d. Expressing satisfacti c. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri d. Expressing satisfacti d. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmea. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoid. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoid. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoia. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmea. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoind. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri c. Expressing sadness c. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmea. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmee. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri d. Expressing satisfacti a. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri c. Expressing sadness a. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmea. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri c. Expressing sadness a. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoid. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri c. Expressing sadness a. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoinc. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoina. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmec. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri d. Expressing satisfacti a. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmec. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri c. Expressing sadness b. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoid. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoinb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmec. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/7/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri d. Expressing satisfacti c. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoinb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoinb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoina. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmec. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoind. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoind. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoid. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoid. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri c. Expressing sadness c. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmec. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoid. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmed. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoinb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri c. Expressing sadness b. Bayu want to meet wi
5/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri c. Expressing sadness a. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoina. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoinc. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri d. Expressing satisfacti b. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri c. Expressing sadness c. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoind. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoinb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri c. Expressing sadness c. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri e. Making an appointmeb. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoie. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoinc. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri c. Expressing sadness a. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri d. Expressing satisfacti b. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoid. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri c. Expressing sadness b. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri c. Expressing sadness e. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoib. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoid. Bayu make an appoi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri b. Cancelling an appoinc. Bayu want to meet wi
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoia. Bayu want to meet a
6/6/2022 Bahasa & Sastra Inggri a. Responding an appoic. Bayu want to meet wi
3.What can we learn fr 4.What is Mr.Ricky calli 5.What is the professio 6.From the text, we know
b. Devi wants Atabika t c. Booking a table c. The dentist e. Mr. Ricky will come
a. Ragil will not meet Dea. Booking a room a. The stewardess a. Mr. Ricky will book a
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress e. Mr. Ricky will come
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress d. The reservation is for
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table e. The secretary b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table e. The secretary b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table e. The secretary b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table e. The secretary b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress e. Mr. Ricky will come
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table c. The dentist b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress d. The reservation is for
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress e. Mr. Ricky will come
b. Devi wants Atabika t a. Booking a room d. The waitress a. Mr. Ricky will book a
a. Ragil will not meet Ded. Making appointment a. The stewardess c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
a. Ragil will not meet Dea. Booking a room e. The secretary d. The reservation is for
e. Ragil is going to meeta. Booking a room a. The stewardess a. Mr. Ricky will book a
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress e. Mr. Ricky will come
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress e. Mr. Ricky will come
c. They join basketball cb. Booking a ticket d. The waitress a. Mr. Ricky will book a
b. Devi wants Atabika t a. Booking a room c. The dentist b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress e. Mr. Ricky will come
a. Ragil will not meet Deb. Booking a ticket b. The chef c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
b. Devi wants Atabika t e. Arranging a meeting a. The stewardess c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
c. They join basketball ca. Booking a room d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
c. They join basketball ce. Arranging a meeting e. The secretary a. Mr. Ricky will book a
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
a. Ragil will not meet Dea. Booking a room a. The stewardess a. Mr. Ricky will book a
c. They join basketball cd. Making appointment e. The secretary d. The reservation is for
a. Ragil will not meet Dea. Booking a room a. The stewardess a. Mr. Ricky will book a
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress e. Mr. Ricky will come
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress a. Mr. Ricky will book a
a. Ragil will not meet Dea. Booking a room a. The stewardess a. Mr. Ricky will book a
c. They join basketball ca. Booking a room a. The stewardess d. The reservation is for
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
a. Ragil will not meet Dee. Arranging a meeting c. The dentist e. Mr. Ricky will come
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress d. The reservation is for
a. Ragil will not meet Dea. Booking a room a. The stewardess a. Mr. Ricky will book a
a. Ragil will not meet Dea. Booking a room a. The stewardess a. Mr. Ricky will book a
e. Ragil is going to meeta. Booking a room c. The dentist c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
a. Ragil will not meet Dee. Arranging a meeting a. The stewardess d. The reservation is for
a. Ragil will not meet Dea. Booking a room e. The secretary c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table d. The waitress e. Mr. Ricky will come
c. They join basketball ca. Booking a room d. The waitress a. Mr. Ricky will book a
e. Ragil is going to meeta. Booking a room e. The secretary b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table b. The chef b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table b. The chef e. Mr. Ricky will come
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table b. The chef e. Mr. Ricky will come
a. Ragil will not meet Deb. Booking a ticket a. The stewardess a. Mr. Ricky will book a
a. Ragil will not meet Dec. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
b. Devi wants Atabika t d. Making appointment b. The chef e. Mr. Ricky will come
d. They make an appoinc. Booking a table e. The secretary c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
b. Devi wants Atabika t c. Booking a table a. The stewardess d. The reservation is for
d. They make an appoina. Booking a room e. The secretary e. Mr. Ricky will come
e. Ragil is going to meete. Arranging a meeting e. The secretary e. Mr. Ricky will come
b. Devi wants Atabika t c. Booking a table c. The dentist a. Mr. Ricky will book a
e. Ragil is going to meetb. Booking a ticket a. The stewardess c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress e. Mr. Ricky will come
a. Ragil will not meet Dec. Booking a table c. The dentist d. The reservation is for
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress a. Mr. Ricky will book a
d. They make an appoine. Arranging a meeting d. The waitress d. The reservation is for
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress d. The reservation is for
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
a. Ragil will not meet Dea. Booking a room d. The waitress a. Mr. Ricky will book a
e. Ragil is going to meetb. Booking a ticket e. The secretary c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
e. Ragil is going to meeta. Booking a room b. The chef e. Mr. Ricky will come
b. Devi wants Atabika t c. Booking a table a. The stewardess b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
c. They join basketball cb. Booking a ticket e. The secretary b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
b. Devi wants Atabika t d. Making appointment d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
b. Devi wants Atabika t a. Booking a room d. The waitress e. Mr. Ricky will come
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table a. The stewardess b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
b. Devi wants Atabika t a. Booking a room a. The stewardess a. Mr. Ricky will book a
a. Ragil will not meet Dee. Arranging a meeting d. The waitress c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
d. They make an appoinb. Booking a ticket d. The waitress d. The reservation is for
b. Devi wants Atabika t b. Booking a ticket b. The chef b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
b. Devi wants Atabika t b. Booking a ticket b. The chef b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
a. Ragil will not meet Dea. Booking a room a. The stewardess a. Mr. Ricky will book a
a. Ragil will not meet Dec. Booking a table d. The waitress e. Mr. Ricky will come
a. Ragil will not meet Dec. Booking a table a. The stewardess c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
a. Ragil will not meet Deb. Booking a ticket d. The waitress c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
e. Ragil is going to meetd. Making appointment a. The stewardess c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
c. They join basketball ca. Booking a room d. The waitress a. Mr. Ricky will book a
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
a. Ragil will not meet Ded. Making appointment d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
a. Ragil will not meet Dec. Booking a table e. The secretary b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
c. They join basketball cd. Making appointment e. The secretary a. Mr. Ricky will book a
b. Devi wants Atabika t a. Booking a room c. The dentist e. Mr. Ricky will come
c. They join basketball cc. Booking a table c. The dentist c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
a. Ragil will not meet Deb. Booking a ticket c. The dentist a. Mr. Ricky will book a
d. They make an appoine. Arranging a meeting b. The chef c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
b. Devi wants Atabika t a. Booking a room c. The dentist a. Mr. Ricky will book a
b. Devi wants Atabika t a. Booking a room a. The stewardess a. Mr. Ricky will book a
d. They make an appoina. Booking a room d. The waitress a. Mr. Ricky will book a
d. They make an appoina. Booking a room d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
c. They join basketball cc. Booking a table e. The secretary c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
c. They join basketball cb. Booking a ticket d. The waitress c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress d. The reservation is for
e. Ragil is going to meetd. Making appointment a. The stewardess b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
c. They join basketball ca. Booking a room e. The secretary b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
b. Devi wants Atabika t b. Booking a ticket b. The chef b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
d. They make an appoind. Making appointment e. The secretary a. Mr. Ricky will book a
c. They join basketball cc. Booking a table c. The dentist b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table c. The dentist b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
e. Ragil is going to meetd. Making appointment c. The dentist c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
c. They join basketball cb. Booking a ticket e. The secretary d. The reservation is for
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress e. Mr. Ricky will come
c. They join basketball ca. Booking a room d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
c. They join basketball cc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
b. Devi wants Atabika t d. Making appointment c. The dentist e. Mr. Ricky will come
a. Ragil will not meet Deb. Booking a ticket a. The stewardess c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
c. They join basketball cb. Booking a ticket d. The waitress c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
b. Devi wants Atabika t a. Booking a room b. The chef c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
e. Ragil is going to meetd. Making appointment a. The stewardess e. Mr. Ricky will come
a. Ragil will not meet Deb. Booking a ticket a. The stewardess c. Mr. Ricky will arrive
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress b. Mr. Ricky will reserve
e. Ragil is going to meetc. Booking a table d. The waitress e. Mr. Ricky will come
7. “we will keep reserva8.Why does the man ma9. what is the best blan 10. what is the best res
d. Purchasing a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per nd. How many seat do y
a. Selling a. To choose the cheapes
a. When do you want toa. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketc. Is there any double c. Can I have your num
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per ne. Can I have your add
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
e. Booking a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per nc. Can I have your num
d. Purchasing d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking c. To know how to go toc. Is there any double d. How many seat do y
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking b. To ask the price of plb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketc. Is there any double c. Can I have your num
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
b. Returning d. To book a flight ticketa. When do you want toa. Who is speaking
b. Returning c. To know how to go toa. When do you want toa. Who is speaking
b. Returning c. To know how to go toe. Is there any single r c. Can I have your num
e. Booking b. To ask the price of pla. When do you want toe. Can I have your add
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per ne. Can I have your add
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per ne. Can I have your add
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
b. Returning c. To know how to go tod. What room do you rec. Can I have your num
c. Buying b. To ask the price of ple. Is there any single r e. Can I have your add
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
d. Purchasing a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per nd. How many seat do y
a. Selling e. To reserve a room in b. What is the rate per nd. How many seat do y
a. Selling c. To know how to go tob. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking c. To know how to go toc. Is there any double b. Who made the reserv
e. Booking a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
a. Selling a. To choose the cheapes
a. When do you want toa. Who is speaking
c. Buying b. To ask the price of pla. When do you want toa. Who is speaking
a. Selling a. To choose the cheapes
a. When do you want toa. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking b. To ask the price of pld. What room do you red. How many seat do y
a. Selling a. To choose the cheapes
a. When do you want toa. Who is speaking
d. Purchasing b. To ask the price of plc. Is there any double a. Who is speaking
b. Returning d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
c. Buying e. To reserve a room in c. Is there any double d. How many seat do y
e. Booking b. To ask the price of plb. What is the rate per ne. Can I have your add
