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Crypto-NRx Catboy Corps

and its consequences
“The best thing about conceptual poetry is that it doesn’t need to
be read. You don’t have to read it. As a matter of fact, you can
write books, and you don’t even have to read them. My books,
for example, are unreadable.”
in this fantasy, you are a tape-recorded message.

you are coming and wait with anticipation. you are reading
for yourself or someone else, you can help make the reading
more relevant and valuable by being a little prepared and
having a “dear question” or purpose for the reading. you are
a student of the I Ching and able to read into the depths
of each of the hexagrams and the lines that comprise them,
you will find the medium limited– information concise and
dear, but not voluminous. you are taking it seriously. you are
wanting. you are not feeling well, these also can impact the
quality of the reading and the tone. you are doing
the reading “just for fun”, take it a little seriously. you are
clear and direct with the reader about what’s going on in
your life and what you need to know right now, you’ll have
a much better chance of getting an accurate reading that
provides you with some good guidance and direction. you
are now. you are close now, try some slight changes in the
volume and try again by choosing “R” to record. you are
lucky enough to have a second usable tape recorder, you can
hook up that one to plug 2#. you are now ready to check
out your system. you are told to record, you should now
see the tape moving. you are probably using a recorder that
won’t work well consis- tently. you are home free. relax and
go on to the next paragraph. you are in good shape. you are
through with it so that it can be read in the next time
around. you are making the tape for and what you hope
to express to them. you are just trying to share some music.
you are an experienced and confident mixtape creator, take
your tape to the next level by filling in every possible gap
between the songs to create a continuous sonic experience.
you are able to get lengths for each track, do so. you
are copying a song from into the appropriate player on the
stereo or hi-fi. you are recording from an LP, drop the the
needle just before the song you want to record, and once
the record reaches the silent space between tracks, push
“record” on the tape deck. you are satisfied. you are going to
show them a lot of new music, spend some time trying to
guess whether or not they’ll actually enjoy listening to any
of it first. you are planning to give away. you are bringing
your tape to work with the intention of playing it over the
speakers so you can listen to it while you do your job, the
most important consideration (aside from picking songs
you like) is the wants and preferences of the other people
who will hear the tape. you are not available has made life
easier for us in many ways. you are not available to answer a
phone call. you are far away from home and want to check
the messages on your answering machine? Well, if your an-
swering machine has a remote access feature, you’ll be able
to check your messages

using another phone. you are recording the conversation.

you are away. you are already a member. you are writing to.
you are recording at. you are intending to save a Project to
save an empty Project before you start recording, with the
File > Save Project As. you are starting (or change the
location of Audacity’s temporary folder) to a disk with
more space on it. you are disposing of scanned copies or
microfilm please indicate after the record series title that
these are microfilmed or scanned versions of the record and
sign in the lower right hand corner of the form. you
are coming and wait with anticipation. you are reading for
yourself or someone else, you can help make the reading
more relevant and valuable by being a little prepared and
having a “dear question” or purpose for the reading. you are
a student of the I Ching and able to read into the depths
of each of the hexagrams and the lines that comprise them,
you will find the medium limited– information concise and
dear, but not voluminous. you are taking it seriously. you
are wanting. you are not feeling well, these also can impact
the quality of the reading and the tone. you are doing the
reading “just for fun”, take it a little seriously. you are clear
and direct with the reader about what’s going on in your life
and what you need to know right now, you’ll have a much
better chance of getting an accurate reading that provides
you with some good guidance and direction. you are now.
you are making the tape for and what you hope to express
to them. you are just trying to share some music. you are an
experienced and confident mixtape creator, take your tape
to the next level by filling in every possible gap between the
songs to create a continuous sonic experience. you are able
to get lengths for each track, do so. you are copying a song
from into the appropriate player on the stereo or hi-fi. you
are recording from an LP, drop the the needle just before
the song you want to record, and once the record reaches
the silent space between tracks, push “record” on the tape
deck. you are satisfied. you are going to show them a lot
of new music, spend some time trying to guess whether or
not they’ll actually enjoy listening to any of it first. you are
planning to give away. you are bringing your tape to work
with the intention of playing it over the speakers so you can
listen to it while you do your job, the most important
consideration (aside from picking songs you like) is the
wants and preferences of the other people who will hear the
tape. you are close now, try some slight changes in the
volume and try again by choosing “R” to record. you are
lucky enough to have a second usable tape recorder, you can
hook up that one to plug 2#. you are now ready to check
out your system. you are told to record, you should now
see the tape moving. you are probably using a recorder that
won’t work well consis- tently. you are home free. Relax and
go on to the next paragraph. you are in good shape. you
are through with it so that it can be read in the next time
around. you are writing to. you are recording at. you are
intending to save a Project to save an empty Project before
you start recording, with the File > Save Project As. you are
starting (or change the location of Audacity’s temporary
folder) to a disk with more space on it. you are not available
has made life easier for us in many ways. you are not avail-
able to answer a phone call. you are far away from home
and want to check the messages on your answering ma-
chine? Well, if your answering machine has a remote access
feature, you’ll be able to check your messages using another
phone. you are recording the conversation. you are away. you
are already a member. you are disposing of scanned copies
or microfilm please indicate after the record series title that
these are microfilmed or scanned versions of the record and
sign in the lower right hand corner of the form.
you are preparing to fail. you are not prepared to be wrong,
you’ll. you are continually pushing new boundaries internal-
ly and externally. you are the former anything, it means you
aren’t doing anything now. you are right now, in order to
get where you’re going, you will need to pass a point of no
return. you are not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come
up with anything original. you are as a person. you are good
at. you are content with your failure. you are successful”,”ad-
Path”:”/4160/mv. you are agreeing to the Twitter Developer
Agreement and Developer Policy. you are seeing this ad
Close Log in to Twitter Remember me • Forgot password?
Don’t have an account? Sign up » Close Sign up for
Twitter Not on Twitter? Sign up, tune into the things you
care about, and get updates as they happen. you are not
prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything
original. you are trapped in a compulsion to conform. you
are fully alive. you are allowing us to broadcast your mes-
sage on any of our platforms. you are saying when you talk
about creativity! About digital natives and emigrants ... a
lot has been said about it. you are in a class where you are
learning something quite complex (e. you are not prepared
to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.
you are as a person. you are good at. you are content with
your failure. you are successful”,”adPath”:”/4160/mv. you are
preparing to fail. you are not prepared to be wrong, you’ll.
you are continually pushing new boundaries internally and
externally. you are the former anything, it means you
aren’t doing anything now. you are right now, in order to
get where you’re going, you will need to pass a point of
no return. you are not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never
come up with anything original. you are not a robot. you
are saying when you talk about creativity! About digital
natives and emigrants ... a lot has been said about it. you are
in a class where you are learning something quite complex
(e. you are not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up
with anything original. you are trapped in a compulsion to
conform. you are fully alive. you are happy with it. you are
agreeing to the Twitter Developer Agreement and Devel-
oper Policy. you are seeing this ad Close Log in to Twitter
Remember me Forgot password? Don’t have an account?
Sign up » Close Sign up for Twitter Not on Twitter? Sign
up, tune into the things you care about, and get updates as
they happen. you are happy with it. you are allowing us to
broadcast your message on any of our platforms. you are not
prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything
original. you are not a robot.
you are experiencing back pain, neck pain, headaches, or
even muscular tightness and tension. you are looking to
improve your overall health, our chiropractor can help you
attain your everyday wellness goals! Visit our testimonials
page to find out what our patients are saying about our
Saint Joseph chiropractor and our chiropractic care plans.
you are at war with yourself. you are special, that you are the
unique case that that proverb doesn’t apply to... but you are
still human. you are not willing to feel it. you are not like
other people... and that you don’t need to connect to others
(or a city, or a career, or hobbies, etc. you are anymore. you
are changing your friend group, starting a new business,
beginning a new relationship or deepening an existing
one... you are doing a lot of internal heavy lifting. you are in
close proximity to things, compounding with time. you are
alive there is something to feel. you are a walking head with
hands, and get into your body more often. you are responsi-
ble for your own behaviour, and none of the advice on this
website is to be considered legal or medical advice. you are
doing so of your own accord, and are taking full responsibil-
ity for your actions. you are going to check out of the land
of the walking dead, you are going to have to give up your
addiction to comfort and press into the hardship of life. you
are half alive.

You cannot exist without pleasure!\”}},\”toolti-

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life that human beings are not suffering. you are suffering
is you are half alive. you are desperately trying to make
yourself fully alive through money, through drink, through
sex, through going on a trek, coming to the ashram\\n-
when YOU are constantly half alive, pleasure becomes an
important part of your life very important part of your
life - without it you cannot exist. you are too identified
with it, you are just lost in it, that’s all you become. you
are above the intellectual process, suffering is finished
in your life ,because all suffering is manufactured there
in your logical mind. you are stuck in your intellect you
are a nonstop suffering human being. you are below the
intellect you don’t suffer so much, If you are in the in-
tellect - nonstop suffering. you are above the intellect,
you are a Buddha. you are trying to avoid the torment of
the intellect for some time. you are poisoned!\”},\”long-
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encing back pain, neck pain, headaches, or even muscular
tightness and tension. you are looking to improve your
overall health, our chiropractor can help you attain your
everyday wellness goals! Visit our testimonials page to find
out what our patients are saying about our Saint Joseph
chiropractor and our chiropractic care plans. you are and
you like what you see. you are awake and alive — and
in that moment — you like what you see. you are living
and breathing. you are too busy, you will miss it. you are
drowning in thought, distracted or pulled away from by
your to-do list, worry about the future or judgment. you
are and like what you see. you are enough — and when you
do, you will directly experience the spontaneous pureness
of being fully alive — and you will never, ever look back.
you are at war with yourself. you are special, that you are
the unique case that that proverb doesn’t apply to... but
you are still human. you are not willing to feel it. you are
not like other people... and that you don’t need to con-
nect to others (or a city, or a career, or hobbies, etc. you
are anymore. you are changing your friend group, starting
a new business, beginning a new relationship or deepen-
ing an existing one... you are doing a lot of internal heavy
lifting. you are in close proximity to things, compounding
with time. you are alive there is something to feel. you are
a walking head with hands, and get into your body more
often. you are responsible for your own behaviour, and
none of the advice on this website is to be considered legal
or medical advice. you are doing so of your own accord,
and are taking full responsibility for your actions. you are
half alive You cannot exist without pleasure!\”}},\”tool-
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through sex, through going on a trek, coming to the ash-
ram\\n-when YOU are constantly half alive, pleasure
becomes an important part of your life very important
part of your life - without it you cannot exist. you are too
identified with it, you are just lost in it, that’s all you be-
come. you are above the intellectual process, suffering is
finished in your life ,because all suffering is manufactured
there in your logical mind. you are stuck in your intellect
you are a nonstop suffering human being. you are below
the intellect you don’t suffer so much, If you are in the
intellect - nonstop suffering. you are above the intellect,
you are a Buddha. you are trying to avoid the torment of
the intellect for some time. you are poisoned!\”},\”long-
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nails\”:[{\”url\”:\”https: \/\/i. you are and you like what you
see. you are awake and alive — and in that moment — you
like what you see. you are living and breathing. you are too
busy, you will miss it. you are drowning in thought, distract-
ed or pulled away from by your to-do list, worry about the
future or judgment. you are and like what you see. you are
enough — and when you do, you will directly experience
the spontaneous pureness of being fully alive — and you
will never, ever look back. you are and are not worthy of:
you are now telling all of this to yourself. you are free to live
your life & grow your business in full alignment with your
soul & who you truly are. you are going to check out of the
land of the walking dead, you are going to have to give up
your addiction to comfort and press into the hardship of
life. you are and are not worthy of: you are now telling all
of this to yourself. you are free to live your life & grow your
business in full alignment with your soul & who you truly

