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IRDAI/HR/AM/Rectt./02/2023 Vol.3 21.07.


Recruitment Notification Ref: HR/Recruitment/Apr/2023 dated 11.04.2023 for the

post of Assistant Manager in IRDAI

Results of Phase – I On-line Examination held on 25.06.2023

1. The Roll Numbers of candidates shortlisted for Phase – II Descriptive Examination are
as under:
1110000020 1110000763 1310000474 1410000237
1110000024 1210000041 1310000479 1410000248
1110000077 1210000111 1310000512 1410000270
1110000083 1210000296 1310000543 1410000274
1110000093 1210000301 1310000561 1410000327
1110000116 1210000337 1310000575 1410000341
1110000132 1210000373 1310000577 1410000366
1110000169 1310000033 1310000604 1410000370
1110000171 1310000070 1310000611 1510000008
1110000185 1310000081 1310000618 1510000023
1110000208 1310000091 1310000621 1510000038
1110000214 1310000094 1310000642 1510000045
1110000220 1310000105 1310000657 1510000049
1110000231 1310000158 1310000659 1510000055
1110000300 1310000164 1310000664 1510000056
1110000319 1310000241 1310000676 1510000083
1110000323 1310000252 1310000693 1510000111
1110000442 1310000268 1310000734 1510000170
1110000455 1310000280 1310000736 1510000259
1110000506 1310000287 1310000755 1510000261
1110000515 1310000318 1310000758 1510000264
1110000538 1310000326 1310000805 1510000289
1110000549 1310000341 1310000831 1510000312
1110000586 1310000350 1410000012 1510000489
1110000608 1310000402 1410000017 1510000500
1110000618 1310000427 1410000061 1510000503
1110000682 1310000431 1410000068 1510000520
1110000692 1310000438 1410000138 1510000644
1110000733 1310000462 1410000165 1510000665
1110000743 1310000469 1410000201 1510000682
1510000734 1510001828 1510002875 1710000006
1510000737 1510001839 1510002887 1710000014
1510000750 1510001845 1510002907 1710000027
1510000759 1510001854 1510002910 1710000044
1510000770 1510001908 1510002921 1710000099
1510000801 1510001936 1510003073 1810000001
1510000802 1510002051 1510003083 1810000057
1510000864 1510002058 1510003148 1810000059
1510000975 1510002076 1510003157 1810000070
1510000989 1510002093 1510003203 1810000077
1510000998 1510002101 1510003220 1810000088
1510001001 1510002111 1510003267 2010000002
1510001017 1510002181 1510003273 2010000020
1510001025 1510002185 1510003374 2010000093
1510001050 1510002214 1510003377 2010000125
1510001088 1510002220 1510003414 2110000007
1510001118 1510002232 1510003416 2110000009
1510001131 1510002261 1510003468 2110000028
1510001132 1510002281 1510003504 2110000068
1510001157 1510002283 1510003544 2110000099
1510001231 1510002288 1510003564 2210000012
1510001246 1510002291 1510003609 2210000049
1510001250 1510002306 1510003631 2210000050
1510001264 1510002310 1510003635 2210000060
1510001330 1510002321 1510003642 2310000007
1510001340 1510002442 1510003653 2310000010
1510001406 1510002443 1610000009 2310000015
1510001442 1510002454 1610000017 2410000067
1510001520 1510002462 1610000031 2410000078
1510001531 1510002466 1610000032 2410000131
1510001540 1510002470 1610000046 2410000144
1510001577 1510002630 1610000096 2410000185
1510001601 1510002696 1610000101 2410000190
1510001628 1510002707 1610000172 2410000193
1510001669 1510002722 1610000183 2410000230
1510001717 1510002756 1610000187 2410000231
1510001720 1510002766 1610000281 2410000245
1510001724 1510002781 1610000286 2410000259
1510001761 1510002829 1610000301 2410000287
1510001766 1510002832 1610000303 2410000293
1510001789 1510002854 1610000327 2410000298
2410000385 2610000099 2710000689 2810000266
2410000418 2610000154 2710000713 2810000270
2410000430 2610000162 2710000734 2810000273
2410000452 2610000218 2710000750 2810000291
2410000467 2610000238 2710000755 2810000303
2410000468 2610000248 2710000764 2810000321
2410000476 2610000254 2710000791 2810000325
2410000536 2610000438 2710000799 2810000330
2410000538 2610000466 2710000800 2810000344
2510000051 2610000494 2710000818 2810000353
2510000069 2610000505 2710000854 2810000356