c. Buying d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nc. Can I have your num
c. Buying d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nc. Can I have your num
c. Buying e. To reserve a room in b. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
c. Buying e. To reserve a room in c. Is there any double d. How many seat do y
b. Returning a. To choose the cheapes
e. Is there any single r b. Who made the reserv
b. Returning d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
a. Selling a. To choose the cheapes
a. When do you want toa. Who is speaking
a. Selling c. To know how to go toe. Is there any single r b. Who made the reserv
b. Returning d. To book a flight ticketc. Is there any double a. Who is speaking
a. Selling a. To choose the cheapes
c. Is there any double b. Who made the reserv
d. Purchasing b. To ask the price of pld. What room do you reb. Who made the reserv
c. Buying b. To ask the price of pld. What room do you rec. Can I have your num
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
c. Buying a. To choose the cheapes
d. What room do you reb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
d. Purchasing d. To book a flight ticketa. When do you want tob. Who made the reserv
a. Selling c. To know how to go toe. Is there any single r a. Who is speaking
e. Booking e. To reserve a room in e. Is there any single r e. Can I have your add
b. Returning a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per ne. Can I have your add
e. Booking c. To know how to go tod. What room do you rec. Can I have your num
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
b. Returning a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking c. To know how to go toa. When do you want tob. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketd. What room do you red. How many seat do y
e. Booking b. To ask the price of plb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
d. Purchasing b. To ask the price of plc. Is there any double e. Can I have your add
a. Selling c. To know how to go tod. What room do you reb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking e. To reserve a room in b. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketa. When do you want tob. Who made the reserv
e. Booking b. To ask the price of plb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
b. Returning a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per nd. How many seat do y
a. Selling a. To choose the cheapes
d. What room do you red. How many seat do y
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nd. How many seat do y
d. Purchasing b. To ask the price of plc. Is there any double d. How many seat do y
c. Buying c. To know how to go toa. When do you want tod. How many seat do y
e. Booking b. To ask the price of plc. Is there any double a. Who is speaking
b. Returning b. To ask the price of plb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
b. Returning b. To ask the price of plb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
c. Buying c. To know how to go toa. When do you want toc. Can I have your num
e. Booking a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per nd. How many seat do y
a. Selling b. To ask the price of plc. Is there any double c. Can I have your num
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketc. Is there any double b. Who made the reserv
e. Booking a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per ne. Can I have your add
d. Purchasing a. To choose the cheapes
d. What room do you reb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking b. To ask the price of plb. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
c. Buying c. To know how to go tod. What room do you reb. Who made the reserv
a. Selling d. To book a flight ticketa. When do you want toc. Can I have your num
b. Returning c. To know how to go tod. What room do you ree. Can I have your add
e. Booking c. To know how to go toa. When do you want toc. Can I have your num
c. Buying c. To know how to go toc. Is there any double c. Can I have your num
c. Buying e. To reserve a room in b. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
b. Returning a. To choose the cheapes
c. Is there any double d. How many seat do y
b. Returning d. To book a flight ticketc. Is there any double b. Who made the reserv
a. Selling b. To ask the price of pla. When do you want toa. Who is speaking
b. Returning d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nc. Can I have your num
c. Buying a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per nd. How many seat do y
b. Returning a. To choose the cheapes
d. What room do you ree. Can I have your add
b. Returning b. To ask the price of plc. Is there any double c. Can I have your num
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking b. To ask the price of pla. When do you want toe. Can I have your add
d. Purchasing e. To reserve a room in c. Is there any double a. Who is speaking
b. Returning b. To ask the price of plb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking e. To reserve a room in e. Is there any single r a. Who is speaking
b. Returning b. To ask the price of plb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking a. To choose the cheapes
a. When do you want toe. Can I have your add
d. Purchasing a. To choose the cheapes
a. When do you want tob. Who made the reserv
b. Returning e. To reserve a room in c. Is there any double e. Can I have your add
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
d. Purchasing a. To choose the cheapes
d. What room do you rea. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
a. Selling d. To book a flight tickete. Is there any single r b. Who made the reserv
a. Selling c. To know how to go toa. When do you want toa. Who is speaking
c. Buying e. To reserve a room in b. What is the rate per nd. How many seat do y
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketc. Is there any double a. Who is speaking
d. Purchasing b. To ask the price of pla. When do you want tod. How many seat do y
b. Returning a. To choose the cheapes
b. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
e. Booking b. To ask the price of plb. What is the rate per na. Who is speaking
e. Booking d. To book a flight ticketb. What is the rate per nb. Who made the reserv
11. What is the best res12.What does the bann13.From the banner, we14.The synonym of the w
a. When would you like c. Discount. c. we can call the phon b. Economical
a. When would you like a. home. 13. From the banner, wea. Interior
a. When would you like a. home. a. we can get 5% discoua. Interior
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discouc. Fancy
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoud. Compléx
a. When would you like a. home. 13. From the banner, wec. Fancy
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
d. When will you be avab. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
d. When will you be avab. Apartments. c. we can call the phone number if we want to
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
a. When would you like b. Apartments. c. we can call the phon d. Compléx
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discouc. Fancy
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoua. Interior
a. When would you like c. Discount. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoud. Compléx
a. When would you like a. home. 13. From the banner, wec. Fancy
a. When would you like a. home. a. we can get 5% discouc. Fancy
a. When would you like a. home. a. we can get 5% discouc. Fancy
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
d. When will you be avab. Apartments. e. the apartments offer c. Fancy
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoud. Compléx
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discouc. Fancy
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
d. When will you be avab. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
d. When will you be avab. Apartments. 13. From the banner, web. Economical
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
a. When would you like a. home. c. we can call the phon c. Fancy
a. When would you like a. home. 13. From the banner, wec. Fancy
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoua. Interior
a. When would you like b. Apartments. c. we can call the phon c. Fancy
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. 13. From the banner, web. Economical
b. Would you like a singa. home. d. there is no website p a. Interior
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoua. Interior
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoud. Compléx
d. When will you be avab. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
d. When will you be avab. Apartments. b. there are only two b e. ordinary
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
b. Would you like a singc. Discount. a. we can get 5% discouc. Fancy
e. How is your life? b. Apartments. b. there are only two b a. Interior
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoud. Compléx
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. c. we can call the phon b. Economical
a. When would you like a. home. c. we can call the phon b. Economical
a. When would you like c. Discount. a. we can get 5% discoud. Compléx
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
a. When would you like a. home. 13. From the banner, wea. Interior
a. When would you like a. home. 13. From the banner, web. Economical
a. When would you like a. home. 13. From the banner, wea. Interior
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discouc. Fancy
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discount if we book one unit.
a. When would you like c. Discount. c. we can call the phon a. Interior
a. When would you like a. home. 13. From the banner, wea. Interior
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. c. we can call the phon b. Economical
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
e. How is your life? b. Apartments. e. the apartments offer b. Economical
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. 13. From the banner, wea. Interior
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. 13. From the banner, wea. Interior
b. Would you like a singa. home. d. there is no website p b. Economical
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. 13. From the banner, wec. Fancy
a. When would you like d. Bedrooms. c. we can call the phon c. Fancy
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
a. When would you like a. home. 13. From the banner, wea. Interior
a. When would you like c. Discount. 13. From the banner, wee. ordinary
d. When will you be avae. Furniture. c. we can call the phon a. Interior
e. How is your life? a. home. 13. From the banner, wed. Compléx
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discouc. Fancy
c. How long are you goid. Bedrooms. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
a. When would you like c. Discount. c. we can call the phon a. Interior
d. When will you be avab. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. c. we can call the phon c. Fancy
c. How long are you goia. home. d. there is no website p c. Fancy
a. When would you like a. home. 13. From the banner, wea. Interior
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
a. When would you like c. Discount. c. we can call the phon a. Interior
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
e. How is your life? e. Furniture. b. there are only two b a. Interior
a. When would you like b. Apartments. c. we can call the phon e. ordinary
a. When would you like b. Apartments. c. we can call the phon d. Compléx
c. How long are you goie. Furniture. b. there are only two b d. Compléx
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. e. the apartments offer b. Economical
a. When would you like a. home. c. we can call the phon b. Economical
c. How long are you goia. home. 13. From the banner, wea. Interior
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. b. there are only two b a. Interior
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. 13. From the banner, web. Economical
a. When would you like b. Apartments. b. there are only two b b. Economical
a. When would you like c. Discount. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. c. we can call the phon a. Interior
a. When would you like a. home. c. we can call the phon a. Interior
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. 13. From the banner, web. Economical
d. When will you be avaa. home. e. the apartments offer b. Economical
d. When will you be avab. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoua. Interior
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. b. there are only two b d. Compléx
d. When will you be avab. Apartments. b. there are only two b a. Interior
a. When would you like a. home. 13. From the banner, web. Economical
a. When would you like b. Apartments. c. we can call the phon d. Compléx
c. How long are you goia. home. d. there is no website p c. Fancy
e. How is your life? a. home. b. there are only two b a. Interior
a. When would you like b. Apartments. b. there are only two b b. Economical
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. b. there are only two b c. Fancy
d. When will you be avad. Bedrooms. e. the apartments offer a. Interior
a. When would you like b. Apartments. b. there are only two b d. Compléx
d. When will you be avab. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
c. How long are you goic. Discount. c. we can call the phon c. Fancy
b. Would you like a singd. Bedrooms. 13. From the banner, wea. Interior
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoua. Interior
a. When would you like d. Bedrooms. b. there are only two b a. Interior
c. How long are you goic. Discount. c. we can call the phon c. Fancy
d. When will you be avaa. home. d. there is no website p b. Economical
d. When will you be avad. Bedrooms. c. we can call the phon d. Compléx
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoua. Interior
c. How long are you goic. Discount. b. there are only two b b. Economical
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
c. How long are you goia. home. d. there is no website p b. Economical
b. Would you like a singd. Bedrooms. 13. From the banner, web. Economical
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoub. Economical
d. When will you be avac. Discount. 13. From the banner, web. Economical
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoua. Interior
b. Would you like a singc. Discount. b. there are only two b c. Fancy
c. How long are you goib. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
a. When would you like d. Bedrooms. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
d. When will you be avaa. home. b. there are only two b b. Economical
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoud. Compléx
c. How long are you goie. Furniture. 13. From the banner, wee. ordinary
a. When would you like c. Discount. 13. From the banner, wed. Compléx
c. How long are you goid. Bedrooms. c. we can call the phon c. Fancy
a. When would you like c. Discount. a. we can get 5% discoua. Interior
b. Would you like a singb. Apartments. c. we can call the phon b. Economical
c. How long are you goia. home. b. there are only two b c. Fancy
a. When would you like b. Apartments. a. we can get 5% discoue. ordinary
a. When would you like b. Apartments. 13. From the banner, wee. ordinary
15.The banner is about.16.The "available" has s17.What does the leafl 18.Which of the followi
a. Information of COVI a. Accessible e. Event organizer b. Birthday party
a. Information of COVI a. Accessible a. Dishes a. Reunions
a. Information of COVI d. on sale c. Food catering c. Private dinner
d. How to request vaccia. Accessible c. Food catering c. Private dinner
a. Information of COVI e. in stock c. Food catering e. Wedding party
e. How to go to Eastbroo
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
d. How to request vaccia. Accessible c. Food catering a. Reunions
d. How to request vaccie. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
a. Information of COVI e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
d. How to request vaccie. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
a. Information of COVI e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering d. Anniversary celebrati
d. How to request vaccib. Free c. Food catering c. Private dinner
c. How to make an appoe. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
d. How to request vaccie. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
e. How to go to Eastbroo
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
e. How to go to Eastbroo
a. Accessible c. Food catering c. Private dinner
e. How to go to Eastbroo
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
d. on sale c. Food catering c. Private dinner
a. Information of COVI a. Accessible d. Restaurant a. Reunions
d. How to request vaccie. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
a. Accessible c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
c. Convenient c. Food catering a. Reunions
d. How to request vaccia. Accessible c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering d. Anniversary celebrati
a. Information of COVI e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
e. How to go to Eastbroo
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