you are to be slave to the first man you meet, with an

intellect superior to your own. you are about and what you
value. you are not willing to make the sacrifice, then keep
searching. you are beyond that pain. you are patient in
one moment of anger, you will avoid one hundred days of
sorrow. you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. you
are inside of something, say an atom, you only see electrons
whirling chaotically around you. you are conceding that it
can’t be taken on its own merits. you are against weakens
you. you are for empowers you. you are not wholehearted-
ly following your own ideals. you are not present, you are
present. you are in a shipwreck and all the boats are gone,
a piano top buoyant enough to keep you afloat may come
along and make a fortuitous life preserver. you are much
more awake than when you are engrossed in thinking. you
are not just a drop in the ocean, you the mighty ocean in
the drop. you are feeling a lot of grief, you can look right
into somebody’s eyes because you feel you haven’t got any-
thing to lose—you’re just there. you are content with your
failure. you are never upset for the reason you think. you are
avoiding some truth about yourself. you are uninformed; if
you do read the newspaper you are misinformed. you are
leaping a ravine, the moment of takeoff is a bad time for
considering alternative strategies. you are completely ab-
sorbed or caught up in something, you become oblivious to
things around you, or to the passage of time. you are doing
that frees your unconscious and releases your creative
imagination. you are depressed, you are living in the past.
you are anxious, you are living in the future. you are at
peace, you are living in the present. you are working on
showing impossibility as discovering the possible, as long
as you are rigorous and get rigorous peer review. you are
requires letting go of who you imagine yourself to be. you
are an aperture through which the universe is looking at
and exploring itself. you are the easiest person to fool. you
are God? Why submit to humiliation and death on a cross,
in order to save those who hate you? God suffered punish-
ment in our place because of a radical love. you are asking
here, though, because anything I say will be ignorant of
your personal experiences, and, as David pointed out, those
experiences, subjective opinions and particular subconscious
processes are generally what are driving these discussions
and not a good-faith discussion on abstract or empirical
truth. you are trying to meet God on your terms. you are
demanding justice of God, if there is one. you are not a
theist, but a naturalistic materialist, then this behavior
would be expected as part and parcel with survival of the
fittest. you are a theist, then you are left with exploring the
issue of what evil is, why it exists, and what is God doing
about it. you are welcome to do your due diligence and read
it for yourself. you are a deity trying to leave an impression,
you don’t feed a few thousand wirh a few fish, you end hun-
ger worlwide. you are a deity that wishes all mankind to be-
lieve, worship, and obey you, your form of communicating
that should not be a collection of stories with questionable
authorship and internal inconsistencies written in a lan-
guage that was all but extinct for hundreds of years and is
readable by only a fraction of the world’s population unless
translated into a myriad of other languages. you are arguing
against the true God. you are an exception to the rule when
it comes to theists, CD. you are skirting on the verge of a
deep issue that theologians have theorised, debated & pon-
dered for a very long time, & different denominations take
different perspectives over, & that is the practical applica-
tion of God’s plan. you are the first person to address my
argument! Something is moral or it is,not. you are tell-
ing me you believe it is impossible for an all-knowing, all
powerful being to overcome the drawbacks of a human
economic system and feed starving children. you are pro-
posing to limit the power of your god in such a manner. you
are faced with an opportunity to choose how to spend your
eternity, your choice will be informed by your life
experiences, the suffering of a godless world is easier to
understand, endure and see through. you are a deist and not
a theist? gpenglase says: October 2017 ,21 at 5:44 am That’s
a false dichtomy – intervention or interaction doesn’t of it-
self deny anyone free will. you are capable of preventing evil
and look the other way, you are complicit in the evil. you are
claiming that reality itself is evil and life is not worth living
for aggregate humanity. you are not feeding them either.
you are not actually seeking an answer – but rather merely
seeking to destroy the faith of others. you are parroting an
excuse for evil given to you by your preachers and teachers,
but if you think about it using your own common sense
you will see the excuse in inadequate. you are wrong. you
are immoral in that instance. you are contradicting yourself
if you say he needs no interpretation and then agree he
does in the Bible. you are easily capable of preventing them
This goes back to my original question, so let me post it
yet again and you can be the first to not dodge answering
it. you are saying you believe it is moral for a being that
has the power to stop suffering to not act and end it? You
actually believe it is moral for your god to stand by while
amchild is raped a d watch it rather than stop it? Milton
Platt says: May 2017 ,29 at 4:59 pm You believe your god
designed the system and set it into motion, didn’t right?
Therefor he is wholly resposible for any and all results. you
are saying that your god is subordinated to Satan, then?
Milton Platt says: June 2017 ,1 at 4:37 am and the reason
your god acts in an immoral fashion is what? Milton Platt
says: June ,1 2017 at 2:56 am So now Satan is more pow-
erful than your god??? Hugh7 says: June 2017 ,1 at 6:56
am So you have TWO all powerful deities in your universe.
you are going to argue about God, then take him on his
own terms, don’t alter the facts. you are completely miss-
ing the point. you are acknowledging that you don’t know
that these “revelations” you’re getting are coming from
God? Pierre says: June 2017 ,5 at 7:45 pm Annie, what
you’re doing is explaining why you believe it is god which
is revealing himself to you. you are saying he competely
reveals himself in ways other than than the Bible, then you
have made that collection of stories of little value. you are
really making. you are looking for in Revelation 1 to get the
right view so as not to be entrenched i nthe past. you are
welcome to contact her and ask, or not–that is your choice.
you are welcome to structinize to your hearts’ content, and
even rationalize away rationality while you are at it, but at
the end of the day you are just a juror–not a jury. you are
making: http://strangenotions. you are saying that reality as
defined by you is truth. you are suggesting that I read books
that will convince me of your way of thinking. you are
using “we” in a collective sense. you are blind to the obvious
existence of incredible wonder, complexity and order in the
universe which scientific “fact” (not unprovable theory as
some false claims are) bears out, doesn’t mean that there is a
lack of evidence, on a lack of acceptance of the obvious evi-
dence that we behold each day and is continually reinforced
from science. you are doing? Still open to chatting, I do
understand if you don’t want to but still open. you are play-
ing games. you are forced to. you are in the weeds here. you
are in denial my friend. you are sadly mistaken my friend.
you are content to invoke a miracle of uncaused effects. you
are indeed invoking Pascal’s Wager, and it is dishonest (and
impossible for an internally honest person) to base their
belief on fear or hope of the consequences. you are reading
the Bible without understanding. you are reading. you are so
“at odds” with the rest of the world, you are not following
the example associated with narratives about your prophet:
Jesus’ entire adult life was characterized by a deep concern
for the spiritual condition of the nonbeliever. you are as a
person” has to do with the celebration of a union that is im-
possible, that’s sad and irrational. you are so sure that your
spin on this point is correct, let’s see chapter and verse that
supports it. you are confused and blinkered. you are confus-
ing correlation with causation. you are worth His life, and
he would have died for just you. you are too close-minded
to see it. you are wanting empirical evidence for God. you
are in a state of cognitive dissonance. you are a superior
rationalist looking down on them from a position of mature
reason; yet your basic errors of comprehension and logic
show the exact opposite to be true – unless of course you
don’t believe what you write and are merely trolling. you are
insisting that God must prevent SOME evil - the kind that
strikes YOU as especially evil. you are a sinner. YOU are
that evil you hate, which you know God ought to destroy.
you are desperately tossing around terms that don’t apply
as a last-ditch defense of your bad logic. you are saying that
Christians do not view their god as omnipotent and
omnibenevolent? His power and goodness are viewed as
limited? Those are the attributes I mention. you are not
familiar with. you are right about one thing: there is
no evidence so far, that she has bothered to actually
participate in this discussion (such as it is). YOU ARE AN
much confirming the estimation just made about you. you
are attempting to predict. you are incapable of making a
compelling argument, maybe just say so. you are
participating here according to some general assumptions,
one of which is that nobody is likely to fall on their knees
the moment you make some pronouncement such as the
implication that any contrary opinions expressed, are
“hostility”. you are to be slave to the first man you meet,
with an intellect superior to your own. you are loosed from
your moorings and are free; I am fast in my chains, and am
a slave! You move merrily before the gentle gale, and I sadly
before the bloody whip! you are freedom’s swift-winged
angels, that fly around the world; I am confined in bands
of iron! O that I were free! O that I were on one of your
gallant decks and under your protecting wing! Alas, betwixt
me and you, the turbid waters roll. you are a leader,
success is all about growing yourself. you are not dealing
with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion. you
are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you
can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no
matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.
you are all you’ve got. you are a leader, success is all about
growing yourself. you are not dealing with creatures of logic,
but with creatures of emotion. you are not able to manage
your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and
have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you
are, you are not going to get very far. you are all you’ve got.
you are God? Why submit to humiliation and death on a
cross, in order to save those who hate you? God suffered
punishment in our place because of a radical love. you are
asking here, though, because anything I say will be igno-
rant of your personal experiences, and, as David pointed
out, those experiences, subjective opinions and particular
subconscious processes are generally what are driving these
discussions and not a good-faith discussion on abstract or
empirical truth. you are trying to meet God on your terms.
you are demanding justice of God, if there is one. you are
not a theist, but a naturalistic materialist, then this behavior
would be expected as part and parcel with survival of the
fittest. you are a theist, then you are left with exploring the
issue of what evil is, why it exists, and what is God doing
about it. you are welcome to do your due diligence and read
it for yourself. you are a deity trying to leave an impression,
you don’t feed a few thousand wirh a few fish, you end
hunger worlwide. you are a deity that wishes all mankind
to believe, worship, and obey you, your form of communi-
cating that should not be a collection of stories with ques-
tionable authorship and internal inconsistencies written
in a language that was all but extinct for hundreds of years
and is readable by only a fraction of the world’s population
unless translated into a myriad of other languages. you
are arguing against the true God. you are an exception to
the rule when it comes to theists, CD. you are skirting on
the verge of a deep issue that theologians have theorised,
debated & pondered for a very long time, & different
denominations take different perspectives over, & that is
the practical application of God’s plan. you are the first
person to address my argument! Something is moral or it
is,not. you are telling me you believe it is impossible for an
all-knowing, all powerful being to overcome the drawbacks
of a human economic system and feed starving children.
you are proposing to limit the power of your god in such a
manner. you are faced with an opportunity to choose how
to spend your eternity, your choice will be informed by your
life experiences, the suffering of a godless world is easier to
understand, endure and see through. you are a deist and not
a theist? gpenglase says: October 2017 21 at 5:44 am That’s
a false dichtomy – intervention or interaction doesn’t of it-
self deny anyone free will. you are capable of preventing evil
and look the other way, you are complicit in the evil. you are
claiming that reality itself is evil and life is not worth living
for aggregate humanity. you are not feeding them either.
you are not actually seeking an answer – but rather merely
seeking to destroy the faith of others. you are parroting an
excuse for evil given to you by your preachers and teachers,
but if you think about it using your own common sense
you will see the excuse in inadequate. you are wrong. you
are immoral in that instance. you are contradicting yourself
if you say he needs no interpretation and then agree he
does in the Bible. you are easily capable of preventing them
This goes back to my original question, so let me post it
yet again and you can be the first to not dodge answering
it. you are saying you believe it is moral for a being that
has the power to stop suffering to not act and end it? You
actually believe it is moral for your god to stand by while
amchild is raped a d watch it rather than stop it? Milton
Platt says: May 2017 ,29 at 4:59 pm You believe your god
designed the system and set it into motion, didn’t right?
Therefor he is wholly resposible for any and all results. you
are saying that your god is subordinated to Satan, then?
Milton Platt says: June 2017 ,1 at 4:37 am and the reason
your god acts in an immoral fashion is what? Milton Platt
says: June 2017 ,1 at 2:56 am So now Satan is more pow-
erful than your god??? Hugh7 says: June 2017 ,1 at 6:56
am So you have TWO all powerful deities in your universe.
you are going to argue about God, then take him on his
own terms, don’t alter the facts. you are completely miss-
ing the point. you are acknowledging that you don’t know
that these “revelations” you’re getting are coming from
God? Pierre says: June ,5 2017 at 7:45 pm Annie, what
you’re doing is explaining why you believe it is god which
is revealing himself to you. you are saying he competely
reveals himself in ways other than than the Bible, then you
have made that collection of stories of little value. you are
really making. you are looking for in Revelation 1 to get the
right view so as not to be entrenched i nthe past. you are
welcome to contact her and ask, or not–that is your choice.
you are welcome to structinize to your hearts’ content, and
even rationalize away rationality while you are at it, but at
the end of the day you are just a juror–not a jury. you are
making: http://strangenotions. you are saying that reality as
defined by you is truth. you are suggesting that I read books
that will convince me of your way of thinking. you are
using “we” in a collective sense. you are blind to the obvious
existence of incredible wonder, complexity and order in the
universe which scientific “fact” (not unprovable theory as
some false claims are) bears out, doesn’t mean that there is a
lack of evidence, on a lack of acceptance of the obvious evi-
dence that we behold each day and is continually reinforced
from science. you are doing? Still open to chatting, I do un-
derstand if you don’t want to but still open. you are playing
games. you are forced to. you are in the weeds here. you are
in denial my friend. you are sadly mistaken my friend. you
are content to invoke a miracle of uncaused effects. you
are indeed invoking Pascal’s Wager, and it is dishonest (and
impossible for an internally honest person) to base their
belief on fear or hope of the consequences. you are reading
the Bible without understanding. you are reading. you are so
“at odds” with the rest of the world, you are not following
the example associated with narratives about your prophet:
Jesus’ entire adult life was characterized by a deep concern
for the spiritual condition of the nonbeliever. you are as a
person” has to do with the celebration of a union that is
impossible, that’s sad and irrational. you are so sure that
your spin on this point is correct, let’s see chapter and
verse that supports it. you are confused and blinkered. you
are confusing correlation with causation. you are worth
His life, and he would have died for just you. you are too
close-minded to see it. you are wanting empirical evidence
for God. you are in a state of cognitive dissonance. you are a
superior rationalist looking down on them from a
position of mature reason; yet your basic errors of
comprehension and logic show the exact opposite to be
true – unless of course you don’t believe what you write and
are merely trolling. you are insisting that God must prevent
SOME evil — the kind that strikes YOU as especially evil.
you are a sinner. YOU are that evil you hate, which you
know God ought to destroy. you are desperately tossing
around terms that don’t apply as a last-ditch defense
of your bad logic. you are saying that Christians do not view
their god as omnipotent and omnibenevolent? His power
and goodness are viewed as limited? Those are the attributes
I mention. you are not familiar with. you are right about
one thing: there is no evidence so far, that she has bothered
to actually participate in this discussion (such as it is). YOU
are pretty much confirming the estimation just made about
you. you are attempting to predict. you are incapable of
making a compelling argument, maybe just say so. you are
participating here according to some general assumptions,
one of which is that nobody is likely to fall on their knees
the moment you make some pronouncement such as the
implication that any contrary opinions expressed, are “hos-
tility”. you are about and what you value.
you are not willing to make the sacrifice, then keep search-
ing. you are beyond that pain. you are patient in one mo-
ment of anger, you will avoid one hundred days of sorrow.
you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. you are inside
of something, say an atom, you only see electrons whirling
chaotically around you. you are conceding that it can’t be
taken on its own merits. you are against weakens you. you
are for empowers you. you are not wholeheartedly following
your own ideals. you are not present, you are present. you
are in a shipwreck and all the boats are gone, a piano top
buoyant enough to keep you afloat may come along and
make a fortuitous life preserver. you are much more awake
than when you are engrossed in thinking. you are not just
a drop in the ocean, you the mighty ocean in the drop. you
are feeling a lot of grief, you can look right into somebody’s
eyes because you feel you haven’t got anything to lose—
you’re just there. you are content with your failure. you are
never upset for the reason you think. you are avoiding some
truth about yourself. you are uninformed; if you do read the
newspaper you are misinformed. you are leaping a ravine,
the moment of takeoff is a bad time for considering alter-
native strategies. you are completely absorbed or caught
up in something, you become oblivious to things around
you, or to the passage of time. you are doing that frees your
unconscious and releases your creative imagination. you are
depressed, you are living in the past. you are anxious, you
are living in the future. you are at peace, you are living in
the present. you are working on showing impossibility as
discovering the possible, as long as you are rigorous and get
rigorous peer review. you are requires letting go of who you
imagine yourself to be. you are an aperture through which
the universe is looking at and exploring itself. you are the
easiest person to fool. you are willing to give up being a
caterpillar. you are meant to become. you are a butterfly,you
can really love – thekind of love that makes anew life. you
are willing to give up being a caterpillar. you are willing to
give up being a caterpillar. you are willing to give up being a
caterpillar. you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. you
Are willing to give up being a caterpillar. you are willing to
give up being a caterpillar. you are having a life-changing
event, the ending of a chapter, recovering from cancer or
illness, having a baby, or changing a job, she will guide you
toward empowerment and finding out what is important
to you. you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. you are
willing to give up being a caterpillar. you are stopping by to
say hello. you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. you
are meant to become. you are a butterfly,you can really love
– thekind of love that makes anew life. you are willing to
give up being a caterpillar. you are willing to give up being
a caterpillar. you are amazing—not perfect, but amazing.
you are like the young man who returned home from his
mission to find that his parents were divorcing, his father
was excommunicated, his fiancée welcomed him home with
the Dear John letter in hand, all the classes for his major
were full, his prospective roommates were moving, and the
company he was going to work for had gone bankrupt. you
are praying for a change of heart—not your own, but your
professors’—as they make grade calculations during the
next few weeks. you are still 10 pounds overweight—we
may wonder if there is such a thing as change. you are ask-
ing yourself ?I am impressed that the questions my clients
often ask themselves are variations on: Am I worthy? Have
I been forgiven of my sins? Am I clean before the Lord?
They know that no other change can compensate for failure
in this area. you are missing something in your own assess-
ments? Voices that move you away from who you really are?
Voices that silence your inner voice? Voices that make your
voice a stilled, small voice?And what if you are the voice of
authority in someone else’s life? It matters to that person
what you think about them. you are the voice of authority
in someone else’s life, you are also the ears of authority. you
are experiencing these days because of the decision you
made. you are meant to become. you are willing to give up
being a caterpillar. you are interacting. you are willing to
give up being a caterpillar. you are amazing—not perfect,
but amazing. you are like the young man who returned
home from his mission to find that his parents were divorc-
ing, his father was excommunicated, his fiancée welcomed
him home with the Dear John letter in hand, all the classes
for his major were full, his prospective roommates were
moving, and the company he was going to work for had
gone bankrupt. you are praying for a change of heart—not
your own, but your professors’—as they make grade
calculations during the next few weeks. you are still 10
pounds overweight—we may wonder if there is such a
thing as change. you are asking yourself ?I am impressed
that the questions my clients often ask themselves are vari-
ations on: Am I clean before the Lord? They know that no
other change can compensate for failure in this area. you are
missing something in your own assessments? Voices that
move you away from who you really are? Voices that silence
your inner voice? Voices that make your voice a stilled,
small voice?And what if you are the voice of authority in
someone else’s life? It matters to that person what you think
about them. you are the voice of authority in someone else’s
life, you are also the ears of authority. you are experiencing
these days because of the decision you made. you are meant
to become. you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. you
are interacting. you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.
you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. you are willing
to give up being a caterpillar. you Are willing to give up
being a caterpillar. you are willing to give up being a
caterpillar. you are having a life-changing event, the ending
of a chapter, recovering from cancer or illness, having
a baby, or changing a job, she will guide you toward
empowerment and finding out what is important to you.
you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. you are on
your own. You Are Free to Fly canvas wall art is sure to
inspire for years to come. you are not as stuck as you
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on our site. you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.
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and get updates as they happen. you are so amaz-
ing! Not only are you a great dancer, but you are also
a great buddy! Love ya! you are so amazing! Not only
are you a great dancer, but you are also a great buddy!
Love ya! ... | Highland dance, Scottish highland dance,
Dancer”}}},”message”:”ok”,”en dpoint_name”:”v3_get_
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I’m not convinced you’ll find better without being insane-
ly expensive. you are going. you are traveling with. you are
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that they can find the best fit for their organization,” says
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in white, it feels refreshing and bright. you are and what
you’re all about, so that they can find the best fit for their
organization,” says Vulkov. you are overcompensating for
a lack of experience. you are working from home, says guy
who’s done it for 10 years”,”title”:”Don’t make these 6 big-
gest mistakes if you are working from home, says guy who’s
done it for 10 years”,”url”:”https:\u002F\ u002Fwww. you
are and what you are all about, so that they can find the best
fit for their organization,\” says Vulkov. you are applying to
and think hard about what the recruiter there might expect.
you are a genius! The pictures are beyond amazing. You
Are Amazing Quotes - Part 25”,”Every girl loves to feel
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are using Kolette’s shapes on products you are selling, pur-
chase a commercial license for each design at http://www.
you are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every
way. you are satisfied with the content we offer. you are
looking pretty good for a sixty year old woman? \\n\\nI still
love the playfulness of fashion and photography though,
and with a bit of discernment, can still look PDG, short for
Pretty Darn Good. you are using an unsupported browser.
you are lazy there are buggies taking you were you want.
you are looking for Paradise in tropical island form I’m not
convinced you’ll find better without being insanely expen-
sive. you are going. you are traveling with. you are loading
a pop-up * and block us from opening a new tab. you are
so amazing! Not only are you a great dancer, but you are
also a great buddy! Love ya! @afinewine @GrandmaLo-
raine1 “,”title”:”Kaylee Finnigan- you are so amazing! Not
only are you a great dancer, but you are also a great buddy!
Love ya! ... | Highland dance, Scottish highland dance,
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ter? Sign up, tune into the things you care about, and get
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USATODAY. you are looking pretty good for a sixty year
old woman? \\n\\nI still love the playfulness of fashion
and photography though, and with a bit of discernment,
can still look PDG, short for Pretty Darn Good. you are
like me and can not afford a high end guitar don’t worry
cheap guitars are great!\\n\\ nI no longer daily vlog due
to fact that I am Vanilla and no one is really interested so
I’m now moving my channel in another direction you are
seriously missing out. you are coming over to the Maldives
🙂 ClaireApril 2010 ,4 at 9:53 pmtotally agree on curacao.
you are visiting Bali it is definitely a romantic experience.
you are right,, the writer has never been to philippines,,
to see some boracay in there,, boracay deadly island,,,,, at
the same time he has neve been in zanzibar to see the true
perfect life,, deadly island zanzibar,,, he forgor theetwo,,,
zanzibar in tanzania and boracay in philippines....... you
are not bringing into the country “materials deemed con-
trary to Islam including ‘idols for worship’ and bibles, pork
and pork products, and alcohol. you are on a shoestring as
I’m sure you can imagine! Other than that it was a perfect
week before a crazy three weeks in Sri Lanka. you are in
a sandbanks or picnic island where locals normally don’t
go. you are on an inhabited island, please ask for it. you
are already in the resort at Olhuveli Island, to get them
to send you back to male instead of the origin island you
came from? Is it also possible from any resort to send you to
the Male Airport instead of Male? Lauren April 2015 ,30
at 6:38 am — Reply I didn’t arrange the transfer through
the resort, I organised it through my guesthouse. you are
able to understand where I am coming from! Anyhow, my
plan is to actually travel from maafushi to Olhuveli and to
Male Int’l Airport. you are staying in a beautiful Resort or
Guest House or you are touring cultural museums and art
gallery in Male, you can immerse yourself in the old world
of Maldivians going about their daily routine and catching
the exuberant culture that defines the Maldives. you are a
GEM for this. you are so right when i was trying to have
the big picture of MAldives and where we can go and not
go. you are still replying and guiding travellers on this blog
even after 3 years. you are carrying dollars. you are amazing!
I was trying to find a cheap destination for a week! I am
happy to see your blog, and I have been reading comments,
and the target seems impressive to me. you are using an
unsupported browser. you are lazy there are buggies taking
you were you want. you are looking for Paradise in tropical
island form I’m not convinced you’ll find better without
being insanely expensive. you are handicapped or have
small children. you are going. you are traveling with. you are
loading a pop-up * and block us from opening a new tab.
you are using an unsupported browser. you are lazy there
are buggies taking you were you want. you are looking for
Paradise in tropical island form I’m
not convinced you’ll find better without being insanely
expensive. you are going. you are traveling with. you are
loading a pop-up * and block us from opening a new tab.
you are driving. you are sure to find the relaxation you’re
seeking out of a Caribbean beach vacation. you are staying
at South Seas, you will have access to the resort’s private
beach. you are seriously missing out. you are coming over to
the Maldives. it is definitely a romantic experience. you are
right,, the writer has never been to philippines,, to see some
boracay in there,, boracay deadly island,,,,, at the same time
he has neve been in zanzibar to see the true perfect life,,
deadly island zanzibar,,, he forgor theetwo,,, zanzibar in
tanzania and boracay in philippines....... you are not bring-
ing into the country “materials deemed contrary to Islam
including ‘idols for worship’ and bibles, pork and pork prod-
ucts, and alcohol. you are on a shoestring as I’m sure you
can imagine! Other than that it was a perfect week before
a crazy three weeks in Sri Lanka. you are in a sandbanks or
picnic island where locals normally don’t go. you are
on an inhabited island, please ask for it. you are already
in the resort at Olhuveli Island, to get them to send you
back to male instead of the origin island you came from?
Is it also possible from any resort to send you to the Male
Airport instead of Male? Lauren April 2015 ,30 at 6:38
am — Reply I didn’t arrange the transfer through the
resort, I organised it through my guesthouse. you are able
to understand where I am coming from! Anyhow, my plan
is to actually travel from maafushi to Olhuveli and to Male
Int’l Airport. you are staying in a beautiful Resort or Guest
House or you are touring cultural museums and art gal-
lery in Male, you can immerse yourself in the old world of
Maldivians going about their daily routine and catching the
exuberant culture that defines the Maldives. you are a GEM
for this. you are so right when i was trying to have the big
picture of MAldives and where we can go and not go. you
are still replying and guiding travellers on this blog even af-
ter 3 years. you are carrying dollars. you are amazing! I was
trying to find a cheap destination for a week! I am happy to
see your blog, and I have been reading comments, and the
target seems impressive to me. you are looking to play golf
on your vacation, check out Sandals Emerald Bay in Exuma
(the Bahamas) or Sandals Ochi in Ocho Rios ( Jamaica).
you are just looking for a relaxed beach vacation including a
boat trip or two – the Bahamas has all you need. you are
looking for a night out. you are looking to see many in a
short period of time, like in the nation’s capital of Nassau.
you are used to at home, but some travellers prefer Jamaica
especially in the months of January and February, for this
very reason. you are friendly and give it time, most will be-
come more open. you are looking for a place that is steeped
in musical heritage, where the people are hardworking and
full of soul, then Jamaica wins here. you are looking to ex-
plore lands and seas that where the culture was carved from
a more rugged, mystical set of events, where survival
was a daily struggle for most, then The Bahamas tip the
scales and come out on top. you are visiting any of these
Caribbean island getaways, you should have no problem
with communication. you are going out for dinner and
drinks, expect Jamaica to be ~ %20 cheaper than the Baha-
mas. you are visiting the destination for the first time. you
are staying at a resort. you are using an unsupported brows-
er. you are lazy there are buggies taking you were you want.
you are looking for Paradise in tropical island form I’m not
convinced you’ll find better without being insanely expen-
sive. you are going. you are traveling with. you are loading a
pop-up * and block us from opening a new tab. you are us-
ing an unsupported browser. you are lazy there are buggies
taking you were you want. you are looking for Paradise
in tropical island form I’m not convinced you’ll find better
without being insanely expensive. you are handicapped or
have small children. you are going. you are traveling with.
you are loading a pop-up * and block us from opening a
new tab. you are driving. you are sure to find the relaxation
you’re seeking out of a Caribbean beach vacation. you are
staying at South Seas, you will have access to the resort’s
private beach. you are looking to play golf on your vacation,
check out Sandals Emerald Bay in Exuma (the Bahamas)
or Sandals Ochi in Ocho Rios ( Jamaica). you are just
looking for a relaxed beach vacation including a boat trip
or two – the Bahamas has all you need. you are looking for
a night out. you are looking to see many in a short period
of time, like in the nation’s capital of Nassau. you are used
to at home, but some travellers prefer Jamaica especially in
the months of January and February, for this very reason.
you are friendly and give it time, most will become more
open. you are looking for a place that is steeped in musical
heritage, where the people are hardworking and full of soul,
then Jamaica wins here. you are looking to explore lands
and seas that where the culture was carved from a more
rugged, mystical set of events, where survival was a daily
struggle for most, then The Bahamas tip the scales and
come out on top. you are visiting any of these Caribbean
island getaways, you should have no problem with commu-
nication. you are going out for dinner and drinks, expect
Jamaica to be ~ %20 cheaper than the Bahamas. you are
visiting the destination for the first time. you are staying
at a resort you are using an unsupported browser. you are
staying on a resort island. you are travelling from a Yellow
Fever Infection area, a current Immunization Certificate is
required. you are going. you are traveling with. you are in a
stronger political position than him. you are talking about.
you are an untenured professor at an academic institution,
you have to be careful. you are using an unsupported brows-
er. you are entering with an iberico ham slung over your
shoulder as you munch on a bacon sandwich. you are visitor
to a country you should familiarise yourself with, under-
stand and observe local laws and customs. you are going.
you are traveling with. you are strong¡±). you are using an
unsupported browser. you are staying on a resort island. you
are travelling from a Yellow Fever Infection area, a current
Immunization Certificate is required. you are going. you are
traveling with. you are thinking about being friendly and
inviting a Maldivian along for a some gospel singing, be
aware that yes, they can put you in jail for that and at the
lighter end of the scale you may face deportation or fines.
you are convicted of this offence you may face lengthy
prison sentences, fines or deportation. you are heterosexual
or LGBTQI+. you are a licensed marine or aviation
engineer and have brought your coveralls and a flashlight,
you’ll have to use ‘gut feeling’. you are a yachtie making
your own way over the seas to these islands, wherever you
anchor you are going to be met by Maldivian immigration
and you need to have prior clearance via agents in Malé.
you are well define in your site for traveling spot. you are
interested. you are reading - Maldives is a beautiful and
friendly place. you are not one of these types of people,
then you are probably coming for the wrong reason. you
are happy for us to use cookies for this purpose. you are in
a designated tourist resort Locals walking near the local
market in the capital, Male. you are not bringing into the
country “materials deemed contrary to Islam including
‘idols for worship’ and bibles, pork and pork products, and
alcohol. you are now subscribed to the SAYS newsletter!
Subscriptionn failed! Subscription sent! We’re processing
now, please wait. you are in a stronger political position
than him. you are talking about. you are an untenured pro-
fessor at an academic institution, you have to be careful. you
are using an unsupported browser. you are entering with
an iberico ham slung over your shoulder as you munch on
a bacon sandwich. you are visitor to a country you should
familiarise yourself with, understand and observe local laws
and customs. you are going. you are traveling with. you are
strong¡±). you are thinking about being friendly and invit-
ing a Maldivian along for a some gospel singing, be aware
that yes, they can put you in jail for that and at the lighter
end of the scale you may face deportation or fines. you
