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Global distribution of Au deposits suggested to be RIR...

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Craig JR Hart
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Global distribution of Au deposits suggested to be RIRGS. The

Phanerozoic examples, for which there is a high degree of confi
dence, are shown in red. Ambiguous examples are shown in
black, grey, and white. Modifi ed from Thompson et al. (1999),
Lang et al. (2000), and Lang and Baker (2001).

Source publication


Reduced Intrusion-related Gold Systems

Chapter Full-text available
Jan 2007
Craig JR Hart
Reduced intrusion-related gold systems (RIRGS) are
characterized by widespread arrays of sheeted auriferous
quartz veins that preferentially form in the brittle carapace at
the top of small plutons, where they form bulk-tonnage, low-
grade Au deposits characterized by a Au-Bi-Te-W metal
assemblage, such as the Fort Knox and Dublin Gulch
deposits. RI...

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Contexts in source publication

Context 1

... Mesozoic orogenic belts, although supporting documentation

for these classifi ca- tions is mostly lacking. Suggested examples
include the Bolivian Polymetallic Belt, Yanshanian orogen of the
North China craton, Tien Shan of central Asia, New England and
Lachlan provinces in Australia, and the Bohemian Massif and the
Iberian Peninsula in Europe (Fig. 2). Specifi c de- posits include
Timbarra (Mustard, 2001), Kidston (Baker and Tullemans, 1990),
and potentially other Au deposits in east- ern Australia (Blevin,
2004); Penedona and Jales (Portugal), Salave and Solomon
(Spain), Mokrsko and Petrackova hora (Czech Republic),
Vasilkovskoe (Kazakstan), Niuxinshan (China), Sn-rich Kori Kollo

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Global distribution of Au deposits suggested to be RIR...

Context 2

... schematic empirical model for RIRGS (Fig. 12) in- corporates
observable features from the "type" deposits and occurrences in
the Yukon and Alaska. The key empirical fea- tures have been
described above, but those features that are considered as
critically distinguishing attributes are listed ...

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Context 3

... typically deposit metals in intrusion-hosted, con- tact, pluton-

proximal, and pluton-distal settings, and thus exhibit a
predictable zonation of differing deposit styles out- ward from the
central, mineralizing pluton (Fig. 12). Skarns and replacements
are generally pluton proximal, with an increase in structural
control on more distal mineralization. There is also crustal-scale
vertical zonation, with epizonal occurrences forming at shallower

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Context 4

... metal signatures develop broad-scale zon- ing surrounding

and above a central causative pluton, due primarily to the effects
of steep thermal gradients on fl uid chemistry (Figs. 9, 12).
Gradients and metal zones are steep- er on the sides of the
pluton and broadly developed above it (Fig. 5). Zoning is
somewhat analogous to that identifi ed in porphyry systems
(e.g., Jones, ...

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... Stalling is essential for metal concentration,

because if the magmatic plumbing system
reaches the near surface in an open system, then
much of the degassing will result in a loss of
metals into the surrounding atmosphere. Thus,
oxidized intrusion-related gold deposits (e.g.,
Sillitoe 1991; Hart 2007) , including porphyry,
skarn, and epithermal ores ( Fig. 2A, B), form at
shallow crustal levels where large fluid releases
are most expected a few kilometers below the
surface. Deeper level formation of widespread
orogenic gold is inconsistent with depths that
most magmatic systems are shown to undergo
large-scale volatile release. ...
... It is also important to note that one must be

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Global distribution of Au deposits suggested to be RIR...

careful in classifying a deposit as magmatic-

hydrothermal based upon criteria used to define
the small group of RIRGD. As stressed by Hart
(2007) , these deposits are associated with felsic,
ilmenite-series plutons that lack magnetite. The
critical characteristics argued as definitive of this
group of deposits (Thompson and Newberry
2000) relate to gold ores genetically associated
with their causative reduced intrusions. ...