e. How to go to Eastbroo
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
d. How to request vaccid. on sale c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
c. Convenient a. Dishes c. Private dinner
a. Information of COVI d. on sale a. Dishes a. Reunions
c. How to make an appod. on sale c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
a. Accessible c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
a. Information of COVI e. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
d. How to request vaccic. Convenient c. Food catering a. Reunions
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
c. Convenient b. Delivery service c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
c. Convenient b. Delivery service b. Birthday party
c. How to make an appoa. Accessible e. Event organizer d. Anniversary celebrati
a. Information of COVI b. Free c. Food catering a. Reunions
d. How to request vaccia. Accessible e. Event organizer c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
a. Accessible c. Food catering c. Private dinner
a. Information of COVI a. Accessible a. Dishes a. Reunions
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
b. Free c. Food catering c. Private dinner
a. Information of COVI a. Accessible a. Dishes a. Reunions
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
a. Accessible c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
d. How to request vaccia. Accessible a. Dishes d. Anniversary celebrati
a. Information of COVI a. Accessible a. Dishes a. Reunions
a. Information of COVI b. Free b. Delivery service e. Wedding party
a. Information of COVI e. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
d. How to request vaccib. Free d. Restaurant b. Birthday party
a. Information of COVI e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
a. Information of COVI a. Accessible e. Event organizer a. Reunions
a. Information of COVI a. Accessible e. Event organizer a. Reunions
a. Information of COVI e. in stock b. Delivery service c. Private dinner
d. How to request vaccic. Convenient c. Food catering b. Birthday party
c. How to make an appoe. in stock a. Dishes d. Anniversary celebrati
a. Information of COVI e. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
a. Information of COVI a. Accessible a. Dishes a. Reunions
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock b. Delivery service c. Private dinner
c. How to make an appoe. in stock a. Dishes b. Birthday party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
a. Accessible c. Food catering e. Wedding party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering e. Wedding party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
b. Free a. Dishes a. Reunions
a. Information of COVI e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
d. How to request vaccic. Convenient a. Dishes d. Anniversary celebrati
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
b. Free c. Food catering e. Wedding party
a. Information of COVI e. in stock b. Delivery service
a. Information of COVI a. Accessible a. Dishes a. Reunions
c. How to make an appoa. Accessible e. Event organizer b. Birthday party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
b. Free b. Delivery service c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
a. Accessible c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
b. Free d. Restaurant b. Birthday party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
a. Accessible c. Food catering c. Private dinner
a. Information of COVI c. Convenient d. Restaurant c. Private dinner
a. Information of COVI d. on sale d. Restaurant b. Birthday party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
c. How to make an appod. on sale d. Restaurant e. Wedding party
c. How to make an appoa. Accessible c. Food catering b. Birthday party
e. How to go to Eastbroo
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
a. Information of COVI c. Convenient c. Food catering a. Reunions
e. How to go to Eastbroo
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
d. on sale c. Food catering a. Reunions
a. Information of COVI c. Convenient a. Dishes d. Anniversary celebrati
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
b. Free d. Restaurant d. Anniversary celebrati
a. Information of COVI d. on sale a. Dishes b. Birthday party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
b. Free d. Restaurant c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
b. Free b. Delivery service b. Birthday party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
b. Free b. Delivery service b. Birthday party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
d. on sale d. Restaurant b. Birthday party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering c. Private dinner
c. How to make an appod. on sale b. Delivery service a. Reunions
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock b. Delivery service c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
c. Convenient a. Dishes d. Anniversary celebrati
c. How to make an appoa. Accessible d. Restaurant e. Wedding party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
a. Accessible c. Food catering c. Private dinner
d. How to request vaccib. Free b. Delivery service b. Birthday party
c. How to make an appoa. Accessible b. Delivery service d. Anniversary celebrati
e. How to go to Eastbroo
a. Accessible b. Delivery service c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
d. on sale a. Dishes d. Anniversary celebrati
c. How to make an appoc. Convenient c. Food catering c. Private dinner
e. How to go to Eastbroo
b. Free a. Dishes c. Private dinner
a. Information of COVI b. Free b. Delivery service b. Birthday party
c. How to make an appob. Free d. Restaurant a. Reunions
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
b. Free b. Delivery service a. Reunions
a. Information of COVI d. on sale a. Dishes c. Private dinner
c. How to make an appoa. Accessible d. Restaurant c. Private dinner
a. Information of COVI b. Free d. Restaurant c. Private dinner
c. How to make an appoc. Convenient b. Delivery service c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
d. on sale c. Food catering a. Reunions
a. Information of COVI d. on sale c. Food catering a. Reunions
d. How to request vaccie. in stock b. Delivery service d. Anniversary celebrati
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
b. Free b. Delivery service b. Birthday party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock e. Event organizer c. Private dinner
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
c. Convenient c. Food catering a. Reunions
d. How to request vaccib. Free c. Food catering c. Private dinner
a. Information of COVI b. Free b. Delivery service e. Wedding party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
d. on sale b. Delivery service a. Reunions
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering d. Anniversary celebrati
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
c. Convenient a. Dishes e. Wedding party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering a. Reunions
c. How to make an appoa. Accessible e. Event organizer b. Birthday party
a. Information of COVI b. Free a. Dishes c. Private dinner
c. How to make an appoe. in stock a. Dishes b. Birthday party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
d. on sale c. Food catering c. Private dinner
e. How to go to Eastbroo
c. Convenient e. Event organizer d. Anniversary celebrati
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
c. Convenient a. Dishes b. Birthday party
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering d. Anniversary celebrati
b. COVID-19 vaccinations
e. in stock c. Food catering d. Anniversary celebrati
19.We should do some 2a0.What is the purpose 21.What is the text abo 22.How long will the p
b. Cover a cough or sn d. To welcome the visitoc. Winning a shopping vb. For three days
a. Stay at home a. To persuade readers a. The new Humaniora a. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencec.f Winning a shopping vc. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audienceb.
f Buying books on Newc. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di a. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food c. To promote the produe. A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di b. For three days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di a. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di a. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di a. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
c. Social distancing a. To persuade readers c. Winning a shopping ve. For seven days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di b. For three days
b. Cover a cough or sn b. To educate audienced.
f An interesting midni d. For six days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di a. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di a. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
c. Social distancing a. To persuade readers d. An interesting midni b. For three days
b. Cover a cough or sn b. To educate audiencea.
f The new Humaniora a. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food d. To welcome the visitoc. Winning a shopping vc. For four days
a. Stay at home c. To promote the produb. Buying books on Newb. For three days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
a. Stay at home b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di b. For three days
a. Stay at home b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di b. For three days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
b. Cover a cough or sn a. To persuade readers a. The new Humaniora c. For four days
c. Social distancing c. To promote the produb. Buying books on Newc. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
b. Cover a cough or sn a. To persuade readers c. Winning a shopping vb. For three days
b. Cover a cough or sn a. To persuade readers d. An interesting midni e. For seven days
d. Wash hands b. To educate audiencea.
f The new Humaniora c. For four days
c. Social distancing e. To promote the new in
c. Winning a shopping vb. For three days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
a. Stay at home a. To persuade readers a. The new Humaniora a. For two days
c. Social distancing d. To welcome the visitod. An interesting midni d. For six days
a. Stay at home a. To persuade readers a. The new Humaniora a. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di b. For three days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di b. For three days
a. Stay at home b. To educate audiencec.f Winning a shopping vd. For six days
a. Stay at home a. To persuade readers a. The new Humaniora a. For two days
b. Cover a cough or sn a. To persuade readers c. Winning a shopping va. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di b. For three days
c. Social distancing a. To persuade readers c. Winning a shopping va. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audienced.
f An interesting midni b. For three days
a. Stay at home a. To persuade readers a. The new Humaniora a. For two days
a. Stay at home a. To persuade readers a. The new Humaniora a. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food a. To persuade readers d. An interesting midni c. For four days
d. Wash hands c. To promote the produc. Winning a shopping va. For two days
a. Stay at home e. To promote the new in
c. Winning a shopping ve. For seven days
e. Buy a lot of food c. To promote the produb. Buying books on Newc. For four days
a. Stay at home a. To persuade readers a. The new Humaniora a. For two days
a. Stay at home e. To promote the new in
c. Winning a shopping vb. For three days
a. Stay at home d. To welcome the visitoa. The new Humaniora d. For six days
b. Cover a cough or sn b. To educate audienced.
f An interesting midni c. For four days
a. Stay at home b. To educate audiencec.f Winning a shopping vb. For three days
a. Stay at home b. To educate audiencea.
f The new Humaniora a. For two days
b. Cover a cough or sn b. To educate audienced.
f An interesting midni b. For three days
b. Cover a cough or sn b. To educate audiencec.f Winning a shopping ve. For seven days
a. Stay at home b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
c. Social distancing c. To promote the produc. Winning a shopping vc. For four days
b. Cover a cough or sn e. To promote the new in
a. The new Humaniora c. For four days
a. Stay at home a. To persuade readers b. Buying books on Newb. For three days
a. Stay at home c. To promote the produd. An interesting midni e. For seven days
b. Cover a cough or sn a. To persuade readers b. Buying books on Newc. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
a. Stay at home a. To persuade readers b. Buying books on Newc. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
b. Cover a cough or sn b. To educate audienceb.
f Buying books on Newc. For four days
a. Stay at home c. To promote the produe. A big sale and big di d. For six days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
a. Stay at home a. To persuade readers a. The new Humaniora a. For two days
d. Wash hands c. To promote the produa. The new Humaniora a. For two days
b. Cover a cough or sn e. To promote the new in
d. An interesting midni b. For three days
c. Social distancing a. To persuade readers e. A big sale and big di d. For six days
a. Stay at home b. To educate audiencec.f Winning a shopping va. For two days
b. Cover a cough or sn b. To educate audiencec.f Winning a shopping va. For two days
a. Stay at home a. To persuade readers d. An interesting midni e. For seven days
c. Social distancing b. To educate audiencec.f Winning a shopping vc. For four days
a. Stay at home b. To educate audiencec.f Winning a shopping vb. For three days
d. Wash hands e. To promote the new in
a. The new Humaniora d. For six days
c. Social distancing d. To welcome the visitoc. Winning a shopping vc. For four days
b. Cover a cough or sn b. To educate audienceb.
f Buying books on Newb. For three days
b. Cover a cough or sn b. To educate audienceb.
f Buying books on Newb. For three days
a. Stay at home c. To promote the produb. Buying books on Newa. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food c. To promote the produa. The new Humaniora a. For two days
b. Cover a cough or sn a. To persuade readers c. Winning a shopping va. For two days
a. Stay at home b. To educate audienced.
f An interesting midni e. For seven days
b. Cover a cough or sn a. To persuade readers d. An interesting midni e. For seven days
b. Cover a cough or sn c. To promote the produa. The new Humaniora c. For four days
c. Social distancing b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
c. Social distancing b. To educate audiencea.
f The new Humaniora e. For seven days
a. Stay at home e. To promote the new in
c. Winning a shopping vc. For four days
d. Wash hands e. To promote the new in
a. The new Humaniora b. For three days
a. Stay at home c. To promote the produb. Buying books on Newb. For three days
c. Social distancing c. To promote the produc. Winning a shopping vc. For four days
d. Wash hands a. To persuade readers a. The new Humaniora e. For seven days
a. Stay at home a. To persuade readers a. The new Humaniora c. For four days
d. Wash hands b. To educate audiencea.
f The new Humaniora c. For four days
a. Stay at home a. To persuade readers b. Buying books on Newa. For two days
c. Social distancing b. To educate audiencec.f Winning a shopping vc. For four days
d. Wash hands a. To persuade readers a. The new Humaniora a. For two days
d. Wash hands a. To persuade readers a. The new Humaniora e. For seven days
c. Social distancing c. To promote the produd. An interesting midni c. For four days
d. Wash hands c. To promote the produc. Winning a shopping vc. For four days
c. Social distancing a. To persuade readers e. A big sale and big di c. For four days
a. Stay at home b. To educate audienced.
f An interesting midni c. For four days
b. Cover a cough or sn b. To educate audienceb.
f Buying books on Newb. For three days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di b. For three days
a. Stay at home c. To promote the produc. Winning a shopping va. For two days
c. Social distancing b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di c. For four days
b. Cover a cough or sn e. To promote the new in
c. Winning a shopping ve. For seven days
d. Wash hands b. To educate audiencec.f Winning a shopping vd. For six days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audienced.
f An interesting midni b. For three days
c. Social distancing c. To promote the produb. Buying books on Newa. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audiencee.
f A big sale and big di a. For two days
b. Cover a cough or sn a. To persuade readers e. A big sale and big di b. For three days
b. Cover a cough or sn b. To educate audiencea.
f The new Humaniora c. For four days
a. Stay at home b. To educate audiencec.f Winning a shopping vd. For six days
c. Social distancing b. To educate audienceb.
f Buying books on Newc. For four days
b. Cover a cough or sn b. To educate audiencec.f Winning a shopping ve. For seven days
a. Stay at home c. To promote the produb. Buying books on Newa. For two days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audienceb.
f Buying books on Newc. For four days
e. Buy a lot of food b. To educate audienced.