are convicted of this offence you may face lengthy prison
sentences, fines or deportation. you are heterosexual or
LGBTQI+. you are a licensed marine or aviation engineer
and have brought your coveralls and a flashlight, you’ll have
to use ‘gut feeling’. you are a yachtie making your own way
over the seas to these islands, wherever you anchor you are
going to be met by Maldivian immigration and you need to
have prior clearance via agents in Malé. you are well define
in your site for traveling spot. you are interested. you are
reading - Maldives is a beautiful and friendly place.
you are not one of these types of people, then you are
probably coming for the wrong reason. you are happy for us
to use cookies for this purpose. you are referred to a med-
ical facility for treatment. you are in a designated tourist
resort Locals walking near the local market in the capital,
Male. you are not bringing into the country “materials
deemed contrary to Islam including ‘idols for worship’ and
bibles, pork and pork products, and alcohol. you are now
subscribed to the SAYS newsletter! Subscriptionn failed!
Subscription sent! We’re processing now, please wait. you
are referred to a medical facility for treatment
you are not redirected within a few seconds. you are cheat-
ing yourself if you refuse to enjoy what’s coming. you are
equally good at explaining any outcome, you have zero
knowledge. you are afraid of and/or things that could go
wrong. you are waiting for the “right time” that means
you have established deciding factors that will dictate if
a time is the right one. you are at fault, apologize. you are
up against. you are waiting for a sign, something must be
blocking your view, or else you wouldn’t need a sign to
reassure yourself you’re on the right road. you are antici-
pating a perfect time. you are not my people,’ they will be
called ‘children of the living God. you are not my people,’
there they will be called ‘children of the living God. you are
all children of God through faith,Philippians 1:20I eagerly
expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will
have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will
be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. you are
experiencing that feeling right now. you are the Light and
Day,you drive our death and night away! We know you as
the Light of light,illuminating mortal sight. You Are Our
God, We Are Your People” [PsH 272] Prayer: Let us pray.
You Are Spoken”[PH 446, PsH 506, RL 393, TH 345]
Prayer: Let us pray. you are never required to supply a copy
of your income tax return and you can apply even before
you file your taxes and you can apply right here online. you
are matched with. you are not even required to file your
taxes prior to applying for a tax refund loan with Incom-
eTaxAdvances. you are satisfied with the tax refund loan
cost and terms as provided then you simply follow the in-
structions for providing your electronic signature and your
done. you are finished! On rare occasions your lender may
need additional information. you are more than welcome to
contact the IncomeTaxAdvances. you are experiencing that
feeling right now. you are cheating yourself if you refuse to
enjoy what’s coming. you are equally good at explaining any
outcome, you have zero knowledge. you are the Light and
Day,you drive our death and night away! We know you as
the Light of light,illuminating mortal sight. You Are Our
God, We Are Your People” [PsH 272] Prayer: Let us pray.
You Are Spoken”[PH 446, PsH 506, RL 393, TH 345]
Prayer: Let us pray. you are not my people,’ they will be
called ‘children of the living God. you are not my people,’
there they will be called ‘children of the living God. you are
all children of God through faith,Philippians 1:20I eagerly
expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will
have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will
be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. you are
not redirected within a few seconds. you are afraid of and/
or things that could go wrong. you are waiting for the “right
time” that means you have established deciding factors
that will dictate if a time is the right one. you are at fault,
apologize. you are up against. you are waiting for a sign,
something must be blocking your view, or else you wouldn’t
need a sign to reassure yourself you’re on the right road. you
are anticipating a perfect time. you are never required to
supply a copy of your income tax return and you can apply
even before you file your taxes and you can apply right here
online. you are matched with. you are not even required to
file your taxes prior to applying for a tax refund loan with
IncomeTaxAdvances. you are satisfied with the tax refund
loan cost and terms as provided then you simply follow
the instructions for providing your electronic signature and
your done. you are finished! On rare occasions your lender
may need additional information. you are going to be “deft,”
it’s best not to reveal your sleaziness. you are not redirected
within a few seconds. you are going to be “deft,” it’s best
not to reveal your sleaziness. you are not redirected within
a few seconds. you are going to find this a fascinating and
complicated world. you are going to be able to use these
papers to promote yourself and your businesses and show
your friends you have influence, then you are only going to
get frustrated. you are aware of the minefield you are walk-
ing into. you are going to have to spend on learning how to
move with your readers across to digital and social media.
you are going to have to attend to before your lofty dreams
of publishing in other languages and other countries. you
are going to find this a fascinating and complicated world.
you are going to be able to use these papers to promote
yourself and your businesses and show your friends you
have influence, then you are only going to get frustrated.
you are aware of the minefield you are walking into. you are
going to have to spend on learning how to move with your
readers across to digital and social media. you are going to
have to attend to before your lofty dreams of publishing
in other languages and other countries. you are going to
be “deft,” it’s best not to reveal your sleaziness. you are not
redirected within a few seconds. you are going to find this a
fascinating and complicated world. you are going to be able
to use these papers to promote yourself and your businesses
and show your friends you have influence, then you are only
going to get frustrated. you are aware of the minefield you
are walking into. you are going to have to spend on learning
how to move with your readers across to digital and social
media. you are going to have to attend to before your lofty
dreams of publishing in other languages and other countries
you are at the mercy of cut-throat lawyers, biased judges
and a very flawed system. you are still in the matrimonial
home, that your marriage is beyond saving and that media-
tion is not an option. you are granting your spouse de facto
custody of your children; you immediately expose yourself
to petitions for child and spousal support; you abandon
all joint possessions and even your personal possessions to
your spouse (and you don’t have to be a lawyer to know that
possession is 10/9ths of the law); and you give your spouse
leave to petition for exclusive possession of the house in
perpetuity in “the best interests of the children” thus tying
up the house as an asset. you are a member of an organized
religion, your clergyman / priest / rabbi or affiliated lay
counselors may provide assistance. you are responsible, get
her spousal cards from her and destroy them. you are sitting
in meetings with him or consulting on the phone. you are
going to have to solicit loans. you are still together. you are
liable for other “reasonable” extra expenses, i. you are en-
gaging in the same dirty tactics that she is. you are aware
that she puts you down in their presence. you are going
to feel like a failure: a failure in marriage, a failure to your
children, a financial failure. you are going to take a financial
pounding, and it ain’t your fault. you are at the injustice of
it all. you are your own trading coach, there is always a part
of you that stands apart from your decision-making and
execution, observing yourself and exercising control over
what you do and how you do it. you are immersed in what
you are doing. you are less likely to say something that will
come back to bite you later. you are logged in to Facebook.
you are logged in to LinkedIn. you are now logged in...
Lost username or password? Please enter your username or
email address and we’ll send you a reminder. you are told it
is safe (even the experts have accidents). you are travelling
to are safe from mines and/or UXO contamination. you
are not sure about, then presume it is a mined area and go
straight back the way you came. you are unsure about the
status of the area you should not proceed any further, return
the way you came or else find a safe alternative route Back
to Menu STAY ON THE SAFE PATH When travelling
in potentially mined areas, under no circumstances should
one leave a safe path, even to go to the toilet. you are abso-
lutely sure it is safe, it may be booby-trapped Warn others
not to touch mines/ UXO Prevent others from entering
mined areas Do not throw a mine or throw anything at a
mine Do not kick or otherwise strike a mine/UXO Do not
attempt to defuse or demine an area Do not throw a mine/
UXO into water Do not burn a mine Do not go anywhere
near a tripwire, as the surrounding area may also be mined
Do not collect mines/UXO for scrap metal Everyone needs
mine awareness It has been common for foreigners to use
parts of mines/UXO and warning signs as gruesome desk
ornaments. you are and do not move, until you are rescued
An amputee once told me It is better to spend two days in a
minefield than a lifetime as an amputee. you are walking in
soft sand, mud or snow. you are all experts in anthropology
you also know that no one outside of the tribe may touch
a tribes person, upon threat of death. you are trying to
generate with this activity. you are in a sound proof area or
be prepared for the complaints that are sure to come from
those around you. you are aware of who is what number.
you are a Ned at a plc you have to worry about all the City
governance procedures and a lot of guidelines. you are
always worrying about what institutional shareholders will
think, whereas at Weatherbys [the owners] are sitting in
the room as you make the decision, so you don’t have that
to worry about. you are forced to share limited space with
strangers never before known to you, and defy description,
it flies against all natural behavior to accommodate such
people to your neighbourhood. you are considering are a net
loss to the country and perhaps expand on how they fight
against laws and institutions? Roy You know exactly what
I’m talking about, you just need to stretch out the topic to
give credence to your impotent point. you are ill provided
to carry on a dialogue never mind to criticise your fellow
neighbour on the comments columns. you are the reason
why Romany and travelling people’s are no longer allowed
to travel. . you are trying to make here. . . you are perfectly
capable of writing properly. you are still so blinkered and
prejudiced. . you are clean and well fed and there is plen-
ty of food and clothing and be snatched away by social
workers and police and thrown into a home just because
your a Romany ?. you are a minority. you are demonstrat-
ing yourself to be. you are indeed stupid – but it isn’t racist
unless ‘non Gypsy’ is considered a racist term which to the
best of my knowledge it isn’t yet. you are talking about. you
are archetypical of the problem of communities existing in
peace alongside each other. you are trying to make? Aware
Your a clever man or so you would have us believe...take
everything into consideration and then see if you can iden-
tify a point...If you can. you are a bit like Mr Liddle never
quite says what he means. you are too kind, but Mr. you are
much smarter than me but your sarcastic tone, laborious
writing and sketchy logic disguise it well. you are going to
say it. you are being truly offensive as well as inaccurate.
you are arguing. you are beneath contempt. you are just
not very good at putting yourself over? AndrewMelville
Boring. you are a conniving little devil. you are not one of
them are you Melly...a Klingon, walking around in a brown
and black bespoke boiler suit. you are also considered. you
are incorrect. you are being hypocritical or not, you rear up
like a outraged camel! Like to dish it out do we Mr Liddle
but cant take it. you are dealing with an issue thats needs
to be rectified, and all for the benefit of those who you
say it concerns. you are not saying I have besmirched your
reputation. you are being? Aware Oh dear, claiming those
who accuse you of being racist are racist...Clearly shows,
outside of posting such articles, you cannot defend your
stance or attitude. you are on the ball. you are all knowing.
. you are a bit of a halfwit, “Aware”. you are looking for the
pleasure of being offended and where you can’t find it, make
it up instead. you are against freedom of speech? I bet you
make a living spouting your drivel in some council diversity
department eh? By the way, have you asked black or Asian
people what they think of gypsies? (if they are honest with
you, they will be way more racist than any whites). you are
referring to are new to the country the Roma you feel is
not real have been here since King Henry the 8th time. you
are entitled to your opinion but it is just that I am afraid
and has no standing in law. you are alluding to. you are to
close it down. you are right...are liberals only confined to
the middle class? if not, then they will of course interface
with new people to the country. you are your own trading
coach, there is always a part of you that stands apart from
your decision-making and execution, observing yourself and
exercising control over what you do and how you do it. you
are immersed in what you are doing. you are told it is safe
(even the experts have accidents). you are travelling to are
safe from mines and/or UXO contamination. you are
not sure about, then presume it is a mined area and go
straight back the way you came. you are unsure about the
status of the area you should not proceed any further, return
the way you came or else find a safe alternative route Back
to Menu STAY ON THE SAFE PATH When travelling
in potentially mined areas, under no circumstances should
one leave a safe path, even to go to the toilet. you are abso-
lutely sure it is safe, it may be booby-trapped Warn others
not to touch mines/UXO Prevent others from entering
mined areas Do not throw a mine or throw anything at a
mine Do not kick or otherwise strike a mine/UXO Do not
attempt to defuse or demine an area Do not throw a mine/
UXO into water Do not burn a mine Do not go anywhere
near a tripwire, as the surrounding area may also be mined
Do not collect mines/UXO for scrap metal Everyone needs
mine awareness It has been common for foreigners to use
parts of mines/UXO and warning signs as gruesome desk
ornaments. you are and do not move, until you are rescued.
you are a member of an organized religion, your clergyman
/ priest / rabbi or affiliated lay counselors may provide assis-
tance. you are responsible, get her spousal cards from her
and destroy them. you are sitting in meetings with him or
consulting on the phone. you are going to have to solicit
loans. you are still together. you are liable for other “reason-
able” extra expenses, i. you are engaging in the same dirty
tactics that she is. you are aware that she puts you down in
their presence. you are going to feel like a failure: a failure
in marriage, a failure to your children, a financial failure.
you are going to take a financial pounding, and it ain’t your
fault. you are at the injustice of it all. you are a Ned at a plc
you have to worry about all the City governance procedures
and a lot of guidelines. you are always worrying about what
institutional shareholders will think, whereas at Weath-
erbys [the owners] are sitting in the room as you make the
decision, so you don’t have that to worry about. you are less
likely to say something that will come back to bite you later.
you are logged in to Facebook. you are logged in to Linke-
dIn. you are now logged in... Lost username or password?
Please enter your username or email address and we’ll send
you a reminder. you are all experts in anthropology you also
know that no one outside of the tribe may touch
a tribes person, upon threat of death. you are trying to
generate with this activity. you are in a sound proof area or
be prepared for the complaints that are sure to come from
those around you. you are aware of who is what number.
you are forced to share limited space with strangers never
before known to you, and defy description, it flies against
all natural behavior to accommodate such people to your
neighbourhood. you are considering are a net loss to the
country and perhaps expand on how they fight against laws
and institutions? Roy You know exactly what I’m talking
about, you just need to stretch out the topic to give cre-
dence to your impotent point. you are ill provided to carry
on a dialogue never mind to criticise your fellow neighbour
on the comments columns. you are the reason why Roma-
ny and travelling people’s are no longer allowed to travell. .
you are trying to make here. . . you are perfectly capable of
writing properly. you are still so blinkered and prejudiced.
. you are clean and well fed and there is plenty of food and
clothing and be snatched away by social workers and police
and thrown into a home just because your a Romany ?. you
are a minority. you are demonstrating yourself to be. you
are indeed stupid – but it isn’t racist unless ‘non Gypsy’ is
considered a racist term which to the best of my knowledge
it isn’t yet. you are talking about. you are archetypical of the
problem of communities existing in peace alongside each
other. you are trying to make? Aware Your a clever man or
so you would have us believe...take everything into con-
sideration and then see if you can identify a point...If you
can. you are a bit like Mr Liddle never quite says what he
means. you are too kind, but Mr. you are much smarter than
me but your sarcastic tone, laborious writing and sketchy
logic disguise it well. you are going to say it. you are being
truly offensive as well as inaccurate. you are arguing. you
are beneath contempt. you are just not very good at putting
yourself over? AndrewMelville Boring. you are a conniving
little devil. you are not one of them are you Melly...a Klin-
gon, walking around in a brown and black bespoke boiler
suit. you are also considered. you are incorrect. you are being
hypocritical or not, you rear up like a outraged camel! Like
to dish it out do we Mr Liddle but cant take it. you are
dealing with an issue thats needs to be rectified, and all for
the benefit of those who you say it concerns. you are not
saying I have besmirched your reputation. you are being?
Aware Oh dear, claiming those who accuse you of being
racist are racist...Clearly shows, outside of posting such arti-
cles, you cannot defend your stance or attitude. you
are on the ball. you are all knowing. . you are a bit of a
halfwit, “Aware”. you are looking for the pleasure of being
offended and where you can’t find it, make it up instead.
you are against freedom of speech? I bet you make a living
spouting your drivel in some council diversity department
eh? By the way, have you asked black or Asian people what
they think of gypsies? (if they are honest with you, they will
be way more racist than any whites). you are referring to are
new to the country the Roma you feel is not real have been
here since King Henry the 8th time. you are entitled
to your opinion but it is just that I am afraid and has no
standing in law. you are alluding to. you are to close it down.
you are right...are liberals only confined to the middle class?
if not, then they will of course interface with new people to
the country. you are going to find this a fascinating
and complicated world. you are going to be able to use these
papers to promote yourself and your businesses and show
your friends you have influence, then you are only going to
get frustrated. you are aware of the minefield you are walk-
ing into. you are going to have to spend on learning how to
move with your readers across to digital and social media.
you are going to have to attend to before your lofty dreams
of publishing in other languages and other countries. you
are going to find this a fascinating and complicated world.
you are going to be able to use these papers to promote
yourself and your businesses and show your friends you
have influence, then you are only going to get frustrated.
you are aware of the minefield you are walking into. you are
going to have to spend on learning how to move with your
readers across to digital and social media. you are going to
have to attend to before your lofty dreams of publishing in
other languages and other countries. you are so poisoned by
quicksilver fumes and half-blind from reading old grimoires
that you can’t remember what happens next. you are going
to suggest I try dropping twenty feet down a pitch dark
tower in the hope of hitting a couple of greasy little steps
which might not even still be there, you can forget it,”
said Rincewind sharply. you are attempting can’t be done.
you are in great danger!’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because I will kill you if
you don’t. you are there? More than 1300, I’m afraid Very
well, then. you are geography The significant owl hoots in
the night. you are wrong, of course. you are a dwarf,” she
said. you are buying. you are a tortoise. you are not one of
us. you are nothing. you are flawed, you have no value. you
are animal. you are going to have to look a lot of people in
the eye today and you are sober now and so are they but
you can both remember. you are going to die. you are a
musician, ain’t you?’ said Glod. you are standing here?’ ‘So
mistletoe, in fact, symbolises mistletoe?’ ‘Exactly, Archchan-
cellor,’ said the Senior Wrangler, who was now just hanging
on. . you are not intending to shoot your own grandfather,
by any chance?” “Of course not!” snapped Ponder, “I don’t
even know what he looked like. you are Up to Your Ass in
Alligators, Today Is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life.
you are a vampire. you are six. you are in it for the quiet
life and the pension, you don’t hurry too much in case the
danger is still around when you get there, and the most
you ever expected to face was an obstreperous drunk or a
particularly difficult cow. you are bottomfeeders. you are in
the middle. you are the stupid little band of brownjobs. you
are beneath contempt. you are a cell of one, Reg. you are no
urban guerrila. you are an urban dreamer. you are looking at
me in a funny way, sarge. you are a sissy little lady until we
make a man of you, right? And I dread to think how long
that’s going to take. you are not allowed to hit ‘em with
a shovel. . you are thinking. you are looking forward to a
future in which you still have your teeth. you are fearsome;
inside, you are nothing but weakness. you are nothing more
than a lucky species of ape that is trying to understand the
complexities of creation via a language that evolved in order
to tell one another where the ripe fruit was? I see you. you
are lucky with the weather but, good grief, it’s just not a se-
rious proposition for anything long term. you are trying to
devise a dirigible whale. you are poking? I’m a great wizard,
I am! I’ll turn you into a mindless ugly toad (second passes)
gosh! it worked!” “I’m not a cartoon! I’m just dimensionally
impaired. you are fouling up this whole conversation! Mrs.
you are the developer of an approach known as emotion-fo-
cused therapy. you are really saying doesn’t get heard. you
are referring to. you are talking about when you talk about
differentiating, having a more differentiated model. you are
missing a very intelligent source of information that gen-
erally guides adaptive behavior. you are actually reacting to
situations, so you are not oriented well in the world. you
are angry, you are going to be disoriented in the world. you
are a... xyz,” right? You can insult or denigrate the other.
you are afraid you can access empowering anger, anger will
change fear. you are saying is it almost sounds like there’s
a diagnostic process at the beginning, where you have to
figure out what is the emotional difficulty here specifically,
and it sounds like that doesn’t necessarily articulate with
the DSM. you are organized in the therapy session. you are
self-critical in the therapy sessions? David: That’s fasci-
nating, and it certainly makes a lot of sense to me. you are
talking about. you are there to support a friend or to meet
a cute girl or because you think you should want to wit-
ness the culture around you. you are also the most critically
lauded musician in his own time perhaps ever. you are just
very unlucky. you are saying that because it hasn’t happened
to you on high doses or to anyone you know, it’s not pos-
sible to occur in people who don’t have violent / psychotic
/ out-acting inclinations in the first place. you are legally
insane” territory. you are a good guy off psychedelics you are
a good guy on psychedelics. you are gonna be tripping with
people, your responsibility extends not only to ensuring that
you don’t freak out – that you are not a danger to them –
but also to ensuring nobody *else* is a danger to them. you
are ‘fighting for your life’, whether literally (though illusory)
because of hallucinations, or rather existentially and con-
ceptually (like panicking about causality and determinism)
becoming violent suddenly seems like a much more natural
reaction. you are the Dalai Lama, we all have some badness
in us. you are my friend, but I will be forced to call the po-
lice if you refuse to honor my instructions regarding leaving
the property’, etc. you are awesome? Originally Posted by
Cheese for the cheesegear! Originally Posted by Shas’aia
Toriia Cheesegear is awesome Reply With Quote vBulle-
tin. you are an evil person :D Reply With Quote vBulletin.
you are coming from, and I understand why you see that.
you are in a false relationship with her for the rest of your
life. you are losing time, that something inside is dead and
cant be activated until the other returns. you are presenting
a recipe, in which love is the yeast of life with properties,
which make our “fermentation” possible, without taking
sufficient account of all the other ingredients that make a
bread edible, tasty and sustainable. you are attracting people
with imprints of deep pain, I sense a risk of mixing advice
for “normal / healthy” children, with those for patients who
are prisoners of deep pain. you are an ungrateful little Sod”.
you are a very powerful authority figure to those of us who
think PT is important and I for one have found myself
doubting some of the things I have worked out from my
past simply because you questioned my positive experience
with Alice Miller. you are right, Paul! I DO hope you are
not allowing the shrinks to give you a ‘psychiatric assess-
ment’. you are so poisoned by quicksilver fumes and half-
blind from reading old grimoires that you can’t remember
what happens next. you are going to suggest I try dropping
twenty feet down a pitch dark tower in the hope of hitting
a couple of greasy little steps which might not even still be
there, you can forget it,” said Rincewind sharply. you are
attempting can’t be done. you are in great danger!’ ‘Why?’
‘Because I will kill you if you don’t. you are there? More
than 1300, I’m afraid Very well, then. you are geography
The significant owl hoots in the night. you are wrong, of
course. you are a dwarf,” she said. you are buying. you are
a tortoise. you are not one of us. you are nothing. you are
flawed, you have no value. you are animal. you are going to
have to look a lot of people in the eye today and you are
sober now and so are they but you can both remember. you
are going to die. you are a musician, ain’t you?’ said Glod.
you are standing here?’ ‘So mistletoe, in fact, symbolises
mistletoe?’ ‘Exactly, Archchancellor,’ said the Senior Wran-
gler, who was now just hanging on. . you are not intending
to shoot your own grandfather, by any chance?” “Of course
not!” snapped Ponder, “I don’t even know what he looked
like. you are Up to Your Ass in Alligators, Today Is the First
Day of the Rest of Your Life. you are a vampire. you are six.
you are in it for the quiet life and the pension, you don’t
hurry too much in case the danger is still around when you
get there, and the most you ever expected to face was an
obstreperous drunk or a particularly difficult cow. you are
bottomfeeders. you are in the middle. you are the stupid
little band of brownjobs. you are beneath contempt. you
are a cell of one, Reg. you are no urban guerrila. you are an
urban dreamer. you are looking at me in a funny way, sarge.
you are a sissy little lady until we make a man of you, right?
And I dread to think how long that’s going to take. you are
not allowed to hit ‘em with a shovel. . you are thinking.
you are looking forward to a future in which you still have
your teeth. you are fearsome; inside, you are nothing but
weakness. you are nothing more than a lucky species of ape
that is trying to understand the complexities of creation via
a language that evolved in order to tell one another where
the ripe fruit was? I see you. you are lucky with the weather
but, good grief, it’s just not a serious proposition for any-
thing long term. you are trying to devise a dirigible whale.
you are poking? I’m a great wizard, I am! I’ll turn you into
a mindless ugly toad (second passes) gosh! it worked!” “I’m
not a cartoon! I’m just dimensionally impaired. you are
fouling up this whole conversation! Mrs. you are just very
unlucky. you are saying that because it hasn’t happened to
you on high doses or to anyone you know, it’s not possi-
ble to occur in people who don’t have violent / psychotic
/ out-acting inclinations in the first place. you are legally
insane” territory. you are a good guy off psychedelics you are
a good guy on psychedelics. you are gonna be tripping with
people, your responsibility extends not only to ensuring that
you don’t freak out – that you are not a danger to them
– but also to ensuring nobody *else* is a danger to them.
you are ‘fighting for your life’, whether literally (though il-
lusory) because of hallucinations, or rather existentially and
conceptually (like panicking about causality and determin-
ism) becoming violent suddenly seems like a much more
natural reaction. you are the Dalai Lama, we all have some
badness in us. you are my friend, but I will be forced to call
the police if you refuse to honor my instructions regarding
leaving the property’, etc. you are there to support a friend
or to meet a cute girl or because you think you should want
to witness the culture around you. you are also the most
critically lauded musician in his own time perhaps ever. you
are the developer of an approach known as emotion-fo-
cused therapy. you are really saying doesn’t get heard. you
are referring to. you are talking about when you talk about
differentiating, having a more differentiated model. you are
missing a very intelligent source of information that gen-
erally guides adaptive behavior. you are actually reacting to
situations, so you are not oriented well in the world. you
are angry, you are going to be disoriented in the world. you
are a... xyz,” right? You can insult or denigrate the other.
you are afraid you can access empowering anger, anger will
change fear. you are saying is it almost sounds like there’s
a diagnostic process at the beginning, where you have to
figure out what is the emotional difficulty here specifi-
cally, and it sounds like that doesn’t necessarily articulate
with the DSM. you are organized in the therapy session.
you are self-critical in the therapy sessions? David: That’s
fascinating, and it certainly makes a lot of sense to me. you
are talking about. you are saying - but i’m glad we agree
that concerns about VR’s impact on behavior should not
be dismissed. you are experiencing and how to frame your
mind around it that will help us avoid too many negative
outcomes. you are making a common mistake, and that is
independent of society vs individual, and that is assuming
that technology is a net good. you are walking around in
Dreadhalls and you get too scared, you just quit. you are
telling yourself “it’s not real” the whole time. you are in-fact
inside a dream) to improve themselves in the waking world.
you are not actually killing a real person even if it was %100
within the context of the game, experientially the same.
you are inflicting harm on a person , the key thing with
videos games regardless of how real they get is that when
you shoot a person in them you are not in fact shooting
a person because you are not actually doing any harm to
anyone. you are using. you are still fully aware that THIS
is reality, so you can skip the implications involving crime,
the real issue right now is the phycological effect that may
persist for other people. you are there. you are in a computer
demo. you are saying - but i’m glad we agree that concerns
about VR’s impact on behavior should not be dismissed.
you are experiencing and how to frame your mind around
it that will help us avoid too many negative outcomes. you
are making a common mistake, and that is independent of
society vs individual, and that is assuming that technology
is a net good. you are walking around in Dreadhalls and you
get too scared, you just quit. you are telling yourself “it’s not
real” the whole time. you are in-fact inside a dream) to im-
prove themselves in the waking world. you are not actually
killing a real person even if it was %100 within the context
of the game, experientially the same. you are inflicting harm
on a person , the key thing with videos games regardless of
how real they get is that when you shoot a person in them
you are not in fact shooting a person because you are not
actually doing any harm to anyone. you are using. you are
still fully aware that THIS is reality, so you can skip the
implications involving crime, the real issue right now is the
phycological effect that may persist for other people. you
are there. you are in a computer demo. you are awesome?
Originally Posted by MeatShield236# ALL HAIL LORD
CHEESEGEAR! Cheese for the cheesegear! Originally
Posted by Shas’aia Toriia Cheesegear is awesome Reply
With Quote vBulletin. you are an evil person :D Reply
With Quote vBulletin. you are coming from, and I under-
stand why you see that. you are in a false relationship with
her for the rest of your life. you are losing time, that some-
thing inside is dead and cant be activated until the other
returns. you are presenting a recipe, in which love is the
yeast of life with properties, which make our “fermentation”
possible, without taking sufficient account of all the other
ingredients that make a bread edible, tasty and sustainable.
you are attracting people with imprints of deep pain, I sense
a risk of mixing advice for “normal / healthy” children, with
those for patients who are prisoners of deep pain. you are
an ungrateful little Sod”. you are a very powerful author-
ity figure to those of us who think PT is important and I
for one have found myself doubting some of the things I
have worked out from my past simply because you ques-
tioned my positive experience with Alice Miller. you are
right, Paul! I DO hope you are not allowing the shrinks to
give you a ‘psychiatric assessment’ From apostrophe results
cached on April 2014 ,09. Results are cached periodically to
spare the virtual horses. a primal scream trying to differen-
tiate yourself from an existential scream You Are Trying To
Do Can’t Be Completed Because Remote Desktop Services
Is Currently Busy. you are trying to do can’t be completed
because Remote Desktop Services is currently busy. you are
trying youare trying to download can not be matched or
recorded” When using Merchant Service Deposits feature
in QuickBooks 2015 or above, you receive the message A
payment you are trying to download can not be matched or
recorded. you are attempting to modify is on or before
the closing date. you are trying to apply the payment to and
check the Accounts Receivable account that is selected. you
are using an outdated browser. you are shopping an order
but, upon your attempt to deliver you find that the member
does not seem to be home and they are not responding to
your attempts at communication. you are accepted? I was
told a month and a half ago th. you are chaining off of has
become detached or removed from the domGetting this
errors means you’ve tried to interact with a “dead” DOM
element - meaning it’s been detached or completely
removed from the DOM. you are attempting to visit a
second unique domainSee our Web Security documenta-
tion. you are setting Cypress defaults or utilizing custom
Cypress commands, instead of needing to import/require
those defaults/commands in every test file, you can use
the supportFile configuration option. you are purposeful-
ly writing commands outside of a test, there is probably a
better way to accomplish what you’re trying to do. you are
in the middle of executing test commands, it’s possible the
element you’re interacting with has become “dead”. you are
running Cypress in most CI providers. you are trying to
parallelize this run, then also pass the --parallel flag, else
pass a different group name. you are attempting to pass the
--parallel flag to a run that was completed over 24 hours
ago. you are attempting access to is already complete and
will not accept new groups. you are testing a page that uses
Single sign-on (SSO). you are running Docker there is a
simple one line fix for this problem documented here. you
are a developer that has forked our codebase and do not
have access to run our API locally. you are in your life. you
are attempting cannot be completed because the file
is under source control, I used to get the same problem on
TFS and fixed with Check Out for Edit. you are attempt-
ing your purchase through the Steam website, please try
purchasing through the Steam application, or vice versa.
you are unable to complete a purchase, contact Steam
Support with detailed information, including your Steam
account name and the exact error message that you are
seeing. you are from, and the country that you are currently
visiting. you are using an outdated browser. you are human
Oops! There were some field errors. you are having. you
are having, let’s get into the details. you are experiencing
below. you are not redirected, click here. You Are Trying
To Do Can’t Be Completed Because Remote Desktop
Services Is Currently Busy. you are trying to do can’t be
completed because Remote Desktop Services is current-
ly busy. You Are Successful @gordonTredgold”,”inc_ru-
bric”:null,”inc_title”:”65 Quotes That Will Motivate
You to Reach Success”,”inc_custom_byline”:null,”inc_
deck”:”Failure isn’t your final destination. You Are Suc-
cessful\nFailure is not your final destination”,”brand-
view”:null,”internationalversion”:[ ],”imagemod-
flag”:false,”img_ usrid”:0,”img_pan_crop”:”{\”x\”:0,\”y\
”:186,\”h\”:928,\”w\”:2000,\ “img_h\”:1332,\”img_w\
”:2000}”,”img_tags”:null,”img_reference_na me”:”get-
ty_2000133220009280186_512684100. you are not pre-
pared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything
original. you are as a person. you are good at. you are
content with your failure. you are trying. you are trying to
download can not be matched or recorded”

