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Form Two History Class Assessment- July 2021

Section A: Multiple Choice [10 Marks ]

1. The political and social system in France before the French Revolution was called
a. Democracy
b. The ancient regime
c. Monarchy
2. What group ran the country during the Reign of Terror?
a. Committee of Public Safety
b. French Nobles
c. King Louis XVI and his advisors
3. The Bastille was stormed because
a. People wanted gun powder
b. They wanted to free the prisoners.
c. They wanted bread.
4. …………………..tried to help the royal family to escape during the flight to Varennes.
a. Robespierre
b. Count Axel von Fersen
c. Jean Baptiste
5. Louis XVI was executed because
a. He tried to escape.
b. He was a constitutional monarch
c. He was considered to be a threat to the revolution and to France.
6. The Reign of Terror was
a. A form of government in France
b. A period during the revolution when a lot of people were executed
c. The beginning of the French Revolution
7. What government was in power when Napoleon came to power?
a. The National Assembly
b. The Convention
c. The Directory
8. By 1810, the French Empire had reached its peak. Which countries remained outside
Napoleon’s control?
a. Britain, Russia and Portugal
b. Britain, Austria and Germany
c. Britain, Prussia and Portugal
9. The continental system was
a. When the entire European continent fought against Napoleon
b. When Napoleon tried to defeat Britain by blockading ports
c. A system of collecting taxes
10. The French Revolution lasted
a. 10 years
b. 15 years
c. 20 years

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