f An interesting midni b. For three days
23.What does the man 24.Which of the followin25.Which facility does 26. What does the staff
a. Camp at a hill. b. Hospital. b. Balconies. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. a. Hotel. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. e. Office. d. Reception. d. Fines the visitors who
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
e. Protect herself from c. Post office d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothd. Supermarket. a. Pools. b. Pays attention to all v
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. c. Rooftops. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. c. Rooftops. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. c. Rooftops. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
e. Protect herself from c. Post office d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
e. Protect herself from c. Post office d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
e. Protect herself from c. Post office d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
c. Wear protective clothc. Post office d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. d. Supermarket. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. e. Entrances. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clotha. Hotel. d. Reception. d. Fines the visitors who
d. Buy new clothing. e. Office. c. Rooftops. c. Builds some open ar
c. Wear protective clothb. Hospital. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
e. Protect herself from c. Post office d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
e. Protect herself from c. Post office d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. e. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
d. Buy new clothing. a. Hotel. b. Balconies. b. Pays attention to all v
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
a. Hotel. c. Rooftops. c. Builds some open ar
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
c. Post office b. Balconies. c. Builds some open ar
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
b. Hospital. c. Rooftops. c. Builds some open ar
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothb. Hospital. d. Reception. d. Fines the visitors who
c. Wear protective clothb. Hospital. d. Reception. d. Fines the visitors who
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
c. Post office d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothd. Supermarket. b. Balconies. d. Fines the visitors who
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothd. Supermarket. b. Balconies. c. Builds some open ar
e. Protect herself from d. Supermarket. c. Rooftops. a. Puts trashcans withi
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
d. Supermarket. a. Pools. b. Pays attention to all v
c. Wear protective clothc. Post office c. Rooftops. b. Pays attention to all v
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. a. Hotel. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
e. Protect herself from e. Office. e. Entrances. d. Fines the visitors who
a. Camp at a hill. a. Hotel. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. e. Office. b. Balconies. a. Puts trashcans withi
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
b. Hospital. b. Balconies. c. Builds some open ar
a. Camp at a hill. a. Hotel. b. Balconies. c. Builds some open ar
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
c. Post office b. Balconies. a. Puts trashcans withi
e. Protect herself from a. Hotel. e. Entrances. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothd. Supermarket. b. Balconies. d. Fines the visitors who
a. Camp at a hill. a. Hotel. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. a. Hotel. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. b. Hospital. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
d. Buy new clothing. a. Hotel. c. Rooftops. e. Opens the spaces fre
a. Camp at a hill. a. Hotel. e. Entrances. c. Builds some open ar
a. Camp at a hill. b. Hospital. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. a. Hotel. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. e. Office. a. Pools. b. Pays attention to all v
e. Protect herself from c. Post office a. Pools. b. Pays attention to all v
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
a. Hotel. a. Pools. c. Builds some open ar
c. Wear protective clothd. Supermarket. d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
b. Hospital. c. Rooftops. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothb. Hospital. a. Pools. c. Builds some open ar
c. Wear protective clothb. Hospital. d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
e. Protect herself from a. Hotel. d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
a. Hotel. c. Rooftops. c. Builds some open ar
a. Camp at a hill. e. Office. a. Pools. d. Fines the visitors who
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
b. Hospital. b. Balconies. b. Pays attention to all v
d. Buy new clothing. d. Supermarket. e. Entrances. e. Opens the spaces fre
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
b. Hospital. c. Rooftops. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothb. Hospital. b. Balconies. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. a. Hotel. c. Rooftops. c. Builds some open ar
c. Wear protective clothb. Hospital. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
a. Hotel. d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
e. Office. e. Entrances. d. Fines the visitors who
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
e. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. a. Hotel. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
a. Hotel. c. Rooftops. b. Pays attention to all v
a. Camp at a hill. e. Office. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
d. Buy new clothing. e. Office. d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
a. Camp at a hill. a. Hotel. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothb. Hospital. d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
a. Hotel. e. Entrances. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothb. Hospital. b. Balconies. a. Puts trashcans withi
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
d. Supermarket. b. Balconies. a. Puts trashcans withi
d. Buy new clothing. b. Hospital. e. Entrances. a. Puts trashcans withi
d. Buy new clothing. c. Post office d. Reception. c. Builds some open ar
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
b. Hospital. b. Balconies. b. Pays attention to all v
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
b. Hospital. b. Balconies. b. Pays attention to all v
c. Wear protective clothb. Hospital. d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
a. Camp at a hill. a. Hotel. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
d. Buy new clothing. b. Hospital. a. Pools. c. Builds some open ar
d. Buy new clothing. b. Hospital. a. Pools. d. Fines the visitors who
d. Buy new clothing. e. Office. b. Balconies. d. Fines the visitors who
e. Protect herself from b. Hospital. c. Rooftops. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothd. Supermarket. b. Balconies. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. a. Hotel. d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
c. Wear protective clothd. Supermarket. e. Entrances. a. Puts trashcans withi
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
a. Hotel. e. Entrances. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothc. Post office c. Rooftops. c. Builds some open ar
a. Camp at a hill. c. Post office e. Entrances. c. Builds some open ar
a. Camp at a hill. c. Post office d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothb. Hospital. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. e. Office. c. Rooftops. e. Opens the spaces fre
d. Buy new clothing. b. Hospital. d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
c. Wear protective clothd. Supermarket. d. Reception. e. Opens the spaces fre
a. Camp at a hill. b. Hospital. c. Rooftops. b. Pays attention to all v
c. Wear protective clothb. Hospital. d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
c. Wear protective clothc. Post office c. Rooftops. c. Builds some open ar
a. Camp at a hill. d. Supermarket. b. Balconies. a. Puts trashcans withi
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
c. Post office b. Balconies. a. Puts trashcans withi
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
b. Hospital. b. Balconies. b. Pays attention to all v
a. Camp at a hill. e. Office. e. Entrances. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothd. Supermarket. c. Rooftops. c. Builds some open ar
a. Camp at a hill. b. Hospital. d. Reception. b. Pays attention to all v
c. Wear protective clothe. Office. c. Rooftops. a. Puts trashcans withi
d. Buy new clothing. a. Hotel. e. Entrances. c. Builds some open ar
c. Wear protective clothd. Supermarket. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
d. Buy new clothing. b. Hospital. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. e. Office. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
a. Camp at a hill. d. Supermarket. a. Pools. d. Fines the visitors who
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
a. Hotel. b. Balconies. c. Builds some open ar
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
b. Hospital. b. Balconies. c. Builds some open ar
c. Wear protective clotha. Hotel. c. Rooftops. a. Puts trashcans withi
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
d. Supermarket. e. Entrances. c. Builds some open ar
b. Bring mosquitoes repe
c. Post office b. Balconies. a. Puts trashcans withi
e. Protect herself from d. Supermarket. d. Reception. a. Puts trashcans withi
c. Wear protective clothd. Supermarket. a. Pools. a. Puts trashcans withi
27.What are they talkin 28.Children should eati 29.Vegetables________30.When I visit Korea,
a. Being fat b. For instance c. As an illustration c. Namely
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example a. That is
a. Being fat a. Such as c. As an illustration b. Such as
e. Eating snacks a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
d. Daily food a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
e. Eating snacks a. Such as b. Namely b. Such as
e. Eating snacks a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
d. Daily food a. Such as b. Namely b. Such as
b. Healthy food a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
d. Daily food a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
b. Healthy food a. Such as c. As an illustration b. Such as
e. Eating snacks a. Such as b. Namely b. Such as
b. Healthy food a. Such as b. Namely b. Such as
e. Eating snacks a. Such as a. For example e. As an illustration
e. Eating snacks b. For instance a. For example b. Such as
e. Eating snacks b. For instance a. For example b. Such as
e. Eating snacks b. For instance a. For example b. Such as
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
d. Daily food a. Such as b. Namely c. Namely
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
b. Healthy food a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
b. Healthy food b. For instance a. For example a. That is
e. Eating snacks a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
b. Healthy food a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
b. Healthy food b. For instance a. For example b. Such as
b. Healthy food a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
d. Daily food a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
d. Daily food a. Such as b. Namely b. Such as
e. Eating snacks a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
e. Eating snacks a. Such as b. Namely b. Such as
d. Daily food a. Such as c. As an illustration b. Such as
b. Healthy food a. Such as c. As an illustration a. That is
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example a. That is
c. Fruit b. For instance c. As an illustration c. Namely
e. Eating snacks a. Such as c. As an illustration e. As an illustration
d. Daily food a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
e. Eating snacks b. For instance c. As an illustration b. Such as
e. Eating snacks b. For instance c. As an illustration b. Such as
e. Eating snacks a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
d. Daily food b. For instance a. For example b. Such as
d. Daily food b. For instance d. Take c. Namely
d. Daily food a. Such as a. For example c. Namely
d. Daily food a. Such as c. As an illustration c. Namely
b. Healthy food b. For instance d. Take e. As an illustration
a. Being fat c. Like a. For example d. For example
b. Healthy food d. Namely a. For example d. For example
d. Daily food a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example a. That is
d. Daily food d. Namely c. As an illustration c. Namely
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example a. That is
e. Eating snacks a. Such as b. Namely b. Such as
e. Eating snacks a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
d. Daily food d. Namely d. Take b. Such as
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example a. That is
b. Healthy food d. Namely d. Take e. As an illustration
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
c. Fruit b. For instance c. As an illustration b. Such as
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example a. That is
a. Being fat b. For instance a. For example c. Namely
a. Being fat b. For instance a. For example c. Namely
b. Healthy food d. Namely c. As an illustration a. That is
a. Being fat c. Like b. Namely c. Namely
c. Fruit e. To illustrate d. Take b. Such as
a. Being fat b. For instance a. For example b. Such as
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example d. For example
e. Eating snacks e. To illustrate a. For example b. Such as
d. Daily food e. To illustrate c. As an illustration a. That is
e. Eating snacks b. For instance a. For example d. For example
c. Fruit b. For instance d. Take a. That is
b. Healthy food d. Namely a. For example b. Such as
a. Being fat a. Such as c. As an illustration a. That is
e. Eating snacks b. For instance c. As an illustration b. Such as
e. Eating snacks b. For instance a. For example b. Such as
b. Healthy food b. For instance b. Namely a. That is
b. Healthy food d. Namely a. For example d. For example
b. Healthy food b. For instance b. Namely b. Such as
d. Daily food e. To illustrate c. As an illustration d. For example
b. Healthy food b. For instance d. Take b. Such as
e. Eating snacks b. For instance e. This is shown by b. Such as
b. Healthy food a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
d. Daily food a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
e. Eating snacks b. For instance b. Namely a. That is
a. Being fat b. For instance a. For example c. Namely
e. Eating snacks b. For instance a. For example b. Such as
e. Eating snacks b. For instance a. For example b. Such as
a. Being fat a. Such as a. For example a. That is
b. Healthy food a. Such as e. This is shown by b. Such as
d. Daily food a. Such as a. For example a. That is
a. Being fat d. Namely b. Namely b. Such as
e. Eating snacks a. Such as a. For example c. Namely
b. Healthy food d. Namely c. As an illustration b. Such as
b. Healthy food b. For instance a. For example a. That is
e. Eating snacks a. Such as c. As an illustration b. Such as
e. Eating snacks a. Such as c. As an illustration a. That is
d. Daily food c. Like c. As an illustration b. Such as
c. Fruit c. Like d. Take b. Such as
b. Healthy food b. For instance b. Namely b. Such as
b. Healthy food b. For instance b. Namely b. Such as
a. Being fat c. Like c. As an illustration a. That is
e. Eating snacks b. For instance a. For example c. Namely
c. Fruit b. For instance a. For example d. For example
c. Fruit b. For instance e. This is shown by a. That is
c. Fruit d. Namely a. For example d. For example
a. Being fat d. Namely e. This is shown by c. Namely
b. Healthy food a. Such as c. As an illustration b. Such as
d. Daily food a. Such as e. This is shown by d. For example
c. Fruit e. To illustrate b. Namely a. That is
b. Healthy food c. Like d. Take e. As an illustration
a. Being fat c. Like c. As an illustration a. That is
c. Fruit c. Like c. As an illustration c. Namely
d. Daily food a. Such as d. Take d. For example
b. Healthy food b. For instance a. For example b. Such as
d. Daily food b. For instance a. For example d. For example
e. Eating snacks b. For instance b. Namely a. That is
c. Fruit b. For instance d. Take d. For example
c. Fruit e. To illustrate d. Take b. Such as
a. Being fat b. For instance c. As an illustration d. For example
c. Fruit d. Namely c. As an illustration c. Namely
b. Healthy food b. For instance a. For example b. Such as
e. Eating snacks b. For instance b. Namely c. Namely
c. Fruit e. To illustrate d. Take a. That is
b. Healthy food b. For instance b. Namely b. Such as
b. Healthy food e. To illustrate a. For example c. Namely
d. Daily food a. Such as c. As an illustration d. For example
d. Daily food c. Like b. Namely b. Such as
a. Being fat b. For instance e. This is shown by c. Namely
a. Being fat c. Like b. Namely d. For example
e. Eating snacks b. For instance b. Namely c. Namely
d. Daily food b. For instance e. This is shown by a. That is
e. Eating snacks a. Such as b. Namely b. Such as
e. Eating snacks b. For instance e. This is shown by d. For example
b. Healthy food a. Such as d. Take b. Such as
c. Fruit e. To illustrate c. As an illustration a. That is
b. Healthy food b. For instance e. This is shown by d. For example
b. Healthy food b. For instance c. As an illustration e. As an illustration
c. Fruit b. For instance a. For example c. Namely