When using Merchant Service Deposits feature in Quick-

Books 2015 or above, you receive the message A payment
you are trying to download can not be matched or recorded.
you are attempting to modify is on or before the closing
date. you are trying to apply the payment to and check
the Accounts Receivable account that is selected. you are
shopping an order but, upon your attempt to deliver you
find that the member does not seem to be home and they
are not responding to your attempts at communication. you
are accepted? I was told a month and a half ago th. you are
human Oops! There were some field errors. you are having.
you are having, let’s get into the details. you are experi-
encing below. you are not redirected, click here. you are in
your life. you are chaining off of has become detached or
removed from the domGetting this errors means you’ve
tried to interact with a “dead” DOM element - meaning it’s
been detached or completely removed from the DOM. you
are attempting to visit a second unique domainSee our Web
Security documentation. you are setting Cypress defaults
or utilizing custom Cypress commands, instead of needing
to import/require those defaults/commands in every test
file, you can use the supportFile configuration option. you
are purposefully writing commands outside of a test, there
is probably a better way to accomplish what you’re try-
ing to do. you are in the middle of executing test com-
mands, it’s possible the element you’re interacting with
has become “dead”. you are running Cypress in most CI
providers. you are trying to parallelize this run, then also
pass the --parallel flag, else pass a different group name.
you are attempting to pass the --parallel flag to a run
that was completed over 24 hours ago. you are attempt-
ing access to is already complete and will not accept new
groups. you are testing a page that uses Single sign-on
(SSO). you are running Docker there is a simple one line
fix for this problem documented here. you are a develop-
er that has forked our codebase and do not have access
to run our API locally. You Are Successful @gordon-
Tredgold”,”inc_rubric”:null,”inc_title”:”65 Quotes That
Will Motivate You to Reach Success”,”inc_custom_by-
line”:null,”inc_ deck”:”Failure isn’t your final destination.
You Are Successful\nFailure is not your final destina-
tion”,”branview”:null,”internationalversion”:[ ],”imagemod-
flag”:false,”img_ usrid”:0,”img_pan_crop”:”{\”x\”:0,\”y\
”:186,\”h\”:928,\”w\”:2000,\” img_h\”:1332,\”img_w\
”:2000}”,”img_tags”:null,”img_reference_name “:”get-
ty_2000133220009280186_512684100. you are not
prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything
original. you are as a person. you are good at. you are
content with your failure.

