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ISBN: 978-0-8146-8239-5
Consecrated Phrases
A Latin Theological Dictionary

Latin Expressions Commonly Found

in Theological Writings

James T. Bretzke, SJ

A Michael Glazier Book

Collegeville, Minnesota
A Michael Glazier Book published by Liturgical Press

3rd edition

Cover design by Ann Blattner.

© 2013 by Order of Saint Benedict, Collegeville, Minnesota. All rights reserved. No part of this
book may be reproduced in any form, by print, microfilm, microfiche, mechanical recording,
photocopying, translation, or by any other means, known or yet unknown, for any purpose except
brief quotations in reviews, without the previous written permission of Liturgical Press, Saint
John’s Abbey, PO Box 7500, Collegeville, Minnesota 56321-7500. Printed in the United States
of America.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bretzke, James T., 1952–

   Consecrated phrases : a Latin theological dictionary : Latin
  expressions commonly found in theological writings / James T. Bretzke,
  SJ. — 3rd edition.
   pages cm
   “A Michael Glazier book.”
   ISBN 978-0-8146-8214-2 — ISBN 978-0-8146-8239-5 (e-book)
  1. Catholic Church—Terminology.  2. Theology—Terminology.  3. Latin
  language—Church Latin—Terms and phrases.  I. Title.
 BX841.B68 2013
 230.03—dc23 2012047221
To My Students

Preface to the Third Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

Introductory Note and Preface to the First Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

Dictionary of Consecrated Phrases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Bibliography of Other Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

Preface to the Third Edition

Quidquid latine dictum sit altum videtur (That which may be said in Latin
seems deep) was one page in a “Latin Phrase-a-Day” I received some time ago as
a gift. To the best of my knowledge, though, this is not a “consecrated phrase,” as
I have never seen it used in any other context. Humorous to be sure, it also touches
on an aspect of the rest of the Latin phrases contained in this third edition: all of
them represent a good deal of wisdom in the Western classical tradition. This third
edition contains 50 percent of new entries from the second edition, and many of
the entries in the earlier editions likewise have been expanded and extensively
cross-referenced so that the resulting volume not only functions better as a guide
to translation of these phrases but also helps delve more deeply into the tradition
out of which the consecrated phrases arose. The third edition contains a good deal
of entries from canon and civil law, as well as terms from philosophy and theology.
While Latin has often been called a “dead language,” I believe this book shows
convincingly that the tradition continues not only to live but to thrive and will aid
generations yet to come in understanding, appropriating, and developing the best
of that tradition.
I would like to thank in a special way Rev. Mark Massa, SJ, my academic dean
at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, who supported my sab-
batical application, which allowed completion of this project, as well as the Jesuit
Community of Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who hosted me
while I finished this volume.
Finally, I would like to thank all of my students over the last two decades who
have supported this ongoing project and to whom I gratefully rededicate this volume.
31 July 2012
Solemnity of St. Ignatius Loyola
Founder of the Society of Jesus
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts

Introductory Note
and Preface to the First Edition

A consecrated phrase refers to an expression that is used, often in a shorthand

manner, to express a certain theological position or thought, such as ex opere op-
erato, which expresses a significant position of Roman Catholic sacramental the-
ology as defined at the Council of Trent, or finis operantis, which refers to the
importance of the intention of the person (the “agent”) in evaluating moral actions.
Often these terms appear simply in a given theological text and no, or little, effort
is made either to translate or explain such terms. The aim of this dictionary is to
compile, translate, and briefly explain these Latin consecrated phrases, which are
found with some frequency in theological writings and canon law and which there-
fore may puzzle readers unfamiliar with Latin and/or the theological meaning and
nuances of these terms. For example, someone familiar with Latin may be able to
translate each of the words ex opere operato (“by the work performed”) but still be
in some doubt as to precisely what this term means in theological usage. Each entry
in this dictionary gives first a rather literal translation of the Latin term or phrase
and then in most cases a brief gloss on the theological meaning and/or significance
of the term. However, this dictionary is designed primarily for quick consultation
in order to give the reader a general idea of what might otherwise be a puzzling
expression. Other dictionaries or encyclopedias of theology should be consulted if
one wishes a fuller theological and/or historical discussion of the term in question.
While most of the entries contain theological, liturgical, canonical, and/or philo-
sophical terms primarily from the Roman Catholic tradition, important expressions
in the various Protestant traditions are also included, as well as a number of common
classical aphorisms, such as In vino veritas (“In wine there is truth”).
Latin titles of many church documents are also included and are further indi-
cated as being a title by being printed in bold type, such as Gaudium et spes. Since
such document titles are derived from the opening words of the given document
itself, the literal translation of a given document (“Joy and hope,” in this case) does
not always indicate clearly what the document concerns. In most cases an English
xii  Introductory Note and Preface to the First Edition

subtitle is supplied, which is a better guide to the nature and content of the docu-
ment in question.
Entries are listed according to the form most likely to be used in the expressions
themselves as found in theological writings or references. Thus, the nominative
singular of nouns or the infinitive form of verbs normally would not necessarily be
the usual entry form. For example, the Latin word for “God” is Deus, and yet many
other common expressions involving the use of “God” occur in the other gram-
matical cases, such as Dei (genitive, used in the possessive sense), Deo (dative or
ablative, used as indirect objects and/or with certain prepositions) and Deum (ac-
cusative, used as a direct object). While efforts have been made to cross-referenc-
ing the entries as much as possible, given the fluidity of Latin word order not every
possible grammatical form has been entered. Thus, if one is looking for non licet
(“not legal”) and cannot find this term listed under the letter “N,” one might try
looking for licet under the letter “L” (which will yield a better result). Similarly,
since word order can be easily varied in Latin one might try looking for the mean-
ing of the phrase by taking the last word instead of the first or some other word in
the phrase. Thus, if one cannot find Amor vincit omnia under the letter “A,” a
second search under the letter “O” might produce Omnia vincit amor (“Love con-
quers all”).
Finally, some common scholarly abbreviations and terms, such as ibid. (ibidem),
i.e. (id est), q.v. (quod vide [“which see”]), etc., are also included.
Most of the entries contained in this dictionary have come from my own read-
ing of various theological texts, and thus the dictionary makes no pretensions to be
exhaustive and complete. I would be grateful if readers suggest other entries for
this dictionary, especially for items which are used in theological writings and left
untranslated in the given text. Finally, recognizing the basic truth of the adage er-
rare humanum est (“to err is human”), I would also be grateful if one comes across
typographical and/or grammatical errors as well as any other inaccuracies or unclear
and/or misleading definitions in these listings.
I would like to express my gratitude first and foremost to the late John Wright,
SJ, who read, corrected, and made many helpful suggestions to virtually the entire
1st edition manuscript. I would also like to thank several others who have given
helpful input to this dictionary, especially John Donahue, SJ, Mary Ann Donovan,
SC, and Michael Hilbert, SJ. Their input has improved this dictionary greatly; its
remaining errors, deficiencies, and infelicities of idiom remain my own responsibil-
ity. A final note of thanks to Thomas Buckley, SJ, who suggested that the traditional
expression “consecrated phrases” would serve well as the title for this dictionary.
James T. Bretzke, SJ
Berkeley, California
Solemnity of Christ the King, 1996
A A fortiori
From, away from, after, by, be- With stronger reason
cause of Common expression, used in the sense
Common Latin preposition. of “all the more.” Thus, for example, if
someone should prepare the readings as-
A capella signed for a given class, then a fortiori
In the chapel (mode) (all the more) she or he should prepare
for the exam at the end of the semester.
Refers to music that is sung without ac-
companiment, such as plain chant or
A posteriori
Gregorian chant.
From that which comes after (i.e.,
the effect)
A cruce salus
E.g., reasoning a posteriori is inductive
Salvation comes from the Cross
reasoning, working back from the ob-
Salvation comes from Christ’s death on served experiential effects to the formu-
the cross, and therefore for human in- lation of a generalization or principle
dividuals this salvation comes from understood to express causality. Cf. a
belief in Christianity. See also Extra priori for the opposite approach.
ecclesia nulla salus, Ecclesia militans,
Extra pauper nulla salus, and Limbus. A priori
From that which comes before
A divinis (i.e., the principle or cause)
From the holy (divine) service For example, reasoning a priori is deduc-
Refers to the ecclesiastical canonical tive reasoning, working from a general
penalty of suspension (“suspension a principle forward to judgment of conse-
divinis”) in which a cleric is forbidden quences assumed from the given prin-
by his competent ecclesiastical authority ciple. Cf. a posteriori for the opposite
(such as his bishop) from exercising the approach. A priori can also refer to that
powers of orders, such as presiding at which precedes, or is independent of,
the Eucharist, hearing confessions, and sense experience, whereas a posteriori
administering the other sacraments. See refers to that which is dependent upon, or
also Cessatio a divinis. follows from, sense experience.
2  A quo

A quo liest moment of the historical develop-

From which/whom ment of whatever topic is being treated.
See also Ab ovo and De novo.
A tergo
From behind Ab intra
From the inside
Usually refers to the position in sexual
intercourse in which the male lies be- E.g., the insider’s role in an event or
hind the female. process is ab intra. The opposite of ab
From, away from, after, by, be-
Ab ovo
From the egg
cause of
From the very beginning (such as the egg
Common Latin preposition.
that produces the chicken), i.e., a thor-
oughgoing analysis and/or construction
Ab abusu ad usum non valet and, in this sense, quite similar to ab
consequentia initio (q.v.). See also De novo.
From abuses to use (of some-
thing) (bad) consequences are not Ab urbe condita
determinative (literally, “valid”) From the City (Rome) being
See the fuller discussion under Abusus founded
non tollit usum. See also Optimus inter- This expression was used to denote lin-
pres rerum usus. ear time in ancient Rome and was ab-
breviated a.u.c., much the way that we
Ab extra might use BC or AD. See also Caput
From outside mundi.
E.g., something that comes from out-
side of the entity under discussion. Absit invidia
Thus, artificial insemination by a donor Let no ill will be present
(AID) other than the husband is said to Expression similar to the wish that “no
be fecundation ab extra and is therefore offense” be taken by one’s words or ac-
condemned in the traditional Roman tions.
Catholic view since it involves the in-
troduction of a third party into the pro- Absolutus sententia judicis
creative process. praseumitur innocens
Innocence is presumed if so
Ab initio found through a legal sentence/
From the beginning judgment
This expression is often used in the con- Legal aphorism that is usually under-
text of making a clean break and starting stood as “innocent until proven guilty,”
over from scratch, or to refer to the ear- though in this expression it means more
Accelaratio partus 3

literally that upon a judicial judgment nonuse, or non-application. Thus, the

of innocence the party should be in fact presence of medical equipment in an
presumed innocent. See also Actori in- abortion clinic (equipment which could
cumbit onus probandi; Allegatio contra be used for a variety of legitimate pur-
factum non est admittenda; Da mihi poses) would not of itself morally jus-
factum, dabo tibi ius; Facta non prae- tify the destruction of such equipment
sumuntur sed probantur; Onus pro- in that particular location. In the same
bandi; Res iudicata pro veritate vein, the fact that a certain right might
accipitur; Testis in uno falsus in nullo be abused by some would not justify its
fidem meretur; and Ubi non est culpa, being withheld from others. Rights re-
ibi non est delictum. main rights, even if and when they are
abused. A related pair of axioms used
Absolvitur ambulando in law are ab abusu ad usum non valet
Wandering absolved (penitent) consequentia, which could be freely
translated as “from abuses to use (of
Refers to the early Christian practice of
something) (bad) consequences are not
undertaking a pilgrimage as part of
determinative (literally, ‘valid’)” and ex
one’s penance for the absolution of sins.
abusu non est argumentum ad desuetu-
This expression seems to be derived
dinem, namely “abuse (of a law) does
from the philosophical phrase solvitur
not argue for (the law) falling into de-
ambulando (“solved walking”), which
suetude (disuse or nonobservance).”
indicated the instance of walking as an
See also Optimus interpres rerum usus.
instance that would resolve Zeno’s
paradox against the possibility of local
motion. Accelaratio partus
Acceleration of parturition (i.e.,
Abundans cautela non nocet
An abundance of caution does not In the moral tradition, this would refer
injure to something done to hasten birth before
the completion of the normal nine-
Principle of prudential judgment which
month gestation period. Generally this
indicates that, as a general rule, exercis-
term was understood to refer to those
ing caution rather than the opposite gen-
actions that had morally illicit abortion
erally is to be preferred. The colloquial
as the intended effect and thus should
English expression “You can never be
not be taken to refer to medical interven-
too careful” would capture the same
tions, such as inducing labor or caesar-
idea. See also Ad cautelam.
ean section, which have as their intended
effect the well-being of the mother and
Abusus non tollit usum child. The application of this moral term
Abuse does not abolish use involves a careful discernment of the
The fact that a thing may be abused or goal of the action in light of the concrete
improperly used from a moral point of circumstances. See also in this regard
view does not justify its destruction, Finis operis, Finis operantis, Licet cor-
4  Accidens

rigere defectus naturae, Obiectum actus, and addresses of the pope, as well as
and Voluntarium directum/indirectum. decrees and decisions of the various
congregations of the Roman Curia. The
Accidens first volume appeared in 1909, and is-
Accident sues come out on a monthly basis. Not
every document of the Holy See ap-
Important concept in scholastic phi-
pears in the AAS, so its inclusion in this
losophy and theology which refers to a
collection gives the document added
nonessential property, attribute, or qual-
extrinsic authority, and/or its date of
ity of a given entity. An “accident” is
publication may indicate when the leg-
something which can only exist in an-
islation takes effect. See also Vacatio
other being and therefore cannot exist
by and of itself. That which can exist in
and of itself is called a substance. In
regards to the being, in which an “ac- Acta causae
cident” belongs or pertains, the “acci- Acts of the case
dent” is not necessary for the entity’s I.e., the records or proceedings and rele-
existence as that particular entity. Thus, vant materials of a court case or ca-
for example, hair color is an “accident” nonical action.
of a human person and not part of a
human being’s “essence” as a human Acta Romana (Societatis Iesu)
being; even those who are totally bald Roman Acts of the Society of
are still considered to be human beings Jesus
totally and essentially. See also Ens,
Collection of official documents of the
Ens ut ens, Ens ut sic, Essentia, In se,
Society of Jesus whose international
Per accidens, Per se, and Suppositum.
headquarters are located in Rome, is-
sued on an annual basis. Letters of the
Acta superior general to the whole Society,
Acts as well as other important talks and
Usually understood as the formal re- documents, are contained in this collec-
cords or proceedings of something like tion.
a convention, meeting, council, or court
case. See below for some common ex- Acta Sanctorum
amples. Acts (deeds) of the saints
Usually refers to a collection of the lives
Acta Apolostolicae Sedis of the martyrs and saints, especially the
“Acts of the Apostolic See” series of scholarly works undertaken by
Commonly abbreviated in scholarly ref- the Bollandists, the group of scholars
erences as AAS. The Acta Apolostoli- who devote themselves to the histori-
cae Sedis is the official publication of cally accurate treatment of the lives of
the Vatican which contains important the saints. Originally, members of this
documents, such as encyclicals, letters, group were Jesuits, and the name comes
Actus humanus 5

from Jean Bolland or Bollandus (1596– clusive language. The actus hominis
1665). refers to an action performed by a
human person but which may in itself
Actori incumbit onus probandi have no moral significance, because it
The plaintiff (“actor”) has the does not involve the use of moral rea-
burden of proof son, intention, and will. Digesting food
or growing fingernails are examples of
Legal aphorism that one who brings a an actus hominis. While they are clearly
charge has the greater responsibility to activities related to a human person,
prove the assertion, not the one named they have no clear moral dimension.
in the charge. See also Absolutus sen- This distinction can also be helpful in
tentia judicis praseumitur innocens, assessing moral responsibility (or lack
Allegatio contra factum non est admit- thereof) in cases that at first glance may
tenda, and Onus probandi. seem to involve more personal respon-
sibility. Thus, if my brakes fail (through
Actus essendi no fault of my own) and my car hits a
Act of being pedestrian, I am not morally guilty of a
Refers to the fact of being. See also crime, as this would be an actus homi-
Esse, Essentia, and Suppositum. nis and not an actus humanus. See
Actus humanus (below) and Voluntar-
ium directum/indirectum.
Actus existentis
Act of existence
Actus humanus
That is, an act related to the existence Act of the human person (act with
of an individual being. Eating would be a moral dimension)
such an act. Compare and contrast this
term with any of the several other terms Distinguished from actus hominis (q.v.),
which begin with actus in order to see the actus humanus refers to the moral
the differences in nuance. Not every dimension, responsibility, etc., for one’s
actus existentis would be a truly “human actions. The use of deliberative reason
act” (actus humanus, q.v.) in the sense that aims at a moral purpose proper to
of a “moral” act. the human person provides the key to
making an act a genuine actus humanus
and thus a “moral” act. Cf. St. Thomas
Actus hominis Aquinas, Summa Theologiae I–II, q. 1,
Act of a human person (without a a. 3, for his discussion of this point. See
moral dimension) Actus hominis above as well as Ea
Classical scholastic expression, usually (eorum) quae sunt ad finem; Finis ope-
translated as “act of man,” and which is ris; Finis operantis; In necessariis uni-
used to make a distinction from Actus tas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus
humanus (q.v.), which in turn is usually caritas; Libertas est inaestimabilis; Obi-
translated as “human act.” Therefore, it ectum actus; and Voluntarium directum/
is difficult to translate this term into in- indirectum.
6  Actus judicialis

Actus judicialis solutus sententia judicis praseumitur

Judicial act innocens; Actus reus; Onus probandi;
Refers to a juridical act (e.g., a judg- Nulla poena sine culpa; Sententia facit
ment on a disputed point) performed by ius; Sententia incerta non valet; Sine
a judge in a trial or proceeding. See also culpa; and Ubi non est culpa, ibi non
Actus juridicus. est delictum.

Actus juridicus Actus personae

Juridic act Act of the person
Refers to a formal legal act which has Consideration of the moral nature of an
an effect, such as a formal decree of nul- act in terms of how it relates to the
lity in a marriage case. See also Actus whole of the human person. This devel-
judicialis. opment is especially important in sexual
ethics, as it moves away from physical-
Actus naturae ist conceptions of evaluation of conju-
Natural act gal acts (cf. actus naturae and natura
actus). Gaudium et spes, Vatican II’s
Traditional moral norm, based on a Pastoral Constitution on the Church in
physicalist paradigm, which held that the Modern World, uses this under-
an act (e.g., sexual acts) must be per- standing of actus personae in its teach-
formed in a “natural” way in order to ing on marriage (cf. GS #51).
be considered moral. Cf. Natura actus
and Actus personae.
Actus specificatur ab obiecto
The act is specified by its object
Actus non facit reum, (of choice)
nisi mens sit rea
The act itself does not constitute a The moral meaning of an act is deter-
crime, unless the intent be criminal mined by the object which is involved
in the choice that lays behind the act,
In moral theology this maxim notes the i.e., in choosing to do good one chooses
importance of bad intention for a mor- God and in choosing to do evil one re-
ally bad action. Thus, an action that jects God. See also Ea (eorum) quae
may appear “bad” or “evil” in itself, if sunt ad finem, Finis operis, Finis ope-
it lacks a “bad” intention or was in fact rantis, Obiectum actus, and Voluntar-
done from a good intention, would not ium directum/indirectum.
be judged to be “criminal,” i.e., bad in
its totality. In this moral context, see
also Fontes moralitatis and In se sed
To, toward, at, near, for, as far as
non propter se. This phrase also enunci-
ates a basic principle of criminal law Common Latin preposition.
which requires proof of an evil intent
(mens rea, q.v.) to establish culpability Ad absurdum
for a crime. In this context, see also Ab- To (the point of) absurdity
Ad extra/intra 7

Taking an argument to its extreme point of some aspect of law (for example, a
as a means of discrediting the argument dispensation) should be done cautiously
itself. See also reductio ad absurdum. so as not to produce scandal or call re-
spect for the law into question. For ex-
Ad alterum/ad me ample, a teacher may grant permission
To (or for) another / to (or for) for a student to turn an assignment in
myself late (for just cause) but would want to
grant this dispensation ad cautelam so
Expression often paired with ad me to
that the other students would not take
indicate something done for others as
unjustified advantage of this dispensa-
well as (or in distinction) with some-
tion and fail to turn in their assignments.
thing done for myself. Thus, the virtue
In canon law, this principle is used to
of temperance is something that is done
help guide those who can give dispensa-
ad me, for myself, but also is done ad
tions so that they exercise this adminis-
alterum, for others. Other virtues, such
trative power prudently. See also
as justice, are understood as being pri-
Abundans cautela non nocet.
marily directed toward society and oth-
ers and thus are considered chiefly ad
alterum rather than ad me—though of Ad experimentum
course when I practice the virtue of jus- For an experiment
tice this also benefits myself. Usually refers to something given pro-
visional approval on an “experimental”
Ad arbitrium basis, such as a new liturgical rite, in
By one’s will order to gauge how well the matter in
Something done of one’s own free will question will function in actual practice.
or by one’s own authority. Similar to ar- For example, the various Eucharistic
bitrio suo. See also Liberum arbitrium. Prayers for Masses for Children were
first introduced in the United States ad
Ad astra per aspera experimentum and then after a period
Through adversity to the stars of trial use were given final and defini-
Aphorism that indicates that only tive approval to be used on a regular
through trials and tribulations will one basis.
succeed to a worthwhile goal. This say-
ing or its most common variant, Per Ad extra/intra
ardua ad astra, is often employed as a To the outside/inside
motto by a number of institutions, Expression used primarily to indicate
branches of the armed forces, and so on. one’s orientation, e.g., whether to the
outside world or focused more inter-
Ad cautelam nally. In this sense, it was remarked that
With due caution Pope John Paul II was an ad extra pope
Principle of prudential judgment that since he undertook so many visits to
indicates that a decision or application foreign countries, etc.
8  Ad fontes

Ad fontes indicate an exaggeration of detail. See

(back) to the sources (fonts) also Ad nauseam.
See Recursus ad fontes
Ad libitum
At one’s pleasure/choice
Ad gentes
To the peoples In theological usage this phrase is found
in liturgical books, such as the Ordo
Vatican II’s Decree on the Church’s and/or Tabula dierum liturgicorum
Missionary Activity (1965). (q.v.), indicating that no particular Mass
text is prescribed for a certain day (such
Ad hoc as a feast or non-optional memorial),
For this (purpose, reason) and therefore the choice of the Mass
For example, an ad hoc solution is one text celebrated is up to the presider, who
devised for a particular, individual is to take into consideration the spiritual
situation and need not be understood as needs of the faithful in making the ap-
establishing a general norm or prece- propriate choice. The English expres-
dent. In the same way, an ad hoc com- sion ad lib, which means to speak
mittee is one established for a particular extemporaneously, comes from the ab-
need or project that would go out of breviation of this Latin phrase.
existence once that project has been
completed (in distinction to a “stand- Ad limina (apostolorum)
ing” committee). To the threshold (of the apostles)
To the highest ecclesiastical authority,
Ad hominem i.e., to the successor of Peter, the head
Against the person of the apostles (namely, the pope). More
commonly, this phrase is used in the
A fallacious, though common, type of
expression “ad limina visit,” which des-
argumentation in which the opponent’s
ignates the required visit a bishop must
character, etc., are attacked rather than
make once every five years to Rome,
the merits of the opposing argument as
during which he meets with the Holy
such. An example would be labeling and
Father one-on-one (for about fifteen
summarily dismissing the arguments of
minutes) and during which occasion
moralists with whom one disagrees as
other meetings are arranged with the
“dissenters” or “traditionalists” rather
various Vatican offices (such as the
than considering and answering the argu-
Congregation for the Doctrine of the
ments themselves proposed by these in-
Faith). Ad limina visits are normally
dividuals. See also ad rem.
organized geographically and linguisti-
cally. Therefore, a number of bishops
Ad infinitum from the same country, ecclesiastical
To infinity province, or geographical region within
Refers to something done or held for- a country generally makes the ad limina
ever, endlessly, and can also be used to visit to Rome at the same time.
Ad orientem 9

Ad literam Ad multos annos

Literally, to the letter (of the law For many years
or text) Common form of congratulatory greet-
Expression usually applied in a negative ing, e.g., for birthdays, used in circles
sense, such as “we are following the in which Latin might be known (such
spirit of the law (or policy), but we are as communities of religious), similar to
not following each provision ad literam “many happy returns.”
in precise detail.” Thus, this adage also
points to the tradition of the process of Ad nauseam
hermeneutics and the necessity of inter- To (the point of) nausea
pretation even of otherwise quite clear Something done or repeated endlessly
statutes, provisions, laws, etc. In Scrip- to the point in which it causes or pro-
ture, this expression is also used to refer vokes extreme boredom or revulsion.
to the “literal” or supposedly “plain” See also Ad infinitum.
sense of Scripture that holds that the
biblical texts need not be exegeted and Ad orientem
interpreted, but rather simply applied To the east
and followed, i.e., Sola scriptura (q.v.). Expression used primarily in a recent
See also Cessante fine cessat lex; Con- liturgical dispute surrounding the
suetudo optima legum interpres; Lex “proper” direction that the eucharistic
valet ut in pluribus; Odia restringi, et presider and people should face during
favores convenit ampliari; Sensum, non the Eucharist. Certain “traditionalists,”
verba spectamus; and Statuta sunt such as those allied with Mother An-
stricte interpretanda. gelica’s Eternal Word Television
(EWTN) network, based in the diocese
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam of Birmingham, Alabama, claimed that
(A.M.D.G.) the only “true” tradition in the church
For the greater glory of God was for both the presider and the people
alike to face toward the east in cele-
Motto of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) brating the Eucharist, rather than toward
and a principle of apostolic discernment the people (versus populum, q.v.), as is
in which one is to choose that which the current practice under the post–
would give God the greater glory. This Vatican II liturgy, the so-called Novus
principle is often referred to as the magis Ordo (q.v.). This would have the effect
(q.v., “the greater”). See also Caritas of returning to the pre–Vatican II litur-
Christi urget nos, Curet primo Deum, gical practice in which the presider kept
and Soli Deo gloria. his back to the people. The bishop of
Birmingham, David E. Foley, petitioned
Ad me for a judgment from the Congregation
To (or for) myself for Divine Worship and the Sacraments,
See the fuller discussion under Ad al- and in February 2000 this congregation
terum/ad me. rejected the traditionalists’ claims,
10  Ad quem

along with their further claims that only plains certain technical aspects of the
the First Eucharistic Prayer was truly Professio Fidei, q.v., the 1989 Profes-
traditional and should therefore be sion of Faith established by the CDF
given preference in eucharistic celebra- which is to be taken by teachers of the-
tions. The Congregation’s Prefect, Car- ology, and also incorporates certain
dinal Jorge Medina Estévez, wrote that changes into the Code of Canon Law of
it is “incorrect and indeed quite unac- both the Latin Rite and the Eastern Rite
ceptable” that anyone should claim that of the Catholic Church in order to spec-
to celebrate toward the apse is a more ify in proper legal form, e.g., penalties
orthodox choice for the presider. See for non-adherence to those things cov-
also Coetus fidelium, Forma extraordi- ered by the Professio fidei. The docu-
naria, Missale Romanum, Novus ordo, ment Ad tuendam fidem itself does not
Summorum Pontificum, Universae specify exactly which articles of the
Ecclesiae, and Versus populum. faith, dogmas, and doctrines are in-
cluded, while Cardinal Ratzinger’s
Ad quem Commentary does give both fuller de-
For/to which/whom scriptions of what is meant by sorts of
things governed by the Professio as well
Ad rem as some concrete examples (such as
To the thing (at hand) papal infallibility, priestly ordination
being reserved to men alone, and the
A relevant observation, application, ar-
moral illicitness of fornication). How-
gument, etc. An ad rem argument would
ever, it should be noted that Cardinal
contrast with one that was ad hominem
Ratzinger’s Commentary does not carry
(q.v.) or that simply would be extrane-
the same legal or magisterial authority
ous or irrelevant to the issue at hand.
of the pope’s Motu proprio. The Com-
mentary was not adopted by the pope
Ad tuendam fidem in forma specifica (q.v.) and so is not of
To defend the faith itself a papal act but retains the author-
Motu Proprio (q.v.) of Pope John Paul ity of the Roman Congregation.
II, dated 18 May 1998 and released on
30 June 1998. The English text can be
found in Origins 28 (16 July 1998): Ad validitatem
113, 115–16. The Cardinal Prefect of [Required] for validity (e.g., the
the Congregation for the Doctrine of the valid administration of a sacra-
Faith (CDF), Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger ment)
(later Pope Benedict XVI), also re- Concept tied to scholastic sacramental
leased at the same time a Commentary theology which required that there must
on Profession of Faith’s Concluding be a certain necessary order, matter, or
Paragraphs, which is found in the same form for the internal validity or efficacy
issue of Origins, pp. 116–19. As a Motu of a sacrament. Thus, for the valid cele-
proprio, Ad tudendam fidem both ex- bration (confection) of the Eucharist the
Adventus medius 11

presider must be ordained. Another ex- Adonai

ample, in sacramental confession the Lord (in Hebrew)
priest had to use the formula “Ego te This is the vocalization devout Jews will
absolvo .  .  .” (“I absolve you [from your use when “reading” the Tetragramma-
sins in the name of the Father, Son, and ton, the four Hebrew consonants YHWH
Holy Spirit”]). Manuals of moral the- (Yawheh) used first by God speaking to
ology would debate just how much of Moses in Exodus 3:13-15 to designate
this formula had to be said for “validity” God’s own name. Since Yahweh is the
and a minimalist opinion held that “Te holy name of God, the Jewish tradition
absolvo” (“I absolve you”) would suf- respects this holiness by never vocaliz-
fice. The concept of validity was foun- ing the name, using Adonai instead. In
dational since it established the grounds Latin usage the term Adonai occurs as
for the efficacious celebration of the the second of the seven “O Antiphons”
sacrament itself. Validity is therefore in the octave of anticipation for Christ-
distinguished from liceity, which latter mas. On this usage, see the fuller discus-
term refers to the “legal” provisions sion under O Adonai.
which should be followed. However, one
could have a defect in liceity and still Adsum
have a valid reception of the sacrament. I am here
See also Ecclesia supplet, Ego te ab-
Formal reply to a roll-call type sum-
solvo, and Res et sacramentum.
mons, similar to responding “present”
in English. In the ordination rite in the
Ad vitam (aut culpam) Latin Church, when the candidate’s
For life (or until fault) name is called the reply in Latin would
be adsum, though in contemporary En-
Used generally to refer to the election
glish this is usually rendered as “I am
or appointment of someone to a post for
ready and willing.”
life (such as pope or superior general of
the Society of Jesus) to indicate a job
or assignment that has no set time or
Coming [of the Savior Emmanuel]
term limit. Federal judges serve ad
vitam aut culpam once their nomination Latin term to express the period of wait-
has been confirmed by the Senate and ing for the coming of the Messiah, the
until they either die, voluntarily retire, Christ, which the church celebrates li-
or are impeached due to serious mis- turgically each year in the four weeks
conduct. Bishops and cardinals remain prior to Christmas. See also Adventus
such ad vitam, but bishops must resign medius and Gaudete.
their pastoral office on their seventy-
fifth birthday and cardinals over the age Adventus medius
of eighty may no longer participate in Intermediate coming
a papal conclave (though they could Expression attributed to St. Bernard
still be elected pope). of Clairvaux which speaks of Christ’s
12  Adversus solem ne loquitor

periodic renewal of the church in the Affinitas non parit affinitatem

intermediate period between His Affinity does not beget affinity
original coming as man in Bethlehem Affinity is an important concept in the
and His second and final coming at the canon law of marriage since it can con-
end of the world. See also Adventus. stitute an impediment of marriage be-
tween certain parties if they themselves
Adversus solem ne loquitor are blood relatives of one or another
Don’t speak against the sun spouse in a marriage already ratified.
In other words, do not cling to a posi- Affinity is held between the husband
tion that is obviously in error or counter and blood relatives of his wife and vice
to plain facts. See also Allegatio contra versa. However, this relationship of af-
factum non est admittenda. finity between the blood relatives of the
husband and the blood relatives of the
Aeterni Patris wife (affinitas non parit affinitatem).
(Of the) Eternal Father Thus, while a widow could not marry
her deceased husband’s brother, the
Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII (1879)
brother of the same husband (whether
mandating the study of the philosophy
or not he were still alive) could marry
of St. Thomas Aquinas, which led to a
the sister of the wife, and so on. Further
(forced) revival of scholastic philosophy
aspects connected with affinity and con-
and theology in seminaries.
sanguinity are covered in some detail in
canon law. See also Codex Iuris Can-
Affectio commodi
onici, Ligamen, and Ratum et consum-
Affection for the helpful
Refers to the capacity of the human will
to love or desire those things which are
helpful to the human person, in other Africae munus
words, for their “instrumentality” or as Africa’s commitment (to the Lord
an aid as a means to some good end, i.e., Jesus Christ)
a natural desire for a useful good. This Opening words and title of the post-
desire is distinguished from Affectio synodal apostolic exhortation of Pope
iustitiae and bonum honestum (q.v.). See Benedict XVI, promulgated in Benin on
also Bonum utile. the occasion of his apostolic visit to
Africa on 19 November 2011.
Affectio iustitiae
Affection for justice
Refers to the capacity of the human will Age quod agis
to love goods in such a way that re- Do what you are doing
spects their inherent goodness (rather Usually understood as an exhortation to
than only as a means to some other do well whatever one has undertaken to
end). See also Affectio commodi and do and thus is often used as a motto for
Bonum honestum. educational enterprises.
Aliquo modo/Aliqua cognitio 13

Agere contra Agnus Dei

To act against Lamb of God
Principle in spirituality, especially Ig- First words of the prayer recited by the
natian spirituality, of overcoming some whole congregation in the Eucharist fol-
aversion or reluctance by acting directly lowing the recitation of the Pater Noster
against said difficulty. Thus, if one has (q.v.) and before reception of Holy Com-
an aversion to serving by way of manual munion. The entire prayer is Agnus Dei
labor, following the principle of agere qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis
contra one would directly involve one- (“Lamb of God who takes away the sins
self in just such labor in order to over- of the world, have mercy on us” [said
come the aversion and gain greater twice]) and concludes with Agnus Dei qui
freedom. tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem
(“Lamb of God who takes away the sins
Agere sequitur (esse) of the world, grant us peace”).
Action follows being
Important metaphysical and moral prin-
In some manner (or other)
ciple in which one’s moral duties, pos-
sibilities, etc., are grounded in one’s Refers to something unspecified or not
being. Thus, the moral “ought” is in an entirely precisely stated fashion.
founded on the “is,” the given reality of
the individual. This principle indicates Aliquid
the inseparable connection among on- Something, to some extent
tology, obligation, and ethics. See also Refers to something somewhat indeter-
Deus impossibilia non iubet; Humano minate and therefore can be used as a
modo; Lex sequitur esse; Lex spectat pronoun. As an adverb it can be trans-
naturae ordinem; Modus operandi se- lated as “to some extent” or “at all.”
quitur modum essendi; Operari sequi-
tur esse; Qualis modus essendi, talis Aliquo modo/Aliqua cognitio
modus operandi; Quidquid percipitur In some manner or other
ad modum percipientis percipitur; and
Quidquid recipitur ad modum recipien- Indefinite adverbial expression that al-
tis recipitur. lows for a wide latitude of application.
Often this expression is teamed with a
general principle which is followed,
Agere sequitur credere leaving it up to the individual in the
Action follows belief concrete situation to determine the best
We act according to what we believe precise means of applying the principle.
(ourselves to be). This expression should To some extent, the English expression
not be understood as a form of biological “by hook or crook” gets at the same
determinism but rather as a conscious idea, though the Latin would not in-
moral choice to live according to our self- clude the nuance of anything illegal or
understanding of our moral being. immoral. See also Quaecumque ea sit
14  Allegatio contra factum non est admittenda

(whatever they may be). Versions of Altum dominium

aliquo (some) can be used to modify Supreme (highest) dominion
other words to give similar “indefinite” In civil law, this is what gives the State
expressions, such as aliqua cognitio the right to acquire property for the
(some knowledge) to indicate a certain common good even if held privately by
minimum threshold required for some- others (i.e., the right of eminent do-
thing else. For example, it is sufficient main). In the ecclesiastical arena, this
that children, in order to make their same concept gives the pope the ulti-
First Communion, have a basic knowl- mate power of administration over ec-
edge that the eucharistic host is “differ- clesiastical property. See also Prima
ent” or “more special” than ordinary sedes a nemine iudicatur; Quod in ne-
bread, but it is not required of them that cessitate sunt omnia communia; Rex
they have a fuller knowledge of eucha- non potest peccare; Summa iustitia in
ristic theology or be able to explain the se; and Summum ius, summa iniuria.
doctrine of the Real Presence and so on.

Allegatio contra factum non est A.M.D.G.

admittenda See Ad majorem Dei gloriam
An allegation against the facts of
a matter cannot be admitted
Ama et quod vis fac
Legal aphorism that indicates that the Love and do what you will
simple making of an allegation is insuf-
ficient (i.e., inadmissible) in law to indi- This should not be understood as a prin-
cate the “proof” of the allegation. See ciple license but rather as direction. In
also Actori incumbit onus probandi; Ad- other words, if one truly loves, then
versus solem ne loquitor; Da mihi fac- one’s will will be properly oriented to
tum, dabo tibi ius; and Onus probandi. do or choose the right and loving thing.
See also Dilige et quod vis fac.
Alter Christus
Another Christ Amicus curiae
Theological expression that the priest Friend of the court
acts for the Christian community, espe- Refers to one who is not party to a cer-
cially in the celebration of the Eucha- tain litigation and yet who is invited to
rist, as alter Christus, “another Christ.” give advice or render a legal opinion on
This expression also figures in some of the matter before the court, e.g., in the
the theological reasoning behind the form of an amicus curiae brief. An ex-
restriction of ordination to men alone, ample might be a legal brief outlining
since—the argument runs—it would be some expert testimony in an area or
more difficult, if not impossible, for aspect involved in the case, e.g., a sci-
women to “image” Christ in this way. entific report on the effects of second-
See also In persona Christi, Inter in- hand smoke in a lawsuit against
signiores, and Ordinatio sacerdotalis. smoking in public places.
Analogia entis 15

Amor Dei Amor Dei usque ad contemptum sui and

Love of God Usque ad.
Refers to the proper end of the human
person and the highest form of love. Amor vincit omnia
Sometimes other “loves” are contrasted Love conquers all
with this proper love. For example, see A play on Virgil’s expression, Labor
Amor mortis. vincit omnia (“Labor conquers all,”
q.v.), used by Chaucer in his The Can-
Amor Dei usque ad contemptum sui terbury Tales and widely used ever
The love of God (that leads) even since. True love will prevail ultimately
to contempt of self against any and all adversities.
Expression of St. Augustine of Hippo,
which can be interpreted as the basic Amplexus reservatus
dynamic involved in a positive (or good) Reserved (held) embrace
stance toward God as the one who gives Practice of penile insertion in the vagina
the individual a genuine sense of per- followed by withdrawal before ejacula-
spective about his or her moral goodness tion. Since the man did not ejaculate in
by relating this to God’s infinite good- this practice, unlike coitus interruptus
ness and love. In a certain sense this (q.v.), its morality was debated over the
same idea is related also to St. Ignatius centuries among moral theologians, and
of Loyola’s First Principle and Founda- several argued for its ethical acceptabil-
tion and the Three Degrees of Humility ity. The Holy Office (institutional pre-
found in the latter’s Spiritual Exercises. cursor to the Congregation for the
See also Usque ad. Doctrine of the Faith) eventually issued
a monitum (q.v.) in 1952 that warned
Amor mortis theologians not to “describe, praise, and
Love of death urge amplexus reservatus.” See also
This expression is used to refer to the Copula dimidiata.
nature of sin, i.e., that which ultimately
is death-dealing and perverts human be- Analogia entis
ings from their proper end, which could Analogy of being
be expressed as Amor Dei (love of God, Theological position which holds that
q.v.). there is a certain level of commonality
in all reality and that God is the fullness
Amor sui usque ad contemptum Dei of being. Human existence and experi-
The love of self (that leads) even ence have a capacity to be transparent
to contempt of God to divine presence and action but can
Expression of St. Augustine of Hippo, never fully comprehend or embrace the
which can be interpreted as the basic mystery of God who is always greater
dynamic involved in a negative (or bad) than that which humans can conceive
fundamental option stance. See also (Deus semper maior, q.v.). This concept
16  Analogia fidei

has been used traditionally in Roman Anathema/Anathemata (singular/

Catholic systematic theology. See also plural)
Res analogata. (Something which has been pro-
nounced to be) anathema or hereti-
Analogia fidei cal
The analogy of faith As a noun this refers to a proposition
This expression comes from Romans which is formally (or informally) held
12:6 (avnalogian thv~ pivstew~), which is to be heretical or contrary to the faith
often translated as “in proportion to the or acceptable practice. See also Anath
faith” and which indicates that an indi- ema sit/Anathema sint.
vidual biblical passage or text which
deals with the Christian faith must be Anathema sit/Anathema sint
interpreted within the larger context of Let him/her be anathema (ac-
the whole faith which the church holds cursed)/Let them be anathema
(cf. DS 3016, 3283). See also Analogia
Based on a Hebrew curse, this tradi-
Scripturae and Res analogata.
tional formulaic phrase appended to
formal doctrinal definitions: “But if
Analogia Scripturae anyone presumes to contradict this our
The analogy of Scripture definition—which God forbid—anath
This concept is related to the basic idea ema sit.” This particular example is
expressed in the term Analogia fidei taken from the definition of papal infal-
(q.v.) and as applied to Scripture indi- libility contained in Pastor aeternus,
cates that a particular biblical passage Dogmatic Constitution on the Church
or text, especially if it seems ambiguous of Christ, Vatican I (DS 3074–75).
or unclear, should be interpreted in ac- Thus, such a defined doctrine must be
cord with the message and interpretation accepted by all the faithful. For an ex-
of other biblical texts which deal with planation of DS see Enchiridion Sym-
the same issue or theme. Thus, the Ana- bolorum Definitium Et Declarationem.
logia Scripturae would guard against See also Anathema/Anathemata and
“proof-texting” in an irresponsible man- Latae sententiae.
ner, or taking some given biblical verse
or passage out of the context of the rest Angelus
of the Scripture. See also Res analogata. The angel
Refers to the prayer in honor of the
Analysis fidei Blessed Virgin Mary that is traditionally
Analysis of faith recited at morning, midday, and evening
Theological theme that describes the (or sometimes just at midday). The
structure and process of faith and con- opening lines are Angelus Domini nun-
siders the reasons and motives that lead tiavit Mariae. Et concepti de Spiritu
the individual to faith in God, as re- Sancto (The Angel of the Lord declared
vealed in and through Jesus Christ. unto Mary. And she conceived by the
Ante bellum 17

Holy Spirit). A Hail Mary (Ave Maria, inclination toward God. See also Poten-
q.v.) would then be recited, after which tia Obedientialis.
the next verses of the prayer would be
recited. During the Easter Season, in- Animarum zelus
stead of the Angelus the Regina Coeli Zeal for souls
(q.v.) is said. Principle of pastoral ministry, namely
the care for souls (referencing primarily
Anima/animus the living and not the dead). See also
Soul Cura animarum and Salus animarum
Latin has two very similar words for suprema lex.
“soul,” anima and animus. Anima (fem-
Anno Domini
inine noun) refers to the soul as the
In the year of the Lord
principle of life. Thus, the Latin Vul-
gate’s translation of the opening words Usually abbreviated AD and refers to
of Mary’s song of praise uses this word the division of the centuries before (BC)
to render “My soul praises the Lord”: and after the birth of Christ. Thus, “AD”
Magnificat anima mea Dominum (Luke refers to the common era after Christ’s
1:46). Animus (masculine noun) also birth. Nowadays, instead of BC and AD,
refers to “soul” but connotes the soul many people prefer to use “BCE” (be-
more as the principle of intellect and/or fore the common era) to designate BC
feeling. Thus, one can speak of having and “CE” (common era) to refer to AD.
a certain animus, or bad feelings,
toward another person.
Annuario Pontificio
Pontifical Annual

Anima Christi The Roman Catholic official yearbook,

Soul of Christ published annually, which gives the
names of all the official Vatican organi-
Opening words of a medieval prayer to zations along with their members, as
Jesus Christ, which was much loved by well as the names of all the bishops and
St. Ignatius of Loyola and is usually their dioceses in the world.
found in the beginning of his Spiritual
Exercises. Ante
Before, prior
Anima naturaliter Christiana Common Latin adverb and preposition.
The soul is naturally (by its na- Care should be taken that ante not be
ture) Christian confused with anti (which denotes ne-
Expression of Tertullian (d. circa AD gation or contrariety).
220) which holds that the human soul
is endowed with a certain natural Ante bellum
knowledge of God, which, though it can Before the war
be obscured, can never be completely In the United States this expression tra-
obliterated. Thus, the soul has a natural ditionally refers to the period before the
18  Apologia pro vita sua

American Civil War (1861–65) and is canon law to refer to those who have
usually used in reference to the either abandoned the clerical state
American South or former slave states. (apostasia ab ordine—departure from
Sacred Orders) or religious vows (apos-
Apologia pro vita sua tasia a religione—departure from reli-
An apology (defense, explana- gious life [i.e., membership in a
tion) for one’s life religious order]).
Though this expression can be used ge-
nerically, in theology it often refers to Apostolica signatura
Blessed John Henry Cardinal New- Apostolic signatura
man’s 1864 book of the same title in The supreme tribunal of the Roman
which he gave the reasons for his con- Catholic Church, located in Rome and
version from Anglicanism to Roman similar to the Supreme Court in the
Catholicism. “Apologetics” was also a sense of being the court of final appeal.
traditional theological course in which
one studied how to defend or present
Apostolicam actuositatem
the Christian faith to non-believers.
Apostolic activity
Though the contemporary word “apol-
ogy” comes from the same Latin root, Vatican II’s Decree on the Apostolate
the usual meaning of asking forgiveness of Lay People (1965), which empha-
for some offense is not at all related to sized the proper and essential role of the
these other uses of apologia. laity in the church and the world.

Apostasia Apostolos Suos

Apostasy His Apostles
This term comes from the Greek (apos- Pope John Paul II’s Motu Proprio (q.v.),
tasiva) and is usually understood to “On the Theological and Juridical Na-
involve a complete rejection by an in- ture of Episcopal Conferences,” re-
dividual of his or her religion. In this leased by the Vatican on 23 July 1998.
sense apostasy is differentiated from The document states that doctrinal dec-
heresy, which involves a denial or rejec- larations from episcopal conferences,
tion of one or another tenet of the faith, in order to constitute an “authentic mag-
but without encompassing a complete isterium,” must be unanimously ap-
departure from the faith. For example, proved by the individual bishops of the
a Christian who became a Muslim given conference or otherwise receive
would be called an “apostate” from the recognitio (revision/confirmation)
Christianity, whereas another Christian of the Apostolic See. “Authentic” mag-
who denied the virgin birth of Jesus but isterium is a term, though, that can be
who accepted Jesus as God’s Son and misleading, as in Latin the term authen-
our Savior would be considered a ticus (q.v.) means authoritative in a ju-
“heretic” but not an “apostate.” There ridical sense and should not be
is another general usage of apostasia in misconstrued in the sense of holding a
Ars celebrandi 19

teaching that is not labeled “authentic that age Pope John Paul II refused to
magisterium” to be inherently suspect accept his resignation, and some Vatican
or spurious. An English translation is observers concluded that this was an
found in Origins 28 (30 July 1998): argumentum e silentio that indicated
152–58; and also found on the Vatican Pope John Paul II was hoping Cardinal
website: Ratzinger would be elected to succeed
father/john_paul_ii/motu_proprio him when he died (which, of course,
/documents/hf_jp-ii_motu-proprio_ happened with the election of Ratzinger
22071998_apostolos-suos_en.html. See in 2005 as Pope Benedict XVI). See
also Authenticus, Christus Dominus, also Ex Silentio and Qui tacit consentire
Collegium, Collegialis affectus, Eccle- censetur.
sia docens, Munus docendi, Primus
inter pares, and Recognitio. Arma virumque cano
I sing of arms and the man
Appetitus rectus Opening lines of Virgil’s epic poem, the
Right (ordered) desire (“appetite”) Aeneid, which portrays the end of
Expression which refers to the correct the Trojan War and the wanderings of
moral orientation of the individual who the Trojan refugee Aeneas who eventu-
acts out of his or her rightly-ordered de- ally founds Rome. The phrase today
sires to chose the correct moral action also can convey a certain sense of na-
according to the natural moral law. See tional destiny.
also Inclinationes naturales.
Ars celebrandi
The art (or manner) of celebration
Arbitrio suo
On one’s own authority This term usually would refer to the
manner in which the liturgies of the
See also ad arbitrium.
Church are conducted, or celebrated, by
the appropriate ministers and following
Argumentum e silentio officially established liturgical norms—
Argument from (tacit, approving) though recognizing the possibility of
silence legitimate adaptation as expressed in the
Expression which indicates that when rubrical directive “in these or similar
someone “could” speak up on an issue words.” The ars celebrandi would rec-
but does not say anything explicitly in ognize on one hand the particular role
support, his or her silence (depending and gifts that the individual minister
on the context) could be construed as does bring the celebration of a given li-
tacit support for the cause, proposition, turgical rite, while at the same time re-
idea, etc. For example, Vatican curial specting the norms and rubrics laid down
cardinals normally retire at age seventy- by the Church which govern the celebra-
five, but when Joseph Cardinal Ratz- tion of these rites. There will always be
inger, the then head of the Congregation a certain creative tension between exces-
for the Doctrine of the Faith, reached sive adaptation on one hand and rigid
20  Ars erotica

formalism on the other. This tension was to the last moments of life before death.
referenced in Pope John Paul II’s 2003 See also Ars moriendi, In extremis, and
encyclical, Ecclesia de Eucharistia. In periculo mortis.

Ars erotica Articulus stantis et cadentis

Erotic arts ecclesiae
A phrase used by French philosopher The article by which the church
Michel Foucault in his 1978 History of stands or falls
Sexuality to denote what Foucault char- Refers to an article of faith which is
acterized as the Eastern approach to sex considered to be absolutely essential for
as primarily an art form, contrasted with a proper understanding of the Christian
the Western approach to the study of sex faith. In classic Lutheran theology, for
focusing on knowledge leading to power example, the principle of justification
over sex as Scientia sexualis (q.v.). by faith (sola fide, q.v.) could be con-
sidered to be the articulus stantis et
Ars gratia artis cadentis ecclesiae. In an earlier age of
Art for art’s sake christological controversies, the divin-
Also used as the motto of the American ity of Christ was considered to be such
film company Metro Goldwyn Mayer an article. Rhetorically, this phrase is
(MGM). sometimes employed for dramatic ef-
fect to issues that clearly would not
Ars moriendi likely involve the continued existence
Art of dying of the church, such as women’s ordina-
In Christian theology, the term refers to tion. See also Credenda, De fide
how Christians ought to face death (e.g., definita, Norma normans non normata,
in light of a firm belief in salvation and and Norma normata.
the resurrection). See also Articulum
mortis, Beati mortui qui in Domino mo- Aspergillum
riuntur, and Bona mors. Sprinkler
Name given to the handheld instrument
Artes praedicandi that holds holy water and is used in li-
Preaching arts turgical functions to bless the people
Term used to refer to the technique of (for example, during the Penitential Rite
good preaching, as well as the name of the Eucharist) and/or objects, such as
given to a type of handbook for preachers the coffin which contains the deceased
that was popular in the medieval church. in the Mass of Christian Burial.

Articulum mortis (Christus) auctor sacramentorum

The point of death (Christ is) author of the sacraments
Articulum indicates the moment of Expression dating back to St. Ambrose
time; therefore articulum mortis refers (cf. De Sacram IV, 4.13) that holds that
Auriga virtutum 21

Jesus Christ is the true originator (“au- The magisterium, in this sense, then,
thor”) of all of the sacraments of the exercises the charism of the auctoritas
Church. of authoritative teaching while the theo-
logians exercise the charism of the in-
Auctores probati quisitio, or exploratory theological
Approved authors investigation. See also Authenticus,
These would be theologians whose writ- Ecclesia discens, Ecclesia docens, In-
ings and opinions are usually considered quisitio, Magisterium, Magisterium do-
to be trustworthy, even if not definitive, cens, Peritus, and Potestas docendi.
on matters of theological dispute. For an
opposite sentiment see Damnanda et pro- Audio Dei
scribenda, and see also Nihil obstat and I hear (of) God
Videantur auctores probati. A somewhat awkward Latin expression
(Auditio Dei would be better Latin:
Auctoritas “hearing [of] God”) which seems to
Authority, advice, support have been coined to contrast with visio
In Latin there are two principal terms Dei (“the vision of God,” q.v.). In gen-
for authority: auctoritas and potestas eral, we move spiritually from an audio
(q.v.). Auctoritas refers more to the au- Dei to a visio Dei.
thority of counsel, wisdom, learning,
advice, influence, support, etc., while Auditio Dei
potestas carries nuances of “power” in Hearing God
the sense of jurisdictional authority or
efficacious ability to perform a function, See Audio Dei.
carry out an office, make a decision, etc.
However, it is important to keep in mind Auditus fidei
that neither the authority of auctoritas Hearing of faith
nor the authority of potestas is absolute See the fuller discussion under the
in the sense that it can function or exist term Intellectus fidei, as well as the
without the complementary element of terms Fides qua/Fides quae, Fides quae
the other. Sometimes the term auctoritas creditur, Fides quarens intellectum,
is paired in inquisitio (q.v.) to express Indefectabiliter adhaeret, and Sensus
complementary roles in theological in- fidelium.
vestigation and authoritative teaching.
In this latter example, inquisitio refers
to the role of theologians to “investi- Auriga virtutum
gate” a theological position and allows Charioteer of the virtues
them to advance certain opinions that Expression which denotes prudence
may be considered but which do not (prudentia) whose role is to guide the
carry with them the claim of the “au- other virtues, e.g., to discern what
thoritative” teaching of the pope and would be courage as opposed to fool-
bishops who exercise the magisterium. hardiness in a particular situation.
22  Aut satisfactio aut poena

Aut satisfactio aut poena on a given topic. The term should not
Either satisfaction (of a debt) or be construed to set up a separation of
payment “non-authentic” teaching that would
Anselm’s dichotomy used in his the- then be held as being suspect at best, if
ology of justification which held that not downright spurious or corrupt.
justice, especially God’s justice, required Other aspects of “authority” are ex-
either payment of a debt by the debtor or pressed in terms such as Auctoritas
some means of “satisfaction” of the debt. (q.v.) and Munus (q.v.) and these added
Through sin, humans acquired a debt to concepts are helpful in coming to a
God which they themselves could not proper understanding of what authenti-
pay, and therefore God accepted the cus actually means when it refers to
death of Jesus Christ as satisfaction of magisterial teaching. See also Auctori-
that debt, and this satisfaction thereby tas, Christus Dominus, Ecclesia do-
saved and redeemed humanity. See also cens, Magisterium, Munus, Obsequium
Cur Deus homo, Aut venia aut poena, religiosum, Officium, Potestas docendi,
and Processus iustificationis. and Sensus fidelium.

Aut venia aut poena Hail
Either pardon or punishment
Latin vocative form of greeting, similar
Expression from Tertullian, which ex- to English “hello,” but often used in
presses a theology of reconciliation religious circles as a shortened form for
somewhat at variance with St. Anselm’s the prayer the Ave Maria (“Hail Mary,”
theology of satisfaction expressed in the q.v.).
latter’s axiom, aut satisfactio aut poena
(q.v.). Tertullian’s view allows for God Ave atque vale
either to punish sins or simply to forgive Hail and farewell
them, without maintaining that God’s
Similar to the English expression,
justice would require the punishment or
“Hello and goodbye,” which would be
satisfaction of Anselm’s aut satisfactio
said to greet someone briefly when one
aut poena. See also Processus iustifica-
is forced to leave almost immediately
upon rendering the initial greeting.

Authenticus Ave Maria

Authentic, authoritative Hail Mary
In Latin, and in church tradition, this Beginning in Latin of the famous Mar-
term is used to indicate something that ian prayer. The prayer itself (“Hail
should be held to be authoritative in a Mary” in English) is often referred to
formal or jurisdictional perspective. simply as the “Ave,” and thus a common
Thus, when this term modifies a noun penance might be “three Ave’s and three
such as “teaching,” it usually refers to Pater Noster’s (say three ‘Hail Mary’s’
the formal teaching of the magisterium and three ‘Our Father’s’).”
Axis mundi 23

Ave Maris Stella peated in the discussion on sin in Pope

Hail Star of the Sea John Paul’s 1984 post-synodal apostolic
Medieval Marian hymn which begins exhortation Reconciliatio et Paeniten-
Ave maris stella, Dei mater alma atque tia (On Reconciliation and Penance in
Semper Virgo, felix caeli porta (Hail Star the Mission of the Church Today). See
of the Sea, gracious Mother of God and also Conversio ad creaturam.
ever Virgin, happy gate of heaven).
Axis mundi
Aversio a Deo Axis of the world
Aversion to God In other words, something of great im-
Expression for sin, which involves a portance such that the world turns on it
turning of the person away from God, and/or which connects earth to heaven
the true end of the human person, and and is thus important in many religious
going off in a direction other than that narratives and mythologies to represent
willed by God for the human person’s the connection between the divine and
true happiness. This expression is re- the human.
Baptismus in voto context. See also Ars moriendi, Bona
Baptism by desire (will) mors, and Nil nisi bonum.
Expression used to denote those who
lacked ritual baptism but who through Bellum iustum
their lives and/or through an expressed Just war
desire for Christian baptism evidenced Expression to denote the concept of Just
Christian character in their lives. See War Theory. The traditional component
also A cruce salus, Communio sancto- parts for this theory were a careful con-
rum, Extra ecclesia nulla salus, Extra sideration of the reasons for going to war
ecclesia nulla conceditur gratia, Extra as a last resort, the so-called ius ad bel-
mundum nulla salus, Extra pauper lum (q.v.), followed by the just conduct
nulla salus, Fides implicita, and Radix of the war itself involving proportionality
Mali. in the use of force, immunity of non-
combatants, humane treatment of prison-
ers, etc.—the so-called ius in bello (q.v.),
Beati and more recently many theologians
The Blessed speak of the necessity of restoration and
Refers usually to the saints or “blessed” repair of damages suffered during the
who are in heaven with God and who war, the so-called ius post bellum (q.v.).
therefore enjoy the beatific vision, See also Si vis pacem, para bellum.
though it can also be used colloquially
to designate those who seem more for- Bene docet, qui bene distinguit
tunate or better off than others. See also The one who teaches well is the
Visio beatifica and Visio Dei. one who distinguishes well
Classical adage which refers to the fact
that the truth of a certain position is
Beati mortui qui in Domino found in attention to those important
moriuntur details which distinguish it, or set it off,
Blessed are the dead who die in from another position or issue. This
the Lord adage emphasizes the critical impor-
Pious expression used to announce the tance of making the proper distinctions
passing of someone, often in a religious in any argument or search for the truth.
Bonum 25

Benedicamus Domino In this expression, “fide” is usually pro-

Let us bless the Lord nounced in English as if it were a single
Common invocation used in a variety syllable word and refers to a genuine
of liturgical prayers and religious uses. article (as opposed to a fake).
The response is Deo gratias (q.v.). In
religious houses, it was common that Bona mors
one member of the community would Good (happy) death
awaken each member in the morning by While this concept has a very long his-
knocking on the door and intoning tory in human history, in theology it
Benedicamus Domino. The response refers primarily to the idea of dying in
Deo gratias would then indicate that the the friendship of God, i.e., the state of
individual was awake. grace. From the late Renaissance on-
ward there were a number of pious as-
Benedicite sociations founded by the Jesuits called
Bless the Bona mors Confraternity or Happy
Death Society that fostered good works
Title of the Canticle of the Three Young and preparation for an eventual pious
Men (Meshach, Shadrach, and Abed- death. Since a good life was the essen-
nego) who were thrown into the fiery tial requirement for a happy death, at-
furnace by the Babylonian King Ne- tainment of a bona mors would depend
cuchadnezzar in Daniel 3:52-90. This on living an upright existence, and in
hymn is still recited as part of the Lit- this sense the bona mors society would
urgy of the Hours (or Breviary). help its members in this end. See also
Ars moriendi, Beati mortui qui in Dom-
Benedictus ino moriuntur, and Nil nisi bonum.
Blessed (be the Lord)
As a stand-alone noun, this term usually Bonum
refers to the whole of the Canticle of Good
Zechariah in Luke 1:68-79 and comes As an adjective, this word will modify
from the opening word in Latin of that the accompanying noun, such as bona
hymn. It is said as part of the Morning fide (q.v.), “in good faith.” As a plural
Prayer of the Church found in the Bre- noun, bona can refer to goods and prop-
viary traditionally called Lauds (derived erty. As a singular noun in theological
from laudo “to praise”). usage, the word bonum generally refers
to the moral character of goodness and/
Bono et aequo or the ultimate end of humanity which
Good and just (equitable) is the “good” of eternal beatitude which
comes from union with God. In theo-
See De bono et aequo logical usages, bonum is usually found
linked together with one or another of a
Bona fide number of different words, such as
In good faith bonum commune (q.v.) or summum
26  Bonum apprehensum

bonum (q.v.), and whose meaning then vate property, by calling for a just
depends on the second word with which distribution of economic goods for the
bonum is used. See all the other entries use of all. See also Epikeia; In extrema
under Bonum, and especially Bonum est necessitate omnia, societati humanae
faciendum et prosequendum, et malum destinata, sunt communia; Iustitiam sub-
vitandum. sidiariam; Lex iniusta non est lex; Lex
lata in praesumptionne periculi commu-
Bonum apprehensum nis; Necessitas est lex temporis et loci;
The apprehended good Necessitas non habet legem; Ordinatio
This term refers to what is known or rationis ad bonum commune; Ordo pu-
perceived to be good or a good in itself. blicus; Quod non licitum est in lege ne-
The human capacity for recta ratio cessitas facit licitum; and Salus publica
(q.v.) and practical moral reason is suprema lex.
closely linked to seeing something as
good and working toward it. Inasmuch Bonum est faciendum et
as humans can err or sin in pursuing a prosequendum, et malum vitandum
“false” good, the notion of the bonum The good is to be done and fos-
apprehensum is helpful in making the tered, and evil avoided
distinction between an “apparent” good Thomas Aquinas defines the nature of
and what is truly the “real” good. In the the “good” as that which all things seek
case of sin or moral error, what is mis- after and goes on to give this as his first
taken for the good is in fact only a false principle in the practical of the natural
good, which nevertheless appears to the law, which would be self-evident to all
individual as an apparent good and thus reasonable persons upon rational ex-
can be termed a bonum apprehensum. amination and need not (nor cannot) be
See also Ens rationis, Lex indita non further proved (cf. St. Thomas Aquinas’
scripta, Lex naturalis, Lumen naturale, Summa Theologiae I–II, q. 94, a. 2).
Ordo rationis, Per modum cognitionis / This principle grounds all other moral
Per modum inclinationis, and Recta norms, and much of the contemporary
ratio. discussion (pro and con) on proportion-
alism hinges upon how this first prin-
Bonum commune ciple is interpreted and applied.
The common good
Important concept in social ethics, which Bonum ex integra causa, malum ex
holds that the good of an entire com- quocumque defectu
munity or society is of grave importance The (moral) good of an act comes
and should be the concern and ordering from its causal integrity (of act
principle of social institutions, such as plus intention); moral evil comes
laws. While this should not be under- from any defect (in either act or
stood as a form of utilitarianism, this intention)
principle does establish limits on indi- However, the full aphorism reads: Verum
vidual rights, including the right to pri- et falsum sunt in mente, bonum et malum
Bonum sacramenti 27

sunt in rebus; bonum ex integra causa, ject, choice, or end. The end may also be
malum ex quocumque defectu (“truth and termed a bonum honestum, and that
error exist in the mind, good and evil in which would frustrate such a good would
things; good demands fullness of being, be an inhonestum (q.v.). See also Bonum
evil is predicated of any defect”). utile, Summum bonum, and Uti et frui.
This statement can be read also as
a metaphysical principle and not just a Bonum particulare
moral principle. However, this statement Particular good
presupposes a certain understanding of Refers to an individual good that is aimed
metaphysics and has been the focus of at one particular value and is not consid-
considerable debate among contempo- ered to involve the highest overall good
rary moral theologians as to its precise of life (which is the summum bonum
meaning and ethical significance. (“highest good,” q.v.), or the common
good of the bonum commune (q.v.). See
Bonum ex nocentibus also Bonum utile and Uti et frui.
Good [product or result] from
something harmful [e.g., an “evil” Bonum prolis (or prolix)
source or cause] The procreative good
Expression of the silver lining in a Traditional understanding (especially in
cloud, or that good in fact sometimes Augustine) of the principal end of mar-
does come from evil. This aphorism, riage, i.e., for the procreation of off-
however, is not meant to suggest that spring. However, bonum prolis should
evil means should be chosen so that a not be equated simply with generatio
good end might result. prolis (q.v.), the mere biological pro-
duction of offspring. Rather, bonum
Bonum fidei prolis refers to the integral aspect of
Good of fidelity marriage as a union of love out of which
According to Augustine, one of the three children are conceived, brought into the
principal goods (bona) of marriage, i.e., world, nurtured, loved and educated.
marital fidelity and stability. Society as Anything which would operate morally
a whole is served by this good, as well against this good (contra bonum prolis),
as its being one of the three principal such as artificial contraception, would
ends along with Bonum prolis (q.v.) and be viewed as morally evil. See also
Bonum sacramenti (q.v.), which had to Bonum sacramenti, Bonum fidei, Con-
be willed or intended simultaneously for cubitus propter solam procreationem,
a valid sacramental marriage. See also Humano modo, Potentia coeundi/Poten-
Humano modo. tia generandi, and Sine prole.

Bonum honestum Bonum sacramenti

Honest good Good of the sacrament
Refers to that which is useful, proper, or According to Augustine, one of the
“honest” for realizing a certain good ob- three principal goods of marriage, i.e.,
28  Bonum suum

indissolubility of a valid sacramental Bonum totius

marriage, which came to be widely ac- Good of the whole
cepted as grounding the legitimate The good of the whole can be taken into
sexual activity within marriage. This is account in evaluating an individual ac-
also the grounding of the theology tion, which by itself may seem harmful
which holds that the two spouses them- or immoral. Thus, it would not be an
selves confer the sacrament upon each immoral mutilation to amputate a leg in
other (with the priest or deacon merely a diabetic person that had become in-
serving as the ecclesial witness to the fected with gangrene, since this opera-
marriage). Besides helping each other tion would save the person’s life. See
grow in holiness, the sacrament also sym- also Pars propter totum; Si finis bonus
bolizes the fidelity that Christ has for the est, totum bonum erit; Mala moralia
church. See also Bonum prolis, Bonum and mala praemoralia; and Ratio Pro-
fidei, Humano modo, Propter solam pro- portionata.
creationem, and Res analogata.

Bonum suum Bonum utile

Our good (literally, “one’s” good) Useful good
Refers to the aspect of the “good” Refers not to the summum bonum
which leads us to love it for itself once (“highest good,” q.v.), or a bonum hon-
we recognize and accept it as truly our estum (q.v.) but rather some object or
own good. This concept of the good can desire based on a well-considered
be contrasted with a bonum utile, which choice, such as a means to an end. A
we recognize as having a positive func- bonum utile can be further distinguished
tion or usefulness but which we do not from the summum bonum or a bonum
love in and of itself. Thomas Aquinas honestum as having more the character
referenced this concept in his discus- of a means by which the summum
sion of the interrelation between hope bonum or a bonum honestum is attained.
and love in the theological virtues in ST See also Bonum particulare; Bonum
I–II, q. 62, a. 4, resp. See the other en- suum; Desiderium consiliabile; Domi-
tries under Bonum, and especially nium utile; Ius utendi, fruendi, abutendi;
Bonum utile and Summum bonum. Res frutificat dominum; and Uti et frui.
Caeteris paribus bishops and cardinals which had a hood
See Ceteris paribus and a long train. Since Vatican II, the
form of the cappa magna has been
Cantatorium much simplified and is worn less often
Collection of (liturgical) chants than in the past, though some more re-
See the entry under Liber Gradualis and cently elevated prelates have taken to
Schola cantorum. using it in certain solemn liturgical
rites, usually associated with the Tri-
Cantus firmus dentine Rite. See also Coram Cardi-
Steadfast chant (or theme) nale/Coram Episcopo.
This expression can refer to a recurring
Caput mundi
leitmotif (as in a musical chant) but
The head of the world
more often metaphorically refers to a
strong theme running through a certain Expression used for Rome and, by ex-
document or position. Thus, the Federa- tension, to any location that considers
tion of Asian Bishops Conferences itself to be of greater importance than
(FABC) maintains as the cantus firmus the rest of the world. See also Ab urbe
of the church in Asia that it must always condita; Roma locuta, causa finita; and
be a “church of the poor.” Ultra montes.