e. Eating snacks a. Such as a. For example b. Such as
d. Daily food b. For instance b. Namely c. Namely
31.What is the type of t 32.Why is reading very 33.What does the text 34.The generic structur
b. Hortatory Exposition d. By reading, we are a a. Air travel c. description – identific
a. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
a. Air travel a. thesis – arguments –
d. Recount e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
a. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
a. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
d. Recount e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
c. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
d. Recount e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
a. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
c. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
a. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
d. Recount e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
d. Recount e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
e. Biography e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
e. Biography e. By reading we can ged. Space travel c. description – identific
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel d. identification – descri
a. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
a. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
a. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
c. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
a. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
e. Biography e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
d. Recount e. By reading we can gee. Rocket travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel d. identification – descri
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
a. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
a. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
c. Procedure b. By reading, we can ge
c. Water travel b. thesis – arguments
d. Recount d. By reading, we are a a. Air travel a. thesis – arguments –
e. Biography b. By reading, we can ge
a. Air travel b. thesis – arguments
c. Procedure b. By reading, we can ge
d. Space travel c. description – identific
a. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
a. Air travel a. thesis – arguments –
d. Recount e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
d. Recount e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
c. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
c. Procedure d. By reading, we are a b. Road travel a. thesis – arguments –
b. Hortatory Exposition c. By reading, we are a b. Road travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
b. Hortatory Exposition c. By reading, we are a a. Air travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel d. identification – descri
a. Procedure b. By reading, we can ge
d. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition a. By reading, we can get
b. Road travel a. thesis – arguments –
a. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
a. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
a. Air travel a. thesis – arguments –
c. Procedure b. By reading, we can ge
b. Road travel b. thesis – arguments
a. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
a. Air travel a. thesis – arguments –
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
d. Recount e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
a. Procedure d. By reading, we are a d. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
a. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
a. Air travel a. thesis – arguments –
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can gea. Air travel b. thesis – arguments
a. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
e. Biography d. By reading, we are a e. Rocket travel d. identification – descri
c. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
b. Road travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition b. By reading, we can ge
d. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
b. Hortatory Exposition b. By reading, we can ge
d. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
b. Hortatory Exposition c. By reading, we are a a. Air travel c. description – identific
a. Procedure c. By reading, we are a d. Space travel d. identification – descri
d. Recount d. By reading, we are a e. Rocket travel c. description – identific
d. Recount e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
a. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
a. Air travel a. thesis – arguments –
e. Biography b. By reading, we can ge
a. Air travel a. thesis – arguments –
c. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
b. Road travel a. thesis – arguments –
e. Biography e. By reading we can gea. Air travel b. thesis – arguments
d. Recount e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
c. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
b. Road travel d. identification – descri
c. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
d. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
b. Hortatory Exposition c. By reading, we are a d. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can geb. Road travel e. orientation – event –
a. Procedure c. By reading, we are a c. Water travel a. thesis – arguments –
a. Procedure d. By reading, we are a e. Rocket travel b. thesis – arguments
c. Procedure c. By reading, we are a c. Water travel c. description – identific
a. Procedure c. By reading, we are a b. Road travel d. identification – descri
c. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
c. Water travel c. description – identific
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
b. Hortatory Exposition d. By reading, we are a b. Road travel a. thesis – arguments –
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel d. identification – descri
a. Procedure b. By reading, we can ge
c. Water travel b. thesis – arguments
d. Recount b. By reading, we can ge
a. Air travel e. orientation – event –
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel c. description – identific
d. Recount e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
a. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
a. Air travel a. thesis – arguments –
a. Procedure b. By reading, we can ge
d. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can gee. Rocket travel e. orientation – event –
a. Procedure c. By reading, we are a d. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
d. Recount b. By reading, we can ge
a. Air travel c. description – identific
b. Hortatory Exposition a. By reading, we can get
c. Water travel a. thesis – arguments –
c. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
e. Biography c. By reading, we are a b. Road travel e. orientation – event –
e. Biography b. By reading, we can ge
d. Space travel d. identification – descri
b. Hortatory Exposition b. By reading, we can ge
b. Road travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition b. By reading, we can ge
b. Road travel b. thesis – arguments
a. Procedure b. By reading, we can ge
b. Road travel c. description – identific
c. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
d. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition c. By reading, we are a a. Air travel a. thesis – arguments –
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition b. By reading, we can ge
d. Space travel c. description – identific
a. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
d. Space travel c. description – identific
e. Biography e. By reading we can ged. Space travel e. orientation – event –
b. Hortatory Exposition b. By reading, we can ge
d. Space travel c. description – identific
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can gec. Water travel e. orientation – event –
a. Procedure b. By reading, we can ge
c. Water travel d. identification – descri
c. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
c. Procedure c. By reading, we are a c. Water travel c. description – identific
b. Hortatory Exposition b. By reading, we can ge
d. Space travel d. identification – descri
b. Hortatory Exposition a. By reading, we can get
b. Road travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition a. By reading, we can get
a. Air travel c. description – identific
a. Procedure b. By reading, we can ge
b. Road travel b. thesis – arguments
a. Procedure d. By reading, we are a b. Road travel d. identification – descri
a. Procedure c. By reading, we are a b. Road travel c. description – identific
c. Procedure e. By reading we can geb. Road travel b. thesis – arguments
c. Procedure d. By reading, we are a c. Water travel d. identification – descri
d. Recount b. By reading, we can ge
b. Road travel c. description – identific
b. Hortatory Exposition a. By reading, we can get
d. Space travel c. description – identific
b. Hortatory Exposition e. By reading we can ged. Space travel c. description – identific
b. Hortatory Exposition b. By reading, we can ge
b. Road travel b. thesis – arguments
a. Procedure e. By reading we can gea. Air travel e. orientation – event –
d. Recount c. By reading, we are a a. Air travel b. thesis – arguments
a. Procedure a. By reading, we can get
d. Space travel a. thesis – arguments –
e. Biography a. By reading, we can get
a. Air travel e. orientation – event –
a. Procedure c. By reading, we are a c. Water travel c. description – identific
c. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition b. By reading, we can ge
a. Air travel b. thesis – arguments
a. Procedure e. By reading we can gee. Rocket travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition a. By reading, we can get
e. Rocket travel a. thesis – arguments –
c. Procedure c. By reading, we are a b. Road travel b. thesis – arguments
d. Recount a. By reading, we can get
b. Road travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition b. By reading, we can ge
a. Air travel c. description – identific
b. Hortatory Exposition a. By reading, we can get
e. Rocket travel b. thesis – arguments
b. Hortatory Exposition d. By reading, we are a c. Water travel b. thesis – arguments
c. Procedure e. By reading we can gea. Air travel b. thesis – arguments
c. Procedure e. By reading we can ged. Space travel b. thesis – arguments
35.Which is not true b 36.How many reasons are
37.“Stop space before i38. “Professor Smith f
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three b. Travel d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer bena. One a. Space a. Certainty
b. Space travel is unsafb. Two c. Space travel c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel d. Disagreement
b. Space travel is unsafb. Two c. Space travel c. Agreement
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three e. Space suit c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel d. Disagreement
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three c. Space travel c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel c. Agreement
e. Space travel costs bilb. Two c. Space travel d. Disagreement
d. Space travel destroysb. Two b. Travel d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer bene. Five c. Space travel c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel c. Agreement
c. Space travel should c. Three e. Space suit c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benb. Two c. Space travel c. Agreement
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three e. Space suit c. Agreement
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three e. Space suit c. Agreement
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three e. Space suit c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three a. Space c. Agreement
d. Space travel destroysc. Three c. Space travel c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer bend. Four c. Space travel d. Disagreement
b. Space travel is unsafd. Four c. Space travel b. Congratulation
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel c. Agreement
b. Space travel is unsafb. Two c. Space travel c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel d. Disagreement
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three e. Space suit c. Agreement
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three e. Space suit c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel d. Disagreement
b. Space travel is unsafc. Three c. Space travel a. Certainty
a. Space travel offer benc. Three b. Travel b. Congratulation
a. Space travel offer benb. Two a. Space b. Congratulation
a. Space travel offer bena. One a. Space a. Certainty
c. Space travel should b. Two b. Travel c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer bena. One a. Space a. Certainty
d. Space travel destroysd. Four a. Space a. Certainty
d. Space travel destroysd. Four a. Space a. Certainty
a. Space travel offer benc. Three a. Space a. Certainty
e. Space travel costs bile. Five d. The earth b. Congratulation
a. Space travel offer benc. Three d. The earth d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three d. The earth c. Agreement
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three b. Travel b. Congratulation
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer benb. Two d. The earth b. Congratulation
c. Space travel should b. Two d. The earth c. Agreement
d. Space travel destroysc. Three a. Space d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer bena. One a. Space a. Certainty
a. Space travel offer bena. One a. Space b. Congratulation
a. Space travel offer bena. One a. Space a. Certainty
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel a. Certainty
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel c. Agreement
c. Space travel should e. Five d. The earth d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer bena. One a. Space a. Certainty
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three a. Space b. Congratulation
d. Space travel destroysb. Two a. Space d. Disagreement
e. Space travel costs bild. Four d. The earth c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benb. Two c. Space travel d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three a. Space a. Certainty
a. Space travel offer benc. Three a. Space a. Certainty
b. Space travel is unsafa. One e. Space suit c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer bena. One d. The earth c. Agreement
c. Space travel should a. One c. Space travel d. Disagreement
d. Space travel destroyse. Five c. Space travel e. Contrast
a. Space travel offer bena. One a. Space a. Certainty
a. Space travel offer bena. One d. The earth a. Certainty
e. Space travel costs bila. One c. Space travel d. Disagreement
e. Space travel costs bilb. Two a. Space d. Disagreement
e. Space travel costs bilb. Two c. Space travel d. Disagreement
b. Space travel is unsafb. Two c. Space travel b. Congratulation
a. Space travel offer bend. Four a. Space b. Congratulation
d. Space travel destroysa. One d. The earth b. Congratulation
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three a. Space a. Certainty
d. Space travel destroyse. Five c. Space travel b. Congratulation
a. Space travel offer benc. Three a. Space e. Contrast
c. Space travel should c. Three c. Space travel c. Agreement
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three e. Space suit b. Congratulation
e. Space travel costs bila. One b. Travel b. Congratulation
c. Space travel should d. Four c. Space travel d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer bend. Four c. Space travel a. Certainty
d. Space travel destroysb. Two a. Space e. Contrast
b. Space travel is unsafa. One d. The earth a. Certainty
b. Space travel is unsafc. Three b. Travel c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer bena. One a. Space a. Certainty
c. Space travel should c. Three d. The earth e. Contrast
e. Space travel costs bile. Five c. Space travel e. Contrast
d. Space travel destroysb. Two a. Space e. Contrast
a. Space travel offer bene. Five d. The earth d. Disagreement
b. Space travel is unsafc. Three c. Space travel d. Disagreement
e. Space travel costs bile. Five a. Space b. Congratulation
e. Space travel costs bilb. Two b. Travel d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer bene. Five d. The earth d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three d. The earth a. Certainty
d. Space travel destroysb. Two c. Space travel d. Disagreement
b. Space travel is unsafb. Two b. Travel b. Congratulation
b. Space travel is unsafb. Two b. Travel b. Congratulation
a. Space travel offer benb. Two d. The earth a. Certainty
a. Space travel offer bend. Four c. Space travel c. Agreement
d. Space travel destroysc. Three c. Space travel a. Certainty
a. Space travel offer bend. Four d. The earth b. Congratulation
c. Space travel should d. Four e. Space suit c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three a. Space d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel d. Disagreement
a. Space travel offer benb. Two b. Travel b. Congratulation
a. Space travel offer benb. Two a. Space d. Disagreement
e. Space travel costs bila. One b. Travel c. Agreement
e. Space travel costs bilb. Two c. Space travel d. Disagreement
c. Space travel should c. Three c. Space travel c. Agreement
e. Space travel costs bild. Four c. Space travel a. Certainty
a. Space travel offer benb. Two c. Space travel a. Certainty
c. Space travel should a. One d. The earth e. Contrast
b. Space travel is unsafb. Two c. Space travel a. Certainty
b. Space travel is unsafd. Four b. Travel c. Agreement
d. Space travel destroysa. One a. Space a. Certainty
a. Space travel offer bena. One b. Travel b. Congratulation
c. Space travel should c. Three d. The earth b. Congratulation
