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Animal Reproduction Science 145 (2014) 47–53

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Removal of bacteria from stallion semen by colloid

J.M. Morrell a,∗ , C. Klein b , N. Lundeheim a , E. Erol c , M.H.T. Troedsson b
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA
University of Kentucky Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Lexington, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Bacteria (environmental contaminants and occasionally potential pathogens) are found in
Received 21 October 2013 most stallion ejaculates and may negatively affect sperm quality during storage. Since the
Received in revised form
use of antibiotics can lead to the development of resistance, an alternative means of micro-
19 December 2013
bial control is desirable. The removal of bacteria from stallion semen using Single Layer
Accepted 3 January 2014
Available online 17 January 2014 Centrifugation through Androcoll-E was investigated. Known doses of cultured bacteria
were added to freshly collected ejaculates (15 mL aliquots) before processing by Single Layer
Keywords: Centrifugation. The resulting sperm pellets and controls (not processed by Single Layer Cen-
SLC trifugation) were cultured and the bacteria identified. In experiment 1, doses of E. coli from
Androcoll-E 2 × 102 to 2 × 107 colony forming units were added to aliquots of semen. In experiment 2,
Pathogens Taylorella equigenitalis or a mix of E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Streptococcus equi subsp.
Contaminating bacteria zooepidemicus (approximately 7 × 106 , 5 × 106 , and 6 × 106 cfu, respectively) were added to
15 mL aliquots of semen. In experiment 1, more than 90% of the bacteria were removed
where loading doses were > × 104 cfu/mL. In experiment 2, varying proportions of different
bacteria were removed, ranging from 68% for naturally occurring Corynebacterium spp. to
>97% for added cultured E. coli. Thus, Single Layer Centrifugation can separate spermatozoa
from many, but not all bacteria in stallion ejaculates and could be a useful alternative to
adding antibiotics to semen extenders to control bacterial contamination. However, further
research is needed to determine the effect of small numbers of bacteria on sperm quality.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction example tetracycline-resistant strains of Clostridium per-

fringens in Swedish broilers (Johansson et al., 2004).
Since the publication of the Swann report (Anon, 1969), Furthermore, genes for antimicrobial resistance are readily
there has been considerable concern about the emer- exchanged between reservoirs in humans, farm animals
gence of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, particularly and companion animals (Duijkeren et al., 2005). Antibiotics
methicillin-resistant bacteria (Catry et al., 2010). Even a may be used prophylactically, as in the case of extenders
small amount of antibiotic usage can result in consider- added to semen when preparing sperm doses for artificial
able antibiotic resistance within an animal species, for insemination (AI). However such usage could, theoretically,
cause antimicrobial resistance in bacteria found in horses
with subsequent transfer to bacteria in human beings.
Contaminating bacteria are commonly found in stal-
∗ Corresponding author at: Clinical Sciences, Swedish University of
lion ejaculates after semen collection (Malmgren et al.,
Agricultural Sciences, Box 7054, SE-75007 Uppsala, Sweden.
Tel.: +4618671152; fax: +4618673545.
1998; Rota et al., 2011). Most of these bacteria are com-
E-mail address: (J.M. Morrell). mensals but opportunistic pathogens such as Pseudomonas

0378-4320/$ – see front matter © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
48 J.M. Morrell et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 145 (2014) 47–53

aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia and Streptococcus zooepi- 2.3. Bacterial culture and enumeration
demicus, as well as true pathogens such as T. equigenitalis,
may cause infection and increase inflammation after arti- All the culturing and identifications were performed
ficial insemination (AI) leading to infertility in mares at the University of Kentucky Veterinary Diagnostic Lab-
(Parlevliet et al., 1997; Metcalf, 2001; Samper and oratory (UKVDL); this laboratory is accredited by the
Tibury, 2006). Bacterial contamination may also nega- American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosti-
tively affect semen quality during storage, regardless of cians for veterinary diagnostics. The isolates of Taylorella
their pathogenicity (Aurich and Spergser, 2007). Since equigenitalis, E. coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, S. equi subsp.
semen may be stored under conditions that potentially per- zooepidemicus to be added to the semen (see experimen-
mit bacterial growth and multiplication, the presence of tal design) were originally recovered from stallions at the
antibacterial agents may be essential to prevent the induc- UKVDL. Taylorella equigenitalis was cultured on choco-
tion of disease. Although antibiotics are added routinely late agar. E. coli, Klebsiella pneumonia and S. equi subsp.
to semen extenders to control the growth of contaminat- zooepidemicus (and various other bacteria) were cultured
ing bacteria their use and efficacy has been questioned. on blood agar (with 5% horse blood), Columbia nalidixic
For example, gentamicin was reported to have an adverse acid (CNA) agar with 10% sheep blood and eosin methy-
effect on sperm motility and function (Aurich and Spergser, lene blue (EMB) agar plates. Plates were incubated at 37 ◦ C
2007). microaerophilically (with 7% CO2 ). For preparation of “spik-
An alternative to the use of antibiotics could be to ing” experiments, fresh colonies (24–48 h) of bacteria were
remove the contaminating bacteria physically instead picked and standard 10-fold serial dilutions (in semen
of controlling their growth. Previously it was shown extender -EquiPro) and plating were performed to prepare
that bacterial contamination in boar semen could be the “spiking” doses (Baumann, 2011). “Spiked” samples
removed or reduced (depending on the bacterial species before and after the SLC were subjected to standard 10-fold
and circumstances) by Single Layer Centrifugation (SLC) serial dilution and plating again to determine the bacte-
through a species-specific colloid, Androcoll-P (Morrell rial numbers (colony forming units, cfu) in the samples
and Wallgren, 2011). These results were similar to those (Baumann, 2011). Taylorella equigenitalis, E. coli, Klebsiella
reported for density gradient centrifugation of human pneumonia, S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus and other bacte-
semen (Nicholson et al., 2000). The SLC method was ria were identified using colony morphology, dark field
reported to improve sperm quality in a variety of species microscopic examination, gram staining and standard bio-
e.g., stallion, boar, bull, dog, etc. (Morrell and Rodriguez- chemical tests including catalase, oxidase, various sugar
Martinez, 2009). However, its use to remove bacteria from fermentation, triple sugar iron (TSI), sulfide indole motility
stallion semen has not been studied previously. The objec- (SIM), urease and citrate.
tives of the present study were (i) to determine whether
stallion spermatozoa can be separated from added bacte- 2.4. Experiment 1
ria by SLC; and (ii) to investigate whether the separation
effect is dependent on factors such as bacterial species and An ejaculate from each of the three stallions, pooled
bacterial load. and extended to a sperm concentration of 100 × 106 /mL
in warm (37 ◦ C) EquiPro without antibiotics (Minitube of
America, Verona, WI, USA), was divided into seven aliquots
2. Materials and methods (15 mL) for “spiking” with E. coli cultures (Ecc) at the fol-
lowing levels: 2 × 107 , 2 × 106 , 2 × 105 , 2 × 104 , 2 × 103 ,
2.1. Animals 2 × 102 colony-forming units (cfu/mL) and a control sample
with no “spiking”. The “spiked” aliquots were subsequently
Ejaculates from three stallions (two Quarter Horses and prepared by Single Layer Centrifugation using Androcoll-E
one Tennessee Walking Horse) were collected over a 4- (Morrell et al., 2009), modified by the inclusion of a tube
week period in March 2011, at the start of the breeding insert to facilitate collection of the sperm pellet (Morrell
season. The animals were aged 16, 12 and 10 years, respec- et al., 2013). The resulting sperm pellets were harvested
tively. They were kept on pasture at the University of into 1.5 mL EquiPro by passing a long 1.5 mL EquiPro by
Kentucky Equine Research Farm. All research procedures passing a long Pasteur pipette down the central tube insert
were approved by and were in accordance with IACUC reg- to aspirate the sperm pellet from beneath the colloid and
ulations (IACUC # 2010-0771). supernatant (Morrell et al., 2013). All samples, together
with some extender as a control, were transported to the
laboratory on ice for bacterial culture. The proportion of
2.2. Semen samples bacteria removed by SLC was calculated as follows: (num-
ber of bacteria in SLC sample/number of bacteria in “spiked”
Ejaculates (n = 12; four from each stallion) were col- sample) × 100.
lected using an artificial vagina (Missouri type) fitted with
an in-line filter to remove gel. Each stallion had its own arti- 2.5. Experiment 2
ficial vagina. The penis was washed with warm water and
dried prior to allowing the stallion to mount the phantom. Three ejaculates were collected from each of the three
One ejaculate was discarded due to contamination with stallions and were extended in warm (37 ◦ C) EquiPro
sand. without antibiotics (Minitüb of America, Verona, WI,
J.M. Morrell et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 145 (2014) 47–53 49