you are a mispronounced word with eyes stuck in an

awkward position just like your parents warned you they
would, trying to get a date with one of the cool chicks in
your high school & having difficult time of it. you are a
foreign agent who accidentally ruptured an emergency
cyanide tooth cap just before your rendez-vous with a
thin man in a lumber jacket standing by a garbage can on
the patio of a McDonald’s in Paris, who was to receive an
attaché; case containing vital information photo reduced on
microfilm which, of course, you have no prior knowledge of.
you are a deftly turned phrase, an etymological landscape, a
home by the sea. you are a compilation of more than sixty
samples overlaid on top of a digitally synthesized 70s funk
groove. you are the message on cassette tape long after it
has been recorded over. you are, as such, the eraser head’s
self-validating ideal of order. you are a festering war wound
incurred in a skirmish in the war between the U.S. and can-
ada over rights to a pig farm strategically located on what is
now referred to as the world’s longest undefended border ,
making you a better meteorologist than any one of the “big
three” networks, or the CBC for that matter, can muster.
you are used & abused. you are a distressed property bought
by Tom Vu & sold for an outrageous profit. you are
ossifying sweat on Robert Plant’s performance towel, now
in the possession of a man who is thinking about auction-
ing it off because he has decided he would rather listen to
“new country”. you are an onion ring with an identity crisis
on the Korona Restaurant’s “Transylvanian Meat Plat-
ter”. you are an easy-riding h that just knew you would be
stopped by police , cuffed, hauled in & strip searched while
you were making your way through the mountains in Geor-
gia. you are everything your mother had hoped for, & more.
you are track-lighting gone bad, a one-time energy saver
now driving a gas- guzzling ’71 Impala. you are considering
touching that dial. you are a pretence to universality. you are
the top quark. you are one of a family of Dirt Devil TM-
carpet cleaners. you are wondering at this moment whether
you are merely a cleverly disguised rip-off. you are a foreign
agent who accidentally ruptured an emergency cyanide
tooth cap just before your rendez-vous with a thin man in
a lumber jacket standing by a garbage can on the patio of a
McDonald’s in Paris , who was to receive an attaché; case
containing vital information photo reduced on microfilm
which, of course, you have no prior knowledge of. you are a
mispronounced word with eyes stuck in an awkward posi-
tion just like your parents warned you they would, trying to
get a date with one of the cool chicks in your high school
& having difficult time of it. you are fibre ingested by a
septuagenarian to promote regularity. you are a face in the
crowd. you are secretly responsible for both the mysterious
circles appearing overnight in British grainfields & getting
the soft-flowing caramel into the CaramilkTM bars. you
are not using the Force, Luke.. you are fucked up in your
own special way. you are toiling, neither do you spin. you
are your own secret twin preparing to make an appearance
on Ricki!. you are an immediately perceptible phenomenon
elevated to the level of theological unity. you are accurate to
a depth of 30m. you are pecs on your pecs. you are thrown
out for lack of evidence. you are a nested loop. you are get-
ting sleepy. you are an ode to the west wind. you are made
in your own image. you are wanted & loved if. you are a
case of halitosis , gingivitis , dandruff & split ends all rolled
up into one. you are a granny knot undone by an older &
wiser scout leader. you are a piece of performance art that
deep down inside wants to be a bust of Beethoven sitting
on a Steinway grand piano. you are a primal scream trying
to differentiate yourself from an existential scream. you
are a hockey stick broken over the spine of a 19th century
hunchback you figured had no business playing street hock-
ey in the first place. you are a healthy Hi-ProTM glow. you
are having paranoid delusions that a figure much like Henri
Matisse’s “Blue Nude” is following you around trying to get
you to join the Jehovah’s Witnesses. you are the distance
between the hyperbolic curve and the y-axis. you are what
you eat. you are a reified universal transcendental signifier.
you are kind of pissed off that you were never given the
choice of whether to be a sequitur or not. you are, and if you
aren’t, who is?. you are not enough to get over the threshold.
you are getting even sleepier. you are a fine piece of work,
you are. you are a stupid English k(o)n-ig(g)ht. you are
currently in search & destroy mode. you are a -60cycle hum.
you are a refutation of the Special Theory of Relativity. you
are a parade of endless details. you are the lusts of your fa-
ther. you are wondering at the audacity of some people who
like to tell you just who they think you are you are synaptic
information lost in the aphasic shuffle. you are a means of
production. you are the line cut out of the final edit by some
guy using a PowerBook in a cheesy local Laundromat, or if
you aren’t you wish you were. you are being completely irra-
tional. you are the wrong answer on the multiple choice sec-
tion of the LSAT. you are feeling quite overwhelmed , you
must say. you are exactly what they’ve been looking for,and
that should frighten you. you are the significant answer in
an inkblot test. you are well on your way. you are the space
between the heavens and the corner of some foreign field.
you are rendered completely useless. you are a B- grade on
a C paper. you are so beautiful, to me. you are unconsciously
acting upon your cultural biases. you are a game of tic-tac-
toe that, after dealing with an inferiority complex, beat up a
game of “globalthermonuclearwar” and kicked the shit out
of Pentagon computers. you are on your way to the store to
get a litre of milk, when this cow with the head band antlers
of a moose sporting black head and over his left eye comes
up to you and says “ you are on your way to the store to get
a litre of milk, when this cow with the head and antlers of a
moose sporting black eyepatch over his left eye comes up to
you and says “you are....... you are the weak argument in an
elaborate doctoral thesis. you are the miracle cure for halito-
sis, gingivitis, dandruff & split ends all rolled up into one, at
least that’s what your 19th century procurer, “Dr. Morgan”,
says as he travels from town to town trying to sell you. you
are not butlet’s say you are. you are your favourite letter of
the alphabet except h cuz that has already been taken. you
are an asshole (ee-o-ee-ole). you are a soliloquy on a barren
heath in a play which inspired Shakespeare’s “King Lear”
but has been lost for many centuries, last documented in
the Earl of Derby’s private collection, 1723. you are billed
as the “nicotine patch to the world”. you are everything
you want in a drugstore. you are only as good as the next
guy. you are the eggman,you are the eggman, you are the
walrus(kookookechoo). you are shovelling shit in a Roman
stable. you are dead now, so shut up!. you are in the process
of being palimpsested. you are an incestuous mess. you are
available only through this limited TV offer. you are the
party of the first part. you are a no-good, lazy son-of-a-
bitch. you are often replaced by an apostrophe. you are a
big waste of time, for the most part. you are a poor player
who struts and frets his hour upon the stage and is heard
no more. you are surely mistaken. you area detachable penis.
you are therefore you think. you are the side effects of per-
formance enhancing drugs. you are a bad case of blue-
balls. you are boldly going where no man has gone before,
but only as the disposable crew member who happens to be
dumb enough to talk a lump of painted grey styrofoam &
therefore, in my humble opinion, deserves to get it anyway.
you are translated into 20 different languages. you are not
smart, just hard working. you are a painting bought solely
for the frame. you are the one really likes it, really. you are
not a machine, you are a human being. you are corn, but
we call it maize. you are dumb enough to spend your time
typing out endless statements that begin with “ you are”
just to make a point and try to get some laughs, neither of
which,in retrospect, you believe you will succeed in. you
are the owner of the secret decoder ring, and as such have
a right to be president of the club. you are the interest
accrued by overnight by some clever electronic banking
maneuver. you are, and if you aren’t you should be. you are
misspelled in a grade six spelling bee by a kid who will
eventually serve 8 years in jail for manslaughter. you are
better than bad,you’re good. you are a quote within a quote
desperately trying to escape. you are a most noble swain.
you are in absentia. you are engaging in self-nullifying
behaviour. you are a vague sense of alienation masked by
a friendly, conversational atmosphere. you are a dentist,
you take delight in causing great pain. you are the kind of
apathy that can only be generated by the “spoken-” vs.“writ-
ten-” word debate. you are a self-consuming artifact. you
are an unimportant stanza in an unimportant Bob South-
ey epic. you are the neurochemical dopamine bridging
the gap between the tail of one synapse and the head of
another during a bout of particularly raunchy sex with a
not-quite-loved one. you are an instance of pre-emptory
teleology. you are living in a post-theory, post-language
writing,post-sound-poetry, post-literate age, so let’s stop
writing crap that pretends that you aren’t. you are going to
sell out the first chance you get. you are yawning -- stop it!.
you are a persnickety line removed at the friendly request
of an editor who thinks its potential offensiveness is en-
hanced by the mere fact of its referential obscurity. you are
all out toget me, damn you!. you are mixing memory with
desire. you are sitting with a soggy ass at some reading in
High Park really wishing you were somewhere else. you are
a portable Greek reader that is going to party like it’s 1999.
you are going on with your doggy life. you are the inter-
play between the quotidian& the extraordinary. you are a
Captain’s log, supplemental. you are a metonymic slide. you
are a pipefitter with a penchant for Descartian ontology.
you are everyday people. you are believing this crap they’re
feeding you. you are thinking that you looked better before
the makeover. you are a bird, no, wait, you are a plane, no,
hell! you’re superman!. you are an uninterrupted series of
dots that hasn’t come to terms with being a line yet. you are
an ill-used neural cluster removed to get at a deep-seated
brain tumour. you are fading away when you would rather
be burning out. you are a linguistic trap set to catch some
good eatin’ possum. you are eleven benevolent elephants.
you are damp semen soaked into the centrefold. you are a
registered trademark of the Coca-Cola corporation. you are
the supreme arbiter and lawgiver of music. you are
woman, hear you roar. you are never going to amount to
a hill of beans in the world. you are bad advice foisted on
some love-sick puppy. you are an axiom proved false. you
are the cruelest month. you are an error in grammar iden-
tified by the latest in word processing technology. you are
flown to your destination on Delta Airlines. you are the
book in the spirit machine. you are a dadaist who needs to
love & be loved. you are hoping that you will never have to
hear that fucker read his damn poem again but are resigned
to that fact that you probably will. you are in more closets
than you wish to admit. you are someone with the debilitat-
ing habit of cutting against the grain. you are going, going,
gone. you are a likely consumer of rubber nipples. you are a
long-lost jazz score that no one would have played anyway.
you are a last will & testament. you are an unceremonious
exit. you are looking for, and knowing everything about you
makes it better at its job. you are all just ones and zeroes
in a complex equation that works incredibly well. you are
installing a new heating appliance. you are looking for and
only want to use a Certified Chimney ProfessionalTM or
a Certified Chimney RelinerTM or a Certified Master
Chimney TechnicianTM. you are being scammed? Sadly,
there are many chimney companies which are not trust-
worthy. you are not experiencing an emergency situation.
you are looking for, and knowing everything about you
makes it better at its job. you are all just ones and zeroes
in a complex equation that works incredibly well. you are
looking for, and if we don’t have it we know exactly where
to find it. you are not bound to keep faith with them. you
are just looking for any job and not their job. you are in-
terviewing for, and what the average is for your location.
you are basically competing for a job again. you are there
to do a job. you are not promotion material. you are going
on an interview, leave your cellphone in the car. you are
hired’. you are not who they’ve chosen). you are so much
more qualified then the HS grad doing the hiring ?? I’m
going back to school after a long career in pharmaceuticals
and want a part time job to supplement. you are installing
a new heating appliance. you are looking for and only want
to use a Certified Chimney ProfessionalTM or a Certified
Chimney RelinerTM or a Certified Master Chimney Tech-
nicianTM. you are being scammed? Sadly, there are many
chimney companies which are not trustworthy. you are not
experiencing an emergency situation. you are not bound to
keep faith with them. you are just looking for any job and
not their job. you are interviewing for, and what the average
is for your location. you are looking for, and if we don’t have
it we know exactly where to find it. you are basically com-
peting for a job again. you are there to do a job. you are not
promotion material. you are going on an interview, leave
your cellphone in the car. you are hired’. you are not who
they’ve chosen). you are so much more qualified then the
HS grad doing the hiring ?? I’m going back to school after
a long career in pharmaceuticals and want a part time job
to supplement. you are behind a web filter, please make sure
that the domains *. you are still having trouble, please check
your computer’s clock and make sure that today’s date is
properly set. you are looking for, and knowing everything
about you makes it better at its job. you are all just ones and
zeroes in a complex equation that works incredibly well. you
are not redirected within a few seconds. you are introducing
it to your children. you are really just multiplying this point
by itself, and thereby adding angle 1 each time. you are pro-
viding an amazing service. you are halfway there already :).
you are my hero:) Kalid says: October 2010 ,21 at 11:30 pm
@Olenka: Wow, thank you for the wonderful comment —
it made my day! I love running across the simple underpin-
nings of these complex ideas, so much is just in getting the
right approach. you are the math guru. you are great teacher.
you are doing, because as it did to me, i am sure it helps the
math learning, and contribute for creating more enthusiasm
for knowledge for young and even older people who was
educated to see math as something cold and static. you are
in a very real sense empowering people – great work, please
keep it up. you are doing, I know you know how much it
is appreciated by many people. you are using this you get
komplex numbers and quaternions for free. you are doing a
valuable thing here. you are familiar with imaginary num-
bers you don’t need to do this, but the first time it’s helpful
to untangle what is happening. you are my hero! As many
others, I used imaginary numbers through college and after
reading your blog I realized that I never really understood
them until today, your site is freaking awesome! Regards
Adolfo Martin says: August 2014 ,31 at 1:22 pm Thanks,
this was very interesting! So basically numbers now have
angles, multiplying numbers is an operation involving the
addition of angles, and negative numbers have square roots.
you are saying “scale up 4x, and rotate”. you are using Inter-
net Explorer 10 or Internet Explorer 11 then, in all likeli-
hood, the equations on the pages are all shifted downward.
you are careful, but it will be extremely messy. you are not
using an extraneous solution. you are on. you are looking
for, and knowing everything about you makes it better at its
job. you are all just ones and zeroes in a complex equation
that works incredibly well. you are so much more than a
number, support the things you love because you might be
the digit that makes a difference. you are currently logged in
as a manager of , but you must be the owner to cancel the
channel’s subscriptions on YouTube. you are behind a web
filter, please make sure that the domains *. you are still hav-
ing trouble, please check your computer’s clock and make
sure that today’s date is properly set. you are not redirected
within a few seconds. you are introducing it to your chil-
dren. you are really just multiplying this multiplying this
point by itself, and thereby adding angle 1 each time. you
are providing an amazing service. you are halfway there
already :). you are my hero:) Kalid says: October 2010 ,21
at 11:30 pm @Olenka: Wow, thank you for the wonderful
comment — it made my day! I love running across the sim-
ple underpinnings of these complex ideas, so much is just in
getting the right approach. you are the math guru. you are
great teacher. you are doing, because as it did to me, i am
sure it helps the math learning, and contribute for creating
more enthusiasm for knowledge for young and even older
people who was educated to see math as something cold
and static. you are in a very real sense empowering people
– great work, please keep it up. you are doing, I know you
know how much it is appreciated by many people. you are
using this you get komplex numbers and quaternions for
free. you are doing a valuable thing here. you are familiar
with imaginary numbers you don’t need to do this, but the
first time it’s helpful to untangle what is happening. you
are my hero! As many others, I used imaginary numbers
through college and after reading your blog I realized that
I never really understood them until today, your site is
freaking awesome! Regards Adolfo Martin says: August
2014 ,31 at 1:22 pm Thanks, this was very interesting! So
basically numbers now have angles, multiplying numbers is
an operation involving the addition of angles, and negative
numbers have square roots. you are saying “scale up 4x, and
rotate”. you are using Internet Explorer 10 or Internet Ex-
plorer 11 then, in all likelihood, the equations on the pages
are all shifted downward. you are careful, but it will be ex-
tremely messy. you are not using an extraneous solution. you
are on. you are so much more than a number, support the
things you love because you might be the digit that makes a
difference. you are currently logged in as a manager of , but
you must be the owner to cancel the channel’s subscriptions
on YouTube. you are working in it. you are a -13inch Air
users you’re in a completely different category of notebook
consumers. you are right about the tank. you are used to
(or care a lot like I do) about the size and accessibility of
the Air. you are a seriously CG / Cad application user) ,
and other personal belonging ...etc All add-up with a solid
weight. you are carrying with you before you start sacrific-
ing performance of important tools to save weight. you are
a real pro (=working with 24 bit PSD files with dozens of
layers, ingesting GBs of Red camera footage) you already
know your needs. you are connected to the Internet. you
are wondering if we skipped a step, you are wrong. you are
limited to 640x480 pixels and 960x540 pixels. you are out
of luck. you are diligent enough to create a new project on a
separate hard drive, your render files must live in the same
folder. you are working on a low-power machine. you are
pondering your next edit, FCPX will use those down cycles
to execute a number of different tasks including transcod-
ing, content auto-analysis for stabilize shaky footage, or
removing background noise from audio. you are probably
not a person who needs to upgrade to Final Cut Pro X. you
are not likely to see them in future updates to the software.
you are willing to spend the money to sample pro features
and haven’t used the app for years (like professionals), you
might find the new way of doing things more palatable. you
are logged in as. you are not allowed to buy this iPad. you
are a nice person. you are making that even harder for them.
you are absolutely no different then someone selling them
on eBay. you are acting as an unauthorized reseller. you are
all the time. you are beyond ignorant. you are an embarrass-
ment to Apple. you are not saying silly things. you are the
omniscient guru that knows everything. you are wintel jakes
carcking on the mac guys are truly cross platform knowl-
edgable? I can say that I am a Windows professional who
uses a Mac at home along with a large number of us. you
are part of a “club” that tells you that you are. you are you
inebriate dumb shit. you are going on vacation on Facebook
so that thieves know when to break into your house. you
are saying, prime example you said you own both apple and
pc, yet people continue to slate you as if you are saying you
r all about pc’s and hate mac’s which you haven’t said at all.
you are not cool enough to have our products. you are not a
fan of facebook also. you are reselling their products with-
out authorization. you are brainwashed by the notion that
Apple users get less computer for their buck. you are mo-
tivating people who don’t want them to go buy them and
sell them to those who want more than 2. you are causing
a scene and distraction and you have to leave the store
~!@!@! Halfsjj I would have popped them upside the head
with it and said show me in writing what the rules are. you
are charging a decent price? Give me a break. you are just
passing on your experience. you are banned for life!” This is
reasonable to you? Maybe you shouldn’t judge the maturi-
ty of others here, son. you are not supposed to know”. you
are so desperate fanboy you need the iPad NOW, THIS
MINUTE. you are being too hard on apple, actually what
happened was they did not have the brains. you are a fan of
the show, you heard that familiar 90s-tinge sound enough
times to make finishing the video worth it). you are using
a desktop PC and you already have those things, plugging
them in is all you should need to do to get them to work.
you are looking for a Mac-based home media server. you are
working with software that’s optimized for multiple cores.
you are looking at pictures, but in real life, it’s different:
the Mac Pro is less than 10 inches tall. you are not
hard-wiring this beast to your network, you’ll see some
smoking wireless networking speed. you are on a budget,
especially if you have a display, keyboard and mouse from
another computer - Mac or PC - that you can recycle. you
are in an endeavor where you are sitting around waiting for
your computer to do something - whether it’s color-cor-
recting an hour of high-definition video or calculating
genetic variance - the Mac Pro may be a good system for
you to own. you are working with Windows tools you are
comfortable with, bear in mind you can always use Boot
Camp and reboot into Windows, or virtualization software
like VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop to run Windows
apps simultaneously with OS X. you are talking about a
Time Capsule, then yeah. you are reading this on Philip
Bloom’s blog, you are likely one of these media ‘master of all
trades. you are editing, creating, screening, and outputting,
it’s an emotional experience. you are bound to find some
small, new way to to approach editing. you are a designer,
audio engineer, or a film editor, you need to have faith that
you are on a viable platform for the future. you are commit-
ting thousands of dollars into hardware and software, and
thousands of hours of your life into a platform, you don’t
want it to be neglected or abandoned. you are familiar with
relinking media in FCP 7 you will appreciate being able to
re-link your own files. you are lucky if you don’t know what
it is) because you don’t have to click that much and could
potentially work very fast and the organisation/filter/smart
collection features are just awesome as well, saves soooo
much time and these are soo expected in 2012! dhoot says:
April 2012 ,25 at 18:48 I’ve used Non-linear editing sys-
tems for 15 years. You Are In Nursing School The 21 Most
Creative Ways To Get To The Cake 19 Reasons Hook
Is The Best Part Of “Once Upon A Time” 20 Ways To
Tell You Are A Disney College Program Alumni MORE
COMMUNITY 8 Places You Need To Immediately Add
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To Meet In A Hostel Where Should You Have Actually
Studied Abroad? 15 Instagram Accounts That Will Make
You Want To Move To Edinburgh Immediately MORE
TRAVEL For-Profit Colleges Face Big Losses Under
New Rules Proposed By Obama Administration Amazon
Bumps Up Prime Subscription 20$ To 99$ A Year New
York State Opens Up To Bitcoin Exchanges The Crowd-
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MORE BUSINESS 21 Signs Your Cat Is Actually YouCh-
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Catches Dog’s Joyful Spree Once Owner Leaves House
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MALS 30 Signs You Were Obsessed With Hanson Kylie
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Intimate Look Inside The Lithuanian Disco Scene MORE
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Disappoint Your Parents In 61 Seconds Why You Really
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Snakes That Will Give You Nightmares Can Dogs Be
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About The Fruit Bat Young, Pretty, And Political: The
Highs And Lows Of Conservative Media Stardom Meet
The One Soldier Whose Only Mission In The Army Is To
Paint Beautiful Pictures Federal Judge Issues Temporary
Order That Tennessee Recognize Several Same-Sex Cou-
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Race To Become The Next Governor Of Arizona MORE
POLITICS 10 Amazing Parenting Hacks A Girl’s Guide
To Short Hair How To Take The Perfect Hadoken Photo
9 Easy DIY Tech Hacks How To Delete Flappy Bird From
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Mrs. you are signed in as. you are signed in as Please Val-
idate Your Email Nice Work! Thanks For Contributing! ×
Don’t forget to share! Want to add another one? Go for it!
Contributions Load More Responses. you are able to either
a) obtain one for yourself or b) have an opportunity to try
it out. you are editing single stream video, even high-res-
olution, the four-core system will be more than adequate.
you are editing with Premiere Pro CC or Final Cut Pro X,
both max out GPU performance. you are getting Thun-
derbolt speeds. you are probably right, Larry is referring to
the boot drive. you are correct. you are buying a phone, an
everyday use gadget. you are mistaken about FCPX being
on life support. you are working with small files over and
over, or doing lots of database transactions. you are buying
the Drobo 5D, buy the card. you are working with the same
media over and over, the SSD won’t make much difference
in playback speed. you are doing regular video editing by
dropping clips to the Timeline, the Drobo is plenty fast.
you are dealing with something as critical as storage, you
really need to be sure that the hardware works properly
with all the other hardware that’s out there,” he said. you
are looking for the fastest-possible RAID, the Drobo 5D
is not it. you are editing large multicam events with video
stored in ProRes format. you are looking for a reasonably
fast, highly-expandable, Thunderbolt RAID5-, the Drobo
5D is an excellent choice. you are correct. you are not doing
heavy multicam work – more than 4 cameras – the Drobo
Mini should be fine. you are using. you are taking days to
compress something, there is something wrong with your
compression settings. you are correct, the Drobo 5D is best
used for protected storage, not speed. you ARE doing is
dissipating heat. you are using this solely for backup and
not operations, you don’t need an SSD card. you are used
to what you already know, but if you take the time to learn
it, I guarantee you’ll never look back. you are aware that
Macs and OS X have been 64bit for years now? Also, for
some reason most folks don’t realize that you can buy an
NVIDIA card from folks like macvidcards that will greatly
improve the performance of pro apps on a Mac Pro. you are
absolutely right, the people who complain the loudest are
those that when you read their story, haven’t actually tried
FCPX. you are offended apple changed FCP? Maybe apple
don’t have the edge in advancement they once had, maybe
thats your reason. you are against the wall, between a tight
schedule and a shrinking budget, and it’s on your shoulders
deliver a sustained quality product on time, so your bosses
could issue six-figured invoices for a show that millions are
watching, then experimentation takes second to reliability.
you are so used to ‘leading’ the market to where you think
we should go, you’ve got the people that put their faith in
you lost in a desert. you are reading these forums to decide
whether to use it, my answer is, only if you must, and maybe
not even then. you are a regular user and not very techni-
cally savvy, I would recommend backing up your photos,
videos, documents and other things you require and then
wiping the disk clean and reinstalling OS X. you are not
doing all of this typing on the same machine. you are using
a desktop PC and you already have those things, plugging
them in is all you should need to do to get them to work.
you are looking for a Mac-based home media server. you are
working with software that’s optimized for multiple cores.
you are looking at pictures, but in real life, it’s different:
the Mac Pro is less than 10 inches tall. you are not
hard-wiring this beast to your network, you’ll see some
smoking wireless networking speed. you are on a budget,
especially if you have a display, keyboard and mouse
from another computer - Mac or PC - that you can recy-
cle. you are in an endeavor where you are sitting around
waiting for your computer to do something - whether it’s
color-correcting an hour of high-definition video or calcu-
lating genetic variance - the Mac Pro may be a good system
for you to own. you are working with Windows tools you
are comfortable with, bear in mind you can always use Boot
Camp and reboot into Windows, or virtualization software
like VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop to run Windows
apps simultaneously with OS X. you are talking about a
Time Capsule, then yeah. you are not my father. you are just
the guy that married my mother. you are seeing are actual
shots of the real Area 51 taken by a conspiracy theorist
from a place called “Freedom Ridge”. you are near your
smart phone – the NSA or private parties could remotely
activate your microphone and camera and spy on you. you
are anti-liberty, anti-justice, anti-American.

you are no longer connected to the Internet. you are

installing the update, the progress bar might appear to
move slowly. you are updating over the air, keep your
device connected to a power source. you are connected
to the Internet, you are ________. you are not connected
to the internet, you will see an error message. you are not
connected to the Internet. you are looking for? Ask the
community or share your knowledge. you are not connected
to the internet, you will see an error message. you are
traveling, free Wi-Fi is understood as free internet since
that’s the only reason you use Wi-Fi when out and about.
you are missing the point. you are using, there’s not much
“internet” left for a fast, stable connection. you are
connected to an unknown Wi-Fi network (such as one
you see popping up on your phone or laptop when you
travel), keep in mind that because you need to access their
router to get on the internet, the owner of that Wi-Fi net-
work can potentially see all the information you are sending
and receiving, including usernames and passwords. you are
accessing a secure website (one in which the address, or
url starts with https) don’t type in any sensitive informa-
tion. you are from the router. you are connected”. you are
using pfSense with captive portal and its not working. you
are already logged in. you are connected’’ Reply Quote 1 0
Reply Last reply Gertjan last edited by @olakara @olakara
said in Pfsense, No internet when it is said “you are con-
nected”. you are connected’’ Here is that “you are connect-
ed” message : https://github. you are connected” will not get
shown, treatment continues and eventually, further below,
the captive login page will be transferred to the client. you
are connected”, so I tend to say : the IP that that device is
using is present in the database. you are connected” in the
source. you are running 2. you are using the same settings as
I posted above then it would only not apply if the files
have already been modified or it’s not 2. you are con-
nected but you are still unable to reach external sites?\
nAnd you have tried the suggestions here?:\nhttps://
docs. you are connected\”. you are connected’’\n”,”delet-
More”:false,”users”:[{“uid”:301 ,”username”:”Gert-
jan”,”userslug”:”gertjan”,”picture”:”/assets/uploads/ pro-
file/-301profileavatar. you are connected’’\n\nHere is that
“you are connected” message : https://github. you are using.
you are using to go online is experiencing a problem. you
are now able to access the Web sites that you were un-
able to access before, contact the router’s manufacturer
for help in configuring the device. you are still unable to
access any Web sites, go to step 3. you are using is com-
patible with Windows Vista, you must first determine
what adapter model you have in the computer. you are
looking for. you are looking for is either an internal DSL
modem or an internal cable modem, we recommend that
you contact the Internet service provider that gave you the
modem. you are prompted for an administrator password
or for a confirmation, type the password, or click Con-
tinue. you are finished with this section. you are behind
a web filter, please make sure that the domains *. you are
vulnerable for more problems “},{“endTime”:379783,”kaI-
sValid”:true,”startTime”:375694,”text”:”becau se you are
using that\nfake website as if it is real. you are connected
with a laptop”},{“endTime”:50903,”kaIsValid”:true,”start-
Time”:48706,”text”:”or a phone through wifi. you are no
longer connected to the Internet. you are installing the
update, the progress bar might appear to move slowly.
you are updating over the air, keep your device connect-
ed to a power source. you are connected to the Internet,
you are ________. you are behind a web filter, please
make sure that the domains *. you are vulnerable for more
Time”:3756 94,”text”:”because you are using that\
nfake website as if it is real. you are connected with a
“:48706,”text”:”or a phone through wifi. you are using. you
are using to go online is experiencing a problem. you are
now able to access the Web sites that you were unable to
access before, contact the router’s manufacturer for help
in configuring the device. you are still unable to access any
Web sites, go to step 3. you are using is compatible with
Windows Vista, you must first determine what adapter
model you have in the computer. you are looking for. you
are looking for is either an internal DSL modem or
an internal cable modem, we recommend that you contact
the Internet service provider that gave you the modem.
you are prompted for an administrator password or for a
confirmation, type the password, or click Continue. you
are finished with this section. you are not connected to the
Internet. you are looking for? Ask the community or share
your knowledge. you are connected”. you are using pfSense
with captive portal and its not working. you are already
logged in. you are connected’’ Reply Quote 1 0 Reply Last
reply Gertjan last edited by @olakara @olakara said in Pf-
sense, No internet when it is said “you are connected”. you
are connected’’ Here is that “you are connected” message :
https://github. you are connected” will not get shown, treat-
ment continues and eventually, further below, the captive
login page will be transferred to the client. you are connect-
ed”, so I tend to say : the IP that that device is using is pres-
ent in the database. you are connected” in the source. you
are running 2. you are using the same settings as I posted
above then it would only not apply if the files have already
been modified or it’s not 2. you are connected but you are
still unable to reach external sites?\nAnd you have tried the
suggestions here?:\nhttps://docs. you are connected\”. you
are connected’’\n”,”del eted”:0,”pid”:813239,”tid”:137824,”-
8787,”replies”:{“hasMore”:false,”users”:[{“uid”:301 ,”us-
uploads/ profile/-301profileavatar. you are connected’’\n\
nHere is that “you are connected” message : https://github.
you are traveling, free Wi-Fi is understood as free internet
since that’s the only reason you use Wi-Fi when out and
about. you are missing the point. you are using, there’s not
much “internet” left for a fast, stable connection. you are
connected to an unknown Wi-Fi network (such as one you
see popping up on your phone or laptop when you travel),
keep in mind that because you need to access their router to
get on the internet, the owner of that Wi-Fi network can
potentially see all the information you are sending and re-
ceiving, including usernames and passwords. you are access-
ing a secure website (one in which the address, or url starts
with https) don’t type in any sensitive information. you are
from the router.

you are very kind to say it, and yes, I do agonize over the
prose. you are a soldier, you will become a general. you are
a monk, you will become the Pope. you are not going to get
an intelligent debate on climate change from Republicans.
you are done. you are ever at a loss to support a flagging
conversation, introduce the subject of eating. you are all
wrapped up in yourself, you are overdressed. you are born
and never stops until you stand up to speak in public. you
are allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. you are con-
sidered well-read, but if you watch a lot of TV, you’re not
considered well-viewed. you are obsessed with the thermo-
stat. you are in love with a beautiful blonde with an empty
face and no brain at all, don’t be afraid, marry her - live!
- Artur Rubinstein As favour and riches forsake a man, we
discover in him the foolishness they concealed, and which
no one perceived before. you are at the last stage in your life
when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you.
you are ever going to hear, “Wow I’m sorry. you are losing
theirs, it is possible you haven’t grasped the gravity of the
situation. you are a lousy, smelly, idle, under-privileged,
overweight and over-sexed status-seeking neurotic moron,
give me your money. you are man and wife or they pro-
nounce you dead on arrival. you are exempt. you are cross-
eyed and have dyslexia, can you see okay? - John Mendoza
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world
walks out. you are in trouble, people who call to sympathise
are really only looking for more details. you are serving
it. you are not in bed, and can’t get there, is the meanest
feeling in the world. you are sure you understand every-
thing that is going on, you are hopelessly confused. you are
in the dark. you are a police dog, where’s your badge? - The
question James Thurber used to drive his German shepherd
crazy Too bad Lassie didn’t know how to ice skate, because
then if she was in Holland on vacation in winter and some-
one said “Lassie, go skate for help,” she could do it. you are
at all, is inevitably that which must also make you lonely.
you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the
bar. you are not too long, I will wait for you all my life. you
are surprised to find it done at all. you are getting kicked
from the rear it means you’re in front. you are frightening
me. you are Not Paranoid “colloquy between sunflower and
iceberg” “On the Beloved’s Immortality” “i just wanted you
to know” things i would like to do with you “H. you are
harming others or yourself physically, mentally or spiritually,
today is a great day to stop. you are a friend) (you) (you are
a friend) and my arms were like the legs of deer covered in.
you are enslaved. you are a soldier, you will become a gen-
eral. you are a monk, you will become the Pope. you are not
going to get an intelligent debate on climate change from
Republicans. you are very kind to say it, and yes, I do
agonize over the prose. you are ever at a loss to support a
flagging conversation, introduce the subject of eating. you
are all wrapped up in yourself, you are overdressed. you are
born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public.
you are allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. you are
considered well-read, but if you watch a lot of TV, you’re
not considered well-viewed. you are obsessed with the
thermostat. you are in love with a beautiful blonde with an
empty face and no brain at all, don’t be afraid, marry her
- live! - Artur Rubinstein As favour and riches forsake a
man, we discover in him the foolishness they concealed, and
which no one perceived before. you are at the last stage in
your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is
for you. you are ever going to hear, “Wow I’m sorry. you are
losing theirs, it is possible you haven’t grasped the gravity of
the situation. you are a lousy, smelly, idle, under-privileged,
overweight and over-sexed status-seeking neurotic moron,
give me your money. you are man and wife or they pro-
nounce you dead on arrival. you are exempt. you are cross-
eyed and have dyslexia, can you see okay? - John Mendoza
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world
walks out. you are in trouble, people who call to sympathise
are really only looking for more details. you are serving
it. you are not in bed, and can’t get there, is the meanest
feeling in the world. you are sure you understand every-
thing that is going on, you are hopelessly confused. you are
in the dark. you are a police dog, where’s your badge? - The
question James Thurber used to drive his German shepherd
crazy Too bad Lassie didn’t know how to ice skate, because
then if she was in Holland on vacation in winter and some-
one said “Lassie, go skate for help,” she could do it. you are
at all, is inevitably that which must also make you lonely.
you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the
bar. you are not too long, I will wait for you all my life. you
are surprised to find it done at all. you are getting kicked
from the rear it means you’re in front. you are frightening
me. you are Not Paranoid “colloquy between sunflower and
iceberg” “On the Beloved’s Immortality” “i just wanted you
to know” things i would like to do with you “H. you are
harming others or yourself physically, mentally or spiritually,
today is a great day to stop. you are a friend) (you) (you are
a friend) and my arms were like the legs of deer covered
in. you are done. you are enslaved. you are not sure which
Web Part or Web Part connection is causing a problem on
your Web Part Page, it is a good idea to work in a step-by-
step fashion by closing one Web Part at a time and then
browsing through the Web Part Page (click Go Back to
My Web Part Page) to see if that fixes the problem. you are
in the view that you want, either a personal view or shared
view. you are in a personal view and you want to switch
to a shared view, click Switch to shared view. you are in a
shared view and you want to switch to a personal view, click
Switch to personal view. you are prompted for confirmation
before deleting a Web Part. you are a site owner, you
can add new Web Parts to the list that is displayed in the
Add Web Parts dialog box, and you can create custom
groups that you can use to display certain Web Parts to-
gether in the list. you are unable to add a third-party Web
Part to your Web Part Page or site, contact your administra-
tor for assistance. you are about to permanently delete this
Web Part. you are a person who knows developers or is a
developer in some of your time, you can actually create this
type of a Web part in Visual Studio or some of the other
tools. you are only browsing the Web Part Page. you are de-
signing the page. you are not using the correct browser. you
are trying to connect to is a static Web Part. you are a Web
page owner, you can customize Web Parts in several ways.
you are in a shared view, click Modify Shared Web Part.
you are in a personal view, click Modify My Web Part. you
are in a personal view, the Web Part developer may have
limited which custom properties can be changed for that
Web Part. you are not sure which Web Part or Web Part
connection is causing a problem on your Web Part Page, it
is a good idea to work in a step-by-step fashion by closing
one Web Part at a time and then browsing through the
Web Part Page (click Go Back to My Web Part Page) to
see if that fixes the problem. you are in the view that you
want, either a personal view or shared view. you are in
a personal view and you want to switch to a shared view,
click Switch to shared view. you are in a shared view and
you want to switch to a personal view, click Switch to
personal view. you are prompted for confirmation before
deleting a Web Part. you are designing the page and has the
suffix (Hidden) appended to the title. you are developing
a custom control, you can add the Personalizable attribute
in code to enable a particular property on any Web Parts
control for personalization. you are not sure which
Web Part or Web Part connection is causing a problem on
your Web Part Page, it is a good idea to work in a step-by-
step fashion by closing one Web Part at a time and then
browsing through the Web Part Page (click Go Back to
My Web Part Page) to see if that fixes the problem. you are
in the view that you want, either a personal view or shared
view. you are in a personal view and you want to switch
to a shared view, click Switch to shared view. you are in a
shared view and you want to switch to a personal view, click
Switch to personal view. you are prompted for confirmation
before deleting a Web Part. you are a site owner, you can
add new Web Parts to the list that is displayed in the Add
Web Parts dialog box, and you can create custom groups
that you can use to display certain Web Parts together in
the list. you are unable to add a third-party Web Part to
your Web Part Page or site, contact your administrator for
assistance. you are about to permanently delete this Web
Part. you are a person who knows developers or is a devel-
oper in some of your time, you can actually create this type
of a Web part in Visual Studio or some of the other tools.
you are personalizing pages that are viewable only by you.
you are adding a Project Web App Web Part to a page in a
Web site that resides in the same site collection as Project
Web App, it can be added through the user interface in the
following ways: To add a Project Web App Web Part to a
page On the Web page, click the Site Actions menu, and
then click Edit Page. you are finished adding Web Parts
to the page, click the Page tab to display the Page server
ribbon, and then click Stop Editing. you are developing a
custom control, you can add the Personalizable attribute in
code to enable a particular property on any Web Parts con-
trol for personalization. you are a Web page owner, you can
customize Web Parts in several ways. you are in a shared
view, click Modify Shared Web Part. you are in a personal
view, click Modify My Web Part. you are in a personal view,
the Web Part developer may have limited which custom
properties can be changed for that Web Part. you are not
sure which Web Part or Web Part connection is causing a
problem on your Web Part Page, it is a good idea to work
in a step-by-step fashion by closing one Web Part at a time
and then browsing through the Web Part Page (click Go
Back to My Web Part Page) to see if that fixes the problem.
you are in the view that you want, either a personal view
or shared view. you are in a personal view and you want to
switch to a shared view, click Switch to shared view. you
are in a shared view and you want to switch to a personal
view, click Switch to personal view. you are prompted for
confirmation before deleting a Web Part. you are designing
the page and has the suffix (Hidden) appended to the title.
you are personalizing pages that are viewable only by you.
you are adding a Project Web App Web Part to a page in a
Web site that resides in the same site collection as Project
Web App, it can be added through the user interface in the
following ways: To add a Project Web App Web Part to a
page On the Web page, click the Site Actions menu, and
then click Edit Page. you are finished adding Web Parts
to the page, click the Page tab to display the Page server
ribbon, and then click Stop Editing. you are only browsing
the Web Part Page. you are designing the page. you are not
using the correct browser. “you are in a beautiful prison. you
are in a beautiful prison,” says one tour guide of the South-
ern mansions. you are brave enough, anyway. you are explor-
ing with a certified tour guide. you are looking for? Contact
us at [email protected]. you are free to tour at your own
pace and to listen to (or skip) stops based on your interests.
you are taking the audio tour, you’ll see artist installations
throughout the property. you are facing the entrance) is
22nd Street. you are subscribed. you are already subscribed.
you are always destined to meet some interesting war
heroes. you are using an unsupported browser. you are in a
beautiful prison. you are in a beautiful prison,” says one tour
guide of the Southern mansions. you are comfortable riding
before they leave. you are visiting RVA. you are looking
for more details about each house, click the link inside the
description to be taken to our full review. you are lucky. you
are in a European castle from centuries past. you are going
to expect on a visit to Trundle Manor, and to be honest
you’ll probably need to return several times just to see
it all. you are like us and are curious about the previous
list of items, then a you need to schedule a visit straight
away. you are willing to make a bit of a drive, Frank Lloyd
Wright’s iconic Fallingwater house near Ohiopyle is worth
the trip. you are at it. you are brave enough, anyway. you are
ready to hear what they have to say. you are well prepared
to consider the facts–Louisiana became African well before
it became French, Spanish, or Anglo-American and the
only “nations” who could possibly make a stronger claim of
ownership and heritage on the Gulf Coast are the Native
peoples of the Gulf South. you are less prepared for Field of
Angels and the rigor of dying. you are looking for? Contact
us at [email protected]. you are free to tour at your own
pace and to listen to (or skip) stops based on your interests.
you are taking the audio tour, you’ll see artist installations
throughout the property. you are facing the entrance)
is 22nd Street. you are subscribed. you are already sub-
scribed. you are exploring with a certified tour guide. you
are always destined to meet some interesting war heroes.
you are using an unsupported browser. you are an own-
er of this property please \u003ca href=\”{sUrl}\”>claim
your listing\u003c/a>. you are now following \u003c-
span class=\”{s DisplayNameClass}\”>{sDisplayName}\
u003c/span>”,”cx_explicit_ preferences_profile_end_
screen2”:”Thanks, {displayName}”,”CTA_ Review_Con-
trol_Hamon_FR”:”About Review Control”,”ODCTest_
email_link_ffffea3f ”:”E-mail hotel”,”view_deal”:”View
detail_pivot_to_ hotel_bb”:”See all B&Bs in {0}”,”collapse_
deals”:”Collapse deals”,”b2bh_ so_create_offer_code”:”Of-
fer code”,”social_n_contributions_ plural”:”\u003cspan
class=\”{1}<”\{0}\u003c/span> {1, plural, one{contribution}
swedish_ ffffe66c”:”Swedish”,”locale_ar”:”Arabic”,”ugc_
uploader_photo_v3”:”Post photos”,”amenity_children_ac-
tivities_title_ad3”:”Children Activities (Kid / Family
default_update_comment”:”There was a problem updating
this comment. you are going. you are traveling with. you are
ready to hear what they have to say. you are well prepared
to consider the facts–Louisiana became African well before
it became French, Spanish, or Anglo-American and the
only “nations” who could possibly make a stronger claim of
ownership and heritage on the Gulf Coast are the Native
peoples of the Gulf South. you are less prepared for Field
of Angels and the rigor of dying. you are comfortable riding
before they leave. you are visiting RVA. you are looking
for more details about each house, click the link inside the
description to be taken to our full review. you are lucky. you
are in a European castle from centuries past. you are going
to expect on a visit to Trundle Manor, and to be honest
you’ll probably need to return several times just to see it
all. you are like us and are curious about the previous list of
items, then a you need to schedule a visit straight away. you
are willing to make a bit of a drive, Frank Lloyd Wright’s
iconic Fallingwater house near Ohiopyle is worth the trip.
you are at it.

