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Ricci Franz L.

Mrkm 50- A-O

From the Tedx video entitled “My Curious Route to the Root of Consumer Behavior”,
Mr. Thomas Berkel discusses his knowledge and observations in the food and beverage sector.
He mentioned that barcode and scanning technology were invented to collect data and determine
which products are more marketable. I learned that barcodes and scanning technologies influence
consumer behavior by increasing retail business productivity and giving customers greater
satisfaction while shopping. They can be utilized for tracking consumer buying habits and to
compensate repeat consumers. Businesses may utilize this information to provide targeted deals
and coupons to their consumers, enticing them to come back and make future purchases. Being
aware of the wants and needs of the consumer enables businesses to produce greater quality
goods and services that match what they expect. As previously said, this may lead to higher
customer satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement. It may additionally provide companies with a
competitive advantage. Businesses can distinguish themselves from the competition and draw a
greater number of customers by delivering goods and services that are modified to the
consumer's personal preferences. Mr. Berkel also mentioned the digital grocery landscape. As I
was researching this, I learned that it has made a tremendous influence on consumer behavior,
impacting how individuals shop for food and purchase decisions. The potential to customize the
shopping experience is enhanced by digital grocery platforms. Analysis and information
gathering may help businesses identify customer preferences and give customized
recommendations and incentives. This has influenced customer behavior by affecting purchasing
decisions and encouraged people to purchase things they would not have looked into normally.
The advancement has also boosted competitiveness in the market, which could be beneficial to
consumers by bringing down prices and enhancing quality. As more businesses and supermarket
chains fight for a piece of the expanding online grocery commerce, they are being compelled to
create new products and improve their offers, which may end up in lower costs and a broader
selection of items. Lastly, Mr. Berkel mentioned that we should always remember what Fergus
Clyde said, which is to consume responsibly. I agree because through becoming conscious of the
products that we consume and the services we purchase, we can contribute to build a more
environmentally friendly and fair future for ourselves and the generations to come.

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