Table 1
Bacterial load (cfu/mL) in “spiked” semen samples before and after Single Layer Centrifugation through Androcoll-E.

Bacteria from control Bacteria added After SLC (cfu/mL) % Removedb

sample (cfu/mL) (cfu/mL)

3.3 × 104 2 × 107 3.0 × 105 “spiking” E. coli; 2 × 104 E. colia ; 98.4
1 × 103 bacillus; 1 × 103 ␣-hemolytic streptococcus
3.3 × 104
2 × 106
3.0 × 104 “spiking” E. coli; 0.7 × 104 E. colia 98.2
3.3 × 104 2 × 105 3.0 × 103 “spiking” E. coli; 0.9 × 104 E. colia 94.8
3.3 × 104 2 × 104 3.0 × 102 “spiking” E. coli; 0.5 × 104 E. colia 90.0
3.3 × 104 2 × 103 3.0 × 101 “spiking” E. coli; 1.1 × 104 E. colia 68.0
3.3 × 104 2 × 102 3.0 “spiking” E. coli; 0.7 × 104 E. colia 79.0
Different type of E. coli than the one added to the ejaculate. Extender: 2 × 103 E. coli; bacteria in control sample (semen + extender): 3 × 104 E. coli;
2 × 103 Bacillus; 1 × 103 ␣-hemolytic streptococcus.
Calculated as a proportion of the original load i.e., (number of bacteria in SLC sample/number of bacteria in “spiked” sample) × 100.