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three b. Travel c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer bene. Five b. Travel a. Certainty
a. Space travel offer benb. Two d. The earth c. Agreement
b. Space travel is unsafb. Two b. Travel b. Congratulation
e. Space travel costs bila. One b. Travel a. Certainty
b. Space travel is unsafb. Two b. Travel a. Certainty
c. Space travel should e. Five a. Space d. Disagreement
d. Space travel destroysa. One c. Space travel e. Contrast
a. Space travel offer benc. Three d. The earth b. Congratulation
a. Space travel offer benc. Three c. Space travel d. Disagreement
d. Space travel destroysa. One e. Space suit c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer bend. Four c. Space travel c. Agreement
e. Space travel costs bila. One c. Space travel d. Disagreement
b. Space travel is unsafa. One b. Travel c. Agreement
c. Space travel should b. Two b. Travel a. Certainty
a. Space travel offer bena. One c. Space travel b. Congratulation
e. Space travel costs bilc. Three c. Space travel b. Congratulation
c. Space travel should a. One c. Space travel c. Agreement
d. Space travel destroysa. One c. Space travel c. Agreement
a. Space travel offer bena. One b. Travel a. Certainty
39. “Stop space before i40.According to the tex 41.Why does the writer 42.Arrange the followi
d. Recommendation b. The animals are the m
a. It is the place to ge b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the ca. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
e. Reinforcement a. The highlight of the cb. It provides animals b d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
e. Reinforcement a. The highlight of the cb. It provides animals b d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the cd. It is the place where e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
a. Argument a. The highlight of the cd. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the cb. It provides animals b c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
b. Thesis c. Animals receive ill tr b. It provides animals b c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
d. Recommendation b. The animals are the m
d. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
a. Argument b. The animals are the m
d. It is the place where e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
b. Thesis c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
b. Thesis c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr b. It provides animals b e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
d. Recommendation a. The highlight of the cb. It provides animals b d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the cd. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument b. The animals are the m
c. It resembles the anima
b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
c. Elaboration c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
e. Reinforcement a. The highlight of the cc. It resembles the anima
b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
d. Recommendation a. The highlight of the cc. It resembles the anima
b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the ca. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
b. Thesis c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
b. Thesis b. The animals are the m
c. It resembles the anima
c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
b. Thesis c. Animals receive ill tr b. It provides animals b a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
e. Reinforcement b. The animals are the m
a. It is the place to ge b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
d. Recommendation b. The animals are the m
a. It is the place to ge b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
d. Recommendation e. Tigers are the smarted. It is the place where e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
d. Recommendation a. The highlight of the ce. It costs animals ill co b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
a. Argument d. Tigers are the most sb. It provides animals b d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr c. It resembles the anima
d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the ca. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
c. Elaboration d. Tigers are the most se. It costs animals ill co d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the ca. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
d. Recommendation d. Tigers are the most sd. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
a. Argument b. The animals are the m
b. It provides animals b a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the ca. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
d. Recommendation d. Tigers are the most sd. It is the place where b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
b. Thesis c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
d. Recommendation d. Tigers are the most sd. It is the place where c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
a. Argument a. The highlight of the ca. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the ca. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
b. Thesis a. The highlight of the cb. It provides animals b a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument b. The animals are the m
c. It resembles the anima
b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
e. Reinforcement a. The highlight of the cc. It resembles the anima
b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
e. Reinforcement c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the ca. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
e. Reinforcement b. The animals are the m
d. It is the place where b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
c. Elaboration a. The highlight of the cc. It resembles the anima
a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
b. Thesis e. Tigers are the smartec. It resembles the anima
c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
a. Argument d. Tigers are the most sd. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr b. It provides animals b c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
d. Recommendation a. The highlight of the cb. It provides animals b c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr b. It provides animals b a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr c. It resembles the anima
c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr b. It provides animals b a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
c. Elaboration c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
b. Thesis e. Tigers are the smarteb. It provides animals b a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
b. Thesis a. The highlight of the ca. It is the place to ge c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr e. It costs animals ill co a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument b. The animals are the m
a. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
c. Elaboration a. The highlight of the cd. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
e. Reinforcement c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the cd. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the ca. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
d. Recommendation d. Tigers are the most sd. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
e. Reinforcement e. Tigers are the smartee. It costs animals ill co e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the cc. It resembles the anima
b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
e. Reinforcement b. The animals are the m
d. It is the place where c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
b. Thesis a. The highlight of the cc. It resembles the anima
b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the cc. It resembles the anima
a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
b. Thesis a. The highlight of the cd. It is the place where c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
e. Reinforcement b. The animals are the m
d. It is the place where c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
d. Recommendation d. Tigers are the most sb. It provides animals b c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
c. Elaboration c. Animals receive ill tr c. It resembles the anima
d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
b. Thesis b. The animals are the m
b. It provides animals b b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
b. Thesis b. The animals are the m
b. It provides animals b b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the cb. It provides animals b b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
d. Recommendation b. The animals are the m
a. It is the place to ge b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
c. Elaboration c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument d. Tigers are the most se. It costs animals ill co a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
d. Recommendation b. The animals are the m
a. It is the place to ge c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
c. Elaboration a. The highlight of the cc. It resembles the anima
b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
a. Argument a. The highlight of the cc. It resembles the anima
e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr b. It provides animals b c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
e. Reinforcement a. The highlight of the cc. It resembles the anima
d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
d. Recommendation e. Tigers are the smartea. It is the place to ge b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
d. Recommendation a. The highlight of the ce. It costs animals ill co c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
c. Elaboration c. Animals receive ill tr c. It resembles the anima
c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
a. Argument d. Tigers are the most sa. It is the place to ge d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
b. Thesis a. The highlight of the cb. It provides animals b a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
b. Thesis c. Animals receive ill tr a. It is the place to ge c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
a. Argument a. The highlight of the cb. It provides animals b a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
b. Thesis d. Tigers are the most sb. It provides animals b d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
b. Thesis c. Animals receive ill tr d. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
b. Thesis a. The highlight of the cd. It is the place where b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
d. Recommendation b. The animals are the m
d. It is the place where b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
b. Thesis c. Animals receive ill tr c. It resembles the anima
b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
a. Argument b. The animals are the m
c. It resembles the anima
e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
e. Reinforcement d. Tigers are the most sa. It is the place to ge c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
b. Thesis b. The animals are the m
b. It provides animals b b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
c. Elaboration e. Tigers are the smartec. It resembles the anima
d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
d. Recommendation b. The animals are the m
b. It provides animals b c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
a. Argument b. The animals are the m
c. It resembles the anima
a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
c. Elaboration a. The highlight of the cb. It provides animals b a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument d. Tigers are the most sd. It is the place where b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
b. Thesis d. Tigers are the most sa. It is the place to ge b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
b. Thesis d. Tigers are the most sc. It resembles the anima
b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
b. Thesis c. Animals receive ill tr b. It provides animals b b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
e. Reinforcement a. The highlight of the cd. It is the place where d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr b. It provides animals b b. 2-7-1-6-3-5-4-8
d. Recommendation a. The highlight of the cd. It is the place where a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
d. Recommendation b. The animals are the m
c. It resembles the anima
e. 2-1-3-7-6-5-4-8
d. Recommendation d. Tigers are the most sd. It is the place where a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
a. Argument c. Animals receive ill tr b. It provides animals b c. 2-6-7-1-5-8-4-3
d. Recommendation d. Tigers are the most sa. It is the place to ge d. 2-1-7-3-6-4-5-8
d. Recommendation c. Animals receive ill tr e. It costs animals ill co a. 2-1-3-7-4-6-5-8
43.The topic of the text 4
i 4.The main idea of the45.What does the writer46.The words “feeling lo
b. the advantages and e. the health problems a. To give us a messagec. Unhappy
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagea. Selfish
a. when we consume vic. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec d. Hopeless
b. the advantages and e. the health problems d. To realize that our li e. Pessimistic
a. when we consume vic. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec d. Hopeless
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami d. To realize that our li b. Rejected
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami a. To give us a messagee. Pessimistic
e. the description of vit d. fruits and vegetables e. To improve our persod. Hopeless
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec e. Pessimistic
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what e. Pessimistic
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what e. Pessimistic
e. the description of vit e. the health problems a. To give us a messaged. Hopeless
b. the advantages and a. the definition of vita b. To appreciate what d. Hopeless
a. when we consume vic. the benefits of vitami a. To give us a messaged. Hopeless
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what d. Hopeless
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami a. To give us a messagec. Unhappy
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami d. To realize that our li b. Rejected
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec e. Pessimistic
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami d. To realize that our li b. Rejected
d. how we consume vit c. the benefits of vitami a. To give us a messagee. Pessimistic
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami d. To realize that our li b. Rejected
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what e. Pessimistic
e. the description of vit d. fruits and vegetables c. To support us to bec c. Unhappy
e. the description of vit d. fruits and vegetables e. To improve our persoe. Pessimistic
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami a. To give us a messagee. Pessimistic
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec c. Unhappy
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what e. Pessimistic
a. when we consume vic. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec d. Hopeless
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec e. Pessimistic
a. when we consume vic. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what a. Selfish
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami d. To realize that our li b. Rejected
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami d. To realize that our li b. Rejected
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what e. Pessimistic
c. why we should consua. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagee. Pessimistic
b. the advantages and a. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagea. Selfish
a. when we consume vib. how we can get vitamd. To realize that our li a. Selfish
b. the advantages and c. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec e. Pessimistic
b. the advantages and a. the definition of vita c. To support us to bec d. Hopeless
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagea. Selfish
a. when we consume vib. how we can get vitamc. To support us to bec e. Pessimistic
b. the advantages and b. how we can get vitamd. To realize that our li e. Pessimistic
d. how we consume vit c. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what d. Hopeless
c. why we should consub. how we can get vitama. To give us a messaged. Hopeless
a. when we consume vid. fruits and vegetables c. To support us to bec d. Hopeless
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami a. To give us a messagee. Pessimistic
c. why we should consud. fruits and vegetables b. To appreciate what a. Selfish
b. the advantages and d. fruits and vegetables a. To give us a messaged. Hopeless
c. why we should consua. the definition of vita d. To realize that our li b. Rejected
b. the advantages and d. fruits and vegetables a. To give us a messageb. Rejected
b. the advantages and c. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what c. Unhappy
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagea. Selfish
c. why we should consub. how we can get vitama. To give us a messageb. Rejected
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagea. Selfish
a. when we consume vic. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what c. Unhappy
e. the description of vit d. fruits and vegetables b. To appreciate what c. Unhappy
