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Restorative Circles

Building community
and relationships
through proactive
What is a Restorative Circle?

Restorative circles are highly structured processes that are based on

and rooted in indigenous practices. All participants meet together, talk
about what happened, and settle on a plan to repair the harm.

Used to replace punitive/consequential forms of discipline.

(ie. lunch detention & suspensions)

Adapted from

Mapping Our Stories:
Indigenous scholar Judy Dow’s Basket Making Activity

a mnemonic device used to help us tell and share our stories

Basket Weaving Video
Basket Weaving As Taught by Judy Dow

Judy Dow is an Abenaki basketmaker,

teacher, researcher, and speaker. She
teaches the critical history of eugenics of
Indigenous people, through basketmaking.
Through this she is able to help preserve the
cultural and technological legacy of
indigenous culture. This activity is used to teach
not only history but math, science and as a
mapping tool to tell personal stories and build

Please share this technique and lets not

forget the land that we are on and the
history that is embedded in it.
Basket Weaving As Taught by Judy Dow

“Using recycled materials. It’s traditional

to adapt to social political, environmental,
and economic changes” - Judy Dow
Basket Weaving As Taught by Judy Dow
Basket Weaving As Taught by Judy Dow

“These skills often get lost

in today’s fast pace world
where it is easier to just buy
a kit. Understanding the
land helps to learn the
basketry process.
Using basket making to
- Judy Dow

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