USA) to a sperm concentration of 100 × 106 /mL. Aliquots same as the E. coli in the semen sample. In the SLC samples
(15 mL) of the semen were “spiked” by adding approx- prepared from the “spiked” semen samples, the content of
imately 3.3 × 106 cfu/mL cultured Taylorella equigenitalis, “spiked” E. coli (Ecc) was 3 × 105 , 3 × 104 , 3 × 103 , 3 × 102 ,
further aliquots were “spiked” with a mixture of E. coli 3 × 10 and 3 cfu/mL respectively, plus 0.5–2.0 × 104 cfu/mL
(mean 7 ± 1.8 × 106 cfu/mL), Klebsiella pneumoniae (mean of the E. coli species from the original semen samples and
5 ± 0.8 × 106 cfu/mL) and S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus (S. extender (Table 1). In addition, 1 × 103 cfu/mL Bacillus spp.
zooepidemicus) (mean 6 ± 1 × 106 cfu/mL). The ejaculate and 1 × 103 cfu ␣-hemolytic streptococcus were identified
remaining after removal of the aforementioned aliquots in the SLC-sample from the most heavily “spiked” semen
was placed on ice to serve as a control that did not undergo sample. Thus, SLC decreased the concentration of “spiked”
centrifugation. The 15 mL aliquots of the “spiked” samples E. coli (Ecc) by 98.5% so that only 1.5% of the original load
were prepared by SLC using the modified tube containing remained. The total bacterial content (bacteria originating
the insert to facilitate harvesting of the sperm pellet, as in the semen and the extender plus the added bacteria) was
described above (Morrell et al., 2013). After centrifuging at reduced to 1.5%, 2%, 5%, 10%, 33% and 21%, respectively.
300 × g for 20 min, the supernatant (semen extender plus
seminal plasma, and colloid) was removed and the sperm 3.2. Experiment 2
pellet was resuspended in fresh EquiPro without antibi-
otics (1.5 mL). These sperm samples were immediately The original ejaculates all contained contaminat-
placed on ice and transported to the Veterinary Diagnostic ing bacteria but these differed in number and species
Laboratory, Lexington, Kentucky, for bacterial culture. The between the stallions and between ejaculates for each
proportion of bacteria removed by SLC was calculated as stallion (Table 2). Overall, the mean “spiking” dose was
described for experiment 1. 18 × 106 cfu/mL for the mixed load, 3.3 × 106 cfu/mL
for the samples “spiked” with Taylorella equigeni-
2.6. Statistics talis, and the mean contaminating bacterial load was
2 × 103 –8.4 × 103 cfu/mL. All stallions had ␣-hemolytic
Data was analyzed using PROC MIXED (analysis of vari- Streptococci in at least one ejaculate, in all three ejaculates
ance) in the SAS software (ver. 9.2, SAS Inst. Inc., Cary, NC). for Stallion 1 and one ejaculate each for Stallions 2 and
For each of the two experiments, the ratio ‘after SLC/before’ 3. Coliform bacteria were present in two of the stallions
was analyzed according to a statistical model including the (two ejaculates for Stallion 1 and one for Stallion 2);
fixed effect of bacterial flora (T. equi and normal flora or coagulase negative staphylococci were present in one
E. coli, S. zooepidemicus, K. pneumoniae and normal flora, ejaculate from Stallion 1 and two from Stallion 2; Bacillus
respectively). The statistical model also included the ran- spp. were present in one ejaculate from Stallion 1 and two
dom effect of ejaculate, nested within stallion. from Stallion 2; Corynebacterium spp. were present in one
ejaculate from Stallion 2 and one from Stallion 3. Other
3. Results bacterial species were present in only one ejaculate, com-
prising Streptococcus spp. in one ejaculate from Stallion 1,
Semen volume and sperm concentration (mean ± SD) Enterococcus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. in one ejaculate
for the three stallions were as follows: Stallion 1: each from Stallion 2, and Citrobacter spp. and Pantoea spp.
108 ± 29 mL and 196 × 106 ± 30 × 106 ; Stallion 2: in one ejaculate from Stallion 3.
33 ± 15 mL and 423 × 106 ± 41 × 106 ; stallion 3: 43 ± 22 mL The ejaculates varied between and within stallions
and 309 × 106 ± 77 × 106 . according to the contaminating bacterial species and load.
Mean values of the different species of bacteria before and
3.1. Experiment 1 after SLC are shown in Table 2, and per stallion in Table 3.
The overall reduction in the load of contaminating bacte-
The bacterial content of the control pooled semen ria varied from 78% to 100% with the median reduction in
sample was 3 × 104 cfu/mL E. coli; 2 × 103 cfu/mL Bacil- bacterial load being 88%. The mean removal of individual
lus; 1 × 103 cfu ␣-hemolytic streptococcus. The EquiPro species varied from 68% for Corynebacterium spp. to 91% for
extender contained 2 × 103 cfu/mL E. coli, which was the Bacillus spp.
50 J.M. Morrell et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 145 (2014) 47–53

Table 2
Effect of SLC on mean load of contaminating bacterial species.

Bacterium Classificationa Number of ejaculates Before SLC (cfu/mL) After SLC (cfu/mL) Proportion removedb (%)

Alpha hemolytic streptococci Gram positive cocci 4 1460 ± 780 324 ± 200 78
Bacillus Gram positive rods 3 825 ± 850 73 ± 88 91
Coagulase negative staphylococci Gram positive cocci 3 4567 ± 3855 610 ± 512 87
Coliform bacteria Gram negative rods 3 717 ± 701 107 ± 168 85
Pseudomonas spp. Gram negative rods 2 1110 ± 1273 175 ± 176 84
Corynebacterium Gram positive rods 2 6000 ± 0 1900 ± 1556 68
Citrobacter Gram negative rods 1 460 50 89
Enterococcus Gram positive cocci 1 100 0 100
Pantoea Gram negative rods 1 300 50 83
Streptococcus spp Gram positive cocci 1 2000 500 75
Gram positive, Gram negative refer to Gram staining.
Calculated as a proportion of the original load i.e., (number of bacteria in SLC sample/number of bacteria in “spiked” sample) × 100.

