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Assessment offer for Insight, Second Edition

The assessment offer for Insight is informed by assessment for learning principles. We have
developed a test suite that optimizes the learning journey, offering valuable insights as students
progress through the level.

Test Type Description and purpose When to assign

Entry Test The result of this test recommends the best Before assigning course
course level for a student to start the school level to students
year with. The test is accompanied by a
mapping document that translates students’
scores to a specific level of your chosen
Diagnostic Test This test is CEFR-specific and offers valuable At the start of the
insight into your learners’ strengths and course level
weaknesses, both at individual and class level.
It aims to support next steps planning and
personalizing the learning experience. The
Diagnostic Tool accompanying the test offers
feedback and recommendations for next steps
by language points and skills areas.
Short Tests The short tests focus on the grammar and The first short test is
vocabulary learning objectives covered within intended for the first
a given unit only. There are two short tests per half of the unit and the
unit. second for the latter
part of the unit.
Unit Tests The unit test focusses on learning objectives At the end of each unit
covered within the unit. It offers a snapshot of
where learning has been successful. Results
and ensuing feedback can define next steps.
Progress Tests The test assesses the progress made by At the end of a group of
students in relation to a defined group of units
units. It measures the learning that has taken
place within this set of units and helps identify
student’s progress.
End-of-year Test This summative test focuses on what students At the end of the
have learned during the course level. It reports course level
on their overall achievement for the year.

Insight tests are carefully created according to strict guidelines and specifications to ensure
confidence in the results. The tests offer useful insight into progress and next steps for both
teacher and student. The following features facilitate a comprehensive assessment for learning
1) Learning objectives – every activity is clearly aligned to a target learning objective, e.g.
Grammar: past habits. Each learning objective is tested with a set of questions. The
result will give you an unambiguous indication of students’ learning by target learning
objective. This in turn will inform any remedial and extension work follow-up.
2) Skill transferability – achieving skills transferability is an essential part of the learning
process. Knowing how to apply skills strategies to a new context demonstrates
successful learning has taken place. Our tests often assess the target learning objective
in contexts different from that of e.g. the preceding unit, ensuring students can identify
and apply the strategies taught in a new context.
3) Feedback box – each test provides space for the total score and more importantly an
area for a dialogue between you and your learners. As effective feedback is key to
successful learning, enough space is allowed for your comments on next steps.
4) Marking criteria – for support with marking the productive skills, the assessment
package includes marking criteria for speaking and writing. This will enable you to offer
a standardized approach to marking. It can also be used to share success criteria with
your students.
5) Explanatory answer key – every item answer comes with its own explanation as to why
it is correct or incorrect. Understanding why something is right or wrong is a memorable
learning opportunity and you can use the key in a number of ways, including for self- or
peer-correction, reflection and discussion.
6) Clear scoring – the tests promote a transparent and easy to manage scoring system.
This ensures students are exposed to enough content to assess their learning and allows
for consistent reporting.
Tests are written with a typical lesson length in mind.
Each test comes with the choice of two versions: A or B. The versions are completely
different from each other. Use the test versions not just to manage cheating, but also for
richer choice of testing material.
Our unit tests come with a dyslexia version. This is Test version C that is located in the Unit
Tests folder.
The other test types already incorporate dyslexia recommendations and best practice for
layout and activity types.
All tests will be available for download from Oxford English Hub.
For more information and examples of assessment for learning as a classroom approach,
visit our Assessment for Learning site.

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