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Business Ethics and Corporate governance

Assignment # 1

Submitted to:
Ma’am Asra Jabbar

Submitted by:
M. Saad Nadeem (090)

Semester: 7th BBA (section c)

Case study

Q1: Which of these opportunities would you pursue and why?

Ans: I would pursue the second opportunity with the nonprofit organization that gives
each employee the freedom to express themselves and gives them a healthy
environment to grow. It is proven through many researches that employees with a
better work life balance and non-stressful work environment produce much better
output than the employees working long hours. Although money is the first step of
hierarchy of needs for any employee but for me having a healthy work balance
enables me to pursue my passions and hobbies on the side as well. Which will help
me produce better output at my work. In the work environment where employees
have better balance with work also allows them to grow much more in long term and
enable them to get much better future job opportunities. So for me choosing for the
nonprofit with lesser pay is a much easier choice since I value my mental peace and
my time a lot.

Q2: How important an attribute is salary, and at what point would a higher salary
override for you the nonmonetary benefits of the lower-paid position?

Ans: Salary is the basic need for every employee. If the salary is below satisfactory
that job will never provide fulfilment. If the lower paid position is also comparatively
well paid according to the job market then it would take the higher salary to be more
than 30% per month for me to consider for the job with tougher working conditions
that require working long hours. Also the job description and the position offered at
the higher paying job matters as well. If the position here is higher than the low
paying job then yes I will consider that job for 30% higher salary and yearly
increments. If I am sacrificing my time and energy I feel like I should be compensated
accordingly. Growth within an organization matters as well, even at a lower paying
job if they are providing you the opportunity to grow and regular increments within a
year then it does not make any sense to leave that job for the working conditions that
will be stressful and physically exhausting as well. If the low paying job is not
providing growth in terms of position and pay then there is also no use sacrificing
better salary to be stuck at the same place for years. Also for me not staying at the
same place for too long does not make sense as well. At some point I will shift from
this low paying position as well so why not wait at better working conditions a bit
longer to find another good job instead of putting yourself through unecessary stress
just for 20% more salary.

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