Table 3 of bacteria left after SLC and the original load (r = 0.8,
Effect of SLC on mean load of contaminating bacterial species (cfu/mL) for
P < 0.001), indicating that the effectiveness of removal of
each stallion.
bacteria was also dependent on the original load.
Stallion 1 Stallion 2 Stallion 3 Concerning the “spiking” bacteria, there was a reduction
Extended semen 2107 ± 759 8433 ± 1069 3480 ± 3988 in the number of bacteria after SLC that differed according
SLC 373 ± 155 1883 ± 1269 605 ± 700 to bacterial species (Fig. 2). Thus, 97% E. coli, 93% Klebsiella
Mean proportion 82% 78% 83% pneumoniae, 93% S. zooepidemicus and 81% of T. equi were
removed by SLC.
Calculated as a proportion of the original load i.e., (number of bacteria
in SLC sample/number of bacteria in “spiked” sample) × 100.
4. Discussion

The removal of the contaminating bacteria was corre- The present study was designed to investigate whether
lated to the original load (Fig. 1) but was more effective stallion spermatozoa can be separated from added bacte-
where there were more contaminating bacteria present ria by SLC with Androcoll-E and to determine whether
originally: for all samples r = 0.74, P < 0.001; for sam- the separation effect is dependent on bacterial species and
ples with <2000 cfu/mL, r = 0.83, P < 0.001. Corynebacterium load. All ejaculates were contaminated with bacteria, in
were the most difficult to remove. For the “spiked” sam- agreement with the findings of others (Ortega-Ferrusola
ples, the correlation between the numbers of bacteria et al., 2009; Rota et al., 2011). However, the bacterial
added and those remaining after SLC varied according to species cultured varied between stallions and ejaculates,
bacterial species i.e., for T. equi, r = 0.355, P > 0.5 (not sig- although the species cultured (␣-hemolytic streptococci,
nificant) whereas for samples with the mixture of E. coli, S. Bacillus, coagulase negative staphylococcus, coliforms, Pseu-
zooepidemicus and K. pneumoniae added, r = 0.73, P < 0.001. domonas spp., Corynebacteria, Citrobacter spp.) were similar
However, if the total bacterial flora (i.e., added bacteria to those reported by Ortega-Ferrusola et al. (2009) and Rota
plus contaminating bacteria) was taken into consider- et al. (2011).
ation, there was a strong correlation between the number When semen was “spiked” with various doses of cul-
tured E. coli (experiment 1), it was found that stallion
spermatozoa can be separated from bacteria by colloid cen-
trifugation in a dose-dependent fashion such that more
than 90% of a bacterial load of approximately ≥5 × 104
could be removed. However, relatively lower proportions
of the bacterial species were removed (68% and 79%) where
the initial E. coli load was less (3.5 × 104 and 3.3 × 104 ,
respectively). Removal of the bacteria contaminating the
ejaculate varied considerably, with all of the Bacillus and
␣-hemolytic streptococcus being removed from most of the
samples. The exception was in the sample that received
the greatest “spiking” dose where small numbers of Bacil-
lus and ␣-hemolytic streptococcus were found in the SLC
In the second experiment, where semen samples were
“spiked” with various bacterial species, more than 90% of
the “spiking” bacterial load was removed for E. coli, K.
pneumoniae and S. zooepidemicus, and 81% of T. equigen-
italis. Of the bacteria contaminating the ejaculate during
Fig. 1. Number of contaminating bacteria (colony forming units)
remaining after SLC compared to the number in the original sample (n = 8 semen collection, 68– 91% were removed by SLC depend-
ejaculates). ing on species. Removal of Corynebacterium, however, was
J.M. Morrell et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 145 (2014) 47–53 51

Fig. 2. Bacterial load (“spiked” bacteria) before and after Single Layer Centrifugation (n = 8). Note: SLC = Single Layer Centrifugation.