Capax Dei Caritas

Receptive of God Charity, love
Expression of Irenaeus, which indicates Latin translation of the Greek agape
that the human person, as a self-transcen- (ajga;ph), which is also rendered as love.
dent spiritual being, is said to be capable
of receiving God through God’s free gift Caritas Christi urget nos
of God’s self made through grace and The love of Christ compels
revelation. See also Summum bonum. (urges) us
Expression from 2 Cor 5:14 which in-
Cappa magna dicates that, ultimately, it should not be
Great cape a consideration of pragmatic gain, etc.,
Name given to the vestment worn by but the love of Christ which moves us
30  Caritas generis humani

to action. This expression was used by Caritas non obligat cum gravi
Pope Benedict XVI in his apostolic let- incommodo
ter Porta Fidei (q.v.) #7 to mark the Charity does not oblige in cases of
calling of the Year of Faith in October grave inconvenience (or danger)
2011 commemorating the commence-
Scholastic axiom that indicates the
ment of the Second Vatican Council.
boundary of prudence over charity.
See also Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Where there is a proportionate or suf-
(A.M.D.G.), the motto of the Society of
ficient reason present one may elect not
Jesus, which uses a chief principle of
to come to the aid of another in distress
discernment the consideration of that
or need (e.g., to risk one’s life to at-
which is “For the greater glory of God.”
tempt to rescue a drowning person in
heavy seas). See also Semper sed non
Caritas generis humani pro semper.
Love of the human race
Spoken of by Cicero in his De finibus Caro cardo salutis
bonorum et malorum 5.23, and which The flesh is the hinge on which
refers to the basic social nature of salvation depends
human beings, i.e., that they have a Expression of Tertullian (On the Resur-
basic innate disposition to love human- rection of the Flesh, ch. 8) which
ity (even if this is imperfectly realized indicates that an authentic orthodox
in the concrete). Christian anthropology holds that we are
embodied spirits, not a separable dualis-
Caritas in Veritate tic combination of body and spirit.
Charity in truth
Title of Pope Benedict XVI’s third en- Carpe diem
cyclical issued on 29 June 2009, which Seize the day
dealt primarily with social and eco- From Horace’s Odes, the fuller expres-
nomic ethics, especially in the light of sion being carpe diem, quam minimum
increasing globalization. See also Car- credula postero, which is understood as
itas in veritate in re sociali; Deus cari- “enjoy today, and don’t pay much at-
tas est; Ubi caritas; Deus ibi est; and tention to what tomorrow may bring.”
Ubi societas, ibi ius. This expression also can be abused as a
rather hedonistic moral stance as in
Caritas in veritate in re sociali “eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow
Charity in truth in social matters we may die.”
Catholic social doctrine enunciated by
Pope Benedict XVI in his third encycli- Casti connubii
cal, Caritas in Veritate, issued on 29 Of chaste wedlock
June 2009. See also Caritas in Veritate; Pius XI’s encyclical On Christian Mar-
Ubi caritas; Deus ibi est; and Ubi soci- riage, condemning artificial contracep-
etas, ibi ius. tion and written in response to the
Cathedra 31

Anglican Communion’s Lambeth Con- Casus conscientiae

ference resolution which gave guarded Case of conscience
approval to the use of artificial birth Application of the method of casuistry
control (1930). Paul VI’s 1968 Huma- (see Casus above) to the confessional
nae vitae (q.v.) reaffirmed the Catholic forum. These confessional cases were
Church’s prohibition of every use of often used to help train seminarians and
artificial contraception (though it ac- young priests in their exercise of the
knowledged the legitimate use of Sacrament of Penance. See also Casus
natural family planning for serious rea- conscientiae, Libri paenitentiales,
sons). See also Intrinsece inhonestum. Summa Casuum Conscientiae, and
Summae confessariorum.
Case Catechesi tradendae
This is a rather general word in Latin as Handing over the teaching
in English and could refer to a certain (catechesis)
issue in a broader sense, as well as a John Paul II’s post-synodal apostolic
specific legal case. In moral theology exhortation On Catechesis in Our Time
the casus was used to illustrate the ap- (1979). The document, which has spe-
plication of moral principles to concrete cial emphasis on the catechesis of chil-
situations. This was often termed casu- dren and young people, was begun by
istry (case-study moral analysis). If the Paul VI after the conclusion of the trien-
morally relevant features of a case could nial Synod of Bishops, which met on
be separated apart from the non-morally the theme of catechesis, and the apos-
relevant features (e.g., the names of the tolic exhortation was concluded by John
individuals would generally not be con- Paul II.
sidered morally relevant, but their
marital state might be), then the appli-
cation of the morally appropriate prin- Cathedra
ciples could be transferred to similar Chair (in the official sense)
cases. See also Casus conscientiae and Term used to designate the “chair” or
Summa Casuum Conscientiae. seat of office of a bishop or the pope as
Bishop of Rome. The church in which
the bishop’s seat is located is called his
Casus belli cathedral. The cathedra is a symbol of
Case (or cause) for war the bishop’s authority. One of the cri-
A justification for waging war. In less teria of an exercise of the “extraordi-
extreme situations the expression may nary magisterium” of the pope, which
refer to making a mountain out of carries with it the claim of infallibility,
a molehill, thus, “don’t make his cut- is that the papal pronouncement must
ting class a casus belli.” See also Ius ad be delivered officially, “ex cathedra”
bellum. (q.v.).
32  Causa excusans

Causa excusans Law for the Oriental (Eastern uni-

Excusing cause ate) Churches.
In law, that which would render the ob-
servance of a particular law impossible Celebret
or very difficult and therefore renders He may celebrate
that particular law non-binding in that Official written attestation given to a
situation. priest by his legitimate superior or or-
daining prelate that he may celebrate
Causa finalis est prima inter the Eucharist, i.e., that he is a priest in
omnes causas good standing. This document has be-
The Final Cause is the first (most come more important of late to indicate
important) among all the other that not only is the individual a validly
causes ordained priest, but he also has no pend-
Essentially the same notion as Finis est ing charges or suspicions of clerical or
causa causarum (q.v.). See Ea (eorum) sexual misconduct.
quae sunt ad finem, Finis enim dat
speciem in moralibus, Finis est nobilior Censor deputatus
iis quae sunt ad finem, Finis operis, Deputed (appointed) censor
Finis operantis, and Qui vult finem vult In ecclesiastical publications, the
media. bishop or other appropriate ecclesiasti-
cal superior usually delegates examina-
Cautela abundans non nocet tion of a potential publication for
See Abundans cautela non nocet doctrinal orthodoxy to a theological
specialist who makes a determination
Caveat emptor whether a Nihil obstat (q.v.) can be
Let the buyer beware given, allowing for the granting of an
Roman maxim which supposedly “jus- Imprimi potest (q.v.) and the Imprima-
tifies” any sort of false advertising or tur (q.v.), indicating the work carries
misrepresentation since it puts the bur- with it ecclesiastical approval (Cum ap-
den of judging the veracity of advertis- probatione ecclesiastica, q.v.).
ing claims on the buyer rather than the
seller—presuming that most vendors Centesimus annus
will exaggerate the merits of their prod- The hundredth year (anniversary)
ucts and thus a prudent buyer should John Paul II’s 1991 social encyclical
take these cum grano salis (q.v.), i.e., written to commemorate the hundredth
with a grain of salt. anniversary of Leo XIII’s Rerum no-
varum and which was published shortly
C.C.E.O. after the fall of communism in Eastern
Latin abbreviation for Codex Europe. The encyclical critiqued both
Canonum Ecclesiarum Orienta- communist ideology and the excesses
lium, (q.v.), the Code of Canon of free-market capitalism.
Ceteris paribus 33

Certa bonum certamen for the law ceasing, the law itself ceases).
Fight the good fight See also Ad literam; Consuetudo optima
Common expression and used as the legum interpres; Ex abusu non est argu-
motto for Iona College, the Christian mentum ad desuetudinem; Exceptio fir-
Brothers liberal arts school in New Ro- mat regulam; Odia restringi, et favores
chelle, New York. convenit ampliari; Sensum, non verba
spectamus; and Ubi cessat ratio legis,
cessat ipsa lex.
Certum est quia impossibile est
It is certain because it is impos- Cessante ratione legis cessat
ipsa lex
Expression of Tertullian in his De The reason for the law ceasing,
Carne Christi, in which he argues that the law itself ceases
in matters of faith, what seems to be
See Cessante fine cessat lex (The end
impossible when judged according to
[goal, reason] ceasing, the law ceases)
human evidence indicates instead the
and also Ubi cessat ratio legis, cessat
truth of the supernatural reality. See
ipsa lex.
also Corde creditur, Credo quia absur-
dum, Ne fides rideatur, and Tantum Cessatio a divinis
valet quantum probat. Suspension of divine service
Canonical penalty, which is a form of
Cessante causa cessat effectus
interdict, in which the holding of litur-
The cause ceasing, so does the ef-
gical services (such as the Eucharist) is
fect cease
forbidden for a certain time in a certain
See Cessante fine cessat lex (The end church or chapel, usually due to a serious
[goal, reason] ceasing, the law ceases) act to which the venue has been sub-
and also Ubi cessat ratio legis, cessat jected, e.g., a murder that takes place in
ipsa lex. a church which requires its reconsecra-
tion by the local bishop. This penalty is
Cessante fine cessat lex contrasted with clerical suspension a
The end (goal, reason) ceasing, divinas (q.v.) which would occur because
the law ceases of some serious lapse on the part of the
Axiom of law, especially relevant in the priest penalized.
interpretation of church law, that states
that when the reason or goal of a law no Ceteris paribus
longer holds, then the particular law Other things being equal
which was oriented to that goal loses its E.g., “ceteris paribus the Vatican ap-
legal force (cf. ST I–II, q. 96). Other points native clergy as bishops of that
similar versions of this maxim are Ces- region,” meaning that when various can-
sante causa cessat effectus (the cause didates have similar qualifications the
ceasing, the effect ceases) and Cessante choice would go to the person who is a
ratione legis cessat ipsa lex (the reason native of that place over the foreigner or
34  Cf.

missionary. An alternative spelling for ad modum recipientis recipitur, Sensus

ceteris is caeteris. fidelium, Sententia probata, Status
quaestionis, and Theologice certa.
Compare Chasuble
Little house
Cf. is the Latin abbreviation for the
Latin word confer, which means com- Name of the outer liturgical vestment
pare. Cf. is commonly used to indicate worn by the presider over the alb at the
reference to another source, such as cf. Eucharist.
The Christian faithful
Charisma veritatis
Charism (gift) of truth Refers to those who have been baptized
and are therefore considered members
In Roman Catholic theology, this notion
of the church and part of the people of
is tied to the office of the magisterium,
God. Since Vatican II more emphasis
which enjoys the special assistance of
has been placed on the importance of
the Holy Spirit given as a grace in epis-
the lay vocation in the world and the
copal ordination and exercised in com-
munion by the pope and the college of
bishops. This grace must still be exer-
cised in a human way (cf. Quidquid re- Christifideles laici
cipitur ad modum recipientis recipitur) Lay Christian faithful
and should not be understood as a mag- Post-synodal apostolic exhortation of
ical guarantee of total truth. As Cardinal Pope John Paul II On the Vocation and
Avery Dulles, SJ, has noted “the charism the Mission of the Lay Faithful in the
of the magisterium, like the grace of Church and in the World (1988).
preaching, does not function ex opere
operato [q.v.]. Thus in point of fact the Christus Dominus
power of an individual office-holder to Christ the Lord
express the faith of the Church in a cor-
Vatican II’s Decree on the Pastoral Of-
rect and effective manner will depend
fice of Bishops (1965), which empha-
on a number of imponderables” (Dulles,
sized the collegiality of the bishops with
A Church To Believe In, 1982, p. 121).
the Bishop of Rome, the pope. See also
See also Auctoritas, Authenticus, Eccle-
Apostolos suos, Collegium, Collegialis
sia docens, Ex cathedra, Inquisitio,
affectus, and Recognitio.
Lumen gentium, Magisterium, Magis-
terium attestans, Magisterium authenti-
cam, Magisterium docens, Munus, Christus Victor
Mysterium ecclesiae, Obsequium reli- Christ the Victor
giosum, Officium, Potestas docendi, Christological title that highlights Jesus’
Quaestio disputata, Quidquid recipitur redemptive victory over sin and death
Clavis David 35

and especially Satan and the powers of tence of the divine Persons in one God
evil. This term was popular with many (Being), though it can be used also to
early church fathers, and Eusebius of refer to the Christological doctrine of the
Caesarea spoke of a great spiritual battle divine and human natures being present
with the devil after Jesus’ death but be- simultaneously in the person of Jesus.
fore his resurrection, when he “de-
scended into hell” as the Apostles’ Civitas
Creed states. Jesus’ victory in this battle Citizenship, commonwealth, state
saved humanity from Satan’s dominion. Refers to the body of citizens who to-
See also Risus Paschalis. gether comprise a political entity such
as a state.
Code of Canon Law Civitas Dei
Latin abbreviation for the 1983 Codex City of God
Iuris Canonici (q.v.). Prior to the 1917 Refers to Augustine’s book of that
Code, this abbreviation C.I.C. referred name, as well as to his concept of Chris-
to the Corpus Iuris Canonici (Body of tians who are members of God’s civitas
Canon Law), which was composed of but here on earth are still in via. See In
various decrees, judgments, and the via and Viator.
like—similar to the British tradition of
constitutional law. See also Codex, Cor- Clausura
pus Iuris Canonici, and the 2009 Motu Cloister
proprio (q.v.) Omnium in mentem, by
which Pope Benedict XVI amended Refers to the limitations placed on free
some of the particular canons in the entry and/or exit from religious houses.
Code. A vowed religious who has an indult (i.e.,
canonical permission) to live outside of
his or her religious community is said to
be exclaustrated. Cloister more often re-
fers to those areas of a religious house
A penitential garb made from goat’s which nonmembers of the community
hair, obtained originally from the are forbidden to enter. In this sense, clau-
Roman province of Cilicia. Penitential sura would be similar to the designation
hairshirts or sackcloth of whatever “Authorized Personnel Only.”
provenance were often designated by
this term (cf. Ps 35:13). Clavis David
Key of David
Circuminsessio The fourth of the “O Antiphons” that
Being together mark the octave of anticipation or prep-
In English this term is rendered as “cir- aration for Christmas Eve, which in itself
cumincession” and refers usually to the is the vigil of Christ’s birth. See the fuller
trinitarian doctrine of the shared exis- discussion under O Adonai.
36  Codex

Codex Coena Domini

A tree trunk, book, ledger The Lord’s Supper
In theological usage, codex usually refers Refers to the Last Supper Jesus had
either to a code of laws, such as the with his disciples and, by extension, to
Codex Iuris Canonici (q.v.), the church’s the celebration of the Eucharist.
Code of Canon Law (often abbreviated
C.I.C., q.v.), or to a manuscript edition Coetus
of some ancient text, such as the Codex Meeting, assembly, committee
Vaticanus, an early manuscript of the In ecclesial circles, this term is usually
Greek New Testament. used to refer to some sort of committee
that is charged with a certain task, e.g.,
Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum to prepare a working text, agenda for a
Orientalium meeting, etc.
Code of Canon (Law) of the Ori-
ental Churches Coetus fidelium
Promulgated in 1990, this is the Code Group of the faithful
of Canon Law for the Eastern-rite This term was used by Pope Benedict
churches which are in union with Rome. XVI in his 2007 Motu proprio (q.v.)
Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orien- Summorum Pontificum to refer a group
talium is abbreviated as C.C.E.O. of the faithful who may legitimately
request the celebration of the Tridentine
Codex Iuris Canonici Latin Mass as a forma extraordinaria
Code of Canon Law in Summorum Pontificum. This term
The church’s official collection of laws. was clarified in Universae Ecclesiae
The Roman Catholic Church has two (q.v.) as an indefinite number of the
complete Codes (systematic collec- faithful who do not necessarily have to
tions) of canon law: the 1917 version belong to the same parish but who are
(which contained 2414 canons) and the considered a “stable” group (stabiliter
current 1983 Code (which has 1752 existens). See also Ad orientem, Cappa
canons). Latin is the official language magna, Forma extraordinaria, Missale
of the Code, and thus the technical Romanum, Novus Ordo, Summorum
meaning of the concepts and vocabulary Pontificum, Universae Ecclesiae, and
terms in Latin is critical to a proper Versus populum.
understanding and application of the
Code. Codex Iuris Canonici is abbrevi- Coetus Internationalis Patrum
ated as C.I.C. See also Corpus Iuris International Group of (Council)
Canonici, as well as the 2009 Motu Fathers
proprio (q.v.) Omnium in mentem, by Name given to a group of around two
which Pope Benedict XVI amended hundred conservative bishops from
some of the particular canons in the various parts of the world at Vatican II
Code. that called into question the legitimacy
Communicatio idiomatum 37

of the Council as a true Ecumenical Collegialis affectus

Church Council after it concluded in Collegial bonds, affective
1965. See also Sede vacante. collegiality
This expression was used in Lumen gen-
Cogito ergo sum
tium #23 and is somewhat clumsily
I think therefore I am
translated there as “collegiate feeling,”
Well-known adage of French philoso- and again in Ad gentes #6 as “collegial
pher René Descartes (1596–1650) in spirit.” However, the notion really refers
which he sought a certain and unassail- to the common pastoral office of bishops
able philosophical starting point for who by their office should work together
knowledge and method. with one another and in communion with
the Bishop of Rome, who is Primus inter
Cognitio aenigmatica pares (q.v.). See also Apostolos suos,
Enigmatic (obscure) knowledge Christus Dominus, Collegium, and Pri-
Expression which often refers to things mus inter pares.
known in the light of faith (Lumen fidei,
q.v.) which will always remain opaque to Collegium
a certain extent, not (according to Thomas College, Group of associates
Aquinas) due to our sin, but rather be-
cause of the limitations of the human While “college” is the closest cognate in
intellect. Cf. ST II–II, q. 7, a. 2, reply to English, collegium does not really refer
obj. 3. See also Deus semper maior as to an academic institution, but rather a
well as the entries under Credo and Fides. group of associates, members, etc., of
similar rank. Thus, we speak of the Col-
Coitus interruptus lege of Bishops as being in communion
Interrupted coitus with the Bishop of Rome, the pope, one
of whose titles that speaks to this union
A morally illicit (and rather ineffec-
is Primus inter pares (q.v.). This notion
tive!) form of contraception in which
of episcopal collegial authority is well
the sexual act is terminated by the with-
expressed in Vatican II’s Decree on the
drawal of the penis just prior to ejacula-
Pastoral Office of Bishops, Christus Do-
tion in the vagina. As distinguished
minus. See also Apostolos suos, Chris-
from amplexus reservatus (q.v.), ejacu-
tus Dominus, Collegialis affectus, and
lation takes place, though not in the
Primus inter pares.
vagina. See also Copula dimidiata.

Coitus reservatus Communicatio idiomatum

Reserved coitus Idiomatic communication;
Alternative expression for amplexus re- exchange of properties
servatus (q.v.). Since no ejaculation takes This single expression has two rather
place in coitus reservatus it was tradi- distinct meanings. As a close cognate,
tionally distinguished from coitus inter- “idiomatic communication” could mean
ruptus (q.v.). See also Copula dimidiata. an imprecision or technical error in the
38  Communicatio in sacris

formulation of an expression, without ciety). Communio is also the name given

necessarily intending a more serious to an international theological journal of
lapse such as a heresy. However, in a more conservative bent that provides a
Christology the expression deals with counterbalance to the more liberal Con-
the dual nature of Jesus Christ as true cilium (q.v.).
God and true human. While these na-
tures are unified in Jesus this does not Communio episcoporum
mean that his human nature shared fully Communion of bishops
in divine omnipotence or that his divine Refers to the notion of collegiality of
nature was extinguished on the cross. bishops which they enjoy with one an-
The Spanish Jesuit liberation theolo- other and with the Bishop of Rome. A
gian, Jon Sobrino, admitted a technical violation of this Communio episcopo-
error of this sort in response to the 2006 rum is considered to be very serious and
Notification of the Congregation for the can lead to a number of penal sanctions,
Doctrine of the Faith on his work but such as when Bishop Thomas Gumble-
denied the implicit charge of heresy in ton, retired auxiliary of Detroit, was
his writings. See also Homo assumptus. removed from his parish in 2006 after
he spoke out in favor of extending the
Communicatio in sacris statute of limitations for sexual abuse
Participation in the sacred rites crimes at the same time that the Ohio
Refers usually to the participation of bishops were opposing that piece of
non-Catholics in a Catholic religious legislation. In the letter from the Vatican
service, e.g., the Eucharist, or the ad- informing him of his removal, this vio-
ministration of the sacraments by a lation of the Communio episcoporum
Catholic minister to non-Catholics or was given as a principal reason for this
viceversa, in which Catholics partici- sanction.
pate in non-Catholic rituals (cf. C.I.C.
#844). Colloquially, the phrase is often Communio personarum
used to connote a negative attitude Communion of persons
toward ecumenical worship services. Term popularized by Pope John Paul II
(1978–2005) in his Theology of the
Communio Body to denote the union of the man and
Communion woman in marriage which is then ex-
The primary theological meaning of the pressed in a conjugal act in which the
word communio is the notion of being procreative dimension is inseparably
together in a cohesive group and thus linked to the unitive dimension. The fam-
carries nuances of cooperation and col- ily too constitutes a communion of per-
legiality. Communio can be used to sons (cf. Familiaris consortio #17–27).
describe a certain ecclesiological under- Historically, the expression had been
standing of the church, sometimes in originally used to describe the nature of
distinction from seeing the church as a the Blessed Trinity as a communion of
societas perfecta (q.v., “perfect” so- three persons in one God, as well as the
Condicio (or Conditio) sine qua non 39

relation of the Trinity to the church and national theological journal founded in
humankind since the human being made part to counter the more liberal perspec-
in the image of God (imago Dei, q.v.) tive of Concilium.
likewise exists in this relation of com-
munion with God. Concubitus propter solam
Communio sanctorum Coitus (or cohabitation) only for
Communion of saints the purpose of procreation
Expression which is found, among Position initially advanced in the Au-
other places, in the Apostle’s Creed and gustinian theology of marriage that jus-
refers to the Christian community as the tified conjugal relations because they
Mystical Body of believers, both living were engaged in for the purpose of pro-
and dead, including the souls in purga- ducing and raising offspring. The prob-
tory and those who enjoy the beatific lem with this view is that it seemed to
vision of God in heaven. See also Con- render morally suspect any other rea-
gregatio fidelium. sons for having conjugal relations, or
conjugal relations which were not en-
tered into with the explicit intention of
Compos mentis
trying to produce offspring. This posi-
Of sound mind
tion was later nuanced by the accep-
Necessary condition for doing a moral tance of having conjugal relations as a
action, as well as in canon law a requi- “remedy” for concupiscence or sexual
site for entering into a contractual obli- desire. See also Bonum prolis, Bonum
gation (such as vows, marriage, etc.). fidei, Bonum sacramenti, Debitum,
See also Non compos mentis and Non Potentia coeundi/Potentia generandi,
sui compos. and Remedium concupiscientiae.

Concilium Condicio (or Conditio) sine

“Council” qua non
Group of advisors and, depending on the Necessary condition or criterion
particular usage, may also refer to the (literally, “condition without
legal council whose consent or advice which nothing [is possible]”)
must be sought in certain matters as re- An indispensable condition, which can
quired by either canon law or the par- be understood contractually or philo-
ticular law of the given religious institute sophically. Thus, a conditio sine qua
or congregation. Concilium is also the non of a treaty might be a specific pro-
name for an international theological vision that must be included if there is
journal published since the Second any hope for agreement. A conditio sine
Vatican Council that seeks to continue qua non of the moral life is individual
the conciliar mandate for the updating of freedom. The expression, though, has a
theology in conversation with the modern wide variety of usages; for example, in
world. Communio (q.v.) is another inter- traditional sexual ethics a condicio sine
40  Conditio humana

qua non for licit sexual relations would mercy of a loving God who had par-
be the conditions of intercourse be- doned her.
tween a man and a woman that is open
to the physical possibility of procre- Confiteor
ation. If this condicio sine qua non were I confess
not present then the act would be con- First word in the act of contrition, which
sidered immoral. See also Contra is found in the Penitential Rite of the
naturam, Secundum naturum, Secun- Latin Eucharist. The word confiteor can
dum rationem, and Sequi naturam. also be used to refer to the entire prayer
Conditio humana
The human condition Congregatio fidelium
Basic concept in theological anthropol- Congregation of the faithful
ogy that refers to the “human condition” Early designation of the church as the
as one marked by finitude and sin on gathering of believers in Jesus Christ.
the one hand but openness to grace and See also Communio sanctorum and
the potentiality for human flourishing Sensus fidelium.
and moral goodness on the other hand.
Consensus fidelium
Confer Consensus of the faithful
See Orbis terrarum, Securus iudicat
Usually abbreviated as cf. (q.v.). orbis terrarum, Sensus fidelium, and
Solus consensus obligat.
Confession (of faith of a martyr) Consensus non facit veritatem
Term used for the tomb or reliquary of Consensus does not make truth.
a martyr who died professing (i.e., con- Aphorism which indicates that the mere
fessing) the faith. As a proper noun, fact of widespread agreement is no
Confessio often designates the resting guarantee that one has arrived at the
place of the bones of St. Peter enshrined truth. On the other hand, there are sev-
in the crypt under the high altar of the eral similar aphorisms that argue to an
basilica in Vatican City. opposite conclusion. See also Consue-
tudo optima legum interpres, Ecclesia
Confessio laudis discens, Orbis terrarum, Quod ubique
Confession (acknowledgment) of quod semper quod ab omnibus creditum
praise. est, Securus iudicat orbis terrarum, and
This term was used to express praise for Sensus fidelium.
God’s mercy in pardoning sinners.
Thus, a sinner not only confessed or Consensus Patrum
acknowledged her sins, but at the same Consensus of the fathers
time would express praise for the great Based on the belief that the writings of
Contra caritatem 41

the fathers (the patristic authors, such as legem; Nihil consuetudine maius; Odia
Augustine, Jerome, etc.), as witnesses restringi, et favores convenit ampliari;
and authentic teachers, faithfully tell the Optimus interpres rerum usus; Praeter
faith of the church. Therefore, when the legem; Quod omnes tangit ab omnibus
fathers expressed a unanimous opinion approbetur; Sensus fidelium; Sensum,
on teachings on faith and/or morals, these non verba spectamus; and Ubi cessat
teachings were held to be a sound expres- ratio legis, cessat ipsa lex.
sion of the Christian faith. See also Eccle-
sia docens and Magisterium. Consummatum est
It is consummated (finished, com-
Consuetudinarius pleted)
A habitual (sinner) Jesus’ last words on the cross in the Latin
Usually this term is found in the context Vulgate translation of John 19:30, and the
of the sacrament of reconciliation and expression is widely used to refer to some
refers to someone who has a certain sin deed which has been completed. See also
which has become habitual. Thus, extra ratum et consummatum.
pains must be taken to break the cycle of
sin, and especially to avoid those occa- Contra
sions which lead the individual into this Contrary to, against
or that particular sin. See also Occasion- Common Latin preposition; see below
arii and Recidivus. for some usages.

Consuetudo optima legum interpres Contra bonos mores

Custom is the best interpreter of Against good mores (customs,
laws morals)
Legal axiom, traditionally used in the Legal phrase which indicates something
application of church law, which states considered harmful to society (such as
that custom—i.e., how people “follow” a contract to poison the water supply)
a given law—is the best guide to the and therefore null and void from a legal
meaning of the law itself. Thus, custom standpoint. Thus, in law a party could
enjoys a certain force of law (which is not be held accountable for the non-
stated explicitly in canon 26 of the 1983 completion of such a contract.
Code of Canon Law. This axiom itself
comprises the whole of canon 27 of the Contra caritatem
1983 Code of Canon Law (C.I.C.). A Against charity
slightly different version of this axiom, According to St. Thomas and scholastic
using different word order but with the theology, mortal sin is by its nature
same basic meaning is Optima legum against charity (contra caritatem),
interpres consuetudo. See also Ad lit- against the proper directionality or
eram; Cessante fine cessat lex; Conven- “end” of the human person (contra
tio est lex; Dura lex sed lex; Ex facto ius finem), and against the basic moral order
oritur; Exceptio firmat regulam; Iuxta established by God (contra ordinem).
42  Contra finem

Venial sin, by contrast, would not be history in Christian theology, significant

directly opposed to these things but in- changes were seen at the Second Vatican
stead would be sin as standing “outside” Council, especially in Gaudium et spes
of (or not in accord with) charity, the (q.v., the Pastoral Constitution on the
human end, and divine order. Thus, ve- Church in the Modern World) which out-
nial sins were described of as being of lined a more positive and hopeful stance
their nature praeter caritatem, praeter of engagement with the world and the
finem, and praeter ordinem. positive contributions even secular cul-
ture could make.
Contra finem
Against the end (understood as
Contra naturam
Against nature
Essentially the same concept as Contra
Term associated with teleological moral
naturam (q.v.), namely that if something
reason, and used especially in scholastic
is seen as operating against the natural
moral theology to denote any action
end or goal of a creature or a faculty
which went against the perceived
(such as speech), then that action would
“natural order,” understood as related to
be ipso facto wrong or immoral, since it
the human being’s true moral nature.
moved against the proper direction or
Such an action, since it countered or ob-
end. In terms of the distinction between
structed true human moral nature was
mortal and venial sin the former was
ipso facto against the natural law as well,
seen as contra finem in the sense that it
and therefore intrinsically evil. Further-
worked against the human’s ultimate
more, as expressed in the axiom peccata
end or goal, which is union with God.
contra naturam sunt gravissima (sins
Venial sin was considered less grave
against nature are grave) the presump-
because it did not attack the ultimate end
tion was that any sin against nature was
of the human person as such, but rather
nearly always very seriously sinful (i.e.,
was seen to operate against one of the
a potential mortal sin). A difficulty with
means to that end.
the term is that in traditional practice it
was often identified with activities not
Contra legem
thought to exist among other animals,
Against the law
and therefore bestiality and homosexual
Refers to something which is illegal ac- actions were two examples often cited
cording to a given code of laws. See as being contra naturam. More recent
also Praeter legem. documents from the Roman Catholic
magisterium (e.g., Persona humana,
Contra mundum q.v.) tend to use the expression “disor-
Against the world dered” to refer to behaviors which in the
Expression which usually indicates a past had been labeled contra naturam.
negative stance toward the world and es- See also Ex toto genere suo, Humano
pecially the beliefs and mores of secular modo, Intrinsece malum, Ius naturae est
culture. While this attitude has had a long immutabile, Lex spectat naturae ordi-
Cooperatio in malum 43

nem, Natura nihil facit inane, and Secun- Expression for sin, which involves a
dum naturam. turning of the person away from God,
the true end of the human person, and
Contra ordinem substituting some created thing for
Against (God’s) prescribed order God’s rightful place in the human heart.
A serious violation against God’s design. This expression is repeated in the dis-
Contra naturam is a similar concept, cussion on mortal sin in Pope John
though focused more on a violation of Paul’s 1984 post-synodal apostolic ex-
the Lex naturalis (q.v.). See also Contra hortation Reconciliatio et Paenitentia
caritatem and Praeter ordinem. (On Reconciliation and Penance in the
Mission of the Church Today). See also
Aversio a Deo.
Contra vim non valet ius
Against force the law is powerless
Cooperatio in malum
A Latin equivalent of “might makes
Cooperation in evil
right.” See also Consensus non facit
veritatem; Conventio est lex; and Vox Traditional term which is distinguished
populi, vox Dei. into two major categories, formal and
material cooperation, and a number of
Conventio est lex further specifications and distinctions.
Convention (custom) is law One can never cooperate “formally” in
the sense of sharing the same evil intent
A hermeneutical principle of legal in-
of another, but in the actual world we
terpretation very similar to Consuetudo
all at some time or another find our-
optima legum interpres and Nihil con-
selves in situations of “material” coop-
suetudine maius. However, for opposite
eration, in which in fact our actions may
sentiment see Consensus non facit
aid and abet the commission of a mor-
ally bad action by another. Thus, a hos-
tage might be forced to drive a get-away
Conversi car in a bank robbery. This would be an
The converted ones example of “material” cooperation, but
Term used from around the fifth century not “formal” cooperation. However, a
onward (especially in Spain and Gaul) member of the same gang of robbers
to denote those who voluntarily became who helps plan the heist is guilty of
public penitents and also used as well as “formal” cooperation as well as “mate-
a term for those who entered monastic rial” cooperation. “Formal” cooperation
life. Thus, the term expresses a certain is always morally culpable. “Material”
connection between becoming a monk cooperation may or may not be morally
and living a life of penance. culpable, and to a greater or lesser de-
gree, depending on a wide variety of
Conversio ad creaturam circumstances, motives, and other fac-
Turning toward the creature [or tors. See also Finis operis/Finis operan-
“created thing”] tis; Malum non est faciendum ut eveniat
44  Copula dimidiata

bonum; Minus malum; Ne cede malis; logue it might be noted that other
Non facias malum, ut inde fiat bonum; religious traditions have a similar ex-
and Qui vult finem vult media. pression, such as the “heart-to-heart”
communication found in Buddhism. The
Copula dimidiata expression was also used by Blessed
Half-connected John Henry Newman (1801–90) as the
Refers to partial penetration of the penis motto in his coat of arms when he was
in the vagina. The acceptability of this raised to the cardinalate by Pope Leo
practice in order to reduce the chances XIII in 1879. The saying can also refer
of procreation was debated by moral- to either a frank and earnest or open con-
ists. Some, e.g., John Ford, SJ, and Ger- versation.
ald Kelly, SJ, who were prominent
moral theologians in the period imme- Cor Unum
diately prior to Vatican II, argued that One heart
the practice would not be wrong if done Vatican relief services organization
for proportionate reasons. Connected to founded by Paul VI in 1971.
this issue was a discussion over how far
the penis had to penetrate the vagina for
the sexual act to be “completed.” Ford
In the presence of, before
and Kelly maintained that a one-third
penile penetration “completed” the Latin preposition; see entries immedi-
sexual act. See also Amplexus reserva- ately below for some common exam-
tus, Coitus interruptus, and Coitus re- ples.
Coram Cardinale/Coram Episcopo
Cor ad cor loquitur In the presence of a cardinal or
Speaking heart to heart bishop
Used by Augustine in his Confessions, Expression used in the pre–Vatican II
this expression denotes a mode of prayer Tridentine Mass which was celebrated
to God. It also is used in Medieval and by another priest, though in the pres-
Renaissance art to refer to a genre of ence of a cardinal or bishop who would
religious paintings which portray (usu- be attending vested in his ceremonial
ally) the Blessed Virgin, the Infant Jesus, robes but not concelebrating. At the end
and other saints gathered together in of the Mass, the higher ranking prelate
silence, yet in seeming communication. then would impart the Final Blessing
This type of painting, also called in Ital- instead of the presiding priest. See also
ian a Sacra Conversazione (Sacred Con- Ad orientem, Cappa magna, Coetus fi-
versation), stresses the understanding of delium, Forma Antiquior, Missale Ro-
deepest communication to lie on the manum, Novus Ordo, Nulla Veritas sine
spiritual plane of meditation and not on Traditione, Sacrosanctum concilium,
the worldly level of audible conversa- Summorum Pontificum, Quidquid
tion. In reference to interreligious dia- latine dictum sit altum videtur, Tu Es
Corpus delicti 45

Petrus, Universae Ecclesiae, Usus An- St. Athanasius (who was sometimes
tiquior, and Versus populum. called Athanasius contra mundum, q.v.).
See also the terms under Credo and es-
Coram Deo pecially Credo quia absurdum. A con-
Before God trary strain would be found in
expressions such as Credo ut intelligam
How we stand in relationship to God,
and Fides quarens intellectum (q.v.).
before God’s face, which posture should
indicate a certain stance of humility.
This expression is also used to represent Corpus
the sanctuary of conscience, which is Body
the privileged place where the individual This word has both a literal and a fig-
meets God solus cum solo (q.v.). Cf. urative meaning, as in English. For ex-
Gaudium et spes #16 and the Catechism ample, a corpus iuris civili would be a
of the Catholic Church #1776 for some body or collection of laws. Corpus can
magisterial exemplars of this concept. also refer to a body of knowledge, as
well as a body of persons, believers, etc.
Coram hominibus It should be noted, however, that the
Before, in front of, humanity Latin word corpus is not the word for
Refers to what will appear or be evident the English word “corpse.”
before or by other people. Coram hom-
inibus can be distinguished from what Corpus Christi
is coram Deo (q.v.), as the human per- Body of Christ
son stands before, and is known by, Usually refers, though, to the liturgical
God. feast celebrated after Trinity Sunday to
commemorate the Real Presence of
Coram Sanctissimo Christ in the Eucharist. This feast also
In the presence of the Most Sacred has a special sequence, the Lauda Sion
(i.e., the consecrated Host) (q.v.), and is one of only four medieval
Expression used to denote the conse- sequences that were preserved in the
crated Host (the Body and Blood of reform of the Missale Romanum (q.v.)
Christ) which is displayed in a mon- published in 1570. The other three are
strance for the devotion of the faithful, the Victimae Paschali (q.v.) for Easter,
e.g., in eucharistic adoration, Forty the Veni Sancte Spiritus (q.v.) for Pen-
Hours Devotion, Benediction, etc. See tecost, and the Dies Irae (q.v.) for the
also Laus Perennis. Requiem Mass.

Corde creditur Corpus delicti

Let the heart believe Body (evidence) of the crime
Expression often associated with a stress Legal term which refers to evidence that
on the primacy of faith over reason, as a crime has been committed. A dead
found, for example, in the theology of cadaver with a knife stuck in its back
46  Corpus diaboli

would be a corpus delicti for the prob- tion in the 1917 Code of Canon Law.
able crime of murder. See also Graviora This Corpus Iuris Canonici was com-
delicta and In flagrante delicto. posed of various decrees, judgments, and
the like—similar to the British tradition
Corpus diaboli of constitutional law. See also Codex
The body of the Evil One Iuris Canonici and Corpus Iuris Civilis.
Expression usually used in relation to
Luther’s theology of the two kingdoms, Corpus Iuris Civilis
in which all humanity is divided into a Compendium of Civil Law
corpus (body or group) of believers and Sixth-century work which sought to
unbelievers. The corpus of believers bring together the various bodies of law
acknowledges Jesus Christ as its head, with the view of trying to collect a sort
but the corpus diaboli fall under the of law of all nations (a ius gentium,
dominion of Satan. q.v.). See also Corpus Iuris Canonici
and Ius gentium.
Corpus in substantia et corpus in
omnibus partibus Corrigenda
Body in substance and body in all (Items) to be corrected
Scholarly term found in manuscripts,
Philosophical expression of the part/ books, and journals to indicate items
whole relationship. E.g., while a “hand” which are found to be in error (e.g. ty-
arguably does not constitute the “whole” pographical or numerical mistakes)
of the body, nevertheless it has no par- after the text has gone to print. Fre-
ticular meaning that can be intelligibly quently, corrigenda are listed on a sepa-
addressed outside of its essential relation- rate page and are sometimes called
ship to the body as a whole. In this con- errata or errata corrigenda.
text see Pars propter totum. This
expression is also employed theologi-
Corruptio optimi pessima
cally to speak of the relationship of the
The corruption of the best is
particles of the consecrated host as be-
long to the “whole” of the body of Christ.
While the host broken into many parts Aphorism which indicates that when
contains the “whole” of the consecrated good people become corrupt, or fail in
body of Christ, the church has never held some virtue, the evil they can create is
the problematic position that even micro- often worse than the evil produced by
scopic particles of the consecrated host those who are not virtuous. See also
somehow contain the “body” of Christ. Summum ius, summa iniuria.

Corpus Iuris Canonici Creatio continua

Body of Canon Law Ongoing (continuous) creation
Term used for the collection of canon Theological concept that is often used
law prior to its first systematic codifica- in conjunction with creatio originalis
Credo 47

(original creation) and creatio nova Crede ut intelligas

(new creation). Creatio continua refers Believe that you may understand
to God’s ongoing presence and action Augustinian principle which indicates
in our world, as well as the ways in that faith is the necessary grounding and
which humans are cocreators with God. inspiration for the task of theological
See also Creatio originalis, Creatio understanding (cf. his Sermon 43, 7 and
nova, and Creatio ex nihilo. 9). See also Credo ut intelligam and Fides
quaerens intellectum. For an opposite
Creatio ex nihilo
sentiment see Corde creditur, Credo quia
Creation out of nothing
absurdum, and Credo quia impossibile.
Refers to the divine act of creation, See also Credibilia, Lumen fidei, and Ne
since only God can bring something out fides rideatur.
of nothing. See also Creatio originalis,
Creatio continua, Creatio nova, and Ex Credenda
nihilo. Things to be believed
Creatio nova Refers to a doctrine that must be be-
New creation lieved by the Christian faithful as per-
taining to the faith itself. There is,
This theological concept is often used however, an important distinction be-
together with creatio originalis and cre- tween doctrines that are to be believed
atio continua, and in this context refers (credenda) from those which must be
to the fulfillment of creation. However, “held” (tenenda, q.v.) when proposed in
it is also employed as a stand-alone con- an authoritative manner by the magis-
cept which refers to St. Paul’s proclama- terium. See also Articulus stantis et
tion that we are all a new creation in cadentis ecclesiae, De fide definita, De
Jesus Christ (cf. Gal 2:19-20 and 6:15). fide vel moribus, Depositum fidei, Ex
See also Creatio continua, Creatio orig- Cathedra, and Tenenda.
inalis, and Creatio ex nihilo.

Creatio originalis Credibilia

Things which are believable
Original creation
While the expression could refer to any-
This concept refers to the creation of
thing in physical reality, in theology it
the universe by God ex nihilo (out of
usually refers to principles or proposi-
nothing), and thus is similar to the ex-
tions which seem worthy of belief in the
pression Creatio ex nihilo. However,
life of faith. See also Crede ut intelligas
creatio originalis is also used in con-
and Credo ut intelligam.
junction with creatio continua and cre-
atio nova to highlight different
dimensions of the total work of God’s Credo
creation, grace, presence and action in I believe
the world. See Creatio continua, Cre- Also used to denote a set of faith-beliefs
atio nova, and Creatio ex nihilo. or a doctrinal creed, such as the Nicene
48  Credo quia absurdum

Creed. Note that the Latin is in the first Crimen

person singular, even though in litur- Crime
gical celebrations Credo was rendered Besides the general notion of a mis-
in the first person plural (“We believe”) deed, this term has a more specific
until the promulgation of the new En- meaning in canon law to distinguish the
glish translation of the Missale Roma- more serious misdeeds from other ir-
num (q.v.) on the First Sunday of Advent regularities and illicit activities that all
in 2011. fall under adjudication in the ecclesial
arena. See also Crimen sollicitationis,
Credo quia absurdum
Crimen pessimum, Corpus delicti, De-
I believe because it is absurd
licta graviora, Epistula de delictis
Principle which holds that belief held in gravioribus, Graviora delicta, In fla-
faith (rather than because of logical per- grante delicto, Sacramentorum sanc-
suasion) helps toward a deeper knowl- titatis tutela, Secretum pontificium, Sub
edge and understanding. Essentially, this secreto pontificio, and Sub rosa.
is the same sentiment expressed in Cer-
tum est quia impossibile est (q.v.) and Crimen pessimum
Credo quia impossibile (q.v.). See also Worst crime
Corde creditur, Tantum valet quantum Expression used in canon law and eccle-
probat. For an opposite sentiment see sial documents to refer to the most seri-
Crede ut intelligas and Ne fides rideatur. ous misdeeds that can be punished by
the church. This expression was used in
Credo quia impossibile Crimen sollicitationis, the 1962 docu-
I believe because it is impossible ment of the Holy Office (today the Con-
Essentially the same sentiment expressed gregation for the Doctrine of the Faith)
in Certum est quia impossibile est (q.v.) instruction, to describe deviant sexual
and Credo quia absurdum (q.v.). See also activity of “obscene behavior with pre-
Tantum valet quantum probat. For an op- adolescent children of either sex or with
posite sentiment see Credo ut intelligam brute animals.” See also Crimen sol-
and Ne fides rideatur. licitationis, Corpus delicti, Delicta
graviora, Epistula de delictis graviori-
Credo ut intelligam bus, Graviora delicta, In flagrante de-
I believe so that I can understand licto, Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela,
Expression of Anselm, found in his Pro- Secretum pontificium, Sub secreto pon-
slogion, 1, which echoes Augustine’s tificio, and Sub rosa.
principle of the relationship of faith to
reason. See also Crede ut intelligas, Fides Crimen sollicitationis
quaerens intellectum, Ne fides rideatur, Crime of solicitation to a crime
and Tantum valet quantum probat. For an 16 March 1962 instruction of the Su-
opposite sentiment see Corde creditur, preme Sacred Congregation of the Holy
Credo quia absurdum, and Credo quia Office (today the Congregation for the
impossibile. See also Credibilia. Doctrine of the Faith) addressed to all
Culpa 49

patriarchs, archbishops, bishops, and potest minus. See also Potentia iurisdic-
other local ordinaries, “even of an Ori- tionis; Prima sedes a nemine iudicatur;
ental Rite,” which established a manner and Summum ius, summa iniuria.
of proceeding in such cases involving
the grave abuse of the Sacrament of Cuius regio, eius religio
Penance (Reconciliation) or the confes- Whose land, his religion
sional to attempt to solicit someone for Principle accepted at the Peace of Augs-
sexual purposes. This document was burg in 1555, which put an end to the
referenced by Pope John Paul II in his religious civil wars in the German-
2001 apostolic letter Sacramentorum speaking lands. The principle held that
Sanctitatis Tutela (q.v., “Safeguarding the religion of the prince or ruler of a
of the Sanctity of the Sacraments”) particular area would determine the reli-
which established procedural norms for gion for all the people of that same area.
handling of the reporting and follow up Note the absence of “freedom of reli-
of charges of sexual abuse by priests in gion” of the individual in his or her own
the light of the scandal that broke in the conscience (articulated in Vatican II’s
1990s. See also Crimen pessimum, Cor- Declaration on Religious Liberty, Dig-
pus delicti, Graviora delicta, In fla- nitatis humanae).
grante delicto, and Sacramentorum
Sanctitatis Tutela. Culpa
Cui bono (fuerit) Perhaps this Latin word is most recog-
(To) whose good (is served)? nized from the Confiteor (q.v.) which
Refers to a question which enquires as had a line mea culpa, mea culpa, mea
to the beneficiary of a certain action or maxima culpa (through my fault,
object. Know for what or whom some- through my fault, through my most
thing is of benefit (i.e., “good”) is often grievous [literally, “greatest”] fault).
helpful for determining the inherent However, in canon law the term culpa
worth of the issue or object under dis- refers to some violation, defect, or ir-
cussion. Cui bono also can be used as a regularity that is due to a lack of knowl-
principle to help indicate probable re- edge, oversight, or indiscretion on the
sponsibility for an act or event by look- part of the individual but is not consid-
ing to determine the one who would ered to be a willful, premeditated act.
stand to gain most from this act or event. Thus, a culpa is distinguished from a
dolus, the latter being a deliberate act
of deception (even if not “malicious” in
Cui licet quod est plus, licet utique the moral sense). See also De defecti-
quod est minus bus; Dolus; Extra ecclesia nulla salus;
One for whom it is licet to do Ignorantes; Ingnorantia invincibilis;
more, may also do less Mens rea; Nemo dat quod non habet;
Hermeneutical principle of legal inter- Sanatio in radice; Sine culpa; and Ubi
pretation similar to Qui potest plus, non est culpa, ibi non est delictum.
50  Cum

Cum canon 890 in the 1917 Code) expressly

With forbids even using knowledge acquired
Latin preposition, see below for some from confession “when it might harm
common examples. the penitent” cum gravamine paeniten-
tis. “Harming” the penitent is under-
stood to be anything the penitent might
Cum approbatione ecclesiastica find burdensome, displeasing or odious,
With ecclesiastical approval whether of the spiritual or temporal
Certification found in certain Catholic order. For these reasons those in gover-
books and periodicals indicating that the nance, e.g., novice directors, are forbid-
material published has been vetted and den by canon law to hear the confessions
approved by the competent magisterial of their subjects, unless freely and spon-
authorities as containing nothing against taneously requested by an individual (cf.
orthodox Catholic teaching. It does not canon 985 of the 1983 Code). What such
necessarily indicate that the magisterial knowledge included, often referred to in
authority particularly supports the opin- a shorthand term as the gravamen (q.v.),
ions or positions expressed in the pub- was the focus of a considerable amount
lication, merely that there is nothing of casuistic discussion throughout the
therein contrary to the Catholic faith. centuries but now is generally inter-
See also Censor deputatus, Imprimatur, preted very broadly so as to protect the
Imprimi potest, and Nihil obstat. penitent her/himself as well as to main-
tain the highest degree of trust in the
forum of sacramental confession. See
Cum grano salis also Gravamen, Prodere peccatorem,
With a grain of salt and Proditio peccatoris.
Sage advice to take many claims, espe-
cially if they seem exaggerated or
hyperbolic, with a healthy dose of skep- Cum iure successionis
ticism. See also Caveat emptor. With the right of succession
Term used for a coadjutor (auxiliary)
Cum gravamine poenitentis bishop who is appointed to assist a local
(paenitentis) ordinary (bishop or archbishop) but
When it burdens (harms) the peni- who has right of succession to the dioc-
tent esan see upon the resignation or death
of the reigning ordinary. The right of
This expression refers to the context of succession distinguishes the auxiliary
the sacramental seal of confession. The bishop from any other assistant bishops
confessor is absolutely forbidden by the whose status in the diocese would not
seal to ever reveal the identity of the necessarily change upon the death or
penitent and/or nature of the sin(s) con- resignation of the reigning ordinary. See
fessed. Furthermore, the Code of Canon also Sede impedita, Sede vacante, and
Law (canon 984 in the 1983 Code, Sede vacante nihil innovetur.
Cura personalis 51

Cum laude Cura animarum

With praise Care of souls
Often used in academic honors, such as In this phrase the “souls” is understood
a diploma which is awarded cum laude to refer to the living and not the dead.
(with honors), magna cum laude (with The phrase refers primarily to the pas-
great honors), or summa cum laude toral obligation to care for the faithful
(with highest honors). through teaching, preaching, and cele-
bration of the sacraments. Thus, the
faithful have a right to such pastoral
Cum Petro et sub Petro
care and the pope, bishops, and clergy
With Peter and under Peter
have a corresponding moral and ca-
Can be taken as an expression of colle- nonical obligation to make that pastoral
giality of bishops with the pope, as well care readily available. This obligation
as an indication that the pope stands has been raised by some as an argument
above all (cf. Pope John Paul II’s 1993 for expanding priestly ordination be-
encyclical Veritatis Splendor, #116). yond male celibates. See also Alter
Christus, Animarum zelus, Ordinatio
Cupiditas sacerdotalis, and Viri probati.
This meaning of desire was usually seen Cura apostolica
as negative, i.e., a disordered will for Apostolic care
something not properly ordered to au- Commonly refers to the “care,” i.e., ca-
thentic human existence, often con- nonical jurisdiction a major superior
nected with one or more of the capital (such as a Provincial of a religious
sins (such as lust or gluttony). Cupiditas order) has for the apostolic works under
was viewed as one of the effects of him/her. Thus, cura apostolica refers to
original sin, that is, the weakness of the the soundness and well-being of the
human condition arising from the sin of institution in question (school, parish,
our first parents and communicated to etc.) as an apostolic work. See also
all humans ever since. Cura personalis.

Cur Deus Homo Cura personalis

Why God became human Care of personnel
Title of St. Anselm’s great work which Commonly refers to the “care” of indi-
expresses God’s salvific will in the de- viduals a superior (such as a Provincial
cision of the Godhead that the Second of a religious order or a superior of a
Person of the Trinity become human in religious community) has for the indi-
order to save humanity from its sins. viduals under him/her. Cura personalis
See also aut satisfactio aut poena, aut focuses on the needs and well-being of
venia aut poena, and processus iustifi- the individual as an individual. See also
cationis. Cura apostolica.
52  Curet primo Deum

Curet primo Deum Refers to the hierarchical principle of

Attend to God first advancement through the ranks of the
Spiritual aphorism which indicates our clerical state, moving through the minor
highest duty and first concern always orders (such as tonsure, porter, etc.,
should focus on our relationship to God which were abolished in the 1970s) and
and the divine will. See also Ad maio- up to and through the major orders (dea-
rem Dei gloriam (A.M.D.G.) and Soli con, priest, bishop). Cursus honorum
Deo gloria. reflects a certain hierarchical concep-
tion of ministry and the clerical state. It
can also be used to indicate an itinerary
Curriculum vitae of career advancement moving from
The course of (one’s) life lesser positions to promotion to greater
Refers to a professional résumé. Often ones, e.g., starting out as a department
abbreviated as C.V. head and finally moving up to chief ex-
ecutive. See also Fraternitas.

Cursus extraordinarius rerum

The extraordinary course of Cursus ordinarius rerum
things The ordinary course of things

See De potentia Dei absoluta. See De potentia Dei absoluta.

Cursus honorum Abbreviation for Curriculum
Course of honors vitae (q.v.).
Da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius D.D.
Give me the facts and I will give Divinitatis Doctor (Doctor of
you justice Divinity)
Basic principle of legal justice that Latin abbreviation for an honorary degree
shows the intrinsic correlation between given to bishops. In this sense, “doctor”
discovery of the facts of the issue and a connotes teacher and not physician.
just resolution of the same issue. How-
ever, “facts” need to be proved, as is
indicated by a related legal axiom In
About, concerning, from, for, ac-
dubio factum non praesumitur sed pro-
cording to
batur (q.v.). See also Allegatio contra
factum non est admittenda. Common Latin preposition. In Latin,
certain treatises on principal theological
themes would often begin with De. E.g.,
De Auxiliis (on assistance) was the
name of the tract which dealt with ac-
Damnanda et proscribenda tual (or “helping”) grace (in distinction
Condemned and forbidden
to “sanctifying” grace).
Censure given to certain propositions
that ecclesiastical authorities felt to be De absentibus nil nisi bonum
dangerous for the faithful to entertain Concerning the absent [speak]
or consider. This disapproval does not nothing except good
indicate the proposition to be necessar- Common moralist axiom found in a va-
ily heretical or untrue, but rather it riety of contexts (such as inscriptions)
could lead to conclusions or activities, which counsels us not to speak ill of
etc., which would be injurious to the those absent (or dead). Thus, if we are
faith or virtue of the community. The to say anything about these people let
Index of Forbidden Books and the Le- whatever we say be good or complimen-
gion of Decency’s ratings for movies tary. Another version of this saying is nil
would be examples of this principle put nisi bonum de mortuis dicere and the
into practice. For the opposite sentiment expression is often abbreviated to nil
see Auctores probati. nisi bonum (q.v.). See also Bona mors.
54  De attritione fit contritio

De attritione fit contritio De bono et aequo. See also the various

From attrition comes contrition entries under Bonum, Ius, Lex, and also
Expression used first by William of Au- Reddere suum cuique.
vergne (1248) to note the movement
from initial sorrow for one’s sins (attri- De Defectibus
tion), which could also include fear of Concerning defects
punishment, to a deeper and more pro-
Expression found primarily in canon law
found hatred for sin because it offends
which addresses certain “defects” which
God (contrition). See also Ex attrito fit
might render an action, such as a sacra-
ment, illicit or invalid. For example, if
white wine were to be used at Mass and
De Auxiliis the water and the wine cruets were mixed
On the helps (or aids) up at the offertory the priest would dis-
cover at his communion that he had not
Theological tract on actual grace, as consecrated the wine, because in fact
well as reference to a sixteenth-century there was only water in the chalice. Rem-
theological dispupte between the Jesuits edying this “defect” (which if not treated
(chiefly through the position of Luis de would leave the consecration invalid),
Molina [1535–1600]) and the Domini- the General Introduction to the Roman
cans (chiefly through the position of Missal instructs the priest to pour the
Domingo Bañez [1528–1604]) on the water into another container, pour wine
relationship of grace and free will. See with water into the chalice in the usual
also Scientia media. way, and then just say the part of the
institution narrative that consecrates the
De bono et aequo wine (GIRM #286). See also Dolus,
According to what is good and Culpa, and Sanatio in radice.
Expression of the principle of equity De duobus malis, minus est semper
which can be used in determining what eligendum
is required according to some form Of two evils, the lesser is always
of justice. For example, the “one per- to be chosen
son, one vote” principle would express See Minus malum.
“equity” in this sense, whereas another
application drawn from distributive jus-
tice such as “to each according to their De facto
need” would also be a valid expression For a fact; a matter of fact; con-
of this principle of equity, even if this cerning the fact
would mean that some individuals got This expression occurs commonly in
more and some less. The graduated in- English and means “in reality.” De facto
come tax would be a good example of often connotes a contrast between
this latter application of the principle something that in fact is, or exists, but
De iure (jure) 55

which is not entirely licit. For example, q.v.) or held (tenenda, q.v.) by the Chris-
the de facto ruler of a country may be a tian faithful. However, there is some
dictator who has not been legally debate among scholars as to the proper
elected. In this sense, de facto is con- translation and meaning for moribus.
trasted with de iure (“according to law,” Some hold that the term refers to con-
i.e., legal). See also De iure. crete precepts of the natural law, while
others hold the term refers historically
De fide to the customs and practices of the
(A matter) of the faith church, such as liturgy. Another Latin
version of this concept is Res fidei et
Essential to the faith and based in reve-
morum. See also Credenda, De fide
lation.  A doctrine proposed de fide in an
definita, Depositum fidei, Ex cathedra,
ex cathedra (q.v.) fashion is said to pos-
and Tenenda.
sess the highest degree of certainty of
truth and must be believed by the faith-
De gustibus non disputandum (est)
ful. See also De fide definita, De fide vel
Concerning matters of taste there
moribus, and Depositum fidei.
should be no dispute
This expression is often shortened to de
De fide definita
gustibus and refers to the traditional
(Matter) of the defined faith
philosophical adage which indicates that
Refers to a doctrine which is held to be matters of individual taste and prefer-
formally defined by the Church’s mag- ence are not governed by rules of logic
isterium (q.v.), and therefore not open to or reason. Therefore, one person might
denial, further speculation, or revision, prefer blue and another yellow. Since
and which is required to be held as an this is a matter of taste (de gustibus) any
article of faith by all believers. See also potential conflict about which color is
Articulus stantis et cadentis ecclesiae, “better” cannot be resolved by recourse
Credenda, De fide, De fide vel moribus, to a logical or philosophical argument.
Depositum fidei, Diffinimus, Ex cathe-
dra, Pia opinio, Sensus fidelium, Senten- De iure (jure)
tia probata, and Theologice certa. According to law
Refers to that which is legal or licit.
De fide vel moribus However, there may be a distinction
Concerning faith or morals between something that exists de iure
Common expression to indicate matters and that which exists de facto, for ex-
about which the magisterium maintains ample, a legitimately elected govern-
that it can give authoritative teaching. ment may exist de iure, but may have
The Vatican I definition of papal infal- been overthrown by a coup and have its
libility in Pastor Aeternus uses this term place taken by a military junta or dicta-
to restrict the matters by which the pope tor who is the de facto head of govern-
could offer an ex cathedra statement that ment, though not de iure. See also De
would have to be believed (credenda, facto.
56  De minimis non curat lex

De minimis non curat lex ordinata. This was the manner in which
The law does not treat small God willed justification to take place,
matters though in view of de potentia Dei ab-
Common legal aphorism that notes that soluta God could have chosen some
the purpose of positive law, whether other means by which human beings
canon or civil, is not to deal with each would be absolved of their sins. See also
and every possible situation, especially Voluntas Dei.
those that cover minor matters. Another
variation on this adage is Minima non De profundis
curat praetor (q.v., “the magistrate does Out of the depths
not treat small matters”). See also Ad Usually understood in the figurative
literam, Epikeia, Lex dubia non obligat, sense of “out of the depths of despair.”
Libertas est inaestimabilis, and Quod The Latin Vulgate translation of Psalm
raro fit non observant legislatores. 130 begins with these words, and thus
has become a shorthand expression for
De novo invoking the name of the Lord when
Anew one is in great trouble or despair. Psalm
Refers to something undertaken once 130 was one of seven penitential psalms
more or done again, or possibly to make (Psalm 51 the Miserere, q.v., being the
a new beginning or fresh start. See also best known of this set) and was used
Ab initio, Ab ovo and Ex novo. liturgically in services for the dead.

De potentia Dei absoluta De rebus fidei et morum

See De potentia Dei ordinata. Concerning matters of faith and
morals (or mores)
De potentia Dei ordinata Shorthand expression for matters which
Ordained (ordered) by the power comprise the more important aspects of
of God Christian faith, dogma, and practice, and
often which are pronounced upon in an
Theological axiom which explains why
authoritative fashion by the magisterium
a certain thing is the way it is, namely,
(q.v.). See also De fide vel moribus.
because God so willed it. This expres-
sion is related to another axiom, de
potentia Dei absoluta (by the absolute Debitum
power of God), which means that God (Marital) debt
could have arranged the matter in ques- In sexual ethics, the debitum refers to the
tion in an entirely different way if God obligation each spouse has to the other to
so chose. As one theological example render conjugal relations upon request.
these terms would be invoked to explain This concept can be traced to the Latin
why the sacramental confession of mor- Vulgate translation of 1 Corinthians 7:3
tal sins was necessary for divine forgive- in which the Greek word opheilen
ness, namely in line with de potentia Dei (ojfeilh;n) was rendered as debitum: “The
Delectatio morosa 57

husband should give to his wife her con- would argue (somewhat like a defense
jugal rights (ojfeilh;n), and likewise the attorney) for the presumption of validity
wife to her husband” (NRSV). This of the marriage that was being judged
concept was then elaborated in both the as to possible grounds for an annulment.
theology and canon law of marriage as a See also Ligamen, Non constat de nul-
contractual element “owed” by each litate, and Ratum et consummatum.
“party” to the other. In feudal times, ser-
vitium debitum (debt of service, q.v.) re- Dei Verbum
ferred to the military service that a vassal Word of God
owed his lord, but this usage is not com- Name in Latin given to Vatican II’s
monly found in theology. Physical inabil- Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Reve-
ity to render the marital debt (to complete lation (1965) in which the council de-
the sexual act) is a diriment impediment cided that revelation was the norma
to marriage (cf. C.I.C. 1084 §3). See also normans non normata (q.v.), i.e., ulti-
Concubitus propter solam procreatio- mate norm of Christian faith which
nem, Ius in corpus (corpore), and Reme- stands above even tradition and all of
dium concupiscientiae. the people of God, including the mag-
isterium (cf. DV #10). See also Opta-
(Ex) Defectu obiecti; (Ex) Defectu tam totius, Predicatio ecclesiastica,
iuris Traditio, and Verbum Dei.
Defect of an object; Defect of a
right Delectatio morosa
Entertaining pleasure (literally,
Principle which holds that a certain ac- “morbid delight”)
tion is immoral due to some “defect” in
regards to either the “object” of the act This expression usually referred to en-
or a “right” illicitly used in order to tertaining, i.e., dwelling on, “bad
commit the act. Thus, lying is immoral thoughts”—most commonly of a sexual
ex defectu obiecti since its “object” (an nature. A prolonged dwelling on such
untruth) is a defect in regards to what thoughts could lead one to give into sin,
should be the genuine object of speech, and even the failure to turn one’s mind
i.e., communication of the truth. Suicide quickly from such sins was considered
or or euthanasia is immoral ex defectu sinful in itself. Two expressions also
iuris since it presumes the taking or end- used in conjunction with this term are
ing of life, which is a “right” reserved gaudium (joy, q.v.), which referred to
to God alone as the Creator and Lord of the happy contemplation of sins already
life. See also Finis operis and Obiectum. committed, and desiderium (desire,
q.v), which referred to the desire for
something sinful. This expression also
Defensor Vinculi is used when one uncharitably rejoices
Defender of the bond in the misfortunes of another, usually
In marriage annulment cases, the Defen- an enemy. See also Male sonans and
sor Vinculi was the individual who Piarum aurium offensiva.
58  Delicta graviora (singular/Delictis gravioribus (plural)

Delicta graviora (singular)/ Deo optimo maximo

Delictis gravioribus (plural) To God, the best, the greatest
Grave crime See D.O.M.
See Graviora delicta for a fuller discus-
sion. Usually this term is employed in Deo volente
the context of church penal law in the God willing
Code of Canon Law and covers actions
considered to be particularly heinous, Often used in a certain pious mode of
such as using the confessional forum expression, such as “I’ll return by next
for solicitation for sexual relations. The Monday, Deo volente” recognizing that
term also has appeared in connection ultimately it is God and not ourselves
with the scandal of the sexual abuse of who governs the world in which we
minors by priests and led to some par- live.
ticular legislation promulgated by the
pope and the Congregation for the Doc- Depositum fidei
trine of the Faith on how these sorts of The deposit of faith
crimes should be handled juridically.
Refers to the content of formal revela-
More recently (July 2012), Cardinal
tion (e.g., the Scriptures). The task of
Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apos-
the church, especially in teaching
tolica Signatura (q.v.), included leaking
munus docendi (q.v.) of its magisterium,
Vatican correspondence among these
is to safeguard from error and corrup-
crimes. See also Crimen, Crimen sol-
tion this depositum fidei, and for this
licitationis, Corpus delicti, Delicta
reason heresy, etc., is to be guarded
graviora, Epistula de delictis graviori-
against and rooted out. See also Articu-
bus, Graviora delicta, In flagrante de-
lus stantis et cadentis ecclesiae, De fide,
licto, Sacramentorum sanctitatis
De fide definita, De fide vel moribus,
tutela, Secretum pontificium, Sub se-
Ecclesia docens, and Fidei depositum.
creto pontificio, and Sub rosa.

Deo gratias Desire
Thanks be to God By itself the term does not necessarily
Common expression found in prayers have a positive or negative meaning,
and also connotes thanksgiving and, at and so much depends on the context in
times, even a certain relief that some- which it is used and/or the other terms
thing is finally over. In certain religious which modify it. However, in the man-
houses at mealtimes, there is/was either ualist moral tradition this single word
silence or reading at the table. When the was used to denote a desire for some-
superior said Deo gratias this was a thing that was sinful. In this latter con-
signal that those present could then con- text, see also Delectatio morosa and
verse freely. See also Benedicamus Gaudium. See also Desiderium con-
Domino and Ite Missa Est. siliabile and Desiderium naturale.
Deus impossibilia non iubet 59

Desiderium consiliabile Deus absconditus/Deus revelatus

Well-considered desire The hidden God/the revealed God
A choice made for a certain end or Theological pair of terms used by Martin
good, upon rational reflection. See also Luther to express aspects of God as both
Bonum utile and Uti et frui. See also “knowable” and “revealed” and at the
Desiderium and Desiderium naturale. same time “hidden” or beyond human
knowledge. See also Deus semper maior;
Non ut explicetur, sed ne taceretur; and
Desiderium naturale Si comprehendis, non est Deus.
Natural desire
There are many “natural desires,” but Deus caritas est
when used theologically this term refers God is love
to the basic orientation of the finite
Title of Pope Benedict XVI’s first en-
human spirit for the infinite absolute,
cyclical, issued on 25 December 2005.
which is God, and the corresponding
See also Caritas in Veritate; Caritas in
orientation of the human will to the
veritate in re sociali; Spe salvi; Ubi
good and its realization. The desiderum
caritas; Deus ibi est; and Ubi societas,
naturale is an important counter-con-
ibi ius.
cept to the notion of sinful human ten-
dencies. Though these destructive
tendencies exist in human nature they Deus impossibilia non iubet
need not play the determining role in a God does not command things
person’s moral makeup. The idea of the which are impossible
desiderum naturale is also important to Thus, no command of God, whether in
an understanding of the so-called fun- divine or natural law, would be impos-
damental option theory in moral the- sible for humans to fulfill, since God’s
ology. See also Desiderium and grace is always available. This principle
Desiderium consiliabile. has been used often in ethics, especially
sexual ethics, to answer the charge that
the teaching of the church might be im-
Deus possible to fulfill (e.g., as used by Pius
God XI in Casti connubii #61 [q.v.], his
Since Latin is a language in which the 1930 encyclical on artificial contracep-
noun forms change according to tion). See also Agere sequitur esse, Glo-
the grammatical case used, Deus is the ria Dei vivens homo, Humano modo,
form for the nominative singular. Com- Lex iniusta non est lex, Lex non intendit
mon grammatical forms for “God” in impossibile, Lex sequitur esse, Lex
the other cases are Dei (genitive, used spectat naturae ordinem, Nemo tenetur
in the possessive sense), Deo (dative or ad impossibile, Operari sequitur esse,
ablative, used as indirect objects and/or Qui tenetur ad finem tenetur ad media,
with certain prepositions), and Deum Quidquid percipitur ad modum per-
(accusative, used as a direct object). cipientis percipitur, Quidquid recipitur
60  Deus nihil facit inane

ad modum recipientis recipitur, and doctrine, and taken as a collective con-

Ultra posse (or vires) nemo obligatur. cept refers to the practice of “proof-
texting,” usually through quotation of
Deus nihil facit inane biblical texts (often taken out of con-
God does nothing in vain text, and therefore can be suspect as
offering real “proof” of the position in
Axiom associated with a certain under- question). See also Locus classicus and
standing of the natural law. Whatever is Unicum.
found in nature is considered to be part
of God’s plan and God’s will. There-
fore, any activity which would frustrate
Dictatus papae
Papal sayings
this perceived creative design would be
considered intrinsically evil. Papal document of twenty-seven propo-
sitions promulgated by Pope Gregory
VII (Hildebrand) in 1075 which out-
Deus semper maior
lined presumed papal powers such as
God is always greater (than
the assertion of supreme papal authority
human attempts at understanding)
over civil as well as religious matters,
Refers to the inexhaustible mystery of and including the proposition that “the
God’s presence, which can never be Roman Church has never erred, nor
completely and fully grasped by hu- ever, by the witness of Scripture, shall
mans whose knowledge will always be err to all eternity.”
partial and limited. See also Deus ab-
sconditus/Deus revelatus; Quis ut Deus;
Dies Christi
Non ut explicetur, sed ne taceretur; and
Day of Christ
Si comprehendis, non est Deus.
The day of Christ’s resurrection, and
therefore holy to his church. This ex-
Devotio moderna pression was also used in one of the
Modern devotion
chapter headings of Pope John Paul II’s
Refers primarily to a spirituality devel- 1998 apostolic letter on Sunday wor-
oped in the fifteenth century (Gerard ship, Dies Domini (q.v.).
Groote and Thomas à Kempis) which
stressed a simple piety, asceticism, and Dies Dierum
imitation of Christ (imitatio Christi Day of days
[q.v.]), as opposed to a more speculative
approach to meditation and contempla- Refers to Sunday as the “primordial”
tion. day, the day of the Lord’s resurrection
and his final coming in glory at the end
of time, and therefore truly the “Lord’s
Dicta probantia Day.” This expression was also used in
Statements proving one of the chapter headings of Pope
Refers to texts which are cited individu- John Paul II’s 1998 apostolic letter on
ally as “proof” of a certain position or Sunday worship, Dies Domini (q.v.).
Diffinimus 61

Dies Domini Dies Irae

The Day of the Lord; The Lord’s Day of Wrath
Day (i.e., Sunday) Refers to the Day of Judgment and is the
The 31 May 1998 apostolic letter of name given to a Gregorian chant that
Pope John Paul II (released though on was traditionally sung at funerals. The
7 July 1998) on the theme of keeping opening lines are Dies irae, dies illa,
the Lord’s day holy, and addressed to Solvet saeclum in favilla: Teste David
bishops, clergy and the faithful. The cum Sibylla (Day of wrath, that day will
aspect of Dies Domini highlights the melt the world in ashes, on the testi-
work of God as Creator, who rested mony of David and Sibyl). The prayer
after all the work of creation on the sev- itself is called a sequence and is one of
enth day, and thus made that day “Holy” only four medieval sequences that were
for it is truly the Lord’s own day. This preserved in the reform of the Missale
expression also looks forward to Jesus’ Romanum (q.v.) published in 1570. The
promised Second Coming. An English other three are the Victimae Paschali
translation of the papal document is (q.v.) for Easter, the Veni Sancte Spiritus
found in Origins 28 (30 July 1998): (q.v.) for Pentecost, and the Lauda Sion
133, 135–51. See also Dies Christi, (q.v.) for Corpus Christi (q.v.). See also
Dies Dierum, Dies Ecclesiae, Dies Lux Aeterna and Paridisium.
Hominis, and Dominicae cenae.

Dies natalis
Dies Ecclesiae Day of birth
Day of the Church While “birthday” might seem to be the
Refers to Sunday, the day that the Chris- logical English equivalent of this term,
tian community gathers together in wor- the expression is used to denote the an-
ship. This expression was also used in niversary of the death of a saint—i.e.,
one of the chapter headings of Pope the day in which that holy person en-
John Paul II’s 1998 apostolic letter on tered into the fullness of life with God.
Sunday worship, Dies Domini (q.v.). Saints feast days are usually assigned,
if possible, to the day of the person’s
death (such as July 31 marking the feast
Dies Hominis day of St. Ignatius of Loyola, who died
Day for Humans on that day in 1556).
Refers to Sunday, the day that is also
set aside for rest and relaxation, and
thus is one element which makes the Diffinimus
day “sacred.” This expression was also We define
used in one of the chapter headings of Formula used in some early official
Pope John Paul II’s 1998 apostolic let- church dogmatic formulations to indicate
ter on Sunday worship, Dies Domini a doctrine that was being defined. See
(q.v.). also Ex cathedra and De fide definita.
62  Digitus Dei est hic

Digitus Dei est hic nae reversed this position and ultimately
The finger of God is here enshrined the position of Thomas Aqui-
Common expression to indicate that the nas, who held that no one should ever be
clear imprint of the presence or will of forced to act against his or her con-
God can be found in the situation under science, and even if this is done the per-
discussion. son should resist: “anyone upon whom
the ecclesiastical authorities, in igno-
rance of the true facts, impose a demand
Dignitas personae that offends against his clear conscience,
Dignity of the person should perish in excommunication rather
2008 instruction of the Congregation of than violate his conscience” (Thomas
the Doctrine for the Faith which gives Aquinas, 4 Sent. 38, q. 2, a. 4, Expos.
an update on the 1987 Donum vitae Text). See also Mirari vos; Nisi enim
(q.v.) treating bioethical questions, sponte et ex animo fiat, execratio est;
mostly in the area of assisted reproduc- Quanta cura; and Quod aliquantum.
tive technologies. While technology per
se is not condemned, the instruction
does find morally problematic any tech-
Dilige et quod vis fac
Love and do what you will
nology which separates the unitive and
procreative dimensions of the conjugal Patristic expression, sometimes also ren-
act, or which would use embryos for dered as Ama et quod vis fac (q.v.). This
research or experimentation. phrase should not be interpreted that if
one is loving whatever one does will be
good. Rather, if one truly loves, then that
Dignitatis humanae
which one “wills” or desires will be the
Dignity of humans
good, and thus should be done.
Vatican II’s Declaration on Religious
Liberty (1965), which held that freedom
of religion is a fundamental human Disciplina arcani
right—reversing the long-standing semi- Discipline of the arcane (secret)
official position that “Error has no Referred to the practice of keeping reli-
rights.” This former position can be de- gious rites and doctrines secret from
tected in Pope Gregory XVI’s encyclical nonbelievers. Thus, only baptized Chris-
Mirari vos condemning indifferentism tians would be allowed to be present for
in religion and the supposed individual’s the liturgy of the Eucharist, and all oth-
freedom of conscience in choice of reli- ers (including catechumens) would have
gion (1832). Gregory XVI’s position was to depart after the Liturgy of the Word.
echoed in Pius IX’s Quanta cura (1864)
and the accompanying Syllabus of Er-
rors. Nevertheless, there is some tension Dives in Misericordia
with this position dating from Roman Rich in mercy
times through Thomas Aquinas, which Encyclical of Pope John Paul II, On the
held contrary views. Dignitatis huma- Mercy of God (1980).
Dolus 63

Divino Afflante Spiritu ramental marriage that has been duly

With the Divine Spirit blowing ratum et consummatum (q.v.). An an-
Pius XII’s encyclical on biblical interpre- nulment is a finding by the church mar-
tation, which allowed Catholic scholars riage tribunal that one or more of the
to use the modern methods of exegesis requisites for a valid sacramental mar-
and historical criticism (1943), issued on riage was in fact lacking at the time the
the fiftieth anniversary of Leo XIII’s marriage was celebrated and so there-
Providentissimus Deus. This encyclical fore no sacramental marriage in fact
reversed a long-standing position that took place (appearances to the con-
emphasized biblical literalism and iner- trary). See also sanatio in radice.
rancy and helped usher in a major period
of flourishing in Catholic biblical studies. Do ut des
I give so that you may give
Divortium a thoro Positively, a quid-pro-quo (q.v.) in which
Separation (divorce) from the one does something in order to receive
marriage bed something from another; negatively, a
Juridical act of an ecclesiastical court sort of lex talionis (q.v.), a getting-even
in which a validly married couple ob- or taking revenge. See also Ex iustitia.
tains an ecclesiastically recognized
separation, which is not an annulment, Doctor Angelicus, Doctor
and thus which does not leave the par- Communis, Doctor Universalis
ties free to marry again. This practice Angelic, Common (of all), Uni-
was canonically sanctioned by its inclu- versal Doctor (teacher)
sion in Gratian’s Decretum 2.32.5 and Three appellations given to Thomas
in the Decretals 4.19. This term is Aquinas (1225–75), with the “Angelic
sometimes also called divortium imper- Doctor” being the most common.
fectum (literally, “imperfect” divorce,
as in the sense of being incomplete). Dolorosa
See also Divortium plenum/perfectum. The sorrowful one
Divortium plenum/perfectum See Mater Dolorosa and Stabat Mater
Absolute (full) divorce Dolorosa.
This expression is contrasted with Di-
vortium a thoro (q.v.), sometimes also Dolus
termed divortium imperfectum (as in the Maliciousness, trick, deceit
sense of incomplete or not absolute— A fraud or deceit deliberately perpe-
like a temporary separation of the trated by an individual, such as a non-
spouses). Divortium plenum (or pefec- ordained person masquerading as a
tum) is the civil juridical dissolution of priest in order to gain something. Pres-
the marriage bond, though the Roman ence of dolus is important in judging
Catholic Church does not recognize the certain actions and may involve a ca-
dissolution of a validly contracted sac- nonical impediment. E.g., the crime
64  D.O.M.