2510000094 2610000579 2710000886 2810000357
2510000110 2610000598 2710000904 2810000366
2510000114 2610000633 2710000982 2810000447
2510000141 2710000021 2710000991 2810000454
2510000145 2710000069 2710000997 2810000459
2510000178 2710000090 2710001024 2810000498
2510000194 2710000120 2710001042 2810000541
2510000218 2710000124 2710001093 2810000547
2510000237 2710000125 2710001098 2810000557
2510000259 2710000202 2710001109 2810000625
2510000291 2710000213 2710001114 2810000660
2510000357 2710000255 2810000011 2810000667
2510000378 2710000271 2810000053 2810000671
2510000384 2710000288 2810000058 2810000719
2510000399 2710000301 2810000060 2810000725
2510000444 2710000314 2810000063 2810000767
2510000488 2710000351 2810000079 2810000770
2510000498 2710000360 2810000092 2810000771
2510000499 2710000366 2810000101 2810000829
2510000547 2710000383 2810000114 2810000844
2510000566 2710000384 2810000142 2810000858
2510000583 2710000387 2810000143 2810000866
2510000613 2710000402 2810000170 2810000902
2510000615 2710000443 2810000187 2810000904
2510000688 2710000511 2810000192 2810000921
2510000736 2710000563 2810000193 2810000922
2610000051 2710000646 2810000205 2810000942
2610000066 2710000651 2810000227 2810000951
2610000068 2710000676 2810000241 2810000960
2610000074 2710000681 2810000252 2810000962
2810000968 2810001717 2910000255 3210000190
2810000991 2810001720 2910000257 3210000216
2810000997 2810001723 2910000268 3210000250
2810001010 2810001733 2910000270 3210000280
2810001011 2810001777 2910000274 3210000296
2810001053 2810001788 2910000278 3210000316
2810001075 2810001802 2910000351 3210000321
2810001090 2810001845 2910000353 3210000323
2810001106 2810001870 2910000362 3210000339
2810001135 2810001883 2910000389 3210000344
2810001163 2810001930 2910000394 3210000376
2810001165 2810001935 2910000444 3210000379
2810001170 2810001938 2910000446 3210000392
2810001175 2810001976 2910000449 3210000397
2810001182 2810001982 2910000460 3210000443
2810001190 2810001983 2910000468 3210000480
2810001279 2810001986 2910000475 3210000494
2810001285 2810001993 3010000007 3210000507
2810001292 2810001994 3010000014 3210000514
2810001300 2810001997 3010000047 3210000570
2810001301 2810002003 3010000108 3210000582
2810001321 2810002050 3110000002 3210000604
2810001339 2810002052 3110000016 3210000607
2810001366 2810002066 3110000035 3210000619
2810001373 2910000005 3110000038 3210000638
2810001380 2910000017 3110000069 3210000641
2810001388 2910000030 3110000079 3210000655
2810001402 2910000034 3110000096 3210000657
2810001404 2910000040 3110000109 3210000658
2810001443 2910000053 3110000122 3210000667
2810001458 2910000071 3210000002 3210000669
2810001461 2910000096 3210000060 3210000673
2810001474 2910000115 3210000100 3210000690
2810001476 2910000130 3210000109 3210000713
2810001505 2910000133 3210000120 3210000733
2810001523 2910000178 3210000126 3210000734
2810001579 2910000190 3210000129 3210000741
2810001581 2910000195 3210000144 3310000009
2810001650 2910000220 3210000164 3310000015
2810001656 2910000223 3210000170 3310000023
2810001706 2910000243 3210000172 3310000027
3310000039 3710000507 3810000152 3810000936
3310000041 3710000536 3810000165 3810000941
3310000057 3710000565 3810000171 3810000985
3410000023 3710000619 3810000187 3810001000
3410000026 3710000644 3810000193 3810001005
3410000032 3710000670 3810000197 3810001029
3510000001 3710000688 3810000198 3810001090
3510000009 3710000701 3810000240 3810001093
3510000025 3710000710 3810000280 3810001099
3510000041 3710000712 3810000321 3810001104
3510000052 3710000770 3810000323 3810001122
3710000015 3710000777 3810000325 3810001162
3710000045 3710000784 3810000334 3810001177
3710000053 3710000809 3810000348 3810001180
3710000070 3710000811 3810000387 3810001189
3710000105 3710000824 3810000391 3810001198
3710000108 3710000850 3810000417 3810001212
3710000110 3710000856 3810000453 3810001225
3710000116 3710000910 3810000454 3810001229
3710000117 3710000911 3810000455 3810001242