you are forced to remain in your house during a chemical

or biological release, adequate supplies could help you live
through a period of danger without hardship. you are di-
rected to evacuate instead of sheltering-in- place, the emer-
gency supply kit can be taken with you and used to ease the
transition to a shelter. you are helping. you are the best. you
are cared for and our emergency workers can focus on those
most in need. you are forced to remain in your home during
a natural disaster or other event, adequate supplies could
help you live through a period of danger without hardship.
you are directed to evacuate instead of sheltering-in-place,
the emergency kit can be taken with you and used to ease
the transition to a shelter. you are instructed to shelter-in-
place, take your children and pets indoors immediately. you
are told there is a danger of explosion, close the window
shades, blinds or curtains to avoid injury, stay away from
windows stay in the room and listen to the radio until you
are told all is safe or you are instructed to evacuate authori-
ties may decide to evacuate an area for your protection. you
are agent zero and you are a mighty sparrow!!!!”and then
he is gone. you are agent zero and you are a mighty spar-
row!!!!”and then he is gone. you are vice president of the
united states and something like this happens it is big news,
and i think he had a responsibility to try to get the infor-
mation out as quickly as possible and as fully as possible,”
clark said, adding, “just having [armstrong] talk to the local
newspaper in texas doesn’t cut it. *** 6. you are undergoing,
but inappropriate or early release of information may hin-
der, or even prevent, successful prosecution. you are ready,
you should approach your medical examiner and ask to see
photos of your son. you are able to get a copy of the autopsy
report, I would be happy to give you more specific answers,
but based on what you tell me, I’ll do my best for now. you
are treaed. you are considering that as a possible career. you
are his next of kin. you are going to do so. you are probably
getting tired of all my questions. you are dealing with police

you are not a lobbying group but thought you might know
of a good place for me to start. you are not suspect. you are
interested in forensic path, go for it as long as you maintain
your interest. you are just interested in the progress of the
case, not challenging their interest or work ethic. you are
going to offer a reward, it needs to be a cash reward to the
informant for “information leading to the arrest and con-
viction of. you are trying to find would have already come
forward if they had any ethics or conscience so providing
the reward to a foundation will not bring them forward.
you are partying with, etc. you are currently using) -Dr. you
are seeking. you are bleeding to death? Or would these in-
juries of had to of taken place earlier on? What happens to
someone’s body when they are bleeding to death? How long
did she suffer? Would she of lost consciousness quickly?
My daughter also had DNA testing done on scrapings from
her fingernails, the DNA report says that the DNA did
not belong to her boyfriend. you are in the recycle bin, I’m
going to right click on it and select “empty recycle bin”. you
are really into the music! Do you get my joke? Since, well,
your head, it is in the tuba. you are being let go, that your
life’s going in a different direction, that your body’s part of
a permanent outplacement. you are gonna be wearing some
numbers on your shirt. you are going to prison. you are so
smelly. you are going too far, you already did: Eliot: Dated
a lot of models. you are a guy. you are confused by their
names because they all sound like questions!” and proceeds
to go on spouting excessively detailed descriptions of all the
baseball player names. you are a droid and I’m annoyed. you
are a ‘droid, and I’m a ‘noid. you are satirizing bureaucratic
rules by adhering to the letter of the regulations instead of
the spirit of it. you are cops! Peralta: Are you sure? Music
The Basement Jaxx song “Oh My Gosh”, a girl sings about
a guy she’s met (not that THAT narrows it down, but, you
know); their conversation at one point goes: He said “how
many sugars do you like in your tea?” I said “Forget about
the sugar, have a spoonful of me! ‘Cause I taste so sweet!”
As one blog post points out, rappers in general are prone to
explaining their own jokes in-song, much to the disdain of
the blogger. you are kidding!” Jack retorts, “I must be. you
are Fayed! Hugh Dennis: You see? Because it sounds like
“fired”! Fayed! It’s his name! Used in Fags, Mags and Bags:
Rameesh: Ted, do you like kids. you are going to love it to
death. you are dead — until it kills you. you are picking up
on what I’m saying. you are a pedophile. you are the weakest
link. you are going to the park. you are filling the pool. you
are caring for a patient with severe COPD who will require
intubation and mechanical ventilation. you are preparing
to intubate an obese patient (body weight 127 kg) with a
history of sleep apnea. you are managing a patient who is in
acute pulmonary edema, with cool clammy skin. you are
managing a trauma patient with a flail chest who is in
respiratory distress. you are caring for a -58year-old man
in septic shock. you are contacting your interventional
cardiologist, the patient becomes confused and agitated,
and his blood pressure is now palpable at 58 mm Hg. you
are treating a patient in thyroid storm. you are treating a
pregnant woman for preeclampsia while awaiting emergent
delivery. you are concerned about toxic exposure, so you
remove the patient’s clothing, intubate him, and administer
%100 oxygen and: a. you are evaluating a -70kg woman
who suffered %55 total body surface area second-degree
burn in a kitchen fire. you are evaluating a -47year-old man
who suffered more than %75 total body surface area burns
in an explosion at a local glass-etching factory. you are
driving to the ED to begin your midday shift, you hear that
a hijacked jet has just crashed into the local nuclear power
plant and survivors are being transported to your hospital as
recovery occurs. you are evaluating a -3year-old boy whose
mother found him playing with an open bottle of liquid
drain cleaner. you are marooned on a large desert island
with several other people after the grounding and wreck
of your tour boat. you are able to freely move the patient’s
maxilla and nasal bridge with gentle traction on the upper
incisors. you are treating for an acute upper GI bleeding
inadvertently receives packed red cells intended for the
patient with trauma in the next room. you are evaluating
a -35year-old woman who complains of precordial chest
pain. you are seeing an AIDS patient with vision change
and determine that she probably has a cytomegalovirus
infection. you are evaluating a -74year-old man whose wife
says he has increasing lethargy and somnolence over the
past 12 hours. you are evaluating a -30year-old previously
healthy man for fever and confusion. you are suspicious she
has a: a. you are almost certain that her problem is psychiat-
ric rather than organic because she: a. you are interviewing
him, he starts to cry and tells you that his wife of 57 years
died last month. you are seeing an -84year-old demented
woman who is brought from a local nursing home for a
feeding tube change. you are required to: a. you are evalu-
ating a -26year-old woman who complains of palpitations,
dry mouth, and prickling sensations of her fingertips and
around her mouth after she saw a neighbor’s new dog run-
ning around her yard. you are examining a -24year-old man
who has just jumped off the roof of a one-story house. you
are evaluating a -27year-old woman with a past history of
bipolar disease; her history makes you believe she is suffer-
ing from acute mania, but she has no psychotic behavior.
you are treating a patient with a suspected Bartholin gland
abscess. you are able to easily intubate him without using
induction agents or paralytics. you are unable to obtain
further details as he is having trouble hearing the questions.
you are evaluating a -2year-old girl whose parents brought
her to the emergency department after she ingested one
pill. you are examining a -12month-old boy who woke up
early this morning with a sudden onset of noisy breathing
and a barking cough. you are seeing a -5month-old in-
fant who has been irritable with fever of 24 hours. you are
evaluating a -5year- old child for ataxia of -3days duration.
you are evaluating a -3week-old infant with vomiting for
the past 3 hours. you are treating an irritable -10month-
old child with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). you
are ruling out shunt malfunction; it should not be ordered
routinely in every patient with a shunt who presents to the
ED. you are twice as likely to encounter gastroschisis as
you are to see omphalocele. you are at a small rural hospital
and obtain the CT image shown in Figure 15-20. you are
expecting them. you are a good kid after all! Gentaro:
Yessir! Shotaro: Right on! Gentaro: Yessir! Shotaro: Right
on! Gentaro: YESSIR! Shotaro: RIGHT ON!
Gentaro: YESSIR! Shotaro: RIGHT ON! Gentaro:
YESSIR! Shotaro: RIGHT O-! Eiji: Uh, can you tell us
about the guy who took the medals? The foreign film CJ
7 has a scene where the alien shits on the boy’s face like a
machine gun for over a minute. you are going to be a horri-
ble father! JD’s fantasies start being treated like this in later
seasons, both literally and in the show. you are just another
tourist carted around in buses surrounded by sweaty mind-
less oafs from Kettering and Coventry in their cloth caps
and their cardigans and their transistor radios and their
Sunday Mirrors, complaining about the tea - “Oh they don’t
make it properly here, do they, not like at home” - and stop-
ping at Majorcan bodegas selling fish and chips and Wat-
ney’s Red Barrel and calamares and two veg and sitting in
their cotton frocks squirting Timothy White’s suncream all
over their puffy raw swollen purulent flesh ‘cos they “over-
did it on the first day” and being herded into endless Hotel
Miramars and Bellvueses and Continentales with their
modern international luxury roomettes and draught Red
Barrel and swimming pools full of fat German businessmen
pretending they’re acrobats forming pyramids and frighten-
ing the children and barging into queues and if you are not
at your table spot on seven you miss the bowl of Campbell’s
Cream of Mushroom soup, the first item on the menu of
International Cuisine, and every Thursday night the hotel
has a bloody cabaret in the bar, featuring a tiny emaciated
dago with nine-inch hips and some bloated fat tart with
her hair brylcreemed down and a big arse presenting Fla-
menco for Foreigners and then some adenoidal typists from
Birmingham with flabby white legs and diarrhoea trying to
pick up hairy bandy-legged wop waiters called Manuel and
once a week there’s an excursion to the local Roman Re-
mains to buy cherryade and melted ice cream and bleeding
Watney’s Red Barrel and one evening you visit the so called
typical restaurant with local colour and atmosphere and you
sit next to a party from Rhyl who keep singing “Torremo-
linos, Torremolinos” and complaining about the food - “It’s
so greasy isn’t it?” - and you get cornered by some drunk-
en greengrocer from Luton with an Instamatic camera
and Dr. you are still in England and the bloody bar closes
every time you are thirsty and there’s nowhere to sleep and
the kids are crying and vomiting and breaking the plastic
ash-trays and they keep telling you it’ll only be another
hour although your plane is still in Iceland and has to take
some Swedes to Yugoslavia before it can load you up at 3
a. you are plagues by appalling apprentice chemists from
Ealing pretending to be hippies, and middle-class stockbro-
kers’ wives busily buying identical holiday villas in subur-
ban development plots just like Esher, in case the Labour
government gets in again, and fat American matrons with
sloppy buttocks and Hawaiian-patterned ski pants looking
for any mulatto male who can keep it up long enough when
they finally let it all flop out and the Spanish Tourist Board
promises you that the raging cholera epidemic is merely
a case of mild Spanish tummy, like the previous outbreak
of Spanish tummy in 1660 which killed half London and
decimated Europe - and meanwhile the bloody Guardia
are busy arresting sixteen-year-olds for kissing in the streets
and shooting anyone under nineteen who doesn’t like Fran-
co and then on the last day in the airport lounge everyone’s
comparing sunburns, drinking Nasty Spumante, buying
cartons of duty free “cigarillos” and using up their last
pesetas on horrid dolls in Spanish National costume and
awful straw donkeys and bullfight posters with your name
on “Ordoney, El Cordobes and Brian Pules of Norwich”
and -3D pictures of the Pope and Kennedy and Franco,
and everybody’s talking about coming again next year and
you swear you never will although there you are tumbling
bleary-eyed out of a tourist-tight antique Iberian airplane.
you are the Weakest Link. you are in love with Robin!”.
you are going to get. you are able to pay another prisoner
(100 rupees) enough for the code to unlock the running
in a wheel like a hamster (which though faster still takes
a while), earning rupees depending how long you run.
you are going for %100 Completion, this is required. you
are going to face the final boss, he finally gets the giant
door to Hero’s Pass open, only to realize that there’s a
stairway behind it. you are Fired” has SpongeBob crying
for about a full minute after Mr. you are RIGHT! Also,
the “Campfire Song” Song. you are Nelson!” and Nelson
pushing the invitation off his desk while making a “pfft”
sound, this goes on for about 30 seconds. you are from
Plumbing? Cornfed Pig: Yes, we’re from
Plumbing. you are forced to remain in your house during a
chemical or biological release, adequate supplies could help
you live through a period of danger without hardship. you
are directed to evacuate instead of sheltering-in-place, the
emergency supply kit can be taken with you and used to
ease the transition to a shelter. you are helping. you are the
best. you are cared for and our emergency workers can focus
on those most in need. you are forced to remain in your
home during a natural disaster or other event, adequate
supplies could help you live through a period of danger
without hardship. you are directed to evacuate instead of
sheltering-in-place, the emergency kit can be taken with
you and used to ease the transition to a shelter. you are
instructed to shelter-in-place, take your children and pets
indoors immediately. you are told there is a danger of explo-
sion, close the window shades, blinds or curtains to avoid
injury, stay away from windows stay in the room and listen
to the radio until you are told all is safe or you are instruct-
ed to evacuate authorities may decide to evacuate an area
for your protection. you are agent zero and you are a mighty
sparrow!!!!”and then he is gone. you are agent zero and you
are a mighty sparrow!!!!”and then he is gone. you are vice
president of the united states and something like this hap-
pens it is big news, and i think he had a responsibility to try
to get the information out as quickly as possible and as fully
as possible,” clark said, adding, “just having [armstrong] talk
to the local newspaper in texas doesn’t cut it. *** 6. you are
undergoing, but inappropriate or early release of informa-
tion may hinder, or even prevent, successful prosecution.
you are ready, you should approach your medical examiner
and ask to see photos of your son. you are able to get a copy
of the autopsy report, I would be happy to give you more
specific answers, but based on what you tell me, I’ll do my
best for now. you are treaed. you are considering that as a
possible career. you are his next of kin. you are going to do
so. you are probably getting tired of all my questions. you
are dealing with police egos. you are not a lobbying group
but thought you might know of a good place for me to
start. you are not suspect. you are interested in forensic path,
go for it as long as you maintain your interest. you are just
interested in the progress of the case, not challenging their
interest or work ethic. you are going to offer a reward, it
needs to be a cash reward to the informant for “information
leading to the arrest and conviction of. you are trying to
find would have already come forward if they had any eth-
ics or conscience so providing the reward to a foundation
will not bring them forward. you are partying with, etc. you
are currently using) -Dr. you are seeking. you are bleeding
to death? Or would these injuries of had to of taken place
earlier on? What happens to someone’s body when they
are bleeding to death? How long did she suffer? Would she
of lost consciousness quickly? My daughter also had DNA
testing done on scrapings from her fingernails, the DNA
report says that the DNA did not belong to her boyfriend.
you are filling the pool. you are caring for a patient with
severe COPD who will require intubation and mechanical
ventilation. you are preparing to intubate an obese patient
(body weight 127 kg) with a history of sleep apnea. you are
managing a patient who is in acute pulmonary edema, with
cool clammy skin. you are managing a trauma patient with
a flail chest who is in respiratory distress. you are caring
for a -58year-old man in septic shock. you are contacting
your interventional cardiologist, the patient becomes con-
fused and agitated, and his blood pressure is now palpable
at 58 mm Hg. you are treating a patient in thyroid storm.
you are treating a pregnant woman for preeclampsia while
awaiting emergent delivery. you are concerned about toxic
exposure, so you remove the patient’s clothing, intubate
him, and administer %100 oxygen and: a. you are evaluating
a -70kg woman who suffered %55 total body surface area
second-degree burn in a kitchen fire. you are evaluating a
-47year-old man who suffered more than %75 total body
surface area burns in an explosion at a local glass-etching
factory. you are driving to the ED to begin your midday
shift, you hear that a hijacked jet has just crashed into the
local nuclear power plant and survivors are being transport-
ed to your hospital as recovery occurs. you are evaluating
a -3year-old boy whose mother found him playing with
an open bottle of liquid drain cleaner. you are marooned
on a large desert island with several other people after
the grounding and wreck of your tour boat. you are able
to freely move the patient’s maxilla and nasal bridge with
gentle traction on the upper incisors. you are treating for an
acute upper GI bleeding inadvertently receives packed red
cells intended for the patient with trauma in the next room.
you are evaluating a -35year-old woman who complains of
precordial chest pain. you are seeing an AIDS patient with
vision change and determine that she probably has a cyto-
megalovirus infection. you are evaluating a -74year-old man
whose wife says he has increasing lethargy and somnolence
over the past 12 hours. you are evaluating a -30year-old
previously healthy man for fever and confusion. you are sus-
picious she has a: a. you are almost certain that her problem
is psychiatric rather than organic because she: a. you are in-
terviewing him, he starts to cry and tells you that his wife of
57 years died last month. you are seeing an -84year-old de-
mented woman who is brought from a local nursing home
for a feeding tube change. you are required to: a. you are
evaluating a -26year-old woman who complains of palpita-
tions, dry mouth, and prickling sensations of her fingertips
and around her mouth after she saw a neighbor’s new dog
running around her yard. you are examining a -24year-old
man who has just jumped off the roof of a one-story house.
you are evaluating a -27year-old woman with a past history
of bipolar disease; her history makes you believe she is suf-
fering from acute mania, but she has no psychotic behavior.
you are treating a patient with a suspected Bartholin gland
abscess. you are able to easily intubate him without using
induction agents or paralytics. you are unable to obtain
further details as he is having trouble hearing the questions.
you are evaluating a -2year-old girl whose parents brought
her to the emergency department after she ingested one
pill. you are examining a -12month-old boy who woke up
early this morning with a sudden onset of noisy breathing
and a barking cough. you are seeing a -5month-old in-
fant who has been irritable with fever of 24 hours. you are
evaluating a -5year-old child for ataxia of -3days duration.
you are evaluating a -3week-old infant with vomiting for
the past 3 hours. you are treating an irritable -10month-
old child with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). you
are ruling out shunt malfunction; it should not be ordered
routinely in every patient with a shunt who presents to the
ED. you are twice as likely to encounter gastroschisis as you
are to see omphalocele. you are at a small rural hospital and
obtain the CT image shown in Figure 15-20. you are in the
recycle bin, I’m going to right click on it and select “empty
recycle bin”. you are really into the music! Do you get my
joke? Since, well, your head, it is in the tuba. you are being
let go, that your life’s going in a different direction, that
your body’s part of a permanent outplacement. you are
gonna be wearing some numbers on your shirt. you are
going to prison. you are so smelly. you are going too far,
you already did: Eliot: Dated a lot of models. you are a guy.
you are confused by their names because they all sound like
questions!” and proceeds to go on spouting excessively de-
tailed descriptions of all the baseball player names. you are
a droid and I’m annoyed. you are a ‘droid, and I’m a ‘noid.
you are satirizing bureaucratic rules by adhering to the
letter of the regulations instead of the spirit of it. you are
cops! Peralta: Are you sure? Music The Basement Jaxx song
“Oh My Gosh”, a girl sings about a guy she’s met (not that
THAT narrows it down, but, you know); their conversation
at one point goes: He said “how many sugars do you like in
your tea?” I said “Forget about the sugar, have a spoonful of
me! ‘Cause I taste so sweet!” As one blog post points out,
rappers in general are prone to explaining their own jokes
in-song, much to the disdain of the blogger. you are kid-
ding!” Jack retorts, “I must be. you are Fayed! Hugh Dennis:
You see? Because it sounds like “fired”! Fayed! It’s his name!
Used in Fags, Mags and Bags: Rameesh: Ted, do you like
kids. you are going to love it to death. you are dead — until
it kills you. you are picking up on what I’m saying. you are
a pedophile. you are the weakest link. you are going to the
park. you are expecting them. you are a good kid after all!
Gentaro: Yessir! Shotaro: Right on! Gentaro: Yessir! Sho-
taro: Right on! Gentaro: YESSIR! Shotaro: RIGHT ON!
Gentaro: YESSIR! Shotaro: RIGHT ON! Gentaro: YES-
SIR! Shotaro: RIGHT O-! Eiji: Uh, can you tell us about
the guy who took the medals? The foreign film CJ 7 has a
scene where the alien shits on the boy’s face like a machine
gun for over a minute. you are going to be a horrible father!
JD’s fantasies start being treated like this in later seasons,
both literally and in the show. you are just another tour-
ist carted around in buses surrounded by sweaty mindless
oafs from Kettering and Coventry in their cloth caps and
their cardigans and their transistor radios and their Sunday
Mirrors, complaining about the tea - “Oh they don’t make
it properly here, do they, not like at home” - and stopping at
Majorcan bodegas selling fish and chips and Watney’s Red
Barrel and calamares and two veg and sitting in their cotton
frocks squirting Timothy White’s suncream all over their
puffy raw swollen purulent flesh ‘cos they “overdid it on
the first day” and being herded into endless Hotel Mira-
mars and Bellvueses and Continentales with their modern
international luxury roomettes and draught Red Barrel and
swimming pools full of fat German businessmen pretend-
ing they’re acrobats forming pyramids and frightening the
children and barging into queues and if you are not at your
table spot on seven you miss the bowl of Campbell’s Cream
of Mushroom soup, the first item on the menu of Inter-
national Cuisine, and every Thursday night the hotel has a
bloody cabaret in the bar, featuring a tiny emaciated dago
with nine-inch hips and some bloated fat tart with her hair
brylcreemed down and a big arse presenting Flamenco for
Foreigners and then some adenoidal typists from Birming-
ham with flabby white legs and diarrhoea trying to pick up
hairy bandy-legged wop waiters called Manuel and once a
week there’s an excursion to the local Roman Remains to
buy cherryade and melted ice cream and bleeding Watney’s
Red Barrel and one evening you visit the so called typical
restaurant with local colour and atmosphere and you sit
next to a party from Rhyl who keep singing “Torremolinos,
Torremolinos” and complaining about the food - “It’s so
greasy isn’t it?” - and you get cornered by some drunken
greengrocer from Luton with an Instamatic camera and
Dr. you are still in England and the bloody bar closes every
time you are thirsty and there’s nowhere to sleep and the
kids are crying and vomiting and breaking the plastic
ash-trays and they keep telling you it’ll only be anoth-
er hour although your plane is still in Iceland and has to
take some Swedes to Yugoslavia before it can load you up
at 3 a. you are plagues by appalling apprentice chemists
from Ealing pretending to be hippies, and middle-class
stockbrokers’ wives busily buying identical holiday villas
in suburban development plots just like Esher, in case the
Labour government gets in again, and fat American ma-
trons with sloppy buttocks and Hawaiian-patterned ski
pants looking for any mulatto male who can keep it up
long enough when they finally let it all flop out and the
Spanish Tourist Board promises you that the raging cholera
epidemic is merely a case of mild Spanish tummy, like the
previous outbreak of Spanish tummy in 1660 which killed
half London and decimated Europe - and meanwhile the
bloody Guardia are busy arresting sixteen-year-olds for
kissing in the streets and shooting anyone under nineteen
who doesn’t like Franco and then on the last day in the
airport lounge everyone’s comparing sunburns, drinking
Nasty Spumante, buying cartons of duty free “cigarillos”
and using up their last pesetas on horrid dolls in Spanish
National costume and awful straw donkeys and bullfight
posters with your name on “Ordoney, El Cordobes and
Brian Pules of Norwich” and -3D pictures of the Pope and
Kennedy and Franco, and everybody’s talking about com-
ing again next year and you swear you never will although
there you are tumbling bleary-eyed out of a tourist-tight
antique Iberian airplane. you are the Weakest Link. you
are in love with Robin!”. you are going to get. you are able
to pay another prisoner (100 rupees) enough for the code
to unlock the running in a wheel like a hamster (which
though faster still takes a while), earning rupees depending
how long you run. you are going for %100 Completion, this
is required. you are going to face the final boss, he finally
gets the giant door to Hero’s Pass open, only to realize that
there’s a stairway behind it. you are Fired” has SpongeBob
crying for about a full minute after Mr. you are RIGHT!
Also, the “Campfire Song” Song. you are Nelson!” and
Nelson pushing the invitation off his desk while making
a “pfft” sound, this goes on for about 30 seconds. you are
Plumbing? Cornfed Pig: Yes, we’re from