(dolus) of masquerading as a priest in- ceiving the happy news they have been
curs an impediment against subsequent chosen to be a bishop).
priestly ordination. A dolus is a deliber-
ate act of deception (even if not “mali-
Dominica in Albis
cious” in the moral sense) and in canon
Sunday in White (garments)
law is distinguished from a culpa (q.v.),
which also may involve a violation of The traditional name given to the first
canon law or some liturgical rubric, but Sunday after Easter, since this was the
a culpa is due rather to an oversight or day in which those converts who had
a failure of due discretion, rather than been baptized at the Easter vigil took
through a knowing violation. See also off their white garments which they re-
De defectibus; Mens rea; Nemo dat ceived at the time of the baptism. This
quod non habet; Sanatio in radice; and Sunday is also called Low Sunday
Ubi non est culpa, ibi non est delictum. (since it is more “low-key” than the
high holy days of the Easter triduum),
D.O.M. and also Quasimodo (q.v.). Since 2002
To God, the best, the greatest in the pontificate of Blessed Pope John
Paul II this first Sunday after Easter is
Latin abbreviation for Deo optimo max- celebrated as Divine Mercy Sunday in
imo and a common dedication found in commemoration of the visions of Jesus
works of art, especially architecture, in received by the Polish nun Sr. Faustina
which the artist or benefactor dedicates Kowalska, whom Blessed Pope John
the work to God. Paul II first beatified in 1993 and then
subsequently canonized in April 2000.
Domine See also Quasimodo.
O Lord
This is the vocative form of Dominus Dominicae cenae
(q.v.) and thus is often found in prayers The Lord’s Supper
and intercessions in which the name of
God is invoked. 1980 letter of John Paul II to the bish-
ops On the Mystery and Worship of the
Eucharist. See also Dies Christi, Dies
Domine non sum dignus Dierum, Dies Domini, Dies Ecclesiae,
Lord I am not worthy and Dies Hominis.
The words of the centurion to Jesus in
Mt 8:8 which are also now used (again)
in the revised English translation of the Dominium
Missale Romanum (q.v.) to be uttered by Dominion
the faithful prior to receiving Holy Com- Implies control and ownership, e.g., sov-
munion. It can also be used as an expres- ereignty. This concept was contrasted in
sion of humility upon receiving some classical Roman law with possessio
sort of honor or promotion (e.g., priests (q.v.), which indicated usage and occu-
have been known to utter this upon re- pation, but without the attendant private
Donec aliter provideatur 65

property rights which would come with legally there. Pope Pius VII restored the
dominion. See also Dominus/servus. Society on August 7, 1814, with his bull
Sollicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum (q.v.).
Dominium utile Dominus Iesus
Control of Use (Usufruct) Jesus the Lord
Legitimate use of an object, e.g., the Declaration of the Congregation for the
fruit or property of another, in a way Doctrine of the Faith dated August 6,
that does not negatively impair its sub- 2000 (but not issued until September 5,
stance is termed usufruct in law. A ten- 2000) and subtitled “On the Unicity and
ant farmer who can claim most of the Salvific Universality of Jesus Christ and
harvest, but not ownership of the estate, the Church.” See also Elementa eccle-
might be an agricultural example of this siae, Extra ecclesia nulla salus, Plan-
concept. See also Bonum utile; Ius tatio ecclesiae, and Subsistit in.
utendi, fruendi, abutendi; Res frutificat
dominum; and Uti et frui. Dominus vobiscum
The Lord be with you
Dominum et Vivicantem Greeting and formula used by the pre-
The Lord, the Giver of life sider several times throughout the Latin
Encyclical of John Paul II on the Holy celebration of the Eucharist. The re-
Spirit (1986). sponse of the congregation is Et cum
spiritu tuo: literally, “And with your
spirit,” though in the pre-2012 English
Dominus translation of the Missale Romanum
Lord, master (q.v.) the congregational response had
In Latin the nuance for dominus is lord been rendered “And also with you.” See
or master in the sense of being a ruler, also Dominus and Pax tecum/vobiscum.
owner, or overlord. Magister (q.v.) is the
Latin word which connotes “mastery”
Donec aliter provideatur
For the time being; until other ar-
in the sense of being an expert, teacher,
rangements are provided
or director. Dominus is the Latin term
often used as a title for God. See also Expression used, for example, by Pope
Domine. Benedict XVI upon his election as pope
in which he “confirmed” or retained in
office the major figures of the Roman
Dominus ac redemptor Curia—not indefinitely, but rather until
Lord and Redeemer such time as further arrangements might
Papal brief of Pope Clement XIV issued be made for either their longer-term
July 21, 1773, which suppressed the So- confirmation in office or replacement.
ciety of Jesus (Jesuits). The brief was See also Hucusque vigens, Ius vigens,
never promulgated in the Russian em- Lex non obligat nisi promulgata, and
pire, so the Society continued to exist Vacatio legis.
66  Donum veritatis

Donum veritatis Dubium

Gift of truth Doubt
Instruction of the Congregation for the This may be posed as a “doubt” or a for-
Doctrine of the Faith On The Ecclesial mal question calling for clarification or
Vocation of the Theologian (1990). The a definitive interpretation. In 1995, for
instruction gives directives to theolo- example, the Congregation for the Doc-
gians on how to be loyal and defend the trine of the Faith issued a Responsum ad
magisterium. In the rare case in which dubium giving its interpretation on the
a theologian might have genuine doubts question of the level of authority to be
about the truth or aptness of a magiste- attached to John Paul II’s Ordinatio Sac-
rial document, the theologian is in- erdotalis, which held that women could
structed to take the matter to prayer, and never be ordained priests. See also Re-
if still necessary after that to report his sponsum ad dubium.
or her concerns privately to the proper
magisterial office, but under no circum- Dubium facti
stances to make these concerns public. Doubt of fact
The text can be found on the website of
the Holy See. See also Authenticus, A legal term which refers to the lack of
Ecclesia discens, Ecclesia docens, Ec- sufficient information concerning the
clesia militans, Fides implicita, Lumen facts of a given case or situation, and
gentium, Magister, Magisterium au- which therefore renders a decision dif-
thenticam, Munus docendi, Obsequium ficult or impossible. See also Da mihi
religiosum, Officium, Potestas docendi, factum, dabo tibi ius; Dubium juris; In
and Sensus fidelium. dubio factum non praesumitur sed pro-
batur; In dubio pars tutior sequenda;
Lex dubia non obligat; Melior est con-
Donum vitae ditio possidentis; Praesumptio hominis;
Gift of life and Praesumitur ignorantia ubi scientia
non probatur.
Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith’s instruction On Respect for
Human Life in Its Origin and on the Dubium iuris
Dignity of Procreation, which called for Doubt of law
the banning of in vitro fertilization tech- Refers to a doubt about the text or
niques (1987). See also Dignitas meaning of a law, so that its binding
personae, the updated 2008 instruction force on a given point or in a given
on bioethical questions. situation cannot be determined. See also
Da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius; Dubium
facti; In dubio factum non praesumitur
DS sed probatur; In dubio pars tutior se-
Denzinger-Schönmetzer quenda; Lex dubia non obligat; Melior
See Enchiridion Symbolorum Defini- est conditio possidentis; Praesumitur
tium Et Declarationem. ignorantia ubi scientia non probatur;
Dura lex sed lex 67

Praesumptio iuris; and Sententia in- Attributed to St. Francis, and implies
certa non valet. that we should do good deeds today
since we do not know what tomorrow
Dubium iuris vel facti will bring. See also Tempus fugit.
Doubt of law or fact
In cases about the doubt of either the Dum vita est, spes est
facts of a given situation or whether a Where there’s life, there’s hope
given law applies in this case the moral Common expression, and especially in
principle of probabilism could be in- bioethics this adage connotes that even
voked, or in instances of proper ca- in serious illness physical life in general
nonical jurisdiction the ecclesiastical should be protected and prolonged.
principle of ecclesia supplet (q.v. “the However, this maxim is not absolute
church supplies [the lacking jurisdic- and is conditioned by the application of
tion]”) would apply. In confessional the principle of “ordinary” and “ex-
cases involving such a “doubt,” the con- traordinary” means. “Means” in this
fessor is instructed to give absolution. sense refers to medical care, surgical
See also Da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius; interventions, drugs and therapies, etc.,
Dubium facti; Dubium juris; In dubio taken to minister to a sick, injured, or
factum non praesumitur sed probatur; dying person.
In dubio pars tutior sequenda; Iuris et/
vel facti; Lex dubia non obligat; Melior
est conditio possidentis; Praesumptio Dura lex sed lex
hominis/Praesumptio iuris; Praesumi- A hard law is still law
tur ignorantia ubi scientia non proba- This axiom calls for respect and obedi-
tur; and Sententia incerta non valet. ence even to difficult laws. How-
ever, there are many other axioms that
Dum suggest a more moderate view. See, for
While, during examples, Cessante fine cessat lex;
Common Latin conjunction; see below Consuetudo optima legum interpres;
for some common examples. Gravis neccessitas; Lex iniusta non est
lex; Lex valet ut in pluribus; Odia re-
Dum tempus habemus operemur stringi, et favores convenit ampliari;
bonum Salus publica suprema lex; and Senten-
Let us do good while we have time tia facit ius.
Ea (eorum) quae sunt ad finem Ecce homo
Those things which are for the Behold the man!
end In the Latin Vulgate translation of the
This expression is just part of a longer Bible (John 19:5), these words were
phrase, and a more idiomatic English spoken by Pontius Pilate as he pre-
translation would be “means” to an sented the scourged Jesus to the crowds
“end” (ad finem). This is an important on Good Friday in an attempt to win the
distinction in Thomistic moral theology crowd’s pity for Jesus.
since it is primarily the end of an action
that determines the moral meaning of Ecclesia de Eucharistia
the act. Thus, the moral meaning of the Church of the Eucharist
action of a knife being driven in the
Encyclical letter of Pope John Paul II
chest would depend not on the choice
on the relation of the church to the Eu-
of the knife per se, but rather the end
charist issued on 17 April 2003. While
(finis operis, q.v.) that motivated the
acknowledging the life of the Eucharist
end. This motivating end is the finis
throughout the church, the pope also
operantis (q.v., the intention of the
laments the decline of eucharistic ado-
agent). If that end were murder then the
ration and various departures from a
action would clearly be morally evil; if,
strict adherence to liturgical norms. See
on the other hand, the knife thrust were
also Ars celebrandi.
part of an emergency operation in a
situation in which other surgical tools
were lacking then the end in this case Ecclesia discens
would legitimate the choice and use of The learning church
the knife. On this point, see Thomas The aspect of the church’s nature which
Aquinas’ treatment of human acts stresses its ability and obligation to
(actus humanus, q.v.) in his ST I–II, q. learn more about the nature and mean-
6–17. See also Finis enim dat speciem ing of its faith. Often the Ecclesia dis-
in moralibus, Finis est causa causarum, cens was understood to be those who
Finis est nobilior iis quae sunt ad finem, were not part of the magisterium, which
and Qui vult finem vult media. constituted the Ecclesia docens, though
Ecclesia semper refomanda 69

as many experts have observed, it is im- Quidquid recipitur ad modum recipien-

possible to teach without first having tis recipitur, and Sensus fidelium.
learned, and the best teachers usually
are those who are life-long learners, too. Ecclesia in America
See also the fuller discussion of Eccle- The church in America [North
sia docens below, as well as the terms and South]
Ecclesia militans, Errare humanum est, Post-synodal apostolic exhortation of
Fides implicita, Quidquid recipitur ad John Paul II given in Mexico City on
modum recipientis recipitur, Securus January 22, 1999, following the synod
iudicat orbis terrarum, and Sensus fi- on the Americas held earlier in Rome at
delium. the end of 1997.

Ecclesia docens Ecclesia militans

The teaching church The church militant
The aspect of the church’s nature which Expression for the church in the con-
stresses its ability and obligation to temporary world, which is expected to
teach concerning nature and meaning be vigilant and fight against the power
of the Christian faith. This division of of evil in the world. This ecclesiology
the church into the “teaching church” was usually supplemented with the ex-
(Ecclesia docens) and the “learning pression of the “Church Triumphant”
church” (Ecclesia discens) developed for those souls in heaven with God, and
in the Post-Tridentine period beginning the “Church Suffering,” which referred
with Thomas Stapleton (died 1598). to the souls in purgatory. See also Ec-
The “teaching church” was identified clesia discens, Ecclesia docens, Eccle-
with the hierarchy and the “learning sia semper reformanda, Extra ecclesia
church” primarily with the laity, whose nulla conceditur gratia, Extra ecclesia
duty was seen to accept what the hier- nulla salus, Extra mundum nulla salus,
archy would tell them. This construc- Extra pauper nulla salus, Per modum
tion, according to Cardinal Avery suffragii, and Plantatio ecclesiae.
Dulles, SJ, in his A Church to Believe
In (New York: Crossroad, 1982, p. 112),
Ecclesia non moritur
The church will never die
led to the earlier concept of sensus fide-
lium ceasing “to function as a distinct Expression for the indefectibility of the
theological source.” See also Authenti- church which has been guaranteed by
cus, Christus Dominus, Depositum Jesus Christ. See also Tu Es Petrus and
fidei, Ecclesia discens, Ecclesia mili- Ubi Petrus, ibi ecclesia, ibi Deus.
tans, Errare humanum est, Fides im-
plicita, Lumen gentium, Magisterium, Ecclesia semper reformanda
Magisterium cathedrae pastoralis & The church must always be
Magisterium cathedrae magistralis, reformed
Munus, Munus docendi, Obsequium Traditional maxim pointing out the
religiosum, Officium, Potestas docendi, necessity of the ongoing reform and
70  Ecclesia supplet

conversion of the church. Whatever in E.g.

the church distorts or does not corre- For the sake of an example
spond fully and completely to Christ Abbreviation of exempli gratia. Used in
and His will (forma Christi) must be English to indicate an example which
reformed. Inasmuch as the church is may illustrate a point: “there was a lot
sinful due to her human members and of fruit for dessert, e.g., watermelon,
institutions, it is also part of the church’s cherries, oranges, etc.” Care should be
essential nature to be engaged in a con- taken not to confuse the usage of e.g.
tinual process of self-reformation. with that of i.e. (id est, “that is,” q.v.).

Ecclesia supplet Ego te absolvo

The church supplies I absolve you (of your sins)
Theological and canonical principle Latin “core” formula considered neces-
that holds that even if there is some sary for the valid remission of sins in the
common error, such as in jurisdiction forum of the sacrament of reconciliation
or the performance of a sacrament, as (penance, confession). Manuals of moral
long as the minister, etc., intends to do theology would debate just how much of
what the church intends in that action this formula had to be said for “validity”
the nature of the church “makes up” for and a minimalist opinion held that “Te
any insufficiency or error on the priest’s absolvo” (“I absolve you”) would suffice.
part. This can be a helpful pastoral prin- The concept of validity was foundational
ciple to guard against scrupulosity. since it established the grounds for the
efficacious celebration of the sacrament
itself. See also Ad validitatem, Ecclesia
Ecclesiam Suam supplet, and Res et sacramentum.
His church
Paul VI’s encyclical on the church and Elementa ecclesiae
its dialogue with the world (1964). Elements of the Church
Expression which refers, primarily, to
Editio typica those “separated” Christian Churches
Typical (official) edition which are not in full union with the
Roman Catholic Church, but which still
An editio typica refers to the official
contain elements of the true Church of
edition of a document, such as a litur-
Jesus Christ. See also Dominus Iesus
gical text, which often in the Roman
Lumen gentium, Extra ecclesia nulla
Catholic Church would be the Latin
salus, Mystici Corporis, and Subsistit in.
version. Any other translation of this
document should be based on the offi-
cial translation, and the editio typica Emmanuel
can help resolve disputes over the God with us
proper translation or interpretation of The seventh and last of the “O Anti-
an official text. phons” that mark the octave of anticipa-
Epikeia 71

tion or preparation for Christmas Eve, Being of reason, as distinguished from

which in itself is the vigil of Christ’s real being. Human beings by virtue of
birth. See the fuller discussion under O their capacity as rational beings have
Adonai. an essential quality which distinguishes
them from all other living beings. Ra-
Enchiridion tionality is the key ability which not
Manual, handbook only sets humans apart from others and
Usually used in theological circles to gives them their special dignity and
refer to a collection of various theo- moral possibility. See also Ens.
logical documents, the most well-known
being the Enchiridion Symbolorum Ens ut ens
Definitionum Et Declarationum (q.v.). Being inasmuch as it is (a) being
Metaphysical principle which refers to
Enchiridion Symbolorum the existence of a being as such. See
Definitionum Et Declarationum Ens and the related terms.
Handbook of creeds, definitions,
and declarations
Ens ut sic
Collection of excerpts of church docu- Underlying reality of being.
ments, especially of a dogmatic nature.
Expression similar to ens ut ens (q.v.)
The full title adds the words De rebus
which refers to the underlying essence
fidei et morum and is commonly called
of a being. This could be distinguished
Denzinger-Schönmetzer, or more
from that which is merely “accidental”
briefly Denzinger, and abbreviated as
(like hair color for a human person) and
DS followed by the relevant number,
not constitutive of the person’s being as
e.g., DS 3074–75 the definition of papal
such (e.g., mortality is a constitutive
infallibility taken from Pastor aeternus
factor of the being or ens ut sic of the
(q.v.). An English translation similar to
human person). See also Accidens.
and cross-referenced with the Denzinger-
Schönmetzer is The Christian Faith in
the Doctrinal Documents of the Catholic Epikeia
Church, edited by J. Neuner and J. Du- Fitting, suitable.
puis, and also commonly referred to as This is not a Latin term, but since so
Neuner-Dupuis. many readers of past editions have
looked in vain for this important term,
Ens mistakenly thinking it to be Latin, it has
Being been included here. The word comes
Anything which can or does exist, i.e., from the Greek (epikeia) and refers to
that whose actuality is to be. See also the long-standing moral tradition that
Esse, Essentia, and Suppositum. allows for a law to be dispensed or
modified under certain conditions, such
Ens rationis as the impossibility or inhumanity of
Being of reason the law, or if the mind of the legislator
72  Epistula de delictis graviorbus

could reasonably be interpreted such grante delicto, Sacramentorum sanc-

that the dispensation or modification in titatis tutela, Secretum pontificium, Sub
question would likely be granted. This secreto pontificio, and Sub rosa.
applies especially to human laws (Ius
positum, q.v.). A classic example of Ergo
epikeia would be exceeding the posted Therefore
speed limit on a deserted highway in Often used as a transition word to indi-
order to bring a medical emergency cate a logical conclusion one can draw
more quickly to the hospital. Thomas from an argument, or list of facts, etc.,
Aquinas held that epikeia was a virtue already enunciated. See also Q.E.D.
since it sought refinement or perfection
of the law and thus should be practiced Ero Cras
as any virtue. See also Ad literam; De Tomorrow I come
minimis non curat lex; Mens legislato-
See the fuller discussion under O
ris; Necessitas non habet legem; Neces-
sitas non habet legem; Quod non licitum
est in lege necessitas facit licitum; Quod
Errare humanum est
raro fit non observant legislatores; Sen-
To err is human
sum, non verba spectamus; Singularia
non sunt extendenda; and Statuta sunt This adage indicates the fallible and lim-
stricte interpretanda. ited nature of humans and all human
knowledge. See also Ecclesia discens,
Ecclesia docens, and Quidquid recipitur
Epistula de delictis gravioribus
ad modum recipientis recipitur.
Letter on grave crimes
Letter of the then Cardinal Prefect of Erratum/errata
the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Error/errors
Faith, Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope
Usually used in reference to printing
Benedict XVI), sent on May 18, 2001,
mistakes. See also corrigenda.
to the bishops of the world, outlining
procedures for dealing with the serious Esse
crimes (delictis gravioribus in the plu- To be
ral; delicta graviora in the singular) of
priestly sexual abuse and/or violation The Latin infinitive form of the verb “to
of the confessional. The procedures be,” this term also refers to the act or
called for forwarding such cases to the fact of being, as in actus essendi (q.v.).
Congregation for the Doctrine of the See also Essentia.
Faith but sealed under the strict confi-
dentiality of the secretum pontificium Essentia
(or sub secreto pontificio). See also Essence
Corpus delicti, Crimen sollicitationis, Refers to the inner principle by reason of
Delicta graviora, Epistula de delictis which a thing is what it is. Thus, the es-
gravioribus, Graviora delicta, In fla- sence common to Peter, Paul, and Mary
Ex attrito fit contritus 73

is the essence each has as a human being as a particular text, such as the Gospel
despite individual differences in terms of of Luke (Evangelium secundum Lucam
gender, body type, hair color, and so on. [The Gospel according to Luke]).
Thus, “what” one is is one’s essentia;
“that” one is (or exists) refers to esse Evangelium vitae
(q.v.). See also Accidens, Per accidens, Gospel of life
Per se, and Suppositum. John Paul II’s encyclical on certain is-
sues concerning life, especially abor-
Et cum spiritu tuo tion, capital punishment, and euthanasia
And with your spirit (1995). This encyclical (in #57) de-
Congregational response in the Latin clared that a state’s use of capital pun-
celebration of the Eucharist to the pre- ishment was probably unjustified in
sider’s invocation Dominus vobiscum most contemporary cases since other
(q.v.) (“The Lord be with you”). Prior effective means to protect the citizenry
to the 2011 English translation of the now existed to render recourse to exe-
Missale Romanum (q.v.), the English cution of criminals unnecessary.
response was “And also with you.”
Et et Out of, from, of
Both/and Common Latin preposition, however, it
Though by itself et means “and” in should be noted that in Latin ex does
Latin, when doubled it means “both/ not mean “former” as in the sense of an
and.” “ex-ballplayer.”

Evangelii Nuntiandi Ex abusu non est argumentum ad

Announcing the Good News desuetudinem
(Gospel) Abuse (of a law) does not argue
Paul VI’s post-synodal apostolic exhor- for (the law) falling into desue-
tation on evangelization (1975), which tude (disuse or nonobservance)
stressed that serious efforts had to be This legal axiom expresses the same
made in inculturation using the lan- principle articulated in Abusus non tollit
guage and culture of the various peoples usum (q.v.). However, see also Cessante
being evangelized if the church could fine cessat lex, Cessante ratione legis
hope to be successful with its mission- cessat ipsa lex, and Optimus interpres
ary efforts. rerum usus.

Evangelium Ex attrito fit contritus

Gospel From an attrite person to a
Literally, “good news” and can refer to contrite person
the Gospel as a general concept refer- Common teaching of the church regard-
ring to the message of Jesus Christ, or ing the way grace builds on the disposi-
74  Ex cathedra

tion of the penitent in the sacrament of from the definition of infallibility given
reconciliation, moving him or her to in Pastor Aeternus, “Dogmatic Consti-
deeper and true contrition. Attrition is tution on the Church of Christ,” of
sorrow for one’s sins but was seen as Vatican I [DS 3074–3075]). For an
less profound than true contrition. Thus, explanation of DS see Enchiridion
sacramental confession and absolution Symbolorum Definitionum Et Declara-
was seen as helping to bring about the tionum. See also Cathedra, De fide
transition from attrition to contrition, definita, Diffinimus, Depositum fidei,
and this thinking lies behind the and Ecclesia docens.
church’s teaching that while perfect
contrition is sufficient for the forgive-
Ex convenientia
ness of sins (even without sacramental
From fittingness (literally,
confession), a sinner is bound to con-
fess all mortal sins so as to be certain of
forgiveness and restoration to the state Expression used to refer to arguments
of grace. For a fuller discussion of this advanced that may be “convenient” to
point see the Council of Trent (DS the position that is being supported but
1678) and Pope John Paul II’s 1984 which on their own merits neither prove
post-synodal apostolic exhortation (nor disprove) the position being ad-
Reconciliatio et Paenitentia (On Rec- vanced. Archbishop Rembert Weakland
onciliation and Penance in the Mission used this expression in his memoirs A
of the Church Today) #31, note 185. Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church (Eerd-
Another slight variation of this same mans, 2009) to discuss the claim ad-
axiom is de attritione fit contritio (q.v., vanced in Inter insigniores (q.v.),
“from attrition comes contrition”), used which held that women could not be
first by William of Auvergne (1248). ordained priests since this action was
See also Processus iustificationis. not willed by Jesus Christ himself.

Ex cathedra Ex corde ecclesiae

From the chair (of office) From the heart of the church
Usually referred to in relation to the Pope John Paul II’s apostolic constitution
highest exercise of authority of the papal on Catholic Universities detailing the
magisterium. Thus, when the pope “act- Catholic university’s identity and mis-
ing in the office of shepherd and teacher sion, as well as a set of general norms
of all Christians” declares ex cathedra which are meant to govern the function-
“a doctrine concerning faith or morals ing of universities (1990). See also Ordi-
to be held by the universal Church,” nationes, which in this case called for
such declared doctrines are considered Catholic professors teaching philosophy
“infallible” and “irreformable” of them- and theology to seek a Mandatum (q.v.)
selves (ex sese), and “not because of the from their local bishop to certify them as
consent of the Church (non autem ex being faithful teachers in accordance with
consensu ecclesiae).” (Quoted phrases Catholic doctrine.
Ex nihilo (nihil) 75

Ex Defectu iuris grave matter, remains “venial” due to

See Defectu obiecti; Defectu some “imperfection” in the sense of lack
iuris of completion on the part of the agent
who does the act. Usually, this would be
Ex Defectu obiecti understood as a lack of sufficient aware-
See Defectu obiecti; Defectu ness and/or consent on the part of the
iuris agent committing the act, so that the act
was not perfectly “deliberate.”
Ex facto ius oritur
Ex infirmitate
Law is born from fact
From weakness
The maxim recognizes the importance
Thomas Aquinas in his treatise on sin
of experience and custom in the devel-
in the Summa theologiae I–II, q. 77, a.
opment of the notion of what constitutes
3, speaks of sins committed out of
a law. Therefore, if something is done
weakness (ex infirmitate) when a con-
and done repeatedly and not censured
cupiscible or irascible power (e.g., a
by the legitimate authority, one may
passion) contrary to the order of reason
infer that this deed then enjoys legal ap-
obscures the rational power of the soul
probation. By extension, this principle
to choose the good.
can help us see how moral doctrine de-
velops when practices that at one time Ex iustitia
might have been condemned (such as From justice
the taking of interest) are allowed to
exist and then become accepted as part Since technically there is no “j” in clas-
of moral practice. See also Consuetudo sical Latin, this expression might be
optima legum interpres. found rendered as ex justitia, especially
in later usages. It refers to the basic
principle of something done out of re-
Ex falso sequitur quidlibet
spect for, or in view of, the fundamental
From that which is false anything
requirements of justice. Thus, a parent
can follow
may expect (and charge) ex iustitia an
Aphorism that indicates that a false adult child who remains at home a sum
premise can lead to any number of pos- to cover room and board. See also Ex
sible conclusions, many of which like- pietate.
wise would be false. See also Parvus
error in initio magnus erit in fine and Ex nihilo (nihil)
Parvus error in principiis, magnus error From nothing (nothing)
in conclusionibus.
No thing can come out of nothing; every-
thing must have a cause. Only God can
Ex imperfectione actus create something “from nothing.” The
From an imperfection of the act aphorism nihil ex nihilo fit (nothing from
One of the ways in which a sin, which nothing comes) expresses this thought.
otherwise might be mortal due to its See also Creatio ex nihilo, Creatio
76  Ex novo

continua, Creatio nova, and Creatio sacramentals such as holy water, med-
originalis. als, crucifix, etc. If such objects and
actions are used with the proper dispo-
Ex novo sition of an individual, then these will
From anew be of spiritual benefit by helping to in-
E.g., when a call is made for a radical crease piety and devotion and also re-
restart, such as asserting that the church mitting venial sin. Like other good
must return to its primitive roots of the works, the result comes not just from
first disciples and re-found itself ex the mechanical completion of the action
novo. Similar in meaning to de novo but from the interior disposition of the
(q.v.). person performing the action. Thus,
giving alms for vainglory does not pro-
Ex obiecto (objecto) duce a good effect (opus operantis) but
From the object (of the act) must be performed with a right inten-
While this concept can be used in a va- tion. See also Ex opere operato, Sacra-
riety of theological and/or philosophical mentalia, and Sacramentum.
contexts, in particular reference to
moral theology it refers to an action Ex opere operato
whose very nature determines its moral- By the work performed
ity (or immorality), regardless of further Principle of sacramental theology of-
consideration of circumstances and/or ficially adopted at the Council of Trent
intentions. In other words, the object of indicating that the efficacy of a sacra-
an act such as “murder” is ex obiecto ment depends upon the valid perfor-
morally evil, since the “object” of the mance of the sacrament itself and does
act is immoral in itself. See also (Ex) not depend upon the personal holiness
Defectu obiecti. (or lack thereof) of the minister per-
forming the sacrament (which would be
Ex officio ex opere operantis, i.e., the effect of the
By virtue of the office (itself) work depends on the operator of the
Usually refers to some right an indi- work). Thus, according to the principle
vidual has because of the office she or of ex opere operato, the graces to be
he occupies. For example, the dean of obtained by participation in the Eucha-
a college may be ex officio a member of rist would not depend on the personal
the Academic Senate (whereas other holiness (or lack thereof) of the priest
members may have to be elected). who acts as the presider. See also Ex
opere operantis, Sacramentalia, and
Ex opere operantis Sacramentum.
By the work (effect) of the worker
(performer of the work) Ex pacto divino
This expression in the Catholic tradition From/by God’s pact (promise)
refers to the efficacy of an action, such This expression refers to God’s cove-
as the use of Sacramentalia (q.v.) called nant with humankind, the saving will
Ex toto genere suo (grave) 77

that grounds the whole economy of sal- and not just “scientific” knowledge. For
vation. related terms see Facta non praesumun-
tur sed probantur and Praesumptio
Ex parvitate materiae cedit veritati.
From the paucity of matter
One of the criteria that was used to de-
scribe venial sin, in this case a sin (even
Ex Silentio
From silence
though fully deliberate) remained “ve-
nial” because of the lack of grave mat- Related to the aphorism “Silence gives
ter. See also Ex toto genere suo and consent” (Qui tacit consentire censetur,
Parvitas Materiae in Sexto. q.v.). See also Argumentum e silentio.

Ex pietate
Out of devotion (literally, filial Ex toto genere suo (grave)
piety) From the totality of its nature (in-
trinsically grave)
Contrasted with an obligation done ex
iustitia (q.v.), this principle refers to an Traditional moral manualist expression
obligation that arises out of a special concerning judgment of certain types of
relationship, such as that between par- sins. For example, certain mortal sins
ents and children such that adult chil- were considered, ex toto genere suo
dren should feel obligated to arrange for grave, i.e., in themselves so evil that
their elderly parents’ care ex pietate there would be no conceivable case in
(rather than out of a strict sense of jus- which the gravity of their evil could be
tice). See Ex iustitia and also Do ut des diminished from an “objective” point
and quid pro quo. of view. Traditionally, sins of a sexual
nature were placed in this category.
Ex post facto From the subjective point of view a
From after the fact number of other factors, such as an in-
dividual’s ignorance, lack of freedom
An ex post facto discussion of what due to compulsion, etc., could diminish
should have been done instead of what or remove the seriousness of the “objec-
was actually done may be interesting tive” sin in a concrete instance. See also
but rarely can reverse the situation. See Parvitas Materiae in Sexto and (In) re
also Post factum. venerea. Contrasted with sins which
would be ex toto genere suo grave (of
Ex scientia praesumitur consensus themselves involving intrinsical matter)
(From) knowledge builds would be sins ex toto genere suo leve,
(presumes) consensus i.e., sins whose matter of itself would
Knowledge will lead (presumably) to be “light” (leve) and therefore not easily
consensus. It is important here not to made into matter for mortal sin. See
translate scientia as “science,” since the also Graviter et dolose and Intrinsece
Latin word means knowledge in general malum.
78  Ex voto

Ex voto of the moral life, the natural law, and of

From (under) a vow all creation. The reditus should not be
Term often seen in churches which in- understood as decay in terms of dead
dicates that the donor of some chapel, material that is reabsorbed into the soil,
statue, etc., has been the donation in but rather as the coming of all creation
response to a favor or grace received. to completion and perfection in God.
I.e., the donor promised (ex voto) that Cf. St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theo-
if a certain favor were granted by God, logiae I–II, q. 92. See also Finis ulti-
then she or he would give testimony to mus, Gratia supponit naturam et perficit
this fact by making the donation to the eam, and Summum bonum.
church (or monastery, etc.).
Exsurge Domine
Exceptio firmat regulam Rise up, Lord
The exception confirms the rule Papal bull of Leo X condemning the er-
Virtually the same as the English ex- rors of Martin Luther (1520) which was
pression “the exception proves the rule” handed down only after Luther had
and is balanced by another legal apho- been censured by the theological facul-
rism, Singularia non sunt extendenda ties of Mainz, Cologne, Louvain, and
(q.v.). See also Ad literam; Cessante Paris. See also Anathema/Anathemata
fine cessat lex; Consuetudo optima and Magisterium.
legum interpres; Conventio est lex;
Epikeia; Ex abusu non est argumentum Extra
ad desuetudinem; Dura lex sed lex; Lex Outside of
valet ut in pluribus; Odia restringi, et Common Latin preposition; however,
favores convenit ampliari; and Sensum, the Latin extra does not mean “left
non verba spectamus. over” or “super-abundant” as in the
sense of an “extra helping of potatoes.”
Exempli gratia
For the sake of an example
Extra ecclesia nulla conceditur
See E.g. gratia
Outside of the church there is no
Exitus acta probat grace
The result (exitus) validates the
acts Extremist Jansenist proposition, based
on the traditional axiom extra ecclesia
The end justifies the means. nulla salus (q.v.), which was condemned
by Pope Clement XI in 1713 (cf. DS
Exitus et reditus 2429). See also A cruce salus, Commu-
Exit and return nio sanctorum, Extra ecclesia nulla
Everything in creation comes from God salus, Extra mundum nulla salus, Extra
and returns to God and thus is a basic pauper nulla salus, Fides implicita, Lim-
principle of a theological understanding bus, and Plantatio ecclesiae.
Extra pauper nulla salus 79

Extra ecclesia nulla salus nulla salus (q.v.). Stresses the idea that
Outside of the church there is no human salvation has to be worked out in
salvation the world, and therefore a position would
Traditional theological maxim, dating be suspect which calls for a flight from
from Cyprian (Epistles 73, 21), which the world or suggests solely a “spiritual”
holds that the church is the place of sal- and “otherworldly” dimension. See also
vation for all. However, over the centu- Ecclesia militans, Extra pauper nulla
ries this term was much debated as to its salus, and Fuga mundi.
precise meaning, and one position held
that some sort of “membership” in the Extra nos
church is required of all people if they Outside of ourselves
are to be saved. The understanding of Generally, this expression is used to
what “membership” and “church” mean refer to some sort of norm that is exter-
have been major issues in ecclesiology nal to the human person. The word of
and ecumenism over the centuries. See God as contained in Scripture would be
also A cruce salus, Baptismus in voto, one of the most common examples of
Communio sanctorum, Dominus Iesus, such a usage.
Elementa ecclesiae, Extra ecclesia nulla
conceditur gratia, Extra mundum nulla Extra pauper nulla salus
salus, Extra pauper nulla salus, Fides No salvation outside of the poor
implicita, Limbus, Lumen gentium, Ig- Intentional reinterpretation of the clas-
norantes, Ingnorantia invincibilis, Plan- sical axiom of Extra ecclesia nulla
tatio ecclesiae, Radix Mali, Sine culpa, salus (q.v.) used in liberation theology
Subsistit in, and Unam Sanctam. and attributed to Jon Sobrino, SJ. This
expression emphasizes the notion of
Extra mundum nulla salus God’s preferential option for the poor
Outside of the world there is no which must be lived out in solidarity
salvation with the poor by the rest of humanity
Position of Edward Schhillebeeckx, OP, that hopes for eternal salvation. See also
which has an obvious resonance to the Extra ecclesia nulla conceditur gratia
theological maxim of extra ecclesia and Extra mundum nulla salus.
Facienda end) and Parvus error in principiis,
Things being done magnus error in conclusionibus (small
In theology, this term usually refers to error in the beginning leads to great
the acts or works of the Christian life. error in the conclusion).

Facta non praesumuntur sed Fama habet/Fama est

Rumor has it
Facts are not presumed but must Expression indicating something ru-
be proved mored to be true, or as being of com-
mon opinion or gossip.
Basic tenet of legal justice and any
knowledge-based inquiry. For a related Familiaris consortio
term see Ex scientia praesumitur con- The partnership of the household
sensus and see also Absolutus sententia (the family)
judicis praseumitur innocens; Actori
incumbit onus probandi; Allegatio con- John Paul II’s post-synodal apostolic
tra factum non est admittenda; Da mihi exhortation on the Christian family
factum, dabo tibi ius; Onus probandi; (1981).
Praesumptio cedit veritati; Res ipsa lo-
quitur; Si iudicas, cognossce; si regnas, Favores ampliandi, odia
iube; and Testis in uno falsus in nullo restringenda
fidem meretur. Favors being amplified and bur-
dens being restricted
Falsus in uno falsus in omnibus A shortened form of Odia restringi, et
False in one, false in all favores convenit ampliari (q.v.).
In terms of an argument based on cer-
tain premises or facts, if it can be dem- Felix culpa
onstrated that one of these facts or Happy fault
premises are wrong then this means Phrase which is found in the Easter Ex-
(likely) that the conclusion also will be sultet sung at the Easter Vigil liturgy and
erroneous. See also Parvus error in which refers to the sin of Adam which
initio magnus erit in fine (small error in led ultimately to the coming as a man of
the beginning; large error will be in the the Second Person of the Trinity. Felix
Fidei depositum 81

culpa is often used more colloquially to position that no one is called to do that
refer to any apparent mistake which turns which is considered to be morally im-
out to have a good effect or happy ending. possible. The eighteenth-century Ger-
See also Radix Mali. man Enlightenment philosopher
Immanuel Kant offered a slight vari-
Ferendae sententiae ation on this aphorism: Fiat iustitia,
A sentence which must be pereat mundus (Let justice be done,
imposed though the world perish), which he
Refers to a penalty in canon law which translated more loosely as “Let justice
must be formally imposed by the com- reign even if all the rascals in the world
petent authority such as a local bishop. should perish from it.” See also Deus
Most penalties in the 1983 Code of impossibilia non iubet, Impossibilium
Canon Law are ferendae sententiae nulla obligatio, Nemo tenetur ad impos-
rather than latae sententiae (q.v.), the sibile, Qui tenetur ad finem tenetur ad
latter being a penalty which is incurred media, and Ultra posse (or vires) nemo
automatically upon commission of a obligatur.
particular offense. See also Sub poena.
Fiat lux
Festina lente Let there be light
Make haste slowly Translation from the Latin Vulgate of
Means to behave with care and caution. Genesis 1:3, but also more colloquially
a prayer or wish for enlightenment on
Fiat a certain matter.
Let it be done
In English this word expresses a com- Fiat voluntas Tua
mand or order that is to be performed. Thy will be done
From the Latin Vulgate of the Lord’s
Fiat iustitia, ruant coeli (or pereat Prayer, expressing the desire that God’s
mundus) will always be done, even if the divine
Let justice be done, though the will does not correspond with our per-
heavens fall (or the world perish) sonal desires in a given instance. See
also Pater Noster.
Occasionally rendered in the singular
as Ruat coelum, this slogan indicates
that “consequences” should never keep Fidei depositum
strict “justice” from being done, even if Deposit of faith
this should be burdensome or occasions While the term means the same as de-
negative consequences. “Come what positum fidei (q.v.), in this instance it
may” might be an equivalent English refers to the apostolic constitution by
expression. Nevertheless, this principle which Pope John Paul II formally pro-
must be tempered by reason and does mulgated on the thirtieth anniversary of
not trump the church’s long-standing the opening of Vatican II (11 October
82  Fides et Ratio

1992), the Catechism of the Catholic Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman
Church calling it “a sure norm for teach- critiqued a certain problematic under-
ing the faith .  .  . a sure and authentic standing of this term in his famous essay
reference text for teaching catholic doc- “On Consulting the Faithful in Matters
trine and particularly for preparing local of Doctrine,” where he observed that the
catechisms.” magisterium of the church at times ex-
hibits a regrettable tendency to focus
Fides et Ratio excessively on its role as the Ecclesia
Faith and Reason docens (q.v.) such that “she cuts off the
Title of Pope John Paul II’s encyclical, faithful from the study of her divine doc-
issued on 14 September 1998, on the trines and the sympathy of her divine
relation between faith and reason as it contemplations, and requires from them
is treated in philosophy and theology in a fides implicita in her word, which in
the context of Christian faith. For some the educated classes will terminate in
of the key concepts treated in this en- indifference, and in the poorer in super-
cyclical see also Auditus fidei, Fides stition” (John Henry Cardinal Newman,
qua/Fides quae, Fides quae creditur, On Consulting the Faithful in the Mat-
Fides quarens intellectum, Indefect- ters of Doctrine, edited with an introduc-
abiliter adhaeret, Intellectus fidei, and tion by John Coulson [New York: Sheed
Sensus fidelium. & Ward, 1961], 106). See also A cruce
salus, Communio sanctorum, Ecclesia
docens, Extra ecclesia nulla salus, Extra
Fides ex auditu
ecclesia nulla conceditur gratia, Extra
Faith from hearing
mundum nulla salus, Extra pauper nulla
Faith is born from hearing the word of salus, and Fides informis.
God (refers to Romans 10:17 in the
Latin Vulgate).
Fides informis
Fides fiducialis Unformed faith
Fiduciary (trusting) faith Faith which is possible even for sinners
Lutheran axiom which stresses that the and which does not necessarily suppose
individual’s trust or will is more imporant obedience to the demands of morality.
than the intellect. See also Sola fide. This faith is called “unformed” since it
lacks the virtue of charity, which is
understood to be the “form” of all the
Fides implicita
other virtues.
Implied faith
Expression used similar to Baptismus in
voto (q.v.), which referred to individuals Fides qua/Fides quae
who were not formally baptized but Faith through which/Faith that
whose lives seemed to manifest a Chris- which
tian character and thus the presence of Fides qua refers to the act of faith, i.e.,
the gift of faith—at least by analogy. the personal commitment, by which or
Finis 83

through which an individual and/or Fides ratione illuminata

community believes, while Fides quae Faith illuminated by reason
refers to the actual content of the faith, The classic Protestant position is that
i.e., that which is actually believed. See our ethical understanding is based es-
also Congregatio fidelium, Fides qua- sentially on faith, which in turn is aided
rens intellectum, In credendo falli neq- by human reason. This contrasts with
uit, Indefectabiliter adhaeret, Intellectus the traditional Roman Catholic position
fidei, Regula fidei, Sensus fidelium, and that human reason is basically sound
Sentire cum ecclesia. and trustworthy but that it needs to be
illuminated by faith in order to counter
Fides quae creditur the effects of the Fall and other sins. See
The faith which is believed also Lumen fidei, Ratio fide illuminata,
See also Congregatio fidelium, Fides and Status antelapsarius.
qua/Fides quae, Fides quarens intellec-
tum, In credendo falli nequit, Indefect- Fides supponit rationem et
abiliter adhaeret, Intellectus fidei, transcendit eam
Regula fidei, Sensus fidelium, and Sen- Faith supposes reason and goes
tire cum ecclesia. beyond it
Faith is not independent of reason but
Fides quaerens actionem is built on a foundation of reason. How-
Faith seeking action ever, faith goes beyond what can be
Principle for grounding canon law in the known entirely from reason alone, es-
church, i.e., that the faith must be ex- pecially in view of faith’s relationship
pressed in appropriate action. This con- with divine revelation.
cept of course is grounded first in the
notion of faith which seeks under- Filioque
standing (fides quaerens intellectum, And (from) the Son
q.v.), which then guides the application Insertion of this term into the Nicene
in action. Creed to denote the procession of the
Holy Spirit from both the Father and the
Fides quaerens intellectum Son. While this theology was accepted
Faith seeking understanding in the West it was rejected by the East-
Traditional maxim which comes from the ern churches and became one of the
title of a work by St. Anselm (c. 1033– disputed points which led to the sepa-
1109) that expresses the view that the ration of these two churches.
task of theology is grounded in faith and
then building on that faith, seeks for Finis
greater understanding. See also Corde Boundary, limit, summit, end,
creditur, Credo ut intelligam, Fides qua/ object, aim
quae, Fides quaerens actionem, Intellec- Of itself, the term may indicate the con-
tus fidei, and Ne fides rideatur. clusion of a literary work, such as a
84  Finis coronat opus

book or play. In moral theology, the Finis enim dat speciem in moralibus,
finis refers to the “end” or goal of an Finis est nobilior iis quae sunt ad finem,
action in itself, or the end or goal in- Finis operis, Finis operantis, and Qui
tended by the one who performs the vult finem vult media.
action. In this regard, see Ea (eorum)
quae sunt ad finem, Finis operis, and Finis est nobilior iis quae sunt ad
Finis operantis. finem
The end (goal) is more important
Finis coronat opus than the means (to the end)
The end crowns the work Axiom that highlights the greater im-
“End” has a double meaning in this portance of the finis operantis than the
phrase: both as the terminus of a work, means chosen or used by the agent in
as well as the overall aim or goal of the evaluating the moral meaning of a given
work. Therefore, the goal of an under- action (finis operis). See also Causa
taking gives value to the work itself, as finalis est prima inter omnes causas, Ea
well as the fact that the undertaking is (eorum) quae sunt ad finem, Finis enim
actually finished. dat speciem in moralibus, Finis operis,
Finis operantis, and Qui vult finem vult
Finis enim dat speciem in media.
The end gives the species in Finis medius
moral matters Intermediate end (aim)
An expression that appears many times Refers to the intermediate or more re-
in the works of St. Thomas Aquinas and mote end of an action, as distinguished
refers to the “end” or “object” of the from an action’s immediate aim or pur-
moral act which is key in determining pose. See Finis proximus.
the act’s moral meaning, i.e., its moral
“species.” See also Ea (eorum) quae sunt Finis operantis
ad finem, Finis est causa causarum, End (“intention” or “will”) of the
Finis operis, Finis operantis, and Volun- (moral) agent
tarium directum/indirectum.
Refers to the moral agent’s own motive
for doing a particular action, and in this
Finis est causa causarum sense is distinguished from the finality
The end (goal) is the cause of all (“end”) of the action itself (the Finis
other causes operis, q.v.). Thus, a person who gives
Refers to the final cause and intention a large sum of money to the poor merely
as the key determining factor in evalu- in order that she or he receive praise of
ating both causality and the moral others performs an action which in itself
meaning or species of an action. See is good (i.e., the finis operis is good) but
also Causa finalis est prima inter omnes whose motive (the finis operantis) is
causas, Ea (eorum) quae sunt ad finem, bad (seeking vainglory). Thus, for the
Fons vitae 85

moral agent her/himself this is a mor- Finis remotus

ally bad action. There remains an ongo- Remote (intermediate) end (aim)
ing debate among moralists about the See Finis proximus, Finis medius, and
precise understanding of what consti- Voluntarium directum/indirectum.
tutes the actual moral distinction be-
tween finis operis and finis operantis in Finis ultimus
certain actions which have both good Ultimate end (aim)
and bad effects. See also Ea (eorum)
quae sunt ad finem, Licet corrigere de- Aristotelian term which when taken over
fectus naturae, Praeter intentionem, into theology, especially in the system of
and Voluntarium directum/indirectum. Thomas Aquinas, refers to God as the
final end which is the goal toward which
Finis operis all creation moves for its completion or
End (purpose) of the work (or perfection. Cf. ST I, q. 44, a. 4. See Finis
action) proximus for a further description of this
term’s meaning and significance. See also
Refers to the “end” or “goal” of the ac- Exitus et reditus, Gratia supponit naturam
tion itself as distinguished from the et perficit eam, and Summum bonum.
moral agent’s own motive for doing
such an action (the Finis operantis, Flagrante delicto
q.v.). See Finis operantis for a further While the crime is burning
discussion of this important distinction.
See also Accelaratio partus, Ea (eorum) Refers to being caught in the midst of the
quae sunt ad finem, Licet corrigere de- criminal act while it is being committed,
fectus naturae, and Voluntarium direc- i.e., to be caught red-handed. See also
tum/indirectum. Corpus delicti and Graviora delicta.

Finis proximus Fons et culmen

Proximate (immediate) end (aim) Font (source) and summit
In reference to a particular moral act, the For example, the Eucharist is described
finis proximus is the immediate or direct as both the source of the church’s life
aim of the act. For example, cooking a as well as its summit since the com-
meal has as its finis proximus the prepa- munity gathered in communion around
ration of food, which in turn may serve the table of the Lord experiences not
a further aim (finis medius or remotus) only union with the Lord Jesus and one
of satisfying one’s hunger. These ends another, but also sanctification and di-
in turn may be directed to an overall aim vinization of the individual members.
(finis ultimus) which is the ultimate aim,
such as sustaining one’s individual life Fons vitae
in order to do good in this world. See Font of life
also Ea (eorum) quae sunt ad finem, Ultimately, this would refer to God, or
Finis operis, Finis operantis, and Volun- Christ, and often is expressed in sym-
tarium directum/indirectum. bols such as the heart of Christ.
86  Fontes moralitatis

Fontes moralitatis refers to something that is distinguished

Sources (fonts) of morality from that which is normal or obligatory
Refers to the three factors which taken and usually termed “ordinary.” Thus, in
together constitute the traditional under- the health care arena treatments which
standing of the objective content of a are considered morally obligatory are
moral action: (1) the end of the action termed “ordinary” whereas those that
itself (the “object” of the action); (2) the are supplemental are termed “extraor-
circumstances surrounding the agent in dinary.” This expression was also used
the commission of the action; and (3) by Pope Benedict XVI in his 2007 Motu
the intention, purpose, or motive of the proprio (q.v.) Summorum Pontificum,
agent in committing said action. See in which he extended permission to all
also Actus non facit reum, nisi mens sit priests in the Latin Rite to celebrate the
rea; In se sed non propter se; and In- Missale Romanum, the Tridentine Latin
trinsece malum. Mass, as a forma extraordinaria. See
also Ad orientem, Cappa magna, Coram
Cardinale/Coram Episcopo, Coetus fi-
Forma Antiquior delium, Forma Antiquior, Missale Ro-
Older form manum, Novus Ordo, Nulla Veritas sine
This expression is often used inter- Traditione, Sacrosanctum concilium,
changeably with Usus Antiquior (q.v.) Summorum Pontificum, Tu Es Petrus,
to refer to the pre–Vatican II Latin Tri- Universae Ecclesiae, Usus Antiquior,
dentine Mass. Pope Benedict XVI is- and Versus populum.
sued his 2007 Motu proprio (q.v.)
Summorum Pontificum which allowed
Forma mentis
for a more liberal celebration of this
Form of the mind
Rite, calling it a Forma extraordinaria
(q.v.) of the liturgy. See also Ad orien- Refers to a mind-set, worldview, or gen-
tem, Cappa magna, Coram Cardinale/ eral way of perceiving an issue or larger
Coram Episcopo, Coetus fidelium, Mis- concept.
sale Romanum, Novus Ordo, Nulla
Veritas sine Traditione, Sacrosanctum Forum externum/internum
concilium, Summorum Pontificum, External/internal forum
Quidquid latine dictum sit altum vide-
tur, Tu Es Petrus, Universae Ecclesiae, The external forum (outward sphere) is
Usus Antiquior, and Versus populum. oriented primarily to objective law,
whereas the internal forum (inward
sphere) refers primarily to the interior
Forma extraordinaria acceptance by a person in the freedom
Extraordinary form of his or her conscience. This concept
Though this is a literal translation of a has great importance in canon law, and
common ecclesial concept, this transla- especially in confessional situations. In
tion may be misleading in English. “Ex- case of some conflict between the two
traordinary” in theological language spheres, the inward attitude signified by
Fuga mundi 87

the internal forum is judged to be of Fraternitas

greater importance since it aims at ac- Fraternity
ceptance by a person’s conscience, the Refers to a spirit and/or principle of
deepest and most privileged forum of egalitarianism, in distinction to a hier-
law. archical principle of organization. For
example, St. Francis of Assisi would
Fractio panis refer to his band of friars as a fraterni-
Breaking of the bread tas. See also Cursus honorum.
Refers to the Fraction Rite in which the
consecrated eucharistic bread is broken Fuga mundi
during the liturgy prior to distribution Flight from the world
in Holy Communion. This Fraction Rite An aspect of desert and/or monastic
symbolizes that the Body of Christ has spirituality which stressed the monastic
been broken for us. The Fraction Rite life as a separation from the cares and
comes as the community prays the concerns of the secular life. See also
Agnus Dei (q.v.), the Lamb of God. Extra mundum nulla salus.
Gaudet Mater Ecclesia with Christmas in Advent or Easter in
Mother Church Rejoices Lent, and thus they should be encour-
The October 11, 1962, Opening Ad- aged to continue in their preparations to
dress of Vatican II delivered by Blessed welcome the Lord by redoubling their
Pope John XXIII in which he critiqued efforts at penance and renewal. See also
“prophets of doom who are always fore- Adventus, Gaudium et spes, Gaudium
casting disaster” while encouraging the de veritate, and Laetare.
council fathers “to use the medicine of
mercy rather than the weapons of sever- Gaudium
ity” in their pastoral approach. See also Joy
Gaudium et spes. Depending on the context used, this term
can have a positive or negative meaning.
Joy, of course, is normally understood in
positive terms, but the expression was
also used in manualist moral theology to
Expression used to mark the Third Sun- denote the perverted enjoyment in recol-
day of Advent, usually called Gaudete lecting sins already committed. In this
Sunday, and symbolically marked by a latter context, see also Delectatio morosa
rose-colored candle in the four-candle and Desiderium.
Advent wreath as well as the optional
wearing of rose-colored vestments in Gaudium de veritate
place of the deep purple worn on the Delight in the truth
other days of Advent. These vestments
can also be worn on the Fourth Sunday Reference to 1 Corinthians 13:6 as well
of Lent, called Laetare Sunday. How- as to the Augustinian definition of real
ever, since these vestments are worn happiness or beatitude. See also Gaud-
only on two days in the entire liturgical ete and Laetare.
year many parishes opt not to incur the
cost of procuring these optional vest- Gaudium et spes
ments. The special meaning of these Joy and hope
“Rose” Sundays is to indicate to the Vatican II’s Pastoral Constitution on the
Christian community that their period Church in the Modern World (1965). At
of waiting is coming to an end, either the Council there was a sharp debate over
Gloria in excelsis Deo 89

the initial words of this constitution since closer related to the notions of finis ope-
that word choice would determine the ris and finis operanatis (q.v.) and thus
common “title” of the document and also to concepts of “direct” and “indi-
would give an initial “spin” on the docu- rect” in terms of moral intentionality.
ment’s thrust. Some church fathers pre- See also Ea (eorum) quae sunt ad finem,
ferred the document begin instead with Obiectum actus, and Voluntarium direc-
luctus et angor (q.v. “griefs and the anx- tum/indirectum.
ieties”) but ultimately the more positive
pair carried the day. See also Gaudete, Genus naturae
Gaudet Mater Ecclesia, and Laetare. The natural genus (of an act)
Refers to what is actually accomplished
Generaliter by a certain action. See Genus morum
Generally above and the related terms in that dis-
E.g., holds as a general rule (to be true, cussion.
binding, etc.), though not necessarily in
each and every instance. See also Sem- Gloria Dei vivens homo
per sed non pro semper and Sic et sim- The glory of God is the human
pliciter. See also Totaliter. person fully alive
Irenaeus, Against Heresies (Adversus
Generatio prolis Haereses, bk. 4, ch. 20, sec. 7), and re-
Generation of offspring fers to the theological principle which
Generatio prolis refers to the biological holds that which most gives God praise
generation or production of offspring. and glory is genuine human flourishing.
The moral concept of the bonum prolis Therefore, that which promotes true
(q.v.) refers rather to the end of mar- human values will at the same time give
riage as a union of love out of which God glory and best express God’s will
children are conceived, brought into the for humankind. The full treatment of this
world, nurtured and raised. See also axiom though indicates a relational rec-
Sine prole. iprocity, namely that likewise our human
“end” or purpose will be to see God and
Genus moris/morum ultimately be united with Him. There-
Moral genus fore, we are exhorted to act and become
truly human so we can more fully and
Refers to the moral nature or structure
easily reach our proper end. See also
of a given act, which is found by looking
Deus non impossibilia non iubet.
at not only the act itself but also the in-
tention and circumstance (the so-called
“fonts of morality” [fontes moralitatis, Gloria in excelsis Deo
q.v.]). The genus morum is distinguished Glory to God in the highest
by the genus naturae which looks pri- Opening words intoned by the priest of
marily to what is actually accomplished the hymn in the Latin Eucharist. The
in the act itself. This basic distinction is hymn itself is often referred to simply
90  Gloria Patri

as the Gloria. These words come from sacraments but may be found in a vari-
the Latin Vulgate’s translation of Luke ety of other occasions and means.
2:14, recording the words spoken by the
angels to the shepherds in announcing
Gratia elevans
Jesus’ birth.
Elevating grace
Gloria Patri Aspect of what is sometimes called “ac-
Glory be to the Father tual grace,” i.e., that part of God’s grace
which raises us above the level of
Opening words of the doxology, Gloria
natural reason and morality and helps
Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut
us so that we might reach the true end
erat in principio, et nunc et semper, et
God has ordained for us. See also Gra-
in saecula saeculorum (Glory be to the
tia operans, Gratia sanans, and Gratia
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As
supponit naturam et perficit eam.
it was in the beginning, is now and ever
shall be, world without end).
Gratia increata
Gratia Uncreated grace
Grace Refers to God as God-self, as distin-
The commonest theological translation guished from created grace, i.e., sanc-
of gratia is “grace,” but the Latin word tifying grace, which is shared by God
has a wide variety of other meanings with humanity. See also Gratia elevans,
and usages, such as “charm,” “loveli- Gratia operans, Gratia sanans, and
ness,” “thanks,” “gratitude,” “cause,” Gratia supponit naturam et perficit
“reason,” “motive,” and many more. eam.

Gratia data Gratia non tollit naturam,

Grace given
sed perficit
Refers to that which is freely given by Grace does not destroy nature, but
God as a special gift or grace to an in- perfects it
dividual. Not every person receives the
Essentially the same idea expressed in
exact same set of graces or gifts, but
the adage Gratia supponit naturam et
they all come from the same Holy Spirit
perficit eam. Grace builds on human
and are to be exercised for the benefit
nature, and therefore does not obliterate
of the community (cf. 1 Cor 12:10-11).
human nature, but rather moves human
nature to its completion, wholeness, and
Gratia Dei non est alligata perfection—which is its Summum
sacramentis Bonum (q.v.), namely full union with
God’s grace is not confined to the God. See also Exitus et reditus, Finis
sacraments ultimus, Gratia elevans, Gratia oper-
This adage indicates that God’s grace ans, Gratia sanans, and Gratia supponit
and action are not limited to the seven naturam et perficit eam.
Graviora delicta 91

Gratia operans tent. For example, if a priest learns

Grace which is operating/working through an individual’s confession that
Augustinian concept of grace which the marriage she or he is planning would
was further elaborated upon by Thomas be invalid due to some impediment, the
Aquinas (cf. especially Summa Theolo- priest cannot act publicly in any way to
giae I–II, Question 111) which indi- prevent that marriage from taking place.
cates that grace builds upon our human He could, however, counsel against the
nature and works to perfect or complete marriage in the confessional forum
that nature. See also Gratia elevans, itself. See also Cum gravamine poeni-
Gratia sanans, and Gratia supponit tentis (paenitentis) and Prodere pecca-
naturam et perficit eam. torem, Proditio peccatoris.

Gratia sanans Graviora delicta

Healing grace Most grave crimes
Aspect of God’s grace which heals our This expression is used in canon law to
broken and sinful human nature. See refer to “delicts” or “crimes” of a more
also Gratia elevans, Gratia operans, serious nature and which therefore call
and Gratia supponit naturam et perficit for special adjudication and/or penal-
eam. ties. For example, the crime of using the
sacrament of reconciliation or the place
Gratia supponit naturam et perficit of the confessional to solicit someone
eam for sexual purposes is one of these
Grace builds on nature and per- Graviora delicta. As such, and in con-
fects it nection with the sexual abuse crisis
which came to light in the church in the
Essentially the same idea expressed in 1990s, Pope John Paul II issued in 2001
the adage Gratia non tollet naturam, a special document, motu proprio (q.v.),
sed perficit (q.v.). See also Gratia el- titled Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tu-
evans, Gratia operans, Gratia sanans, tela (q.v., Safeguarding of the Sanctity
and Gratia supponit naturam sed per- of the Sacraments), which established
ficit. procedural norms for handling of the
reporting and follow-up of charges of
Gravamen sexual abuse by priests. In July 2012,
Heaviness, burden, hardship, Cardinal Raymond Burke, prefect of the
trouble, or complaint Apostolica Signatura (q.v.), included
Referred to the use of knowledge ob- leaking Vatican correspondence among
tained in the confessional which might these crimes. See also Corpus delicti,
be “harmful” or “burdensome” to the Crimen sollicitationis, Delicta grav-
penitent. Such use was forbidden and iora, Epistula de delictis gravioribus,
falls under the seal of the confessional, Graviora delicta, Graviter et dolose,
even if use of such knowledge might In flagrante delicto, Peccata criminalia,
prevent a more serious harm to the peni- Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela,
92  Graviore culpa, graviore poena

Secretum pontificium, Sub secreto pon- narrow sense of application, while on

tificio, and Sub rosa. the other hand favors are to be widely
applied. See also Exceptio firmat regu-
Graviore culpa, graviore poena lam; Notaria non egent probatione;
The greater the offense the and Odia restringi, et favores convenit
heavier the penalty ampliari.
Basic legal axiom that corresponds with
our adage “let the punishment fit the Gravissimum educationis
crime.” See also Actus non facit reum The gravity (importance) of
nisi mens sit rea, Corpus delicti, Cri- education
men sollicitationis, Delicta graviora, Vatican II’s Declaration on Christian
Epistula de delictis gravioribus, Grav- Education (1965).
iore culpa graviore poena, Graviter et
dolose, In flagrante delicto, Peccata Graviter et dolose
criminalia, and Sacramentorum sanc- Gravely and maliciously
titatis tutela. Expression which brings together at
least two of the three traditional criteria
Gravis neccessitas for mortal sin, namely grave (very seri-
Grave necessity ous) matter and sufficient knowledge
A somewhat subjective concept often (and possibly consent). I.e., an action
found in canon law and/or moral the- which is very seriously sinful in terms
ology that refers to mitigating or ex- of its object and which is also done will-
tenuating circumstances which would fully (“maliciously”). This expression
come into consideration in the applica- is found in canon law as an interpreta-
tion, or non-application, of a general tive guide in determining juridical cul-
norm and particular law. Thus, Canon pability for an action performed. For
961 of the 1983 Code states that general example, if an individual did not per-
absolution normally cannot be given form an action with either full knowl-
unless one or more of a variety of cir- edge and/or consent, which otherwise
cumstances are present, such as “grave might be considered to be seriously sin-
necessity” such as a large number of ful, this lack of “maliciousness” would
penitents without a sufficient number render him/her less culpable in terms of
of confessors available. This concept being subject to certain penal sanctions.
should be read in conjunction with the An example from the 1983 C.I.C. (Code
general canonical principle of Odia re- of Canon Law) is expressed in canon
stringi, et favores convenit ampliari 1041 §5 which indicates that a man in-
(q.v.), namely that “Burdens (odious curs an impediment to receiving sacred
things) are to be restricted, and favors orders if he “has mutilated himself or
(privileges) are to be multiplied (or ex- another gravely and maliciously
tended),” a basic principle of canon law (graviter et dolose). . . .” See also
interpretation which holds that burdens Contra naturam, Graviora delicta, In
or strictures are to be interpreted in a flagrante delicto, Intrinsece malum in
Gremiale 93

se, Materia levis (gravis), and Peccata on the bishop’s lap in an ordination
contra naturam sunt gravissima. ceremony to protect his vestments from
stains during the anointing of the hands
Gremiale of a priest during the ordination rite.
Lap cloth Gremiale is also rendered as gremial in
Refers to a small cloth which is placed English.
Habeas corpus ing difficult to translate into a single
You may have the body English word. Habitus can refer to a
Common expression in civil law which moral habit, such as a virtue or vice
refers to a safeguard against illegal de- (i.e., “good” or “bad” habits), but on a
tention or imprisonment. According to deeper level habitus refers to the moral
a writ of habeas corpus, a prisoner must nature of human beings which is ori-
be brought before the court to be for- ented to moral action and which in turn
mally charged or else released. allows individual “habits” to be fos-
tered. Thus, habitus refers more prop-
Habemus Papam erly to the grounding of human moral
We have a pope striving. See also Habitus acquisitus.

Ritual expression used to announce the

Habitus acquisitus
election of a new pope to the waiting
Acquired habit
world at the conclusion of a papal con-
clave. The announcement is made from Based on the intrinsic moral quality of
the central logia of St. Peter’s Basilica human nature, called habitus (q.v.), cer-
to the waiting crowd gathered in the tain dispositions can be deepened by
square below (and those watching on constant repetition. If the disposition
television throughout the world). Fol- acted upon is good then the habitus ac-
lowing this announcement the new pope quisitus would be a virtue, if the dispo-
delivers his first discourse and his first sition acted is bad then the habitus
papal blessing, urbi et orbi (q.v.), to the acquisitus would be a vice.
city of Rome (urbi) as its new bishop
and to the whole world (orbi) as the new Habitus infusus
head of the universal church. See also Infused habit
Sede vacante and Urbi et orbi. A supernatural virtue, such as faith,
hope, or charity, which is not “acquired”
Habitus through repetition of an act, but is gra-
Habit ciously infused (given directly) by God
Though “habit” is the most obvious En- to the human person so that he or she
glish cognate for this Latin term, the can have the very ability to perform acts
Latin concept carries a range of mean- which correspond to that particular
Homo 95

virtue (e.g., to believe in faith, to hope, Hierarchiam veritatem

and to love). Hierarchy (ordering) of truths
Expression used in Vatican II’s Decree
Hanc igitur on Ecumenism Unitatis redingratio #11
This therefore (q.v.) which refers to the long-standing
Opening words (“This therefore”) of the principle of Catholic dogma that there
presider’s prayer during the Latin Eu- is a relative importance among the
charist recited immediately before the various truths of the faith. For example,
institution narrative of the consecration. the names of the twelve apostles would
At the words hanc igitur a bell was rung be far less important than the fact of the
by the altar server to alert the congrega- resurrection. This is a helpful principle
tion to the oncoming consecration of to keep in mind not only in ecumenical
the host and wine into the Body and and interreligious dialogue but also in
Blood of the Lord. Hanc igitur became any disputes or disagreements about
a shorthand expression for both this particular approaches to theology. See
prayer and moment in the Eucharist. also Charisma veritatis; De fide definita;
Depositum fidei; In necessariis unitas,
Hic est enim calix Sanguinis Mei in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas;
This is the chalice of my blood Magisterium; Obsequium religiosum;
Odium theologicum; Quaestio dispu-
In the institution narrative of the Latin
tata; Sensus fidelium; Sententia probata;
Eucharist these are the initial words of
Status quaestionis; Theologice certa;
blessing spoken by the presider over the
and Unitatis redingratio.
wine. The institution narrative refers to
Jesus’ own words used at the Last Sup-
per, which are used as the words of Hoc est enim Corpus Meum
blessing which change the bread and This is My Body
wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. In the institution narrative of the Latin
Eucharist, these are the concluding
Hic et nunc words of blessing spoken by the pre-
Here and now sider over the bread. See also Hic est
This expression denotes something that enim calix Sanguinis Mei.
is to be done now and/or refers to the
concrete situation at hand. Homo
Human being
Hic sunt dracones This is a very common Latin word
Here there be dragons which refers to the human being as a
Used by medieval cartographers to label person. In older (and noninclusive)
unknown parts of the world and meta- translations, homo was usually rendered
phorically employed since to highlight as “man.” The Latin word homo does
fear of the unknown or resistance to not refer to an individual’s sexual ori-
change. See also Semper idem. entation to members of the same sex;
96  Homo assumptus

this use of the term homo is derived tion of expressions such as “new per-
instead from the Greek, and in the son” (cf. Eph. 2:15) and/or “new
Greek homo means to be the “same” or creation” (cf. 2 Cor 5:17 and Gal 6:15).
“similar.” Thus, a “homosexual” would
be one whose primary sexual orienta- Homo sapiens
tion is directed toward members of the The human knowing person
“same” sex. The standard scientific designation for
the human species, i.e., the subgroup of
Homo assumptus the genus homo, which is distinguished
Christological heresy which denies the by its rational powers that other animals
dual nature of Jesus Christ (both human in the same genus lack.
and divine) and posits instead that the
Divine Son did not actually take on Homo unius libri
human nature but merely “assumed” an A person of one book
already existing human being. This ex- Refers to the Protestant Reformation
pression appeared in the critique by the position on the supremacy and finality
Congregation for the Doctrine of the of biblical authority, i.e., to need re-
Faith of Jon Sobrino’s “low Christology.” course just to “one book” (the Bible).
See also Communicatio idiomatum. Can also be used ironically to refer to
someone who is not widely read and
Homo homini lupus relies on just one source or influence
The human person is as a wolf to for his or her thought. See also Sola
other humans scriptura.
Rather pessimistic traditional adage
about the savage and adversarial social Homo viator
aspect of human behavior in which one A wayfarer
person “devours” another. See Viator.