3710000122 3710000927 3810000471 3810001262
3710000126 3710000981 3810000480 3810001271
3710000155 3710000993 3810000495 3810001306
3710000163 3710001026 3810000506 3810001367
3710000188 3710001035 3810000533 3810001369
3710000191 3710001046 3810000573 3810001373
3710000192 3710001066 3810000650 3810001422
3710000215 3710001134 3810000655 3810001453
3710000217 3810000005 3810000674 3810001469
3710000234 3810000009 3810000765 3810001486
3710000240 3810000013 3810000792 3810001512
3710000259 3810000023 3810000804 3810001519
3710000261 3810000029 3810000821 3810001523
3710000272 3810000032 3810000836 3810001540
3710000361 3810000042 3810000851 3810001556
3710000439 3810000051 3810000870 3810001568
3710000445 3810000054 3810000871 3810001573
3710000452 3810000104 3810000902 3810001574
3710000470 3810000117 3810000905 3810001585
3710000473 3810000143 3810000908 3810001586
3710000487 3810000147 3810000909 3810001613
3810001618 3910001162 4010000362 4110000734
3910000010 3910001202 4010000365 4110000742
3910000045 3910001220 4010000385 4110000773
3910000061 3910001280 4110000024 4110000853
3910000116 3910001285 4110000025 4110000934
3910000141 3910001294 4110000039 4110000944
3910000260 3910001342 4110000063 4310000002
3910000278 3910001368 4110000081 4310000003
3910000310 3910001527 4110000086 4310000031
3910000328 3910001610 4110000111 4310000034
3910000343 3910001615 4110000117 4310000037
3910000357 3910001636 4110000236 4310000083
3910000372 3910001637 4110000244 4310000084
3910000375 3910001641 4110000247 4310000112
3910000395 3910001695 4110000253 4310000124
3910000398 4010000029 4110000259 4310000139
3910000440 4010000038 4110000266 4310000157
3910000473 4010000055 4110000281 4310000161
3910000478 4010000060 4110000284 4310000176
3910000511 4010000102 4110000287 4310000185
3910000539 4010000110 4110000411 4310000205
3910000547 4010000123 4110000426 4310000209
3910000555 4010000137 4110000433 4310000212
3910000594 4010000150 4110000501 4310000239
3910000695 4010000165 4110000516 4310000251
3910000730 4010000185 4110000540 4310000257
3910000737 4010000206 4110000553 4310000259
3910000772 4010000209 4110000564 4310000264
3910000785 4010000231 4110000571 4310000274
3910000857 4010000238 4110000573 4310000302
3910000923 4010000254 4110000595 4510000025
3910000945 4010000259 4110000637 4510000046
3910000961 4010000273 4110000650 4710000005
3910000966 4010000288 4110000660 4810000028
3910000991 4010000291 4110000679 4810000037
3910001075 4010000309 4110000708 4810000039
3910001159 4010000323 4110000722 4810000070
1.1 The scores of the last candidate shortlisted for Phase – II Descriptive Examination
after applying cut-off percent in each paper given in brackets are as under:
For all streams incl. General UR/ EWS OBC SC ST PwBD
Total marks scored 87.25 63.75 80.75 70.25 47.75 39.50
Cut-off percent in each paper (25%) (25%) (25%) (25%) (23.75%) (13.75%)

2. As already notified on 12.07.2023, it is hereby informed that Phase – II Descriptive

examination will be held on 05.08.2023 (starts from 02:30 P.M. onwards) at four
centres viz. Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and New Delhi. The details of the venues
will be given in the Admission Letter.

2.1 A link will be provided soon to download the Admission Letter for Phase – II
Descriptive Examination in IRDAI website under ‘Career>
Notification’ tab to enable the shortlisted candidates to download their admission
letters. The candidates qualified for Phase – II Descriptive Examination are advised
to download their Admission Letters well in advance without waiting for the last date
to plan their travel, if required.

2.2 The Phase – II Descriptive Examination will be conducted in online-offline mode with
an option to answer Paper – II (Economic and Social Issues impacting Insurance) and
Paper – III (Insurance and Management) entirely either in English or Hindi.


मुख्य महाप्रबंधक (सा.प्र.&मा.सं.) / Chief General Manager (GA & HR)

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