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====== payload start ======

{TickerText=¡Crea tus propios stickers con nuestra última herramienta IA! 😝,

Msg=Transforma tu texto en asombrosos stickers personalizados con IA. ¡Deja que los
Stickers IA enciendan tu creatividad! 🔥✨, Nid=1689508860066600000, iid=APP230706-
0011_es, Link=pdr://click_ai_sticker_entry, Title=¡Crea tus propios stickers con
nuestra última herramienta IA! 😝,
f82e-4d94-9640-9f08d3292260.jpg, buttonlist=[], NoticeId=10568712}
====== payload end ======
isValid Message
Setting Show Notification
====== openConnection ======
====== connect ======
IOException Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
connect IOException: Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
bitmap == null
notify !!

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