less than the others. These results are in broad agreement theoretical insemination doses could be reduced down
with those reported by Morrell and Wallgren (2011) where to 25% of the values shown in the present study, giving
90% of Burkholderi and 95% of E. coli were removed from potential counts that are much lower than the mean value
boar semen samples by SLC, although Pantoea were not of 6.9 × 103 cfu/mL reported in standard AI doses (Althouse
removed. et al., 2010). Since natural mating is itself not a sterile
Previous reports have quantified the bacterial counts procedure, the female reproductive tract has developed
in fresh equine semen e.g. 1.1–2.6 × 104 cfu/mL (Clément its own defense mechanisms to cope with a bacterial
et al., 1995) but the latter authors commented that it onslaught at mating. Thus it remains to be established
was not possible to state a typical average value because what bacterial load will cause pathology in any given
of the large variation between ejaculates. In another inseminated mare and whether it is the total bacterial load
study in which bacterial loads were reported for fresh or the number of cfu/mL that is important for any given
and frozen semen from five stallions (Ortega-Ferrusola bacterium.
et al., 2009), fresh semen was found to contain the Three species of spiking bacteria (Streptococci, E. coli
following bacterial species: Staphylococcus spp. was and Klebsiella) were removed more efficiently than simi-
seen in ejaculates from all five stallions ranging from lar types of contaminating bacteria (93–96% for “spiking”
0.7 × 106 ± 0.69 × 106 to 37.1 × 106 ± 63.13 × 106 cfu/mL; bacteria compared to 75 to 85% for similar classes of
Micrococcus spp. were also found in all five stallions contaminating bacteria). T. equi was removed at approx-
(0.9 × 106 ± 0.8 × 106 to16.0 × 106 ± 21.1 × 106 cfu/mL); imately the same efficiency as contaminating coliform
␤-hemolytic streptococci were found in three stallions species (81% compared with 85%). Therefore, there may
(0.7 × 106 ± 0.7 × 106 –4.0 × 106 ± 5.3 × 106 cfu/mL); be subtle differences between cultured bacteria (as used
␣-hemolytic streptococcus in two stallions (23.3 × for “spiking”) and naturally occurring bacteria in the man-
106 ± 40.1 × 106 to 66.6 × 106 ± 115.5 × 106 cfu/mL); ner in which they interact with spermatozoa. This should
Corynebacterium spp. in four stallions (85.6 × be considered when planning future studies on removal of
106 ± 99.02 × 106 –224.0 × 106 ± 222.7 × 106 cfu/ml); bacteria by SLC. These issues are interesting and are the
Rhodococcus spp. in one stallion 100.0 × 106 ± 0.0 × subject of ongoing investigations.
106 cfu/mL); Bacillus spp. in two stallions (0.1 × 106 ± With regard to T. equigenitalis, similar proportions of
0.2 × 106 cfu/mL); Pseudomonas spp. in one stal- the “spiking” bacteria (81%) were removed as for the con-
lion (9.7 × 106 ± 14.02 × 106 cfu/mL); Klebsiella spp. in taminating coliforms (85%). Previous studies reported a
three stallions (0.1 × 106 ± 0.1 × 106 –7.3 × 106 ± 12.7 × bacterial load of 9.98 × 104 cfu/mL in raw semen from a
106 cfu/mL). Since these bacterial loads are similar to stallion naturally infected with T. equigenitalis. By extrapo-
the greatest “spiking” doses used in the SLC experiment lation, approximately 1.9 × 104 T. equigenitalis would have
reported in the present study, by extrapolation it could been left in the sperm pellet had SLC been carried out on
be expected that 90% or more of these bacteria would such a semen sample, which would probably be sufficient
be removed by SLC. From other experiments it has been to cause infection in inseminated mares if no antibiotics
shown that the sperm pellet from each SLC can be used for were included in the semen extender (Klein et al., 2012).
one to four insemination doses depending on the sperm Removing contaminating bacteria from semen by physical
quality in the original ejaculate and the sperm dose used means could be an attractive alternative to the use of antibi-
(e.g. Lindahl et al., 2012). Thus the bacterial content in otics. In this respect, complete removal of contaminating
52 J.M. Morrell et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 145 (2014) 47–53