Homo ludens Homoexualitatis problema

The human person as one who The problem of homosexuality
Official Latin title of the Congregation
This refers to an important dimension for the Doctrine of the Faith’s 1986 Let-
of being a human, namely that leisure ter to Bishops on the Pastoral Care of
and recreation are essential and indis- Homosexual Persons, which outlined
pensible elements of human existence. serious concerns in pastoral leniency in
dealing with gay men and women but
Homo novus which confirmed the earlier position of
New person Persona humana #8 (q.v.) that sexual
Pauline concept of the human person as orientation is not usually a matter of
a new creation in Christ. The expression personal choice or the result of personal
comes from the Latin Vulgate’s transla- sinful actions.
Humani generis 97

Honoris causa ministration (2001–9) as legitimization

For the sake of honor for torture of al Qaeda suspects in the
Refers to something, such as an academic “War on Terror,” the Catholic moral
degree, awarded as an honor and in rec- tradition would not condone such an
ognition for some special achievement. interpretation. See also Tyrannus in
Thus, “Catholic University awarded a titula, Tyrannus in regimine.
doctorate honoris causa to Dorothy Day”
in recognition of her service to the church Hucusque vigens
through the Catholic Worker Movement In force until now
(rather than as an “earned” degree in Expression often used to mark a change
some academic subject). in law in policy which had been in force
until the present but which is now being
Hospes venit, Christus venit abrogated, superceded, or modified. See
(When) a guest comes, Christ also Donec aliter provideatur, Ius vi-
comes gens, Lex non obligat nisi promulgata,
Traditional maxim of hospitality, de- and Vacatio legis.
rived from the Rule of St. Benedict, that
indicates that in receiving guests one Humanae vitae
should receive them as if Christ himself Of human life
had come. Occasionally this maxim is Paul VI’s encyclical On the Regulation
altered to hospes venit, hostis venit of Births, in which the traditional ban
(When a guest comes, an enemy comes) against any use of artificial means of
to refer to either cold hospitality or the contraception is reiterated (1968), pro-
difficulties associated with hosting un- nouncing such usage to be an intrinsice
wanted guests. inhonestum (q.v., intrinsically dishonest),
though not an intrinsece malum (q.v.,
Hostis humani generis intrinsically evil). This pronouncement
Enemy of the human race has continued to be the locus of much
debate and disagreement, and though
Expression used by some to justify sus-
Paul VI reigned another ten years as
pension of rules of warfare, such as the
pope, this was his last encyclical.
Geneva conventions, or proscriptions
against torture if the individual being
subjected to “enhanced interrogation Humani generis
techniques” were considered to be a ter- The human race
rorist capable of harming or killing a Encyclical of Pope Pius XII that
large number of people. This expression strongly criticized certain new theo-
is also tied to creating supposed excep- logical trends such as the nouvelle the-
tions to the considerations of the Just ologie which originated in France.
War Theory, especially the ius in bello Moreover, this encyclical contained an
criterion. Though this category was em- affirmation that whenever the pope pro-
ployed by the the George W. Bush ad- nounces on a theological point which
98  Humano modo

has been under debate the debate is seen in advance, some of which might
closed and no further contrary opinion render the fulfillment of the commit-
should be voiced (1950). ment impossible or even immoral. The
expression also refers to the particularly
Humano modo “human” way certain actions should be
In a human mode (or way) performed, respecting the humanity of
Philosophical expression of human an- the individual(s). Thus, while marital
thropology which indicates that humans rape might be open to procreation and
can only be expected to act and meet the partners sacramentally married to
moral obligations in a human manner, each other, if force or violence were
which will be necessarily limited and employed then this would violate the
to some degree imperfect. An example humano modo moral criterion of the act.
given in some moral manuals was that Church teaching has evolved over the
of permanent commitments made in years to appreciate this last point. See
religious vows, clerical celibacy, or also Agere sequitur esse, Deus impos-
marriage. It was argued that since only sibilia non iubet, Lex sequitur esse, Lex
absolute beings (like God) could make spectat naturae ordinem, Operari se-
absolute commitments, the best that quitur esse, Quidquid percipitur ad
humans could do would be to make per- modum percipientis percipitur,
manent commitments in humano modo, Quidquid recipitur ad modum recipien-
which recognized that not every pos- tis recipitur, and Ultra posse (or vires)
sible set of circumstances could be fore- nemo obligatur.

I.a. Id est
Among others That is
Latin abbreviation for inter alia (among See I.e.
other things) or inter alios (among other
persons), and is used to denote a group- Idem
ing together of similar items, persons, The same
etc. Thus, “important contemporary Occasionally abbreviated as id., this
moral theologians, i.a. Häring, Fuchs, term is used in scholarly works to refer
McCormick, hold that this position is to works written by the same author. For
untenable” means that a number of correct usage, see an accepted manual
moral theologians, including the of style, such as The Chicago Manual
examples named, hold this position. of Style.

Ibid. I.e.
In the same place That is
Latin abbreviation of ibidem, and refers Common abbreviation of id est, which
to a citation that is found in the same is used in English to clarify further a
text, work, or location as the citation statement made. Thus, “At the foot of
immediately prior to the citation in the Cross stood Mary, i.e., the mother
question. For the correct usage of ibid. of Jesus, along with Mary Magdalene
and related scholarly terms such as and Mary, the wife of Clopas.” (Cf.
idem, loc. cit., and op. cit., it is impor- John 19:25). See also E.g.
tant to consult an accepted manual of
style, such as The Chicago Manual of Ignorantes
Style. The ignorant ones
Theologically, this term is usually used
Ibidem to refer to individuals who do not know
In the same place a truth of the faith or morals, usually
See Ibid. through no fault of their own. See the
100  Ignorantia elenchi

longer discussion under Sine culpa, as deliberately to act against it, he would
well as the related terms of Extra eccle- condemn himself. Yet it can happen that
sia nulla salus and Ingnorantia invinci- moral conscience remains in ignorance
bilis. See also Limbus and Mens rea. and makes erroneous judgments about
acts to be performed or already commit-
Ignorantia elenchi ted.” See also Culpa; Extra ecclesia
Ignorance (or ignoring) of the nulla salus; Ignorantia legis neminem
rules of logical refutation or proof exusat; Ignorantes; Limbus; Mens rea;
(elenchos, elegco~ in Greek) Sine culpa; and Ubi non est culpa, ibi
This term is usually used to critique non est delictum.
someone or some argument that either
overlooks key elements or which other- Ignorantia legis neminem exusat
wise seems to violate the basic tenets of Ignorance of the law excuses no
logic. See also Ex scientia praesumitur one
consensus; Facta non praesumuntur sed This adage is similar to our Anglo-
probantur; Falsus in uno falsus in om- American juridical principle of “Igno-
nibus; and Parvus error in principiis, rance of the law is no excuse,” though
magnus error in conclusionibus. in canon law certain penalties, e.g.,
latae sententiae (q.v.), do not hold if the
Ignorantia invincibilis individual was inculpably aware of
Invincible ignorance them (cf. C.I.C. #1323–24). Similarly,
This term has two primary theological in moral theology ignorantia invincibi-
usages. First, it can refer to those who lis (q.v., “invincible ignorance”) does
through no fault of their own have not “excuse” one from moral culpability
had the Gospel message effectively (cf. CCC #1793).
preached to them and so cannot respond
in faith to the truth of the Christian faith.
For a further discussion of this point see
especially Extra ecclesia nulla salus and Comes from the first three letters of
Sine culpa. The second usage relates to Jesus in Greek (IHSOÁS) and thus is
conscience and moral theology in which not Latin, as is often mistakenly be-
an individual is required always to fol- lieved. See In hoc signo vinces.
low one’s “certain” judgment of con-
science, even if this should be in Imago Dei
objective error. The error in this instance Image of God
is explained as being due to invincible Basic Judeo-Christian tenet of theo-
ignorance. For a fuller discussion of this logical anthropology. We are made in
point see Gaudium et spes #16 as well the image of God (cf. Genesis 1:26),
as the Catechism of the Catholic and thus in our being and action we are
Church #1790, which states “A human called to image God’s own holiness.
being must always obey the certain The imago Dei furnishes a basic theo-
judgment of his conscience. If he were logical symbol and grounding for
In articulo mortis 101

human dignity and the rights of persons. Nemo tenetur ad impossibile, Qui tene-
Because humans are created in the tur ad finem tenetur ad media, and
image of God they are to be treated with Ultra posse (or vires) nemo obligatur.
dignity and accorded basic rights. See
also Similtudo Dei. Imprimatur
Let it be printed
Imitatio Christi See Nihil obstat.
The imitation of Christ
Maxim associated with spirituality Imprimi potest
which stresses the meditation on the life It can be printed
of Christ and modeling of Christian dis- See Nihil obstat.
cipleship upon the human portrait of
Jesus found in the Gospels. See also
In absentia
Devotio moderna, Sequela Christi, and
In (one’s) absence
Via Dolorosa.
Something that is done when the person
in question is not physically present but
Impedimenta libertatis
which still carries effective force. Thus,
Impediments to freedom
“the student was awarded her degree in
Those conditions or factors which are absentia” means the student officially
understood to reduce or block one’s graduated, even though she was not
freedom, both morally and physically. physically present to receive her diploma.
One’s moral responsibility for a given
action or state of affairs can be thus re- In abstracto
duced or eliminated due to these im- In the abstract
pedimenta libertatis. See also Liberum
arbitrium and Moralis impossibilitas. Argument based on abstract or specu-
lative considerations, which may yield
different conclusions if considered from
Impossibilium nulla obligatio (est)
the viewpoint of concrete, real-life cir-
Nothing impossible can oblige
cumstances. See also In concreto.
It is important to remember that in
moral theology this “impossibility” is In aeternum
not just that which is physically impos- In eternity
sible (such as flying unaided) but also
that which was termed “morally impos- Forever and ever, without end.
sible” and interpreted to mean that
which would be very difficult or repug- In articulo mortis
nant to do, short of heroic virtue. See In the moment of death
also Deus impossibilia non iubet, Hu- Refers to the imminent danger of death
mano modo, Lex non intendit impossi- (usually due to illness or serious injury).
bile, Lex spectat naturae ordinem, See also Articulum mortis, In extremis,
Nemo potest ad impossibile obligari, and In periculo mortis.
102  In casibus urgentioribus

In casibus urgentioribus In dubio factum non praesumitur

In more urgent cases sed probatur
This expression usually is found in the In doubt a fact is not presumed
context of interpreting certain restric- but must be proved
tions in canon law. For example, while This axiom is applied in both moral the-
a certain practice might generally be ology and canon law to refer to cases in
forbidden (like giving general absolu- which the “law” might be doubtful as to
tion) it can be given in casibus urgenti- whether it actually applies in a particular
oribus. Exactly what constituted case or not. Thus, if there is genuine
legitimate “urgency” was a matter of doubt about the “facts” that would
some debate, and certainly anything ground the obligation then one cannot
seen to be in danger of death (in peri- simply “presume” the facts as a way of
culo mortis) would be a clear example, removing the doubt, but one must actu-
but most canonists and moral theolo- ally prove the facts before removing the
gians would interpret this axiom much doubt about the obligation of the law.
more widely, e.g., when it would be See also Da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius;
subjectively difficult for penitents to Dubium facti; Dubium juris; Lex dubia
remain without benefit of individual non obligat; Melior est conditio possi-
confession even for a period of some dentis; and Sententia incerta non valet.
few days. See also In extremis; In peri-
culo mortis; and Odia restringi, et fa- In dubio favores sunt amplificandi,
vores convenit ampliari. odiosa restrigenda
In matters of doubt favors are
given a broad interpretation (or
In concreto
application) and burdensome
In the concrete
things a strict (and narrow)
Refers to the concrete, real situation, interpretation (or application)
rather than an abstract or speculative
This axiom is essentially the same as
position. See also In abstracto.
the Odia restringi, et favores convenit
ampliari (q.v.) found in canon 18 of the
In credendo falli nequit 1983 Code of Canon Law (cf. canon 68
Cannot fail in belief of the 1917 Code). See also Cessante
fine cessat lex, Consuetudo optima
Expression found in Lumen gentium
legum interpres, Dubium facti, Dubium
#12 (q.v.) which speaks of the share of
juris, In dubio factum non praesumitur
the people of God in Christ’s prophetic
sed probatur, Lex dubia non obligat,
office and which group as a whole can-
Melior est conditio possidentis, and
not fail in their belief in the Word of
Sententia incerta non valet.
God. See also Auditus fidei, Fides qua/
Fides quae, Fides quae creditur, Fides
quarens intellectum, Indefectabiliter In dubio melior est conditio
adhaeret, Intellectus fidei, and Sensus possidentis
fidelium. See Melior est conditio possidentis.
In fide, unitas; in dubiis, libertas; in omnibus, caritas 103

In dubio pars tutior sequenda this position in his moral manual, Theo-
In matters of doubt the safer part logiae Moralis Summa II, #1532–36
is to be followed (Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristia-
This was a practical axiom in moral the- nos, 1957): pp. 683–95. A contrasting
ology that addressed issues of doubt as position, Permissum est furari non
to the applicability of a certain law or solum in extrema necessitate sed etiam
discipline. In cases of practical doubt, in grave, held that it was not required to
and where no harm would be done by have “extreme” need but only “grave”
following a stricter course of action, one need. This position was ultimately con-
should follow this “safer” course. For demned by Pope Innocent XI. See also
example, if one were in doubt about the larger discussion under Quod in ne-
whether one were bound to abstain from cessitate sunt omnia communia and
meat on a given day, and if the doubt Epikeia, Necessitas est lex temporis et
could not be clarified, then prudently loci, Necessitas non habet legem, and
one should abstain from meat, since Quod non licitum est in lege necessitas
nothing would be lost by doing so. facit licitum.
However, see also In dubio factum non
praesumitur sed probatur, Lex dubia In extremis
non obligat, Melior est conditio possi- In an extreme (situation)
dentis, and Sententia incerta non valet. Refers to any extreme situation, e.g., at
the point of death, or when one is in a
In extrema necessitate omnia, desperate situation. Also used in canon
societati humanae destinata, sunt law to designate extraordinary circum-
stances in which an otherwise illicit ac-
tion may be performed. For example,
In extreme necessity all goods,
common absolution may be given in
destined for a human society, are
extremis when there are insufficient
numbers of priests available to confess
This position builds on Thomas Aqui- a large number of penitents or in the
nas’ understanding that private property case of extreme emergency (such as
is not an absolute right, but only relative. war, an accident, etc.). See also Articu-
The purpose of material goods is for the lum mortis and In periculo mortis.
creation of a truly human society, and
thus if there is extreme need or want on
the part of any individual or group, then In fide, unitas; in dubiis, libertas;
this situation would indicate that the in omnibus, caritas
proper end of the material goods was not In faith, unity; in doubt, liberty; in
being met. In such a situation it would all things, charity
then be considered morally legitimate to Attributed to St. Augustine, this is an
take those necessary goods, even if the important principle of Christian dis-
owner were unwilling (or unaware) of cernment: unity in faith is important,
their appropriation in these circum- but in cases of doubt a plurality of opin-
stances. Marcelino Zalba, SJ, articulated ions and practices should be allowed,
104  In flagrante delicto

and the overriding principle must al- document or act or law (e.g., which
ways be charity toward each other. See comes from some Vatican dicastery, such
also In necessariis unitas, in dubiis as the Congregation for the Doctrine of
libertas, in omnibus caritas and Odium the Faith) that is given in forma specifica
theologicum. means that the pope has approved this
document, act, or law in a special way,
In flagrante delicto such that no further appeal to the pope
In blazing (obvious) crime directly is possible (unless the pope him-
Refers to someone caught red-handed self should specifically mandate such an
or while clearly in the process of com- appeal). The expression in forma spe-
mitting some offense. See also Corpus cifica indicates that the pope has re-
delicti and Graviora delicta. viewed the document and makes it his
own by express approbation, and thus the
In forma communi document acquires the canonical force of
In common (usual) form a formal papal act (cf. C.I.C. canons 1404
This expression refers to the usual way and 1405, §2). To carry the added weight
in which Vatican curial documents are of in forma specifica the document must
received by the pope and subsequently carry this precise formula: in forma spe-
published. The expression in forma cifica approbavit; otherwise the docu-
communi indicates that the pope has ment would be understood to be approved
reviewed it and orders it to be pub- in forma communi (q.v.). The 1997
lished, but the document itself retains Vatican instruction On Certain Questions
the juridical weight of the particular Regarding Collaboration of the Non-
curial dicastery which has formulated Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry
the document and does not carry the of the Priest was signed by the Cardinals
added weight of a papal document or Prefect of eight different Vatican dicaster-
papal act. However, if the pope were to ies (including the Congregation for the
approve a curial document in forma Doctrine of the Faith, etc.) and was issued
specifica (q.v.) the particular document in forma specifica. The text of this
then does carry the weight of a formal Vatican instruction can be found in Ori-
papal document or act. To carry the gins 27 (27 November 1997): 397; 399–
added weight of in forma specifica the 409. For an excellent article analyzing
document must carry this precise for- this particular document and a fuller ex-
mula: in forma specifica approbavit; planation of the relevant canonical termi-
otherwise the document would be nology, see John M. Huels, “Interpreting
understood to be approved in forma an Instruction Approved in forma spe-
communi. See also In forma specifica. cifica,” Studia canonica 32 (1998): 5–46.
See also In forma communi and Prima
In forma specifica sedes a nemine iudicatur.
In specific form
This is a legislative term associated pri- In globo
marily with canon law. An ecclesial In a ball
In paradisum 105

Refers to something taken together as a Refers to some person or institution

group, or “globally,” rather than indi- which has the responsibilities of a par-
vidually. ent in the care of a child. A university
may have presumptive guardianship in
In hoc signo vinces loco parentis of its students who are
In this sign you shall conquer under the legal age of adulthood and
therefore may be held responsible for
Refers to the vision which Constantine certain actions committed by these stu-
saw in heaven prior to his successful dents while they are on campus.
Battle of the Milvian Bridge in AD 312,
in which he established his power as In memoriam
Roman Emperor. Based on his vision that In the memory of
“in this sign you shall conquer” (VEn twÊ
nika in Greek), Constantine inscribed on Often found in dedications, inscrip-
the soldiers’ standards the first two letters tions, etc., of some monument or work
of “Christ” (CRISTOS) in Greek (C of art done in memory of a deceased
[Chi] and R [Rho]). The monogram of person.
this superimposed Chi-Rho has become
In necessariis unitas, in dubiis
a familiar symbol for the name of Christ,
and Constantine’s usage came to be
libertas, in omnibus caritas
In essential (necessary) matters
known as the Labarum (for “standard” in
unity, in doubtful matters freedom
Latin). The Latin version of VEn twÛ nika
(liberty), in all matters charity
(“in this sign you shall conquer”) is in
hoc signo vinces, and the first three letters Well-known theological saying of Au-
of the Latin phrase, “IHS,” is commonly, gustine which is used as a principle for
though mistakenly, thought to be an ab- authentic ecumenism and as an antidote
breviation of in hoc signo vinces. (“IHS” to theological controversy. See also In
is actually the first three letters in Greek fide, unitas; in dubiis, libertas; in om-
for the name of “Jesus” [IHSOÁS]). nibus, caritas; Libertas est inaestima-
bilis; and Odium theologicum.
In loco Dei In nobis sine nobis
In the place of God
In us, without us
Refers not to idolatry, but to someone
Expression which refers to something
or something that takes or acts in the
that humans can possess in a human
place of God. A common example given
way, such as the infused theological
traditionally is the priest who in the sac-
virtues of faith, hope, and charity, but
rament of reconciliation acts to a certain
which have their origin outside of us,
extent in loco Dei in ministering God’s
i.e., as gifts of God. See also Gratia
forgiveness to the penitent.
supponit naturam et perficit eam.

In loco parentis In paradisum

In the place of a parent To paradise
106  In pectore

Refers to the first words of the hymn in presiding at the Eucharist, etc. One
which is traditionally sung at the end of of the theological arguments used
a funeral liturgy as the body is taken out against the possibility of the ordination
of the church, praying that the deceased of women is that a woman could not
be welcomed by the angels into heaven. stand in persona Christi since her gen-
See also Dies Irae and Lux Aeterna. der would preclude the necessary sym-
bolism of the role of a priest (i.e.,
In pectore “maleness” is seen in this view as es-
In the breast (heart) sential to acting in persona Christi in
the faith community). See also Alter
Refers to something held in secret. Oc-
Christus, Inter insigniores, and Ordi-
casionally the pope will name a cardinal
natio sacerdotalis.
in pectore, which means that this person
has been bestowed the dignity of the
In rebus fidei et morum
cardinalate, but for some reason (e.g.,
political persecution) it is inopportune (The church can authoritatively
that this bestowal become public. teach) “in matters of faith and
In periculo mortis See De rebus fidei et morum, De fide
In danger of death definita, and Ecclesia docens.
This term has an important legal dis-
tinction in that it applies not only to
In se
In, of itself
those who are physically near death, but
also includes those who, due to circum- Refers to the essential or inherent quality
stances like war or natural disasters, of something. In moral matters an act
might also be in some danger of death. that is intrinsece malum in se would be
Thus, in canon law when someone is an act inherently evil “in itself,” i.e., of
“in danger of death,” certain impedi- its very nature (and irrespective of ex-
ments and censures may be absolved tenuating circumstances and/or motives).
more easily, or by virtually any validly
ordained priest, or certain privileges In se et non in alio
more easily granted, such as general In itself and not in something else
absolution without individual confes- Refers to the characteristic of individual
sion. See also Articulum mortis, In ar- uniqueness.
ticulo mortis, and In extremis.
In se sed non propter se
In persona Christi In itself, but not because of itself
In the person of Christ Expression which refers to “toleration”
Standard theological expression for the or “intention” of some premoral or ontic
sacramental role played by the ordained evils, such as amputation of a diseased
priest in the community of the church, organ, which “evil” (the amputation)
i.e., one who stands in place of Christ would be “intended” but not as an end
In vino veritas 107

in itself (propter se) but as a means to In vestimentis non stat sapientia

some good end (recovery of health). mentis
This axiom is related to the principle of Wisdom (of the mind) does not
the double effect. For example, one lie in clothing (vestments)
could fully “intend” to commit an act,
Proverb which points to the fact that true
which under different circumstances
human wisdom is not necessarily found
could be considered “evil” (such as am-
in rich clothing, vestments, or the acqui-
putation of a gangrenous limb). How-
sition of offices. In other words, donning
ever, in this case the action of amputation
a miter does not ipso facto confer added
is not intended “for itself” because
wisdom to one’s words or decisions. See
(propter se) it is an amputation, but the
also Ordo sapientiae and Sapienti sat.
evil is tolerated for some other end (such
as saving the patient’s life). This is an
In Vetere Novum (Testamentum)
important principle in the evaluation of
moral actions. See also Actus non facit
latet, et in Novo Vetus patet
In the Old (Testament) the New
reum, nisi mens sit rea; Fontes morali-
(Testament) lies hidden, and in
tatis; and Intrinsece malum.
the New (Testament) the Old
(Testament) is unfolded
In situatione
In the (concrete) situation (or cir- Theological axiom which refers to the
cumstances) integral connection between the Old
Testament and the New Testament. For
This expression is used often in moral
Christians neither the Old Testament or
theology to refer to one of the three
the New Testament can be read and in-
“fonts” of morality (cf. Fontes morali-
terpreted apart from a consideration of
tatis) of moral action, namely, the act
the biblical message of the other Testa-
in itself, the intention of the moral agent
ment. See also Praeparatio evangelica.
in performing the act, and the circum-
stances in which the agent and the act
are located. This expression recognizes In via
that moral actions must take into ac- On the way
count the concrete circumstances of an Refers to something in process, not yet
action in order to come to a proper finished, or someone who has not yet
moral evaluation of the act and the reached the terminus of his or her jour-
agent’s intentions. See also Finis operis, ney. For Christians life on earth will al-
Finis operantis, Intrinsece malum in se, ways have a bit of a transitory character
and Voluntarium directum/indirectum. until creation is completed in the Second
Coming. See also Via and Viator.
In toto
In totality In vino veritas
Refers to something in its entirety, or In wine, truth
taken completely, on the whole, alto- Refers to the fact that people under the
gether. influence of alcohol are less inhibited
108  In vitro

and therefore more likely to tell the Inclinationes naturales

frank truth about what they feel or The natural inclinations (tenden-
believe. cies to an end)
Term associated with a certain under-
In vitro standing of the natural law which holds
In the glass (i.e., test tube) that one must always follow the “natural
Common expression related to some end” of a certain faculty in order to cor-
sort of artificial setting, such as labora- respond to God’s creative intention and
tory experimentation and/or technology. will (cf. Deus nihil facit inane). Follow-
For example, “in vitro fertilization” re- ing this view, for example, the marriage
fers to the process by which an egg is act, in its use of the sexual “faculty,”
fertilized by sperm in an artificial (“test- must always, in each and every in-
tube”) environment, and then implanted stance, be “open” to the possibility of
in the uterus where the pregnancy is the transmission of new life (cf. bonum
then carried to term in the normal fash- prolis). See also Appetitus rectus.
ion. In vitro fertilization was the subject
of Donum vitae, the 1987 document of
the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Inconsideratio regulae
Faith, and its follow-up in 2008 Digni- Lack of consideration of the rule
tas personae (q.v.). [of right reason]
St. Thomas Aquinas’ expression for the
Inaestimabile donum nature of sinful acts. That is, acts which
Inestimable gift fail to consider adequately in the light
of right reason that which is to be done
Congregation for Divine Worship’s in- (the good) or avoided (the evil).
struction on Certain Norms Concerning
the Eucharist (1980).
Indefectabiliter adhaeret
Incarnationis Mysterium Unfailingly adheres (to the faith)
The Mystery of the Incarnation Expression used in Lumen gentium #12
Papal bull of indiction of John Paul II (q.v.) to describe a key theological char-
issued on 29 November 1998, which acteristic of the church as the people of
gives the formal decree for the Jubilee God, namely that the whole people of
Year of 2000 (which began on 24 De- God “cannot fail in belief ” (in credendo
cember 1999 and concluded on 6 Janu- falli nequit, q.v.) and in receiving and
ary 2001). In this bull the pope also adhering to the Word of God “penetrates
decreed certain special indulgences it more deeply through right judgment,
which could be gained during the Jubilee and applies it more fully to daily life.”
Year. The text of the bull can be found See also Auditus fidei, Fides qua/Fides
in Origins 28 (10 December 1998): 445; quae, Fides quarens intellectum, In cre-
447–53. See also Per modum suffragii, dendo falli nequit, Intellectus fidei, and
Totaliter, and Toties quoties. Sensus fidelium.
Instantia prima (secunda, tertia) 109

Indicativa oboedientiae essentially disordered or counterproduc-

Indication of obedience tive to the good end envisioned by the
Protestant position on the so-called conjugal act performed in the context of
“third use of the law” put forward by marriage. See also Partes inhonestae.
Melancthon, which held that the law
might indicate to the believer those Inquisitio
moral actions which were in conformity Search, inquiry, investigation
with the will of God and therefore Often this term is paired with auctoritas
which required obedience. See also (q.v.) to express complementary roles
Usus legis. in theological investigation and author-
itative teaching. In this latter example,
Ineffabilis Deus inquisitio refers to the role of theolo-
Ineffable God gians to “investigate” a theological po-
Encyclical of Pius IX defining the sition and allows them to advance
dogma of the Immaculate Conception certain opinions that may be considered
in 1854. Considered to be the first ex- but which do not carry with them the
ample of a papal pronouncement given claim of the “authoritative” teaching of
in an ex cathedra (q.v.) format, which the pope and bishops who exercise the
explicitly invoked infallibility. See also magisterium. The magisterium, in this
Munificentissimus Deus. sense, then exercises the charism of the
auctoritas of authoritative teaching
Infamia iuris et facti while the theologians exercise the
Infamy according to law and facts charism of the inquisitio, or exploratory
theological investigation. See also Auc-
See the discussion under Iuris et/vel toritas, Ecclesia discens, Ecclesia do-
facti. cens, Magisterium, Magisterium
cathedrae pastoralis & Magisterium
Infra cathedrae magistralis, Magisterium do-
Below, beneath cens, Munus, Officium, and Peritus.
Common Latin preposition.
Inhonestum Jesus of Nazareth, King of the
Dishonorable Jews
The Latin word also carries connotations Latin abbreviation for Iesus Nazarenus
of disgrace and dishonor. In moral the- Rex Iudaeorum, the inscription placed
ology an inhonestum usually refers to by Pilate over the cross upon which
something that is counterproductive to a Jesus was crucified. See also Adonai
moral good or bonum honestum (q.v.). and Rex Gentium.
Thus, in paragraph 14 of Pope Paul VI’s
1968 encyclical Humanae vitae (q.v.), Instantia prima (secunda, tertia)
any artificial means of birth control is (Court of) first (second, third) in-
labeled an intrinsece inhonestum, i.e., stance
110  Instinctus rationis

In canon law proceedings (usually in- Intellectus fidei

volving marriage cases) there are three Understanding of the faith
possible levels of adjudication: in the Refers to the act or process by which
first instance at the tribunal in one’s dio- the Christian faith is understood. This
cese, in the second instance at the level term was methodologically paired with
of a court of appeal (usually held at a auditus fidei (q.v.) by Pope John Paul
different diocesan tribunal), and in the II in his 1998 encyclical Fides et ratio
third instance at the ultimate level of ap- (q.v.), in which the pontiff stated that
peal to the Roman Rota of the Vatican. the concept of auditus fidei (hearing of
faith) referred to the process by which
Instinctus rationis “theology makes its own the content of
Rational instinct revelation as this has been gradually
“Instinct” in this phrase refers to the in- expounded in sacred tradition, sacred
nate human power of reasoning which Scripture and the church’s living mag-
is part of the natural human moral isterium,” while the second method-
sense. “Instinct” should not be under- ological principle of intellectus fidei
stood as some sort of moral ESP or refers to the process by which “the-
ethical sixth sense. See also Instinctus ology seeks to respond through specu-
Spiritus Sancti. lative inquiry to the specific demands
of disciplined thought” (Fides et ratio,
Instinctus Spiritus Sancti #65). See also Auditus fidei, Congrega-
Instinct of the Holy Spirit tio fidelium, Fides qua/Fides quae,
Fides quae creditur, Fides quarens in-
Refers to the ways in which the Holy tellectum, In credendo falli nequit,
Spirit acts in human hearts through do- Indefectabiliter adhaeret, and Sensus
nation of the so-called “gifts of the fidelium.
Spirit.” The instinctus Spiritus Sancti
neither opposes nor overrides the in-
stinctus rationis (q.v.) but would build Intellege ut credas. Crede ut
on this rational moral sense and elevate intellegas
it to perfection. Understand so that you may be-
lieve; believe so that you may
Instrumentum laboris understand
Working instrument Refers to the reciprocal relationship
Refers to a draft document, or an initial necessary between faith and reason.
version which may be used as a work-
ing, or preparatory, document for a
commission, meeting, etc. This expres- Intentio
sion is often found in reference to Intention
Roman documents for meetings such as Usually refers to the moral intention of
special synods and the like. See also an action. See also Finis operantis, Fon-
Lineamenta. tes moralitatis, and Obiectum actus.
Intrinsece inhonestum 111

Inter Mulieris dignitatem, and Responsum

Between, among, during ad dubium.
Common Latin preposition.
Inter mirifica
Inter alia Among wonders
Among other things Title of the Vatican II Decree on the
See I.a. Means of Social Communication, is-
sued in 1963.
Inter alios
Among other persons Inter nos
Among us
See I.a.
Refers to something meant confiden-
Inter insigniores tially, or something to be kept secretly
Among other characteristics between or among ourselves, akin to the
French expression entre nous, which is
Congregation for the Doctrine of the often used in English as well.
Faith’s (CDF) 1976 Declaration On the
Question of the Admission of Women
Inter pares
to the Ministerial Priesthood advanced
Among equals
a number of arguments in support of the
ban, principally that Jesus Christ did not For example, the pope, as metropolitan
will the ordination of women and that or patriarch of Rome, was often termed
women themselves because of their Primus inter pares, “first among
gender could not adequately represent equals” (of the other ecclesial patri-
Jesus Christ in persona Christi (q.v.). archs), i.e., primacy in terms of order,
The document was issued after the Pon- but not in terms of essence. See also
tifical Biblical Commission (PBC) had Collegium and Collegialis affectus.
responded to a Vatican request for bib-
lical evidence supporting the thesis that Intra
women could not be ordained. The PBC Within
found there was no convincing biblical Common Latin preposition.
evidence to support that conclusion but
the CDF’s Declaration affirmed the tra- Intra nos
ditional ban on women priests which Among us
was found in the 1917 Code of Canon
Law (#813 §2) and would be repeated See Inter nos.
in the 1983 Code (C.I.C. #1024), as
well as subsequently in Pope John Paul Intrinsece inhonestum
II’s 1994 apostolic exhortation Ordina- Intrinsically disordered (dishonest)
tio sacerdotalis (q.v., On the Ordination Expression use in paragraph 14 of
of Priests). See also Alter Christus, Ex Paul VI’s Humanae vitae (q.v.) to con-
convenientia, Mulier taceat in ecclesia, demn artificial contraception. See Casti
112  Intrinsece malum in se

connubii Inhonestum, Bonum hones- such as death, then conviction of the

tum, and Intrinsece malum. crime would ipso facto condemn the
criminal to death. Another example
Intrinsece malum in se might be that if an individual were to
Intrinsically evil in itself put his or her hand into strong acid the
hand would be burned ipso facto. Ipso
Traditional expression for an action
facto is related to, but distinguished
which of its very nature was always,
from, the legal term ipso iure (by the
and in every instance, morally evil (re-
law), which means that something fol-
gardless of the intention and circum-
lows legally upon some other action
stances of the moral agent). A much
such as in canon law when a legitimate
debated and nuanced point in contem-
superior accepts an endowment and as-
porary moral theology, and is intimated
signs it to some purpose this endow-
related to the understanding of the ob-
ment acquires ipso iure a certain
ject of a moral act (finis operis, q.v.) as
juridical character. The creation of a
intended or chosen by a moral agent
trust might be an example more easily
acting with knowledge and freedom
understood in the secular arena. See
(finis operantis, q.v.). See also Actus
also Iuris et/vel facti.
non facit reum, nisi mens sit rea; Contra
naturam; Ex toto genere suo grave;
Ite Missa Est
Finis operis; Finis operantis; Fontes
Go the Mass is (ended)
moralitatis; Genus morum; In se sed
non propter se; Inhonestum; Intentio; Final words of the presider uttered at
Ius naturae est immutabile; Obiectum the conclusion of the Latin Eucharist,
actus; Praeter intentionem; and Volun- to which the congregation responds Deo
tarium directum/indirectum. Gratias (q.v., “Thanks be to God”).
Missa seems to have been a late Latin
word for missio (mission) and thus in
Ipsissimum/a verbum/a
this phrase refers to the “mission” to
The very word(s)
live and preach the Gospel which is
Verbatim. In theological usage, this ex- given to the community at the conclu-
pression usually refers to the purported sion of the eucharistic celebration. In
very words of God or Jesus Christ. time missa came to refer to the entire
Some of the discussion concerning the rite of the eucharistic celebration, i.e.,
historical Jesus is centered around try- the “Mass.”
ing to ascertain what might be the ips-
sissima verba of Jesus found in the Iudicium de actu ponendo
Gospels. See also textus receptus. Judgment (of conscience) con-
cerning the act to be undertaken
Ipso facto/Ipso iure In the manualist tradition of moral the-
By that very fact/By the very law ology there was a distinction drawn
Automatically or absolutely. If a certain between two kinds of judgment made
crime carried with it only one penalty, in conscience. The first judgment refers
Iure divino 113

primarily to the “objective” nature—the sitione actus. Thus, in summary, we

rightness or wrongness of the moral act could say that the person believes that
in itself—and was referred to as iudi- doing “X” is morally good: this is the
cium de actu ponendo. However, the iudicium de positione actus. If the per-
individual moral agent could be in son believed that “X” was not morally
“error” about his or her judgment of this good but did it anyway, this would be
act. This error in turn could be totally malicious. However, this “judgment” so
non-culpable (i.e. invincibly ignorant), far only has taken into account the “sub-
or more or less culpable (thus, vincibly jective” judgment of the moral agent
ignorant—i.e., able to have been over- about the action. The action itself could
come). This basic distinction is key to in fact be morally (or “objectively”)
the church’s traditional teaching on wrong. This “objective” moral judg-
sanctity of conscience, the necessity for ment is the iudicium de actu ponendo
good formation of conscience, and the (judgment concerning the act to be un-
notion of an erroneous conscience and dertaken). In sum, for a person acting
vincible and invincible ignorance. See in good faith, his or her iudicium de
also Iudicium de positione actus. actu ponendo (judgment concerning the
act to be undertaken) can be “errone-
Iudicium de positione actus ous” while the iudicium de positione
Judgment (of conscience) about actus, (judgment about the position of
the position of the act the act) could not in principle be erro-
neous—i.e., a person who is acting in
Coupled with the notion of Iudicium de good faith will always try to do what
actu ponendo discussed above, this was she or he judges to be right. See also
the second type of moral judgment Iudicium de actu ponendo.
made in conscience by a moral agent.
This second judgment is related more Iura et bona
closely to the subjective judgment of Rights and values (goods)
the moral agent that this or that act will
be “right” and therefore “good” (i.e., Declaration of the Congregation for the
the “position” of the contemplated Doctrine of the Faith on Euthanasia
moral act in relation to one’s life and (1980).
the good as one sees it). In traditional
moral theology, this distinction about Iure divino
the two types of judgment allowed for By divine law
the possibility that one could “err” Important distinction in moral theology
about the objective moral nature of an and canon law, since that which is held
act and yet still be acting in good faith to be iure divino cannot be changed,
(or sometimes called good conscience). abrogated, or dispensed, inasmuch as it
The “error” would be an error of judg- purports to be the expression of God’s
ment de actu ponendo. In acting in good specific will. That which binds differ-
faith, though, one could not “err” in the ently, as according to iure ecclesieastico
second sort of judgment through de po- (q.v.), could be modified, abrogated,
114  (De) Iure ecclesiastico

dispensed, or replaced. See also Lex infamia facti would arise when an indi-
aeterna and Lex naturalis. vidual’s own actions led to the loss of
his or her good name or reputation in
(De) Iure ecclesiastico the eyes of the community. The trans-
(According to) ecclesiastical law gressions of many politicians against
Refers to something established by a the sixth commandment might illustrate
legitimate ecclesiastical authority and this notion of infamia facti. See also
whose observance would be required by Dubium iuris vel facti.
those bound by the law and subject to
this ecclesiastical authority. Iure eccle-
Justice, Legal system, Subjective
siastico is often distinguished from iure
divino (divine law, q.v.), since that
which is established merely by ecclesi- This Latin word has no precise equiva-
astical authority (such as the practice of lent in English, so special care must be
Friday abstinence from meat) could be taken as to the context in which it is
changed by later competent church au- used, as well as the words which may
thorities, while that which is based on modify it, such as ius canonicum (canon
divine law (iure divino) is seen as com- law) or ius ad rem (juridical right to a
ing from God (such as the indissolubil- certain thing). See also the entries con-
ity of marriage) and therefore cannot be nected with Lex and also De bono et
changed by human authorities. aequo, Ius ad rem, Ius et titulum, Iusti-
tiam subsidiariam, and Reddere suum
Iuris et/vel facti cuique.
(By) Law and/or fact
Ius ad bellum
This expression is widely used in canon
Justification for war
law and the manualist moral tradition
to indicate a distinction that arose either Term used to designate the moral cal-
because of a violation of a penal law culus employed for ascertaining
(iuris) or because the transgression it- whether sufficient grounds exist to jus-
self led to certain natural consequences. tify the use of force, i.e., to go to war.
One example given in the manuals was See also Bellum iustum; Casus belli; Ius
the notion of “infamy” that could be in bello; Ius post bellum; and Si vis
incurred by an individual who had vio- pacem, para bellum.
lated some serious precept, such as des-
ecration of the sacred species. Since this Ius ad rem
was a clear violation of canon law, the Right to a thing
transgression was called infamia iuris Principle that recognizes one’s pre-
(infamy according to law). One ca- sumed juridical right to a certain object,
nonical penalty would be incurring an etc., as in ownership and control, (in
irregularity which would bar the indi- this context see Ius utendi, fruendi,
vidual from some other rights or actions abutendi, q.v.) but which is open to ex-
(like receiving holy orders). However, pansion, e.g., right to goods one does
Ius gentium 115

not own in cases of extreme necessity. necessity. See the discussion under the
See the discussion under the principle principle Quod in necessitate sunt
Quod in necessitate sunt omnia com- omnia communia. See also the various
munia. See also Ius et titulum and Iusti- entries under Dubium as well as In
tiam subsidiariam. dubio factum non praesumitur sed pro-
batur, Ius ad rem, Iustitiam subsidiar-
Ius canonicum iam, and Melior est conditio possidentis.
Canon law
Ius Exclusivae
Refers to church law in the sense that it
Right of Exclusion
has its own legal system, code of laws,
juridical tribunals, and the like. In ecclesiastical politics this anticipa-
tory veto power was used in papal con-
Ius commune claves by the cardinals of key Catholic
Common law countries such as Austria, France, and
Spain to indicate on behalf of their re-
In canon law, that which pertains to all
spective monarchs potential papal can-
the laws and legitimate customs and
didates which would be undesirable
practices of the whole church, including
(termed personae minus gratae, q.v.) if
those of the Oriental Rites. See also Ius
elected pope. Though rejected officially
by several popes, this practice was
nevertheless used on several occasions
Ius communicationis through the early twentieth century and
Right to communion
was last used in the papal conclave of
Refers primarily to the right of the faith- 1903 to block the election of Cardinal
ful to partake in the sharing of the Eu- Rampolla by Polish Cardinal Jan
charist, which is the symbol of full Puzyna de Kosielsko from Kraków on
participation in the Christian commu- behalf of the Austro-Hungarian Em-
nity. Someone who loses this right then peror Franz Josef Hapsburg, leading to
would be “excommunicated” from the the ultimate election of Giuseppe Sarto
church. In ancient practices of the sac- (St. Pius X). It is no longer in force
rament of reconciliation, the penitents today.
were restored to eucharistic assembly
after the time of their (public) penance Ius gentium
and regained therefore the ius commu- Law of the nations
nicationis. See also Pax ecclesiae.
Refers in general to human laws, and
often understood as referring more par-
Ius et titulum ticularly to international law, though
Rights and title different philosophers and theologians
Likewise in this context see Ius utendi, have employed this term in differing
fruendi, abutendi. Again, this right is ways. To be fully and truly just, human
open to expansion, e.g., right to goods laws must correspond to the natural law.
one does not own in cases of extreme See also Corpus Iuris Civilis.
116  Ius in bello

Ius in bello tices of a particular church and therefore

Justice in [the conduct of] war distinguished from the ius commune
Refers to the justifiable “laws” of war (q.v.), which would include the universal
once the “just war” has been under- church.
taken. Thus, ius in bello aims ultimately
at a restraint in prosecuting the just war. Ius positum
See also Ius ad bellum and Pax Dei. Positive law
This term refers usually to human laws
Ius in corpus (corpore) that are promulgated (i.e., “posited” or
Right to the body placed) for those bound by the law to
Concept in traditional marriage law follow. A speed limit would be an ex-
which meant that each spouse had ample of positive law. The term “posi-
“rights” over the body of the other tive” should not be understood as the
spouse for purposes of sexual inter- opposite of “negative,” but rather has
course. See also Debitum. something put into place. The ius posi-
tum is distinguished from Lex aeterna
Ius in se (q.v.), which is God’s eternal law (and
A right itself which under certain limited circum-
stances could also include instances of a
Refers to the right considered in itself. divine ius positum that God ordains for
a given individual). Similarly, ius posi-
Ius naturae est immutabile tum should not be confused with Lex
Natural justice (law) is unchange- naturalis (q.v.), which is the natural law
able or something like the Lex naturae (q.v.);
Since the natural law is understood as the laws of nature; or the Lex creationis
being ordained by God and ordered to (q.v.), the law of creation. When there is
human moral flourishing, its precepts are some legitimate doubt about the mean-
viewed as being both unchanging and ing or scope of a ius positum the con-
not admitting of any possible exceptions. cepts of Epikeia (q.v.) and Lex dubia non
Violations of the natural law would be obligat (q.v.) come into play in interpret-
considered to be contra naturam (q.v.) ing and/or applying the ius positum. See
to the Summum bonum (q.v.) and proper also Statuta sunt stricte interpretanda.
end of human beings, and thus also in-
trinsece malum (q.v.) and would not Ius post bellum
admit exceptions that otherwise might Justice after the war
be found in human laws. See also Lex More recent expression added to the
naturalis and Lex valet ut in pluribus. traditional concept of Just War Theory
(bellum iustum, q.v.), whose traditional
Ius particulare component parts were an analysis of the
Particular law reasons for going to war, ius ad bellum
In canon law, that which pertains to the (q.v.), followed by the just conduct of
laws and legitimate customs and prac- the war itself, ius in bello (q.v.). Ius post
Iuxta 117

bellum is an expression of restorative Iustitiam subsidiariam

justice which acknowledges the neces- Subsidiary justice
sity of the repair of damages and resto- Principle that recognizes that “justice”
ration of public order that suffered (ius) is a somewhat complex concept
during the war. See also Si vis pacem, and that there is a hierarchy of values
para bellum. which must be assessed prior to deter-
mining just which principle of justice
Ius primae noctis should be applied. For example, the
Rights of the first night (of principle of restitution would normally
marriage) require that goods that had been taken
without payment or permission should
Expression which refers to the putative
be restored to the owner. However, the
“rights” that a European lord supposedly
principle of Iustitiam subsidiariam
enjoyed over all the newly wed brides
would recognize that if this were a case
in his domain. Though this expression
of extreme need then the obligation to
can be found in certain medieval myths
restitution would cease (cf. the discus-
and legends, its basis in historical prac-
sion under the principle Quod in neces-
tice is highly questionable.
sitate sunt omnia communia).

Ius utendi, fruendi, abutendi Iustum

Right to use, enjoy, or abuse. Right/Just (as a thing)
Maxim from Roman law which indi- This refers to moral analysis of an act
cates a rather absolute right of the whose ethical “rightness” or “justice”
owner of private property to use, or is revealed by a consideration of the
abuse, one’s own property in whatever traditional moral fonts (fontes morali-
way she or he pleases. See also Bonum tatis, q.v.) of the act itself, the intention,
utile, Dominium utile, Res frutificat do- and circumstances. See also Finis ope-
minum, and Uti et frui. ris, Fontes moralitatis, and Obiectum
Ius vigens
Law in vigor (living) Iuxta
Refers to a law which is currently in Next to, nearby, according to,
force and therefore binding. This is an with
important concept in canon law, since An adverb or preposition frequently
a law that has fallen into desuetude (dis- used in conjunction with other word(s)
use) is understood to be nonbinding, to express some modification of a con-
even if it is technically still on the cept, term, or idea. For example, Placet
books. See also Acta Apolostolicae by itself means “it pleases me” (I’m in
Sedis, Donec aliter provideatur, Hu- favor of this), while Placet iuxta modum
cusque vigens, Lex non obligat nisi pro- means “I’m in favor of this if some
mulgata, and Vacatio legis. amendment(s) could be added.” Another
118  Iuxta legem

example could be iuxta legem (in accor- “outside of,” “beyond,” or “not in-
dance with the law) which is used in the cluded” as in praeter intentionem (q.v.),
interpretation of canon law in speaking which refers to a foreseen but morally
of a custom which might not actually be unintended effect of another action.
in the Code of Canon Law but which
nevertheless is in accord with the spirit
of the written law and also enjoys wide- Iuxta legem
spread acceptance (see Consuetudo op- In accord with the law
tima legum interpres on this point). See the discussion under Iuxta above.
Depending on circumstances, iuxta can See also Consuetudo optima legum in-
be contrasted with praeter, which means terpres.
**NB: “J” is usually rendered as “I” canon law in a pontifical faculty, such
in Latin; in those cases where a Latin as a seminary. See also J.C.D.
word beginning with a “J” is found,
look for it as if it were spelled with an Juris Canonici Doctor
initial “I” instead. Thus, for “Jus” look Doctor of Canon Law
instead under “I” for “Ius.”
See J.C.D.
Juris Canonici Licentia
Doctor of Canon Law
License in Canon Law
Latin abbreviation for Juris Canonici
See J.C.L.
Doctor, i.e., one who has a doctorate in
canon law. The J.C.D. is the highest
ecclesiastical academic degree in canon
Doctor of both laws
law. See also J.C.L.
Latin abbreviation for Juris Utrius Doc-
J.C.L. tor, and refers to one who possesses
License in canon law academic degrees in both canon and
civil law. See also J.C.D.
Latin abbreviation for Juris Canonici
Licentia, one who has a licentiate in
canon law. The license, like the J.C.D., Juris Utrius Doctor
is an ecclesiastical academic degree and Doctor of both laws
in this case “licenses” one to teach See J.U.D.

**NB: Very few words begin with “K” in Latin, often alternate spellings use the
letter “C”.

Labarum sary of Leo XIII’s groundbreaking so-
Banner, Standard cial encyclical Rerum novarum (q.v.).
Refers to the monogram of the super-
imposed Chi-Rho, the first two letters Lacuna legis
of “Christ” (CRISTOS) in Greek Gap (lacuna) in the law
(C[Chi] and R [Rho]), which Constan- Important concept in canon law which
tine inscribed on the soldiers’ standards refers to something missing in the writ-
prior to the Battle of the Milvian Bridge ten code of the law which therefore
in AD 312 which established his power leaves uncovered a relevant aspect of a
as Roman Emperor. See also In hoc case or situation, and therefore the deci-
signo vinces. sion regarding this case or situation
must be rendered using other principles
Labor and laws.
Labor, work, effort
Labor refers to the work or effort which Laetare
must be expended in order to achieve a To gladden [e.g. to lift up your
desired effect, as distinguished from spirits]
opus (q.v.), which refers to “work” in
Expression used to mark the Fourth
the sense of an entity or creation.
Sunday of Lent and symbolically
marked by the optional wearing of rose-
Labor vincit omnia
colored vestments in place of the purple
Work conquers all
worn on the other days of Lent. These
Expression of Virgil which suggests rose vestments can also be worn on the
through hard work all adversity can be Third Sunday of Advent, called Gaud-
overcome. See also Omnia vincit labor, ete Sunday. However, since these vest-
and for a play on Virgil’s phrase see also ments are worn only on two days in the
Amor vincit omnia. entire liturgical year many parishes opt
not to incur the cost of procuring these
Laborem exercens optional vestments. The special mean-
Exercising labor ing of these “Rose” Sundays is to indi-
Encyclical of John Paul II on human cate to the Christian community that
work (1981) on the ninetieth anniver- their period of waiting is coming to an
122  Lamentabili

end, either with Christmas in Advent or stringi, et favores convenit ampliari;

Easter in Lent, and thus they should be and Sub poena.
encouraged to continue in their prepara-
tions to welcome the Lord by redou- Lauda Sion
bling their efforts at penance and Praise O Sion
renewal. See also Advent and Gaudete. Liturgical sequence written by Thomas
Aquinas around 1264 which tells of the
Lamentabili institution of the Eucharist and is recited
or sung after the Epistle on the Solem-
Decree of the Holy Office (today the nity of Corpus Christi (q.v.). This is one
Congregation for the Doctrine of the of only four medieval sequences that
Faith, cf. DS 3401–66) condemning were preserved in the reform of the Mis-
certain “errors of modernism,” which sale Romanum (q.v.) published in 1570.
same movement was condemned later The other three are the Victimae Pasch-
in the same year by Pope Pius X in his ali (q.v.) for Easter, the Veni Sancte
encyclical Pascendi Dominici gregis Spiritus (q.v.) for Pentecost, and the
(q.v.) (1907). Dies Irae (q.v.) for the Requiem Mass.

Latae sententiae Laudate Dominum

By imposed sentence Praise the Lord
In canon law, a penalty imposed ipso Common expression found in hymns
facto by one who knowingly and will- and psalms, such as Laudate Dominum,
fully commits a particular offense, such omnes gentes (“Praise the Lord, all you
as procuring an abortion (canon 1398). peoples”).
A penalty latae sententiae is contrasted
with one ferendae sententiae (q.v.), Laus Deo
which must be formally imposed by the Praise be to God
competent juridical authority in order
to be considered binding. Though latae Common expression in Latin liturgy
sententiae is often translated as “auto- and prayer formulae.
matic,” this would not be entirely ac-
curate in canon law, since the same code Laus Perennis
indicates a number of conditions that Endless praise
would prevent or mitigate incurring a Refers to a monastic custom whereby
latae sententiae penalty (cf. Code of teams of monks would take turns chant-
Canon Law canons 1323 and 1324 for ing the Divine Office, with the goal of
a listing of these factors which either having it sung continuously throughout
block or mitigate canonical penalties). the day in the monastery. The practice
Most penalties in the 1983 Code of began in the sixth century and was
Canon Law are ferenedae sententiae much practiced by Celtic monasteries
rather than latae sententiae. See also before falling into desuetude, though
Notaria non egent probatione; Odia re- the custom of perpetual eucharistic
Lex creationis 123

adoration and Forty Hours Devotion to with the whole of Scripture in some sys-
some extent is inspired by this same tematic fashion in order to hear the en-
motive of constantly giving praise to tire biblical message of revelation, and
God. See also Coram Sanctissimo. to act against the natural tendency to
create a “canon-within-the-canon” of
Lavabo elements of Scripture which one holds
I will wash central to one’s faith life and yet which
Refers to the part of the liturgy in which may tend to neglect or ignore other
the priest washes his hands after the of- scriptural elements which may modify
fering of the gifts on the altar. In the or call into question some of those scrip-
traditional Tridentine Mass the first tural assumptions.
lines of the prayer are Lavabo inter in-
nocentes manus meas: et circumdabo Lectio divina
altare tuum Domine [I will wash my Holy (spiritual) reading
hands among the innocent and will walk Method of prayer based on a meditative
around your altar O God]. Lavabo also reading of Scripture or some other spiri-
was used to designate this whole part of tual reading, either individually or com-
the washing ritual. munally, prominent in the Benedictine
tradition. The term may also be used to
Lectio continua refer to the time or practice of this spiri-
Continued reading tual reading. See also sacra pagina.
Refers to the practice of ongoing read-
ing of a text, and usually refers to the Lex
sequential reading of the Bible. Thus, Law
the Sunday Lectionary is a lectio conti- Also can be used figuratively to refer to
nua over a three-year period of most of a norm or principle.
the Scripture. In the Sunday Lectionary,
the first reading is taken from the Old Lex aeterna
Testament (except during the Easter The eternal law
Season) and is selected to complement
thematically the Gospel passage of the Refers to God’s law, or the will of God.
given Sunday. However, the second In the classic understanding, the natural
reading in the Sunday Lectionary is gen- law is the human participation in the lex
erally a lectio continua of a given New aeterna. See also Contra ordinem and
Testament Letter, so that over a period Lex naturalis.
of a number of weeks most of the entire
Letter is read. Since the second reading Lex creationis
is a continuous reading of the Letter it The law of creation
usually is not related thematically to the Concept tied especially to the Lutheran
first reading and the Gospel. As a theo- theology of the orders of creation which
logical principle, lectio continua refers sought in a fashion somewhat analo-
to the need to be in continual contact gous to the natural law tradition to come
124  Lex dubia lex nulla

to an understanding of the moral law, cessors when the revision of the 1917
as derived from the doctrine of God as Code of Canon Law was promulgated
the Creator. See also Contra ordinem. in 1983 by John Paul II (1978–2005).

Lex dubia lex nulla Lex indita non scripta

A doubtful law is no law Law inscribed (in the human
See Lex dubia non obligat and Ubi ius heart) and not written down
incertum, ibi ius nullum. Basic affirmation of the nature of the
natural law, i.e., innate moral knowl-
Lex dubia non obligat edge that each person has and can come
A doubtful law does not oblige to understand in a given situation
Important principle in both canon law through the exercise of right reason
and moral theology; in the latter disci- (recta ratio, q.v.). Thus, one responds
pline it is often tied to the use of proba- in conscience to what one understands
bilism. If a legitimate doubt exists as to God is calling him/her to do. This is the
the fact of a given law’s existence, or notion of conscience contained in
whether the law was meant to apply in Vatican II’s Pastoral Constitution on the
this or that particular situation or case, Church in the Modern World Gaudium
then the law is “doubtful” and would et spes (cf. Paragraph #16). See also
not apply in such an instance. See also Ens rationis, Lex interna/lex externa,
Ad literam; Da mihi factum, dabo tibi Lex naturalis, Lumen naturale, Ordo
ius; De minimis non curat lex; Dubium rationis, Per modum cognitionis/Per
facti; Dubium juris; Epikeia; In dubio modum inclinationis, and Recta ratio.
pars tutior sequenda; In dubio factum
non praesumitur sed probatur; Ius pos- Lex iniusta non est lex
itum; Melior est conditio possidentis; An unjust law is not a law
Praesumitur ignorantia ubi scientia non
Expression that indicates that true laws
probatur; Sensum, non verba specta-
must always be ordained to justice and
mus; Sententia incerta non valet; and
the common good, and if they are not
Ubi ius incertum, ibi ius nullum.
then such laws are not only unjust but
lack the character of true laws and may
Lex Ecclesiae Fundamentalis be disobeyed or ignored. See also Deus
Fundamental Law of the Church impossibilia non iubet; Dura lex sed lex;
Paul VI (1963–78) proposed establish- Impossibilium nulla obligatio; Lex non
ing a Lex Ecclesiae Fundamentalis intendit impossibile; Lex semper inten-
which would serve somewhat like a dit quod convenit rationi; Nemo tenetur
constitution to ground canon law and ad impossibile; Non omne quod licet
other ecclesial legislation, as well as to honestum est; Salus publica suprema
give the principal interpretation for the lex; Sententia facit ius; Ubi ius, ibi re-
documents of Vatican II. This proposal medium; and Ubi ius incertum, ibi ius
ultimately was not accepted by his suc- nullum.
Lex non distinguit 125

Lex interna/lex externa physical order of the universe, etc. The

Internal law/external law “law of nature” is not identical to the
Concepts connected with the Thomistic natural moral law, though at many peri-
axiom of lex indita non scripta (q.v.) ods in history this term has been used to
which distinguish the natural moral law refer to the natural moral law in such a
as an internal law written in conscience way that what was found in “nature” was
on the human soul from an external law considered to be illustrative of what was
formulated in the sense of a positive law meant to be “moral” and conversely that
that is imposed on individuals. See also which was not seemingly found in “na-
lex indita non scripta. ture” was considered to be “against na-
ture” (contra naturam, q.v.) and therefore
Lex lata in praesumptionne “immoral.” This tendency to “read” the
periculi communis natural moral law from what is found/
not found in “nature” is called physical-
Law imposed (established) on the ism, and this theory is quite problematic
presumption of common (univer- for a correct understanding of ethics. See
sal) danger also Ius naturae est immutabile, Lex
Justification for the imposition of a “posi- naturalis, and Natura nihil facit inane.
tive” law since, even if a particular pro-
scribed action does not threaten in each Lex naturalis
and every instance, there is a reasonable Natural law
and well-grounded fear that if individuals Related to how we are to live according
were allowed to undertake such an action to our nature, i.e., the natural moral law.
they might well pose a threat to the com- Humans come to an understanding of
mon good. E.g., in times of drought it is the natural moral law through the use
legitimate to forbid campfires absolutely of recta ratio (q.v.), and according to St.
(even if it could be argued that striking Thomas Aquinas the most basic prin-
such a fire might remain safe). See also ciple of the natural law is Bonum est
Latae sententiae, Praesumptio hominis, faciendum et prosequendum, et malum
and Salus publica suprema lex. vitandum (“The good is to be done and
fostered, and evil avoided,” q.v.). See
Lex moralis (praecipiens vel also Contra ordinem, Contra natruam,
prohibens) Ens rationis, Ius naturae est immuta-
Moral law (that commands or bile, Lex aeterna, Lex indita non scripta,
prohibits) Lex naturae, Lumen naturale, Ordo ra-
Lex moralis can be taken simply as the tionis, Per modum cognitionis/Per
moral law itself, and also is used to refer modum inclinationis, and Recta ratio.
to Decalogue.
Lex non distinguit
Lex naturae Law does not distinguish
Law of nature Latin expression for “justice is blind,”
Strictly speaking, this term refers to the i.e., that it makes no distinctions in
126  Lex non intendit impossibile

favor of the rich or poor, etc. However, Lex non valet extra territorium and Lex
there are many other situations in which semper intendit quod convenit rationi.
it is quite important to make the proper
distinctions, as articulated in the adage Lex non valet extra territorium
Qui bene distinguit bene cognoscit The law does not hold outside its
(q.v., “The one who distinguishes well territory
knows well”). See also the entries con- Any human law requires the authority
nected with Ius and also De bono et of governance which is usually limited
aequo and Reddere suum cuique. to a specific region. For example, the
legislature of the Commonwealth of
Lex non intendit impossibile Massachusetts could not make laws
Law does not intend (command) binding on the citizens of New Hamp-
the impossible shire, etc. On this point see the treat-
Legal principle that reflects the moral ment of Thomas Aquinas (cf. ST I–II,
principle that no one is ever obligated q. 90, a. 3). This is an important legal
to attempt to do that which is “impos- principle, especially in canon law since
sible,” though in moral analysis the no- the rules or laws laid down by one
tion of “impossibility” is more nuanced bishop or conference of bishops would
than in law or science. See also Deus not necessarily be binding outside of
impossibilia non iubet, Humano modo, their territory unless this were a law
Impossibilium nulla obligatio, Lex in- similarly enacted by the proper author-
iusta non est lex, Lex semper intendit ity of the other regions, or if it were a
quod convenit rationi, Lex spectat na- law of the universal church, etc. For ex-
turae ordinem, Nemo potest ad impos- ample, in some dioceses of the United
sibile obligari, Nemo tenetur ad States the Solemnity of the Ascension
impossibile, Qui tenetur ad finem tene- is celebrated as a holy day of obligation
tur ad media, and Ultra posse (or vires) on the Thursday forty days after Easter,
nemo obligatur. whereas in other dioceses this celebra-
tion is transferred to the Sunday follow-
Lex non obligat nisi promulgata ing Ascension Thursday.
The law does not oblige unless
promulgated Lex nova
The new law
This expression refers to human laws,
since it is understood that the natural law Refers usually to the law of the Gospel,
is inscribed on the human heart by God proclaimed by Jesus, which replaced
(lex indita non scripta, q.v.). Some laws the lex vetus (q.v.), namely the Mosaic
also require a certain waiting period (va- Law of the Old Testament.
catio legis, q.v.) before they can be ap-
plied, even if they have been duly Lex orandi, lex credendi
promulgated. This is often the case with Law of prayer is the law of belief
canon law. On this point see Thomas Traditional axiom going back to St.
Aquinas (cf. ST I–II, q. 90, a. 4). See also Prosper of Aquitane (ca. 390–ca. 463)
Lex sequitur esse 127

affirming that liturgy is the norm of guished from penal laws. See also Lex
faith, i.e., how the church prays wit- poenalis.
nesses to what the church believes. The
fuller form of the axiom is Legem cre- Lex scripta
dendi lex statuat supplicandi (Let the See lex indita non scripta.
law of prayer establish the law of belief).

Lex semper intendit quod convenit

Lex parsimoniae
Law of parsimony
The law always intends that
This is the Latin aphorism for what is which is in accord with reason
called “Ockham’s Razor” in English,
This expression follows a key point in
namely that when one is confronted
the classic definition of Thomas Aqui-
with competing hypotheses or positions
nas (cf. ST I–II, q. 90), namely that it
that seem equal in most other respects,
be an ordinance of reason aimed at the
it is best to choose the one that makes
common good and duly promulgated by
the fewest new assumptions and is
a competent authority. Laws which do
therefore more succinct, economical, or
not meet these basic criteria would be
“parsimonious” in its supporting argu-
either unjust or nonbinding (or both).
See also Deus impossibilia non iubet,
Humano modo, Impossibilium nulla
Lex poenalis obligatio, Lex iniusta non est lex, Lex
Law that punishes non obligat nisi promulgata, Lex spec-
In general, a “penal law” can describe tat naturae ordinem, Nemo potest ad
a law which does not necessarily oblige impossibile obligari, Nemo tenetur ad
in conscience (depending on circum- impossibile, Qui tenetur ad finem tene-
stances and the particular nature of the tur ad media, Salus publica suprema
law in question) but which nevertheless lex, and Ultra posse (or vires) nemo
carries a “penalty” if the law is not obligatur.
obeyed. For example, some traffic laws
may not always bind “morally” but Lex sequitur esse
would still bind in the “penal” sense. In Law follows being
the church’s canon law, lex poenalis
Principle which indicates that all law is
refers to laws in the Code of Canon Law
predicated on the nature of the being(s)
which have a punitive purpose, such as
regulated by the law. A just law for hu-
censures and/or sentences of excom-
mans can never command that which is
munication. See also Lex praemians.
either against the “being” of humans
(i.e., true human dignity), and/or that
Lex praemians which is “impossible” to follow. See
Law that rewards also Agere sequitur esse, Deus impos-
Refers to laws in canon law which give sibilia non iubet, Humano modo, Im-
privileges. Lex praemians is distin- possibilium nulla obligatio, Lex iniusta
128  Lex spectat naturae ordinem

non est lex, Lex spectat naturae ordi- every moral norm in the natural will be
nem, Operari sequitur esse, Quidquid binding in every instance. See Ut in plu-
percipitur ad modum percipientis per- ribus and Valet ut in pluribus for the
cipitur, Quidquid recipitur ad modum fuller discussion of this term. See also
recipientis recipitur, and Ultra posse Ad literam; Cessante fine cessat lex; Ex
(or vires) nemo obligatur. facto ius oritur; Exceptio firmat regu-
lam; Odia restringi, et favores convenit
Lex spectat naturae ordinem ampliari; Quod omnes tangit ab omni-
The law observes (or respects) the bus approbetur; Sensus fidelium; Sen-
natural order sum, non verba spectamus; and Unicum.
Principle that shows that human laws
must always be grounded in reality and Lex vetus
especially that natural human relations, The old law
such as in families, must be respected in Refers to the Mosaic Law of the Old
law. This is an important point because Testament which stood in force until the
in human history many laws (such as proclamation by Jesus of the lex nova
during the period of slavery) were not (q.v.).
respectful of these basic natural order
relationships. See also Impossibilium Liber Antiphonarius
nulla obligatio, Lex iniusta non est lex, Book of Antiphons
Lex semper intendit quod convenit ra-
tioni, Nemo potest ad impossibile obli- See the entry under Liber Gradualis.
gari, Nemo tenetur ad impossibile, and
Qui tenetur ad finem tenetur ad media. Liber Gradualis
Book of the Gradual Prayers
Lex talionis Name given to the medieval liturgical
Law of retaliation book which contained responsorial
The law of “an eye for an eye, a tooth for chants and Gospel Alleluia verses sung
a tooth,” given expression in the Old Tes- by the Schola cantorum (q.v.) or soloists
tament, as well as in other legal tradi- in the Mass. This liturgical book was
tions of the Ancient Near East. It should also sometimes referred to as the Liber
be kept in mind, though, that this lex Antiphonarius (Book of Antiphons) and
talionis was meant to limit the amount often included the Cantatorium or col-
of retribution or punishment that could lection of chants.
be exacted and was not originally under-
stood as a moral imperative to exact the Libertas est inaestimabilis
fullest possible punishment allowed. Liberty is priceless
While the Catholic moral tradition does
Lex valet ut in pluribus not view liberty as the Summum bonum
The law holds in most cases (q.v.) for humans, it does put a high
Expression found in Thomas Aquinas value on freedom since without this one
ST I–II, q. 94, a. 2, indicating that not cannot act morally. See also In neces-
Licet corrigere defectus naturae 129

sariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in om- (ca. 1100–1160): Liberum arbitrium est
nibus caritas. facultas rationis et voluntatis (Freedom
of the will is the faculty [power] to rea-
Libertatis nuntius son and to will [intend]). As a basic
Bringing word (or warning) of concept for any understanding of moral
liberty agency the individual must have libe-
Congregation of the Doctrine of the rum arbitrium in order to make and act
Faith’s 1984 instruction On Certain As- on moral choices. Conversely, anything
pects of the “Theology of Liberation,” which impedes this freedom also would
which sharply criticized liberation the- diminish (or eliminate) moral responsi-
ology. A follow-up instruction Liberta- bility for the acts performed. See also
tis conscientia (Liberty of Conscience) Impedimenta libertatis and Moralis
issued in 1986 was somewhat less se- impossibilitas.
vere, and while acknowledging libera-
tion theology had some legitimate
Libri paenitentiales
Penitential books
concerns and positive contributions, it
was still marked by a number of “am- Term used to designate the manuals pre-
biguities” and negative aspects. Both pared to guide confessors in the assign-
documents came during the pontificate ing of proper penances for various sins.
of John Paul II who had struggled with These books grew in popularity from the
Communism in Poland and were signed time that individual penance became the
by the then Cardinal Prefect of the CDF, primary mode of reception of the sacra-
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (later Bene- ment of reconciliation (i.e., from about
dict XVI). the sixth century). See also Casus con-
scientiae, Summa Casuum Conscien-
Liberum arbitrium tiae, and Summae confessariorum.
Free will (or choice)
(Non) Licet
Refers to the moral freedom with regard
Licit (or not)
to particular choices and acts. The pre-
cise meaning of this term has been Technically is a legal term, but often is
much debated and discussed by theolo- understood to refer to moral (im)per-
gians over the centuries. In contempo- missibility of an action. See also licet
rary moral theology, liberum arbitrium corrigere defectus naturae.
is the type of freedom which is related
to categorical acts and would be con- Licet corrigere defectus naturae
trasted with the transcendental freedom It is licit (morally permissible) to
exercised in the choice of one’s most correct defects of nature
basic stance toward God, which is often Moral principle enunciated by Pope
termed the fundamental option in con- Pius XII in his 1958 Address to the Sev-
temporary moral theology. The classic enth International Congress of Hema-
definition of this freedom was given by tology in which he indicated that the use
the medieval theologian Peter Lombard of the progesterone pill to remedy
130  Ligamen

(“correct”) maladies of the uterus or who had not committed personal sin but
menstrual cycle would be legitimate still had stain of original sin on their
under the principle of the double effect. souls existed in a state of perfect natural
This same principle was confirmed in happiness, though without directly en-
Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical On the Regu- joying the beatific vision which is the
lation of Birth, Humanae vitae (q.v.), in Summum bonum (q.v.) of human nature.
paragraph 15. Pius XII did stress, The latter group encompassed young
though, that this principle could be ap- children who died without baptism but
plied too broadly and that it would be also without having committed personal
key to the moral liceity that the person sin. This version of Limbo was called
using such medication would be doing either Limbus infantium (Limbo of in-
so not for contraceptive reasons but for fants) or Limbus puerorum (Limbo of
the purpose of treating or correcting this the children). Limbus patrum (Limbo
physical malady. See also Finis operis, of the Patriarchs [or Fathers]) referred
Finis operantis, and Intentio. to those who died in friendship with
God, but before Christ’s resurrection,
Ligamen and therefore had to await Christ’s com-
Bond (ligament) ing to open the gates of heaven. Another
general term employed was Limbus
In canon law of marriage a ligamen re- pervulorum, which means “those who
fers to the bond of a prior marriage inhabit the place on the edge.” While
which would be an impediment to an the notion of Limbo was commonly
attempt at another marriage. The im- held for centuries, in the post–Vatican
pediment of a ligamen would therefore II church this tradition is given far less
have to be resolved by obtaining an an- credence. In 2007 the International
nulment or decree of nullity before an- Theological Commission published
other marriage could licitly take place. with Pope Benedict XVI’s approval a
See also Affinitas non parit affinitatem, study on “The Hope of Salvation for
Defensor Vinculi, Ligamen, Non constat Infants Who Die without Being Bap-
de nullitate, Ratum, Ratum et consum- tised.” See also Extra ecclesia nulla
matum, and Super rato. salus, Ignorantes, Ingnorantia invinci-
bilis, and Sine culpa.
Limbus infantium Lineamenta
Limbus patrum Outline
Limbus pervulorum Refers usually to an outline document,
Limbo (hem, fringe, edge) often related to a working, or prepara-
The Latin term refers to the edge of tory, document for a commission, meet-
something, and in theology the term ing, etc. Expression is often found in
came to denote a place outside the reference to Roman documents for
boundary of heaven where those who meetings such as special synods and the
died either in friendship with God or like. See also Instrumentum laboris.
Locum tenens 131

Littera gesta docet, quid credas such as justification. See also loci theo-
allegoria, moralis quid agas, quid logici and locus classicus.
speres anagogia
The letter teaches (the facts of) Loci receptionis
events; allegory, what you are to Places (locations) of reception
believe; moral, what you are to Refers to the various places and modali-
do; and anagogic, what you are to ties of reception of revelation and doc-
hope for. trine. For example, theologically one can
Dictum of thirteenth-century theologian speak of the reception of a magisterial
Augustine of Dacia which distinguished teaching by the larger church commu-
the levels of interpretive meaning found nity, or the reception of God’s self-com-
in the Scriptures, i.e., historical “fac- munication by humanity, or reception of
tual” information of events recorded in various dogmas among the churches, and
the Bible; an allegorical mode of inter- so on. See also Congregatio fidelium;
pretation oriented to faith belief; a Quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab om-
moral interpretation oriented to ethical nibus, creditum est; and Sensus fidelium.
praxis; and an anagogic, or eschato-
Loci theologici
logical, interpretation oriented to the
Theological loci (locations,
hope in the ultimate truth of salvation
contained in the biblical message.
The loci theologici generally refer to the
clusters of organizing principles that
Loc. cit.
help determine the focus of theology.
In the place cited
Thus, various biblical themes such as
Latin abbreviation for loco citato, and sin, redemption, justification, grace,
used in scholarly works to indicate ref- etc., furnish some of the loci theologici
erence to a citation which has come for systematic theology. Loci theologici
before in the text, though not in the cita- can also refer to the sources from which
tion immediately prior to the citation in theologians draw the material for their
question. Thus, loc. cit. differs from reflection. In this sense Scripture, tradi-
ibid. (q.v.), but is used in the same way tion, liturgy, the experience of the faith-
as op. cit. (q.v.). For correct usage see ful, local churches, etc., become
an accepted manual of style, such as important loci theologici.
The Chicago Manual of Style.
Loco citato
Loci In the place cited
Locations, places See Loc. cit.
Plural form of locus, and can be used to
denote literal and figurative “places” Locum tenens
where something is found or done. One holding the place
Thus, biblical loci refer to scriptural Legal term used for someone who tem-
texts that speak about a certain theme, porarily occupies the office of another,
132  Locus classicus

such as a priest or doctor who substi- Modern World. At the council there was
tutes for a pastor or another doctor who a real debate over which pair of terms
is away on vacation. the constitution should lead off with,
but ultimately the more positive pair of
Locus classicus “joy and hope” was chosen to indicate
Classic location (place) the council’s basic attitude toward the
Refers to a proof-text or authoritative modern world.
reference for a certain doctrine or the
usual textual reference given to demon- Lumen fidei
strate a certain point. E.g., the locus Light of faith
classicus for the New Testament expres-
See the discussion under the contrasting
sion of the natural law is Romans 2:12-
term Lumen naturale. See Cognitio ae-
15. See also Dicta probantia.
nigmatica and also the entries under
Credo and Fides, especially Crede ut
Locus in quo
intelligas, Fides qua/Fides quae, Fides
The place in which
quaerens intellectum, and Fides ratione
Refers to the place (physical or figura- illuminata.
tive) in which something has occurred.