Orogenic gold: is a genetic association with

magmatism realistic?
Article Full-text available
Richard J. Goldfarb · Iain Pitcairn
Many workers accept a metamorphic model for orogenic
gold ore formation, where a gold-bearing aqueous-
carbonic fluid is an inherent product of devolatilization…


... Intrusion-related gold deposits (IRGS) can

divide into reduced and oxidized IRGS (Hart and
Goldfarb 2005). Among them, the reduced type is
generally characterized by Au-Bi-Te-W
assemblages (Hart 2007) , and the oxidized ones
are Au-rich variants of the porphyry Cu-Au class
(Hart 2007;Niroomand et al. 2018). The magmatic
rocks in oxidized intrusion-related gold deposits
commonly have high oxygen fugacity (Helt et al.
2014) and high water content (Li et al. 2018),
favoring Au-Chalcophile mental association
(Elshourbagi and Fan 2021). ...
... Intrusion-related gold deposits (IRGS) can
divide into reduced and oxidized IRGS (Hart and
Goldfarb 2005). Among them, the reduced type is
generally characterized by Au-Bi-Te-W
assemblages (Hart 2007), and the oxidized ones
are Au-rich variants of the porphyry Cu-Au class
(Hart 2007; Niroomand et al. 2018). The
magmatic rocks in oxidized intrusion-related gold
deposits commonly have high oxygen fugacity
(Helt et al. 2014) and high water content (Li et al.
2018), favoring Au-Chalcophile mental
association (Elshourbagi and Fan 2021). ...

Geochronology and zircon geochemistry of

auriferous intrusions in the Bumo deposit, Hainan…
Article Full-text available
Jan 2022
Yan Hai · Bingtao Li · • Teng Deng · Deru Xu ·
Shichao Guo
Intrusion-related gold deposits (IRGS) are a low-grade,
large-tonnage exploration target. Recently, aurifer-ous
magmatic rocks were found in the Bumo deposit of the…


... The intrusion-related Au deposits are reported

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Global distribution of Au deposits suggested to be RIR...

to be associated with quartz-carbonate-albite

alteration hosted in the late-to post-deformational
quartz-monzonitic to syenitic intrusions (Robert,
2001;Bigot & Jébrak, 2015), and thus are not
comparable with either the Phanerozoic porphyry
Cu-Au deposits (Sillitoe, 2010) or the reduced
intrusion-related gold deposits (e.g. Thompson et
al., 1999; Hart, 2007) . As the associated rock
types with the intrusionrelated Au deposits are not
sodic TTG, they are therefore not the focus of this
study. ...
Variable Modes of Formation for Tonalite–
Trondhjemite–Granodiorite–Diorite (TTG)-related…
Article Full-text available
Sep 2021 · J PETROL
Xuyang Meng · Jeremy P Richards · Daniel J
Kontak · Adam C Simon · Pedro J Jugo
Most known porphyry Cu ± Au deposits are associated
with moderately oxidized and sulfur-rich, calc-alkaline to
mildly alkalic arc-related magmas in the Phanerozoic. …


... Se ha establecido que los magmas oxidados

presentan una estrecha relación con la
mineralización aurífera y con ellos se asocian
desde el punto de vista metalogénico los
depósitos de oro epitermal y de skarn (Ishihara
1981;Guilbert y Park 1986;Robert et al.
2007;Sillitoe 2010). A diferencia de estos, en los
magmas reducidos el oro presenta baja ley (Hart
2015) . ...