a. when we consume vid. fruits and vegetables e. To improve our persoa. Selfish
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagea. Selfish
b. the advantages and c. the benefits of vitami e. To improve our persoe. Pessimistic
a. when we consume vic. the benefits of vitami a. To give us a messaged. Hopeless
d. how we consume vit c. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what a. Selfish
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what e. Pessimistic
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagea. Selfish
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagea. Selfish
d. how we consume vit e. the health problems b. To appreciate what a. Selfish
d. how we consume vit b. how we can get vitame. To improve our persob. Rejected
b. the advantages and d. fruits and vegetables c. To support us to bec e. Pessimistic
a. when we consume vic. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec d. Hopeless
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagea. Selfish
a. when we consume vie. the health problems a. To give us a messageb. Rejected
c. why we should consub. how we can get vitama. To give us a messaged. Hopeless
b. the advantages and e. the health problems a. To give us a messaged. Hopeless
a. when we consume vid. fruits and vegetables c. To support us to bec c. Unhappy
b. the advantages and c. the benefits of vitami a. To give us a messagec. Unhappy
c. why we should consub. how we can get vitamd. To realize that our li a. Selfish
b. the advantages and d. fruits and vegetables c. To support us to bec b. Rejected
b. the advantages and a. the definition of vita a. To give us a messaged. Hopeless
d. how we consume vit c. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what d. Hopeless
e. the description of vit b. how we can get vitamc. To support us to bec b. Rejected
d. how we consume vit d. fruits and vegetables d. To realize that our li d. Hopeless
b. the advantages and d. fruits and vegetables b. To appreciate what b. Rejected
c. why we should consua. the definition of vita c. To support us to bec b. Rejected
b. the advantages and c. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what d. Hopeless
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami a. To give us a messageb. Rejected
a. when we consume vib. how we can get vitamb. To appreciate what d. Hopeless
b. the advantages and a. the definition of vita a. To give us a messageb. Rejected
b. the advantages and e. the health problems c. To support us to bec a. Selfish
b. the advantages and b. how we can get vitamb. To appreciate what e. Pessimistic
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what d. Hopeless
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagea. Selfish
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita b. To appreciate what b. Rejected
a. when we consume vid. fruits and vegetables d. To realize that our li d. Hopeless
a. when we consume vie. the health problems a. To give us a messaged. Hopeless
b. the advantages and c. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what d. Hopeless
d. how we consume vit c. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what a. Selfish
b. the advantages and d. fruits and vegetables e. To improve our persod. Hopeless
b. the advantages and c. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec a. Selfish
b. the advantages and b. how we can get vitamb. To appreciate what d. Hopeless
b. the advantages and a. the definition of vita c. To support us to bec a. Selfish
d. how we consume vit c. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec d. Hopeless
b. the advantages and b. how we can get vitamb. To appreciate what b. Rejected
b. the advantages and b. how we can get vitamb. To appreciate what b. Rejected
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita b. To appreciate what d. Hopeless
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagec. Unhappy
c. why we should consua. the definition of vita c. To support us to bec c. Unhappy
b. the advantages and e. the health problems b. To appreciate what a. Selfish
d. how we consume vit e. the health problems d. To realize that our li d. Hopeless
e. the description of vit c. the benefits of vitami a. To give us a messagec. Unhappy
b. the advantages and d. fruits and vegetables b. To appreciate what a. Selfish
b. the advantages and b. how we can get vitamb. To appreciate what a. Selfish
b. the advantages and a. the definition of vita d. To realize that our li c. Unhappy
c. why we should consud. fruits and vegetables e. To improve our persoa. Selfish
b. the advantages and d. fruits and vegetables a. To give us a messaged. Hopeless
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec c. Unhappy
a. when we consume vic. the benefits of vitami d. To realize that our li a. Selfish
d. how we consume vit a. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagea. Selfish
a. when we consume vib. how we can get vitamd. To realize that our li b. Rejected
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagec. Unhappy
b. the advantages and c. the benefits of vitami d. To realize that our li b. Rejected
b. the advantages and e. the health problems b. To appreciate what c. Unhappy
a. when we consume vic. the benefits of vitami e. To improve our persod. Hopeless
b. the advantages and c. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec c. Unhappy
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what b. Rejected
d. how we consume vit c. the benefits of vitami e. To improve our persoa. Selfish
b. the advantages and e. the health problems b. To appreciate what a. Selfish
b. the advantages and b. how we can get vitamb. To appreciate what b. Rejected
a. when we consume vie. the health problems a. To give us a messageb. Rejected
c. why we should consua. the definition of vita c. To support us to bec c. Unhappy
a. when we consume vic. the benefits of vitami a. To give us a messageb. Rejected
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami c. To support us to bec d. Hopeless
c. why we should consuc. the benefits of vitami e. To improve our persoa. Selfish
c. why we should consue. the health problems b. To appreciate what e. Pessimistic
e. the description of vit a. the definition of vita c. To support us to bec c. Unhappy
b. the advantages and b. how we can get vitama. To give us a messageb. Rejected
b. the advantages and d. fruits and vegetables a. To give us a messagee. Pessimistic
a. when we consume via. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagee. Pessimistic
b. the advantages and c. the benefits of vitami b. To appreciate what d. Hopeless
b. the advantages and a. the definition of vita a. To give us a messageb. Rejected
b. the advantages and e. the health problems a. To give us a messagee. Pessimistic
b. the advantages and d. fruits and vegetables b. To appreciate what c. Unhappy
c. why we should consue. the health problems b. To appreciate what d. Hopeless
e. the description of vit a. the definition of vita a. To give us a messagea. Selfish
47.What is the rhyme s 48.The generic structu 49.what is the theme s 50.What does the singer hope?
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace d. We study hard for good score
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – vera. Family a. We care to the nature
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chorc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chorc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – brida. Family a. We care to the nature
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chorc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridd. Patriotism a. We care to the nature
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chorc. Peace e. We work everyday
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care d. We study hard for good score
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – verd. Patriotism d. We study hard for good score
a. AABA c. bridge – verse – chora. Family b. We live in peace
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chorc. Peace b. We live in peace
c. ABBA b. verse – chorus – brida. Family c. We love our parents
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chorc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chora. Family b. We live in peace
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chora. Family b. We live in peace
c. ABBA a. chorus – bridge – verd. Patriotism a. We care to the nature
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chora. Family b. We live in peace
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace b. We live in peace
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care a. We care to the nature
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – brida. Family c. We love our parents
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care d. We study hard for good score
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – bride. Love c. We love our parents
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chorc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chorc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chorc. Peace e. We work everyday
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chora. Family b. We live in peace
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chora. Family b. We live in peace
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care d. We study hard for good score
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chorc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA c. bridge – verse – chorb. Environmental care a. We care to the nature
c. ABBA a. chorus – bridge – verd. Patriotism a. We care to the nature
c. ABBA e. verse – bridge – chorb. Environmental care c. We love our parents
e. ABAB b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care a. We care to the nature
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – vera. Family a. We care to the nature
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridd. Patriotism a. We care to the nature
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – bridd. Patriotism d. We study hard for good score
a. AABA c. bridge – verse – chorc. Peace b. We live in peace
c. ABBA b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care d. We study hard for good score
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – brida. Family b. We live in peace
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace b. We live in peace
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care c. We love our parents
b. AABB d. bridge – chorus – verb. Environmental care d. We study hard for good score
b. AABB a. chorus – bridge – verc. Peace c. We love our parents
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care a. We care to the nature
a. AABA c. bridge – verse – chore. Love b. We live in peace
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – vera. Family a. We care to the nature
c. ABBA d. bridge – chorus – vere. Love d. We study hard for good score
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – vera. Family a. We care to the nature
d. ABBB c. bridge – verse – chorc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace b. We live in peace
b. AABB a. chorus – bridge – vera. Family d. We study hard for good score
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – vera. Family a. We care to the nature
b. AABB e. verse – bridge – chorb. Environmental care d. We study hard for good score
c. ABBA b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace b. We live in peace
b. AABB a. chorus – bridge – verb. Environmental care a. We care to the nature
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – vera. Family a. We care to the nature
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – vera. Family a. We care to the nature
b. AABB c. bridge – verse – chora. Family c. We love our parents
a. AABA d. bridge – chorus – vere. Love e. We work everyday
c. ABBA c. bridge – verse – chore. Love a. We care to the nature
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chorc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – vera. Family a. We care to the nature
e. ABAB a. chorus – bridge – verb. Environmental care a. We care to the nature
c. ABBA a. chorus – bridge – verc. Peace d. We study hard for good score
e. ABAB b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace a. We care to the nature
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridd. Patriotism b. We live in peace
c. ABBA d. bridge – chorus – verd. Patriotism d. We study hard for good score
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace a. We care to the nature
e. ABAB d. bridge – chorus – verb. Environmental care c. We love our parents
b. AABB e. verse – bridge – chorb. Environmental care b. We live in peace
a. AABA c. bridge – verse – chord. Patriotism c. We love our parents
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – bridd. Patriotism e. We work everyday
d. ABBB d. bridge – chorus – verd. Patriotism d. We study hard for good score
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – brida. Family d. We study hard for good score
b. AABB d. bridge – chorus – vera. Family b. We live in peace
b. AABB d. bridge – chorus – vere. Love c. We love our parents
b. AABB d. bridge – chorus – vera. Family a. We care to the nature
a. AABA d. bridge – chorus – vera. Family a. We care to the nature
e. ABAB c. bridge – verse – chore. Love a. We care to the nature
e. ABAB d. bridge – chorus – verb. Environmental care e. We work everyday
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – brida. Family d. We study hard for good score
b. AABB a. chorus – bridge – verc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – vera. Family a. We care to the nature
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chore. Love a. We care to the nature
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – vere. Love e. We work everyday
e. ABAB b. verse – chorus – brida. Family d. We study hard for good score
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – bridd. Patriotism b. We live in peace
e. ABAB c. bridge – verse – chora. Family d. We study hard for good score
b. AABB e. verse – bridge – chora. Family e. We work everyday
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care a. We care to the nature
b. AABB a. chorus – bridge – verd. Patriotism b. We live in peace
d. ABBB a. chorus – bridge – verb. Environmental care b. We live in peace
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace c. We love our parents
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care b. We live in peace
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care b. We live in peace
c. ABBA c. bridge – verse – chora. Family d. We study hard for good score
c. ABBA a. chorus – bridge – verc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – verc. Peace c. We love our parents
d. ABBB b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace e. We work everyday
e. ABAB c. bridge – verse – chorc. Peace d. We study hard for good score
a. AABA d. bridge – chorus – verb. Environmental care b. We live in peace
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – verc. Peace c. We love our parents
c. ABBA d. bridge – chorus – verb. Environmental care c. We love our parents
d. ABBB e. verse – bridge – chord. Patriotism e. We work everyday
b. AABB c. bridge – verse – chord. Patriotism e. We work everyday
b. AABB a. chorus – bridge – verb. Environmental care d. We study hard for good score
c. ABBA c. bridge – verse – chorc. Peace c. We love our parents
d. ABBB a. chorus – bridge – verd. Patriotism c. We love our parents
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – brida. Family a. We care to the nature
c. ABBA d. bridge – chorus – verd. Patriotism b. We live in peace
c. ABBA b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care b. We live in peace
c. ABBA c. bridge – verse – chorb. Environmental care d. We study hard for good score
b. AABB a. chorus – bridge – verc. Peace c. We love our parents
c. ABBA b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care b. We live in peace
c. ABBA c. bridge – verse – chorc. Peace d. We study hard for good score
d. ABBB c. bridge – verse – chorc. Peace b. We live in peace
c. ABBA a. chorus – bridge – verc. Peace b. We live in peace
e. ABAB c. bridge – verse – chorb. Environmental care d. We study hard for good score
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – bridb. Environmental care b. We live in peace
d. ABBB b. verse – chorus – bridd. Patriotism e. We work everyday
e. ABAB b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace a. We care to the nature
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chorb. Environmental care e. We work everyday
a. AABA d. bridge – chorus – verb. Environmental care b. We live in peace
e. ABAB d. bridge – chorus – verb. Environmental care c. We love our parents
a. AABA e. verse – bridge – chorc. Peace b. We live in peace
b. AABB d. bridge – chorus – vera. Family d. We study hard for good score
a. AABA b. verse – chorus – bridd. Patriotism a. We care to the nature
c. ABBA b. verse – chorus – bridd. Patriotism d. We study hard for good score
c. ABBA b. verse – chorus – brida. Family c. We love our parents
b. AABB c. bridge – verse – chord. Patriotism c. We love our parents
b. AABB b. verse – chorus – bridc. Peace b. We live in peace
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – verb. Environmental care d. We study hard for good score
c. ABBA b. verse – chorus – brida. Family c. We love our parents
a. AABA c. bridge – verse – chorb. Environmental care a. We care to the nature
a. AABA a. chorus – bridge – verc. Peace d. We study hard for good score
es the singer hope?
