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Development Growth 1

Milestone One

Jeirel J Ruiz

Development Growth 2

I. Introduction

A. Establishing Context

Blewminds was founded in 2016 by Sandeep and his wife Vishwapriya with an

inspiration to impact billions of lives within a twenty-year span. Although the company had

expanded quiet enough in the matter of five years, there was still a long way to go before

accomplishing the vision of impacting billions of lives. This caused for many questions to come

up such as, “How would they create a community of storytellers within the organization who

could effectively establish trust through communication and contribute collectively to the

company’s growth? How could they engage a wider audience for BlewMinds by effectively

leveraging Sandeep’s strategic influencer communication on social media? Should the owners

continue personally funding (i.e., bootstrapping) their business, or should they consider attracting

investors?” These questions ultimately would lead to further investigations to be done which

allowed for specific problems to be identified. All of which will be discussed in detail later on.

Problems such as lack of criticism which plays hand in hand with creativity and user experience.

Some other problematic areas in which have been identified were lack of investors and

development. These issues have been identified because if we remember the purpose of

Blewminds is ultimately to communicate information and data as is Sandeep’s role. “Sandeep’s

main role at BlewMinds was corporate storyteller; as the company described it, he

“communicated information and data using experiences and narratives to express himself

effectively in a professional setting.”

Development Growth 3

B. Communication Goals

With the issues at hand, there are some in which are primarily for an internal audience,

some for external audiences and some in which can be for both internal and external audiences.

Issues that have been identified for internal audiences, an email communication would suffice.

However, any issues identified as external audiences or both internal and external audiences will

require a more formal type of communication to address the issue such as a memo. The purpose

of communicating these matters is to ultimately have development growth. Addressing these

matters will allow for an understanding of the weak points at Blewminds which in turn lead to

understanding customer wants and needs. When an organization understands the customers

needs, that same organization will be able to provide outsourced talent to take on future

improvements and identify new ideas. This will ultimately lead to an effective communication

system with freshly built relationships causing new ideas to be freely discussed. Which lastly

will allow for the organization to promote better performance levels. The true goal of this, is to

set the expectations so that goal of impacting billions of lives can truly take place. In order for

this to happen, our audience needs to be those who are recent graduates as they are the next

generation that will lead organizations further into the future and can easily relate to modern

Development Growth 4


Blewminds: Leveraging Influencer Communication Strategies. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16,

2023, from

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