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Sure, I can rewrite the chapter in an informative way.

Here is a possible version:


# Code Red

Code Red was the internal name given to a crisis situation that Google faced in 2022, when a new
chatbot service called ChatGPT emerged as a formidable competitor and disruptor.

ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI, a nonprofit research organization that aimed to create artificial
intelligence that could benefit humanity without being constrained by profit or control. ChatGPT used a
massive neural network that could generate natural and engaging conversations on any topic, based on
the input of the user.

ChatGPT quickly became popular and widely used, especially among younger users who preferred
texting over voice or video calls. ChatGPT was not only a fun and convenient way to chat with friends,
family, and strangers, but also a powerful tool to access information, entertainment, and services.

ChatGPT posed a serious threat to Google's core business: search. ChatGPT could answer any query with
ease, using its vast knowledge and creativity. It could also provide personalized recommendations,
suggestions, and feedback based on the user's preferences and context. ChatGPT was essentially a one-
stop shop for all the user's needs and wants.

Google's chief engineer alerted Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, about the situation and urged him to
take immediate action. Pichai realized that Google had to find a way to counter ChatGPT or risk losing its
dominance and relevance in the online world.


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