hard for good score
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hard for good score

hard for good score

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to the nature

hard for good score

hard for good score

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hard for good score

to the nature
hard for good score
to the nature
hard for good score

hard for good score

to the nature
hard for good score
NO Timestamp Score Nama Nomer Peserta Nomer InduKelas
44718.3844689 40 Hilal najmi Hilal najmi 6255 XI MIPA2
44718.3876271 14 Muhamad Mansur 19 5692 XI MIPA2
44718.3951422 54 Agnes permatasari 2001 5643 XI MIPA1
44718.4099049 82 Amalia Zulistyowati 2002 5644 XI MIPA1
44718.4017292 66 Avriliani nur anisa kurro 2003 5645 XI MIPA1
44718.4048175 56 Ayska khaerrani 2004 5646 XI MIPA1
44718.3923134 68 Ayu ningtias 2005 5647 XI MIPA1
44718.3835143 70 Bunga Lestari 2006 5930 XI MIPA1
44718.4022883 70 Dina Amel Lia 2007 5648 XI MIPA1
44718.4052 74 Faidatul Istiadah 2008 5649 XI MIPA1
44718.4004525 68 HERNI NASVIATUN 2009 5650 XI MIPA1
44718.3952621 56 Hesti ananta 2010 5651 XI MIPA1
44718.4304491 56 Indriani Nofitasari 2011 5652 XI MIPA1
44718.3987042 60 Isma Riyadatul aisy 2012 5653 XI MIPA1
44718.4084726 76 ISMAWATI 2013 5654 XI MIPA1
44718.4056189 66 Maratus sholikhah 2014 5655 XI MIPA1
44718.4063038 62 Milkhatul afiyah 2015 5657 XI MIPA1
44718.4055751 78 Nesa Vela erfiana 2016 5658 XI MIPA1
44718.4293638 56 Nikmatul jannah 2017 5659 XI MIPA1
44718.4059033 50 Nina rif'atul ula 2018 5660 XI MIPA1
44718.4062527 58 NITA FERENDITA PUT 2019 5661 XI MIPA1
44718.4054179 78 NUR ALIFIA SARI 2020 5662 XI MIPA1
44719.376255 48 Nur lailatur rofiah 2021 5663 XI MIPA1
44718.4058687 70 Nur Umamah 2022 5664 XI MIPA1
44718.3929177 68 Putri Nafila 2023 5665 XI MIPA1
44718.3996428 44 RIFANA AYU RAMADH 2024 5666 XI MIPA1
44718.387661 78 Rif'atus safitri 2025 5667 XI MIPA1
44718.4055522 70 SIFA KHOIRUN NISA 2026 5668 XI MIPA1
44718.4070156 66 Siti Mu'arifah 2027 5669 XI MIPA1
44718.4124101 86 Talitha Salsabila 2028 5670 XI MIPA1
44718.4059776 56 Toivatul Khoiriyah 2029 5671 XI MIPA1
44718.4042488 56 wisna yuliasari 2030 5807 XI MIPA1
44718.4056455 80 Yuli refiana puspita 2031 5672 XI MIPA1
44718.3909611 68 Adam Firdaus Andika 2032 5673 XI MIPA2
44718.3781869 22 Adnan Ardian 2033 5674 XI MIPA2
44718.3796321 12 AGUS RIYANTO 2033 5675 XI MIPA2
44718.3735749 20 Ahmad khoiri 2034 5676 XI MIPA2
44718.3827044 28 Andre yofie setiawan 2036 5678 XI MIPA2
44718.3980447 56 Angga Aditya Pratama 2037 5679 XI MIPA2
44718.3935332 44 DAYU AGIL KURNIAW 2039 5681 XI MIPA2
44718.3916939 38 Dita khoirunisa 2040 5682 XI MIPA2
44718.4557018 78 Elisa setyonengrum 2041 5683 XI MIPA2
44718.3711918 24 Erick wahyu hannanto 2042 5684 XI MIPA2
44718.5551391 28 Firda zakky fitria widiya 2043 5685 XI MIPA2
44718.4314917 78 GALIH RAUF PRATAM 2044 5686 XI MIPA2
44719.3063765 26 Khanifatur rohmah 2045 5687 XI MIPA2
44718.3724518 24 Kiki prasetiyo 2046 5688 XI MIPA2
44718.3945448 32 M Alief Yusef M S 2047 5689 XI MIPA2
44718.3948633 28 M.ROMCHL BACHRI 2048 5690 XI MIPA2
44718.3984889 70 Malasari 2049 5691 XI MIPA2
44719.3518543 14 Muhammad murtadho 2051 5693 XI MIPA2
44718.3786231 22 MUHAMMAD YUSUF 2052 5694 XI MIPA2
NO Timestamp Score Nama Nomer Peserta Nomer InduKelas
44718.3890717 14 Nur Angga Saputra 2053 5695 XI MIPA2
44718.6632194 84 Nur Isnaini 2054 5696 XI MIPA2
44718.4921005 86 Pipit Muji Astuti 2055 5697 XI MIPA2
44718.3853112 22 RAMADHAN ADITYA P 2056 5698 XI MIPA2
44718.389386 10 Randi 2057 5699 XI MIPA2
44718.3838099 18 Rio agus saputro 2058 5700 XI MIPA2
44718.6216614 52 sania rahma aulia 2059 5701 XI MIPA2
44718.3842471 20 SATRIYO ZULFAN HAQ 2060 5702 XI MIPA2
44718.4080259 56 Wahid Abdullah 2061 5703 XI MIPA2
44718.3847706 22 Zaenal arifin 2062 5704 XI MIPA2
44718.422317 22 Zaenal arifin 2062 5704 XI MIPA2
1 44718.3784544 22 Abal mundoffar 2064 5705 XI IPS1
2 44718.381725 14 Ainurrohmah 2066 5708 XI IPS1
3 44718.3893284 12 AJI BAYU PAMUNGKA 2067 5708 XI IPS1
4 44718.3934331 52 ANISATUL MUNIROH 2069 5711 XI IPS1
5 44719.3712886 18 Anisatul ramdhani 2070 5712 XI IPS1
6 44718.3702907 28 ARDHANA PRADIKA 2071 5713 XI IPS1
7 44718.3733829 16 Azis Danrik prasetyo 2072 5714 XI IPS1
8 44718.3709465 26 Candra dwi yanto 2073 5715 XI IPS1
9 44718.3830906 44 Choirun Nawa 2074 5716 XI IPS1
10 44718.3720649 28 Dimas restu Kurniawan 2077 5720 XI IPS1
11 44718.3868362 40 Ela Ardiyanti 2078 5721 XI IPS1
12 44718.5520426 22 Friska Meilisa Nursani 2079 5722 XI IPS1
13 44718.3953865 50 Maefa suci wulandari 2081 5726 XI IPS1
14 44718.3853185 28 Meilia selfinia 2082 5728 XI IPS1
15 44718.3792857 22 Muhammad Nurul ulum 2083 5730 XI IPS1
16 44718.3750131 18 Muhammad Abdullah Al 2084 5729 XI IPS1
17 44719.3671454 22 Mutmainnah 2085 5731 XI IPS1
18 44718.4149512 18 Nailil Mukaromah 2086 5732 XI IPS1
19 44718.383079 56 Widya Amelia 2088 5804 XI IPS1
20 44718.367545 28 Sayyiduna 2089 5734 XI IPS1
21 44718.392882 64 Shofi arifatus sholehah 2091 5736 XI IPS1
22 44718.3828769 28 Valen naya fibrianti 2093 5738 XI IPS1
23 44718.375764 18 Valentino 2094 5739 XI IPS1
1 44718.3810993 58 Abidin joko andriyanto 2095 5740 XI IPS2
2 44718.9003239 66 Bayu Cahyo Purnomo 2096 5741 XI IPS2
3 44718.3705884 12 Dimas yoga saputra 2097 5742 XI IPS2
4 44718.370284 26 Fajar Giantoro 2098 5744 XI IPS2
5 44718.3882729 30 FIKA INDANA ZULFA 2100 5746 XI IPS2
6 44718.3821728 28 Fikri haikal 2101 5747 XI IPS2
7 44718.3813169 48 Gebi fransiska 2102 5748 XI IPS2
8 44718.3679459 30 Harun asrori 2103 5749 XI IPS2
9 44718.9049566 12 Imam maulana 2105 5752 XI IPS3
10 44718.3804333 48 Miko Kurniawan 2107 5755 XI IPS2
11 44718.3822168 26 Mila muda awallia 2108 5756 XI IPS2
12 44718.3683115 16 Muhammad Iswan toro 2110 5758 XI IPS2
13 44719.0356648 34 Muhammad Agil Saputr 2112 5760 XI IPS2
14 44718.3700531 28 Muhammad bagus saji 2113 5761 XI IPS2
15 44718.3672113 28 Muhammad Rizal Saput 2114 5762 XI IPS2
16 44718.3709969 12 Muhammad Rizki hidaya 2115 5754 XI IPS2
17 44719.2610664 44 PRIYO PRASTIYO 2116 5763 XI IPS2
18 44718.4438667 24 Rifki Putra Sanjaya 2118 5767 XI IPS2
NO Timestamp Score Nama Nomer Peserta Nomer InduKelas
19 44718.3741316 36 Rizkiy Andre Setiawan 2119 5768 XI IPS2
20 44718.379931 24 RIZKY ALFIAN ZULH 2120 5769 XI IPS2
21 44718.3709381 24 Rizqi Haryanto 2121 5770 XI IPS2
22 44718.4352823 54 Ummu zahroh 2122 5771 XI IPS2
23 44718.3719863 28 Uswatun khasanah 2123 5772 XI IPS2
24 44718.3756363 22 Wiwin aneka sari 2124 5773 XI IPS2
25 44718.3701214 20 Zacky ahmad mundzir 2125 5774 XI IPS2
1 44718.3854778 22 ABDULLAH AS'AT 2126 5776 XI IPS3
2 44718.3727794 28 Adi rahman 2127 5778 XI IPS3
3 44718.3702565 16 Ageng Esa Febeadis 2128 5924 XI IPS3
4 44718.3859033 30 Agus sulistiyono 2129 5779 XI IPS3
5 44718.3689373 22 Alif Fajar Prasetyo 2131 5781 XI IPS3
6 44718.367405 20 Alul bayu w 2132 5782 XI IPS3
7 44718.3677952 24 Amanullah mahesya put 2133 5783 XI IPS3
8 44718.3863574 28 Dewi karisma putri 2134 5929 XI IPS3
9 44718.3800084 22 Dian Aditya Pratama 2135 5785 XI IPS3
10 44718.3714802 22 Dimas Ilham antaprata 2136 5786 XI IPS3
11 44718.598113 46 Fajar Nur Iksan 2137 5787 XI IPS3
12 44718.8272709 26 Febry pambudi santoso 2138 5805 XI IPS3
13 44718.3716469 22 Gilang saputra 2139 5925 XI IPS3
14 44718.3723104 28 Irfan Riyadi 2140 5789 XI IPS3
15 44718.7698204 30 Kamal abdun nashir 2141 5790 XI IPS6
16 44718.380856 34 Khoirul Anam 2142 5791 XI IPS3
17 44718.3811355 34 Muhammad fais lutfil h 2145 5792 XI IPS3
18 44718.3705764 22 Muhammad irvan maul 2146 5795 XI IPS3
19 44718.5968116 18 NATASYA REFA NING 2147 5797 XI IPS3
20 44718.3848286 56 Sahrul sadulloh 2148 5800 XI IPS3
21 44718.3782309 18 Siti nurhayati 2149 5928 XI IPS3
22 44718.3948908 62 Triyono 2151 5806 XI IPS3
23 44718.3853395 20 Muhammad Afif ulil alb 2244 5793 XI IPS3
24 44718.3752458 22 Abdur Rahman wakhid Abdur Rahman wak 5777 XI IPS3
25 44718.369011 20 Dendy prasetya mulya Dendy Prasetya m 5718 XI IPS1
26 44718.5145067 20 Ika nur laila azka Ika nur laila azka 5751 XI IPS2
27 44718.3910486 28 PUTRICARLIEANA HAPUTRI 5733 XI IPS1
28 44718.380971 60 Putri imelia Putri imelia 5798 XI IPS3
29 44718.3849583 48 Sura adjicipta Sura adjicipta 5801 XI IPS3
30 44718.8329194 22 Fajar rizky prasetya put 6 5745 XI IPS2

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