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Week 4 - Weekly Paper

Hafidh Aulia Muhammad (MMBM 47- 15122310006)

Kra Foods iden fied a group of passionate Velveeta consumers called "superconsumers" who
accounted for a significant por on of the brand's revenue and profits. Despite the overall decline in
sales due to consumer preferences for natural and organic products, Kra decided to focus on these
superconsumers to reignite growth. They launched new refrigerated Velveeta products tailored to the
superconsumers' needs, such as slices for burgers and shredded Velveeta for casseroles. This strategy,
along with gathering and sharing customer recipes, led to over $100 million in sales and a viable
growth strategy for Kra . The ar cle also emphasizes the importance of recognizing and catering to
superconsumers in various industries, as they o en contribute dispropor onately to sales and profits.

Superconsumers are a subset of heavy users who are highly engaged with a par cular product
category and brand. They are not primarily driven by price sensi vity and o en have more occasions
and uses for a product. Companies that iden fy and engage superconsumers can benefit beyond
increased sales. They can op mize their adver sing and promo ons, gaining efficiency by targe ng a
specific, already engaged customer base. Superconsumers can also provide valuable insights for
product strategy and innova on, driving the development of new ideas and op mizing exis ng
products. Embracing a superconsumer strategy can become a rallying point for organiza ons and
revitalize marke ng efforts for slow-growing products. Ul mately, focusing on the customers who love
a brand the most can lead to a virtuous circle of increased loyalty and business success.

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