Locus theologicus Lumen gentium

Singular form of loci theologici Light to the nations
(q.v.). Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on
the Church (1964) which established
Locutio contra mentem the people of God and the Pilgrim
Speech against what one is in fact Church as primary ecclesial metaphors.
thinking At the council there was a big debate
over what trait should come first, the
Traditional manualistic definition, and hierarchical nature of the church or the
condemnation, of lying, based on a read- church as the people of God. The coun-
ing of the “faculty” of speech. Any vio- cil fathers rejected the original schema
lation of the “nature” of such a “faculty” which privileged the “hierarchical” na-
would be in itself an intrinsece malum ture of the church and decided instead
(q.v., intrinsically immoral) and could to put forth first the notion of the church
never be justified due to extenuating as the whole people of God, all of
circumstances and/or otherwise good whom are called to holiness (cf. chapter
intentions. See also Mentalis restrictio. 5 of Lumen gentium). These develop-
ments have caused some tensions within
Luctus et angor the church since the close of the coun-
Griefs and the anxieties cil. In this context see also Dominus
Second pair of terms found in Gaudium Iesus, Elementa ecclesiae, Extra eccle-
et spes (q.v.), the Vatican II Pastoral sia nulla salus, Nota praevia, Obse-
Constitution on the Church in the quium religiosum, and Subsistit in.
Lux Aeterna 133

Lumen naturale Per modum cognitionis/Per modum incli-

Natural light (or reason) nationis, and Recta ratio.
This term does not refer to sunlight but
rather the ability that all humans possess Lux Aeterna
to come to some level of moral knowl- Eternal Light (or Flame)
edge of the natural law through use of our While this term can be used to indicate
innate faculty of right reason (recta ratio, any “eternal flame” (usually found in
q.v.). Lumen naturale then would be con- grave sites of personages like President
trasted with the Lumen fidei, or light of John F. Kennedy), in Roman Catholic
faith, which as an infused theological circles it refers to a canticle often em-
virtue given as part of God’s grace allows ployed in Requiem Masses for the dead.
us to comprehend that which otherwise It comes from the prayer, “Eternal Rest
would be beyond our reasoning ability or Grant Unto Him/Her/Them O Lord, and
human knowledge. See also Ens rationis, Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him/
Lex indita non scripta, Lex naturalis, Her/Them. See also Dies Irae and In
Ordo, Ordo bonorum, Ordinatio rationis, paradisum.
Magis her “mastery” of a position, art, trade,
The greater or discipline. Thus, the magisterium of
Refers to the Ignatian principle of dis- a ship captain depends on both position
cernment in which one seeks to do that as head of the crew and mastery of the
which will be more for God’s greater art of sailing. Thomas Aquinas spoke of
glory. See Ad majorem Dei gloriam. a twin magisterium (magisteria): the
pastoral magisterium of the bishops and
the professional magisterium of theolo-
Magister gians. In more recent centuries the term
Master magisterium is usually reserved to the
This term has the nuance of “master” in authoritative teaching role of the hier-
the sense of teacher, expert, or director. archy (bishops and pope). See also Au-
The Latin word does not carry the thenticus, Christus Dominus, Ecclesia
meaning of “master” in the sense of discens, Ecclesia militans, Fides im-
being an owner or overlord (which plicita, Lumen gentium, Magister,
would be dominus, q.v.). See also the Magisterium authenticam, Magisterium
various entries under Magisterium. cathedrae pastoralis & Magisterium
cathedrae magistralis, Munus, Obse-
quium religiosum, Officium, Potestas
Magister Sacrae Paginae
docendi, and Sensus fidelium.
Master of the Sacred Text
Refers usually to a theologian, who is Magisterium attestans
to be an “expert” in Scripture (the Sa- Magisterium (teaching office)
cred Page or Text), inasmuch as Scrip- attesting or bearing witness
ture is to be the “soul” of theology. This
expression was used primarily in the The neoscholastic manuals spoke of
Middle Ages. See also Sacra Pagina. two aspects of the magisterium (q.v.):
this magisterium attestans, which was
exercised primarily by the pope and
Magisterium bishops in bearing witness to and safe-
Authority of the master/teacher guarding the “deposit of faith,” or de-
In its generic form this concept refers positum fidei (q.v.), and the other,
to the authority granted to one by his or termed the Magisterium docens (q.v.)
Magisterium docens 135

or “teaching magisterium” which con- Magisterium cathedrae pastoralis

sisted primarily of the scholars and & Magisterium cathedrae
whose teaching authority depended on magistralis
the proper exercise of the discipline of Juridical Magisterium Chair and
theology and coherence and weight of Teaching Magisterium Chair
the mode of argumentation employed.
These two terms were used more widely
Thus, this term and its pair, magiste-
in the Middle Ages to differentiate the
rium docens, implied that the notion of
juridical (pastoral) power of the hierar-
the magisterium had two authorities,
chical magisterium (cathedrae pastora-
that of the pope and bishops on one
lis) from the teaching magisterium
hand and that of the scholarly theo-
invested in the professors on the the-
logical community on the other. In this
ology faculties of the various universi-
respect see especially Authenticus and
ties in Europe (cathedrae magistralis).
De fide definita. See also Depositum
Since the Council of Trent, the term
fidei, Diffinimus, Ecclesia docens, Ex
magisterium has increasingly referred
cathedra, Magisterium, Magisterium
solely to the members of the official
attestans, Magisterium authenticam,
hierarchy of the college of bishops in
Magisterium docens, Magisterium ca-
communion with the pope (as bishop of
thedrae pastoralis & Magisterium ca-
Rome). See also the other entries under
thedrae magistralis, Munus, Obsequium
Magisterium as well as the entries under
religiosum, Officium, Potestas docendi,
Munus. Also see Auctoritas, Ecclesia
and Sensus fidelium.
dicens, Ecclesia docens, Obsequium
religiosum, Peritus, Potestas docendi,
Quaestio disputata, Sensus fidelium,
Magisterium authenticam Sententia probata, Status quaestionis,
Authentic, authoritative and Theologice certa.
In a theological or ecclesial context this
would refer to some teaching or docu- Magisterium docens
ment that comes from an official mag- Teaching authority
isterial source, e.g., an individual pope See first the discussion above under the
or bishop, or some established ecclesial term Magisterium attestans. As used in
institution such as the Congregation for the neoscholastic manuals, the magiste-
the Doctrine of the Faith. See also Au- rium docens was not seen primarily as a
thenticus, Christus Dominus, Ecclesia charism of office but rather as an ac-
docens, Ex cathedra, Magisterium, quired expertise that would be the result
Magisterium attestans, Magisterium of serious study, teaching, discussion,
cathedrae pastoralis & Magisterium and publication. Thus, those who exer-
cathedrae magistralis, Magisterium do- cise the magisterium docens primarily
cens, Munus, Munus docendi, Obse- were the professional theologians. In this
quium religiosum, Officium, Potestas respect see especially, Auctoritas, Eccle-
docendi, and Sensus fidelium. sia dicens, Ecclesia docens, Inquisitio,
136  Magnum opus

Magisterium, Magisterium attestans, caused for a proportionately greater rea-

Magisterium cathedrae pastoralis & son (than for not doing, permitting, this
Magisterium cathedrae magistralis, Ob- premoral evil). For example, in order to
sequium religiosum, Peritus, Potestas save the life of a person with a gangre-
docendi, Quaestio disputata, Sensus fi- nous foot it is morally permissible to
delium, Sententia probata, Status quaes- amputate the foot so that the person will
tionis, and Theologice certa. not die from gangrene. In this case the
amputation is an ontic or physical evil,
Magnum opus not a moral evil, since the preservation
(A/The) Great work of life is proportionately greater than the
Usually refers to one’s principal book “evil” suffered by the loss of the foot.
or masterpiece which best indicates the However, if someone were to amputate
author’s thought or the artist’s talent. his or her foot in order to elicit sympathy,
or for some other “disproportionate” rea-
Mala fide son, the amputation would be equivalent
In bad faith to the moral evil of self-mutilation and
should not be done. In this latter case,
The opposite of bona fide (q.v.), that is, even though some “good” might result
something done in bad faith is done from the amputation (e.g., sympathy
with a bad or evil intention. won), the “good” obtained is not propor-
tionate to the evil suffered. Thus, since
Mala in se there is a clear lack of proportionate rea-
Bad in itself son, the evil of the amputation in this
See Intrinsece Malum and In se. second case would not be ontic or
physical evil but rather moral evil. See
Mala intrinseca Pars propter totum.
Intrinsically bad
See Intrinsece Malum. Male sonans
Evil sounding
Mala moralia and mala Though this might seem to express
praemoralia something “ominous,” the expression
Moral and premoral (ontic, was usually used to highlight something
physical) evil(s) which might well be true but which
Basic terms to distinguish between evil would likely offend pious folk (cf. the
which is moral (and therefore sinful) and longer entry under Piarum aurium of-
evil which lacks any moral culpability fensiva, “offensive to pious ears”). See
and therefore is not sinful. These terms also Delectatio morosa and Scandalum
are generally used in the principle of the pusillorum.
double effect and this distinction is very
important in the theory of proportional- Malum in se
ism. Not all evil is moral evil; premoral Bad in itself
(ontic) evil can be permitted and even See Intrinsece Malum and In se.
Massa damnata 137

Malum non est faciendum ut eve- Mandatum

niat bonum Commandment, mandate
Evil is not done so that good may Usually refers to the foot-washing ritual
result which takes place in the liturgy of Holy
In other words, the end does not justify Thursday, and is based on Jesus’ com-
the means. Nevertheless, it is important mand given in John 13:14 that, just as
to recognize that in fact in the Catholic Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, they
moral tradition it is the “end” that justi- ought to do likewise. Based on this
fies the means and not vice versa. The mandatum the Holy Thursday liturgy is
point of this axiom, though, is to coun- sometimes called “Maundy Thursday.”
ter a utilitarian or consquentialist ethic This expression is also used to refer to
which might hold that any “good” the seal of approval given by a local
would justify even a morally evil means. bishop to university-level Catholic
See also Bonum est faciendum et pro- teachers of theology and philosophy
sequendum, et malum vitandum; Causa called for in the Ordinationes (q.v.) of
finalis est prima inter omnes causas; Ex corde ecclesiae (q.v.). See also
Cooperatio in malum; Ea (eorum) quae Mandatum novum and Missio canonica.
sunt ad finem; Finis enim dat speciem
in moralibus; Finis est nobilior iis quae Mandatum novum
sunt ad finem; Finis operis; Finis ope- New commandment
rantis; Minus malum; and Qui vult
Refers to the “new commandment”
finem vult media.
given by Jesus in John 13:34 that the
disciples are to love one another. See
Malum physicum and malum also Mandatum.
See Mala moralia and mala praemora- Mane nobiscum Domine
lia. Give to Us, Lord
Apostolic letter of Pope John Paul II of
7 October 2004.
Malum quia prohibitum
Wrong because prohibited
Mare magnum
This contrasts with prohibitum quia Great sea
malum, “forbidden because wrong”;
Referred to the comprehensive grants
i.e., in the former instance something is
of pastoral prerogatives given to certain
wrong simply because it is “forbidden,”
religious orders.
not because it is wrong in itself. In the
latter case of prohibitum quia malum,
“forbidden because wrong,” something Massa damnata
is forbidden because it is being per- Condemned throng
ceived as wrong and therefore is not to The effect of original sin is that all of
be done. humanity is born into a fallen state.
138  Mater Dolorosa

Only through God’s grace can humans corresponding faculty. As Thomas

be saved. Cf. Augustine’s Enchiridion, Aquinas states in the section of his
26: PL 44, 450. Massa itself can carry Summa Theologiae (q.v.), which deals
the metaphor of a lump (massa) of clay with human acts, the (moral) “object is
in the hands of a potter and thus is a not the matter out of which, but the mat-
metaphor in which God is the potter and ter about which (materia circa quam),
humanity the clay. See also Prorsus in- and stands in relation to the act is its
debitum. form, as it were, through giving it its
(moral) species.” ST I–II, q. 18, a. 2, ad.
Mater Dolorosa 2. See also Secundum quid.
The sorrowful mother
Materia levis (gravis)
Usually refers to the depiction of the Light (serious) matter
Blessed Virgin Mary holding the dead
body of Jesus after it has been taken Refers to the objective “matter” of sin.
down from the cross. The Dolorosa en- Some “matter,” such as murder would
joys a very popular cult in certain areas be “grave” (serious), and if accompa-
of the world, such as Italy. See also Sta- nied by the more subjective elements of
bat Mater Dolorosa. sufficient consent and sufficient free-
dom on the part of the moral agent,
would be considered as “mortal” sin. If
Mater et Magistra the “matter” were “light” (i.e., not of
Mother and teacher such a serious nature, such as uttering
Social encyclical of Pope John XXIII an expletive upon hitting your finger
On Christianity and Social Progress inadvertently with a hammer), the re-
(1961), in which he indicated that the sulting “sin” would be considered “ve-
state has a legitimate role and must at nial.” See also Graviter et dolose,
times act in health care, education, and Parvitas materiae in Sexto, and Sub levi.
Mea culpa
Materfamilias Through my fault
Mother of a family Expression which comes from the Con-
Though the Latin translates literally as a fiteor (q.v.) in which the penitent pro-
“mother of a family,” the nuance is more nounces the words “mea culpa, mea
of a matriarch. See also Paterfamilias. culpa, mea maxima culpa” (through my
fault, through my fault, through my
most grievous fault”). Mea culpa can be
Materia circa quam used to indicate both guilt and apology.
The matter around which However, by itself culpa has a technical
Expression in scholastic theology that meaning in canon law, which points to
refers to the “matter” about which an an oversight rather than a premeditated
action or faculty moves, or can also violation. See also Culpa, De defecti-
refer to the object of an action and its bus, Dolus, and Sanatio in radice.
Mens legislatoris 139

Mediator Dei latter sense see also Nemo dat quod non
Mediator of God habet.
Pope Pius XII’s encyclical On the Sa-
cred Liturgy (1947), which called for Memento mori
active participation of the faithful in the Remember (you will) die
Eucharist. Expression which means “remember
that you will someday die.” The expres-
Melior est conditio possidentis sion can be used to put one’s life in a
Better (stronger) is the condition larger perspective, as well as to indicate
(status, right, etc.) already in pos- an implicit call to conversion and a life
session (or force) of moral rectitude so as to avoid the
pains of hell.
Axiom which relates to adjudicating
claims about doubtful laws or facts. This
is somewhat akin to the legal principle Memoria liberationis
of “possession is nine-tenths of the law,” Memory of liberation
which means that in disputes over own- Refers usually to the salvation history
ership the person in actual possession of of liberation, e.g., the recollection of the
the object has the stronger legal claim, Exodus event, which is a formative
unless proven otherwise. In terms of narrative for the faith community. The
moral theology and/or canon law melior Exodus story is recounted during
est conditio possidentis means that in the Passover Seder service in which the
cases of doubt whatever has enjoyed the head of the celebration responds to
previous right or interpretation—whether the youngest child’s ritual question
in terms of a presumed law or liberty—is “Why is this night different from all
presumed to stand in this disputed case other nights?” (cf. Deut 6:6, 20-25).
as well, unless it is disproved by a stron- The concept of memoria liberationis is
ger case. See also the various entries key to the theological understanding of
under Dubium as well as In dubio factum the covenant and is widely used in lib-
non praesumitur sed probatur, Ius ad eration theology as well.
rem, Ius et titulum, Iustitiam subsidiar-
iam, Lex dubia non obligat, and Posses- Mens legislatoris
sio non est juris sed facti. The mind of the legislator
Principle for interpreting the true mean-
Melius est dare quam accipere ing of a law, such that one “reads” the law
It is better to give than to receive as if the legislator were present to give
While this aphorism is common also in the proper application of the law. This
English, the Latin can be used to indi- principle is used both in canon law and
cate that having a perfection is superior in moral theology to elucidate the fuller
to just being able to receive it (presum- meaning of the law which looks to similar
ing in that case that the recipient lacks laws in different contexts or which seeks
the perfection). In conjunction with this to discern the grounding reasons or the
140  Mens rea

so-called “spirit of the law,” as opposed Canonical term which includes the ben-
(at times) to the “letter of the law.” For efice of the bishop’s office, namely all
example, in the case of a serious medical of the ecclesiastical goods and income
emergency one might presume, invoking that he enjoys by right of his episcopal
the mens legislatoris, permission to ex- office (and apart from anything he may
ceed the posted speed limit (and presum- own as a private individual, such as a
ing that public safety were not otherwise family legacy). The Mensa Episcopalis
endangered, etc.). See also Epikeia. in canon law is a juridical entity some-
what like a corporation would be in civil
Mens rea law.
Guilty mind (evil intent)
Mensura non mensurata
Basic principle in criminal law which
A non-measured measure which
indicates for a true crime one needs not
measures (everything else)
only an unlawful act (actus reus, q.v.)
but also an accompanying evil intent to Cf. Norma normans non normata.
commit the crime. If the intent is not
there or cannot be proven then the ac- Mentalis restrictio
cused should be acquitted or possibly Mental reservation
convicted of a lesser crime (e.g., invol- This expression refers to the casuistical
untary manslaughter instead of murder). principle which sought to justify certain
The full principle is actus non facit forms of deception which otherwise
reum nisi mens sit rea (“act does not would appear to be outright lies. This
make one guilty unless the mind [intent usage often amounted to a form of
behind the act] would be guilty”). See equivocation which deliberately chose
also Absolutus sententia judicis praseu- words that either could be misleading
mitur innocens; Actus reus; Onus pro- or have a double meaning, such that the
bandi; Nulla poena sine culpa; speaker might technically be telling the
Sententia facit ius; Sententia incerta “truth” but is clearly aiming at not being
non valet; Sine culpa; and Ubi non est correctly understood by the hearer. See
culpa, ibi non est delictum. also locutio contra mentem and stricte
Mens sana in corpore sano
A sound mind in a sound body Meum
Usually this expression stresses the ne- Mine
cessity of keeping one’s body physically Often used in conjunction with tuum
fit, though the Latin would indicate also (yours). Thus, a basic principle of jus-
the need for mental development. tice is to render to me what is mine and
to you what is yours.
Mensa Episcopalis
Revenue (literally, “table”) of a Minima de malis
bishop See Minus malum.
Miramur 141

Minima non curat praetor malum, ut inde fiat bonum; Ordo ratio-
The magistrate does not treat nis; Per modum cognitionis/Per modum
small matters inclinationis; and Recta ratio.
The purpose of the legal system is not
to deal with each and every possible Mirabile dictu
situation, especially those that cover Wonderful to relate
minor matters. Another variation on this However, the nuance is one of astonish-
adage is De minimis non curat lex (q.v., ment, often meant ironically, at hearing
“The law does not treat small matters”). news of a certain event or occurrence,
See also Ad literam; Epikeia; In neces- e.g., “He passed his exams, mirabile
sariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in om- dictu!”—which might be said of some-
nibus caritas; Lex dubia non obligat; one who had not studied very diligently
Libertas est inaestimabilis; and Quod and who was not an especially gifted
raro fit non observant legislatores. student.

Minus malum Mirabilia

Lesser evil
If one is faced with a dilemma in which
Usually refers to miracles and/or things
the only concrete possibilities of action
which astonish.
both have evil effects, one is to choose
the action which will have the “lesser
evil.” The classic phrase, attributed to Miramur
Thomas à Kempis, is “De duobus malis, We are surprised
minus est semper eligendum” (“In mat- Though this word is technically a verb,
ters concerning two evils, the lesser is in theological circles it often functions
always to be chosen,” q.v.). This expres- as a noun to refer to a letter given by
sion also would correspond logically to some official hierarchical organ, such
Thomas Aquinas’ understanding of as the Congregation for the Doctrine of
practical right reason (recta ratio, q.v.) the Faith, which expresses some puzzle-
in responding to his first principle of the ment or critique of a theologian’s writ-
natural law, namely that Bonum est fa- ing or teaching. The expression comes
ciendum et prosequendum, et malum from the opening line of the letter, mi-
vitandum (q.v., “The good is to be done ramur, “We are surprised .  .  . (that you
and fostered, and evil avoided”). If we would hold this position).” A theologian
cannot always and in every instance who receives a miramur may wish to
“avoid” evil entirely, then it makes clarify or change his or her opinion on
logical sense at least to reduce the evil the matter in question, but a miramur
caused if this be in our power. See also can also be used as a sort of censorship
Cooperatio in malum; Ens rationis; Lex or control, as well as serve as an initial
aeterna; Lex indita non scripta; Lex na- step in a more thorough investigation of
turae; Lumen naturale; Malum non est one’s theological teachings. See also
faciendum ut eveniat bonum; Non facias Monitum.
142  Mirari vos

Mirari vos repentance for one’s sins, as well as a

(It) amazes you (pl.) prayer to God for their forgiveness. See
Gregory XVI’s encyclical condemning also De profundis.
indifferentism in religion and the sup-
posed individual’s freedom of con- Missa
science in choice of religion (1832). Mass
This same position was echoed in Pius Latin word for the celebration of the
IX’s Quanta cura (1864) and the ac- Eucharist. See also Ite Missa Est.
companying Syllabus of Errors. Never-
theless, there is some tension with this Missa Cantata
position dating from Roman times Sung Mass
through Thomas Aquinas, who held
A Mass in which various parts of the
contrary views. Dignitatis humanae,
celebration are sung by the presider, but
Vatican II’s Declaration on Religious
without the participation of a deacon
Liberty, ultimately enshrined the posi-
(and subdeacon), which would be re-
tion of Thomas Aquinas, who held that
quired for a Missa Solemnis (q.v.).
that no one should ever be forced to act
against his or her conscience, and even
Missa Solemnis
if this is done the person should resist:
Solemn Mass
“anyone upon whom the ecclesiastical
authorities, in ignorance of the true Refers to a very solemn liturgy, sung
facts, impose a demand that offends with a deacon (and subdeacon), often
against his clear conscience, should per- called a “High Mass” in the pre–Vatican
ish in excommunication rather than vio- II church. Also refers to musical works
late his conscience” (Thomas Aquinas, composed for performance at such litur-
4 Sent. 38, q. 2, a. 4, Expos. Text). See gies. See also Missa Cantata.
also Dignitatis humanae, Nisi enim
sponte et ex animo fiat, execratio est, Missale Romanum
Quanta cura, and Quod aliquantum. Roman Missal
As a proper noun, when used in Latin
Miserere this term usually refers to the 1570 re-
Have mercy form of the Tridentine liturgy by Pope
Usually refers to Psalm 51, the best Pius V and used until the Second Vatican
known of the seven penitential psalms, Council, though technically it could
which begins in the Latin Vulgate’s refer to any missal officially recognized
translation with the words Miserere by the Holy See. Some individuals who
mei, Deus (“Have mercy on me, O resisted the liturgical changes of Vatican
God”). This psalm is recited every Fri- II preferred to celebrate the Latin Mass
day in the Lauds (Morning Prayer) of of this Missal and permission was given
the breviary and is used in other litur- to all priests to celebrate it by Pope
gical services as well. This expression Benedict XVI in his 2007 motu proprio
can also be used to indicate sorrow and (q.v.), Summorum Pontificum (q.v.).
Monitum 143

See also Ad orientem, Coetus fidelium, of committing the crime. A philosophi-

Forma extraordinaria, Missale Roma- cal axiom that builds on this notion is
num, Novus Ordo, Summorum Pontifi- Modus operandi sequitur modum es-
cum, Universae Ecclesiae, and Versus sendi (q.v.).
Modus operandi sequitur modum
Missio canonica essendi
Canonical mission The manner of operating follows
Refers to an office or position (such as the mode of being
a bishop, professor in a pontifical fac- Metaphysical and moral principle that
ulty of theology, etc.) whose exercise of underscores it is the agent rather than
that office depends on either the eccle- the act that is the key determining factor
siastical nomination (e.g., for a bishop) in evaluating both nature and moral
or confirmation in office (e.g. obtaining acts. See also Agere sequitur esse, Op-
the nihil obstat for a professor). A mis- erari sequitur esse, and Quidquid reci-
sio canonica can also be withdrawn by pitur ad modum recipientis recipitur.
the same competent ecclesiastical au-
thority (as has happened occasionally Modus procendi
and been threatened somewhat more Way of proceeding
often). See also Auctores probati and
Refers to a process or approach to a
problem, issue, study, etc.
Missio Dei Modus vivendi
Mission from God Way of living
The ultimate “mission of God” is the Usually refers to a certain degree of
salvation of all human creatures. The compromise as a principle of adaptation
church’s own mission is derived ulti- in order to live peacefully in what might
mately from this universal salvific will be otherwise a difficult situation.
of God. See also Visio Dei.
Modo speciali Reminder, warning
In a special mode or manner
In ecclesiastical circles a monitum may
For a fuller discussion of this concept, be issued by a competent authority,
especially as it is employed in canon such as a Vatican congregation, as an
law, see the entry Specialissimo modo. admonition for a canonical offense or
irregularity, as a preventive penalty
Modus operandi warning against some anticipated ac-
Manner of working tion, or as a warning against the teach-
Refers to a certain pattern of behavior ing of a certain opinion. For example,
or action. E.g., a criminal’s “M.O.” is the traditionalist archbishop, Marcel
his or her modus operandi, or usual way Lefevre, received an official monitum
144  Moralis impossibilitas

from the Vatican in 1988 prior to his truly pertains to morals and morality as
announced, but unauthorized, ordina- such. See also De rebus fidei et morum.
tion of new bishops for his Society of
St. Pius X. Archbishop Lefevre ignored
the monitum and was excommunicated Mors tua, vita mea
ipso facto (q.v.) upon completion of the Your death, my life
unauthorized episcopal ordination (cf. Principle of taking another’s life so that
canon 1382). For an example of a moral one might live. Expression might be
monitum, in 1952 the Holy Office (in- found in certain biomedical situations,
stitutional precursor to the Congrega- such as organ donation or sacrificing
tion for the Doctrine of the Faith) issued the life of a fetus so that the mother
a monitum which warned moral theolo- might live (or vice versa).
gians not to “describe, praise, and urge
amplexus reservatus” (q.v.).
Mortalium Animos
Minds of mortals
Moralis impossibilitas
Moral impossibility Encyclical of Pope Pius XI On Reli-
gious Unity, issued on 6 January 1928.
Factor which prevents or renders very
In this encyclical the pope takes a rather
difficult the fulfillment of a law or obli-
dim view of the ecumenical movement
gation due to one or more conditions,
and its conventions, meetings, and the
such as grave fear or psychological im-
like, held among different Christian
possibility, serious harm to oneself or
groups. He calls instead for all people
others, and/or a serious external diffi-
to return to the Catholic Church, which
culty which would be involved if the
is the one, true Church.
law or obligation would be fulfilled. For
example, someone in a remote area
would be impeded (and thus excused) Mortui vivos docent
by virtue of this “moral impossibility” The dead teach the living
from fulfilling the obligation to attend
Expression which usually connotes the
Sunday Mass if there were no church
value of studying the classics and tradi-
nearby. See also Impedimenta libertatis
tion in order to learn. See also Nihil novi
and Liberum arbitrium.
sub sole, Nil nisi bonum de mortuis di-
cere, Praeparatio evangelica, Quidquid
Mores latine dictum sit altum videtur, and
Customs, nature, manner,
practice, law, etc.
Mores is the plural of mos. This is an
extremely difficult term to translate Morum disciplina
adequately into English, and in moral Ordering (discipline) of mores
theology it is important to make the dis- (right conduct)
tinction between what are “mores” Refers to a code of conduct or discipline.
(customs) of a given society and what See also Mores.
Munera 145

Motu proprio [data] Mulier taceat in ecclesia

[Given] of one’s own accord A woman is to keep silent in
In ecclesiastical usage this refers to a per- church.
sonal letter written by a pope either to the This is the Latin for Paul’s admonitions
whole church, a local church, or some against women speaking in church (cf.
particular group or body. A motu proprio 1 Corinthians 14:34 and 1 Timothy
is an authentic exercise of the magiste- 2:11-15). Obviously, this is an exe-
rium, but its authority ranks below other getical point that provokes much con-
forms of the magisterium (i.e., after defi- temporary controversy. The 1917 Code
nitions proposed ex cathedra, conciliar of Canon Law forbade women as priests
decrees, papal encyclicals, apostolic ex- (#813 §2) and was repeated in the 1983
hortations, and apostolic constitutions). Code (C.I.C. #1024), as well as in the
Technically a motu proprio indicates an CDF’s 1976 Inter Insigniores (q.v., On
act or instruction, establishment of disci- the Question of the Admission of
plinary regulations, etc., given on the Women to the Ministerial Priesthood)
initiative of the legislator rather than in and Pope John Paul II’s 1994 apostolic
response to a request. Some recent ex- exhortation Ordinatio sacerdotalis
amples issued by Pope Benedict XVI (q.v., On the Ordination of Priests). See
include his 2011 Porta Fidei (q.v.) calling also Pope John Paul II’s 1988 Mulieris
for a Year of Faith to commemorate the dignitatem for a more positive assess-
fiftieth anniversary of Vatican II; his 2009 ment of the role of women.
Omnium in mentem (q.v.), which
amended parts of the 1983 Codex Iuris Mulieris dignitatem
Canonici (q.v.), or Code of Canon Law; Dignity of women
and his 2007 Summorum Pontificum
Apostolic letter of Pope John Paul II On
(q.v.), which gave all priests the rite to
the Dignity and Vocation of Women on
celebrate the pre–Vatican II Latin Triden-
the Occasion of the Marian Year (1988).
tine Liturgy as an “extraordinary form”
See also Inter Insigniores, Mulier for-
(q.v., forma extraordinaria).
tis, Mulier taceat in ecclesia, and Ordi-
natio sacerdotalis.
Mulier fortis
Strong woman
Mundus vult decipi
This expression denotes a woman who
The world wants to be deceived.
is forthright and strong. Positively, it is
similar to the ideal wife depicted in Aphorism which indicates that rather
Proverbs 31:10-31. Negatively, this ex- than face an uncomfortable truth most
pression is somewhat akin to the Asian people would prefer to be deceived by
expression of a “Dragon Lady,” i.e., a a less challenging view of reality, even
woman who tries to dominate affairs, if it should prove to be ultimately false.
especially within the family. See also
Mulier taceat in ecclesia and Mulieris Munera
dignitatem. Offices or ministries
146  Munificentissimus Deus

Latin plural of Munus (q.v.). See Munus participation in the ecclesiastical teach-
for a discussion of this term, as well as ing power of the church. This charism of
Authenticus, Ecclesia docens, Magiste- office, though, is not absolute but must
rium, Munus docendi, Munus guber- be exercised in communion with the
nandi, Obsequium religiosum, Officium, pope and the college of bishops. See also
and Potestas docendi. Authenticus, Christus Dominus, Eccle-
sia docens, Magisterium, Munus, Munus
Munificentissimus Deus gubernandi, Obsequium religiosum, Of-
Most Munificent God ficium, and Potestas docendi.
Papal bull of Pius XII promulgated in
the Marian Year of 1950 defining the Munus gubernandi (or munus
dogma of Mary’s assumption body and regendi)
soul into heaven upon her death. Con- Office (or ministry) of governance
sidered to be the second, and most re- In the ecclesiastical context this term
cent, example of a papal pronouncement refers to those who have jurisdiction or
given in an ex cathedra (q.v.) format power to govern, and in the current
which explicitly invoked infallibility. Code of Canon Law this munus is re-
See also Ineffabilis Deus. stricted to the ordained. This munus is
distinguished from the other two mu-
Munus (Plural, Munera) nera of teaching and sanctifying. See
Mission, ministry, office also Christus Dominus, Ecclesia dis-
cens, Ecclesia docens, Magisterium,
Often used in ecclesiastical context to
Munus docendi, Obsequium religiosum,
refer to some aspect of the role of the
Officium, and Potestas docendi.
church or an individual (such as a bishop
or pastor) in the church’s primary mis-
sion of teaching, governing, and sancti- Munus Petrinium
fying. In a liturgical context munus/ Petrine (papal) ministry
munera may mean “gift” or “gifts.” See This concept is a further specification of
also Authenticus, Christus Dominus, the ecclesial notion of munus and focuses
Ecclesia docens, Lumen gentium, Mag- on the specific functions, powers, and
isterium, Magisterium authenticam, privileges of the papacy in the church that
Munus docendi, Munus gubernandi, was given to Peter by Jesus. Besides the
Munus santificandi, Obsequium religio- other entries paired with Munus, see also
sum, Officium, and Potestas docendi. Primus inter pares; Servus Servorum
Dei; Tu Es Petrus; Ubi Petrus, ibi eccle-
Munus docendi sia, ibi Deus; and Vicarius Christi.
Office (or ministry) of teaching
According to Vatican II’s Dogmatic Con- Munus sanctificandi
stitution on the Church Lumen gentium Ministry of sanctification
(q.v.) #21, each bishop by virtue of his Mission of the church to sanctify its
episcopal ordination receives a share or members in holiness and governed pri-
Mysterium iniquitatis 147

marily by the magisterium (munus gu- Mysterium Ecclesiae

bernandi, q.v.) and administered by the Mystery of the church
ordained in the celebration of the Sacra- Issued on the Feast of St. John the Bap-
ments, etc. tist (24 June 1973) by the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith, this “Dec-
Munus triplex
laration in Defense of the Catholic Doc-
Threefold ministry
trine on the Church Against Certain
Expression which refers to the work of Errors fo the Present Day” defends the
Jesus Christ as priest, prophet, and king. ministerial priesthood and the infallibil-
ity of the universal church and the mag-
Mutatio legis odiosa isterium.
Change in the law is odious
Legal principle that indicates that when Mysterium fidei
laws are changed there will likely be Mystery of the faith
resistance and difficulties. Any change,
of course, is difficult and institutions, An element, or doctrine, of the faith
especially of law, need stability. On the which because of its sacred and/or su-
other hand, this stability can at times pernatural character is difficult to ex-
resist the necessary flexibility that is plain completely in rational and/or
required for appropriate adaptation to logical terms and which therefore must
changing circumstances and times. See be accepted finally on faith. Mysterium
also Ens rationis; Lex aeterna; Lex in- fidei is also the liturgical invocation ut-
dita non scripta; Lex naturae; Ordo tered by the presider immediately fol-
rationis; Per modum cognitionis/Per lowing the consecration (“Let us
modum inclinationis; Recta ratio; and proclaim the mystery of faith”). Myste-
Summum ius, summa iniuria. rium fidei is also the title of Paul VI’s
1965 encyclical on the real presence of
Mutatis mutandis Christ in the Eucharist.
The necessary changes being made
Refers to the application of a general Mysterium iniquitatis
principle which is expressed in terms of Mystery of iniquity [sin]
one case and would apply to a second The mystery of sin is seen within the
case if minor adjustments are made to Christian context in the economy of
take into account the differences and/or salvation, in which God’s grace sur-
particularities of the second case in con- passes sin. As Pope John Paul’s 1984
trast to the original case. post-synodal apostolic exhortation Rec-
onciliatio et Paenitentia (On Recon-
Mysterium Crucis ciliation and Penance in the Mission of
Mystery of the cross the Church Today) expresses this
Expression for the central mystery of thought, the mysterium iniquitatis of sin
the Christian faith, namely the “folly” is fought against by the mysterium pi-
of the cross. etatis (q.v.), the mystery of religion.
148  Mysterium pietatis

Mysterium pietatis thinker Rudolf Otto (1869-1937). Mys-

Mystery of piety (religion) terium referred to that which was totally
Expression found in 1 Timothy 3:16 different from what is found in ordinary
which refers to the power of religion life and evokes a reaction of silence.
which will be ultimately victorious over However, this religious experience is
sin and death. This expression was also also tremendum in that its overwhelm-
cited in Pope John Paul’s 1984 post- ing power evokes awe or trembling. Fi-
synodal apostolic exhortation Recon- nally, religious experience also is
ciliatio et Paenitentia (On Reconciliation fascinans in that it presents itself as
and Penance in the Mission of the “fascinating” in the sense of being mer-
Church Today) in reference to the mys- ciful and gracious. Often the expression
terium iniquitatis (q.v.) of sin which is is shortened to mysterium tremendum.
fought against by the mysterium pietatis,
the mystery of religion. Mystici Corporis
Mystical Body
Pope Pius XII’s encyclical on the Eu-
Mysterium tremendum et fascinans charist (1943) and the nature of the
“Mystery which inspires awe and Church as the Mystical Body of Christ.
fascination” See also Dominus Iesus Lumen gen-
Description of the religious experience tium, Elementa ecclesiase, Extra eccle-
of the sacred used by the religious sia nulla salus, and Subsistit in.
Natura actus Natura nihil facit inane
Nature (form) of the act Nature does nothing in vain
In traditional moral theology this refers See Deus nihil facit inane, though one
to the manner in which a certain act, should not conclude from this expres-
e.g., coitus, is performed. Traditionally, sion that everything in nature is some-
anything that blocked or destroyed the how divinely ordained (e.g., earthquakes
form of the act would be considered im- and disease), or that any modification
moral. In the development of Roman of what is “natural” would be immoral
Catholic sexual ethics, the conjugal act (e.g., artificial light, shelter, etc.). See
was considered moral, even if per- also Contra naturam and Lex naturae.
formed for the so-called “secondary
ends” alone (e.g., pleasure and the uni- (Ex) natura vel finalitate naturali
tive dimension) as long as the manner actus
of the conjugal act did not violate the (From the) nature or natural
basic form and integrity of the act (i.e., finality of an act
the semen still had to be deposited in
the vagina). Cf. Actus naturae and In moral theology this expression refers
Actus personae. to a mode of reasoning which evaluates
the moral rectitude of an action by look-
ing at the “nature” and “finality” of a
Natura humana mutabilis est given “faculty” (such as the sexual or-
Human nature is mutable gans) or individual action (e.g., killing
(changeable) in self-defense or for murder). In this
Refers to a teaching of St. Thomas. If view, for example, the “finality” of the
human nature is in some sense change- sexual organs is for procreation, and
able, then things which relate intimately therefore their use must have a procre-
to humans, such as laws and customs, ative intent in order to be judged mor-
will also have to change. The point of ally right. Another example that looks
debate, however, focuses on what to the “finality” of the action would be
changes and what remains the same. In using force: if the force were justified
moral theology this adage is the locus of in the line of self-defense it would be
some controversy over the precepts of moral; however, if excessive force were
the natural law. See also Lex naturalis. used, or intended unjustly to harm or
150  Naturaliter nota

kill someone, then in this case the force Line taken from book 6 of the Aeneid
would be immoral. of the advice given to Aeneas by the
oracle Sibyl in his descent to the under-
Naturaliter nota world; also used as the motto of the
Known naturally (or from the Bronx and a general aphorism to resist
nature of the thing itself) evil. See also Cooperatio in malum and
Somewhat akin to self-evident, or at Non facias malum, ut inde fiat bonum.
least able to be known without relying
on revelation. Thus, if a moral norm is Ne fides rideatur
said to be naturaliter nota it would be Do not let the faith be ridiculed
“accessible” or “knowable” to humans (laughed at)
through a natural process of reflection Saying of Thomas Aquinas that is used
through reason and would not depend to caution against adopting ill-founded
on some external source for its knowl- positions that either will prove unverifi-
edge (such as a scriptural insight, re- able or untenable and thus bring by as-
vealed norm, etc.). sociation the faith or the church into
scorn. See also Crede ut intelligas,
N.B. Credo quia absurdum, Fides quaerens
Note well intellectum, Reductio ad absurdum
Latin abbreviation for nota bene, and
used to emphasize or call attention to Ne plus ultra
something of importance in a text or Not more beyond
instructions which must be followed in Term which has two basic uses: in the
a specific way. positive sense it refers to a state of per-
fection (higher than which one cannot
Ne auf. achieve); in the negative sense it con-
Do not remove notes a prohibition, i.e., to go no further.
Latin abbreviation for ne auferatur,
commonly placed on objects such as Nec minus salutaris quam festivus
books or magazines that should not be No less salutary than festive
taken away (e.g., from a reading room, Expression applied to Thomas More’s
etc.). This abbreviation is often used in Utopia and indicates something that is
those religious communities in which not only helpful but also celebratory.
Latin once served as a lingua franca.
Necessitas est lex temporis et loci
Ne auferatur Necessity is the law of time and
Do not remove place
See Ne auf. Expression that indicates that dire need
often trumps other concerns and values,
Ne cede malis including laws. See also Epikeia; In ex-
Do not yield to evil trema necessitate omnia, societati hu-
Nemo iudex in sua causa 151

manae destinata, sunt communia; who is brain dead would clearly be in-
Necessitas non habet legem; Quod in appropriate and not morally required.
necessitate sunt omnia communia; and See also Deus impossibilia non iubet,
Quod non licitum est in lege necessitas Lex non intendit impossibile, Nemo po-
facit licitum. test ad impossibile obligari, Nemo te-
netur ad impossibile, Qui tenetur ad
Necessitas non habet legem finem tenetur ad media, and Ultra posse
Necessity does not have a law (or vires) nemo obligatur.
Another of many similar expressions
that express the moral concept that in Nemo dat quod non habet
case of dire need human laws may be No one gives what one does not
broken to meet such basic needs as have
food, clothing, shelter. See Epikeia; In Besides a basic philosophical principle,
extrema necessitate omnia, societati this saying was reputedly used on oc-
humanae destinata, sunt communia; casion by seminarians and other non-
Necessitas est lex temporis et loci; ordained persons when asked in certain
Quod in necessitate sunt omnia com- pastoral situations to give some sacra-
munia; and Quod non licitum est in lege mental blessing by some other(s) who
necessitas facit licitum. thought the given individual in question
was in fact an ordained priest. Thus, by
Negativa non sunt probanda giving this sort of pseudo-blessing the
Negatives are not proven one who requested the blessing might
Basic point of logical argumentation be “satisfied” while the seminarian
that it is virtually impossible to prove a could avoid, from a technical view, the
negative since proof requires some con- impropriety of misrepresentation and
crete evidence and a negative does not thereby avoid the canonical impediment
readily offer that possibility. For ex- to ordination of a dolus (q.v.). The ex-
ample, lacking something concrete like pression is also used in philosophy to
a tape recording or other witnesses it indicate that no one can give to another
would be very difficult to “prove” that a quality or perfection that the indi-
a person did not say or think a certain vidual lacks him/herself. In this latter
proposition. See also Nemo potest ad sense, see also Melius est dare quam
impossibile obligari and Nemo ad in- accipere.
utile tenetur.
Nemo iudex in sua causa
Nemo ad inutile tenetur No one judges in one’s own case
No one can be obliged to do what Basic legal and moral principle which
is useless prevents one who might otherwise have
Expression often used in bioethical rea- jurisdiction or authority from judging
soning to indicate that “heroic means” his or her own case. We see this in con-
in patient care are not morally required. temporary jurisprudence, in which a
Thus, keeping a person on life support judge is expected to recuse him/herself
152  Nemo potest ad impossibile obligari

from a case in which a previous experi- Theologiae, that shows the interrelation
ence or potential conflict of interest between the intellect which moves the
could arise. will toward acquiring the object desired
or loved. See also Summum bonum.
Nemo potest ad impossibile
obligari Nihil consuetudine maius
No one is obligated to do the Nothing is greater than custom
impossible Another expression which underscores
One of several similar aphorisms which the importance of culture and custom in
indicate that no one is held to do the our lives. In legal interpretation, espe-
very difficult or morally impossible. cially in canon law, a similar principle
See also Deus impossibilia non iubet, is found: consuetudo optima legum in-
Nemo ad inutile tenetur, Nemo tenetur terpres (q.v.). See also Traditio.
ad impossibile, Qui tenetur ad finem
tenetur ad media, and Ultra posse (or Nihil ex nihilo fit
vires) nemo obligatur. Nothing from nothing comes
See ex nihilo.
Nemo tenetur ad impossibile
No one is held to the impossible
Nihil innouetur nisi quod
One of several variations of a basic traditum est
principle in both law and moral discern- No innovation except that which
ment. In moral reasoning any moral is tradition
“ought” or duty is necessarily predi-
Aphorism attributed to Pope Stephen
cated upon the actual possibility of per-
(c. 256) which expresses the idea that
forming this action, duty, etc. We are
nothing new is to be introduced (e.g., in
not called upon to attempt the impos-
the liturgy) which is not based or found
sible. Thus, one who is “constitution-
in the church’s tradition.
ally” homosexual could not be morally
“called” to enter into a heterosexual
Nihil novi sub sole
marriage relationship. See also Deus
Nothing new under the sun
impossibilia non iubet, Impossibilium
nulla obligatio, Lex non intendit impos- Expression that could be the Latin
sibile, Nemo ad inutile tenetur, Nemo equivalent of “we’ve seen this all be-
potest ad impossibile obligari, Qui te- fore.” It also indicates the importance
netur ad finem tenetur ad media, and of tradition. See also Mortui vivos do-
Ultra posse (or vires) nemo obligatur. cent and Traditio.

Nihil amatum nisi praecognitum Nihil obstat

Nothing is loved unless it is Nothing stands in the way
known first In theological writings this term refers
Thomistic aphorism, variations of to the judgment of the censors that in
which are found throughout the Summa terms of essential orthodoxy “nothing
Noli me tangere 153

stands in the way” of the text’s being factors are then indicated in the canon,
printed, and thus it may be given the and this section of the canon is often
imprimi potest and/or imprimatur, i.e., termed a “Nisi clause.”
the formal permission given by the ap-
propriate ecclesiastical authority, usu- Nisi enim sponte et ex animo fiat,
ally the bishop of the diocese, for the execratio est
book to be printed. Nihil obstat is also “Unless the act is done freely and
used to indicate approval of the election from the heart, it is an abomina-
or promotion of some individual to a tion”
post that has some ecclesiastical bear- Saying of Lactantius in the third century
ing. Thus, the nihil obstat is required pronouncing against the Roman law
for the promotion of a theology profes- which compelled religious sacrifice.
sor in a pontifical faculty governed by This saying corresponds with the teach-
the statutes of Sapientia Christiana ing of Thomas Aquinas that no one
(q.v.). This is given along with the pla- should ever be forced to act against his
cet (q.v.), which indicates that the theo- or her conscience, and even if this is
logical writings of said professor done the person should resist: “anyone
“please” the relevant ecclesiastical au- upon whom the ecclesiastical authori-
thorities and so “nothing stands in the ties, in ignorance of the true facts, im-
way” (nihil obstat) of the professor’s pose a demand that offends against his
promotion in rank. See also Auctores clear conscience, should perish in ex-
probati, Censor deputatus, Cum appro- communication rather than violate his
batione ecclesiastica, Imprimatur, Im- conscience” (Thomas Aquinas, 4 Sent.
primi potest, and Recognitio. 38, q. 2, a. 4, Expos. Text). See also Dig-
nitatis humanae, Mirari vos, Quanta
Nil nisi bonum cura, and Quod aliquantum.
Nothing unless good
Usually this refers to the fuller expres- Nolens, volens
sions, De absentibus nil nisi bonum Unwilling, willing
(q.v.) or nil nisi bonum de mortuis di- To have to do something somewhat un-
cere, which exhort us not to speak (di- willingly and/or out of mere obligation.
cere) ill of those absent (De absentibus) Something done nolens volens is often
or the dead (de mortuis). See also Beati done in a rather imperfect manner, and
mortui qui in Domino moriuntur, Bona thus the expression might also be trans-
mors, and Mortui vivos docent. lated as “willy nilly.”

Nisi Noli me tangere

Unless Do not touch [cling to] me
Important expression in canon law. A The risen Jesus’ words to Mary Mag-
given canon holds true in all circum- dalene in the Latin Vulgate translation
stances, except (nisi) in situations where of John 20:17. Used rather more fre-
the following factors hold true. These quently as a sign placed on an object
154  Nolo contendere

that is not to be removed from its cur- Non facias malum, ut inde fiat
rent location, e.g., such as one’s bag bonum
lunch left in the refrigerator! One does not do evil so that good
may come
Nolo contendere Basic principle of the moral order that
I do not wish to contend a morally evil means may never justify
Usually employed in legal proceedings even a good end. However, in moral
as part of a plea bargain in which the theology there are certainly instances in
accused party does not directly admit which one may tolerate, cooperate, and
guilt but yet will not offer a defense, even participate in actions which have
and so is then usually given some sort evil aspects of effects. See Cooperatio
of (reduced) sentence or fine. in malum, Finis operis/Finis operantis,
and Minus malum.
Non compos mentis
Not of sound mind Non liquet
Not clear (nor proven)
See Non sui compos.
Expression often used to counter an ar-
gument that pretends to be self-evident.
Non constat de nullitate See also Facta non praesumuntur sed
Nullity is not established probantur; In necessariis unitas, in du-
Negative decision handed down in mar- biis libertas, in omnibus caritas; Lex
riage cases in which a decree of nullity dubia non obligat; Onus probandi;
is not given. In such a case the prior Q.E.D.; Res ipsa loquitur; and Tantum
bond of marriage is held to be binding. valet quantum probat.
See also Defensor Vinculi, Ligamen,
and Ratum et consummatum. Non multa sed multum
Not many but much
Non est imponenda obligatio nisi Quality rather than quantity. In prayer
certo constet and spirituality this expression referred
An obligation is not imposed to the depth of the prayer experience as
unless it is clearly established being primary, rather than the number
General principle of law and, by exten- of texts meditated upon and the range
sion, morality, that no obligation or duty of insights acquired. This Latin axiom
is to be understood as imposed or re- is a translation of a similar Greek
quired of someone unless the fact that phrase, ou polla alla pollou (ou polla
the given obligation or duty binds is alla pollou).
itself clearly and certainly established.
See also Lex dubia non obligat, Dubium Non nobis, Domine sed nomini tuo
iuris, Praesumitur ignorantia ubi sci- da gloriam
entia non probatur, and Sententia in- Not to us Lord, but to your name
certa non valet. give glory
Non sui compos 155

From the Latin Vulgate translation of stances a non placet has the force of
the opening words of Psalm 115, and withholding a nihil obstat (q.v.), and
refers to the prayer that the Lord and his therefore blocking an item or placing
glory are the end to be pursued, and not an impediment in its path. See also Pla-
human glory and honor. cet and Placet iuxta modum.

Non nomina sed argumenta Non salus sed voluntas aegroti

Not names but arguments suprema lex
Principle which states that truth is not It is not health, but the will of the
found by citing personages or numbers, patient that is the highest law
but rather through the quality of the ar- Expression of the principle of autonomy
guments for a given position. in bioethics, i.e., that the desires of the
patient are to be followed as the deter-
Non nova sed nove minative guideline in decisions regard-
Not new things, but in a new way ing health care, even if that should lead
Refers to the fact that the item under to an earlier death than if some other
discussion is not an innovation in the therapeutic course of action were to be
sense of being a completely new and followed. This principle is especially
different thing, but rather is something important in cases regarding a living
established traditionally that is now will and the use of extraordinary
being adapted or done in a new mode. medical means.
The presumption behind this sentiment
is that something truly “new” would be Non sequitur
dangerous or suspect in itself. It does not follow
Common expression used to indicate a
Non obstante logical fallacy in an argument, in which
the conclusion stated cannot in fact be
validly drawn from the premises stated.
Non omne, quod licet, honestum est As a shorthand expression, non sequitur
Not everything that is legal is means that a certain affirmation is il-
honest logical, and therefore it and its depen-
Basic principle of moral reasoning that dent conclusions are nonsensical and/
shows that mere “legality” does not ipso or false.
facto demonstrate that the action is
therefore good or moral. See also Lex Non sui compos
iniusta non est lex. Not in one’s own mind
Refers to someone who is “out of his or
Non placet her mind” and therefore not of “sound
It does not please mind” and not legally or morally respon-
In certain circumstances this is equiva- sible for one’s actions or liable for the
lent to a “no” vote; in other circum- fulfillment of a given law or obligation.
156  Non ut explicetur, sed ne taceretur

Sometimes rendered more commonly as Norma normata

Non compos mentis. See also Compos Norm normed (by some higher
mentis. norm)
For example, this principle could refer
Non ut explicetur, sed ne taceretur to something like a magisterial teach-
[We speak] not to explain [the ing, which, though authoritative, is not
mystery] but to not remain silent absolute, inasmuch as it is subject in
turn to the ultimate norm of the Chris-
Expression originally used by Augustine
tian revelation as contained within the
in speaking of the Trinity—i.e., that we
Scriptures. See Norma normans non
do not seek to explain fully this mystery,
but rather we aim simply at not being
reduced to silence in addressing ques-
tions about God. This saying therefore
Norma universalis
Universal norm
is a helpful reminder that theological
discourse and dogmatic formulations Refers usually to a moral norm which
can never have the precision and com- would be transcultural and transhis-
pleteness of scientific definitions but torical, thus binding upon all in all
will retain a certain amount of “neces- times, places, and circumstance.
sary” ambiguity. See also Deus abscon- Thomas Aquinas’ first precept of the
ditus/Deus revelatus; Deus semper natural law, Bonum est faciendum et
maior; and Si comprehendis, non est prosequendum, et malum vitandum
Deus. (q.v.), would be one such example.
Much of the discussion and controversy
in contemporary Roman Catholic moral
Non valet illatio theology concerns just what can and
The inference (conclusion) does cannot be considered a true norma uni-
not hold versalis of the natural law. See also in-
Judgment that an argument constructed trinsece malum.
by inference lacks sufficient evidence
to be considered valid or conclusive. Nostra aetate
See also Petitio principii. In our age
Vatican II’s Declaration on Non-Chris-
Norma normans non normata tian Religions (1965) which struck a
Norming norm not normed by more positive chord in terms of inter-
something else religious dialogue and attitudes, espe-
cially toward Jews, than had been the
Refers to a principle, etc., that grounds
case before the council.
a discussion, etc., since it establishes
itself and does not depend on anything
else for its basic legitimacy or authority. Nota bene
See also Articulus stantis et cadentis Note well
ecclesiae and Mensura non mensurata. See N.B.
Nulla misericordia sine miseria 157

Nota (explicativa) praevia Novum

Preliminary (explanatory) note New thing
For example, an introduction, preface, Refers to something which is an innova-
or explanatory note added to a larger tion. See also Non nova sed nove.
document to help explain its context.
An example would be the Nota praevia
on the meaning of the college of bish- Novum Testamentum
ops attached as an appendix to Lumen The New Testament
gentium (q.v.), Vatican II’s Dogmatic Refers to the New Testament of the
Constitution of the Church. Bible. See also In Vetere Novum (Testa-
mentum) latet, et in Novo Vetus patet
Notaria non egent probatione
and Vetus Testamentum.
Notorious things do not require
Canonical principle which indicates that Novus ordo
if a crime is “notorious” it does not re- New order
quire a formal juridical process to be
Expression commonly employed by
“proven.” This principle, it should be
ultraconservatives (such as adherents of
noted, differs substantially from Anglo-
the movement of schismatic Archbishop
American jurisprudence in which all
Lefevre) to denigrate the post–Vatican
criminals quite obviously guilty of pub-
II reformed liturgy (i.e., the vernacular)
lic crimes are still entitled to plead “not
of the Latin Eucharist. Thus, it serves
guilty” and have their day in court. In
as a certain code word to locate one’s
ecclesiastical usage this principle is im-
theological sensibilities. In another
portant since there is a relatively high bar
sense novus ordo can also refer to
for what qualifies as being truly “notori-
any new order, as in the motto of the
ous,” and therefore this principle would
Great Seal of the United States: Novus
militate against those that too easily want
Ordo Seclorum, “New Order of the
to excommunicate or bar individuals
Ages.” See also Ad orientem, Forma
from the sacraments, especially the Eu-
extraordinaria, Missale Romanum,
charist, under the rubrics established in
Summorum Pontificum, and Universae
canon 915 of the 1983 Code of Canon
Law regarding those in “manifest grave
sin.” Here the canonical principle of
Odia restringi, et favores convenit am-
pliari (q.v.) would be an important aid in Nulla misericordia sine miseria
interpreting what might or might not There can be no mercy where
constitute notaria in a concrete situation. there is no misery
See also Gravis neccessitas; Latae sen- This expression indicates that those
tentiae; Odia restringi, et favores conve- who have suffered themselves are more
nit ampliari; and Quod lege permittente likely to show mercy than those who
fit, poenam non meretur. have suffered little.
158  Nulla parvitas materiae in Sexto

Nulla parvitas materiae in Sexto Association Tu es Petrus (q.v.). The re-

No parvity (lightness/smallness) cipient in 2011 was Cardinal Raymond
of (sinful) matter in the sixth Burke who received the award while
commandment attired in the pre–Vatican II galero (elab-
See Parvitas materiae in Sexto for the orate red hat) and cappa magna (flowing
discussion of this term. red silk cape). Thus, the expression, as
well as the organization and award are
expressive of a certain ideal of Catholi-
Nulla poena sine culpa cism that values greatly pre–Vatican II
No punishment (penalty) without liturgical and ceremonial practices, such
culpability (guilt) as the more elaborate vesture associated
Basic legal principle (also applied in with the Tridentine Mass. See also
canon law) which indicates that where Cappa magna; Coram Cardinale/Coram
there is no personal guilt or culpability Episcopo; Coetus fidelium; Novus Ordo;
(Sine culpa, q.v.) there should be no Missale Romanum; Summorum Pon-
penalty. This is important since this tificum; Quidquid latine dictum sit
means that a mere factual transgression altum videtur; Tu Es Petrus; Ubi Petrus
of the law (without personal culpability ibi ecclesia; Ubi Veritas, Deus ibi est;
or intent to violate the law) would not and Universae Ecclesiae.
justify the imposition of a penalty.
Canon law in particular recognizes this
Nullius dioceseos
principle in the various mitigating or
(Belonging to) no diocese
dispensing conditions that affect the
imposition of the so-called “automatic” This term is often appended to “abbot”
latae sententiae (q.v.) penalties. See the and abbreviated by not including the
C.I.C. 1323 & 1324, which lists several word dioceseos. In this usage the term
factors removing imputability for a refers to the head of a monastery who
latae sententiae penalty. The presence as the ecclesiastical superior (ordinary)
of any one (or more) of these factors over the Catholics and parishes within
removes canonical imputability, not a certain prescribed territory surround-
merely diminishes it. See also Absolu- ing the monastery, much like a bishop
tus sententia judicis praseumitur inno- would rule over the faithful in his dio-
cens; Actus reus; Mens rea; Onus cese. The practice of abbots having such
probandi; Sententia facit ius; Sententia jurisdictional power has been largely
incerta non valet; Sine culpa; Ubi ius, phased out, though, after the Second
ibi remedium; and Ubi non est culpa, Vatican Council.
ibi non est delictum.
Nullo modo
Nulla Veritas sine Traditione No way
There is no truth without tradition Shorthand expression to indicate that in
Also the name of the international prize no way would this be possible or con-
awarded by the International Catholic sidered.
Nunc pro tunc 159

Numerus clausus lical prayer is recited as part of Com-

Closed number pline each night in the Liturgy of the
Refers to a quota imposed upon some Hours (breviary). The expression also
group. E.g., due to a limited number of can be used to indicate someone’s hav-
available professors, the dean imposes ing finished a major project, term of
a numerus clausus of students admitted office, or even being ready to die.
into a particular degree program.
Nunc pro tunc
Now for then
Nunc aut nunquam
Now or never Refers to something that is performed
or given in the present moment with a
Expression of a certain urgency and/or
view to some future effect. For ex-
ample, at the age of seventy-five the
current Code of Canon Law requires
Nunc dimittis that each diocesan bishop submit his
Now you let me leave resignation to the Holy See. This resig-
From the Latin Vulgate’s rendition of nation might be “accepted” but not “en-
Simeon’s prayer of praise and thanks- acted” immediately, e.g., the bishop
giving upon seeing the infant Jesus re- might remain fully in office until some
corded in Luke 2:29: Nunc dimittis later date in the future when his resigna-
servum tuum, Domine (Now you let tion would be formally accepted and he
your servant depart, O Lord). This bib- would step down as residential bishop.
O Adonai Obedientia et Pax
O Lord (of Israel) Obedience and peace
See also Adonai. The second of the “O Episcopal motto of Angelo Roncalli,
Antiphons” that mark the octave of an- later Pope John XXIII (1958–63). Obe-
ticipation beginning December 17 for dientia can also be spelled Oboedientia
preparation for Christmas Eve, which (q.v.).
in itself is the vigil of Christ’s birth.
Each antiphon gives a different title for Obiectum (objectum)
the Christ taken from the prophet Isa- Object
iah, and when arranged in order of In moral philosophy and theology obi-
recitation in Latin the titles spell out in ectum usually refers to the moral end or
reverse order an acrostic in Latin for “object” of an action. Frequently this
Ero Cras (Tomorrow I come). The order word is used in combination with other
of celebration for the seven antiphons terms to specify a specific point, such
is as follows: as (Ex) Defectu obiecti (q.v.). See also
Saptientia (Wisdom) Ea (eorum) quae sunt ad finem, Finis
Adonai (Lord) operis, Finis operantis, and Voluntar-
Radix Jesse (Root of Jesse) ium directum/indirectum.
Clavis David (Key of David)
Oriens (Radiant Dawn, Dayspring) Obiectum actus
Rex Gentium (King of the Nations) Object of the act
Emmanuel (God with us) Usually refers to the moral end or goal
(i.e. Obiectum or “object”) of an action.
See also Actus humanus, Ea (eorum)
O tempora! O mores! quae sunt ad finem, Finis operis/ope-
Oh the times, oh the morals rantis, and Voluntarium directum/indi-
Used by Cicero in his attack on Cati- rectum.
line, but repeated by many since who
feel that the present times are the worst Obiter dictum/dicta
of times (in distinction to some mythi- Incidental remark(s)
cal Golden Age in the not-so-distant The plural is obiter dicta. In jurispru-
past). dence the expression is used to indicate
Obsequium religiosum 161

a statement the judge may make on a which follows). The precise meaning
tangential issue related to the judicial and application of this singular phrase
opinion being given but which has no is a much debated issue, especially in
strict legal bearing upon the case in terms of how one translates this phrase,
question. More commonly, it refers, for as well as to how one understands and
example, to opinions, etc., given by then applies the phrase. While some pre-
someone like a professor in the course fer “submission” to translate obsequium
of the lecture but which do not directly (e.g., Donum veritatis #23) it should be
concern the subject matter at hand. noted that if this were truly the intent of
the council fathers they had other Latin
Oboedientia terms such as submissio (submission) or
Obedience oboedientia (obedience) that would
have captured this meaning more pre-
While English-speakers may think this
cisely. In general, one might understand
is a crystal clear cognate for “obedi-
this “religious submission” to refer to a
ence,” it should be noted that the pri-
fundamental attitude of loyal openness
mary meaning of the Latin actually
to accept and evaluate the teaching of
refers to an active attitude of “hearken-
the magisterium, especially that which
ing,” “hearing,” or “attending” to. The
is not proposed as being explicitly infal-
secondary meaning is “yield,” “obey,”
lible in a solemn ex cathedra (q.v.) form.
or “be subject to.” These nuances are
Canon #752 states that “although not an
important in both theology and canon
assent of faith, a religious submission of
law so that we can understand properly
the intellect and will must be given to a
what is being requested or expected in
doctrine which the Supreme Pontiff or
terms of “obedience.” In this vein, see
the college of bishops declares concern-
also the larger discussion under the term
ing faith or morals when they exercise
Obsequium religiosum and the other
the authentic magisterium, even if they
terms cross-listed there.
do not intend to proclaim it by definitive
act; therefore, the Christian faithful are
Obsequium religiosum to take care to avoid those things which
Religious submission (of the will) do not agree with it,” and Canon #749
Referred to in Lumen gentium #25, the §3 states that “no doctrine is understood
Code of Canon Law canon 725, and as defined infallibly unless this is mani-
Donum veritatis, the 1990 Congregation festly evident.” Noted canon lawyer
for the Doctrine of the Faith’s instruc- Ladislas Orsy, SJ, and longtime Pon-
tion On the Ecclesial Vocation of the tifical Gregorian University ecclesiolo-
Theologian. Used just once in Lumen gist Francis Sullivan, SJ, both suggest
gentium, the full phrase is religiosum that “respect” as opposed to “rejection”
voluntatis et intellectus obsequium, and would better characterize the attitude of
the terms voluntatis et intellectus refer obsequium religiosum but that this does
respectively to the “will” (voluntas) and not mean blind acceptance. See also De
the “intellect” (intellectus) or “mind” fide definita, Depositum fidei, Diffini-
(mentem, which is used in the phrase mus, Ecclesia docens, Ecclesia discens,
162  Occasionarii

Ex cathedra, Munus, Oboedentia, Po- Principle of canon law interpretation

testas docendi, Proxima fidei, Sententia which holds that burdens or strictures
probata, and Theologice certa. are to be interpreted in a narrow sense
of application, while on the other hand
Occasionarii favors are to be widely applied. In the
Those in the [proximate] occasion current Code of Canon Law (1983),
[of sin] canon 18 states, “Laws which establish
a penalty, restrict the free exercise of
Reference in the traditional moral the-
rights, or contain an exception from the
ology of labeling in a certain class of
law are subject to strict interpretation.”
penitent those who were likely to fall
A shortened form of this axiom is Fa-
into a certain sin because they found
vores ampliandi, odia restringenda
themselves to be in an occasion which
(q.v.). See also Ad literam; Cessante
enticed them to commit this sort of sin.
fine cessat lex; Consuetudo optima
Thus, related to the concept of occa-
legum interpres; Dura lex sed lex; Ex-
sionarii is the term of proximate occa-
ceptio firmat regulam; In dubio favores
sion of sin, namely something (like a
sunt amplificandi, odiosa restrigenda;
person, place, thing, etc.) which, though
Quod lege permittente fit, poenam non
not sinful in itself, might be a source of
meretur; Sensum, non verba spectamus;
temptation to sin. Thus, entering a tav-
and Statuta sunt stricte interpretanda.
ern could be a proximate occasion of
sin for a drunkard but not for a person
of temperance. See also Recidivus. Odium
Octogesima adveniens See below for some particular examples.
The coming eightieth (anniversary)
1971 apostolic letter of Pope Paul VI on Odium Dei
the occasion of the eightieth anniversary Hatred of God
of Rerum novarum (q.v.), Leo XIII’s Refers to a stance of willful disobedi-
social encyclical On Capital and Labor. ence to the will of God.
This document addressed the issue of
securing democratic foundations to oper-
Odium fidei
ate in human society and also introduced
Hatred for the Faith
the theme of care for the environment.
Refers to one who is martyred for the
Odia restringi, et favores convenit faith (and is thus eligible for canoniza-
Odia sunt restringenda, favores
ampliandi Odium theologicum
Burdens (odious things) are to be Theological hatred
restricted, and favors (privileges) Refers to the oft-found controversy
are to be multiplied (or extended) among theologians concerning their op-
Omnia vincit labor 163

ponents’ doctrinal or moral positions. Omnes homines aequales sunt

See also Hierarchiam veritatem; In All humans are equal
necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in Basic principle of natural justice.
omnibus caritas; Quaestio disputata; Though the traditional translation of
Sensus fidelium; Sententia probata; Sta- homines here would have been “men,”
tus quaestionis; and Theologice certa. the Latin term refers to human beings
in the generic sense and not males.
Office, service, or duty Omnia parata (sunt)
Refers primarily to the exercise of “of- Everything is prepared
fice” in the church through the conferral In canon law (cf. C.I.C. #1080), refers
of minor and/or major orders. Initially to a situation, such as an impending
these “offices” were conceived primar- marriage, in which all the preparations
ily in terms of ritual and liturgical func- are complete; therefore, if a certain type
tions but subsequently developed to of impediment is discovered at the last
include wider social and economic as- moment that, if it were to become pub-
pects, especially when linked to bene- lic, would cause difficulty, a dispensa-
fices. See also Munus. tion from the said impediment might be
granted in view of the state of affairs
Olea sancta omnia parata in which everything is
Holy oils already prepared and a cancellation or
postponement might, for example, un-
Refers to the holy oils blessed by the
justly compromise the reputation of one
bishop on Holy Thursday and distrib-
of the parties.
uted for use throughout his diocese. In
many older churches there would be a
special storage place for these oils which
Omnia vincit amor
Love conquers all
often would be labeled olea sancta.
Adage which refers to the principle that
in difficult situations love enables one
Omnes ad
to persevere. See also Amor vincit
All to
Refers to a situation in which everyone
is to participate or devote themselves to Omnia vincit labor
a certain task. Work conquers all things
Expression which highlights the impor-
Omnes gentes tance of effort and hard work as the
All peoples, all nations practical means to success. In Virgil, the
Common expression found in hymns word order of this sentiment is rendered
and psalms, such as Laudate Dominum, as Labor omnia vincit. This can also be
omnes gentes (“Praise the Lord, all you taken as a classical antecedent to Arbeit
peoples”). macht frei (“Work makes one free”),
164  Omnium in mentem

which was hung over the Nazi concen- Latin abbreviation for opere citato.
tration camps. Used in scholarly works in much the
same way as loc. cit. (q.v.) to refer to a
Omnium in mentem citation which has come previously in
Reminding everyone the text, but not in the citation immedi-
ately prior. For correct usage see an ac-
Motu proprio (q.v.) of Pope Benedict cepted manual of style, such as The
XVI issued on 29 October 2009 by Chicago Manual of Style.
which he amended several provisions
of the 1983 Codex Iuris Canonici Opera Omnia
(q.v.), or Code of Canon Law. All the works
Refers to the complete works of a given
Onus probandi author, such as the opera omnia of
The burden of proving (proof) Thomas Aquinas. “Collected works”
This refers to the fact that the burden of would probably be a more contempo-
proof lies upon the one who makes a rary translation.
certain charge, assertion, etc., rather
than on one who denies the assertion’s Operari sequitur esse
truth or claim. The legal aphorism that Action follows being
expresses this principle is Actori in- Important metaphysical and moral prin-
cumbit onus probandi, as well as the ciple in which one’s moral duties, pos-
common legal expression of the accused sibilities, etc., are grounded in one’s
being held innocent until proven guilty, being. For similar expressions of this
and a fortiori if in fact found innocent same idea, see also Agere sequitur esse;
through a formal process the person Modus operandi sequitur modum es-
must be presumed in fact to be innocent sendi; and Qualis modus essendi, talis
(which is referenced in the legal apho- modus operandi.
rism Absolutus sententia judicis praseu-
mitur innocens). See also Absolutus Opere citato
sententia judicis praseumitur innocens; In the work cited
Actori incumbit onus probandi; Actus
non facit reum nisi mens sit rea Allega- See op. cit.
tio contra factum non est admittenda;
Da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius; Ex scien- Opportune et importune
tia praesumitur consensus; Facta non Opportune and inopportune
praesumuntur sed probantur; Mens rea; E.g., in season and out of season, or
Non liquet; Res ipsa loquitur; Testis in “always” whether appropriate or not.
uno falsus in nullo fidem meretur; and
Ubi non est culpa, ibi non est delictum. Optatam totius
Desired by all (entirely)
Op. cit. Vatican II’s Decree on the Training of
In the work cited Priests (1965), which decreed that Scrip-
Ora pro nobis 165

ture was to be foundational (literally, the Hours in monastic communities, while

“soul”) of the study of all of theology. the second refers to the name of the reli-
See also Dei Verbum and Providentis- gious movement founded in 1928 by
simus Deus. Saint Josemariá Escrivá de Balaguer
(1902–75), which is now a secular in-
Optima legum interpres consuetudo stitution of both clerics and laypeople
Custom is the best interpreter of and since 1982 governed as a personal
the law prelature.
This expression is the same basic mean-
ing of Consuetudo optima legum inter- Opus magnum
pres (q.v.). See also Nihil consuetudine A great work
maius and Optimus interpres rerum usus. Same as magnum opus (q.v.).

