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Choose the correct answer!

1. Choose the following sentence which expression of hope.

a. I need a nice house
b. I want to have a nice house
c. I hope I have a nice house
d. I like a nice house

2. Andi : What if we go together to Bira beach on Sunday?

Liza : That’s good idea. …
a. I hope it won’t rain that day
b. I wish you good luck
c. I hope you can finish your homework on time
d. I hope you have a good time

3. Rifki : Do you think our project will be successful?

Andin : …
a. Good luck
b. I hope so
c. I do hope everything will not be fine
d. I hope not

4. Look at the picture and choose the best hope.

a. Congratulation on your sickness!

b. Get well soon, my friend!
c. Why are you sick?
d. Don’t be sick!

5. Alfa : You look so sad, Ris. What’s wrong?

Risa : My mother is sick and she is still hospitalized in the hospital for several days.
Alfa : …
a. I wish good fortune always be with you
b. I hope you have an enjoy moment with your mother
c. Good luck, Risa
d. I hope she will get better soon

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