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A “bucket list” is a creative and imaginative list
of things you would like to do before you die
(kick the bucket).
Ideas -- DREAM BIG!!
Experience … (adventure)
Learn something new…
Travel to…
Help others…
Try something new…
NAME: Ronny David Mazacela Haro

NRC: 4324
Read the sample Bucket List above. Now write your Bucket List!!

 I still remember the school days, I wish I could live them one more time.
 I would like to be able to learn to be a barber, I would support myself with that
 I wish I could know the carnival in Brazil, it looks so interesting from videos and
 I would like to travel to the United States, like London or Paris.
 Being a famous artist is one of my biggest dreams, that way I could help those
who need it the most.
 Being able to return to Freestyle in the Carolina Style would be another dream to
 I would like to be able to investigate the ocean, I still have the doubt of knowing
with which species we live.
 I would love to be able to start a great shelter to help all those pets that do not
have a home
 I would love to be able to try to be a better person for those around me.
 Graduating from university is one of the dreams that I long for the most at the
Now write a paragraph about A DREAM COME TRUE. USE PAG.123 AS AN EXAMPLE .100

My dream was to be an artist, since I was 15 years old, I competed in various freestyle
events. Little by little I got to know the path of music, melody and lyrics. At that time I
didn't usually compose a song, it was too bad, besides, I couldn't get attached to any
instrument. That way I decided to focus on the guitar who would be my great
accompanist. I always wanted to know a musical studio from my young age, currently I
have several friends who support my lyrics, it is a dream come true. I won't be a great
artist but at least I'm doing what I love, because of my studies and the university I
haven't had much time to go to the studio, but I still miss singing with my friends on the
buses. Most people think that we are lazy, that is why we founded V.D.O (Vagos De
Oro). There is still too much to accomplish but I feel satisfied with what I have achieved
with my own sweat.

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