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HI, My name is Robinson Angulo Alvarez. I am a civil engineer.

I get up at half (haf) past four and i

brush (brash) the teeth (tiith). After, I take a shower and get ready for work. I usually (iuchualy)
have a light breakfast (brekfest) and leave (liif) home. If I am in a hurry (jorry), I prefer to take a
taxi, but if I have time, I take the Alimentador. I get to work at half (haf) past six. On Mondays
(moundeys) and Tuesdays, I make reports for my supervisor (supervaisor). On Wednesdays, I make
designs (disaings) of construction. On Thursdays and Fridays, I have that check the construction
personnel. At twelve o'clock, I have lunch. In the afternoon, I work on my projects and assign
(asaing) responsibilities to the members of my team (tiim). At half (pas) past six, I go back home. I
get home at around seven o'clock. I eat dinner and help in the washing dishes. After that, i watch
neflix with my family

Before I go to bed (bed), I go on the computer and check my mail. This is basically (beisicly) my life
(laif) from Monday to Friday.

The weekends I am with my family, in the morning we make the breakfast (brekfest) for all (ol),
we are going to eat the lunch in a restaurant and in the afternoon we visit to the grandparents. At
night we drink beer (bier) or we play. In the year we take two vacations. We go on vacation in July
(yolai) and December (dicember).

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