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Scenario 1:

You are tasked with creating a marketing plan for a new line of electric cars targeted at environmentally
conscious consumers. Describe the key elements you would include in your marketing plan and explain
how you would effectively reach your target audience.

Scenario 2:
A well-established fast food chain wants to rebrand itself as a healthier dining option to attract health-
conscious consumers. Outline the steps you would take to execute this rebranding strategy and ensure
its success.

Scenario 3:
You have been hired by a startup company that produces smart home devices. They want to expand
their customer base internationally. Discuss the factors you would consider when selecting target
markets and explain the key elements of your market entry strategy.

Scenario 4:
A popular athletic shoe company is facing increased competition and declining sales. As the marketing
manager, propose a marketing campaign to re-engage customers and revitalize the brand. Describe the
campaign's objectives, target audience, and key promotional activities.

Scenario 5:
You have been assigned to launch a new mobile app that provides personalized fitness training
programs. Outline the steps you would take to create awareness and generate downloads for the app.
Include both online and offline marketing strategies in your plan.

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