you are a deftly turned phrase, an etymological landscape, a

home by the sea. you are a compilation of more than sixty
samples overlaid on top of a digitally synthesized 70s funk
groove. you are the message on cassette tape long after it
has been recorded over. you are, as such, the eraser head’s
self-validating ideal of order. you are a festering war wound
incurred in a skirmish in the war between the U.S. and can-
ada over rights to a pig farm strategically located on what is
now referred to as the world’s longest undefended border ,
making you a better meteorologist than any one of the “big
three” networks, or the CBC for that matter, can muster.
you are used & abused. you are a distressed property bought
by Tom Vu & sold for an outrageous profit. you are ossi-
fying sweat on Robert Plant’s performance towel, now in
the possession of a man who is thinking about auctioning
it off because he has decided he would rather listen to “new
country”. you are an onion ring with an identity crisis on
the Korona Restaurant’s “Transylvanian Meat Platter”. you
are an easy-riding h that just knew you would be stopped
by police , cuffed, hauled in & strip searched while you
were making your way through the mountains in Georgia.
you are everything your mother had hoped for, & more.
you are track-lighting gone bad, a one-time energy saver
now driving a gas- guzzling ’71 Impala. you are considering
touching that dial. you are a pretence to universality. you are
the top quark. you are one of a family of Dirt Devil TM-
carpet cleaners. you are wondering at this moment whether
you are merely a cleverly disguised rip-off. you are a foreign
agent who accidentally ruptured an emergency cyanide
tooth cap just before your rendez-vous with a thin man in
a lumber jacket standing by a garbage can on the patio of a
McDonald’s in Paris , who was to receive an attaché; case
containing vital information photo reduced on microfilm
which, of course, you have no prior knowledge of. you are a
mispronounced word with eyes stuck in an awkward posi-
tion just like your parents warned you they would, trying to
get a date with one of the cool chicks in your high school
& having difficult time of it. you are fibre ingested by a
septuagenarian to promote regularity. you are a face in the
crowd. you are secretly responsible for both the mysterious
circles appearing overnight in British grainfields & getting
the soft-flowing caramel into the CaramilkTM bars. you
are not using the Force, Luke.. you are fucked up in your
own special way. you are toiling, neither do you spin. you
are your own secret twin preparing to make an appearance
on Ricki!. you are an immediately perceptible phenomenon
elevated to the level of theological unity. you are accurate to
a depth of 30m. you are pecs on your pecs. you are thrown
out for lack of evidence. you are a nested loop. you are get-
ting sleepy. you are an ode to the west wind. you are made
in your own image. you are wanted & loved if. you are a
case of halitosis , gingivitis , dandruff & split ends all rolled
up into one. you are a granny knot undone by an older &
wiser scout leader. you are a piece of performance art that
deep down inside wants to be a bust of Beethoven sitting
on a Steinway grand piano. you are a primal scream trying
to differentiate yourself from an existential scream. you
are a hockey stick broken over the spine of a 19th century
hunchback you figured had no business playing street hock-
ey in the first place. you are a healthy Hi-ProTM glow. you
are having paranoid delusions that a figure much like Henri
Matisse’s “Blue Nude” is following you around trying to get
you to join the Jehovah’s Witnesses. you are the distance
between the hyperbolic curve and the y-axis. you are what
you eat. you are a reified universal transcendental signifier.
you are kind of pissed off that you were never given the
choice of whether to be a sequitur or not. you are, and if you
aren’t, who is?. you are not enough to get over the threshold.
you are getting even sleepier. you are a fine piece of work,
you are. you are a stupid English k(o)n-ig(g)ht. you are
currently in search & destroy mode. you are a -60cycle hum.
you are a refutation of the Special Theory of Relativity. you
are a parade of endless details. you are the lusts of your fa-
ther. you are wondering at the audacity of some people who
like to tell you just who they think you are you are synaptic
information lost in the aphasic shuffle. you are a means of
production. you are the line cut out of the final edit by some
guy using a PowerBook in a cheesy local Laundromat, or if
you aren’t you wish you were. you are being completely irra-
tional. you are the wrong answer on the multiple choice sec-
tion of the LSAT. you are feeling quite overwhelmed , you
must say. you are exactly what they’ve been looking for,and
that should frighten you. you are the significant answer in
an inkblot test. you are well on your way. you are the space
between the heavens and the corner of some foreign field.
you are rendered completely useless. you are a B- grade on
a C paper. you are so beautiful, to me. you are unconsciously
acting upon your cultural biases. you are a game of tic-tac-
toe that, after dealing with an inferiority complex, beat up a
game of “globalthermonuclearwar” and kicked the shit out
of Pentagon computers. you are on your way to the store to
get a litre of milk, when this cow with the head band antlers
of a moose sporting black head and over his left eye comes
up to you and says “ you are on your way to the store to get
a litre of milk, when this cow with the head and antlers of
a moose sporting black eyepatch over his left eye comes up
to you and says “you are....... you are the weak argument in
an elaborate doctoral thesis. you are the miracle cure for
halitosis, gingivitis, dandruff & split ends all rolled up into
one, at least that’s what your 19th century procurer, “Dr.
Morgan”, says as he travels from town to town trying to sell
you. you are not butlet’s say you are. you are your favourite
letter of the alphabet except h cuz that has already been
taken. you are an asshole (ee-o-ee-ole). you are a soliloquy
on a barren heath in a play which inspired Shakespeare’s
“King Lear” but has been lost for many centuries, last
documented in the Earl of Derby’s private collection, 1723.
you are billed as the “nicotine patch to the world”. you are
everything you want in a drugstore. you are only as good
as the next guy. you are the eggman,you are the eggman,
you are the walrus(kookookechoo). you are shovelling shit
in a Roman stable. you are dead now, so shut up!. you are
in the process of being palimpsested. you are an incestuous
mess. you are available only through this limited TV offer.
you are the party of the first part. you are a no-good, lazy
son-of-a-bitch. you are often replaced by an apostrophe.
you are a big waste of time, for the most part. you are a poor
player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage and is
heard no more. you are surely mistaken. you area detachable
penis. you are therefore you think. you are the side effects of
performance enhancing drugs. you are a bad case of blue-
balls. you are boldly going where no man has gone before,
but only as the disposable crew member who happens to be
dumb enough to talk a lump of painted grey styrofoam &
therefore, in my humble opinion, deserves to get it anyway.
you are translated into 20 different languages. you are not
smart, just hard working. you are a painting bought solely
for the frame. you are the one really likes it, really. you are
not a machine, you are a human being. you are corn, but we
call it maize. you are dumb enough to spend your time
typing out endless statements that begin with “ you are”
just to make a point and try to get some laughs, neither of
which,in retrospect, you believe you will succeed in. you
are the owner of the secret decoder ring, and as such have
a right to be president of the club. you are the interest
accrued by overnight by some clever electronic banking
maneuver. you are, and if you aren’t you should be. you are
misspelled in a grade six spelling bee by a kid who will
eventually serve 8 years in jail for manslaughter. you are
better than bad,you’re good. you are a quote within a quote
desperately trying to escape. you are a most noble swain.
you are in absentia. you are engaging in self-nullifying
behaviour. you are a vague sense of alienation masked by
a friendly, conversational atmosphere. you are a dentist,
you take delight in causing great pain. you are the kind of
apathy that can only be generated by the “spoken-” vs.“writ-
ten-” word debate. you are a self-consuming artifact. you
are an unimportant stanza in an unimportant Bob South-
ey epic. you are the neurochemical dopamine bridging
the gap between the tail of one synapse and the head of
another during a bout of particularly raunchy sex with a
not-quite-loved one. you are an instance of pre-emptory
teleology. you are living in a post-theory, post-language
writing,post-sound-poetry, post-literate age, so let’s stop
writing crap that pretends that you aren’t. you are going to
sell out the first chance you get. you are yawning -- stop it!.
you are a persnickety line removed at the friendly request
of an editor who thinks its potential offensiveness is en-
hanced by the mere fact of its referential obscurity. you are
all out toget me, damn you!. you are mixing memory with
desire. you are sitting with a soggy ass at some reading in
High Park really wishing you were somewhere else. you are
a portable Greek reader that is going to party like it’s 1999.
you are going on with your doggy life. you are the interplay
between the quotidian& the extraordinary. you are a Cap-
tain’s log, supplemental. you are a metonymic slide. you
are a pipefitter with a penchant for Descartian ontology.
you are everyday people. you are believing this crap they’re
feeding you. you are thinking that you looked better before
the makeover. you are a bird, no, wait, you are a plane, no,
hell! you’re superman!. you are an uninterrupted series of
dots that hasn’t come to terms with being a line yet. you are
an ill-used neural cluster removed to get at a deep-seated
brain tumour. you are fading away when you would rather
be burning out. you are a linguistic trap set to catch some
good eatin’ possum. you are eleven benevolent elephants.
you are damp semen soaked into the centrefold. you are a
registered trademark of the Coca-Cola corporation. you are
the supreme arbiter and lawgiver of music. you are wom-
an, hear you roar. you are never going to amount to a hill
of beans in the world. you are bad advice foisted on some
love-sick puppy. you are an axiom proved false. you are the
cruelest month. you are an error in grammar identified by
the latest in word processing technology. you are flown to
your destination on Delta Airlines. you are the book in the
spirit machine. you are a dadaist who needs to love & be
loved. you are hoping that you will never have to hear that
fucker read his damn poem again but are resigned to that
fact that you probably will. you are in more closets than you
wish to admit. you are someone with the debilitating habit
of cutting against the grain. you are going, going, gone. you
are a likely consumer of rubber nipples. you are a long-lost
jazz score that no one would have played anyway. you are a
last will & testament. you are an unceremonious exit.
you are a developer or an eager early adopter with plenty of
money. you are already familiar with its look. you are read-
ing conversation threads, you’ll also see pictures of you and
your pal stacked on the left side of the card. you are
currently navigating), relevant Google Now cards, and
settings. you are doing. you are some foreign alien object
every time you run to the store or grab a bite to eat. you
are very much a Google Guinea Pig and an ambassador
for the product, and it’s hard to forget that when you wear
it in public. you are recording for a video). you are infused
in social media, that may be all you need, but I’d like to see
MMS and Gmail attachments eventually added to that list.
you are really old-fashioned, you can manually copy them to
a PC with a USB cable. you are alone, though, this is only
going to ramp up the potential for stares. you are an eager
early adopter with lots of cash lying around, it’s probably
best to hold off on the Google Glass Explorer Edition. you
are that bold and eager early adopter that Google is seeking
(and you live in the US), then you can sign up for an Ex-
plorer invite at the product page below. you are travelling
in new surroundings and require navigation or points of
interest, there is no value in displaying anything in your
field of view Possibly time/reminders, SMS/social media
text, or incoming caller information. you are correct on the
future of wearables as human evolution will continue to
include human invention. you are looking,, then add a range
finder laser and “glass 2” is what I’ll be buying so as not
have the disparity of focal nausea if jumping back and forth
too much. you are driving, everything else is less important.
you are shown into a special room or small cabin where
the strange phenomenon will occur. you are about to see
“lies well-beyond the scope of science. you are now ready to
welcome visitors. you are not yet a subscriber, you can click
here to subscribe, and your confirmation e-mail will in-
clude a link to download the eBook. you are saying. you are
actually real, and not always producing and putting out only
the best! Forgive my sarcasm! But being uninspired is not a
crime, even if it were too bad! you are more than entitled to’
be real” or “just be”. you are wondering what to say or how
you look, just remember, she’s already out with you. you are
enjoying your life, and the next you are wondering how you
ever lived without them. you are saying ain’t coming out of
your mouth. you are sending all the right signals - no ear-
rings, heels under two inches, your hair is pulled back, you
are wearing reading glasses with no book, drinking a Grey
Goose martini, which means you had a hell of a week and a
beer just wouldn’t do it. you are a scam artist. you are wel-
come. you are really not. you are dropping me off at home.
you are saying you can make this work? Hitch: My name is
Alex Hitchens. you are the man to know! Hitch: Yeah that’s
me - *Adam* Hitchens. you are so silly! [playfully hits his
leg] Hitch: [looking to end the conversation] Thanks for
the paper. you are all about the short game. you are able to
experience the unconditional love, trust and openness that I
share with Grace every single day. you are saying.

you are the master of all fates, including your own. you are
not your review score. you are more than stars, my friend.
you are wondering, no, I’m not a real doctor, though I
sometimes watch reruns of the sitcom Scrubs. you are
interested in hiring me to help with your novel, check out
the Editorial Services page. you are hoping to work with a
specific editor. you are not your review score. you are more
than stars, my friend. you are wondering, no, I’m not a real
doctor, though I sometimes watch reruns of the sitcom
Scrubs. you are interested in hiring me to help with your
novel, check out the Editorial Services page. you are hoping
to work with a specific editor. you are a tattletale. you are
trapped. you are Desperate: Josh McCown has looked pret-
ty good this year when he’s gotten a shot, and this Sunday,
he gets another one. you are trying to replace Aaron Rodg-
ers or Tony Romo this week. you are desperate: After Chris
Ivory got 34 carries against New England, he got six the
following week against Cincy. you are truly, truly desperate,
Donald Brown has outscored Trent Richardson in three of
the past five weeks and Titans are top10- in both fantasy
points allowed and most receptions allowed to opposing
running backs. you are a glass-half- full type, he’s due. you
are desperate: you are already starting Antonio Brown, but
Emmanuel Sanders gets a nice matchup as well as Detroit
has allowed the third-most fantasy points to opposing
WRs. you are starting him, but I would not be using him
in a salary cap game or in our Gridiron Challenge game
where you can start any player only once a season. you are
desperate: Seattle is, ahem, a little better than Washington
on defense, but the Vikings have to throw it to someone,
and I had John Carlson on the “love list” last week, so you
know I am back again. you are desperate: EJ Manuel strug-
gled in his last game and Rex Ryan has had two weeks
to prepare for a Bills team that is really banged up in its
receiving corps, so I could see the Jets being solid here. you
are not yet a subscriber, you can click here to subscribe, and
your confirmation e-mail will include a link to download
the eBook. you are saying. you are actually real, and not
always producing and putting out only the best! Forgive
my sarcasm! But being uninspired is not a crime, even if it
were too bad! you are more than entitled to’ be real” or “just
be”. you are shown into a special room or small cabin where
the strange phenomenon will occur. you are about to see
“lies well-beyond the scope of science. you are now ready
to welcome visitors. you are wondering what to say or how
you look, just remember, she’s already out with you. you are
enjoying your life, and the next you are wondering how you
ever lived without them. you are saying ain’t coming out of
your mouth. you are sending all the right signals - no
earrings, heels under two inches, your hair is pulled back,
you are wearing reading glasses with no book, drinking a
Grey Goose martini, which means you had a hell of a week
and a beer just wouldn’t do it. you are a scam artist. you are
welcome. you are really not. you are dropping me off at
home. you are saying you can make this work? Hitch: My
name is Alex Hitchens. you are the man to know! Hitch:
Yeah that’s me - *Adam* Hitchens. you are so silly! [play-
fully hits his leg] Hitch: [looking to end the conversation]
Thanks for the paper. you are all about the short game. you
are able to experience the unconditional love, trust and
openness that I share with Grace every single day. you are
saying. you are a developer or an eager early adopter with
plenty of money. you are already familiar with its look. you
are reading conversation threads, you’ll also see pictures of
you and your pal stacked on the left side of the card. you
are currently navigating), relevant Google Now cards, and
settings. you are doing. you are some foreign alien object
every time you run to the store or grab a bite to eat. you
are very much a Google Guinea Pig and an ambassador
for the product, and it’s hard to forget that when you wear
it in public. you are recording for a video). you are infused
in social media, that may be all you need, but I’d like to see
MMS and Gmail attachments eventually added to that list.
you are really old-fashioned, you can manually copy them to
a PC with a USB cable. you are alone, though, this is only
going to ramp up the potential for stares. you are an eager
early adopter with lots of cash lying around, it’s probably
best to hold off on the Google Glass Explorer Edition. you
are that bold and eager early adopter that Google is seeking
(and you live in the US), then you can sign up for an Ex-
plorer invite at the product page below. you are travelling
in new surroundings and require navigation or points of
interest, there is no value in displaying anything in your
field of view Possibly time/reminders, SMS/social media
text, or incoming caller information. you are correct on the
future of wearables as human evolution will continue to
include human invention. you are looking,, then add a range
finder laser and “glass 2” is what I’ll be buying so as not
have the disparity of focal nausea if jumping back and forth
too much. you are driving, everything else is less important.
you are supposed to root for as the hero of the story. you
are just looking at plot, anyway. you are bored with fantasy/
SF, try reading another genre. you are not your review score.
you are more than stars, my friend. you are wondering, no,
I’m not a real doctor, though I sometimes watch reruns of
the sitcom Scrubs. you are interested in hiring me to help
with your novel, check out the Editorial Services page. you
are hoping to work with a specific editor. You Are Making
the Biggest Mistake of Your Life by Anonymous[/url] +
Share on your website Trivia About Love is Not Const.
you are told a date to turn to, or given a choice between
two dates. you are an ace starfighter pilot in the Galactic
Space Force. you are urged to choose your next time travel
in response to whatever the Ant-Warriors are doing at the
moment. You Are Making The Biggest Mistake Of Your
Life. you are Sorry. you are very cold, and this feels like an
adventure. you are looking for another chance to choose
your way through many adventures, you won’t find it here!
But that’s part of the charm of this look-alike book whose
author omitted his name (I met him at the Zine Sympo-
sium in Portland, Oregon recently, August 2013) but whose
illustrator, Sarah Miller, was not ashamed to publicize
herself. you are a geek and don’t drink, it’s even stupider
to date a stripper. you are going to whine about it- use a
unique format. you are going to have lil’ ant warrior page
descriptors, make them analogous to the things going on in
the text every time. you are kind of a dork. you are a tattle-
tale. you are trapped. you are Desperate: Josh McCown has
looked pretty good this year when he’s gotten a shot, and
this Sunday, he gets another one. you are trying to replace
Aaron Rodgers or Tony Romo this week. you are desperate:
After Chris Ivory got 34 carries against New England, he
got six the following week against Cincy. you are truly, truly
desperate, Donald Brown has outscored Trent Richardson
in three of the past five weeks and Titans are top10- in
both fantasy points allowed and most receptions allowed
to opposing running backs. you are a glass-half- full type,
he’s due. you are desperate: you are already starting Anto-
nio Brown, but Emmanuel Sanders gets a nice matchup as
well as Detroit has allowed the third-most fantasy points to
opposing WRs. you are starting him, but I would not be us-
ing him in a salary cap game or in our Gridiron Challenge
game where you can start any player only once a season. you
are desperate: Seattle is, ahem, a little better than Washing-
ton on defense, but the Vikings have to throw it to some-
one, and I had John Carlson on the “love list” last week, so
you know I am back again. you are desperate: EJ Manuel
struggled in his last game and Rex Ryan has had two weeks
to prepare for a Bills team that is really banged up in its
receiving corps, so I could see the Jets being solid here.
you are not your review score. you are more than stars, my
friend. you are wondering, no, I’m not a real doctor, though
I sometimes watch reruns of the sitcom Scrubs. you are
interested in hiring me to help with your novel, check out
the Editorial Services page. you are hoping to work with a
specific editor. you are the master of all fates, including your
own. you are supposed to root for as the hero of the story.
you are just looking at plot, anyway. you are bored with
fantasy/SF, try reading another genre. You Are Making the
Biggest Mistake of Your Life by Anonymous[/url] + Share
on your website Trivia About Love is Not Const. you are
told a date to turn to, or given a choice between two dates.
you are an ace starfighter pilot in the Galactic Space Force.
you are urged to choose your next time travel in response
to whatever the Ant- Warriors are doing at the moment.
You Are Making The Biggest Mistake Of Your Life. you are
Sorry. you are very cold, and this feels like an adventure. you
are looking for another chance to choose your way through
many adventures, you won’t find it here! But that’s part of
the charm of this look-alike book whose author omitted
his name (I met him at the Zine Symposium in Portland,
Oregon recently, August 2013) but whose illustrator, Sarah
Miller, was not ashamed to publicize herself. you are a geek
and don’t drink, it’s even stupider to date a stripper. you
are going to whine about it--- use a unique format. you are
going to have lil’ ant warrior page descriptors, make them
analogous to the things going on in the text every time. you
are kind of a dork. you are a service member and it isn’t your
unit’s event, you can go in uniform or wear formal attire.
you are going to have a great time! I would look for a super
classy “Christmas” dress. you are so young :). you are attend-
ing and I will dig a little deeper. you are about to attend
is about the service member not the guests. you are wise
beyond your years :). you are thinking of ordering. you are
who you are and YOU are not in the service. you are going
to have so much fun. you are meeting new people, especially
those in his ROTC unit, shake their hand, look them in
the eye and say, “Nice to meet you. you are not alone. you
are 20 or 30 know your appropriate dress. you are looking
for. you are going to have to wing that part :). you are most
likely using the correct piece then. you are a girlfriend or
a spouse! Just be yourself and have fun. you are going to
have a ton of fun! Danya Kerry says: September 2014 ,23
at 10:36 AM I was invited to a ball in November by a lady
from work whose son is the the Marines. you are going to
LOVE it! I would guess that he should wear his uniform.
you are stressed. you are there. you are going to love it!
Danya Heather says: October 2014 ,1 at 8:51 AM Is this
dress appropriate for a Marine ball http://www. you are go-
ing to have a fabulous night!! Danya Marisela says: October
2014 ,28 at 1:23 AM Thank you Danya for your response!!
I’m more calm now 🙂 I hope I have fun I’m excited! Dan-
ya says: October ,28 2014 at 11:47 AM Hey Marisela, It’s
going to be great! Enjoy!! Danya Dana says: October 2014
30 at 6:17 PM How fun and exciting! Love to read the
comments from new military spouses and significant others.
you are concerned about your cleavage, the extra fabric
will be perfect. you are going to love the ball. you are the
service member, you’ll want to check with your leadership
to find out if they’re allowing female service members to
wear gowns or if you’re required to wear your uniform. you
are 21 :)). you are in a warm climate, a summer looking
dress would be fine maybe with a cardigan or scarf. you are
chosen to go to a ball! My husband thinks that it is a post
wide event...but if that’s the case wouldn’t we know? Ba-
sically my question is how are you invited to a ball? I feel
stupid for not knowing this but all I can do is learn! Danya
says: January 2015 ,6 at 8:56 PM Hi Josie, You do not have
to be “chosen” to go to the ball. you are not stupid! My
husband has been in the Navy for 19 years and I am still
learning. you are going to be just fine. you are going to have
an amazing night! Do you know what the dress is for the
service members? The guys would want to follow what the
service members are wearing. you are able to go to your first
ball! you are going to love it!! What part of the country you
are in? If it’s cold, I would go with a long gown for sure. you
are in CA or FL, you could go with a shorter dress, just not
TOO short ;). you are young and all ;), I would wear some
opaque tights to help stay warm. you are young, so that is
a plus! My forty year old self should not show up to the
banquet in a short red dress :). you are more than welcome
to send me a picture, [email protected] and I will take a
look. you are thinking about for the dining out. you are still
in high school :). you are thinking and I will help you work
it out. you are re-cycling one of your dresses. you are spot
on with your choice. you are going to have such an awe-
some night. you are finding on YouTube is pretty much spot
on. you are in and where your boyfriend is working. you
are considering. you are totally on the right track knowing
that too much cleavage wouldn’t be appropriate. you are
never, never, never expected to have sex with anyone! This
is by no means a tradition!! My husband and I have gotten
hotels rooms in the past for military balls. you are both on
the same page. you are going to see all kinds. you are ner-
vous especially since you haven’t seen this guy since HS
graduation. you are following your gut :)! Yes, we have so
many blogs on our site. you are searching for in the search
bar. you are awesome! Danya says: September 2015 ,14 at
11:35 AM Anytime :)! Trinette says: September 2015 ,13 at
12:55 PM What should one wear to a military ball that has
a white tie dress code and formal ballroom dancing? Danya
says: September 2015 ,14 at 11:22 AM Hey Trinette, It
sounds like you are going to be headed to an awesome ball!
I am a bit jealous. you are going to have such a great time.
you are uncomfortable in. you are getting the opportunity
to attend a JROTC ball. you are so concerned about the
ball this Friday. you are cold. you are uncomfortable. you are
going through a receiving line, but to anyone else who you
might meet, your first name is who you might meet, your
first name is just fine. you are not alone! Enjoy the speeches,
toast with your water glass, have a great dinner and take it
all in. you are super concerned about your streaks, let them
go for a couple of weeks. you are and wouldn’t have asked
you to come if he were worried about you disrespecting the
military. you are socially awkward and also already thinking
about dancing. you are going to be just fine :). you are in
the program, if not you can probably get away with almost
anything as long as it’s appropriate. you are looking for? I
am not sure there is one place you can go to get that kind
of information. you are looking for a ball on a specific base
or specific branch of service and I will see what I can find
out. you are totally welcome to attend his military ball. you
are going to have a blast. you are not sure what to wear,
definitely [...] Cecilia says: March 2017 ,1 at 11:18 AM I
might be going to my very first Cadet Ball 🙂 yahhhhh
Meaghan Brown says: March 2017 ,25 at 12:16 PM Ok,
my boyfriend invited me to his mil ball at the university.
You Are a Solo Parent These Photos Will Remind You of
the Sacrifice of the Vietnam War Generation Every Day
is Memorial Day For Veterans at the Vietnam Wall Easy
Meals to Make During a Deployment if (TPD_Mobile ==
false) { googletag. you are saying ain’t coming out of your
mouth. you are enjoying your life, and the next you are
wondering how you ever lived without them. you are won-
dering what to say or how you look, just remember, she’s
already out with you. you are a scam artist. you are sending
all the right signals - no earrings, heels under two inches,
your hair is pulled back, you are wearing reading glasses
with no book, drinking a Grey Goose martini, which means
you had a hell of a week and a beer just wouldn’t do it. you
are really not. you are dropping me off at home. you are the
man to know! Hitch : Yeah that’s me - *Adam* Hitchens.
you are so silly! [playfully hits his leg] Hitch : [looking to
end the conversation] Thanks for the paper. you are wel-
come. you are saying you can make this work? Hitch : My
name is Alex Hitchens. you are all about the short game.
you are able to experience the unconditional love, trust and
openness that I share with Grace every single day. you are
saying. you are running, there’s a little person that talks to
you and says, “Oh I’m tired. you are running. you are getting
off first, or I’m going to die.

