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Art Theory: A Very Short Introduction

Oxford University Press, 2003

Cynthia Freeland

Chapter 3
Cultural crossings
Culture travels, like people. There are Chinese and Zen gardens in cities from Sydney to Edinburgh
to San Francisco. ‘World Music’ is enormously popular: the latest disco style breezily combines
flamenco with jazz and Gaelic traditions. Dance troupes from Africa and South America routinely
perform overseas. It would be impossible to disentangle strands of influence in the spaghetti
western, samurai film, Hollywood action flick, Indian adventure story, and Hong Kong cinema. In
the modern world, no culture, however ‘primitive’ and remote, remains isolated. The Huichol
Indians, who live in mountain villages of Mexico, make their masks and rukuri votive bowls for
peyote rituals using glass beads imported from Japan and Czechoslovakia.

Can art break down barriers among cultures? John Dewey thought so; he wrote in his 1934
book Art as Experience that art is the best possible window into another culture. Insisting that
‘art is a universal language’, Dewey urged us to strive to achieve the internal experience of
another culture. He thought this required an immediate encounter, and not studying ‘external
facts’ about geography, religion, and history: ‘Barriers are dissolved, limiting prejudices melt
away, when we enter into the spirit of Negro or Polynesian art. This insensible melting is far more
efficacious than the change effected by reasoning, because it enters directly into attitude’.
 艺术能打破文化间的障碍吗?约翰·杜威是这样认为的;他在 1934 年出版的《作为经验的
艺术》一书中写道,艺术是进入另一种文化的最佳窗口。 杜威坚持“艺术是一种通用语
Dewey’s belief that ‘the esthetic quality is the same for Greeks, Chinese, and Americans’ suggests
that he is mystifying our experience of art as direct, wordless appreciation. This smacks of
modernist searches for a universal formal quality of ‘Beauty’. Indeed, Clive Bell, the art critic,
emphasized the value of Significant Form, rather than any particular content, in ‘primitive’ art.
But to equate Dewey’s approach with Bell’s would be unfair, since Dewey knew that ‘the
language of art has to be acquired’. He did not define art as Beauty or Form, but said instead that
it is ‘the expression of the life of the community’. I like this definition, though I would go further
than Dewey in saying we must know ‘external’ facts before trying to acquire the ‘internal’
attitude of appreciation for another community’s art.
艺术评论家克莱夫·贝尔(Clive Bell)强调了“原始”艺术中重要形式的价值,而不是任何

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