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Do you plan to travel to Latin America?

A good option is to visit Brazil, being more specific, in February in the summer,the carnival of Rio de
Janeiro is celebrated. This event takes place every year. lasts a week, but does not have a specific
date, it is from February 15 to February 25, it was not until the 19th century, exactly in 1927, the
first samba school parade competition took place.

Around 5 million people from different parts of the world attend.

the "blocos" They are groups that organize parades parties with dance and music, and parade in the
streets of rio de janeiro they are from different dance schools

The Sambodromo Is Where The Carnival Samba Parade Takes Place In Brazil, the 12 best samba
schools in the country parade

is presented with parades of floats, costumes, popular dances

More than 4,000 people participate in the parades.

they have 90 minutes to parad e

and tell a story

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