you are not going to out-work me. you are not making
someone else’s life better, then you are wasting your time.
you are not going to ever have a new problem. you are going
to want to quit sometimes, but it’ll be colored by who you
are, and more who you want to be. you are sending all the
right signals - no earrings, heels under two inches, your
hair is pulled back, you are wearing reading glasses with no
book, drinking a Grey Goose martini, which means you had
a hell of a week and a beer just wouldn’t do it. you are sen-
sitive to that, hit the back button now. you are sending all
the right signals - no earrings, heels under two inches, your
hair is pulled back, you are wearing reading glasses with no
book, drinking a Grey Goose martini, which means you
had a hell of a week and a beer just wouldn’t do it. you are
going to get or experience in online dating. you are in your
life :-). you are giving off - if you’re breathing and female
they are going to make comments about your assets. you are
a great girl with alot to offer. you are happy to just go home
and be with someone who gets you. you are running, there’s
a little person that talks to you and says, “Oh I’m tired. you
are running. you are getting off first, or I’m going to die. you
are not going to out-work me. you are not making some-
one else’s life better, then you are wasting your time. you
are not going to ever have a new problem. you are going to
want to quit sometimes, but it’ll be colored by who you are,
and more who you want to be. you are sending all the right
signals - no earrings, heels under two inches, your hair is
pulled back, you are wearing reading glasses with no book,
drinking a Grey Goose martini, which means you had a
hell of a week and a beer just wouldn’t do it. you are saying
ain’t coming out of your mouth. you are enjoying your life,
and the next you are wondering how you ever lived without
them. you are wondering what to say or how you look, just
remember, she’s already out with you. you are a scam artist.
you are sending all the right signals - no earrings, heels
under two inches, your hair is pulled back, you are wear-
ing reading glasses with no book, drinking a Grey Goose
martini, which means you had a hell of a week and a beer
just wouldn’t do it. you are really not. you are dropping me
off at home. you are the man to know! Hitch : Yeah that’s
me - *Adam* Hitchens. you are so silly! [playfully hits his
leg] Hitch : [looking to end the conversation] Thanks for
the paper. you are welcome. you are saying you can make
this work? Hitch : My name is Alex Hitchens. you are all
about the short game. you are able to experience the un-
conditional love, trust and openness that I share with Grace
every single day. you are saying. you are feeling good about
yourself the way you focus your eyes, position your mouth,
and maneuver your shoulders, hips, and hands send out
signals that say, ‘Check me out! I think you are hot!’ After
you get your target’s attention you shift gears to hold onto
his or her interest and move the attraction to another level.
you are for a bit of romance, how attractive you feel, and
how interested you are. you are rating someone’s attrac-
tiveness and in turn are being rated, messages that convey
interest, keenness, and compatibility are constantly being
relayed. you are not aware that you are touching or stroking
yourself. you are correct on both the emotional and physical
levels. you are a woman, you will probably be disappointed
with our summary of male courtship signals. you are likely
to see, much of which is focused around his genitals. you
are a man and you want to find out which women like you,
wear a neatly pressed suit and tie, but wear the tie slightly
off to one side and put a little lint on one shoulder. you are
enjoying your life, and the next you are wondering how
you ever lived without them. you are sending all the right
signals - no earrings, heels under two inches, your hair is
pulled back, you are wearing reading glasses with no book,
drinking a Grey Goose martini, which means you had a
hell of a week and a beer just wouldn’t do it. you are saying
you can make this work?Hitch: My name is Alex Hitchens.
you are Sarah. you are flat out, out of your mind, you know
that?Albert: I know. you are becoming a sick workaholic
lunatic. you are a scam artist. you are saying. you are looking
for? Basic principles: No matter what, no matter when, no
matter who. you are shy, be shy. you are outgoing, be outgo-
ing. you are wondering what to say, how you look, or if she
likes you. you are enjoying your life. you are wondering how
you ever lived without them. you are on your own. you are a
realist masquerading as a cynic who is secretly an optimist.
you are becoming a sick, workaholic lunatic. you are so good
at your job. you are all about the short game. you are able to
experience. you are not sick. you are single. you are gonna
home, and I’ll take them back to my apartment. you are
doing it right now. you are interested? - No. you are crush-
ing my arm. you are flat-out. you are in the room, be in the
room. you are done. you are welcome. you are sending all
the right signals: no earrings, heels under two inches, your
hair is pulled back. you are the. you are right. you are not
going to church. you are a lot taller than I remember. you
are going until you know where you’ve been. you are seeing
him again? Well, look, you said that I’m always expecting
men. you are at lunch? Allegra. you are an iceberg. you are
there. you are not being real with them. you are a great guy.
you are not. you are not worried about it. you are not, all
right? This is where you live. you are not listening. you are
really not, so. you are dropping me off at home. you are not
most guys. you are supposed to call me. you are married,
the less you go out. you are being odd. you are really gonna
enjoy this. you are being all discreet. you are a consultant,
Hitch. you are all right? Yeah, I’m fine. you are never gonna
know that. you are gliding along. you are standing in the
rain watching your life fall apart. you are such an idiot! You
moron! What the hell did you think? you are so stupid!
You gotta learn, Sara. you are a morning person, aren’t you?
Well, like I always tell my clients: Begin each day as if it
were on purpose. you are right, there’s no way he ever had
a mother. you are a living testimonial to the triumph of
hope over experience. you are mad at me for what I do for a
living? I’ve already got your number. you are in my seat. you
are not supposed to move. you are Ellis Island? - I thought
that was real sweet. you are not helping. you are the Date
Doctor, right? - you are the Date Doctor? - Do we have a
problem here? Yeah, a big one! What the hell did I ever do
to you? Am I missing something? Sir, I’m gonna have to ask
you to leave. you are a scam artist. you are so guarded. you
are selling this stuff, but you don’t believe in your own prod-
uct. you are choking. you are sensitive to that, hit the back
button now. you are sending all the right signals - no ear-
rings, heels under two inches, your hair is pulled back, you
are wearing reading glasses with no book, drinking a Grey
Goose martini, which means you had a hell of a week and
a beer just wouldn’t do it. you are going to get or experi-
ence in online dating. you are in your life :-). you are giving
off - if you’re breathing and female they are going to make
comments about your assets. you are a great girl with alot to
offer. you are happy to just go home and be with someone
who gets you. you are a service member and it isn’t your
unit’s event, you can go in uniform or wear formal attire.
you are going to have a great time! I would look for a super
classy “Christmas” dress. you are so young :). you are attend-
ing and I will dig a little deeper. you are about to attend
is about the service member not the guests. you are wise
beyond your years :). you are thinking of ordering. you are
who you are and YOU are not in the service. you are going
to have so much fun. you are meeting new people, especially
those in his ROTC unit, shake their hand, look them in the
eye and say, “Nice to meet you. you are not alone. you are 20
or 30 know your appropriate dress. you are looking for. you
are going to have to wing that part :). you are most likely
using the correct piece then. you are a girlfriend or a spouse!
Just be yourself and have fun. you are going to have a ton of
fun! Danya Kerry says: September 2014 ,23 at 10:36 AM
I was invited to a ball in November by a lady from work
whose son is the the Marines. you are going to LOVE it!
I would guess that he should wear his uniform. you are
stressed. you are there. you are going to love it! Danya
Heather says: October 2014 ,1 at 8:51 AM Is this dress
appropriate for a Marine ball http://www. you are going to
have a fabulous night!! Danya Marisela says: October 2014
,28 at 1:23 AM Thank you Danya for your response!! I’m
more calm now 🙂 I hope I have fun I’m excited! Danya says:
October 2014 ,28 at 11:47 AM Hey Marisela, It’s going
to be great! Enjoy!! Danya Dana says: October 2014 ,30
at 6:17 PM How fun and exciting! Love to read the com-
ments from new military spouses and significant others. you
are concerned about your cleavage, the extra fabric will be
perfect. you are going to love the ball. you are the are the
service member, you’ll want to check with your leadership
to find out if they’re allowing female service members to
wear gowns or if you’re required to wear your uniform. you
are 21 :)). you are in a warm climate, a summer looking
dress would be fine maybe with a cardigan or scarf. you
are chosen to go to a ball! My husband thinks that it is a
post wide event... but if that’s the case wouldn’t we know?
Basically my question is how are you invited to a ball? I feel
stupid for not knowing this but all I can do is learn! Dan-
ya says: January 2015 ,6 at 8:56 PM Hi Josie, You do not
have to be “chosen” to go to the ball. you are not stupid! My
husband has been in the Navy for 19 years and I am still
learning. you are going to be just fine. you are going to have
an amazing night! Do you know what the dress is for the
service members? The guys would want to follow what the
service members are wearing. you are able to go to your first
ball! you are going to love it!! What part of the country you
are in? If it’s cold, I would go with a long gown for sure. you
are in CA or FL, you could go with a shorter dress, just not
TOO short ;). you are young and all ;), I would wear some
opaque tights to help stay warm. you are young, so that is
a plus! My forty year old self should not show up to the
banquet in a short red dress :). you are more than welcome
to send me a picture, [email protected] and I will take a
look. you are thinking about for the dining out. you are still
in high school :). you are thinking and I will help you work
it out. you are re-cycling one of your dresses. you are spot
on with your choice. you are going to have such an awe-
some night. you are finding on YouTube is pretty much spot
on. you are in and where your boyfriend is working. you
are considering. you are totally on the right track knowing
that too much cleavage wouldn’t be appropriate. you are
never, never, never expected to have sex with anyone! This
is by no means a tradition!! My husband and I have gotten
hotels rooms in the past for military balls. you are both on
the same page. you are going to see all kinds. you are ner-
vous especially since you haven’t seen this guy since HS
graduation. you are following your gut :)! Yes, we have so
many blogs on our site. you are searching for in the search
bar. you are awesome! Danya says: September 2015 ,14
at 11:35 AM Anytime :)! Trinette says: September 2015
,13 at 12:55 PM What should one wear to a military ball
that has a white tie dress code and formal ballroom danc-
ing? Danya says: September 2015 ,14 at 11:22 AM Hey
Trinette, It sounds like you are going to be headed to an
awesome ball! I am a bit jealous. you are going to have such
a great time. you are uncomfortable in. you are getting the
opportunity to attend a JROTC ball. you are so concerned
about the ball this Friday. you are cold. you are uncomfort-
able. you are going through a receiving line, but to anyone
else who you might meet, your first anyone else who you
might meet, your first name is just fine. you are not alone!
Enjoy the speeches, toast with your water glass, have a great
dinner and take it all in. you are super concerned about
your streaks, let them go for a couple of weeks. you are and
wouldn’t have asked you to come if he were worried about
you disrespecting the military. you are socially awkward and
also already thinking about dancing. you are going to be
just fine :). you are in the program, if not you can probably
get away with almost anything as long as it’s appropriate.
you are looking for? I am not sure there is one place you
can go to get that kind of information. you are looking for a
ball on a specific base or specific branch of service and I will
see what I can find out. you are totally welcome to attend
his military ball. you are going to have a blast. you are not
sure what to wear, definitely [...] Cecilia says: March 2017
,1 at 11:18 AM I might be going to my very first Cadet
Ball 🙂 yahhhhh Meaghan Brown says: March 2017 ,25 at
12:16 PM Ok, my boyfriend invited me to his mil ball at
the university. You Are a Solo Parent These Photos Will
Remind You of the Sacrifice of the Vietnam War Gen-
eration Every Day is Memorial Day For Veterans at the
Vietnam Wall Easy Meals to Make During a Deployment
if (TPD_Mobile == false) { googletag. you are enjoying
your life, and the next you are wondering how you ever
lived without them. you are sending all the right signals -
no earrings, heels under two inches, your hair is pulled back,
you are wearing reading glasses with no book, drinking a
Grey Goose martini, which means you had a hell of a week
and a beer just wouldn’t do it. you are saying you can make
this work?Hitch: My name is Alex Hitchens. you are Sarah.
you are flat out, out of your mind, you know that?Albert:
I know. you are becoming a sick workaholic lunatic. you
are a scam artist. you are saying. you are looking for? Basic
principles: No matter what, no matter when, no matter
who. you are shy, be shy. you are outgoing, be outgoing. you
are wondering what to say, how you look, or if she likes you.
you are enjoying your life. you are wondering how you ever
lived without them. you are on your own. you are a realist
masquerading as a cynic who is secretly an optimist. you are
becoming a sick, workaholic lunatic. you are so good at your
job. you are all about the short game. you are able to expe-
rience. you are not sick. you are single. you are gonna home,
and I’ll take them back to my apartment. you are doing it
right now. you are interested? - No. you are crushing my
arm. you are flat-out. you are in the room, be in the room.
you are done. you are welcome. you are sending all the right
signals: no earrings, heels under two inches, your hair is
pulled back. you are the. you are right. you are not going to
church. you are a lot taller than I remember. you are go-
ing until you know where you’ve been. you are seeing him
again? Well, look, you said that I’m always expecting men.
you are at lunch? Allegra. you are an iceberg. you are there.
you are not being real with them. you are a great guy. you
are not. you are not worried about it. you are not, all right?
This is where you live. you are not listening. you are really
not, so. you are dropping me off at home. you are not most
guys. you are supposed to call me. you are married, the less
you go out. you are being odd. you are really gonna enjoy
this. you are being all discreet. you are a consultant, Hitch.
you are all right? Yeah, I’m fine. you are never gonna know
that. you are gliding along. you are standing in the rain
watching your life fall apart. you are such an idiot! You
moron! What the hell did you think? you are so stupid!
You gotta learn, Sara. you are a morning person, aren’t you?
Well, like I always tell my clients: Begin each day as if it
were on purpose. you are right, there’s no way he ever had
a mother. you are a living testimonial to the triumph of
hope over experience. you are mad at me for what I do for a
living? I’ve already got your number. you are in my seat. you
are not supposed to move. you are Ellis Island? - I thought
that was real sweet. you are not helping. you are the Date
Doctor, right? - you are the Date Doctor? - Do we have a
problem here? Yeah, a big one! What the hell did I ever do
to you? Am I missing something? Sir, I’m gonna have to
ask you to leave. you are a scam artist. you are so guarded.
you are selling this stuff, but you don’t believe in your own
product. you are choking. you are feeling good about your-
self the way you focus your eyes, position your mouth, and
maneuver your shoulders, hips, and hands send out signals
that say, ‘Check me out! I think you are hot!’ After you get
your target’s attention you shift gears to hold onto his or
her interest and move the attraction to another level. you
are for a bit of romance, how attractive you feel, and how
interested you are. you are rating someone’s attractiveness
and in turn are being rated, messages that convey interest,
keenness, and compatibility are constantly being relayed.
you are not aware that you are touching or stroking yourself.
you are correct on both the emotional and physical levels.
you are a woman, you will probably be disappointed with
our summary of male courtship signals. you are likely to
see, much of which is focused around his genitals. you are a
man and you want to find out which women like you, wear
a neatly pressed suit and tie, but wear the tie slightly off to
one side and put a little lint on one shoulder. you are feeling
good about yourself the way you focus your eyes, position
your mouth, and maneuver your shoulders, hips, and hands
send out signals that say, ‘Check me out! I think you are
hot!’ After you get your target’s attention you shift gears to
hold onto his or her interest and move the attraction to an-
other level. you are for a bit of romance, how attractive you
feel, and how interested you are. you are rating someone’s
attractiveness and in turn are being rated, messages that
convey interest, keenness, and compatibility are constantly
being relayed. you are not aware that you are touching or
stroking yourself. you are correct on both the emotional and
physical levels. you are a woman, you will probably be dis-
appointed with our summary of male courtship signals. you
are likely to see, much of which is focused around his geni-
tals. you are a man and you want to find out which women
like you, wear a neatly pressed suit and tie, but wear the tie
slightly off to one side and put a little lint on one shoul-
der. you are less likely to get sick from touching, petting,
or owning a cat. you are bitten or scratched by a cat If you
are bitten or scratched by a cat, you should: Wash wounds
with warm soapy water immediately. you are unsure if the
cat has been vaccinated against rabies. you are selecting. you
are leaving the CDC website. you are not only BORED
but you can care less what others think! Reply Mark says
July 2008 ,8 at 11:03 pm Marc offers some interesting
suggestions here, but I could wish he had cited the basis for
his suggestions. you are true to the message your are trying
to communicate, you wont make any mistakes and if you
think you did, all you need do is ask the receiver. you are
talking to if you don’t want to be rude”. you are filled with
love and joy. you are a new parent, it often takes a while to
understand your newborn and all the ways you can interact:
Touch becomes an early language as babies respond to skin-
to-skin contact. you are supportive and help you develop
confidence in your parenting abilities. you are using breast
milk you’ve pumped, the staff, including a lactation con-
sultant, can help you make the transition to breastfeeding
before your baby goes home. you are bonding by the time
you take your baby to the first office visit with your child’s
doctor, discuss your concerns at that appointment. you are
wondering what to say, check yourself first. you are worried
about their safety, and give them the chance to confide what
is going on. you are in a position to do so. you are genuinely
curious about their life experience. you are actually open
to hearing about their journey, which could be saddening,
shocking, or confusing to you. you are struggling with,
hurting yourself isn’t the answer. you are struggling with
some tough emotions or thoughts as well, don’t hesitate
to reach out to the Lifeline at -273-800-1TALK (8255)
or share the number with others who may need it. you are
eventually able to have some spaces in your life where you
feel comfortable wearing whatever you like. you are either
precious to them and they can’t imagine how you must have
must have felt in that moment, or they can but could never
push through into the action of it, OR they haven’t faced
anyone with that personal experience and it is foreign but
something they may ask further questions about to attempt
to understand. you are going through pleae keep in mind
that we are always here. you are not alone. you are still
asleep. you are falling asleep or when you are waking up.
you are fully aware and unable to speak or move your arms,
legs or head. you are only partially awake. you are at higher
risk » See All In Case You Missed It: Simple tips to fight
inflammation An enlarged prostate gland and incontinence
The gut-brain connection Get the latest news on health
and wellness delivered to your inbox! Men’s Health Inside
Men’s Health: Birth Control Erectile Dysfunction Exercise
& Fitness Healthy Eating Men’s Sexual Health Prostate
Cancer Prostate Health & Disease Screening Tests for Men
Featured Content: Exercise can reduce the side effects of
prostate cancer treatments » The heart of a healthy sex life
» What can I do about urinary dribbling? » The option of
prostate cancer surgery » Mushrooms may protect against
prostate cancer » See All In Case You Missed It: Treatment:
Watchful waiting for an enlarged prostate An enlarged
prostate gland and incontinence Treating prostate cancer
with combined hormonal-radiation therapy Get the latest
news on health and wellness delivered to your inbox! Wom-
en’s Health Inside Women’s Health: Birth Control Breast
Health & Disease Exercise & Fitness Healthy Eating
Menopause Osteoporosis Pregnancy Screening Tests for
Women Women’s Sexual Health Featured Content: Can
alternative treatments help with painful fibroids? » Toxic
beauty » Menopause and mental health » Researchers test
new technology for screening dense breasts » Could your
breast implants be making you sick? » See All In Case You
Missed It: Hypothyroidism symptoms and signs in an older
person Some people over age 60 have few, if any, symptoms
of an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), while
others experience the same symptoms younger people do.
you are so right. you are feeling good about yourself the
way you focus your eyes, position your mouth, and ma-
neuver your shoulders, hips, and hands send out signals
that say, ‘Check me out! I think you are hot!’ After you get
your target’s attention you shift gears to hold onto his or
her interest and move the attraction to another level. you
are for a bit of romance, how attractive you feel, and how
interested you are. you are rating someone’s attractiveness
and in turn are being rated, messages that convey interest,
keenness, and compatibility are constantly being relayed.
you are not aware that you are touching or stroking yourself.
you are correct on both the emotional and physical levels.
you are a woman, you will probably be disappointed with
our summary of male courtship signals. you are likely to
see, much of which is focused around his genitals. you are a
man and you want to find out which women like you, wear
a neatly pressed suit and tie, but wear the tie slightly off to
one side and put a little lint on one shoulder. you are hiding
something or not being honest, or that you lack confidence.
you are speaking with. you are thinking. you are touching
your head. you are thinking is unknown to those who are
trying to determine if you can be trusted. you are up to no
good. you are not open for collaboration. you are aloof on
the balcony, not moshing on the dance floor. you are con-
versing with. you are less likely to get sick from touching,
petting, or owning a cat. you are bitten or scratched by a
cat If you are bitten or scratched by a cat, you should: Wash
wounds with warm soapy water immediately. you are unsure
if the cat has been vaccinated against rabies. you are select-
ing. you are leaving the CDC website. you are filled with
love and joy. you are a new parent, it often takes a while to
understand your newborn and all the ways you can interact:
Touch becomes an early language as babies respond to skin-
to-skin contact. you are supportive and help you develop
confidence in your parenting abilities. you are using breast
milk you’ve pumped, the staff, including a lactation con-
sultant, can help you make the transition to breastfeeding
before your baby goes home. you are bonding by the time
you take your baby to the first office visit with your child’s
doctor, discuss your concerns at that appointment. you are
not only BORED but you can care less what others think!
Reply Mark says July 2008 ,8 at 11:03 pm Marc offers some
interesting suggestions here, but I could wish he had cited
the basis for his suggestions. you are true to the message
your are trying to communicate, you wont make any mis-
takes and if you think you did, all you need do is ask the
receiver. you are talking to if you don’t want to be rude”.
you are in that body, but if you can control your attention,
and attend to the body, that’s a stronger form of selfhood,”
said Metzinger. you are something that has a perspective,
something that is directed at the world, and something
that can be directed at itself. you are fitted with an artificial
heart? If Carlos experienced substantial changes, it would
offer important new evidence that our mind extends well
beyond the brain. you are walking around the park, your
body might give you all sorts of pleasant feedback that
shows you are relaxed and peaceful. you are wrong, offering
feedback that should boost body awareness. you are about
to act now!” he exhorted his patients. you are in any way
concerned about your health. you are unconscious. you are
less fulfilled\u003C\u002Fa\u003E. you are awake but you
can’t move your body\u003C\u002Fa\u003E. you are more
rational or sensible\u003C\u002Fa\u003E – a fact that
we’ve explored before on BBC Future. you are suffering
from the “bias blind-spot” – a tendency to deny flaws in
your own thinking. you are looking for inspiration, consider
Sternberg. you are the kind of person who wanders around
in a daze a lot. you are thinking is known in psychology as
‘meta- awareness’, and it’s very useful if you are trying to
stop mind-wandering before it takes you too far away. you
are better at engaging this when you need it and not getting
into this mind-wandering default mode,” says Esterman.
you are immune, you shouldn’t underestimate the power
of suggestion. you are permanently upside down or Titov’s
strange sensation that he was spinning through space. you
are dancing or having a good time. you are of yourself. you
are now a different person. you are standing on one side of
a river, and you want to reach a village on the other side.
you are “unlucky in love”. you are going to be dragged off
course. you are failing and then you become anxious... But
if you go into a game of tennis thinking ‘I’ll play as well
as I possibly can to the best of my ability’ – that is under
your control, and it doesn’t matter if you start to lose – you
won’t feel the frustration of failure, because you’re not
failing, you’re still sticking true to your goals. you are doing
nothing, here is a way to do something and make money
and still not leave the house,” her friend had said. you are
good in politics and you are good at your English, so would
you like to work on news sites?”\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\
u003Cp\ u003E“I said ‘Yeah, why not’,” Tamara recalls. you
are constantly exposed to it. you are aware that the content
you are writing is not true; it’s only a way of making mon-
ey. you are writing. you are hiding something or not being
honest, or that you lack confidence. you are speaking with.
you are thinking. you are touching your head. you are think-
ing is unknown to those who are trying to determine if you
can be trusted. you are up to no good. you are not open for
collaboration. you are aloof on the balcony, not moshing on
the dance floor. you are conversing with. you are at higher
risk » See All In Case You Missed It: Simple tips to fight
inflammation An enlarged prostate gland and incontinence
The gut-brain connection Get the latest news on health
and wellness delivered to your inbox! Men’s Health Inside
Men’s Health: Birth Control Erectile Dysfunction Exercise
& Fitness Healthy Eating Men’s Sexual Health Prostate
Cancer Prostate Health & Disease Screening Tests for Men
Featured Content: Exercise can reduce the side effects of
prostate cancer treatments » The heart of a healthy sex life
» What can I do about urinary dribbling? » The option of
prostate cancer surgery » Mushrooms may protect against
prostate cancer » See All In Case You Missed It: Treatment:
Watchful waiting for an enlarged prostate An enlarged
prostate gland and incontinence Treating prostate cancer
with combined hormonal-radiation therapy Get the latest
news on health and wellness delivered to your inbox! Wom-
en’s Health Inside Women’s Health: Birth Control Breast
Health & Disease Exercise & Fitness Healthy Eating
Menopause Osteoporosis Pregnancy Screening Tests for
Women Women’s Sexual Health Featured Content: Can
alternative treatments help with painful fibroids? » Toxic
beauty » Menopause and mental health » Researchers test
new technology for screening dense breasts » Could your
breast implants be making you sick? » See All In Case You
Missed It: Hypothyroidism symptoms and signs in an older
person Some people over age 60 have few, if any, symptoms
of an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), while
others experience the same symptoms younger people do.
you are so right. you are wondering what to say, check your-
self first. you are worried about their safety, and give them
the chance to confide what is going on. you are in a position
to do so. you are genuinely curious about their life experi-
ence. you are actually open to hearing about their journey,
which could be saddening, shocking, or confusing to you.
you are struggling with, hurting yourself isn’t the answer.
you are struggling with some tough emotions or thoughts
as well, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Lifeline at -273-
800-1 TALK (8255) or share the number with others who
may need it. you are eventually able to have some spaces in
your life where you feel comfortable wearing whatever you
like. you are either precious to them and they can’t imagine
how you must have felt in that moment, or they can but
could never push through into the action of it, OR they
haven’t faced anyone with that personal experience and it is
foreign but something they may ask further questions about
to attempt to understand. you are going through pleae keep
in mind that we are always here. you are not alone. you are
still asleep. you are falling asleep or when you are waking
up. you are fully aware and unable to speak or move your
arms, legs or head. you are only partially awake. you are
in that body, but if you can control your attention, and
attend to the body, that’s a stronger form of selfhood,”
said Metzinger. you are something that has a perspective,
something that is directed at the world, and something
that can be directed at itself. you are fitted with an artificial
heart? If Carlos experienced substantial changes, it would
offer important new evidence that our mind extends well
beyond the brain. you are walking around the park, your
body might give you all sorts of pleasant feedback that
shows you are relaxed and peaceful. you are wrong, offering
feedback that should boost body awareness. you are about
to act now!” he exhorted his patients. you are in any way
concerned about your health. you are unconscious. you are
less fulfilled\u003C\u002Fa\u003E. you are awake but you
can’t move your body\u003C\u002Fa\u003E. you are more
rational or sensible\u003C\u002Fa\u003E – a fact that
we’ve explored before on BBC Future. you are suffering
from the “bias blind- spot” – a tendency to deny flaws in
your own thinking. you are looking for inspiration, consider
Sternberg. you are the kind of person who wanders around
in a daze a lot. you are thinking is known in psychology as
‘meta- awareness’, and it’s very useful if you are trying to
stop mind-wandering before it takes you too far away. you
are better at engaging this when you need it and not getting
into this mind-wandering default mode,” says Esterman.
you are immune, you shouldn’t underestimate the power
of suggestion. you are permanently upside down or Titov’s
strange sensation that he was spinning through space. you
are dancing or having a good time. you are of yourself. you
are now a different person. you are standing on one side of
a river, and you want to reach a village on the other side.
you are “unlucky in love”. you are going to be dragged off
course. you are failing and then you become anxious... But
if you go into a game of tennis thinking ‘I’ll play as well
as I possibly can to the best of my ability’ – that is under
your control, and it doesn’t matter if you start to lose – you
won’t feel the frustration of failure, because you’re not
failing, you’re still sticking true to your goals. you are doing
nothing, here is a way to do something and make money
and still not leave the house,” her friend had said. you are
good in politics and you are good at your English, so would
you like to work on news sites?”\u003C\u002Fp\u003E\
u003Cp\u003E“I said ‘Yeah, why not’,” Tamara recalls. you
are constantly exposed to it. you are aware that the content
you are writing is not true; it’s only a way of making money.
you are writing. you are an intriguing, interesting, engaging
person! Yes, I have met thousands of people at speaking
events, conferences and networking parties and I have never
met a boring person. you are emotionally available to con-
nect. you are there and what you are looking for. you are not
alone if you struggle with these basic attraction questions?
Is she attracted to me?Does he like me?Why didn’t they
call? Body language will give you the tools to know where
you stand. you are engaged. you are in a group of people
and you are interested in one person in the group. you are
interested is by leaning toward them. you are speaking with
someone, let them know you are present and interested by
tilting your head and gazing at them. you are in a very pub-
lic or potentially dangerous location, she could be gripping
her purse for safety concerns, but in a casual place or on
a date this can be a good indicator. you are holding their
hand, then you might want to go in for a kiss. you are
spending time with, and you might care about their well
being, but you probably won’t be that interested in getting
to know them. you are romantically attracted to someone
and you also want to have sex with them, you have pa-
tience. you are meant to be with the person, you will be
with them. you are more prone to take your time. you are
in love with someone, and it’s right, it seems like you both
have all of the time in the world. YOU ARE THE FIRST
TO EMAIL HER, SEND THIS)Wow! You spark up my
entire thinking faculty. you are asbeautiful as your profile.
you are blind (lol). you are the first woman I choose to
communicate with. you are one of my kind, we are both
open minded and ready to fall in love in the hands of that-
wonderful partner. you are a true diamond, you are priceless,
a blessing andan angel. you are doing something special to
me (lol). you are in love or not, because if you were you-
wouldn’t need to ask. you are as open minded and simple as
me, I can promise you that the sky wouldbe the beginning.
you are my woman for sure. you are the one for me. you are
saying the answers directly into my ears. you are right in
front of me,holding me tight as we both keep taking gentle
steps round the house. you are holding myhands, you are no
different from that woman with eyes opened because I will
be leading you to the right path. you are making me more
than happy and really, I can not write enough of how much
Ifeel now until later today because I should be staying with
the workers all through the day as this is the last day of the
interiordecorations. YOU ARE TRULY DONE WITH
THE INTERIOR DECORATION. you are always on my
mind. you are my soul mate. you are the bud from which
his happiness blossoms. you are the bud from which my
happiness blossom“Happiness is falling asleep next to you
and waking up thinking I’m still in my dreams. you are the
home for my pleasure, my treasure, my heart and my hap-
piness“Happiness is the only thing on earth that cannot
be paid by any diamonds, gold or money. you are working
less cos I’m getting real close to the end of this project and
about time to get my ass onflight to you. you are doing
great job on your strength,you have to be very strong in or-
der to withstand this hot man... lol. you are sure the keeper
of my star, wiper of mytears, carer of my soul, joy of my life,
taker of my breath, reader of my mind, melter of my heart,
lover of my world, reason formy living, hearer of my wor-
ries, bringer of my smiles, angel of my spirit, cover of my
body, filler of all spaces, sweetest ofsouls. You Are Still The
One...Let these words not only touch your eyes, let them
travel through your soul, and let them rest in your heart as
you rest inmine...I love you. you are the sun in my day, the
wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and
the beat in my heart. YOU ARE STILL
ONE !==============================
AIRPORT TO HER. you are truly heaven sent. you are
placed in the midst of a million women and I am to pick,
I know I will figure you out without the least mistake. you
are my now and ever, my only love, and I thank you for
being so kind with my heart. you are not able to answer
the phoneI still can hear your sweet voiceTelling me its ok
love!I think my heart skips a beat when I hear your voice.
you are one of a kindI am the luckiest man because its you
I did find!You can make me smile with a simple HiMy
love,respect and admiration for you will never die!There is
a million feelings I feel for you... all of them bright col-
ors,none of them are blue!So Thank you for loving me and
letting me love you. you are truly a light in the darkMay
the reward of God be with youAbove all promises...Is my
True love for youIt is endless!On my life I swear.... you are
my everything, and I love you more than life itself. you are
everything to me. you are my soul mate, and I vow to love
you all eternity. you are so far away and I’m not being able
to hold you, kiss you, or even able to tell you I love you
every day, as we gothrough the hardest thing we have ever
had to go through in the past weeks we have been together.
you are so very awesome honey -do you know that ? you
are sweet -kind-generous -loving-adorable -brilliant- intel-
ligent-funny– beautiful -sexy – sensual – and all the good
stuff. you are sending to meThank-you for all the shared re-
sponsibilities in our homeThank-you for allowing me serve
your coffee in the morningsThank- you for the wonderful
passionate Love we give each otherThank-you for being
the best Lover I have EVER hadThank-you for all the
walks on the beachThank-you for all the candlelit romantic
dinnersThank-you for the cruise we are going onThank-you
for going parasailing with meThank-you for riding bikes
with meThank-you for cooking for meThank-you for your
financial helpThank-you for the trip to world endsThank-
you for the trip to see the Northern LightsThank-you for
being such a gentlewoman at all timesThank-you for loving
my worldThank-you for making this year the BEST IN
MY LIFEThank-you for the beautiful Christmas we are
going to have this yearThank-you for wanting to turn my
30$ million into 30$ BillionThank-you for listening to my
investment ideasThank-you for accepting the gifts and tal-
ents God gave to youThank-you for every step you took in
Life to get to MeThank-you for being the Best of the
BestThank-you for all your Love notes you leave meTh-
ank-you for waiting the Long years for meThank-you for
opening your Heart to Love againThank-you for making
Love in the showerThank-you for making Love in the
poolThank-you for making Love in the Hot TubThank-you
for making Love anywhere & everywhere LOLThank-
you for going shopping with meThank-you for your equal
partnershipThank-you for being my second halfThank-you
for being my Better halfThank-you for the expertise you
bring to them28Thank-you for your encouragement to
walk into the futureThank-you for allowing me always open
the car door for youThank- you for the beautiful wedding
suiteThank-you for our beautiful weddingThank-you for
being my wifeThank-you for your faithfulnessThank-you
for your loyaltyThank-you for our new homeThank-you
for all the beautiful furnishingsThank-you for keeping
the FaithThank-you for the beauty you bring into my
lifeThank-you for bringing out the Best in MeThank-you
for the beautiful engagement ringTHANK-YOU SO
THE BEST OF THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I love you more
today than yesterday!Your Angel Manxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxDearest One,Just
had time to check my emails now and I just want to quickly
reply to your message. you are just somewhere under beau-
tiful trees, dancing to the beautiful melody of the leaves. you
are the number one criminal in the world. you are a per-
fect ‘heart robber’ for stealing all my heart without leaving
even a space for me. you are my heartrobber! LOL. YOU
ONTHIS PLANET. you are always with me. you are the
absolute best thing to ever happen in my life. you are the-
most sensitive, caring, tender, considerate, loving woman I
have ever met. you are simply amazing. YOU ARE SEND-
FORMAT. you are doing. you are my love so understand
what I mean here more thanI have said it because really,
there can never be any word to say exactly what I mean.
you are in mine. YOU ARE DONE AND THAT THE
PAYMENT THESAME DAY. you are the second half
that completes me. you are holding is a Region’s Bank
check which has only few branches in the UnitedStates
and no where else in the world. YOU ARE AT THEAIR-
CHECKING IN. you are the bestwoman any man can
have. you are like the rainbow, only the lucky ones see you
when you come out. you are permeates everything in your
life and is reflected in all your behavior. you are merely
expressing yourself to make your desires known and you’re
willing to accept the consequences, good or bad, others will
notice that. you are feeling good about yourself the way you
focus your eyes, position your mouth, and maneuver your
shoulders, hips, and hands send out signals that say, ‘Check
me out! I think you are hot!’ After you get your target’s
attention you shift gears to hold onto his or her interest and
move the attraction to another level. you are for a bit of ro-
mance, how attractive you feel, and how interested you are.
you are rating someone’s attractiveness and in turn are be-
ing rated, messages that convey interest, keenness, and com-
patibility are constantly being relayed. you are not aware
that you are touching or stroking yourself. you are correct
on both the emotional and physical levels. you are a wom-
an, you will probably be disappointed with our summary of
male courtship signals. you are likely to see, much of which
is focused around his genitals. you are a man and you want
to find out which women like you, wear a neatly pressed
suit and tie, but wear the tie slightly off to one side and put
a little lint on one shoulder. you are their only friend they
can rely on. you are talking only one person. you are smart-
er than this!!! How do I get myself to start thinking with
head and not my heart. You Are Asexual How to Tell If
You Are Asexual Cover of The Invisible Orientation Carrel
Books By Julie Sondra Decker June 2014 ,18 The following
excerpts are from the upcoming book The Invisible Ori-
entation: An Introduction to Asexuality by Julie Sondra
Decker, out September 2014. you are agreeing to our Terms
of Use and Privacy Policy Thank you! For your security,
we’ve sent a confirmation email to the address you entered.
you are feeling good about yourself the way you focus your
eyes, position your mouth, and maneuver your shoulders,
hips, and hands send out signals that say, ‘Check me out!
I think you are hot!’ After you get your target’s attention
you shift gears to hold onto his or her interest and move
the attraction to another level. you are for a bit of romance,
how attractive you feel, and how interested you are. you are
rating someone’s attractiveness and in turn are being rated,
messages that convey interest, keenness, and compatibility
are constantly being relayed. you are not aware that you are
touching or stroking yourself. you are correct on both the
emotional and physical levels. you are a woman, you will
probably be disappointed with our summary of male court-
ship signals. you are likely to see, much of which is focused
around his genitals. you are a man and you want to find out
which women like you, wear a neatly pressed suit and tie,
but wear the tie slightly off to one side and put a little lint
on one shoulder. you are spending time with, and you might
care about their well being, but you probably won’t be that
interested in getting to know them. you are romantically
attracted to someone and you also want to have sex with
them, you have patience. you are meant to be with the per-
son, you will be with them. you are more prone to take your
time. you are in love with someone, and it’s right, it seems
like you both have all of the time in the world. you are an
intriguing, interesting, engaging person! Yes, I have met
thousands of people at speaking events, conferences and
networking parties and I have never met a boring person.
you are emotionally available to connect. you are there and
what you are looking for. you are not alone if you struggle
with these basic attraction questions? Is she attracted to
me?Does he like me?Why didn’t they call? Body language
will give you the tools to know where you stand. you are en-
gaged. you are in a group of people and you are interested in
one person in the group. you are interested is by leaning to-
ward them. you are speaking with someone, let them know
you are present and interested by tilting your head and
gazing at them. you are in a very public or potentially dan-
gerous location, she could be gripping her purse for safety
concerns, but in a casual place or on a date this can be a
good indicator. you are holding their hand, then you might
want to go in for a kiss. you are permeates everything in
your life and is reflected in all your behavior. you are merely
expressing yourself to make your desires known and you’re
willing to accept the consequences, good or bad, others will
SEND THIS)Wow! You spark up my entire thinking facul-
ty. you are asbeautiful as your profile. you are blind (lol).
you are the first woman I choose to communicate with. you
are one of my kind, we are both open minded and ready to
fall in love in the hands of thatwonderful partner. you are a
true diamond, you are priceless, a blessing andan angel. you
are doing something special to me (lol). you are in love or
not, because if you were youwouldn’t need to ask. you are
as open minded and simple as me, I can promise you that
the sky wouldbe the beginning. you are my woman for sure.
you are the one for me. you are saying the answers directly
into my ears. you are right in front of me,holding me tight
as we both keep taking gentle steps round the house. you
are holding myhands, you are no different from that woman
with eyes opened because I will be leading you to the right
path. you are making me more than happy and really, I can
not write enough of how much Ifeel now until later today
because I should be staying with the workers all through
the day as this is the last day of the interiordecorations.
DECORATION. you are always on my mind. you are my
soul mate. you are the bud from which his happiness
blossoms. you are the bud from which my happiness blos-
som“Happiness is falling asleep next to you and waking up
thinking I’m still in my dreams. you are the home for my
pleasure, my treasure, my heart and my happiness“Hap-
piness is the only thing on earth that cannot be paid by
any diamonds, gold or money. you are working less cos I’m
getting real close to the end of this project and about time
to get my ass onflight to you. you are doing great job on
your strength,you have to be very strong in order to with-
stand this hot man... lol. you are sure the keeper of my star,
wiper of mytears, carer of my soul, joy of my life, taker of
my breath, reader of my mind, melter of my heart, lover
of my world, reason formy living, hearer of my worries,
bringer of my smiles, angel of my spirit, cover of my body,
filler of all spaces, sweetest ofsouls. You Are Still The One...
Let these words not only touch your eyes, let them travel
through your soul, and let them rest in your heart as you
rest inmine...I love you. you are the sun in my day, the wind
in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heart.
BE THE ONE! ==============================
! ============================== !
============================== !
AIRPORT TO HER. you are truly heaven sent. you are
placed in the midst of a million women and I am to pick,
I know I will figure you out without the least mistake. you
are my now and ever, my only love, and I thank you for
being so kind with my heart. you are not able to answer
the phoneI still can hear your sweet voiceTelling me its ok
love!I think my heart skips a beat when I hear your voice.
you are one of a kindI am the luckiest man because its you
I did find!You can make me smile with a simple HiMy
love,respect and admiration for you will never die!There
is a million feelings I feel for you...all of them bright col-
ors,none of them are blue!So Thank you for loving me and
letting me love you. you are truly a light in the darkMay the
reward of God be with youAbove all promises...Is my True
love for youIt is endless!On my life I swear.... you are my
everything, and I love you more than life itself. you are ev-
erything to me. you are my soul mate, and I vow to love you
all eternity. you are so far away and I’m not being able to
hold you, kiss you, or even able to tell you I love you every
day, as we gothrough the hardest thing we have ever had to
go through in the past weeks we have been together. you are
so very awesome honey -do you know that ? you are sweet
-kind-generous -loving-adorable -brilliant- intelligent-fun-
ny– beautiful -sexy – sensual – and all the good stuff. you
are sending to meThank-you for all the shared responsi-
bilities in our homeThank-you for allowing me serve your
coffee in the morningsThank- you for the wonderful pas-
sionate Love we give each otherThank-you for being the
best Lover I have EVER hadThank-you for all the walks on
the beachThank-you for all the candlelit romantic din-
nersThank-you for the cruise we are going onThank-you
for going parasailing with meThank- you for riding bikes
with meThank-you for cooking for meThank-you for your
financial helpThank-you for the trip to world endsThank-
you for the trip to see the Northern LightsThank-you for
being such a gentlewoman at all timesThank-you for loving
my worldThank-you for making this year the BEST IN
MY LIFEThank-you for the beautiful Christmas we are
going to have this yearThank-you for wanting to turn my
30$ million into 30$ BillionThank-you for listening to my
investment ideasThank-you for accepting the gifts and
talents God gave to youThank-you for every step you took
in Life to get to MeThank-you for being the Best of the
BestThank-you for all your Love notes you leave meTh-
ank-you for waiting the Long years for meThank-you for
opening your Heart to Love againThank-you for making
Love in the showerThank-you for making Love in the
poolThank-you for making Love in the Hot TubThank-you
for making Love anywhere & everywhere LOLThank-
you for going shopping with meThank-you for your equal
partnershipThank-you for being my second halfThank-you
for being my Better halfThank-you for the expertise you
bring to them28Thank-you for your encouragement to
walk into the futureThank-you for allowing me always open
the car door for youThank-you for the beautiful wedding
suiteThank-you for our beautiful weddingThank-you for
being my wifeThank-you for your faithfulnessThank-you
for your loyaltyThank-you for our new homeThank-you
for all the beautiful furnishingsThank-you for keeping
the FaithThank-you for the beauty you bring into my
lifeThank-you for bringing out the Best in MeThank-you
for the beautiful engagement ringTHANK-YOU SO
THE BEST OF THE BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you more
today than yesterday!
Your Angel Man
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
Dearest One,Just had time to check my emails now and
I just want to quickly reply to your message. you are just
somewhere under beautiful trees, dancing to the beautiful
melody of the leaves. you are the number one criminal in
the world. you are a perfect ‘heart robber’ for stealing all
my heart without leaving even a space for me. you are my
WOMEN ONTHIS PLANET. you are always with me.
you are the absolute best thing to ever happen in my life.
you are themost sensitive, caring, tender, considerate,
loving woman I have ever met. you are simply amazing.
EACH BILLING FORMAT. you are doing. you are my
love so understand what I mean here more thanI have said
it because really, there can never be any word to say exactly
what I mean. you are in mine. YOU ARE DONE AND
you are the second half that completes me. you are
holding is a Region’s Bank check which has only few
branches in the UnitedStates and no where else in the
the bestwoman any man can have. you are like the rainbow,
only the lucky ones see you when you come out. you are
relentlessly attracted to the bad boys and the bad girls, or
unavailable people, you can still develop this capacity. you
are just not the ones you’re attracted to? Today we’re going
to tackle what might be the most common struggle of all,
in the world of dating. you are the most crazy for, you are
so, in large part, because they embody the worst emotional
characteristics of your caregivers. you are blinded to some-
one’s actual character, you’re in grave risk. you are decreasing
the chances of that horrible pain occurring for you. you are
attracted to someone in the way I just described, the first
step is to give yourself space, to recognize that no matter
how wonderful is this person, you are not obligated to be
one drop more attracted to him or her than you are. you are
amazing snd so right. you are sooo clear. You Are Asexual
How to Tell If You Are Asexual Cover of The Invisible Ori-
entation Carrel Books By Julie Sondra Decker June 2014
,18 The following excerpts are from the upcoming book The
Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality by
Julie Sondra Decker, out September 2014. you are agreeing
to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy Thank you! For your
security, we’ve sent a confirmation email to the address you
entered. you are relentlessly attracted to the bad boys and
the bad girls, or unavailable people, you can still develop
this capacity. you are just not the ones you’re attracted to?
Today we’re going to tackle what might be the most com-
mon struggle of all, in the world
of dating. you are the most crazy for, you are so, in large
part, because they embody the worst emotional characteris-
tics of your caregivers. you are blinded to someone’s actual
character, you’re in grave risk. you are decreasing the chanc-
es of that horrible pain occurring for you. you are attracted
to someone in the way I just described, the first step is to
give yourself space, to recognize that no matter how won-
derful is this person, you are not obligated to be one drop
more attracted to him or her than you are. you are amazing
snd so right. you are sooo clear. you are smarter than this!!!
How do I get myself to start thinking with head and not
my heart. you are their only friend they can rely on. you are
talking only one person. you are sponsoring, such as a child.
you are together. you are not supposed to go out and find
love. you are ready. you are still searching, may they encour-
age you to keep your faith in love. you are and at the same
time, pushes you to grow into the best version of yourself.
you are comfortable showing the weird, awkward, twisted
sides of yourself that you usually keep hidden around ev-
eryone else. you are single make sure you watch this movie
- SOUL MATE STUDIO\”}},\”tooltip\”:\”Share\”,\”track-
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scription\”:{\ “runs\”:[{\”text\”:\”Please SUBSCRIBE to
Soul Mate Studio official YouTube channel:\\r\\n\”},{\”-
text\”:\”https:\/\/www. you are brave enough to move away
from your romance checklist, open your eyes and your heart
to unexpected possiblities, you might just be one of the
lucky ones who finds their true soul match. you are reading
in the same room, or driving in the car, there’s a quiet peace
between you. you are not threatened by the need for alone
time. you are secure knowing that you are the only one. you
are being forced to let the other person complete you.
You Are Not Your Thoughts: 10 Ways to Get Rid of
Unhealthy Thoughts Advertising Advertising Communi-
cation Motivation Advertising Last Updated on March
2020 ,25 How to Crush Your Lack of Motivation and
Always Stay Motivated Adela BelinWrites about moti-
vation, mental health, personal development and shares
stories inspired by her personal journey. you are too busy
procrastinating till you can’t anymore and before you
know it, you are part of vicious cycle of anxiety and stress.
you are grateful for, express your gratitude to people you
love and spread positivity wherever you go. you are sure
to build a positive environment around you. you are in
desperate need for motivation. you are clearly exhausted
with all the running you’re doing in life. you are lacking
motivation and everyday seems to have become a struggle.
you are sure to see an improvement in your productivity
and motivation. you are sure to see a vast change in your
perspective and your response to bad days. You Are My
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Are My Soul”},”Just For You”:{“url”:”/olivchen01/just-for-
you/”,”name”:”Just For You”},”My Life Quotes”:{“url”:”/
crystallayoung/my-life-quotes/”,”name”:”My Life
Quotes”},”Love Quotes”:{“url”:”/topics/love-
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of my life. you are my soul-mate, my best friend, and the
love of my life. you are my soul, Soul mate love, My life
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Your Boyfriend”,”Cute Paragraphs For Him”,”Cute Things
To Say To Your Boyfriend”,”Boyfriend Gift Basket”,”-
Goodmorning Texts To Boyfriend”,”Goodnight Texts To
Boyfriend”,”Love Notes To Your Boyfriend”],”visual_de-
scriptions”:[“ This stage of a relationship is the best. you
are my ALWAYS & Forever and ever ever”,”The thought
of needing to love some one perhaps not leaving your head
can affect you in a very negative way. you are constantly
thinking about the same thing over and over again it may
bring you down. you are speaking of us= it is painful. you
are my best friend quotes”,”canonical_pi n”:{“id”:”663999
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world/”,”name”:”In This World”},”Best Friend
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Friends”},”Boyfriend Best Friend”:{“url”:”/kiffiet/boy-
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best friend, and the love of my life... the one I have always
dreamed of... I don’t know how I had ever lived without
you... But because of you all of my other dreams have
changed, now everything I had ever wanted will only be
complete if you are the”,”Being best friends and in love. You
Are My Everything Quotes”,”Love My Husband”,”To My
Wife”,”Thankful Quotes For Him”],”visual_descrip-
tions”:[“Cute Love Quotes for couples Love is one the
most important and powerful thing in this world that
keeps us together, lets cherish love and friendship with
these famous love quotes and sayings”,”Find great deals
for My Everything WHITE Metal Wall Sign Plaque
Art Couple Wedding Marriage Love. You Are My Ev-
erything Quotes”:{“url”:”/EmmaWatsons14/you-are-my-
everything-quotes/”,”name”:”You Are My Everything
Quotes”},”Love My Husband”:{“url”:”/kirsty_morrell/
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Wife”},”Thankful Quotes For Him”:{“url”:”/gembuse/
thankful- quotes-for-him/”,”name”:”Thankful Quotes
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me but I won’t let that happen. you are amazing and I’m
proud that you are my destiny! I love you so much and I’m
so blessed and honored to have your love in return!”,”We
are destined to be together in so many many ways! Look
how far we came, but now my destiny is getting back to
you, the sooner the better!”,”Idk if you are my destiny or
not but i sure hope so bc when things are right between
us ive never been happier”],”breadcrumbs”:null,”seo_de-
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six billion others can find the only person with the key to
unlock their heart. you are introduced to many different
types of methods of play. you are sponsoring, such as a
child. you are together. you are not supposed to go out and
find love. you are ready. you are spending so much time
together and contemplating things like \”soulmates. you
are sick or smelly. you are simply not on the same page. you
are not around. you are with the wrong person, you may
find yourself constantly explaining everything to friends
and family, according to Fern. you are with your soulmate,
there will still be arguments to overcome, and obstacles to
navigate. you are setting a pattern of being with someone
who has no desire “],[1,[5],0,”to help fix or nurture the
relationship”],[0,[],0,”,\” Campbell said. you are insecure
about the relationship”],[0,[],0,” and worry that one false
move will turn your partner off,\” Borresen. you are Not
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friends and family, according to Fern. you are a whiny, bitter
shrew with a misplaced sense of entitlement and unrealistic
expectations. you are using a browser that is missing critical
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you that I think you are my soulmate. you are my soulmate,
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mateListen to an audio pronunciationAdd to listeres mi
alma gemelaListen to an audio pronunciationDictio-
naryExampl esPronunciationLooking for the noun soul-
mate instead?you are my soulmate(yu ar may sol-mayt)
A phrase is a group of words commonly used together
(e. you are my soulmate’ in our machine translatorsWant
to Learn Spanish?Spanish learning for everyone. you are
single make sure you watch this movie - SOUL MATE
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to channel - LATEST MARRIAGE MOVIES - 600K
views - 2 months ago - play video\”}}}},{ \”compactVideo-
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{\”thumbnails\”:[{\”url\”:\”https:\/\/i. you are and at the
same time, pushes you to grow into the best version of
yourself. you are comfortable showing the weird, awkward,
twisted sides of yourself that you usually keep hidden
around everyone else. you are brave enough to move away
from your romance checklist, open your eyes and your heart
to unexpected possiblities, you might just be one of the
lucky ones who finds their true soul match. you are reading
in the same room, or driving in the car, there’s a quiet peace
between you. you are not threatened by the need for alone
time. you are secure knowing that you are the only one. you
are being forced to let the other person complete you. You
Are Not Your Thoughts: 10 Ways to Get Rid of Unhealthy
Thoughts Advertising Advertising Communication Moti-
vation Advertising Last Updated on March 2020 ,25
How to Crush Your Lack of Motivation and Always Stay
Motivated Adela BelinWrites about motivation, mental
health, personal development and shares stories inspired by
her personal journey. you are too busy procrastinating till
you can’t anymore and before you know it, you are part of
vicious cycle of anxiety and stress. you are grateful for, ex-
press your gratitude to people you love and spread positivity
wherever you go. you are sure to build a positive environ-
ment around you. you are in desperate need for motivation.
you are clearly exhausted with all the running you’re doing
in life. you are lacking motivation and everyday seems to
have become a struggle. you are sure to see an improvement
in your productivity and motivation. you are sure to see a
vast change in your perspective and your response to bad
days. you are my soulmate”,”hasBothLangs”:false,”navIte
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En”:”I know we just met, but I have to tell you that I
think you are my soulmate. you are my soulmate, plain
and simple, and I want to marry you. you are my soul-
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lation”:true,”translationsDisplay”:{“texts”:[“eres mi alma
formal”,”tool tip”:{“def ”:”A word of phrase used to refer
to the second person informal “tú” by their conjugation or
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u002Fspanish- present-tense-forms\u002F”,”tooltip”:”*He
speaks* Spanish. you are my soulmateyou are my soulmat-
eListen to an audio pronunciationAdd to listeres mi alma
gemelaListen to an audio pronunciationDictionaryExa
mplesPronunciationLooking for the noun soulmate in-
stead?you are my soulmate(yu ar may sol-mayt)A phrase is
a group of words commonly used together (e. you are my
soulmate’ in our machine translatorsWant to Learn Span-
ish?Spanish learning for everyone. you are still searching,
may they encourage you to keep your faith in love. you are
a whiny, bitter shrew with a misplaced sense of entitlement
and unrealistic expectations. you are using a browser that
is missing critical features. you are my soul-mate, my best
friend, and the love of my life. You Are My Soul”,”Just
For You”,”My Life Quotes”,”Love Quotes”],”seo_descrip-
tion”:”you are my soul-mate, my best friend, and the love of
my life. You Are My Soul”:{“url”:”/ aaallen89/you-are-my-
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Quotes”,”Soul Mate Quotes”,”Destiny Quotes”,”Boyfriend
Quotes”],”seo_description”:”Christmas Gifts for Him or
Her - Romantic Home Decor - Love Poetry - Soulmates
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tions”:[“Christmas Gifts for Him or Her - Romantic
Home Decor - Love Poetry - Soulmates - Meant to Be
Gift”,”[tps_header] Quotes are a great way to tell your feel-
ings to your crush, wife, friends or parents. you are my best
friend quotes”,”bread crumbs”:null,”visu al_descriptions”:[“i
love you because you are my best friend quotes”,”you are my
best friend, and the love of my life. you are my best friend,
and the love of my life... the one I have always dreamed
of... I don’t know how I had ever lived without you... But
because of you all of my other dreams have changed, now
everything I had ever wanted will only be complete if you
are the”,”Being best friends and in love. you are looking for.
you are MY soulmate my love. you are afraid to lose me but
I won’t let that happen. you are working on something that
you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. you are
spending so much time together and contemplating things
like \”soulmates. you are sick or smelly. you are simply not
on the same page. you are not around. you are with the
wrong person, you may find yourself constantly explaining
everything to friends and family, according to Fern. you are
with your soulmate, there will still be arguments to over-
come, and obstacles to navigate. you are setting a pattern of
being with someone who has no desire “],[1,[5],0,”to help
fix or nurture the relationship”],[0,[],0,”,\” Campbell said.
you are insecure about the relationship”],[0,[],0,” and worry
that one false move will turn your partner off,\” Borre-
sen. you are Not With A Long-Term Partner”,”nsfaLev-
sion”:”0. you are not around”],[0,[],0,”. you are with the
wrong person”],[0,[],0,”, you may find yourself constantly
explaining everything to friends and family, according to

you are all so fucking pompous. you are not getting your
hair cut, you don’t have to move your brother’s clothes down
to the lower peg. you are all dead. you are dead tired. you
are playing football or anything, try and favor the other
leg. you are dead now, so shut up. you are so big. you are so
strong and, well, just so super. you are not innocent. you are
breathing so I guess you are still alive even if signs seem to
tell me otherwise. you are trying to say is you don’t
wanna play. you are dancing in quicksand. you are
wandering? Why don’t you watch where you are stumbling?
you are wading knee deep and going in. you are a stupid,
dumb ass, belligerent fucker. you are saturating me. you
are not qualified. you are so big! you are dead tired. you are
looking for $19. So absolutely huge. you are playing any
football try and favor the other leg. you are feeling very
small and insecure, How amazing unlikely is your birth,
And pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space
‘Cause there’s bugger all down here on Earth. you are dead
now, so shut up. you are all so fucking pompous. you are all
so fucking pompous and none of you have got any balls.
you are dead now, so shut up. you are a guest in this house
and you are dead tired.
fucker. you are saturating me. you are dead now, so shut up!
you are a guest in this house, and-- [whack] Ah!

Oh. you are all so fucking pompous, and none of you have
got any balls. you are the one who knocks.

you are dead tired.

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