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Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brands and businesses are rapidly growing.

Through this business model, consumers could interact directly with the brands. D2C
eliminates the middleman and allows consumers to gain the lowest end price by cutting out
the middleman. The same goes for connecting and purchasing fish straight from a fisherman.

Customer experience is king. Direct-to-Consumer allows consumers to get an ever-

improving shopping experience. Brands that focus on the customer experience rather than
the product will surpass customer expectations.

Beyond that, Direct-to-Consumer improves the manufacturing productivity on the

supply side by facilitating direct and uncensored input. Therefore, it creates strong
relationships with the consumer by producing the most favorable product with a lower
excessive cost. Isn't it fascinating?

I believe this is a sustainable business model that allows brands to remain relevant in quickly
changing marketplaces. Even though the customer tastes and trends shift, new browsing and
purchase channels emerge.

In conclusion: As we know when we joint to value chain most of competitive advantage of

firm is distribution channel and customer experience evalued products are good and faster
is a key success in Maketing so eliminate the middleman is trend nowadays as fast growth
rate digital tranformation and social platform.

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