bacteria in the present study would have been desirable. et al. (1982) reported that the systematic washing of a
However, if only small numbers of bacteria are left after stallion’s penis, even where only water is used, will cause
SLC and the semen is stored under anaerobic conditions at the normal flora to be replaced with pathogens and poten-
4 ◦ C, it might be possible to avoid the addition of antibiotics tial pathogens, and these findings were later confirmed by
altogether, provide that no infection with T equigenitalis is others (e.g. Varner et al., 1998; Dietz et al., 2007). Since
suspected. In fact, from the point of view of development Pseudomonas spp. may be present in the water supply,
of antibiotic resistance, it could be advantageous not to washing may result in contamination of the penis (Allen
use antibiotics in the semen extender if only small num- et al., 2011). In the present study, even a bottle of sterile
bers of bacteria are present. Further research is underway semen extender, opened in the laboratory where the semen
to quantify bacterial growth in SLC-selected sperm sam- was brought immediately after collection, became contam-
ples during cooled storage and to identify any risks to the inated with the same species of E. coli as in the semen,
mare. The effect on sperm quality of such bacterial loads showing the importance of hygiene in the laboratory dur-
during storage of AI doses is currently being quantified, ing semen processing.
as are the interactions between bacteria and also between In conclusion, >SLC with Androcoll-E is capable of reduc-
spermatozoa and bacteria. It is intended to include sperm ing the bacterial load in stallion semen samples although a
ultrastructural studies in this project as well as more con- proportion of some bacteria can accompany the spermato-
ventional assays of sperm quality. zoa through the colloid. Both bacterial species and bacterial
In a previous study with boar semen (Morrell and load appear to be implicated in the efficiency of removal.
Wallgren, 2011), similar bacterial species were seen as in
the present study. The bacteria were removed with 100% Conflict of interest
efficiency when SLC was carried out immediately after
semen collection. Where the boar semen doses (from boars JM Morrell is one of the patent holders for Androcoll-E.
at a different site) were transported for several hours before
SLC, the efficiency of removal was reduced. Since different
bacteria were involved in the two sets of boar samples, it
is not clear whether the efficiency of removal was related
We thank the farm personnel, Department of Veteri-
to the species of bacteria concerned, whether they were
nary Science for the management of the stallions and for
themselves motile because of the possession of a flagellum,
facilitating semen collection. The study was financed by
or whether the bacteria were able to form associations with
a travel fellowship from the Swedish Research Council for
spermatozoa over time which enable them to pass through
the environment, agricultural sciences and spatial planning
the colloid together with the sperm. In the present study
(FORMAS) and by the Albert and Lorraine Clay Fellowship
with stallion semen, both cocci and rod-shaped bacteria
Endowment Fund. The funding bodies played no part in the
were present in the semen and were removed with approx-
study design, in the collection, analysis and interpretation
imately the same efficiency. The two types of bacteria that
of data, in the writing of the report, or in the decision to
were least easily removed, Corynebacterium and Strepto-
submit the article for publication
cocci, both have the ability to group together, the former
as palisades and the latter in chains or pairs, which may
influence their behavior during colloid centrifugation by References
altering the density of the bacterial unit as a whole. Further-
Althouse, G.C., Skaife, J., Loomis, P., 2010. Prevalence and types of contam-
more, Corynebacterium is a rod-shaped bacterium with inating bacteria in extended chilled equine semen. Anim. Reprod. Sci.
thickened poles, which conceivably may affect its density 1215, S24–S225.
and therefore its behavior during colloid centrifugation. Allen, J.L., Begg, A.P., Browning, G.F., 2011. Outbreak of equine endometri-
tis caused by a genotypically identical strain of Pseudomonas
Another factor potentially influencing removal could aeruginosa. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 23, 1236–1239.
the type of semen extender used. In one of the boar samples Anon., 1969. Report of the Joint Committee on the Use of Antibiotics in
in the previous study, the bacterial load was 10,000 cfu/mL Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine. HMSO, London, UK.
Aurich, C., Spergser, J., 2007. Influence of bacteria and gentamicin on
before SLC; 100% removal was achieved (Morrell and
cooled-stored stallion spermatozoa. Theriogenology 67, 912–918.
Wallgren, 2011). In the present study, the contaminating Bowen, J.M., Tobin, N., Simpson, R.B., 1982. Effect of washing on the bac-
bacteria did not reach this level; the highest contamina- terial flora of the stallion’s penis. J. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. 32, 41–45.
Baumann, R.W., 2011. Microbiology with diseases by taxonomy. In: Ber-
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