Particularidades geológicas y perspectivas de la

mineralización de Cu-Mo porfírico en la Sierra…
Article Full-text available
Jul 2021
Ángel Medina-Batista · José Nicolás Muñoz-Gómez ·
Alain Carballo-Peña
Resumen La existencia de manifestaciones con
mineralización de Cu-Mo porfírico en la Sierra Maestra
(Cuba) se conoce desde mediados del siglo XX; aunq…


... These include both large deposits with gold ore

resources and reserves exceeding 50 t (Chepak,
Teutedjak, Chistoe), and numerous deposits of
smaller size (Dubach, Nenneli, Delyankir,
Chuguluk, Levo-Dybinskoe, Kurum, Ergelyakh)
[1]. Gold deposits of this type were first
recognized in the Tintina gold belt in Alaska and
the Yukon in the 1990s [11][12][13][14][15][16]
[17] [18] . The most economically important
deposits of the belt include Fort Knox, Pogo, and
Dublin Gulch, among others [18]. ...
... Gold deposits of this type were first recognized
in the Tintina gold belt in Alaska and the Yukon in
the 1990s [11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]. The
most economically important deposits of the belt
include Fort Knox, Pogo, and Dublin Gulch,

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Global distribution of Au deposits suggested to be RIR...

among others [18] . ...

Granitoids of the Ergelyakh Intrusion-Related Gold–

Bismuth Deposit (Kular-Nera Slate Belt, Northeast…
Article Full-text available
May 2019
Zaitsev · Fridovsky · Kudrin
This paper describes features of petrographic and
chemical compositions and isotopic dating of the
Ergelyakh and Sokh plutons, located within the Kular-…


... Com o progresso do sistema hidrotermal,

ocorrem infiltrações tardias de outros fluidos
(magmáticos e superficiais). Embora os tipos de
fluidos envolvidos, os tipos e estilos das
alterações hidrotermais, o teor de sulfetos baixos
e a associação metálica (com destaque para Au
-Bi -Te) sejam características similares ao
encontrados nos reduced intrusion-related gold
systems (RIRGS; Hart, 2007) , tal definição
depende das informações do plúton causativo,
que ainda não foi devidamente esclarecido no
CMCC. ...

Alteração hidrotermal e fluidos mineralizantes no

alvo Jerimum de Baixo, Campo Mineralizado do…
Article Full-text available
Mar 2019
Helder Thadeu de Oliveira · Régis Munhoz Krás
Borges · Evandro Luiz Klein · Claudio Nery
Lamarão · Rafael Guimarães Correa Lima
O alvo Jerimum de Baixo está localizado no Campo
Mineralizado do Cuiú-Cuiú, região central da Província
Aurífera do Tapajós, Cráton Amazônico. O alvo abran…


... Thompson et al. [58]. Villas et al. [8] and

Santiago et al. [22] classified this deposit as
reduced intrusion-related gold systems (RIRGS),
based on the Hart [59] description. and was most
likely responsible for the progressive enrichment
in Rb and impoverishment in Ba, Sr and V [43]. ...
... The main features of Tocantinzinho deposit
compared to porphyry gold deposits and reduced-
intrusion-related gold-systems deposits (RIRGIS).
The parameters for porphyry gold deposit are
from Sillitoe and Sinclair [60,66,67]; the
parameters for RIRGIS are according to Hart
[59] . Initially hot (>500 • C to 600 • C) and
dominated by magmatic fluid and hypersaline
(30-60 wt% NaCl eq.). ...

The Tocantinzinho Paleoproterozoic Porphyry-Style

Gold Deposit, Tapajós Mineral Province (Brazil):…

5 von 8 21.01.23, 15:30

Global distribution of Au deposits suggested to be RIR...

Article Full-text available

Jan 2019
Adriana Araujo Castro Lopes · Márcia Abrahao
The Tocantinzinho gold deposit, located in the Tapajós