Optimus interpres rerum usus Opus operantis/operatum

The best interpretation of a thing See Ex opere operantis and Ex opere
is its use. operato.
Principle of practical reason that fo-
cuses on the primary use of an object in Opusculum
order to understand its purpose or A little work
meaning. Abuses, therefore, do not ipso For example, a short treatise or mono-
facto destroy the legitimacy of proper graph on some subject, which is not
use. See also Abusus non tollit usum, meant to be the last word on the subject
Consuetudo optima legum interpres, or the author’s opus magnum. Opuscula
Nihil consuetudine maius, and Optima (plural), being treatises on particular is-
legum interpres consuetudo. sues, were distinguished from a summa
(q.v.), which would be a broader sum-
Opus mary done in a systematic fashion of
Work, creation the whole of a branch of theology.
In Latin, opus is used to designate some
entity or creation and in this sense is Ora et labora
distinguished from labor, which means Pray and work
“work” in the sense of an effort ex- Slogan for the monastic life, often used
pended. See also Labor as well as the humorously and/or ironically in other
entries immediately below for some contexts.
well-known usages of Opus.
Ora pro nobis
Opus Dei Pray for us
Work of God Formulaic response in Latin litanies of
This phrase has two common meanings saints, in which a saint’s name is in-
in the Catholic Church. The first refers voked by the leader and the congrega-
to the celebration of the Liturgy of the tion responds with “pray for us”: e.g.,
166  Orans

Sancta Maria (Holy Mary), Ora pro War I). The Oratio super oblata re-
nobis (Pray for us). See also Deus ferred to the offertory prayer over the
donabilis, Pro multis, and Pro nobis. bread and wine at Mass (oblata is “of-
ferings”). The Oratio super populum is
Orans the prayer over the people done in sol-
(One) Praying emn blessings at the end of Mass (in
English this is designated by the pre-
Refers to the liturgical posture or ges-
sider’s words “Bow down your heads
ture of outstretched arms which is used
and pray for God’s blessing”). See also
to indicate the act of prayer and/or in-
Orate fratres and Oremus.
Orbis terrarum
Orate fratres The whole world
Pray my brothers (and sisters)
This expression comes from the longer
Latin invocation given to the people dictum of Augustine, Securus iudicat
after the offertory gifts have been pre- orbis terrarum (q.v.), namely “Secure is
pared but before the offertory prayer is the judgment of the whole world,” and
recited (“Pray my brothers and sisters refers to a broad consensus to confirm
that my sacrifice and yours be accept- that a position is probably true. Of course
able to God the almighty Father”). This the whole world can still be in objective
expression is sometimes used to “mark” error and only a minority (or no one) be
a point in discussing the parts of the in possession of the truth on a certain
eucharistic liturgy, even when the lit- proposition as expressed in Consensus
urgy is celebrated in the vernacular. non facit veritatem (q.v., “consensus
Other common Latin “markers” in the does not make truth”). In theological
liturgy are the Confiteor for the Peni- terms orbis terrarum is related to the
tential Rite, the Hanc igitur for the be- Consensus fidelium (q.v.) and was in-
ginning of the Institution Narrative voked by Blessed John Henry Cardinal
(Consecration), the Pater Noster for the Newman, who held that the validity of
Our Father and the Agnus Dei for the the First Vatican Council would depend
Lamb of God. See also Domine non in large part upon the reception of the
sum dignus, Oratio, and Oremus. orbis terrarum. See also Ecclesia do-
cens/Ecclesia discens, the entries under
Oratio (plural Orationes) Magisterium, Sensus fidelium, Solus
Prayer consensus obligat, and Urbi et Orbi.
Usually used for liturgical prayers, such
as the collect or opening prayer in the Ordinatio rationis
Mass. An Oratio imperata (prayer that Ordering of reason
is ordered) denoted special prayers Expresses a fundamental idea of human
mandated by the pope or a bishop for a moral action, i.e., that which acts in ac-
special cause (e.g., the oratio imperata cord with human reason, and thus is
for peace that was said during World ordered to and by reason. All law is
Ordo amoris 167

meant to conform to this order of reason, Ex corde ecclesiae (q.v.), Pope John Paul
and the natural law would be the pre- II’s 1990 apostolic constitution on
eminent expression of the order of rea- Catholic Universities. One of these ordi-
son. See also Ordo, Ordo rationis, and nationes was the call for Catholic teach-
Ordinatio rationis ad bonum commune. ers of philosophy and theology to seek a
mandatum (q.v.) from their local bishop
Ordinatio rationis ad bonum to certify that their teaching would be in
commune accord with the official teachings of the
Rational ordering for the common church.
St. Thomas’ definition of a proper law. Orders, arrangements
This definition highlights the essential
In liturgical use ordines refer to the
purpose of law itself, namely, that it be
ceremonial books which contain rules,
for the good of all, and thus the com-
etc., for the celebration of various litur-
mon good itself, rather than the will of
gical rites, sacraments, etc.
the legislator, becomes the evaluative
principle for determining when a law is Ordines Sacri
in fact proper. See also Bonum com- Holy Orders
mune; Lex semper intendit quod conve-
nit rationi; Ordo publicus; Salus publica Refers to ordination to the “major or-
suprema lex; and Ubi cessat ratio legis, ders” of deacon, priest, and bishop.
cessat ipsa lex.
Ordinatio sacerdotalis
The ordination of priests Besides the liturgical usage of the term,
in which ordo refers to the liturgical
Pope John Paul II’s apostolic letter On calendar, in theology (and especially in
Priestly Ordination reaffirming the moral theology) ordo refers to a basic
Roman Catholic Church’s opposition to orientation which affects, directs, and
women’s ordination (1994). See also “orders” everything that it touches.
Alter Christus, Cura animarum, Inter Thus, the ordo amoris refers to the basic
Insigniores, Dubium, Responsum ad orientation which would animate and
dubium, and In persona Christi. direct human life according to the end,
goal, or principle of love. See also Ad
Ordinationes libitum, Tabula dierum liturgicorum, as
Those things ordained (ordered) well as the various specifications of
Often refers to practical directives “or- ordo which follow below.
dained” or prescribed from some legal
document. Thus, the practical directives Ordo amoris
governing the relationship of Catholic Order of love
academic institutions of higher learning That which refers to and is governed by,
would be the ordinationes coming out of or in accord with, the principle of love.
168  Ordo bonorum

Another rendition of this principle is which contain the specific prayers to be

ordo caritatis (the order of charity) said on a given Sunday or feast).
which views charity as the primary vir-
tue, or that which would provide the Ordo publicus
highest value in instances of a conflict Public order
of values or duties. Thus, in a conflict
This phrase usually is taken to refer to
situation we should do what love seems
the necessity of maintenance of the
to require.
rights and duties of the state and indi-
viduals in a society in such a way so as
Ordo bonorum to provide for the common good. Thus,
Order (or hierarchy) of goods ordo publicus would not usually refer
This principle is related to the funda- to “public order” in the narrow sense of
mental principle of the natural law, maintaining public decorum. See also
namely that the good (bonum) is to be Bonum commune, Ordinatio rationis ad
done and fostered and evil (malum) is to bonum commune, and Salus publica
be avoided. Therefore, in one’s moral suprema lex.
actions in conflict situations, one should
seek to choose the good if this is realis- Ordo rationis
tically possible, or at least to minimize Order of reason
or choose the lesser of evils. In choosing That which governs the human life ac-
the lesser of evils one therefore is being cording to the principle of reason. See
guided or governed by the ordo bono- also Ens rationis, Lumen naturale,
rum, i.e., one acts in accord with the Ordo, Ordo bonorum, Ordinatio ratio-
principle of the order of goods. See also nis, Per modum cognitionis/Per modum
Bonum est faciendum et proseguendum inclinationis, and Recta ratio.
et malum vitandum; Malum non est fa-
ciendum ut eveniat bonum; Minus Ordo rectitudinis
malum; Non facias malum, ut inde fiat Order of rectitude
bonum; Ordo amoris; and Ordo rationis.
Refers to the order or plan established
by God for creation, an order of righ-
Ordo caritatis
teousness, which has been marred by
Order of charity
human sinfulness—both original sin
See Ordo amoris. and individual sins committed over the
course of time. See also Ordo and Sum-
Ordo Missae mum iustitia in se.
Order of the Mass
Refers to the section of the Missale Ro- Ordo salutis
manum (q.v.) that contains the ordinary Order of salvation
(e.g., unchangeable part of the Mass) Refers to God’s saving will and the plan
and the eucharastic canon (as distin- for human justification and salvation. See
guished from the Propers of the Missal, also Ordo and Processus iustificationis.
Oscula solita 169

Ordo sapientiae self is the vigil of Christ’s birth. See the

Order of wisdom fuller discussion under O Adonai.
The basic principle which orders human
life according to reason and wisdom. Orientalium Ecclesiarum
See also In vestimentis non stat sapien- Of the Eastern churches
tia mentis, Lumen naturale, Ordo, Recta Vatican II Decree on the Eastern Rite
ratio, and Stultis non succuritur. Churches in union with Rome (1964).

Oremus Orientem, ad
Let us pray
See Ad orientem.
Invocation to pray used by the presider
in liturgical celebrations. After a brief Oscula solita
pause the prayer formula itself is re- The accustomed kisses
cited. See also Oratio.
In the church’s liturgical tradition this
Oremus pro invicem term refers to the ritual kisses given to
Let us pray for one another various liturgical ministers or sacred
objects, such as the kiss of peace or the
Common expression, often used as a kiss given to the book of the Gospels by
closing salutation, among religious and the bishop after the Gospel has been
others with some acquaintance of Latin. proclaimed by the deacon. In some cul-
tures this practice is also extended as a
Oriens mark of respect, such as the Italian bac-
Radiant Dawn, Dayspring ciamano (literally, “kissing the hand”),
The fifth of the “O Antiphons” that which is the term for a courtesy call
mark the octave of anticipation or prep- made to a notable (as was also the cus-
aration for Christmas Eve, which in it- tom of kissing the bishop’s ring).
Pace A circular band of white wool worn by
Peace the pope and archbishops over liturgical
In English this word connotes “with due vestments as a sign of office and col-
respect” in the face of a potential dis- legiality with one another. The pallium
agreement. Thus, an opinion may be put is laid on the tomb of St. Peter in the
forth that, “pace Rahner,” differs from Basilica of St. Peter’s in the Vatican and
that of the great theologian Karl Rahner. then is sent by the pope to the arch-
bishop or given to him in a special cere-
mony in St. Peter’s.
Pacem in terris
Peace on earth
Pange Lingua
Social (and last) encyclical of Pope Sing my tongue
John XXIII on peace on earth (1963),
Title of a traditional Latin eucharistic
which was addressed not just to Catho-
hymn attributed to Thomas Aquinas, the
lics but to all people of good will. In this
final two stanzas of which are sung at
encyclical the pope tackled the prob-
eucharistic Benediction. The penulti-
lems not only of war in general but also
mate stanza begins with the words
contemporary issues such as the Cold
Tantum ergo Sacramentum veneremur
War, respect among all nations, and
cernui (Come venerate and bow to this
human rights.

Pacta sunt servanda Panis Angelicus

Agreements (pacts) are kept (or Bread of angels
Euphemism for Holy Communion, and
Basic axiom of contract law which in- also the name given to a hymn written
dicates that legal agreements properly by Thomas Aquinas (and set to a variety
constituted are considered binding on of musical tunes and settings) sung at
the parties who knowingly and freely Communion and/or at Benediction.
entered in upon them.
Pars propter totum.
Pallium Part (is) for the (good of the)
Cover/cloak whole
Parvitas materiae in Sexto 171

Traditional axiom expressing the prin- rest of the body. See also Ex toto genere
ciple of totality, in which a part may be suo, Inhonestum, (In) Re venerea, Mate-
sacrificed for the good of the whole. For ria levis (gravis), Partes honestae, Partes
example, in a therapeutic operation on minus honestae, and Persona humana.
a diseased organ or bodily function it
was considered permissible to sacrifice Partes minus honestae
that organ or function when no other The less noble parts of the body
possibility existed to secure the well-
Refers to the parts of the body such as
being of the total organism, for ex-
the breasts, thighs, upper arms, etc. For
ample, to amputate a gangrenous limb
a fuller discussion of this concept see
which if left untended would cause
Partes inhonestae. See also Ex toto ge-
death of the whole person. A similar
nere suo, (In) Re venerea, Materia levis
idea is also expressed in the adage
(gravis), Partes honestae, and Persona
Bonum totius (q.v.), for the “good of the
whole.” See also Mala moralia and
mala praemoralia; Ratio proportionata;
and Si finis bonus est, totum bonum erit. Particula veri
Particular truths
Partes honestae This expression refers usually to certain
Honorable parts (of the body) things which may have aspects of truth,
See Partes inhonestae and Partes minus but the nuance suggests that there also
honestae for a discussion of this concept. is much in the discussion that is incom-
plete, false, or misleading. For example,
Partes inhonestae Karl Barth uses this term in his section
Dishonest (dishonorable or less on casuistry to acknowledge that, while
noble) parts casuistry certainly could illustrate valid
points in moral analysis of human acts,
Euphemistic expression for the sexual
overall the casuistical approach (in
organs, suggested by Paul’s expression
Barth’s view) was fundamentally unac-
found in 1 Corinthians 12:23-24 and
ceptable. (Cf. Karl Barth, “The Com-
used in the Latin Vulgate translation of
mand of God the Creator” §52 in his
the Bible to translate Greek equivalents
Church Dogmatics). See also In vino
for the sexual organs. This expression
veritas; Ubi Veritas, Deus ibi est; Veri-
also indicates a negative view toward
tas; and Vincit veritas
human sexuality which unfortunately
has had a long history in the theological
tradition of the church from the time of Parvitas materiae in Sexto
Augustine up to very recent times. The (No) Parvity of (moral) matter in
partes inhonestae were distinguished the sixth (commandment)
from the partes minus honestae such as The full expression would be Nulla par-
the breasts, thighs, upper arms, etc., and vitas materiae in Sexto, though usually
these in turn were contrasted with the the shortened form, without the nulla
partes honestae, which comprised the (nothing/no), is more commonly found.
172  Parvus error in initio magnus erit in fine

This traditional theological adage held to larger errors drawn as conclusions.

that any sexual sin always contained Thomas Aquinas begins his treatise De
grave matter, i.e., one of the three req- entis et essentia (“On being and es-
uisites necessary for mortal sin (along sence”) with a slightly different version
with sufficient knowledge and consent). of this axiom: Parvus error in initio
If someone would engage in any sexual magnus erit in fine (“Small error in the
activity for the purpose of sexual stim- beginning; large [error] will be in the
ulation (even hand-holding or close end”). See also Falsus in uno falsus in
dancing), the traditional view held that omnibus.
this activity would be mortally sinful.
Even more so, in this view (seemingly Pascendi Dominici gregis
repeated in recent Vatican documents Pasturing the Lord’s flock
on sexual ethics such as Persona hu- Pope Pius X’s encyclical condemning
mana and the Catechism of the the errors of modernism, and often re-
Catholic Church) each act of teenage ferred to simply as Pascendi (1907).
masturbation could be potentially mate- See also Lamentabili.
rial for mortal sin. See also Ex toto ge-
nere suo, (In) Re venerea, Materia levis
(gravis), Partes honestae, Partes minus
Here and there
honestae, Partes inhonestae, Persona
humanai, Rara con tigribus, Remedium Scholarly reference used to indicate that
concupiscientiae, and Sub levi. the cited topic, etc., is found in a variety
of places in a certain text. E.g., “p. 23
and passim” indicates a principal refer-
Parvus error in initio magnus erit ence to page 23, but also indicates this
in fine same topic is found in a number of other
Small error in the beginning; places in the text.
large (error) will be in the end
See Parvus error in principiis, magnus Pastor aeternus
error in conclusionibus as well as Fal- Eternal Pastor
sus in uno falsus in omnibus and Igno-
Vatican I’s Dogmatic Constitution on
rantia elenchi.
the Church of Christ, which included
the formulation of the doctrine of papal
Parvus error in principiis, magnus infallibility (1870). See also Credenda,
error in conclusionibus De fide vel moribus, Depositum fidei,
Small error in the beginning leads Ex cathedra, and Tenenda.
to great error in the conclusion
Adage which points to the vital impor- Pastor Bonus
tance of establishing a good beginning, Good Pastor
especially in matters of one’s method- 1988 apostolic constitution of John Paul
ological premises and operating prin- II that reorganized some of the discast-
ciples. A small error in these will lead eries (offices) of the Roman Curia, such
Pax ecclesiae 173

as the Congregation for the Doctrine of Paterfamilias

the Faith, and articulated the mission or Father of the family
area of competency of the various A patriarch, a senior male relative, or
Vatican organs. the male head of a household. The fem-
inine equivalent would be a materfa-
Pastores dabo vobis milias (q.v.).
I give you (pl.) pastors
1992 post-synodal apostolic exhortation
of Pope John Paul II on priestly min-
istry (“I Will Give You Shepherds”). Can be used as a greeting or in combi-
nation with other words.

Pater est, quem nuptiae Pax Christi

demonstrant Peace of Christ
The (presumed) father is the one
Often used as a greeting in letters writ-
shown by the nuptial ceremony
ten in ecclesiastical or religious circles.
I.e., in cases of contested doubt over pa- Also is the name of an advocacy group
ternity the legal presumption was cast in for certain social justice issues and
favor of the man legally married to the causes.
mother. Contemporary genetic testing,
though, has rendered this principle less Pax Dei
helpful. See also Pater semper incertus. Peace of God
Medieval practice of immunity from
Pater Noster involvement in warfare extended to
Our Father clerics, religious, and noncombatants,
which also included (in theory at least)
Opening words of the Lord’s Prayer,
churches, monasteries, and similar
and often used to indicate the whole
properties. The Pax Dei also was ex-
prayer itself. See also Ave Maria and
tended in certain areas to a cease-fire
Fiat voluntas Tua.
on Sundays and certain religious feasts.
Violators could be punished by interdict
Pater semper incertus by the appropriate ecclesiastical author-
The father is always ity. See also Ius in bello.
Until the recent advent of genetic pater-
nity tests, this principle was true—i.e., Pax ecclesiae
that it was difficult to confirm with ab- Peace of the church
solute certainty who the father might be Expression linked historically to the
in cases of doubt or conflict. See also sacrament of reconciliation, which
Pater est, quem nuptiae demonstrant for originally developed to restore public
an indication of how this doubt was re- sinners to the church and at the same
solved in canon law. time to restore the peace of the Christian
174  Pax et bonum

community which had been rent by sin. more boldly still). See also Fides fidu-
See also Ius communicationis. cialis, Peccata contra naturam sunt
gravissima, Simul iustus et peccator,
Pax et bonum Sola fide, Sola gratia, Solus Christus,
Peace and goodness and Totus conversus sed non totaliter.
May be used as a greeting, blessing, or
pious wish. Often associated with St. Peccata contra naturam sunt
Francis of Assisi. gravissima
Sins against nature are most gave
Pax Romana See the longer entry under contra
Roman peace naturam for an explanation of this term.
Refers to a somewhat enforced “peace” See also Intrinsece malum, Ius naturae
as a result of the imperial domination est immutabile, and Parvitas Materiae
of the ancient Roman Empire. In con- in Sexto.
temporary politics one occasionally
speaks of a Pax Americana, which is Peccata criminalia
usually meant pejoratively to refer to Criminal sins
American superpower domination in This expression was used to refer to
the world’s affairs. gravely scandalous sins. In the earlier
history of the sacrament of reconcilia-
Pax tecum/vobiscum tion these sins, because of their serious
Peace be with you (sing./pl.) and public nature, were understood as
Commonly used as a greeting and also requiring confession to a bishop or
in the Roman liturgy as celebrated in priest so that the individual could be
Latin. See also Dominus vobiscum. restored to the Christian community
and the community itself healed of this
Pecca fortiter injury. As time went on all serious
Sin boldly “mortal” sins could be considered pec-
cata criminalia and had to be confessed
While at first glance this expression
according to number and species in in-
seems diabolical, it is the idea advanced
dividual confession. See also Graviter
by Martin Luther to underscore that we
et dolose, Graviora delicta, and Peccata
are saved by God’s grace and not by our
own actions. Therefore, we are called
to place our faith in the saving work of
redemption of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, Peccata mortalia
and not to obsess with the casuistry that Deadly (mortal) sins
might be employed in trying to figure Another expression in Catholic the-
out degrees of gravity of sin and the ology, similar to Peccatum mortale
like. The full aphorism is Pecca fortiter (q.v.) to describe those sins which when
sed fortius fide et gaude in Christo (Sin done with sufficient knowledge and
boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ consent would break the individual’s
Per additionem 175

relationship with God and deprive him catum originale originatum is rather
or her of the life of sanctifying grace. difficult to render into good English in
Those who died in the state of mortal a literal fashion.
sin would presumably go to hell for
eternity. See also the other entries under Peccatum veniale
Peccata. Venial (pardonable) sin
Sin which is not ultimately destructive
Peccatum & Peccata (“mortal”) of one’s life relationship
Sin & Sins (singular and plural with God through sanctifying grace.
forms) Peccatum veniale is usually contrasted
Peccatum is the Latin term used to trans- with peccatum mortale, or mortal
late the biblical Greek concepts for “sin,” (deadly) sin, which does destroy the
though the Latin word carries more of a individual’s life relationship with God.
nuance of “crime” than the correspond- Though all sin can be forgiven by God,
ing Greek terms found in the New Tes- “venial” comes from the Latin venia
tament: aJmartia [(hamartia) missing (meaning “pardon”) and therefore car-
the mark], uJbri~ [(hubris) pride], and ries the nuance of being more easily
adkia [(adikia) unrighteousness]. overlooked or pardoned in the sense
that it does not cause a definitive rup-
Peccatum mortale ture in the relationship.
Mortal sin
Sin which is considered “deadly” in that Through, throughout, by, owing to
it destroys one’s graced relationship
with God. See Peccatum veniale. Common Latin preposition.

Peccatum originale Per accidens

Original sin By accident

Refers to the sin of the first parents, In scholastic terminology an “accident”

Adam and Eve, which resulted in the refers to something that occurs indirectly
loss of the original nature of human in- or which is not essential to the matter
nocence and whose “stain” or effect is itself. In this latter sense, per accidens
transmitted to all subsequent human would be contrasted with per se (q.v.).
beings. The sin of Adam and Eve is See also Accidens, Essentia, and Per Se.
often called peccatum originale origi-
nans (the “originating” of original sin), Per additionem
while the original sin and its effects on By addition
all humans born subsequently to the sin Term used usually to describe how what
of our first parents is called peccatum “materially” might be just a venial sin
originale originatum (“originated” could become a mortal sin. For ex-
original sin). This distinction between ample, loose language, which of itself
peccatum originale originans and pec- might be “venial,” if used to seduce
176  Per annum

another into fornication might then be- et in ipso est tibi Deo Patri omnipotenti,
come mortally sinful. in unitate Spiritus Sancti, omnis honor
et gloria. Per omnia saecula saeculorum
Per annum (“Through him, with him, and in him,
Per year in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory
Refers to something paid down annu- and honor is yours almighty Father, for-
ally or on a yearly basis. ever and ever”). The congregation re-
sponds with “Amen” to this doxology.
Per ardua ad astra The “him” in the prayer refers to Jesus
Through adversity (difficulties) to Christ. Per ipsum is also a shorthand
the stars designation for the entire doxology.
Common variant of Ad astra per aspera Per mensem
(q.v.). Per month

Per capita Refers to something done or computed

Per head on a monthly basis.

Refers to something taken individually. Per modum absolutionis

Also can refer to a rate computed ac- By way (manner, mode) of
cording to each individual who partakes absolution
of or uses a certain service, etc. “The
per capita income of this country is This expression is generally used to
$20,000 per annum” means that aver- refer to the means by which sins, or the
aged together the yearly income of each punishment due to our sins, are remitted.
individual is $20,000. In this case, the term refers to forgive-
ness of sins through absolution by the
Per diem priest in the sacrament of reconciliation.
Per day Often this expression is related to the
theology of indulgences as well, i.e.,
This refers to a daily rate or charge. In the church’s long-standing belief that
some religious congregations per diem the merits of Jesus Christ obtained for
often refers to the cost-per-day to sup- our salvation are inexhaustible in them-
port an individual in a certain house of selves and that part of the church’s sanc-
the community, or the charge that a tifying role is to help administer or
guest is expected to pay when visiting a mediate these saving merits through the
certain house. sacraments, sacramentals, indulgences,
and so on. See also Per modum suffragii.
Per ipsum
Through him Per modum cognitionis/Per modum
Opening words of the doxology recited inclinationis
by the presider at the conclusion of the Judgment by means of cognition
Latin eucharistic canon. The text of the (intellect)/Judgment by means of
entire prayer is Per ipsum, et cum ipso, inclination
Per se 177

In the beginning of the Summa Theolo- See the discussion above under the title
giae, Thomas Aquinas makes a distinc- Per modum cognitionis.
tion between two kinds of knowledge:
that which is acquired through study and Per modum suffragii
is therefore known through the modality By way (manner, mode) of sup-
of cognition (per modum cognitionis) port (suffrage in ecclesiastical
and that which is known by natural in- usage)
clination (per modum inclinationis),
See Per modum absolutionis for an ex-
which is more of an innate or “connatu-
planation of the relation of this term to
ral” knowledge. The example Thomas
the remission of sins. In distinction to
uses concerns “virtue”—we could study
per modum absolutionis, per modum
about virtue and come to some judgment
suffragii refers to the remission of tem-
about it as an intellectual property (per
poral punishment due to sin by means
modum cognitionis), but the more im-
of the church’s own prayers for the de-
portant knowledge in this instance would
ceased and indulgences. Thus, prayers
be the natural inclination to embrace
offered by the living for the dead, such
virtue, and this would be done per
as “Eternal rest grant unto to him/her O
modum inclinationis. However, experi-
Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon
ence often teaches us that sometimes the
him/her,” were viewed as earning credit
intellectual knowledge is insufficient to
for the temporal punishment due to sins
move us to embrace the corresponding
incurred by the individual while living
virtue. For example, I “know” per
and which may have been forgiven but
modum cognitionis that I have high cho-
some of whose temporal punishment
lesterol and should limit my intake of
effects still remained at the time of
cheese, but as a native son of Wisconsin
death. See also Ecclesia militans, Per
I often find it hard to practice the neces-
modum absolutionis, and Toties quoties.
sary virtue of dietary restraint. However,
if I could train myself in the exercise of
this virtue per modum inclinationis, then Per saecula saeculorum
my habit would eventually correspond Forever and ever
to follow a proper diet more easily and Common formulaic ending used in li-
effectively. See Thomas Aquinas’ dis- turgical prayers. See also Gloria Patri
cussion on this point, which can be and Saecula saeculorum.
found at ST I–I, q. 1, a. 6, reply to obj.
3, and also an important further discus- Per se
sion on the relation of charity to the con- By itself
natural knowledge of divine things is
discussed at ST II–II, q. 45, a. 2. See also Refers to the intrinsic nature of some-
Ens rationis, Lex indita non scripta, Lex thing, and often in English per se could
naturalis, Ordo rationis, and Recta ratio. be rendered as “strictly speaking” and
thus is used to qualify a statement. Phil-
Per modum inclinationis osophically and/or theologically, per se
Judgment by means of inclination refers to the essence of a given thing and
178  Per se illicitum, per accidens licitum

is distinguished from those nonessential Vatican II’s Decree on the Renewal of

characteristics (identified as being per Religious Life (1965).
accidens), which of themselves do not
change the essential nature of a thing.
See also Essentia and Per accidens.
Complete, finished, excellent,
Per se illicitum, per accidens licitum
In itself (morally) illicit; through This Latin word is widely used in theo-
certain circumstances (“acci- logical vocabulary and is the root of the
dents”) licit English word “perfect.” However, often
this very similarity with the English
Expression that a certain action was
word can be misleading. Perfectus more
usually considered in itself morally il-
often bears the connotation of being
licit (wrong) but that in view of certain
whole, complete, autonomous, and less
extenuating circumstances the action
frequently the nuance of being without
might be morally acceptable in a given
blemish, fault, or imperfection. Perfec-
particular situation. For example, in the
tus was often used to translate the Greek
late nineteenth and first half of the
word telos (telo~) and/or the Hebrew
twentieth centuries there was a debate
word shalom (çlµ). However, these lat-
that deliberate use of the infertile period
ter two words carry connotations of
by married couples to avoid pregnancy
teleology, being in the process of be-
was per se illicitum but that a particular
coming more whole, complete, ful-
married couple, due to certain circum-
filled, accomplished, healthy and at
stances (such as disease, etc.), might be
peace, etc. Thus, Jesus’ command given
able morally to use the infertile period
in Matthew 5:48, “Therefore be perfect
in this way, even though for most mar-
as your Heavenly Father is perfect,” the
ried couples this same usage (without
Greek word which is rendered as “per-
the presence of the mitigating circum-
fect” is a form of telos. Jesus is not giv-
stances) would have been considered
ing an impossible command to be
morally illicit.
without any blemish, fault, or imperfec-
tion, but rather is giving an exhortation
Per se nota
to continue along the path of wholeness
Known through themselves, not
and completion.
derived, self-evident
Refers to something that is known or
self-evident through the normal use of Periculum matrimonii
human intelligence and therefore needs Danger of marriage
no further logical proof or the help of Refers to the perceived danger to con-
some other middle term to aid in ap- tract a civil marriage by someone who
prehension. See also Naturaliter nota. is otherwise not “free” to marry, such
as a priest, deacon, or professed reli-
Perfectae caritatis gious. The periculum matrimonii may
Perfect charity be cited by a relevant ecclesiastical su-
Persona facit opera 179

perior as a reason for giving or expedit- Permissum est furari non solum in
ing a laicization or dispensation from extrema necessitate sed etiam in
the religious vow of chastity. grave
It is permitted to take the neces-
sary goods not only in extreme ne-
Periculum peccandi cessity but also in grave necessity
Danger of sin See the larger discussion under the
An act which may not be objectively or axiom Quod in necessitate sunt omnia
explicitly sinful in itself but which communia. Among moralists, there was
nevertheless involves courting a near a debate as to how much “necessity”
occasion of sin, e.g., reading porno- was required to make the involuntary
graphic literature may lead one into the theft morally licit, e.g., whether the need
sin of fornication or masturbation. had to be “extreme” or merely “grave.”
While the former position was generally
accepted Pope Innocent XI condemned
this laxer proposition. See Denzinger
Peritus #1186 for the Pope’s condemnation. See
Expert also In extrema necessitate onmnia, so-
Someone who has a special knowledge cietati humanae destinata, sun commu-
or competence and who may be called nia; Iustitiam subsidiariam; and Quod
upon for help or expert testimony (e.g., in necessitate sunt omnia communia.
in some canon law marriage cases).
Theologians often function as periti for Persona facit opera
members of the magisterium (q.v.). For The person does the (moral)
example, at Vatican II a theologian who works
served as a consultant to the bishops Statement attributed to Martin Luther,
was called a peritus (pl., periti). Even which theologically speaking indicates
though the periti would not have a de- that the key for the moral life is the per-
liberative vote in the council sessions son who stands behind and “does” the
their input was very important. Several good works. This expression might also
periti at Vatican II, such as Yves Con- be used to indicate the deep connection
gar, Henri de Lubac, and Karl Rahner, between one’s moral actions and his or
were theologians who in the years prior her apprehension of the nature of these
to the council had their work censured actions in conscience, or in other words,
or cast under suspicion by certain the status of one’s fundamental option.
Vatican offices. See also Auctoritas, This latter interpretation comes from the
Ecclesia discens, Ecclesia docens, In- work of Josef Fuchs, SJ, who uses Lu-
quisitio, Magisterium, Magisterium at- ther’s statement in the former’s treatment
testans, Magisterium authenticam, of conscience. Cf. Josef Fuchs, SJ, “The
Magisterium docens, Potestas docendi, Phenomenon of Conscience: Subject-
Sensus fidelium, Sententia probata, and orientation and Object-orientation,” in
Theologice certa. Christian Morality: The Word Became
180  Persona (non) grata

Flesh, (Washington, DC: Georgetown In ecclesiastical politics, this expression

University Press; Dublin: Gill and Mac- was tied to the so-called Right of Exclu-
millan, 1987), 124. sion (Ius Exclusivae, q.v.) exercised in
papal conclaves by the cardinals of key
Persona (non) grata Catholic countries such as Austria,
Person (not) acceptable France, and Spain to indicate on behalf
Most commonly, this expression is used of their respective monarchs potential
in the negative, and a persona non grata papal candidates which would be unde-
would refer to someone who is consid- sirable if elected pope. This right be-
ered a pariah or no longer welcome for came a sort of anticipatory veto, though
some reason. See also Personae minus it is no longer in force today.
gratae and Promoveatur ut amoveatur.
Petitio principii
Persona humana Asking the principles (premises);
The human person begging the question
The Congregation for the Doctrine of In a logical or reasoned argument, this
the Faith’s Declaration on Certain Prob- refers to asserting the very principle that
lems of Sexual Ethics (1975). This one either seeks to prove or which in
document was used for the first time in itself is necessary in order to prove
a Vatican teaching that marked the con- some other position. Thus, this action
cept of “sexuality” as distinct from would be a violation of logic and render
sexual activity and also stated in para- the resulting conclusions as suspect at
graph 8 that the homosexual orientation best. See also Non valet illatio.
was not usually freely chosen and there-
fore should not be equated with per-
sonal sin. All masturbation, though, was Philosophia perennisis
still regarded as potentially mortally Perennial (always valid)
sinful. See also Ex toto genere suo, (In) philosophy
re venerea, Materia levis (gravis), and Claim that a certain philosophical ap-
Parvitas materiae in Sexto. proach, such as an Aristotelian or
Thomistic system, because of its ab-
Persona iuridica stract and “universal” rational basis and
Juridic person language, would be virtually transcul-
Refers to a legal “person” in law and tural and transhistorical and therefore
therefore can refer not only to human valid for all peoples. This philosophical
persons but also institutes, congrega- view is often tied to a classicist world-
tions, and the like, which enjoy legal view and a certain approach to the
recognition. natural law. However, this expression
may also refer to a simple statement
Personae minus gratae of a fact and thus in that sense can
Persons less desirable (plural be called an “enduring” or “perennial”
form of persona non grata, q.v.) philosophy.
Plantatio ecclesiae 181

Pia opinio faculty, i.e., the theological writings of

Pious opinion said professor “please” the relevant
Expression used to refer to range of ecclesiastical authorities and so “noth-
theological “notes” or supposed theo- ing stands in the way” (nihil obstat) of
logical positions or opinions which rank the professor’s promotion in rank. See
at the lower end of certainty. At the also Non placet, Placet iuxta modum,
other end would be those tenets of the and Recognitio.
faith which are solemnly defined. See
Placet iuxta modum
also De fide definita, Depositum fidei,
It pleases with an amendment
Diffinimus, Ex cathedra, Obsequium
religiosum, Proxima fidei, Sententia
probata, and Theologice certa. In deliberative votes, such as an ecu-
menical council, one might be able to
Piarum aurium offensiva vote “yes, but” and indicate that the
Offensive to pious ears document or matter under vote is basi-
cally acceptable as long as certain
An expression used in conjunction with
amendments or further items are taken
male sonans (q.v., evil sounding) which
into consideration and addressed. For
denoted something that, though possi-
example, in Vatican II most of the final
bly true, was considered indecorous and
documents came as a result of several
offensive to the reverent belief of pious
drafts on earlier versions which had
believers. Depending on the particular,
been approved by the majority placet
such an offense might also constitute a
iuxta modum. See also Placet and Non
sin against charity such as detraction.
See also Delectatio morosa and Scan-
dalum pusillorum. Placuit Spiritui sancto et nobis
Pleased the Holy Spirit and us
Expression taken from Acts 15:28 refer-
ring to the First Apostolic Council of
Besides the literal translation as “piety,” Jerusalem (AD 70) that indicates a be-
in Christian spirituality pietas can refer lief that a decision or course of action
to a general attitude of respect, rever- taken by the leaders of the church, e.g.,
ence, and appreciation for God and the the church fathers acting in communion
spiritual life. in an ecumenical council, is in fact
pleasing to the Holy Spirit and thus in
Placet accord with the will of God.
It pleases
Equivalent to a yes vote, the opposite Plantatio ecclesiae
being non placet (q.v.). The placet is Planting, setting in place the
also used as an equivalent to granting church
the nihil obstat (q.v.) for the promotion Expression which indicates that one of
of a theology professor in a pontifical the aims of missionary evangelization
182  Plus minus non mutat speciem

is the establishment or enlargement of II–II, q. 64, a. 7). This principle is used

the church in the world, though the to justify self-defense as well as the jus-
principle mission given by Christ re- tification for saving one’s own life in
mains the salus animarum (q.v.). See situations in which otherwise the death
also Extra ecclesia nulla salus. of both one’s self and another would
result. The classic example used is that
Plus minus non mutat speciem of a good swimmer who would be justi-
“More” or “less” does not change fied in repelling a drowning person who
the “species” of a thing. was dragging him down if it seemed
Logical expression which asserts that unlikely that the good swimmer could
adding or subtracting from a “total” will save both himself and the other. Martin
not change the essence of a matter. For Rhonheimer, OD, in his 2009 Vital Con-
example, a half cup of water and two flicts in Medical Ethics: A Virtue Ap-
cups of water will not change the “es- proach to Craniotomy and Tubal
sence” that is water. This expression is Pregnancies (p. 117), also references
used in theological discourse, such as this Thomistic principle as justification
by Karl Rahner in his essay “The Mean- for a mother’s decision to terminate a
ing of Frequent Confession of Devo- pregnancy when it is reasonably fore-
tion,” in volume 3 of his Theological seen that otherwise both the mother and
Investigations (1967), in which he ar- fetus would die but that if the pregnancy
gues that since venial sins are remitted is terminated at least the life of the
even by imperfect contrition, then sub- mother could be saved.
sequent sacramental confession of such
sins would not cause their forgiveness. Pontifex maximus
At the very least, imperfect contrition Supreme bridge builder
is a requirement of any valid celebration Title for the Roman pontiff (pope) taken
of the sacrament of confession, and so, over from Roman pagan political the-
using the principle of plus minus non ology, which held that the high priest,
mutat speciem, we have to conclude that and later the Roman emperor, was the
the venial sins were already forgiven by supreme “bridge builder” between hu-
the presence of the imperfect contrition mans and heaven.
and not because the penitent went to
sacramental confession. Populorum progressio
The progress of peoples
Plus tenetur homo vitae suae pro- Social encyclical of Pope Paul VI On
videre quam vitae alienae the Development of Peoples (1967) in
One is required to take more care which the pontiff stressed that the goods
of one’s own life than that of an- of the world are destined for all people
other and called for the right to a just wage,
Principle grounded in the moral obliga- the right to security of employment, and
tion of the duty of self-preservation ar- the rights to unions and collective bar-
ticulated by Thomas Aquinas (cf. ST gaining.
Post scriptum 183

Porta Fidei Vantage point obtained after a given

Portal of Faith event which can furnish a certain per-
Benedict XVI’s apostolic letter, issued spective for evaluating progress made,
motu proprio (q.v.) on 11 October 2011 mistakes incurred, etc. See also Ex post
for the indiction of the Year of Faith, facto.
which would begin on 11 October 2012
to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary Post hoc, ergo propter hoc
of Vatican II and conclude on 24 No- After this (event), therefore
vember 2013, the Solemnity of Christ because of this (event)
the King. A common, though faulty, mode of rea-
soning in which one concludes from the
Possessio fact that Event B followed temporally
Possession upon Event A that therefore Event B
Understood as something which is not was caused by Event A. Thus, if a crow
under dominion (dominium, q.v.). To flew away from its perch on a tree and
possess something in classical Roman then at that moment an apple fell from
law was to “occupy” and/or use it but the tree, a post hoc ergo propter hoc
without having private property rights conclusion would be that the crow’s
to it. See also Melior est conditio pos- flight caused the apple to fall. However,
sidentis and Possessio non est juris sed in point of fact the apple’s fall may have
facti. been merely a coincidence with the
crow’s flight and not caused by the crow
Possessio non est juris sed facti at all.
Possession is not a matter of law
but facts Post mortem
After death
See the discussion on Possessio above.
This principle is rather self-evident, in- In English this phrase refers to an au-
dicating that actual possession often is topsy.
simply a matter of who controls some-
thing, whether this be lawful or not. See Post partum
also Melior est conditio possidentis. After birth (bearing)
In English this phrase refers to the pe-
Post riod immediately after a woman has
After, behind given birth to a child. There may also
Common Latin preposition; however, it be some physical or psychological
has nothing to do with mail or the mail problems, such as post partum depres-
system, as in the sense that “The post sion, connected with childbirth.
usually arrives by 10:00 AM.”
Post scriptum
Post factum Written afterward
After the fact See P.S.
184  Potentia

Potentia order to consummate validly the mar-

Power, potential riage. Thus, while a dysfunction such
In Latin the term potentia refers to the as an inability on the part of the hus-
efficacy in the sense of a power, ability, band to have an erection that could be
or potential to do or complete some ac- maintained to the point of penile inser-
tivity inherent in a person or thing. tion into the vagina would be grounds
Thus, a person with legal jurisdiction for an annulment (since the marriage
over a certain issue, area, etc., would could not be physically consummated),
have the potentia iurisdictionis regard- the fact that one or the other partner was
less of whether this jurisdiction were sterile would not jeopardize the ca-
actually exercised. Similarly, the legal nonical recognition of the marriage. See
actions of a person who lacked a legiti- also Concubitus propter solam procre-
mate potentia iurisdictionis would be ationem and Ratum et consummatum.
invalid and not binding. It is an impor-
tant concept in scholastic philosophy Potentia Dei absoluta/ordinata
and theology and is often combined Absolute/ordered (ordinary)
with other terms to give a more precise power of God
application (for some common exam- See De potentia Dei absoluta.
ples see the terms which follow imme-
diately). Philosophically, potentia refers Potentia iurisdictionis
to the various capabilities inherent in Power of jurisdiction
this or that being; thus, humans have a
potentia for knowledge, irrespective of See also Cui licet quod est plus, licet
whether a given individual actually utique quod est minus; Potentia; Potes-
learns this or that. Theologically, poten- tas; Qui potest plus, potest minus; and
tia is often used, among other things, to Si iudicas, cognossce; si regnas, iube.
refer to various divine attributes. See De
potentia Dei absoluta and De potentia Potentia Obedientialis
Dei ordinata. Obediential potency
Refers to the intrinsic aspect of human
Potentia coeundi/Potentia generandi nature for self-transcendence and recep-
Ability to engage in coitus/ability tivity of God’s self-gift of supernatural
to produce offspring grace. The “potency” refers to this
This distinction is important in the openness to the divine, and the “obedi-
church’s theology of marriage and in ence” highlights the fact that it is God,
canon law governing marriage. The tra- and not the human, who must initiate
ditional teaching has held that for a the encounter and freely given self-
valid marriage (ratum et consummatum, donation of grace. This concept is im-
q.v.) the couple had to be able to com- portant in fundamental theology and
plete the marital act. However, it was considerations of the possibilities of
not required that the couple actually be human beings to receive and understand
physically able to produce children in God’s revelation, as well as to have a
Potestas regendi 185

certain sense of self-consciousness of Potestas docendi

oneself and one’s relationship to God. Power (authority) of teaching
See also Anima naturaliter Christiana. Expression used to refer to the munus
(q.v.) of the magisterium to teach au-
Potestas thoritatively in matters of faith and mor-
Power, authority als (cf. De fide vel moribus). This power
is also shared with duly designated as-
In Latin there are two principal terms for
sistants to the magisterium, such as the
authority: potestas and auctoritas (q.v.).
staff workers in the various Vatican di-
Potestas carries nuances of “power” in
casteries like the Congregation for the
the sense of jurisdictional authority or
Doctrine of the Faith, even though the
efficacious ability to perform a function,
majority of these individuals are not
carry out an office, make a decision, etc.
themselves ordained into the fullness of
Auctoritas refers more to the authority
the priesthood as bishops. This expres-
of counsel, wisdom, learning, advice,
sion was used explicitly by Pope Bene-
influence, support, etc. However, it is
dict XVI in his 2010 Address to the
important to keep in mind that neither
Plenary Session of the Congregation for
the authority of potestas nor the author-
the Doctrine of the Faith. See also
ity of auctoritas is absolute in the sense
Christus Dominus, Ecclesia docens,
that it can function or exist with the
Magisterium, Magisterium cathedrae
complementary element of the other. See
pastoralis & Magisterium cathedrae
also Cui licet quod est plus, licet utique
magistralis, Munus, Obsequium religio-
quod est minus; Potentia iurisdictionis;
sum, Officium, Potentia iurisdictionis,
Potestas docendi; Potestas regendi;
Potestas, Potestas regendi, and Prima
Prima sedes a nemine iudicatur; Qui
sedes a nemine iudicatur.
potest plus, potest minus; Regiminis; Rex
non potest peccare; Si iudicas, cog-
Potestas regendi
nossce; si regnas, iube; and Summum
Power of governance
ius, summa iniuria.
As expressed in canon 129 of the 1983
Code of Canon Law, this expression re-
Potestas delegata non delegatur fers to the power of jurisdiction exercised
A delegated power cannot be by church officials by virtue of their pres-
delegated (to someone else) byteral ordination: “Those who have re-
While in general this principle is true ceived sacred orders are qualified,
and speaks to the nature of Potestas according to the norm of the prescripts
(q.v.) in point of fact both in civil and of the law, for the power of governance,
canon law, there are delegated powers which exists in the Church by divine in-
that under certain conditions can be stitution and is also called the power of
delegated to another, whereas in other jurisdiction (potestatis regiminis).” The
situations the power cannot be sub- term is therefore also sometimes just
delegated (cf. C.I.C. #135 & #137). See called regiminis (jurisdiction). See also
also Qui delegat, solvit. Ecclesia docens, Magisterium cathedrae
186  Potestas regiminis

pastoralis & Magisterium cathedrae ma- intellectum, gratia supponit naturam et

gistralis, Obsequium religiosum, Potentia perfecit eam, and Quinque viae
iurisdictionis, Potestas, Potestas delegata
non delegatur, Potestas docendi, Prima Praenotanda
sedes a nemine iudicatur, and Si iudicas, Prenote
cognossce; si regnas, iube.
Praenotanda are usually prefatory re-
marks given at the beginning of a longer
Potestas regiminis document which set out what the docu-
Power of jurisdiction ment contains and often give a theo-
See Potestas regendi. logical summary and/or rationale for
the document in question. For example,
Praecipuum munus the new Rite of Penance, promulgated
Principal (or chief or special) on 2 December 1973, contains a Prae-
office notanda of forty paragraphs that explain
the new ritual.
This term refers to a function or “office”
which is the special or privileged func-
tion of the one who holds that office. Praeparatio evangelica
Thus, the Council of Trent designated Preparation for the Gospel
preaching as the praecipuum munus, or This expression can have a range mean-
special function, of the bishop. See also ings, and points to what will prepare
Ecclesia discens, Ecclesia docens, people to hear and receive the Gospel
Munus, Officium, and Potestas docendi. message. Often the Old Testament had
been considered by Christian theolo-
Praembula[e] fidei gians as a sort of praeparatio evangelica
Preambles of faith for the acceptance of the Gospel mes-
“Preambles” in this expression refer to sage contained in the Scriptures of the
the preliminaries or presuppositions for New Testament. Others would hold that
human acceptance of God’s word in even “pagan” philosophy, such as that
faith, or in other words, to human natural of the Greeks and Romans, should be
knowledge which is necessarily anteced- studied since it is a contribution to order
ent to an acceptance and understanding and reason and this sense helps prepare
of God’s revelation. Faith, though, as an people to receive and/or integrate the
infused theological virtue, is a gift of Gospel message more fully into their
God and therefore cannot be produced lives and culture. See also In Vetere
by either the human intellect or will act- Novum (Testamentum) latet, et in Novo
ing alone. Thomas Aquinas used this Vetus patet and Mortui vivos docent.
concept to describe truths of the faith
which could also be known by natural Praesumitur ignorantia ubi
reason and which help an individual scientia non probatur
come to faith or deepen the reasonable- Ignorance can be presumed where
ness of faith. See also Fides quaerens knowledge has not (yet) proven
Praeter intentionem 187

It is important to note here that scientia Consuetudo optima legum interpres

does not mean “science” in English, but (q.v.) is an established interpretative
rather “knowledge.” This expression principle of canon law. See also the dis-
gives a basic epistemological premise cussion under Iuxta which functions in
that indicates that in cases where we a similar way grammatically but with
lack sufficient data to prove or demon- an opposite meaning.
strate a proposition (e.g. in cases like a
Dubium facti or Dubium iuris, q.v.) we Praeter caritatem
may conclude that we are in ignorance Outside of (not in accord with)
over the truth, and act accordingly. charity
Thus, a doubtful law does not oblige
Depending on context this expression
(Lex dubia non obligat, q.v.) and in
could mean that which is uncharitable,
situations like this the moral principle
or that which goes beyond what charity
of probabilism may be employed. How-
requires. See also Contra caritatem.
ever, once sufficient authority, intrinsic
or extrinsic, decides the matter then
contrary presumptions should cease Praeter finem
(e.g., Praesumptio cedit veritati, q.v.). Outside of (not in accord with)
the proper end
Praeter That which is not in accord with a thing
Beyond, except, besides, contrary or person’s proper moral end. See Con-
to, more than tra caritatem.
Latin preposition widely used with
other nouns to express an idea that usu- Praeter intentionem
ally involves something foreseen but Outside (beyond) the (moral)
not morally intended, as in praeter in- intention
tentionem below. Though it can be used In cases of the double effect a pre-moral
to indicate “contrary to,” the most com- (ontic or physical) bad action that is
mon meanings carry the nuance of done for a proportionately greater good
being “outside of” or “beyond.” Contra end is said to be “voluntary” but not
is the more common Latin preposition “intended” (i.e., praeter intentionem).
to indicate “contrary to.” Another ex- Thus, if one has no choice but to kill an
ample used in the interpretation of intruder in order to save an innocent
canon law is praeter legem or praeter child, such killing would be considered
ius (more than the law or items not cov- “unintentional” from a moral point of
ered by the law) which refers to a cus- view and therefore not “murder” in the
tom that is not in strict accordance with moral sense. On this point see Thomas
the current law (which would be ex- Aquinas, who states that “moral acts
pressed as iuxta legem (according to the take their species according to what is
law), but which is a custom widely es- intended, [praeter intentionem] and not
tablished and thus, at least theoretically, according to what is beside the intention
could enjoy the force of a new law since (Morales autem actus recipiunt speciem
188  Praeter ius

secundum id quod intenditur, non autem Here the literal translation is mislead-
ab eo quod est praeter intentionem. ST ing, as one might conclude this term
II–II, Q. 64, art. 7). See also Finis ope- refers to the sermon or homily given at
ris, Finis operantis, Genus morum, In- Mass, when instead the expression usu-
tentio, Licet corrigere defectus naturae, ally refers to the transmission of the
Obiectum actus, Pars propter totum, church tradition from one generation to
and Voluntarium directum/indirectum. the next overseen by the magisterium.
Prior to Vatican II and the Dogmatic
Praeter ius Constitution on Sacred Revelation Dei
Beyond (e.g., not covered by) the verbum (q.v.), it was commonly held
law (or justice) (though never formally defined) that
See the discussion above on Praeter. church tradition as articulated by the
This particular expression is found in magisterium represented another sepa-
the introductory canons for the 1983 rate source of divine revelation. Dei
Code of Canon Law (C.I.C. #5.2): verbum, though, stated (cf. #8–10) that
“Universal or particular customs be- biblical revelation is the norma nor-
yond the law (praeter ius) which are in mans non normata (q.v.) and that it
force until now are preserved.” stands above even the teaching office of
the magisterium. See also Traditio.
Praeter legem
Outside of the law Presbyterorum ordinis
Refers to an item which is not regu- Of the order of priests
lated by law (and therefore not illegal). Vatican II’s Decree on the Ministry and
Certain customs are considered to be Life of Priests (1965).
praeter legem. Praeter legem is distinct
from contra legem (q.v.), i.e., something Presumptio cedit veritati
which would be directly against the law Presumption gives way to truth
and therefore illegal. Also see Consue-
Refers to the logical proposition that if
tudo optima legum interpres.
one’s hypothesis or “presumption” is
Praeter ordinem subsequently demonstrated to be in
Outside of (not in accord with) error, then a commitment to “truth” and
the proper order of things objectivity demands that one either drop
or reform one’s earlier position.
That which is not in accord with the
proper order of things as willed by
God, though this would not be quite as
Prima facie
At first sight
serious as something judged Contra
ordinem or Contra naturam (q.v.). See “On first consideration,” even though a
Contra caritatem. thorough investigation has not been
completed, initial evidence suggests a
Predicatio ecclesiastica certain inference which will tend to
Ecclesiastical preaching stand unless disproved. Thus, a crib
Privilegium 189

sheet found in a student’s possession dividually to a priest. Pope John XXIII

during an exam can be said to be prima granted just such an indult in 1962 to
facie evidence of cheating. the people of Sudan. See also Altum
dominium; Cui licet quod est plus, licet
Prima pars utique quod est minus; In forma spe-
The first part cifica; Qui potest plus, potest minus;
Rex non potest peccare; and Summum
Usually refers to the first major section ius, summa iniuria.
of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theo-
logiae (q.v.), which deals with the doc-
Primum est vivere
trine of God. See also Secunda pars and
First is to live
Tertia pars.
The most important principle is to
maintain one’s life, i.e., the principle of
Prima secundae
self-preservation, which trumps other
First of the second
competing values.
Usually refers to the first section of the
Secunda pars (q.v.) of St. Thomas Aqui- Primum non nocere
nas’ Summa Theologiae (q.v.), which First, do no harm
deals with the human person, human
acts, moral habits, etc. The Prima se- Hippocratic dictum in which the first
cundae is often abbreviated as I–II or commandment for a health-care giver is
Ia–IIae. to not further injure the patient, i.e., the
biomedical principle of non-maleficence.
Prima sedes a nemine iudicatur
Primus inter pares
The first see is judged by no one
First among equals
This is canon 1404 of the 1983 Code of
Refers to a certain primacy, even among
Canon Law and expresses the canonical
equals. Often used of the pope as patri-
principle that the pope, as the highest
arch of Rome in relation to the other
law giver, chief executive officer, and
patriarchs of the church. See also Apos-
supreme judge, enjoys a very great lati-
tolos suos, Christus Dominus, Colle-
tude and discretionary power in gover-
gium, Collegialis affectus, Inter pares,
nance and matters of positive
Munus Petrinium, and Servus Servorum
ecclesiastic law. For example, if the
pope has the power to make certain li-
turgical laws requiring some sort of
activity, then he would also have the Privilegium
power to dispense or lessen confor- Privilege
mance to these same sorts of things. A However, in theological terms usually
concrete example would be a papal in- refers to a particular right granted in
dult granting the power to impart gen- canon law. Several such types of “privi-
eral absolution to penitents without leges” are found in canon law, and some
requiring them to confess their sins in- of the more common are listed below.
190  Privilegium fidei

Privilegium fidei Privilegium iuris

Privilege of the faith Privilege of law
Sometimes rendered more fully as Priv- In canon law this refers to a special
ilegium in favore fidei, i.e., privilege in “favor,” such as a dispensation, granted
favor of the faith, and refers to cases in to someone who is a persona iuridica
which a nonsacramental bond of mar- (q.v.), which is granted either by a spe-
riage between two individuals is dis- cial act of the legislator or by an execu-
solved by the appropriate marriage tive authority to whom the legislator has
tribunal so that the individual(s) might granted such power. See also Privile-
enter into a sacramental bond of mar- gium fidei.
riage (which would therefore be indis-
soluble). Thus, if someone were married Privilegium Paulinum
civilly, got divorced, and then converted Pauline privilege
and/or wished to marry a Catholic in the In canon law this refers to the dissolu-
church, the first marriage could be de- tion of a marriage between two unbap-
clared null on the grounds of the Privi- tized parties, one of whom is later
legium fidei. It is called such, since this baptized and seeks to marry in the
allows one to act in a way that would church. (Cf. canons 1143–47). See also
foster the acquisition and/or mainte- Privilegium fidei.
nance of the faith. The Privilegium fidei
is further specified as the Privilegium Privilegium Petrinum
Paulinum and Privilegium Petrinum Petrine privilege
(q.v.), but taken as a general term in
canon law the Privilegium fidei also re- In canon law this refers to the dissolution
fers to the hermeneutical principle by of a nonsacramental marriage between a
which in doubtful cases the Privilegium baptized person and an unbaptized per-
fidei enjoys the Privilegium iuris (q.v., son, given by the pope (hence “Petrine”)
“privilege of law”), i.e., the law is inter- in favor of one of the persons so that she
preted in a manner favorable to the con- or he may marry again in the church. See
vert or baptized person who desires to also Privilegium fidei and Privilegium
marry again (cf. canon 1150). Paulinum.

Privilegium fori Pro

Privilege of the (confessional) Before, in front of, on behalf of,
forum in place of, in return for, in view
Expression related to the seal of confes-
sion which protects the confessor from Common Latin preposition.
having to reveal anything he might have
heard in the confessional in some exter- Pro bono (publico)
nal forum such as a law court or to a For the (public) good
religious or ecclesiastical superior, etc. Refers to work one does for the com-
See also Sigillum. mon or public good but for which one
Pro populo 191

is not remunerated. Thus, a lawyer may theory called “dynamic equivalence”

work on a particular case for an indigent would argue that the term refers to
client, etc., on a pro bono basis, i.e., Jesus’ actual meaning in using the ex-
without receiving the customary fees. pression “for many” as echoing the
See also Pro bono Ecclesiae. fourth servant song of Isaiah 53:11-12
and thus was intending to include both
Pro bono Ecclesiae Jews and Gentiles and thus effectively
For the good of the church all people. The 2011 English translation
of the Missale Romanum (q.v.) legis-
Principle used in coming to decisions
lated that pro multis be changed from
or applications which are undertaken
“for all” to “for many” in the words of
with a view to the greater good of the
consecration. Regardless of the transla-
well-being of the church. For example,
tion employed, the consecration for-
the May 2011 Circular Letter to Assist
mula should not be understood in such
Episcopal Conferences in Developing
a way that God somehow intends to
Guidelines for Dealing with Cases of
exclude anyone from the possibility of
Sexual Abuses of Minors Perpetrated
salvation. See also Deus donabilis, Pro
by Clerics issued by the Congregation
nobis, Ora pro nobis, and Verum Sacri-
for the Doctrine of the Faith states that
“[i]n some cases, at the request of the
cleric himself, a dispensation from the
Pro nobis
obligations of the clerical state, includ-
For us
ing celibacy, can be given pro bono
Ecclesiae. See also Sacramentorum This expression points to, among other
Sanctitatis Tutela. things, the soteriological (saving) func-
tion of the work of Jesus Christ for us,
as well as the intercession of the Blessed
Pro forma
Mother and the communion of saints on
For form
our behalf. See also Deus donabilis,
As a formality (and often without a real Ora pro nobis, and Pro multis.
sincere conviction); in a perfunctory
manner. Pro populo
For the people (both living and
Pro multis the faithful departed)
For many/for all Expression often used to highlight the
Phrase in the Latin formula of the eu- role and obligation of the ordained min-
charistic words of consecration that isters to act in service to the community
have been the focus of some debate over (i.e., “For the people”), including those
the proper translation approach. A members of the communion of saints
word-for-word “literalist” theory called who have passed from this life (the
“formal correspondence” would have “faithful departed” who are explicitly
the expression rendered as “for many,” mentioned in the eucharistic canons).
while the more idiomatic translation Thus, in both sacramental theology and
192  Pro rata

canon law the diocesan bishop and the Prodere peccatorem, Proditio
pastor of a parish has a specific duty to peccatoris
celebrate Masses pro populo, and if Revelation of the sin (confessed
they were to insist on just saying private by a penitent)
Masses they would be shirking this im-
Refers to the context of the seal of ab-
portant official obligation. For the rele-
solute secrecy governing matters spoken
vant canons see C.I.C. 388 §1; 429; 534
of in sacramental confession. The priest
§2; 549; 901, as well as the Catechism
is forbidden to do anything, directly or
of the Catholic Church (CCC) #1369
indirectly, which would reveal either the
and 1371.
identity of the penitent or the nature of
the sins confessed. Neither can the priest
Pro rata use the knowledge he gains in the
In proportion confessional in any way “against” the
Often used in English to refer to a per- penitent. See also Cum gravamine poe-
unit cost or calculation. nitentis (paenitentis) and Gravamen.

Pro tempore Professio fidei

For the time being Profession of faith

For example, something temporary, such In general, any confessional creed can be
as a temporary solution or someone who taken as a “profession of faith” (e.g., the
fills in for another in his or her absence, Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed, and
such as a temporary leader of a group or so forth), but in recent church history the
the President pro tempore of the United Professio fidei often refers to the 1989
States Senate (who leads the Senate in profession of faith issued by the Congre-
the absence of the Vice President, who gation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF)
is the official “President” of the Senate). on 9 January 1989, whose English text
Sometimes shortened to pro tem. can be found in Origins 18 (16 March
1989): 661ff. This profession of faith is
meant to replace the 1967 profession of
Processus iustificationis faith. The text of the profession is essen-
Process of justification tially a repetition of the Nicene Creed and
Theological position regarding the pro- concludes with three clauses in which the
cess of forgiveness of sins, classically one making the profession affirms his or
identified with Peter of Poitiers (1205), her acceptance of the church’s definitive
who in his commentary on Peter Lom- teachings and traditions. The 1989 pro-
bard’s Sentences (Sententiarum libri fession of faith is the object of Pope John
quinque) articulated four components Paul II’s Motu Proprio (q.v.) entitled Ad
in this process: contrition, confession, Tuendam Fidem (q.v.), which amends
absolution, and satisfaction. See also the Codes of Canon Law of both the
Aut satisfactio aut poena; Ex attrito fit Latin and Eastern Rites to establish the
contritus; Ordo salutis; and Ubi reg- proper legislation (e.g., penalties) to en-
num, ibi reconciliatio. force the profession of faith.
Providentissimus Deus 193

Prohibitum quia malum refers to the debate over what consti-

Forbidden because wrong tutes the distinction between Christian
Contrast this idea with the opposite no- ethics and general philosophical or hu-
tion, Malum quia prohibitum (q.v., manist ethics. Here the question re-
wrong because forbidden). volves around just how Jesus Christ and
biblical revelation influence ethical
Promoveatur ut amoveatur norms and the development of Christian
Let him be promoted so as to re- character. See also Sola Scriptura.
move him
Expression often used in church politics, On account of, because of
especially in the Vatican, as a method of
getting rid of an individual who has be- Common Latin preposition.
come problematic by “promoting” him
to a higher ecclesiastical position, such Propter solam procreationem
as a bishop or cardinal, which in turn For the sole purpose of
will facilitate his being moved from his procreation
current position into the promotion Traditional norm which rendered the
which is usually in a different location. procreative intentionality of the conju-
See also Persona non grata. gal act as the primary moral determi-
nant. Refers to the procreative intent,
Propaganda Fide which had to be present for the conjugal
Propagation of the Faith act to be considered moral. See also
Shorthand term for the Vatican Congre- Bonum prolis.
gation for the Propagation of the Faith,
whose mandate is to oversee the Prorsus indebitum
church’s missionary activity throughout Absolutely undeserved
the world. Augustinian phrase that indicated God’s
salvific grace was totally unmerited and
Proprio motu unattainable by humans on their own but
See Motu proprio. that nevertheless expressed God’s im-
mense love for sinful humanity (cf. Rom
Proprium 3:23-25). See also Massa damnata.
The Proper (as in particular to
something) Providentissimus Deus
In Catholic usage this term has two dis- Most provident God
tinct references: in liturgy it refers to Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII on biblical
the “Propers” of the prayers, i.e., those studies, which declared that Scripture
liturgical formulae which change ac- was to be the soul of all theology
cording to the particular Mass being (1893). This notion was confirmed in
offered (such as the prayers for a saint’s #16 of Vatican II’s Decree on Seminary
feast day). In moral theology the term Training Optatam totius (q.v.).
194  Proxima fidei

Proxima fidei Pura potentia

Near to the faith Pure potency
Refers to a doctrine that is held by most Important concept in scholastic phi-
theologians to be very probable and losophy and theology which refers to
able to be defined, but which has never the capacity (potency) of a thing to be
been officially defined. See also De fide changed to an essentially different kind
definita. of being, for example, the capacity or
potential to change from a living to a
P.S. nonliving being. Pura potentia is pas-
Written afterward sive potency considered apart from any
Latin abbreviation for post scriptum; act but is also the principle or capacity
refers to a short message appended to a by which an essence can receive or be
text or letter, and generally indicates an acted upon.
Q.E.D. tieth anniversary of Pope Leo XIII’s
That which was to be demonstrated encyclical Rerum novarum (q.v.) on
(proven) labor and capital. Pius XI addressed the
Latin abbreviation of quod erat demon- economic order and cautioned against
strandum, usually appended to mathe- the excesses of unrestrained capitalism
matical or logical proofs to indicate as well as the dangers of communism.
successful conclusion of the proof of
the initial hypothesis. Used to indicate Quaecumque ea sit
the logical “proof” of any argument or Whatever they may be
hypothesis. See also Non liquet and Res Often this expression is teamed with a
ipsa loquitur. general principle which is followed,
leaving it up to the individual in the
Qua concrete situation to determine the best
Who/which (as) precise means of applying the principle.
See also Aliquo modo (In some manner
“In the capacity of.” For example, Jane or other).
qua Jane can do little, but Jane qua
voter can effect change. Qualis modus essendi, talis modus
Quadragesima That which is the mode of being
Forty (or fortieth part) determines the manner of operat-
When used alone this word usually re- ing
fers to the First Sunday of Lent, which Essentially the same notion as Agere
is forty days before Easter. In some sequitur esse, Modus operandi sequitur
circles the term can also serve as a syn- modum essendi, and Operari sequitur
onym for Lent itself as the period of esse (q.v.).
forty days of penance.
Quam primum
Quadragesimo Anno As soon as possible
On the fortieth year (anniversary) E.g., in canon law it was traditionally
Social encyclical of Pope Pius XI issued understood that infants should be bap-
in 1931 in commemoration of the for- tized quam primum (as soon as possible)
196  Quasi-domicilium

after their birth. However, one always Quaestio

had to interpret this obligation in a rea- Question
sonable manner. Thus, infants would not Sometimes spelled questio, this refers
necessarily be baptized immediately to a question or issue of some ethical or
after their birth (unless they were in dan- theological importance on which there
ger of death) but instead would normally is more than one current opinion. See
be baptized at a time convenient for the also Inquisitio, Quaestio disputata, and
family to gather in the parish church Status quaestiones, and, as an example,
(which might be several weeks or even Questio de abortu (q.v.).
months later). In this context, see also
In dubio favores sunt amplificandi, odi-
osa restrigenda, which indicates that in Quaestio disputata
matters of doubt favors are given a broad Disputed question
interpretation (or application) and bur- Term usually used in theology to indi-
densome things a strict (and narrow) cate matters of disagreement among
interpretation (or application). See also theologians and concerning that for
Odia restringi, et favores convenit am- which there has been no definitive pro-
pliari; Cessante fine cessat lex; and nouncement by the magisterium. An
Consuetudo optima legum. example of a contemporary quaestio
disputata is whether or not an embryo
Quasi-domicilium is infused with an immortal soul at the
Quasi-domicile moment in which the spermatozoa fer-
Refers to a temporary residence and tilizes the ovum or whether the “ensoul-
may be important in certain canonical ment” occurs at some later time in the
proceedings for establishing jurisdiction development of the embryo, such as
in a matter, such as in a marriage case. when “twinning” is no longer possible
(some fourteen days after fertilization).
Quasimodo See also De fide definita, Inquisitio,
In the manner Sententia probata, Status quaestionis,
and Theologice certa.
In church circles Quasimodo refers to
Low Sunday after Easter (also called
Dominica in Albis [q.v.] and, since the Quanta cura
pontificate of Blessed Pope John Paul How much care
II, Divine Mercy Sunday). The Latin Pius IX’s encyclical to which was at-
term comes from the introit or opening tached a Syllabus errorum (q.v., Syl-
antiphon of the Mass in Latin, Quasi labus of Errors) of the contemporary
modo geniti infantes (As newborn age, including a condemnation of the
babes) which comes from 1 Peter 2:2. idea of freedom of religion (1864) and
In literature, Quasimodo also refers to repeating Pope Gregory XVI’s condem-
the protagonist in Victor Hugo’s 1831 nation of indifferentism in religion and
The Hunchback of Notre Dame. See the supposed individual’s freedom of
also Dominica in Albis. conscience in choice of religion in his
Qui dat finem, dat media ad finem necessaria 197

encyclical Mirari vos (q.v.) (1832). Traditional axiom which underscores

Nevertheless, there is some tension with that one must know the important dis-
this position dating from Roman times tinguishing features of an issue or prob-
through Thomas Aquinas, which held lem in order to understand what the
contrary views. Dignitatis humanae, issue is in fact about. This axiom has
Vatican II’s Declaration on Religious often been used, for example, in the tra-
Liberty, ultimately enshrined the posi- dition of moral casuistry in cases such
tion of Thomas Aquinas, who held that as deciding what constitutes legitimate
no one should ever be forced to act medical treatments which may have the
against his or her conscience, and even effect of hastening the patient’s death
if this is done the person should resist: (and which are morally licit) and other
“anyone upon whom the ecclesiastical instances in which the therapies really
authorities, in ignorance of the true involve morally illicit forms of active or
facts, impose a demand that offends passive euthanasia. However, there are
against his clear conscience, should per- certain other situations in which “dis-
ish in excommunication rather than vio- tinction” is inappropriate, such as in the
late his conscience” (Thomas Aquinas, application of justice (Lex non distin-
4 Sent. 38, q. 2, a. 4, Expos. Text). See guit, q.v., “Law does not distinguish”).
also Dignitatis humanae; Mirari vos;
Nisi enim sponte et ex animo fiat, exe- Qui dat finem, dat media ad finem
cratio est; and Quod aliquantum. necessaria
The one gives the end (goal) gives
Querela nullitatus also the necessary means to the
Asking for (a decree) of nullity end
(of a judicial sentence)
This adage expresses a number of dif-
A complaint of nullity against a juridi- ferent thoughts. One is that obligations
cal sentence, i.e., the expression in cannot be imposed on people without
canon law which asks for a decree also making sure they have the means
which declares a juridical sentence to of meeting that duty or obligation. An-
be null due to some substantial defect other concept revolves around the con-
in the sentence, e.g., the incompetence nection between moral intention and the
of the sentencing judge in a given case. act performed, as expressed in the terms
finis operis and finis operantis (q.v.).
Questio de abortu Finally, it could also be argued that this
On the question of abortion adage indicates formal cooperation
Declaration of the Congregation for the along with material cooperation when
Doctrine of the Faith on Procured Abor- one gives the material aid for the com-
tion (1974). mission of an immoral act with a view
to sharing the sinful intent—even if one
Qui bene distinguit bene cognoscit does not carry out the act him/herself.
The one who distinguishes well See Cooperatio in malum and Qui vult
knows well finem vult media.
198  Qui delegat, solvit

Qui delegat, solvit a house, presumably you could also

The one who delegates solves (a spend less, e.g. half a million. In law,
problem) this principle generally means that the
Basic principle of good administration, one who enjoys discretionary power to
i.e., that no one can be expected to require more has as well the power to
handle all issues and problems, and require less. This axiom has to do more
sometimes the best response is to dele- with the flexibility, “elbow room,” en-
gate these to another in order to manage joyed by certain persons in certain
time more efficiently and share burdens. situations. For example, in the Code of
However, some things obviously may Canon Law, canon 1599 §2 states that
not be delegated. See, for example, Po- the conclusion of a case occurs when
testas delegata non delegatur. the time limit set by the judge has ex-
pired or if the judge declares that the
Qui dicet de uno negat de altero case has been sufficiently instructed.
Who says the one negates the Thus, if the judge has the discretionary
other power to set a time limit for the presen-
tation of proofs (e.g., six months), and
Basic point of logic and the principle of if he has the power to extend that time
noncontradiction, namely that if one af- limit, he also has the power to limit or
firms one proposition to be true then reduce it. Analogously, in civil law one
one must therefore deny its contrary. In could look at the sentence prescribed
other words one cannot at the same time for a given crime, with the possibility
affirm both “A” and “Not-A” to be true of a harsher sentence which, say, cannot
in the same way at the same time. exceed twice the prescribed punish-
ment, or a more lenient sentence which,
Qui potest plus (maius), potest say, cannot be less than half the pre-
minus scribed punishment. If the judge can
The one who can (do) more, can give a harsher punishment than that
(do) less prescribed (e.g., up to twice the
In general, this axiom means that the amount), he or she could also give a
one who has the authority to do some- more lenient one. This same principle
thing greater also has the authority to can be used as a moral principle as well.
do something lesser. The plus/minus For example, if it is morally licit in a
(greater/lesser) could refer to some ac- certain situation to perform a certain
tion required of another, as well as to weightier action (such as a hysterec-
the granting of favors, permissions, of- tomy), logically it should be morally
fices, and the like. For example, if a permissible to perform a less extreme
person can grant a permission to an- action (such as simply the removal of a
other to be absent for a whole week, fibroid tumor) if the less extreme action
then it generally follows that he or she would resolve the problem equally well
could grant the same permission to be (or better). A similar expression is Cui
absent for a day; or, if you are autho- licet quod est plus, licet utique quod est
rized to spend a million dollars to buy minus; see also Potentia iurisdictionis;
Quidquid latine dictum sit altum videtur 199

Potestas; Prima sedes a nemine iudica- Expression of responsibility and duty

tur; Rex non potest peccare; and Sum- which notes the connection between the
mum ius, summa iniuria. end (or goal) and the concrete means to
achieve it. In other words, good inten-
Qui probabiliter agit prudenter agit tions are insufficient in themselves but
The one who acts according to the must be matched by corresponding ac-
probable acts prudently tions. On the other hand, there may be
A literal Latin translation would be legitimate exemptions from this rule,
cumbersome in English, but both prob- depending on other circumstances. See
abliter and prudenter function as ad- also Deus impossibilia non iubet, Im-
verbs modifying agit (third-person possibilium nulla obligatio, Lex non
singular of “to act”). This aphorism intendit impossibile, Nemo ad inutile
expresses the position known as proba- tenetur, Nemo potest ad impossibile
bilism, which holds that in cases of obligari, and Ultra posse (or vires)
doubt, and if there is a solidly “prob- nemo obligatur.
able” opinion to support one’s decision,
then one can decide in favor of liberty Qui vult finem vult media
even if this would not necessarily be the The one who desires the end also
“safer” or more rigorous course of ac- desires the means
tion. Probabilism has been an accepted Term related to Qui dat finem, dat
moral theory in the Roman Catholic media ad finem necessaria (q.v.) and
Church since the seventeenth century. which highlights that in moral evalu-
See also Lex dubia non obligat, Prae- ation of acts the finis operantis (q.v.) is
sumitur ignorantia ubi scientia non absolutely crucial.
probatur, and Ut in pluribus.

