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Wind Energy refers to the process of creating electricity using the wind, or air flows that occur

naturally in the earth’s atmosphere.

It refers to the energy used to produce electricity.

Wind Power Plant is a wind energy installation that converts the kinetic energy of the wind into
electrical energy. It consists of a wind engine, generator of electrical current, automatic devices
for controlling the operation of the wind engine and generator, and buildings for their installation
and maintenance.
It refers to the generating station of electric energy where it relies to the speed of wind to
produce electric power.

Load Forecasting
It refers to load prediction to anticipate the amount of power needed by wind power plant and
other power company to supply the demand in the future.
It refers to the electric energy produced by the wind power plant.

Electric Power. Power is the measurement of energy transfer over time, and energy costs
It refers to the rate of energy consumed.

Linear Regression Load Forecasting.

It refers to the type of load forecasting used in this research.

Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program included in the Microsoft

Office suite of applications. Spreadsheets present tables of values arranged in rows and
columns that can be manipulated mathematically using both basic and complex arithmetic
operations and functions.
It refers to a tool of software used in load forecasting which offers simplicity and advanced

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