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Sha Florist ERP Timeline

1. ERP Development

o Customization and configuration of ERP to meet the specific requirements of

the florist business, including modules such as inventory management,
sales, purchases, accounting, and CRM.
o Development of additional modules, if required, such as wholesale pricing,
delivery management, and reporting.
o Integration with the e-commerce website for seamless data synchronization.
o Estimated development time: 2 months

2. E-commerce Website Development (WordPress)

o Design and development of a user-friendly and visually appealing e-

commerce website using WordPress.
o Integration with ERP for inventory management, order processing, and
customer data synchronization.
o Features include product catalog, shopping cart, secure payment gateways,
customer registration, and order tracking.
o Mobile-responsive design to ensure compatibility across devices.
o Estimated development time: 2 months.

3. Hosting, Maintenance and Support:

o Procurement of a suitable hosting package to ensure optimal performance

and security for the ERP system and e-commerce website.
o Domain registration for the e-commerce website.
o Ongoing technical support and maintenance services for the ERP system
and e-commerce website.
o Regular updates, bug fixes, and security patches to keep the system and
website up to date.
o Comprehensive training sessions for the florist's staff to ensure smooth
adoption and efficient use of the ERP system.
o Detailed documentation and user manuals to assist with system
understanding and troubleshooting.
o Estimated development time: Ongoing.
Sha Florist ERP Timeline

4. Additions (May incur additional cost):

o Any additions related to third-party integrations, licenses, or plugins

required for specific functionality or customization.
o Any additional features or changes requested during the development
process that were not initially planned.
o Provide a contingency budget for unforeseen circumstances or scope

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