Qui tacit consentire censetur Quid pro quo

Something for something
Qui tacit consentire videtur
Qui tacit consentit Doing/giving something in return for
Silence gives consent (Often getting something in exchange. See also
simply rendered as Qui tacit) Do ut des and Ex iustitia.
Expressions which indicate that if one
could speak up and doesn’t then this Quidquid latine dictum sit altum
silence would be construed as approval. videtur
See also Argumentum e silentio and Ex That which may be said in Latin
Silentio. seems deep
Somewhat humorous expression meant
Qui tenetur ad finem, tenetur ad to debunk the overuse of Latin expres-
media sions or to negate giving something
One who is bound to reach a cer- added credibility just because it exists
tain end is bound to employ the in Latin. See also Mortui vivos docent
means to attain it and Traditio.
200  Quidquid percipitur ad modum percipientis percipitur

Quidquid percipitur ad modum pitur ad modum percipientis percipitur

percipientis percipitur (q.v.), namely that due to basic human
One perceives according to one’s nature and its inherent limitations we
own mode of perception can only solve problems in a human,
and therefore limited, way. One cannot,
See also Quidquid recipitur ad modum
for example, abolish disease, war, etc.,
recipientis recipitur and Quidquid solvi-
but can only work at resolving these
tur solvitur secundum modum solventis
problems in incremental ways and with
the possibilities open to us.
Quidquid recipitur ad modum
recipientis recipitur Quinque viae
One receives according to one’s Five ways (or proofs for the exis-
own mode of reception tence of God)
Philosophical adage which indicates Expression which references the five
that a mode of perception and/or under- proofs for the existence of God drawn
standing is always related to the nature from natural reason unaided by revela-
of the being who is doing the perceiving tion that Thomas Aquinas puts forward
and/or understanding. Thus, it would in his Summa Theologiae (cf. ST I, q.
not be in the mode of a dog to perceive 2), as well as in various other places in
and understand the world in the same his collected writings. Briefly stated,
way that a human being does, nor would these proofs are based on 1) the un-
it correspond to the human mode of moved mover, 2) the first caused un-
understanding to have access to some caused by anything prior, 3) contingency,
sort of infused knowledge which would i.e., the necessity of a cause to bring the
bypass or exceed the ordinary capacity universe into existence, 4) the argument
of humans to perceive and know. Thus, of degree of greater and lesser being
humans cannot know and perceive com- which points to the existence of a great-
pletely in the same way that God does. est or total being, and 5) the teleological
See also Quidquid percipitur ad modum argument which points to the purpose or
percipientis percipitur and Quidquid design evident in creation. Thomas in-
solvitur solvitur secundum modum sol- dicates that while these arguments are
ventis for related applications of this knowable by reason alone they do not
basic principle. of themselves bring about the fullness
of faith, which is a theological virtue
Quidquid solvitur solvitur given by God. At best, then, the Quinque
secundum modum solventis viae act as a preamble to faith (praem-
That which is solved is solved bula fidei, q.v.).
according to its mode of being
solvable Quis ut Deus?
This expression is logically similar to Who is equal to God?
Quidquid recipitur ad modum recipien- In other words, humans should let God
tis recipitur (q.v.) and Quidquid perci- be God and not presume to be equal to
Quod in necessitate sunt omnia communia 201

God or even to understand fully God and also Dignitatis humanae; Mirari vos;
God’s way. See also Deus absconditus/ Nisi enim sponte et ex animo fiat, exe-
Deus revelatus; Deus semper maior; and cratio est; and Quanta cura.
Si comprehendis, non est Deus.
Quod Deus conjunxit, homo non
Quo vadis? separet
Where are you going? What God joins together a human
Legendary question put by the apostles must not separate
to Jesus, and then, according to the Latin version of the famous dictum of
apocryphal Acts of Peter, the question Jesus on the indissolubility of marriage
was asked by Jesus to Peter when the (cf. Matthew 19:6 and Mark 10:9). On
latter was leaving Rome to avoid the this biblical basis canon law has consis-
Emperor Nero’s persecution in AD 64. tently held that a marriage that is ratum
Also the name of a well-known contem- et consummatum (q.v.) may not be dis-
porary Roman travel agency. solved, though exceptions based on 1
Corinthians 7:12-15 are granted with the
Quod aliquantum so-called Pauline and Petrine privilege
With respect to a considerable (cf. C.I.C. #1141–49). See also Defen-
degree sor Vinculi, Ligamen, and Super rato.
Papal brief (though some authorities list
it as an encyclical) of Pope Pius VI is- Quod erat demonstrandum
sued on 10 March 1791 that treated That which was to be demonstrated
many diverse themes, including a rejec- See Q.E.D.
tion of Communion under both species,
a call for the pre-eminence of Gregorian
chant in church music, and, perhaps
Quod in necessitate sunt omnia
most famously, a declaration that it was communia
absolutely unacceptable for Catholics to All things are common (property)
accept the notions of liberty and equality in situations of (extreme) necessity
expressed in the 1789 French “Declara- Principle which comes from Thomas
tion of the Rights of Man and of the Citi- Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae II–II, q.
zens,” adding that the purpose of the 66, a. 7: “In cases of need all things are
Declaration was “to annihilate the common property, so that there would
Catholic Religion and, with her, the obe- seem to be no sin in taking another’s
dience owed to Kings.” The pope went property, for need has made it common.”
on to condemn the notion of religious Thomas holds that private property is
liberty as a “monstrous right” and an not an absolute right in itself but only a
“imaginary dream.” Because of the sev- relative right that must be ceded at times
eral condemnations found in this papal in view of the common good. Thus, in
missive many conservative Catholic cases of extreme need one could “steal”
groups and websites use it to condemn to feed and clothe oneself or those in
many of the teachings of Vatican II. See one’s care without this becoming a
202  Quod lege permittente fit, poenam non meretur

moral violation of the Ten Command- Denzinger #1186 for the pope’s con-
ments, or to be understood in this situa- demnation. See also Altum dominium;
tion of dire need as an example of Epikeia; In extrema necessitate omnia,
“theft” as condemned in Veritatis splen- societati humanae destinata, sunt com-
dor #13, which states “‘The beginning munia; Iustitiam subsidiariam; Neces-
of freedom,’ Saint Augustine writes, ‘is sitas est lex temporis et loci; Necessitas
to be free from crimes .  .  . such as mur- non habet legem; Quod non licitum est
der, adultery, fornication, theft, fraud, in lege necessitas facit licitum; and
sacrilege and so forth,’” or again at #81 Salus publica suprema lex.
where Augustine is once again refer-
enced. The grounding of Thomas Aqui- Quod lege permittente fit, poenam
nas’ position is found in the notion of non meretur
distributive justice which would hold What the law permits does not
that the goods of creation come from merit punishment
God and are held in stewardship by in-
dividual humans. Thus, this notion of It is important to keep in mind that this
distributive justice indicates that total axiom refers to legal punishment; many
“equality” is not necessarily the most things that might be “legal” are still im-
“just” form of distribution, but rather moral and therefore would be liable to
distribution should be governed by rela- punishment in that sphere. See also Odia
tive need and necessity. In this larger restringi, et favores convenit ampliari.
view, if there would arise a situation of
genuine and dire need this would be Quod non licitum est in lege
seen as prima facie evidence of a failure necessitas facit licitum
of justice in the distributive sense. That which is not licit in law ne-
“Stealing” in this situation would not be cessity makes licit
a sin or vice, since the object of the ac- Another expression which indicates the
tion is not unjustified taking of another’s Catholic moral principle that extreme
property. There was a debate among need or necessity can override human
moralists as to the boundaries of what law. See also Necessitas non habet legem,
constituted genuine “necessity” under Necessitas non habet legem, and espe-
this principle, e.g., whether the need had cially the longer discussion under Quod
to be “extreme” or merely “grave.” in necessitate sunt omnia communia.
While the former position, In extrema
necessitate omnia, societati humanae
destinata, sunt communia, was generally Quod omnes tangit ab omnibus
accepted, Pope Innocent XI condemned approbetur
the latter, which had been expressed in That which touches all must be
the proposition Permissum est furari non approved by all
solum in extrema necessitate sed etiam Principle of canon law that indicates
in grave (it is permitted to take the nec- that legislation which touches every-
essary goods not only in extreme neces- body will have to be received and ac-
sity but also in grave necessity). See cepted in order to be valid. See also
Q.v. 203

Consensus non facit veritatem, Consue- Principle of Vincent of Lérins (died c.

tudo optima legum interpres, Quod 445) which gives the essential criteria
ubique quod semper quod ab omnibus for authoritative tradition to help distin-
creditum est, and Sensus fidelium. guish truth from heresy and which has
its force precisely because it has stood
Quod omnia appetunt the test of time and place. See also Con-
That which all desire sensus non facit veritatem, Consuetudo
Refers to the universal nature of the de- optima legum interpres, Quod omnes
sire for the good inasmuch as it is the tangit ab omnibus approbetur, and Sen-
one thing desired by all rational beings. sus fidelium.

Quod raro fit non observant Quod vide

legislatores Which see
What is rarely done is not See Q.v.
observed by legislators
An axiom of practical reason as it ap- Quondam
plies to law: that which only rarely oc- Formerly
curs would not normally be an object of
This term can be used in the sense of
legislative concern. See also De minimis
“former” e.g., to indicate a person who
non curat lex; Epikeia; In necessariis
quondam (“formerly”) was president of
unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus
a certain school and now is retired.
caritas; Lex dubia non obligat; Minima
non curat praetor; Rara con tigribus;
and Singularia non sunt extendenda. Q.v.
Which see
Quod ubique, quod semper, quod Latin abbreviation for quod vide, used
ab omnibus, creditum est as a scholarly indication of a cross-
What has everywhere, always by reference for further and/or related in-
all, been believed formation on a given topic.
Radix Jesse Rara avis
Root of Jesse A rare bird
The third of the “O Antiphons” that A rarity, prodigy, etc. A type of indi-
mark the octave of anticipation or prep- vidual not commonly found.
aration for Christmas Eve, which in it-
self is the vigil of Christ’s birth. See the Rara con tigribus
fuller discussion under O Adonai. Rarely with tigers

Radix Mali Expression that traditionally was asso-

Root of evil ciated to sexual sins that would only
rarely occur and so would not be the
Expression used by Augustine in his object of much casuistry or moral
Contra Julianum (I, 9.42; PL 44, 670) to study—in other words, even if bestiality
denote the thoughts sown by Satan into might occur, it would be rare indeed
the hearts of Adam and Eve, which in that it would happen with a tiger. It is
turn led to their committing the original also referenced in post–Vatican II moral
sin of disobedience. Augustine further theology as a humorous example of the
held that this same original sin and pro- old moral manuals supposed preoccu-
pensity toward evil is passed down by pation with sexual matters. See also Ex
the concupiscence of sexual desire, toto genere suo, (In) re venerea, Parvi-
which is an element of the procreation tas materiae in Sexto, and Quod raro fit
of all human offspring and thus is re- non observant legislatores.
sponsible for the necessity of washing
away original sin if the human is to be
reconciled with God. This washing away Ratio entis
of original sin is accomplished through Reason of the [human] being
baptism in the church’s sacramental view Refers to the power of human reason.
or at least through Fides implicita (q.v.) See also Ens rationis, Lex indita non
or the so-called “baptism by desire” scripta, Lumen naturale, Per modum
(Baptismus in voto, q.v.). See also Extra cognitionis/Per modum inclinationis,
ecclesia nulla salus and Felix culpa. and Recta ratio.
Ratum et consummatum 205

Ratio fide illuminata Ratio studiorum

Reason illuminated by faith Plan of studies
The traditional Roman Catholic posi- Refers to an integrated plan of studies,
tion is that human reason is basically curriculum, or syllabus. As a proper
sound and trustworthy but that it needs noun ratio studiorum can also refer to
to be illuminated by faith in order to the norms governing the curricula of a
counter the effects of the Fall and school or set of schools, such as the
original sin. See also fides ratione il- ratio studiorum of Jesuit high schools.
luminata and status antelapsarius.
Ratione censurae/peccati
Ratio legis est anima legis By reason of the censure [or] sin
The reason for the law is the soul
of the law Refers to the classification in the old
practice expressed, for example, in the
Principle which holds that a rule or law 1917 Code of Canon Law (abolished in
is seen as a means to an end and is not the 1983 Code), which distinguished
an end in itself. Therefore, in interpreting reserved sins into two categories: sins
the law (especially canon law) it is im- reserved because of the nature of the sin
portant to understand the overall purpose itself (ratione peccati) and those re-
of the law in order to interpret correctly served because of the nature of the cen-
how the law is to be applied. Cf. canon sure attached (ratione censurae). In the
17 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law. 1983 Code of Canon Law there are very
few reserved “sins”—only reserved
Ratio proportionata
cases, thus reserved ratione censurae.
Proportionate reason
One of the important justifying factors Ratum
for committing or tolerating a premoral Confirmed (ratified)
evil. For example, if a limb is gangre-
For example, in a marriage ceremony
nous it can be amputated in order to
the couple has freely given their consent
save the life of the person, since there
to each other in a proper manner. See
is “proportionate reason” for having the
also Ratum et consummatum and Super
amputation. This is an important con-
cept in the principle of the double ef-
fect, as well as the moral theory of
proportionalism, though “proportional- Ratum et consummatum
ism” as defined and critiqued in Verita- Confirmed and completed
tis splendor (q.v.) #75 clearly is quite Refers to the marriage bond which was
distinct from the use of proportionate considered irrevocably confirmed upon
reason whose tradition dates back to the proper sacramental exchange of
Thomas Aquinas. See also Bonum to- marriage vows and the “consummation”
tius; Mala moralia and mala praemora- of the marriage though the subsequent
lia; Pars propter totum; and Si finis conjugal act. However, exceptions
bonus est, totum bonum. based on 1 Cor 7:12-15 are granted with
206  (In) re venerea

the so-called Pauline and Petrine privi- confessor, often was that the sacrament
lege (cf. C.I.C. 1141–49). See also Af- was effectively denied to numbers of
finitas non parit affinitatem; Defensor people who could well have profited
Vinculi; Divortium plenum/perfectum; from a more merciful and supportive
Ligamen; Non constat de nullitate; Po- attitude on the part of the confessor. See
tentia coeundi/Potentia generandi; also Occasionarii.
Quod Deus conjunxit, homo non sepa-
ret; Ratum; and Super rato. Recognitio
Recognition, approval (after
(In) re venerea review)
In venereal (sexual) matters Expression used in Roman Catholic
Term used in traditional teachings on circles to indicate that a document, such
sexual ethics which referred to sexual as the United States Catholic Bishops
pleasure obtained from a variety of ac- Conference document on norms gov-
tions, even relatively minor ones such erning sexual offenders, is “recognized”
as kissing. A strict interpretation held officially by the Vatican and therefore
that any venereal (sexual) pleasure ob- enjoys the force of law. This is a rela-
tained outside of marriage was gravely tively new process and term in ecclesi-
sinful. See also Ex toto genere suo, Par- astical governance. This same Roman
vitas materiae in Sexto, Rara con tigri- recognitio is now required by Pope John
bus, and Remedium concupiscientiae. Paul’s 1998 Apostolos suos (q.v.) of all
teaching documents issued by bishops
Recidivus conferences unless the conference were
Recurring to pass a document unanimously. Some
In moral theology this term usually re- canonists have noted that the use of the
fers to the type of penitent who con- recognitio creates a bit of an anomaly
fesses but falls into the same sin again in jurisdiction, since it seems to create
repeatedly. The pastoral approach to a situation in which one has legal au-
someone who repeatedly falls into the thority (e.g., bishops) but are con-
same sort of sin would necessarily dif- strained from using this authority freely
fer from dealing with someone for and effectively. See also Nihil obstat
whom the given sin was a rather singu- and Vactio legis.
lar occurrence. Regrettably, often older
moral manuals of moral theology and Reconciliatio et paenitentia
confessional practice recommended to Reconciliation and penitence
be withholding sacramental absolution Post-synodal apostolic exhortation of
from someone judged to be a recidivus, Pope John Paul II On Reconciliation
since it was held that this purpose and Penance in the Mission of the
lacked a sufficient purpose of amend- Church Today (1984).
ment to receive the sacrament. The
practical result of this attitude, coupled Recta ratio
with a moral rigorism on the part of the Right reason
Reductio ad absurdum 207

The basic moral faculty of discernment. Redemptoris Custos

Each human person, through a process Guardian of the Redeemer
of rational reflection, can come to a cor- Apostolic exhortation on the role of St.
rect moral understanding of the right- Joseph issued by Pope John Paul II in
ness and wrongness of moral actions, 1989, two years after his mariological
etc. See also Lex indita non scripta, encyclical Redemptoris mater (q.v.)
Lumen naturale, and Per modum cog- promulgated in 1987.
nitionis/Per modum inclinationis.

Recursus ad fontes Redemptoris mater

Return (recourse) to the fonts Mother of the Redeemer
(sources) Encyclical of John Paul II On the
In the case of theology, this might in- Blessed Virgin Mary in the Life of the
volve the use of Scripture, or some au- Pilgrim Church (1987), focusing on
thor from among the church fathers, etc. Mary’s role in salvation in her roles in
The “fonts” or sources usually would the Mystery of Christ, as Mother of
refer to the traditional theological fonts God, and as Mother of the Church. A
such as Scripture and tradition. companion document on the role of St.
Joseph, Redemptoris Custos, was also
Reddere suum cuique issued by John Paul II as an apostolic
Give to each his or her own exhortation two years later in 1989.
Basic principle of justice, i.e., rendering
to each person what is due to her or him. Redemptoris missio
A slightly different linguistic version Mission of redemption
of this is unicuique suum or, in more
abbreviated form, Suum cuique. See 1990 encyclical of Pope John Paul II On
also De bono et aequo, Ius, and Lex non the Mission of the Redeemer and on the
distinguit. essential nature of the Christian mission
of evangelization which flows from
Redemptionis donum Jesus’ mandate to make disciples of all
Gift of redemption nations (cf. Matt 28:19-20).
Apostolic exhortation of John Paul II to
men and women religious (1984). Reductio ad absurdum
Reduction to the (point of the)
Redemptor hominis absurd
Redeemer of humankind Common, though not always method-
Pope John Paul II’s first encyclical of ologically sound, manner of reducing
his pontificate, written on the nature of an argument to its supposed absurd con-
the human person (1979) and promul- clusion if the premises are carried to
gated less than five months after his ac- their logical (though usually extreme)
cession to the Chair of Peter. conclusion. See also Ne fides rideatur.
208  Regiminis

Regiminis order founded in 1941 by the Mexican

Jurisdiction priest Marcial Maciel Degollado, later
See Potestas regendi. discovered to have fathered several chil-
dren and engaged in other sexual im-
proprieties. Though quite popular
Regina Coeli during the pontificate of John Paul II
Queen of Heaven (1978–2005), Maciel was removed
One of the titles of the Blessed Virgin from priestly ministry by Benedict XVI
Mary and the name of a prayer recited (2005–) in 2006 to a life of penance
in her honor. During the Easter season until his death in 2008. In 2010 Bene-
this prayer is traditionally said at mid- dict XVI also delegated a cardinal to
day in place of the Angelus (q.v.). oversee the Order and its practices.
The Latin lines of the prayer are:
Regina coeli laetare, Alleluia. Regula fidei
Quia quem meruisti portare, Rule of faith
Alleluia, resurrexit sicut dixit,
Concept used by St. Irenaeus of Lyons
Alleluia. Ora pro nobis Deum,
(c. 130–200) against the Gnostics who
claimed knowledge of special revela-
The English translation is: tions available only to a chosen few. Ac-
Queen of Heaven rejoice, Alle- cording to the idea of the regula fidei,
luia. Because he whom you were the basic criterion for determining the
worthy to bear, Alleluia, has risen truth of revelation given to the church is
as he said, Alleluia. Pray for us to that this norm of faith is to be both pub-
God, Alleluia. lic and ecclesial rather than private and
elitist. Thus, in brief, the regula fidei
Regnans in Excelsis refers to the basic truths of the faith
Reigning in the highest (heaven) which have been traditionally professed
1570 papal bull of Pope St. Sixtus V in by Christians. See also Congregatio fi-
which he “deposed” England’s Protes- delium, Sensus fidelium, and Tolle as-
tant Queen Elizabeth I and declared her sertiones et christianismum tulisti.
subjects absolved of the duty of alle-
giance to her. This action had no im- Relatio (finalis)
mediate political effect other than to (Final) Report
increase and legitimize persecution of
In ecclesial usage this term usually re-
English Catholics by the Crown.
fers to a report drafted either as an in-
troductory document for a larger
Regnum Christi meeting’s consideration (such as the
The Reign (Kingdom) of Christ triennial synod of bishops) or as a report
Name given to the lay branch of the from a smaller group back to a larger
Legionaries of Christ (not to be con- group, or as a summary report of the
fused with Opus Dei, q.v.), a religious whole meeting (i.e., the relatio finalis).
Res et sacramentum 209

Reliquiae peccati Refers to the essential “matter” or rele-

Residual effects of sin vant material of a case under discussion,
Traditional maxim which viewed the etc. Depending on the context, res car-
human person as redeemed in Jesus ries either the meaning of reality itself
Christ but still suffering from the re- or an individual entity such as a thing,
sidual effects of sin and sinfulness. See matter under discussion, etc.
Totus conversus sed non totaliter.
Res analogata
The “thing” (basis) of the analogy
Remedium concupiscientiae
Remedy for concupiscence Expression which refers to the basis of
(sexual desire) terms put into relation in an analogy.
For example, in the analogy “as the re-
Traditionally ascribed (e.g., by Augus-
lationship of the husband to his wife so
tine and others) to be one of the second-
is the relationship of Christ to the
ary ends of marriage, i.e., that marriage
church,” the res analogata would be the
helped keep unruly sexual passions in
love that each pair has for the other (and
check by giving them a licit outlet. See
not, for example, an “accidental” term
also Bonum prolis, Bonum fidei, and
such as gender). In using this kind of
Bonum sacramenti for the three princi-
analogical expression, it is important to
pal ends of marriage, as well as Concu-
determine clearly the foundational basis
bitus propter solam procreationem,
for the analogue, lest improper conclu-
Debitum, Ius in corpus (corpore), and
sions be drawn (such as since husbands
Parvitas materiae in Sexto.
and Christ are both “males” the mascu-
line gender should be somehow seen as
Requiescat in pace superior to the feminine. See also Ana-
Rest in peace
logia entis, Analogia fidei, Analogia
See R.I.P. Scipturae, and Bonum Sacramenti.

Rerum novarum Res et sacramentum

Of new things A (sacred) thing (symbolized) and
Leo XIII’s 1891 encyclical On Capital a (sacred) symbol
and Labor, usually considered the first In scholastic sacramental theology, this
“social” encyclical, which spoke of the term referred to the reality midway be-
necessity of improving the conditions tween the sacred symbol itself (the sac-
of the working classes, supported their ramental sign) and the grace ultimately
rights to unionize, and rejected both conferred by the sacrament. Thus, in
communism and unrestrained capital- baptism, the sacramental sign of pouring
ism but accepted the notion of private the water and saying the words of the
property. trinitarian baptismal formula symbol-
izes the baptized person’s incorporation
Res into the church. This incorporation into
The/a matter (thing, object); reality the church (the sacred thing symbolized)
210  Res fidei et morum

itself symbolizes sanctifying grace clear and irrefutable are not so judged
whereby a person becomes a participant by others. See also Facta non praesu-
in God’s divine nature. In the Eucharist, muntur sed probantur; In necessariis
the res et sacramentum is the real Body unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus
and Blood of Christ, while in the sacra- caritas; Lex dubia non obligat; Onus
ment of Christian matrimony the res et probandi; Q.E.D.; and Tantum valet
sacramentum is the marriage bond quantum probat.
which unites the man and woman. The
nuance of this expression is further clari- Res iudicata
fied when res et sacramentum is distin- A judged matter
guished from related terms such as res Term used in canon law which refers to
sacramenti, res tantum, sacramentum, a sentence passed by the competent au-
and sacramentum tantum (q.v.). See also thority in an ecclesiastical case (cf.
Ex opere operantis, Ex opere operato, C.I.C. #1363) and thus cannot be retried
and Sacramentum. by another court. More colloquially, res
iudicata can refer to a contentious issue
Res fidei et morum which supposedly now has been settled.
A matter of faith and morals See also Res iudicata pro veritate ac-
See De fide vel moribus for a fuller dis- cipitur and Roma locuta, causa finita.
cussion of this term.
Res iudicata pro veritate accipitur
A matter adjudicated (judicially
Res frutificat dominum
decided) is accepted as true
Property [literally, “the thing it-
self”] enriches the owner [liter- A basic principle of law that indicates
ally, “lord” or “master”] once a matter has been properly adju-
dicated with due process (i.e., a Res
Maxim from Roman law which indi-
iudicata, q.v.) the decision should be
cates the purpose of private property is
accepted as binding, or “true,” in that
discovered in what it does for its owner,
sense. Of course, mistakes can still be
thus indicating a rather absolute right
made and due process can be short-
of the owner of private property to use
circuited, but the legal system could not
as she or he pleases. See also Bonum
function well if each and every decision
utile; Dominium utile; Ius utendi, fru-
were constantly open to debate and fur-
endi, abutendi; and Uti et frui.
ther litigation. See also Absolutus sen-
tentia judicis praseumitur innocens;
Res ipsa loquitur Actori incumbit onus probandi; Allega-
The thing speaks for itself tio contra factum non est admittenda;
Refers to something that is (or at least Da mihi factum, dabo tibi ius; Facta
is perceived to be) self-evident and non praesumuntur sed probantur; Onus
therefore would not require further probandi; Roma locuta, causa finita;
proof. However, many things that one Tantum valet quantum probat; and Tes-
person may consider to be absolutely tis in uno falsus in nullo fidem meretur.
Rex non potest peccare 211

Res sacramenti Restitutio in integrum

A (sacred) thing (symbolized) by Integral (complete) reinstatement
a (sacred) symbol Expression which in canon law denotes
This expression is not frequent in scho- the remedy to be had in cases when a
lastic theology and is somewhat am- canonical sentence is technically valid
biguous when it stands alone, since it but is shown to be blatantly unjust and
could refer either to res et sacramentum therefore is set aside, restoring the ju-
(q.v.) or res tantum (q.v.). See also Ex ridical condition which existed prior to
opere operantis, Ex opere operato, Sac- (status quo ante, q.v.) the giving of the
ramentalia, and Sacramentum. valid, but unjust, sentence. In moral the-
ology, especially in the forum of the
Res tantum sacrament of reconciliation, restitutio
Only the (sacred) thing in integrum refers to the obligation in
(symbolized) justice to make amends, pay restitution,
etc., in order to repair as completely as
Expression used in scholastic sacramen- possible an injustice caused. Thus, an
tal theology to refer to the ultimate individual who confesses having stolen
“matter” of the sacraments, namely the something has an obligation to repay or
sanctifying grace conferred by the sac- “restore” the thing stolen (or its compa-
ramental encounter. Since res tantum is rable value) to the rightful owner.
the ultimate grace symbolized by the
sacrament it is not itself a symbol of
anything further, such as in the case of Rex Gentium
the res et sacramentum. The nuances of King of the Nations
these expressions are further clarified The sixth of the “O Antiphons” that
when they are seen in conjunction with mark the octave of anticipation or prep-
related terms such as res et sacramen- aration for Christmas Eve, which in it-
tum, sacramentum, and sacramentum self is the vigil of Christ’s birth. See the
tantum (q.v.). See also Ex opere operan- fuller discussion under O Adonai.
tis, Ex opere operato, and Sacramentum.
Rex non potest peccare
Responsum ad dubium The king cannot sin
Response to the doubt (question) Expression that can be associated with
A formal response given by the appro- a divine-right theology of kingship
priate authority to a question (a dubium which held that monarchs were so or-
or “doubt”) raised about the meaning or dained by God and thus answered to
interpretation of a certain point. Thus, God alone for their actions. The expres-
the Responsum can have the effect of sion also can point to the nature of au-
clarifying the given point or policy, as thority, and whoever has the highest or
well as strengthening its authoritative most authority would not normally have
weight. See also Dubium and Ordinatio his or her decisions questioned. Obvi-
Sacerdotalis. ously, this expression does not indicate
212  R.I.P.

the impossibility of moral failure and sermon about the devil’s futile efforts
serious sin even among hierarchs and to keep Christ from descending to hell
monarchs, as history easily illustrates. after his death. Due to perceived abuses
See also Potestas; Prima sedes a ne- of the Word of God in such sermons
mine iudicatur; Roma locuta, causa they were eventually banned by Pope
finita; Si iudicas, cognossce; si regnas, Clement X (1670–76), the German Em-
iube; and Summum ius, summa iniuria. peror, and various bishops of Bavaria.
See also Christus Victor.
Rest in peace Roma locuta, causa finita
Latin abbreviation for requiescat in Rome has spoken, the case is
pace, and is a common wish or prayer closed
found on tombstones, memorial cards Traditional axiom, based on Sermon 131
for the deceased, etc. of St. Augustine against Pelagius, by
which theological debate is supposedly
Rispondeo to be terminated upon a pronouncement
I respond (or answer) .  .  . by some person or office connected with
This verb is used by Thomas Aquinas in the Vatican-based magisterium. This
the development of his arguments to principle has been formally enshrined
indicate the principle point or core of his to a certain extent in this half-century in
teaching on a certain issue. The structure Pius XII’s 1950 Humani Generis and in
of his method is to pose a thesis state- John Paul II’s 1994 declaration barring
ment or “question” and then outline a discussion of the possibility of women
few principal objections to the proposed being admitted to the ordained priest-
thesis. After this he then indicates a tran- hood. See also Caput mundi; Potestas;
sition by the phrase sed contra (q.v., “but Prima sedes a nemine iudicatur; Res
on the other hand”), which usually indi- iudicata; Scriptura sacra locuta, res de-
cates a few authorities that hold a coun- cisa est; Summum ius, summa iniuria;
ter-position. Next comes the Rispondeo, and Ultra montes.
in which Thomas more fully outlines his
answer to the question before conclud- Ruat coelum
ing with a brief reply to each of the “ob- (Though) heaven fall (justice
jections” introduced at the beginning of must be done)
the treatment of the question. This meth- Singular form of the more oft-used Fiat
odology is employed throughout his iustitia, ruant coeli (q.v., let justice be
Summa Theologiae. done, though the heavens fall), a slogan
which indicates that “consequences”
Risus Paschalis should never keep strict “justice” from
Easter laughter being done, even if this should be bur-
Referred to a custom that arose in Ba- densome or occasion negative conse-
varia in the fifteenth century in which quences. “Come what may” might be
funny stories were told in the Easter an equivalent English expression.
Sacra Doctrina Sacrae Scripturae Licentiatus
Sacred Doctrine Licentiate in Sacred Scripture
Refers to the truths of the Christian See S.S.L.
faith, the doctrines and dogmas which
must be held and believed by all the Sacrae Theologiae Doctor
faithful. See also Anathema sit, Cre- Doctorate in Sacred Theology
denda, De fide, Sacra Pagina, and Sacra
See S.T.D.

Sacrae Theologiae Licentiatus

Sacra pagina Licentiate in Sacred Theology
The sacred page
See S.T.L.
Literally, this refers to Scripture as text,
and in the Middle Ages the term was
used to indicate the study of Scripture,
and a theologian was called a magister
Sacrae Paginae (q.v.), a “master” or This expression denotes sacred material
expert in the Sacred Text. In spirituality things, objects, or actions such as Holy
Sacra pagina often is associated with a Water, wearing of medals, the crucifix,
particular passage or text which is read etc., which when used devoutly by be-
for prayer and meditation. See also Lec- lievers help increase devotion and piety,
tio divina. as well as remit venial sin. Sacramentals
are differentiated from the church’s
seven sacraments (baptism, confirma-
Sacra Scriptura tion, Eucharist, reconciliation, marriage,
Sacred Scripture anointing of the sick, and holy orders).
Refers to the Bible as the authoritative The efficacy of the latter work ex opere
text for Christian theology. See also operato (q.v.), whereas the benefits of
Sacra Doctrina and Sola Scriptura. the former depend on the interior dispo-
sition of the individual using the sacra-
mental (ex opere operantis, q.v.),
Sacrae Scripturae Doctor sometimes also referred to as opus ope-
Doctor of Sacred Scripture rantis. See also Ex opere operantis, Ex
See S.S.D. opere operato, and Sacramentum.
214  Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela

Sacramentorum Sanctitatis to signify the Christian rite or mystery

Tutela of baptism, and later the term came to
Safeguarding of the Sanctity of refer to any sign or symbol instituted by
the Sacraments Christ in some way to give grace. There
was much discussion in the Middle Ages
Apostolic letter issued by Pope John Paul
about the precise number of sacraments,
II motu proprio (q.v.) on 30 April 2001.
and finally at the Council of Trent the
This document dealt with “delicts” or
number of sacraments was defined as
“crimes” of a more serious nature which
being the following seven: baptism, con-
touched upon the sacraments, especially
firmation, Eucharist, marriage, holy or-
Eucharist and reconciliation, such as
ders, reconciliation, and anointing of the
using the sacrament of reconciliation or
sick. See also Ex opere operantis, Ex
the place of the confessional to solicit
opere operato, Res et sacramentum, Res
someone for sexual purposes. These sorts
sacramenti, Res tantum, Sacramentalia,
of crimes are termed graviora delicta and
and Sacramentum tantum.
in canon law call for special adjudication
and/or penalties. This document was a
Sacramentum mundi
partial response to the sexual abuse crisis
Sacrament of the world
which came to light in the church in the
1990s and established procedural norms Title of a well-known post–Vatican II
for handling of the reporting and follow- encyclopedia of theology, edited by
up of charges of sexual abuse by priests. Karl Rahner (among others).
For the most part the pope delegated re-
sponsibility for these matters to the Con- Sacramentum pietatis
gregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Sacrament (symbol) of piety
See also Corpus delicti, Crimen sollici- (religion)
tationis, Delicta graviora, Epistula de Expression used by St. Augustine, along
delictis gravioribus, Graviora delicta, In with signum unitatis (sign of unity) and
flagrante delicto, Pro bono Ecclesiae, vinculum caritatis (bond of charity) in
Secretum pontificium, Sub secreto ponti- his definition of the Eucharist, given in
ficio, and Sub rosa. his In Ioannis Evangelium tractatus, 26,
13: CCL 36, 266. Thus, the Eucharist
Sacramentum leads to personal sanctification (pietas)
Sacrament, sacred symbol, sign of as well as community unity and recon-
a sacred thing ciliation (unitas and caritas).
Though the Latin word sacramentum
originally meant anything which obliges Sacramentum tantum
a person, such as a “guarantee, oath, or A (sacred) symbol only
pledge,” the term came to be used by the Refers to the external sacramental rite
church to refer to the visible signs insti- which symbolizes, but is not itself sym-
tuted by Jesus Christ to reveal and com- bolized by anything else. For example,
municate God’s grace to human beings. in the baptismal rite the pouring of
Tertullian was the first to use the word water (or immersion) and pronounce-
Salvator mundi 215

ment of the trinitarian formula is a sac- Common formulaic ending used in li-
ramentum tantum. The nuance of this turgical prayers. See also Gloria Patri
expression is further clarified when and Per saecula saeculorum.
sacramentum tantum is distinguished
from related terms such as Res et sac- Salus animarum suprema lex
ramentum, Res sacramenti, Res tantum, Salvation of souls is the supreme
and Sacramentum (q.v.). law
Refers to the ultimate aim of the church’s
canon law, which is for the aid of those
Shrine, chapel
in the church to reach salvation. Thus, the
In moral theology this can refer to the principal aim of canon law is not meant
sanctity of an individual’s conscience. to be essentially disciplinary but medici-
In liturgy it refers to the special sink nal or nourishing. See also Animarum
found in the sacristy whose outlet led zelus, Cura animarum, Plantatio eccle-
directly into the ground (rather than the siae, and Salus publica suprema lex.
sewer). Leftover water which had been
used for purification in the Mass was to
Salus publica suprema lex
be poured into the sacrarium, rather
The health of the public is the
than into a regular sink.
supreme law
Sacrosanctum concilium The fundamental purpose of law is not
The Sacred Council to safeguard the power or privileges of
the lawgiver but rather is directed to the
Vatican II’s Constitution on the Sacred
promotion of the common good. See
Liturgy (1963) whose major aim was to
also Bonum commune; Epikeia; In ex-
encourage greater participation of the
trema necessitate omnia, societati hu-
laity in the Eucharist, which led ulti-
manae destinata, sunt communia;
mately to many changes in the liturgy,
Iustitiam subsidiariam; Lex iniusta non
especially the widespread use of the
est lex; Lex lata in praesumptionne pe-
vernacular in the Mass. These changes,
riculi communis; Lex semper intendit
though, were unpopular with some and
quod convenit rationi; Necessitas est lex
led Pope Benedict XVI in his 2007
temporis et loci; Necessitas non habet
Motu proprio (q.v.) Summorum Pon-
legem; Ordinatio rationis ad bonum
tificum (q.v.) to give broad permission
commune; Quod non licitum est in lege
to use the pre–Vatican II Tridentine Rite
necessitas facit licitum; Salus animarum
as a forma extraordinaria (q.v.). See
suprema lex; and Ubi ius, ibi remedium.
also Ad orientem, Coetus fidelium,
Forma extraordinaria, Missale Roma-
num, Novus Ordo, Universae Ecclesiae, Salvator mundi
and Versus populum. Savior of the world
One of the common titles given to Jesus
Saecula saeculorum Christ, in which his soteriological im-
Ages of ages port is stressed.
216  Salve

Salve the Christian Meaning of Human Suf-

Hail fering (1984).
Traditional Roman greeting (pro-
nounced in two syllables: SAL-vay), and Sanatio in radice
the first word of the Christian Marian Healing at the root
hymn Salve Regina (“Hail Holy Queen,” Sometimes translated as “radical sana-
q.v.). See also Ave. tion,” usually refers to a juridical pro-
Salve Regina cess which corrects some serious
Hail (holy) Queen canonical anomaly which would have
rendered the sacrament (usually mar-
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, often riage) invalid and thus has retroactive
used to conclude the Rosary, Compline, consequences. For example, if a novice
or other prayers. The Latin version of entered a novitiate which had not been
the prayer is as follows: properly “erected” in the canonical
Salve Regina, Mater Misericor- sense, his or her novitiate would be
diae; vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, technically “invalid” and the subse-
salve. Ad te clamamus, exules filii quent religious vows not binding. A
Evae. Ad te suspiramus, gementes sanatio in radice can correct this legal
et flentes in hac lacrymarum difficulty without requiring a repetition
valle. Eia ergo advocata nostra, of the novitiate or vow ceremony. Other
illos tuos misericordes oculos ad common uses of the sanatio in radice
nos converte; et Jesum, benedic- occur in marriage cases in which there
tum fructum ventris tui, nobis post might have been, for example, some
hoc exilium ostende. O clemens, defect in form of the celebration of the
O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria. wedding itself. See also De Defectibus
The English translation is: and Divortium plenum/perfectum.
Hail holy Queen, Mother of
Mercy, our life, our sweetness,
and our hope. To thee do we cry, Sanctorum patrum exempla
poor banished children of Eve, To sequentes
thee do we send up our sighs, Following the examples of the
mourning and weeping in this vale holy fathers
of tears. Turn then most (gracious) Used as a succinct expression of the an-
advocate thine eyes of mercy tiquity and the authority of tradition (cf.
toward us; and after this our exile, C. Laternanese I, can. 1, 27 March
show unto us the blessed fruit of 1123), and thus lending implicit addi-
thy womb, Jesus. Oh clement, oh tional weight to the opinion expressed.
loving, oh sweet Virgin Mary. “Holy fathers” in this expression would
refer principally to the patristic authors
Salvifici doloris (the “fathers” of the church), and not
Salvific suffering necessarily to popes alone (who are
Apostolic letter of Pope John Paul II On sometimes referred to as Holy Father[s]).
Schola 217

Sanctus Sapientia Christiana

Holy Christian wisdom
Common designation for the prayer re- Pope John Paul II’s 1979 apostolic con-
cited by all during the celebration of the stitution On Ecclesiastical Universities
Latin Eucharist at the conclusion of the and Faculties. Sapientia Christiana
preface. The text of the entire prayer is (“Christian Wisdom”) details the plan
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus of studies plus a number of other norms
Deus, Sabaoth. Pleni sunt caeli et terra and rules which govern schools, such
gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis. Bene- as seminaries, which grant ecclesiasti-
dictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Ho- cal degrees, such as the Master of Di-
sanna in excelsis. (“Holy, Holy, Holy, vinity (M.Div.), Licentiate in Sacred
Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth Theology (S.T.L.), and Doctorate in
are filled with your glory. Hosanna in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.).
the highest. Blessed is he who comes in
the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the Scandalum pusillorum
highest”). Scandal of the weak
Type of scandal which comes from ac-
Sapere aude! tions, which though in themselves are
Dare to know “lawful” and not immoral nevertheless
have the appearance of evil and therefore
Used as a motto of the Enlightenment, may disturb those with more “delicate”
this axiom underscored the necessity to or “weak” consciences and perhaps
have the courage to make use of the cause these people to sin. St. Paul’s ad-
human capacity for autonomous under- vice to the early Christian community on
standing, rather than relying on author- abstaining from meat sacrificed to idols
ity or divine revelation. (1 Corinthians 8) would be a good ex-
ample of being sensitive to the problem
of scandalum pusillorum. See also Male
Sapienti sat
sonans and Piarum aurium offensiva.
For the wise no more is necessary
(e.g., to be said)
This expression is quite similar to Ver- Summary against the Gentiles
bum sat sapienti (q.v.), a word to the (non-believers, heretics)
wise is sufficient, a brief indication
about some problem or pitfall would be Abbreviation which designates the
sufficient to a truly prudent individual Summa Contra Gentiles (q.v.) of St.
so that she or he can avoid the danger Thomas Aquinas.
or handle the problem better than if no
warning had been given. See also In Schola
vestimentis non stat sapientia mentis, School
Ordo sapientiae, Stultis non succuritur, This Latin term has a wide range of pos-
and Verbum sat sapienti. sible meanings. However, depending on
218  Schola brevis

the context, and when used without an dom. This theory sought to safeguard
accompanying adjective, schola usually both the idea of God’s complete omni-
refers to the choir which sings at litur- science, providence, and predestination
gies. See also Schola cantorum. and the concept of human freedom and
moral responsibility for an individual’s
Schola brevis actions and state of his or her soul be-
Brief school fore God. See also De Auxiliis.
Refers to a short lecture and customar-
ily to the tradition of having only a brief Scientia naturalis
introductory lecture on the first day of Natural science
class of a term. This expression has a variety of mean-
ings. Generally it is used to describe
Schola cantorum philosophy, especially the philosophy of
School of singers nature. This expression is also used in
Usually refers to the choir in liturgies moral theology as a way of referring to
and sometimes also to choir practice or the natural law understood as a “natural”
to a school for training of the singers of knowledge (or process of understanding,
liturgical chant. See also Cantatorium, rational reflection, etc.). Thus, accord-
Liber Gradualis, and Schola. ing to the theory of scientia naturalis,
humans, since they are by nature ra-
Schola theologorum tional beings, possess a certain innate
School of theologians knowledge or tendency by which, with-
out further instruction and help, they can
Refers to the range of opinions one
recognize their true nature and act in a
might find in various “schools” of theo-
manner which conforms to that nature,
logical thought. Thus, a schola the-
i.e., in accord with the natural law.
ologorum may refer to an eminent
theologian and his or her disciples, or
those that ascribe to that particular theo- Scientia sexualis
logical opinion or methodology. The Sexual knowledge
expression could also refer to the gen- A phrase used by French philosopher
eral role of theologians as a source of Michel Foucault in his 1978 History of
teaching authority in the church. Sexuality to denote the Western ap-
proach to the study of sex focusing on
Scientia media knowledge leading to power over sex,
Middle knowledge as contrasted with the ars erotica (q.v.)
Refers to a theory held in the late which Foucault characterized as the
Middle Ages which sought to explain Eastern approach to sex as primarily an
how God could know what individual art form.
humans would actually do in freedom
in any particular circumstance, yet still Scintilla conscientiae
leaving the human person to act in free- Spark of conscience
Secunda pars 219

Expression that speaks of the innate to be the authentic interpreter of the

sense of conscience to determine right Scriptures. However, Thomas Aquinas
and wrong as well as to provide a sense used this expression to indicate that one
of guilt for evil actions committed. This part of Scripture could be used to inter-
term is also related to the term syndere- pret or clarify another part of Scripture.
sis (coming from the Greek sunthvrh- See also Depositum fidei.
sin) which is usually translated as
conscience, though this term is today Scripturam ex Scriptura
largely agreed to be either a mistransla- explicandam esse
tion on the part of St. Jerome in his Scripture is to be explained from
composition of the Latin Vulgate and/ Scripture
or a manuscript corruption in medieval
manuscripts of Jerome’s commentary Essentially a variant form of the prin-
for the bona fide Greek word syneidêsis ciple of Scriptura sacra sui ipsius inter-
(suneivdhsi~). pres (q.v.).

Scriptura sacra locuta, res Secretum pontificium

decisa est Pontifical secret
Sacred Scripture has spoken, the Confidentiality clause governing certain
matter is decided church documents, the violation of
Adage, common among Protestants, which would carry ecclesiastical penal-
that indicates that once it can be dem- ties. One recent example concerns the
onstrated that Scripture has “spoken” secrecy with which notification of sex-
about a certain matter of faith or prac- ual abuse claims are to be made to the
tice, that matter is not open to further Congregation for the Doctrine of the
debate, change, or development. In Faith as outlined in the 2001 documents
terms of a fundamentalistic type of ap- Epistula de delictis gravioribus (q.v.)
proach to authority, this maxim is and Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela
similar to Roma locuta, causa finita (q.v.). See also Corpus delicti, Crimen
(q.v.). See also Scriptura sacra sui ip- sollicitationis, Delicta graviora,
sius interpres and Sola scriptura. Epistula de delictis gravioribus, Grav-
iora delicta, In flagrante delicto, Sac-
Scriptura sacra sui ipsius interpres ramentorum sanctitatis tutela, Sub
Sacred Scripture interprets itself secreto pontificio, and Sub rosa.
Theological axiom often tied with Prot-
estant Reformation’s affirmation of sola Secunda pars
Scriptura (q.v.), which holds that the The Second Part
Bible is self-interpreting and therefore Usually refers to the second major sec-
needs simply to be read, applied, and tion of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa
followed. This axiom is also used in Theologiae (q.v.), which deals with the
Protestantism to counter the claims of human person, human acts, moral hab-
the Roman Catholic magisterium (q.v.) its, theological and moral virtues, etc.
220  Secunda Secundae

The Secunda pars is further subdivided would be secundum naturam of the

into two other sections, the Prima Se- power of speech, whereas lying would
cundae (q.v.) and the Secunda Secundae be against the proper end of the power
(q.v.). See also Prima pars and Tertia of speech and therefore contra natruam
pars. (q.v.) and therefore sinful in itself. Se-
cundum naturam is often used in tradi-
Secunda Secundae tional sexual ethics and refers to a sexual
Second of the second act which is supposedly done in accord
Usually refers to the second section of with the natural order. Acts done secun-
the Secunda pars (q.v.) of St. Thomas dum naturam would depend upon fur-
Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae (q.v.), ther conditions to determine their moral
which deals with the particular aspects value. Thus, heterosexual relations be-
of human acts, the theological and moral tween a married couple would be secun-
virtues, etc. The Secunda secundae is dum naturam and lawful due to the bond
often abbreviated as II–II or IIa–IIae. of marriage; heterosexual relations be-
tween unmarried persons would be se-
cundum naturam, but sinful (fornication)
Secundo loco
because the partners were not married
Second place
to each other. Other sorts of acts, such
Refers to something which, though not as homogenital sexual expression,
in the primacy of a certain position, is would be contra naturam. See also
closely associated with it and therefore Condicio sine qua non, Contra naturam,
enjoys a certain amount of influence Secundum rationem, and Sequi naturam.
based on that relationship. Thus, while
sterilization is not the same as homi- Secundum quid
cide, it is so closely associated with the According to something (else)
sanctity of human life that it should not
Expression which is used to indicate a
be done.
qualifier that must be considered in
order to find the correct meaning in a
Secundum given context. This expression is often
Along, after, according to
contrasted with simpliciter (q.v.), which
Common Latin preposition derived from refers to something in an unqualified
sequor, meaning “to follow.” Secundum sense. See the example given of a virtus
does not mean “second” or “secondary.” secundum quid and a virtus simpliciter
presented in the Simpliciter entry. See
Secundum naturam also Materia circa quam and Sine modo.
According to nature
Refers to the proper functioning of any Secundum (rectam) rationem
natural power, such that its proper use According to (right) reason
should be in accord with its proper end. Refers to the principle that it is “accord-
Thus, the faculty of speech is for com- ing to human reason” (which is taken
munication of the truth, and truth-telling to refer to the meaning of humanity it-
Sede vacante 221

self) that the moral meaning of indi- to the objections just given. Usually, but
vidual acts is found. The entire natural not always, the sed contra states the
law is understood to be promulgated position of the author. For example,
secundum rationem. For example, in Thomas Aquinas would list first several
sexual ethics, even though all hetero- “objections” at the beginning of his dis-
sexual relations would be considered to cussion of an article to be proved, and
be “according to nature” (secundum then after enumerating these objections
naturam, q.v.), but taking into account he would begin his elaboration of the
the nature of humanity itself in regards proof for his position with the formula
to the nature of marriage as a social in- sed contra, usually followed by the
stitution, marriage would be further rispondeo (q.v.) or “response” in which
judged to be both monogamous and Thomas’ own position is further ampli-
indissoluble, secundum rationem, i.e., fied. Following the sed contra and
a further requirement which comes not rispondeo, Thomas Aquinas would then
from the “nature” of the sexual organs move on to reply to each of the objec-
per se (q.v.) but from reasoned reflec- tions in turn which had been enumer-
tion on the institution of marriage “ac- ated at the beginning of the discussion.
cording to reason.” See also Condicio
sine qua non and Secundum naturam Sede impedita
Impeded see
Securus iudicat orbis terrarum Refers to a situation in which a bishop
Secure is the judgment of the is blocked, or impeded in some way,
whole world from functioning in his diocese (i.e., his
Expression of Augustine, which indi- “see”), for example, due to war or po-
cates that we can rely on the judgment litical persecution. The Code of Canon
of the whole world as a guarantee of Law establishes some provisions for the
orthodoxy in matters of the faith of the governance of the diocese under such
universal church. After Vatican I’s defi- conditions. See also Cum iure succes-
nition of papal infallibility Blessed John sionis, Sede vacante, and Sede vacante
Henry Cardinal Newman insisted that nihil innovetur.
the validity of the council would depend
upon its reception by the orbis terrarum Sede vacante
(q.v., the whole world). See also Con- Vacant seat
gregatio fidelium, Ecclesia docens/Ec- In technical ecclesiastical terms a sede
clesia discens, the entries under vacante refers to a church office, such
Magisterium, Sensus fidei, Sensus fide- as that of the pope or a bishop, which is
lium, and Solus consensus obligat. temporally vacant. Colloquially,
though, the expression can refer to any
Sed contra office which is temporarily unfilled. In
But on the contrary the case of the pope the sede vacante is
Refers to the part of an argument in ended when a new pope is chosen by a
which one introduces a reason contrary conclave of cardinals eligible to vote in
222  Sede vacante nihil innovetur

a papal election (i.e., under eighty years Natural moral inclinations, such as a
of age). A number of legal provisions sense of justice, love of truth, friend-
are established in canon law which ship, courage, etc., which can be nur-
regulate certain circumstances that arise tured until they became true habits of
in a sede vacante (cf. canons 416–30). virtue. See also Habitus.
This expression is also used by some
ultraconservatives who refuse to accept Semper et pro semper
the legitimacy of Vatican II and contend Always and in each instance
that the papacy has been “vacant” since
Refers usually to a norm or rule that
the death of Pius XII in 1958. See also
would be binding in all cases without
Coetus Internationalis Patrum, Cum
exception due to any circumstances. In
iure successionis, Habemus Papam,
moral theology, negative precepts (i.e.,
Sede impedita, and Sede vacante nihil
prohibitions) are considered to bind in
each and every case. Thus, “do not mur-
der” would bind semper et pro semper.
Sede vacante nihil innovetur Positive precepts, such as “help the
During a vacant see nothing is to poor,” bind semper (always) but not pro
be changed semper (in each instance), as there are
Traditional canonical principle (cf. many instances in which someone may
C.I.C. #428 §1) which states that when not be able to be engaged in the direct
an ecclesiastical see is vacant (sede va- work of helping the poor (for example,
cante, q.v.) no significant change is al- when one is studying, recreating, sleep-
lowed (though obviously minor changes ing, etc.). The expression relating to
essential to the running of the see would positive precepts is Semper sed non pro
be allowed). See also Cum iure succes- semper (q.v.).
sionis and Sede impedita.
Semper fidelis
Sedia gestatoria Always faithful
Portable chair Motto of the United States Marine
Refers to the portable throne carried on Corps and title of a well-known military
the shoulders of a number of bearers march by John Phillips Sousa.
and upon which the pope sat as he was
borne in and out of liturgies and public Semper idem
audiences. The sedia gestatoria enabled Always the same
the gathered crowds to see the pope Episcopal motto of Cardinal Alfredo Ot-
more easily and was used up to and taviani (1890–1979), conservative head
through the pontificate of Pope John of the Vatican’s Holy Office (today the
Paul I (died 1978). Congregation for the Doctrine of the
Faith) prior to and during Vatican II, and
Semina virtutum opponent to most of the theological re-
Seeds of virtue forms of Vatican II. This motto has been
Sensus fidei, sensus fidelium 223

taken over to refer to a rigid conservative In other words it is not necessarily the
mindset which finds any change to be literal meaning of a formulation that is
suspect. Thus, the view of Semper idem determinative but rather the composite
would be to maintain things as they are. sense that gives the truer guide to its
See also Hic sunt dracones and Status meaning—especially in matters of legal
quo. interpretation. See also Ad literam;
Consuetudo optima legum interpres;
Semper Paratus Epikeia; Exceptio firmat regulam; Lex
Always prepared dubia non obligat; Lex valet ut in plu-
Motto of the United States Coast Guard. ribus; and Odia restringi, et favores
convenit ampliari.
Semper sed non pro semper
Sensus ecclesiae
Always but not in each and every
Sense (meaning) of the church
Refers to the nature of the church,
Expression of positive duties like “pray
which is found in individual church
always” or “feed the poor” which are
gatherings but which also in some sense
universally valid but which are not neces-
transcends any specific situation, group,
sarily binding at each and every moment
or culture. In this sense the church ex-
of one’s life (such as the moments de-
presses its universal or “catholic” di-
voted to reading this definition!). See also
mension. See also Sensus fidei, sensus
the related term for negative duties which
always are binding, Semper et pro sem-
per, and also Caritas non obligat cum
Sensus fidei, sensus fidelium
gravi incommodo as well as Generaliter.
Sense of the faithful
Semper, ubique, et ab omnibus Expression of the sensitivity and capac-
Always, everywhere, and by all ity of all the faithful, who through their
baptism share in the gifts and guidance
Criteria of orthodoxy and “constancy of
of the Holy Spirit, to appreciate and
tradition,” proposed by Vincent of Ler-
discern the practical meaning revelation
ins in the fifth century, i.e., that which
and the Christian faith has in the con-
had always been held, by all believers,
temporary world. This term can refer to
and in all places.
both the subjective aspect associated
with the believers’ sense of their faith
Senatus Populusque Romanus (i.e., the gift of faith) and to the ele-
The Senate and the People of
ments of the faith itself which the be-
lievers believe and profess (e.g., belief
See S.P.Q.R. in the asumption of the Blessed Virgin).
See also Congregatio fidelium; Consen-
Sensum, non verba spectamus sus non facit veritatem; Consuetudo
It is the sense and not the words optima legum interpres; Ecclesia dis-
that is observed cens; Quod omnes tangit ab omnibus
224  Sensus literalis

approbetur; Quod ubique, quod semper, Legal principle, especially important in

quod ab omnibus, creditum est; Regula canon law, which holds that ultimately
fidei; Securus iudicat orbis terrarum; even punitive measures have a medici-
Sensus ecclesiae; Sentire cum ecclesia; nal quality aimed at helping cure the
Solus consensus obligat; and Tolle as- malefactor while restoring or upholding
sertiones et christianismum tulisti. basic justice which in turn will safe-
guard the bonum commune (q.v.). See
Sensus literalis also Dura lex sed lex; Lex iniusta non
Literal sense est lex; Odia restringi, et favores con-
This term refers to the literal (and/or venit ampliari; Ordinatio rationis ad
literary) sense or meaning of Scripture bonum commune; Salus publica su-
which is directly expressed by the au- prema lex; Sententia incerta non valet;
thors of the biblical texts (who are and Ubi ius, ibi remedium.
understood as writing under the aid of
divine inspiration). Properly understood,
sensus literalis is not to be confused Sententia incerta non valet
with “literalism” since the determination An uncertain sentence (penalty) is
of the context and genre of a given text not valid
is absolutely necessary in order to de- An ambiguous judicial sentence or pen-
termine its true “literal/literary” sense alty is not considered binding. This is a
(e.g., is the text history or legend, a sentiment similar to Lex dubia non ob-
hymn, prayer, proverb, etc.). ligat (q.v.). See also Dubium iuris vel
facti; In dubio favores sunt amplifi-
Sensus plenior candi, odiosa restrigenda; In dubio pars
Fuller sense tutior sequenda; Non est imponenda
Refers to the hermeneutical affirmation obligatio nisi certo constet; Sententia
that a classic text (here traditionally facit ius; and Ubi ius incertum, ibi ius
understood as the Scriptures) contains nullum.
meanings that go beyond the literal
sense or meaning explicitly intended by
the original human author for the spe- Sententia probata
cific cultural-historical audience of the An approved (“probable”)
period in which the text was written. position (“sentence”)
Thus, the Scriptures can always yield One of the theological “notes” indicat-
new and deeper meanings which may ing a theological position which, while
come up in new and different situations not formally defined or pronounced
or which are realized through ongoing upon by the magisterium, was still held
study and/or reflection and meditation. as “probable” by the majority of theo-
logians that it enjoyed a very high pre-
Sententia facit ius supposition of truth and could be freely
The sentence (penalty) makes for taught and believed. See also Credenda,
justice De fide, Ex Cathedra, and Tenenda.
Si Deus non daretur 225

Sentire cum ecclesia For example, when used to denote pub-

Thinking (or judging) with the lication brought out in a series.
Refers to being in communion theologi- Servitium debitum
cally with what the church believes and Debt of service
teaches. It is seen as an important mark Military obligation, sometimes termed
of fidelity on the part of believers, espe- “knight-service,” that a vassal owed his
cially those entrusted with the ministry feudal lord or king. See also Debitum.
of teaching. See also Congregatio fide-
lium; Consensus non facit veritatem; Servus Servorum Dei
Ecclesia dicens; Quod ubique, quod Servant of the servants of God
semper, quod ab omnibus, creditum est; Title used to describe the Roman pontiff
Regula fidei; Securus iudicat orbis ter- and often shortened to Servus Servo-
rarum; Sensus fidei; and Sensus fidelium. rum. It was used in AD 591 by Pope
Gregory the Great (590–604) at the time
Sequela Christi the bishop of Constantinople assumed
Following of Christ the title of Ecumenical Patriarch and
Refers to the basic Christian stance of has been in general usage since the pa-
discipleship, in which the believers are pacy of Pope Gregory VII (1073–85).
called upon to follow Jesus Christ. See See also Munus Petrinium, Primus inter
also Imitatio Christi and Via Dolorosa. pares, and Vicarius Christi.

Sequi naturam Si comprehendis, non est Deus

If you (fully) comprehend, it is
To follow nature
not God
Principle which holds that one ought to
Augustine Sermo 117, PL 38, 663
conform one’s being and actions to “na-
ture.” However, this principle should Refers to an aspect of God which ad-
not be understood as an absolute corre- mits that full knowledge of God would
spondence with biological nature but surpass all human concepts and theo-
rather with the rational aspect of human logical formulations which are intrinsi-
nature. Understood in this sense, the cally limited by the partiality of human
axiom is closely related to secundum knowledge. See also Deus absconditus/
naturam (q.v.). Thus, sequi naturam Deus revelatus; Deus semper maior;
should be seen as conformity with the and Non ut explicetur, sed ne taceretur.
essential rational nature of human be-
ings, i.e., an orientation to the good, Si Deus non daretur
truth, etc., and the aspect of to “conform If God does exist, he doesn’t
to” or follow that human nature. belong [to us]
Statement of a theological hypothetical
Seriatim and usually refers either to conclusions
In series, one after another drawn about what life would be like if
226  Si finis bonus est, totum bonum erit

there were no God or, more polemically, Si vis pacem, para bellum
as a charge leveled against those who If you want peace, prepare for
may profess belief in God but who seem war.
to act or hold other positions that appear Ancient aphorism which indicates that
to be so secular, agnostic, or even athe- the best defense would be a good of-
istic that these would counter the pro- fense, or that deterrence based on strong
fessed belief in God. It was used in this military preparedness would be the best
latter context, for example, by Joseph guarantor of peace. An opposing view
Cardinal Ratzinger [later Pope Benedict could be obtained by replacing “war”
XVI] in his “Address to Catechists and with “peace” throughout: Si vis pacem,
Religion Teachers” given at the Jubilee para pacem. See also Bellum iustum,
of Catechists, 12 December 2000. Ius ad bellum, Ius in bello, and Ius post
Si finis bonus est, totum bonum
erit Sic
If the end is good, all will be good Thus
Can be rendered as “all’s well that ends Sic is used in references and citations
well,” but always refers to the relation in written works to indicate an apparent
of a morally good end used to judge the error, such as a misspelling, in the
anterior actions required to arrive at that original text being cited. Sic should not
particular end. See also Bonum totius, be used in excess or to highlight anach-
Mala moralia and mala praemoralia, ronistic expressions or spellings. For
Pars propter totum, and Ratio propor- correct usage see an accepted manual
tionata. of style, such The Chicago Manual of
Si iudicas, cognossce; si regnas,
iube Sic et non
If you are judging, be aware; if Yes and no
you are reigning, act
Refers to the dialectic method of philo-
Expression that points out the primary sophical reflection on a matter so as to
obligations of those in the ruling class: reach the truth. Expression used by
judges must inform themselves fully Peter Abelard (1079–1142), and also
about the facts of the case before them, the title of one of his principal works.
while executives or rulers have the obli-
gation to act. See also Facta non prae-
sumuntur sed probantur, Onus probandi, Sic et simpliciter
Potentia iurisdictionis; Potestas regendi; Thus and simply
Potestas regiminis; Praesumitur igno- Simply, in a straight-forward manner,
rantia ubi scientia non probatur; Sum- simply put, with no need of further de-
mum ius, summa iniuria; and Testis in scription or argumentation. See also
uno falsus in nullo fidem meretur. Totaliter.
Simul iustus et peccator 227

Sic transit gloria mundi was lost due to original sin. See also
Thus passes the glory of the Imago Dei.
Traditional maxim, found in Thomas à Simpliciter
Kempis’ Imitation of Christ, which Simply, candidly, frankly,
highlights the ephemeral nature of cre- straightforward, unqualified
ated things, especially worldly honors Common Latin adverb, and when used
and pleasures. Liturgically, this expres- in theological discourse means that the
sion is recited while a piece of flax is expression or concept should be inter-
burned in the installation of a new pope. preted in a straightforward manner, with-
See also Imitatio Christi and Devotio out any nuances or qualifications one can
moderna. find elsewhere, especially in canon law
which will put forward a proposition and
then qualify it with a nisi (q.v.) clause
listing exceptions. In other instances,
Seal (of confession)
something described simpliciter can be
Term which refers to the absolute se- contrasted with the same term described
crecy of the confessional and the prohi- secundum quid (q.v.) in a qualified sense.
bition of the confessor to divulge either Thus, a virtus simpliciter would be a full
directly or indirectly either the identity and unqualified virtue directed toward
of the penitent and/or the sins she or he an unqualified good, whereas a virtus
has confessed. See also Privilegium fori. secundum quid would be a virtue in a
qualified sense, such as the skill of a
Sigla locksmith which would be directed
Signs toward the “good” of getting me back
into my house when I forgot my keys or
Often used as the title or reference to a toward an evil end if used to assist in a
list of abbreviations employed in a robbery. See also Generaliter, Sine
scholarly work. modo, and Totaliter.

Signum unitatis Simul iustus et peccator

Sign of unity Being at the same time redeemed
(righteous) and sinful
See Sacramentum pietatis.
Classic Lutheran axiom of theological
anthropology, which holds that the
Similtudo Dei human person is at one and the same
Likeness to God time a sinner (sinful) and yet redeemed
Sometimes this expression is used syn- through the grace of Jesus Christ. Even
onymously with imago Dei (q.v.) to when justified, the human being re-
indicate humanity’s creation in the mains a sinner. See also Pecca fortiter,
image of God (cf. Genesis 1:26) or to Sola gratia, and Totus conversus sed
refer to the original human nature which non totaliter.
228  Sine

Sine 1991 but eventually was reworked and

Without officially promulgated.
Common Latin preposition.
Sine ira et studio
Without anger or partiality
Sine culpa
Without fault or blame Refers to objective discourse or aca-
demic-type inquiry into a certain topic,
This expression is used theologically to done without anger or prejudice.
refer to those who through no fault of
their own are not responsible for some Sine modo
error in judgment, or to respond to the Without limit
message of the Gospel. Lumen gentium
(q.v.) #16 expresses this concept in This expression can be used both posi-
these words: “Nor does Divine Provi- tively and negatively, e.g., to love God
dence deny the helps necessary for sal- whole-heartedly (a good) or to love
vation to those who, without blame pleasure sine modo, which would be
[sine culpa] on their part, have not yet a violation of reason and virtue. See
arrived at an explicit knowledge of God also Secundum quid, Simpliciter, and
and with His grace strive to live a good Totaliter.
life.” Such individuals were sometimes
termed Ignorantes (the ignorant ones) Sine prole
and were judged to be acting without Without issue
blame (culpa) since their ignorance was Refers to those who have no children.
“invincible” and could not be overcome Often used legally to refer to someone
by their own efforts. See also Culpa; who dies without leaving children as
Extra ecclesia nulla salus; Ignorantes; heirs, but is also used to refer to mar-
Ingnorantia invincibilis; Limbus; Mens riages which are childless. See also
rea; Nulla poena sine culpa; Radix Bonum prolis and Generatio prolis.
Mali; and Ubi non est culpa, ibi non est
delictum. Sine qua non
Without which nothing (can be
Sine die done)
Without a day (being specified) Often used as a shorthand expression
Ecclesiastical equivalent of sending for an indispensable condition or item.
something back to committee as a way See also Conditio sine qua non.
of killing it. A document that is re-
manded sine die usually will never be Singularia non sunt extendenda
promulgated. However, this principle is Singular things (e.g., exceptions)
not always true. An earlier version of are not extended
Veritatis Splendor, John Paul II’s 1993 While the law can treat exceptions and
encyclical on fundamental moral the- unique cases, these “singular” cases
ology, had been remanded sine die in should not be extended to other situations
Sola gratia 229

or become a general rule. This concept is solo (q.v.), which refers to the indi-
balanced by another legal aphorism, Ex- vidual being alone with God in con-
ceptio firmat regulam (q.v.). See also De science and in that privileged forum
minimis non curat lex; Epikeia; Lex valet trying to discern what is to be done or
ut in pluribus; Odia restringi, et favores what God is asking of the person.
convenit ampliari; and Quod raro fit non
observant legislatores. Sola experientia facit theologum
Only experience makes the
Societas perfecta theologian
Perfect society Attributed to Martin Luther, and refers
Theological view that the church, as a to the necessity of lived experience as
human society, has the characteristics, a critical source and resource for doing
structures, and institutions of any au- theology.
tonomous or sovereign society, i.e., all
the means within it to achieve its pur-
Sola fide
Faith alone
pose. In this sense, perfecta carries the
connotation of being “complete” or Along with Sola Scriptura, Sola gratia,
“whole” and not that the church is com- Solus Christus, and Soli Deo gloria
pletely without sin or failure. Sometimes (q.v.), this was one of the five basic
this term is used in distinction from see- principles which Martin Luther used to
ing the church as a Communio (q.v.). See ground his theology, in contrast to what
also Perfectus and Speculum iustitiae. he considered to be the false reliance of
Roman Catholicism upon tradition, as
Socius well as a justification based on works
Companion or merit, which he believed was another
principal heresy of Roman Catholicism.
Designation used often in some reli- See also Fides fiducialis, Pecca fortiter,
gious orders to refer to the principal Simul iustus et peccator, and Totus con-
assistant to the superior, such as the versus sed non totaliter.
socius to the Director of Novices or to
the Provincial. Sola gratia
Grace alone
Sola cum seipsa Along with Sola Scriptura, Sola fide,
Alone with itself Solus Christus, and Soli Deo gloria, this
Expression that usually refers to a sub- was one of the five basic principles of
jectivist view of reality, e.g., of con- traditional Reformation theology. Sola
science that looks just to the person gratia held that God’s gratuitous gift of
him/herself to determine what is right grace was totally unmerited and also
or to be done. This expression is con- could never be “earned” through good
trasted with the church’s usual under- works or pious exercises. Therefore,
standing of the sanctuary of conscience the human person was called to accep-
expressed in the aphorism solus cum tance of this grace through faith alone.
230  Sola Scriptura

Eventually, Protestant theology would Sollicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum

elaborate five sola principles. See also Solicitude (Care) for all the
Fides fiducialis, Pecca fortiter, Simul ius- churches
tus et peccator, Sola gratia, Solus Chris- Title of two quite different papal docu-
tus, and Totus conversus sed non totaliter. ments. The first, issued by Pope Pius
VII on August 7, 1814, restored the So-
Sola Scriptura ciety of Jesus (Jesuits), which had been
Scripture alone suppressed by the papal brief of Pope
Along with Sola fide, Sola gratia, Solus Clement XIV Dominus ac redemptor
Christus, and Soli Deo gloria, this was (q.v.) issued July 21, 1773. The second
one of the five basic principles of tradi- document was an apostolic letter issued
tional Reformation theology. Sola by Pope Paul VI June 24, 1969, and
Scriptura referred to the primacy of dealt with papal representatives to
God’s revelation in the Sacred Scrip- various nations, international organiza-
tures as the touchstone for all theology tions, and local churches.
and ethics. Thus, Luther rejected moral
casuistry based on the natural law and Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
also appealed to tradition rather than Solicitude (care) for social matters
Scripture alone for validation of any
Encyclical of John Paul II On Social
theological position. See also Homo
Concerns, including the international
unius libri and Proprium.
economy, issued in 1988 to commemo-
rate the twentieth anniversary of Pope
Soli Deo gloria Paul VI’s 1967 social encyclical Popu-
To God alone the glory
lorum Progressio (q.v.).
Along with Sola Scriptura, Sola fide,
Sola gratia, and Solus Christus, this was Solus Christus
one of the five basic principles of tradi- Christ alone
tional Reformation theology. Since it is
Along with Sola Scriptura, Sola fide,
God’s grace alone which saves us
Sola gratia, and Soli Deo Gloria, this
through Jesus Christ, the Protestants
was one of the five basic principles of
held that glory should be given only to
traditional Reformation theology. It is
God, and not to the saints or members
ultimately Jesus Christ who saves us,
of the hierarchy, etc. The Soli Deo gloria
not our own good works. See also Fides
principle was used especially in Calvin-
fiducialis, Pecca fortiter, Simul iustus
ist theology and is somewhat akin to the
et peccator, Sola fide, Sola gratia, and
motto of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits),
Totus conversus sed non totaliter.
which is Ad maiorem Dei gloriam
(A.M.D.G., q.v.): “to the greater glory of
God.” See also Curet primo Deum, Fides Solus consensus obligat
fiducialis, Pecca fortiter, Simul iustus et Only consensus obliges
peccator, Sola fide, Sola gratia, and Basic principle of democratic process
Totus conversus sed non totaliter. that indicates that it is the majority deci-
S.P.Q.R. 231

sion in a disputed proposal that deter- dinals were reserved also to the Holy See,
mines which course of action is to be but in special modo (in special manner,
followed. However, in the Catholic tra- sometimes also rendered as modo spe-
dition majority rule is not that which ciali). Moving down the ecclesiastical
determines authoritative leadership, nor ladder, attacks on priests and religious
can a majority position determine the were able to be remitted by the local
rightness or wrongness of a moral prop- bishop. Thus, the distinction between
osition. See also Magisterium, Munus, specialissimo modo and special modo
Orbis terrarum, Sensus fidelium, and was helpful in judging the perceived rela-
Securus iudicat orbis terrarum. tive gravity of the crime or delict (to use
the technical canonical terms).
Solus cum solo
Alone with the alone Speculum iustitiae
Refers to the fundamental stance of Mirror of justice
each person who ultimately must stand One of the Marian titles associated with
alone before God, who alone is the ab- the Immaculate Conception, and also a
solute. See also Coram Deo and Sola metaphor used for the church, which
cum seipsa. should “mirror” perfect justice to the
world. This metaphor has also been em-
Spe salvi ployed to indicate why the church would
In hope we are saved not allow certain things, such as divorce,
Title of Pope Benedict XVI’s second which secular legal orders recognize and
encyclical issued on November 20, accept. See also Societas perfecta.
2007. See also Caritas in Veritate; Car-
itas in veritate in re sociali; Deus cari- Spiritus Gladius
tas est; Ubi caritas; Deus ibi est; and Sword of the Spirit
Ubi societas, ibi ius. The expression comes from Ephesians
6:17, in which Paul gives his famous
Specialissimo modo allegory of armor and calls the Word of
In a most special manner/mode God the sword of the Spirit. The sword
This expression was often used in the is often used in depictions of Paul, as
1917 Code of Canon Law to refer to spe- contrasted with the keys of the king-
cial provisions to more general norms, dom, which are associated with Peter.
such as the reservation of certain cases or Spiritus Gladius is used also to denote
penalties to a higher authority such as the certain catechetical groups which focus
pope or a bishop. An example was remis- on faith formation.
sion of the latae sententiae (q.v.) penalty
of excommunication for a physical attack S.P.Q.R.
on the pope which was reserved specia- The Senate and the People of
lissimo modo to the Holy See itself, Rome
whereas the penalty for attacking clerics Latin abbreviation for Senatus Popu-
of a lesser order such as bishops and car- lusque Romanus, which referred to the
232  S.S.D.

legal power and authority of the Roman Blessed Mother in honor of her endur-
Republic. This expression is still used ing the suffering and death of her son
by the city of Rome. at the foot of the cross. In English the
opening lines of this hymn are “At
S.S.D. the cross her station keeping, stood the
Doctor of Sacred Scripture mournful Mother weeping.” This hymn
Latin abbreviation for Sacrae Scriptu- is often called simply the Stabat Mater.
rae Doctor, which refers to the terminal See also Mater Dolorosa.
degree in biblical studies, granted by a
pontifical ecclesiastical faculty which
Stabiliter existens
is governed by the ecclesiastical statutes
Existing as a stable group
of Sapientia Christiana (q.v.).
See Coetus fidelim for an example of
S.S.L. how this term might be used.
Licentiate in Sacred Scripture
Latin abbreviation for Sacrae Scriptu- Status antelapsarius/postlapsarius
rae Licentiatus, which refers to the pen- State (of human beings) before
ultimate degree in biblical studies, (ante) / after (post) the Fall
granted by a pontifical ecclesiastical
faculty which is governed by the eccle- Antelapsarius refers to the original and
siastical statutes of Sapientia Christi- sinless state of the first parents, which
ana (q.v.). The S.S.L. “licenses” or after their fall (postlapsarius) was lost
credentials one to teach in a pontifical for all of their human descendants due
or ecclesiastical faculty. to their commission of original sin. In
moral theology and social ethics, this
ST distinction is often used to justify a cer-
tain amount of moral compromise.
Summa Theologiae
Thus, due to human sinful nature it is
Summary of theology
necessary to allow for private property
Common abbreviation for the Summa and the laws which govern its use.
Theologiae (q.v.) of St. Thomas Aqui-
nas. The abbreviation ST is often fol-
lowed by a set of section divisions which Status quaestionis
specify the exact location of a text. Thus, State of the question
ST I–II, q. 94, a. 1 would signify Article In general this term refers to the point
1 of Question 94 of the Prima secundae at issue in developing some position. In
(q.v.) of the Summa Theologiae. theological circles this would often
refer to a debated point in theology, etc.,
Stabat Mater Dolorosa in which the status quaestionis gives the
The sorrowful mother stood main opinions concerning the particular
Refers to the first words of a thirteenth- issue. See also Quaestio disputata, Sen-
century Latin poem and hymn to the tentia probata, and Theologice certa.
Stultis non succuritur 233

Status quo S.T.L.