... A existência de fluidos aquocarbônicos de alta

temperatura e baixa salinidade e de fluidos
aquosos bifásicos de temperaturas e salinidades
variadas indica que a saturação de fluidos por
parte da hospedeira deve ter ocasionado
fraturamento hidráulico das encaixantes
(rebaixamento da pressão), as quais promoveram
a liberação de soluções magmáticas e
consequente interação com fluidos externos, a
níveis crustais mais rasos, o qual estaria ilustrado
pelas brechas hidráulicas. Todas essas
características são, portanto, similares àquelas
descritas para depósitos profundos gerados em
arco magmático, como sistemas do tipo pórfiro, a
exemplo das reportadas por Sinclair (2007);
Taylor (2007); Sillitoe (2010), Pirajno (1992Pirajno
( , 2009) e Sun et al. (2015) ou mesmo intrusion-
related gold systems (IRGS) (e.g., Hart e
Goldfarb, 2005;Hart, 2005 Hart, , 2007 . De
acordo com a profundidade da fonte dos fluidos e
da preservação do nível crustal, sistemas
magmático-hidrotermais semelhantes (e.g.,
pórfiros de Au ± Cu, epitermal high-intermediate e
low sulfidation) vêm sendo sugeridos para as
mineralizações associadas ao magmatismo ácido
no sul do Cráton Amazônico (Juliani et al., 2005;
Paes de Barros, 2007;Xavier et al., 2011;Assis et
al., 2014;Assis, 2015;Bettencourt et al., 2016). ...

Estudo de inclusões fluidas em quartzo do garimpo

do Papagaio, um sistema magmático-hidrotermal,…
Article Full-text available
Mar 2018
Marcelo Garcia Galé · Paulo César Corrêa da
Costa · Rafael Rodrigues de Assis · Francisco
Egídio Cavalcante Pinho · Caetano Juliani
O garimpo aurífero do Papagaio, localizado em
Paranaíta, Mato Grosso, insere-se no setor noroeste da
Província Aurífera de Alta Floresta, sul do Cráton…


... The mineralization of the Vilalba gold district

shares many similarities with the intrusion related
gold systems, IRGSs, (Baker and Lang, 2001;
Hart, 2007; Hart et al., 2000; Lang and Baker,
2001; Lang et al., 2000; Thompson et al., 1999).
These systems include a wide variety of
hydrothermal mineral deposits developed at the
contact or in the proximity of igneous bodies. ...
... These systems include a wide variety of
hydrothermal mineral deposits developed at the
contact or in the proximity of igneous bodies. The
related igneous rocks are mainly intermediate to

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Global distribution of Au deposits suggested to be RIR...

felsic metaluminous and subalcaline, although

peraluminous intrusions such as those observed
in the Vilalba gold district are also usually present
(Coulson et al., 2001; Gordey and Anderson,
1993; Hart, 2007 ). Contact aureole including
calc-silicate and biotite-hornfels, similar to those
developed in the Castro de Rei area, are
associated with the igneous rocks of the IRGS. ...

2015 Villalba Gold DistrictOGR

Sep 2015
Iker Martínez-Abad · Antonia Cepedal · Daniel
Arias · Agustín Martín-Izard


... The mineralization of the Vilalba gold district

shares many similarities with the intrusion related
gold systems, IRGSs, (Baker and Lang, 2001;
Hart, 2007; Hart et al., 2000; Lang and Baker,
2001; Lang et al., 2000; Thompson et al., 1999).
These systems include a wide variety of
hydrothermal mineral deposits developed at the
contact or in the proximity of igneous bodies. ...
... These systems include a wide variety of
hydrothermal mineral deposits developed at the
contact or in the proximity of igneous bodies. The
related igneous rocks are mainly intermediate to
felsic metaluminous and subalcaline, although
peraluminous intrusions such as those observed
in the Vilalba gold district are also usually present
(Coulson et al., 2001; Gordey and Anderson,
1993; Hart, 2007 ). Contact aureole including
calc-silicate and biotite-hornfels, similar to those
developed in the Castro de Rei area, are
associated with the igneous rocks of the IRGS. ...

2015 Villalba Gold DistrictOGR

Sep 2015
Iker Martínez-Abad · Antonia Cepedal · Daniel
Arias · Agustín Martín-Izard


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Global distribution of Au deposits suggested to be RIR...

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