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The Panama Carnival

It is a celebration full of color and joy that is

celebrated annually in the country. This holiday has
its roots in the history and culture of Panama, and is
one of the most important celebrations in the
country's cultural calendar.The history of Carnival in
Panama dates back to the times of Spanish
colonization. At that time, African slaves who worked
on the plantations of the Azuero region began
celebrating their own festivals during the Lent
period. These celebrations, which included music,
dancing and costumes, became a tradition that was
passed down from generation to generation.Over
time, the holiday merged with the European
tradition of Carnival, and in the 19th century the
celebration began to expand to other parts of the
country. By the late 19th century and early 20th
century, Carnival had become a national holiday in
Panama, with parades, dances, and other
celebrations lasting several days.
The Panama Carnival is famous for its color and diversity.

Parades are an important part of the celebration, featuring marching bands, dancers,
and creative and elaborate costumes. Participants often wear masks and costumes
representing characters from mythology and popular culture, and parades often
include spectacular floats and decorations.In addition to the parades, the Panama
Carnival also includes dances and parties in the streets and in clubs and dance halls
throughout the country. The balls usually have specific themes and are held in a variety
of venues, from small house parties to large events at hotels and convention centers.
Why are the carnivals in Las Tablas the most famous?

The Las Tablas Carnival is famous in Panama and around the world for being one of the
largest and most popular celebrations in the country. The Las Tablas Carnival is famous for
several reasons:
1. Rivalry between Calle Arriba and Calle Abajo: The rivalry between these two rival
troupes is one of the most exciting aspects of the Las Tablas Carnival. The two troupes
have been competing against each other for decades, and the residents of each
neighborhood are deeply committed to their troupe and the tradition it represents. This
creates an unmatched energy and enthusiasm in the parade.
2. 2. Extravagant costumes: The Las Tablas troupes are known for their elaborate and
extravagant costumes. The costumes can take months to make and materials such as
feathers, sequins, shiny fabrics, among others, are used. These costumes are really
impressive and create an atmosphere of fantasy and joy.
3. Music and dance: The Las Tablas Carnival is a celebration of music and dance.
Up Street and Down StreetCalle Abajo
and Calle Arriba are two rival troupes that
participate in the Las Tablas Carnival, one
of the most important celebrations in

These two troupes have been rivals for

decades and their parades are a
fundamental part of the Carnival
celebration.Calle Abajo and Calle Arriba
are two groups that represent the two
main neighborhoods of Las Tablas. Each
one has its own identity and unique
characteristics. Calle Abajo represents the
oldest neighborhoods in the city and its
participants wear costumes that are more
traditional and classic. On the other hand,
Calle Arriba represents the newer
neighborhoods of the city and its
costumes are more extravagant and
modern.The two troupes compete in an
annual parade that takes place on the
central avenue of Las Tablas.
Prickly pears

The Tunas are groups of musicians that meet during

Carnival in Panama to play and sing typical and popular
music. These groups are an important part of the
Carnival celebration and often parade through the
streets during the event.Las Tunas are composed of a
variety of traditional instruments, such as the guitar,
accordion, drum, güira and flute, among others. These
instruments are used to play rhythms and melodies
that are characteristic of Panamanian music, such as
the tumbarito, cumbia and bolero.Las Tunas are an
important part of Panamanian culture and have been
around for many years. Although the music and
costumes of the Tunas have evolved over time, they
remain an integral part of the Carnival celebration in
Panama and are highly appreciated by both
Panamanians and tourists who visit the country during
this time of year.Today, Panama Carnival remains a
vibrant and joyful celebration that attracts visitors from
all over the world. In addition to being a holiday full of
fun and joy, Carnival is also an opportunity for
Panamanians to celebrate their culture and traditions.

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