Situation as it is Licentiate in Sacred Theology
Refers to the situation as it currently Latin abbreviation for Sacrae Theolo-
stands. Often used to refer to a situation giae Licentiatus, which refers to the
which does not change, even though it penultimate degree in theological stud-
may be desirable to effect some change. ies, granted by a pontifical ecclesiasti-
See also Semper idem. cal faculty which is governed by the
ecclesiastical statutes of Sapientia
Status quo ante Christiana (q.v.). The S.T.L. “licenses”
Situation beforehand or credentials one to teach in a pon-
Expression which denotes the situation tifical or ecclesiastical faculty.
(status quo) prior to another given point Stricte mentalis
in time. E.g., in canon law the status Strict (doctrine of) mental
quo ante can refer to the situation which (reservation)
existed prior to the handing down of a
juridical sentence. See also Restitutio One opinion in the casuistry debate on
in integrum. Mentalis restrictio (mental reservation,
q.v.) and locutio contra mentem (q.v.),
Statuta sunt stricte interpretanda which held that one was allowed effec-
Laws (statutes) are interpreted tively either to equivocate or tell only
strictly partial truths for proportionate reason
as long as the full truth would be told
Legal aphorism that indicates that in the mind to God. E.g., someone could
human laws (cf. Ius positum) are to be reply aloud “I know not” to a question
interpreted narrowly and according to that sought information to which the
the letter of the law. For the balancing interlocutor had no legitimate right as
hermeneutical principle of legal inter- long as the respondent added silently a
pretation, see Odia restringi, et favores qualifier such as “I know not what to
convenit ampliari. See also Ad literam, tell you,” which would then make the
De minimis non curat lex, Epikeia, Lex statement “true” Coram Deo (q.v.) to
valet ut in pluribus, and Quod raro fit God as the Author of all Truth.
non observant legislatores.
Stultis non succuritur
S.T.D. A fool is not helped
Doctorate in Sacred Theology Though seemingly hard-hearted at first
Latin abbreviation for Sacrae Theolo- glance, this expression usually connotes
giae Doctor, which refers to the termi- that a foolish person, because of his or
nal degree in theological studies, her lack of wisdom, is not open to being
granted by a pontifical ecclesiastical helped and thus ends up trapped in the
faculty which is governed by the eccle- consequences of one’s foolishness. See
siastical statutes of Sapientia Christi- also Ordo sapientiae and Verbum sat
ana (q.v.). sapienti.
234  Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re

Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re sarily concluding that if one deliberately

Smoothly in manner, firmly in missed a Sunday celebration she or he
matters of substance would be guilty of mortal sin as such.
Means to be diplomatic, but at the same This term is contrasted with Sub levi
time to not yield on essentials. (q.v.). See also Ex toto genere suo
(grave), Graviter et dolose, Materia
levis (gravis), Parvitas materiae in
Sexto, and Sub poena.
Under, toward, at
Common Latin preposition.
Sub levi
Sub conditione Under (the aspect of being) less
Under condition important (or trivial)

Refers to certain conditions, or the con- Expression contrasted with Sub gravi
ditional nature of an action. For example, (q.v.) that denotes something—often of
in case of doubt about whether baptism a moral nature—that really has little
has been administered validly, a second importance or which would be subject
baptism is administered “conditionally” to a lesser penalty. Punishment for
in case the first baptism in fact was not many venial sins, as contrasted with the
performed in a valid manner. loss of God’s friendship due to mortal
sin, would be an example of sub levi, as
Sub gravi would an ecclesiastical penalty for an
Under grave weight infraction of a precept of lesser import.
This concept could also be important in
Traditional expression used to denote battling scruples, since the pathology of
sinful matter that was considered grave, scruples is to see serious sin where there
or a precept whose end or object was is none or to exaggerate the importance
critical to maintaining friendship with of a minor failing into a major fault. A
God as our human Summum bonum related expression is Materia levis (gra-
(q.v.). This expression was used primar- vis) (q.v.). On the other hand, certain
ily in one of two senses in the traditional sins—especially of a sexual nature—
manuals of moral theology. In one sense, were always considered to be objec-
sub gravi was understood to refer to tively grave, as expressed in the axiom
some “law” which if transgressed would (Nulla [No]) Parvitas materiae in Sexto
involve the commission of mortal sin. (q.v.). See also Sub poena.
Thus, attendance at Sunday Mass was
taught as obliging sub gravi, i.e., under
the pain of mortal sin. However, other Sub poena
theologians used this expression as a Under penalty
warning of some potential grave danger In ecclesiastical circles, this usually re-
which should be avoided and therefore fers to the prohibition of something
pointed to the importance of a certain “under the pain” of serious sin or ex-
matter (such as not missing participating communication. See also Ferendae sen-
in the Sunday Eucharist) without neces- tentiae, Latae sententiae, and Sub levi.
Sui generis 235

Sub rosa Catholic Church, and other Christian

Under the rose Churches. Is the Church of Jesus Christ
In strict confidence or secretly (the rose exclusively coterminous with the
being a symbol of secrecy, which was Roman Catholic Church, such that one
sometimes carved above the confessional is fully the other and vice versa, or does
to signify the absolute secrecy of the seal it mean that while the Roman Catholic
of confession). See also Sub secreto. Church fully subsists in, or is found in,
the Church of Jesus Christ the latter also
includes room for the other Christian
Sub secreto Churches, at least to some extent?
Under secrecy Lumen gentium, paragraph 8, states the
Often refers to an ecclesiastical docu- following: “This Church [established
ment that is given to a particular person by Jesus Christ] constituted and orga-
for some official reason but which is not nized in the world as a society, subsists
to be released to the public or its con- in [subsistit in] the Catholic Church,
tents divulged. See also Crimen sol- which is governed by the successor of
licitationis, Crimen pessimum, Corpus Peter and by the Bishops in communion
delicti, Delicta graviora, Epistula de with him, although many elements of
delictis gravioribus, Graviora delicta, sanctification and of truth are found
In flagrante delicto, Sacramentorum outside of its visible structure.” A very
sanctitatis tutela, Secretum pontificium, good summary of this whole discussion
Sub secreto pontificio, and Sub rosa. can be found in the theological writings
of Rev. Francis A. Sullivan, SJ, who
Sub secreto pontificio taught ecclesiology for many decades
Under pontifical secret at the Pontificial Gregorian University
in Rome. A recent article of his which
See Secretum pontificium for the dis-
revisits this discussion can be found
cussion of this term.
under the title “Quaestio Disputata:
Further Thoughts on the Meaning of
Sub verbo Subsistit In,” Theological Studies 71
Under the word (March 2010): 133–47. See also Domi-
See S.V. nus Iesus, Lumen gentium, Elementa
ecclesiae, Extra ecclesia nulla salus,
Subsistit in Mystici Corporis, Plantatio ecclesiae,
Subsists in and Unam Sanctam.
These two Latin words refer to a sharp
debate which has occurred since the Sui generis
close of Vatican II over the precise Of its own kind
meaning and intention of the council’s Refers to a “one of a kind”—something
formulation found in Lumen gentium, or someone unique—whose character-
the Dogmatic Constitution on the istics militate against its being classed
Church, regarding the nature of the in a group to which it might otherwise
Church of Jesus Christ, the Roman seem to belong.
236  Sui iuris

Sui iuris Commonly abbreviated SCG, this work

In his or her own right (i.e., of St. Thomas Aquinas was designed as
independent) a summary of all the heresies known to
In law this refers to someone of legal age him.
and of sound mind and therefore com-
petent to handle his or her own affairs. It Summa iustitia in se
can also refer to a body or organ that Highest justice in itself
functions by its own right. For example, Expression which refers to God since
the synods of bishops of the Eastern God is the principle of highest justice.
Catholic Churches function sui iuris as This expression was used extensively
synods and do not depend on Rome for in theologies of justification and salva-
the “right” to exist, whereas the synods tion, as well as indicating that it is in
of bishops in the Latin Rite would de- God’s very nature always to act for the
pend on recognition from Rome. best, and therefore he will always re-
main faithful to the covenant estab-
Summa lished with humankind. See also Ordo
The main part (or summary) rectitudinis and Summum bonum.
The closest English cognate is “sum-
mary” or “complete treatment,” and thus,
Summa Theologiae
Summary of theology
for example, the Summa Theologiae
(q.v.) of St. Thomas Aquinas. Some other Title used by many manualists to refer
possible translations for summa would to their texts on theology, but unless
be “compendium, sum total, comprehen- otherwise noted, e.g., the Summa theo-
sive exposition of main issues.” logiae of St. Antoninus of Florence
(1389–1459), one can presume the work
in question is St. Thomas Aquinas’ mas-
Summa Casuum Conscientiae terpiece (commonly abbreviated ST),
Summary of Cases of Conscience and intended by him to be a summary
Moral theology manual, popular in the and introduction of the main points of
seventeenth century, which presented the study of theology. See also Prima
sample confessional cases using casu- pars, ST, Secunda pars, Tertia pars,
istry to illustrate the relevant moral Prima secundae, and Secunda secundae.
principles involved in giving pastoral
advice and making appropriate judg- Summae confessariorum
ments about the type and gravity of sins Summaries of confession
confessed in the sacrament of penance.
See also Casus conscientiae. Texts which originated in the thirteenth
century to present material for the train-
ing of priests on the nature of various
Summa Contra Gentiles sins, often arranged in alphabetical order,
Summary against the Gentiles without much systematic overview or
(non-believers, heretics) development of a theology of sin and
Summum ius, summa iniuria 237

forgiveness. Rather, they listed various Summum bonum

norms of law to be applied in the confes- The highest good
sional to cases brought by the penitents. Following St. Thomas Aquinas, we
See also Casus conscientiae, Libri pae- would say that the summum bonum pos-
nitentiales, Summa Casuum Conscien- sible for humans is union with God in
tiae, and Summae confessorum. the enjoyment of the beatific vision
(Visio beatifica, q.v.), and this is also the
Summae confessorum ultimate end or goal for all humans.
Summas (summaries) of Since God is the sum of all perfection
confessors it is God then toward which all beings
move to attain their proper completion.
Generic title given to the various moral
See the other entries under Bonum, es-
and canonical manuals devoted to the
pecially Bonum utile, Bonum suum, and
training of priests in the hearing of con-
also Capax Dei and Uti et frui. See also
fessions. This genre began to emerge
Exitus et reditus, Finis ultimus, and
around the beginning of the thirteenth
Nihil amatum nisi praecognitum.
century as a guide to penitential praxis.
See also Casus conscientiae, Libri pae-
nitentiales, Summa Casuum Conscien-
Summum ius, summa iniuria
tiae, and Summae confessariorum
The highest authority (i.e., the
nation-state) is capable of the
Summorum Pontificum gravest injustice
[The care] of the supreme pontiff Traditional axiom of Roman law; also
Motu proprio (q.v.) of Pope Benedict can indicate that an overly strict en-
XVI on the Roman liturgy prior to the forcement of a law is capable of causing
reform of 1970 issued on 7 July 2007. great harm. There is also a subtle play
This piece of papal legislation gave on the words in Latin, ius (justice) and
every priest the rite to celebrate the pre– in-iuria (injustice, or injury) which sug-
Vatican II Latin Tridentine Liturgy as gests that a perfect application of the
an “extraordinary form” (forma extraor- law can also lead to real and actual in-
dinaria, q.v.) without getting special justice in certain concrete applications.
permission from the diocesan bishop, This aphorism also indicates that human
as had been the case under the three laws and lawgivers ultimately are sub-
previous popes (Paul VI, John Paul I, jected to a higher moral order (and in
and John Paul II). This document was this sense suggests the role of the
further explained by the instruction natural law). See also Altum dominium,
Universae Ecclesiae. See also Ad ori- Ens rationis, Lex aeterna, Lex indita
entem, Cappa magna, Coetus fidelium, non scripta, Lex naturae, Mutatio legis
Forma extraordinaria, Missale Roma- odiosa, Ordo rationis, Per modum cog-
num, Novus Ordo, Sacrosanctum con- nitionis/Per modum inclinationis,
cilium, Universae Ecclesiae, and Prima sedes a nemine iudicatur, Recta
Versus populum. ratio, and Rex non potest peccare.
238  Super rato

Super rato crated bread and wine, Protestant the-

On being ratified ology stresses the spiritual union of the
Reference in canon law to a marriage believers with the Risen Christ cele-
which has been properly performed brated in the Lord’s Supper.
(ratum, q.v.) but not (yet) sexually con-
summated and therefore can be validly Susurrus
dispensed. See also Quod Deus con- Muttering, whispering, speaking
junxit, homo non separet and Ratum et in a low sound
consummatum. This expression denotes a particular
form of defamation or detraction in
Suppositum which someone speaks evil of another
Subsists (subject) with the intention of sowing discord
Refers to the philosophical concept of between that person and another. In
the principle of subsistence by which a moral theology this action was consid-
thing exists in itself, or which has its ered to be a graver sin than defamation
own distinctiveness or individuation. or detraction, since not only did the of-
See also Accidens, Essentia, In se, Per fended individual suffer the loss of
accidens, and Per Se. honor but of friendship as well.

Supra Suum cuique

Above, beyond To each his or her own

Common Latin preposition. This word As a principle of justice, this is the same
is also often used in scholarly writing as Reddere suum cuique and Unicuique
to refer to something stated earlier in suum.
the text, as in vid. supra (see above),
i.e., look to a place earlier in the text. S.V.
Under the word
Sursum corda Latin abbreviation for sub verbo, i.e., in
Lift up (your) hearts an encyclopedia, lexicon, or dictionary,
In the Latin Eucharist this phrase is discussion of a particular topic such as
found in the introductory dialogue of “birth control” might be found under
the preface to the eucharistic canon, the heading indicated s.v. “contracep-
which occurs between the presider and tion.”
the congregation. However, in Protes-
tant theology this phrase is important as Syllabus errorum
an explanation of the union which exists Syllabus (Compendium) of errors
between the participants in the Lord’s Title of the collection of modern propo-
Supper (coena Domini, q.v.) and the sitions, such as freedom of conscience
resurrected Jesus Christ. In distinction in religion, democracy, and socialism,
to the Roman Catholic stress on the which were condemned by Pius IX in
Real Presence of Christ in the conse- his 1864 encyclical Quanta Cura (q.v.).

Tabula dierum liturgicorum Ignatian principle in which, for ex-

Table of liturgical days ample, a certain material object or good
This is the collection of liturgical feasts is used tantum quantum in as much as,
in the church and indicates their relative or so far as, it aids in achieving a certain
rank or importance, which in turn has a (spiritual) end and no more. Cf. the First
bearing on certain liturgical rubrics, Principle and Foundation of St. Ignatius
prescriptions, prohibitions, and dispen- of Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises 23. In
sations. The Tabula also lists local so- short, the principle of tantum quantum
lemnities, such as the principal patron points to the prudent use of created
of the place, anniversary of the dedica- things and guards against turning them
tion of a particular church, titular saints, into ends in themselves, rather than
founders or principal patrons of reli- treating them in the proper sense as the
gious orders or congregations, and so means to a greater end.
on. See also Ad libitum and Ordo.
Tantum valet quantum probat
Tabula rasa It as valid insofar (or as much as)
A slate scraped (clean) it is proven
Usually refers to a person with a mind Epistemological axiom that indicates
like a “blank slate,” which is free from that a proposition can be taken to be
preconceptions, information, etc. Nega- “true” only insofar as, or as much as,
tively, this would suggest someone not the truth of the proposition can be dem-
well educated or informed, but posi- onstrated or proven. In other words,
tively it can indicate someone innocent merely saying “X” is “true,” does not
and/or free from prejudices and biases. make the proposition true in itself—
even if a significant extrinsic authority
were to make this claim. Truth depends
Tantum ergo
not on extrinsic authority for its intrin-
See Pange Lingua. sic truthfulness but on the nature of the
proposition itself. Thus, if in a case that
Tantum quantum a certain proposition were long held to
So much as be “true” (e.g., that the sun revolved
240  Te Deum

around the earth), if later and more texts to one’s whole life (the process of
compelling evidence were marshaled to hermeneutics).
question the truth of this long-held
proposition, then the axiom Tantum Tempora Sacra
valet quantum probat suggests that su- Sacred time
perior evidence would have to call into
This expression refers to the church’s
question the long-held view. See also
liturgical calendar which, unlike the
Facta non praesumuntur sed probantur;
civil calendar, does not aim primarily
In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas,
to mark the chronological progression
in omnibus caritas; Lex dubia non ob-
of the days, weeks, and years, but rather
ligat; Non liquet; Onus probandi; Prae-
commemorates primarily the important
sumitur ignorantia ubi scientia non
events in the life of Christ. Thus, the
probatur; Res ipsa loquitur; and Testis
liturgical year begins with the First Sun-
in uno falsus in nullo fidem meretur.
day of Advent and concludes with the
Te Deum celebration of Christ the King, rather
(We praise) you God than beginning on January 1 and ending
on December 31.
Opening words in Latin of a traditional
hymn of praise to God. As a prayer the
Tempus fugit
Te Deum is recited on Sundays and
Time flies
major feasts in the recitation of the Lit-
urgy of the Hours (the Breviary), as Common adage which expresses how
well as other solemn moments of quickly time seems to pass. See also
thanksgiving. Thus, a liturgical service Dum tempus habemus operemur bonum.
at which the Te Deum is sung may be
used to close an assembly or meeting, Tenenda/Tenendum
the end of the year, or some other Things to be held (pl.)/Thing to
similar event or moment. be held (sing.)
Refers to doctrines that are to be held
Te totum applica ad textum; rem by the Christian faithful as pertaining
totam applica ad te to the faith itself when they are pro-
Apply your whole self to the posed as such in an authoritative man-
[scriptural] text; apply the whole ner by the magisterium. Tenendum was
thing [the meaning of the text] to the term employed in Vatican I’s 1870
yourself formal definition of papal infallibility
Saying of Johannes Albrecht Bengel (cf. DS 3074). There is, however, an
(1687–1752), the scholar widely re- important distinction between doctrines
garded as the founder of New Testament that are to be “held” (tenenda) from
textual criticism. One should study the those which are to be believed (cre-
biblical texts thoroughly and com- denda, q.v.). See also Articulus stantis
pletely (the process of exegesis) and et cadentis ecclesiae, Credenda, De fide
then apply the meaning of the biblical definita, and Ex Cathedra.
Testem benevolentiae 241

Terminus a quo logiae (q.v.), which deals with Jesus

The starting point from which Christ. See also Prima pars and Secunda
(for an action/motion) pars.
Refers to the motivation out of which
an action or motion is performed, or the Tertio Millenio Adveniente
end out of which the action or motion Coming of the Third Millennium
operates, e.g., according to St. Thomas Apostolic letter of Pope John Paul II
Aquinas, charity’s starting point is an issued on 10 November 1994 that con-
already existing union with God. See voked the special synod for Asia, which
also Terminus ad quem. was subsequently held in Rome from
19 April to 14 May 1998.
Terminus ad quem
The (ultimate) end to which (of Tertium quid
an action/motion) A third entity
Refers to the motive which governs an Literally, a “third something,” and refers
action or any motion, e.g., according to to something which is related to two
St. Thomas Aquinas, charity seeks other things but which is distinct (and to
union with God as its terminus ad quem. a degree independent) of these other two
See also Terminus a quo. things. For example, the exercise of the
magisterium involves the pope and the
Terra firma college of bishops. The Roman Curia is
Solid land
an arm of the pope, but could come to see
Usually refers to earth or to land as op- itself as a tertium quid or distinct entity
posed to the sea. After a long voyage it so that the understanding of the magiste-
is good to be back once again on terra rium would expand to include three enti-
firma. Metaphorically, this expression ties (pope, college of bishops, and the
refers to anything that is firmly grounded Roman Curia) where only two had ex-
and therefore stable and trustworthy. isted before (the pope and the college of
bishops). This example is offered by
Terra incognita Archbishop John R. Quinn in his 1996
Unknown land Oxford address, “The Exercise of Pri-
Usually refers to a place or a subject macy,” which discusses the role of the
about which one knows little or nothing, Roman Curia. The text is reprinted in
or when one is embarking on something Commonweal 123 (12 July 1996): 11–20.
that likely will involve consequences
difficult to predict in advance. Testem benevolentiae
Benevolent witness
Tertia pars 1899 Apostolic letter of Leo XIII to
Third part James Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore,
Usually refers to the third major section in which the vaguely defined heresy of
of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theo- “Americanism” was condemned.
242  Testimonium veritati

“Americanism” supposedly involved the witness may speak to evidence, ul-

positions attributed to Isaac Hecker (a timately it is the role of the judge to give
former Redemptorist who went on to a final decision. See also Absolutus sen-
found the Paulists and who died in tentia judicis praseumitur innocens; Da
1888). These erroneous positions sup- mihi factum, dabo tibi ius; Facta non
posedly included religious indifferent- praesumuntur sed probantur; Onus pro-
ism, a skeptical attitude toward vowed bandi; and Res iudicata pro veritate
religious life, and a resistence to accep- accipitur.
tance of the church’s external authority.
Textus receptus
Testimonium veritati The received text
Testimony to the truth Usually this refers to the text which has
The highest form of giving testimony come down to the present, and which
to the truth is through action, i.e., in therefore designates a text which is tra-
“doing the truth,” and thus corresponds ditionally accepted as being authentic.
to living morally. For example, in Scripture studies the
textus receptus is the canonical version
Testis in uno falsus in nullo fidem of the biblical text found in the Bible,
meretur even though scholars recognize that this
A witness that is mistaken (false) text may not report the very words of
in one instance does not merit Jesus or serve as a reliable historical
confidence in anything account of some event narrated in the
Bible. The Greek text of the New Tes-
Basic legal concept concerning the reli- tament established by Erasmus (1466–
ability of witnesses in a contest issue. If 1536) is also often called the Textus
the witness should prove mistaken or receptus. See also Ipssissima verba.
false in one instance this would lead one
to surmise that this particular witness
should not be considered trustworthy Theologia cordis/Theologia mentis
overall. See also Absolutus sententia Theology of the heart/theology of
judicis praseumitur innocens; Actori the mind
incumbit onus probandi; Allegatio con- Distinction made in a theological ap-
tra factum non est admittenda; Da mihi proach which speaks principally either
factum, dabo tibi ius; Facta non praesu- to the affective dimensions (theologia
muntur sed probantur; Onus probandi; cordis) or to the speculative dimension
and Res iudicata pro veritate accipitur. (theologia mentis).

Testis non est iudicare Theologia crucis/theologia gloriae

A witness does not act as judge Theology of the cross/theology of
Basic legal principle that acknowledges glory
that the roles of a witness in a legal case Two fundamental christological themes,
and the judge are quite different. While stressing either the suffering and cruci-
Titulus 243

fixion of Christ as the means of our enjoyed a very high presupposition of

salvation or the resurrection and glory truth and could be freely taught and be-
of Christ as the eschatological signs of lieved. Theologice certa (“theologically
our salvation. certain”) ranked below Proxima fidei
(q.v. “nearly certain to belong to the
Theologia moralis faith”) but was higher than Pia opinio
Moral theology (q.v. “pious opinion”). None of these
theological notes, though, were to be
Traditional reference to moral theology
held as a defined article of the faith (de
as a distinctive “scientific” branch of
fide definita). See also Credenda, De
theology that was concerned with the
fide, Depositum fidei, Diffinimus, Ex
rightness and wrongness of human ac-
cathedra, Obsequium religiosum, Pia
tions, and also often used as the title for
opinio, Proxima fidei, and Tenenda.
manuals on the subject when they were
written in Latin (i.e. before Vatican II).
(A) Thoro
From the marriage bed
Theologia viatorum
Theology of [for] the way[farers] See Divortium a thoro.
or pilgrims
Refers to the reality that all of theology Timeo hominem unius libri
will be necessarily incomplete and pro- I fear the person of one book
visional in nature, since it deals with Attributed to Thomas Aquinas, the
God who is always more than we are phrase raises caution about people that
able to conceive and therefore will re- hold to just one “source” for their ideas
main somewhat of a mystery to us. and opinions. Even if the “book” in ques-
Once we reach heaven our pilgrimage tion be exemplary (such as the Bible or
on earth will be completed and we shall Thomas’ own Summa Theologiae), this
have a fuller (yet not absolutely com- dictum advises us to exercise a greater
plete) knowledge of God. See also Deus curiosity and wider research stance
semper maior; Deus absconditus/Deus toward new and/or unfamiliar ideas.
revelatus; and Si comprehendis, non est
Deus. Titulus
Title (privilege, right)
Theologice certa In ecclesiastical circles a titulus gener-
Theologically certain ally refers to some title of dignity, rank,
Similar expression to Sententia probata or office, or reason or basis for some-
(q.v.), namely one of the theological thing, as well as the rights and privi-
“notes” indicating a theological posi- leges associated with that particular
tion which, while not formally defined titulus. For example, a doctoral biretta
or pronounced upon by the magiste- may be worn by those who possess a
rium, was still held as “probable” by the doctoral degree from a pontifical insti-
majority of theologians and therefore tution. Titulus also is used to refer to the
244  Tolerati

church building in Rome which is as- cles. A cardinal replied that there were
signed to an individual cardinal. Thus, as many miracles in his life (tot mirac-
every cardinal has his “titular” church, ulis) as there are articles in his Summa
such as Santa Susanna in Rome is the Theologiae (quot articulis). By exten-
titular church of the Cardinal Arch- sion, this aphorism highlights that sanc-
bishop of Boston (and the parish run by tity and worth can be measured in many
the Paulists for the American Catholic ways, even in the seemingly “ordinary”
community resident in Rome). production of scholarly works.

Tolerati Totaliter
Tolerated Absolutely, totally
See Vitandus. Often used in theological or canonical
terms to indicate something that has a
total, absolute, or complete effect, e.g.,
Tolle assertiones et christianismum a plenary indulgence granted totaliter
tulisti for the full remission of temporal pun-
Take away the assertions and you ishment due to sin. See also Generali-
take away Christianity ter, Simpliciter, Sine modo, and Toties
Dictum attributed to Martin Luther quoties.
which highlights the articles of faith
that are necessary to maintain if one Totaliter aliter
hopes to maintain Christian identity. In Totally other
other words, Christianity cannot capitu- Totally different argument, topic, etc.,
late to popular opinion or political cor- which does not apply to this case, topic,
rectness for its enduring validity and etc.
vitality. See also Consensus non facit
veritatem; Quod ubique, quod semper,
quod ab omnibus, creditum est; Regula
Toties quoties
So often as
fidei; Securus iudicat orbis terrarum;
Sensus fidei; Sensus fidelium; and Sen- Shorthand expression often linked to
tire cum ecclesia. the gaining of indulgences as often as
the prescribed conditions were fulfilled,
even on a daily basis. This notion was
Tot miraculis quot articulis important in the theology which al-
There are as many miracles as lowed an individual who gained an in-
there are articles dulgence to apply it vicariously to a
When the devil’s advocate arguing soul in purgatory. By extension, this
against the canonization of the Doctor term can be used to indicate the effect
Angelicus (q.v.), Thomas Aquinas com- of any action which meets its prescribed
plained that the Thomas’ cause for can- conditions for completion. See also In-
onization should not go forward since carnationis Mysterium, Per modum
there was a lack of post-mortem mira- suffragii, and Totaliter.
Trivium 245

Totus conversus sed non totaliter Common Latin preposition and compo-
The human person is a total con- nent of many English words, such as
vert but not totally “transport” (i.e., literally, “to carry
Refers to the traditional understanding across”).
that although human persons are re-
deemed by God’s transformative grace, Translatio studii
they are still vulnerable to the power of Carrying over (translation) of
sin, self-love, and self-deception. See studies (i.e., learning)
also Reliquiae peccati, Simul iustus et Concept of using ancient learning in a
peccator, and Sola gratia. process of reading and commentary.

Totus tuus Translator traditor

(I am) all yours The translator is the traitor
Papal motto of John Paul II (1978– (literally, one who “surrenders”
2005), which signifies his total dedica- or “hands over”)
tion to God and to the church. Aphorism with a play on words in Latin
which highlights the difficulty of pro-
viding an absolutely faithful translation
from one language into another. Often
the translator includes his or her own
Understood theologically to refer to biases in producing a translation.
doctrines, practices, and beliefs which
have been handed down through the
ages in the church. In terms of “author-
Three days
ity” for a number of theological and
moral teachings of the church, the very The expression usually refers to a certain
fact that this position has been held for three day period, such as the Easter
a long time is taken as prima facie Triduum of Holy Thursday to Evening
(though not absolute) evidence of its Prayer of Easter Sunday (also termed the
truth. Some examples of the use of Triduum Sacrum or Sacred Triduum), or,
church tradition to uphold current teach- more generally, to a three-day retreat.
ing would include contraception, the
indissolubility of marriage, the prohibi- Trivium
tion of the ordination of women, and so Trilogy
on. See also Mortui vivos docent, Nihil
Refers to the classic educational cur-
consuetudine maius, Nihil novi sub sole,
riculum of ancient Rome which divided
Predicatio ecclesiastica, and Quidquid
studies into three major fields: gram-
latine dictum sit altum videtur.
mar, rhetoric, and dialectic. This ap-
proach to study influenced education in
Trans the Middle Ages and Renaissance as
Across well and provided the interpretive tools
246  Tu es Petrus

and methodology for the study of clas- in which an opinion was expressed that
sical literature, as well as the study of Catholics were bound to hold only those
Scripture and the patristic authors. See truths of the faith which had been for-
also Sacra Pagina. mally defined. See also Credenda, De
fide definita, Ecclesia discens, Ecclesia
Tu es Petrus militans, Ex cathedra, Fides implicita,
You are Peter (and upon this rock Lumen gentium, Magisterium, Munus,
I will build my church) Obsequium religiosum, Officium, Potes-
Latin for the beginning of Jesus’ renam- tas docendi, Sensus fidelium, and Ten-
ing of Simon as Peter (Greek for “rock”) denda.
and commissioning him as the corner-
stone of the church given in Matthew Tuum
16:18. This verse is reproduced in Yours
Greek at the base of the dome in the
See Meum (“mine”).
Basilica of St. Peter’s in Rome. This
expression is often used in a shorthand
fashion to indicate the apostolic succes- Tyrannus in titula; Tyrannus in
sion from Peter down to the present in regimine
the person of the pope, as well as af- Tyrant (who has usurped the) title
firmation of fidelity to the Roman pon- (of office); Tyrant in (legitimate)
tiff. See also Coetus fidelium, Nulla power
Veritas sine Traditione, and Ubi Petrus Two expressions related to the moral
ibi ecclesia. discussion of the possible legitimacy of
tyrannicide, the killing of an unjust ty-
Tuas libenter rant for the common good. A tyrannus
Joyfully yours in titula would be one who unjustly
1863 Letter of Pius IX to the Arch- usurped the ruling office from the le-
bishop of Munich in which the term gitimate ruler, while the tryannus in
“ordinary magisterium” was first used regimine would be one who is abusing
in an official document of the church. his or her otherwise legitimate power of
The letter was occasioned by a meeting rule to severely harm those being gov-
of Catholic theologians held in Munich erned. See also Hostis humani generis.
Ubi caritas, Deus ibi est Traditional axiom meant to indicate that
Where there is love (or charity), in the absence of individuals of ability
there is God. those with lesser gifts will come to the
Classic expression of the connection fore.
between God, love, and human com-
munity. See 1 John 4:17 for the locus Ubi ius, ibi remedium
classicus of this principle in the New Where there is justice there must
Testament, though the whole of the let- be a means of aid
ter is important to understand the con-
nection between God, love, and a Every system of justice must also in-
rightly ordered human community. See volve means to treat or resolve injus-
also Caritas in Veritate; Caritas in tices. This concept underlies the
veritate in re sociali; Deus caritas est; medicinal nature of judicial sentences
and Ubi societas, ibi ius. which go beyond mere retributive jus-
tice and aim at helping to cure that
which leads to the breakdown of justice
Ubi cessat ratio legis, cessat ipsa
in the first place. See also Salus publica
suprema lex; Sententia facit ius; Sen-
Where the reason for the law
tentia incerta non valet; Ubi ius incer-
ceases the law itself ceases
tum, ibi ius nullum; and Ubi societas,
Essentially the same idea as Cessante fine ibi ius.
cessat lex (q.v.) and Cessante ratione
legis cessat ipsa lex (q.v.). In other words,
law does not exist for itself but always in Ubi ius incertum, ibi ius nullum
service to some larger end and the bonum Where justice is uncertain, there
commune (q.v.). See also Lex semper in- is no justice
tendit quod convenit rationi, Ordinatio Axiom which underscores the impor-
rationis ad bonum commune, Ordo pu- tance of a system of justice for human
blicus, and Salus publica suprema lex. society and which indicates that “uncer-
tainty” about justice prevailing in one
Ubi deficiunt equi trottant aselli. instance points to a basic lack of justice
Where there is a shortage of over all. See also Lex dubia non obligat;
horses, the donkeys (asses) trot Lex dubia lex nulla; Lex iniusta non est
248  Ubi non est culpa, ibi non est delictum

lex; Ordinatio rationis ad bonum com- Ubi regnum, ibi reconciliatio

mune; Salus publica suprema lex; Sen- Where the kingdom [of God] is,
tentia facit ius; Sententia incerta non there is reconciliation
valet; Ubi ius, ibi remedium; and Ubi Aphorism which underscores the nature
societas, ibi ius. of God’s kingdom as embodying for-
giveness and reconciliation. See also
Processus iustificationis.
Ubi non est culpa, ibi non est
delictum Ubi societas, ibi ius
Where there is no culpability Where there is society there is
there is no crime (delict) justice (e.g., system of law)
See also Absolutus sententia judicis Classic social principle recalled by
praseumitur innocens; Actus non facit Pope Benedict XVI in his social encyc-
reum nisi mens sit rea; Lex dubia lex lical Caritas in Veritate (Charity in
nulla; Lex iniusta non est lex; Mens rea; Truth) issued on 29 June 2009. This
Nulla poena sine culpa; Onus probandi; principle means that society requires a
Ordinatio rationis ad bonum commune; system of just laws to function ethically,
Sententia incerta non valet; Sine culpa; and the pope added that this justice
and Ubi ius incertum, ibi ius nullum. must ultimately be grounded in love.
This social doctrine, the pope says, is
expressed in the Latin aphorism of
Ubi Petrus, ibi ecclesia, ibi Deus caritas in veritate in re sociali (charity
Where Peter is, there is the in truth in social matters). See also
church, there is God Caritas in Veritate; Caritas in veritate
in re sociali; Deus caritas est; Ubi car-
The original expression seems to come itas, Deus ibi est; Ubi ius, ibi remedium;
from St. Ambrose but is now commonly and Ubi ius incertum, ibi ius nullum.
used as an ultramontane expression
which suggests that the pope, as succes-
sor of Peter, virtually comprises the es- Ubi Veritas, Deus ibi est
sence of the church. Therefore, the Where the truth is, there God is
pope’s will or teaching is virtually iden- Indicates the primacy of the objective
tical to that of the entire church. This order and its intrinsic relation with God.
maxim is the motto of the ultra-conser- This axiom could be used as a correc-
vative group Catholics United for the tive to something like what could be an
Faith (C.U.F.). See also Coetus fide- exaggerated dogmatism of groups that
lium; Ecclesia non moritur; Missale claim their connection with some po-
Romanum; Munus Petrinium; Novus litical or ideological wing gives them a
Ordo; Nulla Veritas sine Traditione; sure guarantee of moral or theological
Summorum Pontificum; Tu Es Petrus; supremacy. See also Nulla Veritas sine
Ubi Veritas, Deus ibi est; Universae Traditione; Ubi Petrus, ibi ecclesia; and
Ecclesiae; and Vicarius Christi. Veritas omnia vincit.
Unitatis redintegratio 249

Ultra montes the interrelationship of the spiritual and

Beyond the mountains (i.e., the temporal spheres of power. Boniface
Alps) VIII formally declared “that it is abso-
Expression that gives rise to the English lutely necessary for the salvation of all
“Ultramontanism,” which stresses the people that they submit to the Roman
ecclesial power of Rome against that of Pontiff” (DS 875). This papal bull is
the parts of the church on the other side often referenced to rebut the claim
of the Alps. See also Caput mundi and made by some that there have never
Roma locuta, causa finita. been any substantive changes in teach-
ings of the ordinary magisterium over
the centuries. See also Extra ecclesia
Ultra posse (or vires) nemo nulla salus and Semper idem.
No one is obliged to do more than
Unicuique suum
his or her ability (or strength)
To each his or her own
Foundational principle of justice (ius)
In moral theology this expression re-
with essentially the same meaning as
lates to the notion of moral impossibil-
Reddere suum cuique and Suum cuique
ity, which is somewhat different from
physical impossibility. What is physi-
cally impossible is fairly clear, but the
Christian tradition also holds that one Unicum
is not morally obliged to do that which The only (unique) instance
is particularly burdensome or “heroic” This expression refers to something
(of course presuming that no sin would found just once, or at most rarely, in a
be involved). Determining just what is given text or treatise. For example, in
morally impossible though is often Thomas Aquinas’ treatise on the ends of
rather difficult. See also Agere sequitur human acts in the ST I–II, q. 1, a. 3, ad.
esse, Deus impossibilia non iubet, Hu- 3, he uses just once the term finem prox-
mano modo, Impossibilium nulla obli- imum (finis proximus, q.v., proximate
gatio (est), Lex sequitur esse, Lex end) and so it would be textually prob-
semper intendit quod convenit rationi, lematic to conclude from this single
Lex spectat naturae ordinem, Nemo po- usage that Thomas meant that the mean-
test ad impossibile obligari, Nemo te- ing of moral actions (their “species”)
netur ad impossibile, Operari sequitur comes directly and solely from a con-
esse, and Qui tenetur ad finem tenetur sideration of the “proximate end.” See
ad media. also Locus classicus and Ut in pluribus.

Unam Sanctam Unitatis redintegratio

One holy Reintegration of unity
Bull of Pope Boniface VIII issued in Vatican II’s Decree on Ecumenism
1302 which addressed the question of (1964) which is especially noted for its
250  Universae Ecclesiae

expression of the hierarchy of truths Faith and the Challenge of Cultures,”

(Hierarchiam veritatem, q.v.), which Origins 24 [30 March 1995]: 679–86).
noted that “when comparing doctrines
with one another, they should remember Urbi et orbi
that in Catholic doctrine there exists a To the City and the World
“hierarchy” of truths, since they vary in Refers to Rome and the world, and thus
their relation to the fundamental Chris- to something intended for the widest
tian faith” [UR 11]. possible diffusion, rather than restricted
Universae Ecclesiae to a particular location. Certain papal
Universal church documents are proclaimed Urbi et orbi,
and the pope traditionally gives a num-
Instruction issued 18 May 2011 by the ber of apostolic blessings (including his
Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei” very first as a new pope) Urbi et orbi.
on the application of Summorum Pon- See also Habemus Papam and Orbis
tificum, the 2007 Motu Proprio (q.v.) terrarum.
of Pope Benedict XVI which in turn
dealt with a broadening of the permis- Usque ad
sion to celebrate the Tridentine Mass as Continually, all the way, up to
an “extraordinary form” (forma extraor- (and including), as far as
dinaria) of the Eucharist, which would
no longer require a bishop’s permission. This expression is also rendered as one
See also Ad orientem, Cappa magna, word, adusque. It is usually found in
Coetus fidelium, Forma extraordinaria, other expressions such as Amor Dei
Missale Romanum, Novus Ordo, Sac- usque ad contemptum sui (q.v.): “the
rosanctum concilium, Summorum love of God that leads even up to (usque
Pontificum, and Versus populum. ad) contempt of self.

Uno itinere non potest veniri ad Usus

tam grande secretum Use (noun)
One cannot come to (i.e., under- Depending on the context this term can
stand) such a great mystery by have a variety of meanings, such as
only one road usage or right to usage, custom, benefit,
Symmachus (Roman rhetorician, occasion, etc.
c. 345–402)
Arguing for the necessity of a plurality Usus Antiquior
of religions. This position was cited and Older (as in historical or tradi-
condemned by Joseph Cardinal Ratz- tional) use
inger (later Pope Benedict XVI), the then Expression used to denote especially
Prefect of the Congregation for the Doc- traditional practices in the church, such
trine of the Faith (CDF), in the latter’s as liturgy, which helps show the organic
discourse given to the Asian bishops in development and unity of the present
Hong Kong in March 1993 (“Christ, practices as traced back to the past. The
(Valet) Ut in pluribus 251

expression (or its alternate, forma an- impossible to translate into one or two
tiquior, q.v.) is also used by some to English words. As an adverb ut means
denote the Tridentine Mass that was “how,” “in what way”; as a conjunction
celebrated in Latin up to the end of it has an even wider range of meanings:
Vatican II. This expression also serves “as,” “although,” “when,” “while,” “in
as a title for an academic journal that order that,” “granted that,” “inasmuch
focuses on the study of the historical, as,” and so on. Since ut has so many
philosophical, theological, and pastoral different meanings and nuances it will
aspects of the Roman liturgical rite as be important to determine exactly how
it developed over the centuries. See also it functions in a given phrase in order
Ad orientem, Cappa magna, Coram to ascertain the phrase’s meaning. Some
Cardinale/Coram Episcopo, Coetus fi- common examples of the usages of ut
delium, Forma Antiquior, Missale Ro- follow below.
manum, Novus Nulla Veritas sine
Traditione, Ordo, Quidquid latine dic- Ut cognoscant te
tum sit altum videtur, Sacrosanctum That they recognize (know) you
concilium, Summorum Pontificum, Tu
Expression sometimes used as a motto
Es Petrus, Universae Ecclesiae, and
for Christian educational institutions,
Versus populum.
namely that part of the school’s mission
is to enable its students and the world
Usus legis
to know God better.
Use of the law
Important concept in Protestant the-
Ut in paucioribus
ology, especially that of Luther and
In a few cases
Calvin. Luther spoke of two primary
uses of the law: first, the civil use of Exceptions, though, do not necessarily
law, which by threat of punishment acts make a rule or precedent.
to restrain sin; and second, as a “teacher
of sin” law acts to break down the (Valet) Ut in pluribus
human tendency to self-righteousness Valid/applies in most cases
and self-justification and thus prepares Important distinction in the under-
the sinner to receive God’s saving grace. standing and application of concrete
Calvin also proposed a third use of the moral norms that was articulated by
law, to indicate the will of God and to Thomas Aquinas in his treatise on the
exhort the faithful to obedience. See natural law (cf. ST I–II, q. 94, a. 4), in
also Indicativa oboedientiae and Sola which he notes that applications of the
gratia. natural law which are an exercise of
what he calls “practical right reason”
Ut will differ at times according to circum-
(See explanation which follows) stances and knowledge. Thus, a con-
This Latin word is used very frequently crete norm or law that holds ut in
in combination with other words and is pluribus serves as a generally useful
252  Ut infra

principle, but, as Thomas Aquinas which Jesus prays to the Father that the
noted, these should not be treated as if disciples may become one just as Jesus
they bound absolutely in every case. For and the Father are one. These words
example, we have an obligation to pre- usually are associated with the prayer
serve life, but this is a “law” (lex) that and hope for the restoration of complete
is valet ut in pluribus, and therefore Christian unity. Ut unum sint is also the
there may be legitimate circumstances title of John Paul II’s encyclical on ecu-
in which life support systems are termi- menism (1995).
nated. See also Ad literam; Cessante
fine cessat lex; Ex facto ius oritur; Odia Uti et frui
restringi, et favores convenit ampliari; Use and enjoyment
Quod omnes tangit ab omnibus approb- Distinction from St. Augustine, taken
etur; Sensus fidelium; Sensum, non over especially by John Calvin in his
verba spectamus; and Unicum. theology, in relating the means to the
end on the use of created things. We are
Ut infra to use the mean, but to enjoy the end
As below (and the ultimate end is God). The end
Scholarly phrase meaning “see below.” sanctifies the means, and thus creation
is seen as a good in itself. Thus, God
Ut supra saves the world, not saves us out of the
As above world. But on the other hand, only God
is to be “enjoyed” for God’s Self,
Scholarly phrase meaning “see above.” whereas the created things in the world
are to be used as means to our proper
Ut unum sint end. See also Bonum utile; Dominium
That they may be one utile; Ius utendi, fruendi, abutendi; Res
Words which come from the Latin Vul- frutificat dominum; and Summum
gate’s translation of John 17:23, in bonum.
Vacatio legis Latin expression roughly equivalent to
Vacation (or “vacating”) of the law the English “Goodbye.” See also Ave,
Usually a set period between the pro- Ave atque vale, and Salve.
mulgation of a law or rule and the date
on which the law takes effect. During
Valet ut in pluribus
Valid/applies in most cases
this period the new law does not yet
bind, and thus this is important for the Important distinction in the under-
legal application of penalties. See also standing and application of concrete
Acta Apolostolicae Sedis, Donec aliter moral norms which indicates that cer-
provideatur, Hucusque vigens, Ius vi- tain norms may be generally true, but
gens, Lex non obligat nisi promulgata, there also could be valid exceptions.
and Recognitio. See also Ut in pluribus.

Vanitas vanitatum, omnis vanitas

Vanity of vanities, all is vanity
Go with me
Latin rendition of the well-known
Refers to a small companion guide,
phrase from Ecclesiastes 1:2, indicating
manual, or reference to a certain subject.
that all earthly realities are ultimately
A vademecum would be small enough to
empty (“vanity”).
be carried in one’s pocket and therefore
connotes a handy reference work, rather Varia lectio
than a painstaking analysis of a subject. Variant reading
Expression used to refer to the fact that
Vagus in different manuscripts of ancient texts
Wanderer there may be certain small differences
In canon law a vagus is a person with- in words, phrases, or passages. Such a
out a fixed residence. Certain provisions difference would be a varia lectio.
are made for the pastoral care of such
individuals (cf. C.I.C. 383). Vehemens horror
Vehement horror
Vale Concept referring to the subjective fear
Farewell or loathing of a certain procedure, e.g.,
254  Veni, Creator Spiritus

an amputation, such that it would con- of “publish or perish.” Scripta here does
stitute such a personal burden as to ren- not mean Sacred Scripture but merely
der the otherwise “ordinary” procedure the written word.
“extraordinary” due to the subjective
burden entailed. This is a traditional Verbi Sponsa
criterion going back at least to the six- Bride of the Word
teenth century and would be important Instruction On the Contemplative Life
in contemporary discussion on advance and on the Enclosure of Nuns issued on
health care directives and end-of-life 13 May 1999 by the Congregation for
decisions to forego medical treatment. Institutes of Consecrated Life and for So-
cieties of Apostolic Life. The instruction
Veni, Creator Spiritus both gives the theological background for
Come, Creator (Holy) Spirit the understanding of the contemplative
An invocation for the aid of the Holy life and proposes various norms for the
Spirit, but more commonly these words maintenance of monastic enclosure for
refer to the traditional prayer and hymn orders of contemplative nuns.
which is read or intoned in certain litur-
gical celebrations, such as ordinations Verbum Dei
and feasts associated with the Holy Word of God
Spirit. See also Veni, Sancte Spiritus. Refers to divine revelation in general
and the Scriptures in particular. An im-
Veni, Sancte Spiritus portant role of the church is to respect,
Come, Holy Spirit safeguard, and minister to the Word of
An invocation for the aid of the Holy God. See also Dei Verbum.
Spirit, especially in the special “se-
quence” hymn recited or sung immedi- Verbum sat sapienti
ately prior to the proclamation of the A word to the wise is sufficient
Gospel for the Pentecost liturgy. This Often abbreviated as verbum sat sap,
prayer is one of only four medieval se- this adage indicates that a brief warning
quences that were preserved in the reform about some problem, danger, delicate
of the Missale Romanum (q.v.) published situation, etc., should be sufficient to a
in 1570. The other three are the Victimae truly prudent individual so that she or
Paschali (q.v.) for Easter, the Lauda Sion he can avoid the danger or handle the
(q.v.) for Corpus Christi (q.v.), and the problem better than if no warning had
Dies Irae (q.v.) for the Requiem Mass. been given. See also Sapienti sat and
See also Veni, Creator Spiritus. Stultis non succuritur.

Verba volant, scripta manent Veritas

Spoken words fly away, written Truth
words remain See also In vino veritas; Particula veri;
Thus, an exhortation to commit one’s Ubi Veritas, Deus ibi est; and Vincit
teachings to paper, or perhaps a version veritas.
Via 255

Veritas omnia vincit Vestigia Trinitatis

Truth conquers all things Vestiges (traces) of the Trinity
Expression that is essentially the same Refers to a theological affirmation that
idea as Veritas vincit, indicating that in since God’s revelation occurs in many
the end truth will out. See also In vino forms, certain hints, clues, or traces of
veritas; Particula veri; Ubi Veritas, the doctrine of the Trinity can also be
Deus ibi est; and Veritas. found outside of Sacred Scripture, e.g.,
in creation.
Veritatis splendor
Splendor of the truth Veterum Sapientia
John Paul II’s 1993 encyclical on fun- Ancient wisdom
damental moral theology. Apostolic constitution of Pope John
XXIII, issued on 22 February 1962,
Versus populum shortly before the beginning of Vatican
Toward the people II, in which the pope confirmed the im-
Expression used primarily in a recent li- portance of Latin as the language of the
turgical dispute surrounding the “proper” church and the medium of seminary
direction that the eucharistic presider and instruction, since Latin was not subject
people should face during the Eucharist, to the weaknesses of vernacular lan-
i.e., toward the people (as is the current guages which were tied to individual
practice) or ad orientem (q.v.), in which cultures. “Latin by its nature is perfectly
both the presider and the congregation adapted to promoting every form of cul-
face in the same direction (ideally toward ture among every people. It does not
the east). See the longer discussion under give rise to jealousies, is impartial with
Ad orientem as well as Coetus fidelium, all, is not the privilege of anyone and is
Forma extraordinaria, Missale Roma- well accepted by all.”
num, Novus Ordo, Summorum Pontifi-
cum, and Universae Ecclesiae. Vetus Testamentum
Old Testament
Verum Sacrificium Refers to the Old Testament of the
True Sacrifice Bible. See also In Vetere Novum (Testa-
I.e., the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in the mentum) latet, et in Novo Vetus patet
Eucharist. The expression dates back to and Novum Testamentum.
Augustine and is lifted up in Trent’s
definition of the Mass as a true sacri- Via
fice, which Jesus offered once for all Way
(cf. Pro multis) on earth and now eter- Can be used both concretely, in the
nally in Heaven, while Christians unite sense of a path or road (e.g., the via
their own sacrifice to that of Christ crucis), and figuratively, in the sense of
which likewise is celebrated in the Eu- a method or approach (e.g., via empir-
charist. See also Victimae Paschali. ica). See also In via and Viator.
256  Via affimationes

Via affirmationes Analytical methodology which begins

Way of affirmation with an investigation of the nature of an
Affirmation in this phrase is understood object as it exists and then moves on to
as the opposite of negation and is not a consideration of its relationship to its
meant to be understood in the sense of directionality, ultimate end, or to other
giving someone positive encourage- terms. In ecclesiology, the via empirica
ment, support, or feedback. In classical studies the church by beginning with
theology, the via affirmationes is essen- the church as it exists and then moves
tially the same as the via eminentiae on to consider its relationship to Christ
(q.v.). See also via negativa. (rather than starting with Christ and
Christology and moving to a consider-
ation of the nature of the church).
Via crucis
The way of the cross
Can be understood literally, in the sense Via illuminativa, purgativa, unitiva
of the Stations of the Cross, or figura- The illuminative, purgative, and
tively, as the necessity of taking up one’s unitive way(s)
individual cross in order to follow Christ. Important concept in traditional asceti-
cal theology that distinguishes various
Via Dolorosa approaches and stages of the spiritual
Sorrowful way life. The journey often begins with the
Usually refers to the Stations of the via purgativa, which stresses doing
Cross in Jerusalem which retrace Jesus’ away with one’s sins and faults and em-
path to Calvary. This term can also refer phasizes penance, mortification, and
to the difficulties involved in the Chris- self-control. The via illuminativa aims
tian life of discipleship. See also Imita- at developing a life of virtue, both
tio Christi and Sequela Christi. “moral” and “theological” (i.e., faith,
hope, and charity). The via unitiva
Via eminentiae stresses union with God and openness
The way of eminence to the Spirit and the Spirit’s gifts.

As distinguished from the via negativa

(q.v.), the via eminentiae is used to de- Via media
rive, for example, the positive attributes Middle way
of God by considering these attributes Often the surest path between two ex-
in their most perfect or ideal form. tremes or opposing camps is a path that
Thus, wisdom, when predicated of God, aims to navigate between them, i.e., a
would become omniscience, power via media. Thus, via media can imply
would become omnipotence, and so on. moderation and/or diplomacy. How-
See also via positiva. ever, in the nineteenth century via
media was used to describe the position
Via empirica of some Anglicans as a way between
The empirical way (method) Protestantism and Roman Catholicism.
Victimae Paschali 257

Via moderna and so on. See also Via emientiae and

Modern (new) way Via negativa.
Theological school of thought that was
associated with William of Ockham and Viator
a number of other theologians in the One on the way
fourteenth and fifteenth centuries which This term can refer to a pilgrim or
held that the economy of salvation de- someone on a journey (sometimes ren-
pends solely on God’s free and arbitrary dered as homo viator) and metaphori-
will and that humans were required to cally to Christians (viatores, plural),
love God and keep God’s command- who as members of the pilgrim church
ments. Such obedience, though, did not are on their way to God. Lumen gen-
merit justification, but this depended tium (q.v.), Vatican II’s Dogmatic Con-
solely on God’s free will to save an in- stitution on the Church used “Pilgrim
dividual or not. Church” as one expression to refer to
the nature of the church as being a
Via negativa/negationis people “on the way.” See also In via and
The way of negation Via.
In description or definition of a certain
term or concept, sometimes a via nega- Vicarius Christi
tiva approach is used in which what the Vicar of Christ
term is not is what is described, so as to One of the principal titles associated
mark off certain parameters of what is with the pope in his role as successor of
not included or meant by such a term. Peter, namely, the head of the church
In theology, a via negativa approach who stands in the place of Christ until
highlights the dissimilarity between the end of the world when Christ will
God and creatures, whereas a via posi- return in the Last Judgment. See also
tiva stresses human dignity by empha- Munus Petrinium; Primus inter pares;
sizing the similarity human beings have Servus Servorum Dei; Tu Es Petrus; and
with God as created in God’s own Ubi Petrus, ibi ecclesia, ibi Deus.
image (cf. Genesis 1:26 and imago Dei
and similtudo Dei). Victimae Paschali
Paschal Victim
Via positiva Sequence prayer recited after the Epistle
The positive way on Easter Sunday and throughout the
In theology this expression usually re- octave, which gives a call to praise
fers to the positive way of knowing God Christ, the Lamb of God, and recounts
which relies on the real similarity be- the key work of salvation history with
tween creatures and the Creator (God), the reconciliation of humans with God
making it possible to use for God words and the triumph over death. The prayer
and ideas drawn from creatures, such as was reputedly composed by Wigo of
being good, beautiful, powerful, wise, Burgundy, who was the court chaplain
258  Vide infra, supra

to Conrad II and Henry III in the elev- things). See also In vino veritas; Par-
enth century, and is one of only four ticula veri; Ubi Veritas, Deus ibi est;
medieval sequences that were preserved and Veritas.
in the reform of the Missale Romanum
(q.v.) published in 1570. The other three Vinculum caritatis
are the Veni Sancte Spiritus (q.v.) for Bond of charity
Pentecost, the Lauda Sion (q.v.) for
See Sacramentum pietatis.
Corpus Christi (q.v.), and the Dies Irae
(q.v.) for the Requiem Mass. See also
Vinculum matrimonii
Verum Sacrificium.
Bond of matrimony
Vide infra, supra Though vinculum could also be trans-
See below, above lated as “noose” or “chain,” in the theo-
logical and canonical sense the
Often used in scholarly articles to indi- vinculum matrimonii refers to the pre-
cate a reference to what has gone before sumed indissoluble nature of a sacra-
(or is to come after) in a given text. Vide mental marriage. Thus, in annulment
is sometimes abbreviated vid., as in vid. proceedings one of the juridical partici-
supra. See also infra and supra. pants is the “defender of the bond,”
whose role is to argue for the preserva-
Videantur auctores probati tion of the matrimony (and therefore,
Consult the “approved” authors supposedly, generally indisposed to the
In disputed theological questions, one granting of an annulment). See also
was counseled to consult the opinions Debitum, Ratum et consummatum, Vin-
of recognized experts in the field. How- culum sacrum, and Vis et metus.
ever, in certain circles of contemporary
moral theology this principle is being Vinculum sacrum
applied in such a way that only “au- Sacred bond
thors” of a certain school of thought are Term which refers to the marriage bond,
considered “approved” and therefore which once ratified and completed is
“orthodox.” considered to be binding until the death
of one of the partners. See also Debi-
Videlicet tum, Ratum et consummatum, and Vin-
Clearly, evidently, namely culum matrimonii.
See Viz.
Virginitas in Partu
Vincit veritas Virginity in parturition (act of
Truth conquers giving birth)
The idea is that eventually the truth will Refers to the doctrine that Mary re-
come out and carry the day. Another mained a physical virgin even during
rendition of this aphorism is Veritas the actual giving of birth to Jesus. This
omnia vincit (q.v., Truth conquers all expression would indicate that some-
Vita evangelica 259

how Mary’s hymen was miraculously atifica (q.v.). See also Audio Dei and
preserved during the birth process. Summum bonum.
However, in a less physicalist under-
standing the expression can be taken to Vita
refer to Mary’s virginity both before Life
and after the birth of Jesus. When used without additional meta-
phors, or when abbreviated as vitae
Viri probati
from curriculum vitae (q.v.), this term
Proven (tested) men
can refer to the highlights or résumé of
Expression used in the contemporary a person’s professional life.
discussion of priestly celibacy to refer
to older men who are married but yet Vita aeterna
might be considered potential candi- Eternal life
dates for priestly ordination if the re-
Eternal life as participation in the divine
quirement for mandatory celibacy were
life is the ultimate destiny and goal of
to be waived. In this conjunction, see
all humans. See also Visio Dei.
also Cura animarum.

Vis et metus Vita apostolica

Violence and fear Apostolic life

In canon law the presence of grave fear Often used interchangeably with vita
of extrinsic violence can function as a evangelica (q.v.), this term refers to a
nullifying impediment to the contract life of discipleship ministry and service,
of matrimony or to the imposition of often associated with a disdain for
certain latae sententiae (q.v.) penalties worldly goods and honors.
(cf. C.I.C. 1323 and 1324). See also
Vinculum matrimonii.
Vita communis est mea maxima
Visio beatifica Community life is my greatest
Beatific vision penance
Being in complete union with God in Saying attributed to the Jesuit scholastic
heaven after death, i.e., seeing God St. John Berchmans, who maintained
“face-to-face.” This is the ultimate hap- community life was his greatest trial in
piness and the end to which human na- his efforts to religious perfection. Some,
ture, endowed with grace, strives as its though, have wondered if the commu-
highest good (Summum Bonum, q.v.). nity also found living with this ascetical
See also Beati. saint likewise to be a “penance.”

Visio Dei Vita evangelica

Vision (seeing) of God Evangelical (gospel) life
Final and ultimate vision of God. Es- Essentially the same concept as Vita
sentially means the same as Visio be- apostolica (q.v.).
260  Vitandus/vitandi (pl)

Vitandus/vitandi (pl) Viva voce

One (those) to be shunned. Live voice
Expression related to the canonical pen- Refers to something done or presented
alty of excommunication imposed on “orally,” as in a viva voce (oral) exam.
individuals. There were two types of
people excommunicated: vitandi and Viz.
tolerati. The presence of the former (vi- Clearly, evidently, namely
tandi) in a church service, for example,
Latin abbreviation for videlicet, which
was strictly forbidden; if a vitandus
is used in written English to express the
tried to remain he or she would have to
idea of “namely” or “to wit.”
be forcibly removed. Tolerati, on the
other hand, while also excommunicated
Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus
from the church, were allowed to hear
Mass, for example. This distinction aderit
rests on an earlier division of the cen- Called or not called, God is there
sure of excommunication into “major” Latin translation by Erasmus of a Del-
and “minor” excommunication. Major phic oracle and which attests to the om-
excommunication was handed down by nipresent nature of God. This saying
the Holy See to an individual who was was also adopted by C. G. Jung as his
then publicly denounced as vitandus personal motto, which he had carved
and therefore to be shunned by all the over the doorpost of his house at Kus-
faithful in religious gatherings. nacht.

Vitia capitalia/Vitia principalia Volens, nolens

Capital vices (or sins) / Principal Wanting it (to be so) or not
vices “Willy-nilly” might be the best collo-
Expression dating back to Pope St. quial English translation. See Nolens,
Gregory the Great (540–604 CE) who volens.
formulated a list of “capital” sins or
vices. “Capital” here comes from the Volitum nihil, nisi cognitum
Latin caput (head), since these sins Nothing is desired unless it is
were considered to be the primary roots known
of all other sins. The other sins stem-
In other words, only something which
ming from these were sometimes called
is known (even if falsely or partially)
filiae (sons and daughters, or children).
can be the object of desire or choice.
The acronym SALIGIA is derived from
the first letters in Latin to enumerate
these seven vices: Superbia (pride or Volo, non valeo
vainglory), Avaritia (greed, avarice, or I am willing, (but) I am not able
covetousness), Luxuria (lust), Invidia Indicates a certain divided mind, such
(envy), Gula (gluttony), Ira (anger), as knowing in one’s heart that a certain
and Acedia (sloth). course of action should be pursued, yet
Vox populi, vox Dei 261

one still finds resistance to embarking trinsice malum, Licet corrigere defectus
upon this course of action. naturae, Obiectum actus, Pars propter
totum, and Praeter intentionem.
Voluntarium directum/indirectum
Voluntarium in se/in causa Voluntas
Directly/Indirectly willed (ac- Will (desire)
tion); Voluntary in itself; Volun- Important concept in morality, as the will
tary in cause or desire for one’s action is foundational
These two terms were used interchange- to performing and evaluating those ac-
ably, and their meaning depends on a tions. See also Liberum arbitrium.
careful consideration of the moral ob-
ject of an action, especially in situations Voluntas Dei
involving the principle of the double The will of God
effect in which a single action has two That which is the will of God is consid-
or more foreseen effects, one of which ered to be good because God, as the
is intended and “good” and the other all-powerful Creator, has ordained or
which is tolerated even though it is willed it so. If the issue in question re-
“bad.” Classic cases which illustrate lates to something which can be per-
this principle are medical scenarios formed by human beings, this should
such as amputation of a limb to stop the then be done (or not done, if it is pro-
progress of gangrene and save the life scribed by the will of God). See also De
of the individual. In such a case, the potentia Dei ordinata.
removal of the limb is not “directly”
willed but only indirectly willed Votum
(though clearly chosen). This would be Vow, prayer, desire, vote
an example of the Voluntarium indirec-
This Latin term can have a wide range
tum or Voluntarium in causa. On the
of meanings depending on its context.
other hand, if there were no extenuating
Besides the meanings given above
circumstances such as the risk of life
votum can also refer to a recommenda-
but one were to amputate the limb out
tion, opinion, evaluation, sought by a
of malice, then the will would be Vol-
competent ecclesiastical superior before
untarium directum or Voluntarium in se
rendering a decision in a certain case.
and in this case immoral. Or, if the limb
Another range of meanings refers to
were amputated to treat something like
votum as a vow, prayer, or desire. In this
a hangnail, then even though the motive
context see also Ex voto.
by itself (the Voluntarium directum)
would seem to be good, nevertheless the
lack of proportionate reason for causing Vox populi, vox Dei
so much damage would make this act The voice of the people is the
likewise immoral. See also Ea (eorum) voice of God
quae sunt ad finem, Finis operis, Finis Common aphorism of the principle of
operantis, Genus morum, Intentio, In- democracy, yet this principle also can
262  Vox populi, vox Dei

be abused. For related expressions both optima legum interpres, Contra vim non
pro and con see the following: Consen- valet ius, and Conventio est lex.
sus non facit veritatem, Consuetudo
**NB: There is no “W” in classical Latin; “V” is used instead.

**NB: Very few words begin with “X” in Latin, and most of these are proper names
of persons or places, or terms derived from Greek.

**NB: There is no “Y” in classical Latin; “I” is used instead.


**NB: Relatively few words begin with “Z” in Latin, and most of these are proper
names of persons or places, or terms derived from Greek.

* * * * * * * *

Bibliography of Other Works

Latin Dictionaries
Deferrari, Roy J. A Latin-English Dictionary of St. Thomas Aquinas, Based on the
Summa Theologiae and Selected Passages of His Other Works. Boston: St. Paul
Editions, 1960.
Diamond, Wilfrid. Dictionary of Liturgical Latin. Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Com-
pany, 1961.
Ehrlich, Eugene. Amo, Amas, Amat and More: How to Use Latin to Your Own Advantage
and to the Astonishment of Others. New York: Harper & Row, 1985.
Guterman, Norbert, comp. The Anchor Book of Latin Quotations. New York: Anchor
Books (Doubleday), 1966, 1990.
Muller, Richard A. Dictionary of Latin and Greek Terms: Drawn Principally from Prot-
estant Scholastic Theology. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1985.
Stelten, Leo F. Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publish-
ers, 1995.

Latin Grammars
Collins, John F. A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin. Washington, DC: The Catholic Uni-
versity of America Press, 1985.
Henle, Robert J. Latin Grammar. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1945, 1958.

Theological Dictionaries and Encyclopedias

Bretzke, James T. A Handbook of Moral Terms. Washington, DC: Georgetown Univer-
sity Press, 2013.
Childress, James F., and John Macquarrie, eds. The Westminster Dictionary of Christian
Ethics. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1987.
Davies, J. G., ed. The New Westminster Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship. Philadelphia:
Westminster Press, 1986.
Dwyer, Judith A., ed. The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought. Collegeville,
MN: Liturgical Press, 1994.
Fink, Peter E., ed. The New Dictionary of Sacramental Worship. Collegeville, MN:
Liturgical Press, 1990.
Green, Joel B., ed. Dictionary of Scripture and Christian Ethics. Grand Rapids: Baker/
Brazos Press, 2011.
Komonchak, Joseph A., and others. The New Dictionary of Theology. Wilmington, DE:
Michael Glazier, 1987; Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1990.

268  Bibliography

Latourelle, René, and Rino Fisichella. Dictionary of Fundamental Theology. New York:
Crossroad, 1995.
McBrien, Richard P., ed. The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism. San Fran-
cisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1995.
McFarland, Ian A., et al. Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2011.
O’Collins, Gerald, and Edward Farrugia. A Concise Dictionary of Theology. Rev. and
exp. ed. New York: Paulist Press, 1991, 2000.
Rahner, Karl, ed. Encyclopedia of Theology: The Concise Sacramentum Mundi. London:
Burns & Oates, 1975.
Rahner, Karl, and Herbert Vorgrimler. Theological Dictionary. Edited by Cornelius
Ernst. Translated by Richard Strachan. New York: Herder & Herder, 1965.
Roberti, Francesco, and Pietro Palazzini, eds. Dictionary of Moral Theology. Translated
from the second Italian edition under the direction of Henry J. Yannone. London:
Burns & Oates, 1962.

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